Sierra Soft-ProSt User Guide 2009

SierraSoft Geomatics Suite 2009 ProSt User guide Copyright 1992-2009 SierraSoft All rights reserved Sierra Informatica S.r.l. Via Roveredo 1/a 33170 PORDENONE PN ITALY Tel.: +39 0434.25.49.06 Fax.: +39 0434.25.49.07 e-mail: [email protected] WEB:


User Guide for program ProSt (Geomatics Suite)

Transcript of Sierra Soft-ProSt User Guide 2009

Page 1: Sierra Soft-ProSt User Guide 2009

SierraSoft Geomatics Suite 2009

ProSt User guide

Copyright 1992-2009 – SierraSoft

All rights reserved

Sierra Informatica S.r.l.

Via Roveredo 1/a



Tel.: +39 0434.25.49.06

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Page 2: Sierra Soft-ProSt User Guide 2009


Using computer procedures involves knowing the operative system. The Geomatics products were created for 32bit Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista operative systems. The operative system is loaded on turning on the computer and works as interface between the program and the computer. The operative system is not provided together with Geomatics Suite, so it must be already present in the computer. Knowing the operative system base principles is necessary for a full comprehension of this guide and for a correct use of the program.

This is not a guide to operative systems, for which you should refer to Windows 2000/XP/Vista guides or to the numerous publications on the matter. This guide does not intend to give instructions concerning the use of topographic instruments and of computer peripherals. This guide is by no means a course of topography.

The documentation included in this guide has been collected and verified with maximum care. Anyway, SierraSoft cannot be held responsible for its use. This is true also for any person or society involved in the creation, production and distribution of this guide.

This guide is protected by copyright. Reproduction of this guide, or part of it, is possible only on written authorization by SierraSoft. The use of SierraSoft programs is subjected to the limits set by international legislation on intellectual property. Copy of the product original disks is forbidden, except for backup copies made by the license subscriber and only for safety reasons.

Above mentioned warnings are considered accepted on purchasing Topko, ProSt, Rasta and Sitio program.

Windows is a registered trademark, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Microsoft Office are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of AutoDesk. Inc. Other brands

and product names cited in this guide are considered trademarks by their respective owners. The information here included is subject to change without any communication from SierraSoft.

Page 3: Sierra Soft-ProSt User Guide 2009

IndexIndex .......................................................................................................................................... 3

ProSt ........................................................................................................................................ 13

ProSt modularity ...................................................................................................................... 14

Project properties .................................................................................................................... 15

Planimetry project properties .................................................................................................. 15

Profile project properties ........................................................................................................... 23

Profile settings ...................................................................................................................... 24

Graphic window tab ............................................................................................................... 25

Cross-sections project properties ............................................................................................... 27

Cross sections settings........................................................................................................... 27

Graphic window tab ............................................................................................................... 28

Titles tab .............................................................................................................................. 29

Survey and cartography .............................................................................................................. 30

Survey properties .................................................................................................................... 30

Drawing Filters tab ................................................................................................................... 31

Fieldbook of measures table ...................................................................................................... 35

Table toolbar ........................................................................................................................ 36

Coordinates ............................................................................................................................. 38

Check point name ................................................................................................................. 38

Table of topographic coordinates ............................................................................................. 40

Transform entity into topographic point ................................................................................... 46

From points to topographic points ........................................................................................... 47

From texts to topographic points ............................................................................................. 47

Coordinate management from CAD ......................................................................................... 48

Acquisition of topographic coordinates from ASCII file ............................................................... 61

Printing Topographic coordinates ............................................................................................. 62

Constraints ............................................................................................................................. 62

Break lines ........................................................................................................................... 63

Boundary lines ...................................................................................................................... 64

How to modify constraints typology ......................................................................................... 65

How to erase and modify constraints ....................................................................................... 66

Triangles ................................................................................................................................. 66

Automatic triangulation .......................................................................................................... 67

Set triangles colour ............................................................................................................... 70

How to erase or modify triangles ............................................................................................. 71

Printing of Triangles .............................................................................................................. 71

Contour lines ........................................................................................................................... 72

Creation of contour lines ........................................................................................................ 73

Modify labels ........................................................................................................................ 76

Set colors to contour lines ...................................................................................................... 77

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How to erase or modify contour lines ....................................................................................... 78

Introducing parametric design ................................................................................................... 79

Axis geometric properties ....................................................................................................... 79

Functions of window display and automatic positioning ................................................................. 81

Horizontal aligment elements .................................................................................................... 83

Vertical alignment elements ...................................................................................................... 83

Typical sections tab .................................................................................................................. 84

Typologies of axis typical sections ........................................................................................... 84

Display typical sections and their properties ............................................................................. 84

Insert, remove, change and modify typical sections ................................................................... 85

Insert, remove, modify intervals ............................................................................................. 86

Intersections (ProSt - Premium) ................................................................................................ 88

General information about intersections ................................................................................... 88

Intersection types ................................................................................................................. 88

Commands for the management of intersections ....................................................................... 89

Managing linear AT-grade intersections....................................................................................... 90

Property tab ......................................................................................................................... 92

Verify .................................................................................................................................. 94

Settings ............................................................................................................................... 95

Typical intersection manager .................................................................................................. 96

Generate intersection ............................................................................................................ 97

Manage AT-grade intersections on roundabout ............................................................................ 98

Property ............................................................................................................................... 99

Verify tab ........................................................................................................................... 101

Scheda Settings .................................................................................................................. 102

Typical intersection manager ................................................................................................ 103

Generate intersection .......................................................................................................... 104

Management of entry/exit lanes ............................................................................................... 105

Property ............................................................................................................................. 107

Verify ................................................................................................................................ 108

Settings ............................................................................................................................. 110

Generate intersection .......................................................................................................... 111

Lane division management ...................................................................................................... 112

Property ............................................................................................................................. 114

Settings ............................................................................................................................. 115

Intersection management .................................................................................................... 117

Volume calculation ................................................................................................................. 118

Settings ................................................................................................................................ 118

General .............................................................................................................................. 118

Profile and x-section ............................................................................................................ 120

Typical section .................................................................................................................... 121

Creation ............................................................................................................................. 121

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Real Time Design ...................................................................................................................... 124

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 124

Working environment ............................................................................................................. 124

Toolbars ............................................................................................................................. 125

Information ........................................................................................................................ 126

Working mode ....................................................................................................................... 127

Typical section check ........................................................................................................... 127

Modify current section ......................................................................................................... 127

Typical section builder ......................................................................................................... 129

Dynamic design ........................................................................................................................ 130

Dynamic design ..................................................................................................................... 131

Dynamic design settings ......................................................................................................... 133

Planimetry .......................................................................................................................... 134

Longitudinal profile .............................................................................................................. 135

Cross-section ...................................................................................................................... 135

Planimetry ............................................................................................................................... 136

Supplementary Entities ........................................................................................................ 137

ProSt menus - Planimetry..................................................................................................... 137

ProSt toolbars ..................................................................................................................... 137

Axis properties ...................................................................................................................... 139

General tab ........................................................................................................................ 140

Calculation ......................................................................................................................... 142

Dynamic design tab ............................................................................................................. 147

Drawing filters tab ............................................................................................................... 150

Titles tab ............................................................................................................................ 151

Alignment elements ............................................................................................................... 151

Axis by vertexes ................................................................................................................. 152

Axis by curves .................................................................................................................... 172

Sort horizontal alignment elements ....................................................................................... 184

Dynamic profile ................................................................................................................... 185

Alignment offset .................................................................................................................. 186

Modify alignment ................................................................................................................ 189

Check on policy ................................................................................................................... 189

Cross sections in planimetry .................................................................................................... 191

Section types ...................................................................................................................... 192

Automatic insertion of cross-sections ..................................................................................... 193

Manual insertion of cross-sections ......................................................................................... 194

Dynamic sections ................................................................................................................ 195

How to erase and modify cross-sections in planimetry ............................................................. 197

Modify alignment ................................................................................................................ 199

Speed diagram ...................................................................................................................... 199

Speeds by station................................................................................................................ 201

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Speed by curve ................................................................................................................... 201

Check curves ...................................................................................................................... 202

How to set the data for generating the speed diagram plot preview ........................................... 202

Speed diagram plot preview ................................................................................................. 205

Calculation page ................................................................................................................. 210

Superelevation tab .............................................................................................................. 212

Widenings tab ..................................................................................................................... 214

Geometry annotation .............................................................................................................. 215

Annotation styles ................................................................................................................ 216

Creation of geometry annotation ........................................................................................... 218

How to erase geometry annotation ........................................................................................ 219

Dimension on axis ............................................................................................................... 219

Planimetry of project .............................................................................................................. 220

How to erase a project planimetry ......................................................................................... 232

Break contour lines on planimetry of project ........................................................................... 232

Alignment polylines ................................................................................................................ 233

Definition of alignment polyline codes .................................................................................... 234

Change alignment polyline code ............................................................................................ 235

Manual insertion of an alignment polyline ............................................................................... 235

Inserting lanes (axis offset) .................................................................................................. 236

Axis widening ..................................................................................................................... 238

Lane reduction .................................................................................................................... 239

Stop areas ......................................................................................................................... 240

Drawing curves between axes edges ..................................................................................... 241

Alignment offset .................................................................................................................. 244

Offset from another polyline ................................................................................................. 251

Create polyline from section flags .......................................................................................... 253

Filleting polylines ................................................................................................................ 253

Joining polylines .................................................................................................................. 254

Exctract planimetry polyline profile ........................................................................................ 254

Transform from polylines/lines/arcs ....................................................................................... 256

Cut Polylines ....................................................................................................................... 256

Staking ................................................................................................................................. 257

Extraction of coordinates from sections .................................................................................. 258

Inserting a topographic point by specifying its station and offset from a reference axis. ............... 261

Calculating station and offset from axis for a group of points .................................................... 263

Information from axis .......................................................................................................... 264

Coordinate table with station and offset from axis ................................................................... 265

Print coordinates reporting station and distance from axis ........................................................ 267

Axis planimetry reports ........................................................................................................... 268

Profile ..................................................................................................................................... 269

Additional entities ............................................................................................................... 269

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ProSt menus - Profile ........................................................................................................... 270

ProSt toolbars ..................................................................................................................... 270

Open profile from planimetry ................................................................................................ 270

Longitudinal profile properties ................................................................................................. 271

General tab ........................................................................................................................ 272

Policy tab ........................................................................................................................... 273

Calculation tab .................................................................................................................... 274

Dynamic design tab ............................................................................................................. 278

Hydraulics tab..................................................................................................................... 280

Drawing filters tab ............................................................................................................... 281

Titles tab ............................................................................................................................ 282

Profile codes .......................................................................................................................... 283

Profile Drawing tab .............................................................................................................. 284

Supplementary data tab ....................................................................................................... 284

Profile polylines tab ............................................................................................................. 285

Terrain and project profile ....................................................................................................... 285

Insertion of terrain and project stations from graphic CAD ....................................................... 285

How to erase and modify profile stations from the graphic CAD ................................................. 286

Table of longitudinal profile .................................................................................................. 286

Altimetric elements ................................................................................................................ 291

Insertion of grade lines ........................................................................................................ 291

Inserting vertical curves ....................................................................................................... 294

Inserting vertical parabolas .................................................................................................. 298

Inserting grade lines with difference in height ......................................................................... 302

Interactive modification of grade lines and vertical curves ........................................................ 303

How to erase and modify altimetric elements .......................................................................... 304

Table of grade lines and vertical curves .................................................................................. 305

Check on policy of altimetric elements ................................................................................... 307

Groups of grade lines and vertical curves .................................................................................. 308

Setting the active group ....................................................................................................... 308

Setting group visibility ......................................................................................................... 310

How to copy the elements from a group to the other ............................................................... 311

Supplementary profiles ........................................................................................................... 311

Table of supplementary profiles ............................................................................................ 312

Insertion of supplementary profile sections from graphic CAD ................................................... 312

How to erase and modify profile stations from the graphic CAD ................................................. 313

Profile polylines ..................................................................................................................... 313

Manual insertion of profile polylines ....................................................................................... 313

Change profile polyline code ................................................................................................. 314

Profile supplementary data ...................................................................................................... 315

Calculation of profile elevations ............................................................................................... 315

Calculation of profile elevations ............................................................................................. 316

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Extraction of profiles ............................................................................................................ 317

Calculation of real profile ...................................................................................................... 320

Break on project .................................................................................................................... 322

Information from axis ............................................................................................................. 323

Definition of profile dimensioning ............................................................................................. 324

Managing dimensioning styles ............................................................................................... 325

Dimensioning tab ................................................................................................................ 326

Layout tab .......................................................................................................................... 329

Dimensioning tab ................................................................................................................ 330

Cut/Fill tab ......................................................................................................................... 332

Text tab ............................................................................................................................. 334

Fonts tab ........................................................................................................................... 335

Printing longitudinal profile reports ........................................................................................... 336

Printing supplementary profile reports ................................................................................... 337

Printing Grade lines and Vertical curves reports ...................................................................... 338

Cross-sections and volume calculations ....................................................................................... 339

Cross-sections ....................................................................................................................... 339

Additional entities ............................................................................................................... 339

Sections module Menus........................................................................................................ 339

ProSt Toolbars .................................................................................................................... 340

How to move quickly among sections .................................................................................... 340

Cross-sections properties ........................................................................................................ 341

General tab ........................................................................................................................ 342

Calculation tab .................................................................................................................... 343

S.O.P. tab .......................................................................................................................... 344

Drawing filters tab ............................................................................................................... 345

Titles tab ............................................................................................................................ 345

Elaboration codes ................................................................................................................... 346

Definition of the codes of the elements to be inserted in the sections ......................................... 346

Definition of areas to calculate in the sections ......................................................................... 350

Definition of area calculation sequence in the sections ............................................................. 351

Guided creation of calculation sequence ................................................................................. 353

An example of how to fill Elaboration codes tables ................................................................... 359

Setting area hatches............................................................................................................ 361

Management of cross-sections ................................................................................................. 361

Insertion of cross-sections .................................................................................................... 361

Cross-sections in planimetry ................................................................................................. 362

Terrain and project profile .................................................................................................... 363

Dynamic sections ................................................................................................................ 363

Calculation of section elevations ............................................................................................ 364

Copy of sections .................................................................................................................. 371

Cancel sections ................................................................................................................... 372

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Cross-elements ...................................................................................................................... 373

Management of section elements .......................................................................................... 373

Insertion of topographic point by cross-sections ...................................................................... 374

Transform from polylines/lines/arcs ....................................................................................... 375

Delete and modify transversal elements ................................................................................. 376

Management of section elements from table ........................................................................... 378

Automatic editing of elements ............................................................................................... 379

Cross sections reports .......................................................................................................... 387

Typical sections ..................................................................................................................... 388

Work environment ............................................................................................................... 388

Main operation .................................................................................................................... 406

Basic objects - Road cross-sections ....................................................................................... 416

Basic objects - Hydraulic cross-sections ................................................................................. 482

Basic objects - Railway cross-sections .................................................................................... 488

Inserting Typical sections and Typical elements ......................................................................... 503

Typical sections and Typical elements .................................................................................... 503

Inserting a typical section in the current section...................................................................... 503

Inserting a typical section in a group of sections ..................................................................... 505

Typical sections supplied with the tool ................................................................................... 507

Inserting typical objects in the current section ........................................................................ 508

Inserting type objects on a group of sections .......................................................................... 510

Typical elements supplied with the tool .................................................................................. 513

Creation of a non parametric object ....................................................................................... 517

Section editings ..................................................................................................................... 519

Insertion of working lines on cross sections ............................................................................ 519

Automatic offset .................................................................................................................. 519

Offset: fixed-thickness element ............................................................................................. 521

Terrain recovery ................................................................................................................. 526

Benching ............................................................................................................................ 527

Berm ................................................................................................................................. 528

Stratiform excavation .......................................................................................................... 528

Insertion of sideslopes ......................................................................................................... 529

Utilities ................................................................................................................................. 529

Insertion of edge flag .......................................................................................................... 529

Insertion of sideslope flag .................................................................................................... 530

Center line position ............................................................................................................. 532

S.O.P. position .................................................................................................................... 532

Calculation of elementary areas ............................................................................................... 532

Calculation of elementary areas on the current section ............................................................ 533

Visualization of volume calculation results on section ............................................................... 533

Display calculation results on section ........................................................................................ 533

Volumes ............................................................................................................................... 533

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Volume calculation by sections .............................................................................................. 533

How to perform volume calculation ........................................................................................ 534

Break on project ................................................................................................................. 539

Definition of section dimensioning ............................................................................................ 540

Management of dimensioning styles ...................................................................................... 541

Setting style on single sections ............................................................................................. 541

Definition of section dimensioning - Dimensioning tab .............................................................. 543

Definition of section dimensioning - Layout tab ....................................................................... 546

Definition of section dimensioning - Text tab .......................................................................... 547

Definition of section dimensioning - Text style tab ................................................................... 548

ProSt - Standard ....................................................................................................................... 549

ProSt - Standard: Road, railway, hydraulic design ...................................................................... 549

Calculation of volumes and accounting sections ...................................................................... 549

Bruckner diagram................................................................................................................ 549

Sight diagram ..................................................................................................................... 549

Sight Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 550

Introducing sight diagram .................................................................................................... 550

Work environment ............................................................................................................... 551

Roadway model .................................................................................................................. 559

Sight diagram calculation ..................................................................................................... 562

Calculation results ............................................................................................................... 563

Volume calculation ................................................................................................................. 573

Definition of area calculation sequence in the sections ............................................................. 573

An example of how to fill Elaboration codes tables ................................................................... 575

Guided creation of calculation sequence ................................................................................. 578

Bruckner diagram................................................................................................................ 583

ProSt - Premium ....................................................................................................................... 594

Road Intersections .............................................................................................................. 594

Planning at grade intersections ............................................................................................. 594

Road intersections builder for road intersections ..................................................................... 594

Interchanges, in/out lanes and lane division ........................................................................... 594

Multiple sections ................................................................................................................. 595

Check policy concerning intersections .................................................................................... 595

Projection of axes on profile ................................................................................................. 595

Profile from polyline............................................................................................................. 595

Creating parametric object types........................................................................................... 595

Renew – Repavement .......................................................................................................... 595

Tunnel ............................................................................................................................... 596

Introducing intersection manager ............................................................................................. 596

About intersections .............................................................................................................. 596

Intersection types ............................................................................................................... 596

Intersections (ProSt - Premium) .............................................................................................. 597

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General information about intersections ................................................................................. 597

Intersection types ............................................................................................................... 597

Managing linear AT-grade intersections..................................................................................... 600

Property tab ....................................................................................................................... 602

Verify ................................................................................................................................ 603

Settings ............................................................................................................................. 604

Typical intersection manager ................................................................................................ 606

Generate intersection .......................................................................................................... 606

Manage AT-grade intersections on roundabout .......................................................................... 607

Property ............................................................................................................................. 609

Verify tab ........................................................................................................................... 610

Settings tab ........................................................................................................................ 611

Typical intersection manager ................................................................................................ 612

Generate intersection .......................................................................................................... 613

Management of entry/exit lanes ............................................................................................... 614

Verify ................................................................................................................................ 617

Settings ............................................................................................................................. 619

Generate intersection .......................................................................................................... 620

Lane division management ...................................................................................................... 621

Property ............................................................................................................................. 623

Settings ............................................................................................................................. 624

Intersection management .................................................................................................... 626

Road intersections builder ....................................................................................................... 627

Introducing at grade intersection design ................................................................................ 627

Typical intersection builder ................................................................................................... 627

Horizontal profile and objects management ............................................................................ 628

Graphic window .................................................................................................................. 631

Objects library .................................................................................................................... 631

Main elaborations ................................................................................................................ 632

Correlated insertion of sections ................................................................................................ 635

Multiple sections .................................................................................................................... 636

Multiple sections from Planimetry .......................................................................................... 638

Multiple sections from Cross-sections ..................................................................................... 639

Calculation of axes intersection on profile ................................................................................. 642

Projection of polylines or axes on the profile .............................................................................. 643

Extract planimetry polyline profile ............................................................................................ 645

Cut lines ............................................................................................................................... 646

Manual insertion of cut lines ................................................................................................. 646

Calculation of cut lines ......................................................................................................... 647

Automatic cut of sections ..................................................................................................... 648

Removing cut lines .............................................................................................................. 649

Cut Polylines ......................................................................................................................... 650

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References from alignment polylines ........................................................................................ 651

Drawing curves between axes edges ........................................................................................ 653

Insertion of simple curves .................................................................................................... 653

Insertion of three center curves ............................................................................................ 654

Setting elevation to edge polylines ........................................................................................... 656

Calculating the elevation of edge polylines by setting start and end elevation ............................. 656

Calculating edge polyline elevations by using a reference axis .................................................. 657

Calculating edge polyline elevations by using a reference axis or 3D polyline .............................. 658

Check distances ..................................................................................................................... 660

Settings ............................................................................................................................. 661

Start and end page.............................................................................................................. 662

Creation of the intersection 3D model ....................................................................................... 663

Curb construction ................................................................................................................ 664

Interpolation of polylines ...................................................................................................... 665

Sideslope construction ......................................................................................................... 667

Drawing the 4th part of cone ................................................................................................ 669

Parametric Typical objects....................................................................................................... 670

Creating parametric type objects........................................................................................... 670

Creating, modifying, saving objects ....................................................................................... 673

Managing object variables .................................................................................................... 675

Management of object properties .......................................................................................... 677

Managing object polylines .................................................................................................... 684

Managing interpolation tables ............................................................................................... 692

Tango code ........................................................................................................................ 694

Tunnel .................................................................................................................................. 694

Calculate model .................................................................................................................. 694

Calculation of section elevations ............................................................................................ 695

Specific section dimensioning ............................................................................................... 696

Printing Tunnel – outline distance .......................................................................................... 698

Repavement (Renew) ............................................................................................................. 699

Data setting ....................................................................................................................... 699

Calculation of overlay polylines ............................................................................................. 701

Display critical zones ........................................................................................................... 703

Volume calculation .............................................................................................................. 703

Y module - Railway design and grinding ....................................................................................... 704

Railway utility ........................................................................................................................ 705

Check distances between rails .............................................................................................. 705

Distance fixed point-rails ...................................................................................................... 707

Track polylines calculation .................................................................................................... 710

Deviation survey-project ...................................................................................................... 713

Curve staking ..................................................................................................................... 716

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ProSt By ProSt it is possible to design roads, hydraulic works and any other linear work; the project includes the geometry annotation performed according to topographic surveys or existing maps, the management of terrain and project longitudinal profiles and the length of cross sections with volume calculation. ProSt Premium includes a set of tools to solve easily and precisely all the problems concerning the planning of road intersections

Survey and cartography

According to a topographic survey or an existing map, ProSt can perform the modelling of the terrain on which to base the whole design and the extraction of terrain sections and profiles.

Plano-altimetric design

The design of a horizontal alignment can be performed in the graphic window and allows the definition of

any kind of alignment. Terrain profiles and sections are extracted from survey data or from the maps loaded; altimetric design is carried out by inserting grade lines and vertical curves.

Policy check

Policy check supports the user during the phases of insertion and modification of the plano-altimetric alignment, by generating the corresponding speed diagram.

Cross sections and typical sections

By parametric design it is possible to check a project and its parameters. Cross sections are completed by inserting the corresponding typical section , but it is always possible to modify the parameters of the single section. A specific editor allows to create and customize the typical sections by using a wide library of parametric objects which can be extended by the user.

Volume and quantity calculation

The tool calculates volumes and quantities according to the elements contained in the sections; the quantities to calculate and the calculation rules can be defined by the user with no limits in the accounting potential.

Dynamic design

Dynamic design can automize the whole creation and modification process of a project, determining a

global updating of all the project elements and data.

Road intersections

ProSt includes a sophisticated system for the management of every kind of intersections, from roundabouts, to crossroads and interchanges. Such situations are solved with the minimum number of axes and with the creation of a 3D model; policy check is included.

Final drawings

Drawings, planimetry, profiles and sections can be customized by definig proper drawing styles and dimensioning which can be used also in other projects.

Sight Diagram

Sight check is performed very accurately, according to a 3D model of the project and can determine the

widening necessary to assure sight; the widening can be associated to the shoulder object of the typical sections used.

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A specific procedure allows to calculate the project elevations which assure, according to the existing pavement, a minimum cover thickness.


It is possible to build a 3D model of existing tunnels and extract the cross sections.

ProSt modularity

ProSt Basic By ProSt it is possible to design roads, hydraulic works and any other linear work; the project includes the geometry annotation performed according to topographic surveys or existing maps, the management

of terrain and project longitudinal profiles and the length of cross sections with volume calculation.

“Dynamic design” provides for the updating of all the elements and project data following any kind of modification.

ProSt Standard

By ProSt Standard it is possible to design roads, hydraulic works and any other linear work; the project includes the geometry annotation performed according to topographic surveys or existing maps, the

management of terrain and project longitudinal profiles and the length of cross sections with volume calculation. The design can be performed with policy check and includes sight check. “Dynamic design”

provides for the updating of all the elements and project data following any kind of modification.

ProSt Premium

ProSt Premium extends ProSt Standard with a set of tools to solve easily and precisely all the problems concerning the planning of road intersections, from a simple At-Grade intersection to very complex

interchanges, rotary intersections, etc. ProSt Premium includes specific functions for the survey and design of tunnels as well as a set of commands for the calculation of the repavement elevations of existing roads.

ProSt Y: Railway design and grinding

This module extends the basic module by allowing a complete design, planimetry, profiles and sections,

of single track/double track railway lines. There are also specific elaborations allowing to test and grinding the existing railway settings according to the survey performed.

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Project properties

Through the project properties it is possible to check many aspects concerning the whole project visualization and management. There are three dialog boxes for the management of the project properties: one for the planimetry graphic window, one for the profile graphic window and one for the sections graphic window. All these windows are different as they allow the management of the properties concerning planimetry, profile and sections.

Planimetry project properties

It is possible to activate the project properties dialog box as follows:

Menu File > Project properties

Command line: DDPAR

The dialog box is subdivided into tabs which allow to modify some parameters concerning data display and project management.

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General tab

Request for coordinates In Ordinate symbol and Abscissa symbol edit box, it is possible to specify the character used to identify abscissas and ordinates. You can choose, moreover, the order according to which Cartesian coordinates are requested: before abscissas, then ordinates or vice versa.

Scale In Scale edit box, it is possible to indicate the drawing scale according to which you want to work. You can also use the command SCALEDRAW to change the drawing scale.

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Settings tab

Decimals In this group it is possible to set the number of decimals to be used in the display of coordinates, elevations, angles and distances. Settings refer to both the graphic display and the reports that can be


Stations Station display mode of sections can be set through Display mode list box. The two available methods are:

Standard: one station of 1234.567 meters is displayed as 1234.567.

X+YYY.ZZZ: one station of 1234.567 meters is displayed as 1+1234.567.

Project language Language in which the project has been performed. Its purpose is to make sure the typical sections do

not use the tool language codes but the codes of the language with which the project has been generated.

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Points tab

In this page it is possible to check some display parameters of survey points.

Labels style Default style to use to represent topographic point labels.

Text shifting It is possible to specify the polar coordinates of the block of labels associated to each point, provided the angle and the distance from the point itself are indicated.

Size Allows to set the size of the symbol representing the point and the size of the labels associated to it.

Show data point Allows to specify data to be displayed for each point in the graphic display.

Request for data point On inserting a point in the graphic management, the tool will ask you to specify, besides position, also other data (name, code, elevation, etc.), as set in this group of options.

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Symbols tab

It is possible to set a particular symbol for the three main categories of survey points: topographic, station and datum points.

Pressing Browse button, it is possible to choose the symbol or the block desired. See Selection of


Drawing grid tab

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Drawing grid allows to create a grid on the whole drawing, according to a step defined by the user.

Through list box Drawing grid you can choose the kind of drawing grid you prefer, since it is possible to see its preview displayed on the right side of the dialog box. You can change the kind of drawing grid by mouse-clicking on the preview.

Limits It is possible to set manually the limits of the grid to be drawn or, by choosing Automatic option, make the tool draw the drawing grid using drawing limits.

Size Allows to set the size of the symbol representing the grid point and the size of the labels associated to it.

Step It is possible to set the step (distance between two symbols) in the direction of abscissas as well as ordinates. Moreover, it is possible to set how many Steps should exceed the sheet limits.

Miscellaneous tab

In this tab it is possible to check some generic features concerning the display of planimetric entities.

Text size Triangles: Size of triangle number text ;

Contour lines: Size of contour lines elevation text ;

Allotments: Size of allotment description text ;

Axis elements: Size of the texts displaying the parameter of axis elements

Sections: Size of section name text ;

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Triangles symbols Allows to decide which symbols to use for the triangles display:

Lines: part of the lines that join the triangle barycenter to its vertexes are drawn.

Number: displays the triangle number allowing to compare it with the reports.

None: it draws only the sides.

Symbol size Constraints: Size of segment perpendicular to boundary line.

Sections: Size of the segment representing the section point of view.

Error ellipse scale: scale factor for the display of the error ellipses calculated by the least square

adjustment algorithm for the survey stations. Since the ellipses are normally very small, if the scale factor increases, also the ellipses display will be increased.

Polylines: symbol size associated to polyline segments.

Text style tab

Through this tab you can set the font to be used in the visualization of the writings concerning:

Survey points ;

Contour lines labels;

Drawing grid labels;

Cross sections name.

Description of parcels.

Select the font you want to use from the list box. To load the fonts see Load fonts

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Titles tab

It is possible to use these two rows to set a description related to the project, the designer, etc.

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Profile project properties

It is possible to activate the project properties dialog box as follows:

Menu File > Project properties

Command line: DDPAR

The dialog box is subdivided into tabs which allow to modify some parameters concerning data visualization and project management.

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Profile settings

Decimals In this group it is possible to set the number of decimals to be used in the display of coordinates, elevations, angles and distances. Settings refer to both the graphic display and the reports that can be obtained.

Stations Station display mode of sections can be set through Display mode list box. The two available methods are:

Standard: one station of 1234.567 meters is displayed as 1234.567.

X+YYY.ZZZ: one station of 1234.567 meters is displayed as 1+1234.567.

Project language Language in which the project has been performed. Its purpose is to make sure the typical sections do not use the tool language codes but the codes of the language with which the project has been generated.

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Graphic window tab

Through this tab it is possible to set visualization mode and colors of the grid of reference that appears in the profile graphic window.

Grid Distance intervals: this value specifies how many subdivisions have to be done in the graphic window on the abscissa (distances). Higher is the number of subdivisions higher are the vertical lines that appear on the graphic window.

Elevation intervals: this value specifies how many subdivisions have to be done in the graphic window

on the ordinate (elevations). Higher is the number of subdivisions higher are the horizontal lines that appear in the graphic window.

Color: by pressing the button Color it is possible to set the color of the grid of reference.

Line type: it is possible to choose whether the grid of reference should be drawn with continuous or dot lines.

Colors In this group it is possible to choose the color with which the section name has to be visualized, the presence of a planimetric horizontal straight, of an horizontal curve and of a clothoid/parabola. Select the button Color to choose the color that you want.

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Titles tab

It is possible to use these two rows to set a description related to the project, the designer, etc.

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Cross-sections project properties

It is possible to activate the project properties dialog box as follows:

Menu File > Project properties

Command line: DDPAR

The dialog box is subdivided into tabs which allow to modify some parameters concerning data visualization and project management.

Cross sections settings

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Decimals In this group it is possible to set the number of decimals to be used in the display of coordinates, elevations, angles and distances. Settings refer to both the graphic display and the reports that can be


Stations Station display mode of sections can be set through Display mode list box. The two available methods are:

Standard: one station of 1234.567 meters is displayed as 1234.567.

X+YYY.ZZZ: one station of 1234.567 meters is displayed as 1+1234.567.

Project language Language in which the project has been performed. Its purpose is to make sure the typical sections do

not use the tool language codes but the codes of the language with which the project has been generated.

Graphic window tab

Through this tab it is possible to set visualization mode and colors of the grid of reference that appears in

the sections graphic window.

Grid Distance intervals: this value specifies how many subdivisions have to be done in the graphic window on the abscissa (distances). Higher is the number of subdivisions higher are the vertical lines that appear on the graphic window.

