Sinaran Issue 2

Inside this issue: Working Visit by Deputy Permanent Secretary 2 National Day Celebration 3 Efforts to boost Bruneian economy 4 Sinaran Released! 5 Budding Artists of SVSB! 6 SVSB holds the First Na- tional Typing Speed Master Competition 7 Dikir Competition for TVI 8 Educational Trip 8 Volume 1, Issue 2 June 2010 Principal’s Message medium, our SINARAN. To recall the few recent accomplish- ments, please allow me to relate what we have gone through during the previous months. In the educa- tion and training sector, we were able to organize a business seminar on “Current Economic Develop- ments in South East Asia” and simu- lation workshop “Finance for Man- agers” in the first week of March. The response received from the participants clearly indicate that the efforts have not been in vain as the students and local industrialists as well as teachers were able to gain much valuable insights from the experience. Secondly the next level of the cas- cading workshop has been con- ducted in the school, thus passing the skills and insights down one level among the staff of the school. It is planned to proceed with it step by step as the name implies. In line with the new education sys- tem SPN21, the school has to en- gage in reforming its mechanism and resources to facilitate sustainable Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuh Very warm greetings to all! And welcome to the second issue of SINARAN 2010! I would like to congratulate the publication committee once again for their efforts to bring out the second issue of SINARAN 2010. During the last three months much has happened in our school. And it is indeed my honour and pleasure to update you about the achieve- ments and awaken you to the chal- lenges and concerns through this and continuous improvement. Along with knowledge, the students should have the opportunities and advantages to imbibe the best val- ues, practices and ethics from the teachers. This, in fact, points to the need for the teachers to be more equipped with the current and inno- vative teaching methods, and well informed and learned as far the latest developments and additions in their respective areas of studies are concerned, as well as to incul- cate and exhibit higher values and professionalism in the attitude. A remarkable achievement in the area of students’ affairs has been the success in organizing of the National Typing Speed Master Com- petition. This is the first time such a competition has been organized at national level. And we can be quite legitimately proud as the organizers of that prestigious event. To add more luster, the top three winners including the Champion are from our school! The school is poised to take initia- tive to enrich and equip students with marketable skills relevant to From the Editor’s Desk need a feeling heart – a heart that is susceptible to finer feelings. It is one of the most essential things neces- sary to make one’s life enjoyable and to feel and respond to the emotional needs of the others around us too. As well, it is the presence of such a heart that makes much of the differ- ence between most of us and the creative genius. A creative artist sees and feels much more than most of us, in such a way or with such intensity that it creates Looking around, one is certainly amazed to see the vibrant variety of beauty in creation! What a grand spectacle is offered by nature around us! Brunei is blessed with pristine rain forests soothing to the eyes as well as to the heart of the onlookers! There will not be a single feeling heart that has not been touched by the scene of the vast blue expanse on the other side too! In fact, to see, to experience or to enjoy the beauty around you, you violent storms of passion in him. The result is a poem, a story, a film, a painting, a play or the like. It necessi- tates mastery in the medium too to help him create masterpieces. Crea- tivity is a natural gift, of course! Yet, it has to be explored, discovered, nourished and nurtured if it is to flower and fructify. So, when we say artists and writers are born, we should also think of ways to find the talents amidst us and give them enough opportunities to discover themselves and develop their pas- ران ران Vision Vision Vision Vision To develop Sekolah Vo- kasional Sultan Bolkiah into a centre of excellence in commercial and engi- neering studies and to establish a good working relationship with local industries Mission Mission Mission Mission To provide theory and practical training to qual- ify school leavers and youth by maximizing the use of available resources and facilities to be able to channel them to commer- cial and engineering ca- reers through techni- cal/vocational training programmes.

Transcript of Sinaran Issue 2

Page 1: Sinaran Issue 2

Inside this issue:

Working Visit by Deputy

Permanent Secretary


National Day Celebration 3

Efforts to boost Bruneian economy


Sinaran Released! 5

Budding Artists of SVSB! 6

SVSB holds the First Na-tional Typing Speed Master Competition


Dikir Competition for TVI 8

Educational Trip 8

Volume 1, Issue 2 June 2010

Principal’s Message medium, our SINARAN.

