KARUNYA UNIVERSITY (Established under Sec. 3 of the UGC Act, 1956) Department of Computer Science and Engineering Question Bank for IT 240 Signals and Systems UNIT I-Signals and Systems All possible 1 Mark 1. Define Signal. 2. Define system. 3. Define a continuous time signal. 4. Define a discrete time signal. 5. Give two examples of basic discrete time signals? 6. Give two examples of basic continuous time signals? 7. Name some operations performed on dependent variable? 8. What is amplitude scaling? Give an example. 9. Name some operations performed on independent variable? 10. What is reflection of a signal x (t)? 11. What is the condition for a continuous time signal to be an even signal? 12. What is the condition for a discrete time signal to be an even signal? 13. What is the condition for a continuous time signal to be an odd signal? 14. What is the condition for a discrete time signal to be an odd signal? 15. Define even signal. 16. Define odd signal. 17. Give the even part of any signal x (t). 18. Give the odd part of any signal x (t). 19. What is meant by periodic signal also give its condition for continuous time signal? 20. What is meant by periodic signal also give its condition for discrete time signal? 21. What is an energy signal? 22. What is a power signal?

Transcript of SIGNAL IT


KARUNYA UNIVERSITY(Established under Sec. 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Question Bank for IT 240 Signals and Systems

UNIT I-Signals and Systems

All possible 1 Mark

1. Define Signal.2. Define system.3. Define a continuous time signal.4. Define a discrete time signal.5. Give two examples of basic discrete time signals?6. Give two examples of basic continuous time signals?7. Name some operations performed on dependent variable?8. What is amplitude scaling? Give an example.9. Name some operations performed on independent variable?10. What is reflection of a signal x (t)?11. What is the condition for a continuous time signal to be an even signal?12. What is the condition for a discrete time signal to be an even signal?13. What is the condition for a continuous time signal to be an odd signal?14. What is the condition for a discrete time signal to be an odd signal?15. Define even signal.16. Define odd signal.17. Give the even part of any signal x (t).18. Give the odd part of any signal x (t).19. What is meant by periodic signal also give its condition for continuous time signal?20. What is meant by periodic signal also give its condition for discrete time signal?21. What is an energy signal?22. What is a power signal?23. Consider a signal x(t), find out the energy present in the signal x (t).24. Consider a signal x(t), which varies from 0 to T0 find out the power present in the signal x (t).25. Any signal x (t) can be broken into a sum of two signals, one of which is odd equal to ____

and other even equal to _____.26. What is the condition for energy signal?27. What is the condition for power signal?28. What is deterministic signal? Give an example waveform.29. What is random signal?30. What is a real exponential signal?31. What is a complex exponential signal?32. Define unit impulse.33. Define unit step.34. Define ramp function?


35. Represent a ramp signal in CT and DT mathematically.36. Name any two properties of impulse function.37. What is delayed unit impulse function?38. Draw the unit step function for a discrete time signal.39. Draw the unit step function for a continuous time signal.40. Draw the unit impulse function for a discrete time signal.41. Draw the unit impulse function for a continuous time signal.42. Draw the unit ramp function for a discrete time signal.43. Draw the unit ramp function for a continuous time signal.44. How unit ramp function can be obtained from a unit impulse function?45. How unit impulse function can be obtained from a unit step function?46. How unit step function can be obtained from a unit impulse function?47. How discrete time unit impulse function can be obtained from a unit step function?48. What is meant by continuous time system?49. What is meant by discrete time system?50. How CT systems are classified?51. Give any three examples for continuous time system.52. What is meant by memory less systems?53. What is static system?54. When do we say that a system is causal?55. When a system is said to be linear?56. What is meant by “Time variant system”?57. What is meant by “Time- invariant system”?58. Find the given signal is periodic or not periodic x (t)=2cos(3πt)=7cos(9t)59. LTI stands for _________60. What is LTI system?61. What are inverse systems?62. What is BIBO stability for CT systems?63. What are the properties linear system should satisfy?64. What is the condition for a system to be stable?65. Name any two properties of basic system?66. What is meant by invertible system?67. Define causality for a system:-68. Define stability for a system:-69. Define additive property:-70. Define scaling property of a system.71. What is homogeneity of a system?72. Define shift invariance.73. What are the conditions of time invariant system?

