Significance of the Pin

The capping ceremony marks the beginning of their duty to their clients both in the hospital and community setting. Symbolically it represents responsibility over the clients. Its color means purity of their great intentions to render due care to individuals, families and community. It also signifies unimpeacheable quality The cap symbolizes responsibility. It also means acceptance the humility and the ability to work on any area assigned to him or her. It also symbolizes morality; hence the color white that is a nurse character must be one of the unimpeachable quality that she should be a model, a person to admire and to follow. after receiving their caps after the preliminary period, students were placed in charge of the hospital units and community nurse where they act as student nurses. And indeed, this ceremony is highlighted since" Being "capped" was of great significance. It meant the achievement of a goal, a stepping stone to other goals. It meant recognition by other members of the health team and a readiness to assume additional responsibilities. A big responsibility of caring, caring from the womb to tomb. nurse's cap means to you what the soldier's uniform means to him. When this cap is pinned on your head, it means you have become a member of one of the noblest professions and have subscribed to its ideals of service. You are no longer merely an individual responsible for her own acts, you are part of the nursing profession. As they are about to begin their duty very soon, these calms serves as ornaments not for beauty sake of being crowned. But a constant reminder of their full responsibilities. Same to the male student they were the badge on their right arm that symbolically means carrying their responsibilities. Of having not just the imbued with the knowledge and skills but most importantly the adept attitude for the good will of their clients. The candles dates back from the story of Florence Nightingale known to be the lady of the lamp. It signifies giving light to those in the dark times in during their sick stages. Of giving hopes and inspirations to those who downhearted and sunk in burdens. May the lighting of the candle ignites the fervent spirit of true and genuine care to serve even to the least and underserved. May its heat remind you tha you are trained to give warmth of care to the sick and unwell. Now may I quote a verse from the greatest book of all, from Matt 5:16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify God which is in heaven. Hold it high before men. Never cover it nor be ashamed of it. My dear students. May this event serves its purpose well may it not be for the sake of formality and be left to the closet of forgotteness. May it mark in your heart and be deeply ingrained in you mind. The you have a special calling to and a noble profession to uphold.



Transcript of Significance of the Pin

Page 1: Significance of the Pin

The capping ceremony marks the beginning of their duty to their clients both in the hospital and community setting. Symbolically it represents responsibility over the clients. Its color means purity of their great intentions to render due care to individuals, families and community. It also signifies unimpeacheable quality The cap symbolizes responsibility. It also means acceptance the humility and the

ability to work on any area assigned to him or her. It also symbolizes morality; hence the color white that is a

nurse character must be one of the unimpeachable quality that she should be a model, a person to admire

and to follow.

after receiving their caps after the preliminary period, students were placed in charge of the hospital units and community nurse where they act as student nurses. And indeed, this ceremony is highlighted since" Being "capped" was of great significance. It meant the achievement of a goal, a stepping stone to other goals. It meant recognition by other members of the health team and a readiness to assume additional responsibilities. A big responsibility of caring, caring from the womb to tomb. nurse's cap means to you what the soldier's uniform means to him. When this cap is pinned on your head, it means you have become a member of one of the noblest professions and have subscribed to its ideals of service. You are no longer merely an individual responsible for her own acts, you are part of the nursing profession.

As they are about to begin their duty very soon, these calms serves as ornaments not for beauty sake of being crowned. But a constant reminder of their full responsibilities. Same to the male student they were the badge on their right arm that symbolically means carrying their responsibilities. Of having not just the imbued with the knowledge and skills but most importantly the adept attitude for the good will of their clients.

The candles dates back from the story of Florence Nightingale known to be the lady of the lamp. It signifies giving light to those in the dark times in during their sick stages. Of giving hopes and inspirations to those who downhearted and sunk in burdens. May the lighting of the candle ignites the fervent spirit of true and genuine care to serve even to the least and underserved. May its heat remind you tha you are trained to give warmth of care to the sick and unwell.

Now may I quote a verse from the greatest book of all, from Matt 5:16. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify God which is in heaven. Hold it high before men. Never cover it nor be ashamed of it.

My dear students. May this event serves its purpose well may it not be for the sake of formality and be left to the closet of forgotteness. May it mark in your heart and be deeply ingrained in you mind. The you have a special calling to and a noble profession to uphold.

To begin, the tradition of the nursing pin and the ceremonial pinning orginated in the 1860’s at the Nightinglae School of

The pinning ceremony is, therefore, so much more than an event to mark the completion of RLE in the nursing curriculum and a beautiful rite-of-passage into the profession.

Page 2: Significance of the Pin

The pinning cermony signifies that we now both have the same burden of imposing upon ourselves the discipline of professionalism and to practice the virtues handed upon us by our first nurses.

The emblem of Central Mindanao University College of Nursing pin, starts with the background of the golden cross, which signifies the golden oppurtunities as we meet the challenges of being a professional, as reflected by the virtues of a CMUans.

Using the symbolic color of green, this signifies the verdant color of life. The use of oblong rather than a square with edges, signifies that the nursing has no edges by a wholesome profession.

Again preferring to the elongated sphere, rather than the circle signifies the adaptibility of the profession to the challenge of times.

Half of the said oblong, represents letters C, the 5 Cs of caring bahaviour of nures and for you to practice which are committed, compassionate, conscientious, confidence, and competent, this then completes the profession when connected.

Incorporated also in the pin is the symbol caduceus, a winged staff with 2 serpents twined around it which the Greek mythology tells us the healing power of the staff. So the CMU nurses are bound to provide relief and healing through caring. Significantly above these symbols is the superimposed letter “N” in the upper case, which represents the profession-Noble Nurses.

While these are symbolic pins, take this by heart for this represents what you were endowed.