To recall the few recent accomplish-

ments, please allow me to relate

what we have gone through during

the previous months. In the educa-

tion and training sector, we were

able to organize a business seminar

on “Current Economic Develop-

ments in South East Asia” and simu-

lation workshop “Finance for Man-

agers” in the first week of March.

The response received from the

participants clearly indicate that the

efforts have not been in vain as the

students and local industrialists as

well as teachers were able to gain

much valuable insights from the


Secondly the next level of the cas-

cading workshop has been con-

ducted in the school, thus passing

the skills and insights down one level

among the staff of the school. It is

planned to proceed with it step by

step as the name implies.

In line with the new education sys-

tem SPN21, the school has to en-

gage in reforming its mechanism and

resources to facilitate sustainable

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi


Very warm greetings to all! And

welcome to the second issue of


I would like to congratulate the

publication committee once again

for their efforts to bring out the

second issue of SINARAN 2010.

During the last three months much

has happened in our school. And it

is indeed my honour and pleasure

to update you about the achieve-

ments and awaken you to the chal-

lenges and concerns through this

and continuous improvement. Along

with knowledge, the students

should have the opportunities and

advantages to imbibe the best val-

ues, practices and ethics from the

teachers. This, in fact, points to the

need for the teachers to be more

equipped with the current and inno-

vative teaching methods, and well

informed and learned as far the

latest developments and additions

in their respective areas of studies

are concerned, as well as to incul-

cate and exhibit higher values and

professionalism in the attitude.

A remarkable achievement in the

area of students’ affairs has been

the success in organizing of the

National Typing Speed Master Com-

petition. This is the first time such a

competition has been organized at

national level. And we can be quite

legitimately proud as the organizers

of that prestigious event. To add

more luster, the top three winners

including the Champion are from

our school!

The school is poised to take initia-

tive to enrich and equip students

with marketable skills relevant to

From the Editor’s Desk need a feeling heart – a heart that is

susceptible to finer feelings. It is one

of the most essential things neces-

sary to make one’s life enjoyable and

to feel and respond to the emotional

needs of the others around us too.

As well, it is the presence of such a

heart that makes much of the differ-

ence between most of us and the

creative genius.

A creative artist sees and feels much

more than most of us, in such a way

or with such intensity that it creates

Looking around, one is certainly

amazed to see the vibrant variety of

beauty in creation! What a grand

spectacle is offered by nature around

us! Brunei is blessed with pristine

rain forests soothing to the eyes as

well as to the heart of the onlookers!

There will not be a single feeling

heart that has not been touched by

the scene of the vast blue expanse

on the other side too!

In fact, to see, to experience or to

enjoy the beauty around you, you

violent storms of passion in him. The

result is a poem, a story, a film, a

painting, a play or the like. It necessi-

tates mastery in the medium too to

help him create masterpieces. Crea-

tivity is a natural gift, of course! Yet,

it has to be explored, discovered,

nourished and nurtured if it is to

flower and fructify. So, when we say

artists and writers are born, we

should also think of ways to find the

talents amidst us and give them

enough opportunities to discover

themselves and develop their pas-



To develop Sekolah Vo-

kasional Sultan Bolkiah

into a centre of excellence

in commercial and engi-

neering studies and to

establish a good working

relationship with local



To provide theory and

practical training to qual-

ify school leavers and

youth by maximizing the

use of available resources

and facilities to be able to

channel them to commer-

cial and engineering ca-

reers through techni-

cal/vocational training


Page 2: Sinaran Issue 2


The Publication and Library Unit is glad to invite materials to be published in the future issues of Sinaran. All the staff and students are urged to make use of their talents and enrich the publication in their own way. Please submit creative and other original works to the Secretary of the Unit.