Elevation intervals: this value specifies how many subdivisions have to be done in the graphic window on the ordinate (elevations). Higher is the number of subdivisions higher are the horizontal lines that appear in the graphic window.

Color: by pressing the button Color it is possible to set the color of the grid of reference.

Line type: it is possible to choose whether the grid of reference should be drawn with continuous or dot lines.

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Titles tab

It is possible to use these two rows to set a description related to the project, the designer, etc.

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Survey and cartography

Survey properties

A set of data and parameters concerning not the project but the active sub-project are grouped in this section. This means that inside a single project there can be more sub-projects, each one with general data apart from the others. See Subprojects management.

The management of the survey properties can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Topography

Menu Survey > Survey properties

Command line: DDSPROP

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Drawing Filters tab

Through this page you can check the display of all active sub-project topographic entities: if check box is active, then the corresponding entity will be visible, if not, it will be invisible.

Through Lock topographic points option it is possible to block subproject survey points in order to avoid possible wrong selections that could cause a shifting on points position or, in the worst of the

cases, their total cancellation.

The drawing filters act on the entity visibility apart from the layer which the entity belongs to; this way, it is possible to decide, for example, whether to make all survey points invisible even if they belong to different layers. Without this option it would have been necessary to freeze all layers containing points

risking to freeze also the other entities.

Even if an entity is set as visible, when the layer which the entity belongs to is freezed or disabled the entity is not visualized .

By selecting the item All subprojects you can assign all the current subproject settings to all the other subprojects. In this way, for example, it is possible to make invisible the points of all subprojects using only one command without having to activate each subproject and for each of them make all points invisible. By selecting the item Current subproject all settings are assigned only to the current subproject.

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Styles tab

It is possible to define some styles for the representation of measure lines ( total station measure and baseline) and of parcels.

Styles are contained in the project file and can be shared by different projects.

The window allows to customize the following settings:

Measures/Baselines style

By pressing on Styles... button the following window will appear:

The table allows to customize the following properties of the style selected:

Measure direction. By choosing this option, with the measure line also an arrow indicating the direction

of the sight will be drawn;

Symbol size. Introduce a value equal to the size of the arrow symbol.

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Parcel style Parcel style allows to make active all the settings concerning labels, data to display, number of decimals and possible prefixes in the parcel labels. By pressing on Styles button the following window will appear:

The table allows to customize the following properties of the style selected:


Text style. Chooses a text style from the list;

Text size. Sets text height in mm;

Text color. Chooses colour to set to the text;

Data. Chooses among the options the data to be displayed;


Area. Sets the number of decimals of the area value;

Labels prefix. Allows to set a prefix to add to the labels for any datum displayed.

Styles table toolbar

Style: Selects a style from the list;

New style. Allows to create a new style;

Copy style. Copies an existing style; the following window will appear, where it will be possible to

define the name of the style to be created:

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Delete style. Deletes an inserted style

Import style. . Allows to import a style from an external path;

Export style. Allows to save the style in an external path, so that it can be activated in following


Help. Activates the topic of the cooesponding guide.

To set a description related to the active subproject, it is sufficient to insert it in the last two rows of this page. The first two rows cannot be edited because they are associated to the description of the project. These descriptions will be associated to the drawings and the reports.

By Copy from subproject... command it is possible to copy the titles set in a different subproject.

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Fieldbook of measures table

All data concerning the topographic survey are put together in a single dialog box, grouping all the data tables arranged in a tree structure; by a single click you can gain access to GPS point tables, baselines, measures, chains and offsets, traverse stations, datum points and coordinates. It is possible to filter data according to the station selected, while specific options allow to highlight data by different colours, according to survey code or station name. From this window it is possible to gain access to subproject properties and to survey calculation window.

Survey management by table is a very convenient and fast tool to control the work data.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar: Topography

Menu Survey > Survey data manager…

Command line: TBSURV

The following window will appear:

The page is subdivided into three parts:

the upper side allows to choose the survey subproject whose data have to be displayed; the properties of

the subproject selected can be displayed by button moreover, it is also possible to

open a new window for survey management from table

to display more tables at the same time by button.

The page on the left lists in a tree structure all the data tables available in the survey, allowing to

activate them simply by a mouse click on the corresponding writing; the number between brackets indicates the amount of data contained in that table:

Survey tab has two display modes:

It can be kept fixed next to the table;

with a mouse click on icon, the table is reduced to a button positioned at the table side:

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By passing the mouse over the icon, the table is displayed in full again.

Any table possesses a set of local commands allowing to manage and customize the table. (see table


Table toolbar

In the tables of Survey management from table a set of utilities appear, that can be activated by table


Table standard editing commands The first six icons activate each table standard editing commands:

Cut: cuts selected cells;

Copy: copies selected cells;

Paste: pastes the cells previously copied or cut;

Change rows: modifies automatically a group of cells belonging to a table column. The change can consist in setting the same value to all the cells, in cancelling the content of all the cells or also in increasing the cells value.

Find and replace: allows to find and if necessary to replace, all the recurrences of a certain value in

the table or one recurrence at a time.

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Filter: It is possible to apply a filter to one or more columns, so as to make visible only the rows whose content meets the condition set. In each table different filters can be activated at the same time, one for each column.

Print command

Print command activates the table of printings, which can be activated also by File>Print menu:

From this window it is possible to customize the reports to be performed.

Starting the print from table is different from starting it from File menu for the following reasons:

1. If some rows have been selected, only such rows will be printed; if no rows have been selected, the full print will be generated.

2. The print follows the display order currently set in the table.

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Filters by station and by code

The command Rows color by station contained in some tables, allows to highlight rows by applying the same color, according to the station; on the left side of the window next to the station

name, the reference color will appear:

The command Rows color by code contained in some tables, applies the same background colour to the rows containing data with the same code:

Display commands

By or command it is possible to zoom on the graphic, so that the resulting view will be centered on the measure or on the point selected.


By topographic coordinates we mean the set of topographic points representing a survey. These coordinates are very important, because they are the connection between Topography and Road design:

in fact, through the coordinates it is possible to obtain a road longitudinal profile and cross sections. Besides, they are a base concept both for cadastral management and for the management of

mathematical models. They are therefore of the utmost importance for the management of any topographic work.

The tool does not admit points with the same name; for this reason different checks are performed, both on inserting / importing the data and on modifying them.

Check point name

The tool does not admit points with the same name. The check starts during the insertion/modification and importation of the survey points.

On inserting and modifying the data, the tool prevents a name already assigned to a point from being

assigned to another point.

During the importation the tool verifies, for each point imported, whether another point exists with the

same name; in case another point is found, the tool displays both the coordinates and allows to carry out one of the following operations: calculate the average between the coordinates, keep the existing point, replace the existing point with the new point, rename the new point.

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Replace: Replaces the coordinates of the existing point with the coordinates of the new point.

Replace all: Replaces the coordinates of all the existing points with the coordinates of the new points.

Keep existing: Keeps the coordinates of the existing point

Keep all: Keeps the coordinates of all the existing points

Rename from: Renames the new point with the name indicated in the input field. If the option Add suffix is active, a suffix will be added to the point name.

Rename all: Renames all the points starting from the name indicated in the input field. If the option Add suffix is active, a suffix will be added to the point name.

Average: Assigns to the existing point the average calculated between coordinates

Average all: Assigns to all the existing points the average calculated between coordinates.

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Table of topographic coordinates

The table of topographic coordinates contains data referred to the survey points available in the current

subproject. It is possible to have access to this table through:

Toolbar Survey:

Menu Survey > Survey data manager

Command line: TBSURV

Select the item Coordinates in the box on the left; the following table will appear:

Note. The tool prevents a name already used by a point from being assigned to another point of the same subproject.

Functions of the table of topographic coordinates Below are listed some of the functions of the table of topographic functions.

Any change made on table data has a direct effect on the graphic CAD and vice versa;

The table can stay open together with the CAD window, offering a double display of data, both

from the graphic and from the table point of view;

On the left it is possible to gain access to a sub menu, to display all the points surveyed by the same station.

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The table allows to manage other data, besides standard ones; in fact, six tables are available,which have been arranged precisely for the management of such secondary data as the second point elevation, the name of the station that observes the point, etc.:

Table of topographic coordinates (standard)

Table of topographic coordinates and 2nd elevation

Topographic coordinates and observing station

Topographic coordinates and chains and offsets

Station/Offset from axis

Point properties

The different kinds of tables are activated by selecting the different pages at the bottom of the table.

Table of topographic coordinates (standard) The standard table of coordinates allows to define all data necessary for the definition of a survey.

The table needs the following data for each point:

Name. Name of survey point;

Code. Point code (see Survey codes table);

E Point abscissa;

N Point ordinate;

Elevation. Point elevation (it can also be omitted for only-planimetric surveys);

Description. Description;

Description 2. Added description.

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Table of topographic coordinates and 2nd elevation The standard table of coordinates allows not only to define all the data needed for the definition of a survey, but also to manage the point second elevation, which is usually calculated by the program during

the phase of earthwork calculation by levelings or intersection of models.

For each point, the table needs the following data:

Name. Name of survey point ;

Code. Point code (see Survey codes table) ;

E Point abscissa ;

N Point ordinate ;

Elevation. Point elevation (it can also be omitted for only-planimetic surveys) ;

2nd elevation. Point second elevation ;

Elev.Diff. Difference between the two elevations (not changeable);

Description. Description ;

Table of topographic coordinates and Station This table is used for the management of those supplementary data needed to create a fieldbook of measures starting from the coordinates; it demands, as supplementary field, compared to the standard table, the name of the tachimetric station where the point has been surveyed. It is indispensable to input the name of the station in order to perform the elaboration Creation of fieldbook of measures from coordinates, which allows to create measures from the data included in this table and in the Table of

traverses only.

For each point, the table needs the following data :

Station. Name of tachimetric station where the point has been surveyed; if the point is a the first

tachimetric station, then station name and point name must coincide;

Name. Name of survey point;

Code. Point code (see Survey codes table) ;

E Point abscissa;

N Point ordinate;

Elevation Point elevation (it can also be omitted for only-planimetric surveys) ;

Description. Description;

Table of topographic coordinates and Chains and offsets This table is used for the management of those supplementary data needed to create chain and offset readings from the coordinates; it demands, as supplementary data, compared to the standard table, the name of start and orientation points of the chain where the point has to be determined. The input of the

name of the two chain points is necessary to perform the elaboration Creation of fieldbook of

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measures from coordinates, which allows to create fieldbook and chain and offset readings starting from the data contained in this table and in the Table of traverses only.

The table needs the following data for each point :

Start Chain. Name of chain start point ;

End Chain. Name of chain orientation point ;

Name. Name of survey point ;

Code. Point code (see Survey codes table) ;

E Point abscissa ;

N Point ordinate ;

Elevation Point elevation (it can also be omitted for only-planimetric survey) ;

Description. Description ;

Table of topographic coordinates and Station and offset from axis This table allows to set a relationship between survey points and a reference axis using the stations and

the distance of the point from the axis.

La table needs the following data to be specified for each point:

Name. Name of survey point;

Code. Point code(see Code Table) ;

Station. Station of point projection along the axis.

Offset. Distance of the point from the axis.

Angle. Direction of the axis on the projection point.

Elevation. Point elevation.

2^ elevation. Second point elevation.

Elevation difference. Elevation difference.

Axis. Axis the point is connected to.

Table of topographic coordinates and Point properties This table allows to set some properties influencing the visualization and the elaborations of the points.

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The table needs the following data for each point :

Name. Survey point name;

Visible. Allows to make the point visible or invisible.

Dtm. If the option is active, the tool uses the point for the creation of the triangle mathematical model.

Text visible. Allows to set the visibility of the texts associated to the point.

Text size type. Allows to set the size type of the texts associated to the point:

Default: uses the size set in project properties.

User: personalized size defined by the user.

Text size. if in the previous field you choose the option User, it will be possible to set the value desired.

Symbol size type. It allows to set the size type of the symbol associated to the point:

Default: size defined in Project properties.

Symbol (mm): size in mm.;

Real (m): real size in meters.

Symbol size. If in the previous field you choose the option Symbol or Real, it will be possible to set the value desired.

Symbol angle. Rotation angle of point symbol.

Symbol. Symbol associated to survey point. For the graphic representation of the point, it is possible to choose among the symbols suggested or to choose a block among those present in the drawing. See Selection of symbols/blocks, How to draw and use a symbol to represent a point.

Utilities From the table toolbar it is possible to activate utility commands. (see Table Toolbar).

Other utility commands available in the table of coordinates are the following:

Copy points to datum table. Quick command for copying the points selected on the table of datum points;

Insert table on CAD. Creates a customizable CAD table: it is possible to insert all the points or only

a selection, choose the columns to be displayed and their order (see Table of topographic points on CAD window)

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Moreover, by the table local menu it is possible to perform the following operations:

Set code Assigns to the selected sight a code set by the user. See Survey codes table.

OK to complete the command. See Survey Code Table.

Description from code If descriptions in Survey codes table have been modified, it is possible to update the table through this function.

Set station Assign the name of the station indicated to all the selected rows. It is useful for the creation of the fieldbook of measures starting from coordinates. Creation of fieldbook of measures from coordinates.

Sort by name Sorting of coordinates by point name.

Rename Points Renames points automatically, choosing a name on the first point of the selection and an increment as to that point:

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OK to end the command.

Export to file ASCII Exports table data by ASCII file following the order displayed.

E,N >> Station, Offset By this command you can recalculate the station and the offset of the points selected from a reference axis, using the planimetric coordinates of the points. The prompts are exactly the same as for the

command Calculate the station and the distance from the axis for a group of points

Station, Offset >> E,N By this command you can recalculate the coordinates E, N of the points selected from a reference axis, using the stations and the distances specified for the points. The prompts are exactly the same as for

the command Insert a topographic point, the station and the distance from the axis.

Transform entity into topographic point

The tool can recognize different kinds of entities and transform them into topographic points; in

particular, start entities can be: points, texts or lines.

The command is activated as follows:

Menu Edit > Entities transformation

Command line: ENTTRANSF

The following dialog box will appear:

In Start entity box, you choose the entity to transform, while in Final entity you choose the entity it has to be transformed into.

The start entity can also be selected by the graphic with command.

Remove start entity: by this option the start entity, after being transformed, is deleted.

Keep start layer: by this option the tool will not assign new layers to the transformed entities but it will keep the original layers.

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The tool prompts the selection of the entities to be transformed; once the selection has been carried out, the elements selected are transformed into the new entity.

The entities to transform can also be selected by choosing an entity in the graphic window.

From points to topographic points

Starting from CAD Point type elements, the command transforms them into topographic points. As far as the texts, the tool can search the text that is closer to the points transformed and recognize such text as point name or elevation.

Choose Point as start entity and Topographic point as final entity.

The tool displays the following prompt:

Text recognition, Ignore, point Name, point Elevation. Choose whether to recognize also the text associated to the point or ignore it;

Select entities to transform. Select the CAD points to be transformed into topographic points.

Enter to carry out the command.

From texts to topographic points

To use with drawings in which the survey point is not identified with a point entity but with a text entity: the entity X, Y position stands for the point position, while the content of the text stands for the elevation. Also in this situation it is possible to transform the texts into topographic points.

The tool displays the following prompt:

Select entities to transform. Indicate the texts to be transformed into topographic points.

Enter to confirm the command;

Elevation: from Text, from Position: Indicate whether the topographic point elevation must be set according to the position or according to the text;

Enter to carry out the command.

From lines to topographic points A specific procedure allows to recognize the topographic points by the drawings in which each topographic point is identified by two intersecting segments; a topographic point will be inserted in every intersection between two lines.

As far as the texts, the tool can search the text that is closer to the points transformed and recognize such text as point name or elevation.

Such utilities are extremely important to convert survey drawings, obtaining not only the point position but also such important information as name and elevation.

Choose Line as start entity and Topographic point as final entity.

The tool displays the following prompt:

Recognize text, ignore, Point Name, Point Elevation. Choose whether to pass to the recognition of

the text associated to the point or ignore it;

Enter to confirm the command;

Select entities to transform. Select the lines intersecting each other, in which to obtain a point positioned in the intersection.

Enter to carry out the command.

In this way, the tool will add a topographic point in the intersection point between the two lines.

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Coordinate management from CAD

Input of a survey point You can activate the insert command using one of the following modes:

Toolbar: Survey

Menu Survey > Topographic point > Surveyed point

Command line: TPOINT

On CAD command line the following prompt will appear:

Point: The tool asks to indicate the position of the point (see Input coordinates)

Point data can be asked for either on CAD command line or by a dialog box. The mode to use can be set in the window of Project properties.

Point data from command line Point name: indicate the name to be assigned to the point

Point elevation: specify the elevation to be assigned to the point;

Second point elevation: specify the second point elevation;

Point code: set a code to the point;

Point description: introduce a description of the point;

Station: specify a station;

Auxiliary station: specify a possible auxiliary station;

Note. The prompts following point position comply with what has been set in Points page of Project Properties window.

Note. The tool prevents a name already used by a point from being assigned to another point of the same subproject.

Point data from dialog box For modify the inserted points properties is possible to proceed throw one of the following methods:

Toolbar Survey

Menu Survey > Topographic point > Points properties…

Command line: DDCHPRDTP

The tool displays the following prompt:

Select objects: Window, PoiNt, Previous, All, Fence, Remove, Point code, Quick select, cancel: Select the points whose properties have to be modified.

To modify a single point it is sufficient to click twice on it.

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In Point data page it is possible to set the various data to assign to the point. In the other pages it is

possible to set other properties of the point.

Note. The window prevents a name already used by a point from being assigned to another point of the same subproject.

Point properties

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In Point properties page it is possible to set the parameters concerning the display of the points selected:

Visible point: Specifies whether the points selected must be visible or invisible.

DTM point: Specifies whether the points can be used to build a triangle digital model.

Code. Codes associated to the points selected.

Size type: Allows to set the kind of size of the symbol associated to the point:

a. Default: size defined in project properties;

b. Symbol (mm): size in mm.;

c. Real (m): real size in metres.

Size. If in the previous field option Symbol or Real has been chosen, it is possible to set the value desired.

Rotation. Rotation angle of point symbol.

Default symbol. Uses as symbol of the points selected the symbol specified in project properties. By deactivating this option it is possible to choose a specific symbol for the points selected: by pressing Browse button it is possible to choose among the symbols proposed or choose a block among the ones available in the drawing. See Select symbols/blocks, How to draw and use one's own symbol to represent a point.


Style: allows to set the label style of the topographic points to use to represent the points selected. To set the style of topographic point labels see Topographic point labels style.

Visible text. Sets visibility of texts associated to the points selected.

Default size: Text size can be the one set in project properties, or it is possible to customize it by Size field.

Rotation: Texts can be rotated by specifying an angular value in Rotation field.

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Show default point texts: allows to set the default sight available for topographic point labels. Default settings can be performed in Points page of Project properties. By deactivating this option it is possible to set in Display point texts group the labels to be made visible/invisible for the points selected. In this way it is possible to customize, also for every single point, the labels to be made visible.

In Properties page it is possible to modify the standard properties of such entities as Layer, Colour, Line

type (see Modify object properties).

By pressing Apply button it is possible to see the result of the changes made directly on the graphic window, without having to close the dialog box.

In Properties page it is possible to modify such entity default properties as Layer, colour and Linetype (see Change object properties).

By pressing Apply button, it is possible to see the result of the changes made on the graphic window, without having to close the dialog box.

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Set Request for point data Open Project properties window in one of the following ways:

Menu File > Project properties

Command line: DDPAR

Select Points page and, in Request for point data group select From window to insert point data from a dialog box and From command line to insert data on the graphic CAD command line.

How to erase a survey point from graphic CAD In order to erase a survey point directly from graphic CAD window, it is sufficient to use Erase command,

which is used to erase any kind of entity.

How to modify a survey point If you want to change the position of a survey point, it is possible to use all the edit functions provided by the graphic CAD (move, copy, rotate, etc.).

A faster means to move survey points is to use Grips.

Survey point grips are at least two:

1. the first is situated in the centre of the symbol representing the point and is necessary to perform the shift and the rotation of this point;

2. In case the point labels style is the default style, a grip is displayed on the first text associated to the point; otherwise, a grip is displayed on any label associated to the point. Grips are used to

shift texts or make them invisible.

Clicking on the first grip, the usual grip options appear on command line, thus allowing to change the

position of the point. To rotate the point symbol choose the option Rotate symbol and then give the new symbol direction.

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Edit point window Edit point window is a particular window that allows a quick modification of data associated to survey points. Infact, it is sufficient to select a point and its data will appear in the window to be modified.

Use one of the following methods to activate the Edit point window :

Menu Survey > Topographic point > Edit point window

Command line: DDEDITPNT

It is sufficient to select by mouse a survey point on the screen so that all the data concerning this point

appear in this dialog box where it is of course possible to modify them. It is possible to modify cartesian coordinates, elevation and second elevation. Other data are available in Data tab:

In this tab it is possible to modify name, code or description of the point selected. In order to make this

changes operative, it is necessary to click on Apply button.

Interpolation of a point elevation By this command you can interpolate a point elevation by using two points, a line, three points, a triangle or a whole triangle digital model.

The command can be activated by one of the modes listed below:

Toolbar Survey

Menu Survey > Topographic point > Interpolation of elevation

Command line: INTELEV

On CAD command line, the following questions appear:

Elevation Interpolation by 2 points/Line/3 points/3D Polyline/Triangle/DTM <2> :

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specify whether to interpolate the elevation using two points, a line, three points, one triangle model, a 3D polyline or the whole triangle digital model. According to the option chosen, the tool will prompt for the insertion of two points, one line, three points, a 3D polyline or a triangle.

Indicate the points to interpolate: select the points for which to calculate the elevation.

First of all, you have to indicate which is the point whose elevation has to be calculated. Then, the tool will ask you to indicate, according to the option chosen, 2 or 3 points or a triangle; these data will be used in order to calculate the elevation.

Note. When the tool asks you to indicate interpolating points, it is necessary to operate as follows:

Indicate by the mouse the point needed;

answer to the question digiting the name of the point needed: the tool will search the indicated point inside the file and, if it finds this point, it will go on to the next question.

How to change display parameters of a set of points It is possible to modify labels and symbol size, as well as the symbology for a set of survey points. It is

necessary to work using one of the following methods:

Toolbar: Survey

Toolbar: Objects

Menu Survey > Topographic point > Point properties

Menu Edit > Modify object

Command line: DDCHPRDTP

Command line: DDMODIFY

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The command asks you to select all the points whose properties have to be changed. Then, the following window will appear:

Note. If a single topographic point is selected, a supplementary page will be displayed, allowing to modify point data (position, code, description, etc.).

Point properties In Point properties tab, it is possible to set the parameters concerning the display of the points selected:

Visible point. Specifies whether the points selected must be visible or invisible.

DTM point. Specifies whether the points can be used for building a triangle digital model.

Code. Codes associated to the points selected.

Size mode. It allows to set the type of dimension of the symbol associated to the point:

Default: size already defined in Project properties;

Symbol (mm): size in mm.;

Real (m): real size in meters.

Size. if, in the previous field, you choose Symbol or Real option it is possible to set the value desired.

Rotation. Rotation angle of the point symbol.

Default symbol. the symbol used for the selected points is that specified in Project properties. Deactivating this option, it is possible to choose a specific symbol to associate to the points selected: pressing Browse button, it is possible to choose among the symbols suggested by the tool or you can

choose one of the blocks present in the drawing. See How to select symbols/blocks, How to draw and use a symbol to represent a point.

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Style: allows to set the label style of the topographic points to use to represent the points selected. To set topographic point label style see Topographic point label style.

Visible text: Sets the visibility of texts assiciated to the points selected.

Default size: Text size can be set in Project properties or you can personalize it through Size field.

Rotation: Allows to customize the rotation angle of the label linked to the point.

Show default point texts: allows to set the default sight available for topographic point labels. Default settings can be performed in Points page of Project properties. By deactivating this option it is possible to set in Display point texts group the labels to be made visible / invisible for the points selected. In this way it is possible to customize, also for every single point, the labels to be made visible.

In Properties page it is possible to modify the standard properties of entities such as Layer, Color and Linetype (see Modification of object properties).

By pressing Apply button, it is possible to see the result of the changes made directly on graphic window, without closing the dialog box.

Manual shifting In order to move manually the labels associated to survey points, it is necessary to use grips; if point

labels style is a default style, a grip is displayed on the first label associated to the point; otherwise, a grip is displayed on each label associated to the point.

Clicking on this grip the following options appear:

Text position Standard/Cursor/Invisible/<C>:

Standard option takes the labels back to the standard position (according to what is set in Points tab of

Project properties dialog box), while Invisible option makes the label associated invisible (if the label was already invisible, the option Visible is available, which allows to display the label).

If you choose the option Cursor, the tool will ask you to indicate the position of the labels directly with the cursor.

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Rotation of topographic point labels It is possible to specify a rotation angle of texts associated to survey points and introduce a value that differs from the default one. It is possible to operate in different ways: from the table of coordinates, by

grips or by point properties.

Rotate labels from coordinate table Activate the coordinate Table as follows:

Toolbar: Topography

Menu Survey > Survey data manager…

Command line: TBSURV

Select Point properties; the following window will appear:

Specify text rotation angle in Text angle.

Rotate labels by grips Select a topographic point whose labels have to be rotated, then click on the text grip; the tool displays the following request:

Text position, Standard, Cursor, Invisible, Rotate: Choose Rotate

Text rotation< >: Specify rotation angular value.

Press Enter to confirm the command.

Rotate labels from point properties The command is activated as follows:

Menu Survey > Topographic points >Points properties

Command line: DDCHPRDTP

Select points to change.

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By activating Texts page, the following dialog box will appear:

In Rotation box specify the label rotation angle.

Zoom on topographic point By this command it is possible to zoom directly on a topographic point if its name is known.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar View

Menu View > Zoom > Point

Command line: Zoom N

The tool displays the following request:

Zoom on point: Point name, Settings: Choose whether to choose the point or pass to zoom window settings;

Size of zoom area. Set the size of zoom window;

Point on witch to zoom. Specify the name of the point to zoom on.

Display topographic point data with active command When the cursor gets near a topographic point, when a point is requested in the graphic window, a small

window will be displayed, reporting the data of the surveyed point.

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Insert table on CAD By following a guided procedure, it is possible to create in a very fast way a cad type table containing

data derived from datum point table and coordinate table.

It is possible to activate the command by Survey data manager... using button available in the local menu of of datum point or coordinate table.

Note. Select the rows to report in the cad table; if they are not specified , the tool will report the

whole table.

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The following window will appear:

In the window it is necessary to specify the following information:

Table header. Specify the table title;

Select the columns to display: choose from the list the columns to be reported in the cad table; by using Up and Down buttons it is possible to modify the column order; choose Select all to include all the columns and Cancel selection to annul the selection;

Settings. Define text style, characters height and width in mm;

OK to confirm the settings.

The tool displays the following request:

Enter table insertion point: Enter the point in which to insert the table.

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The cad table will appear, displaying the content and settings selected:

Acquisition of topographic coordinates from ASCII file

The acquisition of topographic coordinates from ASCII file is useful whenever you have a set of coordinates on text file and you want to import them inside the tool without having to insert all data manually.

The acquisition of survey points requires that all data inside ASCII file are organized according to the following instructions:

each line of the file must indicate survey point data.

each survey point data must be separated by a particular symbol or must be set up in fixed


In order to activate the import procedure it is necessary to select the item Import/Export from File

menu and then ASCII In, you can also give ASCIIIN command.

Menu File : Import/Export > ASCII IN

Command line: ASCIIIN

A dialog box appears, where you must indicate the name of the ASCII file to be loaded and the folder where the file is saved; select the option Topographic coordinates.

Pressing Next button you go on with the definition of import parameters and a second dialog box appears, asking to indicate the data contained in the file and the order according to which they have

been saved: select the kind of data in the left list box and then, by pressing > button, they will be shifted into the right box. In this box, data order must correspond to data order in text file rows.

The third dialog box allows to decide whether the data are separated by such a character as a comma, etc. (Delimited) or divided into columns (fixed width).

If the data are separated by a character, the tool asks you to indicate the character that separates them; if, on the contrary, data are divided into columns, you will have to indicate the widths of the columns so

that the tool can find out the data. For each column, specify the width occupied by the text.

At the last dialog box the tool is ready to read the data and asks you whether these data must be added to the already present ones or the already existing data have to be canceled.

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Printing Topographic coordinates

To set the printing of topographic coordinates, operate as follows:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

It is possible to gain access to this window from Topographic coordinates table by button.

The following window will appear:

In the dialog box select the node Topographic coordinates and choose the kind of printing to be created.


Constraints are tridimensional lines which connect survey points. They can be used in order to:

Define constraints for the construction of a triangle mathematical model. The presence of these lines forces triangulation procedure to build the triangles according to what has been set by the user, so that the survey mathematical model resembles the real model as much as possible;

Define a line (not a triangle) mathematical model, to be used, usually in road planning, to survey cross-sections. For some works, (e.g. betterment of existing roads) the line mathematical model is

the easiest solution and offers the most accurate results.

There are two kinds of constraint lines:

Break lines (discontinuity);

Boundary lines;

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If, after the next triangulation, you do not obtain the results needed, because of the triangles overimposed on one another or created outside the boundary, it is possible to perform an automatic check on the correctness of the input constraints. See Check on constraints.

It is possible to transform drawing lines into constraints and vice versa. See Transformation of drawing entities into topographic entities.

The time needed to insert the constraints among the points can be reduced by drawing polylines passing by the points to connect; a specific command allows to transform these polylines into constraints passing exacltly through the points. SeeGeneration of constraints from polylines.

Constraints can be created automatically using surveyed points codes. See Automatic drawing from codes.

Constraints can be imported from DXF file of AutoCad and they can also be exported on DXF file. See Import and export of constraints from DXF file.

An utility option is also available which allows to create survey points directly from constraints extremities. See Creation of coordinates from constraint line extremes.

Break lines

Break lines represent so called discontinuity lines, that are lines which refer to some particular characteristic of the zone surveyed. They can be input for example to represent the basis and the top of a slope: in this case the procedure for the creation of triangles will build some triangle strata inside the two polylines indicated, so the model and the results of the elaboration obtained hereafter will be precise.

More complex is the case of a vertical wall, since the tool is unable to manage those survey points which coincide from a planimetric point of view. For this reason, it will be necessary to move slightly the points

representing the top of the wall and then to insert some break lines connecting all the top points of the wall and all the basis points of the wall.

In order to input break lines, it is necessary to operate using one of the following methods:

DTM Toolbar:

Menu D.T.M. > Constraints > Breaklines

Command line: CONSTRAINTS

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Constraints break Lines/Boundaries/<L>: L

First point :

Next point :

The points indicated must have an elevation. Otherwise the tool refuses their selection.

Note. when you create break lines, situations when two constraints intersecate should never be created otherwise the created model will result wrong. See Check on Constraints.

Note. When the tool asks you to indicate constraint points, it is necessary to operate in one of the following ways:

indicate by mouse the point needed ;

answer the question by digiting the name of the point needed: the tool will search inside the file the point indicated and, if it finds this point, it will proceed to the following question.

You might have to change the typology of a constraint, turning a boundary line into a break line or vice versa. There is a specific command which allows to make this change:

How to modify constraints typology

How to erase and modify constraints

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Boundary lines

Boundary lines are used to define the area inside and/or outside which the triangles have to be built.

They must enclose the area, so the last constraint must be connected with the first. Boundary lines are different from Break lines in that they have a perpendicular segment, representing the direction opposite to which the triangles have to be built. In order to set the size of the perpendicular segment see Miscellaneous page in Project properties.

It is possible to set a contour area inside which the program will build the triangles and exclude from it some inner zones that are not important for the building of the model: it is sufficient to input boundary lines with the perpendicular segment situated at the opposite of the area where the triangles will be built.

In order to input boundary lines it is necessary to operate in one of the following ways:

DTM Toolbar:

Menu D.T.M. > Constraints > Boundary

Command line: CONSTRAINTS

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Constraints break Lines/Boundaries/<L>: B First point : Next point :

The points indicated must have an elevation, otherwise the tool refuses their selection.

Note. When you create a boundary, it is necessary that the boundary created is closed and that all boundary lines have the perpendicular segment always situated at the opposite of the area where the

triangles will be built. See Check on constraints.

