Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing...

''41147WUR LOCAL WEEKLY GUIDE MARIO LANZA: Hits Summer's High Note TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials"

Transcript of Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing...

Page 1: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


MARIO LANZA:Hits Summer'sHigh Note


"I Defend



Page 2: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

lb, ELIZABETH TAYLOR LEARNED theintricacies of Armed Forces Redobroadcasting when she recorded a

recent program for overseas' transmis-sion. Announcer Jimmy Wallington (left)and AFRS Master Sergeant Rulon John-son were her willing mentors. (AFRSphoto.)









Mixof All

.11., LOVELY MARY MAYO, a regularon ABC's Saturday night "Danc-

ing Party," ably proves that radio stillhas a corner on the glamour market.(ABC photo.)


TV,..11AD10 LIFE(Formerly Radio -Television Life)

Member Audit BureauOf Circulations

A AAugust 10, 1951 Vol. 23, No. 24

CARL M. BIGSBli, PublisherPublished Weekly at Los Angeles, California.

Business and Editorial Offices: 6361 SelmaAve., Los Angeles 28 (Hollywood Station),California. Phone Hillside 9275.

TV -Radio Life was entered as Second ClassMatter September 14, 1948, at Los Angeles,under Act of March 3, 1879. Prepaid Subscrip-tion, $4.50 year, $2.50 six months in U.S.A.,Foreign $5.09 year. Single copies on sale at allleading Independent Grocers in Southern Cali-fornia. Single Copies by mail 15e. Address allremittances and correspondence to TV -RadioLife. Subscribers please allow two weeks forchange of address or to start a subscription.

EVELYN A. BIGSBY. EditorEdittirial Department: Jane Pelgram, Assistant

Editor; Mildred Ross, Greta Greenfield, Ar-lene Garber; Art Director, Ray Wheeler; LogEditors, Hal Julian, Bruce Cameron.

Advertising Manager: Walter 0. Miles.Circulation Manager and Sales Promotion: Jack

Daly. Route Manager: Armando De Castro.Office Manager: Georgia Caywood.

All material used by TV -Radio Life is speciallyprepared by its own staff writers, and re-printing in whole or in part without pub-lisher's permission strictly forbidden. Unsolic-ited manuscripts can oat be accepted or re-turned.

Advertising Representative: Rogers Parratt,37 Post St., San Francisco, Calif.

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By Greta Greenfield

Sunday,5 :00 p aaCBS-KNX

pro-f mygram, as through my filmsand concerts, I try tobring about my life-long

goal-of making opera live for morepeople. But this is a gradual processand so I hope that my future andthe future of 'popular' opera willgrow together."

Mario Lanza, who can "sing likeCaruso and sell records like Crosby,"is currently thrilling Sunday after-noon listeners to one of the brightestsummer shows on the airways. He'smaking musical comedy, popularballads and opera live for a coast tocoast audience who seem to be boost-ing his meteoric rise with the sameoverwhelming acclaim that greetedhis films and concerts. And he's ac-complishing all this as an eighteen -week summer replacement for the"Bergen -McCarthy" airer.

New Caruso?The "new Caruso," as many people

believe him to be, bears a real -lifecareer parallel to his famed prede-cessor, whom he so successfullyemulates in the current film. In 1921,when Lanza's voice first issued froma New York city nursery, Caruso'sgolden tones were heard for the lasttime. Both men had an Italian music -loving heritage, and Lanza was toshare Caruso's vocal coach, alongwith his tremendous voice range(Lanza, like Caruso, can sing eithertenor or bass). Even Lanza's impet-uous, bubbling personality has beenlikened to Caruso's-but just how farthis parallel can be drawn remainsto be seen. At the very least, Lanzais aiming for the same high pinnacleCaruso reached.

Like Caruso, Mario was the son ofa poor family. His father, as six -daybike racer until he was incapacitatedby World War I wounds, lived on agovernment pension which his moth-er augmented by working as a seam-stress. Mario inherited a love formusic frqm both his parents. Anyspare money that could be scrapedtogether went for records and concerttickets. "Caruso was Papa's favorite,"and by the time Mario was ten hewas thoroughly imbued with theplots and arias from scores of operas.At family gatherings, the teen -aged

lip POWER OF THE LANZA VOICE IS SO INTENSE that he stands well -back fromthe microphone to avoid distortion. Below, he reaches for a tall tone with

the backing of Ray Sinatra's orchestra.

boy was often asked to "sing likeCaruso."

Stage NameIt was from his mother's name-

Maria Lanza-that Alfred ArnoldCocozza derived his stage monicker,Mario Lanza, as the first step in ful-filling his life-long ambition to be-come a singer. However, in Philadel-phia's tough "Little Italy," whereMario grew up, it was safer to focuson athletics, so while training hisvoice, he also became Southern HighSchool's star baseball, football andboxing champ. This and some post-graduate semi-professional baseballand football account for the sturdyLanza physique, which he keeps intrim today, despite a propensity forpizza pie. The sports life he led sosuccessfully did not deter Mario fromthe thing he really wanted. He usedhis earnings for lessons. And how hebegan his singing career is a storythat, in his own words, "has all theelements of a class B musical."

"My grandfather thought I shouldexercise something besides my vocalchords, and got me a job as a pianomover in a music store."

It was while he was moving a

piano into the Philadelphia Academyof Music that Mario encounteredWilliam K. Huff, director of Philadel-phia Forum Concerts. Huff had heardLanza sing and was enthusiasticabout his talents. He advised Mariothat Koussevitzky was in a nearbydressing room. "The walls are thin,why don't you give him an aria?"

KoussevitzkyLanza recalls that he was half way

through "Vesta La Giubba" whenKoussevitzky burst into the room anddemanded to know his name.

A summer of work with the notedimpresario followed and Lanzamanaged to give one concert-a con-cert highly acclaimed by New Yorkcritics-before another "master" tookcharge of his career. He served threeyears in the United States Air Forceand a great portion of that time withthe "Winged Victory" troupe.

Another lucky break, after he wasdischarged, in 1945, brought Lanza toSam Weiler, a New York businessman with a fervent love for opera.Weiler, today Lanza's closest, friendand manager, took him to EnricoRosati, a famed vocal coach who,

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LANZA: Summer's High NoteHis Radio Debut Is Part of a Life -Long Dream

August 10, 1951 Page Three

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A Ali ildigisto(EDITOR'S NOTE: A few weeks ago,

Hollywood was surprised when Ma!Boyd, an energetic, clean-cut young man,announced he was giving up his lucra-tive and promising association in PRB(Pickford, Rogers, Boyd) to study for theEpiscopalian ministry. A short time be-fore Mal's announcement, he had askedTV -Radio Life's editor if she would beinterested in a story about Buddy Rogers'comeback via TV. Mal had just barelyturned in his yarn when news of his in-tentions was spread. Asked whether hestill wanted his story to run, Ma! re-plied, "I sort of planned it that way.When I wrote the story, I had made upmy mind I was going to relinquish myshowbusiness interests. I wanted to writeit before my departure as an expres-sion of my regard for both Mary Pickfordand Buddy Rogers, and for our associa-tion which I shall never forget. It makesme very glad that you have liked thestory well enough to include it in TV -Radio Life.")

UDDY ROGERS' great show -business comeback in radioand TV, which contributedan item to trade historyduring the past couple of

years, made a lot of people veryhappy. And it made me, standing onthe sidelines, as happy as anybody.

Buddy was the top box-office moviestar in Hollywood in 1930. "Wings"catapulted him to sudden fame andhe scored, again and again, with toppictures. Then, he deserted picturesand achieved equal fame as a bandleader. His marriage to Mary Pick -ford was international news, uniting"America's Sweetheart" with "Amer-ica's Boy Friend." Shortly after PearlHarbor, however, Buddy Rogers dis-appeared from public view. He joinedUncle Sam as a ferry pilot and cameout of service, four years later, as aLieutenant Commander in the NavalReserve.

Groping for the right thing to do,and perhaps a trifle unsure of thepublic's response to him after somany years away, Buddy turned tomovie production. As a partner inTriangle Productions and Comet Pro-


Part ITold By The Chap WhoHelped Him Make It

By Mal Boyd

la. BUDDY BY HIS POOL, photographed for thewomen of America who kept him a top star.

He was tagged "America's Boy Friend," a label whichhas lasted almost as long as the "America's Sweet-heart" accolade granted to Mary Pickford.

Allk. BUDDY STILL FEATURES A MUSICAL ROUTINE where he plays all theinstruments in the band. He's seen here in a scene from Paramount's "The

Road to Reno," made in the early thirties, where his musical talent was used bythe studio.

Page Four

ill's BUDDY IN ONE OF HIS typicalmagazine photographs of the

period (1931). He continued as one ofthe nation's top film favorites in "Riverof Romance" with Mary Brian.

August 10, 1951

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ductions, he sat behind the desk andplayed producer on more than a half -

dozen pictures.It was at this stage in his career

that I first met Buddy Rogers.I remember our first meeting very

well. I had been engaged to handleradio exploitation on "Sleep MyLove," one of the films co -producedby Buddy and starring Claudette Col-bert, Robert Cummings and DonAmeche. Working out my masterplan for the campaign, I had comeup with the idea of using BuddyRogers, the co -producer, as a gueststar on some top radio shows to helpplug the film. His response, over thetelephone, had shown interest andsome reticence. But he was game. Ifany shows wanted him, he'd behappy to appear on them.

I was standing outside Earl Car -

roll's, on Sunset Boulevard, waitingfor Buddy to appear for his firstradio guest shot-on "Queen for aDay." I hadn't yet seen Buddy andI wasn't at all sure I could recognizehim, so I was watching doubly hard.

Then, a Chrysler station -wagon slidup to the curb and the driver gotout. It could only be Buddy Rogers.He was well -dressed, possessed greatpoise and his greying hair made himappear most distinguished. I greetedhim, we went over the script togetherand, a few minutes later, he wascalled out onto the stage by JackBailey. The audience went wild.

I knew in that instant that BuddyRogers was still a great public fa-vorite. He needed only the right ve-hicle to come back.

A guest appearance with the late

Tom Breneman on "Breakfast in Hol-lywood" followed a few days later,at Breneman's Restaurant on VineStreet. Buddy was planning to leavewithin a few days on an extendedtour of principal U. S. cities to meetthe press and tell the public about"Sleep My Love." At the last minute,his press agent to accompany himon the trip couldn't make it. Buddywas looking for someone to fill thebill, and I volunteered. At that timeI was running my own exploitationbusiness in Hollywood, but arrange-ments were concluded whereby theoffice could manage without me for

LISTENING TO THE NEW-FANGLED contraptionshown here. Was it music by Russ Columbo-

or Rudy Vallee? Buddy sang, too, in those days andwas a top record -seller. Then he .quit pictures to be-come one of America's top band -leaders.

BUDDY ROGERS AT THE FIRST PEAK of his career,in 1930. "Wings" had catapulted him to interna-tional fame and he was the number one fan mailattraction in the film capitol.August 10, 1951

a few weeks . . . and I was accepted.On Trip

We flew from city to city in Buddy'stwin -engine Cessna plane, accom-panied by a co-pilot who helpedBuddy at the controls. The marathonwas on, and it was really a marathon.Buddy appeared on radio shows everyday in Dallas, Houston, Detroit, Cleve-land, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul,Salt Lake, Denver, San Francisco . . .

but you get the idea. One day inDetroit Buddy did eleven radio inter-views in one day, plus, of course,

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THE TELEPROMPTER WHICH IS SHOWN ATTACHED above to the camera,has saved many a performer, even some of the greatest stars, from the

embarrassment of forgetting what comes next.

STRANGE lookinggadget which lookslike an outsized suit-case and is called theTeleprompter, is cur-rently being hailed by

harassed video actors as the greatestboon to television since the inventionof flourescent lighting took the per-formers out from under the blisteringordeal of hot lights.

This robot prompter, which me-chanically performs for TV actors thetraditional duties of the little manin the below -stage box at the operaor the whispering voice in the wings

W.., altlt,g 1.1. fn.At, Re .

THIS CLASS -ROOM STYLE MACHINE, shown as it looks to the actor whenhe is working before the video camera, has received the applause of the

performers, especially after it has quietly helped them save face before the camera.

Page Six

at the theater, already has made theassorted crude devices and huge,hand -lettered cards as old fashionedas button shoes. With three top-flight video shows, vastly dissimiliarin format, already using the newestgimmick, other programs have in-dicated considerable interest in join-ing the parade.

Gnawing FearAny veteran actor will tell you that

no entertainment medium poses suchdifficult problems to the performersas television. Over and above thebedlam and confusion which existsin the studio, is the gnawing fear ofbeing left alone in front of thecameras without the slightest ideaof what happens next. This frighten-ing mental hazard of going complete-ly blank in the middle of a scenecan bob up in the minds of the mostexperienced actor or the veriest tyrowith but a single line to speak. Theopera, the stage, the movies andradio all protect their performersfrom this natural occupational fearin one way or another. But, until theinvention of the Teleprompter, tele-vision put most of its actors on theirown without any insurance againstfluffs or blowing -up sky-high. Eventhe greatest stage stars, in the stressof a performance have been known togo up in their lines at the most em-barrassing times. There is no ex-planation for it. It just happens inmuch the same manner as it hap-pens to all of us in our daily lives.Ever had to stop and look foolishwhen trying to recall your home ad-dress or telephone number? Or yourmother's maiden name?

The first TV program to realize theinherent worth of the new machinewas the CBS -TV daytime serial, "TheFirst Hundred Years," and now it isused on the Arthur Godfrey Show,"Howdy Doody" and John ConteShow. On this show the actors wererequired to learn new lines each day,Monday through Friday-truly a

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lats Weekill

In & Out of Focus ( Comment

Looks LikeKTLA's "Magazine of the Week" is

back, after a well-earned vacation,and is again seen Sunday night at10:30 on Channel 5. . . . Doye O'Dell'sbig birthday party at KTLA marked thepopular cowboy's second anniversary.The doings also came as a completesurprise to Doye, with not even thepress being sipped as to what wouldbe going on. . . . Ronson Art MetalWorks (Ronson lighters, to you) aresponsors of a new and elaboratecomedy -variety TV show, "Ronson'sStar of the Family," in which PeterLind Hayes and wife Mary Healy -darlings of theater, movies and TVaudiences -will be starred, with im-portant names of the entertainmentworld on hand. The CBS -TV offeringwill be showing up on KTSL one ofthese nights.

Another system of color TV hasreared its lovely head and is beingcurrently ona Philadelphia station. WPTZ. ThePhilco system is supposedly completelydifferent from either NBC -TV's or CBS -TV's. . . . Theater TV is under the guntwo -fold. Corgress and an independentorganization called "Fair TelevisionPractices Committee" are both snip-ing at any tying up of special eventsfor merely those of a mind to turnout to the theater to see their TV. . . -

Dinah Shore is to have a TV show,coming from Hollywood, this fall. NBCis the net. . . . Thpre will soon be aweekly bowling telecast to be seen onKTTV's Channel 11.

The pace finally caught up withJerry Lewis who, to our eyes, at least,has more than once supplied all thecomedy of the Dean Martin -Jerry Lewisturns!) and the toothy funnyman hasbeen forced to cancel out the duo'sroad act for at least a month. He re-turns to Hollywood to enjoy what willprobably be one of themost expensiverests of show business WalterWinchell will be seen punching acrosshis bits for Jergens this fall when thebroadcast becomes a simulcast. - . .

The granddaddy of Western radiosportscasters, Sam Baiter, moved hisrenowned "Sportsbook" program intotelevision last week. He's now on fivenights a week at 6:45 on KLAC-TV.





See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to.5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00 2 Ghost Rider -Movie -60m."Fighting Texan."

4 Boots 'n' Saddle-Juv'n1.-15m.5 News; Music -20m,

11 Range Riders -Roundup -90m.Bob Steele, Gabby Hayes in"Trailing North. -

5:15 4 Gabby 'Hayes-Juv'n1.-15m.9 Fun Time -15m.

5:20 5 Police Calls -Info -10m.5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m.

5 Cowboy Thrills -Movie -90m.9 KFI-TV Newsroom -20m.

13 Hitching Post -Movie -60m."Danger Traits.,'

5:50 9 KFI-TV Univ.-Info-25m.6:00 2 Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15m.

4 Komedy Klub-Juv'n1,-30m.7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1.15m.

6:15 2 BoneyDusty Walker Sings and ChatsWith Puppet Friends.

7 Space Cadet-Juv'n1.-15m.Adventures in Super -ScientificWorld.

9 Action Theater -Movie -75m.Harry Carey in "Ghost Town."

6:30 2 H'wood Road to Fame -60m.4 Junior Theater-Juv'n1.-15m.

"Glen Wakes Up."5, 8 Time for Beany-Juv'n1.-15m.

7 Foreman Phillips-Wst'rn.-30m11 Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m.13 Ed Lyon, Clete Roberts -News

-15m,6:45 4 Kelley & Moran -10m.

5 Handy Hints -Tips -15m.13 Sportsbook-10m,

6:55 4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m.13 Film Fill -5m,

7:00 4 Laurel & Hardy Film -25m.-Thicker Than Water."

5 Newsreel -15m.7 Strange Adventure -15m.

11 Open House -Interview -15m.13 Al Jarvis Show -Talent -15m.

Amateur Show With Name Artist.Winner Receives Week Engage-ment on ,Ars Daytime Show.

7:15 5 Mayor Bowron-Info-15m.(Iitsight into the Running of a Big

7 Film Short -15m,

7:25 1KTTV Newsreel -15m,

1 Good Egg of the Week -5m.Al Buffington and CitizenshipAward.

7:30 2 Lee Wood -News -5m.It 4 Newspaper of the Air -10m.

5 Charlie Chase -Film -30m.7 Magic House Party -30m.

with Dell O'Dell, \\ omanMagician.

9 Homes for Sale -Info -30m.

FREE DOGS -FREE CATSSee the most wonderful pets

in the world!Cato Pet Exchange

With FRANK WRIGHTEvery Friday, 7:30 p.m.

KTTV-Channel 11

11 Pet Exchange -Tips -30m.Frank Wright Has Puppies andPets Looking for Good Homes.




9:30 4

10:00 247


10:15 1110:30 2



10:35 411:00 2


11:05 1311:10 711:20 7


11:30 511

7:35 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -54:7:40 2 William Kenneally-Newsy-5m.

4 KNBH Weather -5m:7:45 2 Top Tunes -Musical -15m.

Peggy ,Lee and Mel Torine Star,4 IndUstry on Parade15m.

8:00 2 Mama -Comedy -30m.Favorite Bible Dramas

filmed for family viewing

THE LIVING .000Kpresented by


Channel 4Friday 8pm

4 Living Book-Rel.-30m."Story of Tileph.-

Frosty Frolics -Revue -60m.Artistry. on From the PolarPalace.'

7 United or Not -30m.U.N. Delegates News Conference.

9 Eight O'Clock Movie -75m."The Last Journey," HughWilliams.

11 Twenty Questions -30m.Panel of Experts guess identity()I' "Animal. Vegetable or MineralMatter "

13 Women's Wrestling -30m.8:30 2 Man Against Crime -30m,

4 Space Cadets-Juv'nI-30m.7 Feature Film -90m.

11 Front Page Detective -30m,13 Wrestling, Ocean Park -21 hrs.

9:00 2 Film Firsts -60m."Topper Takes a Trio,- ConstanceBennett, Cary Grant, BolandYoung. Billie 'Burke.

Let Poppa Do ItTips-30m.With Cher Milani.

Movie Classic -90m.Hubrrt Paige, Guy Kibboe,Noreen Nash in -The BedStallion."On the Town -60m.A Video Visit to the Los AngelesTimes Buy's Club.

"Door With No Name" -30m.Grant Richards, Mel Buick inSeries on U.S. "Secret Activities,"Crime Photog.-Drama-30m.Sports Newsreel -30m.H'wood Theater -Drama -30m.Eloise Salutes the Stars -15m.Guesting is Leonard Sues.

KTTV Newsreel -15m.H'wd Opening Night -30m.011SIOW Stevens in "The Ageless."

KNBH News -5m.Meet Me in H'wood-60m.Sawyer in H'wood-30m.Hal Reports Event S., InterviewsStars.

"Door with No Name" -30m.What's the Verdict? -30m.High School Students Show Skillin Making Legal Decisions.Gene Norman -Music -60m.Peter Potter -60m,Hank Weaver's Press Box -10mClub Eleven -30m.Ed Lyon -News -5m.Clete Roberts -News -15m.William Stout -News -10m.Moonlight Movie -60m.Owl Movie -60m,Leslie Fenton, Sidney. Blackmerin "House ot Secrets.

Final Edition -News -5m.Midnight Movies -90m."Pleasure "

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10:00 5 News; Music -30m.10:30 5 Tricks and Treats -Home -30m.

7 Western Film -60m."Rogue of the Range."

11:00 aS Western Movie -60m."Stagecoach Outlaws."

S. Date With Judy -Drama -30m.11:30 7 Date With Judy -Drama -30m.12100 5 Giant Movie Matinee -5 hrs.

let Picture -"Danger Flight."7 Two Girls Named Smith -30m.

With Peggy Ann Garner.8 Theater of Romance -30m.

13 Saturday Matinee -Movie -75m."Fighting Hero."

12:30 7 Faith Baldwin Theater -30m.1:00 7 Film -30m.

8 Frontier Theater -Movie -60m.1:15 -s Movie -60m.

"Check Your Guns."13 Saturday Matinee -75m.

"Law of the Valley."1:30 7 H'wood Fashion Time -30m.2:00 7 Scouting in Action -Film -15m.

8 Smokey Rogers-Wst'rn.-2 hrs.2:15 $ Movie -45m.

"Old Swimmin' Hole."2:30 13 Saturday Matinee -75m.

"Roaming Wild."' 3:00 S Movie -45m.

"Manhattan Love Song."11 Southland Farm Fair -60m.

With Roy Maypole and Guests.3:45 5 Movie -75m.

"Law of the Jungle."13 Saturday Matinee -75m,

"Panic in the Wax Museuin."4:00 8 Hopalong Cassidy -60m.

11 Neighborhood Theater -60m."Four Days."

4418 2 Parade of Events -Info -15m.4:30 2 Grand Chance Roundup -30m.

Gene Crane Is Host to KidCowpunchers.

5:00 2 Ed McConell-Juv'n1.-30m.Ed and His Buster Brown Gang.

4 Wrestling -60m.5 Man's Best Friend -Pets -30m.7 Western Movie -60m.

"Way of the West," Wally Wales.8 Super Circus -Revue -60m.

11 Crash Corrigan -Movie -90M."Arizona Roundup."

13 Late Sat. Matinee -60m."Mannequin."

5:30 2 Reserve -45m.5 Cowboy Thrills -Movie -60m.

6:00 4 American Inventory -30m."Atomic Attack and Public Panic"

7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-30m.8 Beulah -Drama -30m.

13 Auction City -60m.6:15 2 CBS Editor's Review -15m.6:30 2 It's Up to You -30m.

6th of Series of Red Cross Films.4 Hollyw'd. Junior Circus -30m.S Fantastick Studios -30m.7 Gene Autry Movie -30m.

"The Breakup."8 Trouble With Father -30m.

11 Serial Theater -60m."Black Coin" and "ClutchingHand."

7:00 2 Sammy Kaye Show -30m.Comedy Vignettes and AmateurBand leaders.

4 Tex Williams Presents -30m.5 Tim McCoy Movie -90m.7 Soapbox Theater-Juv'n1.-30m.

Youngsters get a chance beforethe cameras.

8 Summer Theater -Drama -60m."Uneasy Terms."



13 Wedding Bells -Hum. Int.-30m7:30 2 Beat the Clock -Quiz -'30m.

John Reed King, Roxanne, time -Racing Contestants.

4 One Man's. Family -30m.Happenings in the Lives of theBarbour Family. Bert Lytell,Marjorie Gateson.

7 Stu Erwin Show-Com.-30m.With June Collyer.

11 Request Theater -90m.Marsha Hunt, Harry Davenportstar in "The Long Shot."

13 Hometown Jamboree -60m.Cliffie Stone and His Gang.

8:00 2 Feature Film -60m."Laughing at Luck."

4 Doodles Weaver -Revue -30m.Marian Colby, Milton De Lugg,Lois Weaver.

7 Paul Whiteman-Juv'n1.-60m.8 It Pays to Be Ignorant -30m.

8:30 4 Wrestling Matches -60m.S Spade Cooley -Variety -60m.8 Somerset Maugham-Drama

-30m.13 Reserve -60m.

9:00 2 Faye. Emerson -Revue -30m.Faye Salutes a Town or City.This week it's Seattle. Guests:Ella Raines, Lanny Ross, MildredBailey.

7 Life Begins at 80 -Quiz -30m.Oldsters Comment on HumanProblems.

8 Film Firsts -60m."Hell's Devils.

11 Shadow of the Cloak -30m.9:30 2 Show Goes On -Revue -30m.

Robt. Q. Lewis & Talent Buyers.4 First Run Feature -90m.

"River Patrol."5 Saturday Night Movie -75m.

"The Foreman Went to France"with Robert Moreley, CliffordEvans, Constance Cummings.

7 Feature Film -75m."Undercover Man" with Charle'Starrett.

11 Cavalcade of Bands -60m.Sammy Kaye Orch.

13 Movie time -75m."Ten Days in Paris" With RexHarrison.

10:00 2 Feature Film -90m."Thanks for Listening."

8 Summertime Revue -30m.10:30 S Man Against Crime -30m.

11 Murder Before Midnight -75m."The Intruder."

10:45 5 Movie -60m.James Dunn, Wanda McKay in"Leave It to the Irish."

7 Movie -75m.Noah Beery in "Flaming Signal."

13 Owl Movie -75m."Adventure in Blackmail."

11:45 5 Final Edition -15m.Ken Graue with the latest news.

12:00 7 Western Movie -60m."Dynamite Ranch," starring KenMaynard.

Today's Best Buy*Accurate

* Lively* Readable

TV -Radio Life10c

Page Eight

Rumors Are FlyingThat there will be more Kefauver

hearings on TV in New York this fall.The link between East and West maybe in by that time, too. ... That Sen-ator Kefauver will appear as a TVregular next season, hosting a dra-matic series based on his book, "Crimein America." . . . Joan Crawford isslated to appear on TV, touting herself -designed and fashionconsultedbrand of wearing apparel. Unmentionables, except on TV! . . . NBC.TV stillhas no definite plans for its sleepercomic, Jerry Lester.... Frank Sinatrawill be opposite Milton Berle on theirrespective TV channels this fall. Wehave to choose between swooning andlaughing?

The Russells, Andy and Della, areshopping for a new husband -and -wifeformat for TV.... Sponsorship for SamLevenson is lagging. CBS -TV picks upthe tab regularly -and happily, but itis nice to have a commercial host. ...A TV program dramatizing originalplays, with Joan Bennett as femceeand once.ina-while star, is in theworks.. . . "Perry Mason" may takeform on TV before long.

Stop, Listen, Look (SM YsLYIou

"Faith Baldwin TheaterOf Romanceff

Saturday, 12:30 p.m. (Alt.)ABC-TV, KECA-TV, Channel 7

Any reader death-less and highly romantic prose is go-ing to get just what he expects in hertelevised series. Romantic traumas,plenty of suffering on the part of thelovers, and a happy ending. The Isaw youlast-nightand-got-that-old-feeling theme is as good as ever, andwhen well cast and cameraed, turnsout as pretty good entertainment. Thedialog is always amazingly good, andthis isn't easy when either requited orunrequited love serves unfailingly asthe theme of a half hour.

While we wouldn't deliberately stayhome from the beach to catch theshow, we have a healthy respect forthe production units behind this mush.As long as that is their product, theymake the very best of televisedmush.

Authoress Faith Baldwin narratesthe dramas adapted from her stories,lending the last fine touch.

"Man Against Crime",Friday, 8:30 p.m.CBS -TV, KTSL, Channel 2

Robert Preston has taken over forRalph Bellamy on this half-hour mys-tery roughin'tumble. He plays "PatBarnett," the former private eye"Mike Barnett's" brother. It's a goodtrick, When a star goes on vacation,to run his substitute in on the play bymeans of a brand-new character whokeeps everybody happy.

"Pat" continues to prove there areno perfect crimes, meeting fantastical-ly menacing types and overcoming

Page 9: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


hazards by the dozens weekly. Theshow is lively and suspenseful andwell performei, and if mystery is yourdish you can't ask for more. We likeit -a lot.

"Mr. Wizard"Sunday, -4:00 p.n.NBC-Tiz,KNBH, Channel 4

Don "Mr. Wizard" Herbert demon-strates to a small pal, "Willie" (BruceLindgren), what makes the world goround. He may merely take a clockapart to find the tick. He may extendthis to show the necessity for the in-ternational date line and time zonesacross the country, and the workingsof pendulums. Or he may start withsomething simple like salt, a balloon,or a tape measure. Whatever the topicof the {lay's explanation, the Juniorin any watching household isn't theonly one to benefit.

Rare and wonderful things are thebasis of our everyday life, and Herbertpresents them for small fry in a man-ner blessedly free of that sickening"and -so -you -see -sonny" manner thatmany times robs the factual of any ap-peal.

Join Junior at the set -side some Sun-day and see how much you can stilllearn!

"General ElectricGuest House"

Sunday, 9:00 p.m.CBS -TV, KTSI., Channel 2

With panelists and guest performersreading like a roll call at ah equitymeeting, it's little wonder that G.EI'squiz show is tops in its category. Dur-ward Kirby, emcee, handles his choresadmirably, without concentrating onhaving his personality dominate theprogram.

Thespians Wendy Barrie, WilliamGaxton, Barry Nelson and authorMaurice Zolotow comprised the panelof experts. The performers were singerMaggie Whiting, Eadie and Wright,duo pianists. Roland Young, dancerDorothy Jarnac, and, from the Broad-way stage, Marsha Henderson andJack Manning. Clues for the panelistswere provided by the talent's respec-tive performances. This guessing gamesmacks of radio's "Information Please,"with emphasis on show -business ques-tions. Special mention goes to DorothyJarnac for her clever pantomime andto Roland Young, who delivered thelate Robert Benchley's "Treasurer's Re-port" with proper uncertainty and be-wilderment.

"Guest House," in combining infor-mality, intelligence and entertain-ment, is far above the preponderanceof quiz shows.

Second Glantes CoCmritmicedni

Lorraine CuffatTuesday, 10:00 p.m.KECA-TV. Channel 7

We have always been strong in theopinion that no matter how dull a TVshow may be, one good element lurkstherein. Our stand was maintained by

8:15 139:15 13

10:30 1310:55 511:00 5

1312:00 511:30 712:00 5

12:30 71:00 5


1:30 13

2:00 5

72:30 112:45 11


3:00 5

113:30 114:00 4


4:15 211

4:30 2


75:00 4

75:15 115:30 2



Inspirational Hour-Rel.-60m.Hitching Post -Movie -75m."Crashing Broadway."A Home to live In -Home -30mSunday Reverie -5m. -

Guest Appearance -60m.Wrestling Workout -2 hrs.Feature. Film -60m.Western Movie -60m.Movie -60m:

Crazy Nights."Faith for Today-Rel.-30m.Western Movie -60m."Devil Riders."

Western Films -3 hrs.This Week in Sports -25m.Eastside Theater -75m."Wolf Call."Twin Movies -60m. ."Girl From Rio," Movita, WarrenHull.Feature Film -75m.Film Oddities -15m.Garden Chats -Tips -15m.Eastside Theater -75m."Gangster's Buy," Jackie Cooper.Movie -90m."Isle of Missing Men."770 on the Air -45m.Children's Church-Rel.-30m.Mr. Wizard -30m.Performance of Magic Tricks.World Opinion -30m.Batters Circle -15m.Eastside Theater -90m."Mountains O'Mourning."Stranger Than Fiction -15m.Baseball -2 hrs.H'wood. vs. Los Angeles.Movie Milestones -60m."Corsair."Zoo Parade -30m.Eastside Kids -Movie -60m."That Gang of Mine."

Your Pet Parade -30m.Bel Air Grand Opening Today-60m.

Super Circus-Juv'n1.-60m.Feature Film -75m.Feature Film -60m."Midnight Warning."Flash Gordon-Juv'n1.-30m.Hitching Post -Movie -60m."Thunder Over Texas."

Lightning -Fast Actionin a

Rip -Roaring Adventurewith

"Hopalong Cassidy"Tonight, 6 P.M.


6:00 4 Hopalong Cassidy -60m."Riders of the Timberline."

5 The Comics -60m,7 Ted Mack Family Hr. -60m.

Variety, Song, Music and Dancingwith Peter Lind Hayes, MaryHealy. Guests: Mimi Benzell,Beatrice Kraft, Red Buttons.

6:15 11 Home Plate -15m.6:30 2 Star of the Family -30m.

11 Hands of Destiny -30m.13 Double Feat. Playhouse -75m.

"Annie, Leave the Room."7:00 2 Singing Rails -Roundup -30m.

Western Melodies with KirbyGrant, Judy Clark.

Union Pacific Railroad


Kirby Grant Judy ClarkKTSL Ch. 2-7:00 P.M.Dan Shaw & the Ranch. Hands

- 4 Meet the Press -Panel -30m.Sen. John Sparkman (130, -Ala.).

5 Wild Bill Hickok-Juv111.-30m.7 Bill Gwinn-Quiz-30m.

Couples Enact Holy SongChanged Their Lives.

11 Sunday Movies -90m,7:30 2, 8 Go lucky -Revue -30m.

Jan Murray hosts MargaretPhelan, John Cecil Holm.

4 Cameo Theater -Drama -30m."The Third Time," Ilona Massey.

5 The Movies -90m.To Be Announced.

7 March of Time -News -30m.7:45 13 Double Feat. Playhouse -75m.

Norman Foster, Elaine Shepard is"1 Cover Chinatown."

8.00 2 Feature Film -60m."Men of Action."

4 World Digest -30m.News Review of the Week.

7 On Trial -Panel -30m.Panel Discussions on CurrentTopics.

8:30 4 TV Recital Hall -30m.Guest: Duo -pianists ArthurWhittemore & Jack Lowe.

7 Marshall Plan in Action -30m.11 Calling Scotland Yard -60m.

9:00 2 Gen. Elec. Guest House -60m.With M. C. Durward Kirby.Guests: Ethel Waters, Richard -Carlson, Comediennes Betty &Jane Kean, Dancer Johnny Coy.Guest Panelists: Ilona Massey,Deems Taylor, Bill Gaxton, Lee"Television Story," Gaby Rodgers,Sidney Blackmer.

5 Bandstand Revue -Music -60m.Harry Babbitt and Frank Delfal.

7 The Babbling Brooks -15m.-13 Freedom Forum -Info -60m,

Freeman Lusk conducting.9:15 7 "Dr. Christian" Series -75m.

"They Meet Again," starringGene Hersholt.

9:30 11 Batter Up -30m.10:00 2 Celebrity Time -Guests -30m.

Guesting are Valerie Bettis,Harold Lang.

4 Sun. Night Feature -75m.Rio Tin 'Fin Ill in "Law of theWolf."

5 Movietown-Charades-30m.11 Plainclothesman -Drama -30m.13 Dude Ranch -Roundup -30m.

With Leo Carrillo.10:30 2 What's My Line? -Panel -30m.

Arlene Frances, Hal Block JcBennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallenare the Panelists.

5 Magazine of Week -45m.Viewers taken page by page thrUinformative visual magazine.

11 In Our Times=30m.-Roy Maypole Presents UnusualPeople of Today's News.

13 Jimmy Dolan -Revue -30m.11:00 2 Eleven O'clock Theater -75m.

"Phantom Ship."11 KTTV N'ewsree1-30m.13 Owl Movie -75m.

"Danger Trails."11:15. 5 Final Edition -News -1511:30 5 Tele-Vespers-15m.

age me

Page 10: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for



See This Page for 9:00 A.M. to5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings



For -With -And About Women!KNBH-4 Mon. at 4:00

5:00 2 Ghost Rider -Movie -60m."Fighting Texan."

4 Boots 'n' Saddle-Juv'n1.-15m.5 News; Music -20m.

11 Range Riders -Roundup -90m.Tom Keene in "Where TrailsDivide."

5:15 8 Views and Cues -10m.9 Fun Time-i5m.

5:20 5 Police Calls -Info -10m.5:25 8 Space Cadet -15m.5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m.

S Cowboy Thrills -Movie -60m.9 KFI-TV Newsroom -20m.

13 Hitching Post -Movie -60m."Gallant Fuul."

5:45 8 Chahnel 8 Corral-Wsern-45m.5:50 9 KFI-TV Univ.-Info-55m.6:00 2 Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15m.

4 Komedy Klub-30m."Arabian Nights."

7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-1 5m.4:11 2 Boney Bill's-Juv'n1.-15m.

Western Puppet Adventures.7 Space Cadet-Juv'n1.-15m.

6:30 2 How To -Panel -30m.With Comic Roger Price andPanel of Witty Experts.

4 Junior Theater-Juv'n1.-15m."Birth of a Volcano."

5, 8 Time for Beany-Juv'n1.-15m.7 Foreman Phillips-Wstn.-30m.

11 Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m.13 Ed Lyon -News -15m.

6:45 4 Kelley & Moran -10m.5 Handy Hints -Tips -15m.9 Action Theater -65m.

Harry Carey in "Wagon Trail."13 Sports Book -10m.

With Sam Baiter and SportsSpurts Roundup.

6:55 4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m.13 Film Fill -5m.

7:00 2 Bachelor's Haven -30m.Johnny Jacobs Moderates Panelof Men vs. Women.

4 Who Said That? -30m.S Newsreel -15m.7 Chevrolet Triple -Feature

Theatre -4 hrs.11 Open House-int'vw.-15m.13 Chld'rn. Should Be Heard -30m.

7:15 5 Dixie Showboat -Revue -45m.8 Starlight Opera -15m.

11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.7:30 2 Lee Wood -News -5m.

4 Newspaper of the Air -10m.11 Cavalcade of Stars -60m.

Guests are Jan Peerce. LinaRomay, Rudy Cardenas.

13 Christie Comedy -15m.Old Fashioned Flickers.

7:35 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m.7:40 2 William Kenneally-News-5m.

Pa,)e iii


4 KNBH Weather -5m.7:45 2 TV's Top Tunes -Music -15m.

Peggy Lee, Mel Torme4 Tex Williams-Songa-15m.8 Arden Varieties -10m.

13 This Week in Sports -15m.7:50 9 Comedy Time -Film -10m.7:55 8 News -5m.8:00 2 Editor's Roundtable -30m.

4 Stars Over H'wood-30m."Nor Gloom of Night- withBuddy Ebsen, Phyllis Coates.

5 Double Thriller -75m.7 Chevrolet Theater -2nd Picture

-2 hrs.8 Faye Emerson -30m.9 Eight o'Clock Movie -75m.

"Flying Deuces," Jean Parker,Laurel trz Hardy.

13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.8:15 13 In the Clubhouse -Sports -15m.8:30 2 Talent Scouts -30m.

4 It Pays To Be Ignorant -30m.With Quizmaster Tom Howard.

8 Story Theater -30m.11 Wrestling -21 hrs.

Bill Welsh, Ed Reimers from the.Hollywood Legion.

13 Film Playhouse -75m."Klondike Fury." with EdmondLowe, Ralph Morgan.

9:00 2 Horace Heidt-Musical-30m.4 Fireside Theater-'

"A Little Night Music8 Chevrolet Theater -90m.

9:30 2 It's News to Me -30m.Current Events Quiz wih JohnDaley.

4 Voice of Firestone -30m.(.7,1.1e$t ; Thomas L. Thomas.

5 So You Want To Be An Actor-30m.

9:45 13 Hadda Brooks -Musical -15m.10:00 2 Summer Theater -Drama -60m.

"At Mrs. Beam's" with EvaGabor, Jean Adair, Lna O'Connor.

4 Lee Hogan Presents -30m. Teleforum-Panel-60m.

Problems in World Affairs dis-cussed 3: debated. Dr. Rufus B.von KleinSmid is moderator.

7 Chev. Theater -3rd Picture -60m.

13 Ed Lyon -News -5m.10:05 13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.10:20 13 Owl Movie -75m.

"His Grace Gives Notice."10:30 4 Gene Norman Show -30m.

8 Summer Theater -60m.10:45 11 Locker Room -15m.

Wrestling Interview with BillWei ih

11:00 2 Peter Potter -Records -60m.5 Final Edition -5m.7 Hank Weaver's Press Box -10m

11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.11:10 7 William Stout -News -10m.11:15 11 Club Eleven -15m.11:20 7 Moonlight Movie -60m.11:30 8 Newsreel -10m.

11 Midnight Movie -75m."Captured in Chinatown."

PERMANENT GUEST SPOTRhonda Fleming made one guest

appearance with Don McNeill on hisABC-TV television program last sea-son and as result has been offered apermanent "guest -star" status on theprogram next season.