• Articles

• Stories

• Poems

• Sketches


Page 2

On the 11th

of Febru-

ary, Sekolah Vo-

kasional Sultan

Bolkiah Seria wit-

nessed the working

visit by the Deputy

Permanent Secretary

of Higher Education,

Dr Haji Junaidi bin

Haji Abdul Rahman.

Awg Akandi Bin Hj

Abd Razak, Principal

of Sekolah Vokasional Sulktan Bolkiah, and Pg

Suhaimi Bin Pg Hj Bakar the Acting Director of

Technical Education Department were present

to welcome Dr Hj Junaidi upon his arrival.

The Deputy Permanent Secretary of Higher Edu-

cation, Dr Haji Junaidi bin

Haji Abdul Rahman was

accompanied by Hjh Ni-

mah Hj Ahad, Senior Ex-

ecutive Officer Technical

Unit of Ministry of Educa-

tion and Azrin Bin Liomar,

Education Officer Strategic

Management Unit. Being

newly appointed as the

Deputy Permannet Secre-

tary, SVSB is the first institution he is visiting on

taking charge of the office to gather information

regarding institutions of higher education in

Brunei Darussalam.

The Principal briefed the visiting officer about

the organizational structure and courses offered

in Sekolah Vokasional Sultan Bolkiah. It was

followed by a question and answer session that

helped to highlight the challenges faced by the

institution. He was much appreciative of the

efforts put in by the school authorities to raise

the standards and to fulfill its avowed roles ef-

fectively. He offered to look into the possibilities

of promoting the interests of the institution at

large. In the end of the visit, the Deputy Secre-

tary went around the school, saw the facilities

available here and interacted with the staff and

students too.

Condolence to Haji Yajid

All the staff members and students of SVSB offer their condolence to Cikgu Hj Mohd Yajid Bin Hj Bayong of the FNW Section of

Mechanical Department at the sad demise of his father. Haji Bayong passed away on 27th

February 2010, Saturday at Ripas

Hospital. May Allah bless his departed soul and reward him Jannat-ul-Firdaus in the next world.


By: Cikgu Hemy Pilpus

General Studies Department

Working Visit by Deputy Permanent Secretary

• Paintings

• Caricatures

• Jokes

• Quotations

• Bisai Project

• Cascading Workshop

• Project Presentation by ND BNF and CST students

• New intake July 2010

• Educational visits by SVSB students

• Seminar and Courses attend by SVSB Staff

Some highlights in next issue

Page 3: Sinaran Issue 2

Page 3

National Day Celebration 2010 and one week before at Taman Sir Muda Omar

Ali Saifuddien in Bandar Seri Begawan. A few

military personnel from the ‘Royal Brunei Armed

Forces’ took pains to train the participants.

On the actual day, Bandar Seri Begawan, the

heart of Negara Brunei Darussalam was filled

with people. The streets and the city centre

became lively with the bustling crowd. Some

public roads and pathways had to be blocked to

make way for the participants to reach the Ta-

man. The weather literally gave full support and

added to the charm of the day. The sun seemed

to play hide and seek as the dark clouds passed

across the sky now and then. One could even

wonder if the clouds too were doing a march

past along with us. The showers from above

relieved and saved the participants from the

scorching sun. The air was filled with drum

beats and music. Big balloons of various compa-

Brunei Darussalam celebrates its independ-

ence day on 23 Feb every year. This year Brunei

celebrated its 26th

year of independence with

the theme “Negaraku Brunei Darussalam” or

“My Nation Brunei Darussalam”, with much

pomp and show at Taman Sir Muda Omar Ali

Saifuddien. The celebration started with recita-

tion of Holy Quran which was followed by the

National Anthem, taking of vow, “Ikrar” and

patriotic songs. All these were performed in the

esteemed presence of His Majesty and the

Royal Family.

The preparation for the occasion had started

well in advance, weeks before the celebration.