All possible 3 Marks

1. Draw the interaction between signal and system for a communication channel.2. List the classifications of signal.3. What is time scaling? Give an example.4. Draw any two continuous time and discrete time even signal.5. Draw any two continuous time and discrete time odd signal.


6. What is time shifting? Give an example.7. Draw the following signals.

i. u (t-2)ii. u (2-t)iii. u (2+t)

8. Draw the following signals.i. δ [n+3]ii. δ [-n+3]iii. δ [-n-3]

9. Draw the following signals.i. r [n-1]ii. r [t+2]iii. r[-t+1]

10. Is the discrete time system described by the expression y [n]= n x [n] time invariant or not? Why?

11. List the properties of basic systems.12. Is the system described by the following equation stable or not? Why?

Y (t) = x(τ)d τ (-∞to t)13. Is the discrete time system described by the equation y(t)=x(2t) time variant or not? Why?

Give the equation of a sine function and draw the signal neatly.14. Identify whether the continuous time system defined by y (t)= sin{x (t)} is time invariant

or not.15. Check whether the system classified by y (t) = e x (t) is time invariant or not.16. Check whether the system h (t) = e -2tu (t) is causal and stable.17. Determine whether the given signal is energy signal or power signal. State the reason.

X [n] = (1/2) n u [n].18. Prove the following

i) δ (n) = u (n) – u (n-1)ii) u(n) =Σ k=0 k=∞δ [k]iii) u (n) = Σ k=0 k=∞δ [n-k]

19. Draw a continuous time and discrete time step signal with amplitude 5.20. Draw a continuous time and discrete time impulse signal with amplitude 3.21. What is the criterion for the system to possess BIBO stability?22. What is a discrete time periodic impulse train? Illustrate with a simple diagram.

All possible 7 or 8 Marks

1. Plot the following sequences:X [n]= 2∂[n+1]- ∂[n-4]X [n]= {0, 3, 4, 3, 6, -3, -3 }

2. Test whether the following signals are periodic or not and if the signal is periodic calculate the fundamental period

X (t) = 3cos (5t+π/6)X [n]=cos( nπ/2)-sin( nπ /8)+3 cos ( nπ/4 + π/3 )

3. Explain the concept of time scaling and time shifting with an example for each.


4. Sketch and label each of the following signalsX (t-1)X(2-t)X(2t+1)X( (4-t)/2)

5. Briefly explain the classifications of continuous time signals? 6. Briefly explain the classifications of discrete time signals? 7. Distinguish between CT signals and DT signals.8. Distinguish between CT systems and DT systems.9. Distinguish between Energy signal and Power signal.10. Explain the basic properties of CT system.11. Explain the basic properties of DT system.12. Describe about the following type of DT signals with neat diagrams.

a) Exponential b) Sinusoidal c) Unit Impulse d)Unit Step

13. Determine whether the following systems which are described by the input output relations are linear, time invariant or both.

a) y(t)= t2 x (t-1) b) y[n]= x2 [n-2] c) y [n]= x [n+1]- x[n-1] 14. Decompose the signal shown in Fig1 into its equivalent odd and even parts.

Fig115. A rectangular pulse is determined as a rect (t/τ) i.e.,

x (t) = A for |t| ≤ τ/2 = 0 elsewhere.

Find out energy of this pulse and state whether it is energy or power signal.

