Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but...


Transcript of Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but...

Page 1: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 2: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won


Tha Thoroughbrad Rocing Goma is dasignad to giva o rnoximum omount of raolism, whila amphosizing aosa of ploy. A roca con aosily ba run in 15 minutas, but tha mathod of racol'ding tha movas givas o chort of tha roca thot is os datoilad os thosa in tha Doily Rocing Form. Tha bosic rulas ora simpla, ond con ba undarstood by onyona who hos ployad ony tobla top sports goma.

Tha raolism is tha rasult of savarol kay faoturas. Eoch horsa runs ot his own poca: thot is, ha moy stort fost ond finish slow, or vica varso. Soma horsas ora good ot short rocas; othars prafar tha longar onas. Soma horsas prafar o fost trock; soma prafar o muddy ona; othars prafar tha gross. Cartoin horsas will run wall avary tima, whila othars run wall only o faw timas o saoson. Good Jockays con't moka o nog win, but thay con kaap o horsa out of troubla, ond thay just might moka tha diffaranca ot tha finish lina. Thara ora diffarant trock shaats for aoch trock, sinca no two trocks ora idanticol.

Tha naxt saction axploins how to ploy tha bosic goma. Only thosa rulas nacassory to octuolly run o roca ora givan, so thot it is possibla to laorn tha goma with o minimum of raoding. Tha odditionol faoturas which odd to tha raolism of tha goma ora givan lotar.


Tha Initiol Sat-up Tha following saction axploins how to run o roca by maons of o 6 furlong axompla. Toka ony dirt trock

shaat ond writa tha nomas of tha horsas on tha shaat os shown. Now writa tha nomas ond rotings of tha jockays naxt to tha horsa nomas. Writa tha numbars 1 through 6 (corrasponding to tha 6 horsas in tha roca) bahind tha 6 furlong lina os shown.

diraction of movamant

SF 6 f



3 -

. . ttorse k Joe •Y Ren, fin. Time

1 S<Mttrt. St,,.. r:,. N/.,: tr> 3 2 E,,. .. ;-;., .. • ,. �3 1111o. • .-... .... r R.1,. .. If' 4 --� ,.

• It 5 .. rtf .. �� M•ii.- ' 6 rt,ttt/J DoJ,-.,. 3 7





Page 3: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 4: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 5: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 6: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won

Fractional Furlongs

Racas often run at distancas other than full furlongs. For example, 6 1/2 furlongs and 8 1/2

furlongs (1 1/16 milas) are common distancas. Thasa distancas can be run by starting the horse half way

between the two furlong linas. For example, a 6 1/2 furlong race would sto.rt 5 squo.ras fo.rthar back than it

would for a 6 furlong race. During the first turn, each horse would move 5 squo.ras lass than indicated. The

race is than completed normally. The basic time is computed by averaging the basic timas for the shorter

and longer whole furlong distancas. The normal number of turns for a 6 1/2 furlong race would be 7, for a

8 1/2 furlong race it would be 9, and so on.

Fractional Running Timas

The timas for intermediate distancas in a race can be computed the way that the final running timas computed. Thasa can be computed for any distance listed on the time cho.rt.

Unusual Events

Horsas have asterisks (") in both the upper and lower sets of numbers. If the numbers to be used in a

po.rticular turn for any horse both have asterisks, than the dice rolled a second time to determine if an

unusual avant has occurred. The two dice totaled, and the rasult is with the following tabla.

In soma casas, the original roll will still be used to determine the movas in the normal manner.














Horse fracturas lag, out for the season.

Jockey's inquiry.

Horse cut on lag, pulls up; out for 2 months.

Steward's inquiry.

Horse bumped, subtract 1 forwo.rd move from this turn.

Jockey's inquiry.

Horse stumblas, subtract 2 forwo.rd movas from this turn.

Stawo.rd's inquiry. Horse stumblas, losas jockey, out of race.

Jockey's inquiry.

Horse injuras ankle, out for 3 months.

If a jockey's or stawo.rd's inquiry rasults, than the dice rolled again to determine the actual movas of

the horse. After the race, the outcome of the inquiry is determined. This requiras the toss of one die,

and the following tabla:

Dia J ockay' s I!'.!9UiQ'. Steward's I!'.!9UiQ'.