Monday thru Friday9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

9.00 13 Joe Graydon -Records -2 hrs11:00 7 Foreman Phiilips-Warrn.-

60m.13 Mike Roy -Home -90m.

12:00 7 Adventures in Food -90m.12:15 8 Treasure Hunt -Quiz -15m.12:30 8 Strike It Rich -Quiz -30m.

M, Tu, W, FRed Cross Program -30m.-Th.

13 Al Jarvis -Records -2i hrs.1:00 2 Strike it Rich -Quiz -30m.

M, W, FFilm Short-Tu, Th

4 Miss Susan -Drama -15m.11 Bonus Bids-60m.-Tu.

Songo-Audience-60m.-M,W, F

1:15 4 Food for Thought -Home -151:30 2 Armchair Traveler -Film 15m

4 Monty Margetts-Home-30m7 Time for the Ladies -60m.

1:45 2 Garry Moore -Revue --45m.M,W,Th,F

Bride and Groom -15 m.-Tu.

4 Parlor Party -60m.With 6,11 Stulla.

2:00 2 Garry Moore -30 m. Tu8 Smokey Rogers-Wst'rn.-

KFI-TV Newsroom -5 min.11 KTTV Newsreel.13 Snow Crop Mat. -30m.

Tu, Th2:05 9 Movie Matinee -75m.2:15 11 Ronnie Kemper -Music -

15m.2:30 2 First 100 Years -Film -15m.

7 Mary McAdoo -Home -30m.M, W, FTV Notebook-TuMeet Your Children-Th

11 Classified Column -30m.2:45 2 New Yorkers -Music -15m.3:00 2 Jeanne Gray -Tips -30m.

4 Paul Pierce -30m.7 Cowboy Theater -Movie

-30m.11 Come into the Kitchen -

45m.13 Jarvis Movie -90m.

3:20 9 Suspects Wanted -Info -10m.

3:30 2 Fashion Magic -Tips -30m.M, FKnow Your Child -Panel -30m. Tu, ThFeminine Touch -Tips -30m.W

4 Chef Milani -Home -30m.9 New Horizons -Travel -30m.

M, W, Th, FGuest Book -Interview -30m. Tu

3:45 11 Carroll Righter -15m.4:00 2 Steve Allen -Comedy -60m.

4 Stu Wilson -Variety -60m.Tu-F

Glamour Session -Tips -30m. M

9 Picture Party -Movie -75m.M, W, FMovie Time -75m. Tu, Th

11 Billie Burke -Guests -30m.4:15 7 Foreman Phillips -Western-

Page 11: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


sticking by Lorraine and the boys inher band for the full hour duringwhich they "entertain." The one goodthing were the strains from that beau-tiful first trumpet:

The band may be all right (we hadlistened to "The Voice of Firestone"the evening before, so comparisonstood in the way of an evaluation!) ;Miss Cugat is better -than -averagegood looking; and the stage was wellset and lighted. But, in our opinion,this sixty m:.nutes could offer much,much more in the way of "talent."

The corned: an fell far short of beingamusing, and the personable leaderherself, oannct, to our way of thinking,be called a singer. Furthermore, shedetracts from her performance by sup-planting poise with sinuous wrigglingsand meaningful glances. The visitingtalent, notw:.thstanding the glowingintroductions seemed mediocre.

Only that trumpet stood out. Ourenjoyment of his passages remainedunalloyed, for by the end of the firsthalf hour our eyes were closed to thetravesty on showmanship passing be-fore us on the television screen.

Ina Ray Hutton certainly startedsomething! If Miss Cugat wants ourlooking, she had better revamp thatshow and slow down the free -wheelingdemonstration.

Lovers of Latin rhythms will findthe hour right up their alley. Plentyof fresh, well played, providea refreshing departure from many ofthe below -the -border formats throughwhich the same tired tunes by thesame tired Latins are paraded.

After all, tne name Cugat is synony-rnous with this sort of thing -andLorraine dis2lays capabilities for car-rying the banner right along. We hopeshe does.

"/ fEart to Get Married'Tuesday, 9:00 p.m.KTTV, Cha!mei 11

"I Want to Get Married" is, in ouropinion, based on the kind of sensa-tionalistic premise that, in actual pro-duction, can t help but have a falselycontrived ai about it.

Personally, we feel that the idea ofparading people's matrimonial aspira-tions in front of a video camera is badtaste to begin with and, unless han-dled with utmost discretion, is renderedextremely shoddy. We felt uncomfort-ably sorry for the contestants on thefirst program, although our sympathywas lost as the show wore on and thefeeling that this, had not gone unre-hearsed began to permeate our air.

Before a panel of "experts" whichconsisted of Bill Welsh, MGM actressLisa Farriday and Stanley Gordon,four would-be marriageables discussedthe problems barring their respectivepaths to wedded bliss.

Jack Rourke, "Master of Matrimony,"solved the dilemma of a lovely pro-fessional model who needed a job, bymaking her his permanent assistanton the show. The glamour gal seemedto us to be -he most flagrant exampleof pre -show coaching. One obstacleto marriage in her life was, as we


See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to5:00 P.M. Daytfme Log Listings

5:00 2 Ghost Rider -Movie -60m."Code of the Mounted."

4 Boots 'n' Saddle-Juv'n1.-15m.5 News; Music -20m.

11 Range Riders, -Roundup -90m.Amateur Show and Guests.

5:15 8 .Did Ja -1(nciw-15m.9 Fun Time -15m.

5:20 5 Police Calls -Info -1.0m.5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m.

5 Cowboy Thrills -Movie, -60m.9 KFI-TV Newsroom -20m.

13 Hitching Post -Movie -60m."Raiders of the Border."

5:40 8 Crusader Rabbit-Juv'n1.-5m.5:50 9 KFI-TV Univ.-Info-55m.6:00 2 Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15m.

4 Komedy Klub-Juv'n1.-25m."A Busy Day."

7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-15m.6:15 2 Boney

Dusty Walker and his Puppets.7 Foreman Phillips-Wst'rn.-45m.

6:25 4 Hello Again -5m.6:30 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -30m.

4 Junior Theatre-Juv'n1.-15m."How Animals Defend Them-selves."

5, 8 Time for Beany-Juv'n1.-15m.11 Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m.13 Ed Lyon -News -15m.

6:45 4 Kelley & Moran -10m.5 Handy Hints -Tips -15m.9 Action Theater -65m.

"Water Rustlers," Dorothy Page.13 Sports Book -10m.

Sports Roundup with Sam Baiter.6:55 4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m.

13 Film Short -5m.7:00 2 Meet Corliss Archer -30m.

4, 8 Cisco Kid-Juv'n1.-30m.5 Newsreel -15m.7 Film -30m.

11 Open House -Guests -15m.13 Public Prosecutor -Drama -30m.

7:15 5 Roving Camera -Info -15m.11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.

7:30 2 Lee Wood -News -5m.4 News; Weather -15m.

Movie Theater -90m.7 Beulah -Comedy -30m.

Ethel Waters in Comedy -Situation.11 Front and Center -Revue -60m.

With Ginny Simms.13 Inst. of Family Relations -30m.

7:35 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m.7:40 2 William Kenneally-News-5m.7:45 2 Stork Club -15m.

4 Feature Story -15m.Starring Jeff Donnell.

7:50 9 Comedy Time -Film -10m.8:00 2 Campus Prch. & Chorus -30m.


&dmpresented by The IICN PLAN Better Way of hying

KNBH DiANNE14 8:00 P.M.

4 Foods, Facts & Fant.-5m.7 Film Serials -80m.

1st Pict. -John Wayne.

9 Eight o'Clock Movie -90M.Virginia Vale in "Blonde Comet"

13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.8:05 4 Wrestling -55m.8:15 13 District Attorney -15m.

Crime Discussion with D.A. S.Ernest Roll, Freeman Lusk, EdLyon.

8:20 7 Film Serial -2nd Pic.Clyde Beatty Episode.

8:30 2 Open Hearing -30m.11 Ellery Queen -Drama -30m.

Helmut Dantine in SpyMelodrama.

13 Town and Country -Western-30m.

8:40 7 Film Serial -3rd Pic. -20m.Bela Lugusi Episode.

9:00 2 Look and Learn -30m.With Charlie Conrad.

4 Original Amateur Hour -60m.



9.10 P.M., Tues., KTLA

5 Ina Ray Hutton -Revue -60m.7 News avid Sports -30m.

With Hank Weaver.11 I Want to Set Married -30m.

Contestants explain why theyhave not been able to marry.

13 Baseball -80m.San Francisco at Lus Angeles.

9:30 2 Suspense -Drama -30m.Conrad Janis in "Killers in theCity."

7 H'wood Screen Test -30m.Celebrity and Two H'woodAspirants.

9 Spanish Theater -Movie -75m.11 Joe Adams Presents -30m.

10:00 2 Telesports Digest -30m.4 Somerset Maugham Theater

"In Hiding," Nina Foch, JohnBaragrey.

5 L.A. County in Action -60m.7 Lorraine Cugat-Revue-60m.

Lorraine's All -Male Orch. tiUmin. Musical

11 Greatest Fights -Film -15m.Jack Johnson knocked outStanley Ketchell in 12 rounds -MN Bout,

10:15 7 Faye Emerson -Interview -15m.11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.

10:20 13 Inside Baseball -10m.10:30 2 It's a Neat Trick -Magic -15m.

4 Gene Norman Show -30m:8 Horace Heidt-30m.

11 Championship Bowling -45m.From the Pan Pacific Auditorium.

13 Ed Lyon -News -5m.10:35 13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.10:45 2 Feature Film -75m.

"Sing While You're Able."10:50 13 Owl Movie -75m.

"Tickets for Leave."11:00 4 The Continental -Music -30m.

5 Final Edition -5m.7 Hank Weaver's Press Box -10mIt Show Goes On -30m.

11:10 7 William Stout -News -10m.11:15 11 Club Eleven -30m.11:20 7 Moonlight Movie -60m.11:30 8 Newsreel -10m.

11 Midnight Movies -75m."Jaws of Justice."

Page Eleven

Page 12: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for



See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00 2 Ghost Rider -Movie -60m."Roaring Six -Guns."

4 Boots 'n' Saddle-Juv'nI.-15m.11 Range Riders -Roundup -90m.

Rex Bell in "Crashing Broadway"5:15 9 Fun Time -15m.5:20 5 Police Calls -Info -10m.5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m.

5 Cowboy Thrills -Movie -60m.9 KFI-TV Newsroom -20m.

13 Hitching Post -Movie -60m."The Fugitive."

5:50 9 KFI-TV Univ.-Info-25m.6:00 2 Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15m.

4 Komedy Klub-Juv'n1.-30m"Sailor Beware," Laurel Jr Hardy

7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-15m.6:15 2 Boney Bill's-Juv'n1.-15m.

Cowboy Comedy by the CowboyPuppets.

7 Space Cadet-Jily'n1.-15m.9 Fishing Pals -Sports -30m.

6:30 2 Adventure Theater -60m."Savage Girl."

4 Junior Theater-Juv'n1.-15m.Biography of a Fish."

5, 8 Time for Beany-Juv'n1.-15m.7 Foreman Phillips-Wst'rn.-30m.

11 Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m.13 Ed Lyon -News -15m.

6:45 4 -Kelley & Moran -10m.Discussions in Sports, by Bob &Gussie.

S Handy Hints -Tips -15m.9 Action Theater -65m.

"Western Terror," Rex O'Brien,13 Sports Book -10m.

Sam Baiter with the Latest InSports.

6:55 4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m.7:00 4 Your Big Moment -30m.

5 Newsreel -15m.7 Reserve-3bm.

11 Open House -15m.13 Hi -Talent Battle -30m.

7:15 5 H'wood Reel -15m.Candid Glimpses of HollywoodStars.

11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.7:30 2 Lee Wood -News -5m.

, 4 Newspapet of the Air -15m.S Double Feature -60m.7 Chance of a Lifetime -30m.

11 Reserve -30m.13 What's the Question? -30m.

With M.C. Harry Roplan.7:35 2 Tom Harmon -Sports -5m.7:40 2 William Kenneally-News-5m.

4 KNBH Weather -5m.7:45 2 TV's Top Tunes -Music -15m.

Peggy Lee, Mel Torme.4 Tex Witliams-Songs-15m.

7:50 9 Comedy Time -10m.


8:00 2, 8 Arthur Godfrey -Revue -60m.4 Ford Festival -Revue -60m.

Starring James Melton. Guests:Dorothy Warenskjold, XavierCugat, Abbe Lane, Clark Bros.,Frank Black.

7 Stop the Music -Quiz -30m.9 Eight o'Clock Theater -90m.

Edmond Gwenn in "Spring inthe Alt."



Wednesdays 8:00 P.M.

11 Polyzoides-News-15m.Political Analyses by NotedInterpreter of Global Affairs.

13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.8:15 11 Sport Shorts -15m,

-Away With the Wind."13 Action Fishing -Sport -15m.

8:30 5 Feature Film -90m.7 Press Conference -Disc. -30m.

Guest Interviews by L. A.Newsman.

11 Amateur Boxing -2 hrs.13 Carrot -Top Anderson-Wsrrn.-

30m.9:00 2 Songs For Sale -30m.

4 Film -30m.7 Stud's Place -30m.

13 Baseball -80m.San Francisco at Los Angeles.

9:30 2 The Web -Drama -30m.\Jur& r. For a Friend."

4 Who Said That? -30m.7 Gene Autry -Movie -30m.

10:00 2 Boxing -45m.4 Break the Bank -Quiz -30m.

Guesting is Edward Arnold.5 City at Night -Info -90m.

Camera Tour of Interesting Spotsin Los Angeles.

7 Jerry Colonna-Comedy-30m.10:20 13 Inside Baseball -10m.10:30 4 Gene Norman Show -30m.

7 Blind Date -30m.Arlene Francis plays hostess togentlemen seeking dates withglamorous N. Y. models.

11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.13 Ed Lyon -News -5m.

10:35 13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.10:45 2 Bill Symes-Sports-15m.

11 Club Eleven -45m.13 Owl Movie -75m.

Jackie Cooper in "Gangster'sBoy."

11:00 2 Peter Potter -Records -60m.7 Hank Weavers Press Box -10m.

11:10 7 William Stout -News -10m.11:20 7 Moonlight Movie60m.11:30 5 Final Edition -5m.

11 Midnight Movies -75m."Mysterious Mr. Nickolson."


Fireside TheaterFour Star RevueGo Lucky

- Godfrey, ArthurGuest House ... ........... ---------.- -Heidt, Horace 10:36 p.m. TuHopalong Cassidy 4 p.m. SaI Cover Times Square __ .--22 n. alt. SeIt Pays to Be.Ignorant 8 p.m. SaJukebov. Jamboree 9 p.m. 1.Lone Ranger 7 p.m.ThMan Against Crime 10:30 p.m. SaMan Hunt . _ . ..... ........... _________11 p.m. ThStarch of Time 8 p.m. SuMartin, Freddie 11 p.m. SuMasterpiece Playhouse. ...... __.._...4:30 p.m. SuSlaugham, Somerset._ ......... ,...... 8:30 p.m. SoMks Susan 12 a. 11I -FMoore, Garry... ................... ----I:45 p.m. M -FSir Wizard _ ............. -_-_____- 3:30 p.m. SuMusical Playhouse. 9:30 p.m. ThOne Man's Family 3 SuPremier Theatre 8 p.m. ToRacket Squad 2 p.m.SuRange Rider 7 p.m. WRed Cross Program 12:30 p.m. ThRuggles, Charlie... ..... ..- 7 p.m. SuSmokey Roger. ......,..___..:..__....__...2 p.m. St -SeSpace Cadet. .... _ .......... ......-....5:15 p.m. M.W.F.stars Over *'wood 8:30 p.m. FStop the Music 10 p.m. ThStory Theater 8:30 p.m.M: 8 p.m. FStranger Than Fiction 7 p.m. MStrike It Rich ' .- 12i30 p.M M. W. FSummer Theater 7 p.m. Sasummertime Revue 10 p.m. SsSuper Circus.............. -......:.....__....._ 5 p.m.SoTelevports Digest 8:30 p.m. Th'Cheater c f Romance ..._......_....__....12 n. alt. SaTime for Beany 6:30 p.m. M -FTrouble with Father ...6:30 p.m. SaTwo Girls Named Smith -______11:30 a.m. SaWhat's My Line 10 p.m. SuWrestling -a... 9 p.m. WYour Own 110111e 3 p.m. Ti,Your Net Parade 11:30 p.m, Su

said, the job that she didn't have -she was newly arrived in the city; an-other "block" was the existence of atwo -and -a -half -year -old daughter by aprevious marriage.. She candidly admitted her search for a kind and sym-pathetic mate who would also like herdaughter. She questioned the panel asto whether or not she should let herdates know, on first meeting, of herdaughter. The "experts" advised herthat any date was basically interestedin her, had asked her out, not herdaughter, and the fact of her daugh-ter's existence should be mentionedonly in the most ncirmal'coutse of in-dividual datings.

A seventy -year -old "Bernatr Mac-fadden" type bachelor told the onlyamusing story of what we thought therather soggy whole. He regaled the


Allen, Stele . 8:30 p.m. SuAmos 'a' Andy 8 p.m. ThBeat the Clock. 10:30 p.m. ThBeulah . 6 p.m. SaHosing ____ ........ - .---.10:30m: W

_ ..Break the Bank ........---.- p.10:30 p.m. SuBurns and Allen ..-.-...... --11 p.m. alt. F

taliente Cavalcade '7:15 p.m. F('ameo Theater 9 p.m. ThChannel 8 Corral ....... ______ ........ 5:45 p.m. M-SaCisco Rid 7 p.m. ToCrime Photographer -------.11 p m. alt. FCrusader Rabbit .5:40 pm. 31-FDate with Judy ._.---------_ 11 a.m. SaDoor With No Name ....... ....... .... --AO:30 p.m. FIllm firsts 9 p.m. Sa

4 p.m.Su1 p.m. Su

7:30 p.m. So8 p.m. W

TELEVISION COLORAmazing New 3 Color TV FilEnjoy beautiful color vision NOW.Eliminate glare and eye strain.Easy to attach or remove. A child can do It.Made on Eastman Kadapak-Sizes 8" to 20".

Manufac . 'sspecial introductory


ter- Rests Eyes -Makes Pictures Clearer $ 200ORDER NOW -State size of your screen. MAIL $2.00 only -(this Postpaidincludes tax and postage.)

GREAT WESTERN TV CORP., Dept. R, Los Angeles 45

Page Twelve

Page 13: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


panel with the tale of how he had losthis childhood sweetheart to a mu-sician. Seems he wanted to learn toplay the musical saw and thus offerhis rival some competition, but hespent so much time practicing on thesaw that he lost his gal. He wasstraightforwa-d in stating that hewas looking for a well-to-do woman tomarry, and needed a suit of clothesto further his pursuit. He received anorder for the suit.

Another rniddleaged woman be-lieved that a course of beauty treat-ments, which she was awarded, wouldhelp her to get married, and a Holly-wood photographer, Danny Rowser,felt than dancing lessons would be adefinite help in pressing his search fora mate. Accordingly, he was given acourse of lessons.

Actually, the basic premise of Masterof Matrimony Rourke is not to get thecontestants married off, but to helpthem remove obstacles which theythemselves believe prevent this. A not -at -all unworthy object, but in thiscase, 'we'd say furthered only by badtaste and bad format. However, thefine showmanship which Rourke andothers have exhibited in the pastshould come to the fore beforetoo many more programs have beenscreened, so that both the show's con-testants and its viewers may look for-ward to unusual and rewarding enter-tainment.

"Bachelor's Haven"Monday. 7 p.m.KTSL. Channel .2

This choice time is turned over towhat seemed to us to be merely a poor"Leave It to the Girls" in reverse.

A certain premise is raised fromtime to time, and the men oppose thewomen in deciding such world-shak-ing posers as "Are women gettinglazier?" or "Do women like men whotreat 'em toagh and make 'em likeit?" The panel dig into these, every-one seemingly talking at the sametime and dealing in trivia in keepingwith the original discussion sugges-tion. Unbelievably enough, prizes orsomething are sent to the writers whocontribute the used topics of the eve-ning.

The first night we saw the' "show,"Kay Aldridge, a lovely -looking NewYork stage personality, was on hand,with Hazel Brooks of the moviesabetting the feminine side of the ques-tions. Torn Conway, a well-known ac-tor. and Paul Coates. a top newspapercolumnist, undertook to hold up themasculine v.ewpoint. Through it all.moderator Johnny Jacobs (a televisionpersonality we would like to see more)attempted to keep the contenders fromone another's throats. It wasn't hard.In fact it was so easy that he hadplenty of time to fill in the lapses withthe only interesting gab of the wholethirty minutes.

Mind you, all this is merely ouropinion. We may have had an offnight. Of ccurse it seemed to us itwas the show that had its off night!

In any event, we'll still take "TheGirls' " show!


See Page 10 for 9:00 A.M. to5:00 P.M. Daytime Log Listings

5:00 2 Ghost Rider -Movie -60m."Wild Horse Roundup."

4 Boots 'n' Saddle-Juv'n1.-15m.11 Range Riders -Roundup -90m.

Bill Cindy in "Ghost City."5:20 S Police Calls -Info -10m.5:30 4 Howdy Doody-Juv'n1.-30m.

S Cowboy Thrills -Movie -60m.8 Film Short -10m.9 Newsroom -20m.

13 Hitching Post -Movie -60m."Western Mail."

5:40 8 Crusader Rabbit-Juv'nl.-5m.5:50 9 KFI-TV Univ.-Info-55m.6:00 2 Telecomics-Juv'n1.-15m.

4 Komedy Klub-Juv'n1.-30m"A Beautiful Liar" with WillRogers.

7 Space Patrol-Juv'n1.-15m.6:15 2 Boney Bill's-Juv'n1.-15m.

Dusty Walker & His CowboyPuppets.

7 Foreman Phillips-Wst'rh-45M.6:30 2 Torn Harmon -Sports -30m.

4 Junior Theater-Juv'n1.-15M."Teach Your Dog Tricks."

5, 8 Time for Beany-Juv'nl-15m.11 Captain Video-Juv'n1.-30m.13 Ed Lyon -News -15m.

6:45 4 Kelley & Moran -10m.Bob and Gussie Discuss theSporting World.

S Handy Hints -Tips -15m.9 Action Theater -65m.

"Wild Mustang." Harry Carey.13 Sports Book -10m.

6:55 4 Elmer Peterson -News -5m.13 Film Fill -5m,

Television's FinestWestern Offering

"RANGE RIDER"Tonight7 P.M.


7:00 2 Watch and Win -Quiz -30m.4 Range Rider--Movie-30m.

"Secret Lode," starringJack Mahoney.

S Newsreel -15m.7 The Ruggles -Comedy -30m.

11 Open House -Interview -15m.13 Joe Graydon -Music -30m.

7:15 5 Adventure Thrills -Film -15m.Jim Dannaldson interviews famedexplorers.

11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.7:30 2 Lee Wood -News -5m.

4 News; Weather -15m.5 H'wood Opportunity -60m.

Hopeful young performers tryingfor the "Big Break."

7 Lone Ranger-Juv'n1.-30m.The Masked Man & Tonto rideagain.

11 Open Road -Travel -30m.Films depicting colorful tours.

13 Young Musical America -30m.Young classical musicians vie foryear's coaching by well knownartist.

7:35 2 Tom Harmon Sports -5m.

7:40 2 William Kenneally-News-Sm.7:45 2 Stork Club -15m.

4 Tex Williams -Roundup -15m.7:50 9 Comedy Time -Film -10m.8:00 2 Burns Allen -Comedy -30m,

4 Willock-Atquette Show -30M.7 Royal Playhouse -Drama -30m.9 Eight o'Clock Theater -75m.

James Mason In "The Night HasEyes."

11 Ada Leonard -Revue -60M.13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.

8:15 13 V.I.P.-15m.With Freeman Lusk.

8:30 2 Amos 'n' Andy -Comedy -30m.4 Freddy Martin Orch.-30m.5 Wrestling -2* hrs.7 Goodyear Summertime -

30m.13 Fishin's Fun -Sports -30m.

9:00 2 What's Name of Song? -30m.4 Armstrong Theater -30m.

"A Beautiful Friendship,"Jerome Cowan, Shiela Bromley,Robert Emhardt, Ruth Hammond.

7 Mvical Playhouse -30m.8 Cameo Theater -30m.

11 Bob Shannon's Varieties30m.With Bob Shannon & Leo Randini

13 Baseball -80m.9:30 2 Racket Squad -Drama -30m.

True stories from police files.4 Assignment: Man Hunt -

30m.7 Feature Film -90m.8 Musical Playhouse -30m,

11 You Asked for It1-30m.Viewers request entertainment.Art Baker gets it!

10:00 2 Hawthorne Here Tonight -30m.4 "Survival" -30m.

Regal Pale -Tops in Beerpresents

Tops in WrestlingWITH DICK LANE

The Main Event Thurs.10 P.M.


S Wrestling -45m.8 Stop the Music -Quiz -30m.

11 KTTV Newsreel -15m.10:15 11 Alert for News -Quiz -30m.

With Knox Manning.10:20 13 Inside Baseball -10m.10:30 2 Crime Photog.-Drama-30m.

4 Gene Norman Show -30m.13 Ed Lyon -News -5m.

10:35 13 Clete Roberts -News -15m.10:45 5 Beat the Champ -45m.

Giant Jackpot offered to anyonewho can beat the Champ,

11 Club Eleven -45m.10:50 13 Owl Movie -75m.

"Annie, Leave the Room."11:00 2 Feature Film -75m.

"Swing It, Professor."7 Hank Weaver's Press Box -10m.

11:10 7 William Stout -News -10m.4 The Continental -30m.8 Man Hunt -Drama -30m.

11:20 7 Moonlight Movie -60m.11:30 5 Final Edition -5m.

11 Midnight Movies -75m."The Temptress."

Page Thirteen

Page 14: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for



Looking just a bit into the futurefor things to come on Channel Seven,we'd like you to be watching for "SayIt With Acting," which starts onXECA-TV, August 17, from 7:30 to 8:00p.m. . . . "Say It With Acting," whichmoves to ABC-TV from another net-work, features Bud Collyer and MaggiMcNellis as co -emcees, and guestsfrom the Broadway stage-, in a play onthe familiar parlor gam of charades.The Brown Shoe Company show willbe seen weekly on Friday nights untilAugust 31st, when it will be seen onalternate 'Fridays with the Green GiantCompany's popular "Life with Link -letter" series which returns to the airon that date. . . . Remember, that'sChannel Seven any Friday evening at7:30.

Allyou daytime TV viewers are nodoubt happy to see personable JohnnyDowns back on KECA-TV every Mon-day 'thru Friday afternoon at 1:30.The genial singer and dancer is fillingthe hour-long matinee spot while RossMulholland is off for the summer. . . .Mary McAdoo'snovel idea of astay - at - homesummer campfor the young-sters has proveda success withmothers, andthe boys andgirls, too. In"Camp Securi-ty," Monday,Wednesday andFriday at 2:30,guest instructors have taught fasci-nating classes in a variety of camp -type subjects from basketry to dogtraining. . Judging by the amountof mail received by KECA-TV's cook-ing expert, Grace Lawson, there's nolapse in the universal interest in foodduring this summer weather. MissLawson's daily mail count averagesbetween 700 and 800 . . . but hit aone -day high recently when 1,234letters and postcards were received."Adventures in Food" is seen onChannel 7 every Monday thru Fridayfrom noon to 1:30 p.m.

Be sure to see "Stop the Music" onWednesday night at 8. . . . FunnymanPhil Silvers is doing a bang-up jobas emcee of that musical varietyshow, while Bert Parks takes a sum-mer hiatus.

-AdvertisementPage Fourteen

Grace Lawson

ft4 qiit ridBy Dorothy Gardiner and Dick Gar-

ton, stars of KTLA's "Handy Hints,"Monday through Friday, 6:45 p.m.

Each week we pick the best HandyHint sent directly to T', Radio Life,6361 Selma Avenue, Hollywood 28, anduse it, with your name and address,in this column as well as on the airover KTLA, Friday evening at 6:45. Alovely gift will, be sent to everyonewhose hint is used here as KTLA-TV-Radio Life Hint of the week.

Here is this week's winner: Mrs.Harry Bougeno, Jr., 10106 Burl Ave.,Inglewood 2, Calif.

Her hint is:If you have small children who

aren't tall enough to reach the washbasin, make a small bench about nineinches from the ground. They can usethe bench to stand on so they canreach the basin. If you put arms on thebench about twelve inches from theground and make it so that it will fitover one of your breakfast chairs, itwill also serve as a junior chair, thuseliminating another piece of furniture.It cah be painted and decorated witha few decals to make it more attrac-tive.

THIS IS A TIME-SAVER FOR YOUBUSY HOUSEWIVES. It's a clothespinjar nailed halfway up on your clothes.line post. Use a three -pound glassshortening jar and nail the lid to thepost. Fill jar, with your clothespinsand screw to lid. There you have yourpins all clean, out of your way, yetstill handy when needed.

NEED A TRELLIS FOR A POTTEDPLANT? If so, one can easily be madeout of a wire coat hanger. Form afigure eight and straighten out thehook, which is inserted into theground far enough to give it balance.

THE NEXT TIME YOU WANT TOPAINT FLOWER POTS, tie a stringor cord around a stick and put cord upthrough the hole in the bottom ofthe flower pot. Then tie it to theclothesline, paint the pots and letthem hang until* dry.


-just to take a damp cloth and wipe itclean than to have to replace eachtime with shelf .paper. In fact, if youhave an old plastic tablecloth, justcut it up to fit the shelves.

RadiomitesBy Norma Jean Nilsson

Joe Mazucca must be in possessionof Aladdin's Lamp. Golly, he's going toIndia with the Ed McConnell TV show,where Mr. Ferrin, the show's producer,is going to shootsome scenes. Andwhile abroad, Joewill make a side tripto Italy to see hisgrandptrents for thevery first time. Ifyou watch this showor hear the Ed Mc-Connell radio show,Joe is the boy whodoubles in the Afri-can and Indian boyroles. How lucky canyou get?

Little Billy Chapin has been in pic-tures since he was twenty days old.Gee, how old is that? And now, at six,Billy has been signed to play "Kevin"in "Three Wishes for Jamie" and hasalready left for San Francisco with hismother, where the show will play forsix weeks. On September 17, it willopen at the Shubert Theater in NewYork. Brother Michael, who is so proudof Billy, couldn't go along, becausehis third starring picture, "SaddlePals," is already under way at Re-public.

"That Williamson Penny" on "StarsOver Hollywood" last week featuredlittle Sheila James as "Sue," the samerole she played last summer when thisshow was regularly on the air. Buther older sister on the "Stars Over Hol-lywood" show was played by DorothySparks, who is Penny Singleton's real -life daughter. This was Dorothy's radiodebut and she did very well.

Jeri James, who is Sheila's little sis-ter, makes her third appearance on theBurns and Allen TV show, August16. Butch Cavell, by the way, is a reg-ular on this show.

Peter Votrian, a regular on Fantas-tick Studios Ink, is now "Ronald" in"Alias Jane Doe," a CBS summer showwhich stars Lurene Tuttle. We're goingto hear a lot about Peter, because withall his talent he simply can't miss.

Hundreds of little boys were inter-viewed for the boy lead in Abbott andCostello's independent p r o d u c t i o n,"Jack and the Beanstalk," and ten-year -old David Stollery was the win-ner. David is a good-looking blond boywith a lot of TV behind him. Congratu-lations, David.

Carol Coombs and Karen Kester arenew names in this column, and likeall the rest of the new names thatcome in from time to time they arewelcome. Carol and Kester will beheard at voices of some of the mer-maids in the Walt Disney picture"Peter Pan."

The cast of Louis Da Pron's "SoapBox Theater" celebrated the eighth

(Please Turn to Page 17)

Norma Jean

Page 15: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


to o's° s.°

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WARNING! Some clothes are so gray and stained from the use of soap substitute,that they need to be ISCONDITIONED, and we recommend a special washing as fol-lows: Put clothes through one wash period, using I to 11/2 measuring cups of WhiteKing Water Softener acconling to the capacity of your washer hot use no soapwring or spin clothe, from this water, Then wash again, using both WIsle King WaterSoftener and While King Soap according to the '1-2° method given aim,

(41.01141$ MUD tts se itECONOtT101410 ONLY *NCI)



Page 16: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for



Adams, Joe... _KTTV, 9:30 p.m. TuAdventure Thrills KTLA, 7:15 p.m. TbAdventures in Food---.----KECA-TV, 12 n. M -FA Home to Live In.---...KLAC-TV. 10:30 aim. SuAlert for News...----- KTTV, 10:15 p.m. TbAllen, Steve .. - . .HTSL, 4 p.m. fd-FAmerican Inventory l&NBH. 6 P.m. 8*Amos 'n' Andy..................... KTSL, 8:30 p.m. ThArmchair Traveler..-.---KTSL. 1:30 p.m., M -FArmstrong Theater........... KNBH, 9 p.m. ThArquette, Cliff JENBII, 8 p.m. ThAssignment-Man Hunt.- K.NBH, 9:30 p.m. ThAt the Mat KTLA, 8:30 p.m. ThAuction City KLAC-TV, 6 p.m. SuAutry. Gene KECA-TV. 9:30 p.m. W: 6:30 p.m. SaBabbling Brooks KECA-TI, 9 p.m. SuBachelor's Haven......-- ............... _...KTSL, 7 p.m. MBandstand Revue.___-_ KTLA, 9 p.m. SuBatter Up .KT1V, 9:30 p.m. SuBeat the Champ .KTLA, 10:45 p.m. ThBeat the Clock..... ...... -- ....KTSL, 7:30 p.m. Sa;Beulah-........---------EECA-TV. 7:30 p.m. TuBig Story... KNBH, 9:30 p.m. FBlind Date.- -.KECA-TV. 10:30 p.m. WBonus Bids - KTTV, 1 p.m. TuBoots 'n' Saddle-........... ............ .KNBH, 5 p.m. 31-FBoxing........KTSL, 10 p.m. W; KTTV, 10 p.m. Tu;Break the Bank KNBH, 10 p.m. W:Brooks, Hadda .KLAC-TV, 9:43 p.m. 31Burke, Billie ...... _____.- ...........KTTV, 4 p.m. M -IF ,Burns & Allen . .KTSL, 8 p.m. alt. ThCalling Scotland Yard - _KTTV, 8:30 p.m. SuCameo Theater ENBH, 7:30 p.m. Su;Campus Chorus and Ork. _KTSL, 8 p.m. TuCaptain Video._ -_JETTV. 6:30 p.m. M -FCarrillo, Leo.. _KLAC-TV, 10 p.m. allCarrot Top Anderson KLAC-TV, 8:30 p.m. WCasey, Crime Photographer._-KTSL, 10:30 p.m.

alt. ThCavalcade of- Bands.-----..KTTV, 9:30 p.m. SaCavalcade of Stars.----.__KTTIT. 7:30 p.m. MCelebrity Time KTSL, 10 p.m. SuChampionship Bowling__ ETTV, 10:30 p.m. TuChance of a Lifetime.-...HECA-TV, 7:30 p.m. WChef Milani KNBH, 3:30 p.m. 31-FChevrolet Triple Theatre -..HECA-TV, 7 p.m. MChildren's Church IITTV, 3:30 p.m. SuChildren Should Be Heard KLAC-TV, 7 p.m. MChristie Comedy HLAC-TV, 7:30 p.m. IIICisco Kid. -_-_....KNBIL 5 p.m. TuCity at Night._ KTLA, 10 Pm WClassified Column...---..ETTV, 2:30 p.m. Ill -FClub Eleven KTTV, 11 p.m. 111-FColonna, Jerry KECA-TV, 10 p.m. WCome Into the Kitchen. _KTTV, 3 p.m. 31-FComics........- ..... _____ ...._ ............ KTLA, 8 p.m. SuCoutinental_ KNBH, 11 p.m. Tu,ThCooley, Spade.....__._._..._. iiTLA. 8:30 p.m. SaCorliss Areher IFITSL. 7 p.m. TuCowboy Theater...----__KECA-TV, 3 p.m. M -FCowboy Thrills KTLA, 5:30 p.m. 311-SaCrash Corrigan ...... _ ..... ........ ....... ___IITTV, 5 p.m. SaCrime Photographer KNBH, 10:30 p.m. alt. ThCugat. Lorraine. KECA-TV, 10 p.m. TuDate With Judy KECA-TV, 11:30 a.m. Sa:Dell O'Dell KECA-TV, 7:30 p.m. FDistrict Attorney-- .KLAC-TV, 8:13 p.m. TuDixie Showboat... KTLA, 7:15 p.m. MDolan, Jimmy...-_---KLAC-TV, 10:30 p.m. SuDoodles Weaver KNBH. 8 p.m. SeDoor With No Name KNBH. 9:30 p.m. FDeuble Thriller Playhouse IFITLA. 8 p.m. MDr. Christian. HECA-TV. 9:13 p.m. SuDude Ranch Varieties.........._KLAC-TV. 10 p.m. SnEditor's Round Table. ...... _...... HTSL, 8 p.m. 31Ellery Queen JETTY. 8:30 p.m. ToEloise Salutes the Stars limn. 10 p.m. irEmerson, Faye . KM, 9 p.m. SsErwin, Stu _KECA-TV. 7:30 p.m. SeFaith Baldwin Theater KECA-TV, 12:30 fl.m

alt. SaFaith for Today .KECA-TV, 12:30 p.m. SuFantastick Studios, Ink --../ITLA, 6:30 p.m. SaFashion Magic..._-...KTSL. 3:30 p.m. 51.FFeature Story.._-.--......ENBH, 7:45 p.m. TuFeminine Touch KTSL, 3:30 p.m. WFirst Hundred Years-___...KTSL, 2:30 p.m. M -FFishing Pals KFI-TV. 6:15 p.m. WFishin's Fun.-----......KLAC-TV, 8:30 p.m. ThFlash Gordon KTLA. 3:30 p.m. SuFoods, Facts & Fantasies...- KNBH. 8 p.m. TuFoods for Thought KNBH, 1:15 p.m. M -FFord Festival ......... - ....... _-____KNBIL 8 p.m. WForeman Phillips' Show KECA-TV, 11 a.m.4:15 p.m. 111-F; 6:30 p.m. M,W,F; 6:15 p.m. Tu,Th

Freedom Forum KLAC-TV. 9 p.m. SuFront and Center _KTTV. 7:39 p.m. ToFront Page Detectire.....,.... HTTV, 8:30 p.m. FFrosty Frolics . . . -.- KTLA, 8 Pm FGarden Chats KTTI. 2:43 p.m. SuGen. Eler. Guest House.- KTSL, 9 p.m. SuGhost Rider ISTSL, 5 p.m. M-SaGirl Wrestling....---_-_KLAC-TV, 8 p.m. FGlamour Session----.-- FINBH. 4 p.m. 81Go Lucky WTSL, 7:30 p.m. SuGodfrey. Arthur -.-- KTSL, 8 p.m. WGodfrey's Talent Scouts. KTSL. 8:30 p.m. MGoodyear Revue ..... _____KECA-TV. 8:30 p.m. ThGraham. Sheilah ..... --------KNBIL 4 p.m. TuPage Sixteen -

Grind Chance Roundup_ KISL. 4:30 p.m. SaGray, Jeanne ......... -.,.........-- .. KTSL. 3 Pau. M -FGraydon, Joe......._»..__. ...ELAC-TV, 9 a.m 51-F

KLAC-TV, 7 p.m. ThGreatest Fights:. KTTV, 10 p.m. TuGuest Book. ., .KF1-TV, 3:30 p.m. TuGirton, Bill _KECA-TV. 7 p.m. SuHands of Destiny 111.1-V, 6:30 p.m. SuHandy Hints . KTLA, 6:45 p.m. 51-FHaney. ..KLAC-TV, 8:15 p.m. MRHaPeriy,y rr'etesa...........--..-...... _- .. KFI-TV, 3:45 p.m. Th*Hardy, Glenn :KNISH, 7:30 p.m. 31, W, FHarmon, Tom KTSL, 7:35 p.m. M -F, 6:30 p.m. TuHawthorne KTSL, 10 p.m. Th'Relit, Horace KTSL, 9 p.m.; KFMB, 10:30 p.m. TuHi Talent Battle...__.._ KLAC-TV, 7 p.m. WHitching Post_-.--_KLAC-TV. 5:30 p.m. 31-F

. .... .... -.. ..... .-...,. --9:15 a.Nm82.; 5:1390 p.m.pni. 931Hogan, *-LeeHollywood Fashion Time KECA-TV, 1:30 p.m. SaHollywood Jr. Circus ...KNBH, 6:30 P.m. alt. SaHollywood Opening Night.. ECTSL, 10:30 p.m. FHollywood Opportunity_....-KTLA, 7:30 p.m. ThHollywood Reel_...._._...» _...11TLA, 7:15 p.m. WHollywood Road to Fame KTSL, 6:30 p.m. FHollywood Screen Test...SECA-TV, 9:30 p.m. ToHollywood Theater Time KECA-TV, 19 p.m. FHomes for Sale .. . ........ - KFI-TV. 7:30 p.m. FHometown Janiboree.--....KLAC-TV. 7:30 p.m. SaBopalong Cassidy -.._... .. __ .. KNBH, 6 p.m. SuHour of Adventure.--___KECA-TV, 8 p.m. TuHow To KTSL, 6:30 p.m. MHowdy Doody ---._-_KNI311, 5:30 p.m. lid -FHutton, Ina Ray..... KTLA, 9 p.m. Tut Cover Times Square KECA-TV, 12:30 p.m. alt. SsI Want to Get Married ETTA', 9 p.m. TuIn Our Times ...... _ . _____ KTTV, 10:30 p.m. SuIndustry on Parade KNISH, 7:43 p.m. IrInspirational Hour. KLAC-TV. 8:13 a.m. SuInstitute of Family Relations............ ........ KLAC-TV

7:30 p.m. TuIt rays to Be Ignorant KNBH, 8:30 p.m. MIt's a Neat Trick KTSL, 10:30 p.m. TuIt's News to Me HTSL, 9:30 p.m. MIt's Up to You KTSL. 6:30 p.m. SaJarvis, Al....KLAC-TV, 12:30 p.m. 3I -F, 7 p.m. FJr. Theatre KNBH. 6:30 p.m. 31-FKaye, Sammy- - KTSL, 7 p.m SaKelley & Moran__ ........... .___KNBH, 6:43 p.m. 31-FKemper, Ronnie.- _....e .KTTV, 9:15 p.m. 31-F*Kenneally, Bill _ ETSI., 7:40 p.m. M -FKnow Your Child--..-.._,_KTSL. 3:30 p.m. Tu. ThKomedy Club KNBH, 6 p.m. M -FLadies' Matinee-- ....... ___ETTV, 4:30 p.m. 111-FLawson, Grace . KECA-TV, 12 n. 31-FLaurel and Hardy...........-- KNBH, 7 p.m. PLa Roy, Rita.. KNBH, 4 p.m. MLee, Peggy /ITEM. 7:43 p.m. M,W,FLeonard, Ada .....»..__.._ KTTV. S p.m. ThLet Poppa Do It._ KNBH, 9 p.m. FLife Begins et e0 KECA-TV. 9 p.m. SaLive Like a Millionaire KTSL. 10 p.m. alt. FLiving Book KNBH, ft p.m. FLocker Room 11ITTV. 10:45 p.m. MLone Ranger . .XECA-TV. 7:30 p.m. ThLook and Learn STEIL, 9 p.m. TuLeak, Freeman KLAC-TV, 8:13 p.m. Th; 9 p.m. Su*Lyon, FA KLAC-TV. 6:30 p.m. 31-F.

