SIMPLY NATURALS BUSINESS PARTNER TESTIMONIALS in Ardyss International, ... Plus with the monthly...

SIMPLY NATURALS BUSINESS PARTNER TESTIMONIALS John Overdijking Although I am Dutch I have been in Scotland for many years now. I have a demanding corporate job with a large American company, a wife and 2 fantastic kids. Like most people reading this, I was busy when I first came across this opportunity. I have always believed in having multiple income streams coming in so I can live an above average lifestyle. I figured out a long time ago that if I only worked for someone else I would not have the choices I wanted when it comes to how I live, where I travel to with the family and the financial security that’s so important these days. So when Simply Naturals presented itself to me I was extremely open. You may ask what made this so unique and different from other opportunities for me at the time? The first thing was the Management team. The strength of a company and business opportunity is reliant on the people driving it. This team is exceptional and the strongest team of Directors I have come across when looking at ways to better our lifestyle. They are very experienced in business generally and this type of business model in particular. They genuinely want to work with us in partnership and help us independent business owners succeed. I love the fact it’s British. The product is fantastic and easy to recommend because everyone needs minerals and the way its priced means our market potential is massive. Finally the support, training and tools available to help us develop our business are second to none and that’s so important, especially if you have not been involved with a business like this before. Our life and the choices we can make as a family have already changed so much and we are only just getting started . The income, share options and the Car Allowance we have achieved are making such a difference. I never thought I would drive a Mercedes paid for by someone else whilst running my own business. It’s brilliant ! If you are looking for a business that is ethical, British, passionate about helping people with their health, has a unique product that everyone needs and is here for the LONG term and is still at such an early stage of its life, look no further. You have found it right here, right now. Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Transcript of SIMPLY NATURALS BUSINESS PARTNER TESTIMONIALS in Ardyss International, ... Plus with the monthly...


John Overdijking Although I am Dutch I have been in Scotland for many years now. I have a demanding corporate

job with a large American company, a wife and 2 fantastic kids. Like most people reading this, I

was busy when I first came across this opportunity. I have always believed in having multiple

income streams coming in so I can live an above average lifestyle. I figured out a long time ago

that if I only worked for someone else I would not have the choices I wanted when it comes to

how I live, where I travel to with the family and the financial security that’s so important these


So when Simply Naturals presented itself to me I was extremely open. You may ask what made

this so unique and different from other opportunities for me at the time?

The first thing was the Management team. The strength of a company and business opportunity is

reliant on the people driving it. This team is exceptional and the strongest team of Directors I have

come across when looking at ways to better our lifestyle. They are very experienced in business

generally and this type of business model in particular. They genuinely want to work with us in

partnership and help us independent business owners succeed. I love the fact it’s British. The

product is fantastic and easy to recommend because everyone needs minerals and the way its

priced means our market potential is massive. Finally the support, training and tools available to

help us develop our business are second to none and that’s so important, especially if you have

not been involved with a business like this before.

Our life and the choices we can make as a family have already changed so much and we are only

just getting started . The income, share options and the Car Allowance we have achieved are

making such a difference. I never thought I would drive a Mercedes paid for by someone else

whilst running my own business. It’s brilliant !

If you are looking for a business that is ethical, British, passionate about helping people with their

health, has a unique product that everyone needs and is here for the LONG term and is still at such

an early stage of its life, look no further. You have found it right here, right now. Don’t miss this

once in a lifetime opportunity.

Irene Gott My background is in Human Resources and Organisation Development. Several years ago I was introduced to the network marketing profession and what appealed to me was the ability to create a residual income on a part time basis, alongside what I was doing in my day job. Having had a fantastic experience with sizzling minerals both personally and with family and friends, I have become particularly passionate about sizzling minerals and therefore find it very easy to recommend and genuinely know that I can change people’s lives by letting them know about this fantastic product. It’s price means it is affordable for most and this is indeed evidenced in the increasing growth of the company and high retention rate of customers From a business perspective, this business ticks all the boxes for me, in that the running costs are minimal, there is no stock to hold or distribute, the professional marketing and support tools, including access to lead capture system are particularly impressive and the bonus and commission structure is easy to understand and includes incredible incentives such as the car, house and share options. I am particularly impressed by the extremely experienced, passionate and professional management and leadership team and am delighted to be part of something refreshing and special. I am extremely excited about the future as we plan for global expansion. Most of all, I see this business as a vehicle for me to have more time freedom to be able to travel the world with my family. If you are looking for a company with integrity and honest values this is a perfect time to become involved with a unique British company with an incredibly unique and life changing product and would highly recommend it to you.

