Silver Moon

There was once a little girl who had trouble falling asleep. Every night she would look out her window at the stars and the world. Trapped in her room, she wished she could climb out her window and explore. The stars shone brightly, and you could even hear the crickets chirp, the cicadas buzz, and many other creatures waking up. One only had to listen closely. Without fail, every night the girl would crawl out of her bed and peek out the window at the dark but beautiful world. The stars twinkled, the clouds shone, and greatest of all was the moon. The girl watched as the moon shone all over her yard and the nearby woods. The moon was majestic in the sky as it shone a pale yellow misty light all over the night's inhabitants. In the day her yard was boring and flat, she would run around and play, but it was all the same. During the night her yard was completely different. It was dark and wondrous. Even the sky was different. As she looked out her window on this particular night she heard a howl. It was dark and sinister. She ran back to her bed to hide under her blanket. She tried to fall asleep, but again there was a sinister howl. She slowly crawled to her window with her blanket wrapped tightly around her. She peeked out at the forest behind her yard. It was dark. The moon's pale glow would not reach inside. She continued to watch between two trees where a dark opening was. She again heard a howl, but it was closer this time, and it sounded like the creature was in pain. As the girl stared at the dark opening between the trees she saw a silver wolf slowly crawl out. He was beautiful. The moon gleamed off his fur, and his face was sharp and narrow. His teeth were the whitest of pearls, and his eyes glinted like stars. As the silver wolf crawled he limped. The girl squinted through the dark to see that there was a red stain splattered across one of his hind legs. The wolf noticed the girl. The silver wolf glared at the girl while showing her his teeth, but soon he fell over with a loud yelp. The girl quickly grabbed whatever she could find in her room to help the injured wolf.


Silver Moon

Transcript of Silver Moon

There was once a little girl who had trouble falling asleep. Every night she would look out her window at the stars and the world. Trapped in her room, she wished she could climb out her window and explore. The stars shone brightly, and you could even hear the crickets chirp, the cicadas buzz, and many other creatures waking up. One only had to listen closely.Without fail, every night the girl would crawl out of her bed and peek out the window at the dark but beautiful world. The stars twinkled, the clouds shone, and greatest of all was the moon. The girl watched as the moon shone all over her yard and the nearby woods. The moon was majestic in the sky as it shone a pale yellow misty light all over the night's inhabitants.In the day her yard was boring and flat, she would run around and play, but it was all the same. During the night her yard was completely different. It was dark and wondrous. Even the sky was different.As she looked out her window on this particular night she heard a howl. It was dark and sinister. She ran back to her bed to hide under her blanket. She tried to fall asleep, but again there was a sinister howl.She slowly crawled to her window with her blanket wrapped tightly around her. She peeked out at the forest behind her yard. It was dark. The moon's pale glow would not reach inside. She continued to watch between two trees where a dark opening was. She again heard a howl, but it was closer this time, and it sounded like the creature was in pain.As the girl stared at the dark opening between the trees she saw a silver wolf slowly crawl out. He was beautiful. The moon gleamed off his fur, and his face was sharp and narrow. His teeth were the whitest of pearls, and his eyes glinted like stars.As the silver wolf crawled he limped. The girl squinted through the dark to see that there was a red stain splattered across one of his hind legs. The wolf noticed the girl.The silver wolf glared at the girl while showing her his teeth, but soon he fell over with a loud yelp. The girl quickly grabbed whatever she could find in her room to help the injured wolf.She put everything she had in her blanket and tied it like a satchel. She then threw it out the window. Grabbing a chair from her room she climbed out her window and landed on her blanket full of supplies with a large OOMPFFF.The wolf whined as the girl fell onto her blanket of supplies. The girl had packed a few of her handkerchiefs, some string, and a ruler. The girl's father was a doctor, so she knew a little about first aid.The girl took a look around her after she fell. It was dark, and her yard looked nothing like it did in the day. The moon's pale glow reflected off of everything, and everything looked like a deep black that would almost absorb your eyes if you looked to long at it.The girl looked back at the wolf who was still fallen on the ground near the woods. The girl slowly crawled up to the wolf with her blanket of supplies. As she came near she extended her hand to see if the wolf would attack her.The silver wolf noticed the girl, but he did not smell fear or disdain. The silver wolf allowed the girl to approach her. The girl soon mended the silver wolf's leg. She pet his head to soothe the silver wolf as she applied the ruler, string, and cloth to his leg.The girl whistled a song her mother once sang to her when she had trouble falling asleep. She whistled it as she finished mending the wolf's leg and continued to brush his silver fur that shone bright in the moon's glow.Soon the wolf purred, and after some time passed the silver wolf hobbled back into the woods. The girl, after much trouble soon climbed back into her room. She laid on her bed and watched the moon reflect on her wall, but instead of a pale yellow glow, the moon shined silver onto her wall. The girl watched the wall and imagined the wolf running through the night. She hugged her blanket and soon fell fast asleep.After that, each night she would watch the moon's silver glow while whistling a song, and she would fall fast asleep.