SILCHESTER PARISH COUNCIL · Berkshire.. The new wheelie bin service costs £18.00 for the wheelie...

Minutes March 2019 Final Page 115 6 th March 2019 SILCHESTER PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Council Date: Monday 4 th March 2019 Time: 7.30pm Place: Club Room, Silchester Village Hall Present: Cllr Mahaffey (Chair) Cllr Earl (Vice-chair) Cllr Baldock (Vice-chair) Cllr Roper Cllr Livingstone Cllr Miles Cllr Westwood In Attendance: Chris Gunnell (Clerk) Cllr Gardiner Cllr Vaughan Rosemary Bond (Trustee Point Youth Centre for item 6) 3 members of the public Claire Jenkins (Youth Leader Point Youth Centre for item 6) Apologies: Cllr Tucker (Borough) John Davis (Footpaths) Action 1. General Announcements Cllr Mahaffey ran through the general announcements and informed the public that the meeting would be recorded for minute taking purposes. 2. Apologies for Absence Cllr Tucker and John Davis 3. Declarations of Interest None 4. Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting 4.1 Due to the personal and confidential details included in the Clerk’s Correspondence Report, it was agreed to remove the page for public record. The minutes of the meeting held on 4 th February 2019 were unanimously agreed as being a true and accurate record of the meeting. They were duly signed by the Chairman. 5. Matters Arising 5.1 Review of the Action Tracker the outstanding actions were reviewed. Clerk to update and distribute accordingly. Walk Through Early Lands to Upper Inhams Copse – Cllr Roper gave a verbal update. He chased the BDBC Enforcement officer again last week. Mr Beale has now appointed a consultant to help with his retrospective planning application, which he has assured BDBC will be submitted by the end of March. It was agreed that once the planning application has been lodged, the Clerk will write to all those residents who previously wrote to the Council objecting to the fence, to advise them accordingly, so that they can submit their objections to BDBC. It was further agreed that Cllr Mahaffey put a paragraph in the Parish Magazine. Method Church car park flooding – The Clerk to chase up Hills Quarry by telephone. Defibrillator – Clerk to now push ahead with arranging demonstration. Clerk Cllr Mahaffey Clerk Clerk

Transcript of SILCHESTER PARISH COUNCIL · Berkshire.. The new wheelie bin service costs £18.00 for the wheelie...

Page 1: SILCHESTER PARISH COUNCIL · Berkshire.. The new wheelie bin service costs £18.00 for the wheelie bin and £42.00 for a year’s collection. (The annual fee goes up to £47.00 in

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council

Date: Monday 4th March 2019 Time: 7.30pm

Place: Club Room, Silchester Village Hall

Present: Cllr Mahaffey (Chair) Cllr Earl (Vice-chair)

Cllr Baldock (Vice-chair) Cllr Roper

Cllr Livingstone Cllr Miles

Cllr Westwood

In Attendance: Chris Gunnell (Clerk) Cllr Gardiner

Cllr Vaughan Rosemary Bond (Trustee Point Youth Centre for item 6)

3 members of the public Claire Jenkins (Youth Leader Point Youth Centre for item 6)

Apologies: Cllr Tucker (Borough) John Davis (Footpaths)


1. General Announcements

Cllr Mahaffey ran through the general announcements and informed the public that the meeting would be recorded for minute taking purposes.

2. Apologies for Absence

Cllr Tucker and John Davis

3. Declarations of Interest


4. Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting

4.1 Due to the personal and confidential details included in the Clerk’s Correspondence Report, it was agreed to remove the page for public record.

The minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2019 were unanimously agreed as being a true and accurate record of the meeting. They were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters Arising

5.1 Review of the Action Tracker – the outstanding actions were reviewed. Clerk to update and distribute accordingly.

Walk Through Early Lands to Upper Inhams Copse – Cllr Roper gave a verbal update. He chased the BDBC Enforcement officer again last week. Mr Beale has now appointed a consultant to help with his retrospective planning application, which he has assured BDBC will be submitted by the end of March. It was agreed that once the planning application has been lodged, the Clerk will write to all those residents who previously wrote to the Council objecting to the fence, to advise them accordingly, so that they can submit their objections to BDBC. It was further agreed that Cllr Mahaffey put a paragraph in the Parish Magazine.

Method Church car park flooding – The Clerk to chase up Hills Quarry by telephone.

Defibrillator – Clerk to now push ahead with arranging demonstration.


Cllr Mahaffey

Clerk Clerk

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Main Ditch Clearance and two dragons teeth – Cllr Earl reported that Dave Saunders could do this within the next couple of weeks and would invoice the Lengthsman Scheme.