Lisa Alexander

My background is in Nutrition, and, as a former State Registered Dietitian and former Team GB athlete, I

am passionate about health and wellness. I started taking the Sizzling Minerals in 2012 to experience the

positive health benefits for myself and then decided to join the business.

My business Partner, Alister, is an Airline Pilot (and former Royal Marines Officer) who very quickly saw the

potential in this wonderful business. We are known as the Simply Flying team and were the FIRST

distributors to reach the level of EXECUTIVE in the Company. Indeed, we are already enjoying the FREE CAR

payments and RESIDUAL Income that this fantastic opportunity provides.

At the time I became involved with Simply Naturals, I was looking for a flexible home based income

opportunity which I could work around my husband’s career. The Simply Naturals Business Opportunity

really was the answer to my prayers: It was a British Company with a unique flagship product that I could

easily become passionate about, and I knew its market well. This wonderful product was changing peoples’

lives and the testimonials were nothing short of amazing.

Another reason that I decided to get involved with Simply Naturals is because I knew of the Directors, Eric

Cole and Peter Willoughby. Eric and Peter were the first and fastest to NMD (National Networking Director)

with Utility Warehouse Discount Club. Eric and Peter’s reputation is second to none, which is reflected in

the Simply Naturals business model.

They have designed a business that provides a unique ethical health product for customers, coupled with a

generous compensation plan for distributors who are serious about the business. This includes a free car,

and mortgage payments. Unlike other network marketing businesses, there is no need to spend large

amounts of money each month on additional products just to qualify for commissions, neither do you need

to hold any stock.

When I set out, the opportunity to grow my own business and work part time was really appealing, as was

the potential to build a residual income. If you are looking to make a fortune in return for little or no work,

then you need to look elsewhere (and you will be looking a very long time). If, on the other hand, you want

a genuine opportunity with growth potential and are willing to put in the work, Simply Naturals is a

wonderful opportunity in the whole health healing industry.

Nick & Johanne Giannotti "Johanne and I started our Simply Naturals business in April 2013. However, due to other commitments we didn’t really find time to work the business until October of the same year. Even though we have only been involved for such a short time, it has been a fantastic journey and we are so excited about the potential of the business. The products are amazing and provide incredible health benefits at a price which most people can afford. Proof of this can be seen in our customer numbers, which have been growing at a rate of aprox 30% per month since the end of 2013. When you see this sort of growth in any business you know you have something very special that comes along very rarely. We don’t really consider Simply Naturals as work because we are doing something we are very passionate about, which is helping people with their health. Thanks to the help of our great team, we have just reached the rank of Manager in May. We now look forward to helping many more people in our business reach their own goals in the years to come because the business really is so simple and easy to do. The professional marketing tools plus the support we get from the experienced management team at head office make Simply Naturals the perfect business for us. The fact that the business is still in its infancy makes it the perfect time to be involved with this young and dynamic British company. With more great products to come and many countries to open the future looks very bright for everyone involved".

Angela J. O’Neill HEA.DIP.HYP. GHR. Registered I am 58 from London but now living in Essex, I have 3 children and 6 Grandchildren, I am a Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. I've been in sales since 1989 starting in Oriflame a party plan company, where I became top consultant in my area, won lots of holidays and prizes and worked my way up to Senior Manager within 6 months I was with them over 5 years, I then met Nick Giannotti who introduced me to Larome a Network Marketing company which I also did very well in achieving a position in the prestigious 'Directors Club' by becoming 3rd in the entire company in group sales, and recruiting one of the top reps in the USA whilst on my honeymoon there over there, I have been in a few network marketing companies since the demise of Larome, achieving Director in 3 weeks in Neways and 2 years ago being the only UK distributor to win a Bahamas cruise in Ardyss International, I introduced the skills I'd gained into my own business which was a Non Surgical Cosmetic Clinic in London, then after an accident 12 years ago I moved to Essex. To be honest I wasn't going to get involved with another Networking company because as Ardyss showed me, by being the only rep to win the promotion, that its ok for me to do well but if the people that I recruit don't have the chance to do well just because they preferred to be part time then no business can grow, and my mission was to help my family and friends to achieve success not just myself Then Nick showed me Simply Naturals, which took him 6 months of trying, I first said I'd try the products and get a couple of members of my family to do so too, but within 3 weeks I was convinced about the product with feed back already from my family, which surprised me as I'd always told people to use nutrition for 2 to 3 months as it needs time to work, Plus with the monthly order to achieve all your benefits only £23.97 anyone can afford that which means that anyone can make money with this business, Simply Naturals has opened the door again to Network Marketing in the U.K and I for one am so excited at what the future can now hold.