All possible 15 marks

1. What is a signal? What are the classifications of signals? Explain them with examples and diagrams.

2. Explain the various operations performed on independent variable with examples.


3. What is a system? Explain the classifications of systems with examples.

4. What are the basic system properties? Explain them with examples.

5. Write a detail note about continuous time exponential and sinusoidal signals.

6. Write a detail note about discrete time exponential and sinusoidal signals.

UNIT II-Linear Time Invariant Systems

All possible 1 Mark

1. What is a LTI system?

2. State the convolution sum equation.

3. State the convolution integral equation.

4. State the commutative property of LTI system.

5. State the distributive property of LTI system.

6. State the associative property of LTI system.

7. Define LTI system with memory.

8. Define LTI system without memory.

9. State invertibility of LTI system.

10. Define causality property of LTI system.

11. Define stability property of LTI system.

12. Give an example for first order linear constant coefficient differential equation.

13. Give an example for second order linear constant coefficient differential equation.

14. Give an example for first order linear constant coefficient difference equation.

15. Give an example for second order linear constant coefficient difference equation.

16. What are singularity functions?

17. What is a unit impulse function?

18. What is a unit step function?

19. What is a unit ramp function?

20 Define a unit pulse function?


All possible 3 Marks

1. State the steps involved in convolution integral operation.

2. What are the steps involved in convolution sum operation?

3. State any few properties of LTI systems.

4. Determine the homogeneous solution of the given first order differential equation.

y(t) +RC dy(t)/dt = 0

5. Find the homogeneous solution for the second order LTI system described by the differential equation d2y(t)/dt2 + 5dy(t)/dt +6y(t) = 2x(t) +dx(t)/dt.

6. Determine the homogeneous solution of the given first order differential equation.

y[n] - 4y[n-1] = x[n]

7. Determine the homogeneous solution of the given second order difference equation.

y[n] – (9/16)y[n-2] = x[n-1].

All possible 7 or 8 Marks

1. Convolve the following discrete time LTI system with input x[n] and unit impulse h[n] specified as follows:

x[n] = 2n u[-n]

h[n] = u[n]

2. Consider an input x[n] and a unit impulse response h[n] given by x[n] = an u[n], h[n] = u[n] with 0 < a < 1. Compute the convolution y[n].

3. Let x(t)be the input to an LTI system where x(t) = e-at u(t), a>0 and impulse response h(t) = u(t). Find the convolution of x(t) and h(t).

4. Find the convolution of the signals x(t) = e2t u(-t) and h(t) = u(t-3).

5. Find the complete solution for the first order system described by the differential equation

dy(t)/dt + 2y(t) = ke3t u(t)

6. Determine the particular solution for the differential equation

d2y(t)/dt2 +3dy(t)/dt +2y(t) = x(t) +dx(t)/dt associated with the input x(t) = cos(2t).

7. Find the complete solution for the first order system described by the difference equation

y[n] – (1/4)y[n-1] = x[n] with input x[n] = (1/2)n u[n].


8. Write a brief note on singularity functions.

All possible 15 Marks

1. An input signal x(t) and impulse response of LTI system are given by

x(t) = 2u(t-1) – 2u(t-3)

h(t) = u(t+1) – 2u(t-1) + u(t-3). Evaluate the convolution integral.

2. Find the convolution of the following signals.

x(t) = 1 ; 0 < t < T

0 ; otherwise

h(t) = t ; 0 < t < 2T

0 ; otherwise.

3. Convolve the following signals

x(t) = e-|t|

h(t) = e-2(t+1) u(t+1)

4. Explain the properties of LTI systems.

5. Find the complete solution for the second order system described by the differential equation

d2y(t)/dt2 +4dy(t)/dt +4y(t) = dx(t)/dt +x(t) with initial conditions y(0) = 9/4, dy(0)/dt = 5 and the input x(t) = e-3t u(t).

6. Find the complete solution for the second order system described by the difference equation

y[n] – (1/4)y[n-2] = 2x[n]+x[n-1] with initial conditions y[-2] = 8, y[-1] = 0 and the input x[n] = u[n]

