Silent Moments Final

SILENT MOMENTS Written by Alexander F.C Mroz Based on the Short story Silent Moments by Alexander F.C Mroz Address Phone Number

Transcript of Silent Moments Final

SILENT MOMENTSWritten byAlexander F.C MrozBased on the Short story Silent Moments by Alexander F.C MrozAddressPhone NumberFADE IN:EXT. SIDEWALK-DAY The year is 1930: The street is empty there is a strong fog that feels as if its suffocating the city. On the sidewalk there are few people all of them have there heads down as if they are hiding something. There is a an uncomfortable feeling in this city. As the few people walk by A YOUNG BOY, (8) short hair wearing a hat, coat and shorts that barley reach his knees. The boy looks well kept. Walks into frame. The Boy has a look of determination on his face as he is walking at a swift pace. The Boy then walks passed an ally way, but something about this ally way struck the boy as odd. Unlike the rest of the city, the ally way was the only place that didnt have any fog around it; As if the ally way wants to be explored. The Boy walks back to look at the ally. The Boys look turns into a stare as he is completely glued to that ally as if a force is bringing him closer. He synapse out of his daze. Just as he begins to walk away, he feels a tingle through his body as his he is making A mistake by leaving. The Boy turns back and nervously begins walking down the ally.CUT TO:EXT. ALLY WAY-DAY The Boy slowly walks down the brick walled and grounded ally. The uncomfortable feeling in the city is multiplied in the ally. With every step he takes the uneasy feeling becomes stronger. His breathing becomes heavier. The Boy stops when he notices that at the end of the ally is a store. Krazy Toys was what was written on the front of the story. The Boys fear turned into curiosity and excitement as he gets closer to the store. He then walks up to the window and rubs the dirt off to get a better look inside. The Boy sees puppets hanging from inside. They look as though they were made yesterday. In the back he notices something hanging from the ceiling, to him it looks like a big puppet. He takes his face away from the window and walks towards the door. He puts his hand on the knob but its stuck. He tries a few more times and then takes his hand off the knob in defeat. After a second the door opened. He looks confused. He takes a breath and walks inside. As he steps in, a puppet at the window slightly moves.CUT TO:INT. KRAZY TOYS-DAY The store is old and made up of only brick and wood. There is a door in the back right corner that the Boy feels as though he is being pulled towards. He resists the temptation. a couple feet away from the door is the cashiers table. It looks as if it had barely been used. On the table there is a puppet sitting upright staring at the Boy. The puppet looks as if its the owner of the store, or at least designed for that purpose. He picks the puppet up and stares at it, it looks as if the puppet is staring right back at him. The Boy breaks eye contact and looks up. He sees giant hanging puppet that he saw through the window. However He realizes that it is no puppet but a man. The Man is hanging from his neck, looks like suicide. The Man is wearing an old brown workers apron; on the apron is a name tag that says REGINALD (70) short dying white hair about 6 feet and dust covered glasses. He has a similar look to a rotting Geppetto.NARRATORThere he hangs. The man that was know for making these fine creations, a man that we knew as Mr. Brown but insisted we call him Reginald.CUT TO:EXT. ALLY WAY-DAY The ally is still all nothing can be seen or heard the fog outside the ally acts as a wall to the outside world. There is no escape.NARRATORA Man that insisted he share more then just the puppets with the children. A man that didnt understand the line between curiosity and obsession. 2.(MORE)A man that took love and joy away from the city. A man that took the innocents of the children. FLASHBACK:INT. KRAZY TOYS-NIGHT Opening credits (10 years before) of REGINALD BROWN (70) short white hair, 6 feet wearing a brown apron and glasses, making a puppet in his image at his desk in the back left corner in candle light.CUT TO:INT. KRAZY TOYS-NIGHT The shop looks 10 years younger but still much hasnt changed. There are puppets places all around the shop yet there are no puppets near the back door nor the cashiers table. The shop almost has a claustrophobic feeling to it as if your about to be suffocated by all the puppets. Reginald stops working on his puppet and puts his tools down on the table. He takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes, he then puts his glasses back on and looks around his store with a sense of repressed sadness. The puppets all have a look of happiness on there face.CUT TO:REGINALD GRABBING HIS CAIN Reginald grabs his cain and starts walking to the door to turn the open sign to closed. He looks up and sees a reflection of himself in the glass. In the background of the reflect he sees the puppet sitting at his desk. The puppets head slowly turns and stares at Reginald. He drastically turns and stares at the puppet. The puppet is looking in the same position that he left him in. He turns, locks the door and walk back to his desk. CUT TO:REGINALD SITTING AT HIS DESK He stares at his puppet with a look of disappointment. He grabs the puppet, picks him up to get a closer look at him. Reginald puts the puppet down and takes his tools back out. 3.NARRATOR (CONT'D)As he does this the camera slowly zooms passed him as the far left puppet hanging at the windows head begins to turn to face Reginald. Gasp! Reginald turns to see the puppet believing he saw it move in the corner of his eye. However the puppet is facing back at the window. Reginald, almost convinced he saw the puppet turn to him; hesitates to grab his cain. He stops his slight tremble, grabs the cain and slowly stands up. Reginald slowly walks towards the puppet as if he was a child, afraid of the dark; slowly walking towards a dark room.CUT TO:REGINALD STANDING BY THE WINDOW Reginald stands by the window and slowly puts his hand on the puppet at the far left. He then swiftly pushes him. The puppet swings lifelessly. He taps the puppet a few more times and then