Paul Hornsey-Pennell I have been a coach for over 20 years, working in all aspects of performance, from business, (start ups to multi national) to sport (Olympic athletes, premier league teams and players) and I have built up several businesses, reported for the BBC and authored an international best selling book. I joined and own my Simply business because I wanted to do something that fundamentally mattered to people whilst giving me long term security. I am in my early 50's and I want a quality of life gift wrapped in the rare commodity of sustainable dependable security. So the business HAS to be underpinned with a product that people will WANT to take as a consistent unquestionable part of their daily lives BECAUSE of the quality it brings to them. I can unequivocally state that within one week, I already know this is the case for me. Whilst it is early days, the difference in my emotional state, as a direct result of feeling calmly and consistently energised (unlike these caffeinated energy drinks) is so marked that my thinking is clearer and I wake up gently and with a real sense of having rested. Most significantly a cloud has lifted that has been in place since I was 18 AND my skin tone improving! I am moved almost beyond words. To offer this same possibility of profound wellbeing, is a total joy. That's why this matters.

Christopher Hudson I am a retired commercial helicopter pilot and now have a franchise business with a loyalty program for small local businesses. My wife Suki runs a successful outside catering and events company. I joined Simply Naturals because I was fascinated by the stories of all the benefits that customers were experiencing and my pilot's pension was a lot less than I wanted. I really enjoy helping people improve their health and their financial situation and I also love the idea of helping this company expand across Europe and beyond.

Derek Bannister Hi. I joined Simply Naturals less than a month ago. At the time I had difficulty in walking , especially 1st thing in the morning. I had to almost give up my beloved Golf because I just couldn't do all the walking. ONLY 2 WEEKS after taking my fizzy minerals, I am back to playing twice a week with no problems. Even my energy levels are buzzing!!!! Forget the energy drinks, take the fizzy minerals !! (Love the Lemon & Lime) Should be getting the Car allowance in the New Year.

Clive & Nicole Anderson Both in our 50’s and in the Funeral Business Having tried virtually everything to try and aid Nicole with her B12 deficiency we happened across Sizzling Minerals. Not being the type to go for all the hype we investigated all the claims and decided to give it a try. Right from the word go we started to notice improvements to our overall health and wellbeing. Our energy levels were greater and Nicole’s usual fatigue period before getting a B12 injection was virtually nonexistent. After that we then started to feel fitter and much healthier than we had done in a very long time. Additional benefits we enjoy are incredible skin, nails and hair condition as well as the sub-clinical aspects of allowing us to resist disease and illness. Plus neither of us have had a cold since we started taking them. With all the other claims from people that have been taking Sizzling Minerals plus our own discoveries we felt we had discovered something that could probably provide a benefit to virtually every single person on the planet, so much so that we eventually decided to join the distributor program that the Company operates. This has since proved to be a real positive in our lives as well; not only can we share ours and other peoples findings and experiences of such a great product, but we can also show and help people how to get their minerals for free and make some extra money in the process as well. We are truly thankful for the day that we decided to allow such a wonderful product and company into our lives. We certainly applaud this great health breakthrough and will continue to help and encourage people to discover the true benefits of what a daily health supplement can and should really provide them with. Sizzling Minerals are much more than a health supplement, they are a potentially life changing discovery that has been formulating beneath our very feet for millions of years. So whether someone is looking to benefit their health no matter how healthy they believe they may be or looking for a highly rewarding opportunity to help others and create a lucrative income in the process or both then this is without doubt the future you have been looking for as well as a means of providing yourself with the essential nutrients that your body has been simply craving and crying-out for.

Peter Sewell After 8 weeks as a distributor one of my customers referred to me as her "messenger from Heaven." She has high blood pressure and is a diabetic, after takings Sizzling Minerals for 1 month both her blood counts had considerably reduced along with a noticeable increase in her energy levels. It has to be one of the best feelings being able to make a positive difference to somebody's life.

Simon Stroud I run my own taxi company. Although I enjoy my work, now in my 50's, I don't relish the thought of getting out of bed at 3.30am for the rest of my life! I began taking Sizzling Minerals as a customer, hoping that they would help problems with my arthritic knees. When I quickly saw how the minerals helped my own health and read many of the hundreds of powerful customer testimonials, I realised that here was an incredible opportunity. After the benefits of becoming a Distributor were explained, I started what I hope will be an International business. I already have a number of personal customers and a team of distributors who together produce additional income. The company back up is fantastic, with training support, excellent customer service and a professional, committed management team. The big attraction of the business was being able to run everything with no stock holding and minimal set-up costs. The biggest single advantage is that Simply Naturals can offer a residual income i.e. an income that keeps coming in each month that customers continuing consuming

the minerals. This is enhanced by future plans to expand product ranges and also to take the business to other countries throughout the world.