Note. When the tool asks you to indicate constraint points, it is necessary to operate in one of the following ways:

1. indicate by mouse the point needed ;

2. answer the question by digiting the name of the point needed: the tool will search inside the file the point indicated and, if it finds this point, it will proceed to the following question.

You might have to change the typology of a constraint, turning a boundary line into a break line or vice versa. There is a specific command which allows to make this change :

How to modify constraints typology

How to erase and modify constraints

Check on points Check on constraints procedure can be activated through one of the following modes:

Menu D.T.M.: Constraints > Check constraints

Command line: SETCONST

On CAD command line, the following questions appear:

Constraint check Points/Intersections/Boundary/All/<P>:P Check tolerance <0.01>: 0.01

Maximum distance necessary in order to check the presence of a point on constraints extremity.

If a constraint is found and on one of its extremities a point is lacking, within a provided tolerance, the

tool performs an automatic zoom on it and then asks the following question:

Delete constraint Yes/No/yes All/no aLl/Exit

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The meaning of the options is the following:

Yes: the constraint is deleted;

No: the constraint is not deleted;

Yes all: the constraint is deleted and also all the other constraints which are not linked;

No all: the constraint is not deleted and also all the other constraints which are not linked;

Check on intersections The check on constraints procedure can be activated by one of the following modes:

Menu D.T.M.: Constraints > Check constraints

Command line: SETCONST

The tool asks you the following questions:

Constraint check Points/Intersections/Boundary/All/<P>: I

If an intersection between two constraints is found, the tool performs an automatic zoom on it and then

asks you the following question:

Delete first constraint Yes/No/<Y>: Delete second constraint Yes/No/<Y>: Then, it is possible to delete one of the two constraints

Check on boundary The check on constraints procedure can be activated by one of the following modes:

Menu D.T.M.: Constraints > Check constraints

Command line: SETCONST

The tool asks you the following questions:

Constraint check Points/Intersections/Boundary/All/<P>: B Select a boundary constraint: indicate the boundary segment from which to start the verification.

If the boundary results opened, the tool performs an automatic zoom on the specified part and an error

message appears.

How to modify constraints typology

In order to modify the type of one or more constraints it is necessary to operate through one of the

following modes:

DTM Toolbar:

Menu D.T.M. > Constraints > Constraint properties

Command line: DDCHPRCONS

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The command asks you to select all those constraints whose properties have to be modified. Then, the following window will appear:

In Constraint properties tab, it is possible to set the required typology for the set of selected

constraints; more precisely, it is possible to transform the selected constraints into break lines or boundaries. As far as boundaries, it is also possible to decide the direction of the perpendicular segment

which, as we know, it is necessary for the correct performance of the triangulation.

Pressing button Apply, it is possible to see the result of the changes made directly on the graphic window, without closing the dialog box.

In Properties tab it is possible to modify standard properties of such entities as Layer, Color and


How to erase and modify constraints

Modify If you want to modify the position of a constraint, you can use all edit functions offered by the graphic CAD (move, copy, rotate, etc.).

Erase In order to erase one or more constraints from graphic CAD window it is sufficient to use erase command

used to erase any kind of entity.


The management of a terrain mathematical model allows to create triangles, in order to approximate mathematically the real terrain model, so that it is possible to interpolate terrain elevations even where points have not been observed. The definition of a mathematical model can be performed in one of the following ways:

automatic mode: the tool builds automatically the triangles, respecting possible break lines and boundaries (see Constraints).

Triangles colour can vary according to barycentre elevation: the user can decide the range of colours to use and the intervals to associate to each colour. A colour can be set on creating the triangles but also later.

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The tool gives the possibility to transform drawing 3DFaces into triangles and vice versa. See 3DFace-triangles transformation.

Triangles can be imported from AutoCad DXF file and can also be exported, again on DXF file. How to import/export triangles from DXF file

Automatic triangulation

The tool can build the triangles automatically in two ways :

Free triangulation : the tool generates the triangles without taking into consideration possible boundary or break lines;

Constrained triangulation: if boundary or break lines have been set, the tool will follow this information during the generation of the triangles which will not exceed the boundary set and will not

cross a break line (see Constraints).

This procedure can be activated through one of the following modes:

Toolbar DTM:

Menu D.T.M. > Triangulation > Automatic

Command line: MAKEDTM

The following dialog box appears :

Triangulation The following data are required:

Subproject. Select the subproject on which to carry out the triangulation.

Triangulation mode. Select the triangulation mode to be perfomed:

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Free: on triangles creation constraints are not taken into account.

Constrained: triangles creation depends on the presence of constraints.

Polyline: triangles are created inside a closed polyline

Allotment: triangles are created inside an allotment.

Entities to triangulate: In case of Free and Constrained triangulation it is possible to decide on what

entities to carry out the triangulation.

All: all the points and break lines contained in the survey subproject are used.

Select by window: After pressing Apply button the tool will prompt the creation of a check window in the graphic CAD; the model will be created by using only the points and the break lines selected.

Select by polyline: After pressing Apply button the tool will ask to indicate the polyline

delimiting the area to triangulate; the model will be created by using only points and break lines

inside the polyline. The break lines partially included in the polyline are automatically broken. If the option

Delete previous triangles is active, the tool, before performing the triangulation, will delete automatically the possible triangles inside the polyline.

Remove triangles with side length over: E' possibile impostare la massima lunghezza possibile per i lati del triangolo. I triangoli con un lato superiore alla lunghezza massima non verranno disegnati.

Break constraints with length over: The constraints with lenght over the value set are subdivided into smaller parts.

Check data. If the option is active, a data check is carried out during triangulation; it consists in verifying the presence of the following error situations:

Survey points with coincident planimetric coordinates: if the tool is confronted with such a situation, the double point will not be used to perform the triangulation;

Intersection of constraints: in this case the tool informs you of the error and interrupts the


Overlapped constraint lines: one of the two lines will not be used to perform the triangulation;

Zero-length constraint: the constraint is erased;

Point with no distance from the constraint: the situation is pointed out and the elaboration is interrupted;

Delete previous triangles. If the option is active, the previous triangles are deleted before performing triangulation.

Symbols. It is possible to choose one of the three symbols listed below to represent the triangle:

Lines: the three bisecting lines of the triangles are created;

Number: triangle number is drawn. This option is particularly useful when volume calculation printout is added to drawings; by this way, it is possible to compare printout data with drawing ones.

None: Only the three sides of the triangle are drawn.

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Layer. It is possible to set the layer where to save the triangles created.

Flat triangles color. It is possible to set a specific color for those triangles created using points with the same elevation. As this kind of triangles may return unreal contour lines, through the chromatic differentiation it is possible to find out easily the triangles to be corrected.

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In this page it is possible to set triangle colour according to barycentre.

Triangles with colors shade: this option activates the generation of triangles with colour according to elevation.

Elevation intervals customized: by activating this option it is possible to specify the intervals to which to apply the colours defined in the table below. When this option is not active, the tool distributes uniformly the colours along the whole interval between minimum elevation and maximum elevation.

In the table it is possible to define the colours to be used for colouring. It is possible to define up to 16

different colours.

Press Apply button to start the triangulation.

Note. To stop the elaboration press ESC.

Set triangles colour

By this command it is possible to set a colour to triangles according to their elevation.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu DTM > Triangulation > Set triangles color

Command line: SETDTMCOLOR

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The following dialog box will appear:

Triangles with colors shade: this option activates the generation of triangles with colour according to elevation.

Elevation intervals customized: by activating this option it is possible to specify the intervals to which to apply the colours defined in the table below. When this option is not active, the tool distributes uniformly the colours along the whole interval between minimum elevation and maximum elevation.

In the table it is possible to define the colours to be used for colouring. It is possible to define up to 16 different colours.

How to erase or modify triangles

If you want to modify the position of a triangle, you can use all the edit functions offered by Graphic CAD (move, copy, rotate, etc.).

It is possible to modify easily the shape of a triangle by Grips (see Grips). There are four grips per triangle: one for each vertex and one grip along the first side of the triangle. The three grips which are on

the vertexes are used to change the position of each vertex, that is the shape of the triangle. On the contrary, the fourth grip is used to move the triangle.

Printing of Triangles

To set the printing of triangles, operate as follows:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

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The following dialog box will appear:

Select the node DTM – Triangles and choose the kind of report to be obtained.

Contour lines

On the basis of mathematical model triangles, it is possible to obtain contour lines through the intersection between horizontal planes (at different elevations) and the model itself. It is possible to generate two kinds of contour lines:

Linear contour lines : more adherent to the triangle mathematical model, they however do not

grant an appreciable aesthetic effect;

B-Spline contour lines: more rounded and nice to see than linear contour lines, even if less accurate;

The colour of contour lines can vary according to the elevation assumed by the curves: the user can choose the range of colours to use and the intervals to be associated to each colour.

Colour setting can be performed on creating the curves but also later.

Contour lines can be quoted either automatically, during their creation, or manually

The tension on contour line vertexes can be set automatically on creating the contour lines, but later it

can also be modified manually. So it is possible to set a specific tension on a particular contour line and also to set a specific tension on a single vertex of a contour line.

It is possible to transform drawing polylines or contour lines with no elevation (2D) into contour lines with

an elevation.

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It is possible to transform drawing polylines into contour lines and vice versa.

Contour lines can be imported from DXF file of AutoCad and also be exported on DXF file.

Creation of contour lines

The procedure that creates contour lines can be activated as follows:

Toolbar DTM

Menu D.T.M. > Contour lines > Contour lines

Command line: CONTOURS

Dialog box is subdivided into three pages:

Countour lines

Subproject. Select the subproject where the triangulation has to be performed.

Contour line intervals. The tool is able to generate three kinds of lines which can differ as far as the layer they belong to and therefore in colour and linetype; you are asked to indicate the equidistance between Normal contours as well as the equidistance of Main contours (i.e. which will be quoted

automatically) : this value must be a multiple of the normal contours equidistance. The other kind of contours is the Auxiliary contours, which will be drawn among normal lines: its value must therefore be

a submultiple of normal contours equidistance.Moreover, the tool displays the minimum and maximum elevation found in the triangle digital model.

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Contour lines can be created by the user also on single intervals which can be defined by specifying Min elevation and Max elevation.

Type of curves. The curves the tool can generate are of two kinds:

Linear: segments obtained from the intersection between triangles and planes at different


B-Spline: from the points of intersection between the planes and the triangles, the tool performs a B-spline interpolation, so it can generate rounded-off, better looking curves. If you choose B-spline option, the tool allows to set two other parameters:

Vertexes tension: The tension regulates the side friction factor of the contour line compared to the points of interpolation; the greater the tension, the nearer the curve will be to the points that determined it. It is possible to regulate the tension by Automatic or Manual

mode. With the first option the tool calculates the tension automatically, according to the triangle slope; with a high vertical slope the curve tension will be bigger than the one calculated on less sloped triangles, creating tighter and more linear contour lines on the leaning sides and more rounded off on the triangles in plane areas.

Step: it is the length of the hatches that constitute the b-spline: the shorter the hatches, the more the curve will be rounded. It is better to set values from 0.5 to 5.


Draw labels. If this option is active, contour line elevation labels are inserted on the bases of the

parameters set in the other fields of the window.

Labels on fixed step: allows to obtain the label at a fixed step along the contour line.

Label distance. Distance between two consecutives labels along the contour line.

Labels at begin and end curve: allows to obtain the label at the two ends of the contour line.

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Text size (mm). Label characters height (in mm.).

Precision. Number of decimals of label text.

Prefix. Text added to label text as a prefix.

Suffix. Text added to label text as a suffix.

Border around labels: drawing of the border around labels

Font. Label text font.


Top. Positions dimensioning text above the curve;

Bottom. Positions dimensioning text below the curve;

Center. Interrupts the curve and enters the text in the middle.


Automatic. The angle of the contour line dimension texts can be determined automatically by

following the contour line;

Direction rise curves. Positions the text according to the direction of the contour lines; the angle

is calculated so as to represent the direction towards which contour line elevations increase.


In this page it is possible to set the layers to which to assign the three kinds of contour lines that will be generated and the layer to assign the dimension texts to.

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Contour lines with colors shade: this option activates the generation of contour lines with colour according to elevation.

Elevation intervals customized: by activating this option it is possible to specify the intervals to which

to apply the colours defined in the table below. When this option is not active, the tool distributes uniformly the colours along the whole interval between minimum elevation and maximum elevation.

In the table it is possible to define the colours to be used for colouring. It is possible to define up to 16

different colours.

Press Apply to start the elaboration.

Note. To interrupt the elaboration press ESC.

Modify labels

Interactive shifting of labels The labels of the contour lines can be moved interactively along the contour line simply by clicking on the label and then selecting the central grip that appears.

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Single deletion of labels Labels can be deleted one by one from the contour line: it is sufficient to select the label and then select

the central grip that appears. On the command line the following options will appear:

Press Delete button or enter C to delete the label selected.

A second possibility to delete the labels one by one is to use a specific command:

nearest to the label to delete.

Set colors to contour lines

By this command it is possible to set a colour to contour lines according to their elevation.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu DTM > Contour lines > Set contour lines color

Command line: SETCONTCOLOR

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The following dialog box will appear:

Contour lines with colors shade: this option activates the generation of contour lines with colour according to elevation.

Elevation intervals customized: by activating this option it is possible to specify the intervals to which to apply the colours defined in the table below. When this option is not active, the tool distributes uniformly the colours along the whole interval between minimum elevation and maximum elevation.

In the table it is possible to define the colours to be used for colouring. It is possible to define up to 16

different colours.

How to erase or modify contour lines

Modify If you want to modify the position or the shape of a contour line, it is possible to use all the edit functions (move, copy, rotate, etc.) the graphic CAD offers.

Erase In order to erase one or more contour lines from graphic CAD window, it is sufficient to use erase command, used to erase any kind of entity.

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Introducing parametric design

Parametric design introduces a new method for defining axes properties in road design.

For each axis a set of properties can be defined, such as typical section, roadway width, transversal slopes, sideslope slopes and, in broad terms, any section property, by station or by section.

In this way for each axis it is possible to define different typical sections and the segments where to use them, so as to simplify the design of roads presenting section changes, as for example in case of

roadways with viaducts and tunnels.

Besides, this system for defining properties by segment allows to define, quickly and precisely, stop areas along the alignment, transversal slopes in particular segments, features of typical elements along the alignment, etc.

This information is reported, both graphically, by a specific diagram, and analytically, by some specific tables.

This design methodology offers two main advantages: the first is a precise and accurate definition of the

axis features, the second is a faster generation of results (Sections, Project planimetry, Road 3D model) because, in case a modification is made, it is not necessary to reinsert all data a second time, but it is sufficient to perform the final elaboration again.

Axis geometric properties

By the window of axis geometric properties it is possible to display, insert and modify all the parameters necessary to generate sections, project planimetry and road final model.

By this window it is possible to define, for each axis, what typical sections to use and the segments in

which they are defined. This allows to define, quickly and precisely, the areas inside the axis where section changes occur (ex. viaducts, tunnels, sections presenting walls, etc,).

It is also possible to define the properties of each typical section in every segment of the alignment,

simply by setting for each station or section the value to be associated to a property of the typical section (ex. roadway width, roadway slope, sideslope slope, etc.)

The window of axis geometric properties can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Parametric design…

Menu Sections > Parametric design…

Command line: DEFGEOMVAR

The following window will appear:

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Parametric design window display mode The window has two display modes: an extended one and a reduced one. The reduced display shows the following toolbar:

In order to pass from a display mode to the other, use Collapse and Expand commands, on the top right corner of the window.

By Lock command the Parametric design is automatically positioned below the tool window and at

any moment it is possible to activate Unlock command to allow the free positioning of the window.

Toolbar of Parametric Design window In the upper part of the window some checks are available:

Active subproject: Allows to navigate quickly among the axes and choose the one to be made active, i.e. the one whose features have to be displayed;

Warning. The window of parametric design always works on the current axis subproject, so, if we change the current axis subproject from the main window and activate the window of parametric design, the tool will automatically display the data of the new current subproject, updating also all the graphic windows according to the display scheme set. Therefore, if we change the axis subproject from the window of parametric design we will automatically update the active axis subproject.

General: By this button it is possible to activate the window setting the properties of the

active axis;

Display: It is possible to choose the module to display by selecting the

corresponding icon: Planimetry, Profile, Cross-sections, Real Time Design, 3D viewer;

Drawing filters: By this command it is possible to manage the planimetry drawing filters; a pull-down menu is activated, in which it is possible to select the entities to display;

The item Apply allows to apply the same display filters to more subprojects at the same time; the following window will appear, in which it is possible to select the subprojects to which to apply the same


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Automatic positioning of windows: the button allows to configure the automatic

positioning of windows choosing the display mode from a pull-down menu (see Functions of window

display and positioning);

Dynamic design: The button activates the window of dynamic design (see Dynamic


Typical section builder: has access to the typical section building environment (see Typical section builder)

Typical objects builder: has access to the typical object building environment (see Typical objects builder)

Typical intersection builder: has access to the typical intersection building environment (see Typical intersection builder)

Help on line: activates the tool help on line to have a detailed description of the utilities of

parametric design.

The lower part displays six pages allowing to define the axis main features for the drawing of sections,

project planimetry, and axis final model: Horizontal aligment elements, Vertical aligment elements, Typical sections, Intersections, Volumes, Settings.

Functions of window display and automatic positioning

The window of parametric design contains a set of functions allowing to position itself automatically and

pilot the display of the other windows in the graphic cad; thanks to such functions, this window can be used as a control panel of the axes as well as of the program itself.

These buttons allow to set the main graphic window that have to displayed

whereas the button allow to set the secondary windows and the placement mode.

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The first item in the menu allows to choose which windows to display besides the main window; the second item in the menu allows to define, in percent, the space reserved to the main window.

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Horizontal aligment elements

Horizontal aligment elements page in parametric design displays in the upper part the policy and the kind of road set in project properties. For any element listed the software carries out in real time the policy

check. If the axis contains element out of policy the symbol will appear near the page title.

The page of horizontal alignments elements reports a sequence of the various elements that make up the

alignment as well as their state: linked or unlinked . The axis horizontal elements must be linked

to each other. If unlinked elements are found, it is necessary to sort the alignment elements. If unlinked elements still remain even once this operation has been performed, it is necessary to check each element directly in the graphic window, to make sure that its extremes are linked to the previous and/or next element.

Moreover, the tool specifies either an element respects the policy set or not ; properties column reports minimum and maximum parameters required for the element and the current value. By clicking

on Policy column it is possible to gain direct access to the window of policy check and in particular to the check of the element selected.

: in the graphic window allows to zoom on the element currently selected in the table.

: allows to gain access to the element properties and then to modify it.

Vertical alignment elements

Vertical alignment elements page in parametric design displays in the upper part the policy and the

kind of road set in project properties. For any element listed the software carries out in real time the

policy check. If the axis contains element out of policy the symbol will appear near the page title.

Moreover, the tool specifies either an element respects the policy set or not ; properties column

reports minimum and maximum parameters required for the element and the current value. By clicking

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on Policy column it is possible to gain direct access to the window of policy check and in particular to the check of the element selected.

:in the graphic window allows to zoom on the element currently selected in the table.

:allows to gain access to the element properties and then to modify it.

Typical sections tab

In typical sections page it is possible to define the typical sections to insert along the axis and the segments in which they are defined.

It is possible to define both the sections to be used to generate project planimetry and the simplified

sections for model generation and sight check.

The typical sections used in a project are automatically included in the project file itself. In this way the project can be completed by any user on any computer without having to copy manually the typical

sections library files.

Typologies of axis typical sections

The tool provides for the use of two different kinds of typical sections that can be defined for each axis:

Project typical sections and Typical sections for sight diagram.

Project typical sections are used to generate sections, project planimetry and road model from typical sections, while the sight ones are used to generate the model and to verify sight distances.

Throw the pull-down menu is possible to select the intervals to modify: planimetry intervals or sight


Display typical sections and their properties

The typical sections defined for axis are displayed in the table on the left of typical sections page, and on the row containing the name of the typical section its different intervals are displayed in the diagram on

the right of the page.

The intervals at which typical sections have been assigned are represented with horizontal bars, reporting in their centre the name of the typical section and on their extremes the station , or the start and final

section of the interval. Such intervals can be modified directly by the diagram (For interval modification

methods see Modify interval). It is possible to import the intervals from ASCII format files by button.

The tool highlights in red the areas in which no typical sections have been defined, so no project sections are supposed to be inserted and no project planimetry is going to be generated.Moreover, the intersection zones situated along the axis are highlighted in light blue, while main points (start,

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intersection and end) are indicated with vertical grey lines; at the bottom the name is displayed, of the axis with which the intersection is performed.

In the diagram it is possible to perform some zooms both by the mouse central wheel and by zooming on the window. To zoom on the window, indicate the window upper left corner, pressing the mouse left button and, keeping the mouse left button pressed, indicate the window lower right corner, then release

the mouse.

To perform the diagram zoom all, operate as with the zoom on window but indicating first the lower right corner and then the upper left corner. Besides, by the mouse right button it is possible to carry out the diagram dynamic pan.

The cursor of the typical sections diagram is dynamically linked to planimetry and profile windows , so each time it moves, its position is automatically updated and displayed both in planimetry and in profile.

By displaying more windows at the same time, among which the cross sections window, moving around

along the typical sections bar in the parametric design, the preview of the cross section is updated; it is possible to indicate by mouse a station in the parametric design and keep it fixed by Ctrl+Tab command on keyboard, to modify the corresponding cross section.

Diagram scroll button activates the updating of typical sections display according to the cursor moving in the graphic window of planimetry, profile or Real Time Design.

The button Zoom on position activates the dynamic link between the visualization in Typical Sections page and the active graphic windows; by moving the cursor inside the diagram , it is possible to obtain an updating of the view in the planimetry, profile and Real Time Design graphic windows

Such commands can be active also simultaneously, allowing to move the pointer in the patrametric design, and have the graphic window always updated, and vice versa. This is particularly useful for long alignments, since it gives a complete and quick control over the typical sections intervals.

At the bottom, on the right, the station value of the pointer position is displayed.

It is possible to display the data table referred to the typical sections by button. The table summarizes the data concerning the intervals at which sections are applied, and it is possible to modify the values in the table. The intervals displaying a breakline are highlighted in red.

button activates in the table the display of all typical sections data, not only of the typical section selected.

Insert, remove, change and modify typical sections

In typical sections page it is possible to insert, delete, replace and modify directly axis typical sections. The following buttons allow to manage typical section modification functions:

Add typical section: By this button it is possible to assign a typical section to the axis. The

typical section is inserted in the typology of typical sections which is active (Project or Sight

diagram) with an interval which is equal to the axis whole length.

Remove typical section: By this button it is possible to remove the typical section selected.

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Modify typical section: By this button it is possible to open the typical section in typical section

builder module and modify its properties and features.

Export typical sections: Since the typical sections used in the different axes of a project are included automatically in the project file, this button allows to export the file of a typical section included in the project file and make it usable by other projects.

Moreover, in case the axis contains more typical sections, it is possible to define creation order by using

and buttons; the first section in the table is generated first, then comes the second, and then all the others.

Insert, remove, modify intervals

After inserting the typical section it is possible to define the axis intervals (segments) where it must be used. The tool provides for a set of commands for interval management, both of typical sections and of

axis variables.

When a new typical section is inserted, a first interval is automatically added, which is equal to the length

of the whole axis. To add further intervals it is sufficient to press button; the following dialog box will be displayed:

By this window it is possible to define the station, or the interval start and end section. Type field indicates whether the value of the start or end station is a numeric value or it is linked to a section. In case the type is Value, in Station field it is possible to insert the station number, while in case the type

is From section in Section field it is possible to insert the section number or name or, by button it

is possible to select the section from the window of sections list.

The values of the interval start and end stations can also be selected directly from the graphic window,

by I button. In case the type is Value the station is calculated from the projection of the point indicated on axis, while in case it is From Section the tool will select the nearest section to the point indicated.

The option Allow the modification in the diagram allows to modify the values of the stations which are not linked to the sections directly in the diagram window; this option can be deactivated so as to avoid the accidental modification of the intervals in the diagram window;

Note: station values linked to a section cannot be modified directly in the diagram.

Intervals can be modified directly by the diagram window or by the window of interval data.

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By the diagram window it is possible to modify, if the interval is not linked to sections, the interval start and end station. To modify an interval by the diagram window it is necessary to position in the interval start or end point and, when the cursor changes its shape becoming a double arrow, press the mouse left button and drag the interval to the station desired.

To modify an interval using the interval data window click twice in the interval to be modified or press


The tool provides for other functions to modify typical section and axis variable intervals, which are the following:

Divide interval: By this function it is possible to divide the interval selected into two parts.

Join interval with the next one: By this function it is possible to join an interval selected with

the following one.

Remove interval:By this function it is possible to remove the interval selected. In case of

typical sections it is not possible to remove the last interval. If you want to remove it, it is necessary

to remove the typical section.

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Intersections (ProSt - Premium)

Intersections page allows to manage every kind of intersection in a project: AT-grade intersections, Roundabout intersections, lane entry/exit and lanes division.The window allows the insertion and management of intersections, the modification of parameters and policy check.

The window is subdivided into three main blocks:

Intersections list: the left side reports all the intersection nodes inserted. The intersections can be

arranged in groups according to the area on which they operate.

Properties, Check and Settings: on the central block are displayed all the parameters regulating calculation, drawing and the way the intersection node selected works. Check page reports the values calculated by the policy and the comparison with the project values.

Typical intersections: on the right side it is possible to define, only for AT-grade intersections (linear or on roundabout), the possible typical intersection to be used to build edge polylines.

General information about intersections

Managing the intersections allows to solve in 3D and from every point of view (planimetry, profile and sections) every kind of intersection. The management does not provide for the horizontal design of the axes involved, which must be already present in the project; by the parameters defined for each

intersection the tool supplies some information, graphic and of other kind, which is then used by the different procedures of section calculation and generation of project planimetry.

In particular, dynamic design can manage, for each intersection, the data defined in the intersections and regenerate edge polylines; the application of typical sections on axes starts here, as well as the

construction of the project planimetry and of the final project model.

Intersection types

The types of intersection managed by the tool are the following:

AT-grade intersection By linear AT-grade intersection we mean all those intersections which are performed between two axes, when none of the two is a roundabout, with an angle of incidence between 40° and 160°. For angles of incidence below 40° or over 160° it might be necessary to manage the

intersection as a lane entry/exit.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection.

Roundabout intersection: it is the intersection between axes that meet in a roundabout.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come

from a typical intersection.

Lane entry/exit: it is when a secondary axis converges or streams out (parallel or not) of a main axis. To be used, for example, in interchanges for lane entry /exit.

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Lane division: it is when an axis ends and continues on two separate axes.

Commands for the management of intersections

Add intersection: the command allows to define a new intersection in the project. The new intersection can create a new group of intersections or be included in an existing group.

Delete Intersection: the command allows to delete a group of intersections.

Add secondary axis: the command allows to add a new axis to a group of existing intersections. It

is better to use this command only to add a new intersection axis to the intersection group of a roundabout.

Remove secondary axis: the command removes an intersection node from a group of intersections.

Note: Removing the intersection axis does not remove the axis but only the information concerning

the axis inside the intersection (typical intersection, automatic drawing of edges, etc.)

Rebuild intersection: the command activates the intersection rebuild procedure; the operations performed depend on the kind of intersection.

AT- grade intersection (linear or on roundabout) with defined typical intersection:

The typical intersection scheme is inserted in the intersection area between the two axes.

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the

intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge.

Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

AT- grade intersection (linear or on roundabout) without defined typical intersection:

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

Lane entry/exit

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the leader along which the elevations are projected from the main axis to the secondary axis.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the curve filleting the

shoulders of the two axes.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the cut line along which to cut the cross sections of the two axes; the cut is necessary to delete the overlapping

areas. The cut is limited to the external part of the axes sections, where they overlap.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile the profile polyline is calculated, which represents the projection of the main axis elevations; the polyline will be used to calculate the project elevations which will assure the continuity of the road surface.

The polyline is completed with a grade line segment, whose slope is that of the last polyline segment calculated; the grade line represents the start element of the design concerning the remaining part of the

lane entry/exit.

Lane division

The intersection Lane division is formed by three axes: the main axis which ends and subdivides into two new axes called Reference axis and Intersection axis.

In the longitudinal profile of the reference axis a reference is inserted, reporting the final

elevation of the main axis; moreover, a grade line segment is inserted, representing the

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continuation of the longitudinal slope in the final segment of the main axis. In this way, it is possible to complete the design of the reference axis preserving the continuity with the main axis.

In the longitudinal profile of the secondary axis a reference is inserted, reporting the station and the start elevation of the reference axis. Moreover, another reference is inserted, reporting the

station and the elevation of the reference axis on the point where the division of the two axes shoulders occurs.

In the longitudinal profile of the secondary axis a profile polyline is calculated, representing the projection of the reference axis elevations; the polyline will be used to calculate the project elevations which will assure the continuity of the road surface.

The polyline is completed with a grade line segment, whose slope is that of the last polyline segment calculated; the grade line represents the start element of the design concerning the remaining part of the

lane entry/exit.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the leader along which the elevations are projected from the main axis to the secondary axis.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the curve filleting the

shoulders of the two axes.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the cut line along

which to cut the cross sections of the two axes; the cut is necessary to delete the overlapping areas. The cut is limited to the external part of the axes sections, where they overlap.

Regeneration command can refer to an entire group of intersections or to a single intersection; to regenerate a group press the button after selecting in the table the row referred to the group heading; vice versa, to regenerate a single intersection, press the button after selecting the intersection desired.

Update intersection: The command performs a check on data and on the settings defined for the

intersection; the check has the purpose of verifying that, according to the data set, all the conditions are

respected for a correct management of the intersection. If the check gives a positive result, symbol

will appear near the intersection; otherwise, symbol will appear.

Move intersection: the two buttons allow to modify the intersections display order in the table.

Zoom to intersection: pressing the button will activate the automatic zoom in the planimetry

graphic window in the intersection area currently selected.

Managing linear AT-grade intersections

By linear AT-grade intersection we mean all those intersections which are performed between two axes,

when none of the two is a roundabout, with an angle of incidence between 40° and 160°. For angles of incidence below 40° or over 160° it might be necessary to manage the intersection as a lane entry/exit.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection.

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To manage this kind of intersections, the two axes must intersect; before inserting the intersection it is better to define the main axis altimetric design.

Press button to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

Intersection type: as intersection type specify AT-grade intersection.

Main axis: choose from the list the axis representing the main axis between the two that form the


Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new group.

Description: group description.

Press Next.

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The tool checks all the intersections between the main axes elements and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes intersecting the main axis.

Choose from the list the axis intersecting the main axis and press Add.

The new intersection will be added to the list of the intersections available.

Property tab

Property page lists some parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

Intersection: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

AT-grade intersection: name of the two axe that define the intersection.

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Area excluded from the intersection "secondary exis name"

Distance before intersection point: it is the distance separating the intersection point between the two axes and the point in which the secondary axis intersects the main axis edge; this value can be

calculated by the tool by pressing button, which is displayed near the cell. This value is necessary so

that the correction of the transversal slopes does not involve the main axis but only the secondary axis; the main axis will keep its own transversal slopes, while the secondary axis slopes will be modified to manage the transition.

Distance after intersection point: to be used only in case of X intersections; it is the distance separating the intersection point between the two axes and the point in which the secondary axis intersects the main axis edge; in X intersections, the secondary axis meets both edges of the main axis; it is therefore necessary to specify both areas, before the intersection and after the intersection; this

value can be calculated by the tool by pressing value, which is displayed on the cell.

Intersection zone "secondary axis name"

Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the length of the intersection on the secondary axis; by deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the secondary axis.

Distance before intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the secondary axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the intersection

can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the secondary axis, after the intersection point. The point determining the end of the intersection can be

indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the

distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Intersection zone "main axis name"

Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the length of the intersection on the main axis; by deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the main axis.

Distance before intersection point:it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the main axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the intersection can

be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the

distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the main axis, after the intersection point. The point determining the end of the intersection can be

indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

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By Verify page it is possible to gain access to the policy checks available for AT-grade intersections.

For the AT-grade intersection it is possible to calculate the sight triangle according to the policy for

intersections (D.M. 19/04/2006).

Manoeuvre of: choose whether the triangle must be calculated for a Stop or a Give Way manoeuvre.

