7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166 1 SILVERSTONE CONSTRUCTION, INC. SAFETY MANUAL 2 Silverstone Construction, Inc. Safety & Health Manual (issued January, 2014) TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Pg# 1 3 Statement of Policy 2 5 Job Title Responsibilities 3 10 Policies & Procedures 4 12 Substance Abuse 5 16 Safety Education 6 19 First Aid and Medical Services 7 22 Emergency/Accident Reporting 8 26 Disciplinary Procedures 9 28 Subcontractors 10 32 OSHA Recordkeeping & Inspections 11 35 Project Safety Requirements 12 38 Cranes 13 41 Electrical Safety 14 43 Elevated Work Platforms 15 45 Fall Protection 16 48 Fork Trucks/Lulls 17 51 Hand/Power Tools


7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166



Silverstone Construction, Inc. Safety & Health Manual (issued January, 2014) TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Pg# 1 3 Statement of Policy 2 5 Job Title Responsibilities 3 10 Policies & Procedures 4 12 Substance Abuse 5 16 Safety Education 6 19 First Aid and Medical Services 7 22 Emergency/Accident Reporting 8 26 Disciplinary Procedures 9 28 Subcontractors 10 32 OSHA Recordkeeping & Inspections 11 35 Project Safety Requirements 12 38 Cranes 13 41 Electrical Safety 14 43 Elevated Work Platforms 15 45 Fall Protection 16 48 Fork Trucks/Lulls 17 51 Hand/Power Tools

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

18 54 Heat Stress 19 57 Ladders Item Pg# 20 59 Material Handling 21 62 Personal Protection 22 65 Respiratory Protection 23 75 Silicosis 24 79 Scaffolding & Wall Bracing 25 84 Hazard Communications 26 88 Vehicle Safety 27 90+ FORMS 91 Safety Orientation 92 Substance Abuse Policy 97 General Project Safety Rules 99 Job Site Audit Form 100 Safety Violation Report Form 101 Frame Scaffold Inspection 102 Bennu Scaffold Checklist 103 Accident Investigation Form 104 Statement of Witness 105 LAST PAGE IS BLANK 3


7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Our employees are our most valuable asset. Silverstone Construction, Inc. is vitally interested in your personal safety and health while you are in our employment. Executive management is committed to employee safety and health. The health and safety of all workers is a top priority of this company. It shall be the policy of Silverstone Construction, Inc. that accident and injury prevention is first and foremost during all phases of construction operations. Each employee is responsible & accountable for his/her own actions and must observe the safety rules and instructions set forth in the company safety manual. All unsafe conditions are to be reported promptly to your immediate supervisor. A safe place to work is the goal of everyone at Silverstone Construction, Inc. It is the responsibility of all employees to constantly strive to improve their safety culture and reduce hazards in order to prevent accidents and injuries. No accident or injury can be adequately compensated for by money or medical care. Accidents result in personal suffering and hardship to you and your family. Our safety program goals can be achieved by eliminating unsafe work practices, unsafe acts, properly using the safety equipment provided, and following the established safety guidelines set forth in this safety manual. Safety and quality of work go hand in hand. The commitment to the safety policies and procedures by Silverstone Construction, Inc. employees is critical in order for our company to be successful in the construction industry. 5

SECTION 2 RESPONSIBILITIES 6 INTRODUCTION Silverstone Construction, Inc. strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees and subcontractors. Safety provides the best form of quality performance and

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

productivity. Every Silverstone Construction, Inc. employee may decline to work due to unsafe conditions, unsafe work practices, or unsafe equipment, or if directed to perform work that violates the requirements of this policy or applicable OSHA standards. The safe working conditions are a shared responsibility of management and all field personnel. RESPONSIBILITIES: TITLE: Corporate Management Corporate management of Silverstone Construction, Inc shall demonstrate a positive attitude toward the achievement of a strong safety program, with the objective of preventing personal injury and property damage through their direct and active support. PRIMARY SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES −− Know the safety records of all superintendents and foremen and insist on accountability. −− Communicate about safety on job visits, in the same way you communicate about costs and schedules. −− Include the discussion of safety programs at staff meetings and at other appropriate occasions. −− Insist newly hired employees receive training in safe work methods. −− Coordinate safety activities and implement new safety procedures for the Silverstone Construction, Inc. operations. −− Analyze accident records to determine trends and high hazard jobs. −− Coordinate and conduct safety education program for management, superintendents, and tradesmen. −− Perform periodic review and update the Silverstone Construction, Inc. Safety Program. −− Perform accident investigations and determine preventative measures that should be taken. −− Make the necessary appropriations to meet the requirements of an effective safety program. −− Continually support and enforce the Silverstone Construction, Inc. Safety Program. TITLE: Superintendent Superintendents are directly responsible for the control and activities of the tradesmen on construction projects. They play a key role in the implementation and maintenance of an effective project safety program. The standards for a good safety program are established by the superintendent. Direct contact with the tradesmen and their attitude toward safety is a direct reflection on the ability of the superintendent.

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

PRIMARY SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES −− Display Federal 5 in 1 poster in job site trailer (if applicable). −− Post-emergency numbers. −− Provide and require the use of hard hats and other personal protective equipment as indicated by the operations. −− Make jobsite safety inspections and hazard corrections. −− Review the accident experience of your foreman's crew and discuss correction of the accident causes weekly. 7 −− Transmit all employee injury and public liability accident reports to the office within 24 hours. −− Assist with accident investigations to ensure proper reporting and documentation. Follow accidents with prompt corrections to eliminate recurrences. −− Insist on compliance with the Silverstone Construction, Inc. Hazard Communication Program. −− See that prompt first aid is administered to an injured employee, and medical treatment is provided as needed. −− Insist on compliance with all established safety regulations before and during work. −− Promptly correct all safety deficiencies brought to your personal attention. −− PRACTICE SAFETY THROUGH GOOD EXAMPLE. TITLE: Foreman The Foreman is a key employee on the job with respect to accident prevention efforts. He/she is on the front line in directing work activity and controls employees who are potential accident victims. The amount of effort a foreman puts into accident prevention on his daily assignments will determine whether or not loss potential is minimized. All Foreman must plan their safety activity with the same care and effort as they do other portions of their work program such as cost, employment, and scheduling. PRIMARY SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES −− Conduct daily safety huddles. Check employees at the start of each workday to be sure that they are ready to perform their assigned tasks. −− Give safety instructions as part of the task assignment.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− Continually follow up with jobsite inspections to be certain that safety instructions are being followed and that personal protective equipment is in proper use. −− Maintain the discipline for the control of safe work habits. −− Prepare adequately for the weekly "tool box" meetings and cover at least those items from the weekly safety inspection that pertain to the Silverstone Construction, Inc employees, injuries from recent accidents, and near miss accidents. −− Insist that all personnel have the proper tools and equipment for each job, that such tools and equipment are used correctly, and that they are in good condition. −− Monitor all subcontractors for compliance with the Silverstone Construction, Inc Safety Requirements for subcontractors. −− Always look ahead at the schedule so that adequate preparations can be made to ensure safe work without unnecessary delays or last minute shortcuts. −− Correct safety issues related to your work. −− PRACTICE SAFETY THROUGH GOOD EXAMPLE. TITLE: Employee Each employee is responsible to perform their job safely. Safe work practices and accident prevention is the responsibility of every Silverstone Construction, Inc. employee. Each employee is responsible to understand and adhere to the general provisions of the Silverstone Construction, Inc Safety Program, as well as any project specific safety requirements. The following safety rules and policies must be followed by all Silverstone Construction, Inc employees: −− Be responsible for reading and complying with all safety and health rules and regulations applicable to your work. It is your further responsibility to support the company in providing a safe place to work and protect yourself and co-workers against injuries or illnesses. 8 −− Report all safety and health hazards to foreman immediately. You shall take all necessary actions to establish an immediate temporary control of the hazard until permanent control can be established. −− Immediately report all injuries, accidents or incidents to your foreman no matter how minor they appear to be.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− If you seek medical attention concerning a work related injury or illness after work hours you must notify your superintendent as soon as possible. −− If you are injured away from the job, notify your foreman; it may affect your job performance or worsen the injury. −− Cooperate and assist in the investigation of all accidents or incidents. −− Utilize all personal protective equipment provided. −− Properly care for, and be responsible for, all personal protective equipment no matter who it is provided by. −− Wear hard hats on all job sites at all times. −− Use safety glasses, goggles or face shields during operations involving concrete breaking, rebar cutting, welding, grinding, or during activities that can pose an eye injury exposure. −− Use ear protection for operations involving cutting concrete or masonry blocks, and rebar, and with all other high noise level operations. −− Safety harnesses shall be worn and tied off when working on the outer perimeter of an open deck, stage, etc. −− Wear appropriate work clothes. All personnel shall wear long pants, shirts with sleeves at least 4 inches or longer gloves, and construction grade boots. Loose clothing or jewelry (especially rings) should not be worn. −− Practice good hygiene habits while on the job site. −− During an emergency evacuation, employees are to report to their foreman at the pre-established evacuation assembly area. −− Report all equipment and material thefts immediately to your field manager. All theft will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Lock Silverstone Construction, Inc gang boxes and storage locations at all times. −− The use of or being under the influence of intoxicating beverages or illegal drugs while on the job is prohibited. Intoxicating beverages and illegal drugs may not be consumed while on Silverstone Construction, Inc project grounds or during the established work day. Prescription drugs which may cause drowsiness must be reported to your supervisor. −− Horseplay or practical jokes shall not be permitted on the job site. Fighting on the job is grounds for dismissal.

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− Be alert and keep out from under overhead loads. −− Good housekeeping shall be practiced by all employees working on Silverstone Construction, Inc’s jobsites. Excess material shall be properly stacked and stored in a secure place. Protruding nails, wire, etc., shall be bent over, cut or pulled. Debris shall not be allowed to accumulate in aisles and will be removed daily. −− Only certified (if required), trained and authorized employees shall operate machines or equipment. −− Never operate any machines or equipment unless all guards and safety devices are in place and in proper operating condition. −− Keep all tools in safe working condition. Never use defective tools or equipment. Report all defective equipment to your foreman. Tag all defective equipment “Do Not Use”. −− Machinery shall be properly oiled, cleaned, adjusted, refueled and operated by authorized operators. −− Shut off, disconnect power, and lock out equipment under repair. 9 −− No person shall ride any boom, fork lift or material handling equipment. −− Never climb a ladder when three point contact cannot be maintained. Use a rope to lift tools. −− Step ladders shall be used only in the open and locked position. Follow manufacturers recommendation for weight capacity. The top step on a ladder shall never be used. Place ladders on a substantial base and do not use ladders with broken, split or missing rungs or rails. −− All access ladders are to extend at least three feet above the landing platform and be securely fastened. Proper ladder placement is one foot back from the building base for every four feet of ladder elevation. −− Scaffolds are to be used only by Silverstone Construction, Inc employees. Only companies with written approval from the office may use the scaffolding. Guardrails must be in place. −− Lift correctly, using your legs to take the strain. Turn by placing the proper foot into direction of the turn (do not twist with the back). Lock your lower back curve; tighten stomach muscles before you lift. Stretch your muscles before lifting. −− Running on the job is prohibited. Jumping off any ladder, scaffold or elevated work areas is

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Prohibited and is grounds for immediate termination. −− Silverstone Construction, Inc has a Hazard Communication Program. The purpose of this program is to inform you of the hazards of the chemicals we work with in order to reduce chemical source injuries and illness. If you have a question about any chemical you work with see your field manager. −− You must understand the foreman’s instruction. If you do not know how to do the job safely, ASK. −− Assume responsibility for your own actions that can cause injuries to you or to others. −− Violation of any of these rules may be cause for immediate disciplinary action. I have read and understand the rules stated above and accept them as a condition of continued employment. −− Employees will not use borrowed ladders or scaffolds, nor will they loan SILVERSTONE CONSTRUCTION, INC ladders or scaffolds to others, without permission of their foreman. 10

SECTION 3 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 11 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Job Site Posting Requirements State Workers' Compensation statutes and the regulations of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, hereafter referred to individually and collectively as “OSHA”, require that certain notices, signs, or posters be put in a conspicuous place where workers can readily see them or where notices to workers are customarily posted. SILVERSTONE CONSTRUCTION, INC. is required to post all such notices as required by law. The following items will be posted in the job trailer, gang box or maintained as otherwise indicated: Federal 5 in 1 Poster Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law Job Safety and Health Protection

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Fair Labor Standards Act Family and Medical Leave Act Notice Polygraph Protection Act Required State Notices or Posters Notice to Employer and Employee Workers' Compensation Notice to Employees (WC 7633p) Notice to Workers About Unemployment Insurance Benefits OSHA 300 Log Bureau of Labor Statistics Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses shall be kept in the office and will be available upon request. This shall be posted on the jobsite during February, March and April. Silverstone Construction, Inc. The program shall be kept in the jobsite trailer or gang box and will be available upon request. Project Emergency Plan The project specific emergency plan will be posted in the job trailer or gang box along with emergency numbers. 12

SECTION 4 SUBSTANCE ABUSE 13 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE Purpose The purposed of this Policy are as follows: −− To establish and maintain a safe, healthy, alcohol and drug-free working environment for all employees, clients, and the general public. −− To reduce the incidence of accidental injury to people or damage to property resulting from alcohol or drug abuse.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− Accommodate time for rehabilitation for any employee who seeks help in overcoming addiction to, dependence on, or problems with alcohol or drugs. −− To initiate and maintain an alcohol and drug-free workplace and to comply with Federal regulations governing substance abuse. Violation of this Policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Policy Statement It is the policy of Silverstone Construction, Inc to maintain a workplace that is free from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol and drug abuse are harmful to an employee’s health and interferes with the employee’s productivity and alertness. Employees under the influence of alcohol or drugs are a danger to themselves and to their fellow workers. Employees are prohibited from the use, sale, dispensing, distributing, possession, or manufacture of illegal drugs and narcotics or alcoholic beverages on company or client premises. In addition, employees are prohibited from the off-premise use, possession, or sale of illegal drugs when such activities adversely affect job performance, job safety, or Company’s reputation in the community. Anyone who must use prescribed drugs or narcotics which may impair alertness during work hours should report this fact to their foreman before working, along with acceptable medical documentation to substantiate that a physician has prescribed the substance. Management will make a determination as to whether the employee is capable of performing his or her normal duties safely and properly. Condition of Employment Employees bear the primary responsibility for their own job performance and for taking any action or undergoing treatment necessary to maintain performance at a satisfactory level. All employees who are subject to chemical screening will be required to sign a Statement of Understanding acknowledging their agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy. 14 An employee can, at his or her own expense, arrange to have a sample found to be positive retested, provided that (1) the split sample is taken from the original sample provided by the employee, (2) the Chain of Custody is not broken, and (3) the retesting laboratory is NIDA-certified. If the

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

second laboratory finds no evidence of drug use in the split specimen, the company will consider the drug test result as having been negative. In this case, the employee will be reimbursed for the cost of the second test and any wages that may apply. No employee or agent of Silverstone Construction, Inc or its subcontractors shall work on Company property/projects if the individual has a blood alcohol level of 0.01 percent or more. Breath specimens shall be tested by trained technicians, using federally approved breath testing devices capable of producing printed results that identify the employee. If the employee’s breath alcohol concentration is 0.01 percent or more, a second breath specimen shall be tested approximately 20 minutes later. The results of the second test shall be determinative. Employee Assistance Program No disciplinary action will be issued against any employee who comes forward to Silverstone Construction, Inc with his or her problem prior to the company learning of the violation of the Policy. Silverstone Construction, Inc, at its sole discretion, may grant an employee rehabilitation leave in accordance with the provisions of the Policy. Rehabilitation itself is the responsibility of the employee. Employees on rehabilitation leave will be subject to the sick leave and the personal leave-of-absences of the company. If rehabilitation leave is granted, an employee must provide certification that the employee was continuously enrolled in a treatment program approved by the company, actively participated in that program and was properly discharged there from. Participation in any recommended follow-up treatment and/or counseling is the responsibility of the employee. Any employee suffering from an alcohol or drug problem who rejects treatment or who leaves a treatment program prior to being properly discharged there from will be dismissed from employment with the company. Employees that undergo voluntary counseling or treatment and continue to work must meet all established standards of conduct and job performance. All eligible employees returning to active employment from rehabilitation will be required to sign a “Return to Work Agreement” providing: −− For unannounced testing for a period of one year to ensure that the employee has freed himself/herself from the alcohol or drug problem; −− That failure of such a test during this period or employee’s refusal to submit to such testing shall be grounds for immediate dismissal;