The students and employees of our school,

Sekolah Vokasional Sultan Bolkiah along with

those of other selected Government and private

institutions practiced hard in the sun and

shower for the march past and other activities

two weeks before in their respective institutes

nies and festoons were seen flying and floating

in the air over the stadium. In such a pleasant

atmosphere, it was a great joy and pride for us

to march saluting His Majesty and the Royal

Family. At eleven o’clock, the function came to


Cikgu Muhd Sani bin Abdullah Unan who was

working as Deputy Principal (E&T) was trans-

ferred to the Higher Education Department,

Ministry of Education. He started working at

SVSB on 4th

August 1998 as an Education Officer

in the Machining Section of Mechanical Engi-

neering Department.

After a gap of few years he was promoted to the

post of Deputy Principal in Educational Training

on 8th

January 2007. Then on 5th

March 2010 he

was transferred to the Higher Education Depart-

ment of MOE. For a period spanning over more

than eleven years he has served the school in

various positions. All staff and students of SVSB

would like to wish him all the best and a suc-

cessful career in future.

By: Cikgu Norhamizah Hj Hamdan

ICT Department

Cikgu Sani Transferred

“Never part, without loving words to think of

during your absence. It may be that you will

not meet again in this life. “

Jean Paul Richter

"Imagination is more important than knowl-

edge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination

encircles the world."

Albert Einstein

“Arguing with a fool proves there are two.“

Doris M. Smith

“Live every act fully, as if it were your last.”


By: Ernie Sahliza Binti Salleh and

Abdul Malek Ali

Page 4: Sinaran Issue 2


Educational has major roles to render in the

socio-cultural and economic development of a

nation. This has been the conviction of the Min-

istry of Education of Brunei Darussalam. The

spirit has percolated down the layers of admini-

stration thus inspiring individual educational

institutions in the country to do its role in finding

ways and means to contribute in various meas-

ures to strengthen the country’s economy.

Keeping this in view, a business seminar on

“Current Economic Developments in South East

Asia” was organized by Sekolah Vokasional Sul-

tan Bolkiah on 6th

March. The seminar virtually

brightened up the aspirations of the business

community of Brunei. It was followed by a busi-

ness simulation workshop “Finance for Manag-

ers” held at the Club Room at Panaga in the


The seminar began at 8.00am with the recital of

Al-Fatiha followed by the welcoming remarks by

Awg Akandi Bin Hj Abd Razak, Principal of SVSB.

The Principal who

materialized this

venture emphasized

the relevance of

wider collaboration

in fighting and facing

global cataclysmic

phenomenon like

recession. He also

pointed to the im-

portance of closer

ties between aca-

demic institutions

and business firms

for achieving academic and professional excel-


The keynote address focusing on “An Australian

View on the Current Economic Climate and De-

velopments in South East Asia” by the Guest of

Honour, His Ex-

cellency Mark

Sawers, the High

Commissioner of

Australia, dwelt

largely on the

relevance and

anticipated im-

pacts of AAN-



Zealand Free

Trade Agreement, an agreement that came into

force in January in the backdrop of the global

financial crisis. In his speech, the High Commis-

sioner delineated the regional trade picture and

Australian priorities.

The second speaker

of the seminar Mr.

Tareq Mahmood,

the Chief Executive

Officer of HSBC

invited the atten-

tion of the gather-

ing to the role of

banking sector in

enabling companies

to grow, with the

main focus on areas

of trade finance,

foreign exchange and banking prospects.

An associate pro-

fessor in the Uni-

versity of Brunei

Darussalam, Dr.

Shamim Ahmed

Siddiqui presented

in his talk, a pic-

ture of the current

economic situation

of Brunei, at the

same time, sug-

gesting the need

to learn from the policies and strategies of

other South Asian countries.

The seminar chaired

by Hjh Hanita binti Hj

Hussain witnessed

spirited participation

from the audience.

The chairperson added

an air of seriousness

and enthusiasm to the

event making it palat-

able to each and eve-

ryone present on the

occasion. The proceed-

ings of the seminar

were meticulously

conducted with precise introductions and sub-

tle remarks by the masters of ceremony namely

Ms Hemy, Ms Liza and Mr Johari.