Adele Sharpe Thinking back now, years ago, I had decided never to join another MLM company ever again and was very determined at that time just to be a customer because I knew that the 75 plant derived minerals are absolutely essential to better ones health. There was no way that I would ever tell anyone about the career opportunity. When my life turned around from having had to have a nap every day, being so frustrated with the ups and downs of going through the menopause at an early age and then never having had to fight with my pillows at night again because of taking the Sizzling Minerals, my mouth just started galloping which was the start of this fantastic journey. Helping people understand and educate them of the importance of taking plant derived minerals is just wonderful. It is heart-warming to listen to the wonderful testimonials in your own family and from strangers who have had the courage to trust and believe in us to better their health. So often I would catch myself sitting here, pinching myself to make sure that what my ears have the pleasure in hearing is not a dream. I am so privileged and thrilled that Simply Naturals is allowing me to help so many people to feel healthy; I am having an absolute ball and enjoy every minute of it. The fantastic conduct and ethics of Peter Willoughby, Eric Cole and Dave Evans is just humbling to say the least, absolutely brilliant to be part of this awesome team. The moral of the story is, don't think all MLM's are the same. I consider myself lucky to have found one which is unique with their Sizzling Minerals, their simple

marketing plan and the support everyone gets is outstanding. I know we will leave a legacy and make history in years to come, simply AWESOME!

Ron Woodham I have had a bit of mixed fortune with the Company since I joined - I could have and should have become a Senior Distributor months ago and one may wonder why I did not. In the simplest of words it was down to my own inactivity and spending too much of my time working on a blog and a website and not on 'people'. This has been changed over the past 6-8 weeks and a lot more time has been spent not only spreading the word a bit more but also helping my downline... the results speak for themselves. My current team has created my upgrade this month, but watch this space as there is much more activity going on now and new people joining the team that I am looking forward to working with. There is little doubt in my mind of the value & benefit of the Minerals to every single person on the planet, and when one 'educates' oneself of this - and importantly - the combination of benefits by including the Fizzy Vitamins and Krill Oil to the basic product, then the good that can be done is immense. Knowledge is power and I would encourage everyone to add to their knowledge and 'tell the world' about this Company and these products. I look forward to climbing another step (or two) further up the ladder by Christmas this year.

Ade Cirket The business is great, wonderful product, first class support and training. The business attracts people, with most people wanting to know more. This provides all of us with a fantastic opportunity

Inspire We first heard about Simply Naturals when we met one of the of our business contacts Lisa Alexander. We met through work and during a break she told us about the minerals and how they had helped so many people she knew. We were excited as we love working with people and helping them to be the best that they can be and realised that we too could help others through telling them about these simple and effective minerals. We joined the business in April 2014 and have hugely enjoyed the journey that we have made together with the "Simply Flying Team". Lisa and Alister have been incredible to work with. They understand the business so deeply and have such love and passion for everyone that they connect with through the business and the minerals. It's now the end of October and we've just achieved Manager level in only six months. We've found the support and overall assistance from the team has been outstanding. If we ever want to know anything from technical detail, mineral information or how to maximise support and strength of the team, Simply Flying Team are always there. We personally love this as it's such a simple concept and has been easy to integrate into our existing work role. Everyone benefits from knowing the difference getting the right minerals make. It's so heart warming to hear our contacts health improvements, to know our families are safer and have a better health and financial future ahead of them.

Graeme Masterton and David Irvine

I work in the automotive industry and David is in the construction industry.

I joined the Simply Naturals business opportunity in May 2013, after having a

conversation with the CEO Peter Willoughby. After feeling the benefits first hand

from sizzling minerals, I started to build my team. I signed David as a distributor who

is now my business partner.

David : " Graeme approached me as a customer first but before I ordered month two

of my minerals I had signed up as Graeme's distributor as I found my personal results

amazing which sold me into selling the product.

I suffered from IBS for 14 years and after taking sizzling minerals for four months,

my symptoms of IBS had disappeared."

Simply Naturals compensation plan is the best we have ever seen and in a very short

time we are already earning an impressive residual income. We were also very lucky

to appear in the companies weekly news letter that explains how we gathered 70+

customers in 4 weeks.