UNIT III-Filtering

All possible 1 Mark

1. Name the two types of filters

2. What are the different frequency selective filters?

3. Give an example for the application of frequency selective filters?

4. Give an example for the application of frequency shaping filters?

5. What is a low pass filter?

6. What is a high pass filter?


7. Define Group Delay

8. What do you mean by ringing?

9. What is a pass band ripple?

10. What is a stop band ripple?

11. What is a transition band?

12. What are the two basic classes of LTI system filters?

13. List the advantages and disadvantages of a recursive filter.

14. List the advantages and disadvantages of a non recursive filter.

15. Give any example for a non recursive filter.

All possible 3 Marks

1. What is Filtering?

2. What are frequency selective filters?

3. What are frequency shaping filters?

4. Define linear and non linear phase.

5. State the expressions for calculating the magnitude and phase response of the output of an LTI system.

6. What is a Bode-plot

7. State the advantages of an ideal low pass filter.

8. What are the disadvantages of an ideal low pass filter?

9. What do you mean by rise time and settling time?

10. Define a low frequency asymptote.

11. Define a high frequency asymptote.

12. Draw the bode plots for a first order continuous time system.

13. Draw the bode plots for a second order continuous time system.

14. What is a moving average filter?

All possible 7 or 8 Marks

1. Write a brief note on frequency shaping filters.


2. Explain frequency selective filters

3. Explain the magnitude and phase representations of the frequency response of LTI systems.

4. Explain the time domain properties of ideal frequency selective filters.

5. Explain the first order continuous time systems with their bode plots.

6. Explain the second order continuous time systems with their bode plots.

7. Draw the bode plots for a first order discrete time system.

8. Draw the bode plots for a second order discrete time system.

All possible 15 Marks

1. Explain the time domain properties of non ideal frequency selective filters.

2. Explain the first order discrete time systems with their bode plots.

3. Explain the second order discrete time systems with their bode plots.

4. Explain the analysis of an automobile suspension system.

5. Explain non recursive filters with their bode plots.

UNIT IV-Sampling

All possible 1 Mark

1. What is sampling?

2. State sampling theorem.

3. Define Nyquist rate.

4. What do you mean by oversampling?

5. Define undersampling?

6. What is critical sampling?

7. What are the methods of representing a continuous time signal by its samples?

8. What do you mean by aliasing?

9. Define continuous-time to discrete-time conversion.

10. Define discrete-time to continuous-time conversion.

11. State the methods of sampling a discrete time signal.

12. What do you mean by sampling rate conversion?

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13. What do you mean by decimation?

14. What do you mean by interpolation?

15. State the Laplace transform pair equations.

16.Find the Laplace transform of u(t).

17. Find the Laplace transform of cos wt.

18. L[sin wt] = ?

19. L[e-at cos wt] = ?

20. L[e-at sin wt] = ?

21. State the linearity property of Laplace transform.

22. State the time shifting property of Laplace transform.

23. State the time convolution property of Laplace transform.

24. State the scaling property of Laplace transform.

25. State the inverse Laplace transform pair equations.

26. What is a system transfer function?

27. State the condition for a LTI system to be stable with respect to Laplace transform.

28. State the condition for a LTI system to be causal with respect to Laplace transform.

All possible 3 Marks

1. Define sampling and state sampling theorem.

2. State Impulse train sampling method.

3. Define sampling with a zero order hold method.

4. Draw the overall block diagram of discrete time processing of a continuous time signal.

5. State any five Laplace transform pairs.

6. Expand ROC and define it.

7. Find the Laplace transform of the given signal and plot the ROC.

x(t)= 3e-2t u(t).

8. Check whether the system with the following impulse response is causal or not.

h(t) = e-t u(t)

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9. Check whether the systems with the following impulse response are stable or not

h(t) = 2/3 e-t u(t) – 1/3 e2t u(-t)

10. Find the system transfer function of the linear constant co-efficient differential equation

RC dy(t)/dt +LC d2y(t)/dt2 + y(t) = x(t)

11. Consider the causal LTI system with system function H(S) = 1/(s+3). Draw the equivalent block diagram for the given system function by using interconnection of two LTI systems.

12. Find the unilateral Laplace transform of the given signal.

x(t) = e-a(t+1) u(t+1)

All possible 7 or 8 Marks

1. Explain the impulse train sampling method of representing a continuous time signal by its samples.

2. Explain sampling with zero order hold method.

3. Explain the process of reconstruction of a signal from its samples using interpolation.

4. Explain discrete time processing of continuous time signals.

5. Explain sampling of discrete time signals using impulse train sampling method.

6. What is interpolation. Obtain the two fold expanded signal y[n] of the input signal x[n].

x[n] = n ; n > 0 and

0 ; otherwise

7. State the properties of Laplace transform.

8. Find the Laplace transform of the given signal.

x(t) = e-2t u(t) +e-t (cos 3t) u(t)

9. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the given signal.

X(s) = 1 / [s(s+1)(s+3)]

10. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the given signal.

X(s) = (1-s) / [(s+1)(s2+4s+13)]

11. Find the inverse Laplace transform of the given signal.

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X(s) = s2 / [(s2+a2)(s2+b2)]

12. Consider an LTI system with input x(t) and output y(t) satisfying the linear constant coefficient differential equation dy(t)/dt + 3y(t) = x(t). Find the system transfer function and impulse response.

13. Consider an LTI system with input x(t) = e-3t u(t) and output y(t) = [e-t – e-2t] u(t). Find the system transfer function, impulse response and the corresponding linear constant co-efficient differential equation.