Sight triangle: activate the item to calculate and display the sight triangle; the triangle will be displayed only if the Intersection policy check filter is visible.

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By Settings page it is possible to check some intersection parameters:

Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to vary the transversal slope on

secondary axis, so as to fillet it with the main axis transversal slope.

Insertion of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of the edge polylines defined in the typical intersection associated.

Insertion of references in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection

references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in

the intersection main points; the main points are:

start and end of intersection area on main axis

start and end of intersection area on secondary axis

in the main axis, on the secondary axis intersection point.

Recalculate cross-section on intersection area: by this option it is possible to activate, in the intersection areas, an automatic modification of cross sections which makes them perpendicular to the

right and left edge. Therefore, in the intersection area the section is no longer represented as perpendicular to the axis , but broken into a right and a left side: the right side will be perpendicular to the intersection right edge and the left side will be perpendicular to the left edge. Also the transversal length of the sections reflects this situation and will be calculated as perpendicular not to the axis but to the edges. The following image shows how the cross sections are displayed on the intersection.

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Volume calculation itself has been adapted to the new shape of the cross sections and an adjustment factor has been introduced to obtain a very precise calculation of the intersection zone areas and

volumes. Volume calculation report displays the adjustment factor used in determining the totals.

The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

Typical intersection manager

To solve the intersection, some planimetry polylines are necessary. They stand for the edges shape in the

intersection zone; planimetry polylines can be obtained by associating a typical intersection.

To associate a typical intersection to the current intersection press button; choose the typical intersection file to associate to the intersection. The typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file. In this way the project can be completed by any user in any

computer, without having to copy manually the files from typical intersection libraries.

To modify a typical intersection assigned to an intersection press button; in this way, you gain access to the system by which to build and modify typical intersections. To remove the association with a

typical intersection press button.

Since the typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file, a command

is available, which allows to extract a typical intersection so that it can be used in another project: for

such needs press button, which will activate a dialog box allowing to choose the name of the file to be assigned to the intersection, as well as the saving folder.

When it is impossible to use a typical intersection it is possible to solve the intersection by defining the polylines which determine the edges shape in the intersection zone; the polylines must be planimetry

polylines whose codes are among the ones provided by the tool for the left and right edges. By settings

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page of parametric design it is possible to manage the name which must be attributed to the polylines representing the two edges of the intersections.

Since edge polylines can belong to either axes, it is necessary to verify whether the option Share polylines with other axes is active for both axes, otherwise the tool could be unable to find the polylines necessary to the solution of the intersection. The option Share polylines with other axes is

managed as Axis properties filter.

Generate intersection

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following


the typical intersection scheme is inserted in the intersection zone between the two axes (if a

typical intersection has been associated);

The main axis longitudinal profile displays the reference reporting the station where the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the

station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

The references calculated by the tool, and inserted in the secondary axis profile, allow to link ite project profile to the main axis elevations. The constraint can be carried out by building some grade lines as follows:

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the

intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the

station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

The first grade line ends on the elevation referred to the main axis edge, while the second grade line links to the elevation on axis. The grade lines built in this way create a constraint, between the secondary axis and the main axis, which is maintained also when the main axis elevations change.

Edge polylines, either inserted by typical intersection or not, must then be linked to the typical section right and left roadway.

The tool can solve tridimensionally the intersection according to the information it has received;

Dynamic design is the best tool to use to regenerate the project of the two axes and

display the final result.

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Manage AT-grade intersections on roundabout

It is the intersection between axes that meet in a roundabout

In order to manage this kind of intersection it is necessary to define an axis subproject for the roundabout, where the intersecting axes must end/start. Before inserting the intersection points it is better to set the roundabout altimetric design.

Press button to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

Intersection type: as intersection type specify Roundabout intersection.

Roundabout axis: choose from the list the axis representing the roundabout

Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new group.

Description: group description.

Press Next.

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The tool checks all the intersections between the roundabout axis and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes which might define an intersection with the rondabout axis.

Select the axes for which to create an intersection with the roundabout and press Add.

As many intersections as the axes selected will be inserted.


For any intersection inserted Property page lists some parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

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Roundabout: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

Roundabout intersection: name of the axis intersecting the roundabout and name of roundabout axis.

Entry lane width: width of roundabout entry lane; such value is necessary to calculate sight triangle, deflection angle and trajectory.

Exit lane width: width of roundabout exit lane; such value is necessary to calculate sight triangle,

deflection angle and trajectory

Area excluded from intersection "secondary axis name"

Distance before intersection point: not used.

Intersection zone "secondary axis name"

Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the length of the intersection on the secondary axis; by deactivating the option it is possible to define

manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the secondary axis.

Distance before intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the secondary axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the intersection

can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: to be used only with X intersections; it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the secondary axis, after the intersection point. The point determining

the end of the intersection can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Intersection zone "roundabout axis name"

Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the

length of the intersection on the roundabout; by deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the roundabout axis.

Distance before intersection point:it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along

the roundabout axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the

intersection can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the roundabout axis, after the intersection point. The point determining the end of the intersection can

be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

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Verify tab

The Verify page allow to display the policy check for the round-about.

By intersection on roundabout it is possible to calculate sight triangle, deflection angles and trajectories, according to the policy for intersections (D.M. 19/04/2006).

Deflection angle: the tool calculates the deflection angle between the axis getting into the roundabout

and its opposite. Symbol indicates that the value is consistent with the policy set; symbol indicates a condition which cannot be verified or an angle which is out of policy.

Deflection trajectory: activate the item to calculate and display deflection trajectory; the trajectory is displayed only if Intersection policy check is visible.

Sight triangle: activate the item to calculate and display sight triangle; the triangle is displayed only if

Intersection policy check is visible

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Scheda Settings

By Settings page it is possible to check some intersection parameters:

Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to vary the transversal slope on secondary axis, so as to fillet it with the roundabout axis transversal slope.

Insertion of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of the edge polylines defined in the typical intersection associated.

Insertion of references in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in

the profiles of the two axes:

In the roundabout axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the

station and to the elevation of the intersection with the roundabout axis and with the roundabout axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the intersection main points; the main points are:

start and end of intersection area on roundabout axis

start and end of intersection area on secondary axis

in the roundabout axis, on the secondary axis intersection point.

Recalculate cross-section on intersection area: by this option it is possible to activate, in the intersection areas, an automatic modification of cross sections which makes them perpendicular to the right and left edge. Therefore, in the intersection area the section is no longer represented as

perpendicular to the axis , but broken into a right and a left side: the right side will be perpendicular to

the intersection right edge and the left side will be perpendicular to the left edge. Also the transversal length of the sections reflects this situation and will be calculated as perpendicular not to the axis but to the edges. The following image shows how the cross sections are displayed on the intersection.

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Volume calculation itself has been adapted to the new shape of the cross sections and an adjustment factor has been introduced to obtain a very precise calculation of the intersection zone areas and volumes. Volume calculation report displays the adjustment factor used in determining the totals.

The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

Typical intersection manager

To solve the intersection, some planimetry polylines are necessary. They stand for the edges shape

in the intersection zone; planimetry polylines can be obtained by associating a typical intersection.

To associate a typical intersection to the current intersection press button; choose the typical intersection file to associate to the intersection. The typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file. In this way the project can be completed by any user in any computer, without having to copy manually the files from typical intersection libraries.

To modify a typical intersection assigned to an intersection press button; in this way, you gain access to the system by which to build and modify typical intersections. To remove the association with a

typical intersection press button.

Since the typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file, a command is available, which allows to extract a typical intersection so that it can be used in another project: for

such needs press button, which will activate a dialog box allowing to choose the name of the file to

be assigned to the intersection, as well as the saving folder.

When it is impossible to use a typical intersection it is possible to solve the intersection by defining the polylines which determine the edges shape in the intersection zone; the polylines must be planimetry polylines whose codes are among the ones provided by the tool for the left and right edges. By settings page of parametric design it is possible to manage the name which must be attributed to the polylines representing the two edges of the intersections.

Since edge polylines can belong to either axes, it is necessary to verify whether the option Share polylines with other axes is active for both axes, otherwise the tool could be unable to find the polylines necessary to the solution of the intersection. The option Share polylines with other axes is managed as Axis properties filter.

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Generate intersection

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following operations:

the typical intersection scheme is inserted in the intersection zone between the two axes (if a typical intersection has been associated);

The roundabout axis longitudinal profile displays the reference reporting the station where the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the

station and to the elevation of the intersection with the roundabout axis and with the roundabout axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

The references calculated by the tool, and inserted in the secondary axis profile, allow to link ite

project profile to the roundabout axis elevations. The constraint can be carried out by building some grade lines as follows:

The first grade line ends on the elevation referred to the roundabout axis edge, while the second grade line links to the elevation on axis. The grade lines built in this way create a constraint, between the secondary axis and the main axis, which is maintained also when the roundabout axis elevations change.

Edge polylines, either inserted by typical intersection or not, must then be linked to the typical section

right and left roadway.

The tool can solve the intersection tridimensionally; Dynamic design is the best tool to use

to regenerate the project of the two axes and display the final result;

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Management of entry/exit lanes

It is when a secondary axis converges in or streams out of the main axis (parallel or not). To use, for example, in interchanges for entry/exit lanes.

To manage this kind of intersection, it is necessary to work with a main axis and a lateral axis, representing the entry/exit lane. The lane project direction must follow the traffic direction: if it is an exit lane, the axis start must be positioned next to the main axis, while if it is an entry lane, the end of the

axis must be next to the main axis. Before inserting the intersection points, it is better to set the main axis vertical design.

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Press to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

Intersection type: as intersection type specify Roundabout intersection.

Roundabout axis: choose from the list the axis representing the roundabout

Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new group.

Description: group description.

Press Next.

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The tool checks all the intersections between the main axis and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes which start or finish next to the main axis.

Select the axis with which to create an intersection and press Add.

A new intersection will be inserted in the list on the left.


Property page lists a series of parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

Interchange: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

Entry/exit lane: name of secondary axis and main axis.

Intersection position: identifies the position, on secondary axis, where the intersection with the main axis takes place. Such position can be modified, for example after an axis inversion.

Shoulder fillet radius: value of the radius used to build the curve that fillets the shoulders of the two axes.

Subproject <main axis name>

Rotation point distance : distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is

obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings)

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

Subproject <secondary axis name>

Rotation point distance: distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is

necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).

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External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).


By Verify page it is possible to gain access to the policy checks available for lanes.

The check reports different data for entry and exit lanes respectively; a lane becomes an exit one when the correspondence with the main axis starts, while it is an entry lane if it ends on the main axis.

In case of exit lanes Verify page reports the following data:

Automatic calculation of speed: by activating this option the tool calculates the project speeds along the main axis, on the intersection and along the first circular curve in the secondary axis. By deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the single speeds. Speeds are used to calculate manoeuvre

zone and deceleration zone lengths.

Design speed in curve (Vr): project speed determined on the first circular curve in the secondary axis. Speed determined according to the curve radius.

Design speed in main axis : project speed along main axis, determined by speed diagram on the intersection.

Main axis design speed percentage(%Vp): it is possible to modify in % the project speed to be used for checks.

Manoeuvre zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the manoeuvre zone required by policy.

Deceleration zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the deceleration zone required by policy.

Calculated total lenght: the tool calculates the total length, from the beginning of the axis to the first

curve (clothoid or circular curve) and compared with the length calculated according to the policy.

Symbol indicates that the value is above the minimum set by the policy, while symbol indicates that the project value is insufficient.

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In case of entry lanes, Verify page reports the following data:

Automatic calculation of speed: by activating this option the tool calculates the project speeds along the main axis, on the intersection and along the first circular curve in the secondary axis. By deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the single speeds. Speeds are used to calculate acceleration, entry and manoeuvre zone lengths.

Design speed in curve (Vr): project speed determined on the last circular curve in the secondary axis. Speed determined according to the curve radius.

Design speed in main axis: project speed along main axis, deduced by speed diagram on the intersection.

Main axis design speed percentage (%Vp): it is possible to modify in % the project speed to be used for checks.

Acceleration zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the acceleration zone length required by policy

Entry zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the entry zone length required by policy..

Manoeuvre zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the manoeuvre zone length required by policy.

Entry zone calculated lenght: the tool calculates the length of the entry zone, from the roadways junction point to the end of the secondary axis, and compares it with the value calculated according to

the policy set. symbol indicates that the value is above the minimum set by the policy, while

symbol indicates that the project value is insufficient.

Calculated total lenght: the tool calculates the total length, from the end of the circular curve to the

beginning of the entry section, and compares it with the length calculated according to the policy set.

symbol indicates that the value is above the minimum set by the policy, while symbol indicates that

the project value is insufficient.

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By Settings page it is possible to check some parameters of the intersection:

Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to assign the secondary axis the same transversal slope as that of the main axis, with the purpose of keeping a single slope in the segment in which the two axes are not completely independent.

Lanes size from planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the use of eges polylines for the calculation of roadway size in the intersection area. To be used in particular situations, such as variations in the roadway width.

Insertion of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of a circular curve between two shoulders.

Insertion of projection polylines in planimetry: the tool draws the planimetry polyline along which the main axis elevations are projected towards the secondary axis.

Insertion of projection polylines in profile: a polyline reporting the main axis projected elevations is calculated and inserted in the secondary axis profile; the polyline represents the project profile to follow

in order to maintain a surface continuity with the main axis. The polyline is completed with a grade line whose slope is equal to the final slope of the last polyline segment; in this way it is possible to complete the altimetric design of the remaining part of the alignment.

Insertion of cut polyline: in the planimetry a polyline is calculated and drawn, which corresponds to the position along which the cross sections of the two axes are cut. The overlapping between the sections of the two axes, both of part of the pavement and, mostly, of the shoulders and the external slopes, is automatically removed along the cut polyline calculated by the tool. By deactivating this option it is

possible to draw a cut polyline and assign it a code chosen among the parametric design settings.

Insertion of reference in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

in the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, which reports the station and

the elevation of the intersection main point on the main axis.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the elevation of the point where the division between the two axes shoulders takes place.

Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the intersection main points; the main points are:

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start of exit lane or end of entry lane

point where the division of the two axes roadway takes place

point where the division of the two axes shoulder takes place

end of exit lane or start of entry lane

The sections are inserted in both axes and are already correlated to each other.

start and end of intersection area on secondary axis

in the main axis, on the secondary axis intersection point.

Insertion of correlated (multiple) x-section: this option allows the automatic insertion of correlated sections on the secondary axis, according to the sections located on the main axis; for all the main axis sections, located in the intersection zone, the corresponding sections are inserted in the secondary axis

and a link is created, which enables each section to see the corresponding lateral section.

The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

Generate intersection

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following operations:

The projection polyline is calculated, on which the main axis elevations will be projected towards

the secondary axis.

The secondary axis profile polyline is calculated, which represents the projection of the main axis

elevations. Besides, a grade line segment is inserted, representing the slope to be used after the point in which the two axes become independent.

On the secondary axis profile the two references referred to the main axis are displayed: at the

beginning of the axis and on the shoulders division point.

A planimetry polyline is drawn, which allows the link between the two shoulders in the division


The cut polyline will be calculated, along which the cut of the two axes sections will be performed.

The edge polylines representing the shoulder must then be linked to the shoulders extremities in the typical section.

The tool can solve tridimensionally the intersection according to the information it has received;

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Dynamic design is the best tool to use to regenerate the project of the two axes and

display the final result.

Lane division management

It is the case in which an axis ends and continues on two distinct axes.

To manage this kind of intersection it is necessary to have three


1. the main axis, which ends and from which the other two axes start. The situation could also be the opposite: the main axis starts where the other two axes finish.

2. The reference axis, which is the first to be designed after the main axis. The project direction must follow the traffic direction.

3. The secondary, or intersection, axis, which is the last to be projected, since its elevations depend on the reference axis. The project direction must follow the traffic direction.

The design sequence on which the system is based is the following:

planimetric definition of the three axes

vertical design of the main axis

insertion of the Lane division intersection and generation of the intersection; the generation adds

some information in the reference axis profile, which are necessary for the vertical design.

According to the generation, the reference axis will have all the information necessary to complete the vertical design.

Regeneration of the intersection to add some information to the secondary axis profile, which is

necessary to carry out the vertical design.

Also the secondary axis now has all the information necessary to complete the vertical design.

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Press button to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

Intersection type: as intersection type specify Lane division.

Main axis: choose from the list the axis representing the main axis.

Reference axis: choose from the list the axis representing the reference axis; the second axis that will be designed.

Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new group.

Description: group description.

Press Next

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The tool checks all the intersections between the reference axis and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes that start or finish near the reference axis within the distance defined by roadway

width or shoulders width.

Choose from the list the axis with which to create an intersection and press Add.

A new intersection will be inserted in the list on the left.


Property page lists a series of parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

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Interchange: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

Entry/exit lane: name of reference axis and secondary axis.

Intersection position: identifies the position, on secondary axis, where the intersection with the main

axis takes place. Such position can be modified, for example after an axis inversion.

Shoulder fillet radius: value of the radius used to build the curve that fillets the shoulders of the two axes.

Subproject <reference axis name>

Rotation point distance : distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is

obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings)

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

Subproject <secondary axis name>

Rotation point distance: distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is

necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).

For this kind of intersection no check is available.


By Settings page it is possible to check some parameters of the intersection:

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Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to assign the secondary axis the same transversal slope as that of the reference axis, with the purpose of keeping a single slope in the segment in which the two axes are not completely independent.

Lane size from planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the use of edge polylines to calculate the roadway size in the intersection area. To be used in particular situations, such as variations in roadway


Lane size of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of a circular curve between two shoulders.

Insertion of projection polyline in planimetry: the tool draws the planimetry polyline along which the projection is performed, of the reference axis elevations towards the secondary axis.

Insertion of projection polyline in profile: some polylines are inserted both in the reference axis profile and in the secondary axis profile.

A grade line segment is inserted in the reference axis profile, which has the same vertical slope as the one found at the end of the main axis; in this way it is possible to continue the vertical design on the reference axis, maintaining the same elevation and the same slope with which the main axis has been interrupted.

A polyline is calculated and inserted in the secondary axis profile, which reports the reference axis projected elevations, when available; the polyline represents the project profile to follow to maintain a surface continuity with the reference axis road. The polyline is completed by a grade line segment with a slope that is equal to the final slope of the last polyline segment; in this way

it is possible to complete the altimetric design of the remaining part of the alignment.

Insertion of cut polyline: in the planimetry a polyline is calculated and drawn, which corresponds to the position along which the cross sections of the two axes are cut. The overlapping between the sections of the two axes, both of part of the pavement and, mostly, of the shoulders and the external slopes, is automatically removed along the cut polyline calculated by the tool. By deactivating this option it is

possible to draw a cut polyline and assign it a code chosen among the parametric design settings.

Insertion of reference in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection

references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

in the reference axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, which reports the station and the elevation of the point where the main axis ends.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the elevation of the start point of the intersection on the reference axis.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the

elevation of the point in which the division of the two axes shoulders takes place.

Insertion of reference in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection

references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

in the reference axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, which reports the station and

the elevation of the point where the main axis ends.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the

elevation of the start point of the intersection on the reference axis.

Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the intersection main points; the main points are:

start of intersection on both axes

point where the division of the two axes roadway takes place

point where the division of the two axes shoulder takes place

The sections are inserted in both axes and are already correlated to each other.

Insertion of correlated (multiple) x-section: this option allows the automatic insertion of correlated sections on the secondary axis, according to the sections located on the main axis; for all the main axis sections, located in the intersection zone, the corresponding sections are inserted in the secondary axis and a link is created, which enables each section to see the corresponding lateral section.

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The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

Intersection management

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following operations:

in the reference axis profile the grade line segment is inserted, which allows to continue the

altimetric design with the correct elevation and slope.

The tool calculates the projection polyline on which the reference axis elevations will be projected

towards the secondary axis.

The secondary axis profile polyline is calculated, which represents the projection of the reference axis elevations, if available. Moreover, a grade line segment is inserted, representing the slope to be used after the point in which the two axes become independent.

On the secondary axis profile the two references referred to the main axis are displayed: at the beginning of the axis and on the shoulders division point.

A planimetry polyline is drawn, which allows the link between the two shoulders in the division zone.

The cut polyline will be calculated, along which the cut of the two axes sections will be performed.

The edge polylines representing the shoulder must then be linked to the shoulders extremities in the typical section.

The tool can solve tridimensionally the intersection according to the information it has received;

Dynamic design is the best tool to use to regenerate the project of the two axes

and display the final result.

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Volume calculation

The page reports the results of volume and area calculation.

: this button opens the tool window by which it is possible to define section lines, areas to calculate and calculation sequence to use.

Pressing this button activates the dialog box allowing to perform volume calculation and print the results.

:by this button it is possible to open the dialog box allowing the exportation

and synchronization of the data calculated by Opera, SierraSoft program for work estimate and accounting.


By this page it is possible to intervene on all the parameters and settings regulating parametric design, dynamic design and intersections.

The settings are grouped into four categories: General, Profiles and X sections, Typical section and Creation.


In this page it is possible to intervene on the choice of terrain and project reference subprojects as well as on the planimetry polyline codes which are used in generation and calculation procedures.

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Terrain subproject: survey subproject to be used in extracting terrain sections and terrain profile.

Design subproject: survey subproject which must contain the design digital triangle model.

Terrain polyline code: section element and profile polyline code representing the terrain transversal (section) and longitudinal (profile) element.

Project polyline code: code of the section element representing the project line.

Left edge polyline code: planimetry polyline code representing the intersection left edge.

Right edge polyline code: planimetry polyline code representing the intersection right edge.

Cut polyline code: code to assign to the planimetry polyline calculated on the intersection point between two axes in case of Entry/Exit lanes and Lane division.

Fillet shoulder polyline code : code to assign to the planimetry polyline calculated by the tool, identifying the fillet between the shoulders of two axes in such intersections as Entry/Exit lanes and

Lane division .

Projection polyline code: code to assign to the planimetry polyline calculated by the tool, representing the directrix along which the projection of the main axis elevations is performed; the elevations obtained along the directrix are then projected on the secondary axis so as to supply, in the intersection zone, the project elevations to maintain in order to assure the continuity of the road surface.

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Profile and x-section

From this section it is possible to define the sections insertion mode, section and profile calculation

methods and the sections survey band.

Insert cross-section with fixed step: activates the insertion of the sections along the axis at a fixed distance; by activating the option it is possible to set the insertion distance between the sections.

Insert cross-section on main points: activates the insertion of the cross-sections on the axis main

points, i.e. on the tangent points between the elements; it is also possible to set the horizontal curve subdivision mode.

Insert cross-section on typical section changes: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the stations where a typical section change occurs; in such cases two cross sections are inserted, with a minimum distance (1 cm) between each other, so as to carry out a precise volume calculation on the typical section changes.

Minimum distance of section: allows to check the minimum distance to be respected between consecutive sections to avoid the presence of too close sections.

Calculation method: allows to specify the mode by which to calculate terrain profile according to the data available in the survey subproject used as reference.

Calculation method (Terrain sections): allows to specify the mode by which to calculate the terrain sections according to the data available in the survey subproject used as reference.

Band width on left: width of the terrain band to calculate on the left of the axis.

Band width on right:width of the terrain band to calculate on the right of the axis .

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Typical section

By this page it is possible to set the features and the size of the road template to be used.


In this page it is possible to set the modes and the features concerning the creation of the project


Generation mode: The project planimetry generation modes are two:

From cross-section: from complete cross-sections it is possible to obtain the road alignment project planimetry. In this case, the result obtained depends completely on the content of the cross

sections; any element contained in the cross sections can be projected onto the planimetry.

From typical section: in this case the project planimetry is obtained directly by inserting one or more typical sections along the axis; this mode does not require the project to have been developed completely, as far as the cross sections; it is sufficient to have an horizontal alignment

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and the corresponding vertical profile. The result obtained does not depend on the cross-sections and it is therefore up to the user to assure the correspondence between the project planimetry obtained in this way and the content of the cross sections.

Creation mode: Three different project planimetry creation modes are available, which differ according to the level of accuracy of the result they produce and their creation speed. Depending on the project

phase which is being performed, it is possible to choose the most suitable creation mode (e.g.: fast and less accurate during the project, slow but accurate during the execution of the final reports).

No interpolation. By this mode the tool calculates for each point in the axis a typical section and obtains automatically the crossing points between cut and fill. This mode returns the most accurate result, but it also requires more time to be carried out. To be used at the end of the project for the final drawings.

Interpolation on transition zones. By this mode the tool calculates for each point in the axis a

typical section and interpolates the typical sections in the crossing points between cut and fill, not

calculating the exact crossing point. This mode is always accurate and it is a little faster than the one with no interpolation.

Interpolation by typical sections (Suggested mode). By this mode the tool calculates the typical sections only on generation main points and interpolates the typical sections of the axis intermediate points. This mode is the fastest one but it is also the one that gives the less accurate

results. To be used during the design phase.

Maximum generation step: this is the maximum distance used by the tool between a typical section and the following one. The tool automatically inserts some typical sections in the critic points of the alignment: element tangent points, passage points between cut and fill. On curvilinear elements (clothoids, parabolas, horizontal curves) the distance between a typical section and the following one is such as to make it possible to obtain an optimal representation of the curve; this is true also for vertical curves.

Generation main points: this group of options allows to define on what points, besides the ones defined

by horizontal and vertical elements, to calculate the typical sections so as to increase the accuracy of the planimetry of project. Generation main points are the following:

Cut/fill passage points: This option integrates the crossing points between cut and fill in the alignment axis.

Superelevation and widening vertexes: This option integrates the transversal slope change points and the widening points calculated for the axis.

Cross section: This option integrates the points near the sections stations along the alignment.

Planimetry and profile polylines: This option integrates the projection of the axis planimetry and profile polyline vertexes.

Values by station: This option integrates the points near the stations of the axis variables situated in the axis.

Create planimetry of project: with this option is possible to specify to obtain the drawing of the


Create planimetry polylines from cross-section flags: by this option it is possible to activate the automatic creation of planimetry polylines from the flags set in the sections.

Create profile polylines from cross-section flags: by this option it is possible to activate the automatic creation of profile polylines from the flags set in the sections.

Superelevation symbols: by activating this option, the planimetry of project command allows to obtain the display of the superelevation on curve on main points.

Create design model: this option specifies that the project digital model has to be calculated. Some 3D faces will be created, linking some section elements specified by the button Set transversal elements.

Delete previous elaboration: by activating this option, the tool automatically cancels all the results

obtained by the previous elaborations.

Such settings can be applied at the same time also to other axis subprojects, by using the Apply command which appears either on the heading of a group of settings or on a single setting.

By clicking on Apply a window appears, reporting a list of all the axis subprojects available in the work.

Any of such subprojects can be selected, but it is also possible to select only the ones to apply the same settings to.

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Real Time Design


Real Time Design window allows to display and modify the typical sections defined by real time parametric design in any point of the axis. This new tool allows to analyse quickly the working of typical sections, section data, values by station, planimetry and/or profile polylines at a certain date or axis section. It also allows a precise modification of the object properties in certain zones of the axis, leaving

unchanged the values defined in the typical section.

In the typical section window both typical section and terrain section are displayed according to the calculation settings defined for the axis selected.

Real Time Design window is dynamically linked to the other graphic windows of the tool. In fact, moving from/to planimetry, profile or parametric design automatically activates this window. It is possible to shift along the axis both by station and by sections, and it is possible to use both navigation bar and text field or the arrows situated in the lower part of the window.

Working environment

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Real Time Design window reports in its upper part a toolbar for the management of the graphic window and for the modification of the typical section, in the middle it displays the preview of the typical section at the current station, and at the bottom it reports a scroll bar and some information about the section.


In the toolbar for the management of the graphic window the following commands are available:

Regen drawing: allows to regenerate the section drawing and update the axis data (project elevations, superelevations, widening, planimetry/ profile polylines, etc.)

Zoom in: Allows to increase the zoom on the graphic window.

Zoom out: Allows to reduce the zoom on the graphic window.

Zoom window: Allows to zoom on a rectangular area in the graphic window.

Zoom all: Allows to display all the typical section objects inside the graphic window.

Settings: This button displays a menu from which it is possible to define the graphic window display settings.

Section for project planimetry: displays only the objects used for the generation of the project planimetry, according to the settings defined in the section codes. If this option is active, displaying the typical section will be faster, since some typical section objects will not be drawn.

Section header: Displays axis name and section data (name, station, project elevation) on the

upper left corner of the graphic window.

Planimetry polylines: Displays with graphic references the position of the planimetry polylines in the section. The polylines are displayed by vertical hatches reporting at their top and bottom the code and the distance from axis. In case of 3D polylines also a mark on their elevation is displayed.

By submenu items it is possible to display the references either to all the polylines or only to the ones used by the typical section and display, or not, the elevation mark.

Planimetry polylines: Displays with graphic references the elevations of the profile polylines in the section. The polylines are displayed by horizontal hatches reporting at their sides the code and the elevation.

By submenu items it is possible to display the references either to all the polylines or only to the ones used by the typical section.

Copy current terrain on: Allows to save the terrain currently visible in the graphic window in one of the four customized terrains, so as to use them in the typical section builder in order to simulate

a more realistic terrain during the insertion of such particular objects as benching, stripping, terrain recovery etc.

Help on line : This button displays a menu by which it is possible to gain access to the help on line and to the information concerning the version of the typical section builder. In the toolbar for the modification of the current section the following commands are available:

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Change mode: By this button it is possible to pass quickly from “Project

simulation” mode to “Typical section builder”.

Modify "Current Section": If this button is active, the changes made on the properties of the objects are applied only to the axis as well as to the current station and do not modify the values

of the typical section (the ones set in “Typical section builder”). In this way it is possible to modify the typical section only on some segments of the axis, without having to create each time different typical sections.


The lower part of the window reports section data, values by station, planimetry and/or profile polylines

at a certain station of the axis.

Such information can be hidden or made visible by pressing on button, situated on the right of the page. Otherwise, from the pull down menu of the subproject it is possible to select the axis subproject to

display in the Real Time Design window.

By the scroll bar it is possible to change the station or the section currently visible in the graphic window; according to the station selected, the tool will display the corresponding typical section, according to the settings defined in the parametric design. By the options &rdquor;Station” and &rdquor;Sections”, reported above the scroll bar, it is possible to choose the scroll mode along the axis; the text field on the

right of the bar allows to set manually the value of the station or the number of the section to be seen. The scroll can be performed either by the bar or by the arrows positioned past the text field.

The information the tool displays are subdivided into three pages. The first reports the section data, the second reports the values by station, and the third reports the planimetry and profile polyline data.

“Section” page reports on the left the section data (station, terrain elevation, project elevation, elevation difference, Coordinate E, Coordinate N, angle), on the right the superelevation and widening data (including the sight ones) referred to the current station/section.

“Value by station” page reports the values by station defined for the axis selected along with the values at the current station/section. The values by station used by the typical sections defined for the axis are

highlighted by icon. If the value by station is used directly by the current section the icon is

displayed, which, if pressed, selects the object and opens the table for the modification of the values by station.

Pressing the mouse right button on the table of the values by station activates a local menu with the

following commands:

Display value by station: Selects the object corresponding to the value by station selected and opens the table for the modification of the values.

Delete value by station: Deletes the value by station selected.

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Link value by station: Allows to link the value by station selected to a property of the current typical section. This command is visible only when the value by station is used by no axis typical

section and “Modify single section” mode is active.

“Planimetry and profile polyline” page reports the planimetry and profile polylines which can be used by

the typical sections of the axis selected; the used ones are marked by icon.

The polylines are subdivided into two groups, one for the planimetry polylines and the other for the profile polylines; planimetry polylines report code, description, distance from axis and elevation, both on the left and on the right, while profile polylines report code, description and elevation.

Working mode

Real Time Design window has three working modes, which are the following:

1) Typical section check: This is the window main working mode and allows to display in real time the typical sections defined in the parametric design as well as the terrain sections in any point of

the axis.

2) Modify current section: by this mode it is possible to modify the properties of the objects that make up a typical section in certain segments of the axis without having to modify the typical section values.

3) Typical section builder: by this mode it is possible to modify the currently visible typical section.

Typical section check

Typical section check is the Real Time Design main mode and allows to display the typical sections defined in the parametric design at any point of the axis with all the generation parameters applied.