10:30 p.m. Tic-Th; 10 p.m. 31; 11 p.m. FMack. Ted. Family., Hour KECA-TV, 6 p.m. 14uMagazine of the Week__ /MA, 10:30 p.m. SuMagic House Party KECA-TV, 7:30 p.m. FMagic Slate. .100311, 6130 p.m. alt. Ss"a KTSL, A p.m.Man AgainstCrime .. . .....KTS7,. 8:30 p.m. FManning, Knox ICTTV, 10:15 p.m. Th. 10:30 p.m. FMan's Best Friend.. FITLA. 5 p.m. DaMarch of Time KECA-TV. 7:30 p.m. Su:

1111,5113, 8 p.m. SuMargetts, Monty KNBH. 1:30 p.m. M -FMarshall Plan in Action KECA-TV. 8:30 p.m. SuMcAdoo. Mary KECA-TV, o30 p.m. M.W,FMcConnell, FA KTSL. 5 p.m. SeMartin. Freddy_..-.....___._KNBH. 8:30 p.m. ThMaugham, Somerset ..... ..._ ...... ...KNBIL 10 p.m. TuMcCoy. Tim. KTLA. 7 p.m. SeMeet Me In Hollywood_ KTLA, 10:30 p.m. FMeet the Press KNBH, 7 p.m. SuMeet Your Children ..KECA-TV. 2:30 p.m. ThMiss Susan /MR, KTM11-TV. 1 p.m. M -F

KTuT 1:+3 ti m 3T -FMoore Agri,Movie Milestones. KTSL. 4:30 p.m. SuMovielown.. KTI,A. 10 p.m. Su....._-Music -1 PloYhouse ........... --KV-A-Tv. 9 p.m. ThMr. Wizard . IKNIBIL 4 p.m. SuMniVeV, Ray FITTV. 'I p.m. If -FNew Horizons KTI-TI. 11311 p.m. 11, W, Th, F4Newspaper of the Air KN-o.17. 7:50 n.m. 5f. W. FNorman, Gene .KNEE. 10:30 p.m. M -F(Mien, Heidi - ..fill -II, 3:30 p.m. TuOne Man's Family ----...KNBIL 7:30 p.m. Sa;On the Town KTTV, 9 p.m. alt. FOn Trial . .KECA-TV. 8 p.m. SuOpen Hearing KTSL. 8:30 p.m. TuOpen House - ..... _---__ ..... KTTV, 7 p.m. 81-FOpen Road KTTV. 7:30 p.m. ThOriginal Amateur Hour.. ... KNBH. 9 p.m. TuPet Exchange. KTTV. 7:30 p.m. PPet Parade . WECA-TV. 4:30 p.m. SyPeters, Susan...--.../CIBH. &FMB, 1 p.m..M-F

*Peterson, Elmer. _KNBH, 6:25 p.m. 31-FPhilco Playhouse______________KNBH. 9 p.m. SuPierce, Paul. .KNBH. 3 P.m. rti-FPlainclothesman-------..--KTTV, 10 p.m. SuPolyzoides_ hTTI. 8 tval 11Potter, Peter KTSL, 11 p.m. :W.W.I'Press Conference..-.----KECA-TV, 3:30 p.m. WPublic Prosecutor. KLAC-TV. 7 p.m. TuRacket Squad KTSL. 9:30 p.m. Th:Range Rider....KNBH, 7 p.m. Th; KFMB, 8 p.m. SiRange Riders Roundup KTTV. 5 p.m. M -I;Red Rowe KLAC-TV, 8:30 p.m. 'inRichards, Carole_____ . . .KLAC-TV. 8:13 p.m. FRighter. Carroll KTTV, 3:43 p.m. M -F*Roberts, Clete ...KLAC-TV, A p.m. M -F; 10:35

Pm: Tu.W.Th: 10:05 p.m. 31: 11:05 p.m. FRoller Derby... KTLA, 10 p.m. Tu; 10:30 p.m. F.SuRoving Camera,- KTLA; 7:13 p.m. TuRoy, Mike_ -KLAC-TV. 11 -a.m. M -FRoyal Playhouee.-......--- KECA-TV, 8 p.m. IliRuggles, Charlie........ ........... .KECA-TV, 7 p.m. Th:Sawyer, Hal -...HECA-TV, 10:30 p.m. FScouting in Action----....-KECA-TI; 2 P.m. SaSearch For Girls .KTTV. 8 P.m. ThSeven Seventy on the Air..._ ... . ... KIM 3 p.m. SuShadow of the Cloak writv, 9 p.m. SoShannon, Bob KTTV, 9 p.m. ThShort Sports KLAC-TV, 8:13 p.m. WShow Goes On...--.----.-...HTSL, 9:30 p.m. SaSimms, Ginny..._-.------JKTTV, 7:30 p.m. ToSinging Rails .-KTSL. 7 p.m. SeSo You Went to Be An Actor....KTLA, 9:30 p.m. MSoap Box Theater RECA-TV, 7 p.m. SeBongo KTTV, 1 p.m. M.W.FSongs for Sale KTSL, 9 p.m. WSouthland Farm Fair KTTV, 3 p.m. ReSnowcrop Matinee KLAC-TV. 2 p.m. Tu,ThSpanish Theater Hour KFI-TV. 9:30 p.m. TnSpace Cadet KECA-TV. 6:15 p.m. M -FSpace Cadets K151111, 8:30 p.m. FSpace Patroi._---____ KECA-11,. 6 p.m. 31-SaSports Book.. ..... -......- ....... KLAC-TV. 6:45 p.m. M -FSports Digest KTSL, 7 p.m. MStar of the. Family KTSL, 6:30 p.m. SoStarlight Theater....._ KTSL. 8 p.m. alt. ThStars Over Hollywood-. ENBEI 8 p.m. MStork Club, _KTSL, 7:45 p.m. Tu, TbStop at Honey Bill's KTSL, 6:13 p.m. M -FStop the Music KECA-TV. 8 p.m. W:*Stout, William KECA-TV, 11:10 p.m. ETStrange Adventure KECA-TV. 7 p.m. FStranger Than Fiction EMI,. 4:15 p.m. SuStud's Place HECA-TV, 9 p.m. WStulla, Bill KNBH, 2 p.m. M -FSuccess Story.. ...... -- __KTTV. 9 p.m. alt. FSummer Theater......... KTSL, 10 p.m. SiSuper Circus ....... ------KECA-TV. 5 p.m. SuSure As Fate.... ---__ICTSL. 9 p.m. alt. FSurvival KNBH. 19 p.m. ThSuspects Wantecl....---.....KFI-TV, 3:20 p.m. M -FSuspense. ETSL, 9:30 P.m. TuTeiecomics---------____KTSI,, 6 p.m. 31-FTeleforum KTLA, 10 p.m. 311Tele-Teen Reporter. ....... ......KLAC-TV. 7:30 p.m. VITelesports Digest KTSL, 10 p.m. InThe Web RISE, 9:3o p.m. WTime for Beauty KTLA, KFMB-TV, 6:30 p.m. M -I`Time for the Ladles EECA-TV, 1:30 p.m. M -TTorme, Mel RISE, 7:45 p.m. M.IV.I!env and Country__ ICLAC-TV. 8:30 p.m. TuTricks and Treats KTLA. 10:30 a.m. SaTriple -Feature Theater__ KECA-TV, 7 p.m. IfTV Recital Hall KNBII. 8:30 p.m. MtTV's Top Tunes KTSL, 7:45 p.m. M,W,F*TV University KT1-111. 3:50 p.m. 31-FTwenty Questions .. KTTV, 8 p.m. FTwo Girls Named Smith KECA-TV, 12 n. BaUnited or Not KECA-TV. 8 p.m. FV.1.P. .. ........ _....-...ELAC-TV. 8;13 p.m. ThVoice of Firestone. KNBH, 9:30 p.m. 31Watch and Win. KTSL, 7 p.m. Th*Weaver, Hank.. . KECA-TV, 9 p.m. Tu.

11 p.m. 34-FWedding Bells........._--____KLAC-TI, 7 p.m. SeWhat's My Line . HTSL. 10:30 p.m. SuWhat's Name of That Song? KIST.. 9 p.m. ThWhat's the Question° KLAC-TV, 7:30 p.m. WWhat's the Verdict'` KTTV, 10:30 p.m.t-whiteman, Paul....._ ... . . ...KECA-TV. 8 p.m. SaWho Said That?....KNIIIT, 7 p.m. M: 9:30 p.m. WWild Bill Hickok KTLA, 7 p.m. SoWilliams, Tex. .KNBH. 5:45 p.m. M,W,Th:

7 p.m. SsHillock, Dave. KNBH, 8 p.m. ThWilson, Stu .K151811, 4:30 p.m. M; 4 p.m. Tn-F*Wood, Lee IVISL, 7:30 p.m. M-Ir*World Digest . . KNBIL 8 p.m. SuWorld Opinion KECA-TV. 4 p.m. SeWrestling KNBH, 8:05 p.m. To: 5 p.m.,

8:30 p.m. Ba, -KLAC, 8:30 p.m. F

----HTLA. 8:30 p.m. Th- ../ETTV. 8:30 p.m. 51Wrestling Workout..--_KLAC-TV. 11 a.m. 3oYou Asked for It KTTV. 9:30 p.m. 111Yocum Musical Anaerica....KLAC.,TV. 7:30 p.m. ThTour Big Moment KNEEL 7 p.m. 14Your Town. KYLA. 7:15 p.m. I'Zoo Parade... 1015H, 4:30 p.m. Sn

Page 17: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


47,/adozstA piteeeteed


SUNDAY,. AUGUST 12 - "Keyboard Con-Oerts." KNX, 6:45 (15 min.), Key-board classics by various guest pianists.

VarietySUNDAY,AUGUST 12 - "Fiesta." KNX,

4:30 p.m. 130 min.). Singers Ora San Juanand Bob Graham providing music fromsouth of the border.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 - "Private Party,"KECA, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.). Bob Shannonemcees the show taking listeners party -crashing at the most unusual party hecan find.

Western VarietySATURDAY, AUGUST 11-"The Old Barn

Frolits," KFI. 10:30 p.m. (11/4 hrs.). Co -emcees David Starling and Don Doolittlewith Western guest stars in barn -danceJamboree.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 12-Lou White Show,KRKD, 1:00 p.m. (21/2 hrs.), Lau White,alias "Tex Overstreet,' in a Western -va-riety musical session.


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8-"Famlly The-ater," KHJ. 8:30 p.m. (30 min.). JoanLeslie and Stephen McNally star in "TheBid Was Four Hearts."

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9.="Screen Direc-tor's Playhouse," KFI, 7:00 prm. (1 hr.).Dorothy Maguire and James Mason in"Wuthering Heights."

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9-"Hollywood StarPlayhouse," KECA, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.). -Deborah Kerr has the lead in "A Wonder-ful Disposition."

FRIDAY, AUGUST 10-"MGM Theater,",KF1, 9:00 p.m. (1 hr.). Fredric March andFlorence Eldridge in "The Citadel."

Menuetteby KHJ's Norma Young

Salad Plate(For that very hot day)

2 lbs. asparagus, fresh -cooked wholestalks

6 medium-sized beets, cookedc French dressing

6 hard -cooked eggs1 cucumber

Lettuce cupsstuffed olives

Method:Cut beets in thin slices. Spread aspara-

gus and beets in shallow dish, pourFrench dressing over them and let standin refrigerator for 1 hour.

Remove shells from hard -cooked eggs.cut eggs in half lengthwise, remove yolksand press these through a sieve.

Add seasonings: salt, pepper, 'dry mus-tard, half as much melted butter as eggyolks and vinegar to taste, Blend well,then refill egg whites with this mixture.

Cover with wax paper and. keep inrefrigerator for several hours.

Arrange lettuce on luncheon plates, di-viding into three sections. Place mari-nated asparagus spears on one section.Place alternating slices of beets andcucumbers in another section and twodeviled -egg halves in third. Garnish withstuffed olives.

Note: If TV -Radio Life readers haveany cooking or household problems,call Norma Young, between hours 9cm. and 4 p.m. Htidson 2-2133.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11-"Stars Over Hol-lywood," KNX, 10:00 a.m. (30 min.).Dane Clark stars in "All Aboard forReno."

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 --"Crime Does NotPay," KFI, 9:30 p.m. (30 min.). CharlesKorvin in "Summertime Take."

THURSDAY, AUGUST 16-"Philip MorrisPlayhouse," KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.).Franchot Tone and Wendy Barrie costarin "Ball of Fire." .

MusicSUNDAY, AUGUST 12- "NBC Summer

Symphony Concert," KFI, 5:30 p.m. FritzReiner, conductor, and Ezio Pinza, guest


MONDAY, AUGUST 13-"Voice of Fire-stone," KFI, 5:30 p.m. (30 min.). BrianSullivan, Met tenor, is guest.

MONDAY; AUGUST 13-"Telephone Hour,"KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.). Eileen Farrellis guest soloist.


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 - Football,KECA, 8:15 p.m. (to conch). Annual L.A.Rams vs. Washington Redskins charityclassic. * *RADIOMITES

(Continued From Page 1-))birthday of Jimmie Mobley, who isthis theater's very capable emcee.

The "Quiz Kids" have adopted aneight -year -old French war orphan.This child has never known a normallife, but if all goes as planned- he willhave areal American Christmas righthere with thg "Quiz Kids." Isn't thatnice? I've been thinking way backin my brain of some plan where allthe radiomites could get together andadopt a war orphan too. If the "QuizKids" can be "foster parents," whycan't we? "I'm going to contact theFoster Parents' Plan for War Chil-dren, Inc., and then I'll call a meetingfor all those radiomites who are inter-ested.

Bumped into Joel Nester on "RedCross,' Jimmie Bates on "Aunt Mary,"Michael Miller on the audition recordof the new Irene Dunne -Fred MaeMurray show, and Anne Whitfield on"Make -Believe Town."

Well, so long kids, see you in a couple of weeks, and remember, whenthere's news in your bean, call NORMA JEAN.

CLASSIFIEDP.kTES: Inc prr word per insertion. Minimum 1,,

words. All ads payable in advance. No- chargefor box number, replies forwarded daily. DEAD-LINE: Friday noon for issue on sale followingWednesday.

WANTED girl for general office work and lightdictation. Full or part time. Young highschool graduate with business training accept-able. Write to Box 66, TV, -Radio Life, 6361Selma, Hollywood 28. California.

AUGUST 10, 1151

So different .So entertaining .So informative . .

, it just had to be

TWICE DAILYwith 2 completely new

shows each day


10:30 to 10:45 a.m.and

6:30 to 6:45 p.m.



Hear your Don Lee "AnswerMan" answer two completelydifferent, sets of your questionseach day. He'll answer anyethical question of fact yousend in!



Page Seventasti

Page 18: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


rRadio im ReviewnllxpxO

For Love o' Mike ( General 1

Comment /

Looks Like"Sunset Boulevard," with movie stars Gloria Swanson

and William Holden in the leads, will be the first radiooffering of "Lux" when it returns Septemb'er 17- to beginthe fall season. . . . George Pembroke, radio and TV"character" actor, has landed a role in an upcomingGene Autry film.... Meredith Willson is the latest enter-tainer to turn disc jockey. He will spin 'platters andchatter for NBC, from here for four weeks, and possiblytake the show back East when he returns there. . . .

Guy Della Cioppa is CBS's new head of network pro-gramming. . . . "When a Girl Marries" is now heard onABC. . . . Gerald Mohr will soon star in the TV version of"Philip Marlowe" as well as the airer.

ABC has radio series in the works for both MarleneDietrich and Loretta Young. . .. For Miss Dietrich it has astarring role in a dramatic airshow featuring an interna-.tional chanteuse who gets into romantic and mysterious-adventures in exotic capitals. For Miss Young it's a mikedrama that will have her play the "Farmer's Daughter"type of character she created in the movies.... NewsmanHarry Flannery, on leave from editorship of The CatholicDigest in St. Paul, will pinchhit for Mutual's Frank Ed-wards's airshow. . . . "Private Files of Rex Saunders," theRex Harrison starrer on NBC, is being dropped by itssponsor, and NBC may cancel the series.

Larry Dobkin has bowed out of the "Rocky Jordan"airer because of conflicting film commitments. ... Versa-tile Rebel Randall, Armed Forces Radio's "Dear Voice,"has written a movie script, "Family Plan," being con-sidered by major studios. . . . Dick Crenna, twenty -four-year -old veteran radio actor,. heard currently on "OurMiss Brooks" and "The Great Gildersleeve," has beensigned to a film career by Twentieth Century -Fox. . . .Meredith Willson is spending a month at his MandevilleCanyon home before heading for Europe and the first"Big Show" of the fall series. . . Jack Bailey and his"Queen for a Day" crew are set for a tour of statewideservice camps. . . . "One Man's Family" starts doing livebroadcasts this week after the taped airshows scheduledfor cast vacations.

"Hour of St. Francis" is rated in second spot on CatholicBroadcasters Association poll, with "The Catholic Hour"in lead spot.. . . Loretta Young will star in two of the"Theatre Guild of the Air" shows next season.. . . ABCwill broadcast the August 15 Rams -Redskins charitygame. . . . CBS's Paul Masterson has expanded his Satur-day afternoon show to forty-five minutes.... Bill Baldwin,announcer on Mario Lanza's show, is taking a summercourse in Italian from the star. As Baldwin explains it,"When it cofnes to opera, I'm lost, so Mario is coachingme on pronounCing titles." .. . Spade Cooley, Doye O'Delland Cindy Walker are busy taping Armed Forces RadioService shows for the "Hollywood Roundup" feature.

Peggy Webber pre-recorded some "Dr. Paul" shows be-fore leaving for a month's vacation in Japan. . . . ArmedForces Radio.Service is sending records of Mala Powers'spoetry readings overseas. . . . "Suspense,". CBS's famedmystery series, undergoes a format change next season.Dramatizations will be based on actual cases adaptedfrom law -enforcement files, newspapers and other officialsources. Auto-Lite continues sponsorship, with ElliottLewis as script editor, director and producer. -

"Father Knows Best"Robert Young of NBC's "Father Knows Best" airshow

will journey to Detroit to serve as master of ceremonies.Page Eighteen

FRIDAY, AUGUST. 10*Indicates News Broadcast',Indicates Highlight

KFMB-Don McNeill.8*KFI-Behind the Headlines.

*KEdHJ,Pettit.KFXM, KGB. KV0E-KNX-Ralph Snort' Show.KFAC--Onuntry Church.KFID--Wakeup Ranch.

*KFWB, KIEV. KLAC. KMPC,xxadk-News.

KGFJ-World Bible Society.KRIM-Ernest C. Wilson.KWKW-Latin Rhythms.

9:05-KIEV-'Larm Klock Klub.KLAC -Stock Market Report.

S:15-KF1-Johnny Murray*KHJ, KNX, KGB, HOWL,

KWKW-News.KFWB--13111 Leyden.KGFJ-L.A. Fire Department.KLAC-Haynes at the Reins.KMPC-Bus. News; Sports.KWKW-Friends of Israel.KXLA-Curly Wiggins.

8:30-KFI, KFSD-Jack Berch.KHJ, KEHM, KGB, KV0E-

Bible Institute Hour."(RNA, KCBQ-Grand Slam.

KFOX-Words of Life.KFVD-Morning Call.KGFJ-Yesterday's Hits.

*irnm, KRKD-News.KMPC-Ross Mulholland.KWKW-Nazarene Church.KXLA-Haven of Rest.

8:45---KFI, KFSD-Dial DaveGarroway.


KGER-Bible Treasury.KLAC-Racing News.KWKW-Council of Churches.RECA-Ted Malone.KEI-Coffee Time.KHJ-Dixieland Breakfast

Club.KNX-Wendy Warren.

*EFAC, KFSD. KLAC-News.EFSD-Morning Call.HFWB-Yocam Hollow.KGER-Lutheran Hour.KGFJ-Housewives Hit ParadeKIEV-'Laren Klock Klub.KMP('-Ross Mulholland.KWKW-Bill Stewart, Show.KXLA-Bar Nothin' Ranch.

9:05-KLAC-Haynes at the Reins.9:15*KECA, IMMB--Headline

Edition.KNX, KCBQ-Aunt Jenny.KFOX-Home Missionary.

*KFVD. KGFJ-News.9:25*KECA-A. Van Horn.

*K31 P( .-N ews.9:30-11ECA, HFNIB-Romance of

Evelyn Winters.KEW-Norma young.KNX HCBQ--Helen Trent.KALI-Hunter Hancock.KFOX-Full Gospel.KF'VD-Morning Call.

IIMIVB-Eleanor Roosevelt.KGER-God's Half Hour.KGFJ -Spotlight Parade.KIEV-Discing With Dick.HLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.KMPC--Chef Milani.

9:15-HECA-When a Girl Marries.KNX, KCBQ-Our Gal Sunday

10-KECA,KFMB-Lone Journey.

KFI-All Around Town.*KHJ, KFXM, KGB. HVOE-

News Glenn Hardy.KNX-Big Sister.

*KFOX. KGER-News.HE'VD-Morning Call.KFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.KGFJ-Bing Sings.KIEV-Discing With Dick.KEAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KMPC-News; Howard Flynn.KXLA-Tom Cafferty.

10:15--KECA-Yesterday on Bdwy.KFXM. KGB. HVOE-

Tello-Test.KNX-Ma Perkins.HEWS-Maurice Hart.

*KGFJ-News.KRED-Dr. Richardson.

10:30-HECA, KFMB-My True StoryKFI-Break the Bank.KHJ-Answer Man.ENX-Young Dr. Malone.

*KFWB--News; Maurice Hart.*KGEL. KFWB-News.

KRKD-Marvin Ash.KWKW-Tony Sein.

10 :45-KHJ-Russ Morgan.KNX-Guiding Light.KMPC-Hollywood Editor.HXLA-Charlie Aldrich.

16:55-KECA-Edward Arnold.Story Teller.

1-KECA, KFMB-Betty KFSD-Double or


Ladles Fair.

KNX-Second Mrs. Burton.HALT, KGFJ-Major LeagueKFAC-Guy Bates Post.Kt-VD-Bible Institute.KFWB-Criswell Predicts.KGFJ-Basebah.KIEV-Discing With Dick.

*KMPC-News; Howard Flynn.KLAC-Al Jarvis.

11:15--HECA-.Easy Aces:KNX-Perry Mason.KFWB-Maurice Hart;

*KXLA-Pasadena News.11:25*K11.1, HVOE-News.

KFOX-Major League... Ball.11:30-HECA-On Strings of Song.xn, KFSD-On Strings of

'song.KHJ, KEX31, KGB: KVOE-

Queen for a Day.KNX; KCBQ-Nora Drake.KFVD-Rescue Mission.

*KFWB-News; Maurice Hart.*KGER, KRIED-News.

KWKW-La Hera de LosAngeles.

KXLA-Hometown Jamboree.11:35-KGER-Boys Ranch.'11:45-HECA-Paul Haney.

KNX-The Brighter Day.KGER-Dr. Dan Gilbert.

*KGIL-News.11:55*KFI. EFSD-K. Banghart.

News.12*HECA-Hank Weaver, News.

KFI-Farm Reporter.*KHJ, KGB, KIEV. KLAC.

KVOE-News.*KNX-News, Bill Kenneally.

HALL. KGFJ-Baseball.

Your Editor of the AirJ. FRANK BURKE

12 Notion, Mon. -Fri.4:00-4:30 Sunday

KFVD-Editor of the Air.KFWB--Bill Anson.KMPC-Peace Prayer, Music.KOWL-Joe Adams Show.K_1 .A-Hometown Jamboree.

12:05-KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.12:15-HECA-Altar Bound.

KEI, KFSD-Road of Life.*1111.1, KGB-Cedric Foster.

KNX-Wendell Noble.*REVD. KGER. KMPC-News.

KIEV-Discing With Dick.KFOX-Major League Ball.

12:30-KECA, KFITEI-ModernRomances.

HP1, KFSD-Pepper Young.KHJ-Nancy Dixon.KNX, KCBQ-Art Linkletter.KFVD--Midday Memories.

*FMWS-News; Bill Anson.KLAC-570 Club.HMTC-Religious Science Inst.KWKW-Imperial Hour.EXLA-Ole Rasmussen.

12:45-KECA-David Amity.KESD-Right to

Happiness.KHJ-ell Ringer.KMPC-Farm Adviser.

12:55*KNx-News-HECA-Frances Scully.


Jack Kirkwood Show.POSH, HCBQ--HllItop House.KFVD-Shopping Highlights.KFWB-Bill Anson.EGER-Peter Slack, Organ.KGFJ-Frnm Sunset and Vine.KIEV-Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAC-News; 570 Club.*KMPC-dere News; Music YonOrd.

KWKW-Blll Garr Show.1:15-ECECA-Ira Cook.An, irrsn--Steua Dallas.

KNX, KCBQ-Kings Bow.Er1ant-Garden Chats.

KFSD-Young WidderBrown.

KHJ, KGB-Double orNothing.

HICX-Phillip Norman .*KFWB-News; Bill Anson.

HGER-Stars on Parade.KGFJ-Anybody's Hit Parade.KIEV-Date With Albs Slats.KXLA-Frank Simon.

1:45-RFI, KFSD-Wnman in MyHouse.

2-117,CA, KFM13-MaryMargaret McBride.

KFI, KESD-Just Plain Bill.*KEW, KNX, HEX.M. KGB.

Page 19: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 . 1600

TTITIII ITIT 111 I I II IT 111111 III// "r/





EFAC-Concert Matinee.EEVD--Harlematinee.

B --Bill Anson.KGER-Long Beach Band.Nov -Meet the Band.KIEV -Date With Allin Slate.

*K-KPC-News; Johnny Grant.ERKD--Government Speaks.EWKW-Bill Garr.I/CLA-Frank Simon.

2:66-KNIN-Paut Masterson Show.2:10-KLAC--570 Club.2:1.5-KFI, KFSD-Front Page

Farrell.EBJ-Luncheon with Lopez.EFOX-Texas Tiny.KGFJ-Variety on Piano.KERB -Home Safety.KRLA-Al

2:25-ENX-Mr. Information.2:30-KECA-Variety Fare.

En, SISK-Lorenzo Jones.KHJ-Women Are Wundertul.KNX-Jack Owens Show.

*RYA/Ft-News; Bill Anson.KGER-Garden School.

*RGFJ-News.*BREED --News; Tops in Pops.

KWKW-Open House.2:40-KGER-Long Beach Band.2:45-KFI, .IEFSD-Bob and Ray.

KNX-George hither.KGFJ-Saludos Amigos.SXLA-Curly Wiggins.

.-KECA-Family Circle.aKFI, KFSD- Welcome

Travelers.KID -Club 930.

KNX, SCBQ-Arthur Godfrey.KFAC-World of Opera.KFVD--Harlematinee.EFWB--Peter Potter.

* EGER-News; Rancho 1390.KGFJ-Western Roundup.KIEV -Russ Morgan.

*KLAC, KY:LA-News.HOWL -Joe Adams Show.KWKW-Open House.

3:65-KLAC-Sports: 570 Club.ESPC)-Johnny Grant.

3:15*SGIL--News.KXLA-Music Mountain.

3:36-KECA, ECFMB-Jay Stewart'sFan Mail.

1/1141) -Aunt Mary.KFAC--Lyrics in Chorus.KFVD-Just Listen.

*KGFJ-News.LEV-Discing With Dick.

WARTED -News; Tops in Pops.KRIM-Traffic QuIz.

3:35-EECA-Family Circle.3:46-ER3-Talk Back.3:45*11FI, KFAC, KWKW-News.

F.14J-Lynn Looks at H'wood.EFOX. KFVD--Pentions.KGFJ-Piano Moments.

4-PLECA-Perfect Husband.FIFSD-Dr. Paul.

*RAJ, KF f, KGB-Robt.}Inveigh.

KNX KCBQ-Curt Massey.EFAC--Musical Masterpieces.

* EFOX, KLAC, KMPC-News.KFWB-Peter Potter.EGFJ-Teen Timers Matinee.KIEV-Discing With Dick.EWKW-Rodeo Bill.KXLA-Music Mountain.

4:65-KLAC--Sports: JukeboxJamboree.

KMPC--Bing Crosby.4:15--KFI-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KFX31, KGB. KVOE-Prank Hemingway.

KNX KCBQ-Strike It Rich.KMPC--Dinah Shore.

4:25*KFWB--News.4:36-KECA-Songs of Another

Season.ifIKEI-Burritt Wheeler.*MU. KGB -Behind the

KFVD-Vocal Varieties.NI -WS -Platter Pals.KGFJ-Dixieland.KMPC-Ira Cook.KWRIV-Kill Sampson Show.

4:45*ETIJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOK-Sam Hayes.

ILNX-Johnny Dugan.ICLAC-Racing Roundup.ILI:LA-Melody Valley.



Comedy -Variety3:00 -Arthur Godfrey. KNX.

Outs. Partimnation8:00--MeNe111 Bidet. Club, KECA8:30 -Grand Slam, KNX.11:00 -Double or Nothing, KFI.11:30 -Queen for a Day, KHJ.12:30 -Art Linkletter, KNX.3:00 -Welcome Travelers. KFI.

Comment -Narration9:34 -Eleanor Roosevelt. KFWB2:06 --Mary M. McBride, KECA4:30-Burritt Wheeler, KFI.9:06 --Eleanor Roosevelt. Nrwu

Drama7:00 -Command Theater, KNX.8:00 -Defense Attorney, KECA.8:39 -Dimension X, EEL9:00 -MOM Theater. KFI.9:30 -Newsstand Theater. KECA.

4:55*KISPC--News.5*RFAA, K.FVD, IIVPIrsic -News.

.0 -1 -EFT -Feature Wire.KEW. KGB-Mert's Record

Adventures.*F.L.NX, KCBQ-News,

Hollenheck.KFOX-Sunshine Mission.KFWB-Red Rowe.KGFJ-Jive at Five.KGIL-Children's Corner.KIEV -Easy Does It.

*KLAC-News; Sports.KMPC-Help Wanted.BREED -Wagon Wheels.KXLA-Melody Valley.

5:o5ikatea-Headline Edition.5:10-KLAC--Los Angeles Today.

EMPC-Today In Sports.5:15*KECA-Irving Howard.

*NFL KGER-News.IIKINX-Tom Harmon.

KFVD-Melody Matinee.KGFJ-Pianists of the Future.KLAC-Stars of the Week.KMPC-Lonesome Gal.KWICW-Sports Back Talk.

5:30*KECA, KF51B-Chet Huntley.KFI--Casa Cugat.RAJ. KFX51, KGB. HVOE--

Singing Marshal.*KNX., Kell:a-World Today,

Carroll Alcott.RFAC-Whoa Bill Club.

*KFOX. ROIL, KLAC-News.*KGFJ-Record Jackpot; News.

&WC -Stars of Song.KRKD-Sports Dial.KXLA-Seueakin' Deacon.

5:45*RECA, KFMB-Bob Garred.*KFI. KFSD-Elmer Petersen.*KNX. KCBQ-News. Goss. K X -Your Pi she° ster.KEYD--Piano Parade.

KLAC-Sam Baiter. Sports.KMPC-Top Tunes.KR/CD-Race Results.

5:554rKNX, KCBQ-News.KHJ-Popsicle Clubhouse.

60,-EcA, KFOX, KFWB, KLAC-News.

*KHJ, KFXM. KGB. KV0E-Gabriel Heatter.

KNX-Capitol Cloakroom.KFAC-Eltehlrigs in Silver.KEVD-Melody Matinee.KGFJ-Request Performance.KIEV -Easy Does It.

*KMPC-Norman Nesbitt. NewsKOW1L-Jae Adams Show.TERKD-Evetting Varieties.KXLA-Property 011Mers-

6:65*KF.CA-Maln Street to Malibu.KIEV -Sam's Show.KLAC-AI Jarvis Ballroom.

6 :15*KECA-Elmer*KHJ, KGB -Radio Newsreel.

KFWR-Sports.ifKYIPC-Bob Kelley, Sports.

6 :30 MECA-Tioston Blackie./ran, Nrsn-Mr. Keen.
































KM KGB-The Answer Man.. ENII..KCSQ-Suninter Cruise.KFOA-Hals Memory Boom.KERB -America Dances.

KMPC--Hollywood Park'RacesKXLA-Eddy Arnold Show.

11:45*HECI, KEI'IL KGB, ISVOE-News, Sam Hayes.

*KGFJ-News,KRKD-Dr. Joseph Murphy.

61554.11HJ, Krill, KGB. KVOE-Bill Hears.


API, KFSD-Rey Shields &Co.

ITH111, KFXM, KGB -TheHidden Truth. '

IKNX-Command Theater.KCBQ-Spade Cooley.KFAC-Eiening serenade.KFOX-Our Cats.

FS 1) --Melody Matinee.KFWS-America Dances.HOER -Family Bible Hour.EGFJ-MuSical Digest.KIEV -Easy Does It.

7:05-KECA, KEMB-Steel PierOrch.

; *KLAC-Clete Roberts.KMPC-Musical Memories.

7:15--KKITD-64 Time Waltzes.KXLA-Happy l'errymah.

7:20-KLAC-Crosby & Company.7:20-SECA-Claremont Orch.

KFI-Motorists Melody Time.MU. KFXM. KGB, EVOE-

Cisco Kid.KN X -Women 's Forum.KFAC-Echoes and Encores.KMPC-Penny Serenade.KRKD-Dr. Richardson.KWKW-Betz Spanish Prog.KXLA-411e Rasmussen.

7:45--KFI-Pro and Con.*KFOX-News.

KFWB-Rosary Hour.KRIED-Catholle Quarter Hour

7 :55*KECrA-News.KLAC-Weather Report.

8411ECA, KERB -Defense Attor-ney.

EFL KFSD-One Man'sFamily.

KGB. KVOE-MagazineTheater.

KNX, KCBQ-World Tonight.KFAC-Evening Concert.KGFJ-Witood House Party.

*KLAC-News: Sports.*KMPC-Nerrnan Nesbitt.

KWECW-Farm & Garden.*KXLA-News.

8:16-KLAC-Baseball.:15*KFL RFSD-A orld News.

TENX-Dance Orch.KGFJ-National Guard.POIPC-Baseball.KXLA-Happy Perryman.

:30 IKECA. KENAI-This Is YourFBI.

Friday Radio Program HighlightsPrograms in Lightface Type: P.M.Programs in Boldface.

Mystery -Detective8:30 -Boston Blackie. KECA.7:06 -The Hidden Truth. HELL8:30 --This Is Your FBI. KECA.

10:00-I Love a Mystery. KHJ.


11:00 -Major League Ball, KALI,KGFJ.

5:1.5 -Tom Hannon, KNX.5:45 -Sam Batter. KLAC.6:15 -Bob Heller. KMPC.8:36 -Joe Hernandez, KMPC.8:15 -Baseball. KLAC. KMPC.

Public Interest6:00 -Capitol Cloakroom, TENN.7:36 -Women's Forum. KNX.






4Nri-Dimension X.KFX.R, KGB. KV0E-

True or False.KNX, KCBQ-Music Frans

Catalina.KFOX-Amer. Cancer Seel*,

*KFWB-News.KGER-Music Hall.KGFJ-Today's Hits.KW'KW-Civil Alr Patrol.TEXLA-Ole Rasmussen.

8:45-KFWB--13.N. Today.KWRW-Civil Defense.

9./KECA, &FMB -A Life in TearHands.


. News, Glenn Hardy.KNX-Robt. Q's Warworke.KFAC-Evening Concert.KFSD-Night Beat.

1KFWB--Eleanor Roosevelt.KGFJ-Today's Hits.KLAC, EMPC-Baseball.KRKD-Saddle Serenade.

*KWKW-News.KXLA--Squeakin Deacon.

9:15*KHJ-Robt. Hurieigh.9:30-HECA-Newsstand Theater.

KI0E--Crime Fighters.KNX-Tony Pastor.KGER-Brown Schools.KGFJ-Platter Party.

9:45*KFAK-News.9:55*KILL KFX51, KGB. KV0E--

News.*KECA, HEMB-News.


if &KJ. KFXM. KGB -I Love IMystery.

*KNX, KCBQ-Ten O'ClockWire.

KFWB-Gene Norman.KGER-Peter Slack, Orgaa.

*KLAC-News: Make MineKMPC-Lucky Lager Time.

10:15 -KT( A --Dr. Frederick Bailee.*KFI-Michael Kinn. News.*KILL KGB -News. Frank

Edwards.KNX-Tom Harmon.KFSD-Lucky Lager Danes.

10:20*KNX-Carroll Alcott, News.10 :30-K ECA-Claremont Orch.

KFI-Passing Parade.KHJ-Lonesome Gal.KNX-Philip Norman.

10 :45*KECA-News.KFI-At Home With Lionel

Barrytriore.10 :50-:-KECA-New Yorkers.














-KECA-Cinegrill Music.*BFI, TOIL $NX-News.

KFVD-Spade Cooley Time.11:10-KHJ-Game of the Day.

HNX-Tom Hanlon's Score-board.

11:15--HECA-Beverly Hills Orch.KFI-Meet Your Congress.KNX-Merry-Go-Round.KXLA-Bailey and Cooper.

11:30-KECA-The New Yorkers.KM -For You.

11:45-KFI-Calif. Civil Defense.IENX-You and the World.

12*KECA'KF1-Musical Menu.KNX, &LAC -News.

KFVD-Spade Cooley Time.KFWB-Don Otis.

Show People's ShowGEORGE JAY

Midnight to 4 A.M.(Nightly. 'cept Sun.)

KGFJ 1230 Ke.

KGFJ-George Jay Show(to 6).

12:05-KNX-Hawthorne.12:30-KFI-Midnight Flyer.12:55*KMPC-News.


Pepe Nineteen

Page 20: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


Radio in Review-Continuedfor the annual Fisher Body Company. Scholarship Awardsprogram, -August 14. It will be a treat for Young, fatherof four daughters, for he will present eight scholarshipsto boys who have submitted the best car- models toFisher. This event ties in with his extensive campaigningfor highway safety among teert-agers.

NBC's Silver JubileeNBC's news department, as part of the net's jubilee

celebration, is planning a series of twenty-five half-hourdocumentary broadcasts, each of which will deal withthe major news events of one year. In addition to thefront-page coverage, there will be items on the plays,books and films of the year, celebrities' doings, human -interest yarns and other material catching the nostalgicflavor of the period.