1 no foul no foul

2 no foul no foul

3 no foul horse disqualified, moved back one place

4 no foul horse disqualified, placed last

5 horse disqualified, moved back one place

6 horse disqualified, placed last


Page 7: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won

Computing Odds for c, Rc,ca

It is not nacassc,ry to computa odds for c, rc,ca, but it doas c,dd grac,t dac,I if rac,lism. Two tc,blas c,ra nacassc,ry to figura tha c,m011nt bat on ac,ch horsa for c, pc,rticulc,r rc,ca. Onca this c,m011nt is datarminad, tha cc,lculc,tion of tha odds is axtramaly similc,r to tha mathod c,ctuc,lly usad by tha rc,ca trc,cks.

Tha distc,nca of tha rc,ca c,nd tha rc,ting of tha horsa is usad in Tc,bla 1. For axc,mpla, SEATTLE SLEW (1978) wc,s c, 95 for c, rc,ca run on tha dirt. If ha wara antarad in c, 6 furlong rc,ca, than tha rasult frc,m

Tc,bla 1 is 60-3. This mac,ns thc,t rc,w 60, column 3 of Tc,bla 2 will ba usad to datarmina tha c,m011nt bat on SEATTLE SLEW, axcapt for tha rc,w numbar.

Tha rc,w numbar is corractad if tha numbar in tha 'Int.' column of tha horsa cc,rd is not c, 4. Tha c,m011nt c,ddad (or subtrc,ctad) frc,m tha rc,w numbar is

('Int.' numbar - 4) timas (langth of tha rc,ca in furlongs -8). SEATTLE SLEW, with c, 3 in his 'Int.' column, running 6 furlongs c,dds (3-4)" (6-8) : 2 to tha rc,w numbar

c,s datarminad by Tc,bla 1. Tha finc,I rc,w c,nd column numbar is 62-3. Onca tha rc,w c,nd column numbars c,ra datarminad, Tc,bla 2 givas tha c,m011nt bat. For axc,mpla, SEATTLE

SLEW w011ld hc,va $13,200 bat on him. This prc,cadura is rapac,tad for ac,ch horsa. Using tha horsas on pc,ga 1, c,ssuming c, fc,st trc,ck, tha following c,ra tha c,m011nts bat:



EQUIPOISE ( 1 32) 93

DR. FAGER ( 1 68) 96 SWAPS ( 1 55) 95 SARAZEN ( '24) 92 ARMED ( '47) 93

"Int. 11



4 3




Ro�, Amount Odds

Adj. Bet

2 $13.200 2.60 0 6,050 7.00 2 15,600 2.10 0 8.450 4.70 2 8,000 5.00 0 6

2050 7.00


Tha totc,I bat on tha rc,ca is $57,350. Tha trc,ck than tc,kas c, fixad parcantc,ga out of tha totc,I, normc,lly c,bout 15%. In this cc,sa, this w011ld ba $8600, lac,ving c, totc,I of $48,750. to computa tha odds for ac,ch horsa, stc,rt with tha $48,750 totc,1. Than divida this by tha c,m011nt bat on ac,ch horsa, c,nd subtrc,ct 1. For SEATTLE SLEW, this w011ld ba 48,750/13,200 - 1 : 2.69. This numbar rc,undad down to 2.60 (tha lowast multipla of .10). Thus tha odds on SEATTLE SLEW c,ra $2. 60 to 1, c,nd if ha wins ha will pc,y $2. 00 plus (2.60 x 2.00) or 7.20 for c, $2.00 bat.

If tha horsas in c, pc,rticulc,r rc,ca hc,va low rc,tings, tha rasult frc,m Tc,bla 1 mc,y ba c, rc,w thc,t is not listad in Tc,bla 2. This is aspacic,lly likaly for c, rc,ca in tha mud. In this cc,sa, 10 (or avan 20) c011ld ba c,ddad to ac,ch horsa' s rc,ting. Than tha odds w011ld ba computad in tha normc,I mc,nnar. Sinca c,11 rc,tings c,ra ralc,tiva, this cc,n ba dona without c,ffacting tha odds.