By this mode the user can see the typical section as if inserted in a section at the station indicated; in

fact, the tool inserts the typical section in the real terrain calculated for that station, according to the settings defined for the axis.

Moreover, in information page, all the section, value by station, planimetry and profile polyline data are updated in real time.

By this mode the user can therefore carry out an check along the axis even before updating sections and project planimetry.

Modify current section

This mode is activated by pressing button and allows to modify object and typical

section properties in certain segments of the axis.

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When this mode is active, the left side of the window displays the table of object properties, reporting the values assumed by the object when it is being inserted at a certain station or in the section selected. Besides, it is possible to select the objects directly from the graphic window. The changes made on the object properties by this mode will not modify the typical section values defined in advance, since they will be applied only to the station or section currently visible.

Besides modifying directly the property values, by button, positioned on the left of the property name,

it is possible to open a window in which to set the values by filling in a table and defining also the transition mode between a value and its consecutive.

The tool provides for three types of transition:

1. Linear: this transition, in the station interval between itself and its consecutive, interpolates linearily the value of the property with the following one.

2. Constant: this transition, in the station interval between itself and its consecutive, keeps the property value constant.

3. None: this transition, in the station interval between itself and its consecutive, uses the value defined by the typical section.

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By button it is possible to activate or deactivate the dynamic updating of the typical section when

moving in the table or modifying the values. By button it is possible to import the values by station of another object property , axis data (superelevation, widening, terrain/project elevations, etc.) and planimetry/profile polyline data.

Besides, by button it is possible to link the property to a planimetry or profile polyline. If the button displayed is grey, the property can only be defined by station/section, while if it is orange the propetty

can be linked also to planimetry and profile polylines.

To link the property to a planimetry or profile polyline it is sufficient to select the polyline type and its

code in the pull down menu. If a property has some values defined by station, in the name column

icon is displayed, while if it is linked to a planimetry and profile polyline . icon is displayed.

Typical section builder

This mode is activated by pressing button and allows to modify the typical

section currently visible in the graphic window.

When this mode is active, the typical section values already defined can be modified and they can also be

integrated with other objects.

For further information about typical section builder consult the chapter of the help on line.

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Dynamic design Dynamic design is a completely new method which does not involve a single module or graphic window but the whole road design software.

By the data and the relationships inserted in the parametric design, the dynamic design can automize the whole process of project creation and modification, taking care of performing either automatically or on demand, a series of repetitive operations which otherwise should be specified automatically by the


Besides, some smart changes are applied by the software to the vertical design: in case a horizontal alignment is modified, the tool can correct the project longitudinal profile (grade lines and vertical curves) to adapt it to the new alignment length.

Dynamic design therefore determines a global updating of all the project elements and data.

reposition cross sections

recalculate superelevation and widening

recalculate terrain sections and insert typical section

update axis variables and planimetry polylines

regenerate project planimetry

recalculate terrain longitudinal profile

correct project longitudinal profile (grade lines and vertical curves)

update profile polylines

recalculate areas and volumes

Each of these phases can be excluded by the automatic updating made by dynamic design. Moreover, the automatism is so powerful that it can update automatically also the road intersections defined inside a project; the (horizontal and/or vertical) modification of one of the intersection axes determines the automatic regeneration of the whole intersection and its data. Dynamic design can be activated in

different ways by planimetry, profile and cross-section graphic window.

Toolbar Design

Menu Axis > Dynamic design

Menu Profile > Dynamic design

Menu Section > Dynamic design

Command line: DYNPRJ

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Dynamic design

In the window of dynamic design it is possible to choose what axis data to update automatically, customize updating parameters, activate dynamic updating, generate the current axis or all the axes available in the project.

The window displays two visualization modes, an extended one and a reduced one. The extended mode displays both the main commands and the table of axes data, while in the reduced one only the main commands are displayed. To pass from a mode to the other click twice on the window heading.

Reduced View Extended View

In the pull down menu situated atop the window it is possible to display a list of the axes available in the project and select the one to be updated.

In this list the axes containing changes, and therefore needing to be updated, are marked by icon,

while those containing no changes are marked by icon.

The first item in" “All” list allows to set the data to be updated for all the project data; if a datum

displays icon, this means that its updating is active only for some axes.

By the option Dynamic design from axis it is possible to have all the axis data updated any time the alignment and/or its elements are modified. If this option is active the tool automatically surveys the changes made, selects the data to be updated and performs the updating. The choice of the data to be

updated is carried out so as to reduce as much as possible the time required for the generation. In order

to force the calculation of all data it is necessary to activate the option Activate calculation for all axis data.

Warning: The generation could take some minutes. It is therefore recommendable to activate the option Dynamic generation from axis only for small changes, while for important changes it is better to deactivate the option, make the changes, and then press Generate axis button to update all data.

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By button it is possible to customize updating parameters.

Axis data table reports the data the tool can update automatically, subdivided according to the module they belong to (planimetry, profile and sections).

Each datum is displayed in a different way, according to its state:

Updated data

Data to update

Data to not update

Data in updating

By the following table box it is possible to activate the automatic updating of the corresponding datum.

By pressing Generate axis button it is possible to update all the data that have been modified. If the

item All is active, the tool will update all the work axes.

If the current axis is used in an intersection, the following window will be displayed:

If you answer Yes the software will update not only the current axis but also all the axes and intersections linked to it; if you answer No, only the current axis will be updated.

Warning: the generation of the current axis with all the linked axes can take some minutes, so it should be performed only to make changes which may affect the intersections linked to it, such as the change of

the project longitudinal profile, or the change of the horizontal alignment in the intersection zone.

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Dynamic design settings

In the window of dynamic design data it is possible to set the reference terrain, choose what axis data to update automatically, customize updating parameters, activate the dynamic updating.

In Terrain Model group it is possible to select the reference survey subproject for the calculation of profile and terrain sections.

The reference terrain must be set for each axis, so as to calculate correctly terrain profile, terrain

sections and project section sideslopes. On executing the updating procedure, if the tool finds out that the reference terrain has not been set, the following message will appear:

By pressing Yes the tool will open the window of dynamic design data, to allow the selection of the reference survey subproject for terrain calculation.

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In Axis generation group it is possible to select and customize axis data, and activate the dynamic updating.

By the option Dynamic generation from axis it is possible to have all the axis data updated any time the alignment and/or its elements are modified. If this option is active the tool automatically surveys the changes made, selects the data to be updated and performs the updating.

Axis data table reports all the data the tool can update automatically, subdivided according to the module they belong to (planimetry, profile and sections).

By Process column check box it is possible to activate the automatic updating of the corresponding datum, while by pressing Configure.... it is possible to customize the datum updating parameters.

The axis data the software automatically updates are the following:


Automatic sections: If this option is active the tool automatically repositions the sections situated along the axis and inserts the automatic sections according to the rules set. The software repositions the sections according to their typology.

Cross-section by point (Orange circle with letter P): cross-sections by point are

repositioned according to the reference planimetric coordinates indicated in the planimetry during the insertion or conversion phase. For example, if a cross-section by point has survey point 101 as

reference, the software will always reposition it on the projection of point 101 on the axis.

Cross-sections by station (Yellow circle with letter S): Cross-sections by station are

repositioned according to the value of their station. For example, if a section by station has 110 as reference station, the software will always reposition it at station 110.

Automatic cross-sections (Red circle with letter A): Automatic cross-sections are

repositioned, if possible, according to the rules defined (insertion step, main points, etc.), otherwise they are deleted and then inserted again.

Free cross-sections (Green circle with letter L): Free cross-sections are not repositioned and are defined only by their planimetric position.

ByConfigure…; text it is possible to customize the insertion parameters of the automatic cross-


Superelevation and widenings: If this option is active the tool calculates superelevation and widening following the reference policy and uses them for the axis.

Warning: If customized superelevations and/or widening are used, it is necessary to deactivate this option, to avoid loosing the data inserted at the next axis updating.

Typical sections: If this option is active, the tool updates the typical sections intervals defined for the axis, modifying the values of start and end stations, so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Geometric section properties: If this option is active, the tool updates the geometric features defined for the axis, modifying the values of start and end stations, so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Road intersection: If this option is active, the tool updates the drawing of axis edges in the intersection areas and the references to the intersections in the profile.

Project planimetry: If this option is active the tool generates the project planimetry and/or the axis mathematical model. By Configure... text it is possible to customize the project planimetry generation parameters.

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Longitudinal profile

Terrain profile: If this option is active the software calculates the terrain profile along the axis. By

Configure…; it is possible to customize terrain profile calculation parameters.

Grade lines and vertical curves : If this option is active the tool updates the project longitudinal profile (grade lines and vertical curves), so as to adapt it to the new axis length, keeping constant the grade line slopes and the curve radiuses. Besides, if the grade lines are linked to the intersection references in the profile the tool repositions the grade lines so as to adapt them to the new position of the references.

Additional profile: If this option is active the tool will update the stations of supplementary profile vertexes so as to adapt them to the new alignment length.

Profile polyline : If this option is active the tool will update the stations of profile polyline vertexes so as to adapt them to the new alignment length.

Profile supplementary data : If this option is active the tool will update the stations of supplementary

data so as to adapt them to the new alignment length


Terrain section: If this option is active the tool calculates the terrain of the sections situated along the axis. By Configure…; it is possible to customize terrain calculation parameters.

Design section: If this option is active, the software inserts the project typical sections into the axis sections, according to the intervals defined by parametric design. If the elements of the typical sections inserted automatically are modified manually inside a section window, the tool converts the section into a

free section, so as to avoid the loss of the changes made, since the elements inserted automatically can be deleted and modified in any moment by automatic insertion procedure. If some elements are inserted manually in a section window, the tool converts the section into a section by point so as to keep the

section planimetric position, and the elements inserted cannot be deleted or modified by the automatic insertion procedure Areas and volumes: if this option is active the tool calculates the areas and the volumes of the sections along the axis.

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Planimetry The planimetry module available in ProSt contains all the commands for the insertion, management and drawing of horizontal alignments.

The design of road axes is carried out interactively, in the software graphic window, also overlapping the survey performed and/or numeric or raster format maps.

The alignment can be defined by two modes: by vertexes and by curves. The horizontal elements the tool

manages are horizontal straights, curves, hairpins and every kind of normal and multi-parameter clothoids: straight-circle, egg-shaped, reversing clothoids.

Designing interchanges, even very complex ones, becomes much simpler by managing multiple axes, which allows to have in a single archive more alignment elements at the same time. To design an interchange is therefore sufficient to build a certain number of alignments (main alignment, entry/exit

lanes, etc) inside the same graphic window. The road intersection can be solved also by building a 3D model of the crossroads; it is possible to build models complete with traffic divider pavements, islands,

widening, gutters, sidewalks.

By policy check it is possible to verify whether the axis project parameters are consistent with the policy selected. The software supplies a detailed report for any element (horizontal straights, curves, clothoids, parabolas), in which it checks the consistency of the parameters (lengths, radiuses, A parametrs) with the policy and suggests the minimum and maximum values to be adopted. The check is carried out also on the intersections.

With planimetry polylines it is possible to carry out the axis offset in different ways, building very quickly

road obstructions, ditch shoulders, etc.

Such polylines can be used in profile and sections modules as references to the design.

The insertion of the sections in the axes can be performed in a totally automatic mode, by positioning the

sections on the main points of the alignment (tangent points, bisector) and at regular intervals. Moreover, it is possible to insert the sections manually, by indicating the position on the axis or specifying the insertion station. The software can calculate automatically superelevation and widening on curve,

according to the policy set. From the project maximum and minimum speed set and from the percentage of heavy traffic the tool calculates, for each station, the rotation due to speed and the widening due to the percent of heavy traffic. If there are no clothoid curves it is possible to set some equivalent lenghts, along which to apply the rotation and widening variation. After inserting the alignment elements it is possible to obtain automatically the geometry annotation complete with all the dimensions. The horizontal straight lengths and the curve tangents are dimensioned. For any circular curve a table is drawn, which reports the main data such as radius, lengths,central angle, bisector and tangent. The

clothoid long and short tangents are dimensioned. Moreover, the clothoid features are reported, such as A parameter, shifting, tau angle and length.

Dimensioning and tables are completely modifiable and it is possible to set both the character size and the layer they belong to. It is possible to obtain the project planimetry from the cross sections or from

the typical sections and also to obtain the 3D model of the section elements; this 3D model can be automatically merged with the terrain model, allowing to see the designed road inserted in the situation surveyed.

The software includes what is called Parametric design, which is a design method allowing to define all the specific parameters of the axis to be designed, among which we can mention: roadway and roadside width, transversal slopes, the typical section to be used in the different segments. The window of parametric design therefore becomes a sort of headquarter of the axis which groups together the whole project information, and, in case of modification of the horizontal or vertical alignment, allows to reinsert the typical sections and obtain again the road planimetry of project and final model. ProSt includes the

dynamic design, a completely new methodology which does not apply to a particular module or graphic window but the whole software of road design. By the data and the relationships inserted in the parametric design, the dynamic design can automize the whole process of project creation and modification, taking care of performing either automatically or on demand, a series of repetitive operations which otherwise should be specified automatically by the operator.

Besides, some smart changes are applied by the software to the vertical design: in case a horizontal alignment is modified, the tool can correct the project longitudinal profile (grade lines and vertical curves)

to adapt it to the new alignment length.

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Supplementary Entities

ProSt planimetry module introduces new entities into the CAD:

horizontal straights: segments representing the road alignment rectilinear segments; besides

two vertexes they can also have two tangent points with other elements.

circular curves and hairpins: circle arcs representing constant-radius circular curves.

clothoid and parabolic curves: polylines representing variable-radius curves.

cross-sections: segments crossing the alignment, marked by a number or a name, representing

the position of profile stakings on the alignment.

planimetry polyilines: polylines marked by a code which can be used as references in profile and

section modules.

ProSt menus - Planimetry

The customized module for road design is:

Axis: containing the menu items for the whole planimetric management of che horizontal


Moreover, in File menu, the following item is inserted:

Project properties: they contain the setting of all the parameters for the management of a

project. It is very important to know what parameters can be modified by this menu item.

ProSt toolbars

Road design adds the following toolbars.

Toolbar Design: contains some commands concerning the project management.

Toolbar Axis by vertexes: contains some commands concerning the management of horizontal alignments.

Toolbar Axis by curves: contains the commands for the definition of the horizontal alignment with the method by curves.

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Toolbar Aligment edit: contains the commands allowing the interactive modification of horizontal alignment vertexes.

Toolbar Planimetry polylines: contains some commands allowing to draw planimetry polylines and build the road intersection digital model.

ProSt - Premium users will have at their disposal also Road intersection toolbar:

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Axis properties

A series of data and parameters are grouped in this section, which refer not to the open project but to the active subproject among the road axis subprojects. This means that inside each project ther can be different axis subprojects, each one with its own properties, independent from the others.

The management of planimetry properties is activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Axis properties

Command line: DDAXPROP

The following window will appear:

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General tab

In this page it is possible to set the kind of design that is being performed: road, railway or of other kind;

according to the design type the tool suggests the kind of policy that can be used. Depending on the policy set, the software will propose the kind of road or railway that can be designed. Such settings determine project parameters which influence the calculation of superelevation and widening.

Policy Type: it is possible to choose among three different possibilities:

Generic: other kind of design; hydraulic, canalization, etc.

Roadway: road design.

Railway: railway design. Only for ProSt Y: Railway design and grinding

Policy. If Roadway has been selected in the previous list, the tool will suggest the different road

policies that can be used; if Railway has been selected, the tool will suggest the different railway policies supported.

Road type. According to the policy set it is possible to choose the kind of road or railway the project corresponds to.

The tool can recognize also other two typologies:

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Ramp: Choosing this type in the settings of the calculation page, the superelevation one-way and the fixed transversal slope will be set;

Round-about: Choosing this type in the settings of the calculation page, the superelevation one-way, the fixed transversal slope and null widening will be set.

In case of roadway policy the tool display the following information:

Speed. According to the previous settings, the tool displays the values indicated by the policy as far as the minimum and maximum value. Some policies provide for a unique speed value called Base speed.

Crossfall. According to the previous settings, the tool displays the values indicated by the policy as far as the minimum and the maximum crossfall.

In case of roadway railway the tool display the following information:

Speed: project speed.

Track gauge: Track gauge provided by the policy set.

Double track center space: distance between the two axes in case of double track design.

Maximum superelevation: maximum superelevation value accepted by the policy set.

General Initial station. Initial station, where the the design starts from.

First vertex numb. Number to be assigned to the first alignment vertex.

Planimetry of project Slideslope-hatch dist.ce: distance between the hatches indicating project planimetry sideslopes.

Slideslope-hatch size%: proportional size of shorter segments, compared to longer segments, of the hatches indicating project planimetry sideslopes.

Cross-section in plan Cross-section width: Indicates the width of the segment perpendicular to the axis, indicating the

presence of a section. It has only a graphic function.

Labels position: allows to modify the graphic position of the labels indicating station and section number:

OK button confirms the changes made, while Cancel button exits the dialog box without making any change.

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Policy If the road policy has been set, Calculation page is displayed as follows:

In this page it is possible to modify the data suggested by the policy selected in Properties page. The choice of the policy and of the kind of road influences the calculation of superelevation and widening as well as the policy check.

Speed. According to the policy selected the tool suggests the values indicated by the policy as far as minimum and maximum speed. Some policies admit a single speed value, called Base speed.

Number of lanes. Number of lanes contained in the road project. This value is necessary to calculate the widening.

Crossfall left and right: crossfall in the left and right roadway; it is the default value used in the road linear segments. If One-way value is set in Superelevation check list, a single crossfall value is

requested, which will be used in the linear segments of the road.

Maximum and minimum crossfall: values of minimum and maximum crossfall to respect.

Min. longitudinal slope: minimum longitudinal slope value .

Roadside half-width: roadside half-width.

Roadside width: roadside width.

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Capacity. Average number of vehicles per hour.

Median width: median width, including half traffic divider width plus internal roadside.

Acceleration/deceleration (m/s2). Acceleration and deceleration value used in speed diagram.

Widering : to apply the widening it is possible to choose between different modes:

Symmetric: the widening calculated is equally divided between the curve internal and external


Internal: the widening calculated is inserted only in the curve internal edge;

External: the widening calculated is inserted only in the curve external edge;

Superelevation: it is possible to choose two different ways to apply the superelevation along the straights:

Standard: along the straights the transversal slope is the one defined by the values inserted in

Left crossfall and Right crossfall.

One-way: along the straights a single transversal slope value is set so as to introduce the

straight with the rotation already started as if already in the curve. To be used for entry/exit lanes in planning interchanges in which the rectilinear part of the lane maintains the main axis transversal slope.

Ask form factor in clothoid insertion. If the option is active on inserting a clothoid the tool asks to specify , besides A parameter, also the form factor (multiparameter clothoids).

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Entry/exit lanes Choosing Entry/exit lanes in General page, calculation page will look like the following:

One-way superelevation is set by default, while the transversal slope is fixed and equal to the value defined in Crossfall.

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Roundabout Choosing Roundabout in General page, calculation page will look like the following:

One-way superelevation is set by default, the transversal slope is fixed and equal to the value defined in Crossfall, while widening calculation is cancelled. .

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Railway policy If the railway policy has been set Calculation page will look like the following:

In this page it is possible to modify the data suggested by the policy selected in Axis properties page.

Speed. According to the policy selected the software suggests the values indicated by that policy as far as project speed.

Double track center space: distance between the two axes in case of double track planning.

Maximum superelevation: maximum value of superelevation in curve.

Widening: mode by which to distribute widening on curve; it is possible to choose among three different widening application modes:

Symmetric: the widening calculated is subdivided equally between the two rails;

Internal: the widening calculated is inserted only on the internal rail;

External: the widening calculated is inserted only on the external rail;

OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change.

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Dynamic design tab

By this page it is possible to set all the parameters regulating the dynamic design working mode.

In Terrain model group it is possible to select the reference survey subproject for calculating profile and terrain sections. Reference terrain must be set for each axis, so as to calculate correctly terrain profile, terrain sections and project section sideslopes. If, on carrying out the updating process, the tool finds out that the reference terrain has not been set the following message will be displayed:

By pressing Yes the tool will open the window of dynamic design to allow the selection of the reference survey subproject for terrain calculation.

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In Axis Generation group it is possible to select and customize axis data as well as to activate dynamic updating.

By Dynamic generation from axis option it is possible to update all the axis data each time the alignment and/or its elements are modified. If this option is active the tool automatically notices the changes, determines the data to be updated and carries out the updating.

Axis data table reports the data the tool can update automatically, subdivided according to the module they belong to (planimetry, profile and sections).

By Generate column check box it is possible to activate the automatic updating of the corresponding datum, while by pressing on Configure... it is possible to customize the updating parameters.

The axis data the tool automatically updates are the following:

Planimetry Automatic section: If this option is active the tool repositions automatically the sections situated along the axis and inserts the automatic sections according to the rules set. The tool repositions the sections automatically, according to their typology:

Cross-section by point: Sections by point are repositioned according to the reference

point indicated in the planimetry during the insertion or conversion phase. For example, if the point of reference of a section by point is surveyed point 101, the tool will always position it on the projection of point 101 on axis.

Cross-sections by station: Cross sections by station are repositioned according to the value of their station. For example, if the reference station of a cross section by station is 110, the

tool will always position it on station 110.

Automatic cross-sections: If possible, automatic sections are repositioned according to

the rules defined; otherwise, they are deleted and inserted again.

Free cross-sections: Free cross sections are not repositioned.

By Configure… text it is possible to customize automatic section insertion parameters.

Superelevation and widenings: If this option is active the tool calculates superelevation and widening following the reference policy and uses them for the axis.

Warning: In case customized superelevation and/or widening are used, it is necessary to deactivate this option. Otherwise, at the following axis updating the data inserted might be lost.

Typical sections: If this option is active, the tool updates the typical sections intervals defined for the axis, modifying the values of start and end stations, so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Geometric section properties: If this option is active, the tool updates the geometric features defined for the axis, modifying the values of start and end stations, so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Road intersection: If this option is active, the tool updates the drawing of axis edges in the intersection areas and the references to the intersections in the profile.

Project planimetry: If this option is active the tool generates the project planimetry and/or the axis mathematical model. By Configure... text it is possible to customize the project planimetry generation parameters.

Longitudinal profile Terrain profile: If this option is active the tool calculates the terrain profile along the axis. By Configure... text it is possible to customize the terrain profile calculation parameters.

Grade line and vertical curves: If this option is active the tool updates the project longitudinal profile

(grade lines and curves), in order to adapt it to the new alignment, while keeping constant grade line

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slopes and curve radiuses. Moreover, if the grade lines are linked to the intersection references in the profile, the tool repositions the grade lines so as to adapt them to the new reference position.

Additional profiles: If this option is active the tool updates the station vertexes of the supplementary profiles so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Profile polylines: If this option is active the tool updates the station vertexes of the profile polylines so

as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Profile supplementary data: If this option is active the tool updates the stations of supplementary data so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Cross-sections Terrain sections: If this option is active the tool calculates the terrain of the sections situated along the axis. By Configure... text it is possible to customize terrain calculation parameters.

Design section: If this option is active the tool inserts project typical sections in axis sections according to the intervals set by parametric design. If the elements of the typical sections inserted automatically are modified manually inside a section window, the tool converts the section into a free section so as to avoid the loss of the changes made, since the elements inserted automatically can be deleted and modified at any time by automatic insertion procedure. If elements are inserted manually in a section

window, the tool converts the section into a section by point so as to keep unaltered the planimetric position of the section, and the elements inserted cannot be deleted or modified by automatic insertion procedure.

Areas and volumes: If this option is active the tool calculates the areas and the volumes of the sections along the axis.

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Drawing filters tab

By this page you can check the visualization of all the entities of the active subproject: if the check box is

active, then the corresponding entity will be visible, if not it will be invisible.

Drawing filters intervene on the visibility of the entity, independently from the layer the entity belongs to; in this way it is possible, for example, to choose to make visible all the sections, even if they belong to different layers.

Without this option it would have been necessary to freeze all the layers containing the sections, with the risk of freezing all the other entities.

If an entity is set as visible but the layer it belongs to is freezed or deactivated, the entity is not displayed.

By selecting the option All subproject the current subproject settings are activated in all the other subprojects. In this way, by a single command it is possible, for example, to make the points of all the subprojects invisible, without having to activate each project and for each of them make the points invisible. If the option Current Subproject is active, the settings are assigned only to the current


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Titles tab

In order to set the description associated to the active subproject it is sufficient to insert it in the last two

rows of this tab. It is impossible to edit the first two rows, since they report the description associated to

the project.

It is possible to import titles from another axis subproject by the command Copy from subproject.

Alignment elements

An axis is a succession of circular or rectilinear elements linked by variable-radius transition curves( clothoids or parabolas) which grant the regularity of the bend. Elements are linked to each other keeping their condition of tangency. Elements can be linked also without transition curves; in this case the condition of tangency is kept but not the continuity of the bend.

A planimetric axis can be defined in two ways:

1. Axis by vertexes: it is the traditional method used to define the traverse station defining

vertexes and on which curves are inserted; this method allows to insert also reversing and egg-shaped clothoids but it is not very useful for modifying what has been built. This work mode involves the use of four different elements: horizontal straight, circular curve, clothoid, parabola.

2. Axis by curves: by this axis insertion mode it is possible to create elements (straights or

curves) meeting specific conditions and relations between the elements; such rules are saved in the element, so that a modification of the element data can allow to build the axis. This method

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allows, for example, to define unavoidable passage points for the elements; any modification made on adjacent element/s will force the tool to make the axis pass by the points defined. Unlike the previous method, the method by curves manages a single type of element, the curve, which contains transition curves; a special curve is the straight, which is a curve with infinite radius and without transition curves.

In defining an axis it is not possible to use a "mixed" method; if we start building an axis using the method "by vertexes" it is not possible to insert elements of a different kind and vice versa.

It is however possible to turn an axis defined by curves into a traditional axis defined by vertexes; in this case, after the transformation it will be no longer possible to go back to the initial situation.

The planimetry sort function allows to set the start vertex of the alignment and to keep in order the elements that make up the road axis so that all the elaborations performed are correct.

So, once modification and axis insertion functions have been performed, it is better to carry out this

elaboration in order to find possible anomalies in the axis.

It is also possible to obtain automatically some axis elements as offsets of elements of an already existing axis.

Axis elements can be imported from AutoCad DXF files and also exported by DXF files.

By policy check it is possible to verify whether the axis project parameters are consistent with the policy selected. The software supplies a detailed report for any element (horizontal straights, curves, clothoids,

parabolas), in which it checks the consistency of the parameters (lengths, radiuses, A parametrs) with the policy and suggests the minimum and maximum values to be adopted.

The current axis is drawn with a lineweight which allows it to be recognized among the other axes.

Set as current axis A new option allows to set an axis current in a fast way. It is sufficient to select by the mouse right button one of the elements (horizontal straights, curves, clothoids) that make up the horizontal axis; the following menu will appear:

Select the item Set as current axis; the axis the element selected belongs to will become the current axis.

Open profile from planimetry By pressing the mouse right button on an element of the axis it is possible to open the graphic window of the corresponding profile. This simple command allows to avoid different manual operations which required to set the axis as the current axis and then to open the profile window.

In order to activate the command press the mouse right button on an element

of the axis; select Open profile from the local menu. It will open the graphic window of the axis profile the element selected belongs to.

Axis by vertexes

The planimetric management allows the management of the following axis elements:

Horizontal straights

Horizontal curves and hairpins



Curves complete of horizontal curves and clothoids


Normally, in order to insert a road axis, first you have to insert an axis traverse through the insertion of horizontal straights; it is then possible to add, in the vertexes, circular curves and in the end, clothoids.

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Circular curves can be simple (circular curve between two horizontal straights) or compound (polycentric curve and polycentric spiral); dialog boxes have been arranged in order to insert the respective data.

It is possible to create a road axis by inserting the elements according to their position along the axis. The alignment can therefore start with a circular curve or with a clothoid, and does not need, as does the previous method, that the alignment begins and finishes with an horizontal straight. It is of course

possible to integrate the two methods, thus meeting any kind of planning needs.

Insertion and management of the alignment elements can be performed graphically from the CAD window or from a particular window, called Axis table, which allows to manage alignment data in an analytical way.

It is possible to modify the axis by moving with the cursor the alignment vertexes or by stretching the horizontal curves. In moving the vertexes it is possible to set a free offset, or an offset along one of the two tangents defined by the horizontal straights connected.

Horizontal straights It is possible to insert the horizontal straight of a road in two ways:

1. Insertion by 2 points;

2. Insertion by specifing start point, direction and length;

Insertion by 2 points The insertion of a horizontal straight by two points is carried out in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Horizontal straight > 2 points

Command line: HALIGN

On CAD command line the following questions appear :

Horizontal straight by 2Points/Length/<2P>: 2P

From point: Indicate the first point of the first horizontal straight

To point: Indicate the second point of the first horizontal straight

To point: Indicate the second point of the second horizontal straight

To interrupt these questions press ESC button, or ENTER key, or the right button of the mouse.

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Insertion by specifing start point, direction and length The insertion of a horizontal straight is carried out in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Horizontal straight > Length

Command line: HALIGN

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal straight by 2Points/Length/<2P>: L

From point: Indicate the first point of the first horizontal straight

Horizontal straight direction (angle) <0>: Indicate the direction angle assumed by the first horizontal straight

Horizontal straight length <0>: Indicate the length of the first horizontal straight

Horizontal straight direction (angle) <0>: Indicate the direction angle assumed by the second horizontal straight

Horizontal straight length <0>: Indicate the length of the second horizontal straight

To interrupt these questions press ESC button, or ENTER key, or the right button of the mouse.

Note. When the tool asks you to indicate the points so that it can draw the horizontal straight you have to operate in one of the following ways:

Indicate the point by the mouse;

Digit the coordinates (X,Y) of the point required.

Horizontal curves Horizontal curves by radius The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Horizontal curve > Radius

Command line: CCURVE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: E

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/between cLothoids/<C>: C

Select first element: Indicate the first horizontal straight on which the horizontal curve has to be


Select second element: Indicate the second horizontal straight on which the horizontal curve has

to be created

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/poLycentric/<R>: R

Insert curve radius <0.000>: Indicate the value of the curve radius

In order to stop the procedure press ESC or ENTER or click on the right button of the mouse.

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Horizontal curves by tangent The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Horizontal curve > Tangent

Command line: CCURVE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: E

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/between two cLothoids/<C>: C

Select first element: Indicate first horizontal straight on which the horizontal curve has to be


Select second element: Indicate second horizontal straight on which the horizontal curve has to

be created

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/poLycentric/<R>: T

Insert curve tangent <0.000>: indicate the value of the horizontal curve tangent.

In order to stop the procedure press button ESC or ENTER or click on the right button of the mouse.

Horizontal curves by crossing point The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Horizontal curve > Crossing point

Command line: CCURVE

On the CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: E

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/between cLothoids/<C>: C

Select first element: Indicate the first horizontal straight the horizontal curve has to be created


Select second element: Indicate the second horizontal straight the horizontal curve has to be

created on

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/poLycentric/<R>: P

Enter the crossing point of the curve: Indicate the point where the curve has to pass.

In order to stop the procedure press ESC or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

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Spiral Horizontal curves This command can be activated by one of the following modes:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Horizontal curve > Polycentric

Command line: CCURVE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: E

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/between cLothoids/<C>: C

Select first element : Indicate the first horizontal straight on which the horizontal curve has to be


Select second element : Indicate the second horizontal straight on which the horizontal curve has

to be created

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/poLycentric/<R>: L

A polycentric horizontal curve can be inserted by specifying the radius of the arcs that make up the curve and the respective angular ratio. The polycentric horizontal curve can be Short or Long; in the second case the deviation angle is the difference between the round angle and the vertex angle and therefore there will be a situation in which the two horizontal straights will be connected.

In the right part of the window the tool displays the vertex angle between horizontal straights and the

corrensponding deviation angle.

Radius: value of each arc radius.

Radius ratio.: ratio between different arc radii; changing the ratio between radii, all arc radii are


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Angles ratio: ratio between the angles of the different arcs forming the curve.

Angles: angular value of each arc; this column can't be edited.

Length: length of each arc; this column can't be edited.