Narcotics Rebroadcast"The Truth About Narcotics." a dramatic analysis of

the- nation's dope problem featuring Malcolm Johnson,Pulitzer Prize-winning crime reporter of InternationalNews Service, will be rebroadcast_ by NBC on three suc-cessive Saturday evenings, August 11, 18 and 25 at 4:30p.m. This came as a result of the many letters NBC hasreceived urging another airing of the narcotics series.NBC correspondents around the world contributed infor-mation for the survey of dope from the poppy fields tobig -city "pushers." Fritz Littlejohn of the NBC News andSpecial Events Department spent six weeks talking withpolice and narcotics control officials in nine majorAmerican cities. The three programs include testimonyof addicts,- doctors and top-ranking federal officials.Joseph Meyers produced the series under supervision ofHenry Cassidy, director of NBC's Radio News and SpecialEvents Department. The Senate Crime Investigating Com-mittee has requested a transcript of the series to aid itsstudy of America's narcotics racket.

"Double or Nothing" -TravelsRadio's popular daytime quiz show. "Double or Noth-

ing," has accepted the invitation of USO Camp Shows Inc.and will make a three-week flying trip to military in-stallations in the European Theater of Operations beginning August 10 to tape broadcasts for U. S. release.Headed by quizmaster Walter O'Keefe, a ten -man troupewill tape "Double or Nothing" airshows daily while tour-ing the ETO, half-hour programs being flown backto New York City for release coast -to -coast on NBC. Mem-bers of the armed forces and civilians employed by theU. S. Army overseas will also be given an opportunity tocompete for the cash prizes by their appearances on thequiz sessions. "Double or Nothing" expects to tape broad-casts and entertain in England, France. Austria and Ger-many during the three-week jaunt through Europe.

Your Cue ( Shows YouMay like /

"The Sheriff"Saturday, 5:30 p.m.ABC-RECA, %FMB

Adventure via the mike, tailored especially for teen-agelisteners and yet not offensive to adult set-siders who goin for action radio drama, is wrapped up in ABC's "TheSheriff," which takes care of the later half of this net'sSaturday night story hour which begins with "The LoneRanger." "The Sheriff" is built around the idea thatthe old-time Western law enforcer who has gone moderntoday has some interesting escapades to relate.

Each story line sticks rather closely to the scientific ap-,.proach used in solving the crime. One broadcast entitled"Throw Another Corpse on the Fire" concerned the opera-tions of a criminally inclined firebug. Danny, the guiltyman, was involved in a love affair with his best friend'swife, and tried to pin the crime on him. The script fol-lowed in an elementary way the steps taken by "SheriffChase" to trace the murderer who had set fire to a couplePage Twenty

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11*Indicates New. BroadcastVindicates Highlight

8-HECA, KFMB-No SchoolToday. -

KFL HFSD-Hollywood LoveStory.



KFVD-Wakeup Ranch.KGFJ-Vi orld Bible Society.KOWL-Spanish Hour.KWKW-Ritmos Latino-

Americanos.5:051KNX. HCBQ-Let's Pretend.

KIEV-'Larm Klock Klub.KLAC-Stock Report.

:15*-KH.I. KGB-News.KFWB--Bill Leyden.KGFJ-Time Was.KLAC--Haynes at the Reins.KMPC-Market Report, SportsKWKW-Friends of Israel.PISLA-Carly Wiggins.

:30-KFI. FE:USD-My Secret Story.KHJ, HMS. KGB, EVOE-

Flying Feet.KNX, KCBQ-Make Believe

Town.*KFAC, KGIL--News.

KFOX-Bible Class.KFVD-Morning Matinee:KGER-Voice of China.KGFJ-Dr. Murphy.KMPC-Glaz Facts.HOWL --Precious Memories.KWKW-Church of Nazarene.KXLA-Sacred Records,

S:45-HECA-Mirandy's Almanac.- KFAC-Unity.*HEWS-News.

KGER--Go Ye Fellowship.KGFJ-Yesterday's Hits.KLAC-Racing News.EMPC-Service Show.KWKW-Sacred Heart.

9KECA-NoSchool Today.

KFI-This Is Higgins. Sir.KHJ, KFX111. KGB-Dr. Hiss.

VKNX. KCBQ-Theater ofToday.

KFAC-Rose Room..11F0S-Pentecostal Church.

KFVD-Morning Matinee.KFIVB--Salvation Army.KGFJ-What's New?KIEV-'term Klock Klub.

*KLAC.,-News; Haynes at theReins.

*KM PC-News; DickWhittinghill.

HOWL-Coffee Time Classics.BRED-Sagebrush SeretSpde.EIVKW-Bill Stewart.K (LA-Sacred Records.

1:13-KECA-Ira Cook's BeachParty.

KFAC-Federation of ChurchesKFOX-Gospel Joy Bringer.

*KGFJ-News.KOWL'-German Hour.

9:30-KFI, HFSD-Marine Band.KHJ-Here's to Vets. '

INNS, KCBQ-Grand CentralStation.

KALI-Hunter Hancock.KFAC-Piano Parade.KFOX-Full Gospel.KFVI)-Jamboree Jubilee.KGER-God's Halt Hour.KGFJ-Billy Eckstine.KIEV-Discing With Dick.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KSLA-News: Music.1:45-KHJ-Calif. Civil Defense.

KFOX-Highland View Bible.KGFJ-Spotlight Parade.

*KRHD-News; Music.9:55*KNX, HCBQ-Cedrio Adams.




Newspaper of the Air.HollyifiliNwo od.

RCM-Stars OverKALI-Hunter Hancock.

*AEON-News.KETD--Jamboree Jubilee.KGER-Prayer Revival CenterKGFJ-Bing Sings.KGIL-Bob Moore Show.KIEV-Diseing With Dick.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KMPC-News; Dick Whiffing -hill.

HOWL-Amer.-Croatian Hr.KRHD-Swing Time.KWKW-Bill Stewart.EN:LA-Music.le:05-EFOX-Assembly of Grid.

111:15-KHJ-Land of the Free.KFWB--Madrice Hart.

*KGFJ-News.KRHD-Dr. Richardson.

10 :30-KFI-Rio Rhythms.KM. KGB-Helen Hall.5145, HCBQ--Allas Jane Doe.

KFAC-Song Recital.KFMB-Vincent 1 rioez.KFSD-Radio City USA.

*KFWB--News; Maurice Hart.KGER-Hymns for the Day.

GFJ-Dance Band -Review.KRHD-Potpourri. -KWKW-Tony Sein.

10:45-KHJ. KGB-Guest Star.KGER-Rev. Kopp.

*KFAC-News.10 ;55-KNX-Mystery Singer:

KFOX-Major League Ball.11'ECA-Ira Cook's Beach

Party.KFI, KFSD-Mary Lee Taylor.WU, KGB-Dunn on Discs.KNX-Music With the Girls.HALL KFOX-Major League

Ball.KFAC-Guy Bates Post.KIND-Jamboree Jubilee.KFIVB-Maurice Hart.KGER-Ret 1 eIRoy 'Kopp.


BASEBALLMonday thru Saturday

KGFJ 1230 Kc.KGFJ-Major League Ball.KIEV-Discing With Dick.KLAC-Al Janis Ballroom.KMPC-For You.KOWL-Spanish Hour.FRKD-Songs of Yesteryear.KWHW-Tony Sein.PICLA-Western Music.

11:15-KFAC-Folk Songs.KG1ER-Semi Classics.

11:30 %flirt. ICFSD-National Farmand Home Floor.

KNX-Meet the ?tissue.KCBQ-Cold Hard Cash.FEFVD--Shopping Highlights.

*KFWB-News; Maurice Hart.*KGER-News; Missionary

Echoes.KOWL-Serbian Program.

*KRIM-News; Sweet Pops.KWIEW-La Hora de Los

Angeles.11:45-KGER-Dr. Dan Gilbert.

*KGIL--News.12'ECA-Pan American Show.

KFI-Farm Reporter.*KHJ, KGB-News.

ENS, IIICBQ-Fun to BeYoung.

K %LI, KFOX. KGFJ-Raseball.

KFAC-Luncheon Concert

Review the latest releaseson

"NOW HEAR THIS"With Dare Shaw

12:00 to 2:00 P.M.SATURDAY

KFVD-Now Hear This.KFWB-Bill Anson.

*KIEV. KLAC-News.KMPC-Music for Today.KOWL-Joe Adams Show.ERHD-Western Wayside.KWKW-La Flora de Los

Angeles.KN.LA--Jimmie Dolan.

12:05-KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.12:15-EFL-Quick, What's the

Answer?KEW-Popular Music.KIEV-Discing With Dick.

12:30-11ECA, KFMB-RoselandBallroom Orch.

KILL KGB. KIX:11. KVOE-Man on the Farm.

ENS-The Chicagoans.*KFWB-News.

KGER-Luncheon Serenade.KGIL-Saturday Serenade.KLAC-570 Club.KWKW-Imperial Hour.

12:45-KFWB-Bill Anson.


Afternoon With Bill.KFI-Quick, What's the


Sports Parade.ENS-Dare Stevens Show.KEI-D-Now Hear This.Kr ii S-Bill Anson.KGER-Luncheon Serenade.

Page 21: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

TV -RADIO LIFEKGFJ-From Sunset and Vine.KIEV-Strictly Instrumental.

*MAC-News, Sports.SMPC-Parade of Hits.HOWL-Joe Adams Show.KWKW-Bill Garr Show.KXLA-Community

Broadcaster.1:30-KLAC--570 Club.1:15--KFI-Are You From Dixie?

KFAC-Composers Corner.1:30-KHJ, KGB HVOE-Band-

stand U.S.A.KNX-Mr. Information.

*KFW13--News.HOER-Red Nichols.KGFJ-Anybody's Hit Parade.KGIL-Fashion Show.KIEV-Date With AUIn Slate.

*IKILLA-News; Music.1:45*KNX-Report From Overseas.

KFWB-1.011 Anson.*HGER-News.

KLAC-Baseball.42*HECA-ABC Late News.

KFI-Are You From Dixie?SHJ-Armed Forces Review.HNX-Philip Norman.KFAC-Concert Matinee.HFOX-Western Hits.liFTD-Harlematinee.KF.W13-Bill Anson.KGER-Long Beach Band.KGFJ-Meet the Band.SOIL-Teen Time.KIEV-Date With AWn Slate.

*KLAC-News; 570 Club.SMPC-Personality Show.KOWL-Joe Adams Show.KRHD--Signposts to Health.KWKW-Bill Garr.KXLA-Frank Simon.

2:15-11ECA, KFNIB--SaratogaHorse Racing.

KFI-George Dvorak.KOFJ-Variety on Piano.KRKO-Government Speaks.

2:30-HECA-Saturday AfternoonWith Bill.

KHJ-Georgia Crackers.*KFWB. KGFJ-News.

KMPC-Salute to Reservists.*KRIM-News; Tops in Pops.

KWKW-Keyboard Capers.2:35-KFVVB-Bill Anson.2:40-HOER-Long Beach Band.2:45-HECA-Fascinating Rhythm.

KGFJ-Saludos Amigos.KGIL-Betty Stahr.

2:55*KFAC-News.3-1KECA-Saturday Afternoon

With Bill.KFI-Geo. Dvorak's

Bandstand.KHJ-Bands for Bonds.KNX-Cross-Section U.S.A.HFAC-World of Opera.KFOX-Hitching Post.KFVD-Harlematinee.KFWB-Peter Potter.

*EGER-Rancho 1390. News.KGFJ-Western Roundup.KIEV-Russ Morgan.

*KLAC-News; 570 Club.*KMPC-News; Parade of Hits

HOWL-Joe Adams Show.KRKD-Tops in Pops.KWKW-Open House.


EXLA-Music Mountain.3:30-KECA--Harry Wispier.

KHJ-U.S. Marine Band.ENX-This Is Los Angeles.HCBQ-Sports Roundup.EFAC--Musique a la Carte.EFTD-Cavalcade of Music.

*KFWB-News.KGFJ-Ray Anthony Time.KGIL-Dance Matinee.KIEV-Discing With Dick.

*KRIM-News; Tops in Pops.3:45-HECA-Vacationland, U.S.A.

*KCBQ-Larry Lesueur.*KFAC, KWKW-News.

KFWB-Peter Potter.KGFJ-Plano Moments.

4-HECA-Junior Junction.KFI--Geo. Dvorak's

Bandstand.HHJ KFXM. KGB. STOE--

John T. Flynn.KNX-Farm News.KFAC-Musical Masterpieces.KIND-Lifelines.KFWB-Peter Potter.ICGER-Fun to Live in

America.EGEJ-South Seas Rhythm.KGIL-Western Trails.KIEV-Discing With Dick.

*KLAC-News: Sports.KMPC-Here's to Vets.HOWL-Stars on Broadway.KRED--Spotlight on a Star.HWIEW-Rodeo Bill.KXLA-Curly Wiggins.

4:10-KLAC-Jukebox Jamboree.4:15*KHJ. KFXM. KGB. EVOE-

News. Hemingway.

HNX-Paul Masterson Show.*R(: F.1-News.

KMPC-American LegionReports.

4:30-KECA-Music of Today.RFC, KFSD-Living, 1951.KHJ, KGB-Al Heiler, Sports.HALT-Fantasias Musicales.ISFNM-Ave Maria.KFWB-Blind Artists' Guild.KNIPC-Hour of $t. Francis.HOWL-Italian Program.KWKW-13111 Sampson.KXLA-Melody Valley.

4:45-KFI-Hollywood Bowl.*KHJ, KGB-Twin Views of

News.KFWB-Red Rowe.KGER-Brown Family

Album.KLAC-Racing Roundup.KMPC-Future of Democracy.

*KRIM-News.E-KECA-Robert R. Nathan.

EFT-Marine Corps Show.KHJ, KGB, HVOE-Air Force

Hour.HCBQ-Gaston Fisher.

KALI-Voice of So. America.KFAC-Sunset Serenade.KFM13-Navy Hour.KFOX--Sunshine Mission.EFSD-Proudly We Hail.

*IEFVD-,News.KFWB-Red Rowe.EGER-Peter Slack, Organ.KOFJ-Jive at Five.SGIL-Melody Time.KIEV-Easy Does It.

*KLAC-News, Sports.*KMPC- News; Music for

Today.KOWL-Chico's Swingtime.KRED-Wagon Wheels.KWKW-Enchanted Lady.K2/LA-Melody Valley.

5:10-KLAC-Los Angeles Today.5:15-KECA-It's Your Business.

KNX-Tom Harmon.KFVD-Music for Humming.KLAC-Stars of the Week.KWKW-Sports Back Talk.

5:30-KECA, IIEF'MB-Ira Blue.Sports.

BFI-Record Album Revue.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KTOE-

Alert's Record Adventures.*KNX, Kl.113Q-World Today,

Carroll Aleott.KFAC--Showtime.

*KFOX. KGIL, KLAC-News.EGER-Gospel Friends.KGFJ-Record Jackpot.HISIPC-Dr. Warner Muir.KRIM-Sports Dial.KWEW-Romano Smeraldo.KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.

5:35-EGIIL-Tops in Pops.5:45*FIECA-News.

*MT, KFSD-Elmer Peterson.*KNX, MASI-News, Frank

Goss.KFMB-Ira Blue.KFOX-Research Adventures.KFVD-Aloha Time.KGFJ-Film News.KLAC-Sam Baiter, Sports.EMPC-Serenade in Blue.HUED-Race Results.

6-HECA-World Opinion .VKFI-Maisie.

KHJ. HOB. STOE-IlawaliCalls.

ICNX-Spade Cooley.KFAC-Showtime.

*EFOX. KXLA-News.KFSD-Inspector Thorne.

*KFWB-News and Meek.HOER-Back to the Bible.KGFJ-Request Performance.KGIL-Dinner Concert.KIEV-Easy Does It.

*KLAC-News; Al Jarvis.


HOWL-Joe Adams Show.KRIM-Evening Varieties.

*11WKW-Maurice Johnson.6:10-KMPO-California News.6:15--KMPC-Bob Kelley.6:30-HECA-Bert Andrews.

KFI, KFSD-Boh and Ray.KEW, KGB-Caribbean

Crossroads.MALI-Candlelight and Silver.KFAC-Dinner Concert.KFMB-Newsstand Theater.KFOX-Hal's Memory Room.KMPC-Hollywood. Park RacesKFWB-Sports Roundup.KGER-Lukin Talley Church.KGFJ-Monte Randall

Presents.KWKW-Hayos Hour.EXLA-Al Williams.

6:45-11ECA-Report to the People.*KGFJ-News.

HOLE-Down. Memory Lane.7-HECA-Saturday at the

Shamrock.KFI, KFSD-Bob and Ray.KHJ-Ktwanis Choir.

s/KNX, KCBQ-Songs for Sale.KFAC-First Congregational

Church.KFB-Strictl From Dixi.KGEWR-Baltimoyre Gospel.


EGFJ-Musical Digest.*KGIL, KRHD, KXLA-News.

KIEV-Easy Does It.*KLAC--News.

KMPC-Your CongressmanSpeaks.

7:05*KLAC-Clete Roberts.7:15-KMPC-Know Your FBI.

KRIM--3/4 Time Waltzes.KXLA-Accent on Youth.

7:20-KLAC-Crosby & Company.7 :30---KECA, KFMS--Space Patrol.

KFL KFSD-Grand Ole Opry.KHJ-Salute to Reservists.KFAC--First Baptist Church.KFOX-Proudly We Hail.KGIL-Footlight Favorites.KMPC-Our America.HEED-Dr. Richardson.KWKW-Betz Spanish

Program.KXLA-Accent on Youth.

7:45-KFSG-Dr. Kelso R. Glover.KFWIS-Rosary Hour.EGIL--Novelatres.SWKW-National Guard.KXLA-Helen Louise.

7:55-KLAC-Weather Report.-HECA, HMS-Lone Ranger.8 EFL KFSD-Musical Merry -

Go -Round.KHJ, KFXM-Dude Ranch

Roundup.IHNX ECBQ-Vaughn Monroe

KFAC--Evening Concert.KFOX-Modern Concert.KFSG-Dr. Glover.KM'S-Community Hour.KGER-Bible Treasury.KGFJ-If They Had Lived.KGIL-Platter Party.

*KLAC-News; Sports.KMPC-Dugout Dope.KWKW-Mexican Festival.KXLA-Church In the Barn.

8:10-ELAC-Baseball.8:15-KFOX-Dept. of Employment.

KGB-Errands of Mercy.HOER-Hebrew Christian.KGFJ-Business Renorter.KMPC-15aseball: Hollywood

at L.A.8:30./SECA, KFMB-The Sheriff.

"(EFL EFSD-MagnificentMontague.

KILL EFXM. KGB, HVOE-Lombardo Land. U.S.A.

r'ENX-Gene Autry.KFOX-Hitchinc Post.HOER-Musk Hall.KGFJ-Today's Hits.


Saturday Radio Program HighlightsA.M. Programs in Lightface Type: P.M. Programs in Boldface.

Mysterg-Detective9'.00-Th1s Is Higgins, Sir. 14719:00-Gangbusters. KNX.9:30-Crime Does Not Pay. [al.

Drama9:00-Theater of Today. KNX.9:30 --Grand Central Sta.. KNX.,0:00-Stars Over H'Iyw'd.. KNX8:00-Man Called X, Kn.

Domecig-Varietg6:00-Maisie. liFl.8:30-Monty Woolley, STIL

Popular -Western Music8:00-Vaughn Monroe. KNX.8:30-Gene Autry. MIX.

JuvenileS:03-Let's Pretend. KNX.

12:00-Fun to Be Young, ENX.7:30-Space Patrol, KECA.

Quiz. Participation7:00-Songs for Sale, KNX,

Public Interest11:30-Nat'l. Farm Hour, KF17:1', -Know Your FBI. KMPC.

KWKW-Square Dance Party.8:45-KGFJ-Today's Hits

KGIL-Melodies Soft & Sweet.KXLA-Ole Rasmussen. '

8 :55*HECA-News. _

n-HECA-Marines in Review.a IKFI IFSD-Man Called X.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KV016-aNews.

01:NX, KCBQ-Gang Boaters.'KFACL-Evening Concert.KFOX-Swingtime at Elks.KING-Dr. Glover.HI-1113-On the Beat.KGER-Music Hall.GFJ-Today's Hits.

KGIL--Musical Scrapbook.,KLAC. KMPC-Baseball.gwirgy--Garden Gate.

:15-EHJ, KGB-Jerry Shard Rats.9:30-KECA-Buzz Adlam a

Playroom.1/SW1-Crime Does Not rat..

CerlaKNX-Dance Orch.KFMB-Harry Wismar. .

HERD-Jack McLean OrciaKFSG-Burbank Church.HOER-Brown SchoolsKGFJ-Platter Party.KGICIL-Musical Memories.

9:45-,-KFMB-Bing Crosby.9 :35*IIIIJ-News.ft-HECA-Navy Hour.

111.VirECIPI. EFSD-Night Reporter.KHJ, KFXM, KGB-

Monica Whalen.*KNX, KCBQ-10 O'clock tti ire.

KFAC-Musical Crossroads.HPWB--Gene Norman.

*KLAC-News: Make MineMusic.

KMPC-Lucky Lager Danes:KXLA-Cliffie Stone.

10:15-KFI-Raymond V. Darks'KHJ-Bobby Meyers Orels.KNX-Tom Harmon.KFSD-Lucky Lager Time.KGER-Lest We Forget.

10:20*KNX--Carroll Alcott.10:30-HECA-Claremont Orch..

EFT-The Old Barn Frolics.KHJ, KFXM-A. Van. Oreh.KNX-Philip Norman.

10:55*KLAC-News.11-HECA-Utnegrill Decd.EFT-The Old Barn Frellee.*KHJ, HNX-News.

KFSD-Lucky Lager Time.KFVD-Spade Cooley Time.KLAC-Music to Remember.EMPC-Lucky Dance Time.

11:10-KHJ-Game of the Day.KNX-Sports.

11:15-KNX-Mel Baldwin.KXLA--Carl Bailey st Meg

Cooper.11:30-KECA-Beserly Hills Oreb.

12*KECA-News.KFI-Musical Menu.

*KNX, KLAC-News.KFVD-Spade Cooley Time.KFWB-Don Otis. 'KGFJ-George Jay Show

(to 6).ERHD-Moonlight Serenade

(to 5:30).12:05-KNX-Hawthorne.12:30-KFI-Midnight Flyer.12 :55*KMPC-News.

Recorded HighlightsSATURDAY

POPULAR8:15 a.m...-KLAC-Haynes at Reins.9:00 a.m.-HECA-Ira Cook9:30 a.m.-KLAC-Al Jarvis.

12:00 noon-EMB--Bill Anson.12:00 noon-HOWL-Joe Adams.7:00 p.m.-KGFJ-Musical Digest.

10:00 p.m.-HMS-Gene Norman.11:15 p.m.-SXLA-Bailey & Cooper.12:00 a.m.-HEWS-Don Otto12:00 a.m.-HGFJ-George Jay.


8:00 p.m.-KFA,C-Evening Concert.10:00 p.m.-EPAr-Musical


Who SaidRadio is Dead?

Put life in yourlookin' and listenin'


lOc at your cheekstand

Page rwenty-c?ne

Page 22: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


Radio in Review-Continuedof business houses. Just enough, but not too much, wasmade of the love intrigue, and this part of the story wasin good taste so as not to mislead young listeners andstill 'retain enough realism to be credible. Youngsterswould probably find no trouble following the plot, as itis kept simple and is set in a small-town sheriff's terri-tory.

Adults would be able to discover with little effort allthe weak points in the solution of the crime and no doubtturn thumbs down on the radio story. Youngsters, how-ever, would be able to keep one step ahead of the sheriffat time, but that would only create interest in the actiondrama for them, because they like to solve puzzles of anykind. "The Sheriff" is not up to the finer dramatic pro-ductions aired for adult audiences, but then that is notto be expected under its banner of appealing to youngerfans. They will like it as far as regular adventure storiesgo, because it's interesting and has plenty of fast, under-standable action . . . and what's more parents won'tfrown on it, either.

"Musical Merry -Go -Round"Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

Eloise McElhone, a femcee frequently heard over anumber of radio shows, does very nicely as hostess onthis week -end platter party. There is much that can bedone to give appeal to musical radio as offered by thedisc jockey. Eloise McElhone seemed to use care in select-ing her records, which at times were far off the hit -parade beaten path, but were refreshing to hear.

This is a platter show which aims to offer "musicAmerica loves best with everything from the classics tothe comics." A recent program included, a Hugo Winter -halter arrangement of "Wind of the Seas," a numberwhich, although not spectacular in any fashion, caughtthe flavor of the islands. A new slow-paced Perry Comolove ballad, "Cara Cara, Bella Bella," was also put onthe turntable. In keeping with the sentimental -type"night" tunes on the musical agenda. April Stevens'srendition of "That Dreamy Melody" was also played. Arecord entitled "What Is God?" contrasted with the otherplatters played the same evening, but was a welcomelistening item. It featured Don McNeill of "BreakfastClub" renown reciting and Fran Allison, of "Aunt Fanny"fame, doing the lyrics.

Many platters put on by Eloise McElhone need a littleexplaining or background coverage and that is ably takencare of by the lady disc jockey in this case. She addschatter about the composers, type of tunes played andthe music men responsible for the arrangements withoutin any way detracting from the listening pleasure of thesongs themselves.

Maybe you won't hear your favorite melody every Sat-urday night on the "Musical Merry -Go -Round" (not, bythe way, to be confused with "Manhattan Merry -Go -Round") but you will hear some of the better new tunesin arrangements which might well make them your topchoice for repeat spinnings.

Subs for GodfreyMonday. 8:30 p.m.CBS-KNX

Arthur Godfrey, one of the first men to be caught bycolor TV and the radio man' with one of the largest fol-lowings in mike history, left his "Talent Scouts" in chargeof Hoosier humorist Herb Shriner when he went off vaca-tioning. Herb Shriner, judging from his last week's air -show, stepped into Godfrey's shoes without any fuss orbother and with a fist full of folksy laugh lines.

It was the same slow -timed jokes and casual approachto the serious which have made the feller from Indianaan appealing comic on radio, TV and the Broadway stage,that emanated from the mike last week. He had no troublegetting the laughs with his talk about Congress, taxes,and mostly about the folks "back there in Indiana." Hot

0 weather prompted his priceless remarks about swimmingconditions in the Hoosier state, where, he said, "We hadto boil water before we could swim in it ... and the onlyswimming hole was the mirage at the end of town thatPage Iwpnty-two

SUNDAY, AUGUST 12*Indicates Newscast"(Indicates Highlight

0-KECA-Morning Chapel Hour.611 KFI-Funny Paper Man.

KHJ, EFX.81, KGB, KVOE-Hour of Triumph.

KNX-Salt Lake Tabernacle.KFAC-Breakfast Symphony.KFMI3-Old Fashioned

Revival.RYON-Challenge of the

Church.KFVD-Church of God.KFWB-Examiner Funnies.KGER-Rev. Markham.KGFJ-H'wood Country

Church.*KLAC-News, Music.*KMPC, KWKW, 11EXLA-News


IIPPC-Sunday MorningSerenade.

KRKI)-Record Shop.8:15-KCBQ-Price of Peace.

KYVD. KLAC-Charch ofChrist.

KMPC-Start to Lire.KWKW-Christadelphia

Church.8:30-KECA-Flying Feet.

KFI, KFSD-U.N. Is My Beat.1111J, KFXM, KGB-Back to

God.KNN-invitation to Learning.KCII-S. W. Baptist Church.KFAC-Organ Recital.KFOX-Radio Bible Study.KFWB--I nion Ripens Mission.EGER-Bible Treasury.KGFJ-Dr. Murphy.KWh-Alexander St. Church.KLAC-Christ Church Unity.MiPc-Challenge to Youth.KWKW-Romano Smeraldo.

S:35-KFI-Hometown Happenings.KFSD-Land of the Free.KGER-Back of Beyond.IEGFJ-Goodwill Visitor.

9-KECA-Old Fashioned SundaySchool.


Radio Bible Class.KNX-People's Platform.

angelical Church.KF AC-Liberal Catholic

Church.KFWB-Union Rescue Mission.KGER-Rev. C. C. Helvey.KGFJ-Goodwill Visitor.

*KLAC-News.KMPC-Bolero Time.HOWL-Concordia Lutheran.KPVC-Worship in Miniature.KR/ED-Sunday Serenade.KWKW -Italian Hour.

NI, A-Western Music.9:09-KLAC-Catholic Hour.9:1S-KM-Christian Science.

KFAC-Crest Choristers.*KFVD-News; Music.*KGF.J-News.

KOWL-Armenian Hour.KPII:-Worship Interlude.

9:30-SECA-Sunday With Bill.KFI-Eternal Light.KHJ, KFX.M, KGB, KVOE-

Voive of Prophecy.*KNX-Howard K. Smith.

KFAC-Sunday Concert.KFMB-Unitarian Church.KFSD-Devotional Hour.KGER-Goll's Half Hour.KGFJ-Spotlight Parade.

*KGIL-News.KPPC-Dr. Roberts.

9:45*KNX-C. Collingwood, News.KFMB-Sylvia Lee.KFVD-Piano Parade.

10-KECA-SundayWith Bill.

KM-Herbert J. Mann.*KM. KFXM. KGB. KV0E-

News, Glenn Hardy.KNX-Invitation to Music.IICBQ-Nation's flits.KFAC-Sunday Concert.

*KFOX-L.A. Sentinel.KFSD-Yesterday, Today.KFVD-Sunday Roundup.KFWB-Peter Potter.KGER-Radio Revival.KGFJ-Hits of the Week.KGIL-Bob Moore Show.

*KLAC-News; Parade ofMusic.

KMPC-Music Flour.HOWL-Price Chapel.KPPC-Sacred Music.KRIED-Sunday Serenade.KWKW-Italian Novelties.KNLA-Continental Serenade.

10:15-KFI-Crime Is Your Problem.KHJ-Real Estate Counselor.KALI-Salute to Reservists.KFOX-Angelus Hour.

10 :25-EPPC-Church News.10:30-KM, FLESD-Chicago Round

Table.KHJ. KGB, KVOE-Lutheran


IITAC-lst Methodist Church.KFSG-Morning Worship.KGER-Hymn Time.KOWL-American-J0wish

Program.KWKW-Itallan Melmties.

10:40-1CPPC-Tower Chimes.10:45-KALI-Eagie hock Baptist.


RGER-Dr. Dan Gilbert.10:50-KPPC-Church Service.

11-KECA-SundayWith Bill.

KFT-Catholic Hour.KHJ, KGB-Frank and ErnestKNX-Invitation to Music.KALI-Baptist Church.KCBQ-Remember When.KFAC-First Methodist

Church.KFMB-Sammy Kaie.KIND-Ratner Recommends.EFSG--Morning Worship.KFVD-Hollywood First

Baptist Church.KFWB-Peter Potter.KGER-Open Door Church.KGFJ-Sunday Showcase.KGIL-Christian Church.

*KLAC-News: Music.KMPC-Sunday Record SessionKOWL-American-Jewish

Program.RPM-Church Service.KWKW-Italian Melodies,KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.

11:15-KECA-Alvin Wilder.*KM-William Hillman.

11:30-KECA-National Vespers.KFI, KFSD-Rob Considine.KHJ, KGB-Science Reporter.KNN, ECBQ-String Serenade.KFMB-Plano Playhouse.KFOX-Christian Church.KGFJ-Time Was.KWISM-All Saints Church.

11:45-KF1 KFSD-The World ofRooks.

KM. KGB-Hazel Markel.

12-KECA-TheChristian in

Action.KFI-Yesterday, Today and

Tomorrow.*KHJ, KNX. RCM'. KFXM,

KGB. FIVOE-News.KALI-Evangelistic Temple.KFAC-Your Soloist.KESD-Amerira United.KFSG-Gospel Melody Time.

$100.00 Prize

LISTENER'S DIGESTwith Clyde Cadwell

and Dave Shaw12:00 noon Sunday

KIND-Listener's Digest.KFWB-Peter Potter.EGER-Open Door Church.EGFJ-Anybody's Hit Parade.

*KLAC-News; Parade ofMusic.

KMPC-Sunday Record SessionKOWL-Radio Theater.KPPC-Church Service.KWKW-Italian Novelties.KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.

12:15*KHJ, KFXM, KGB-BillCunningham.

*KNX-Larry Lesuear.KCBQ-Say It With Music.

*KFAC-News.KFVD-Music for Listening.KPPC-Classical Gems.

12:30-KECA-Message of Israel.KFI, KESD-David Lawrence.KHJ-California Caravan.KNX-University Explorer.ECR19--First Presbyterian.KFAC-Met Encores.19FM:1-Proudly We Hail.KGER-Quizpiration.KOWL-Hungarian Hour.KRKD-Sunday on Ranch.KWKW-Portuguese Hour.

12:45*KFI-John Cameron Swayze.KNX-California Holiday.KFVD-Piano Parade.

*KGIL-News.KPPC-Church Mailbag.-HECA-Dr. Charles E. Fuller.)KFI-The Saint.

KHJ, KGB-Wild Bill Hickok.//KNX. HCBQ--Desi Arnaz.

KCBQ-Command.EFAC-Imports on Wax.KFMB-Sunday Serenade.KFON-Evangelan Hoar.KEA D-Squeakin' Deacon.KFWB-Wizard of the Ivories.KGES-Healing Waters.

Page 23: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

KGE1-Music for America.*KLAC-News; Parade of

Music.*KMPC-News: Hits and Airs.

ROWS-Scandinavian Hour.K PPC-Afternoon Concert.KRKD-Sunday on Ranch.KWKW-Grace Memorial

Church.KXLA-Strollin' Tom.

1:15-KFACCatholie Topics.KOLL-Pentecostal Tabernacle.

*KLAC-News: Sports.KMPC-Dugout Dope.

1:23*KH,L. KGB-News.KLAC-Baseball.

1:30 -8F1 -10r. Kildare.KHJ, KFXM, KVOE-Hash-

knife Hartley.KNX, RCM-Soap Box

Derby.KFA('-Catholic Topics.KFOX-Christian School Hr.KFMW-Rogues Gallery.KFSD-Greenwood Concert.

*KFWB-News.KGER-Light and Life.RGFJ-Sunday Serenade.KMPC-Baseball.KWKW-Bill Sampson.KXLA-,Church in the Barn.-

1:43-KNI-Sunday at the Chase.KECA-Voice of Prophecy.42

JKF1, KFSD-The Whisperer.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

The Shadow.KNX. KCBQ-Main Street

Music Hall.KFAC-Concert Favorites.KEILB-Guest Star.KFOX-Good News.KFVD-.-Harlem Holiday.KFWB-Immortal Masters.KG ER-Long Beach Band.KGFJ-Li'wood House Party.ELAC, KMPC-Baseball.BOWL-Catholic Holy Hour.KPPC-Afternoon Concert.KRKD-Sunday on Ranch.KWKW-Mementos Musicales.KXLA-Challenge to Youth.

2:15*KFMB-News.KFOX-Healing Waters.2:30-RECA-Soul Clinic Hour.

KFI-Music From Hollywood.KHJ, KFXM, KGB. KV0E-

True Detective Mysteries.KNX HCBQ-Phil Regan

Show.KFOX-Gospel Harbor Light.KFVD-Star Parade.

*KGER-News.KGFJ-Say It With Music.KGIL-Sunday Bible Players.HOWL-Yiddish Hour.KRK1D-Youth for Christ.KXLA-Ole Rasmussen.

:40-KGER-Long Beach Band.2:55*KNX, KCBQ-News.

42-SECA, KERB-Billy Graham.a IKFI, RFSD-Martin Kane.

KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KVIIE-Challenge of the Yukon.

KNX-Tapestries of Melody.KFOX-Gospel Youth ProgramKFSG-Dr. Kelso R. Glover.

*KFVD-News: Music.KFWB-Immortal Masters.KGER-Colonial Tabernacle.


3:00 P.M.KGF.I 1230 Kc.

KGFJ-Harlem Holiday.KLAC, KMPC-Baseball.HOWL-Yiddish Hour.KPPC-Afternoon Concert.KWKW-Bill Garr.KXLA-Ole Rasmussen.

3:15-KOLL-Concert 111-Lites.3:23*KLAC-News.3:30-XECA-Phil's Harmonic

Orch.KFSD-You Can't TakeIt With You.

'KHJ, KFXM, KGB. KVOE-Nick Carter.

KNX KCBQ-Memo FromMolly.

KALI-Proudly We Hail.KFOX-Pentecostal Church.KFVD-Hollywood Talent

Revue.KGER-Concert.KGFJ-Western Roundup.KGIL-Music for Dancing.KXLA-Western Music.

3:40-KLAC-Baseball.418EHECA-Dr. Ernest Holmes.

I, KFSD-Quiz Kids.KHJ, KGB-Bandstand, rSA.KNX., RCBQ-Guy Lombardo.

TV -RADIOKFAC-Musical Masterpieces.'KFOX-Sunshine Mission.

*KFVD-Editor of the Air.KFWB-Old-Fashioned RevivalHOER-Music Hall.

*KGFJ-News.KGIL-Songs of Yesterday.KI.At:, KMPC-Baseball.KOWL-Italian Hour.Erre-Afternoon Concert.

WKW-Hannony House.KXLA-Western Music.

4:15-KGEI-Dinah Shore.KRKD-When Hawaii Calls.

4:30-KECA-Layman's Hour.KFI, KFSD-New Theater.KHJ. KGB-Whispering

Strings.KNX. KVBQ-Fiesta.KFOX-Wings of Healing.KFVD-Charen or God.KGER-Word of Truth.KGFJ- Dixieland.ROIL-Stars on Parade.HOWL-Oriental Moods.KPPC--Sunday Matinee.


HOWL-New Frontier.g//KECA, REAM-Stop the Music

KFI. KIFSD-New Theater.KHJ, KGB-Reviewing Stand.

I/ENX. K('BQ-Mario Lanza.KFAC-Center of Light.KFOX-Evangelist Program,REID-Proudly We Hail.KFWB-Voice of Calvary.EGER-Bible Treasury Hour.86E1-Dance Band Revue.RG1E-Armchair Favorites.KLAC-Baseball.

*KMPC-News; Parade of Elite.BOWL-Yiddish'theater.ErPC-Sigma Alpha Iota.EVOE-Pentecostal Hour.KWKW-Fun Fest.

5:15-KWKW-Frances Dempster.5 :30 st KFI KESD-NBC Symphony.

KFXM, KGB-EnchantedHour.

*KNX, KCBQ-CBS SundayDesk.

*HALL-News.K.EAC-Guy Bates Post.KFOX-Old-Time Religion.KFVD-Mt. Zion Jubileers.KFWB-Melody of Youth.KGER-Immanuel Christian

Assembly.KGFJ-Keyboard Magic.RGIL-Tabitian Memories.HOWL-Concert Favorites.KPPC-Speaking of Books.RRKD-Rev. Louis Finley.KWKW-Don Poncho Hour.KXLA-Lincoln Ave. Church.

3:45-KFOX-Broadcast of Truth.*KGEI-News.HOWL-Sacred Heart.

KPPC-Wings of Music.6RECA, KFMR-Martha Raye./11iFI, KFSD-NBC Symphony.*KM, KFXM. KGB, KRKD,

KVOE-News.11 KNX. KCBQ-Broadway Is


-News.KFAC-Evening Concert.EGER,-Freneh Master Works.KGFJ-Request Performance.ROIL-Proudly We Rail.

*KLA('-News: Parade of MusicHOWL-American Hellenic Hr.KPPC-Sacred Song Recital.KWRW-Don Poncho Hour.

4:15-KECA, KFMB-Lonellal'a rsons.

RFLI-Report From Pentagon.

LIFE SUNDAY RADIO LOGSKFOX-Ministerial Union.KFWB-Strollin' Tom.KMPC-Open Forum.KPPC-Organ Recital.KRED-Romantic Music.KXLA-Red Cross.

6:30-RECA. KFMB-Dr. fii110.11Musicale. .

KFI-Music With the Girls.*KHJ, KGB-E. Holies. News.

KLIIQ-Contented Hour.KFOX-Kara Memory Room.KFSD-Mr. Moto.KFVD-Angelus Hour.KFWB-Calvary Assembly.KGE111-Lutheran League.ROIL-Dinner Concert.KWKW-World Orchestras.RXLA-Lutheran Gospel Hour.

6:4.5*KHJ-Maj. Geo. F, Eliot.KVOE-Errand of Mercy.

W-KECA, Kr-Ms-Paul Harvey.JIEFI, KFSD-$64 Question.

KM, KGB-Take a Number.1/KNX, KCBQ-Philip Marlowe.

KFAC-Music Magic.KFOX-Full Gospel Assembly.KFSG-Angelus Hour.KFVD-Vespers.KFWB-Union Rescue Mission.KGER-Dr. Harry Rimmer.RGFJ -Musical Digest.