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− That the employee must maintain an acceptable attendance and performance record and comply with all other policies upon his/her return to work; −− That the employee will participate in the follow-up treatment and/or counseling recommended by the treatment program. Convictions of Criminal Drug Statutes Any employee convicted of violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace must notify Silverstone Construction, Inc no later than five calendar days after such a conviction. Any employee failing to notify the company of such a conviction will be subject to dismissal from employment. Silverstone Construction, Inc reserves the right to discipline or terminate employees convicted of an offense which involves the use, sale, or possession of illegal drugs in the workplace. 15

SECTION 5 SAFETY EDUCATION 16 SAFETY EDUCATION Silverstone Construction, Inc gives instruction about their Safety Plan through the new hire orientation program, the craft general foreman/superintendent orientation program, the weekly tool box safety meetings, and specialized safety training in safety, fire, and health as required. On each project, the time, place, and format of the safety meetings will be jointly agreed upon by the senior Silverstone Construction, Inc foreman and management. New Hire Orientation On each project, sufficient time must be allotted for the safety orientation of all new hires. Supervisory participation in this orientation program should be encouraged. The items discussed below must be reviewed with each new employee: −− Stretching Program −− First Aid −− Tool Box Safety Meetings

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− Reporting Unsafe Acts or Conditions −− Jobsite Disciplinary Action Program −− Personal Protective Equipment −− Fall protection −− Housekeeping −− Fire protection −− Respiratory Protection −− Scaffolds −− Scissor Lifts and Articulating Boom Lifts −− Cranes −− Toxic Substances and Hazard Communication Program −− Material storage and handling Safety Orientation of Foreman Each Foreman, upon promotion or hire, receives a "Supervising for Safety" orientation from the Superintendent. This orientation outlines his or her duties for safety in daily work activities. Safe Work Areas −− Each foreman must be familiar with the conditions in each area of the project where members of his or her crew are assigned. Unsafe conditions that exist in the work area must be corrected before work starts when possible; otherwise, the problem must be brought to the attention of the responsible superintendent who will initiate corrective action. The foreman must seek the assistance of the Superintendent for complex problems. Tool Box Talks −− Each foreman must know how to conduct a toolbox meeting. Conducting weekly safety toolbox meetings are the responsibility of each foreman. o The meetings must provide employees with the opportunity to ask questions regarding safety. 17 o The actual meeting time should not exceed 15 minutes. o Each foreman who conducts a tool box safety meeting must have all in attendance sign the safety meeting report during the meeting.

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

o The completed tool box safety report must first be returned to the Corporate Office within seven days. −− Safe Work Practices −− When making work assignments, the foreman must inform his or her crew of the safe practices, work methods, and personal protective equipment required. He or she is responsible for ensuring that the crew uses the proper protective equipment and suitable tools for the job. Each foreman should continually monitor the following specific areas: o In following the progress of the work assigned, the foreman must constantly review the safety procedures and practices by his/her crew and must initiate corrective action when necessary. o In all operations, especially those that are not routine, make sure that safety precautions are determined and followed. o Talk and impress safety to the crew; set good examples for the crew. o Instruct the crew on how to work safely, using all types of personal protective equipment. o Watch for unsafe or inexperienced workers in the crew. o Instruct the crew in the proper handling of hazardous material. o Keep the crew informed on the jobsite safety policy. Emergency Procedures Each foreman must become familiar with the emergency procedures developed for the project so that he or she may provide the leadership required to cope with serious injuries, fires, and evacuations, etc. Accident Investigations Foremen are required to participate actively in the investigation of any incident. Supervisor accident reports are required for the following: −− Personal injury to a crewmember. −− Equipment or property damage in the foreman's area of responsibility. −− Near misses that had a potential for serious injury or loss. The Foreman must ensure that all employees under his supervision are aware of their obligation to immediately report all injuries, however minor, to him or his safety designee. 18

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

SECTION 6 FIRST AID AND MEDICAL SERVICES 19 FIRST AID AND MEDICAL SERVICES This section describes the first aid, medical services, and emergency transportation provided for employees who incur occupational injuries on Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsites. Responsibilities Silverstone Construction, Inc. will evaluate the first aid and medical services required to meet the safety and health needs of the project. Community medical resources near the jobsites such as clinics, hospitals, and ambulance services will be designated before the job starts. The clinic and/or hospital will be evaluated prior to commencement of service. Routine Transportation of Employees to Medical Facility The foreman’s vehicle will be designated as first aid transportation from the jobsite to the doctor's office, clinic, or hospital. If accessibility is a problem because the jobsite is located in highly congested area, a cab service may be used for first aid cases only. A company representative must accompany the injured employee. Employees shall not be permitted to provide their own transportation for the initial visit to the doctor for a job related injury. Emergency Transportation The proper handling of seriously injured employees at the jobsite and their prompt dispatch to the hospital will minimize confusion and offset the negative reaction which often occurs after a serious incident has happened. The following guidelines should be followed for emergency transportation: −− The Silverstone Construction, Inc foreman will decide what type of transportation will be used. If medical attention is necessary during transport, the ambulance will be used. If there is any doubt, the ambulance will always be the first choice. −− The foreman or designee when transporting an employee to a clinic or hospital must

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

accompany the injured employee. −− The superintendent must notify the injured employee’s nearest relative after first aid has been rendered to the injured employee and is on their way to the hospital. Employee Visits to Doctor If employees are transported to an offsite physician by the Silverstone Construction, Inc superintendent or his designee on the day they are injured, they will be paid in accordance with the applicable labor agreement. Revisits to doctors, clinics, etc., shall be scheduled during the last three hours of the workday or the first three hours in the case of a second shift. 20 Reporting of Non-Referred Medical Treatment Employees who obtain medical treatment for alleged work related injuries without being referred by the Silverstone Construction, Inc Superintendent or his safety designee MAY RESULT IN THE DENIAL of any claim for Worker's Compensation benefits and may be cause for discharge. First Aid Equipment Every Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsite will be equipped with a first aid kit. Listed below are some items suggested by the Red Cross. Always call 911 before attempting to do anything more than basic first aid. Medications If you or the person you are helping is on medication of any kind, do not take or provide any medications without first consulting a medical professional or personal doctor. First Aid Supplies When checking the first aid supplies, have the following essentials: (20) adhesive bandages, various sizes. (1) 5” x 9” sterile dressing. (1) conforming roller gauze bandage. (2) triangular bandages. (2) 3 x 3 sterile gauze pads. (2) 4 x 4 sterile gauze pads. (1) roll 3” cohesive bandage. (2) germicidal hand wipes or waterless alcohol-based hand sanitizer. (6) antiseptic wipes. (2) pair large medical grade non-latex gloves Adhesive tape, 2” width.

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Anti-bacterial ointment. Cold pack. Scissors (small, personal). Tweezers. CPR breathing barrier, such as a face shield The office and superintendent will determine the size and contents of the first aid kit. Other medical and first aid supplies will be ordered as necessary for the employee’s safety. RETURN TO WORK If a worker is disabled for any reason, every reasonable effort will be made to return the worker to work, with approval of their medical provider, at the earliest possible time. The decision of returning an injured worker to the job will involve the medical provider, the insurance carrier and Silverstone Construction, Inc management. 21

SECTION 7 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES 22 EMERGENCY PLAN The following information should be completed for each project: EMERGENCY PLAN FOR _______________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________ Job No. __________ WEATHER RELATED EMERGENCIES If there is a weather related emergency, such as severe wind, tornado, lightning, etc. that could endanger employees, follow the below procedures unless the project has implemented other

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

procedures: −− Alert all personnel. −− Go to and direct all personnel to a structural inside wall. −− Keep all personnel away from windows or glass. −− Remain in sheltered area until all clear is announced. −− Report all injuries. EVACUATIONS −− Alert all personnel. −− Follow the site’s evacuation plan. If there is no site plan, all employees should meet at the job trailer, or foreman’s truck. −− All employees shall remain at this designated area until he/she has been accounted for. OTHER EMERGENCIES WOULD INCLUDE: −− Any serious injury on a Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsite (serious = requiring ambulance) −− Major loss of Silverstone Construction, Inc equipment or property belonging to the owner, subcontractor, or the public The Silverstone Construction, Inc Policy for reacting to emergencies is as follows: 1. See that the injured are cared for: THE FIRST CONCERN at an accident scene, regardless of its seriousness, is care of the injured. 2. Request the necessary emergency response team, Paramedics, and/or Fire Department 3. Protect other people and property. 4. Notify the Silverstone Construction, Inc superintendent & office. 5. Keep the press and news media as far away as possible from the scene. 6. When the press and television media arrive:

a. Make NO statement, other than an accident has occurred. b. The ONLY person to make a statement for Silverstone Construction, Inc will be an

officer of the Company. 8 Notify the employee's nearest relative 9. After all the injured are cared for, begin your investigation immediately 23 10. Preserve the scene as it was after the accident

a. Obtain the identity of all people who might have information about the accident

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

b. Record their names, trades, and company name c. Confiscate all materials involved tools, etc. d. Take photographs of the incident

11. General uses of photographs: a. Orientation to the scene of the accident b. Record of the detail of injury and damage c. Record of relative positions of large numbers of items or damage fragments d. Evidence of deterioration, abuse, or lack of proper maintenance e. Location of parts or other evidence overlooked during early stages of investigation

12. Marking photographs: Mark the following information on the photo: a. Date Taken _________________________ b. Job ________________________________ c. Photo Of ___________________________ d. Taken By ___________________________(Signature)

ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES The following is a guideline for investigating and reporting serious accidents, minor accidents public liability incidents, major incidents & fatalities Minor Accidents When an accident happens, First and Foremost First Aid and/or medical attention is provided to the injured employee and other employees are protected from any further risks and hazards. Then the Foreman MUST CONTACT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SILVERSTONE CONSTRUCTION, INC. The Foreman of the injured employee is then required to completely fill out the Company Accident Report Form and deliver to Superintendent of Silverstone Construction, Inc for review within 24 hours following the accident. After review the Superintendent will submit the report to the Silverstone Construction, Inc main office. Serious Accidents After the employee has been provided with urgent medical care, the superintendent must follow the Emergency Plan. The Supervisor’s Accident Investigation Form must be submitted to the office within 24 hours. It is essential that the accident form be completed accurately with all of the information that is requested.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Supervisor’s Accident Investigation Report To be processed by the foreman first and then by the superintendent See next page for Accident Investigation Procedures & Report 24 Accident Investigation Accident investigation must be fact finding, not fault finding. The purpose is to learn the true cause so that similar accidents/incidents can be prevented, and determine facts bearing on legal liability. Another purpose of the investigation or fact-finding is to prepare accurate documentation in case of possible litigation. PICTURES OF THE ACCIDENT SITE MUST BE TAKEN BEFORE THE ACCIDENT SITE IS ALTERED IN ANYWAY. Based on the findings of the accident investigation, a written report will be completed for all accidents. This report must be completed by the injured employee’s foreman with 24 hours, submitted to the Superintendent and then the Superintendent forwards the report to the Silverstone Construction, Inc main office. The report should contain the following: 1. Detailed description of the accident, including answers to the following: a. What happened? b. Who (individuals and companies) was involved? c. When did the accident occur? d. What injuries/property damage resulted? 2. Photographs taken. YES NO IF YES, HOW MANY? ________ 3. Diagrams drawn of the scene. 4. Statements by all witnesses. 5. Conclusions should be developed regarding the physical cause of the accident, but should not deal with the placement of legal liability upon any party. NO PART OF THE REPORT SHALL BE GIVEN TO ANY PARTY, INCLUDING THE INJURED EMPLOYEE UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE SILVERSTONE CONSTRUCTION, INC. MANAGEMENT OR LEGAL COUNSEL. See “FORMS” section of this document for the accident/injury report form. Other accidents like Utility Breaks, Vehicle Accident, Property Damage and Spill are available from the superintendent.

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SECTION 8 DISCIPLINE AND ENFORCEMENT OF SAFETY RULES 26 DISCIPLINE AND ENFORCEMENT OF SAFETY RULES This procedure is established to provide a mechanism for the discipline of employees who violate safety rules. Safety rules are written and enforced to protect the employee from injury and provide for a "safe and healthful place of employment.” The Superintendent and Foremen are responsible for the enforcement of the safety and health program at the Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsites. In order to accomplish this, they must ensure that each employee is properly instructed in the use of safety equipment and safe work practices, warn employees when they violate a safety rule, and discharge any employee who refuses to comply with the rules. The Foreman or Management of Silverstone Construction, Inc initiate the disciplinary action. When an employee is observed violating a safety rule, the following procedure and subsequent steps must be implemented: 1. First offense – verbal warning with a record noted and reported to both Superintendent and Silverstone Construction, Inc Senior Management. 2. Second offense - written warning once completed (same day of offense) is then forwarded to Superintendent for review and forward to Silverstone Construction, Inc Senior Management. 3. Third offense – termination, with all documentation forwarded to the Superintendent and then Silverstone Construction, Inc Senior Management. These rules apply to each 12 month period, beginning with the date of the first verbal warning. Each written warning will advise the employee of the nature of the violation and the correct safe practice and procedure. A copy of the violation will be provided to the employee, the employee’s foreman, the project file and employee’s employment record. The superintendent shall also note the disciplinary activity in the daily log.

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The employee's termination shall be noted that he has been terminated for violation of safety rules and is not eligible for rehire. A report describing in detail the violation, the dates of the first, second, third and subsequent termination shall be forwarded to the Superintendent and Senior Manager of Silverstone Construction, Inc. THE ABOVE ACTION IS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS AND THE LABOR AGREEMENT. 27

SECTION 9 SUBCONTRACTORS 28 SAFETY RULES FOR SUBCONTRACTORS Safety Plan Each subcontractor shall follow their safety program unless Silverstone Construction, Inc’s safety program is more stringent. In that event, all subcontractors shall comply with Silverstone Construction, Inc’s safety program. Subcontractor Safety Obligations Each subcontractor working on a Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsite shall be contractually obligated to comply with all statutory requirements, and all applicable OSHA Standards. These combined safety requirements constitute the minimum safety performance acceptable from them. Designation of Safety Representative Each subcontractor shall appoint a qualified safety representative (within 5 days of mobilization) acceptable to Silverstone Construction, Inc, and hold regularly scheduled meetings to instruct its personnel on safety practices and the requirements of the jobsite safety plan. If the subcontractor does not have enough employees on the jobsite to justify holding their own meetings, they must attend the Silverstone Construction, Inc Tool Box Safety Meetings. Recordkeeping and Reporting Each subcontractor shall maintain accurate accident and injury reports. A copy of the accident report must be delivered to the Silverstone Construction, Inc superintendent within 24 hours.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Non-Compliance with Safety Requirements Silverstone Construction, Inc will monitor the safety performance of subcontractors working on the jobsite. If violations of the statutory requirements, Jobsite Safety Plan, or the client’s safety regulations are observed, the responsible subcontractor must be informed verbally, if possible, and a written notice will be delivered to the subcontractor. If a subcontractor fails to correct the conditions described in any written notice to the subcontractor within the time specified, a meeting shall be scheduled with the subcontractor’s superintendent, the Silverstone Construction, Inc superintendent, and the Corporate Management of Silverstone Construction, Inc. This meeting shall result in a documented agreement detailing the subcontractor’s intended corrective action and abatement. Failure to reach agreement, or failure to correct the violation, will be documented with a letter to the subcontractor's Project Manager for resolution, with copies to the Silverstone Construction , Inc superintendent and project manager. Subcontractors Failure to Correct Non-Conformance If the subcontractor fails to correct the unsafe conditions, Silverstone Construction, Inc may take a number of courses of action, such as: −− Back charging: Silverstone Construction, Inc corrects the unsafe condition and back charges the subcontractor. −− Letter of Notice: A letter stating that the subcontractor is in violation of statutory requirements (OSHA) will be sent to his office putting the company on notice. −− Removal of Personnel: Silverstone Construction, Inc may require the subcontractor to remove from the jobsite anyone unfit or working in violation of the contract. −− Optional Termination: At the Silverstone Construction, Inc’s option, all or part of the contract with the subcontractor may be terminated for inadequate safety performance. 29 −− Termination for Default: For the subcontractor’s failure to fulfill any of the safety requirements of the contract Silverstone Construction, Inc. may default the subcontractor and terminate the contract. All of the above actions should not be undertaken without the knowledge of the Silverstone Construction, Inc’s Corporate Management, Project Manager, and Superintendent. Weekly Tool Box Talks