Finally we would like to say hand on heart how much open and honest help support

and training we have received and continue to receive from our upline and most of all

from all the staff at Head Office.

The Simply Naturals Business Opportunity really is a chance in a lifetime to become

Healthy &Wealthy !!!

Lauren Gott

''I got involved with Simply Naturals after a tremendous medical recovery, which I

believe the Minerals wholly helped me to achieve. Having not long left school when I

joined the company, I wasn’t really sure what to expect and knew very little about

how to go about starting my own business. However, with the help from my amazing

team leaders, the brochures, the resources in the back office/team site and by

attending the training evenings, I soon got into the way of things.

The benefits this company has had on my life have been truly amazing, from the

minerals helping me to sustain optimum health to the monthly residual income. Being

a student and having a residual income is a fantastic position to be in and I would

encourage anyone at any stage of life to get involved! It’s such a great opportunity to

genuinely help people improve their health with the world class product that's

exclusive to our company, and there’s nothing I like more than hearing so much

positive feedback from my customers!

My top tip is to give everyone you meet a green or blue brochure as they do most of

the work and just tell your own story!

I’d like to thank my fantastic team members for helping me get to this exciting stage

and look forward to helping those who choose, achieve this position also.

I’m now excited to start the next leg of my journey to become Senior Manager!''

Dirk Spanier

My name is Dirk Spanier I am 53 Years young. I joined Simply Naturals

approximately 15 months ago. Being a Chef for more than 35 years I started looking

for a Plan B and came across Network Marketing, I was taken in by the business

model and started looking for the right company, then I discovered Simply Naturals

and started researching the company and found that Simply Naturals tick all the

boxes for my Plan B.

The very experienced Directors, the excellent product, the future plan of the

company, the product pricing, the compensation plan and so on was just what I was

looking for. I tried the Sizzling Minerals and was shocked; suffering from painful,

burning feet during the night every night for the last 20 years or so, the pain was gone

from the first night after taking the Sizzling Minerals. Since starting to take the

Minerals every day I sleep very deep, my hair is fuller and I heal very quickly after

job related cuts and burns.

I joined Simply Naturals as a Distributor in Lisa’s and Alister’s "Simply Flying

Team". I got off to a slow start due to work commitments, but when I was ready to

start Lisa and Alister couldn’t have been more helpful in my journey to Senior

Distributor and now to the Manager Position. I am very grateful to have such a

supportive up line.

Even though I love my career as a Chef I feel my future looks brighter every day and

I can’t wait to retire in to my Simply Naturals business.

Ileana Nguyen "I work as a clinical pharmacist and naturopathic nutritionist. I was so excited when Dr Rex Johnson told me about plant based minerals as I had a life changing benefit many years ago (and know/heard of thousands of others who benefited too) from a similar product which no longer exists. I started telling people immediately, offering free samples and educating them on mineral deficiencies and subclinical diseases and people joined to try quickly. I work 60+ hours a week in two jobs, I have 2 young kids and time is an issue. However, with exceptional unrelenting support from my uplines Dr Rex & Jeannie Johnson and John Overdijking, ANYTHING is possible. I speak to them & email them many times a day with my queries answered promptly. This is the EASIEST business I have ever worked in and the most support I have been given in ANY business/job I have done. The products work, don't doubt it. Simply Naturals has the best corporate support of any company around from my experience. The time could not be more perfect to build a fabulous income from home with the RIGHT company. Where there's water and a sizzling mineral tablet, there's business! and of course, great health! Anyone can succeed at this so GO GO GO!!!

Malcolm & Sue West Simply Naturals is the best ‘vehicle’ to a fantastic future. Whilst talking about vehicles, having reached the rank of Senior Manager we are looking forward to getting our New Car paid for by the Company. Getting a FREE car so early on in our Simply Naturals journey proves that anyone can do exactly the same. We are 100% focused on the products and the benefits they can bring to people. The money and rewards naturally follow. One way to be a success in this business is to have belief, confidence and a passion about the business and its products. I have so much more to learn. We learn from our upline, downline books, cd’s and by having contact with successful people. We could not have achieved the level of Senior Manager, without help from the downline team who are to be congratulated on their achievements. Also the patience of the dedicated team at Head Office. Its great getting to SM, but it’s even more rewarding seeing and helping other people grow and achieve their dreams and goals within the business. How did we do it - Simply! EAT SLEEP PHONE REPEAT EAT SLEEP PHONE REPEAT !!!!!!!!!! We wish each and everyone one of you success, let’s all work to make this the Number 1 UK networking marketing opportunity…and Next… the World !!