Executives and representatives of various busi-

ness enterprises, graduates and students at-

tended the business simulation workshop

“Finance for Managers” held in the afternoon

session at the Panaga Club Room. It was con-

ducted by Mr. Steve Allen, Director of Income

Outcome Australia and it was supplemented by

a spirited interactive session. Among the par-

ticipants were officers from HSBC, DTE and

various private concerns and government of-


Viewed in its totality, the seminar and the fol-

lowing workshop have helped the business stu-


a n d

t h e

local industrialists to gain valuable insight into

Page 4


By: Cikgu K.B. Venugopalan Nair

General studies department

Page 5: Sinaran Issue 2

In a function held at the OGDC, Seria, the

newsletter of Sekolah Vokasional Sultan

Bolkiah was released by the school’s Princi-

pal, Awg Akandi Bin Hj Abd Razak. The first

copy of the newsletter named SINARAN was

formally handed out to His Excellency Mark

Sawers, the High Commissioner of Australia.

The function was attended by various digni-

taries and officials of high repute from the

Ministry and various private organizations, in

addition to the staff and students of the


This newsletter’s intention is to serve as a

mechanism to bring the whole school alive

and active. It is the outcome of a vision that

the school’s development can be achieved

through various activities, intellectual, crea-

Page 5


activities incorporating commercial services

that will surely promote enterprise and manu-

facturing skills too, through cooperatives.

I am quite optimistic about the whole school

undergoing a transformation in order to

achieve greater heights and glory. As per the

next five year strategic plan for the school, we

have planned a lot to develop the institution

and to sustain the development. One of the

major visions is to upgrade the school to a

college and to get approved as a centre of

excellence in Welding and Fabrication.

Alhamdulillah… through your concerted efforts

and sincere support, we have surmounted the

challenges of the bygone year. It gives me

enough faith and hope that we shall strive as a

team, a well knit unit I our efforts to scale new

heights in the coming months of this year too!

Thank you all! And till the next issue …


Principal’s Message (continued) From the Editor’s Desk (continued)

into a great rewarding profession for themselves

and a wonderful source of entertainment or aes-

thetic experience for others. They add much col-

our and charm to our otherwise dry life! They add

music and life to otherwise insipid experiences!

They add life to otherwise dead moments!

A society is known or valued not always for its

wealth but for the cultural and aesthetic contribu-

tions it makes to the world. Civilized societies

adore and emulate great men of letters and art-

ists. They are considered informal ambassadors of

that society to the world. In effect, they mould

the thinking and cultural standards of the society

to which they belong, thus elevating the quality of

life of even the average human being.

Publications of our sort can be well utilized as a

platform by budding writers and artists to explore

and promote their creative talents.

inclined should evince interest in the publica-

tion and make their own contributions in a

worthwhile manner. We dream of a day when

those who try their hands here and now prove

to be giants in the field influencing millions of

minds across the globe!

tive and cultural in essence and spirit. This

way, the school also wants to provide a plat-

form for the SVSB family to share their views

and futuristic visions regarding the school. It

envisages encouraging the staff and students

to express themselves in writing and to de-

velop and utilize their hidden talents to their

own benefit as well as to the benefit of oth-


It was indeed a moment of great pride for

the entire school especially, the editorial

team to have brought out the fruit of their

concerted effort aimed at projecting the

school’s image among the public. The Princi-

pal congratulated the entire team for their

r e -By: Cikgu K.B. Venugopalan Nair

General studies department

I Don't Want To Go To School

Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son.

"Wake up, son. It's time to go to school!"

"But why, Mom? I don't want to go."

"Give me two reasons why you don't want to go."

"Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me also!"

"Oh, that's no reason not to go to school. Come on now and get ready."

"Give me two reasons why I should go to school."

Page 6: Sinaran Issue 2


Page 6

Budding artists of SVSB!