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Subcontractors shall conduct weekly toolbox meetings to provide their employees with up to date safety information. Employee attendance shall be mandatory and a copy of the attendance sheet shall be given to the Silverstone Construction, Inc Superintendent. If the subcontractor does not have enough employees on the jobsite to hold meaningful meetings, they must attend the Silverstone Construction, Inc Tool Box Meetings. Emergency Procedures The subcontractor shall familiarize all supervisors with the emergency procedures developed for the jobsite so that they may provide the leadership to cope with serious injuries, fires, evacuations, and similar situations. Accident Investigations The subcontractor shall require each supervisor to participate actively in the investigation of any accident, which results in: 1. Personal injury to a subcontractor's employee 2. Equipment or property damage belonging to the subcontractor 3. Near misses that had a potential for serious injury or death 4. Personal injury to a person that is not an employee of the subcontractor 5. Property damage to property that is not owned by the subcontractor Incidence or Accident Reports The subcontractor shall cooperate with the general contractor and Silverstone Construction, Inc in investigating any major safety related incidents. Additionally, the subcontractor shall immediately investigate and submit to Silverstone Construction, Inc. written reports of any accident wherein disabling injuries occur, or which results in damage to property or fire loss. Safety Inspections The subcontractor shall participate, through a designated representative acceptable to Silverstone Construction, Inc in periodic inspection tours. During these inspections, the subcontractor’s representative must identify and record safety violations. The subcontractor shall participate in specialized inspections by Silverstone Construction, Inc which focus on specific aspects of safety such as scaffolding, shoring, electrical hazards, and noise. Non-Waiver A failure of contractor to insist upon strict performance of any of the safety policies or procedures stated herein, or to exercise any right, shall not be construed to be a waiver or

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relinquishment of such right or any other agreement, but said rules and regulations shall remain in full force and effect and shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach thereof. 30

SECTION 10 OSHA RECORDKEEPING AND INSPECTION PROCEDURES 31 RECORDKEEPING Silverstone Construction, Inc will voluntarily comply with the OSHA Standards, display the OSHA Poster, report all accidents resulting in one or more fatalities or the hospitalization of three (3) or more employees within the required time frame and maintain the necessary records of all reportable accidents. ````````````````````````````````` The Log and Summary (OSHA 300 Log) The log and summary, commonly referred to as the OSHA 300 Log, is a convenient means for recording injuries and illnesses and for noting the extent and outcome of each case. Entries must be made on the log no later than seven (7) working days after receipt of information that a recordable injury or illness has occurred. However, not every injury or illness occurring in the workplace is recordable. The OSHA 300 Log should be posted at the office and all job sites from February 1st through the end of April. The Supplementary Record (OSHA 301 Form) For every recordable injury or illness entered on the OSHA 300 Log, it is necessary to record addition information on the OSHA supplementary record, or as it is commonly referred to, the OSHA 301. RECORD MAINTENANCE, RETENTION, AND ACCESS

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Recordkeeping forms must be retained for five (5) years following the close of the calendar year to which they relate. Additionally, the OSHA 300 Logs must be maintained for the same period, i.e. changed in extent of and outcome of cases must be made directly to the original case entries, even though the entries were dated in prior years. All recordkeeping forms, current and retained, must be available at the establishment for inspection and copying by the representatives of state or federal OSHA. The OSHA 300 Log will, upon request, be made available by Silverstone Construction, Inc to any employee, former employee, or to their representative for examination and copying in a reasonable manner and at reasonable times. Access to the OSHA 300 Log shall be for any establishment in which the employee is or has been employed and covers all logs required to be maintained or retained by the employer. REPORTING FATALITY OR MULTIPLE HOSPITALIZATION INJURIES OSHA regulations require that all employee fatalities, or multiple injuries of three or more employees, be reported to OSHA verbally within eight hours of the employer learning of the accident. OSHA INSPECTION PROCEDURES Upon an OSHA Compliance Officer arriving on site: 1. CALL THE SUPERINTENDENT AND MAIN OFFICE. 2. Request that the inspector wait until the Silverstone Construction, Inc. Superintendent or Designated Representative arrives 3. Request to see the inspector's credentials and write down his name. 4. Inquire as to the reason for the visit

a. Fatality or catastrophe investigation b. Employee complaint c. General or scheduled inspection

32 Inspection Procedures 1. Opening Conference

a. OSHA will inform management of their purpose and outline inspection plans b. The inspector may want to talk with all of the subcontractors of the job c. Be prepared to show the inspector the OSHA 300 Log, MSDS, and safety program

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

2. Jobsite Tour a. Try to correct the violation immediately, if possible b. Walk the jobsite with the inspector and take notes c. Take pictures every time the inspector takes pictures

3. Closing Conference a. The inspector will review all violations b. Take good notes pertaining to alleged violations c. Do not argue with the inspector

Other Precautions 1. Be knowledgeable of what is contained in the safety manual. 2. Note in what areas pictures were taken. 3. Be certain as to the time allowed for abatement of the alleged violation. 33

SECTION 11 PROJECT SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 34 GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY RULES 1. All Silverstone Construction, Inc employees shall work in a safe manner and report observed or anticipated hazards to their immediate supervisor. If the hazard is not corrected, the worker will report the hazard to Silverstone Construction, Inc superintendent. 2. All workers must immediately report any accident that involves injury or damage to equipment or property to their foreman. 3. When in doubt about performing a task safely, contact your foreman for instructions and training. 4. The drinking of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs is not permitted on the job. Employees discovered under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be subject to immediate dismissal. 5. Only qualified First-Aid trained personnel shall be allowed to treat an injured person, unless there is an immediate peril, such as lack of breathing.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

6. Employees shall not perform tasks unless trained in specific operations and are aware of the hazards associated with that task. 7. Good housekeeping is mandatory and every worker must do their part daily to clean up their work area and keep conditions safe. 8. Personal protective equipment will be provided by Silverstone Construction, Inc for all employees. 9. Hard hats will be worn by all workers and visitors at all times while on the project site. 10. Safety glasses shall be utilized when performing work where eye hazards are encountered. (i.e. cutting, chipping, grinding). Additional face protection is required when operating the masonry wet saw. 11. Hearing protection shall be worn during cutting masonry blocks or concrete, cutting rebar and all other high noise level operations. 12. Respiratory protection devices will be worn when required to protect the employee from breathing silica dust. 13. Proper dress, consisting of full length pants, shirt that extends to the belt and has at least 4" sleeves, and hard sole, leather work boots, is required at all times. 14. Properly care for and be responsible for all personal protective equipment. 15. Smoking is prohibited near flammable materials. Smoking on the jobsite is allowed in designated areas only. 16. Inspect all equipment prior to use. Do not use defective tools. 17. Do not operate machinery or equipment if you are not a skilled, trained and authorized operator. 35 18. Never remove or by-pass devices or guards. 19. Anytime fall arrest equipment is required, the system shall consist of full body harness, shock absorbing lanyard, and locking snap hook. The system will be anchored to a support capable of withstanding a 5,000-lb. load per worker attached. 20. Where travel is necessary between levels, it will be accomplished by use of lifts, ladders, scaffold, stairways or other acceptable means. 21. All ladders shall be set at a 1:4 ratio, secured and extended at least 36” above the platform. 22. Never climb a ladder when three point contact cannot be maintained. Use a rope to lift tools.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

23. When using an articulating boom lift, the employee shall immediately tie off to the basket, prior to lifting the basket or traveling. 24. All compressed gas cylinders shall be properly secured, used and protected. Cylinders shall have flashback arrestors and check valves as necessary for the application at hand. 25. Scaffolds are to be used only by Silverstone Construction, Inc employees, unless other companies have written approval from the office to use the scaffold. 26. Access to the job site is restricted to workers and those authorized by Silverstone Construction, Inc foreman. 27. No plastic gas cans allowed on site. 28. All chemical containers will be labeled with their contents. 29. Horseplay causes accidents and will not be tolerated. 30. Keep alert-avoid situations where you or others are exposed to danger. Keep out from overhead loads. 31. No site personnel shall discuss any site-related situation with the press or any external agency. 32. Obey all traffic regulations when operating vehicles on public highways. When operating or riding in company vehicles or using your personal vehicle for company purposes, the vehicle seatbelt shall be worn. 36


7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

CRANES 37 CRANE OPERATIONS The safe operation and proper maintenance of cranes on the site shall be the responsibility of the pertinent contractor. Compliance with OSHA and ANSI crane regulations is required for all cranes or derricks on the site, whether contractor owned, leased or rented. Prior to its initial use on the site or after repairs have been made, each crane or derrick shall be thoroughly inspected by a contractor-designated competent person. The manufacturer's representatives or the vendor supplying the equipment (for leased or rented units) may be used for this purpose. Any deficiencies found shall be corrected before the equipment is placed into service. A copy of the annual certification inspection shall be obtained for all cranes and maintained on each individual crane. --- A competent person shall inspect all cranes and rigging equipment daily as a part of the inspection program. Such inspections shall be documented. Defective equipment shall be removed from service and repaired. At a minimum, the weekly inspection shall consist of: −− Wire ropes, guys, hoist and trolley cable as well as Jib & counterweight job guidelines −− Hoist rope anchorage on winding drum as ALL safety latches and hooks. General Safety −− No one is allowed under a load. −− Tag lines or guide ropes shall be used to control loads. −− Barricades for worker safety shall be maintained around the swing radius of crane cab. −− Each contractor shall verify that the operator is experienced on the type of equipment to be operated for the type of work being performed. Operators Responsibilities Each crane operator will be specifically assigned the responsibility for safe operations and shall be given written instructions as applicable. These responsibilities shall include: −− Verification of a current "annual inspection" certification for the crane. −− Verification that manufacturer's rated load capacities, recommended operating speeds and special warnings or instructions are posted on the crane and are visible from the operator's station.

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−− Daily inspection of: o Condition of brakes under no-load conditions o Functioning of various safety devices and limiting devices fitted to the hoisting apparatus o The electric power installation & overload controls o Condition of structural members for cracks, bends, misalignment, etc. o Fire extinguisher in cab & inspect each part of ALL rigging equipment −− Assuring that routine maintenance is performed, as well as necessary repairs. −− Responsibility for assuring that signaling and communications are adequate. This includes making sure that correct hand signals are used by personnel at materials loading and receiving areas. Where conditions require, radio communications will be used with a clear channel for crane operations. −− Refusing to lift any loads that are not safely rigged. This refusal cannot be overridden by job supervisory personnel. −− Making sure that adequate clearances exist between operating areas and nearby structures, especially power lines. −− Each crane operator shall ensure that good housekeeping is maintained on their equipment. Outriggers (For Equipment So Equipped) "Blocking" or “cribbing” shall always be used under outrigger floats to prevent deflection or sinking. Outriggers shall always be fully extended. Only rigid, tightly spaced blocking should be used under outrigger floats. The use of span blocking is prohibited. 38

SECTION 13 ELECTRICAL SAFETY 39 ELECTRICAL SAFETY Workers may be injured due to the improper use or inadequate care of electrical systems. In order to help control potential hazardous exposure, Silverstone Construction, Inc employees and subcontractors shall ensure systems are properly used, inspected, and maintained. All electrical

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work, installation and wire capacities shall be in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the National Electrical Code, unless otherwise provided by applicable regulations, whichever is more stringent. All portable electrical tools and equipment shall be plugged into Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Outlets (GFCI’s). Illumination Requirements All construction areas, ramps, and stairways shall be lighted with not less than 5-foot candles. Employee Protection −− All contractors on the Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsite shall use GFCI’s unless the jobsite temporary electrical outlets are protected with ground fault circuit interrupters. −− All extension cords shall be of the three wire type and construction grade (SJ, SJO, SJT, SJTO, S, SO, ST, and STO). −− Three wire flat extension cords are not allowed on a Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsite. Overhead Power Lines −− Lines shall be de-energized and grounded, or otherwise protected, if employees will be working near overhead lines. −− Any vehicle or mechanical equipment, (i.e. scaffolds, lulls) that can be elevated near energized overhead lines shall be operated so a clearance of at least 10’ is maintained. For voltages over 50kV, the clearance shall be increased 4” for every 10kV. −− When working close to high voltage lines, the superintendent shall request the public electric utility company to sheathe the energized lines. 40

SECTION 14 ELEVATED WORK PLATFORMS 41 SCISSOR LIFT/AERIAL WORK BOOM PLATFORM Only authorized, trained personnel are to operate aerial lifts. Operators shall: −− Read and understand the manufacturer’s operation manual. −− Be familiar with operator’s control box located on the work platform.

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−− Perform a daily visual or operational check of the mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems. −− Don’t overload work platforms. −− Don’t override limit switches. −− Don’t leave safety gates or latches open. −− Don’t raise platform on ramps, inclines, soft or uneven surfaces. −− Don’t raise platform in windy or gusty conditions. −− Check work site, be sure it is clear of debris, floor holes or other obstacles. −− If gasoline operated, refuel with power off, no smoking and away from sparks or ignition sources. −− Use three point mounting practices when mounting and dismounting equipment. −− Know location of Emergency Stop Button. −− When going from one work area to the next, move in a stowed position. If it is necessary to move in an elevated position, proceed slowly and with caution. −− Don’t permit anyone to stand or pass under the raised platform. −− These pieces of equipment are intended for personnel carriers, only. No hoisting of materials. −− Don’t use platform as a crane to lift objects. −− When using an articulating platform, a safety harness shall be worn with lanyard attached to the basket at all times. −− Workers shall always stand firmly on the floor of the basket and shall not sit or climb on the edge of the basket, or use planks, ladders or other devices for a work position. −− Do not overload the boom and basket load limits. −− The brakes shall be set and when outriggers are used, they shall be positioned on pads or a solid surface. Wheel chocks may be installed before using on an incline. Do not raise boom on a slope greater than 5%. 42


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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

43 FLOOR AND WALL OPENING PROTECTION Floor Openings A floor opening is an opening measuring 2 inches or more in any floor, roof, or platform through which persons may fall. Floor openings shall be guarded: −− By a standard railing (top rail and mid rail) or −− By a floor hole cover capable of supporting at least two times the anticipated load and secured against accidental displacement. −− If a floor hole cover is used, the cover must be marked "hole" or "cover" to provide a hazard warning. Wall Openings A wall opening is an opening at least 30 inches high and 18 inches wide in any wall or partition, through which a person may fall. If the windowsill is lower than 39" from the working surface and a fall of 6' or greater is present the window must have guard rails supporting at least 200 pounds at 42 inches high or Personal Fall Arrest Systems must be utilized. FALL PROTECTION All workers will be protected from a fall when 6 feet or more above the ground, next lowest level or leading edge as defined by OSHA regulations. Fall protection shall consist of guardrail systems, personal fall protection systems or nets. Personal fall arrest systems shall utilize a full body harness, shock-absorbing lanyard or retracting lifeline, and positive locking hooks and connections. Anchor points shall be capable of withstanding a 5,000-lb load per worker attached. No worker shall tie off to handrails or perimeter cables. A rescue plan will be developed and established by Silverstone Construction, Inc and each subcontractor who has workers exposed to a fall. It is recommended to contact the emergency responder to determine if they are able to provide rescue within 10 minutes. If not, then a plan shall be developed for rescue utilizing site equipment. Guardrail System A typical guardrail system must meet the following requirements:

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− Top rail must be approximately 42 inches (plus or minus 3”) above the walking/working surface. −− Midrails must be placed midway between the toprail and the walking/working surface, usually about 21 inches. −− Vertical posts shall be constructed of 2” x 4” lumber spaced not more than 8 feet apart. 44 −− Toprails must be capable of withstanding a 200 lb. force in a downward and outward direction while midrails must withstand a 150 lbs. force. −− Toe boards capable of withstanding a 50 lbs. force MUST be installed on all guardrails and/or when there is any danger of objects falling from the work surface. −− All surfaces must be kept smooth to prevent splinters, punctures, lacerations and snagging of clothing. −− Railings shall not extend past their support posts. −− In hoisting areas, a chain, a gate or removable guardrail must protect the entrance. −− Ramps and runways six feet or higher must have a guard rail system in place. −− Where floor penetrations exist for ladder access, guardrails shall be installed as needed. Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) A PFAS MUST consist of an anchor point capable of a 5,000 lb. force, a shock absorbing lanyard and a body harness with the “D” ring in the back. All PFAS hardware must be compatible. Safety Nets If a safety net system is used, it must meet OSHA standard 1926.502(c). 45


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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Silverstone Construction, Inc personnel who operate any Pettibone, Lull, Forklifts and any other powered industrial trucks must be specifically trained, certified, qualified and AUTHORIZED by Silverstone Construction, Inc Management to inspect, maintain and operate each vehicle. General Requirements −− All forklifts/lulls must meet the design and construction requirements of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard B-56.1 - 1969 Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks, Part II and bear a plate indicating compliance with this standard. No modifications shall be made to the forklift except by the manufacturer and it must be in writing. −− The rated lifting capacity of the forklift/lull must appear in a prominent location. −− Forklift trucks and lulls shall be fitted with overhead guards. −− Forklift/lull attachments i.e. counter weights, man-baskets, etc. shall comply with all OSHA, ANSI, Manufacturers Specifications, etc. The use of a manbasket is a last resort and should only be used when it’s infeasible to utilize other equipment i.e. scaffolding, scissor lifts, aerial lifts, ladders, etc. to perform the work. Operating Requirements −− Lighting in operating areas shall be adequate (at least 2 lumens per square foot). If lighting is not adequate the forklift/lull most be provided with auxiliary directional lighting. −− Care shall be exercised inside buildings to ensure internal combustion forklifts/lulls do not create a hazard from carbon monoxide. −− Only trained, certified, qualified and authorized operators shall be allowed to operate forklifts. Operators shall perform daily or .pre-use inspections of the forklift/lull to be operated. Inspect your forklift before each start to make sure it is in safe operating condition. Check the oil, water, steering, brakes, tires, light, horn and all moving parts each day. A checklist has been developed so you don’t overlook anything. Report any defects to your supervisor right away. Forklift/lull Operation −− When a forklift/lull is left unattended, the load shall be fully lowered; controls neutralized, power shut off, and brake set. The wheels must be chocked if parked on an incline. A forklift/lull is unattended when the operator is more than 25 feet away, or out of view of the forklift. −− Forklifts/lulls shall not be parked where they obstruct aisles, stairways, or fire protection

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equipment. −− If loading or unloading by forklift/lull from trucks, or other wheeled vehicles, the wheels on the vehicle being unloaded must be chocked to prevent movement. −− If a forklift/lull is used to lift personnel, the following is required: o Platforms shall not be affixed to the forks, unless the manufacture approves (written) and all equipment meets and/or exceeds OSHA and ANSI standards. o The manufacturer has approved (in writing) that platforms can be safely attached to the forklift. −− Protection from falling objects shall be considered for the personnel under work area and protection provided, if necessary. 47 −− Face the direction of travel at all times when you operate the forklift/lull; do not go over the speed limit; and travel with the forks carried as low as possible. −− Give pedestrians the right-of-way. Warn them with your horn well ahead of time. Be alert at intersections. Sound the horn and move ahead cautiously at blind corners. Come to a full stop before you go through a doorway. −− Stay a safe distance behind other vehicles. Under normal conditions, a three-truck length is safe. −− Always drive with the load upgrade on an incline. Drive slowly and cautiously when proceeding down ramps to allow yourself enough room to stop. −− Look behind you before you back up. −− Check the load capacity of floors, elevators, trucks and trailers. Be sure they can handle the weight of your forklift/lull and the load. −− Keep your arms, legs and other body parts inside the operator’s compartment at all times. −− Do not reach between the mast arms to turn off the key or to move the forks. −− Do not remove guards on your forklift/lull. −− Do not exceed the load capacity of your forklift/lull. If the load is too heavy, it may damage the vehicle, make it hard to steer, or cause the forklift to tip forward or overturn.

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−− When you carry a load, make sure it rests against the carriage. Keep the mast of the forklift/lull tilted backward to hold the load in place. Lift and lower loads slowly and avoid sudden movements. −− Never elevate the forks when you travel, turn or move the truck into position. −− For proper balance and stability, position forks all the way into the load. Also, adjust forks to the width of the load. −− Do not lift loads with only one fork. −− Do not push heavy loads with a forklift. −− Do not utilize the forks/boom to push the equipment if it becomes stuck. −− Do not carry passengers on your forklift/lull or lift anyone on the forks except in an approved safety platform. −− Wear the proper personal protective equipment. −− Do not take part in stunt driving or horseplay. −− Never stand or pass under elevated forks. −− Do not position yourself or others between the forklift/lull and other materials. −− Refuel forklifts/lulls at locations specifically designed for that purpose and pay attention to posted instructions. Refueling locations should be well-ventilated and at least 10 feet from all sources of ignition. −− Forklifts/lulls must have at least a 2½ ABC fire extinguisher attached. Training Upon employment, or change of duties, an employee shall receive training on the equipment the employee shall be operating. This shall include a hands on test. Refresher training, including an evaluation of the effectiveness of that training shall be conducted as required ensuring that the operator has the knowledge and skills needed to operate the powered industrial truck safely. 48


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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

HAND AND POWER TOOLS 49 GENERAL SAFETY −− Do not bypass manufacturer installed safety devices. They are put there for a purpose – YOUR SAFETY. −− Maintain all hand and power tools and similar equipment, whether furnished by Silverstone Construction, Inc. or employee, in safe working condition. −− Keep tools and accessories clean and sharp for best performance. Follow instructions in the owner’s manual for proper lubrication. −− Do not grease, oil, clean or adjust machinery or equipment while it is in motion. −− Use the proper tool for every job. −− Worn and damaged tools are dangerous – turn them in for repair or replacement. Do not use tools with cracked, broken or loose handles. −− Do not operate tools beyond their rated limits or try to increase their capacity. Power Hand Tools −− Do not use hoses or electric cords for hoisting or lowering tools or other materials. Never yank the cord to disconnect it from the receptacle. −− Be sure that safety guards are in working order and in place before operating any power tool. −− All electrical tools must be grounded except where the tool is double insulated. −− Be sure switch button is off before plugging a tool cord into an electrical outlet. Surprise and accidental startups are dangerous. −− Clamp or otherwise secure small or light materials before attempting to ream, drill, tap or to perform similar operations. −− Keep moving parts of power tools pointed away from your body. Do not hold a finger on the switch button while carrying a plugged in tool. −− Inspect electrical extension cords and other wiring to be certain they are properly insulated. Do not use frayed or damaged cords. −− Keep cords and hoses away from heat, oil, water, and sharp edges. −− Do not operate electrical tools while standing on damp or wet surfaces. −− Take special precautions when using power tools on a scaffold or other locations with limited

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

movement areas. −− Be sure that a power tool is off and tool motion has stopped before setting tool down. −− Before disconnecting air powered tools, turn off air at outlet to relieve the pressure. −− When drilling into walls, floors, platforms and similar structures, know what you are drilling into. Take care not to drill into electrical and other utility lines and other such installations. −− Disconnect tool from power source(s) before changing drills, blades or bits or attempting repair or adjustment. Never leave a running tool unattended. Abrasive Wheels and Tools −− Be sure that grinder stones and disks are protected with proper protective guards. −− Wear a proper face shield or adequate eye protection during all grinding operations. Wear properly selected fitted respirator or dust masks. −− Check grinder stones and discs for nicks, cracks or other defects by accepted tests (i.e. ring test). Replacement immediately if damaged. −− Handle grinders carefully. If dropped, inspect grinder and stone/disc at one for damage. −− Do not jolt, force or jam a grinder. Such use may cause the stone to shatter. −− Be sure a grinder is turned off and any coasting or idling motion stopped before putting it down. −− Make sure grinder stones and disks are matched to the RPM rating of the grinder. A low RPM disk or stone on a high RPM grinder can shatter. 50

SECTION 18 HEAT STRESS 51 HEAT STRESS (this section is for Informational Purposes Only) Although no one questions that there is an association between heat stress and occupational accidents, it is difficult to predict just who will be affected and when. Age, weight, physical fitness, metabolism, alcohol or drug use, and medical condition are some of the determining factors affecting a person's sensitivity to heat and susceptibility to heat disorders. Even the type

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

of clothing worn must be considered. In addition, the measurement of a hot environment involves more than just measuring the ambient air temperature: radiant heat, air movement, and relative humidity are all factors that must be determined. Heat-induced occupational illnesses, injuries and reduced productivity occur in situations in which the total heat load exceeds the capacities of the body to maintain normal body functions without excessive strain. Many of the bodily responses to heat exposure are desirable and beneficial. However, at some level of heat stress, the worker's compensatory mechanisms will no longer be capable of maintaining body temperature at the level required for normal body functions. As a result, the risk of heat-induced illnesses, disorders and accidents substantially increases. HEAT DISORDERS There are four environmental factors that affect the amount of stress a worker faces in a hot work area: temperature, humidity, radiant heat (such as from a furnace or live steam pipes), and air movement. The body reacts to high external temperature by circulating blood to the skin, which increases skin temperature and allows the body to give off its excess heat through the skin. However, if the muscles are being used for physical labor, less blood is available to flow to the skin and release the heat. Sweating is another means the body uses to maintain a stable internal body temperature in the face of excessive heat. However, sweating is effective only if the humidity level is low enough to permit evaporation and if the fluids and salts lost is adequately replaced. If the body cannot dispose of excess heat, it will store it. When this happens, the body's core temperature rises and the heart rate increases. As the body continues to store heat, the individual begins to lose concentration and has difficulty focusing on a task; he/she may become irritable or sick, and often loses the desire to drink. The next stage is most often fainting and then possible death if the person is not removed from the heat stress environment. Heat Stroke Heat stroke, the most serious health problem for workers in hot environments, is caused by the failure of the body's internal mechanism to regulate its core temperature. Sweating stops and the body can no longer rid itself of excess heat. Signs include: mental confusion, delirium, loss of consciousness, convulsions or coma; a body temperature of 106 degrees or higher; and hot dry skin which may be red, mottled or bluish. Victims of heat stroke will die unless treated promptly and correctly. Even while medical help is being called, the affected worker must be removed immediately to a cool area and his/her clothing soaked with cool water. The worker should be

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

fanned vigorously to increase cooling. Prompt first aid can prevent permanent injury to the brain and other vital organs. Heat Exhaustion Heat exhaustion develops as a result of loss of fluid through sweating when a worker has failed to drink enough fluids or take in enough salt or both. The worker with heat exhaustion still sweats, but experiences extreme weakness, giddiness, nausea or headache. The skin is clammy and moist, the 52 complexion pale or flushed and the body temperature normal or slightly higher. Treatment is usually simple: the worker should rest in a cool place, and drink liquids. Severe cases, involving workers who vomit or lose consciousness, may require longer treatment under medical supervision. Heat Cramps Heat cramps, which are painful spasms of the bone muscles, are caused when workers drink large quantities of water but fail to replace their body’s salt loss. Cool, electrolyte-replenishing drinks make excellent beverages to prevent heat cramps. Heat Fatigue Heat fatigue or fainting may be a problem for the worker who is not acclimatized to a hot environment, even though that worker may do nothing but stand still in the heat. Victims usually recover quickly after a brief period of lying down and receiving something cool to drink. Moving around, rather than standing still, will usually reduce the possibility of fainting. Heat Rash Heat rash, also known as prickly heat, may occur in hot and humid environments where sweat is not easily removed from the surface of the skin by evaporation. When extensive or complicated by infection, heat rash can be so uncomfortable that it inhibits sleep and impairs a worker’s performance or even results in temporary total disability. Resting in a cool place and allowing the skin to dry can prevent it. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure to Heat Workers who have heart or circulatory diseases, or those who are on "low salt" diets, pose a very severe problem for working in a high heat stress environment, and should consult with their family physicians prior to working in this type of environment.

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Work Practices Work practices, such as providing a period of acclimatization for new workers and those returning from two weeks of absence, can help reduce the risks of heat disorders. Making plenty of drinking water available at the workplace and urging workers to drink as much as possible. Wherever possible, some type of product that has been formulated to replace the electrolytes and match the weight of the body fluids lost by the sweating process should be used. This is necessary to enable the body to quickly absorb replacement minerals. Products of this type include Quickick, Sqwincher, and Gatorade. Acclimatization Acclimatization to the heat through short exposures followed by longer periods of work in the hot environment can reduce heat stress. New employees and workers returning from an absence of two weeks or more should have a five-day period of acclimatization. This period should begin with a less than normal workload and time exposure on the first day and gradually build up to normal workload and exposure on the fifth day. 53

SECTION 19 LADDERS 54 LADDERS −− Ladders longer than 12’ should be carried by two employees. When carrying short ladders, raise the front to prevent striking someone ahead of you. −− Inspect all ladders before using it. If it is unsafe, DO NOT use it. Tag it and remove it from the area. −− Use a ladder that will reach the work. A straight ladder must extend at least three feet above the work level. −− Straight ladders shall be set up following the one in four rule (for every four feet of height move the base of the ladder one foot away from the wall). −− Place the ladder on solid footing. Straight ladders must be secured at the top.

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−− If there’s a danger of the ladder being hit – barricade it. −− Areas at the base and top of the ladders must be kept clear of materials and debris. −− Metal ladders must not be used during inclement weather (i.e. weather featuring lighting) or near power lines. −− Ladders must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation and specifications. −− Ladders shall not be used in a horizontal position as platforms, runways, or scaffolds. −− Do not climb beyond the third rung from the top of a straight ladder or the second step from the top of the stepladder. Don’t over-reach. −− Make sure the spreader bar is sturdy and locked in place when using stepladders. DO NOT use stepladders as a straight ladder. −− Tools, materials and equipment should be hoisted by hand lines or other similar means whenever practicable. −− Three point contact must be maintained when using and working off of ladders. 55

SECTION 20 MATERIAL HANDLING 56 MATERIALS STORAGE There must be unobstructed access to fire hoses and extinguishers, and access to emergency exits and aisles should always be maintained. Areas immediately outside of emergency exits should also be left clear for egress. Materials should be segregated as to kind, size, and length, and placed in neat, orderly piles that are safe from falling. If the piles are high, they should be stepped back as the height increases, and should be secured by cross-piling or cross-tying. Piles of materials should be arranged so as to allow for passageways. Masonry Block/Brick Material stored inside buildings under construction shall not be placed within 6’ of any hoistway or inside floor openings, nor within 10’ of an exterior wall which does not extend above the top