Robert & Jennifer Linford

We discovered the Simply Naturals business 4 months after moving to Spain. Robert had semi-retired after 20 years as a Lawyer and it was there, in February this year that we saw an advert in the local newspaper for Sizzling Minerals.

Robert had learned about Plant Derived Minerals 18 years earlier but there was no business opportunity in the UK at that time, so it took him about 10 seconds to decide to sign up for Simply Naturals.

On 14th February we returned to the UK to start building our business. In the days that followed we took the traditional Network Marketing route for success, known as All Out Massive Action, talking to everyone we know, indeed everyone we saw.

At the beginning of March, we discussed some pretty outrageous goals with Paul Hornsey-Pennell and then got stuck into making them real. The first of which was to become Manager by the end of the month. It seemed like a daunting target at first but with the help and determination of our growing team, on Friday the 27th March, 52 days after registering, we made it with a few days to spare!

Ian Luff

I have been involved with Simply Naturals for a little over 7 months now. I have

been involved in network marketing as a profession for several years and truly

believe that there is no other way forward in today’s economy to secure your

financial future. I currently run two different network marketing businesses

alongside one another fitting them both in around my busy computer & AppleMac

repair business. This can be challenging at times however, if I remain focussed upon

my long term goals whilst meeting my short term ones it isn’t really an issue.

Since joining Simply Naturals I have surrounded myself with likeminded positive and self-motivated people who are open to the challenge of learning some new skills and putting them into action. Our team has worked really hard over the last few months and their efforts have propelled me to the position of manager within Simply Naturals and I am well on the way to Senior Manager. The results have been quite dramatic and the business is building very fast now in comparison to what I am used to, introducing more new people in 7 months than I have over 4 and half years with my other business. The Company, the compensation plan and the CEO, Directors and staff are all incredible people and go out of their way to help and encourage the teams. The compensation plan is very generous and incredibly fair and building a substantial residual income will be a matter of 3-5 years at the current rate of growth.

If you are being challenged by your current work or MLM situation and are looking for a better way, I can 100% recommend Simply Naturals as a company and Sizzling Minerals as an amazing life changing product.

David Parry "When building your Simply Naturals Business, keep it simple and take one step at a time, hand people the excellent mineral booklet thereby letting the tools do the selling for you. Just make sure you follow up and help answer any questions your prospects may have"

Veronica Simms My life has changed so much since i joined the business and took the minerals. People just look at me and say wow, what's happened to you. I just sign them up! Money was an issue, but now I get my minerals free every month because I told a few people. I am now focused on getting to the manager position and with the help of my upline and the team, we will all get there. Money can be an issue. Explain the products properly. Show people how to get the minerals for free! It works for me.

Faith Tamkin I work the business on a very part time basis. I enjoy doing a lot of voluntary work. Sadly, possibly because of my 70+ years I had a fall (early in the summer) which left me stuck at home with a zimmer frame. My upline was there to help me with my business, and taking the minerals is speeding up my recovery. I have now progressed to two walking sticks and everything is starting to look very rosy. This business is everything it says on the Label. Connect with your upline team on a regular basis. You never know when you may need them

Lee Brewer Several of my current businesses are doing very well. But as soon as I heard about Simply Naturals I joined. A great unique product, realistic pricing, repeat customers, and an opportunity to grow a large residual income. A no brainer, as far as I am concerned. I work closely with my upline, and have achieved more than I thought possible, in a very short period of time. You can always make time for the right project

Mark Eccles

“After being involved with numerous MLM opportunities over the last 15 years, and

having a keen interest in natural healing and nutritional supplements I was delighted

to have been introduced to Simply Naturals. At last I have found my true calling and I

know where to direct my energy and enthusiasm! I believe Simply naturals have by

far the most important health supplement on the market.

The growing wealth of testimonials show proven potential for “miraculous” results,

and the minerals are also easily affordable. Not only is the product great, but the

people behind the company are too, they’re genuinely altruistic, down to earth and

friendly. it’s clear they are in business for exactly the right reasons and I have to say

I’m proud to be part of the overall picture. Within a few short months my team

already has around 70 customers and feedback has been very positive. I have had

great help and support from my team leaders who are easily contactable and they're

very genuine and friendly.

I love the fact that the compensation plan provides win wins for everyone involved

and it is also the most generous and clear compensation plan I have experienced to

date. So far I am at Senior Distributor level and will aim for Manager in the next few

months and Senior manager by the end of next year.