6. Grant Application Presentation by The Point Youth Centre

Rosemary Bond, a Trustee of the Centre, introduced herself and Claire Jenkins. A presentation was made to the Council by Claire Jenkins, one of the Youth Leaders. Following the presentation, both representatives left the meeting and the Council discussed the merits of the presentation and request for a grant. Cllr proposed that a grant of £100 be made. This was seconded by Cllr Baldock and unanimously agreed.


7. Open Forum

The Chairman invited comments and questions from the public.

A member of the public raised the issue of the recent traffic diversion by Thames Water along Whistlers Lane. Cllr Mahaffey advised that this was on the agenda to be discussed under item 9.2

There were no other items raised.

8. Planning

8.1 19/00055/LBC – Old Manor House, Church Lane, Silchester, RG7 2HH Conversion of part of barn to ancillary residential accommodation

It was agreed by a majority decision not to object. Clerk to process.

8.1 Cllr Earl raised the planning application submitted by Lidl to build a supermarket in Tadley on the corner of the A340 and Silchester Road. Following discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Earl would contact Lidl to ascertain where they think their customers will come from. If they are coming from neighbouring areas through Silchester, the Council will seek to obtain a donation towards the cost of the gateways.

Cllr Earl

8.2 The Chairman noted receipt of approvals and refusals (Appendix A)

9. Clerk’s Report

9.1 Parish Magazine article author – the next issue is March and the deadline for articles is on 13th March. Cllr Mahaffey is due to write the Parish Council article for this addition.

Cllr Mahaffey

9.2 Clerk’s Correspondence

1. Item 17 – It was agreed that the Clerk would write a strongly worded letter of complaint to Thames Water regarding the recent traffic diversion

along Whistlers Lane.

2. Item 15 – Cllr Mahaffey briefly explained the exchange of e-mails between him and the resident and reported that the matter had been concluded amicably. However, Cllr Baldock raised the point that it was not clear as to whether or not the Council have the right to use the driveway in question. It was agreed that Cllr Baldock would research this further and obtain an estimate of legal costs to look into this further.


Cllr Baldock

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9.3 Lengthsman Scheme - No change this month. However, it was noted that the ditch clearance and dragons teeth work to be carried out in March would reduce the balance to £94.

9.4 Half-year Risk Assessment Review – the document was reviewed and agreed. Cllr Mahaffey proposed the acceptance of the document and for him to sign on behalf of the Council alongside the Clerk. This was seconded by Cllr Westwood and agreed unanimously.

Cllr Mahaffey


9.5 2019/20 Calendar of Events - This was reviewed and agreed.

9.6 General Matter arising since the last meeting – The following items were reported:

1. The internal audit has been arranged for 23rd May 2019.

10. Reports

10.1 See appendix B.

Pavilion Committee - The Chairman requested that the Clerk send a note of thanks to Peter Howells for the excellent report submitted on behalf of the Pavilion Committee.

Common Voluntary Group – Cllr Mahaffey advised that he estimated the working parties contribution on the common to equate approximately to £17,000 worth of contractor man days over the past year. An extremely gratifying and considerable contribution.

Playground – Cllr Mahaffey said the report looked a bit worrying. Cllr Livingstone agreed but said a number of items just needed monitoring at this stage, although the see-saw will need to be replaced within the next couple of years. In addition, the climbing tower is coming to then end of its lifetime and will cost approximately £10,000 to replace. He also confirmed that the only immediate action was the topping up of the chip bark flooring. Cllr Mahaffey confirmed that funds were available to do this. He then asked Cllr Livingstone if he would write a one page summary to all sponsors to keep them abreast of the playground developments over the past two years, what are thoughts are and what is coming up. With regard to the cutting back of trees overhanging the equipment Cllr Mahaffey confirmed that in the first instance the Council would call on Chris Lee and if he was unable to do it we would call on Trevor Monger. Cllr Westwood offered to take a look to see if he could cut them down, assuming they could be reached from his tower.

Community Speedwatch – Cllr Miles reported that over the past two sessions a SID has been left in place on a 24 hour basis. It was left outside the village hall for two weeks constantly running. There were over one hundred instances of more than 50mph and a few over 70mph. This was a very successful project. The SID was deployed last week and this was not received well by one resident, who was displaying aggressive behaviour. This was discussed and it was agreed that no further action would be taken. Cllr Miles then reported that one SID had a fault which appears unrepairable and will therefore have to be replaced. Councillor Miles to report back on estimated replacement costs.