Ratna Sri Dewi Julaini

Winner of Portrait Category

Norhayati Masing

Winner of Still Life Category

Muhd Hamizan Bin Hj Ibrahim

Winner of Landscape Category

By: Cikgu Robert Lesney

General Studies Department

the aim of providing an opportunity for stu-

dents to display their artistic talents and to

express themselves creatively. According to

Mr Robert Lesney, the instructor in charge,

Art is considered a therapeutic subject,

hence the contest also served as an interest-

ing break from the mundane life of school

work, tests and assignments for the stu-


There were three categories opened for

competition: Still life, Landscape and Por-

trait.The 1ST

prize winner for the Still Life

category was Norhayati Masing of

NV/CSA/19. The 1st

prize winner for the Por-

trait category was Ratna Sri Dewi Julaini of

NV/CSA/19 while Muhd Hamizan of

PND/BNF/11 emerged best artist for Land-


A total of 35 students took part in the con-

test and all of them were awarded with cer-

tificates of participation. It is hoped that in

future there will be more opportunities like

this for SVSB students to express their artis-

tic flair and creativity.

A Drawing contest was held at our school on March

10 during the ECA period. The Drawing contest was

Page 7: Sinaran Issue 2

SVSB holds the First National Typing Speed Master Competition:

“Moments of pride and celebration for SVSB” The First National Typing Speed Master Competi-

tion was organized at Sekolah Vokasional Sultan

Bolkiah on 29th

April. Though similar competitions

were held earlier, this is the first time it is being

held at the national level. Students from voca-

tional and technical schools as well as general

academic schools vied with one another to prove

their mastery in typing skills.

The competition started at 8.30 am after the par-

ticipants were briefed about the rules of the com-

petition. A total number of nineteen contestants

from various schools participated in the event.

Out of them the

Champion and three

more toppers were

awarded prizes at

the prize awarding

ceremony held in

the school’s lecture

theatre. The prize

awarding ceremony

began with the re-

cital of Surah Al-

Fatihah and Doa by

Ustaz Mohammad

Hirmi bin Tahir. The

Deputy Principal of

SVSB, Yang Mulia

Awg Rahman Bin Hj Ghani welcomed the Guest of

Honour, other dignitaries from government and

private institutions and various school principals.

In his introductory address, he dwelt largely on

the relevance of typing skills in professional and

student life. He remarked that the skills assume

greater significance

today with the com-

mitment that His

Majesty’s govern-

ment has shown in e-

government too.

With minimum adap-

tation the same skill

is applied in IT for a

variety of purposes

ranging from simple

Assistant District

Officer of Kuala

Belait was the

Guest of Honour

at the ceremony.

In his speech the

Guest of Honour

enlightened the

gathering on the

need to inculcate

proper competi-

tive spirit in the

changing life

scenario. This is

because socie-

ties cannot

waste time and

money on unproductive projects or people. The

right type of human resource has to be developed

to meet the the needs of tomorrow. The work-

force that we

produce should

be able to

meet and mas-

ter the situa-

tions of a more

demanding and

c h a l l e n g i n g

time. The two

things that can

certainly help

them are “the

art of knowing”

and “the art of

doing”, he

observed dur-

ing his speech.

He was all

praise for the SVSB for holding a contest at the

National level involving the technical, vocational

and other schools in Brunei Darussalam.

Prizes were awarded to the Champion Dyg

Zurairatul Zakiah Hj Muhd Syafie of Sekolah Vo-

kasional Sultan Bolkiah and the three runners up

namely Dyg Noorazimah binti Hj M. Talip and Dyg

Nurulain binti Hj Tajodin of Sekolah Vokasional

Sultan Bolkiah, Nurasma binti

Maidin of Sekolah Menenga

Masin. The whole school

rejoiced in the celebration as

the top three positions in-

cluding the championship

were won by the students of

SVSB. The gathering also

congratulated all the partici-

pants for displaying proper

and healthy competitive

presence and guidance of the Principal of

SVSB, Yang Mulia Awg Akandi Bin Hj Abd

Razak, was conducted by Ms Hemy Pilpus of

General Studies’ Department and Ms Nur

Qamariah Fakhriah binti Hj Yunos of Dress-

making and Tailoring section. The function

came to a close by 12 noon.