stops. He laughs and to himself and taps the handle of his cain on the puppets head, as he chuckles. He then turns around to proceed back to his desk. Once he turns a tingle is sent shooting down his spine by the sight of the puppet on the desk missing. Then a faint Childs laugh is heard. Reginald is startled and trembling.REGINALDWere closed(Beat)so come... come out now.CHILDS VOICE(Whisper)Come find me.Reginald still afraid lets out of sigh of breathe and slightly coughs. He begins to walk towards the cashiers table.REGINALDIts much to late for games young one.The laugh starts to get slightly louder.CHILDS VOICEIts never to late for a game. REGINALDThere is a time and a place for games, now is not the time. Where are your parents young one.4.As Reginald is saying this he is getting closer to the back door. His pace quickens. Once his is about 10 feet from the back door the Childs voice interrupts him.CHILDS VOICETO CLOSE!The voice sounds violent. All the candles in the shop and blow out simultaneously. The shop is pitch black. Reginalds breathing gets heavier and fearful and he desperately turns to light a candle. As he is doing this a door can be heard opening and Reginald can her the quick pitter patter of a child running. CHILDS VOICE (CONTD)I dont like it when you get that close Mr. Brown.Reginald strikes a match and lights the candle at his desk. Everything is as it was when the lights went out. Reginald looks around the shop but he dares not leave from his desk.P.O.V OF CAMERA PANNING ACROSS ROOM.Once his sight gets to the back door. He steps back until hes on the wall. His breathing is heavy. Fear is getting the best of him. He turns his head back to the front of the store and he notices a childs shoe on the floor about 10 feet away from him. Reginald gasps in fear. He stares at the shoe not taking his eyes off it. A few seconds go by and the laughing begins. Then a small childs pale hand reaches out to grab the shoe. Reginalds fear turns to anger as he now has had enough of the childish games. He tightens his fist and storms over towards the child. Once he walks over he is anger turns to confusion as all he sees in the childs spot is a puppet. The laughing stopsReginald picks the puppet up and turns to look at the back of the shop. He sees that on chair of his desk there is a young girls blue dress.CUT TO:REGINALD WALKING TOWARDS THE DESK AND PICKING UP THE BLUE DESS.As Reginald picks up the and stares at it a voice is then heard of a young girl.5.YOUNG GIRLIm not aloud to do that Mr. Brown.Reginald is startled and then lights once again go out.It is pitch black as Reginald tries to strike a match. His breathing is heavy and his fear has returned. The laughing has returned. Reginald strikes the match and lights the candle. The candle light reveals that reginalds puppet has returned in the same position on his desk. The laughing stops.REGINALDHello are you still here?Reginald starts walking towards the back door when he hears the front door open and then close. He turns his head to see the door shut.Reginald has a look of relief as he walks over to his desk and sits down. He stares at the puppet on his desk with a look of satisfaction.As he stares at the puppet a childs hands appear behind him slowly coming more into frame and then cover Reginalds eyes.CUT TO:DARKNESS AND THEN REGINALD SLOWLY OPENING HIS EYES.Reginald gets up off his desk looks around to notice that everything is normal. He picks up the puppet on his desk and begins to chuckle. He laughs the whole ordeal off as if it was a bad dream and then drops the puppet.PUPPETThat hurt!Every puppet in the store turns and looks a Reginald immediately. A shiver shoots down Reginalds spine as the candle light is aggressively blown out. The laughing begins but this time louder then ever. Reginald tries to light the match but cant stop shaking, he drops the match box on the ground. He gets on his knees to search for a match. As he searches he hears a strike of a match. The laughing stops its dead silent not a sound can be heard. The light reveals his puppet holding the match with all of the puppets in the store accompanying him.Reginald is petrified. 6.PUPPET (CONTD)What do you see Reginald? Joy or sorrow? The puppet repeats this over and over as the childrens voices begin to accompany him.As they continue to say this all the puppets begin to slowly break out of there body to reveal disturbing monster like creatures coming out of them. Reginald is helpless to his fear.FLASHBACK:INT. BACK ROOM-NIGHT It is completely dark there is no sound but the faint sound of moaning. You can see the faint image of something in the right corner of the room. Then it is revealed that Reginald in is bed with a young child raping her.The camera moves to his eye until it fills up the shot.MATCH CUT TO:INT. KRAZY TOYS-NIGHTReginalds eye as the camera zooms out to show Reginald in complete fear staring at the puppets. The laughing as now turned to screams and crying and the puppet and children repeat.PUPPETNow do you see!Reginald puts his hands on his head and begins to shake his head and closes his eyesREGINALDI didnt know. I didnt know. I DIDNT KNOW!It becomes dead silent. Reginald opens his eyes and sees a man standing in front of him. As he begins to get up off the ground and becomes face to face with the man he sees that it is him EVIL REGINALD is a replica of Reginald except he has pale skin and black eyes. Reginald looks at him disappointed with tears in his eyes. 7.Evil Reginald then opens his mouth unnaturally wide and moves to frame.Reginald then begins to freak out.He grabs some rope.Ties a loop. Throws it over the ceiling beam and stands on his chair.He puts the loop around his neck and kicks the chair.FLASH FORWARD:INT. KRAZY TOYS-DAYReginalds body still hangs as the boy turns and walks out of the shop. The boy walks back down the ally towards the street. The fog isnt as thick as it was before. The boy is still holding the puppet, he has taken it as his own. NARRATORTo be taken and feel the love of someone else is rejuvenating, for I have been so alone. But now I can move on. Now I can see beyond. Now I feel true love. For now my eyes are open. The boy walks back, down the sidewalk, and into the fog.FADE OUT.THE END8.