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

of the material stored. Materials shall not be stored on scaffolds or runways in excess of supplies needed for immediate operation. Brick stacks shall not be more than 7 feet in height. When a loose brick stack reaches a height of 4’, it shall be tapered back 2” in every foot of height above the 4’ level. When masonry blocks are stacked higher than 6’, the stack shall be tapered back one-half block per tier above the 6’ level. Flammable Liquid and Gas Storage All gases and liquids should be considered as flammable unless their label clearly indicates that no such exposure exists. Flammable liquids and gases can be ignited by open flames, sparks, or excessive heat, so it is necessary that each of these factors be considered when setting up safe storage facilities for these items. No other equipment or materials should be contained in the area where flammable or combustible liquids or gases are stored. This is especially true for compressed gases and petroleum products. All areas that are to be used for the storage of flammable liquids and gases should be conspicuously designated as such, and "No Smoking" signs posted. Only approved containers can be used for the storage of flammable liquids, and each container must have an emergency-venting device. All containers, from which flammable liquids are to be dispensed, should be grounded, and when transferring flammable liquids, the dispensing container should be bonded to the receiving container. Fuel Storage and Dispensing 57 Only approved containers and portable storage tanks shall be used for the storage and dispensing of flammable and/or combustible liquid fuels. Only approved 5 gallon containers or less of flammable and/or combustible liquid fuels may be temporarily stored inside of a building. Storage Tank Containment Dikes If storage tanks are not double walled, the area immediately around the portable storage tank shall be graded in such a manner as to divert possible spills away from buildings and other exposures, or will be surrounded with a curb or dike sufficient to contain any possible spill. Curbs and/or dikes shall be installed per state, federal, city codes and/or any other code/regulation which may apply. Fire Extinguishing Equipment At least one portable fire extinguisher having a rating of not less than 20-B units shall be located not less than 25 feet, nor more than 75 feet from any portable fuel storage tank.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Storage Tank Grounding All portable storage tanks for flammable and/or combustible liquid fuels will be adequately grounded in accordance with OSHA Standards. Propane Propane should be stored and handled the same as other flammable gases. It must be labeled as a flammable gas. Propane fuel storage tanks empty or full must be stored outside of buildings and shall be secured from tipping over. MATERIAL HANDLING Foremen should give advance consideration to the size, shape and weight of materials to be handled and plan the most efficient and safest method to accomplish the task. Proper tools should be provided for the job and alternate methods should be considered. Employee selection should be considered so that work assignments will match the worker to the job in terms of knowledge and physical abilities. Whenever unusual or hazardous operations are to be performed, prior to commencing the work, employees should be warned about all possible hazards and given specific safety instructions. Employees should be cautioned to bend the knees and lift with their legs. Employees should lock their lower back curve, and tighten stomach muscles before lifting. Employees should turn by placing the proper foot into the direction of the turn (do not twist the back). Stretching exercises shall be performed by all employees every morning. 58

SECTION 21 PERSONAL PROTECTION 59 PERSONAL PROTECTION Whenever possible the company will try to reduce or eliminate hazardous sources which require the use of personal protective equipment. When this is not possible, personal protective equipment must be worn for the protection of all employees. Each employee who is required to use PPE will be trained in the following:

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

−− Why PPE is necessary. −− When PPE is necessary. −− What PPE is necessary and any alternative choices of equipment. −− How to properly wear PPE. −− The proper care, maintenance, storage, useful life, and disposal of PPE. Hearing Protection All employees shall wear hearing protection when involved in any activity deemed to create excessive noise. i.e. masonry block cutting, rebar cutting, grinding. Eye and Face Protection (Glasses, Goggles, Face Shields, etc.) −− All employees are required to wear safety glasses when there is a potential for an eye or face injury. Safety glasses must be worn during masonry or concrete cutting, rebar cutting, any grinding, any mixing of mortar. Face shields are required in additional to safety glasses when operating the masonry wet saw. −− Tinted safety glasses are prohibited in areas with poor illumination. −− Face and eye protection equipment shall be kept clean and in good repair. −− The use of defective equipment is prohibited. Hand Protection −− Gloves MUST be worn when handling rough or sharp edges, abrasive, hot or toxic material and in any instance when hands may be subject to cuts, punctures and/or burns. −− If the use of gloves creates a greater hazard, alternative means will be utilized to handle the materials, chemicals, etc. Hearing Protection Hearing protection includes: ear plugs, semi-aural devices, or ear muffs. Each provides a different level of protection. The employee will be provided with the appropriate hearing protection. −− Hearing protection is required when saw cutting masonry materials. −− Cotton is not acceptable. Foot Protection −− Proper footwear WITH RIGID SOLES is REQUIRED for all employees and visitors. −− Athletic, canvas or regular street shoes are not permitted.

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Clothing −− Shirts with a minimum 4” sleeve must be worn. −− Long pants are required. −− Loose, dangling jewelry is prohibited. 60

SECTION 22 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM 61 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Silverstone Construction, Inc has a Respiratory Protection Program for its employees. NO EMPLOYEE OF Silverstone Construction, Inc IS REQUIRED TO WEAR RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT, SO THIS SECTION OF THE SAFETY MANUAL IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IN THE EVENT THAT A RESPIRATORY PROGRAM WILL ONE DAY BE REQUIRED. This program applies to all people who are required to wear respirators during normal work operations, and during some nonroutine or emergency operations. Every consideration will be given to the use of effective engineering controls to eliminate or reduce exposure to respiratory hazards to the point where respirators are not required. However, when feasible engineering controls are not effective in controlling toxic substances, appropriate respiratory protective equipment and necessary medical examinations will be provided by the company at no charge to the employee. Where respirators may one day be required by a specific OSHA Standard, Silverstone Construction, Inc shall select and provide, at no cost to the employee, the appropriate respirator and required medical examinations. Employees someday required to use respiratory protective devices because of exposure to toxic substances will do so as a condition of employment. These employees required to use respirators will be properly fitted, appropriately tested, medically screened and trained in their use. When a Respiratory Program will be required, Silverstone Construction, Inc will designate a Program Administrator

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

who is responsible for administering the respiratory protection program. Duties of the program administrator will include: −− Identifying tasks that require workers to wear respirators. −− Monitoring respirator use to ensure that respirators are used in accordance with their certifications. −− Arranging for and/or conducting training. −− Ensuring proper storage and maintenance of respiratory protection equipment. −− Conducting qualitative fit testing. −− Administering the medical surveillance program. Where the use of respirators is necessary to protect the health of the workers, the respiratory protection program will include, as a minimum, the following elements: −− Procedures for selecting the respirators −− Medical evaluations of employees required using respirators −− Fit-testing procedures for respirator use −− Procedures for proper use of respirators −− Procedures for inspecting and care of the respirators −− Training employees about respiratory hazards −− Training employees on the use and limitations of respirators Respirator Selection The Moldex 2200 Dust & Mist Respirator has been selected for mixing mortar, brick and concrete block cutting, any operation that would cause airborne concrete dust, and general cleaning operations using solvents and cleaning agents. These are voluntary and not required so employees will be 62 required to review Appendix D as required by OSHA.. In selecting the correct respirator for a given circumstance, the following factors have been taken into consideration: Nature of the Hazard: In order to make subsequent decisions, the nature of the hazard must be identified to ensure that an overexposure does not occur. These include oxygen deficiency (< 19.5%) OR TOO MUCH OXYGEN (>23.5% FIRE HAZARD AND OVER OXYDIZING), physical properties of the hazard, chemical properties of the hazard, physiologic effects on the body, actual concentrations

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

of the toxic substances, the Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) and the warning properties. CHECK THE LABELS AND MSDS OF EACH CHEMICAL/MATERIAL. Nature of the Operation: For proper respirator selection, it is necessary to know the details of the operations that require employees to use respiratory devices. These include operation or process characteristics, work area characteristics, materials used or produced during the process, the employee’s duties and actions, and any abnormal situation characteristics that may necessitate alternate respirator selection. Employee’s Health: Effective usage of a respirator is dependent on an individual’s ability to wear a respirator, as determined by a physician. Most respiratory devices increase physical stress on the body, especially the heart and lungs. Care should be taken to ensure that a medical determination has been made that an individual is capable of wearing a respirator for the duration of the work assignment. Work Activity: The type of work activities to be performed while wearing a respirator is vitally important in the respirator selection. The proper respirator will be one that is least disruptive to the task being conducted yet providing the desired protection. ?Protection Factors: The protection afforded by the respirator is dependent upon the seal of the face piece to the face, leakage around valves, and leakage through or around cartridges or canisters. Depending on these criteria, the degree of protection may be ascertained and a relative safety factor assigned. Protection factors are only applicable if all elements of an effective respirator program are in place and being enforced. FACIAL HAIR OSHA regulations prohibits respirators with tight-fitting face pieces from being worn by employees with facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the face piece and the face or that interferes with valve functions. ISSUANCE OF EQUIPMENT

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

When practical, respirators will be assigned to individual employees for their exclusive use and labeled for identification in such a way as not to affect the performance of the respirator. Fitting After the employee has been shown how to assess a respirator, he/she must be shown how to put on the respirator, how it should be positioned on the face, how to set strap tension, and how to determine a proper fit. 63 ISSUANCE OF EQUIPMENT (continued) Familiarization Once the proper fitting respirator has been selected, the employee should put on the device, adjust the face piece and apply tension to the straps. He/she should then wear the mask for at least five minutes before taking it off and putting it on several times, adjusting the straps each time to become familiar with the respirator and set the proper tension on the straps. Fit Testing Any respirator designed to have a tight seal along the face must be fit-tested, whether it is used in a positive or negative pressure mode, and whether it is disposable. There are currently two methods acceptable for conducting fit-test for respirator use, the Qualitative Fit- Test (QLFT) and the Quantitative Fit-Test (QNFT). The QLFT method is a fast, easily conducted test that can be performed almost anywhere while the QNFT method requires the use of bulky test chambers and very expensing electronic equipment. Irritant Smoke Test: The irritant smoke test is performed by directing an irritant smoke, usually either stannic chloride or titanium tetrachloride, from a smoke tube toward the respirator being worn. If the wearer cannot detect the irritant smoke, a satisfactory fit is assumed to be achieved. The respirator wearer will react involuntarily, usually by coughing or sneezing, to a leakage around or through the respirator. Since this type of test provokes an involuntary response from the employee, it is the preferred testing method when available. In the type of qualitative test, the person administering the test should be interested in any response to the smoke and not necessarily to the degree of response. Note: The test substances are irritants to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Therefore the respirator wearer should keep his/her eyes closed during the testing. Bitrex Test:

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

The Bitrex. (Denatonium benzoate) solution aerosol QLFT protocol uses the published saccharin test protocol because that protocol is widely accepted. The entire screening and testing procedure shall be explained to the test subject prior to the conduct of the screening test. ?Odorous Vapor Test: The odorous vapor test relies on the respirator wearer’s ability to detect odorous materials, usually isoamyl acetate (banana oil) inside the respirator. The test is performed by passing an isoamyl acetate saturated material around the outside of the respirator. If the wearer is unable to smell the chemical, then a satisfactory fit is assumed to be achieved. Note: This test is solely dependent upon the employee’s honest response, since there is no involuntary reaction. For that reason, it is not to be preferred. Taste Test: The taste test relies upon the wearer’s ability to detect a chemical substance, usually sodium saccharin, by tasting it inside the respirator. If the wearer is unable to taste the chemical, then a satisfactory fit is assumed to be achieved. Note: This test is totally dependent on the wearer’s honest indication of taste. There is no involuntary response, and therefore is not preferred as a method of testing. When conducting this type of test, the person being tested must not be allowed to eat, drink, or chew gum or tobacco for at least 15 minutes prior to taking the test. 64 CONDUCTING THE FIT TEST 1. Have the test subject properly put on the selected respirator and tighten the tension straps to get a good face piece-to-face seal. 2. At this point, the test subject must .seat. the mask by rapidly moving the head from side-to-side and up and down while taking a few deep breaths. 3. User Seal Check Procedures (Mandatory): The test subject must now conduct Face Piece Positive and/or Negative Pressure Checks. If the positive and/or negative pressure check is not satisfactory, the selected respirator must be discarded at this point and an alternate respirator selected and tested. 4. If the positive and/or negative pressure check was satisfactory, the test subject is now ready for the fit test. 5. Allow the test subject to wear the respirator for approximately 8 to 10 minutes before continuing with the fit test. Use this time to review the test procedures with the test subject.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Advise the test subject that a test agent (irritant smoke) is an irritant to the eyes and that if the test respirator is a half-mask, that he/she should keep their eyes closed during the test if possible. 6. Break both ends of a ventilation smoke tube containing the Stannic Chloride (irritant smoke). Attach a short length of tubing to one end of the smoke tube and a low-pressure air pump or squeeze bulb to the other end. This will enable you to squeeze the bulb and force smoke out of the tube. 7. Direct the stream of irritant smoke from the tube towards the face seal areas of the test subject, beginning at least twelve inches from the face piece and gradually moving to within one inch, moving the smoke around the whole perimeter of the mask. 8. Instruct the test subject to conduct the following exercises while the respirator seal is being challenged by the irritant smoke. Each exercise must be performed for at least one minute. If the irritant smoke produces an involuntary reaction (such as a cough) by the test subject, stop the test, reject the respirator, and select another. −− Breathing normally −− Breathing deeply. Be certain the breaths are deep and regular. −− ?Turn the head from side-to-side. Be certain the motions are completed and that the test subject is inhaling when his/her head is at either side. −− Nod the head up and down. Be certain the motions are complete. Have the test subject inhale when his/her head is in the fully up position. −− Have the test subject talk slowly and distinctly, counting backward from ten to one. If the irritant smoke has not produced any type of reaction, and the test subject is wearing a full-face mask, ask the test subject to open his/her eyes. −− If the irritant smoke is not irritating the test subject’s eyes, hand him/her the following passage and ask the test subject to read it aloud. Rainbow Passage: .When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air; they act like a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. There is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. People look, but no one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. ALERT: If for some reason the test subject cannot read the Rainbow Passage, the passage must

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

then be read to the test subject a little bit at a time and the test subject must be asked to repeat it aloud word-for word. −− ?Have the test subject jog in place for a few seconds. 65 9. When the test subject has passed the smoke test without evidence of a response, the respirator must be removed and the test subject given a sensitivity check of the smoke from the same tube used during the fit test to determine whether he/she reacts to the smoke. Failure to evoke a response will void the whole fit test and require that it be conducted over again using a different test media. RESPIRATORY FIT TEST RESULTS A summary of the test results for each employee on whom a qualitative fit-test was conducted will be documented. There must be a separate Fit-Test Record generated for each type of respirator the employee will use on that project. At the completion of the project, this record will then become part of the employee’s permanent personnel file and be retained for a period of thirty years following the employees last day of employment. A copy of these records must be maintained at the job site. USER SEAL CHECK The individual who uses a tight-fitting respirator is to perform a user seal check to ensure that an adequate seal is achieved each time the respirator is put on. Either the positive and negative pressure checks or the respirator manufacturer’s recommended user seal check method shall be used. User seal checks are not substitutes for qualitative or quantitative fit tests. FACE PIECE POSITIVE/NEGATIVE PRESSURE CHECK Positive Pressure Check Close off the exhalation valve and exhale gently into the face piece. The face fit is considered satisfactory if a slight positive pressure can be built up inside the face piece without any evidence of outward leakage of air at the seal. For most respirators this method of leak testing requires the wearer to first remove the exhalation valve cover before closing off the exhalation valve and then carefully replacing it after the test. Negative Pressure Check Close off the inlet opening of the canister or cartridge(s) by covering with the palm of the

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

hand(s) or by replacing the filter seal(s), inhale gently so that the face piece collapses slightly, and hold the breath for ten seconds. The design of the inlet opening of some cartridges cannot be effectively covered with the palm of the hand. The test can be performed by covering the inlet opening of the cartridge with a thin latex or nitrile glove. If the face piece remains in its slightly collapsed condition and no inward leakage of air is detected, the tightness of the respirator is considered satisfactory. TRAINING PROGRAM The extent and frequency of employee training depends primarily on the nature and extent of the hazard. As a minimum, all employees and supervisory personnel will be trained in basic respirator practices. It must be remembered the respirator are effective only when they are acceptable to the employee and worn properly. Because proper use depends especially upon the wearer’s motivation, it is important the need for the respirator be fully explained. The basic respirator-training program must include: 1. An explanation of the problems involved in misusing the respirator. 2. A discussion of the nature of airborne contaminant against which the employee must be protected, and why engineering controls have not been effective in controlling exposure to the point where respirators are not required. 66 3. A discussion of why the respirator that has been selected for this job is the proper device for this particular purpose. 4. Instruction on the respirator’s limitations, emphasizing such things as oxygen deficiency, toxic contaminants which are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH), particulates, such as asbestos, which are not immediately dangerous to life or health, and the need to change filter cartridges when indicated to do so by testing, or when breathing resistance increases to an uncomfortable level. 5. Instructions on how to put on the respirator, how it should be positioned on the face, how to set strap tension, and how to wear the respirator comfortably. 6. Instructions in the proper care and maintenance of the respirator. 7. Field training to recognize and cope with any type of emergency while using a respirator. 8. Instructions on how to inspect the respirator and ensure that it is in proper working condition.

