Simulation training in Emergency Medicine



Health practitioners are expected to master certain skills to manage settings, which necessitate critical decision taking in several life-threatening situations. In emergency medicine, physicians must be well trained on these tasks and many more before being able to practice them on real live patients.

Transcript of Simulation training in Emergency Medicine

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Critical  Care  Medicine   The  ability  to  resuscitate  a  patient    

Anesthesia   Manage  a  difficult  airway  

Plastic  Surgery   Suture  a  complex  laceration    

Orthopedic  surgery   Reduce  (set)  a  fractured  bone  or  dislocated  joint    

Cardiology   Treat  a  heart  attack    

Obstetrics  and  Gynecology   Manage  a  pregnant  patient  with  vaginal  bleeding    

ENT   Stop  a  bad  nosebleed    

Cardiothoracic  Surgery   Place  a  chest  tube  

Radiology   Conduct  and  interpret  ultrasounds  

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•  Increased  risk  of  complications  Ethical  •  Life  models  can  be  very  expensive  to  recruit  Financial  

•  Inefficient:  Resident  can’t  repeat  the  exercise  to  master  the  skill  

•  Lacks  the  opportunity  to  experience  complications  

•  Can’t  practice  certain  procedures  (CVP)  •  Time  availability  of  patient  and  instructor  


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Instructional  Design  Principle   Description  

Analysis   Learners  (needs,  background  knowledge)  Learning  characteristics:  motivation,  technology,  content  Learning  goals  

Design    (According  to  determined  learning  objectives)  

Learning  strategies  Learning  activities    Assessments  Methods  to  organize  and  present  the  content  on  the  basis  of  learning  objectives  

Development   Construct  and  deliver  materials  required  for  the  sessions,  e.g.  webpage  for  online  sessions  

Implementation  (The  actual  launching  of  the  course)  

Multimedia  resources    3D  virtual  environment  Mannequins  Scenarios  

Evaluation   Formative/  Summative  

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Kirkpatrick’s  Level  

Evaluation  Questions   Evaluation  Methods  

1:  Reaction   How  did  users  react  to  the  simulation?  Do  they  value  it?  Are  they  motivated  by  it?  

Reaction  sheets  

2:  Learning   What  knowledge  was  learned?  What  skills  were  developed  or  improved?  What  standard  of  performance  was  set?  What  attitudes  were  changed?  

Performance  measures  

3:  Behavior   Did  students  change  their  behavior  back  on  the  job?  How  much  transfer  of  knowledge,  skills,  and  attitudes  occurred?  

Performance  tests  Observations  

4:  Results   What  organizational/  patient  benefits  resulted?  How  did  the  quality  of  proficiency  improve  due  to  the  system?  Was  the  system  cost  –effective?  

Hospital  records  

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