It is so refreshing to have goals ahead that are clearly defined and definitely

reachable. I have no doubt I will be in the simply team indefinitely, and look forward

to helping many people live their lives to the full. Another major motivator is to

attain financial freedom and provide as best I can for my family, whilst helping others

do the same. Overall I am absolutely delighted with the whole “kit and caboodle” and

seeing the enthusiasm amongst everyone else too if very infectious and exciting.

Richard Wall

We weren’t looking for a business opportunity because we’re too busy with work

commitments, however after benefitting personally from Sizzling Minerals and

meeting the directors, we felt we just had to get involved. Our initial goal for the

business was modest: to make enough commission to get free Sizzling Minerals for

all the family. We now realise this is much bigger and it gives us the opportunity to

build a substantial residual income over the next few years, on the back of helping

people with their health and their wealth.

The timing for the Simply Naturals business is amazing. This is unquestionably going

global, from the UK, and those of us getting involved in these early years have a huge

opportunity, with not just a lucrative commission structure but also share options if

we put in a few hours work a week.

Zoe Cockley I have been with Simply Naturals for 3 months and it’s now my passion! It’s great to promote a product that makes a true, positive difference to people’s health and lives and is totally natural too.

The realistic and generous compensation plan is fully supported by a great team who motivate, encourage, share ideas and advice. On joining, I received all the goodies needed to get my business off to a flying start - samples, postcards, leaflets, DVD's and a plan for success. Simply provide on-going training to support you on your journey, with webinars, dedicated websites and support calls. I really enjoyed the recent ‘Meet the Directors’ webinar, which was sincere, open and honest. It is refreshing to work for a company where you know the support is there on tap and information is shared for all to achieve.

I also work part-time in Aerospace and I’m a full-time (plus!!) mum of twin boys (both them and the husband are all happily healthy sizzling with me!). Helping people with their health and wealth is by far the most rewarding aspect of my work life and it fits around my family and other commitments. I love being part of Simply Naturals and will always be spreading the Sizzling Minerals word.

Liz Docherty I have been involved in a few network marketing businesses over the past 7 years and for me it is absolutely essential that I believe in the products I am selling. I have only been taking the minerals for around 5 weeks and whilst I consider myself to be fit and healthy I don’t sleep well and often wake up several times throughout the night. I can honestly say that I am sleeping better – the first time I woke after 7 hours uninterrupted sleep was only a few days after I started taking sizzling minerals and it felt great! For me receiving positive feedback from customers is perfect validation that I have made the right choice to join as a distributor. This is as important as the generous compensation plan. Sizzling minerals is a very unique product – something that almost everyone needs and should be taking as part of their daily diet for good health – and at a price easily affordable to most people. I am aiming to make Simply Naturals my retirement ‘Plan B’ and hope to be in the position to quit my corporate job as a Finance Director and replace my current income within 12 – 18 months. Looking forward to 2015!

Vernon Samuels

I’m a former international athlete and represented Great Britain at the Seoul


As an Olympian I learned very early on that if I wish to enjoy a good level of success

I have to take charge of my own future and be willing to think and act ‘outside of the

box’ - you don't get to perform at the highest level without first seeking out the

important opportunities that will get you there.

Although I've joined Simply Naturals as a distributor very recently, I'm feeling really

good about what the business opportunity has to offer me in the way of generating a

significant future income through a solid, simple and ethical business.

I see huge potential with Sizzling Minerals as a health and wellness product and also

in the sports fitness arena.

As a world class performer for over 10 years I've also learned to appreciate the need

to have a great team around me and the right tools in order to tap into my potential.

The owners of Simply Naturals are very committed to my success, and together with

some fantastic ‘first-hand’ support from my sponsor,

I am excited as I put in the time and effort to create a profitable future and help others

to do the same.

Adrian G Walker

During the months from January and August of 2014, I suffered from arthritic pain in

my right knee. After five visits to the physio and no sign of improvement I began to

wonder how long this would continue.

And then, I got an unsolicited call in September 2014 from someone who would

become my mentor in the business. Nick asked me if I was open to taking a look at a

unique opportunity to build a part-time business with Simply Naturals.

I read every word in the digital booklets, listened to the audios, watched the

presentations and read and watched the testimonials.

I can sincerely say that I am very pleased with the Sizzling Minerals wafers. It is

now an important part of my daily diet. The amazing thing is that since I have been

taking the minerals during the last week of September 2014, I have not experienced

any more pain in my right knee.