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9. An explanation of the differences between air-purifying and supplied air respirators and how their use is controlled by the amount of exposure. 10. A discussion on the value of medical surveillance and air-sample monitoring. 11. Instructions on the method of fit testing used and the proper way to conduct positive and negative pressure test each time the respirator is put on. During this instruction, the wearer must be made to understand that the respirator cannot be used when conditions prevent a satisfactory face piece-to face seal. If this condition cannot be corrected, the employee cannot be allowed into the area requiring the use of a respirator. 12. Instructions that it is illegal to alter in any way, or to mix parts from one model or manufacturer’s respirator to another, and that doing so voids the NIOSH certification of the respirator. RETRAINING REQUIREMENTS Respirator training must be performed initially and then at least annually. Previous training, within a twelve-month period, is acceptable instead of initial training. Retraining must be performed annually and whenever any of the following occur: 1. Changes in the workplace or the type of respirator render previous training obsolete. 2. Inadequacies in the employee’s knowledge or use of the respirator indicate that the employee has not retained the requisite understanding. 3. Any other situation arises in which retraining appears necessary to ensure safe respirator use. CLEANING THE RESPIRATOR Respirators must be cleaned after each use and disinfected after each day’s use when they are assigned to one individual or after each use if they are assigned to more than one person. A RECORD OF ALL RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENTMAINTENANCE & CLEANINGS MUST BE KEPT BY BOTH THE SUPERVISOR OF THOSE USING THE RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT AS WELL AS THE COMPANY’S RESPIRATORY ADMINISTRATOR. The following procedures are recommended for cleaning and disinfecting respirators: 1. If required, remove any filters or cartridges. 2. Wash face piece and breathing tube in detergent and warm water (recommendation 120 degrees) or a cleaning and disinfecting solution. Use a soft brush to facilitate removal of dirt. Cleaning and disinfecting solutions are available from respirator manufacturers or it can be made

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by using a solution of water and household chemicals, such as two tablespoons of chlorine bleach to one 67 gallon of water, or one teaspoon of tincture of iodine to one gallon of water. A two-minute immersion of the respirator into either solution is sufficient for disinfecting the item. 3. Rinse completely in clear, warm water. 4. Air dry in clean air. 5. Clean out other parts as recommended by the manufacturer. 6. Inspect the valves, head straps, and other parts and replace with new parts if defective. 7. Place face piece in a plastic bag or container for storage in an assigned area. 8. When required, insert new filters or cartridges prior to use making sure the seals are tight. STORING THE RESPIRATOR When respirators are assigned to individuals for their specific use, appropriate provisions must be made to provide the user with adequate storage facilities. When they are not being used, respirators must be stored in convenient, clean and sanitary locations in order to protect them against dust, sunlight, heat, extreme cold, excessive moisture, or damaging chemicals. If the respirators are routinely used, they may be placed in individually sealed plastic bags. They should be stored in such a way that the face piece and exhalation valves are not being distorted. Respirators must not be stored in such places as lockers or tool boxes unless they are in carrying cases or cartons. INSPECTING THE RESPIRATOR A competent person should be responsible for inspecting respirators and assuring that they are in satisfactory working condition. WRITTEN REPORTS ARE REQUIRED, Respirators should be inspected before and after each use and at least monthly if not used often. A general inspection checklist should include: 1. Tightness of connections. 2. Condition of face piece, straps, connecting tubes, and cartridges. 3. Condition of exhalation and inhalation valves. If the sides of the exhalation valve gap even slightly, it must be replaced with a new valve. 4. Pliability and flexibility of rubber parts. Deteriorated rubber parts must be replaced. Unused rubber parts should be worked, stretched and manipulated with a massaging action.

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MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS Employees of Silverstone Construction, Inc will not be assigned to tasks requiring the use or fit testing of a respirator, unless it has been determined that they are physically able to perform the work and use the respirator. No employee shall be assigned to tasks requiring the use of fit-testing of respirators if, based on his/her most recent medical examination, an examining physician or other licensed health care professional determines that the employee will be unable to function normally wearing a respirator, or that the safety or health of the employee or of other employees will be impaired by the use of a respirator. Such employees shall be assigned to another job or given the opportunity to transfer to a different position the duties of which he or she is able to perform with the same employer, in the same geographical area, and with the same seniority, status, and rate of pay and other job benefits he/she had just prior to such transfer, if such a different position is available. Medical Examinations 68 Using a respirator may place a physiological burden on an employee that varies with the type of respirator worn, the job and workplace conditions in which the respirator is used, and the medical status of the employee. Accordingly the minimum requirements for a medical evaluation to determine the employee’s ability to use a respirator are: 1. Prior to use of a respirator to determine the employee’s ability to use a respirator. 2. At least annually thereafter Each procedure of the medical examination and evaluation will be performed by or under the supervision of a physician or other licensed health care professional and will include, as a minimum, a medical and work history and special emphasis directed to the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems to determine the presence of any possible respiratory diseases, and a pulmonary function test which will include both the maximum amount of air that can be expired from the lungs after full inhalation and the amount of air forcibly expired in one second after full inhalation. A chest x-ray, both posterior and anterior, may be required at the discretion of the physician or other licensed health care professional. The only exception to this requirement for an initial medical examination is if the employee or company can provide adequate records to show that he/she has been examined in accordance with the provisions of this program within the past twelve (12) month period.

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Medical Forms When conducting the initial medical examination, the standardized OSHA Medical Questionnaire must be used. During the annual reexamination, the abbreviated OSHA Medical Questionnaire should be used. At the conclusion of the examination, the physician will furnish a written opinion to Silverstone Construction, Inc. This will contain the results of the examination, and conditions discovered by the physician that will prohibit the employee from using a respirator and any recommendations from the physician regarding the employee’s limitations. It will also contain a statement from the physician that he/she has informed the employee of the result of the examination. A copy of the physician’s opinion shall be provided to the employee within thirty (30) days of its receipt by the Company. CORRECTIVE GLASSES For those employees who require corrective lenses, the appropriate respirator must be selected to allow for good vision comfort and proper seal. A qualified person should fit the lenses and face piece. Providing respiratory protection for individuals wearing corrective glasses is a serious problem. If corrective glasses are required, they must be worn so as not to affect the fit of the face piece. Proper selection of equipment will minimize or avoid this problem. RECORDKEEPING All record pertaining to the employee’s medical examination and evaluation must be retained throughout the employee’s term of employment plus thirty (30) years. 69


Silica Exposure Silverstone Construction, Inc has instituted this Silicosis Prevention Program to protect the health of its employees. Employees involved in activities such as mixing mortar, brick and concrete block cutting, and clean-up of silica containing debris shall be covered by this program. WHAT IS CRYSTALLINE SILICA (QUARTZ)?

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The terms “crystalline silica” and “quartz” refer to the same thing. They are both natural components of the earth’s surface and are abundant in materials such as sand, quartz and granite rock. HAZARDS FROM EXPOSURE Occupational exposure to crystalline silica dust is known to cause silicosis, pneumoconiosis, or dust disease of the lungs. The particles that cause the damage are too small to be seen with the naked eye. WHAT IS SILICOSIS? Silicosis is a disease of the lungs caused by breathing dust containing crystalline silica particles. This dust can cause fibrosis or scar tissue formations in the lungs that reduce the lungs’ ability to effectively extract oxygen from the air. There is no cure for silicosis. Prevention is the only answer. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF SILICOSIS? There are several stages of silicosis. Early stages may go completely unnoticed. Continued exposure may result in shortness of breath while exercising, possible fever and occasional bluish skin at the ear lobes or lips. Silicosis makes a person more susceptible to infectious diseases of the lungs like tuberculosis. Progression of the disease leads to fatigue, extreme shortness of breath, loss of appetite, pain in the chest area, and respiratory failure, which all may lead eventually to death. Acute silicosis may develop after short periods of exposure. Chronic silicosis usually occurs after 10 or more years of exposure to lower levels of quartz. POTENTIAL FOR EXPOSURE DURING CONSTRUCTION Concrete and masonry products contain silica sand and rock containing silica. Since these products are primary materials for construction, construction workers may be easily exposed to respirable crystalline silica during activities such as the following: −− Sawing, hammering, drilling, grinding, and chipping of concrete or masonry. −− Abrasive blasting of concrete (regardless of abrasive used). −− Demolition of concrete and masonry structures. −− Dry sweeping or pressurized air blowing of concrete, rock or sand dust. −− Even material containing small amounts of crystalline silica may hazardous if they are used in ways that produce high dust concentrations. PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS:

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Silverstone Construction, Inc recommends the following measure to reduce exposure to respirable crystalline silica in the workplace and to prevent silicosis and deaths in construction workers: −− Recognize when silica dust may be generated and plan ahead to eliminate or control the dust at the source. Awareness and planning are keys to prevention of silicosis. −− Use engineering controls and containment methods such as, wet drilling, or wet sawing of silicacontaining materials to control the hazard and protect adjacent workers from exposure. −− Routinely maintain dust control systems to keep them in good working order. −− Wear disposable or washable protective clothes at the worksite. 71 −− Use adequate respiratory protection when source controls cannot keep silica exposures below the PEL (permissible exposure limit) of NIOSH. −− Periodic medical examinations will be provided for all workers who may be exposed to respirable crystalline silica. −− Post warning signs to mark the boundaries of work areas contaminated with respirable crystalline silica. −− Provide workers with training that includes information about health effects, work practices, and protective equipment for respirable crystalline silica. −− Report all cases of silicosis to State health departments and OSHA. Dust Control The key to preventing silicosis is to keep dust out of the air. Dust controls can be as simple as a water hose to wet the dust before it becomes airborne. Use the following methods to control respirable crystalline silica: −− When sawing concrete or masonry, use saws that provide water to the blade. If this equipment is not available, use a water hose or spray can to provide water. −− Use good work practices to minimize exposures and to prevent nearby workers from being exposed. For example, remove dust from equipment with a water hose rather than with compressed air. Use vacuums with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, or use wet sweeping instead of dry sweeping.

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−− During concrete demolition use water to reduce dust potential, take advantage of the prevailing wind to blow dust away from employees, or use exhaust fans for dust control. Use caution to prevent all workers from airborne dust. −− Use the dust collection systems available for many types of dust-generating equipment. Do not use equipment if the dust control system is not working properly. Personal Hygiene The following personal hygiene practices are essential for protecting workers from respirable crystalline: −− Do not eat, drink, or use tobacco products in dusty areas. −− Wash hands and face before eating, drinking, or smoking outside dusty areas. −− Park cars where they will not be contaminated with silica and other substances such as lead. Air Monitoring Air monitoring is needed to measure worker exposure to respirable crystalline silica and to select appropriate engineering controls and respiratory protection. Air monitoring will be performed as needed to measure the effectiveness of controls. Respiratory Protection Use of respirators: Do not use respirators as the primary method to prevent or minimize exposures to airborne contaminants. Instead, use effective source controls such as substitution, automation, enclosed systems, local exhaust ventilation, and good work practices. Such measures should be the primary means of protecting workers. However, when source controls cannot keep exposure below the PEL of NIOSH, controls should be supplemented with the use of respirators. See Respirator Program. See Training for Respiratory Protection on next page. 72 Training Workers should receive safety training and education that includes the following: −− Information about the potential health effects of exposure to respirable crystalline silica. −− Material safety data sheets for silica, masonry products, alternative abrasives, and other hazardous materials (29 CFR 1926.59). −− Instruction about the purpose and set-up of regulated areas marking the boundaries of work areas containing crystalline silica.

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−− Discussion about the important of substitution, engineering controls, work practices, and personal hygiene in reducing crystalline silica exposure. −− Instructions about the use and care of appropriate protective equipment (including protective clothing and respiratory protection). −− Information about safe handling, labeling, and storage of toxic materials. 73

SECTION 24 SCAFFOLDING 74 PURPOSE This standard is designed to provide reasonable safety for those employees engaged in work requiring the use of scaffolding. It also establishes the safety requirements for the erection, use, dismantling and maintenance of scaffolds as used by Silverstone Construction, Inc in its construction operations. WALL BRACING As accepted by OSHA ( ) OSHA has been accepted as the national standard for its Wall Bracing Program and Policy Enforcement. POLICY It is the intent of Silverstone Construction, Inc to provide to every extent possible, safe working conditions for those employees engaged in the erection, use and dismantling of scaffolds, to encourage and direct safe work practices, and to comply in all respects with all applicable laws, regulations and standards governing the use and safety of scaffolds. RESPONSIBILITY It will be the responsibility of each employee to read and comply with the following program, which has been designed to promote safety in the erection, use and dismantling of scaffolds. This program does not propose to be all-inclusive for each type of scaffold used in the construction

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industry, nor to supplant or replace other additional safety and precautionary measures deemed necessary when working with scaffolds. COMPETENT PERSON The OSHA Standard states, "No scaffold shall be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered except under the supervision of a Competent Persons." Silverstone Construction, Inc’s policy requires that this Competent Person be an individual who has received sufficient formal training in the erection, moving, dismantling and alteration of scaffolding. THE COMPETENT PERSON AT EACH SITE IS RESPONSIBLE ON A DAILY BASIS FOR COMPLETING THE CORRECT SCAFFOLD CHECKLIST. (SEE THE “FORMS” TAB AT THE END OF THIS SAFETY MANUAL.) GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS −− All scaffolds must be erected in accordance with the requirements of the construction standard 29 CFR 1926.451. −− Correct scaffold footing or anchorage that is sound, rigid, and capable of carrying the maximum intended load without settling or displacement must be provided. Do not use barrels, boxes, loose bricks, concrete blocks, or other unstable objects to support scaffolds or planks. This shall be established even on hard surfaces such as concrete, asphalt and similar hard surface materials. −− A screen between the toe board and guardrail is necessary where persons must work or pass under the scaffold. Exception, if a Restricted Access Zone is established a screen shall be optional. −− Each scaffold must be able to support without failure a load four times the maximum intended load. −− Any scaffold or scaffold accessories that have become damaged or weakened must be repaired or replaced immediately. 75 −− All load-carrying timber members of a scaffold framing must be a minimum of 1,500- fiber construction grade lumber. −− All planking must be scaffold grade lumber. The maximum permissible spans are listed on charts located in the OSHA standard. −− All planking or platforms must be overlapped at least 12 inches or secured from movement.

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−− Either an access ladder or an equivalent safe access must be provided if the elevation change is greater than 24 inches above a lower level. −− Scaffold planks must extend over end putlogs/supports at least 6 inches or be cleated/secured to control the plank from sliding off the putlog/supports. −− Planks 10 feet and less in length shall not extend over the putlog/supports more than 12 inches unless the ends are adequately blocked off so employees cannot access the ends of the planks. −− Planks greater than 10 feet in length shall not extend over the putlogs/supports more than 18 inches unless the ends are adequately blocked off so employees cannot access the ends of the planks. −− Scaffold poles, legs or uprights must be plumb and braced securely to prevent swaying or displacement. −− Overhead protection must be provided to workers on a scaffold that is exposed to overhead hazards. −− Any slippery condition on a scaffold or ladder must be eliminated immediately. −− Open flame work, such as welding or burning, must not be done from staging suspended by fiber or synthetic ropes. −− Only treated or protected fiber or synthetic ropes can be used near any corrosive substance or chemicals. −− Wire, synthetic or fiber rope used to suspend scaffolds must be able to support at least 6 times the rated load. −− Shore or lean-to scaffolds are prohibited. −− All lumber sizes given in the OSHA standard mean normal size except where otherwise stated. GUARDRAIL, MIDRAIL AND TOE BOARD REQUIREMENTS −− The OSHA standard states that guardrails, midrails and toe boards must be installed on all open sides and ends of platforms more than 10 feet above the ground or floor. Guardrails are not required on the side in which overhand brick/block laying is conducted. −− All guardrails must be constructed with 2 x 4-inch lumber, or the equivalent, and they must be located approximately 42 inches above the deck of the platform. Guardrails that are constructed

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between 39 and 42 inches in height will satisfy the intent of the OSHA standard. −− Cross braces can be utilized as a (toprail) guardrail as long as the cross point is between 38 and 48 inches above the platform. −− A midrail shall be installed as well. This should be approximately 21” in height. Cross braces can be utilized as a (midrail) guardrail as long as the cross point is between 20 and 30 inches above the platform. −− Supports must be at intervals not to exceed 8 feet. −− Toe boards must be at least 3.5 inches high and must be used on all scaffolds, which are located in areas where it is expected that personnel may walk or work in the area directly beneath the scaffold. Canopies/screens shall be installed in high traffic areas. Toe boards are not required if work is not being performed under and/or around the scaffold system. −− A restricted access zone should be established to keep all other workers out of the danger zone. 76 −− Midrails and toe boards or other materials providing equivalent protection, must be installed on all System Scaffolds, Tube and Coupler Scaffolds, Fabricated Tubular Frame Manually Propelled Mobile Scaffolds, and Prefabricated Mobile Tower Scaffolds. −− Midrails should be located midway between the guardrails and the deck of the platform. Exception, toe boards may be optional if a controlled access zone is installed and there is no work being performed under the scaffolding system in use. BENNU MOBILE SCAFFOLDS −− Must be erected under the supervision of a competent person and as approved by management of H&H Enterprises, Inc. −− Ground must be fairly leveled, and clear of debris. −− If back filled, an acceptable level of compaction must be achieved. If not, multiple layers of mud sills must be used. −− Additional mud sills may be necessary due to poor, or wet soil conditions. RESTRICTED ACCESS ZONE A limited access zone shall be established whenever a masonry wall is being constructed. The limited access zone shall conform to the following: 1. The restricted access zone shall be established prior to the start of construction of the wall.