*KOIL-News.*KLAC-News; Beet inVariety.KMPC-Adventures in Music.

KPPC-Evening Symphony.EV01E-Comedy of Errors.*WKW-World Orchestras,KXLA-Etliel nobler.

7:15-KECA-Gloria Parker.KGIL-Vaughn Monroe.

*KXLA-News.7:30-KECA-Private Party.

NFL KFSD-AmericanForum.

KHJ. KGB-Comedy ofErrors.

KCBQ-The Whistler.KFAC-Your Concert.KFMB-Ted Mack.KFOX-King's Service.EFSG-Evening Service.KGER-Dr. Dan Gilbert.ROIL-Music Box.KWKW-Maple Chapel.KXLA-Church of Open Doer.

7:45-KFWB-Catholic Answers.KGER-lst Baptist Church ofInglewood.

7 :56*KHJ-Cecil Brown, News.KPPC-Evening Symphony.KV0E-Nat'l Guard Show.

-KECA, KFMB-Drew Pearson.0 KFI-This Is Our Town.

KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Twenty Questions.

KNX, KCRQ-Horace Heidt.KFAC--First Methodist ChurchKFSG-Evening Service.KFWB-First Presbyterian

Church.RGER-First Baptist Church.

*KGFJ-News.KGIL-Songs of Our Time.KLAC-Dept. of Employment.KMPC-Adventures in Music.KPPC-Tower of St. Johns.KWKW-Voice of Prophecy.KXLA-Open Door Church.

3:13*KECA. KFMR-MondayMorning Headlines.

KGEI-If They Had Lived.KLAC-Voice of the Army.

11:23-KGEI-Philharmonic Reporter.3:30-KECA, KFIRB-Martha Raye.

Err, KFSD-Standard Hour.KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Top Tunes With Trendier.

Sunday Radio Program HighlightsA.M. Programs to Lightface Type; P.M. Programs in Boldface.

Comedy -Variety1:00--Desi Arnaz, KNX.3:30-You Can't Take It With

You, KFI.Publie Interest

8:30-Invitation to Learn, KNX.9:00-People's Platform. KNX.P:30-Eternal Light, KFI.

12:30-University Explorer, KNX.Drama

2:00-The Whisperer, KFI.6:00-Bdw'y My Beat, KNX.7:00-Philip Marlowe, KNX.8:30-O'Hara, KNX.9:00-Mr. Aladdin, KNX.

Classical. Semi -Classical Music8:00-Salt Lake Tah'nacle, KNX.

10:00-Invitation to Music. KNX.11:30-Strings Serenade, KNX.3:00-Mario Lanza, KNX.3:30-NBC Symphony, KFI.

8:30-Standard Hour, KFI.9:30 --Chicago Theater,

Mystery -Detective1:00-The Saint, KM.2:30-True Detective, BUJ.3:30-Nick Carter, KHJ.7:30-The Whistler, KNX.

Quiz. Participation4:04-Quiz Kids, KFI.5:00-Stop the Music, KECA.7:00-$64 Question. KFI.3:00-Twenty Questions, KHJ.9:00-Q.E.D., KECA.

Popular -Western Music1:30-Main Street Music Hall,

KNX.4:00 and 9:30-Guy Lombardo,

KNX.4:30-Fiesta. KNX.4:30-Contented Hour, KNX.8:00-Horace Heidt, KNX.11:00-Sammy Kaye. KECA.

tfKNX-O'Hara.KGEI-Ave Maria Hoar.ROIL-Gems of Melody.KLAC-Irwin Allen.KPPC-Word of Life.

:43*KECA-Chet Huntley.KFAC-Sunday Evening Club.

,/KFMB-Report FromCongress.

EGER-Message to Israel.KLAC-Life's Fuller

Measure (('eneer).KPPC-20th Century Poetry.EWKW-Safeguards of


Kn, KFSD-Standard Hour.*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KV0E-

News, Glenn Hardy.'MEX. KCBQ-Mr. Aladdin.

KFAC-Sunday Evening Club.KFOX-Victory Baptist

Church.KFSG-Evening Service.

*KFWB, KWKW-News.KGER-Bethel Church.KGFJ-Salvation Army.ROIL-Musical Scrapbook.

*KLAC-News; WantedPersons; Music.

KMPC-Freedom Story.ISPPC-V.N. Report.KXLA-Dr. Charles E. Frillw.

9 :10-KLAC-Civic Opera Reporter.9:15-1EHJ, KFXM, EVOE-Jhn

Doyle.RFSG-Voice of People.KFWB--Rabbi Magnin.

*KGB --Bill Cunningham.KGEJ-Armchair Concert.KLAC-Guest Star.KMPC-Mother's Album.KWKW-Heritage of Israel.

9:20-KHJ-Dance Orch.9:30-KECA-The Week Around theWorld.

KFI-Senators Report.REIJ, KFXM, KGB-Chicago

Theater of the Air.REX, KCII3Q-Guy Lombardo.KFAC-Gateway to Made.RFOX-Swingtime at Elks.RFSD-The Saint.KFWB-Green Pastures.KGER-Brown Schools.KGFJ-Proudly We Hail.RGIL--Musical Memories.RLAC-Serenade in Blue.IEMPC-Lucky Dance Time.KPPC-Music From Many

Lands.IEWKW-Union Church.

11:45-KFI-Trouble Is My Bnetneel.RF11111--litng Crosby.KLAC-Here's to Vets.

10*KECA, KFMB-Late News.*KFI. KIPSD--Richfield

Reporter.KHJ, KFXM, KGB --Chicago

Theater.*KNX. RCBQ-10 O'Cloek

Wire.KFAC-Gateway to Musk.KFWB--Dope Traffic.

*KLAC-News.KMPC-Lucky Dance Time.KXLA-Voice of Calvary.

10 :015-KLAC--60th Infantry Band.10:15*KECA-George Sokolsky.

KFI-Mayor Bowron.liNX, KCBQ-Elmo Roper.IEFSD-Lucky Dance Time.KFWB-Lecture.

Hear Our Students on"CAREER THEATRE"

KECA Sundays 1 0:30-1 1 P.M.FREDERICK H. SPEAR'

Radio and Television SchoolHO. 9-2325

6249.51 Santa Monica Blvd.

10 :30-KECA-Speare Career Theatre.KFI-Charleen Hawker & Co.KM-Arthur Van Orch.KNX-Music From Avalon.KFAC-Nocturne.KFWB-Echoes of Eden.

10:35--KLAC-Across the Footlights.


Serenade.KFI-Music and the Muse.KHJ, KFXM-Concerto.

*KNX, KWKW-News.KFSD, KMPC-Lucky Lager

Time.REND-Spade Cooley Time.*KLAC-News: Across the

Footlights.11:15-RN X-Tony Pastor.11:30-KECA-Cinegrill Orchestra.

KFI-America United.KHJ-Opera Concert.KGFJ-Cotton Club.

Page iwenty-three

Page 24: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


'Radio in Review-Continuedwas really a sort of gravel pit" ... and about the vaca-tion resorts where "the girls were looking for husbands-and, of course the husbands were looking for girls."

Once Herb Shriner got' started with his jokes he seemedreluctant to bring on the talent scouts and their talent,but he did manage to point the spotlight on four con-testants. He followed Godfrey's format in handling thescouts and the hopefuls, by kidding them a little andtwisting their serious statements into funny ones. Twoopera singers, a violinist and a young feminine ventrilo-quist were in the entertainment line-up. As usual, theyperformed with varying degrees of capabilities, but at alltimes put on a good show.

Some may prefer Godfrey to Shriner when it comes tocomics, but that is not the question to be settled here oron this replacement series with the "Talent Scouts." It'sa sure thing that whichever one of these casual jokesterstakes to the mike, you are assured plenty of laughs.

"Martin Kane, Private Eye"Sunday, 3:00 p.m.NBC-KFI

This pipe -smoking master of mystery, as portrayed byLloyd Nolan, easily ranks among radio's more polishedPrivate policemen. His are the capers that make a listenerappreciate a nicely turned murder, because he always,gets his man (or woman) and in a logically suspensefulmanner.

A woman psychiatrist, who 'had a somewhat unbal-aneed, though not insane, man patient, was one of"Kane's" recent customers. She called "Kane" in to pro-tect her from the patient, whom she wished to cure of hisfixations. In the process of being cured, the man hadfallen in love with his doctor and refused to take "no"for an answer.

The plight of this woman doctor was not as unplausibleas it appears on first reading, and scripters struck a nicebalance between believable characterization and imagi-nation, in portraying both the doctor and her furiouslysmitten patient. The suitor considered "Kane" a rival forthe doctor's attentions, which brought about some humor-ous byplay. But when the patient was murdered, "Kane"dropped his light-hearted bantering about playing body-guard to an attractive and admired medico, and got downto cases.

"Kane" uncovered the existence of another wife thatthe patient just happened to have, a wife who, it ap-peared, was just as jealous as her mate and who hadmurdered her husband and almost succeeded in killinghis doctor, too. "Kane" drew the case to a fine conclusionand, with humor intact, began thinking about takingpsychoanalysis for himself, naturally from an attractivedoctor.

Nolan's fine acting and an unexaggerated plot are buttwo of the features of "Martin Kane, Private Eye" thatmake it one of our favorite listening habits.

`Marines Pass in Review"Saturday, 9:00 p.m.RECA

People often forget or are unaware of the fact thatmen in the armed forces do more than march, shoot gunsand salute officers. It takes a program like "MarinesPass in Review" to make listeners aware that the menin uniform are very busy making music and generallyputting on a good show.

This particular airshow is backed by the CampPendleton Marine band, which can put any group of popperformers in the shadow any day. The musical arrange.ments are very fine, plus the fact that they have a vital-ity and sparkle to them. When the Marines from CampPendleton take to the bandstand on this broadcast thereis nothing haphazard about their presentations. Suchsongs as "Hullabaloo" and "The Tenth Regiment March"were included in one night's selections. Vocalizing wasdone on "I Apologize" by Sergeant Jack Daley, and a-male chorus offered an interpretation of Jerome Kern's"Old Man River."

Well integrated in the musical programming are dra-, Page Twenty-four

MONDAY, AUGUST 13*Indicates News Broadcastv/ Indicates Highlight

0./KECA, &FMB-Don McNeill.GL*ILTI-Behind the Headlines.

*KHJ. KFXM, KGB, EV0E--Ed Pettit.

KNX-Ralph Story Show.KFAC-Musical Varieties.KFOX-Tabernacle

Benedictions.KFVD-Wakeup Ranch.


KGFJ- World Bible Society.KRED-Ernest C. Wilson.

5:05,-ETEV-'Larm Klock Klub.KLAC-Stock Reports.

S:15-KFI-Johnny Murray.*KIM, KGB-Bob Greene, News.*LLNX-Dave Valle.

KFWB-Bill Leyden.KGFJ-Delinquency Forum.KLAC-41aynes at the Reins.KMPC-Markets; Sports.KWECK--Friends of Israel.KXLA-Curly Wiggins.

8:30-BFI, KFSD-Jack Berch.KEW, KFXM, KGB, KV0E-

Situ() Institute.KCBQ-Grand Slam.

*KFAL', KGIL, KRKD--News.KTOX-Words of Life.KFVD-Morning Call.KGER-Voice of China.KGFJ-Yesterday's Hite.&UPC-Ross Mulholland.KWKW-Nazarene Church.1:MLA-Haven of Rest.

11:35-KRED-Sweet Harmonies.13:45-KFI, KFSD-D. Garroway.

KNX-Rosemary.*LIMB-New s.

ELAC--Racing News.KWEW-Council of Churches.

9KECA-Ted Malone.KFI-Coffee Time.KHJ-Dixieland Breakfast

Club.KNX-41Vendy Warren.KFOX-Pentecostal Church.KFVD-Morning Call.EF'W13-Yocam Hollow.KGER-Lutheran Hour.KGFJ-Housewives Hit ParadeKIEV-'Larm Klock Klub.

*KLAC-News; Haynes at theReins.

KMPC-Ross Mulholland.KRKD-sagebrush Serenade.KWKW-Bill Stewart.KXLA-Bar Nothing Rauch.

8:15-11ECA. KT:MB-HeadlineEdition.

KNX. KCBQ-Aunt Jenny.KLUX-Home Missionary.

*KIND. KGFJ-News.9:25*KECA-A. Van Horn.

*KMPC-News.9:30-KECA, KFM13-Romance of

Evelyn Winters.KM-Ladies' Day.KHJ-Norma Young.KNX, KCBQ-Helen Trent.KALI-Hunter Hancock.KFOX-Full Gospel.KFVD-Morning Call.

4KFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.KGER-God's Halt Hour.EGFJ-Spotlight Parade. KGIL--Masons at Home.KIEV-Discing With Dick.KLAG-Al Jarvis Ballroom.liMPC- Chef Milani.

9:45-KECA-When a Girl Marries.KNX, KCBQ-Our Gal Sunday.KFOX-Highland View Bible.

*KFVD. KRXD-News.9:55*KFAC. KFVD-News.

0-HECA-Lone Journey.1 KF1-All Around Town.*KHNews, Gle.11.

KFX.11nn , KGBHardy.

, SVOE-KNX-Big Sister.

*KFOX..KGE1R-News.KFVD-Morning Call.KTIV13-Eleanor Roosevelt.KGFJ-Bing Sings.KIEV-Discing With Dick.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KMPC-News; Howard Flynn.HOWL-Yiddish Hour.KWKW-Bili Stewart.EXLA-Tom Cafferty.

10:15-KECA--Yesterday on Bdwy.KFX111, KGB, KVOE--

Tello-Test.KNX-Ma Perkins.KFWB--Maurice Hart.KGE1R/-Tommy Baird.

*IIGFJ-News.10 :25-KFOX-Baseball.

*KFWB-News.10:30-EEC/. EF5IB-My True

Story.EFSD-Break the Bank.

KM-Answer Man.KNX-Young Dr. Malone.

*KFWEI-News; Maurice Hart.KGFJ-Dance Band Review.

*Keirr. KOLA-News.KWKW-Tony Selo.

10:45-KHJ-Russ Morgan.KEN-Guiding Light.KGER-Rev. Le Roy Kopp.KMPC-Hollywood Editor.KXLA-Charlie Aldrich.

10 :55-KECA-Edward Arnold,Story Ticller_.

.EFOX-Major League Ball.

117,1,Akl's71-3.-,- "cot' orKEINJo.thK1FingXM, KGB, KTOE-Ladies Fair.KNX-Second Mrs. Burton.KALI, KGFJ-Major League

Bail.KFAC-Gny Bates Post.KFVD-Bible Institute.KfiWil-Criswell Predicts.KIEV-Diseing With Dick.KLA1.-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KMPC-News; Howard Flynn.TIMID-Songs of Yesteryear.KIVIIK-Tony Selo.K.XLA-Charlie Aldrich.

11:15-KECA-Easy Aces.101X-Perry Mason.KFV113-Maurice Hart.

*KXLA-Pasadena News.11:25*KIIJ, KGB, KVOE-News.

KALI-Major League Ball.11:30-KECA-On Strings of Song.

KFSD-Live Like aMillionaire.

if KILL KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Queen for a Day.


c Hall.Drake.*EKED-News; Sweet Pops.

KFVD-Rescue Mission.*KEKB-News; Maurice Hart.

KWIEW-Hora de Los Angeles,KXLA-Hometown Jamboree.

11:45-KECA-Paul Harvey.KNX-Brighter Day.KGER-Dr. Dan Gilbert.

11:55*KFI, KFSD-K. Banghart.News.

4k*KECA-Hank Weaver, News.11116. Kiri-A-Farm Reporter.

*KM, KIEV, KGB-News.*KNX-News, Bill Kenneally.

KFSD-Life Can Be Beautiful.*KFVD-Editor of the Air.

KFWB-113111 Anson.*KLAC-News; Al Janis.

KMPC-Peace Prayer; Music.KOWL,-Joe Adams Show.KXLA-Hometown Jamboree.

12:15-KECA-Altar Bound.KY! KFSD-Road of Life.

*KHJ KGB-Cedric Foster.KNX-Wendell Noble.




PC-News.12:30-KECA, KFMB-Modern

Romances.KFSD-Pepper Young.

KHJ-Nancy Dixon.KNX, KCBQ-Art Linkletter.KFVD-Midday Memories.

*KFWB--News; Bill Anson.KLAC-570 Club.KMPC-Religious Science Inst.KWKW-Imperial Hour.

12:45-KECA-David Amity.EFL KFSD-Right to

Happiness.KHJ-Bell Ringer.KMPC-Farm Adviser.

12:55*KNX-News.-RECA KFMB-Frances Scully.

KFI, KFRD-Backstage Wife.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Jack Kirkwood Show.KNX, KCBQ--Hilltop Boos,KFVD-Shopping Highlights.KFWB-Bill Anson.KGER-Peter Slack, Organ.KGFJ-From Sunset and Vine.KIEV-Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAC.-News; Sports.*Ky/pc-ereNewe; Music YouOrdd.

KWKW-Bill Garr Show.KXLA -Community Broadcast.

1:10-KLAC-570 Club.1:15-KECA-Ira Cook.


KXLA-Le Roy Smith.1:30-KTI, KFSD-Young Kidder

Brown.KHJ, KGB-Double or NothingKNX-Philip Norman.

*KFWB-News; Bill Anson.KGER-Here's to Vets.KGFJ-Anybody's Hit Parade.

1:45-KFIllSF D-Woman in MyHouse.

KCER-Social Security.KIEV- Date itihAllln Slate.

2eK Margaret McBride.KWKW--Races and Sports.KFL KFSD-Just Plain Bill.


Page 25: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

*KHJ. KNX-News.KFVD-Harlematinee.EFWB--Bill Anson.KGER-Calif. Defense.EGFJ-Meet the Band.KIEV-Date With Attie Slate.

*KLAC-News; Sports.*KMPC-News; Johnny Grant.

ERKD-lour Neighbors.KWKW-Bill Garr.KXLA-Frank Simon.

2:01-HEX-Paul Masterson Show.2:111-KLAC-570 Club.2 :15)-KNI, KFSD-Front Page

Farrell.KHJ-Luncheon With Lopez.KFOX-Texas Tiny.EGFJ-Variety on Piano.KRKD-Your Sheriff Report*.KXLA-Al

:25-KNX-Mr. Information.2:30-KECA-Variety Fare.

EFT, KFSD-Lorenzo Jones.KHJ--Club 930.KNX-Jack Owens.

*KFWB-News; Bill Anson.KGER-Garden School.

*KGF.11. KRIM-News.KWKW-Open House.

KFSD-Bob and Ray.KNX-George Fisher.KGFJ-Saludoe Amigos.KXLA-Curly Wiggins.

2:55*KFAC-News.61-KECA, KFMB--Family Circle.a if KM, KFSD-Welcome

Travelers.KHJ-Club 030.KNX'. KCBQ-Arthur Godley.KFAC-World of Opera.KFVD-Harlematinee.KFWB-Peter Potter.


KGFJ-Western Roundup.KIEV-Russ Morgan.

3:05-KGER-Rancho 1390.KMPC-Johnny Grant.

3:10-KLAC-570 Club.3:15-EFOX-Texas Tiny.




Songs from the hills andplains

3:15 to 4:30 P.M.

KXLAMonday thru Friday

KXLA-Music Mountain.KFSD-Aunt Mary.

WKGFJ, KRKD-News.KIEV-Discing With Diek.KWKWt-Fire Facts.

3:40-KHJ-Talk Back.3 :45*KFT-News,KHJ-Lynn Looks at Erwood.

*KFAC-News.KFOX, KFVD-Pensions.KGFJ-Plano Moments.

A-Perfect Husband.KP1, KFSD-Dr. Paul.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB-Robt.Hurleigh.

KNX, KCBQ-Curt Massey.KFAC-.Musical Masterpieces.

*KFOX. KMPC-Newa.KFWB-Peter Potter.

Teen Timers MatineeART LABOE

4:00 P.M.Monday thru Friday

KGIFJ 1230 Kc.'

KGFJ-Teen Timers Matinee.KIEV-Discing With Dick.

*KLAC-News: Sports.KRKD-Spotlight on a Star.KWKW-Rodeo Bill.RXLA-Music Mountain.

4 :05-KMPC-Bing Crosby.4:13-KLAC-Jukebox Jamboree.4:15-KFI-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KIIJ, KFXM. KGB, KVOE-Frank Hemingway.

KNX HCBQ-Strike It Rich.EMPC-Dinah Shore.

4:25-WEFWB-News.4:30-KECA-Songs of Another

Season.41EF1--Burritt Wheeler.

TV -RADIOKHJ, KGB-Behind the Story.KFVD-Vocal Varieties.lEFWB-Platter Pale.EGFJ-Dixieland.KMPC-Ira Cook.KWKW-11111 Sampson Show.,KXLA-Melody Valley.

4:46WEHJ, KFXM, KGB. KVOE-News, Sam Hayes.

BMX-Johnny Dugan.ELAC-Racing Roundup.

4:55*KMPC--News.ZWHECA, KFVD, KLAC, SWIMa -News.

*Kit-Feature Wire.KW, KFX.111, KGB, KI0E-

Meet's Record Adventures.*KNX, KCBQ--News, Holten-

beck.KFAC-Sunset Serenade.KFOX-Sunsnine Mission.KFWB-Red Rowe.KGFJ-Jive at Five.KGIL-Children's Corner.KIEV-Easy Does It.KMPC-Help Wanted.KRKD-Wagon Wheels.KXLA-Melody Valley.

6:05*KEC A-Headline Edii ion .5:16-KLAC-Los Angeles Today.

KMPO-Today in Sports.6:15WHECA-Irving Howard.

*KFI-News, Ted Meyers.IKNX -Tom Harmon.

KFVD-Melody Matinee.EGFJ-Pianists of the Future.KLAC-Stars of the Week.KMPC-Lonesome Gal.IEWKW-Sports Beck Talk.

5:30*KECA, 18:FMB-Chet Huntley.4KFI, KFSD-Voice of

Firestone.KHJ. EFEM. KGB, KVOE-

Singing Marshal.*KNX, KCBQ-World Today,

Carroll Alcott.EFAC-Whoa Bill Club.

*RFOX, KGIL, KLAC-News.WHGFJ-News: Record Jackpot.

KNIPC-Stars of Song.KRKD-Sports Dial.

5:4.5*KECA. KFMB-Bob Garred.WKNX, KCBQ-News, Goes.

KFOX-Your Fishcaeter.KFVD-Piano Parade.KLAC-Sam Baiter, Sports.EMPC-Top Tunes.KRKD-Race Results.

5:55WKNX-Local News.RAJ, KGB-Popsicle Club-


RMPC-News.KFI-America's Music.

*KHJ. KFXM, KGB-GabrielReaper.

IRNX, KCBQ-Romance.KFAC--Etchings in &Silver.HFVD-Melody MatFnee.KGER-American Soul Clinic.KGFJ-Request Performance.KIEV-Easy Does It.BOWL-Joe Adams Show.EKED-Evening Varieties.KWKW-Italian Melodies.KXLA-Toastmaster Club.

11:65WHECA-Main Street to Malibu.wrAr-Al Jarvis Ballroom.6:15WKECA, KFMB-Quincy Howe.

*KILL KGB-Radio Newsreel.EFWB-Sports.

INIMCPC--Rab Kelley, Sports.11:30FIECA-Boston Mackie.

EFT-The Abierican Way.HEIL KGB-The Answer Mfin.

RCBQ-Meet Millie.KFDE-Hat's Memory Room.KFWB-America Dances.KGER-Back to the Bible.

./KMPC-Joe Hernandez.


6:45WEI1J, KFXM. KGB, KVOE-News, Sam Hayes,

WEGFJ-News.6:55WEI1J, KGB. KV0E-Bill -Henry9F-KECA. KFMB-Lone Ranger.d' 'MEL KFSD-Bostoii Pops.

- KHJ, KFXM-1 ohby Benson.KNX, KCBQ-Strawhat

Concert.KFAC-Evening Serenade.KFOX--Accordionettell.KFWB-America Dances..HOER-Family Bible Hour.EGFJ-Mnalea1 Digest.

*KGIL, KLAC, KRIM-News.KIEV-Easy Does It.

*KMPC--News4. MusicalMemories.

*KXLA-Dan Lundberg.1:05*FILAC-Clete Roberts.7:15-KRKD-3/4 Time Waltzes.

EXLA-Happy I erryman.7 :20-KLAC-Crosby A. Company.7:30 VHF:CA, KFMB-Man From


Cisco Kid.HEX-Dance Oral.KFAC-Echoes and Encores.KEWB-Calif. Civil Defense.KGER-Rev. Al Harlan.KMPC-Penny Serenade..KRKD-Dr. Richardson.KWKW-Betz Spanish Pros.

7 :45*KFO X-News.KFWB-Rosary Mom.

I:53-KLAC-Weather Report.0.*KECA-NAWS.0 EFL KFSD-One Man's


Let George Do It.*KNX, KCBQ-World Tonight.

EFAC-Evening Concert.HP0E-Fishing Farts.KGER-Bible Treasunry.KGFJ-H'wood House Party.KGIL-Boh Moore Show.

*KLAC-News; Parade ofMusic.

*KMI'C-News, Nesbitt.KWKW-Farm & Garden.

*KXLA-News.11:05-FEECA-Latin Quarter Orch.11:15*KFI KFSD-World News.

KNX-DanceKGER-Hebrew Christian Hr.KGF,11-Civil 'Defense.KMPC--Confidentially Yours,

Bob Kelley.KXLA-Happy Perryman.

8:30-KECA, KFMB--Henry J.Taylor.

sfKFI, KFSD-Railroad Hour.KILL KFXM, KGB-tinder

Arrest.KCBQ-Talent Scoots.

*KFWB, KGIL-News.KGER-Music Hall.

9 KGFJ-Today's Hits.KMPC-Mayor Bowron.

8:45*KECA, KFMB-ABC WorldNews.

KFOX-Dr. Hewitt.KFIVID-IT.N. Today.KGIL-Melodies Soft & Sweet.KMPC-Parade of Hits.

9IKECA-Ghost Stories.IIECF1t, KFSD-Telephone Hour.*MU, KFXM, KGB. KVOE--

News Glenn Hardy.KNX. HCBQ-How To .KFAC-Evening Concert.KFOX-Swingtime at Elks.KFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.KGFJ-Today's Hits.

*KLAC-News; Parade of

Monday Radio Program Highlights-.A.M. Programs in Lightface Tyne: P.M. Programs In Boldface.

Comedy -Variety Comment -Narration3:00-Arthur Godfrey KNX.6:30-Meet Millie. KtX.

. Quiz. Participation4:141-McNeill Bkfet. Club, KECA8:30 --Grand Slam, KNX.

11:00-Double or Nothing. Kn.11:30-Queen for a Day .1,711J.12:30-Art Linkietter, KNX.3:00-Welcome Travelers. KIT.8:30-Talent Scouts. KNX.

Mastery -Detective6:30-Boston Mackie. KECA.7:30-Man From Homicide,

KECA.4:00-Let George De It, 1131J.9:00-Ghost Stories. WECA.10:00-I Love a Mystery, KHJ.

Drama6:00-Romance, KNX.

9:30-Eleanor Roosevelt. KFWB.2:00-Mary M. McBride. KECA.4 :36-Burritt Wheeler. KFI.9:00-Eleanor Roosevelt, KFWB.

Classical. Semi -Classical Musici:30-Voice of Firestone, KF1.7:00-Boston Pops Arch.. Eli.8:30-Railroad Hour. KFI.9:00-Telephone Hour, Ell.

Sports11:00-Mayor B.B. KALI, KOFJ.5:15-Tom Harmon, KNX.5:45-Sam Baiter, KLAC.6:15 and 8:15-B. Kelley. K.3FPC.6:30-Joe Hernandez. EMIT.

KMPC-20th Century SerenadeWKWKW-News.

KELA-Squeakin' Deacon.9:15*KI1J, KGB. HVOIE-Robt,

Hurleigh.KFOX-Business Reporter.

9:30-KIECA-United or Not.EFI-Ray Block Presents.KIRJ. KGB, FIVO1R-War

Front-Home Front.1KNX. KCBQ-Robert

Wax Work*.EGER-John Brown Schools.KGFJ-Platter Party.KGIL-Musical Memories.


4'\ PCEVERY NIGHT-9 'JS 1..12 P.M.

KMPC-Lucky Lager Dance.9:45*EFWB-News.

KWIEW-Freedom Story.9:55*KHJ, KGB, KLAC, KTOE--



V*KFI. KFSD--RiehtieldReporter.

411H.1, KFXM, KGB -1 Love aMystery.

*KNX, IICBQ-10 O'clock Wire.KFAC-Musical Crossroads.KFWB--Gene Norman Show.KGER-Peter Slack, Organ.

*KLAC-News; Slake MineMusic.

KMPC--Liicky Lager Dance.10:15-KECA-Dr. Frederick Bailee.

*KFI-Michael Him, News.*RAJ, KGB-Frank Edwards.

ENE-Tom Harmon.KIND-Lucky Lager. Dance.

10:20*KNX-Carroll Alcott, News.10 :30-KECA, KFMB-Sports Report.

KFI-Passing Parade.KHJ-Lonesome Gal.KNX-Mel Baldwin Show.

10:45WKECA-News.KFI-At Home With Lionel

Barrymore.10 :50-KECA-Dream Harbor.

11"ECA-Meetthe Band.

*KFI, KILL KNX-News,KFSD, KMPC-Lucky Lager


SPADE COOLEY TIME"King of the Disc Jockeys"


KFVD-Spade Cooley Vine.KFWB-Gene Norman.KLAC-Music. to Remember.

11:10-DIRJ-game of the Day.KNX-Tom Hanlon's Score-

board.11:15-KECA-Town HOUSE.

KII-Biltmore Hotel Orck.KNX-Merry-Go-Round.


Carl Bailey and Alex CooperMon. thru Sat.

11:15 P.M. -1 A.M.KX LA

KXLA-Bailey & Cooper.11:30--KECA-Cinegrill Orch.

KFI-Lyinan Restaurant'Orch.11:45-KEN-You and the World.

11:55*K1/1-News.12*KECA, KEE, KMIPC-News.

EFI-Musical Menu.KFVD-Spade Cooley Time.KFWB-Don Otis.KGFJ-George Jay Show

(to 6).BOWL-sloe Adams.EKED-moonlight Serenade

(to 5:30).12:65-KNX-Hawthorne.12:30--KPI-Midnight Flyer.

Page Twenty-flys

Page 26: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


Radio in Review-Continuedrnatie and narrative episodes picturing the military ac-tivities of the U. S. Marines. A recent airshow spotlightedthe helibopter operations presented for the members ofthe press recently during a mock enemy invasion atCamp Pendleton, All the realism and military strategy,used during the actual event were captured on tape forthe listening audience. Each program includes some ofthe history of the men who make up one of the toughestarms' of the nation's military force, as well as timelyfacts on recruitment and advantages of this particularbranch of the service.

There are few spots on your radio dial where you canget as much vigorous music and narrative -dramatic fareas you can on "Marines Pass in Review," and at the sametime be informed on one facet of the nation's defense.

Playbacks Critical )Comment

We Point With PrideTo Ed Begley's fine portrayal of the narrator in the

"American Portraits" broadcast dealing with "Stonewall"Jackson.

"Philo Vance"Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 p.m.ABC-ICECA

It may be his hectic two -cases -a -week schedule, but webelieve "Philo Vance" is lagging far behind his fellowprivate -eye artists in dramatic impact and suspense.

"Vance" is supprisedly the sophisticated, analytical typedetectiVe whose outward boredom with such trivialitiesas murders actually covers a heart of gold and a brilliant-ly calculating mind. Such a mike -up alone necessitates aplausible crime and solution thereof to spell any sort ofgood mystery drama. But, if recent shows are an example,even "Vance's" methodically clicking mind can't quitegrasp the myriad' weird machinations of plot and counter-plot that have come his way..

A case in point was the very intricate murder of anairline pilot who had been running around with anotherman's wife. The pilot was also supposedly interested ina girl who was in turn interested in another pilot. Netresult: suspects were the husband of the straying wife,although his knowledge of his wife's indiscretions wasnever explained; the other pilot, whose character was sodimly drawn that his motivations were muddled; and,for another unaccountable reason, the girl in whom thepilot had been interested. Confusing? We thought so too,and even "Vance" couldn't convince us that he knewwhat was going on, or why.

"Vance" did manage to come up with the murderer,by a not very ingenious trick of proving that the murder-er's familiarity with the room in which the crime wascommitted indicated that he was the killer. But we Con-fess, even though we know now who dun it. for the lifeof us we can't understand the murder's motivations orwhy "Vance" bothered with the whole case.

We'll tune in on "Philo" again, soon, and see if he's -doing any better in the detecting racket. Better charac-terization, more exciting and plausibly projected casesare what we'll be looking for next time, and we hope"Philo" comes up with them, because he seems to 'le agood character, and we hate to see him waste his talentsvia Mediocre scripting.

Off Mike ( Personalities

Welcome Home- Residents -of Nashville, Tennessee, proved their loyalty

to one of their favorite sons despite a driving rainstorm.When Phil Harris paid a homecoming visit to his hometown recently, he kept a crowd of nearly 10,000 personslaughing and cheering, aespite a summer downpour.

The city's mayor, Ben West, issued a proclamationPage Twenty-six

TUESDAY, AUGUST 14*Indicates News BroadcastI/Indicates Highlight

8KECA, KFMB-Don McNeill.If*KFT-Behindthe Headlines.


KNX-Ralph Story Show.KFVD-Wakeup Ranch.


KGFJ-World Bible Society.KRECD--Ernest C. Wilson.

8:05-KIEV-'Laren Klock Klub.KLAC--Stack Reports.

8:15-KFI-Johnny Murray.*HHJ, KGB. HOWL, HAM-

News.*KNX-News, Dave Valle.

KFOX-Prison Missionaries.KFWEI-Bill Leyden.KGFJ-The Judge Speaks.KLAC-Haynes at the Reins.KMPC-Markets, Sports.HOWL-Voice of Tally.KWHW-Friends of Israel.EXLA-Curly Wiggins.

8:30-KFI, AFSD-Jack Berch.HPI31. KGB, KVOE-

Haven of Rest.ifTENX, KCBQ-Grand Slam.*KFAC, KGIL, HERD-News.

Let Clyde Cadwell make your"MORNING CALL".

Mon. thru Fri.

EFVO-Morning Call.EIGER-Voice of China.KGFJ-Yesterday's Hits.EMPC--Ross Mulholland.KWKW-Nazarene Church.ELI:LA-Western Music.

8:35-KRIM-Sweet Harmonies.6:45-KFI, KFSD-Dial Dave


*KFWB-News.EGER-Bible Treasury Hour.KLAC-Racing News.KWKW-Council of Churches.

n-KECA-Ted Malone.KFI-Coffee Time.MU-Dixieland Breakfast

Club.ENX-Wendy Warren.&FOX-Pentecostal Church.KFVD-Morning Call.LIFIV/1--Yocam Hollow.XGFJ-Housewives Hit`Parade.KIEV-'Larm Klock Klub.

+/MAC-News: Haynes at theReins.

KMPC-Ross Mulholland.KOWL-Amerean Jewish

Program.ERED-Sagebrush Serenade.KWKW-Bill Stewart.KXLA-Rar Nothin' Ranch.

:15*KECA-Headline Edition.KHJ, KFXM, KGB-Garden

Guide.KNX, HCBQ-Aunt Jenny.KFOX-Home Missionary.

*KM). HGFJ-News. 9:25*EIECA-A. Van Horn.

*IIMPC-News.9:30-KECA, KFMB-Romance of

Evelyn Winters.KFI-Ladies. Day.KHJ-Norma Young.KNX, HCBQ-Helen Trent.KALI-Hunter Hancock.EFOX-Gospel Friends.HFVD-Morning Call.

JKFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.KGER-God's Half Hour.KGFJ-Spotlight Parade.KGIL-At Home With Masons.KIEV-Discing With Dick.HLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.KMPC--Chef Milani.

0:45-KECA-When a Girl Marries.KNX, HCBQ-Our Gal Sunday.KFOX-Highland View Bible.

*KIND, ERKD-News.1 0-KECA-Lone Journey.KFI-All Around Town.

*KM. RFX.M, KGB. HVOE-News, Glenn Hardy.

KNX-Big Sister.EFAC-Morning Concert.

*FMER-Earl Lee. News.ra-m-atarningCall.

KFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.Kt-ail-Bing Sings.KIEV-Discing With Dick.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*IIMPC-News: Howard Flynn.KWKW-Bill Stewart.KXLA-Tom Cafferty.

10:15-KECA-Yesterday on B'way.KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Tello-Test.KNX-Ma Perkins.

*KGFJ-News.KFWB-Maurice Hart.KIDID-Dr. Richardson.

10:25-KFOX-Major League Bali.10:30-KECA, HEMB-My True Star!.

EFI-Break the Bank.KHJ-Answer Man.KNX-Young Dr. Malone.

*KFVD, KGIL, KXLA-Nees.*KFWB-News; Maurice Hart.

HGER-Helen Markham.KGFJ-Dance Band Review.BRED-Marvin Ash.KWKW-Tony Seitz.

10 :4i-KHJ-Russ Morgan.KNX-Guiding Light.KMPC-Hollywood Editor.KM...A-Charlie Aldrich.

10 :55-HECA-Edward Arnold,Story Teller.

*KHJ-News.11'ECA, KFMB-Betty Crocker.

'IPSO-Double orNothaKHJ,NIN. . KGB, KTOE--Ladies Fair.

KNX-Second Mrs. Burton.KALI, EGFJ-Major League

Ball,KFAL-Guy Bates Post.KFVD-Bible Institute.KFWB-Criswell Predicts.KIEV-Discing With flick.ELAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*101PC-News; Howard Flynn.HERD-Songs of Yesteryear.KX:LA-Charlie Aldrich.

11;15-KECA-Easy Aces.KNX-Perry Mason.KGER-Sunshine Mission.KFWB-Maurice Hart.

*KXLA-Pasadena News.11:25-KALI-Major League Ball.11:30-KECA-On Strings of Sang.

KFI, KPSD-Live Like aMillionaire.

K)'i,J-Queen for a Day.KNX- KCBQ-Nora Drake.

*EGER. KRIM-Nears.KFVD-Rescue Miselon.

*KFWB-News: Maurice Hart.KWKW-Hora de Los AngelesKNLA-Hometown Jamboree.

11:35-KGER-Boys Ranch.11:45-KECA-Paul Harvey.

KNX-The Brighter DaYKGER-Freeman Healing.

*KGIL-News.11:55*KFI, KFSD-K. Banghart,

News.12*KECA-News, Rank Weaver.

KFI-Farm Reporter.*KHJ-News.KNX-News, Bill Kenneally.*-11/CBQ, /WA'S. KGB. KMT-

News.KFAC-Luncheon Content.IIFV11-Editor of the Air.

Anson.*KLAC-News: Al Jarvis

Ballroom.IIMPC-Peace Prayer, Maisie.KOHL-Joe Adams.EXLA-Hometown Jamboree.

12:15--KECA-Altar Bound.RFT, EFSO-Road of Life.


*Firvo. EGER, EMPC--Nenn.KIEV-Dieting With Dick.

12:251/KALI-Major 'League Ball.12:30-KF.CA, KFMB--Modern

Romances.NFL HFSD-Pepper Taunt.KHJ-Nancy Dixon.

HCBQ-Art Linkletter.KFVD-Shopping Highlights.

*KFWB-News.HLAC-370 Club.KMPC-eligious Science Init.KIVICW-


12:45-KECA-David Amity.KFI. HFSD-Right to

Happiness.KHJ-Bell Ringer.KFWB--Bill Anson.KMPC-Farm Adviser.

12:55*KNX. KFAC. KFXM-News.1-KECA-Frances Scully.


Jack Kirkwood.KNX, HCBQ--Hilltop House.KFAC-Your County Reports.HFVD-Shopping Highlights.KFWB-Bill Anson.KGER-Peter Slack. Organ.EGFJ-From Sunset and Vine.KIEV-Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAC-News:Music Ton

KWKW-Bill Garr Show.KNLA-Community

r nsdc aster.KMPC-Religious Setif:We butt-KWKW-Imperial Hour.KXLA-Ole Basmusiten.

Page 27: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

10-KLAC--510 Club.15-KECA-Ira Cook.

EFL KFSD--Stella Dallas.KNX, ECBQ-Hinge Rwo.KFAC:-Composer's Corner.KXLA-LeRoy Smith.

30-KFL KFSD-Young WidderBreslin.

KIJJ-Double or Nothing.KKX-Philip Norman.KFVD-For Westerners Only.

*KFWB-News; Bill Anson.KGER-Serenade in Blue.KGFJ-Anybody's Hit Parade.KIEV-Dlecing With Dick.RXLA-Curly Wiggins.

KFSD-Woman in MyHouse.

*KGER-News: Commentary.2IKECA, KFMB-Mary Margaret

McBride.Kr!, KFSD--Just Plain Bill.