Cllr Livingstone

10.2 Borough Councillor Report – Cllr Gardiner gave a verbal report:

The Council Tax bills are due to be delivered soon. These are some of the details:

o Council tax is capped at 2.99% or £5.00 if this is higher. In

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Basingstoke the £5.00 increase applies. This has been approved, bringing the Borough Rate up to £121.42 (circa £10.00 per month).

o To the above is added the Parish Rate of £23.27 and the tax share for Hampshire County Council, the Police and Fire Authorities.

o The Borough has 65,768 band D properties and raises £7,986,000 from Council Tax. From reserves it raises £2,800,000in interest and £12,536,000 from Investment Property held in the Borough. The Government Revenue Support Grant is now nil, a reduction of £5,000,000 compared to five years ago. The Borough’s share of Business Rates is around £4,000,000.

o The main service residents see is that of their bin collection. The contract with Veolia ended in September 2018 and the contract was won by Serco who started collections at the beginning of October. The start of the contract has been far from good and the Council are working hard with Serco to raise the current level of service which should eventually be an improvement on the old contract.

Cllr Gardiner also mentioned the garden waste service. This is a good service and a boon for those who can no longer use the waste disposal services in Berkshire.. The new wheelie bin service costs £18.00 for the wheelie bin and £42.00 for a year’s collection. (The annual fee goes up to £47.00 in April).

The Boundary Commission have advised that Silchester will now form part of the Bramley Ward, which will be known as Bramley Ward. It was agreed that the Chairman would raise a formal objection with Cllr’s Vaughan and Gardiner, together with the Member of Parliament for North East Hampshire.

Cllr Mahaffey

10.3 County Councillor Report – Cllr Vaughan gave a verbal report

He had had a meeting with Jonathon Woods at BDBC who confirmed that no commercialism of the Roman Site will take place.

Jonathon Woods has confirmed that he has physical dog walking signs that the Council could utilise. The Clerk is to follow this up.

Jonathon Woods would be happy to visit the Common for a walk round to observe and discuss. Cllr Baldock agreed to contact Jonathon to arrange a meeting.

Cllr Vaughan offered to clean the 30mph roundel at the Little London end of the village personally. .


Cllr Baldock

10.4 Chairman’s Report – Cllr Mahaffey gave a verbal report:

Cllr Mahaffey referred to item 13.2. Mick Oram confirmed he had actually spent two hours last week cleaning up Pamber Road. It was agreed that two hours extra wages should be included in the March litter warden salary.

With regard to the litter picking discussions with Silchester School and also the individuals on Facebook that are proposing a village tidy up, Cllr Mahaffey confirmed he had advised them of the main areas where our litter warden patrols and the areas that they may consider covering.

A local resident has advised Cllr Mahaffey that her daughter has to carry out community service for her Duke of Edinburgh award. Under her mother’s guidance she will be carrying out litter picking duties in Clappers Farm Road and asked Cllr Mahaffey if he will sign it off when completed in his capacity as Chairman of the Parish Council. This was agreed unanimously.

The herdsman has confirmed that following the recent annual health check we now have a TB free herd for a further twelve months.


Cllr Mahaffey

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11. Review of Standing Orders – The revised wording proposed and circulated by Cllr Mahaffey was discussed. It was agreed that only the first paragraph was required. The Clerk to action this and update the website.


12. The Common

12.1 i. Dog Walking – Dog Fouling Signs – Subject to reviewing the signs available from BDBC, it was agreed to produce five signs at a maximum cost of £20 per sign plus VAT. The “Bag It and Bin It” sign was selected with the Parish Council logo and e-mail to be included.

Cllr Westwood

12.1 Ii. Dog Walking – Code of Conduct for Commercial Dog Walkers - The draft Code of Conduct was discussed and it was agreed not to proceed with it for the time being. The Clerk was requested to save this document on the OneDrive for future reference.


12.1 iii. Dog Walking – Common’s Sense Letter – The wording was discussed and it was agreed that Cllr’s Baldock and Earl would revise the wording to remove distortions in emphasis and to reduce the size of the document. It will also include a note about opting into Parish Council e-mails.

Cllr Baldock

Cllr Earl

12.2 Contractor Update and Proposal for further work – Cllr Baldock advised the meeting that all contractor work had been completed for this season.

12.3 War Memorial flower bed – There was no further update. However, Cllr Mahaffey advised the meeting that the slabs around the War Memorial really needed to be replaced and he offered to provide replacements from his spare batch of large riven faced slabs. At the earliest time he will place them around the memorial for the Council to view and make a decision.