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2. The restricted access zone shall be equal to the height of the wall to be constructed plus 4’, and shall run the entire length of the wall. 3. The restricted access zone shall be established on the side of the wall which will be unscaffolded. 4. The restricted access zone shall be restricted to entry by employees actively engaged in constructing the wall. No other employees shall be permitted to enter the zone. 5. The restricted access zone shall remain in place until the wall is adequately supported to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse unless the height of wall is over 8’, in which case, the restricted access zone shall remain in place until the requirements of the following have been met: All masonry walls over 8’ in height shall be adequately braced to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse unless the wall is adequately supported so that it will not overturn or collapse. The bracing shall remain in place until permanent supporting elements of the structure are in place. TYPES OF SCAFFOLDS There are only three basic types of fixed scaffolds presently in use by Silverstone Construction, Inc: Fabricated Tubular Frame, Manually Propelled Mobile Scaffolds, and Bennu Mobiles. On occasion other types of scaffolding systems may be utilized and in these rare occasions all employees who will utilize the scaffold systems shall be properly trained before use. TRAINING Scaffold User All employees who perform work while on a scaffold shall be trained by a person qualified in the subject matter to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand the procedures to control or minimize those hazards. The training shall include the following areas, as applicable: 77 −− The nature of any electrical hazards, fall hazards and falling object hazards in the work area −− The correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards and for erecting, maintaining, and disassembling the fall protection systems and falling object protection systems being used −− The proper use of the scaffold, and the proper handling of materials on the scaffold −− The maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacities of the scaffolds used −− Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart

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Scaffold Erectors Each employee who is involved in erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting a scaffold trained by a competent person to recognize any hazards associated with the work in question. The training shall include the following topics, as applicable: −− The nature of scaffold hazards −− The correct procedures for erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, inspecting, and maintaining the type of scaffold in question −− The design criteria, maximum intended load-carrying capacity and intended use of the scaffold −− Any other pertinent requirements of this OSHA subpart Retraining When the Silverstone Construction, Inc management believes that an employee lacks the skill or understanding needed for safe work involving the erection, use or dismantling of scaffolds, Silverstone Construction, Inc management shall make sure that retraining is provided so that the requisite proficiency is regained. Retraining is required in at least the following situations: −− Where changes at the worksite present a hazard about which an employee has not been previously trained; or −− Where changes in the types of scaffolds, fall protection, falling object protection, or other equipment present a hazard about which an employee has not been previously trained; or −− Where inadequacies in an affected employee's work involving scaffolds indicate that the employee has not retained the requisite proficiency after testing and evaluation.. GENERAL SAFETY RULES −− Scaffolds are invaluable pieces of equipment to the construction industry. They can be used both safely and effectively if the proper guidelines are observed. Manufacturer's specifications and OSHA requirements must be observed at all times to further ensure scaffold worker safety. −− Safety rules for scaffold workers shall be enforced. Scaffold workers must be instructed in the safe use of the equipment. −− Scaffold must be erected, moved, or dismantled only under the supervision of a competent person.

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−− All scaffolds must be inspected on a regular basis, and they should be checked both before and after each use. −− Scaffolds must be erected, used, and dismantled according to the manufacturer’s specifications. −− All frames must be fully cross-braced per the manufactures specifications, the towers level and plumb at all times, and the scaffold capable of carrying the intended loading. −− Ladders or other proper access to scaffold platforms must be provided. −− Overhead protection should be provided for platform workers, and protection under the scaffold should be provided for workers on the ground. −− Fall protection rules and regulations must be adhered to at all times. The use of guardrails will be considered mandatory. −− Unstable objects such as ladders or boxes must not be placed on top of the scaffold platform to extend the working height. 78 −− Outdoor workers should not be on scaffolds during storms including rain, snow, high winds (> 20 mph) or other weather hazards as determined by Silverstone Construction, Inc Management or General Contractor. −− Workers must use both hands when climbing up or down a scaffold. Workers must not try to carry materials while climbing. −− Workers should not be on a moving scaffold unless they are properly secured and the tower has been stabilized. In addition, the ground must be smooth, level and free of debris and holes. −− Workers must not ride on manually propelled rolling scaffolds while they are being moved, unless the ground is smooth, level and free of debris. In addition, the manufactures specifications must approve this type of action. −− Wheels on moving scaffolds must be locked at all times except when actually moving the scaffold. −− Workers who are on the scaffolds must not attempt to move the scaffolds manually. −− These towers must be moved by pushing from the base level only and not by pulling from the top. −− Workers should work only within the platform area. They must not try to extend overhead work by reaching out over the guardrails.

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−− Bridging must not be extended between two movable scaffolds with planks or stages unless the system is secured from moving, tipping over, and meets all manufacturer’s specifications. −− Equipment should not be thrown from a scaffold or left on the scaffold platform where it may be kicked off. Scaffold safety must be practiced at all times. 79

SECTION 25 HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM 80 HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM INTRODUCTION Silverstone Construction, Inc has developed a Hazard Communication Program to ensure that all our employees and our subcontractors’ employees are informed of hazardous chemicals known to be present at the jobsite. We will make every effort to provide our employees and all workers on our jobsites a reasonably safe workplace. We also intend to instruct our people in proper techniques for handling these chemicals. A copy of the Silverstone Construction, Inc Hazard Communication Program will be on file at every jobsite. Copies will be available from our Hazard Communication Program Coordinator for employees, their designated representatives, subcontractors, and representatives of the U.S. Department of Labor. HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR (HCPC) Ross Watson has been designated as Silverstone Construction, Inc’s Hazard Communication Program Coordinator (HCPC). Every jobsite will have a jobsite foreman who will be responsible for: −− Notifying each site contractor and subcontractors about the applicability of this procedure. −− Advising and verifying contractors and subcontractors on the site that a hazardous chemical will be introduced to the site. −− Providing Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) to employees if requested.

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−− Ensuring that all Silverstone Construction, Inc employees have been trained in the proper use of hazardous chemicals during work tasks. The company will see that the training is provided. −− Verifying that all SILVERSTONE CONSTRUCTION, INC. employees under his supervision have been informed of the hazards prior to working with the chemicals on this jobsite. HAZARD DETERMINATION PROCEDURE We will rely on manufacturers' labels or MSDS's as an evaluation of the various hazards of the chemicals used on the jobsite. The HCPC will accept the information provided on the MSDS. If information is missing or the manufacturer fails to supply an MSDS, the HCPC will request it from the supplier in writing. The HCPC will file a complaint with the OSHA area office if the supplier has not responded within 30 days. List of Hazardous Chemicals A list of hazardous chemicals used at the jobsite will be maintained in the office and at the job site. Labels and Other Forms of Warning Since chemical manufacturers are required to label their containers of hazardous chemicals, we will use these labels as our primary means of warning employees about the products. The HCPC and the jobsite coordinator are responsible for ensuring that all containers are labeled. Labels are not to be removed from any container or defaced in any manner. If a label is missing or illegible, notify the jobsite HCPC or superintendent immediately. The temporary label to be used is the MSDS. (Other labeling systems are available.) This will assist the employees in easily identifying the chemical involved with the least chance of error. Silverstone Construction, Inc requires all portable containers to be labeled when hazardous chemicals are transferred from labeled containers into other containers; even if intended only for the immediate use of the employee who performs the transfer. 81 Material Safety Data Sheets The original copies of the MSDS will be retained by the HCPC at the Silverstone Construction, Inc jobsite. Copies of MSDS's for hazardous chemicals used on a specific jobsite may be obtained by requesting them from the HCPC or superintendent. Each foreman will monitor employees under his direct supervision for proper training and proper precautions prior to the

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hazardous chemical’s introduction to the jobsite. The MSDS will be the primary source of information. Subcontractors must provide MSDS's to the Silverstone Construction, Inc's job superintendent before introducing hazardous chemicals to a jobsite. If a subcontractor fails to do so, the general contractor will ask him to produce the MSDS immediately or stop work. Employee Information and Training Training relating to the Hazard Communication Standard (1926.59 CFR) is the responsibility of the company. The HCPC will assure that all requirements are followed in order to be in compliance with the law. At no time will any of our employees be expected to perform any nonroutine tasks involving exposure to hazardous chemicals without proper instruction. Training curriculum shall cover the: Hazard Communication Standard −− Silverstone Construction, Inc. Hazard Communication Policy −− Labeling system −− Availability and interpretation of MSDS's −− Use of personal protective equipment −− Storage and handling practices Training curriculum prior to introduction of the hazardous chemical to the jobsite for nonroutine tasks includes: −− All hazardous chemicals used on the jobsite −− Symptoms associated with overexposure −− Personal protection needed −− Standard operating procedures −− Storage and handling practices −− Emergency procedures −− Any operations in work areas where hazardous chemicals are present −− Physical and health hazards of chemicals in the work areas The training will be conducted and documented by the HCPC and other required training sources. Weekly tool box meetings will provide additional training and review of the dangers associated with the hazardous chemicals. Instructions and information will be provided to our employees prior to the introduction of hazardous chemicals for nonroutine tasks. New employees

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will receive training on hazardous chemicals in the workplace. This training will be the responsibility of and documented by the company. 82 Methods to Inform Contractors About Hazards The term "contractor" as used here includes, but is not limited to: prime contractor, subcontractor, and construction manager. The Silverstone Construction, Inc. superintendent will request that MSDS's be presented to him seven days prior to the introduction of hazardous chemicals on the jobsite to assist in evaluating potential exposure and ensure that a contractor's employees receive the necessary information. This will allow us to file the MSDS's with our HCPC and inform other contractors when and where the chemical will be introduced on the jobsite. A list of hazardous chemicals on the jobsite will be maintained in the job superintendent's office. The contractor's cooperation will assist everyone in providing a safer jobsite and complying with the Hazard Communication Standard's requirements. MSDS's will be kept on file at the jobsite. A copy will be furnished on request. 83

SECTION 26 VEHICLE SAFETY 84 VEHICLE SAFETY 1. Employees are required to inspect their assigned vehicle at the beginning of each day. Any defects in the company vehicles shall be corrected before the vehicle is placed in service. 2. The driver is responsible for the safety of all passengers and the stability of materials being hauled as well as regular vehicle maintenance including oil changes, fluids, cleanliness, etc. No major vehicle activity or services unless pre-approved by Silverstone Construction, Inc Authorized Management. 3. Seat belts are required to be used at all times when the vehicle is in motion. 4. Employees are required to obey all state, local, and company traffic regulations. The driver is

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responsible for all fines levied for traffic violations; and must report all citations, tickets and warning to Ross Watson within 24 hours of receipt of said citations, tickets and warnings. 5. Shut off the motor when refueling. 6. Do not back up without checking to see if it is clear of all obstacles, or a flagman shall direct the backing of a vehicle in congested areas. 7. Mount or dismount only when the vehicle is stopped. 8. Passengers not employed by the company are not permitted unless authorized by the supervisor. 9. Employees are required to report all vehicle accidents within 24 hours on the prescribed form. 10. Remember, our company logo makes our vehicle a billboard. 85

FORMS 86 NEW WORKER ORIENTATION REPORT PRINT THE INFORMATION BELOW: Worker Name____________________________SS#:____________________________ Date:___________________________________Time:___________________________ Person Giving Orientation:_________________________________________________ ITEMS DISCUSSED COMMENTS 1. Loss Control Manual/OSHA Regulations _____ Yes ________________________ 2. General Project Safety Rules _____ Yes ________________________ 3. General Safety A. Fall Protection Requirements _____ Yes ________________________ B. Ladder use _____ Yes ________________________ C. Stretching Program _____ Yes ________________________ D. Hand/Power Tools _____ Yes ________________________ E. Scaffolding _____ Yes ________________________ F. Electrical Safety _____ Yes ________________________ G. Material Handling _____ Yes ________________________ H. Fire Protection _____ Yes ________________________ I. Aerial Lifts _____ Yes ________________________ J. Lulls _____ Yes ________________________ K. Cranes _____ Yes ________________________

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5. Use/Care of Personal Protective Equipment _____ Yes ________________________ A. Hard hat _____ Yes ________________________ B. Eye and Face Protection _____ Yes ________________________ C. Respiratory Protection _____ Yes ________________________ D. Fall Protection _____ Yes ________________________ E. Hearing Protection _____ Yes ________________________ 13. Substance Abuse Policy/Program _____ Yes ________________________ 14. Disciplinary Policy _____ Yes ________________________ 15. HAZCOM Program _____ Yes ________________________ A. Location of MSDS's _____ Yes ________________________ 16. Reporting Unsafe Acts/Conditions _____ Yes ________________________ 17. Accident Reporting _____ Yes ________________________ A. Who to Report an Accident to _____ Yes ________________________ B. Where to Obtain Medical Treatment _____ Yes ________________________ The above items were discussed with me today and I had an opportunity to ask questions. I understand the company policy and position on these items. Signed:_________________________________Signed:________________________________ (Worker) (Instructor) Date:___________________________________Title:_______________________________________ 87 Substance Abuse Policy Purpose The purposed of this Policy are as follows: −− To establish and maintain a safe, healthy, alcohol and drug-free working environment for all employees, clients, and the general public −− To reduce the incidence of accidental injury to people or damage to property resulting from alcohol or drug abuse −− To provide assistance toward rehabilitation for any employee who seeks help in overcoming addiction to, dependence on, or problems with alcohol or drugs −− To initiate and maintain an alcohol and drug-free workplace and to comply with Federal regulations governing substance abuse Violation of this Policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Policy Statement

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

It is the policy of Silverstone Construction, Inc to maintain a workplace that is free from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol and drug abuse are harmful to an employee’s health and interferes with the employee’s productivity and alertness. Employees under the influence of alcohol or drugs are a danger to themselves and to their fellow workers. Employees are prohibited from the use, sale, dispensing, distributing, possession, or manufacture of illegal drugs and narcotics or alcoholic beverages on company or client premises. In addition, employees are prohibited from the off-premise use, possession, or sale of illegal drugs when such activities adversely affect job performance, job safety, or Company’s reputation in the community. Anyone who must use prescribed drugs or narcotics which may impair alertness during work hours should report this fact to their foreman before working, along with acceptable medical documentation to substantiate that a physician has prescribed the substance. Management will make a determination as to whether the employee is capable of performing his or her normal duties safely and properly. Condition of Employment Employees bear the primary responsibility for their own job performance and for taking any action or undergoing treatment necessary to maintain performance at a satisfactory level. All employees who are subject to chemical screening will be required to sign a Statement of Understanding acknowledging their agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy. Reasons for testing include: −− Pre-employment −− Accidents/ Incidents in the Workplace: o Any employee involved in an incident which results in injury to a person or property to which an employee contributed as a direct or indirect cause, may be subject to a chemical screening. Failure to submit to chemical screening will result in immediate termination. Prescription Drugs 88 Any employee using a prescription drug which may impair mental or motor functions shall inform the Company of such drug use. For the safety of all employees, Silverstone Construction, Inc may (1) place the employee on temporary medical leave until released as fit for duty by the