If you want to insert a spiral horizontal curve betweeen two horizontal straights in order to build interchange ramps, you can select Polycentric spiral tab:

This kind of curve meets the two main needs in the construction of ramps; in fact, the ramps must have an adequate length allowing to accelerate and decelerate easily and allowing to perform planimetric variations even higher than 270° degrees.

In spirals, each speed variation corresponds to a radius variation of the same sign: the value of the radius changes each time the length of the horizontal curve corresponds to the covering time set (usually 2 seconds).

In this tab, you can set the following data:

Start speed: start speed on the first horizontal straight.

Acceleration: acceleration value in m/(sec*sec); the value is negative for decelaration ramps.

Single arc covering time: time necessary to cover each arc of the spiral.

According to the values input, the tool calculates the Number of arcs, the End speed and the two radii: Start and End. In order to insert the curve between the two horizontal straights selected, press button Calculate polycentric: in this way data calculated are reported on the table of the first tab and pressing Apply button the tool starts the input.

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Horizontal curves between clothoids The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Horizontal curve > Between clothoids

Command line: CCURVE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: E

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/between cLothoids/<C>: L

Select first element: Indicate the first clothoid from which the horizontal curve has to be created

Select second element: Indicate the second clothoid from which the horizontal curve has to be


Use this command together with the command for the creation of clothoids between horizontal straight

and circle; see Clothoids between horizontal straight and circle.

Hairpin bends by radius The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Hairpin bend > Radius

Command line: CCURVE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: E

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/between cLothoids/<C>: H

Select first element : Indicate the first horizontal straight the curve has to be created on

Select second element: Indicate the second horizontal straight the curve has to be created on

Insert by Radius/Point/<R>: R

Insert curve radius <0.000> : Indicate the value of the curve radius

To stop the questions press ESC key, or ENTER key or the right button of the mouse.

Hairpin bends defined by crossing point The command can be activated through one of the methods listed below:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Hairpin bend > Crossing point

Command line: CCURVE

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On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: E

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/between cLothoids/<C>: H

Select first element: Indicate the first horizontal straight the hairpin bend has to be created on

Select second element: Indicate the second horizontal straight the hairpin bend has to be

created on

Insert by Radius/Point/<R>: P

Enter the crossing point of the curve: Indicate the point where the curve has to pass

In order to stop the questions press ESC key, or ENTER key or the right button of the mouse.

Single horizontal curves The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Single horizontal curve or Hairpin bend

Command line: CCURVE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Horizontal curve on Elements/Single/<E>: S Arc SCE/SCA/SEA/3P/SLA/SER/<3P>:

Horizontal curves can be input through one of the following methods:

SCE: start point, center point and end point

SCA: start point, center point and angle

SEA: start point, end point and angle

3P: arc defined by three points

SLA: start point, length and angle

SER: start point, end point, radius

Note. When the tool asks you to indicate the points so that it can draw the horizontal curve you have to operate in one of the following ways:

Indicate the point by the mouse;

Digit the coordinates (X,Y) of the point required.

Clothoids Clothoids can be insert in these ways:

Clothoid defined between horizontal straights and horizontal curves

Clothoids defined between two horizontal curves

Reversing clothoid

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Double Reversing clothoid

Single clothoid

Single Reversing clothoid

Clothoid with a following curve

Clothoids defined between horizontal straight and horizontal curve

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis: Alignment elements > Clothoid between elements > Horizzontal straight - Horizzontal curve / Circle

Command line: CLOTHOID E H

On CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Clothoid on Elements/Single/<E>: E

Clothoid insertion Horizontal straight-horizontal curve or circle/Egg-

shaped/Reversing/Double reverse/<H>: H

Select first element: Indicate the horizontal straight

Select second element: Indicate the horizontal curve or the drawing circle

Clothoid defined between horizontal straight and horizontal curve Clothoid A Parameter <0.000>: Indicate the A parameter of the clothoid to be inserted between

the curve and the horizontal straight (giving 0 value the clothoid is not inserted)

Form factor <1.000>: Indicate the form factor for multiparameter clothoids

Clothoid defined between horizontal straight and circle Now a line is drawn, that is perpendicular to the horizontal straight and passing through the centre of the curve.

Select the start side of clothoid: Indicate by the mouse a point near the tangent point between

the clothoid and the horizontal straight.

Form factor <1.000>: Indicate the form factor for multiparameter clothoids

Note. If the curve is a drawing circle, parameter A is not requested, since it is determined automatically; if, on the contrary, it is a circular curve, parameter A is requested so that the tool can calculate the new centre.

Note. If drawing circles have been used, remember that they do not belong to the road alignment, but are simply helping drawings. It is therefore necessary to define a horizontal curve between the two clothoids inserted; see Horizontal curve between two clothoids

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Clothoids defined between two horizontal curves

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Clothoid between elements > Egg-shaped between

two Horizzontal curves/Circles

Command line: CLOTHOID E E

On CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Clothoid on Elements/Single/<E>: E

Clothoid insertion Horizontal straight-horizontal curve or circle/Egg-

shaped/Reversing/Double reverse/<H>: E

Select first element: Indicate the first curve or circle

Select second element: Indicate the second curve or circle

Now a line is drawn, connecting the two centers of the curves

Select start side of clothoid: Indicate by the mouse a point near the tangent point between the

clothoid and the first circle.

Form factor <1.000>: Indicate the form factor for multiparameter clothoids

Note. If drawing circles have been used, remember that they do not belong to the road alignment, but are simply helping drawings. It is therefore necessary to mark the part of circle that becomes a road axis

with a circular curve inserted in a sigle mode by the option SCE (that is start point, center point and end point). The start point and end point are obtained by setting the osnap ENDPOINT and clicking on the last part of the two clothoids, while the center point is obtained by setting osnap CENTER and clicking on the circle edge.

Reversing clothoid

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Clothoid between elements > Reverse between two Horizzontal curves/Circles

Command line: CLOTHOID E R

On CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Clothoid on Elements/Single/<E>: E

Clothoid insertion Horizontal straight-horizontal curve or circle/Egg-

shaped/Reversing/Double reverse/<H>: R

Select first element: Indicate the first curve or circle

Select second element: Indicate the second curve or circle

Now a line is drawn, connecting the two centers of the curves

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Select start side of clothoid: Indicate by mouse a point near the tangent point selected, of the

clothoid on first circle

Form factor <1.000>: Indicate the form factor for multiparameter clothoids

Note. If drawing circles have been used, remember that they do not belong to the road alignment, but are simply helping drawings. It is therefore necessary to mark the part of circle that becomes a road axis with a circular curve inserted in a sigle mode by the option SCE (that is start point, center point and end point). The start point and end point are obtained by setting the osnap ENDPOINT and clicking on the last part of the two clothoids, while the center point is obtained by setting osnap CENTER and clicking on

the circle edge.

Double reversing clothoid The insertion of a clothoid is performed in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Clothoid between elements > Double reverse between two Horizzontal curves/Circles

Command line: CLOTHOID E D

On CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Clothoid on Elements/Single/<E>: E

Clothoid insertion Horizontal straight-horizontal curve or circle/Egg-shaped/Reversing/Double reverse/<H>: D

Select first horizontal curve or first circle: Indicate the horizontal curve or the circle the first reversing clothoid towards the new curve will be built from.

Select second horizontal curve or second circle: Indicate the horizontal curve or the circle

from which the second reversing clothoid from the new curve will be built.

The following dialog box will appear:

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Curve radius (R2): it is the radius the curve to be created must have. The first reversing clothoid will be built between the first curve indicated and this new curve that will be created; between the curve created and the second curve indicated the second reversing clothoid will be built.

It is possible to insert data concerning the first reversing clothoid and the second reversing clothoid; in both cases the following data are requested:

Simmetric clothoids: to insert a reverse with symmetric clothoids it is sufficient to activate this option and fill in only the data concerning the in clothoid. Vice-versa, by deactivating this option it is possible to insert In and Out clothoid data.

Insertion mode: to define a clothoid it is possible to choose between three insertion modes:

A Parameter: clothoid parameter

Length: clothoid length

Shifting: clothoid shifting

In the following field it is possible to insert the value corresponding the insertion mode chosen.

Form factor: clothoid form factor

Press OK to confirm data and obtain the drawing of the two reversing clothoids and the intermediate curve.

Single clothoid The insertion of a single clothoid is performed as follows :

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Single clothoid > Single

Command line: CLOTHOID S S

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Clothoid on Elements/Single/<E>: S

Clothoid Single / Reverse single / with Curve / <S>: S

Clothoid first point: Indicate the start point of the clothoid

Clothoid direction (angle): Indicate the clothoid angular direction

Clothoid on Right/Left/<R>: Choose the direction of the curve with reference to the direction


Clothoid A parameter <0>: Indicate A parameter

Clothoid form factor <1>: Indicate the form factor for multiparameter clothoids

Clothoid start radius <0>: Indicate the clothoid initial radius (0 indicates infinite radius)

Clothoid end radius <0>: Indicate the clothoid final radius

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Single reverse clothoid By this command it is possible to insert a reverse clothoid between a horizontal curve/circle and a new curve which will be created, given radius and end point.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Single clothoid > Reverse

Command line: CLOTHOID S R

On CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Clothoid on Elements/Single/<E>: S

Clothoid Single / Reverse single / with Curve / <S>: R

Select starting arc or circle: Indicate the horizontal curve or the circle to build reverse clothoid


Enter the end point of second curve: Indicate the end point of the circular curve which will be created.

The following dialog box will appear:

Curve radius (R2): it is the radius the curve to be created must have. The reverse will be built between the first curve indicated and this new curve that will be created;

Simmetric clothoids: to insert a reverse with symmetric clothoids it is sufficient to activate this option

and fill in only the data concerning the in clothoid. Vice-versa, by deactivating this option it is possible to insert In and Out clothoid data.

Insertion mode: to define a clothoid it is possible to choose between three insertion modes:

A Parameter: clothoid parameter

Length: clothoid length

Shifting: clothoid shifting

In the following field it is possible to insert the value corresponding to the insertion moselected.

Form factor: clothoid form factor

Press OK to confirm data and obtain the drawing of reverse clothoid and following curve.

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Clothoid with a following curve This command gives the opportunity to insert a circular curve with R radius, passing by a given point P, and to connect that curve, by an A parameter clothoid, to an existing horizontal straight.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Single clothoid > Curve

Command line: CLOTHOID S C

On command line the following prompts will appear:

Clothoid on Elements/Single/<E>: S

Clothoid Single / Reverse single / with Curve / <S>: C

Select starting horizontal straight: horizontal straight the clothoid will lean on.

Enter end point of curve: crossing point of the circular curve to insert.

Curve radius: circular curve radius.

Clothoid A parameter:clothoid parameter.

Clothoid form factor <1>: clothoid form factor.

A new R radius curve will then be built, passing by the point indicated; between the curve and the starting horizontal straight an A parameter clothoid will be inserted.

Note: When the tool asks you to indicate the points so that it can draw the clothoid you have to operate in one of the following ways:

Indicate the point by the mouse;

Digit the coordinates (X,Y) of the point required.

Parabolas Parabolas can be insert in three ways:

Parabola defined on horizontal straights and horizontal curves

Curve between two horizontal straights

Single parabola

Single parabola

Parabola defined on horizontal straights and horizontal curves The insertion of a parabola is performed as follows:

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Parabola

Command line: PARAB

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On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Parabola on Elements/Single/<E>: E

Parabola type Cubic/4° degree/5° degree/<C>:

Select first element: Indicate the horizontal straight

Select second element: Indicate the horizontal curve or the drawing circle

Insert parabola on horizontal straight - horizontal curve

Parabola definition Tangent length/Length: specify whether the parabola must be inserted by

tangent length <T> or by length (projection of the length on the tangent) <L>.

Parabola tangent length <0.000>: Indicate the length of the parabola to be inserted between

the horizontal curve and the horizontal straight (giving 0 value the parabola is not inserted))

Parabola length <0.000>: Indicate the length of the parabola to be inserted between the

horizontal curve and the horizontal straight (giving 0 value the parabola is not inserted)

Insert parabola on horizontal straight - drawing circle Now a line is drawn, that is perpendicular to the horizontal straight and passing through the centre of the curve.

Select the start side of parabola: Indicate by the mouse a point near the tangent point between

the parabola and the horizontal straight

Note. If the curve is a drawing circle, the length of the parabola is not requested, since it is determined automatically; if, on the contrary, it is a circular curve, the length is requested so that the tool can calculate the new centre.

Note. If drawing circles have been used, remember that they do not belong to the road alignment, but are simply helping drawings. It is therefore necessary to mark the part of circle that becomes a road axis with a circular curve inserted in a sigle mode by the option SCE that is start point, center point and end point. The start point and end point are obtained by setting the osnap ENDPOINT and clicking on the last part of the two parabolas, while the center point is obtained by setting osnap CENTER and clicking on the circle edge.

Parabolas defined between two horizontal straights Insertion of a curve between two horizontal straights is performed in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Parabola

Command line: PARAB

Parabola on Elements/Single/<E>: E

Parabola type Cubic/4° degree/5° degree/<C>:

Select first element: Indicate the first horizontal straight

Select second element: Indicate the second horizontal straight

Insert parabola - horizontal curve - parabola

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/<C> : C Answer H if you want to insert a hairpin

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Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/poLycentric/<R> : Indicate R if you want to specify the

radius, T the tangent, P the point, L the polycentric

Insert curve radius <0.000>: Indicate the value of the radius (or the tangent) of the horizontal


(the horizontal curve is inserted)

Parabola length <0.000>: Indicate the length of the parabola to be inserted between the first

horizontal straight and the horizontal curve (giving 0 value the parabola is not inserted)

(the first parabola is inserted)

Parabola length <0.000>: Indicate the length of the parabola to be inserted between the second

horizontal straight and the horizontal curve (giving 0 value the parabola is not inserted)

(the second parabola is inserted)

Single parabola The insertion of a single parabola is performed as follows:

Toolbar Axis by vertex

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Single Parabola

Command line: PARAB

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Parabola on Elements/Single/<E>: S

Parabola type Cubic/4° degree/5° degree/<C>:

First point of parabola: Indicate the start point of parabola

Direction (angle) of parabola: : Indicate the parabola angular direction

Parabola on Right/Left/<R>: Choose the direction of the curve

Parabola length <0>: Indicate the length of parabola

Parabola start radius <0>: Indicate the start radius of parabola

Parabola end radius <0>: Indicate the end radius of parabola

Note. When the tool asks you to indicate the points so that it can draw the parabola you have to operate in one of the following ways:

Indicate the point by the mouse;

Digit the coordinates (X,Y) of the point required.

Curves complete with horizontal curves and clothoids It is possible to insert a complete curve between two horizontal straights in two ways:

Clothoid - Horizontal curve - Clothoid: a horizontal curve is created between two horizontal straights, complete of in and out clothoids.

Start point - Clothoid - Horizontal curve: given two horizontal straights and a start point on the first, a curve is created, complete of in and out clothoids.

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Insert clothoid – horizontal curve – clothoid The command can be performed in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Curve between two horizontal straights > Clothoid-Horizzontal curve-Clothoid

Command line: CURVE

Insert curve CCC clothoid-horizzontal curve-clothoid/PCC start point-clothoid-

curve/<CCC>: CCC

Select first element: Indicate the first horizontal straight

Select second element: Indicate the second horizontal straight

horizontal Curve/Hairpin/<C>: C Answer H if a hairpin has to be inserted

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/poLycentric/<R>: Indicate R if you want to specify the

radius, T if you want to specify the tangent, P the point, L the polycentric.

Insert curve radius <0.000>: Indicate the value of the curve radius (or tangent)

(the curve is inserted)

Clothoid A Parameter <0.000>: Indicate parameter A of the clothoid to be inserted between the

first horizontal straight and the curve (giving 0 value the clothoid is not inserted)

Form factor <1.000>: Indicate the form factor for multiparameter clothoids

(the first clothoid is inserted)

Clothoid A Parameter <0.000>: Indicate parameter A of the clothoid to be inserted between

the second horizontal straight and the curve (giving 0 value the clothoid is not inserted)

Form factor <1,000>: Indicate the form factor for multiparameter clothoids

(the second clothoid is inserted)

In order to perform the same operation in separate phases it is necessary first to insert the curve between the two horizontal straights and then to insert the two clothoids between the horizontal straights and the curve.

Insert clothoid – horizontal curve – clothoid The command can be performed in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Curve between two horizontal straights > Start point-Entry clothoid-Horizontal curve

Command line: CURVE

Insert curve CCC clothoid-horizzontal curve-clothoid/PCC start point-clothoid-

curve/<CCC>: PCC

Select first element: Indicate the first horizontal straight

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Select second element: Indicate the second horizontal straight

Enter start point on first horizontal straight: enter the curve start point on the first horizontal


Curve radius: radius of the horizontal curve to be inserted between the two horizontal straights.

A Parameter of start clothoid <0.000>: Enter A parameter of the clothoid to insert between the

first horizontal straight and the horizontal curve.

First clothoid Form factor <1.000>: Enter form factor of the clothoid to insert between the first

horizontal straight and the horizontal curve.

The out-clothoid will be calculated directly by the tool.

Insert roundabout axis By this command it is possible to insert fastly a roundabout axis.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Axis elements > Insert roundabout axis

Command line: ROUNDABOUT

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Roundabout center: indicate the center of the roundabout to be inserted.

Roundabout radius: set roundabout axis; the radius can be digitized on the command line; otherwise,

it is possible to indicate, on screen, a point the roundabout will pass through.

Roundabout start point: indicate the roundabout axis starting point.

Interactive modification of axis By this work mode it is possible to move freely the alignment vertexes simply by dragging them by the mouse to a new position; the shift of the vertex can either be free or blocked along the direction set by one of the two horizontal straights that determine the vertex. Moreover, it is possible to modify the curve

radius simply by dragging it and making it pass by the point desired.

Vertex shift The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Edit vertex

Menu Axis > Edit axis > Edit vertex

Command line: EDITVERT

Note. It is possible to activate the command simply by clicking on the vertex or on the horizontal curve to modify; the element indicated will be selected and some grips will appear on the fundamental points of the element. Now you just have to drag the grip near the vertex or the one in the middle of the curve.

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On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate vertex to modify: click on one of the two horizontal straights that determine the vertex to

shift. Once the vertex has been indicated, it is possible to move the mouse and drag the vertex to the

new position. Meanwhile, on the command line, the following prompt will appear:

Vertex position|Free/1st straight direction/2nd straight direction / <L>: to move the vertex

keeping it along the direction set by the first or the second horizontal straight, choose option 1 or 2. To

move the vertex freely again press L.

These options can also be chosen by using Edit vertex toolbar buttons.

Click with the mouse left button on the new position the vertex will assume.

Modify curve radius The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Edit vertex

Menu Axis > Edit axis > Edit vertex

Command line: EDITVERT

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate vertex to modify: click on the horizontal straight to modify. After indicating the horizontal

straight , it is possible to move the mouse and drag the horizontal straight to the position desired.

Meanwhile, on the command line, the tool will display the curve radius:

Click with the mouse left button on the new position the curve must pass by.

Axis table This new option gives the possibility to see, from an analytical point of view, all the elements forming the road axis. The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Axis table

Command line: AXISWIZ

The following dialog box appears; it is divided into three parts: the left part contains the list of all the entities that the tool uses to create an alignment; the upper part on the right contains the elements of the current alignment and the part below lists the properties of the element selected in the upper part.

In axis wizard window through Axis list box you can select the subproject whose data you want to manage.

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List of the entities managed by the tool In the left part of the window all the entities are reported which can be used to create an alignment.

List of alignment elements In the upper part on the right, all the elements forming the alignment are listed. Each line reports the

object (Horizontal straight, Clothoid, Horizontal curve, etc.), the state (Linked, Not linked) and the main properties of the element. The state is a very important value as it allows to see whether an element is sorted or not.

Element properties In the lower part on the right all data are reported of the element selected in the previous table.

Input of a new element In order to insert a new element it is necessary to select, from the list on the left, the type of element to be inserted and then drag it into the upper part on the right and drop it in an appropriate position. On the

basis of the element selected, the tool checks whether the position chosen is compatible or not with the element; if not, the input process is interrupted. If the tool accepts the insert position a dialog box appears requiring all data needed to create the element.

Modifying an element To modify an element it is sufficient to click twice on it. A dialog box allowing to modify the main data of the element selected will appear.

How to erase an element

In order to erase an element it is sufficient to select the element and then to press erase button

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Axis sorting

To perform axis sorting it is sufficient to click on button .

Pressing on Apply button all the changes performed on the elements are saved and shown on graphic window.

How to erase and modify axis elements How to modify elements An advanced CAD, like the one offered by the tool, allows to modify all the elements that make up the

road axis. Remember that it is up to the user to choose among the possible changes, since the changes made might determine incoherent situations from the road normative point of view.

How to erase elements Of course, the elements inserted into an axis can be erased by using the command used to erase any kind of entity. Anyway, the elements must be erased according to a certain order, since the tool does not allow, for example, to erase a horizontal straight if it is connected to a curve; at the same time, it is not possible to erase a curve if it is connected to a clothoid.

It is therefore necessary to erase first the clothoids, then the curves, and finally the horizontal straights.

In order to erase all the current subproject axis elements it is sufficient to select Axis menu, the item

Erase all and then Horizontal alignment elements; it is possible to write DELDATA on the command line:

Erase data Alignment elements/Geometry annotation/Planimetry of project/planimetry poLylines/Cancel/<L>: A

Axis by curves

The definition of an axis with the method "by curves", provides for the insertion of the following axis elements, each characterized by a different degree of freedom:

Type Degrees of freedom

Fixed 0

Rotating and rotating previous 1

Mobile and Mobile long 2

Insert fixed elements A fixed element has no freedom at all, therefore it is totally defined. The parameters defining a fixed element are the following:

Degree of freedom 0

Radius R=0 to define a straight

R>0 to define a clockwise curve

R<0 to define an anticlockwise curve

In clothoid Only for radius <> 0

Out clothoid Only for radius <> 0

P1, P2 - 2 Passage points Element passage points.

To join two fixed consecutive elements the tool will change automatically clothoid parameters to obtain tangency and bend continuity. In case of reverses the tool will calculate the parameters of the two clothoids keeping the same ratio originally set.

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To merge two fixed elements they must not intersect.

Insert a fixed element The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Axis by curve

Menu Axis > Alignments elements by curve > Fixed by 2 points

Command line: HE F

On command line the following prompts will appear:

Element type Fixed/Rotating/rotating Previous/Mobile/mobile Long/<F>: F

Select an optional previous fixed element to which connect the new element, otherwise go on: if the fixed element to insert follows another fixed element already inserted, then this must be indicated. In this way the tool will be able to link the two elements by an eventual transition curve.

Select an optional next fixed element to which connect the new element, otherwise go on: if the fixed element precedes another fixed element already inserted, then this must be indicated. In this way the tool will be able to link the two elements by an eventual transition curve.

Enter first passage point of the element: Indicate the first of the two passage points on which the element which is being inserted must pass.

Enter second passage point of the element: Indicate the second of the two passage points on which the element which is being inserted must pass.

The following dialog box will appear:

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In the window the following information is requested:

Radius: indicate the radius of the element to insert; to insert a straight set 0 as radius value. To insert a clockwise curve, radius value must be positive; vice versa, to insert an anticlockwise curve, radius value must be negative.

Clockwise/Anticlockwise: these options define the curve direction.

Symmetric clothoids: activate this option if out-clothoid parameters are the same as in-clothoid parameters. In this way data are asked only once. A clothoid can be defined by setting one of the following parameters: A Parameter, Length, Shifting. Select from the list the kind of datum desired and insert its value in the numeric field situated below.

Form factor: clothoid form factor, necessary to define hyperclothoids and hypoclothoids.

Passage points: in this area it is possible to modify passage points by entering coordinate values or

indicating the position in the graphic window by using button.

Note: if the clothoid radius or A parameter value is below the minimum value set, and therefore is not

accepted by the policy check, on the corresponding cell the symbol will appear, otherwise symbol will be displayed.

In Property page it is possible to modify display element parameters (layer, colour, line type, thickness).

Press OK to confirm insertion. If a solution can be found to insert the element, this will be inserted in the

graphic window and it will be marked by a red colour.

If no solution can be found, the tool will inform the user about the problem on command line.

Insert rotating elements This kind of element has one degree of freedom; to position this element, we use its condition of

tangency with previous (rotating) or following (rotating previous) element. The parameters defining a rotating or a rotating previous element are the following:

Degrees of freedom 1

Radius R=0 to define a straight

R>0 to define a clockwise curve

R<0 to define an anticlockwise curve

In-clothoid Only for radius <> 0

Out-clothoid Only for radius <> 0

Passage point Passage and rotation point of the element.

Preceding/following Element Preceding element for Rotating or following element for Rotating previous on which to keep the condition of


A rotating element, therefore, can rotate on the only passage point, so as to satisfy the condition of tangency with the previous element.

The rotating previous element, on the contrary, rotates on the only passage point so as to satisfy the condition of tangency with the subsequent element.

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Insert a rotating element The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Axis by curve

Menu Axis > Alignments elements by curve > Rotating

Command line: HE R

On command line the following prompts will appear:

Element type Fixed/Rotating/rotating Previous/Mobile/mobile Long/<F>: R

Select fixed element to which connect the new element: Indicate the preceding element the new

element must be linked to.

Enter final point of the element: Indicate passage and rotation point of the element to insert.

The following dialog box will appear:

In the window the following information is requested:

Radius: indicate the radius of the element to insert; to insert a straight set 0 as radius value. To insert a clockwise curve, radius value must be positive; vice versa, to insert an anticlockwise curve, radius value must be negative.

Clockwise/Anticlockwise: these options define the curve direction.

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Symmetric clothoids: activate this option if out-clothoid parameters are the same as in-clothoid parameters. In this way data are asked only once. A clothoid can be defined by setting one of the following parameters: A Parameter, Length, Shifting. Select from the list the kind of datum desired and insert its value in the numeric field situated below.

Form factor: clothoid form factor, necessary to define hyperclothoids and hypoclothoids.

Note: if the clothoid radius or A parameter value is below the minimum value set, and therefore is not

accepted by the policy check, on the corresponding cell the symbol will appear, otherwise symbol will be displayed.

In Property page it is possible to modify display element parameters (layer, colour, line type, thickness).

Passage points: in this area it is possible to modify the passage point, which is also the element

rotation point, by entering coordinate values or indicating the position on the graphic window by using


Press OK to confirm insertion. If a solution can be found to insert the element, this will be inserted in the graphic window and it will be marked by a yellow colour.

If no solution can be found, the tool will inform the user about the problem on command line.

Inserting a rotating previous element The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Axis by curve

Menu Axis > Alignments elements by curve > Rotating Previous

Command line: HE P

On command line the following prompts will appear:

Element type Fixed/Rotating/rotating Previous/Mobile/mobile Long/<F>:P

Select fixed element to which connect the new element:: Indicate the preceding element the new element must be linked to.

Enter final point of the element: Indicate passage and rotation point of the element to insert.

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The following dialog box will appear:

In the window the following information is requested:

Radius: indicate the radius of the element to insert; to insert a straight set 0 as radius value. To insert a clockwise curve, radius value must be positive; vice versa, to insert an anticlockwise curve, radius value must be negative.

Clockwise/Anticlockwise: these options define the curve direction.

Symmetric clothoids: activate this option if out-clothoid parameters are the same as in-clothoid parameters. In this way data are asked only once. A clothoid can be defined by setting one of the following parameters: A Parameter, Length, Shifting. Select from the list the kind of datum desired and insert its value in the numeric field situated below.

Form factor: clothoid form factor, necessary to define hyperclothoids and hypoclothoids.

Minimum A Parameter: the minimum value of A parameter is displayed, which has been calculated

according to the policy set.

Note: if the clothoid radius or A parameter value is below the minimum value set, and therefore is not

accepted by the policy check, on the corresponding cell the symbol will appear, otherwise symbol will be displayed.

Passage points: in this area it is possible to modify the passage point, which is also the element

rotation point, by entering coordinate values or indicating the position on the graphic window by using


In Properties page it is possible to modify the display the parameters (layer, colour, linetype, lineweight) of the element.

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Press OK to confirm insertion. If a solution can be found to insert the element, this will be inserted in the graphic window and it will be marked by a yellow colour.

If no solution can be found, the tool will inform the user about the problem on command line.

Insert mobile elements A mobile element has two degrees of freedom and it is defined only by radius and in-out clothoids; to position this element a condition of tangency is kept with a preceding element and a following element.

Degrees of freedom 2

Radius R=0 to define a straight

R>0 to define a clockwise curve

R<0 to define an anticlockwise curve

In Clothoid Only for radius <> 0

Out Clothoid Only for radius <> 0

Preceding and following Element Preceding and following element on which to keep tangency condition.

Sometimes keeping the condition of tangency with a preceding and a following element can have two solutions; to distinguish these two solutions a distinction is made between mobile element and mobile long element. A mobile long element is the one whose solution implies a bigger development.

Insert a mobile element The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Axis by curve

Menu Axis > Alignments elements by curve > Mobile

Command line: HE M

On command line the following prompts will appear:

Element type Fixed/Rotating/rotating Previous/Mobile/mobile Long/<F>: M

Select first element to which connect the new element: Indicate the preceding element the new

element must be linked to.

Select second element to which connect the new element: Indicate the following element the new element must be linked to.

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The following dialog box will appear:

In the window the following information is requested:

Radius: indicate the radius of the element to insert; to insert a straight set 0 as radius value. To insert a clockwise curve, radius value must be positive; vice versa, to insert an anticlockwise curve, radius value must be negative.

Clockwise/Anticlockwise: these options define the curve direction.

Symmetric clothoids: activate this option if out-clothoid parameters are the same as in-clothoid

parameters. In this way data are asked only once. A clothoid can be defined by setting one of the following parameters: A Parameter, Length, Shifting. Select from the list the kind of datum desired and insert its value in the numeric field situated below.

Form factor: clothoid form factor, necessary to define hyperclothoids and hypoclothoids.

In Property page it is possible to modify display element parameters (layer, colour, line type, thickness).

Press OK to confirm insertion. If a solution can be found to insert the element, this will be inserted in the graphic window and it will be marked by a green colour.

If no solution can be found, the tool will inform the user about the problem on command line.

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Insert a mobile long element The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Axis by curve

Menu Axis > Alignments elements by curve > Mobile Long

Command line: HE L

On command line the following prompts will appear:

Element type Fixed/Rotating/rotating Previous/Mobile/mobile Long/<F>: L

Select first element to which connect the new element: Indicate the preceding element the new

element must be linked to.

Select second element to which connect the new element: Indicate the following element the new element must be linked to.

The following dialog box will appear:

In the window the following information is requested:

Radius: indicate the radius of the element to insert; to insert a straight set 0 as radius value. To insert a

clockwise curve, radius value must be positive; vice versa, to insert an anticlockwise curve, radius value must be negative.

Clockwise/Anticlockwise: these options define the curve direction.

Symmetric clothoids: activate this option if out-clothoid parameters are the same as in-clothoid parameters. In this way data are asked only once. A clothoid can be defined by setting one of the

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following parameters: A Parameter, Length, Shifting. Select from the list the kind of datum desired and insert its value in the numeric field situated below.

Form factor: clothoid form factor, necessary to define hyperclothoids and hypoclothoids.

Minimum A Parameter: the minimum value of A parameter is displayed, which has been calculated according to the policy set.

Note: if the clothoid radius or A parameter value is below the minimum value set, and therefore is not

accepted by the policy check, on the corresponding cell the symbol will appear, otherwise symbol will be displayed.

In Property page it is possible to modify display element parameters (layer, colour, line type, thickness).

Press OK to confirm insertion. If a solution can be found to insert the element, this will be inserted in the graphic window and it will be marked by a green colour.

If no solution can be found, the tool will inform the user about the problem on command line.

Axis by curves by fixed element By this command it is possible to create fixed elements from drawing elements such as lines, arcs and circles. By this function an axis can be defined at first as a sequence of basic elements not tangent to each other; the tool itself will then determine automatically transition elements, i.e. clothoids.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Aligment elements by curves > fixed by element

Command line: HE

On command line the following prompts will appear:

Element type Fixed/Rotating/rotating Previous/Mobile/mobile Long/<F>: F

Fixed element by 2Points/Existing element (line,arc,circle)/<2P>: E

Indicate previous fixed element to link to the new element, otherwise continue: If the fixed element to create must be linked to an existing element preceding it, it is necessary to select the latter; otherwise press Enter or the mouse right button.