KFVD-Harlematinee.KFWB-Bill Anson.KGER-Long Beach Band.KGFJ-Meet the Band.KIEV-Diseing With Dick.

*KLAC-News; Sports.*KMPC-News: Johnny Grant.

KRKD--L.A. Recreation Dept.KWKW-Bill Garr.KXLA-Frank Simon.

:05-KNX-Paul Masterson Show.:10.-KLAC--570 Club.:15-KFI. KFSD-Front Page

Farrell.KHJ-Luncheon With Lopez.KFOX-Texas Tiny.KGFJ-Variety on Piano.KRHD-Police Dept.KXLA-M

:25-KNX-Mr. Information.:36-RECA-Variety Fare.

KFI, KFSD-Lorenzo Jones.KHJ-Club 930.KNX-Jack Owens Show.

*KFVD. KGFJ-News.*KFGEAVR-Ga rdeB-Newsn School son.K*KRKD-News; Tops in Pops.

KWKW-Open House.:40-KGER-Long Beach Band.:45-KFI, KFSD-Bob and Ray.

MIX -George Fisher.KFVD-Harlematinee.KGFJ--Saludos Amigos.

11-KECA-Family Circle.a /Hirt. KFSD-Welcome

Travelers.KHJ-Club 930.

IHNX. KCBQ-Arthur Godfrey.KFAC-World of Opera.KFVD-Harlematinee.KFWB-Peter Potter.


"Western RoundupII


Monday thru SaturdayKGFJ 1230 Kc,

KGFJ--Weeterft Roundup.KIEV -Russ Morgan.

*KLAC-Newe, SParta.KWKW-Open House.

:65-KGER-Rancho 1390.KMPC-Johnny Grant.

$0-KLAC-570 Club.4:15-KFOR-Texas Tiny.

KXLA-Music Mountain.1:30-KFT. KF8D-Aunt Mary.

RFAC-Lyrics in Chorus.*KGFJ-News.

With Dick.KWKW-Red Cross.

1:44 -1"11.1 -Talk Back.1:45*K1P1 REND -News.

ERJ-Lynn Looks at 'Tweed.*KFAC-News.

KFOX. RFVD--Pensions.KGFJ-Piano Moments.SECA-Perfect Husband.4 MEL KFSD-Dr. Paul.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB-Robt.Hurleigh.

IINX. KCBQ-Curt Massey.KFAC-Musical Masterpieces.

*K VOX -News.KFWB--Peter Potter.RGYT-Teen Timers Matinee.RIEV-Diseing With Dick.

*KLAC-News: Sports.*KMPC-News: Bing Crosby

KRKD-Spotlight on a Star.&WNW -Rodeo B111.KIVLA-Muds Mountain.

4:16r-KLAC-Jukebox Jamboree.4:15-KTI--LIfe Can Be Beautiful.

*1111J, HMV. KGB. KVOE-Frank Hemingway.

ESA, KCBQ--Strike ft Rich.KMPC-Twilight Tales.


Comedy -Variety3:00 -Arthur Godfrey. KNX.0:00 -Hardy Family.

Quiz, Participation8:00 -McNeill Bkfet. Club,

KECA.8:30 -Grand Slam. KNX.

11:00 -Double or Nothing,11:30 -Queen fur a. Day. KHJ.12:30 -Art Linkletter.3:00 -Welcome Travelers. Mil.7:30 -Chance of a Lifetime,

KECA.Comment -Narration

9:340. -Eleanor Roosevelt. KPH'S.2:00 -Mary McBride, KECA.4:30-Burritt Wheeler. KFI.9:06 -Eleanor Roosevelt. KFWB.

Classical, Semi -Classical Music7:00-Hollyw'd Music Hall,' KNX.

Mystery -Detective6:30-Philn Vance. KECA,7:00 -Big Town. KFI.


Season.KFI-Burritt Wheeler.

1/KHJ. KGB -Behind the Story.KFWB-Platter Pals.KGFJ-Dixieland.KMPC-Music for Today.KWKW-Rill Sampson.

4:45*KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KV013-Sam Hayes.

KNX-Johnny Dugan.KLAC-Racing Roundup.


-News.*KEI-Feature Wire.

MIL KGB -Challenge of theYukon.

*KNX. KCBQ-News.Holleabeck.

KFAC-Sunset Serenade.KFWB-Red Rowe.KGFJ-Jive at Five.KGIL-Children's Corner.KIEV -Easy Does It.

*KLAC-News: Sports.KMPC-Help Wanted.KRHD-Wagon Wheels.

5:05*KECA-Headline Edition.5:10-fELAC-Los Angeles Today.

KMPC-Tnday in Sports.5:15*KECA-Irving Howard.

*KFI-News, Ted Meyers.IKNX-Tom Harmon.

KFOX-Melody Time.KFVD-Melody Matinee.

*KGER-World News.KGFJ-Keyboard Magic.KLAC-Stars of the Week.KMPC-LonesomeKWKW-Sports Back Talk.

5:30*KECA. HP11E-Chet Huntley.ElF1. KF8D-Casa CugatKHJ. KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Bobby Benson.*KNX, KCBQ-World Today.

Carroll Alcott.KFAC-Whoa Bill Club.

*KFOX, RGIT.. KLAC-News.KGER-Gospel Friends.

*KGFJ-News; Record Jackpot.KMPC-Stars of Song.KRHD-Sports Dial.KWKW-Romano Spanish Hr.KXLA-Snueakin' Deacon.

5:45*KECA, KFMB-Bob Garred.*KFI-Elmer Peterson.

KNX, KCRO-News, Goes.KFOX-Your Flshcaster.KFVD-Piano Parade.KLAC-Sam Baiter. Sports.KMPC-Top Tunes.BRED -Race Results.

5:55*KNX, IICBQ-Local News.8*KECA, &FOX, KFWB, KLAC,

MIPC-News.I KFI-Hardy Family.*KHJ. KFXM. KGB, KVOE-

Gabriel Heatter.KCBQ-Pursuit.

KFAC-Etchings in Silver.KFVD-Melody Matinee.KGER-American Soul Clinic.KGFJ-Request Performance.KIEV -Easy Does It.

*KMPC-Norman Nesbitt. Sews.HOWL -Joe Adams.KRIM-Evening Varieties.KWKW-Italian Melodies.KXLA-P.C.C. Handy Hints.

6:05*KECA-Main Street to Malibu.11ILAC-Al ,Jarvis Ballroom.

6:15*RECA-Quincy Howe.*KHJ KGB -Radio Newsreel.*IEFM11-Elmer Davis.

KFWB-Snorts.4KMPC-Bob Kelley, Sports.

6:30 se 'MCA-Philo Vance.KFL RFSD-Pet Milk Show.

MU, KGB -Answer Man.IHNX, ECIN-The Bickersons.

KF'AC-Musical Milestones.KFOX-Hal's Memory Room.KFWB-America Dances.KGER-Back to the Bible.

411151PC-Hollywood Park RacesKWKW-Hoyos Hoar.KXLA-Eddy Arnold Show.

6:45*Kr/J. KFX111, KGB, HVOE-News, Sam Hayes.

.*KGFJ-News.KRIM-Fishing Pals.

6:05*K11,1, KGB, IIVOR-Bill Henry7ifILECA, KEMB-Mr. Mercury.KFI. EFSD-Big Town.RAJ. KFXM, KGB -

John Steele.?JINX, Kt -BO -Hollywood

Music Rail.KFAC-Evening Serenade.IIFIVB-America Dances.EGER-Family Bible Hour.KGFJ-Musical Digest.KIEV -Easy Does It.

*KMPC-News; MusicalMemories.


KWKW-HoYos Roue.:66*KLAC-Clete Roberts.

7:15-1ERRD-% Time Waltzes.KXLA-Happy Perryman.

:26-KLAC-Crosby & Company.1:3041iEcA, KFMB-Chance of a

Lifetime.KFI-Troth About Nareoties.

KFXM. KGB. HVOE-Count of Monte Cristo.

KNX-Dance Orch.KFAC-Echoes and Encores.EGER-Oriental Missionary.KMPC-Penny Serenade.KRKD-Dr. Richardson.KWKW-Betz Spanish Frog.KXLA-Ole Rasmussen.

7:40-KLAC-Weather News.7 :45*KFOX-News.

KFSG-Hour of Prayer.IEFWII-Rosary Hour.HOER -Life's Fuller Measure.KWKW-Treasnry Salute.

1:55-KLAC-Weather Report.8,,KECA, KFMB-Black Night.

KFI, KFSD-One Man'sFamily.

KILL KFXM, KGB. [IVOR-Song of Liberty.

*KNX. KCBQ-Frank Goss.KFAC-Evening Concert.KFOX-Salute to Reservists.KFSG-Hour of Prayer.KGER-Bible Treasury.KGF.7-11'wend Howie Party.

*KLAC-News: Parade ofMusic.

*KmPC-Norman Nesbitt.KWKW-Farm & Garden.

5:15*KFI. KFSD-World News.KNX. KCBQ-Dance Orr*.KGER-Hebrew Christian.KC:El-Stars on Parade.KMPC-Baseball.KXLA-Nanny Perryman.

9:30*KFCA. VEFFIB. KG111,-News.KEL KFSD-Amerlean Por-

traits.KIT.1, RVOE-2000 Plus.

KCBQ-Mr. and Mee.North.

RESG-Sunday School Time.KGER-MusicEGFJ-Today's Hits.KLAC-Baseball.EXLA-Ole Rasmussen.

6:35-KECA-Time for Defense.11:45-RFOX-Excursion In Science.

KFWB-T. N. Today.

Tuesday Radio Program Highlights*A.M. Programs in Lightface Type, P.M. Programs in Boldface

I:00 -John Steele. 1EHJ.$1:06 -Black Night. RICA.0:311 -Mr. and Mrs. North. EN'S.9:00 -Operation Underground,

WN'N.9:00-Nightheat. Kn.

10:04-1 Love a Mystery.Public interest -Information

7:30 -Truth About Nareedies,NFL

9:00 -Town Meeting, KECA.Sports

11:00 -Major BE KALI. KGFJ.5:15 -Tom Harmon. KNX.5:45 -Sam Baiter. KLAC.6:15 -Bob Kelley. KMPC.6:30 -.-Joe Hernandez, EMIT.5:15 -Baseball. KMPC. KLAC.

Drama6:60 -Pursuit, KNX.7:60 -Mr. Mercury. WA.7:30 -Count of Monte Criste,

KHJ,$:30 -American Portraits, KM.

91/KECA, ECEMB-AmericesTown Meeting.

KFSD--Nightbeat.*KHJ. IEFX.M, KGB, HVOE-

News. Glenn Hardy.INNS. HCBQ-Operation

Underground.KFAC-Evening Concert.IEFOX-Swingtime at F.Jka.11IFSG-Spirit of L.I.F.E.

4E1,11113 -Eleanor Roosevelt.KGFJ-Today's Hite.KLAC, KMPC-Baseball.

*KWKW-News.KILA--Souesinin' Deacon.

9:15*KHJ. KGB, HVOE--Robt.Hurieigh.

KGER-Melody Four Quartet.9:36-1EFI-HFI Calling.

KHJ. KGB. KV0E-.OffieialDetective.

KNX. KCBQ-Dance Band.KIND -Bold Venture.KFSG-Eventide Melodies.KGER-John Brown Schools.RGFJ-Platter Party.

9:45-KECA-Fisher Body GalleyAward.

*KFWB-News.9:55*KILL KFXM. KVOE-News.

101KEg2it ,Aijs=1711Reporter.

/EFLI, vurx.m. KGB -1 Love aMystery.

*KNX. KCBQ-10 O'Clock Wire.EFAC-Musical Crossroads.WFWB-Gene Norman Show.

*KLAC-News; Make MineMusic.

KMPC-Lucky Dane. Time.15 :15-KECA-Dr. Frederick Banes.

*EFT -Michael Bins,. News.*ICHJ-Frank Edwards.

IINX-Tom Harmon.KFSD-Lucky Dance Time.

10:20*K7.41X-Carroll Alcott. Neves.1e:30-XECA. KIMB-Sports Berme:,

KFI-Passing Parade.- KELT-Lonesome Gal.

ENS -Philip Norman.*KLAC-News: Make Mine

Music.10 :45*KECA-News.lort-At Home With Lionel Harbor.


*Kn. RAJ. KNX. KGB -News.

K rs. KMPC-Lucky Dames!,Time.

g ruTi-oonde Cooley Time.ELAC-Musle to Remember.RN:LA-Alex Cooper.

11:10--KHJ-Game of the Day.KNX-Tom Hanlon's

Scoreboard.11:114-WFT-1Fliltrnore Hotel Ora.

KNX-Merry-Go-Reond.KX1A-Carl Bailey and Alex

Cooper.11:30--wyr.1.-liteleely Hilts °reit.

KFT-Lyman's RestaurantOrch.

11:45-xm-Guest/(NC -1 -ten and the World.

11:55*KFI-Newe.1410*KECA. KNX-News.

KFT-Musical Mena.wrist -K -00n Otis.KGPJ-Georco Jay (to I).

12:05-KFT-Midnight Flyer.KNX-Hawthorne.

12:30 -KT! -Midnight 'Flyer.12:55*RMPC-News.

FORGERS BEWAREMary Margaret McBride,

ABC's columnist of the air,has at least six differenttypes of penmanship she usesin answering letters, andadmits that on one occasiona check was returned by thebank because officials in-sisted the signature was notin her handwriting.* *SIDNEY JOINS SDPH

The Screen Director's Play-house, heard on NBC everyThursday at 7:00 p.m., hastaken unto itself a perma-nent figurehead. fast -risingscreen director George Bla-ney, who will be heard eachweek as moderator -emcee.

Page Twenty-seven

Page 28: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


Radio in Review-Continueddesignating Friday, July 28, as "Phil Harris DO" through-out the city: And Nashvillians did celebrate. All of thefestivities were for the benefit bf the Kiwanis youthfunds, and Harris headlined an all-star show as part ofthe giant affair.

A commission as a "Tennessee Colonel," presented byGovernpr Gordon Browning, was among honors heapedupon the- popular comedian during his visit home.

In thanking the crowd for their hospitality, Harris re-marked, "Coming here was the happiest note of my life.I've never received such a wonderful reception."

"Horse -Doctor"Don MacLaughlin, "Dr. Jim Brent" on NBC's popular

daytime drama "The Road of Life." is possibly the onlyman in broadcasting who got his start by neighing like

horse. His first network radio role was cut out of thescript during rehearsal and MacLaughlin was assignedto help the sound -effects man by making like a nag.

But that incident marked the first and last exhibit ofs his equine ability. From that beginning he went on to

become one of today's most successful radio actors.Prior to his first mikeside appearance. however, Mac -

Laughlin had chalked up another distinction-he hadactually taken a slow boat to China! MacLaughlin wasborn in Webster, Iowa, but because of his father's pre-carious health his family moved frequently during hischildhood. He spent many of his growing summers at vari-ous jobs-as a timekeeper in a dial -telephone company,as an illustrator, as a designer of miniature golf courses,and once as a butcher.

He majored in English and dramatics while at theUniversity of Arizona and graduated to teach high schoolin his Iowa home town during the depression days. Hethen headed for New York, where he spent another yearas a clerk in a theatrical booking office. This, too, wasunsatisfying so Don decided to visit a cousin in Singapore.He signed on as a seaman on a slow freighter.

A couple of years later he returned to New York, alsoby slow freighter, and married Mary Prugh, a youngmiss who worked on a newspaper.

While an undergraduate at college, Don had made asuccessful radio debut on the Tucson NBC affiliate, sohe decided to try his acting future further. His first radioaudition was for a job as an announcer on a local NewYork station. The audition consisted of reading a news-cast. When it was over, Don learned that he had actuallybeen on the air all the time. "That blessed experience,"he says, "kept me from ever developing mike fright."

Next came a season of one-night stands touring withLittle Jack Little's band, as road manager. After that,the young actor joined a group which did a great dealof unnaid work, for "experience." He and Kenny known as "Senator Clagnorn," were members of aradio stock company which evolved from this search forexperience.

Then followed a year of radio work in San Francisco,from which Don managed to land a solid part in an NBCserial. Besides his role in "The Road of Life," which hehas enacted for the past four years, MacLaughlin playsthe lead in NBC's weekly "Counter -Spy" dramas, and hashad leading roles in fourteen major network series todate.

MacLaughlin's most loyal audience now includes hiswife, and three children, Douglas, twelve, Jeannette, nine,and Britton, six.

Corset History Air edMary. Margaret McBride, who has had many an interest-

ing personality on her ABC programs, found herselfdelving into the history of the corset when she had his-torian Earl Newton as a guest. Mr. Newton. editor of theAmerican. Heritage Magazine. informed Mary Margaretthat Cleopatra was not the first woman to resort to thecorset effect.

"The Minoan women wore corsets centuries earlier, butthey established the custom of having them from the

Page twenty-eight

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15*indicates News Broadcast4' Indicates Highlight

SIKECA. KFMB-Don*KFI-Behind the Headlines.*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KV0E-

Ed Pettit.KNX-Ralph Story Show.KFAC'-Musical Varieties.KFVD-Wakeup Ranch.


KGFJ-World Bible Society.KRKD-Ernest C. Wilson.KWH VV-Ritmos Latino-

Americanos.:05-KIEV-'1,rtrm Klock Klub.

KLAC-Stock Market.:15-KFI-Johnny Murray:


*KNX, HCBQ--News, DaveValle.

KFOX-Prison Missionaries.KFWB-L. A. Breakfast ClubKGFI-Voice of the Blind.KLAC-Haynes at the Reins.KM PC -Markets ; Sports.

K W -Friends of Israel.KXLA-Curly Wiggins.

:30-KFI, KFSD-Jack Berch.KHJ, KFX3I, KGB, KV0E-

. Bible Institute.KNX, KCBQ--Cirand Slam.

*KFAC. KGIL, KRKD-News.KFON-Word of Life.KFVD-Morning Call.KGER-1 nice of China.KGFJ-lesterrlay's Hits.KMPC-Ross Mulholland.K WSW-Nazarene Church.KXLA-Ha yen of Rest.

8 :35-KRKD-Sweet Harmonies.:45-HET. KFSD-Dial Dave

Garrovrfty.KNX-Rosemary.KGER-Bible Treasury Hour.KLAC-Racing News.K WHIA -Council of Churches.

ca-K A --Ted Malone.Q11 KFI-Coffee Time.

KHJ-Dixieland BreakfastClub.

KNX-Wendy Warren.KFOX-Penterostal Church.KFI D-Morning Call.KM B-1.. A. Breakfast Club.KG ER-Lutheran Hour.HI.F.I-Housewives Hit

Parade.KIEV-'Larm Klock Klub.

t, AC-New s Haynes at theReins.

K31 P('- Ross Mulholland.KRIM-Sagebrush Serenale.KWKW-Bill Stewart.KXLA-Bar Nothin' Ranch.

9 :15*KEC A-Headline Edition.KHJ, RFXM, KGB-Garden

Guide.KNX, KCBQ--Aunt Jenny.KFOX-Home Missionary.

*KFVI), KGFJ-News.9 :25*KECA-A. Van Horn.

KMPC-N s.9 : 30-KEC A. II FM Ft-Romance of

Evelyn Winters.KFI-Ladies' Day.KHJ-Norma Young.KNX, K('BQ-Helen Trent.KALI-Hunter Hancock.RFD:X.-Fut I Gospel.KFVD-Morning Call.

tf KFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.HOF-I-Spot light Parade.KGIL-Masons at Home.KIE -Discing With Dick.KI, A C-A1,,,larvi s Ballroom.KM PC --Ch ef Milani.

9 :45-KECA-When a Girl Marries.KNX. KCBQ-Our Gal Sunday.KFOX-Highlight View Bible.


1 0-KECA-LoneJourney.

KFI-All Around Town.*KHJ, KFXM. KGB, KVOE-

News , Glenn Hardy.KNX-Big Sister.KFA('-Morning Concert.REVD-Morning Call.KFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.

*EGER-Earl Lee.RGF.1-Bing Sings.KIEV-Discing With Dick.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*FEMPC-News ; Howard Flynn.KWKW-Bill Stewart.KXLA-Tom Ca fferty .

le :05-KFOX-Assembly of God.10 :15-KECA-Vesterday on Bdwy.

KR& KFXM, KGB, KV0E-Tello-Test."

KNX-Ma Perkins.KFWB-Maurice Hart.

*KGFJ-News.KRKD-Dr. Richardson.

10 :30-KECA. KFMB-My True StoryKFI-Break the Bank.KHJ-Answer Man.KNX-Young Dr. Malone.

KALI, KFOX-Major LeagueBali.

*KFWB-News; Maurice Hart.KGFJ-Dance Band Review.

*KGIL, KXLA-News.KRKII-Mart in Ash.KWKW-Tony Seim

18:45-K HI-Russ Morgan.KNX-Guiding Light.KM PC-Hollywood Editor.KXLA-Charlie Aldrich.

18 :55-KECA-Edward Arnold,Story Tellers

*KHJ, KFXM-News.1 1'ECA, KFMB-Betty Crocker..

RFT. KFSD-Double orNothing.

KH.1, KFXM, KGB, KV0E-Ladies Fair.

KN N.-Second Mrs. Burton.KALI, KGFJ-Major League

Ball.KFA('-Guy Bates Post.KFVD-Bible Institute.KFWB-Criswell Predicts.KIEV-Discing With Dirk.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KMPC-News ; Howard Flynn.KRKD-Songs of Yesteryear.

11 :15-KEC A-Easy Aces.KNX-Perry Mason.KENS B-Maurice Hart.

*KXLA-Pasadena News.11 :23*K14.1, KVOE-News.

1RCFJ-Major League Ball.11 :30-KECA-Ott Strings of Song.

KFI, KFSD-Live Like aMillionaire.

I KIEL KFXM. KGB, KVOE-Queen for a Day.

KNX. FICBQ-Nora Drake.KFAC-Music Hall.KFVD-Rescue Mission.

*KFWB-News: Maurice Hart.*KCEIL KRKD-News.

K WIZ W -flora de Los Angeles


Cliffie Stone Eddie KirkHerman the Hermit

Plucky Tibbs Speedy WestTennessee Ernie

Top Western TalentKXLA 11:30 - 12:30

Man. Thru Fri.

x - ometown Jamboree.11 :35-KGER-BoYs Ranch.

:45*KECA-Paul Harvey.KNX-The Brighter Day.KGER-Dr. Dan Gilbert.

11 :55*KFI. KFSD-K. Banghart,News.

12*KECA-News, Hank Weaver.KFI-Farm Reporter.


*KNX-News; Bill Kenneally.KALI, KFOX, KGFJ-

Baseball.FIFAC-Lnncheon Concert.KFVD-Editor of the Air.KFWB-Bill Anson.

*KFAC-News ; Al JarvisBallroom.

KMPC-Peace Prayer. Music.KOWL-Joe Adams Show.KXLA-Hometown Jamboree.

12 :13-KECA-Altar Bound.- KFI, KFSD-Road of Life.KILL KGB-Cedric Foster.

KNX-Wendell Noble.*IEFTD, KGER. SEMPC-News.

KIEV-Discing With Dick.12 :30-KEC A, KFMB-Modern

Romances.KFI, KFSD-Pepper Young.KM-Nancy Dixon.}CNN. KCBQ-Art Linkletter.KFVI)-Midday Memories.

*KFIVR-News ; Bill Anson.KLAC-57ft Club.KNIPC-Religious Science Inst.WO:KW-Imperial Hour.KILA-Ole Rasmussen.

12 :45-KECA, KFMR-Da yid Amity.Krt. KFSD-Right to

Happiness.KHJ-Bell Ringer.

*KFAC-News.KM PC-Fa rm Adviser.

12 :55-KN X-Ne ws.-FIF,CA-Frances


Jac k Kirkwood Show.KNX. KC HQ-Hilltop House.KFAC-Calif. Civil Defense.KF It-shopping Highlights.K Anson.

R-Peter Slack, Organ.KCFJ-From Sunset and Vine.KIEV-Strictly Instrumental.

*KLAC-News ; Sports.*KMPC-News; Music You


Page 29: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


Broadcaster.1:10-KLAC-570 Club.1:15-HECA-Ira Cook.

KFI, KFSD-Stella Dallas.ESN, KCBQ-Kings Row.KFAC-Composers Corner.KWKW-Races and Sports.H/CLA-Da v id Giltillan.

1:30-KFI, KFSD-Young WidderBrown.

KH,L.KGB-Double or NothingKNX.--Philip Norman.

B --News ; Bill Anson.KGER-Guest Star.KGFJ-Anybody's Hit Parade.KIEV-Date With Allin Slate.

1:45- XFI. KFSD-Woman in MyHouse.

21KECA. KFMB-Mary MargaretMcBride.

KFI, KFSI)--Just Plain Bill.*KHJ, KNX, HVOE-News.

KFAC-Concert Matinee.


Now 2:00-3:30 p.m.Mon. thru Sat.


KFVD-Marlematinee.KFWB-Bill Anson.EGER-Long Beach Band.KGFJ-Meet the Band.KIEV-Date With Allin Slate.

*KLAC-News, Sports.*KMPC-News; Johnny Grant.

KRHD-L, A. Fire Dept.KWKW-Bill Garr.KXLA-Frank Simon.

2:05-KNX-Paul Masterson Show.2 :10-KLAC-570 Club.2:15-KFI, KFSD-Front Page

Farrell.KHJ-Popular Music.KFOX-Texas Tiny.KGFJ-Variety on Piano.KRILD-Salvation Army.K_XLA-Continental Serenade.

2:25-KNX-Mr. Information.2:30-HECA-Variety Fare.

KFI, KFSD-Lorenzo Jones.KHJ-Women Are Wonderful.KNX-Jack Owens.

*KFWB-News; Bill Anson.KCiER-Garden School.

*KGFJ-News.*HRKD-News; Tops in Pops.

KWKW-Open House.2:40-KGER-Stars on Parade.2:45-KFI, KFSD-Bob and Ray.

KNX-George Fisher.KGFJ-Saludos Amigos.KXLA-Curly Wiggins.

3-HECA-Family Circle.1KFI, KFSD-Welcome

Travelers.KHJ-Club 930.KNX, ECHO-Arthur GodfreyEFAC-World of Opera.KFVD-Harlematinee.KFWB-Peter Potter.

*EGER-News; Rancho 1390.KGFJ-Western Roundup.KIEV-Russ Morgan.

*KLAC-News: Sports.*KMPC-News: Johnny Grant.

KRHD-Tops in Pops.KWKW-Open House.

3:10-KLAC-570 Club.3:15-KFOX-Texas Tiny.

EXLA-Music Mountain.3:30-KFI, KFSD-Aunt Mary.

KFAC-Lyries in Chorus.*KGFJ-News.

KIEV-Discing With Dick.*KRHD-News; Tops in Pops.

KWKW-Johnny Harper Show3:40-KW-Talk Back.3 :45*KFI, KFSD-News.

KHJ-Lynn Looks at H'wood.*KFAC-News.

KFOX, KGVD-Pensions.KGFJ-Plano Moments.


KFI, KFSD-Dr. Paul.*KHJ, KFX-M, KGB-Robt.

Hurleigh,KNX, KCHQ-Curt Massey.KFAC-Music Masterpieces.

*KFOX-News.KFWB-Peter Potter.KGER-Rancho 1390: Sports.KGFJ-Teen Timers Matinee.KIEV-Discing With Dick.

*ILIAC-News: Sports.*KMPC-News; Bing Crosby.

KRHD-Spotlight on a Star.KWKW-Rodeo Bill.'ELLA-Music Mountain.

4:05-KMPC-Bing Crosby.

3:00-Arthur Godfrey, KNX.Quiz, Participation

Bkfst. Club, KECA8:30-Grand Slam, KNX.

11:00-Double ur Nothing, KFI.11:30 --Queen for a Day. KHJ.12:30-Art. Linkletter, KNX.3:00-Welcome Travelers, KFI.8:00-Name That Song, KHJ.9:00-It Pays to Be Ignorant,


11:00-Major BB, KALI. KGFJ.5:15-Tom Harmon, KNX.5 :45-Sam Baiter, KLAC.6:15-Bob Kelley, KMPC.6:30-sloe Hernandez, KIIIPC.8:15-Baseball, KMPC, KLAC.

Drama8:00-Escape, KNX.

4:10-KLAC-Jukebox Jamboree.4:15-HFI-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Frank Hemingway.

KNX, KCBQ-Strike It Rich.KMPC-Glax Facts. *

4 :25*KFWB-News.4:30-KECA-Songs of Another

Season.IHFI-Burritt Wheeler.

KHJ, KGB-Behind the Story.KFOX-Record Parade.KFTD-Vocal Varieties.KFWB-Platter Pals.KG FJ-Dixieland.KMPC-Ira Cook.HOWL-Italian Program.KWKW-Bill Sampson.KXLA-Melody Valley.

4:45*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-News, Sam Hayes.

KNX-Jolinny Dugan.KLAC-Racing Roundup.




Meet's Record Adventure*.*KNX, HCBQ-News,

Hoilenbeck.KFAC-Sunset Serenade.KFOX-Sunshine Mission.KFWB-Red Rowe.KGFJ-Jive at Five.KGIL-Children's Corner.KIEV-Easy Does It.

*KLAC-News, Sports.KMPC-Help Wanted.HOWL-Chico's Swingtime.KRKD-Wagon Wheels.KILA-Melody Valley.

5 :05*HECA-Headline Edition.5:10-KLAC-Los Angeles Today.

KMPC-Tolay in Sports.5:15*HECA-Irving Howard.

*KF1-News./KNX-Tom Harmon.

KFVD-Melody Matinee.*HGER-World News.

KGFJ-Pianists of the Future.KLAC-Stars of the Week.KMPC-LonesomeKWKW-Sports Back Talk.

5:30*KECA, KFMB-Chet Huntley.KFI-Casa Cugat.KW, KFXM, KGB, HYDE-

Singing Marshal.*HISX, HCBQ-World Today,

Carroll Alcott.KFA(.-Whoa Bill Club.

*KFOX, KGIL, KLAC-News.KGER-Gospel Friends.

*KGFJ-News; Record Jackpot.KMPC-Stars of Sung.KRHD-SportsKWKW-Romano Spanish Hr.KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.

5:45*KECA, HI-MB-Bob Garred.*KFI, HFSD-Elmer Peterson.*ELISX, HCB(I-News, Goss.

KFOX-Your Ftshcaster.KFVD-Piano Parade.

IKI.AC-Sam Batter, Sports.KMPC-Top Tunes.KRHD-Race Results.

5:55*KNX, KCBQ-Local News.KHJ-Popsicle *Clubhouse.


KFI-Sunset to Broadway.*KHJ, KFXM, KGB-Gabriel

Heatter.'CRS X. KCBQ-Escape.

KFAC-Etchings in Silver.KFVD-Melody Matinee.KGER-American Soul Clinic.

KGFJ-Request Performance.KIEV-Easy Does It.

*KMPC-Norman Nesbitt, NewsHOWL-Joe Adams Show.KRHD-Evening Varieties.KWKW-ItalianKXLA-Pasadena 'layhouse.

:05*KECA-Main Street to Malibu.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

6:15*HECA-Quincy Howe.*HELL KFXM, KGB-Radio


11110PC-Bob Kelley, Sports.6:30 WHECA-HOston Blaekie.

KM, KFSD-Pete Kelly'sBlues.

KHJ. KGB-Answer Man.v(KNIX, -HCBQ-Johnny Dollar.

KFAC-Musical Milestones.KFOX-Hal's Memory Romv.-KFIVB-Amerieit Dances..KGER-Back to the Bible.

1WIPC-Hollywool Park RacesKWKW-HeYos Hour.KXLA-Eddy Arnold Show.

6:45*KHJ, KELM, KGB, KVOE-News, Sam Hayes.


Bill Henry.7-KECA, KFMB-Lone Ranger.

1KFI, KFSD-The Big Story.s(EHJ, KFXM, KGB-

Mysterious Traveler.KNX-Dance Orch.Kt-AC-Evening Serenade.KFOX-Waltz Time.KFVVB-America Dances.KGER-Family Bible Hour.

"MUSICAL DIGEST"Family Dinner Hour Concert

7:00 to 8:00 P.M.Nightly including SundayKGFJ 1230 Kc.


KXLA-News.KIEV-Easy Does It.KPPC-Pasadena Musicians.KWKW-Hoyos Hour.

:05*KLAC-Clete Roberts.:15-KKHD-3/4 Time Waltzes.

K XLA-Happy Perryman.7:20-KLAC-Crosby & Company.1 :30 KECA, KFMB-American

Agent.KM, KFSD-Rex Saunders.

KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Cisco Kid.

HNX, K('BQ-Sammy Kaye.ILIAC-Echoes and Encores.KFOX-Meet the Band.KGER-Rev. Al Harlan.KG1L-Managing Editor.KM-PC-Penny ierenude.KPPC-Let's Talk It Over.KRIM-Dr. Richardson.KWKW-Betz Spanish

Program.KXLA-Ole Rasmussen.

:45*KFOX-News.KFSG-Dr. Kelso R. Glover.KFWB-Rosary Hour.KPPC-Dr. John Von Rohr.KWKW-Japanese Hour.

81ECECA, KFMB-Rams-RedskinsPro Football Game.

KFI, KFSD-Cine Man'sFamily.

Wednesday Radio Program HighlightsA.M. Programs In Lightface Type: P.M. Programs to Boldface.

Comedy -Variety 6:30-Pete Kelly's Blues. KFI.7:00-The Big Story, KFI.7:311-Rex Saunders, KFI.8:30-Family Theater, KHJ.8:30-Dr. Christian, KNX.9:00-Mr. President, KECA.9:30-International Airport, KHJ

Mystery -Detective6:30-Johnny Dollar, HISX.6:30-Boston 'Mackie, KECA.7:00-Mysterious Traveler, KHJ.7:30-American Agent, KECA.8:00-The Fat Man, KECA.8:30-Rogue's Gallery, KECA.8:30-The Falcon, KFI.9:00-Rocky. Jordan, KNX.9:30-Mr. D. -4., KM.

10:00-I Love a Mystery, KHJ.Comment -Narration

9:30-Eleanor Roosevelt, KFWB.'2:00-Mary M. McBride, KECA.4:30-Burritt Wheeler, HET.9:00-Eleanor Roosevelt, KFWB.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, &YOE-Name That Song.

*KNX, HCB(J-World Tonight.KFAC-Evening Concert.KFOX-Modern Concert.KFSG-Dr. Kelso R. Glover.KGER-Bible Treasury.KGFJ-H'wood House Party.

*KLAC- News; Parade of Music*KMPC-News, Norman Nesbitt

_ KWKW-Farm & Garden.*EXLA-News.

8:15*KFI, KFSD-World News.K.N'X, BCBQ-Dance Oreh.KGER-Hebrew Christian.KOFJ-Dept. of Employment.FLVIPC-Baseball.KXLA-Civil Defense.

8:25*KE('A-News.8:301KFI, KFSD-The Falcon.


Family Theater.,'KNX. KCBQ-Dr. Christian.

KFOX-L. B. 'Town Forum,*KFWB, KGILNews

AGER-Music Hall.KGFJ-Todav's Hits.KLAC-Baseball.ILPPC-Pasadena City College.KWKW-Japanese Hour.EXLA-Ole Rasmussen. -

8 :45-KIFIN B-L .N. Today.KGIL-Melodies Soft & Sweet.HIPPC-Talent in Review..

9SEca, KFMB-Rams-RedskinsFootball.

IKFI, KFSD-It Pays to BeIgnorant.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, EVOE-News, Glenn Hardy.

IKNX, HCBQ--Rocky Jordan.KFAC-Evening Concert.KFOX-Swingtime at Elks. -

HFSG-Divine Healing.-1KFWB-Eleanor Roosevelt.

KGFJ-Today's Hits.KGIL-Musical Scrapbook.

*KLAC-News; Parade ofMusic.

WRFC-Baseball.KPPC-Curtain Call.

' ' KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.9:15*KHJ, KGB, KV0E-Rokt.

Hurleigh.KGER-Fred IVIcelesky.

9:301KFI, KFSD-Mr. Dist. AttY.IKFI, KFSD-Mr. Dist. Atty.

KHJ, KGB, KV0E-International Airport.

KNX, KCBQ-Dance Orch.KFSG-Missionary News.KGER-John Brown School*.HGEV-Platter Party.KPPC-Adventure Journey*.

9:45*KFWB-News. 'KFSG-Songs in the Night.

9:55*KHJ, KFXM, HVOE-News.


Football.*KFI, HFSD-Richfield

Reporter.1KHJ, KFXM, KGB-I Love

a Mystery.*KNX, HCBQ-le O'Clock Wire

KFAC-Musical Crossroads.KFWB-Gene Norman Show.KGER-Peter Slack, Organ.KLAC-Baseball.KMPC-Lucky Lager Dance

10:15-KECA-Dr. Frederick Bailee.*KFI-Michael Minn, News.*KHJ, KGB-Frank Edwards.

KNX-Tom Harmon, Snorts.KFSD-Lucky Lager Dancir.

10:20*KNX-Carroll Aleott, News.KNLA-Charlie Aldrich.

10:30-HECA, KFMB-Sports Report,KFI-Passing Parade.KHJ-Lonesome Gal.KNX-Philip Norman.

*KLAC-News: Make Mine .

Music.10 :45*KEC A-News.KFI-At Home With Lionel

Barrymore.10:50-KECA-Dream Harbor. -


HEAC-Musical Crcissroads.KFVD-Spade Cooley Time.KMPC-Lucky Dance Time.

11:10-KILI-Game of the Day.KNX-Torn Hanlon's

Scoreboard.11:15-KECA-Beverly Hills Orch.

KFI-Biltmore Hotel Orch.KNX-Merry-Go-Round.KXLA-Carl Bailey and Alex

Cooper.11:30-HECA-New Yorkers From

the Town House.KFI-Cocoanut Grove Orch.

11:45-KFT-t.S. Navy Recruiting.KNX-Ton World.

12*KKEFIIIC uKsi 1-31- eenwus:KFWB-Don Otis.KGFJ-George Jay (to 6).

Page Twenty-nine

Page 30: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

TV.RADIO LIFE AUGUST 16Radio in Review-Continuedwaist down because they wore no clothing at all abovethe waist," he said.

"Then came the days when they were made withwrought iron by the same craftsmen who built the medi-eval torture- instruments. Some women might suggest thatthere isn't much difference between a corset and a tortureinstrument," Newton concluded.

Mary Margaret feels that many women from personalexperiences can agree with the above statement.

On Mike ( About StudioHappenings

Modern RomancesPeter Martin, script supervisor for "Modern Romances"

(KECA, 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday) avoids soap -opera situations in "romance" scripts. "People haveenough to depress them without listening to misery anddespair on the airwaves," claims Peter. "That's why Iask my writers to avoid soap -opera situations and drawon down-to-earth problems that people face every dayand solve sensibly without tearing their hair out or car-rying on in a vale of tears."

The staff of "romance" writers includes Vera Oldham.Michael Sklar and Don Witty, who use no "formulas."Don Witty has emerged as a very versatile writer on thelighter side of life. Vera Oldham and Michael Sklar havedone exceptional scripts, according to Martin, in relatingthe realistic and credible experiences in real -life dramas.Their characters are drawn from people who hold or-dinary working jobs as well as people whose backgroundsare more unusual. Their problems and the decisions theymake are similar to those we all have in day-to-day liv-ing; or their amusing experiences pleasantly remind usof our own or those of friends.

The stories dramatized on the daytime dramatic seriesare narrated by Helen Gregory. As story editor she pre-sents them as a friend would tell of their experiences,and they are enacted by top-flight radio actors. Bill Mar-shall is director of "Modern Romances" program andGeorge Henninger scores the original dramatic music.* *

DAVIS REPORTS FROM EUROPENoted ABC commentator Elmer Davis will fly to Eu-

rope on a fact-finding and reporting trip, during whichtime he will visit the Atlantic Pact countries and reporton the state of defenses of the Western world.

NEXT WEEKOur cover feature story next week definitely proves

that three is not a crowd, especially when the trioincludes KNBH's popular stars Monty Margetts, StuWilson and Bill Stulla, as you will read.

Walter Brennan is bringing us the delight of "YouCan't Take It With You" on radio, and our interviewwith this colorful and talented actor turned up somedelightful reading, too. KLAC's lovely Betty Whitealso proirides us with a charming profile, next week.

A yarn about one of radio's most unusual fami-lies, "The Whistler's Children," and one on "Setatives," giving you some pertinent pointers on caringfor your TV sets, plus a story about KTSL's tele-news men and the second installment of BuddyRogers's engrossing comeback tale are features youwon't want to miss in next week's magazine.

The latest news, reviews and pictures plus COMPLETE video and radio logs, all guaranteed to brim/you an evening's good reading and a week's goodlooking and listening are, as always, included inyour copy of TV -Radio Life, available at your market checkstand. More (forty pages) for the money(10 cents) than any other TV -radio publication.