14. Consider the causal LTI system with system function H(s)= (s+2) / (s+3). Draw the equivalent block diagram representation.

15. Draw the direct form representation of H(s) = (2s2+4s-6) / (s2+3s+2).

All possible 15 Marks

1. Explain the methods of representing a continuous time signal by its samples?

2. Consider a causal second order system with transfer function H(s) = 1 / [(s+1)(s+2)]. Draw the cascade, parallel and direct form representation and also find the linear constant co-efficient differential equation.

3. Determine the output of a system with differential equation

d2y(t)/dt2 + 5dy(t)/dt +6y(t) = dx(t)/dt +6x(t) with input x(t) = u(t) and initial conditions are y(0-) = 1 and dy(0-)/dt= 2.

UNIT V-The Z-Transform

All possible 1 Mark

1. Define Z transform of a discrete time signal.

2. Find the Z transform of u[n].

3. Find the Z transform of [cos wn] u[n].

4. State the linearity property of Z transform.

5. State the time shifting property of Z transform.

6. State the time reversal property of Z transform.

7. State the scaling property of Z transform.

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8. State the convolution property of Z transform.

9. What are the methods used for finding the inverse Z transform?

10. Find the inverse Z transform of [z/(z-a)].

11. State the condition for a discrete time LTI system to be causal with respect to Z transform.

12. State the condition for a LTI system to be stable.

13. Consider a causal system with system function H(z) = [1/(1-az-1)]. What is the condition for this system to be stable?

All possible 3 Marks

1. Expand ROC and define it.

2. State any three properties of Z transform.

3. Find the Z transform of x[n] = an u[n].

4. Using Z transform, find the convolution of the two sequences

x1[n] = {1,2,-1,0,3} and x2[n] = {1,2,-1}.

5. Find the Z transform of the given sequence

x[n] = {1,2,5,4,0,1}

6. By using long division method, determine the inverse Z transform of

X(z) = (1+2z-1) / (1-2z-1+z-2) when x[n] is causal.

7. Check whether the discrete time LTI system with system function

H(z) = [(z3-2z2+3) / (z2+0.25z+0.125)] causal or not. State the reason.

8. Check whether the LTI system with system function

H(z) = (1/2)n u[n] – 2n u[-n-1] stable or not. State the reason.

9. Consider the causal LTI system with system function

H(z) = [1 / (1-(1/4)z-1)]. Draw the block diagram.

All possible 7 or 8 Marks

1. State the properties of Z transform.

2. Determine the Z transform of x[n] = b|n|; b > 0.

3. Determine the Z transform of x[n] = (sin won) u(n)

4. By using long division method, determine the inverse Z transform of

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X(z) = (z+1) / (z2-3z+2)

a) when x[n] is causal

b) when x[n] is anticausal.

5. Find the inverse Z transform of

X(z) = z(z2-z+2)/[(z+1)(z-1)2] using partial fraction method.

6. Find the inverse Z transform of

X(z) = (0.25 z-1) / [(1-0.5z-1)(1-0.25z-1)]; ROC |z| > 1/2 using partial fraction method.

7. Find the inverse Z transform of X(z) = z2/[(z-2)(z-4)] using convolution method.

8 a. Using initial value theorem of Z transform find the initial value of the signal for which

Y(z) = (1-2z-1) / [(1-0.3z-1)(1-0.2z-1)].

b. Using final value theorem of Z transform find the final value of the signal when

X(z) = (z+2) / (z-0.8)2.

9. Consider a LTI system for which the input x[n] and output y[n] satisfy the linear constant coefficient difference equation

y[n] - 1/2 y[n-1] = x[n] + 1/3 x[n-1]

i) Find the impulse response

ii) Find the system transfer function.

10. Draw the block diagram for

H(z) = (1-2z-1)/(1-(1/4)z-1).

11. Find the unilateral and bilateral Z transform of the signal x[n] = a(n+1) u(n+1).

All possible 15 Marks

1. Find the inverse Z transform of

X(z) = z(z-1) / [(z+2)3(z+1)] with ROC |z| >2.

2. Consider the second order system with system function

H(z) = 1 / [(1+0.5z-1)(1-0.25z-1)]. Draw the block diagram i) cascade form ii) parallel form and iii) direct form representation.

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