Page 7

By: Cikgu K.B. Venugopalan Nair

General Studies Department


Dignitaries and other guests

The contest goes on...

Page 8: Sinaran Issue 2

Advisor: Cikgu Akandi Bin Abdul Razak Chairperson: Cikgu Alageswari Ramasami Secretary: Cikgu Maseri Norselwah Hj Akip Chief Editor: Cikgu K.B. Venugopalan Nair Editors: Cikgu Robert Lesney Cikgu Tauqir Ahmad Cikgu Parveen Aktar Reporters: Cikgu Norhamizah Hj Hamdan Cikgu Siti Umi Rufaidah Mohamad Cikgu Hemy Pilpus Cikgu Md Azhar Abdullah Ustazah Hjh Sarinah Haji Musa

Editorial Board Student Reporters: Mohd Rafaie Bin Takong Nor Asyurah Bte Hj Ahmad Abdul Malek Bin Ali Ernie Sahliza Bte Salleh Md Shamsul Bin Husin Timothy Koo Graphic Designer Cikgu Christopher Lee in Charge: Cikgu Hanani Ajak Dyg Nur Aliah Mohd Zain Student Graphic Mohd Hifzhan Dzulfiqar Azhar Designers: Mohammad Hizan Husaini Khairulanwar Hj Ismail Nurzawane Abdul Rahman


Educational Trip to the Brunei Arts and Handicrafts Centre


By: Cikgu Siti Umi Rufaidah Mohamad

Printed and Published for Internal Circulation only Page 8

The Dressmaking and Tailoring Section or-

ganized an educational trip to the Brunei

Arts and Handicrafts Centre, Bandar Seri


on 13


2010. On

their way

back to


they also

had a stop

at the



The students who were ten in number visited

the place along with their staff members as

well as some members of administrative sec-

tion. The trip was aimed at exposing the stu-

dents to Brunei’s history and traditional handi-

crafts such as weaving and songkok-making.

At the Arts and Handicrafts Centre, the stu-

dents were briefed about the rich heritage of

the country. They all were happily received and

taken around by the officer in charge of the

Centre. All in all, the students and staff enjoyed

this trip and gained much knowledge and infor-

mation about the traditional handicrafts of


Oleh: Ustazah Hjh Sarinah Haji Musa Dalam pertandingan tersebut sekolah ini telah

berjaya merangkul kejuaraan bagi ketegori

lelaki dan naib johan kategori perempuan.

Hadiah-hadiah kepada pe-

menang telah disampaikan oleh

pemangku pengarah jabatan

Sekolah Vokasional Sultan Bolkiah telah

mengikuti pertandingan Dikir Syarafil Anam

antara Institusi-institusi Teknikal dan Vo-

kasional yang di anjurkan oleh Maktab Tek-

nik Sultan Saiful Rizal. Pertandingan ini

adalah kali ketiga dianjurkan sebagai menye-

marakkan sambutan Maulud

Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

disamping mengeratkan

hubungan antara institusi-

institusi tersebut.

Pertandingan yang diadaan

pada 15.4.2010 telah di ikuti

oleh 14 buah pasukan dari-

pada instusi-institusi teknikal

dan vokasional yang diba-

hagikan kepada 2 kategori,

iaitu kategori lelaki seramai 7

buah pasukan dan perempuan

seramai 7 buah pasukan.





Unit 11, Bangunan Pengiran Haji Ali Bersaudaraan,

Lot 7421, Jalan Jaya Negara, Kg. Pandan Empat,

Kuala Belait KA1931, Negara Brunei Darussalam,

Tel No. : 673-3334332, 3334557, 3335550

Fax No. : 673-3331639 Store: 673-3332287

E-mail : [email protected]