Page Thirty

THURSDAY,*Indicates News Broadcast

indicate. Highlight81HECA, HEMS-Don McNetu.*KFI-Behind the Headlines.*&RJ, HEMS', KGB. KVUE-

Ed Pettit.KNX-Ralph Story Show.KFAC-Musical Varieties.


WESLEY TUTTLEMonday thru Saturday

7 to 8:30 A.M.


KXLA-News.KGFJ-World Bible Society.BOWL-Spanish Hour.KRHD-Ernest C. Wilson.KWKW-Ritmos Latino-

Americanos.S:05-KIEV-'Larm Klock Klub.I:10-KLAC-Stock Market.II:15-K11-Johnny Murray.


Dave Valle.KFOX-Prison Missionaries.KFWB-Bill Leyden.KOFJ-Your County at Work.KLAC-Haynes at the Reins.KMPC-Markets. Sports.HOWL-Voles of Unity.KWKW...-Friends of Israel.KXLA-Curly Wiggins.


Haven of Rest.'MINX, LURIE-Grand Slam.*KFAC, KCRQ, KRED-News.

KFOX-Words of Life.KFVD-Morning Call.IKGER-Voice of China.KCIFJ-Vesterday's Hits.KMPO-Rosi Mulholland.KWKW-Nazarene Church.KXLA-Western

11:35-KIIHD-Sweet Harmonies.8:45-KFI-Dial Dave Garroway.


KGER-Bible Treasury.KLA.C-Racing News.KWKW-Council of Churches.


KFI-Coffee Time.KHJ-Disieland Breakfast

Club.KN S.-Wendy Warren.KPDX-Pentecostal Church.KFVD-Morning Call.K FIV It- Vocom Hollow.EGER-Lutheran Hour.KG I'.1-Housewives Hit

Parade.KIEV-'1.arm Klock Klub.

*KLAC-News: Haynes at theReins.

KMPC--Ross Mulholland.HOWL-Amer. Jewish Prog.KRKD-Sagebrush Serenade.KWKW-Bill Stewart.



KXLA9 - 10 A. M. - Mon. -Fri.

ELK-LA-Bar Nothin' Ranch.9:15*KEI'A-Headline Edition.

KNX, KCIME-Aunt Jenny.KFOX-Hume Missionary.

*HEN D. KG FJ-N ews.9:05*HECA-A. Van Horn.

*KMPC-Newe.9:30-HECA. KFMB-Romance of

Evelyn Winters.KFI-Ladies' Day.KHJ-Norma loan..KNX, HCBQ-Helen Trent.KALI-Hunter Hancock.KFAC-Piano Parade.KFOX-Full Gospel.

I/HEWES-Eleanor Roosevelt.KGER-God's Half Hour.K(..FJ-Stintileht Parade.KIEV-Piecing With Dick.KLAC-41 Jarvis Ballroom.KMPC-Chef

9.45-SRC -When a Girl Marries.

KNX, KCBQ-Our Gal SeSday*REVD. Halm-News.



KFI-All Around Town.*KEIL HFXM, KGB, ETON-

Glenn Hardy, News.KNX-Big Sister.KALI-Hunter Hancock.KFAC-Morning Concert.

*EFOX-News.KFVD-MorningKFWB-Eleanur Roosevelt.KGER-Earl Lee.IEGFJ-Bing Sings.KIEV-Disclog With Dick.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

*KMPC-News: Howard Flynn.HOWL-Yiddish Hour.KRKD-Swing Time.KWKW-Bill Stewart.

*KILA-Tom Lafferty.10 :05-KFOX-Assembly of God.10:15-KECA-Yesterday on Rdwy.


KNX-Ma Perkins.KFWB-Maurice Hart.


10:30-KECA, HEMIS-My TrueStory.

KFI-Break the Bank.HI:Id-Answer Mau.KNX-'swing Dr. Malone.LEOX-Major League boll.KFAC-Song Recital.

*KFWB-News: Maurice Bart.*KtilL, KXLA-News.

KRKJJ-Marvin Mb.KWKW-Tony Selo.

10:45-KHJ-Russ Morgan.K.NX-Guldiug Light.KMPC-Hollywood Editor.KILA-Happy Perryman,

10:55-KECA-Edward Arnold.Story Teller.

*KFAC-News.-KECA, KFMB-Betty Crocker.

HFSD-Double orNothing.

KHJ, KELM, KGB. KVOK-Ladles Fair.

KNX-Second Mrs. Burton.MALI, KGFJ-Major League

Ball.KFAC-Ouy Bates Post.KFVD-Bible Institute.HEW ES-Criswell Predicts.KIEV-DiscIng With Dick.KLAC-Al Jerrie Ballroom.

*HISIPC-News; Howard Flynn.HOWL-Spanish Hour.KRKD-Songs of Yesteryear.

11:15-HECA-Easy Aces.KNX-Perry Mason.KFAC--Folk Songs.KFWES-Maurice Hart.KGER-Sunshine Mission.

*KX.LA-Pasadena News.11 :25*KHJ-News.

VKALI-Major League Ball.11:30-KECA-On Strings of Song.

KFL KFSD-Live LikeMillionaire.

(KHJ, KEXM, KGB, KVIIE-Queen for a Day.

KNX. HCBQ-Nora Drake.KFOX-Baseball.KFVD-Rescue Mission.

*KFWB--News: Maurice Hart.*KISER, KRHD-News.

KWKW-Horn de l.os Angeles.KXLA-Hometown Jamboree.

11:45-KECA-Paul Harvey.KNX-The Brighter Dow.KGER-Dr. Dan Gilbert.

*KC:IL-News.11:55*KFI. Banghart.

News.102tiG*KECA-Hank Weaver. News.

KFI-Farm Reporter.*KHJ. KCISQ, KEW, IFLIE.

KVOF.--News.*KNX-News, 15111 lienneatly.

K FAC-Luncheon Concert.KFVD-Editor of the Air.KFWB-Bill Anson.

*KLAC-News: Al Jarvis.KMPC-Peace Prayer: Music.KOWL-Joe Adams Show.KRKD-Western Wayside.KXLA-Hometown Jamboree.

:15-KECA-Altar Bound.KFSD--Road of Life.

*KHJ-Cedric Foster.KNX-Wendell Noble.

*REVD. KOK& KMPC-News.KIEV-Diseing With Dick.

12:25-KFOX-Major League Ball.12:30-KECA-Modern Romance..

KFI. KFSD-Pepper Young.K M-Nancy Dixon.

'KNX, KCISQ-Art Linkletter.EIFYD-Shopping Highlights,

*KFWB-News.&GER-Luncheon Serenade.KLAC--610 Club.


Page 31: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


KFT, KFSD-Right toHappiness.

KHJ-Bell Ringer.*KNX, EFAC--News.

KFWB--Bill Anson.KMPC-Farm Adviser.

1KECA-)trances Scully.KEE EFSD-Backstage WiteKHJ, RENA, KGB, EVOE-

Jack Kirkwood Show.ENS., KCBQ-Hilltop House.KFAC-L.A. Medical A.REND-Shopping Highlights.Ems-Bill Anson.EGER-Peter Slack, Organ.KGFJ-From Sunset and Vine.KIEV-Strictly instrumental.

*KLAC--News; Sports.*EMPC-News; Music Yon

Ordered.KOWL-,10e Adams Show.KRKD-Polka Time.KWKW-Bill Garr Show.

1:10..-E.LAC-570 Club.1:15-KECA-Ira Cook.

EFL K,FSD-Stella Dallas.KNX-Kings Row.KFAC-Composer's Corner.

1:30-KY7, EFSD--Young WidderBrown.

KHJ KGB-Double or NothingLEX-Philip Norman.KS-VD-For Westerners Only

*KFWB-News.EGER-Navy Star Time.KGFJ-Anybody's Hit yaradeKILEV-Date With AEU: Slate.

1:48-KECA-Frances Scully.EFI, EFSD-Woman in My

!louse.KFWB-Bill Anson.

*EGER-News.2--KECA, KERB-Mary

Margaret McBride.Kn. EFSD-Just Plain Bill.

*KIL 6...NiX-.News.EFAC-Concert Matinee.ILFVD-Rarlematinee.EFWB-Bill Anson.KGER-Long Beach Band.KGFJ-Meet the Band.KIEV-Date With Allin Slate.

*KLAC-News; Sports.*KMPC-News: Johnny Ural,

FOWL-Joe Adams Show.KRKD-Fun With Fables.KWEW-Bill Garr.ESLA-Frank Simon.

3:05-KNX-Paul Masterson Show.t:10- AC --670 Club.2:15-1, ILFSD-Front Page

Farrell..6E4-Luncheon with Lopez.crOX-Texas Tiny.KGFJ-Variety on Piano.KRED-Vets' Administration.K.XLA-Al Williams.

1:25-ILEX-Mr. information.9:30.-


CA-Variety Fare., KFSB-Leretizo Jones.

Women Are Wonderful.N-Jack Owens Show.

*LEND, KGFJ-News.*KFWB-News; Bill Anson.

KGER-Garden School .*HARD-News; Tops in i . -

KWEW-Countess Rozanska.71:40-EGER-Long Beach Band.2:45-EFL KFSD-Bob and Ray.

ENS-George Fisher.KGFJ-Saludos Amigos.EXLA-Curly Wiggins.

11:35*KFAC-News.2-KECA-Family Circle.0 TEFL, KFSD-Welcome

Travelers.KHJ -Club 930.

4KNX, KCBQ-Arthur Godfrey.EFAC-World of Opera.EFVD-Harlematinee.KFWB-Peter Potter.

*EGER-News; Rancho 1390.KGFJ-Western Roundup.KIEV-Russ Morgan.

*ELAC-News; Sports.*ILMPC-News; Johnny Grant.

HOWL-Joe Adams $how.EKED-Tops in Pops.KWKW-Open House.

*KXLA-News.3:05--KIIPC-Magic of Melody.3:10---KLAC-570 Club.3:15*KOIL--News.

KXLA-Music Mountain.3:30-.KFI KFSD-Aunt Mary.

KFAC-Lyrics In Chorus.*EGFJ-News.

KIEV-Discing With Dick.*KRKI)-News; Tops in Pops.

KWKW-Adventures In Music.3:40-KHJ-Talk Back.3:45-KFI, K.F$D-Reserve.

KHJ-Lynn Looks at H'wood.*EFAC-News.

KEGS. E.FVD-Pensions.EGFJ-Plano Moments.



Ell, E.F5D-Dr. Paul.

Comedy -Variety3:00-Arthur Godfrey. R.NX.8:30-The Truitts, EFL

Quiz. ParticipationBkfst. Club. KECA

8:30-Grand Slam, KNX.11:00-Double or Nothing. KFE11:30-Queen for a Day, KHJ.12:30-Art Linkletter. ENS.3:00-Welcome Travelers, Kn.8:00-Original Amateur. KECA.

Drama6:00-Dangerous Assignment,

KFI,6:00-Line-Cp, ENS..6:30-Philip Morris Playhouse.

ENS.7:00-Screen Dir. Plavhse, KEE7:00-Silver Eagle, KECA.7:30-113'wood Star Playhouse,


*KHJ, KENM, KGB--Robt.Hurleigh.

ENS, KCBg-Curt Massey.KFACMusical Masterpiece*.

*EFOX-News.KFWB-Peter Potter.KGFJ-Teen Timers Marine*.KIEV-Discing With Dick.

*KLAC-News, Sports.*EMPC-News; Bing Crosby.

EKED-Spotlight on a Star.KWEW-Rodeo Bill.EXLA-Music Mountain.

4:10-KLAC-Jukebox Jamboree.4:13-Eli-Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-Frank Hemingway.

ENS, KCBQ-Strike It Rich.ELNIPC-Twilight Tales.ERED-Spotlite on a Star.

4:25*FLEWB-News.4:30-KECA-Songs or Another

Season.IKEI-Burritt Wheeler.

EHJ, KGB-Behind the ROMKFOX-Hitching Post.KFWB-Platter Pals.


4:30 P.M.Daily including Sunday

KGFJ 1230 Kc.

KGFJ-Dixieland.EMPC-Music fpr Tolay.KOWL-Italian Program.EWKW-Bill Sampson.KN.LA-Melody Valley.

4:45*KHJ, KGB, KVOE-News.Sam Hayes.

KNX-Johnny Dugan.KLAC-Racing Roundup.


-News.*Et FI-Feature Wire.

KHJ, KENAI, KGB. EWE-Challenge of the Yukon.

*ENS, KCBQ-News,Holleubeck.

EFAC-Sunset Serenade.KFOX-Sunshine Mission.KFWB-Red Rowe.EGFJ-Jive at Five.KGIL-Children's Program.KIEV-Easy Does It.KMPC-Help Wanted.KRKD-Wagon Wheels.EXLA-Melody Valley

5:05*KECA-Headline Edition.5:10-KLAC-Los Angeles Today.

EMPC-Today In Sports.5:15*KECA-Irving Howard.

*Kn-News.IKNX-Tom Harmon.

KFVD-Melody Matinee.*EGER-World News.

KGFJ-Keyboard Magic.ELAC-Stars of the Week KEPC-Lonesome Gal.EWEW-Sports Back Talk.

5:20-ELAC-Stars of the Week.5:30*KECA, KFWB-Chet Huntley.

KFI-Casa Cugat.KHJ, KEMAL EVOE-Bobby

Benson.*KNX, KCBQ-World Today.

Carroll Alcott.EFAC-Whoa Bill Club.

*KEGS, KLAC-News.KFVD-Piano Parade.

KGER-Gospel Friends.*EGFJ-News; Record Jackpot.*KGIL-News; Tops in Pops.

KMPC-Stars of Song.ERED-Sports Dial.KWKW-Romano Spanish Hr.KXLA-Suueakizi' Deacon.

5:45*KECA, KFMB-Bob Car -red.*KFI, EFSD-Elmer Peterson.*ENS.. KCBQ-News. Goss.

Erox-Tour Fisheaster./1KLAC-Sam Baiter, Sports.

EMPC-Top Tunes.EKKD-Race Results.

5:55*ENS, KCBQ-News.6*ELECA, .11,E0S, Erwit, KLAC,

KMPC-News.IEFI-Dangerous Assignment.*KHJ, EF1.51., KGB-Gabriel.

Heatter.ECBQ-Line Cp.

E.FAC-Etchings in Silver.KEVD-Melody Matinee.EGER--American Soul Clinic.IIGFJ-Request Performance.KIEV-Easy Does It.

*EMPC-Norman Nesbitt. NewsKOWL-Joe Adams Show.FRED-Evening Varieties.KWKW-Italian Melodies.KNLA-Scandinavian Hour.

6:05*KECA-Main Street to Malibu.6:15*E.ECA-Quincy Howe.

*KEW, KGB-Radio Newsreel.KFOX-Hawaiian Music.EFWB-Sports.KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom.

JEMPC-Bob Kelley, Sports.6:30*KECA-Philo Vance.

/11F1-Bold Venture.EHJ KGB-Answer Mau.

/ENS, EICBQ-Philip MorrisPlayhouse.

EFAC-Musical Milestones.EFOS-Hal's Memory Room.ILFWB-Arnerica Dances.KQER-Back to the Bible.

/KMPC-Hollywood Park RacesKWKW-Hoyos Hour.11.70..A-Eddy Arnold Show.

6:45*E.11J, KESM, KGB, KNOE--News, Sam Hayes.

*KGFJ-News.ENLA-Western Music.

6:55*KHJ, KGB. KV0E-Bill Henry7KECA, KFMB-Silver Eagle.41111, KFSD-Screen Director's

Playhouse.*KHJ-Murder by Experts.

EINX-Symphonette.EFAC-Evening Serenade.KIND-Melody Matinee.KFWB-America Dances.KGER-Family Bible Hour.KGFJ-Musical Digest.


KIEV-Easy Does It.KAIPC-Musical Memories.KWKW-Hoyos Hour.KLAC-Crosby & Company.EMPC-Musical Memories.

7:05*KLAC-Clete Roberts.7 :15-KFOX-Evening Melodies.

KRKD-3/4 Time Waltzes.7:29---KLAC-CroSOY & Company.7:30/KECA, KFMB--H'wood Star

Playhouse.KHJ, KE7C51, KGB. KVOE-

Singing Marshal.ENS-Sammy Kaye.EFAC-Echoes and Encores.KYON-Meet the Baud.KFWB--Fishmg News.EGER-Rey. Markham.ELAC-Parade of Music.EMPC-Penny serenade.KRKD-Dr. Ricnardson.KWKW-Betz npanish Prog.

Thursday Radio Program HighlightsA.M. Programs in LightfaCe Type: P.M. Programs In Boldface.

Comment -Narration9:30-Eleanor Roosevelt, KFWB.2:00-Mary H. McBride, KECA.4:30-Rnrritt Wheeler, EFL9:00-Eleanor Roosevelt. KFWB.

Mystery -Detective6:30-Phllo Vance. KECA.6:30-Bold Venture, 6F18:00-FBI in Peace & War. ENS9:00-Dragnet,10:00-I Love a Mystery, KHJ.


11:00-Major BB, KALI, KGFJ.5:15-Tom Harmon, ENS.5:45-Sam Baiter, ELAC.6:15-Bob Kelley, 1151PC.6:30-Joe Hernandez, ELMPC.8:15-Baseball. KMPC. ELAC.

ESLA-Ole Rasmussen.7:40-ELAC-Weather News.7 :45*i:1-DS-News.

KFSG-Church Service.KFWB-Rosary Hour.ELAC-Dugout Dope.KW KW-Business Reporter.

o IRECA, KY:MB-OriginalEP Amateur Hour,

KEL KFSD-One Man'sFamily.


*ENX KCBQ-Frank Goal.KFAC-,-Evening Concert.EFOX-Modern Concert.KFWB-Lecture.EGER-Bible Treasury.SGEJ-High School Social

Security.*ELAC-News; Parade of

Music.*EMPC-News, Norman Nesbitt

EWKW-Farm & Garden.*EXLA-News.

8:15*EFI, EFSD-World News.ENS. ECEQ-Dance Orch.EGER-Hebrew Christian.EGFJ-Here's to Veterans.EMPC-Baseball.EXLA-Calif. Tech.

8:30 EFI KESD-The Truitts.*KILL KFX.M. KGB-Reporters'

Roundup.ENS, KCBQ-Nation

Nightmare.EFOX-Speaking of Sports.

*E.GIL-News..EGER-Music Hall.EGFJ-Today's Hits.'ELAC-Baseball.F.XLA-Happy Perryman.

8:45-KECA, KFMB-ForeignReporter.

EEGS-Civil Defense.KFWB-U. N. Today.

n*BECA-News.a IEEE KFSD-Dragnet.*KHJ, KFX.31, KGB, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy.D.N X -FBI in Peace and War.KFAC-Evening Concert.EPOS-Music.

IE.FW13--Eleanor Roosevelt.EGFJ-Today's Hits.ELAC, KMPC-Baseball.EXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.

9 :05-EEC A-Operation Dixie.9:15*EHJ. KGB, KV0E-Robt.

Hurleigh.EES'D-Songs and Verse.EGER-Clark Sparks.

9 :30-EECA-Clarempnt Orch.EFI-We Call It Jazz.ENS, ECBQ-Dance' Band.EFOX-Swingtime at Elks.EFSG-Scotch Tenor.EGER-John Brown Schools.EGFJ-Platter Party.

9:45-KECA-Academy for AppliedNutrition.

*KFWB-News.EWKW-Dept. of Employment.

9:55*KHJ, Erx_n, KGB. KVOli.- -News.

10*' ILEMB-News.*EFL, EFSD-Richfield

Reporter.EHJ, KFIKM, KGB-I Love a

Mystery.*ENX, KCBQ-10 O'clock Wire.

EFAC-Musical Crossroads.ETES-Gene Norman Show.

*ELAC-News: Make MineMusic.

EMPC-Lucky Lager Dance.10:15-KECA-Dr. Frederick Banes.

*EFL-Michael Blinn, News.*KHJ-Frank Edwards.

ENS-Toni Harmon.EFSD-Lucky Lager Dance

10:20*ENX-Carroll Alcott. News.10 :30-EECA, KFMB-Sports Report.

EFI-Passing Parade.EHJ-Lonesome Gal.EN S-Philip Norman.

*ELAC-News; Make MinsMusic.

10 :45*KEC A-News.EFI-At Home With Lionel

Barrymore.10:50-KECA-Dream Harbor.10 :55*E.LAC -News.


*EFL KHJ, KNX-News.KMPC-Lucky Lager DanceELAC-Music to Remember.

11:10-EHJ-Game of the Day.11:15-EFL-Biltmore Hotel Orch.

ENX-Merry-Go-Round.11:30-EECA-Beverly Hills Orch.

6E1-Cocoanut Grove Orch.11:45-1KEI-Llere's to Vets.

ENS-You and the World.

12'CA, ENS-News.En-Musical Menu.EGFJ-George Jay (to 6).EMPC-Palludiuth Party

Page Thirty-one

Page 32: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


RADIO PROGRAM FINDERMotet Programs Marked with an astorisk ') are et the contest, qui:,

itrintlisatas 'programs olitiswi and seternsaratitsts

A Life in Your Haads KECA,*9 pan. FAdams, Joe .HOWL. 12 u. 6 u.m. NI-SaAutism, Buzz KECA, 9:30 p.m. elaAdventures in Music KMPC. 7 P.m. Su.Adventures of Dr. Klldare.._KFI, 1:30 P.m. Su*Agrousky, Martin ........HECA. 6 a.m. M -F

6:15 a.m. SoAir Force Dour KHJ, 5 p.m. Sa*Alcutt, Carroll....KNX, 5:30, 10:20 pan. 51-Sa,Alias Jane Doe ..KNX, 10:30 a.m. SaAll Around Town.-_-- KFI, 10 a.m. 111-FAlien, -Irwin KLAC, 8:30 p.m. SuAltar Bound . ...KECA, 12:15 p.m. M -FAmerica Dances. ___...KFWB, 6:30 p.m. M -FAmerica United - .KFI, 11:30 p.m. SuAmerican Agent. KECA, 7:30 p.m. WAmerican Forum KF1, 7:30 p.m. Su -American Legion Reports....KAIPC, 4:15 p.m. SaAmerican Portrait. &FL 8:30 p.m. TuAmerican Story Book__ KMPC, 7:15 Kan. SaAmerican Way KFI, 6:30 Pam. 51Amity, David........ __KECA, 12:45 p.m. M -FAndrews, Bert KECA, 6:30 p.m. Sa

' Anson, Bill__- KFWB. 12 n. M-SaAnswer Mau. KHJ, 10:30 syn., 6:30 p.m. 5I -FAre You From Dixie" Kn. 1:13 p.m. SinArmed Forces Review KHJ, 2 p.m. SaArmy Air Force Show--- ..... -.KW, 2 pan. SaArnaz, Deal KNX, 1 p.m. SuArnold, Ediv:-KECA, 9 p.m. W, 10:55 a.m. 51-EArt of Living. - _KFI, 7 :30 a.m. SuAunt Jenny KNX, 9:15 a.m. 51-1,Aunt Mary._ KF1, KFSD, 3:30 p.m. 16-FAutry, Gene KNX, 8:30 p.m. SaBabbitt,. Harry .8.."NX, 7:45 a.m. IS -1.Backstage Wife....... __KFI, 1 p.m. M -FBack to God KHJ, 8:30 Cm. SuBailee, Dr. Frederick. KECA, 6:30 a.m. M -F

10:15 p.m. M -FBaldwin, Mei_ KNX, 12:05 a.m Su; 11:15 p.m.

So: 10:30 p.m. 51Bandstand USA KHJ, 4 p.m. Su*Baughart, Kenneth KFI, KFSD, 11:55 a.m. M -FBaiter, Sam KLAC. 5:45 p.m. 51-SaBarrymore, Lionel. .KFI, 1:30 p.m. Su;... -- 10:45 p.m. M -F*Behind the Story____KHJ, 4:30 p.m. 31-F

. Bell Ringer ..KHJ, 12:45 p.m. M -FBerth, jack_____--__ ..... KFI, 8:30 a.m. M -FBible Class....._...._.KHJ, 9 a.m. Su_ KMPC, 7:30 a.m. SuBible Institute.__ ....... KILL 8:30 a.m. 51, W, FBible Treasury lour KGER. 8:45 a.m. M -F,

8:30 a.m. SuBickersons .KNX, 6:30 p.m. TuBiggs, E. Power....... KNX. 6:15 a.m. SuBig Sister. KNX, 10 a.m. 51.-FBig Story ...KFI, 7 p.m. W,Big Town KFI,7 p.m. Tu*Bishop, Pat... Kr', 6 a.m., 6:45 a.m.,

5 p.m. M -F; 6:45 a.m. SaBlack Night KECA, 8 p.m. TuBlind Artists Guild..;.....- ..... KFWB, 4:30 P.m. SaBloch, Ray KFI, 9:30 p.m. 511

Blur, Ira KECA, 5:311 p.m. SaBob and Ray....KFI, 2:45 p.m. M -F; 6:30 p.m. SaBobby Benson....KHJ, 5:30 p.m. To,Th; 7 pm. AlBold Venture KFI, 6:30 p.m. ThBolero Time KMPC, 9 a.m. SuBoston Blackie KECA, 6:30 p.m. 511, W, FBoston Pops Orchestra KFI, 7 p.m. MBowrou, Fletcher KFI, 10:15 p.m. Su:

KMPC, 8:30 p.m. MBreakfast Club ..... ___._- KECA, 8 a.m. M -FBreak the Bank KFI, 10:30 p.m. 51-FBreakfast Gang KHJ, 7:15 a.m. M-SaBrighter Day KNX. 11:45 a.m. M -FBroadway Is My Beat KNX, 6 p.m. SuBull, Frank -.-...KFWB, 6:30 p.m. 31-FBusiness News iciltre. 8:15 a.m. 51-SaCBS Sunday Desk. KNX, 5:30 p.m. SuCalifornia Caravan. KHJ, 12:30 p.m. SuCalifornia Holiday ....... ____KNX. 12:45 p.m. SuCalvary Hour KMPC, 7 a.m. SuCapitol Cloakroom_..-.---_--... KNX, 6 p.m. F

_Career Theatre KECA, 10:30 p.m. SuCaribbean CrossroadsCarnation HourCasa Cugat KFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu-FCatholic Answers....-_--.._.._ KFWB, 7:45 p.m. SuCatholic Hour. KF1, 11 a.m. SuCenter of Life ..... _ ........ --_ .... KFAC, 5 p.m. SitChallenge of the Yukon KHJ, 5 p.m. Tu, Tb;

3 pm. SuChallenge to Youth KMPC. 8:30 a.m. SuChance of a Lifetime-_-_KECA, 1:30 p.m. TuChef Milani .1EMPC, 9:30 a.m. 51-FChicago Round Table.- -_KFI, 10:30 a.m. SuChicago Theater. KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Sn

KHJ, 6:341 p.m. SuKNX, 6:30 p.m. Su

Chicagoans ..., KNX, 1 p.m. SaChristian Science .....,......,...JiLF1, 9:15 a.m. auChurch of the Air .KNX, 7 a.m. SuChico Kid IERJ, KGB, 7:30 p.m. M, W, FCity Reports KFI. 10:15 p.m. Su

KFL 11:45 p.m. FCivil DefenseClub 930............KELL 2:30 p.m. SILTu; 3 p.m. W -FCoffee Time .. . ... ....--. ...... -_,_ KFI, 9 a.m. M -FCollege Choir KHJ, 7 p.m. SsComedy of Errore......---.......KILI, 7:30 p.m. SuCommand Theater _

FComposer's Corner. _.KFAC, 1:30 p.m. M -F,,

- 1:15 p.m. SaConcert Hall Revue - -...KECA. 7 a.m. Su*Considine, Bob.... - --KFI, 11:30 a.m. SuContented Hour KNX, 6:30 p.m. SuCook, Ira -.-7-....KECA, 1:15 p.m. 31-1.

....-_KECA. 9:15 a.m. SaCooley, Spade KNX, 0 pan. SaCooper, Alex ...KXLA, 11 p.m. 31-FCount of Monte Cristo..-.._ KHJ, 7:30 p.m. TuCounty Medical Assn._- KFAC, 1 pm. ThCrago's Cornet, KEC'A, 5:30 a.m. 51-1,Crime Does Not Pay. KF1, 9:30 p.m. SsCrime Fighters KHJ, 9:30 p.m. FCrime Is Your Problem...-KE1, 10:15 11.134. SuCriswell Predicts KFWB, 11 a.m. M -FCrocker, Betty KECA, 11 a.m. M -FCross Section II.S.A..-...---__KNX, 3 p.m. SaDangerous Assignment NFL 6 p.m. ThDarby, Raymond V .................KFI, 1.0:15 pan. SaDavidson, Bill KECA. 9:30 01.M. SuDefense Attorney KECA, 8 p.m. FDempsey- Tegeler ROM'Miseillg With Dick KIEV, 9:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m.,

Dimension S. KFI, 8130 p.m. FDixieland Breakfast K11.1, 9 a.m. M -FDixon, Nancy ADJ. 12:30 p.m. M -F*Double or Nothing-___ ......__...KFI, 11 A.M. M-10Dragnet KFI, 9 p.m. TbDr. ChristianDr. Hiss Clinic... ------KNX.

8:30 pan. W- KHJ, 9 a.m. SaDr Kildare. KF1, 1:30 p.m. SuDr. Paul KFI. 4 p.m. 511-FDude Ranch Roundup...-. KILL 8 p.m. SsDugan, Johnny ..KNX, 4:45 p.m. 51-FDunn on Discs.- KHJ, 11 a.m. SaDurante. Jimmy____KECA, 6 p m., 8:30 p.m. SuDvorak, George .11161, 2:15 p.m. SaEastside Show.......____. KFWB, 10 p.m. M-SaEasy Aces - - KECA, 11:15 a.m. M -FEchoes of Eden...----KFWB, 10:30 p.m. Sn*Edwards, Frank. .KHJ, 10:15 p.m. M -F*Eliot, Maj. George F...._ KM, 6:45 p.m. SuEnchanted Hour..._ KHJ, 5:30 p.m. SuEscape__ .............. ----- ..... -- KNX, 6 p.m. WEternal Light. _ .. KFL 9:30 11.61. SuEvening Coucert...-- ...... __KFAC. 8 P. In. M -SAFalcon



Family Circle - KECA, 3 p.m. M -FFamily Theatre.....-......Farm Adviser KMPC, 12:45 p.m. M -FFarm Highlights_-.-____KFL 6:15 a.m. M-SaFarm Reporter ______ lin 12 n, 31-8aFat Man .KECA, 8 p.m. WFBI in Peace and War --KNX, 9 p.m. Th*Feature WireFiesta

KFI. 5 p.m. 51-FKNX, 4:30 p.m. Su

First Baptist Church...---KFAC, 7:30 p.m. Sa*Fisher, Gaston KNX, 5 p.m. 8aFisher, George .............__.._...KNX, 2:45 Pam. M -FFive Seventy Club-_.__KLAC, 1:10 p.m. M-SaFlying Feet..._.._ .......... -....- KHJ, 8:30 a.m. SaFlynn, Howard...--__-__KMPC, 10 a.m. 111-FFlynn. John..For Men Only -

KHJ. 4 p.m. SaKFI. . 7 a.m. Sa

For Von KFI, 11:30 p.m. FForeign Heporter_.--____KECA, 8:45 p.m. Tb*Foster, Cedric __ KHJ. 12:15 P.m. M -FFrank and Ernest KILL 11 a.m. SuFreedom Story KMPC, 9 p.m. SuFront -Page Farrell....KFI, KFSD, 2:15 p.m. M -FFuller, Dr. CharlesFuture of Democracy

KECA, 1 p.m. SuKMPC, 4:45 p.m. Sa

Funny Paper Man KF1 8 a.m,Su*Fuller, Sid. .................. --__.- ...... __KHJ. 12 u. DGame of the Day --KM, 11:111 p.m. M-SaGangbusters KNX, 9 p.m. SsGarden School KGER. 2:30 p.m. M -F

' Gan*, Bill KWKW, 1 p.m. M-Sa; 3 p.m. Su*Garrett. Bob KECA, 7:30 a.m.. 5:45 p.m. M -FGarroway, Dave KFI, 8:45 a.m. M -FGateway to Music ..... -...-.-...EFAC, 9:30 pm. SuGeorgia Crackers ' , KELL 2:30 p.m. SitGhost Stories. KECA, 9 p.m. MGino, Dr KECA, 6:30 pan. SuGillespie Garden Guide KHJ, 9:15 a.m. Tu, W'Godfrey, Arthur KNX, 7 a.m., 3 p.m. 51-F

or offer typo.

*Goes, Frank......-,-KNX 7.30 a.m. 51-Sa.5:45 P.M. M-Sa

Grah&m, Billy._-__-_KECA, 3 p.m., 12 p.m. SuGraham, Vence. ,.... KMPC, 9 a.m. SuGrand Central Station KNX. 9:30 a.m. SaGrand Ole KFSD, 7:30 p.m. Sa*Grand Slam .KNX. 8:30 a.m. M -FGrant, Johnny..----_-_KMPC, 2 pan. 314*Greene, Bob......._........KHJ, 8:15 a.m. M -FGuiding Light.- ICXX. 10:45 a.m. 51-FHall, Helen KHJ, 10:30 a.m. SaHal's Memory Boom..-... KFOX, 6:30 n.111 11

Hancock, Hunter ....-..KALL 9:30 a.m. M-SaHanlon, Tom.---_--...KNX, 11:10 p.m. 51-FHardy Family. .11F1, 6 p.m. Tu*Hardy. Glenn._..-KHJ, 10 a.m., 9 p.m. Su -FHarmon, Tom ....... __-__XNX, 10:15 p.m. 3I-Sa:

5:15 pan. SaHarmony House......_ ........... 4 p.m.Hart, Maurice..-....-KFWB, 10:15 p.m. M-Sa*Harley, Paul .KECA, 11:45 a.m. 514Hashimite Hartley KHJ, 1:30 p.m. SuHaven of Best .KXLA. 8:30 a.m. H.

KHJ, 8:30 a.m. Tu, TbHawaii Calls......__....__KHJ, 6 p.m. SaHawkes, Cbarleen KFI, 10:30 p.m. SuHawthorne .. ..KNX, 12:05 a.m. M-Sa*Hayes, Sam KFI, 7:45 p.m. 3I -F*Hayes. Sam KHJ, 4:45 p.m., 6:45 p.m. 51-FHaynes, Dick .. - ... _______KLAC, 7:05 a.m. 31-Sa*Headline Edition.--_-__KECA, 5:05 p.m. 111-F*Hastier. Gabriel_-_____KHJ. 6 p.m. 51-1,Beller, Al KHJ, 4:30 pan. SaHeidi, Horace. KNX, 8 p.m. SuHelp Wanted IIMPC, 6:50 a.n)., 5 p.m. 5I -F*Hemingway, Frans.._._KI1J, 4:15 p.m. M-Sa,

...... 7 a.m. 5i-Sa*Henry, 6:55 P.111.*Henry, Fred KLAC, 5 p.m. 31-FHere's to Veterans._ HFI, 11:45 p.m. ThHernandez, Joe.-__-__KMPC 6:30 p.m. M-SaHidden Truth KHJ, 7 p.m. F*Hillman, William.-- M KM, 11:15 a.m. Sit

Hilltop House KNX, 1 p.m. M -F10:15 p.m. M -F

*Hollenbeck, Don KNX, 5 pan 51-FHollywood Editor... .KMPC, 10:45 a.m. NI -FHollywood Love ..... 8 a.m. SsHollywood Music Hall _ KNX, 7 p.m. TuHollywood Star Playhouse....KECA, 7:30 pan. TbHoly Name Breakfast.---- KFI, 11 a.m. SuHolmes, Dr. Ernest..._-__- KECA, 4 p.m. SuHometown Happenings..___-KFI, 8:45 a.m. SuHometown Jamboree....-KXLA. 11:30 a.m. M -FHour of St. Francis____-...101PC, 4:30 p.m. ea

Hourl of KHJ 8 a.m. SuHow To KNX, 9 p.m. M*Howard, Irving KECA, 5:15 p.m. 31-F*Howe, Quincy KECA, 6:15 pan. 311-F*Huntley. Chet.......... SECA. 5:30 p.W. M -F;

8:45 p.m. Si,*Hurleigb, Bobt KHJ, 4 p.m., 9;15 p.m. M -FI Love a Mystery KHJ, 10 p.m. 51-FIf They Had Lived..-.. KGFJ, 8:15 p.m. Su

KGFJ 8 p.m. 5,1It Pays to Be Ignmant... KF1, 9 p.m. WInternational Airport__ KIIJ, 9:30 p.m. 31International Disc Jockey..KNX, 2:05 pan. 31-k

KNX 4:15 P.m. SaIt's Fun to Be Young-- .... -___KNX, 12 n. Sait's Your Business ...KECA, 5:13 pan. SaInvitation to Learning JILNX, 8:30 a.m. SuInvitation to Music_.- ..... __KNX, 10 a.m. SuJarvis, Al ..... ..KLAC, 9:30 a.m., 6:05 p.m. M-SaJay. George KGFJ, 12 P.m. M-SaJive at Five.- KGFJ, 5 M-SaJohn Steele KHJ, 7 p.m. IIIJohnny Dollar KNX, 6:30 p.m. IV*Joy, 'lick_ KNX, 10 p.m. I); 5:30 p.m. SuJunior Junctian ........ _ KECA, 4 pan. SaJust Plain Bill ....... ----..KET. KFSD, 2 p.m. M -FKit Calling KFI, 9:30 p.m. TuKaye, Sammy KECA, 11 p.m. SuKelley, Bob KMPC, 0:15 p.m 51-Sa; 8:15 p.m. M*aenneally. Bill KNX, 12 n. 51 -1 -Keyboard Concerts-- KNX, 6:45 a.m. SuKings Row KNX. 1:15 p.m. 31-FKirkwood, Jack 1 p.m. 51-FKnow Your 1F111_. KMPC. . . .7.15 p m SaL. A. Breakfast Club --..KFWB, 8:13 a.m. 31Ladies' Day........... KFI. 9:30 a.m. 31-FLadies Fair _ ______KHJ, 11 a.m. 51-FL. A. Medical Assn - . . .... ......KFAC, 1 p.m. ThLand of the Free 10:15 a.m. SaLanza, Mario KNX. 5 p.m. SuLawrence Welk Show. SEC A, 9:30 p.m. W

page Thirty-two

Page 33: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


*Lawton, Fleetwood -_»_.._...W, 7:15 a.m. 31-1Layman's Hour-------Klixpia, 4:30 P.M. Su

reLea, Tera- , 11:30 p.m. Tu*Lesueur, Larry... JELNX, 12:15 p.m. SuLet George Do SOB, 8 p.m. MLet's Pretend.-----_. KNX. 8:05 a.m. SixLeyden,Bill. ... _ ... ---. KFWB,_6:30 a.m. M-SaLiberal Catholic Mour...-.--XFAC, 9 a.m. SuLife Can Be BeautlfuL____KFL 4:15 p.m. 51-1.Line Up... p.m: ThLinkletter, Art_.-----KNX. 13:30 p.m. 31-11951...-- --KM, 4:30 p.m. SaLombardo, 4, 9:30 p.m. SuLombardoland.- KHJ, 8;30 p.m. -SaLone Journey -_-- .KECA. 10 a.m. M -FLune Ranger KECA, 7 p.m. 51.W; 8 P.m: SitLonesome Gal KHJ. 10:30 p.m., 11.91PC, 5:15 111-1'Lorenzo Jones.

.. 2:30 p.m. M -FLucky Lager Dance ................. 9:30 p.m.,

KFSD. 19:16 p.m. DLuncheon with Lopez..- KHJ, 5:15 p.m.Lutheran Gospel llour.--XXLA, 6:30 p.m. SuLutheran Hour- .KHJ, KVOE, 10:30 a.m. SuLynn Looks at Hollywood...K19, 3:45 p.m. 9I -FMagazine Theater...._....---... ..--KHJ, .9 p.m. Folagaificent bloatague.. -..--K11, 8:30 p.m. MxMain Street Music . SNX, 2 p.m. Su*Main Street to Malibu KECA, 6:05 P.m. 5I -FMaisie .KF1, 6 p.m, SaMajor League BasebalL ---_.- KALI, KOF.I.