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

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prescribing physician or (2) temporarily reassign the employee to duties commensurable with the employee’s ability to perform. Silverstone Construction, Inc reserves the right to have its physician determine if a prescription drug produces hazardous effects or to restrict the quantity the employee is allowed to bring to the workplace. Confidentiality Information and records relating to positive test results, drug and alcohol dependencies, and legitimate medical explanations shall be kept confidential to the extent required by law and maintained in secure files separate from normal personnel files. Such records and information may be disclosed among managers and supervisors on a need-to-know basis and may also be disclosed where relevant to a grievance, charge, claim, or other legal proceeding initiated by or on behalf of an employee. Collection and Testing Procedures Employees subject to alcohol or drug testing shall be driven or sent to a company designated medical facility and directed to provide breath and/or urine specimens. Drug testing shall be Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT), performed according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) standards by a NIDA-certified laboratory. The Chain of Custody shall be arranged through the participating clinic. The levels of acceptance (rejection) for drugs shall be as follows: Substance Amphetamines Barbituates Benzodiazepines Cocaine Metabolites Opiates Phencyclidine (PCP) Marijuana Metabolite Methadone Methaqualone Propoxyphene Screening Threshold 1000 ng/ml

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300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 25 ng/ml 20 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml Confirmation Threshold 500 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 150 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 25 ng/ml 15 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml 300 ng/ml An employee can, at his or her own expense, arrange to have a sample found to be positive retested, provided that (1) the split sample is taken from the original sample provided by the employee, (2) the Chain of Custody is not broken, and (3) the retesting laboratory is NIDA-certified. If the second laboratory finds no evidence of drug use in the split specimen, the company will consider the drug test result as having been negative. In this case, the employee will be reimbursed for the cost of the second test and any wages that may apply. No employee or agent of Silverstone Construction, Inc or its subcontractors shall work on Company property/projects if the individual has a blood alcohol level of 0.01 percent or more. Breath specimens shall be tested by 89

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trained technicians, using federally approved breath testing devices capable of producing printed results that identify the employee. If the employee’s breath alcohol concentration is 0.01 percent or more, a second breath specimen shall be tested approximately 20 minutes later. The results of the second test shall be determinative. Employee Assistance Program No disciplinary action will be issued against any employee who comes forward to Silverstone Construction, Inc with his or her problem prior to the company learning of the violation of the Policy. Silverstone Construction, Inc, at its sole discretion, may grant an employee rehabilitation leave in accordance with the provisions of the Policy. Rehabilitation itself is the responsibility of the employee. Employees on rehabilitation leave will be subject to the sick leave and the personal leave-of-absences of the company. If rehabilitation leave is granted, an employee must provide certification that the employee was continuously enrolled in a treatment program approved by the company, actively participated in that program and was properly discharged there from. Participation in any recommended follow-up treatment and/or counseling is the responsibility of the employee. Any employee suffering from an alcohol or drug problem who rejects treatment or who leaves a treatment program prior to being properly discharged there from will be dismissed from employment with the company. Employees that undergo voluntary counseling or treatment and continue to work must meet all established standards of conduct and job performance. All eligible employees returning to active employment from rehabilitation will be required to sign a “Return to Work Agreement” providing: −− For unannounced testing for a period of one year to ensure that the employee has freed himself/herself from the alcohol or drug problem; −− That failure of such a test during this period or employee’s refusal to submit to such testing shall be grounds for immediate dismissal; −− That the employee must maintain an acceptable attendance and performance record and comply with all other policies upon his/her return to work; −− That the employee will participate in the follow-up treatment and/or counseling recommended by the treatment program. Convictions of Criminal Drug Statutes

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Any employee convicted of violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace must notify Silverstone Construction, Inc no later than five calendar days after such a conviction. Any employee failing to notify the company of such a conviction will be subject to dismissal from employment. Silverstone Construction, Inc reserves the right to discipline or terminate employees convicted of an offense which involves the use, sale, or possession of illegal drugs in the workplace. 90 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY I, , have been given a copy of Silverstone Construction, Inc’s Substance Abuse Policy, effective June 1, 2007. I have been told to read it and urged to contact my supervisor if I have any questions. Among other things, I understand that: −− My compliance with the policy is a condition of continued employment; −− I am subject to mandatory drug and alcohol testing under the policy; −− I will be disciplined, up to termination, if I test positive or violate the policy, refuse to cooperate in required testing, or if I possess, buy, sell, manufacture, or dispense alcohol or illegal drugs on company premises; −− I must report any crimes involving drugs that occur on the company’s premises with respect to which I am convicted, plead guilty, or am sentenced; and −− The company will not discipline me if I voluntarily seek help for a drug or alcohol problem before I become subject to discipline or discharge under this or other Company policies. I agree to abide by the terms of the policy. ________________________________ __________________________ Employee Printed Name Date ________________________________Employee Signature _________________________________ Social Security Number 91 EMPLOYEE CONSENT/REFUSAL FORM FOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE TESTING To Be Completed by Foreman Or Human Resources for Pre-employment Employee Name:_____________________________________________

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Management/Foreman Name:______________________________________________ Date/Time_____________________ Location:__________________ Other Supervisor (s) Involved:______________________________ Type of Test: Specimens to be Collected: ____Pre-employment ____Breath ____Urine ____Post Accident/Incident ____Breath ____Urine To Be Read and Completed by Employee: I understand that I have been selected for a drug and/or alcohol test under a Company policy that previously has been given and explained to me. I know that I may refuse to be tested, but will be terminated if I refuse. I know that if I decide to cooperate, the specimens checked above will be collected at ______________________Clinic and tested by their lab and/or their agents. Any positive drug test results will be disclosed to a Medical Records Officer (MRO), who will contact me to give me an opportunity to establish a legitimate explanation for such results. I understand that if my drug test is positive, I can ask to have my “split” urine specimen tested at my own expense, if such a request is made to the MRO within three working days of notice to me of the test results. I understand that my test results and my failure by me to cooperate will be disclosed to company management. I know that if I test positive, I will be disciplined or discharged. I have considered my options freely and voluntarily decide to: ____ Consent to cooperate to be tested ____ Refuse to be tested _______________________________ ___________________________ Employee signature Date & Time 92

GENERAL PROJECT SAFETY RULES 1. All Silverstone Construction, Inc employees shall work in a safe manner and report observed or anticipated hazards to their immediate supervisor. If the hazard is not corrected, the worker will report the hazard to Silverstone Construction, Inc superintendent. 2. All workers must immediately report any accident that involves injury or damage to equipment or property to their foreman. 3. When in doubt about performing a task safely, contact your foreman for instructions and training. 4. The drinking of alcoholic beverages and/or drugs is not permitted on the job. Employees discovered under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be subject to immediate dismissal.

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

5. Only qualified First-Aid trained personnel shall be allowed to treat an injured person, unless there is an immediate peril, such as lack of breathing. 6. Employees shall not perform tasks unless trained in specific operations and are aware of the hazards associated with that task. 7. Good housekeeping is mandatory and every worker must do their part daily to clean up their work area and keep conditions safe. 8. Personal protective equipment will be provided by Silverstone Construction, Inc for all employees. 9. Hard hats will be worn by all workers and visitors at all times while on the project site. 10. Safety glasses shall be utilized when performing work where eye hazards are encountered. (i.e. cutting, chipping, grinding). Additional face protection is required when operating the masonry wet saw. 11. Hearing protection shall be worn during cutting masonry blocks or concrete, cutting rebar and all other high noise level operations. 12. Respiratory protection devices will be worn when required to protect the employee from breathing silica dust. 13. Proper dress, consisting of full length pants, shirt that extends to the belt and has at least 4" sleeves, and hard sole, leather work boots, is required at all times. 14. Properly care for and be responsible for all personal protective equipment. 15. Smoking is prohibited near flammable materials. Smoking on the jobsite is allowed in designated areas only. 93 16. Inspect all equipment prior to use. Do not use defective tools. 17. Do not operate machinery or equipment if you are not a skilled, trained and authorized operator. 18. Never remove or by-pass devices or guards. 19. Anytime fall arrest equipment is required, the system shall consist of full body harness, shock absorbing lanyard, and locking snap hook. The system will be anchored to a support capable of withstanding a 5,000-lb. load per worker attached. 20. Where travel is necessary between levels, it will be accomplished by use of lifts, ladders, scaffold, stairways or other acceptable means. 21. All ladders shall be set at a 1:4 ratio, secured and extended at least 36” above the platform. 22. Never climb a ladder when three point contact cannot be maintained. Use a rope to lift tools.

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

23. When using an articulating boom lift, the employee shall immediately tie off to the basket, prior to lifting the basket or traveling. 24. All compressed gas cylinders shall be properly secured, used and protected. Cylinders shall have flashback arrestors and check valves as necessary for the application at hand. 25. Scaffolds are to be used only by Silverstone Construction, Inc employees, unless other companies have written approval from the office to use the scaffold. 26. Access to the job site is restricted to workers and those authorized by Silverstone Construction, Inc foreman. 27. No plastic gas cans allowed on site. 28. All chemical containers will be labeled with their contents. 29. Horseplay causes accidents and will not be tolerated. 30. Keep alert-avoid situations where you or others are exposed to danger. Keep out from overhead loads. 31. No site personnel shall discuss any site-related situation with the press or any external agency. 32. Obey all traffic regulations when operating vehicles on public highways. When operating or riding in company vehicles or using your personal vehicle for company purposes, the vehicle seatbelt shall be worn. I have read the above Safety Rules and understand that failure to comply with any one of them could result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. I have also received a copy of Silverstone Construction, Inc’s employee safety handbook. ___________________________________________ ________________________ Employee Signature Date 94

Safety Violation Notification Form Silverstone Construction, Inc. Employee/Subcontractor Employee Name____________________________ Date______________________________________Location_____________________________ Witnesses: ____________________________ _______________________________ Safety Violation – Circle appropriate number(s): 1. Housekeeping/Sanitation 6. Fall Protection 2. Personal Protective Equipment 7. Ladders/Scaffolding 3. Electrical 8. Portable Power & Hand Tools

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

4. Fire Protection 9. Other 5. Materials Handling & Storage Type of Disciplinary Action Taken: 1st Violation. Verbal Warning (recorded) 3rd Violation. Termination 2nd Violation. Written Warning Safety Violation Description/Explanation (use separate paper if required) ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Issued by: ______________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________ Date _________________ Employee Response ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ use back side of this sheet for addition space. 95 DAILY Job Site Inspection Form Date of Inspection: __________________ Jobsite: ________________________________ Inspector: ____________________________Job Supervisor: __________________________ First Aid & Emergency OK Action Needed First aid kit Emergency #s posted Housekeeping and Sanitation Adequate Lighting Work areas/passages clear Toilets adequate/clean Drinking water/cups/garbage Fire Prevention & Protection Adequate fire extinguishers Flammable storage marked Flammables stored properly Personal Protect Equipment Hard hats worn Eye protection as required Ear protection as required Dust masks/resp. as required

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Safety harnesses/lanyards as req. Electrical Silo mixer cords/wiring OK GFI Outlets secured Ext. Cords-3 prong type Lockout/tagout Ladders Ext. ladders-3’ above landing Ext. ladders secured Ext. ladders have safety feet Step ladders open Step ladders-no use of 2 top step Scaffolding-Welded Tubular Inspected daily Access ladder Plumb & square w/ cross bracing All pins in place Base plates Mud sills Tied to wall if required Guardrails/toe boards/screen Fully planked Planks in good condition Working levels debris free Base plates Fully planked Bennu Scaffold Inspected daily Guard rails/toeboards/screen Plumb and level Additional mud sills if needed Lulls, fork lifts OK Action Needed Inspected daily Seat belt worn Proper travel speed Clearances from electric lines Back up alarm operational Fall Protection Tied off if required Adequate anchor Masonry Cutting Cutting wet Proper ventilation Respirator if needed

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Material Handling & Storage Materials properly stacked 4 to 1 base to height stack Away from edge/walkways Tools, Hand & Power Proper tool for each task Inspection and maintenance Training: laser Guards in place Electrical ground prong in cord Barricades & Railings Secure Floor openings protected Stairway railings Open sided floors protected Public Protection Flagging-deliveries Barricades Overhead protection CAZ OSHA MSDS Safety Policy Other Safety Issues 96 DAILY FRAME SCAFFOLD INSPECTION FORM Scaffolds and scaffold components shall be inspected for visible defects by a competent person before each work shift, and after any occurrence that could affect a scaffold's structural integrity. Jobsite_______________________ Date_______________ Inspected by____________________ Observation Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Have workers been properly trained? Scaffold planks in good condition? Scaffolding meet/exceed 4 times the load? Base plates, screw jacks & mud sills installed? Is scaffolding plumb and level? Are scaffold components in good condition? Cross braces properly installed in all bays? Guardrails properly installed? (Required at 10’)

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

Toe boards properly installed? Ladder for access/egress? Employees wearing hard hats? Overhead protection required? Is scaffolding properly secured when height exceeds 4:1 ratio? Secured 20’ vertically, 26’ horizontally. Has the tie been installed at a horizontal member that supports the inner and outer legs? Is scaffold adequately secured when enclosed? Are scaffold pins in place? Are working levels fully planked? Are walking/working surfaces at least 18” wide? Are planks overlapped by at least 12”? Do planks extend 6” beyond the supports? (Unless cleats in place) Power lines nearby? Min. 10’ clearance Is wind a factor? Are soil conditions stable around scaffolding? Is scaffolding free of makeshift devices or ladders to increase the working height? CAZ established? Spacing between the scaffolding & structure less than 14”? If not fall protection required on front side. Use of scaffolds by other contractors? Weather conditions-snow, ice, rain, lightning? Mobile Scaffolds Is horizontal brace in place? 97 Are castors pinned into frames and locked during use? If moved with employee on scaffold, is floor clean & level? THE ONE PERSON CONDUCTING THE DAILY INSPECTION MUST SIGN BELOW ON THE CORRESPONDING ROW. MONDAY CHECKED BY: _________________________ TUESDAY CHECKED BY: _________________________ WEDNESDAY CHECKED BY: _________________________ FRIDAY CHECKED BY: _________________________

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

SATURDAY CHECKED BY: _________________________ SUNDAY CHECKED BY: _________________________ 98 DAILY BENNU MOBILE SCAFFOLD CHECK LIST Observation Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat DAILY CHECK LIST Are bases plumb and level? Are fluid levels good? (Gas, oil & Hydraulic) Any gas, oil, or hydraulic leaks? Are guard rails installed and latched toe guards installed for towers? Is main hook in working order? Is safety hook in working order? Is tower run off dog in working order? Are planks overlapped? WEEKLY CHECK LIST Are tower guides clean? Any structure damage or distortion cracks in welds? MONTHLY CHECK LIST Check and clean main cylinder guide rods Check all pins and fasteners Change engine oil every 3 months or 50 hours of operation Pressure wash when moving from job to job or every 3 months YEARLY CHECK LIST Change hydraulic oil & filter Clean jack chain and grease jack Clean and flush gas tank Clean fuel filter Check control cables for cracks THE ONE PERSON CONDUCTING THE DAILY INSPECTION MUST SIGN BELOW ON THE CORRESPONDING ROW. WEEK OF: ________________________________ (example: June 4 – June 10, 2011) MONDAY CHECKED BY: ________________________

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Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166




•• Major •• Serious •• Minor PROBABLE RECURRENCE RATE



7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Suite 107-B

Mint Hill, NC. 28227 Cell: 814.248.0737 Office:704.503.9166

STATEMENT OF WITNESS TO THE ACCIDENT Date: _____________________ Time:_____________________ The purpose of this interview is to attempt to determine the facts and circumstances surrounding an accident which occurred at or about: of _______________________. I proceed to state as follows: (In witnesses' handwriting) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ I have read the foregoing statement consisting of pages which I have initialed and signed, and I state that it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ___________________ ____________________ Signature Social Security Number Address. ________________________________________ Telephone No.: ___________________________________ Witnessed by:_____________________________________ 101