Simple Example on Struts | Working with Struts : Step-by-step for a novice in Netbeans

Ravi Gaurav Pandey | Simple Example on Struts with Netbeans Hi, after a long time I’m uploading any content on scribd due to lack of time and other projetcs. This time I have given a very precise step-by-step tutorial on struts. This is mainly targeted for a novice in the field. Here, first of all, you have to go through the Architecture; so as to understand the process flow of struts. Without knowing the basics of data and control flow in struts, one can develop a good struts program but can’t debug whenever required. Here we go : And also, while working with Struts, always be careful for naming of variables. Whatever name you will provide as the PROPERTY in a JSP page, must be supported by a setter and getter with similar name in ActionForm. Like, if the name of TextBox Property is TxtAddrs; then the setter and getter would be setTxtAddrs and getTxtAddrs respectively. Go to File->New->Project Choose Java Web -> Web Application


Easy illustration of STRUTS with JSP. If you have an understanding of basic J2EE (JSP+Servlet) programming then you can easily understand and step into the world of Struts after going through the Architecture and the tutorial. For any further question you can put your comments. (Also visit -

Transcript of Simple Example on Struts | Working with Struts : Step-by-step for a novice in Netbeans

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Simple Example on Struts with Netbeans

    Hi, after a long time Im uploading any content on scribd due to lack of time and other projetcs. This time I have given a very precise step-by-step tutorial on struts. This is mainly targeted for a novice in the field. Here, first of all, you have to go through the Architecture; so as to understand the process flow of struts. Without knowing the basics of data and control flow in struts, one can develop a good struts program but cant debug whenever required. Here we go :

    And also, while working with Struts, always be careful for naming of variables. Whatever name you will provide as the PROPERTY in a JSP page, must be supported by a setter and getter with similar name in ActionForm. Like, if the name of TextBox Property is TxtAddrs; then the setter and

    getter would be setTxtAddrs and getTxtAddrs respectively.

    Go to File->New->Project

    Choose Java Web -> Web Application

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Press Next, Provide Project name and Project Location

    Press next, then Select your web server and context path (by default application name appear as

    context path, here I am using the same)

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Press Next, from the list of Frameworks select strut. Here we are providing default Action

    Servlet Name and Action URL Pattern (i.e. action, *.do). Check Add Struts TLDs.

    Click on finish, project will contains following content.

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Create a new JSP file, with name sample. Insert following codes, which includes some Struts

    html tags.

    Sample Page


  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Right-click the SimpleStruts project node and Choose New > Other.

    Under Categories choose Struts, then under File Types choose Struts ActionForm Bean.

    Click Next

    Provide a class name, NameForm.

    Provide example as a package (It is recomended by netbeans that the java class should not be

    placed in default package).

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Inside Source Packages, inside example package we can find created NameForm ActionBean.

    Edit NameForm code to be like below.

    package example;

    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;

    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;

    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;



    * @author Ravi


    public class NameForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {

    private String name = null;

    public String getName() {

    return (name);


    public void setName(String name) { = name;


    public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { = null;



    Create a new JSP file displayname.jsp, with following code.

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Sample Struts Display Name

    Hello !!

    In the Projects window, right-click the SimpleStruts project node.

    Choose New > Other. From the Struts category choose Struts Action and click Next.

    Provide Class name as NameAction, Package as example and Action Path /name. Other option

    can be left as default.

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Delete the forward slash for the Input Resource field

    Set Scope to Request (Session is the default scope setting in Struts.)

    Deselect the Validate ActionForm Bean option

    Add folloing code inside the execute() method.

    package example;

    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;

    import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;



    * @author Ravi


    public class NameAction extends org.apache.struts.action.Action {


    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,

    HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

    throws Exception {

    String target = new String("success");

    String name=null;

    if ( form != null ) {

    // Use the NameForm to get the request parameters

    NameForm nameForm = (NameForm)form;

    name = nameForm.getName();


    // if no mane supplied Set the target to failure

    if ( name == null || name.equals("")) {

    target = new String("failure");


    else {

    request.setAttribute("NAME", name);


    return (mapping.findForward(target));



    Adding forward Entries to struts-config.xml in struts-config.xml, go to action-mapping tag

    Right click on the NameForm action, and click add success forward and failure forward.

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

  • Ravi Gaurav Pandey |

    Now, replace the index page content with below code and run.

    The running WebApp will display a form with a textbox to accept the name of a person. After

    submitting the user would be redirected to displayname.jsp. But is the textbox is empty then

    the user will be redirected to the first page always.

    After developing this much, you can also try HttpServlets as a redirection location for your

    webapp. That means despite ending the response at some JSP or HTML page, one can also

    proceed ahead (if necessary) to redirect the control to some Servlet file. While doing this you

    just need to add the URL of your servlet to the Forward section of struts-config.xml, just like

    adding a url of JSP page.

    I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and Struts as well. Happy Coding