Tha monay bat on c, pc,rticulc,r rc,ca mc,yba unrac,listic. Tha c,m011nts c,ra ralc,tiva, c,nd c,ra only c, toc,I for datarmining odds. Mora rac,listic totc,ls cc,n ba mc,da by multiplying or dividing c,11 c,m011nts by c, constc,nt.

Ad justing tha Odds for tha J ockay

If tha jockay hc,s c, rc,ting grac,tar thc,n 0, than tha c,m011nt bat on c, horsa cc,n ba c,djustad for this. Tha c,m011nt to ba c,ddad is tha rc,ting timas tha c,m011nt shown in tha jockay corraction column of Tc,bla 2. This c,m011nt is tc,kan frc,m tha sc,ma rc,w c,s wc,s tha c,m011nt bat. For axc,mpla, if Cordarc,, c, 3 rc,tad jockay, wc,s riding SEATTLE SLEW, than SEATTLE SLEW w011ld hc,va 3 x 600 or 1800 c,ddad to tha c,m011nt bat on him.


Page 8: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 9: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 10: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won

Plc,ca c,nd Show Pc,yoffs

Tha computc,tion of plc,ca pc,yoffs is tha sc,ma c,s for win plc,yoffs to tha pc,int of subtrc,cting 15% (lac,ving

48,750). Assuma thc,t SEATTLE SLEW c,nd DR. FAGER rc,n first c,nd sacond. Tha $13,200 bat on SEATTLE SLEW c,nd tha $15,600 bat on DR. FAGER c,ra subtrc,ctad from tha $48,750, lac,ving $19,950. This is split in two, lac,ving $9,975. SEATTLE SLEW will pc,y 2 x (9975/13,200) + 2 or $3.50, c,nd DR. FAGER will pc,y 2 x (9975/15,600) + 2 or $3.20. Tha rasults c,ra roundad down to tha nac,rast $.10. Show bats c,ra tha sc,ma, axcapt thc,t tha monay is split into 3 poc,ls for tha thraa horsas who finishad in tha top thraa. If tha rasult is lass thc,n $2 .10, tha rasult is c, 'minus poc,1', c,nd tha trc,ck still pc,ys $2 .10.


Typas of Rc,cas:

Thara c,ra four ganarc,I typas of rc,cas, c,lthough thara c,ra savarc,I vc,ric,tions of ac,ch. Tha following is c,

briaf dascription of ac,ch typa. Mc,idan: A rc,ca for horsas thc,t navar won c, rc,ca. Clc,iming: A rc,ca in which c,ny horsa cc,n ba purchc,sad by c,nothar ownar for c, fixad c,mount. Tha clc,im is

mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won by tha horsa c,nd tha clc,iming prica; tha naw ownar gats tha horsa dac,d or c,liva. Tha clc,iming prica cc,n go from $400 to $100,000, but faw of tha horsas contc,inad in this gc,ma hc,va run for c, clc,iming prica of lass thc,n $50,000. Most hc,va navar run in c, clc,iming rc,ca.

Allowc,nca: A rc,ca for horsas which hc,va not won c, fixad c,mount of monay or rc,cas. A typicc,I rc,ca might ba: 'For 3 yac,r olds which hc,va not won 2 rc,cas othar thc,n c, Mc,idan or Clc,iming. Waight, 122 lbs. Non-Winnars of $6,000 sinca Juna 10 c,llowad 3 lbs.'

Stc,kas: A rc,ca thc,t is opan to c,ny horsa thc,t pc,ys tha antry faa c,nd maats tha c,ga c,nd sax rastrictions. Tha faas to antar tha rc,ca c,ra c,ddad to tha pursa providad by tha trc,ck. Thus tha rc,ca is oftan rafarrad to c,s c,n 'c,ddad' rc,ca. Tha waights cc,rriad by tha horsa c,ra sc,matimas datarminad by tha trc,ck hc,ndicc,ppar, who trias to mc,ka tha rc,ca mora avan. This typa of rc,ca is rafarrad to c,s c, Hc,ndicc,p Stc,kas rc,ca.