Cllr Mahaffey

12.4 Grazing Agreement Renewal – The draft wording circulated with the meeting documents was approved subject to the removal of references to Trevor Monger and Lordswood (as agreed with Trevor Monger) and the replacement of the reference to English Nature with Natural England. Written agreement had been received from Graham Dennis authorising the Council to sign the Agreement on behalf of Hampshire Wildlife Trust.

Cllr Mahaffey Clerk

13. Parish Environment/Maintenance

13.1 Annual check of playground equipment – This was discussed under item 10.1

13.2 Consider litter picking in Pamber Road – This was discussed under item 10.4

13.3 Silent Soldier auction bids result – The results were noted and the Clerk confirmed e-mails had been sent to all bidders notifying them accordingly.

13.4 Should the HCC circular relating to the Council Tax increase for 2019/20 be circulated to the Parish? – It was agreed not to circulate the circular.

13.5 Consider remedial course of action in respect of the fencing in School Lane around the teardrop following residents comments – Cllr Miles explained the situation . It was agreed that Cllr Miles would provide a sketch map of the area and obtain quotes to carry out the work.

Cllr Miles

13.6 Changes to village e-mail communications – The wording as circulated was agreed.

14. Highways

14.1 Highways Issues Update – Nothing to report.

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14.2 Road Closures – Nothing further to report to the e-mail updates already circulated.

15. Consultation documents requiring consideration

15.1 None

16. Grant Applications

16.1 None

17. Finance

17.1 Payments approval – The Clerk presented the payments made for December (see Appendix C).

It was unanimously agreed to authorise the payments as outlined in Appendix C.

17.2 Receipts – see appendix C. The Clerk presented the receipts received for December (see Appendix C)

18. Date of Next Meeting

Monday 1st April, 2019

19. Resolution – to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible and financial proceedings in accordance with Public Meeting – Admission to Public Meetings Act 1960.


20. Items of a Confidential Nature


Meeting closed at 9.22pm

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Appendix A – Planning

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Appendix B – Reports

Reports for January 2019 Meeting

Pavilion Committee

No report - The next pavilion committee meeting will be held in March 2019.

Silchester Roman Town – Joint Advisory Panel

No report.

Pamber Forest Advisory Committee

No report – The next Meeting is 7th May 2019.

Silchester Common Volunteer Group

We had a good turn out on the 16th February with 23 volunteers. We cleared the snow dropped gorse from along the identified path. A big thank you to Richard Westwood for providing a second vehicle, which without we wouldn't have got the brash cleared and would not have had enough work to return for a second working party. So would have had difficulty processing the brash.

We intend to move around the common to the footpath that runs from the stepped boardwalk up past the felled Turkey Oak to the main east / west footpath on the top of the common.

Our focus will be to clear the footpath of more of the snow dropped gorse, keeping the major well used footpaths open for the many walkers using the common.

Village Hall Management Committee

No report.


No report.


No report.

Playground Committee

The Council has carried out its annual inspection and the main items that need attention are below: -

Cradle Swing – New shackles required. Main Swing – New bushes required. Seats have splits and will need replacing at some point. Net Swing – New Bushes required Fencing – Some repairs required. Seesaw – Wooden legs starting to rot below ground. Climbing Tower – Showing signs of ageing, on monitoring list. Probably got max of 2 years left. Trees – Surrounding trees overhanging parts of the play area, in particular near the climbing tower. These need cutting back to prevent children reaching out and trying to climb the trees. Basketball Hoop – Backing board needs replacing. Climbing logs – Main pole has a longitudinal split, it is on the monitoring list.

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General play area – Weed encroachment, needs spraying. Bark Surface – Very thin in places, needs levelling and new bark spreading.


No report.

Tree Report

Chris Lee reported he was not aware of any new tree issues within the Parish this month.

Beat Officer Report

No report.

Neighbourhood Watch

No report.

Gates and Fences

No report.

Community Speedwatch

Silchester Speedwatch report February 2019

We held 3 manned deployments during February and the Speed Indicator Device was also out unattended at a couple of locations. Results show that a large proportion of vehicles travelling through Silchester exceed the 30 mph limit, whilst unmanned SID recorded over 100 instances of vehicles at 50mph and over. This demonstrates the continued need to keep reminding motorists of the Speed Limits.

We also experienced the attitude that some people have towards speeding and Speedwatch activities when a resident of Pamber Road, having made aggressive comments to one of our volunteers then removed a vehicle from their driveway and parked on the wrong side of the road outside their house about 30m in front of the SID in what can only be seen as a deliberate attempt to thwart the session. We were able to move to the opposite side of the road and continue the session for traffic heading in the opposite direction.

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Appendix C – Finance

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