Indicate following fixed element to link to the new element, otherwise continue: If the fixed element to create must be linked to an existing element following it, it is necessary to select the latter; otherwise press Enter or the mouse right button.

Indicate line, arc or circle: Select the drawing element to transform into axis element. To interrupt press Enter or the mouse right button.

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Once a line, an arc or a circle has been selected, the following window will appear:

The window reports the basic data of the element selected. It is not necessary to modify any of the parameters displayed; it is only necessary to specify with extreme precision whether the curves are clockwise or anticlockwise. Press OK to continue.

Minimum radius: the radius minimum value is displayed, which has been calculated according to the policy set;

Minimum A Parameter: the minimum value of A parameter is displayed, which has been calculated according to the policy set.

Note: if the clothoid radius or A parameter value is below the minimum value set, and therefore is not

accepted by the policy check, on the corresponding cell the symbol will appear, otherwise

symbol will be displayed.

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Modificy an element defined by curves An element defined by curves can be modified by using the CAD command Modify Object.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Objects

Menu Edit > Modify object

Command line: DDMODIFY

On CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select objects: Enter the element to modify.

A window resembling the following will appear:

The availability of some fields depends on the kind of element selected; mobile elements, for example, have no possibility to modify intersection points.

Minimum radius: the radius minimum value is displayed, which has been calculated according to the

policy set;

Minimum A Parameter: the minimum value of A parameter is displayed, which has been calculated according to the policy set.

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Note: if the clothoid radius or A parameter value is below the minimum value set, and therefore is not

accepted by the policy check, on the corresponding cell the symbol will appear, otherwise symbol will be displayed.

Press OK to confirm the changes made; the tool will re-build the axis according to the new data. If this process cannot be carried out correctly, the tool will inform about this on command line and will restore the axis with the same parameters it had before the modification had taken place.

Intersection points can be modified directly on the graphic window; it is sufficient to select the element to modify and then move the grips that appear after the selection.

Once the grip has been moved, the tool will try to re-build the axis by the same mode explained above.

Conversion of an axis defined by curves into an axis defined by vertexes By this command it is possible to transform completely an axis defined by curves into a corresponding axis defined, with traditional elements, by vertexes.

After performing the command, it is no longer possible to restore the previous situation.

The command can be performed as follows:

Menu Axis > Alignments elements by curve > Convert to axis by vertex

Command line: HE2AXIS

After asking to confirm, the tool will transform the axis defined by curves into a corresponding axis

formed by the traditional elements: horizontal straight, horizontal curve, clothoid.

Sort horizontal alignment elements

The sort of alignment elements is an important phase, which allows to set the alignment start point and to verify that all its elements (horizontal straights, horizontal curves, clothoids) are connected to each other in a proper way, so that all the elaborations made are correct. So, once modification and axis insertion functions have been performed, it is better to carry out this elaboration in order to find possible anomalies in the axis.

The sorting is activated as follows:

Toolbar Axis Toolbar

Menu Axis : Sort horizontal alignment elements

Command line: SORTPLAN

On CAD command line the following question appears:

**Axis Sort** Indicate start extremity of first axis element:

Indicate the element from which the road axis starts.

If some errors are made the tool indicates the number of elements it has managed to put in order and the number of elements yet to be connected.

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Dynamic profile

By the management of dynamic topographic profiles it is possible to open a window which displays

dynamically the longitudinal length of a topographic profile in the following situations:



modify by grips

modify by Move and Rotate commands (only for topographic sections)

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar View

Menu View > Dynamic Profile/Cross-Sections

Command line: DYNPROFXSEC

The following window will appear:

The upper side of the window reports a toolbar, allowing to set calculation mode and display of the dynamic profile.

The first 6 buttons allow to choose the data source to use to calculate the profile:

Profile is calculated by using line mathematical model (break lines / constraints)

Profile is calculated by using triangle mathematical model

Profile is calculated by using contour lines

Profile is calculated by using survey points

Profile is calculated by using the survey points situated within a certain band.

Profile is calculated by using DEM.

The following check list reports the survey subprojects available. It is possible to calculate the profile by using more models at the same time.; it is sufficient to activate calculation on model by turning on the

corresponding light.

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By button it is possible to set some window properties:

Also in this window it is possible to choose the data source to use; it is also possible to specify some parameters such as the width of the survey band within which to consider the points to use to extract the profile.

Finally, it is possible to set the ratio between the display scale of elevations and distances.

Dynamic profile window will display the topographic profile longitudinal length, on executing the following


Insertion: on inserting a topographic profile, the profile longitudinal length will appear in the window of dynamic profile.

Selection: by selecting a topographic profile from the graphic window, the profile longitudinal length will appear in the window of dynamic profile.

Modify by grips: by selecting a topographic profile and stretching its grips, the profile longitudinal

length will appear in the window of dynamic profile.

Modify by Move and Rotate: by using Move and Rotate command on a topographic profile, the profile longitudinal length will appear in the window of dynamic profile.

Alignment offset

This command allows to create, in a fast way, new alignment elements (horizontal straights, horizontal curves) parallel to the currents axis. It is possible to specify the method to obtain the alignment offset and it is therefore possible to carry out the offset only on one side of the start axis.

The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Menu Axis > Alignment elements > Alignment offset

Command line: OFFSETA

The tool asks you the following question:

Create Polyline/Alignment/<P>: A

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The following dialog box appears:

In this dialog box, it is possible to choose first the subproject in which to save the elements obtained as offset.

The different options that can be used to obtain the offset are divided into two different tabs:

Horizontal offset Offset type: gives the possibility to choose the type of horizontal offset to use:

Constant: the same offset distance is kept along all the segment where the offset is performed; specify the distance in Constant offset edit box:

The buttons on the right of the edit box allow to choose whether the offset has to be performed on the left or on the right of the alignment.

Linear: by specifying the start and the end offset it is possible to obtain a linear variation of

the offset distance; indicate the offset at the beginning and at the end of the segment by using Start offset and End offset edit boxes:

The buttons on the right of the edit box allow to choose whether the offset has to be performed on the left or on the right of the alignment.

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Start and End

It is possible to perform the offset on the whole axis or on only a part of it. You can choose one of the following options:

Start and End station: the offset is calculated within the Start station and the End

station specified. Indicate the two stations in the specific edit boxes.

Start and End section: the offset is performed within the Start section and the End section. Indicate the two sections in the correspondent edit boxes. Through the button situated on the right of the edit boxes it is possible to choose the sections from the list.

Start and End element: the tool asks to indicate graphically the first and the last element

within which to perform the offset. On a single element the offset can be performed by selecting the same element twice.

Select start element: Indicate the offset start element.

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Select end element: Indicate the offset end element.

Cursor position: the tool asks to indicate graphically the two point within which the offset has to be performed. For each point it is necessary to indicate one segment crossing the axis.

First point of segment:

Indicate the first of the two points forming the segment crossing the axis and defining the offset start point.

Second point of segment: Indicate the second of the two points forming the segment crossing the axis and defining the offset start point.

First point of segment: Indicate the first of the two points forming the segment crossing the axis and defining

the offset end point.

Second point of segment: Indicate the second of the two points forming the segment crossing the axis and defining the offset end point.

Press OK to execute the command.

Modify alignment

During the different phases of a project, it is sometimes necessary to modify an alignment complete with profile and sections and the problem is how to avoid restarting from the beginning.

ProSt can manage such situations in a completely automatic way, in fact, the software can update all

data after any project modification. For further details see the chapter dedicated to Dynamic design.

If Dynamic design is not used it is necessary to pay attention to the following concepts:

Before modifying the alignment: it is necessary to transform the sections (Automatic, by Point, by Station) into Free sections; in this way, they will no longer depend on the axis but will be linked to a precise planimetric position;

After modifying the alignment: it is necessary to transform the sections from free to Automatic or by Station; sections will be linked to the axis again and their station will be recalculated;

Following these steps the sections preceding and following the portion of alignment that has been modified are kept unchanged and their station is recalculated.

Check on policy

Through check on policy the tool verifies the congruence of the project parameters of the axis elements with the policy set. The tool provides a very detailed report in which it verifies the congruence of the parameters (lengths, radii, A parameters) of each element (horizontal straights, horizontal curves, clothoids, parabolas) with the policy; in this report the minimum and maximum values to be applied are suggested.

It is possible to select the policy to adopt from Axis menu choosing Axis properties.

Policy check can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Policy check

Command line: CHKPOLICY

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A dialog box similar to the following appears:

It is possible to gain access to the same window by Parametric Design, by selecting a horizontal or vertical element in the corresponding column, from menu item Policy.

In the upper side of the window it is possible to select the axis on which to perform the check, while the following options allow to choose on what axis elements to perform the check. It is then possible to perform a check only on the clothoids, or only on the horizontal curves.

In particular, as far as clothoids, it is possible to decide what criterion to apply for the check. As far as

the Italian policy is concerned, it is also possible to decide whether to use, for dynamic rule, the

approximated formula or the exact formula.

Inside the dialog box you will see all the messages representing the result of the check carried out on the axis elements. The list starts showing some information messages and the calculation of the standard parameters used during the checks.

All messages are displayed together with an icon that allows to understand immediately the type of message. The different types of messages displayed are the following:

Policy: minimum and maximum values set by the policy.

Speed: speed used in the check.

Information: message informing about data calculated by the tool.

Error: this message indicates that the project parameters of the element are not congruent

with the policy set.

OK: this message indicates that the project parameters of the element are congruent with the

policy set.

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By pressing button it is possible to zoom on the element selected in the graphic window.

Pressing button Print it is possible to obtain the complete report of all messages present inside the

dialog box.

Cross sections in planimetry

After the road axis is set, you can continue the planning phase by positioning the cross sections on the

alignment. Therefore the stations are set, where the sections are situated and it is then possible to calculate terrain longitudinal profile and terrain cross sections.

The sections can be inserted as follows:

Automatic mode: inserts the sections in the alignment main points (extremes of horizontal

straights, tangent points, etc.) and allows to insert sections at a specified interval.

Manual mode: allows to insert manually the sections into the alignment.

Table: from the profile table it is possible to add / modify the station of the sections inserted in the


All these methods allow to insert some stations along the axis.

According to the settings chosen in Axis properties, from menu item Labels position, the graphic order of the text indicating station and section number can vary as in the following examples:

Modify sections from planimetry graphic window Sections on axis have now been provided with grips allowing to modify them quickly and easily:

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The first image shows the grips of an automatic section, while the second shows the grips of a section by Point, by Station or Free. The external, arrow-shaped grips allow to stretch the section drawing, while the two internal grips allow to rotate it; the central grip allows to move the section along the axis.

To have the grips displayed it is sufficient to select the sections.

Section types

A typology has been assigned to the sections according to their state and the mode by which they have been inserted.

The possible typologies are the following:

Sections by point (Orange circle with letter P): sections by point are repositioned according

to the horizontal coordinates indicated in the planimetry during the insertion or conversion. For example, if a section by point has 101 as reference point, the tool will always position it on the

projection on axis of point 101.

Sections by station (Yellow circle with letter D):Sections by station are repositioned according to the value of their station. For example, if a section by station has 110 as reference station, the tool will always reposition it on station 110.

Automatic sections (Red circle with letter A): Automatic sections are repositioned, if

possible, according to the rules defined (insertion step, main points, etc.), otherwise they are deleted and reinserted.

Free sections (Green circles with letter L): free sections are not repositioned and are

defined only by their planimetric position.

The typology of each section is represented by the symbols just described in the graphic window.

Moreover, the typology of each section is reported in the table which displays the list of all the sections in Planimetric position page.

Modify cross section typology from graphic window It is possible to change the typology of the cross sections from planimetry graphic window in the

following way:

Menu Axis > Cross-sections > Convert > to section Automatic

Menu Axis > Cross-sections > Convert > to section Free

Command line: CONSTSEC

Cross-sections to transform Select/All/<A>: Press S to select manually the sections to transform,

press A to transform all the axis sections.

The typology of a section can be modified also by the local menu which appears by selecting the section with the mouse right button; the following local menu will appear:

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Select the item Convert > to section by point to transform a section from an automatic section to a section by point. Such kind of information can be useful to block the section on a certain position.

Conversion of sections from table The section typology can be changed also from the table that reports the list of all the axis sections.

Toolbar Design

Menu Axis > Longitudinal profile...

Menu Profile > Terrain and project > Longitudinal profile...

Menu Sections > Longitudinal profile...

Command line: TBPROFILE

Select from the table the sections to transform and then select the item desired from the local menu available in the table.

Automatic insertion of cross-sections

By this command you can automatically insert the sections in the main points of the alignment (horizontal straights extremes, tangent points, etc.) and you can also insert the sections by specifying a constant input step.

The command can be activated through one of the following modes:

Toolbar Axis

Menu Axis > Cross-Sections > Automatic insertion

Command line: ASEC

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On the CAD command line the following questions appear:

Select axis where to insert sections: Click on one of the elements that make up the axis in which sections have to be inserted.

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

The sections can be inserted along the axis in two ways:

Insert cross-section with fixed step: sections are inserted at a fixed distance from each other; set in Insertion step text box the distance desired between sections;

Insert cross-sections only on main points: sections are inserted only on the tangent points of the axis elements.

In case of horizontal curves it is possible to choose into how many parts to subdivide the curve by Horizontal curve subdivision field. Moreover, this option inserts sections also on the intersection areas start and end points.

Insert cross-section on typical section changes: By this option it is possible to insert some cross sections on typical section changes according to intervals defined in the parametric design. Moreover, the tool inserts automatically also some "BIS" sections (1cm far from the cross section on the change) so as to grant a correct volume calculation.

Minimum distance of sections: if both the previous modes have been activated, it is possible to set

the minimum distance between two consecutive sections.

Once the elaboration is finished, the sections will be positioned along the axis and it will be possible to see / modify the stations of the sections on the Table of longitudinal profile.

Manual insertion of cross-sections

This command allows to insert sections manually offering the user the possibility to perform the operation through different methods: by indicating the position with the cursor, by specifying the station of the section and by indicating the single element on which to operate.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis

Menu Axis > Cross-Sections > Manual insertion

Command line: MSEC

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On the CAD command line the following questions appear:

Manual insertion by Segment/Point/sTation/Element/<S>:

Manual insertion by segment The insertion by segment allows to insert the section indicating its position on the alignment by defining a segment that intersects the axis itself.

Manual insertion by Segment/Point/sTation/Element/<S>: S Segment first point: Segment second point:

You have to indicate the two points so that the segment they form intersects the road axis. The section is

inserted in the intersection point.

Manual insertion by point Insertion by point allows to insert the cross-section by indicating its position with a point on which the section must pass.

Manual insertion by Segment/Point/sTation/Element/<S>: P Indicate the position of the point:

It is necessary to indicate two points, so that the segment they form will intersect the road axis. The section will be inserted on intersection point.

Manual insertion by station The section is inserted at the station indicated.

Manual insertion by Segment/Point/sTation/Element/<S>: T Insertion of cross section station:

Manual insertion by element The insertion of sections by element allows to insert the sections specifying the partial station with reference to the beginning of the element, or to insert the sections automatically, along the element, specifying the distance between the sections:

Manual insertion by Segment/Point/sTation/Element/<S>: E Select element on which to insert sections:

Click on the element on which to insert the sections Insertion through Partial station/Automatic/<A>: P Insertion of partial station of cross section on element:

Indicate the partial station with reference to the beginning of the element.

Manual insertion by Segment/Point/sTation/Element/<S>: E Select element on which to insert sections: Click on the element on which to insert the sections.

Insertion through Partial station/Automatic/<A>: A Step of section insertion: Indicate sections interval.

On inserting the sections it is possible to check interactively the transversal length on the model or on the survey by opening the window of dynamic sections. See Dynamic sections.

Dynamic sections

By the management of dynamic sections it is possible to open a window which displays dynamically the longitudinal length of sections in the following situations:



modify by grips

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modify by Move and Rotate commands (only for topographic sections)

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar View

Menu View > Dynaminc Profiles/Cross-Sections

Command line: DYNPROFXSEC

The following window will appear:

The upper side of the window reports a toolbar, allowing to set calculation mode and display of the

dynamic section.

The first 6 buttons allow to choose the data source to use to calculate the section:

Section is calculated by using line mathematical model (break lines / constraints)

Section is calculated by using triangle mathematical model

Section is calculated by using contour lines

Section is calculated by using survey points

Section is calculated by using the survey points situated within a certain band.

Section is calculated by using DEM.

The following check list reports the survey subprojects available. It is possible to calculate the section by

using more models at the same time.; it is sufficient to activate calculation on model by turning on the corresponding light.

By button it is possible to set some window properties:

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Also in this window it is possible to choose the data source to use; it is also possible to specify some parameters such as the tolerance between section vertex and point or the width of the survey band

within which to consider the points to use to extract the section.

For road sections it is possible to set the width of the terrain band to survey on the right and on the left of the axis.

Finally, it is possible to set the ratio between the display scale of elevations and distances.

Dynamic section window will display the section transversal length, on executing the following


Insertion: on inserting a topographic section or section on axis, the section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

Selection: by selecting a section from the graphic window, the section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

Modify by grips: by selecting a section and stretching its grips, the section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

Modify by Move and Rotate: by using Move and Rotate command on a topographic section, the section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

How to erase and modify cross-sections in planimetry

Modify To modify a cross-section from the graphic window use the command Modify cross-section properties. The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Objects

Menu Edit > Modify object

Command line: DDMODIFY

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In this window it is possible to modify cross-section data. The station can be inserted manually or its

position on the graphic window can be indicated by button; the tool will calculate the station of the

projection of the point indicated on reference axis.

The position of the cross-section and the recalculation of station can be performed directly in the graphic window, simply by selecting the section and stretching the central grip to a new position.

Cross-sections data can also be modified from the Table of longitudinal profile.

As far as the section drawing in planimetry, the length of the segment that represents the sections can

be controlled from the General tab - Axis properties window. However, it is possible to personalize for

each single section the length of the segment. In fact, by selecting with the mouse the section in planimetry, two grips will appear at the segment extremities; by stretching the two grips, it is possible to lengthen or tighten the segment representing the section in planimetry.

If sections in planimetry are released from the axis then the grips appearing on selection are four: the operating directions of the two external grips are described in the previous paragraph, while the two internal grips are used to control the section rotation; in fact by stretching these two grips the section can change its orientation angle.

On inserting the sections it is possible to check interactively the transversal length on the model or on the survey by opening the window of dynamic sections. See Dynamic sections.

Erase In order to erase one or more sections from planimetry it is sufficient to use the erase command used to

erase any kind of entity; this operation can be also performed from the Table of longitudinal profile.

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Modify alignment

During the different phases of a project, it is sometimes necessary to modify an alignment complete with

profile and sections and the problem is how to avoid restarting from the beginning.

ProSt can manage automatically such situations by module A - Advanced design; in fact, by the functions of this module the tool can update all the data every time the project undergoes a modification. See the paragraph describing the Dynamic Design included in ProSt A.

Without the Advanced design module it is necessary to follow the instructions below:

Before modifying the alignment: it is necessary to transform the sections (Automatic, by Point, by Station) into Free sections; in this way, they will no longer depend on the axis but will

be linked to a precise planimetric position;

After modifying the alignment: it is necessary to transform the sections from free to Automatic or by Station; sections will be linked to the axis again and their station will be recalculated;

Following these steps the sections preceding and following the portion of alignment that has been modified are kept unchanged and their station is recalculated.

Speed diagram

A speed diagram is the graphic representation of the design speed alignment according to the road axis station. It is built only according to the horizontal alignment, calculating for each of its elements the

design speed, which must not exceed the limits illustrated above.

It is possible to intervene and modify speed on curve; in case one or more speeds are modified, the diagram is recalculated. In this way it is possible to adapt the diagram to precise existing situations, demanding a speed that is different from the one determined only according to curve radius.

Speed diagrams are used to obtain the wheel base design speed at a certain station, so as to verify the reliability of the project parameters of the elements that form the project.

The command for generating a speed diagram can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Checks and diagrams > Speed diagram

Command line: SPDGRAPH

The management of speeds by station has been integrated with the speed diagram generation and control window. The procedure of speed definition has been completely renewed and now allows to

specify easily the speeds also on the intersections. The system allows to specify both stretch start and end station or just one of them; in the points where an axis exits the intersection it is therefore possible to set the stretch start station and the corresponding speed, while in the point where an axis enters the intersection it is possible to set only the end station. According to such information, and to the

acceleration coefficient, which can be set by the user, the software will modify the speed diagram.

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The following window will appear, which already contains the speed diagram for the current axis:

A diagram displays on the horizontal axis the station and on the vertical axis the corresponding calculated speed.

Subproject: this list reports all the axis subprojects available in the work; to display the speed diagram

of another axis it is sufficient to select it from the list.

displays/hides labels on diagram. The labels report, for each curve, radius and speed.

displays/hides axis horizontal alignment; in the lower part of the axis some coloured blocks are

displayed, which represent the different elements of the axis: green to indicate a horizontal straight, yellow for clothoid and red for horizontal curves.

activates/deactivates speed modification on curve: by activating this option it is possible to

intervene in the table on the left and modify the speeds for each curve.

recalculates completely the diagram by reestablishing for each curve the speeds set by the policy.

Possible modifications made on the table are cancelled.

recalculates the speeds set by the policy only for the curves selected.

displays/hides information concerning policy check for the curve presently selected. The lower part

of the window displays the result of speed diagram check performed according to the policy.

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Reference sight distance: this list reports all the sight distances already calculated; such sights can be used in diagram check as explained above.

To perform zooms on the diagram it is sufficient to click on the upper left corner and, keeping the mouse left button pressed, release it on the lower right corner of the area to zoom.

To restore the complete display of the diagram click on any point and, keeping the left mouse button

pressed, move slightly towards the left, then release mouse button.

At the bottom of the window, three pages allow to manage the diagram data and information.

Speeds by station

Speeds by station can be inserted in Speeds by station by activating the option Speeds by station.

It is possible to insert the speeds in the table in the following ways:

Start speed: it is the situation in which the speed at the beginning of a stretch is known; it can be, for example, the exit of an axis from an intersection. In this case it is sufficient to set the start station and the two speeds, the minimum and the maximum, which, in most cases, have the same value.

Final speed: it is the situation in which the speed at the end of a stretch is known; it can be, for

example, the entry of an axis into an intersection. In this case it is sufficient to set the final station and the two speeds, the minimum and the maximum, which, in most cases, have the same value.

Speed by station:

it is the situation in which you want to change the project minimum and maximum speed for a segment of the axis. In this case both minimum and maximum stations have to be set, as well as minimum and maximum speed.

Speed by curve

As far as these checks, the table reports, for each curve, radius value, project speed and a spot whose colour depends on the result of the check: a red spot indicates that the check is not fulfilled, a yellow spot indicates that the result is acceptable, a green spot indicates that the check is completely fulfilled.

By using , , buttons it is possible to modify the speeds on each curve or recalculate the

project speed in the whole diagram or only on the curves selected in the table.

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Check curves

It displays the information concerning the policy check for the curves and the policy formulas used for the

check. The page displays the result of the diagram speed check according to the policy. As far as the italian policy the following checks are performed:

The software checks the speed difference in passing from the maximum speed to a lower speed.

The software checks the difference between two consecutive curves

the software checks whether transition distance is shorter than recognition distance and sight distance; as far as the sight distance check it is necessary to have previously carried out the sight

check. It is then possible to select from the list Reference sight distance the process to use to perform the check.

How to set the data for generating the speed diagram plot preview

The diagram drawing can be paged up in a sheet to be printed later or exported in DWG or DXF format. By Dimensions... button it is possible to set different parameters checking the generation of the final

drawing; the following window will appear:

Sheet data: sets the height of the sheet that will contain the diagram drawing. It is possible to set also the right, left, top, bottom margins.

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Sheet squaring: it is possible to choose the kind of squaring to apply to the section among the types available in the check list. It is possible to make the choice also by clicking on the preview.

Distance cart.sup.: indicates the distance between the upper margin of the profile drawing and the lower side of the squaring or the upper rows.

Bottom distance mm.: indicates the distance between the profile reference elevation and the lower side of the profile drawing.

Heading width mm.: dimensioning heading size, containing the descriptions of the dimensioning rows.

Drawing title: the tool asks whether to print the profile heading up on the left.

Text tab

Customizable texts: for each text reported on the left it is possible to set the text to be printed. This is

particularly useful in case of drawings presented in a foreign language.

Characters size: it is possible to set the sizes (height, width) of the characters used in the different kinds of text used in the drawing.

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Text styles tab

It is possible to specify the text styles to use in dimensioning the diagram as far as dimension texts, headers, tables and titles.

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Speed diagram plot preview

The generation of a speed diagram plot preview is activated by Preview button. A dialog box like the

following will appear:

Speed diagram tab

Sheet height: it is possible to set the height of the drawing sheet.

On the left side of the window the sheet height is displayed. The diagram and the total length of the sheet will be inserted in it.

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Plot device tab

From Name check list select the printing peripheral where to report the drawing. The tool reports all the printers configured at present inside the operating system. By Property button it is possible to accede to another dialog box which allows to modify the parameters of the printer selected.

Any object created can be assigned a CAD colour that can be associated either to the layer or to the object. During a report, it is possible to use the colours of the objects to specify a different printing colour and to assign widths or line thickness. See Pen configuration.

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Layout tab

In Layout tab it is possible to set different parameters setting the size and the orientation of the sheet, the area of the drawing to print and its position in the sheet.

Sheet size: Select from Name check list the sheet where the drawing will be carried out. All the sheets supported by the printer selected will be reported. If the data for performing a plot preview are being set

it is possible to activate the option Fit papers to drawing extension. by this option it is not necessary to select a sheet for the drawing, since the tool calculates automatically the sizes of the sheet needed to contain the whole drawing; so, in the plot preview the whole drawing will be displayed in a single sheet. It can be useful to use this option to export the whole scale drawing into a DWG/DXF file.

Orientation: It is possible to set the orientation of the sheet where the drawing will be carried out.

Plot scale: It is possible to specify the scale for the distances to use to obtain the final drawing.

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In this tab it is possible to choose the kind of squaring to use to generate the final drawing. From the check list it is possible to choose a simple squaring model, that is a square; besides, all the Squaring type enclosed drawings are listed. See Enclosed drawings.

Pressing OK button the plot preview will be generated; the tool will open a new graphic window where a report sheet will be displayed with the drawing in it. At the bottom of the preview window a "Navigator" will appear, so that you can know how many sheets have been generated and display them one by one:

Since a plot preview is a normal graphic window, all the drawing and modification commands of the graphic CAD are active in it. So, it is possible to make any change on the drawing and import/export

DWG/DXF files.

From the preview graphic window it is possible to pass to the plotting phase or generate a drawing sheet. See Print from Plot preview and Generation of a drawing sheet from a drawing preview.

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The procedure allows to perform the calculation of the roadway rotations and widenings in the circular curves of the alignment. For each curve in the alignment the tool asks you to indicate the amount of heavy traffic in order to calculate the widening as well as the minimum and maximum speed in order to calculate the rotation of the roadway. In case there is no clothoid the tool needs two lengths, in and out of the curve, on which to distribute the widening and the rotation.

The table of rotations and widenings is activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Superelevation and widening

Command line: SUPERELEV

If the table is activated for the first time, some fields are compiled automatically, with the values set in Axis properties - Calculation tab dialog box according to the policy applied.

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The following table appears:

All data displayed in the dialog box belong to the subproject selected in Subproject list box. In order to display and modify data belonging to another subproject it is sufficient to select it in the already

mentioned list box.

Calculation page

Each line of the table in Calculation tab displays the data of the curve present in the alignment. For every

curve the following data are reported:

Curve Radius. Not modifiable. RO.Tan.In. Equivalent length in the horizontal straight of entrance. If there is a clothoid at the beginning

of the curve, you can't edit this value. RO.Cur.In. Equivalent length in the curve of entrance. If there is a clothoid at the beginning of the curve, you can't edit this value.

RO.Cur.Out. Equivalent length in the exit curve. If there is a clothoid after the curve, you can't edit this value. RO.Tan.Out. Equivalent length in the exit horizontal straight. If there is a clothoid after the curve, you can't edit this value. % Heav.Traf. amount of heavy traffic. Used to calculate the widening. SpdMin. Project minimum speed.

SpdMax. Project maximum speed. Widening. Widening value per lane. Superelevation. Superelevation maximum value calculated in curve.

According to the policy applied, some of the previously listed fields may not be present.

Equivalent lengths The tool asks to set equivalent lengths in case clothoids, that fillet the horizontal straights with the curve, have not been inserted. Through the equivalent length, it is possible to simulate the presence of a clothoid or, in general, of a transition fillet along which to allocate the cross slope difference existing between the horizontal straight and the curve. The equivalent length is then a distance which can be associated to the horizontal straight or to the curve or to both. Along the

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distance, the cross slope gradually changes from the value associated to the horizontal straight to the value associated to the curve.

Equivalent length value can be inserted manually or calculated by the tool. Select the rows in the table (curves) for which to calculate equivalent length and then press Equivalent length button; the following window will appear:

Equivalent length can be calculated by a formula or it can be a fixed value assigned by the designer. The formula used allows to obtain an equivalent length, which grants a certain

longitudinal slope of the edge on passing from superelevation on horizontal straight to elevation on curve.

The longitudinal slope to be granted can be minimum longitudinal slope, maximum longitudinal slope or also a value set by the designer.

Once the equivalent length has been calculated, it is possible to decide how it must be distributed on two elements, horizontal straight and curve; the window allows to set a distribution rate for the

amount of equivalent length to report on the horizontal straight and the amount to report on curve.

Finally, it is possible to set a minimum length, in which the straight situated between two curves keeps the camber; therefore, the tool will grant that a straight between two curves has at least a segment with camber and will shift the excess of equivalent length onto the two curves.

By pressing OK button the tool will apply the values calculated to the curves selected.

By inserting or modifying the data concerning the amount of heavy traffic and of project speeds, the

curve superelevation and widening values are immediately calculated.

In the lower part of the window there is a display that shows the planimetric line of the axis elements and reports the direction of each curve (right/left); by changing the data of the equivalent lengths it is possible to see immediately the resulting situation which is automatically reported on the display. This possibility allows the user to study which is the best value of equivalent length to be adopted comparing it with the previous and the following curves. Besides, you can see how the display changes when you select another row; the display, with the same zoom factor, will show the curve corresponding to the row


By using buttons , , , you can respectively reduce the zoom factor, increase the zoom factor,

display the whole alignment.

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Superelevation tab

Lateral menu Superelevation is subdivided into two sections, by which it is possible to manage

superelevations by curve or by station.

Manage superelevations by curve

In Superelevation tab there is a table containing six rows for each curve; the six rows represent the six tipical situations that you can meet along a curve:

In - Normal. Start point of the curve. The start point is determined by the presence of a clothoid

or by the setting of an equivalent length in Calculation tab. In this point the cross slope coincides with the slope in a rectilinear direction.

In - Reverse. It represents the point where the two cross slopes (right and left with reference to

the superelevation point) are equal but opposite.

In - Full. Point representing the maximum slope calculated: it can be the point where the clothoid or the equivalent length end.

Out - Full. Last point representing the maximum slope calculated to be kept. It can be the point

where the exit clothoid or the equivalent length start.

Out - Reverse. It represents the point where the two cross slopes (right and left with reference to the superelevation point) are equal but opposite.

Out - Normal. Point where the curve ends: this point can be determined by the end of the clothoid or by the end of the equivalent length set in the Calculation tab. In this point the cross slope coincides with the slope in a rectilinear direction.

In the lower part of the window there is a display that shows the sequence of the axis elements and

reports the line of the right and left edges. By modifying the data of the table, the display will be

automatically updated to the new situation; in this way, the user will be allowed to remodel the edges where necessary, having the possibility to intervene on any parameter. Besides, you can see how the display changes when you select another row; the display, with the same zoom factor, will show the station corresponding to the row selected.

By using buttons , , , you can respectively reduce the zoom factor, increase the zoom factor,

display the whole alignment.

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Manage superelevations by station

In this management a table is available, reporting all the stations with a change in superelevation. The table can either be filled by the designer, or be the result of settings performed in Calculation table or in the table of Superelevation by curve.

The table reports the following data:

Station: station on axis.

Left slope: left transversal slope.