Aga c,nd Sax Rastrictions

All rc,cas c,ra rastrictad to cartc,in c,ga groups. Two yac,r olds c,lmost navar run c, rc,ca c,gc,inst horsas of othar c,gas. Soma rc,cas c,ra rastrictad to fillias c,nd mc,ras. Fillias c,nd mc,ras usuc,lly c,ra c,llowad to rc,ca c,gc,inst thair mc,la countarpc,rts if thay maat tha othar rastrictions, but this is not c,lwc,ys trua. Tha following c,ra tha Aga/Sax dafinitions of horsas:

Colt: An antira mc,la through four yac,rs old. Horsa: An antira mc,la fiva yac,rs c,nd oldar. Galding: A mc,la who hc,s baan unsaxad. Filly: A famc,la through four yac,rs of c,ga. Mc,ra: A famc,la fiva yac,rs old or oldar. Ridgling: A hc,lf-cc,strc,tad mc,la horsa.


Page 11: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won

Rc,ting Horses by Distc,nca

Tha 'Int.' column on c, horsa's cc,rd datarminas tha distc,nca thc,t tha horsa is bast suitad to. Although thara c,ra axcaptions, tha following guida will dascriba most horses:

'Int.' Prafarrad Distc,nca Column 1 or 2

3 4 5

6 or 7

Bast c,t 6 or lass furlongs, c,lthough tha horsa could ba compatitiva up to 1 mila. Bast c,t 6 furlongs to 1 1/8 milas, but battar horses cc,n go 1 1/4 milas or mora. No rac,I prafaranca, but tha horsa probc,bly is bast c,t 1 to 1 1/4 milas. Prafars distc,ncas ovar 1 mila, sc,y 1 1/2 milas. Not compatitiva undar 1 1/8 milas; prafars 1 1/2 to 2 1/4 milas.

Horses thc,t did not run on tha turf hc,va c, turf roting 2 lass thc,n thair dirt roting. Scma horses only ron on turf, c,nd hc,va c, dirt roting 2 or 4 lass thc,n thair turf roting. Thara wara vary faw rocas run on tha turf in tha Unitad Stc,tas bafora 1953.

Although purses vc,ry grac,tly from trock to trock, tha following figuras c,ra raprasantc,tiva of purses c,t major roca trocks in 1980. Mc,idan c,nd clc,iming rocas usuc,lly hc,va c, pursa of $5,000 to $15,000. Allowc,nca rocas usuc,lly hc,va purses of $ 15, 00 to $30,000. Tha purses on stc,kas rocas c,ra of tan $40,000 to $300,000 plus tha antry faas. Tha purses c,ra dividad c,pproximc,taly c,s follows: 60% to first, 22% to sacond, 12% to third, c,nd 6% to fourth. Tha axc,ct parcantc,gas differ from trock to trock.

Horsa' s Racords horsa cc,rd givas tha stc,rts, firsts, saconds, c,nd thirds c,ftar tha word 'Racord'. Tha lina balow givas tha c,mount of monay won by tha horsa. 8c,th linas of informc,tion c,ra for tha yac,r shown in tha uppar right hc,nd cornar of tha cc,rd.

Jockays cc,rd hc,s ona or two jockays listad on it. Tha first jockay is ganarolly tha jockay who roda tha horsa most of tan during tha yac,r. J ockays othar thc,n tha two listad mc,y hc,va riddan tha horsa during tha yac,r.

Amaricc,n Racords Tha following c,ra tha North Amaricc,n racords on c, lava! coursa c,s of Jc,nuc,ry 1, 1980. Tha trock whara

tha racord wc,s sat is givan in pc,ranthasas. Tha turf coursa c,t Sc,ntc, Anitc, is pc,rtly downhill for c,11 distc,ncas axcapt 1 1/8 milas, c,nd sc, thosa timas c,ra not includad in tha racords.


Page 12: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 13: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 14: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won
Page 15: Simulation Sports Games | ASG Games | Hot Stove |Hoops · Tha clc,im is mc,da bafora tha rc,ca, but tha purchc,sa is mc,da c,ftar tha rc,ca. Tha originc,I ownar gats c,ny monay won