11 a.m. M-SaMake Benet', Town............ KNX, 8:30 a.m. SaMa rerkins...------.KNX, 10:15 a.m. M -FMalone, Ted ... - .. ...--.--- ....... ..KECA, 9 a.m. M -FMann, Herbert ......._._KFI, 10 a.m. SnMan Called X. .K11, 9 p.m. SaMau From Homicide-____KECA, .130 p.m. 31Man on the Farm........ _1111.1. 12:30 P.m SnMarine Corps Show......_ ...KF1, 5 p.m. SaMarines Pass in tieview-HECA 9 p.m. SitMartin Kane KF1, 3 p.m. SuMassey, Curt. --- -JINX, 4 p.m. 91-1.Masterson, Patil.-.-.KNX, 2:05 p.m. 91-F

..-4:15 p.m. SnMatinee -.KFAC. 2 p.m. ISI-SaMcBride, Mary Margaret...-KECA, 2 p.m. 91-I*McCune, .KMPC, 7:15 a.ra.t

-I2:15 pxh.McLaughlin, Bob SLAG, 1:10 p.m. m-SaMcNeil's Breakfast Club.--.KECA, 8 a.m. 91.-FMeet kiifile_.----_- -JINX, 6:30 p.m.Meet the Missile 11:30 a.m. SaMeet Your Congress ___......_.. K11, 11:15 p.m. Fmemo from Molly. KNX. 3:30 p.m. SuMerry -Go -Round. .KNX, 11:16 p.m. 51-FMert's Record Adventures....KHJ, 5 p.m. MANI.FMessage or tsrael.-____KECA, 12:30 p.m. Si'Meyberg, Dot .KOFJ. 5:45 p.m. SaMGM Theater of the Air. -.----1511, 9 p.m. FMidnight Flyer----KF1, 12:30 e.m. M-Sa*Miller, Marvia.............- KMJ, 4:30 p.m.511randy. - 8:45 a.m. SaModern Romances.-_...KECA, 12:30 p.m. 91-11*Monday Morn. Headlines. KECA 8:15 p.m. SuMonroe, Vaughn.... KNX, 8 p.m. SaMorgan, Russ. .KHJ, 10:45 a.m. 911...FMorning Concert----KFAe, 10 a.m. M-Sa;

9:30 a.m. SuMother's Albutri--- -.--KMPC, 9:15 p.m. SuMotorists Melody .._.......KF1 1:30 p.m. FMr. Aladdin KNX, 9 p.m. SuMr and Mrs. North__.-.-- .. _KNX, 8:30 p.m. TuMr District Attorney....KFL HIPSD, 9:30 p.m. W-Mr. Information.----..KNX. 2:26 p.m. M -F;-.------ 1:30 p.m. SaMr. Keen KFI, 6:30 p.m. FMr Mercury KECA, 7 p.m. TuMr. President.._.._.__._._._._. -.HECA. 9 p.m. WMuir, Dr. Warner.............. KMPC, 6:30 p.m. SaMulholland, Ross....--_KMPC. 7:30 turn. 91-FMurder by Experts -. KHJ, 7 p.m. ThMurray, Johnny.-__-AFI, 8:16 a.m. M -FMuseum Concert.. KFAC 3 p.m. SuMusic and the Muse....-........... KF1, 11 p.m. SuMusic From Catalina KNX, 8:30 p.m. FMusic From Hollywood_ KFI, 2:30 p.m. SuMusical Crossroads._--.KFAC. 10 p.m. 91-SaMusical Digest -11.GFJ. 7 p.m. DMusical Masterpieces._ BFAC, 4 p.m. DMusical Memories...-...KMPC. 7:05 p.m. M -FMusical Menu _AFL 12 p.m. M-SaMusical Merry -Go -Round Sri, 8 p.m. SaMusical Milestones..._.KFAC 6:30 p.m. M -F;Music Hall 11:30 a.m. 11I-SaMusic Magic . . .. ...... XFAC, 7 p.m. SuMusic With the-Gil:1s.-- KNX, 11 am. Sa

.KFI., 6:30 p.m. Su*Mutual Newsreel.--.---KHJ, 6:15 p.m. 9I -FMy Secret Story .-----KFL 8:30 a.m. SsMysterious Traveler... KHJ. 7 p.m. WMystery Singer KNX, 10:55 a.m. SaMy True Story....HECA, KFMB. 10:30 a.m. M -FNBC Symphony ...... 5:30 p.m. Su',Name That Song- KHJ. 8 p.m. WNathan. Robert R..._ ----HECA. 5 p.m. SaNational Farm & Fiome.----.KFI, 11:30 a.m. SaNational Radio Pulpit._ HFI, 7 a.m. SuNational Vespers - HECA, 11:30 a.m. SuNation's Nightmare..-_-_-__KNX. 8:30 p.m. ThNavy Hour KECA, 10 p.m. SaNegro College Choirs. KECA. 7:30 a.m. Su

NeNesbitt. Norman KMPC. 8 n.m. 91-Fwsstand Theatre..----KECA, 9:30 FNew 'theater.- .KFI 4:30 p.m. Su

Nick Carter..... KHJ. 3:30 p.m. Sn

Night Beat...._.- --...S.FI, 9 p.m. TuNoble, WendelL---KNA 12;3.5 p.m. hi -FNo School Today KECA, 7:45 matt. SaNora Drake-...-.---KNA, 11:30 a.m. M -FNorman, Gene..---.-KFWB, la p.m. lt-SaNorman, Philip.-- 1:30 p.m. M -F;

... .....-.10:30 P.M. M -Sts; 2 p.m. SuNow Hear This.. It a. Sa

Official Detective... .....Kitt 9:30 p.m. TuO'Hara...-..._.__...._KNX, 8:30 p.m. SuOld Barn Frolic...- 10:30 p.M. Ss014.4'ashioned Revival .._._KFWB 4 p.m. SuOld -Fashioned Sunday School Hour---KECA

.9 a.m. ,SuDn.:Strings of CSI, 1:30 n.m. m -rOne Man's 8 p.m. H -FOpen Forum -.KMPC, 6:15 p.m. SuOperation Cadergrourat____-KNX, 9 p.m. TuOperation 5:30 a.m. DOperation Dixie._-_____...LECA, 9:05 p.m. ThOriginal Amateur Hour---ILECA, 8 p.m. ThOtis, Don ......... -__..---.KF1113. lt P.m. 91 -SuOur America.. 1:30 PJ12. SuOur Gal Stinday-----KNX. 9:45 a.m. 91-FOwen, Tom. .. . ... AIWA, 7 a.m. M -FOwens. Jack-.- ....111.4 X. 2:30 p.m. M -rPalladium Party..... ........ 12 pan. M -SsNan American Show--_____ILECA, 12 a. SitParker, Gloria KECA, 7:16 p.m. SaParsons, Louellia- 8:13 p.m. SuPassing Parade...-=-KFI, 10:30 p.m. M -FPearson. Drew......._...._..__..... 8 p.m. SuPenny Serenade.-.- KMPC, 7:30 p.m. XPeople's Platform . _XXX, V a.m. SuPepper Young's Famlly---.-:SFa 12:30 p.m. M -FPerfect Husband.- . CA. 4 p.m. 1H -FPerry 11:15 a.m. M -E'Pet Milk Show KF1 6.30 TuPete Kelly's Blues.. ..KFI, 6:30 p.m. W*Peterson, Ebra3r...--___KFI, 5:45 p.m. Tu-Sa*Pettit, Ed. ......_.._.._._.._._ ...$$J, 8 M -FPhilip Morris Plai-house.- KNX, 6:30 p.m. TbPhilip 7 p.m. SePhilo Vance..._.---XECA, 6:30 p.m. Tu,ThPiano Parade. ------AFAC, 9:30 a.m. M-SaPlano Playhouse------KEVA, 11430 a.m. Sa.Platter Pals- AFWB, 4:30 p.m. M -FPopsicle Clubbouse.. KHJ, 6:55 p.m. 91,W.FPost, GOY. ---- KFAC, 11 a.m. 51 -Ss

5:30 p.m. SuPotter,..-Peter._KFWB, 10 A.M. Sn. 3 p.m. M -SSPrivate 7:30 p.m. SuPro and Con.-- BFI, 7:46 p.m. FPursuit 6 p.m. TuQ.E.D..-- 9 p.m. Su*Queen for a Day-KHJ. KGB 11:30 a.m. 91-FQuick, What's the Answer? -K11, Kids. --EFL 4 p.m. Su

Hour.- ..---KF1 8:30Rayburn & . XISX, 9 p.m. FReal Estate Counselor_.. -1813.1. 10:15 a.m. SuRgan, Phil . .. .KNX, 2:30 p.m. SuReligious Science ... _Attire. 12:30 p.m. M -F*Reporters' Roundup......__-_KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Th*Report From Overseas._--KNX, 1:45 p.m. SaReport to the People...-SECA, 6:45 p.m. SaRequest Performance--KGFJ, 6 p.m. DReviewing Stead .KHJ, 5 p.m. SuRex Saunders 7:30 p.m. W*Richfield Reporter ....._.. -..BFI, 10 p.m. Sn-FRight to Happiness Arl..-KFSD. 12:45 p.m. 91-FRlo Rhythms. 10.30 a.m. SaRise and Shine -.--...KILL 6 a.m. M-SaRiverside Rancho----..XFL, 9:06 p.m. SuRoad of Life _-.KFI. 12:15 p.m. M -F*Roberts, Clete-- IDLAC., 7:05 a.m., p.m. M-SaRocky Jordan KNX, u p.m. WRod and Gun Club ...KHJ, 9:30 p.m. ThRogue's Gallery... -IDIECAL p.m. WRomance ---- 6 p.m. 91Romance of Evelyn Winters -

KECA, -9:30 a.m. 91-FRomance of Helen Trent..KNX. 9:30 a.m. 51-FRoosevelt, Eleanor KFWB. 9:30 a.m., 9 p.m. 9I -FRosemary .KNX, 8:45 a.m. M -FRowe, Red KFWB, 5 p.m. M -F, 4:45 p.m. SaSalt Lake Tabernacle. -KNX 8 a.m. SuSampson, 4:30 p.m. :11 -Se.;

-.1:30 p.m. Si,Science Reporter.- SILL 11:30 a.m. SuScreen Director'. Playhouse AFL 7 p.m. TbScully, Frances _.KECA, 1 p.m. M -FSecond Mrs. Burton.---KNX, 11 a.m. M -FSenators Report .KFI. 9:30 p.m. SuShields, Roy KFI, 7 p.m. FSliver Eagle._ ... . . ---______KECA, 7 p.m. ThSinging Marshal.-*--.KHJ. 5:30 p.m. M. W, FSixty-four Dollar Question KF1, 7 p.m. SuSlack, Peter... HOER, 1 p.m. M -F

.6 p.m. Sa, 10 p.m. M, W. r*Smith, Howard K .KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su*Sokolsky, George.-..KECA, 10:15 p.m. SuSong of Liberty-. -_.KHJ, 8 p.m. TuSongs for Sale KNX, 7 p.m. SaSongs of Another Seasou-ILECA, 4:30 p.m. 1M -FSongs of Faith. KFL 6:15 a.m. SuSoul Clinic Hour..--. --KECA. 2:30 p.m. Suspare Patrol. SECA. 7:30 p.m. SaSpade Cooley Time. KFITI, 11 p.m. DSports .. KR/CD. 5:30 p.m. M -S3Sports Parade KILL 1 p.m. SsSqueakia' Deacon pan. 9 p.m. M -F;

:30 p.m. St;; 11 a.m. Su

Standard Hoar _._ EFL END, 9:30 P.M. SOStars Over Hollywood_

-10 a.m. Sa

Stella Dallas ...--KF1,-/CFSD, 1:16 p.m. M-5Stevens, George......-........-.-..KNX, 1 p.m. StsStewart, Bill-___-..-.-.-KWKW, 9 a.m. M-SaStuart, Mike.-_---AGE.1, 12 p.m. 1d -Se.Story, 8 a.m. M -F'Step the Music.- -- rn..KECA.

3 p.m. SnStrawbat Concert - ,... -XXX, 7 p.m. alStrength for the Day -KMIPQ 5:15 a.m. 51-SaStrike It Rich- --_KNX. 4:16 p.m. 51-FStrings Serenade----A*X., 11:30 a.m. 1111Summer Cruise 6:30 p.m.Sunset to Broadway.._._.._... KFI, 6 p.m. WSunday at the Chaim__ .KNX, 1:30 p.m. SuSunday With 9:30 a.m. SuSunset Serenade.. .... . .. ---AFAC, 5 p.m. 91-Sa*Swayze, John Caraterea___.11.F1. 11:45 p.m. 40Synaphonette. 7.KNX. p.m. Tu.Take a Number- AM, 7 P.m. SnTalent Sconts-__ ANS. 8:30 P.m.Talk Back ...........__.»._..-.»._..$8J, 3:40 p.m. It -FTapestries of 3 p.m. SuTarsan.-. .....KHJ, 8 p.m. TbTaylor, Henry J..---_IDEC_A,_11:30 p.m.Taylor, Mary Lea_. ----"M-1. la a.m. SsTeen -Timers Matinee-.-..KOFJ, 4 p.m. 91-FTelephone Hour.---- KFSD. 9 p.m. 91Tello-Test .KHJ. 10:15 a.m. tgi-F*Tea O'clock 10 p.m. DTheater of Today -----_.KNX, 9 a.m. SnThe Christian in ActIon--- _KECA, 12 a. SuThe Falcon. ..KFI 8.30 P.m. W

The Shadow pat t:The Saint -

The Sheriff. -KECA. 8:30 p.m. SaThe Truitt. -KM 9:39 p.m. ThThis Week Around World._XICCA, 9:30 P.m. SuThe Whistler 7:30 p.m. SnThis Is Higgins, Sir.......».._....._...HFI, 9 a.m. SaThis Is Living 2:30 p.m. SaThis Is Los Angeles.-KNIA:30 P.m. IAThis is Our Town.

.8 p.m. 90

This Is %Oar FBL KECA. 8:30 p.m. I,Time for Defease--.... KECA. 8:35 p.m. ToTown Meeting_....._- KECA, 9 p.m. TtiTrouble Is My Bagginess. _.KFI, 9146 p.m. SoTrue Detective Mysteries -KW. 1:30 P.m. SuTrue or False... _._-_KFIJ. 8:30 p.m. FTruth About Narcotics...----KFL!/:30 p.m. Tit'Twenty Questions- p.m. SuTwilight Tales.- 4:1.5 p.m. In, Tb*Twin 4:45 p.m. SaTwo Thousand Plus. ..KI93, 8:30 p.m. TuUnder Arrest...---.. KHJ, 8:30 p.m. IIUnited or Not..._ ESCA, 9:30 p.m. MUnity Daily Wed-._KNAC, 8:45 a.m. il-SaU.N. Is My Beat -. --.__-113E1. 8:30 a.m. SoU.N. Today 8:45 P.M- 1494University Explorer -K-N-X, 12:30 p.m.

-11:45 p.m. MaVacation Serenade.- KFII, 6 p.m. 1.Vacationland, 3:/5 P.m. Su*Van Horn. Arthur...-.KECA, 9:25 a.m. 1Q.FVariety Fare KECA. 2:30 p.m. M-11Voice of Agriculture ._. JUIPC, 6:39 a.m. 1K -FVoice of Fireshme. KFI. HFSD. 6130 P.m MVoice of Prophecy..._...KECA. 2 p.m. Su; KILL

..... .. .. . _ ....... __KGB, 9:30 a.m. AuAum.

Voice of the Blind- 8:15 a.m. WWar Front-Hotne Front KILL 9:30 p.m. hiWaxworks. Robert _9:30 p.m. M,Th;We Call It Jasr.._-_-...-__KFI, 9:30 pan- Th*Weaver, Hank. .XECA, 11 n.Week -End Platter Party.. ..KECA, 9:15 a.m. SaWelcome. Travelers- KFL 3 p.m. 841WendyWarren----.X NX, 9 a.m. M -FWe Remember .KFI, 6:30 a.m. SuWhalen, Montan -KILL 10 p.m. SaWheeler,Burritt.- . . -XF1, 4:30 p.m. M -FWhen a Girl Marries.--.-HECA, 9:46 a.m. 111-FWhen Day Is Done. _KGER, 10 p.m. M,W,FWhisperer..... I, p.m. SnWhispering Strings BILL 4:30 P.m. SulWhite, Joe .KFI, 11:30 p.m. M,W,F*White House Report -.-SECA, 7:55 a.m. 911.1'Whoa Bill 5:30 P.M. M-1Whitting111, Dick------KMPC. 9 fern. SsWild Bill Hickok.- KIM 1 p.m. SuWilder, Alvin KECA, 1.1:15 a.m. SuWismer, Harry KECA, 3:30 p.m. SaWills, Johnny Lee......_ KFI, 6:30 a.m. MAYA'Winner Take All ,NX 1:05 p.m. SaWizard of Ivories .. KFWB, 1 p.m. SuWoman in My House.... ..... --K11, 1:45 p.m. M-5Women's Fornm.___.-____.KNX, 7:30 p.m. FWoolley, Monty..._.._.................. Krt. 8:30 p.m. 861World Bible Socety..-.---KGFJ, 8 a.m. M-SaWorld of Books._--.--KFI, 11:45 a.m. SaWorld of Opera.---.EFAC, 3 p.m. M-SaWorld Opinion . . ..... _-____.-__HECA, 6 p.m. SnYesterday on laroadway_.KECA. 10:L5 a.m. 91I -FYesterday, Today & Tomorrow.-....11FI, 1.1 n. SuYocum Hollow KFWB, 9 a.m. M,Tu,Th,FYou and the World KNX. 11:45 p.m. M -FYou Can't Take It With You....IEFI, 3:30 p.m. SuFeting. Norma._-- _... ..KHJ, 9:30 a.m. R1-1Young Dr. Malone_._KNX. 10:30 a.m. 14-FYoung Widder Brown...--KFI 1:30 p.m. 14-FYour Congressman Speaks KMPC, 7 p.m. SaYour Memory Lane ..... 10:30 P.m. Sn

Page Thirty-three

Page 34: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for


MechanicalMemory for TV

(Continued from Page 6)back -breaking schedule. Seeking togive aid, comfort and peace -of -mindinsurance to the harried actors, aswell as to insure uniform good per-formances, the producers of detergent drama experi-mented with the Teleprompter andfound it worked. Since the programwent on the air last December, oneof the problems that has vanishedinto thin air is the problem of fluffs,missed cues and anxiety -ridden ac-tors. The thing works and works well.

Basically, the Teleprompter, four,of which are used on a program, isa rectangular box about two -and -a -half feet high and a foot -and -a -halfwide. The entire script, printed ininch -high letters by a special type-writer, unwinds 'electrically on tworollers, the pace being controlled byan operator seated at a master ma-chine in an unused corner of thestudio. This operator, following thedialogue through earphones, regu-lates the speed of the script throughthe other machines by a series ofbuttons, much like working an elec-tric train set.

At Eye LevelJust off the studio set itself, the

other three Teleprompters are placedin the most strategic locations forthe actors. Set at eye level, all actorsin the scene can see at least onescript without having tp turn theirheads or make it apparent to the au-dience that the lines are being read.Two of the machines are mobile, be-ing carried by an operator aroundhis neck by means of a leather strap.The other machine is stationary,placed usually at the side of thecenter video camera. By using themobile machines, the problem ofsetting them up for a subsequent


KIDS!Get you! KIEV T-SHIRT.Win prizes! Listen for fulldetails every day.

Page Thirty-four

scene is vastly simplified, the opera-tor or carrier merely moving to theoutskirts of "the new set.

This boon to harried video per-formers was invented by Fred Barton,a young actor, who, as a memberof the cast of the Broadway hit, "Mr.Roberts," noticed that a commoncomplaint that inevitably croppedup in a discussion of the hazards ofvideo acting was the unbelievablefear of fluffing, going blank andgenerally messing up a performance.Surely, he reasoned, there must bea better way to safeguard a costlyperformance than by the usevf hugecards, which never could:. containeverything necessary anyway. Toy-ing with one idea after another, Fredsuddenly hit on the idea of. the en-tire script being unfurled on rollers,paced to the speed of the actors' de-livery. He built one or two experi-mental machines, worked out thebugs, eventually got what he wanted.

The large cast, of "The Firit Hun-dred Years," many of whom are vet-erans of stage, screen and stockcompany grinds, readily admit thatthe Teleprompter has done wondersfor their performances. "It's not thatwe rely on it exclusively," saidRobert Armstrong, former featuredplayer on Broadway and Hollywood,"in fact, we memorize our lines -care-fully each day.' But we always knowthe thing is there when ,we want it,which is only once or twirl' a weekat most. You know," chuckled Arm-strong, "it gives me the wonderfulsensation of having money in thebank. It's there when I need it."

Lanza: Summer'sHigh Note(Continued from Page 41

after Mario's first lesson remarked:"I have waited thirty-four years foryou to come along!' Now you aregoing to work'so hard you'll wish wehad never met."

The results of that hard work wereevident in the twelve minutes of ap-plause which greeted Mario's Holly-wood Bowl debut, some fifteenmonths later. The applause fell onthe ears of Louis B. Mayer, who wasin the audience, and he quickly ar-ranged a command performance forthe studios' top producers whichlaunched Mario on a film career tothe'tune of Mayer's extravagant com-ment: "You're going to be a singingClark Gable!"

"Fame Is the Spur"Mario hopes to be more than that.

His ever-growing talents havebrought him fame in films, concerts,and now radio, "where I am grate-fully able to reach an even greaternumber of people." In his broadcasts,as in the other mediums,' he sayshe's "bringing in more and moreopera, spieing each show with atouch of it. But not to the exclusionof other types of music."

With his guest vocalists and RaySinatra's orchestra, Lanza manages

Buddy Rogers' figComeback -(Continued from Page 51

the usual press interviews and meet-ings with exhibitors. But the qualitydf his work never 'faltered. No matterhow tired he became, he kept righton slugging to make his trip as muchof a success as he possibly could. Myadmiration for him couldn't havebeen exceeded. He was a real trouper.

After the trip, and a long. rest, Iorganized a radio package showbuilt around Buddy as star. The prin-cipals involved, including Buddy andmyself, flew to San Francisco to"cut" the audition record at NBCthere. Mary Pickford accompanied us,and made a guest appearance on theprogram. There was intense interestin the show, and sales prospectswere hot, when Horace Heidt wassigned to headline an almost, iden-tical format. Heidt had been workinga long time on a talent format, andneither party had any way of know-ing what the other was doing! Callit fate, or bad luck, or the breaks;but my plans for Buddy came to astandstill.

I lined up a couple of isolated dra-matic guest appearances for Buddyon "Stars Over Hollywood" and"Skippy's Hollywood Theatre," but Ihad no over-all plan in mind.

A year must have passed, and Ibecame interested in, TV (as whodidn't?) and plans were made toproduce a video show with BenayVenuta. But she was suddenly un-able to go on with the project andwe had no idea who could take herplace. I remember, in the middle ofour conversations, that I telephonedBuddy to thank him for a Christmaspresent which he had left for me atthe Goldwyn Studios. He said, "Ifany radio or TV guest appearancescome up that I might be able to do,please call me."

I said I would, and hung up. Atthe same time the phone touchedthe cradle of the receiver, the lightdawned. I dialed Buddy's numberback. Would he consider a regularseries on TV, considering the infancyof the medium? He suggested wetalk about it the next day at hisoffice.

(To be Continued Next Week.)

to run a weekly gamut of Musicaltypes, and invariably includes a lib-eral helping of opera.

At present, Lanza's family, hislovely wife, the former Betty Hicks(sister of an army pal), whom hemarried in 1945, and their. twodaughters, Colleen, 2, and Elissa,eight months, are preparing for theirrole in Mario's operatic career-atrip to Italy, where they will live forthe next six months, while .Lanzasings with La Scala, Milan-andafter that, he heads for the Met-"to make opera's future my future."

Page 35: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

iOM Southern kin, amongwhom the rebel cry wasfamiliar, Rebel Randalltook her showbusiness

monicker. The green-eyed beautyhas most recently been supplyingfighting spirit for more than twomillion Americans stationed in for-ign countries. Her "Juke Box USA"

is Armed Forces Radio Services' mostpopular program and Rebel is in theunique position of being both the

4,,, GI's favorite entertainer and pin-upgirl.

More important to this warm-hearted beauty, who has three broth-'rs of her own in Korea, is that theMore than a thousand letters she re-ceives from GI's every month reflectthe fact that she symbolizes hometo them and that through her they

_actually feel closer to their ownwives, sisters, mothers and sweet-hearts.

Into her daily disc jockey sessions,heard by an estimated ninety mil-lion people around the world, Rebelspins the essence of home that is sovitally treasured by fighting men inKorea and those sitting out the so-called "police action" on such remotepowder kegs as China and Berlin.Her fervent hope is that she can con-tinue to do so "as long as there isan American fighting man over-seas."

Morale BuilderAs far as the production staff at

AFRS is concerned, she will. Theyare as pleased with Rebel's morale -building show as are the men on thereceiving end. When they signedRebel to her initial series, in Septem-ber, 1950, as a sequel to the earlier"GI Jill" programs, the AFRS staff,in the words of "Juke Box USA's"writer -producer, Rudi Burns, knewthat Rebel possessed that "indefin-able inner warmth" they were look-ing for.

The lovely miss, who hails fromChicago, is not only unusually come-ly, but has talents equal to herbeauty. She's been seen and heardin over thirty-two films; admired asa cover girl on dozens of magazines;celebrated on billboards and illus-trated in "Esquire" annals as thetypical American beauty. Her col-lection of beauty titles would giveroyalty an inferiority complex.

A scholarship in the Max ReinhardtWorkshop brought Rebel to Holly-wood from Chicago where, in schoolyears, her beauty had already be-gun to register. Classmates at Fore-man high school could look out thewindow at her likeness gracing aCoca-Cola billboard, and she was atop model in that city. Fashion -plate jobs made her seek a model -type name, since she didn't favor herreal one, Alaine Brandes. The Ran-dall portion of her name came froma chance encounter in a telephonedirectory.

In Hollywood, Rebel developed alist of radio credits as long as herwell-turned arm; did a personal ap-August 10, 1951

GI FANS undoubtedly ikdetect the g lowingbeauty reflected by thelovely voice of their favoritedisc jockey, Rebel Randall,the gal behind AFRS's mostpopular program, "Jukebox,USA."







pearance tour with Bob Hope, andgave movie camera men pause forthought. She ventured into TV viaan East coast videoing entitled"Auction -Aire." One glimpse of heron their screens caused fans to labelRebel "the most beautiful girl in tele-vision."

Brains and BeautyRebel's brains match her looks-

she paints and writes in her sparetime. Three of her paintings are ina local exhibit and "The Lying Lion"and "Daffy Daffodil" are two chil-dren's books she penned.

All this could not be apparent toher GI fans, but her great sincerityis. And she has had some touchingexperiences which prove it. AFRSpipes her shows to all military basesand hospitals in and outside of thecountry and to all her listeners shehas become known by a title givenher by one of her earliest listeners-"Dear Voice" is the salutation most

often used in letters sent her.A group of eight or nine GI's will

request a pin-up picture and as al-ways. Rebel will answer them per-sonally. Often they will answer herin turn, only instead of eight or ninesignatures, the writers will explainthat a few of their buddies are nolonger with them.

"That sort of thing is what bringsthis war home to me," she explains.

"Seoul City Sue," who was cap-tured recently, and the newer "Min-nie Pearl" are "the other side's" ver-sions of Rebel Randall with whichthey try to jam AFRS' broadcasts-another proof of the potent power be-hind Rebel's popular discing whichis felt even by the Communists.

Deep ResponsibilityRebel feels a deep responsibility

toward her audiences, especiallywhen she receives stateside letters

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I Defend Sillging Commerches!

At_ JUD CONLON (at right) is anIowa boy who went from piano

to accordion to vocalizing on his wayto musical arranging for top song menand doing singing commercials with his"Rhythmaires," (above left to right, fromtop to bottom) Loulie Jean Norman,Gloria Wood, Jud, Charlie Parlato, andMax Mac McLean.

T TAKES a man in the sing-ing commercial business likeJud Conlon, director of "TheRhythmaires," to justify theclang, clatter and bombastthat frequently accompany

musical plugs. Jud is truly thefather of many sponsor's melodiousmessages. He takes the jingles, forbeer, toothpaste, cigarettes, drinks,bread, or transportation, sets them tomusic and then labors over an ar-rangement that will be music to thesponsor's ears.

Why singing commercials, any -

One Man's Jangle IsAnother Man's Joy

way? dudJud put it very simply whenhe said, aThey pay off . . . singingthe jingle keeps money jangling inthe sponsor's pocket. It's the onlyreason you can get Crosby, GrouchoMarx, 'Life With Riley,' or any ofyour favorites on radio or TV. Wedon't have subsidized radio like theydo in Britain, and somebody has topay the bill . . . so the man behindthe man at the mike or camera cannot go unnoticed or unheard."

Businessman's MinstrelAs a minstrel for the American

businessman, Jud faces only one

problem when he notes the sharpsand flats for pitches . . . that is,"Will it sell?" Sometimes the busi-ness men admit they know littlsabout music and only say, "we warsit pretty" . . . "we want more girl!'voices" . . . or "we want it high atthe end." Singing commercials mayjar your ear drums or your mental.processes, but that's what pleases theman with the bankroll. A musicman, like Jud, who has long ago lostcount of his own musical arrange-ments for some of the hit tunes ofour time, believes in selling by sing-ing because, "it's more alive thanhearing a monotonous moaning of amale voice drooning out the glori-ous attributes of a certain drug storespecialty." But what about the peo-ple who find these tuneful rhymesirritating? "One man's jangle maybe another man's joy. If the listen-er remembers the jingle, he'll re-member the product . . . and maybehe'll go away humming the com-mercial."

Jud added the sponsor's peculiartwist to his musical arranging soonafter the war when he organized "TheRhythmaires." Before he becamepart of this vocal aggregation, hehad raised his bass voice in tunewith the well-known singers, "SixHits and a Miss." No, he doesn'thave a complete collection of all thesinging commercials he has been re-sponsible for, but hopes to put themore than 500 of them on platterssomeday. That would mean diggingup arrangements he has done forsuch airshows as "Life of Riley,"Groucho Marx, Phil Regan show, BingCrosby, "Our Miss Brooks," DennisDay, "The Blandings," and the KayKyser show.

ArrangementsJud said there was little difference

between arranging a jingle for radioor TV. For TV, musical accompani-ment is never used as they are al-most sure of visual help to sell theproduct. His toughest job was work-ing out the plug for "Ice Cycles"into a singing commercial. Everytime he would get "The Rhythmaires" going, he heard a soprano ortenor trying to say "ties" and itwould come out anything but that.Each set of lyrics must have special

(Please Turn to Page 39)

By Jud Conlon as told to Arlene GarberPage Thirty-six August 10, 1951

Page 37: Singing Commercials - American Radio History: … · TV & RADIO LOGS AUG. 10-16 "I Defend Singing Commercials" ... intricacies of Armed Forces Redo ... ballads and opera live for

Alp- YOUNG BOB FINKEL, "HollywoodTheater Time's" capable director,

whose favorite topics are television andCarnegie Institute of Technology. On his'ast personal census there were twenty-two alumni in ABC-TV.

4111, TWELVE HOURS OF REHEARSAL IS THE TOTAL TIME ALLOCATED to tele-casting this live dramatic show. That's a rigid schedule when new cast,

plot and sets are used each and every week. Director Finkel insists that all castmembers remain close to the set whenever they are off camera. On one telecastan actor wandered off the stage to another set and missed his cue. (ABC photos.)

dial on the StageYoung Bob Finkel Cracks The Directorial Whip

For Top -Draw Drama On Hollywood Theater Time

By Mildred Ross


WAS a toss-up whether wewere discussing "HollywoodTheater Time" or the meritsf the Carnegie Institute of

Technology, during our in-teresting interview with Bob

Finkel, alumnus of Carnegie and di-rector of KECA-TV's "HollywoodTheater Time." Bob holds a dramadegree from this outstanding univer-sity, which offers a fine arts curricu-lum, as well as its renowned engi-neering courses.

Television's role in the Kathy Fis-cus tragedy inspired Bob to enter thetelevision field. "I feel that my ex-periences in the various entertain-ment mediums, plus my academictraining have been of invaluable as-sistance in my directing 'HollywoodTheater Time,'" earnestly informedBob. "We have twelve hours to re-hearse and prepare a weekly half-hour telecast. Ours is the only localdramatic show viewed on kinescopeAugust 10, 1951

in New York, and we try not to letthe Easterners find any faults withour productions."

Genius at WorkBob is budget conscious and works

out the minutest details prior to airtime. His wife, Janie, and three-year -old daughter, Terry Lee, areobliging props. After rearranginghis living room, he sets the stageand the family fill in as actors ashe puts them through their paces.The salt and pepper shakers arecommandeered whenever additionalcast members are needed. Bob mapsevery camera shot and actors move

ON "SALT AND PEPPER DAYS,"Bob Finkel plays with these con-diment holders for imaginarycast members as he v -ts eachcamera move. Obviously Bob doesn'tbelieve in tossing spilt salt over hisleft shoulder.

with the assistance of his family"cast." He cheerfully exclaims thathe enjoys this segment of prepara-tion to the hilt because it's the onetime he can boss the family and getaway with it.

Bob also memorizes all the cuelines and action to save time. Oneglance at the script might mean theloss of several valuable seconds. Theabsence of a prompter in the wingsinsures memorized parts, as psycho-logical crutch theory is taboo here.

Director's Problems"Hollywood Theater Time" has en-

countered some unusual problems.An actor, who had the second lead,cancelled out the eve of the telecast.Finkel, with the help of the produc-tion crew, invented. a "Tel -a -Cue"

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DICK LANE GIVES "MOVIETOWN"guests, (left to right) Guy Madison,Tom Hubbard, David Bair, and aWAVE officer, tie go-ahead for theircharade.

Sunday, 10:00 p.m.KTLA, Channel 13

LAYING CHARADES onICTLA's "Movietown" videoshow is no cinch for the"Adams" and "Eves" who

appear each week. It has evenstumped an Academy Award winner."Movietown" has given some of Hol-lywood's stars more than a chanceto play a game, it has been their de-but on TV and has in some casesled to a video show of their own.

Charades are played each weekwhen genial Dick Lane emcees theparlor -room fun when he invitesthree "Eves" . . . either service wom-en or three movie stars . . . and thethree "Adams" . . . actors or servicemen . . . to the telecast. Top Holly-wood names like the Andrews Sisters,Mel Torme, Ann Rutherford, LeoCarrillo and Stuart Erwin have putaside their dignity to get in the act.

Childhood GameCharades, if you recall your child-

hood experiences or party frolics,consists in opposing teams acting outthe title to a song, movie, play, bookor such, while the other team at-tempts to guess what it is. On theshow the "Adams" or "Eves" areasked to pantomine the charade for

uated in another studio. The expertssee the sometimes desperatelyawkward antics of the players overa television set and via an ingenioussound device, the viewers can hearthe board's guesses, but not a soundcomes from the studio where theguests are enacting the charade. Ifthe experts can guess the title of thebook, song, etc. being enacted with-in three minutes, the sender of thecharade receives a nominal gift, butif they don't guess it within thetime limit, a valuable watch is onits way to the smart senders.

Back StageThat's all there is to the game, but

there's a lot more back of the tele-casting of such fun fare. Its producerclaims that "Movietown" has themost vocal viewing audience of anyprogram-a viewing audience whichsends in an average of 5,000 cha-rades a week, ninety-nine percent of

which are duplicates of others sub-mitted that week or a previous week.This similarity in the charades sub-mitted makes it increasingly hard tostump the experts, especially sinceeach title must have a visual inter-pretation. At the beginning, theseries was called, "An Invitation toMovietown, RSVP," then public usagemade it "Movietown, RVSP," andafter a flood of letters asking whatRVSP meant, it was renamed simply,"Movietown." During its early his-tory, all the video performances wereset in the actual home of a moviestar, but because of high productioncost, lack of suitably located homes,and the complexities involved whenmovie people's contracts were at

sCHARADE EXPERTS (left to right,Carroll Carroll and Pat O'Brien)turn sharp eyes on all the acts

which are a challenge to even the mostseasoned performers.

variance with television appearances,this format had to be discarded.

One of the experts, Carroll Carroll,laid an egg when he failed to guessthe title, "Baby Me," which hap-pened to be a song he wrote. DickLane was caught napping when hecouldn't make sense of the act whichspelled out "I Can Get It For YouWholesale," a movie which he hadjust finished.

In the producer's office there aremiles of files which record each cha-rade used, its date of entry, the nameand address of the sender, and anyduplicates received. Before any cha-rade is used its origin is traced foraccuracy. When varying quotationsof MacArthur's, "I Shall Return"statement came pouring in, a madscramble ensued to make sure it wasnot "I Will Return" or "I Am GoingTo Return."

When a toughie, "Amphitron 38"came up, the experts were baffled. . . the "Adams" and "Eves" frantic. . . but the viewers were enjoyingit to the hilt.

New Act Every Three MinutesBecomes Acid Test For Actors and Actresses By Arlene Garber

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Action on the Stage The "Dear Voice" I Defend SingingCommercials!(Continued from Page 37)

machine for the substitute actor. Thescript was written on a giant type-writer and projected on a 3x5 footscreen. All parts were rearranged sothat the substitute actor was con-stantly facing the screen, from whichhe read his unrehearsed lines. Thetelecast went off without a hitch andthe audience was none the wiser.

In order to create an authentic set-ting, Bob had cobwebs sprayed onthe set of "The Spectre." The scriptcalled for objects to mysteriouslymove about. This was accomplishedby hands hidden from the camera'seye. However, viewers mistook thefine cobwebby sprays for strings pull-

_ ing the objects. Sometimes effort isexpended for naught.

Bob's weekly challenge of directinga different live dramatic show, vary-ing in pace, has been prefaced byhard work in other entertainmentmediums. As juvenile entertainer,Bobby Blue, he was billed as a tapdancer. Those were the days DickPowell emceed, and the late Joe Pen-ner headlined vaudeville acts. AfterCarnegie Tech, he directed at RhodeIsland's famous Providence Play-house. Giving vent to his frustratedacting desires, he frequently crossedthe footlights to show actors how toread their lines. City -bred Bob readevery available Western pulp maga-zine for his first Hollywood assign-ment, and turned out top -westernscenarios for the "Range Buster" se-ries. An assistant directorship onRepublic's "Ice Capades" followed.

A new phase of activity presenteditself when Bob was stationed in theChina -Burma -India theater of oper-ations with the famed Merrill's Ma -

(Continued from Page 35)from families whose fighting menhave asked that they send them mu-sical -type greetings via Rebel's show.Often requests are from servicewom-en overseas, who dedicate songs totheir Korean and Japan -stationedpals.

On the personal side, Rebel, whois unmarried and lives with hermother and sister, in Hollywood, hasbecome acquainted with a few es-pecially "dear voices" of her ownthrough her show. One in particular,a Marine Corps sergeant, has calledher, from Kobe, Japan, every Satur-day evening for the last two months.There's also an Air Force man whoseletters, wisely addressed to Rebel'smother, have piqued the lovely bru-nette's curiosity about him.

Careerwise, Rebel hopes to aug-ment her GI discing with networkradio and TV shows through whichshe will deliver messages from over-seas to stateside relatives. Theseprograms, currently in negotiation,should bring the "Dear Voice" to oureyes and ears very soon.

rauders. In civies once more, he be-came associated with the Las PalmasTheater's "Lend an Ear" and "GlassMenagerie" productions.

In PersonBob Finkel is full of enthusiasm,

of slight, wiry stature, penetratingintelligent eyes and has smooth darkbrown hair. He has a strong dislikefor the negative, and like the oldArmy saying, he believes the impos-sible takes a little longer. One onlyhas to look at his television accom-plishments for proof of this theory.

(Continued from Page 36)treatment with accents and tonalqualiites on specific syllables to getthe message across and yet soundlike music. In one TV beer commer-cial he used fourteen voices and nomusical accompaniment, while forthe same radio plug he got resultsby using six voices with an orches-tration in the background.

When asked about a singing com-mercial for "TV -Radio Life" maga-zine, Jud said as he cocked his headto one side-humming all the while-"TV -Radio Life . . . hum, thatwould have to be something explo-sive . . . or you might do it with ajazz tune, or a musical impressionof showbusiness sounds."

Jud has ambitions to take "TheRhythmaires" on a concert tour . . .go on writing fine arrangements formore of the same as he did in Dis-ney's "Alice in Wonderland," and"Peter Pan" . . . and to match mu-sic and messages so they pay off forboth the sponsor and himself.

"MOVING DAY" IS A DIFFERENTsort of process for Helen Greg -

y. story editor on ABC's "Modern Ro-mances," who has the annual chore ofstoring fitty.two weeks' worth of scriptsfor the popular airer, now in its thirdnetwork year. (ABC photo.)

THE "LAYMAN'S HOUR" GROUPprovides favorite hymnals and musicin the religious vein for Sunday,

KECA, at 4:30 p.m., listeners. Choristersare members of Southern CaliforniaBaptists association. (Avery photo.)

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n6i jug kteNAltho 7 of the 'Top 10 Men's Shows'

are on KTLA

Nois jusl- Warner) ew

Altho 8 of the 'Top 10 Women's Shows'are on KTLA

NoT .1051- TeEnAgees -Altho 6 of the 'Top 10 Teenagers' Shows' IC

are on KTLA

not Just Ch ILdeeivisrAltho 4 of the 'Top 10 Children's Shows' *

are on KTLA

4( Tele-Que, February 1951