Additionally, I work out 6 days a week at home (Kettlebells – 3 days; Rowing – 2

days and stretching – 1 day). I have more physical and mental energy and recover

quicker from fatigue.

However, the above information by itself was not enough to persuade me to build a

part-time business. The difference-maker for me is the leadership team and their track

record, attitude and know-how.

Peter Willoughby knows how to build a solid business around a very strong product

and people.

The time and care that has been invested in developing the product and compensation

plan is evident in what customers pay for their minerals and how the company

rewards their distributors and leaders.

I am so glad and privileged to have been invited to join the Simply Naturals family.

Geoffrey Loveday

I am a Hypnoanalyst. My job is to help and support people who come to me with

various problems ranging from depression, phobias, pain, weight loss, to name but a

few. Many of these people share something in common, nutritional deficiency... this

is where the minerals play a huge part.

What can I say, I received a letter in the post around September 14th 2014. This letter

very nearly ended up in the bin, another piece of junk mail to add to the growing

collection, then something caught my eye. A bright yellow sticker stating 'this will be

of interest to you', I was intrigued. So, I opened it and actually the yellow sticker was

correct, this letter was of interest to me. On reading it, I realised this was something

very special; this was a product I had been looking for, for a great length of time...

something more I could offer my clients and also my family.

This letter confirmed something I already believed to be true, and that was that our

bodies are mineral deficient and we need these minerals to survive... pretty straight

forward right?

I immediately recognised the uniqueness of this product and joined straight away as a

distributor. I got hooked on the minerals. I had no idea what could be earned, as it

was merely the product and its great benefits that attracted me.

I was advised that share options were on offer when I joined however I only had 10

days before the end of the promotion.... I love a challenge. By the end of September I

had introduced 28 customers for which I received share options... the company

had stuck to their word. This for me reinforced the legitimateness of the company,

and made me even more determined.

This company is going places, and people that are in at the beginning I have know

doubt will reap the rewards. The company pays on time, nothing is too much to ask,

the help is there, there is very little outlay. The pay structure is the best I have ever

seen and quite frankly the product is like no other.

It's not rocket science, it's a simple process... all you need is determination and belief

in a product that really is wonderful.

Rebecca Taylor

Having been lucky enough (?!) to have had hippy parents I have always been aware

of the importance of good nutrition and am generally very healthy. However at the

age of 11 I had developed bad psoriasis on my scalp - horribly itchy, scaly and flaky -

very difficult to resist scratching until it bled and embarrassing because it looked like

bad dandruff. Many years later Ian Luff put the Fizzy Minerals leaflet in front of me

and it made perfect sense... So I decided to try it with an open mind. My psoriasis

was still with me although I had learned to manage it. Within 3 days it was itching in

a way it hadn't for some years, this lasted 24 hours and then went.

Literally within 6 weeks it was completely gone with no evidence I'd ever suffered -

my hairdresser couldn't believe it! And it has not come back.

I am lucky enough to work as a chiropractor, promoting natural healthcare on a daily

basis and so I have been able to recommend the product to patients who also suffer

from psoriasis. Pleased to report that they are seeing good results too - more about

that later!

Felicity Jay

I'm a colonic hydro therapist and natural health care practitioner. I met Ileana Nguyen

at a nutrition evening in Sainsbury’s last September and some point later she

introduced me to the minerals. Having practiced alternative medicine well over 30

years, I have tried numerous supplements including mineral rich nutrients like blue

green algae which costs almost double of Sizzling Minerals. Since being on these

minerals, my memory has improved and I've noticed my hair is growing very fast. I

stated recommending them to my patients so they too could share the benefits.

I'm very excited to be a part of the Simply family and our mission to improve

people's health and wealth.

Ileana, Felicity’s sponsor and coach says: “Felicity is so excited about this product

resulting in 37 customers in the space of 3 months. I am so proud of what she is doing

with the Minerals and how she is helping others by recommending them. It’s amazing

what you can do if you really believe in your own product “.

Robert Clarke

I have served as a paratrooper for 22 years and since leaving the Army I had

developed Type 2 Diabetes and Arthritis in both my knees and neck. Over the past 10

years I have I have suffered a great deal of pain. Since being introduced to Sizzling

Minerals that pain has reduced significantly of the past 5 weeks and my overall health

has improved.

For the first time in 6 years I can actually feel my feet as they are not so numb any

more through the Diabetes and I am now looking forward for my blood results in

May 2015 hoping I will no longer take any medication for Diabetes.

I was so impressed by the results I signed up as a Distributor within weeks and look

forward to helping others with their health now and in the future.