Right slope: right transversal slope.

Dl left: longitudinal slope of left edge.

Dl right: longitudinal slope of right edge.

Dl min: minimum longitudinal slope set by policy.

Dl max:maximum longitudinal slope set by policy.

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Widenings tab

Lateral menu Widening is subdivided into two parts, allowing to manage widening by curve or by


Widening by curve

A table is also present in Widenings tab and for every curve there are four rows; these ones represent

the four tipical situations that you can meet along the curve:

In - Normal. Start point of the curve. The start point is determined by the presence of a clothoid or by the setting of an equivalent length in Calculation tab. In this point the widening is null.

In - Full. Point of maximum widening. It can be the point where the clothoid or the equivalent length end.

Out - Full. Last point representing the maximum widening calculated to be kept: it can be the

point where the out-clothoid or the set equivalent length begin.

Out - Normal. End point of the curve. The end point coincides with the end of the clothoid or with the end of the equivalent length set in Calculation tab. In this specific point the cross slope of the curve coincides with the slope in a rectilinear direction.

In the lower part of the window there is a display that shows the sequence of the axis elements and reports the widening of right and left edges. By modifying the data of the table, the display will be automatically updated to the new situation; in this way, the user will be allowed to remodel the widenings

where necessary, having the possibility to intervene on any parameter. Besides, you can see how the display changes when you select another row; the display, with the same zoom factor, will show the station corresponding to the row selected.

By using buttons , , , you can respectively reduce the zoom factor, increase the zoom factor,

display the whole alignment.

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Widening by station

The table reports the following data:

Station: station on axis.

Left widening: left widening.

Right widening: right widening.

In order to assign to sections on the road axis the values present in the three tables, it is necessary to press Set calculated values button. Once the procedure has been performed, in the Table of longitudinal profile, Superelevations and widenings you will see how the calculated values have been assigned to sections.

Note. The calculation of superelevation and widening must be carried out after the sections have been

positioned in planimetry and before the road section has been inserted in the cross sections. In fact, the insertion of the typical section takes into account the already calculated values of superelevation and widening. Therefore, if the values of superelevation and widening have been modified it is then necessary

to reinsert the typical section.

Button Default allows to restore all default values of all the curves, while button Curve default restores all default values of the current curve only.

Geometry annotation

By geometry annotation it is possible to obtain the automatic dimensioning of the whole alignment elements. The generation of a geometry annotation can be completely customized and offers the opportunity to create different dimensioning styles. Several options allow to obtain a different

dimensioning, according to one's needs: for each kind of dimensioning it is possible to decide what data

to dimension, position, text style, label name, etc.

The styles created will make up a library that can be used in different projects.

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Annotation styles

An annotation style is made up of a set of standard typologies, each one containing properties the user

can modify; some typologies exist, for the geometry annotation of the alignment vertexes, for the dimensioning of the single elements, etc.

The window for the management of geometry annotation styles can be activated by the following command:

Menu Axis > Geometry Annotation > Creation

Command line: GEOMANNSTYLE

The top of the window displays the commands for the management of styles. A check list displays a list of

the styles available and allows to select the current style.

New style: by this button it is possible to create a new empty style; it is necessary to indicate the

name of the style to be created.

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Copy style: by this button it is possible to copy an existing style; it is necessary to indicate the

name of the new style.

Delete style : by this button it is possible to cancel the current style.

Import style: It is possible to import styles from a path outside the project.

Export style: Exports the style to a path out of the project, making it available for other works.

The left side of the window lists the geometry annotation styles specified in the current style.

The right side of the window displays the properties concerning the kind of annotation currently selected.

There are several kinds of properties and they allow to choose layer, text style, size, symbols, etc.

Add an annotation type to the current style To add a geometry annotation style to the current style, select the desired annotation from the list below

and press button; the typology selected will appear in the list below and its properties will appear

on the left side of the window.

Remove an annotation from the current style

By button it is possible to remove from the current style the annotation typology selected.

Types of annotations available The types of annotations available are the following:

Stations: this annotation can report a symbol and the corresponding text at predefined distance intervals along the axis. It indicates kilometric and hectometric points along the alignment; the

dimensioning allows to define the main interval (kilometric) and a secondary interval, both with a specific symbol and text.

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Relative maximum and minimum points: this annotation reports some symbols along the alignment in the relative minimum and maximum points deduced from the axis vertical


Vertexes table: by this annotation it is possible to obtain tables reporting the coordinates, and not only the coordinates, of the alignment vertexes. Several options make it possible to check the position of the tables, the size and data to be displayed.

Curve tables:this annotation can generate the tables referred to the circular curves in the

alignment; also in this case several options make it possible to meet every dimensioning need.

Railway curve tables: also this annotation refers to the circular curves but it also includes

information which is typical of the railway projects as speed, superelevation, length of parabolic curves, shifting, etc.

Horizontal straights annotation: this very simple annotation on horizontal straights reports

their length.

Curves annotation: this annotation can report such information as radius, angle, length of every curve.

Clothoids annotation: clothoids annotation generates a drawing that reports the clothoid main

information, such as parameter A, length, length of long and short tangent, etc.

Parabolas annotation: as with clothoids, this annotation can report the parabola main data.

Tangent points: on the elements tangent points this annotation reports such information as station and element reference parameter (radius for the curves, A parameter for the clothoids).

Vertical curves vertexes: this annotation reports along the axis the information obtained from

the vertical design; it reports grade line vertexes and vertical curves tangent points.

The styles are saved in the tool Styles folder and are common to all the projects.

Creation of geometry annotation

It is possible to associate to any axis of the project the style desired, and then to obtain the corresponding drawing.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Geometry annotation > Creation

Command line: AXISDIM

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From this window it is possible to select, for each axis, the dimensioning style desired among the ones available. By Process column it is then possible to decide for what axes to perform the generation of the geometry annotation.

Press OK to start the generation of the geometry annotation drawing.

How to erase geometry annotation

In order to erase one or more elements from the graphic CAD window it is sufficient to use the erase command used to erase any kind of entity.

In order to delete the current subproject geometry annotation, proceed as follows:

Menu Axis > Erase all > Geometry annotation

Command line: DELDATA

The tool displays the following prompt:

Erase data Alignment elements/Geometry annotation/Planimetry of project/planimetry poLylines/Cancel/<L>: G

Dimension on axis

Besides CAD typical dimensioning commands, two other commands are available, which have been created to perform particular dimensioning from axis.

Distance point-axis It is possible to create a dimensioning indicating the distance of a point from an axis and the station of the perpendicular of the axis passing by that point.

The command is activated as follows:

Toolbar: Dimension

Menu: Dimension > Distance point-axis

Menu: Axis > Geometry annotation > Distance point-axis

Command line: DIMA

The tool displays the following prompts:

Labels: distance+sTation, Distance, Station. Enter the label to be displayed along with the dimension line;

Enter axis to dimension: select the axis in which to insert the dimensioning;

Enter reference point: select the point from which to calculate the distance from axis.

Annotation on axis It is possible to create an annotation to insert along the axis so that it indicates a precise point on the axis.

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The command is activates as follows:

Toolbar: Dimension

Menu: Dimension > Annotation on axis

Menu: Axis > Geometry annotation > Annotation on axis

Coomand line: DIMA

The tool displays the following prompts:

Enter axis to dimension:select axis in which to insert the dimensioning;

Enter first point: select the dimension linefirst insertion point ;

Specify next point: select the next point describing the dimension line;

Enter first line of annotation text. writes the first text line;

Enter next line of annotation text. writes the following text line.

Planimetry of project

A planimetry of project is the planimetric representation of a road, complete of project elements: roadway, roadsides, sideslopes, ditches, walls, etc.; a planimetry of project allows to study planimetrically the position and the shape of the different elements in the cross sections.

The command generating the planimetry of project allows to obtain a 3D drawing of lines and polylines but also the 3D model of the road the existing terrain model can be joined to.

The ways to generate a planimetry of project are the following:

From cross-sections: from complete cross sections it is possible to obtain the planimetry of

project of a road. In this case, the result obtained depends completely on the content of the cross sections; any element contained in the cross sections can be projected on the planimetry.

From geometric section properties (Parametric design): in this case the planimetry of

project is obtained directly by inserting along the axis one or more typical sections; this mode does not require the project to have been developed completely, as far as cross sections: it just

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needs a horizontal alignment and a corresponding vertical alignment. The result obtained does not depend on the cross sections, so it is up to the user to make sure a correspondence exists between the planimetry of project obtained in this way and the content of the cross sections.

Pros and cons of both solutions can be summed up in the following table:

Planimetry of project Pros Cons

From cross sections

The result depends on the content of the cross sections; even after a manual modification of cross sections, this modification can appear in the planimetry of project.

The quality of the result could be imperfect, mostly when the shape of sections changes on passing from a section to the other (ex. cut and fill sections).

From geometric section properties

The quality of the result and of project model is superior, mostly when the

shape of sections changes on passing from a section to the other.

The result might therefore not reflect exactly the content of the cross

sections. If manual modifications are made on the cross sections, these modifications will not appear in the

planimetry of project. .

Planimetry of project from cross sections The project planimetry is generated as follows:

Menu Axis > Project planimetry > Creation

Command line: PROJPLAN

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The following dialog box will appear:

To generate a planimetry of project from cross sections activate the option Creation from cross-


Press Next button to go on with the settings for the generation of the planimetry of project. The window changes and becomes the following:

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In the upper part of the window you will find a list of all the axis subprojects present in the project. You can decide whether to process a subproject or not (Process column); by setting the start and the end section (From section, To section) on which the project planimetry has to be performed, it is also

possible to decide which axis segments you want to elaborate.

Press Next button.

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In this phase the following data can be set:

Draw planimetry of project: with this option it is possible to obtain the planimetry of project drawing. The tool will create the section element drawings already specified through Section's elements settings


Minimum slope\Maximum slope: in these two edit boxes you can indicate the slope limits necessary to carry out the automatic drawing of slope-hatches. The tool checks each segment and if

the slope is within the two limits, in that segment the slope-hatch drawings will be activated. To display slope-hatches it is necessary that you select the section element Slope-hatch property by using Section's elements settings button.

Apply defined hatches: if this option is active the tool completes the planimetry of project

drawing with a hatches model or with a solid color; the application of hatches or colors is carried out on single section elements. For each element that determines the planimetry of project, it is then possible to decide whether to fill in its surface with a hatches model or a solid color. Use Section's elements settings button to assign hatching and color to each element.

Erase previous elaborations: if this option is active, the tool automatically cancels all the results obtained by the previous elaborations.

Use all section elements: the planimetry of project is generated by using all the section elements available and not only the ones specified by Cross elements settings.

Creates planimetry polylines from cross-section flags: by this option it is possible to activate the automatic creation of planimetry polylines from the flags set in the sections.

Creates profile polylines from cross-section flags: by this option it is possible to activate the automatic creation of profile polylines from the flags set in the sections

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Superelevation symbols: With this option active, the planimetry of project command allows to obtain the display of the superelevation on curve on main points. By Settings button you can set the superelevation symbol width and the size and font of the text that will report the rotation value.

Press Next button to start the last phase of procedure.

In this phase the parameters are required, for the generation of the road 3D model.

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Reference terrain model: specify what survey subproject represents the present situation (terrain).

Create mathematical model of the project: this option specifies that you want to obtain the calculation of the project mathematical model. 3D faces will be created, merging some sections elements specified by Section elements settings button.

Destination subproject: select the survey subproject that will contain modelling areas. To create

a new subproject see Create subprojects

Merge with terrain digital model: by activating this option it is possible to obtain a final model, complete with terrain model triangles in the area out of the project. It is therefore possible to obtain a model of the project inserted in the model representing the current situation. The tool will delete automatically the terrain triangles situated in the project area; it is possible to specify the elements that form the external part of the project model by Section elements settings button.

Remove previous results: by activating this option the results obtained with previous

elaborations are automatically deleted.

Press Generate button to activate the creation of project planimetry according to given settings:

It is possible to interrupt the drawing of the planimetry of project and/or the tridimensional model calculation in some segments of the road, for example for the presence of a viaduct, a tunnel or else.

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Planimetry of project from geometric section properties (Parametric design): The project planimetry is generated as follows:

Menu Axis > Project planimetry > Creation...

Command line: PROJPLAN

The following dialog box appears:

To generate a planimetry of project from typical sections activate the option Creation from cross sections.

Generation mode: Three different modes to generate the planimetry of project are available. They differ as far as generation speed and level of accuracy of the result obtained. According to the design phase being carried out it is possible to choose the most convenient generation mode (example: fast and less accurate during the design phase, slow but accurate when returning the final results).

No interpolation: By this mode the tool calculates for each point in the axis a typical section and obtains automatically the crossing points between cut and fill. This mode returns the most accurate result, but it also requires more time to be carried out. To be used at the end of the project for the

final drawings.

Interpolation on transition zones. By this mode the tool calculates for each point in the axis a typical section and interpolates the typical sections in the crossing points between cut and fill, not

calculating the exact crossing point. This mode is always accurate and it is a little faster than the one with no interpolation.

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Interpolation by typical sections (Suggested mode). By this mode the tool calculates the typical sections only on generation main points and interpolates the typical sections of the axis intermediate points. This mode is the fastest one but it is also the one that gives the less accurate results. To be used during the design phase.

Maximum step for model creation: this is the maximum distance used by the tool between a typical

section and the following one. The tool automatically inserts some typical sections in the critic points of the alignment: element tangent points, passage points between cut and fill. On curvilinear elements (clothoids, parabolas, horizontal curves) the distance between a typical section and the following one is such as to make it possible to obtain an optimal representation of the curve; this is true also for vertical curves.

Generation main points: this group of options allows to define on what points, besides the ones defined by horizontal and vertical elements, to calculate the typical sections so as to increase the accuracy of the

planimetry of project. Generation main points are the following:

Cut/fill passage points: This option integrates the crossing points between cut and fill in the alignment axis.

Superelevation and widening vertexes: This option integrates the transversal slope change points and the widening points calculated for the axis.

Cross sections: This option integrates the points near the sections stations along the alignment.

Planimetry and profile polylines: This option integrates the projection of the axis planimetry and profile polyline vertexes.

Axis variables: This option integrates the points near the stations of the axis variables situated in the axis.

Press Next to go on with the settings for the generation of the planimetry of project. The window changes , becoming similar to the following:

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This window reports a list of all the axis subprojects available in the project. For each subproject it is possible to decide whether it must be processed or not (Process column); for each subproject it is also possible to decide what axis segments to process by setting start and end section (From station, To station).

Press Next button.

In this phase the following data can be set:

Draw planimetry of project: with this option it is possible to obtain the planimetry of project drawing. The tool will create the section element drawings already specified through Section's elements settings button.

Minimum slope\Maximum slope: in these two edit boxes you can indicate the slope limits necessary to carry out the automatic drawing of slope-hatches. The tool checks each segment and if the slope is within the two limits, in that segment the slope-hatch drawings will be activated. To display slope-hatches it is necessary that you select the section element Slope-hatch property by using Settings button.

Apply defined hatches: if this option is active the tool completes the planimetry of project drawing with a hatches model or with a solid color; the application of hatches or colors is carried out

on single section elements. For each element that determines the planimetry of project, it is then

possible to decide whether to fill in its surface with a hatches model or a solid color. Use Settings button to assign hatching and color to each element.

Erase previous elaborations: if this option is active, the tool automatically cancels all the results obtained by the previous elaborations.

Use all section elements: the planimetry of project is generated by using all the sections elements

available, not only those specified by the button Set transversal elements.

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Creates planimetry polylines from cross-section flags: by this option it is possible to activate the automatic creation of planimetry polylines from the flags set in the sections.

Creates profile polylines from cross-section flags: by this option it is possible to activate the automatic creation of profile polylines from the flags set in the sections.

Superelevation symbols: With this option active, the planimetry of project command allows to obtain

the display of the superelevation on curve on main points. By Settings button you can set the superelevation symbol width and the size and font of the text that will report the rotation value.

Press Next button to pass to the last phase of the procedure.

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In this phase the parameters are required, for the generation of the road 3D mathematical model.

Reference terrain model: specify what survey subproject represents the present situation (terrain).

Create mathematical model of the project: : this option specifies that you want to obtain the calculation of the project mathematical model. 3D faces will be created, merging some sections elements specified by Section elements settings button.

Destination subproject: select the survey subproject that will contain modelling areas. To create a new subproject see Create subprojects

Check model intersections: this option is active only when you want to generate a model of the planimetry of project but not to obtain its drawing. By activating this option the tool checks the presence of intersections between the different 3D faces of the model and corrects them; this utility becomes very important with very narrow curves, such as hairpins. In these cases uphill-sections sideslopes might intersect downhill-sections sideslopes; thanks to this option the tool makes it

possible to solve this kind of problems and return a precise model.

Merge with terrain digital model: by activating this option it is possible to obtain a final model, complete with terrain model triangles in the area out of the project. It is therefore possible to obtain a model of the project inserted in the model representing the current situation. The tool will delete automatically the terrain triangles situated in the project area; it is possible to specify the elements that form the external part of the project model by Section elements settings button.

Remove previous results: by activating this option the results obtained with previous elaborations are automatically deleted.

Press Generate button to start the creation of the Planimetry of project according to given settings.

It is possible to interrupt the drawing of the planimetry of project and/or the tridimensional model calculation in some segments of the road, for example for the presence of a viaduct, a tunnel or else.

Section's elements settings Through button Settings you can open a dialog box that allows to specify, for each section elements, different properties determining the method with which the planimetry of project and the tridimensional model calculation of the road can be performed:

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In the upper part of the window a table reports the codes of all the section elements defined in the table of Section codes. For each element it is possible to set the following properties:

Plan: this property can assume the following values:

None: the element is not considered for the generation of the planimetry of project.

Top line: the element is considered for the generation of the planimetry of project, but the tool will

use only the segments of the element that are not "covered" by other segments; only the visible part of the element will be used. It is better to activate this property only for the elements situated on top of the section, not for those placed under other elements.

Complete: the element is considered for the generation of the planimetry of project in a complete way, so any of its segments will be reported in the planimetry of project. Activate this option to export integrally into the planimetry of project such elements as guard-rails, fences, etc.

Slope hatches: activate this option if you want to display the slope hatches drawing for the

corresponding element. The slope hatches drawing also depends on the minimum and maximum slope values that can be set in the main dialog box.

Hatch: in this column it is possible to specify whether in the planimetry of project the element must be filled with a solid color or with a hatch model that you can choose among those available. See How to load hatch models. This operation can be performed only if, in the main dialog box, the option Apply defined hatches is active.

Angle: start angle for hatch drawing.

Scale: scale factor to be applied to the hatch model.

Color: color to display the hatches with or full color to use. This color is used if Slope hatches option has been activated and the slope of the segment to represent is negative; otherwise, a color will be used, that has been set in Color 2 property.

Color 2: color to display the hatches with or full color to use. This color is used if Slope hatches option has been activated and the segment to represent is positive; otherwise, the color will be used, that has

been set in Color property.

Note. By setting two different colors in Color and Color 2 properties for the element that defines the slope in the cross-sections it is possible to obtain a different colour for cut slopes and fill slopes respectively.

How to erase a project planimetry

In order to erase one or more elements of the project planimetry from the graphic CAD windows it is sufficient to use the erase command used to erase any kind of entity.

To delete the current subproject project planimetry follow one of the following instructions:

Menu: Axis > Erase all > Project planimetry

Command line: DELDATA

The tool displays the following prompt:

Erase data Alignment elements/Geometry annotation/Planimetry of project/planimetry poLylines/Cancel/<L>: Choose Planimetry of project and press ENTER

Break contour lines on planimetry of project

After drawing the planimetry of project it could be convenient to obtain a drawing including the

planimetry of project along with the digital model contour lines; to have the contour lines broken on the planimetry of project follow one of the modes illustrated below:

Menu: Axis > Project planimetry > Break contourlines

Command line: BREAKCONT

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The tool will start an elaboration which will allow to see the planimetry of project with no contour lines passing below it.

To restore the original contour lines choose among the following commands:

Menu: Axis > Project planimetry > Restore contourlines

Command line: RESTORECONT

To pass from the display of the broken contour lines to the display of the complete curves it is possible to activate the filter from Axis properties.

Alignment polylines

Planimetry polylines are particular polylines marked by a code. The code is necessary to recognize them and then enable the software work in different ways, according to the polyline it recognizes. Obtaining

the polylines as offsets from axis makes it possible, for example, to build quickly the planimetric obstructions of roads, roadsides, ditches, etc.By using merge and fillet commands, together with the other CAD commands, it is also possible to create road arrangement projects.

Moreover, some commands are available for the quick generation of planimetry polylines which are particularly useful for the generation of edge lines.

ProSt Premium includes a command allowing to extract a terrain and project profile from a planimetry polyline; the project elevations are the elevations of polyline vertexes, while terrain elevations are

automatically calculated by the digital terrain model. The command can be used in generating terrain/project profiles corresponding to the zones in which such works as walls, shoulders, etc. must be inserted; according to the planimetry polyline representing the road edge it is possible to generate the corresponding profile to use to project the typical element. See Extract planimetry polyline profile.

Again in ProSt Premium It is possible to define some planimetry polylines representing the sections cut lines. On inserting the typical sections and on generating the project planimetry the tool can consider the

cut lines and at the same time cut the exceeding part. This function is very useful in designing interchanges ramps, since it allows to define in the planimetry the cut line that determines the automatic elimination of overlapping areas between the main axis and the ramp. See Cut polylines.

The cross sections in the intersection area are recalculated by the command generating the project planimetry.

ProSt Premium users can take advantage from some commands allowing to create such planimetry polylines as horizontal curves between the edges of two axes. Besides being useful from a planimetric

point of view, planimetry polylines can be used for other elaborations inside the longitudinal profile and cross sections modules.

Use of planimetry polylines in profile In the longitudinal profile it is possible to use planimetry polylines as references for the creation of profile

polylines: the profile polyline is calculated by considering the projection of the planimetry polyline on the axis the profile refers to (ProSt Premium). Otherwise it is possible to use the planimetry polylines to obtain, in profile, symbols indicating the intersection point between the polyline and the axis the profile refers to (ProSt Premium).

Use of planimetry polylines in sections In the cross sections planimetry polylines can be used to give a planimetric reference to typical sections;

in fact it is possible to create typical sections which can autosize (in width) according to the distance between the axis and the planimetry polyline.


Suppose we have to design a road in which the roadway width is not constant because of the presence of stop areas, parkings or else; of course the sections will have to represent such situations, so there will

have to be some cross sections in which the width of the typical section will be different according to the

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section stations. If no automatism is available, it is up to the designer to assign each section the correct sizes previously measured. If we could draw some 2D polylines representing the position of the two edges, the left one and the right one, and the typical section of the sections could interpret the presence of such polylines and automatically widen or narrow, then no manual operation would be necessary.

In cross sections, planimetry polylines can be used to provide the typical sections with a planimetric

reference; it is in fact possible to create typical sections which can autosize (in width) according to the distance between the axis and the planimetry polyline.

Planimetry polylines can deal effectively with such situations: in fact, it will be sufficient to create two polylines, one on the right and one on the left, with a different code, representing the position of the two edges; then, a typical section will have to be created, whose two points will be associated to the codes of the two polylines. On inserting the typical section the tool will search for the polyline associated to the point, calculate its distance from axis and change the sizes of the

typical section that will be inserted.

As in the profile, also in the sections it is possible to obtain some references from the intersection between the section and planimetry polylines (ProSt Premium); in this way it is possible to know, in the section, where those elements represented as planimetry polylines pass by.

Definition of alignment polylines codes When you operate with alignment polylines, the first thing to do is to define the polyline code to be used. However, it is always possible to change the code of a polyline already created: change alignment polyline code.

Alignment polylines can be also obtained by the transformation of drawing polylines and vice versa; for example it is possible to import a DXF file and then to transform drawing polylines into alignment

polylines without having to insert them again. See Entities transformation.

Definition of alignment polyline codes

Since each polyline is associated to a code, there is a table where you can set the codes that can be

assigned to polylines. Each code is also associated to a layer on which the polyline having that code will be drawn.

The codes table is activated in one of the following ways :

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Polyline codes

Command line: CODPLAN

The following dialog box appears:

The tool asks to specify the following settings:

Code: choose polyline code;

Description. It is possible to assign an extended description to each code;

Section flag. If a flag is present in the typical section, specify the number to refer to, so that, by choosing to generate the planimetry of project from section flags, or by using the command of polyline

generation from section flag, the tool will automatically create a polyline with the code specified in this table.

Layer. Layer to which the polylines with the corresponding code will be assigned.

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By the commands at the bottom of the window it is possible to edit the table. By Update polylines command the codes of the planimetry polylines inserted are automatically updated.

Change alignment polyline code

During the project, it is possible to change the codes of the already inserted polylines. The command can be activated through one of the following modes:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Change polyline code

Command line: CHGCODE

The tool performs the following request:

Select polyline whose code has to be changed: indicate polyline to be modified.

When the polyline has been selected, a dialog box appears displaying a list of possible codes among which you can choose the one to be assigned to the polyline.

After selecting the polyline the following dialog box will appear, displaying the possible codes among which to select the one to be assigned to the polyline.

Manual insertion of an alignment polyline

Alignment polylines can be inserted as normal polylines with the difference that the tool asks to indicate the code associated to the polyline. The command is activated as follows:

Menu Axis : Alignment polyline, Insert polyline

Command line: PLPLINE

The following question appears:

Planimetry polyline code (Enter to see the list): indicate the code to be assigned to the

polyline; by pressing Enter , a window will appear, displaying the codes available:

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From point:

Polyline, Arc, Close, Length, Undo, Endpoint of line:

Inserting lanes (axis offset)

By this command it is possible to create polyline planimetries as offsets from an axis or from a planimetry polyline. The offset can be performed either on the whole axis or on the whole reference polyline or only on a part of it.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Planimetry polylines

Menu Axis > Planimetry polylines > Create lane

Command line: PLOFFSET

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate axis or reference polyline: indicate by the cursor the axis or the reference planimetry

polyline for the application of the offset.

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The following window will appear:

Code polyline to create: indicate the code the polyline generated by the command will assume.

Left Offset: offset distance on the left side of the axis or of the reference polyline.

Right Offset: offset distance on the right side of the axis or of the reference polyline.

Use calculated widening: by activating this option, the tool will add to the offset set also the curve

widening calculated.

Complete: by this option the offset is performed on the whole length of the axis or of the reference


Partial: by this option the offset is performed only on a part of the axis or of the reference polyline. It is

possible to digitise Start station and the End station or use button to indicate a point on screen

from which the tool will obtain the station on axis or on the reference polyline.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option, the tool will draw the polyline calculated according

to the settings given and will ask to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: by answering No the tool will cancel the drawing and will go back to the previous window to allow the modification of the parameters.

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Axis widening

Bythis command it is possible to create an edge polyline representing a widening of the road.

The command can be activated by one of the following modes:

Toolbar Planimetry Polylines

Menu Axis > Planimetry Polylines > Exportation

Command line: PLWIDENING

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Insert Widening / Reduction / <A>: A

Indicate axis or reference polyline: indicate by the cursor the axis or the reference planimetry polyline for the application of the command.

The following window will appear:

Code of polyline to be created: indicate the code the polyline to be generated by the command will assume.

Start station: Station from which the lane widening must start. It is possible to digitize the station

manually or use button to indicate a point on the screen from which the tool will get the station on axis or on the reference polyline.

Roadway width: width of the roadway before it is widened.

Widening: quantity indicating how much the roadway must be widened.

Widening segment length: length of the transition segment, along which the roadway gets wider.

Supplementary length: Supplementary length along which to keep the roadway widened.

Widening mode: the mode by which the roadway widening can be drawn can be either linear or parabolic.

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Confirm before inserting: by activating this option, the tool will draw the polyline calculated according to the settings given and will ask to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: by answering No the tool will cancel the drawing and will go back to the previous window to allow the modification of the parameters.

Lane reduction

By this command it is possible to create an edge polyline representing the reduction of the road.

The command can be started in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Planimetry polylines

Menu Axis > Planimetry polylines > Lane reduction

Command line: PLWIDENING

On the command line, the following prompts will appear:

Insert Widening / Reduction/ <W>: R

Indicate axis or reference polyline: indicate by the cursor the axis or the reference planimetry polyline for the application of the command.

The following window will appear:

Code of polyline to be created: indicate the code the polyline to be generated by the command will assume.

Start station: Station from which the lane reduction must start. It is possible to digitize the station

manually or use button to indicate a point on the screen from which the tool will get the station on

axis or on the reference polyline.

Roadway width: width of the roadway after the reduction.

Reduction: quantity indicating how much the roadway must be reduced.

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Widening segment length: length of the transition segment, along which the roadway gets narrower

Supplementary length: Supplementary length along which to keep the roadway reduced.

Widening mode: the mode by which the roadway reduction can be drawn can be either linear or parabolic.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option, the tool will draw the polyline calculated according

to the settings given and will ask to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: by answering No the tool will cancel the drawing and will go back to the previous window to allow the modification of the parameters.

Stop areas

By this command you can create an edge polyline representing a stop area at the road side.

The command can be started as follows:

Toolbar Planimetry polylines

Menu Axis > Planimetry polylines > Stop Area

Command line: PLSTOPAREA

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate reference axis or polyline: to activate the command, indicate by the cursor the reference

axis or planimetry polyline:

The following window will appear:

Code of polyline to create: indicate the code assumed by the polyline the tool will generate.

Start station: station to start creating stop area from. It is possible to digitize the station manually or

use button to indicate on the screen a point from which the tool will obtain the station on axis or on reference polyline.

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Roadway width: width of the roadway before the widening

Widening: width of stop area.

Widening length: length of the road along which the roadway widens and narrows.

Stop area internal length: length of stop area without widening and narrowing area.

Widening mode: the drawing of a roadway widening and narrowing can be linear or parabolic.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option the tool will draw the polyline calculated according to the settings and will ask you to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: if the answer is No the tool will annul the drawing and go back to the previous window so that it is possible to modify the parameters.

Drawing curves between axes edges

By these commands, available to X module (Road intersections) users, it is possible to build planimetry polylines, such as curves between the edges of two axes. The tool allows to insert two types of curves:

Simple curves: single curve that fillets the two axes.

Three-center curves: curves made up by three curves tangent to each other.

The tool allows the insertion of edge curves complete with inlet lane.

Insertion of simple curves The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Planimetry polylines

Menu Axis > Planimetry polylines > Insert curve

Command line: PLCURVE

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select main axis or main polyline: select the axis or the reference polyline where to build edge curve.

Select secondary axis: select the second axis or the second polyline to use to build the curve.

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The following dialog box will appear:

Main axis: name of the main axis selected.

Secondary axis: name of the secondary axis selected.

Code of polyline to create: name of the planimetry polyline to create.

Radius: radius of the curve to insert.

Offset from main axis: distance of the curve from main axis.

Offset from secondary axis: distance of the curve from the secondary axis.

Insert turn lane: specify if you want to insert also the turn lane from the secondary axis to the main axis.

Widening: width of turn lane.

Widening length: length of the segment where the axis widening is carried out in order to create the turn lane.

Supplementary length: length along which to keep the turn lane.

Widening mode: the drawing of a roadway widening can be linear or parabolic.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option the tool will draw the polyline calculated according to the settings and will ask you to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: if the answer is No the tool will annul the drawing and go back to the previous window so that it is possible to modify the parameters.

Press OK to confirm the insertion of the curve.

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Insertion of three center curves The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Planimetry Polylines

Menu Axis > Planimetry polylines > Insert three-center curve

Command line: PL3CENTER

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select main axis or main polyline: select the axis or the reference polyline where to build edge curve.

Select secondary axis: select the second axis or the second polyline to use to build the curve.

The following dialog box will appear:

Main axis: name of the main axis selected.

Secondary axis: name of the secondary axis selected.

Vertex angle: vertex angle between the two axes

Code of polyline to create: name of the planimetry polyline to create.

Radius 1-2-3: radiuses of the three curves that make up the three center curve.

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Angles 1-2-3: angles of the three curves that make up the three center curve.

Offset from main axis: distance of the curve from main axis.

Offset from secondary axis: distance of the curve from the secondary axis.

Insert turn lane: specify if you want to insert also the turn lane from the secondary axis to the main axis.

Widening: width of turn lane.

Widening length: length of the segment where the axis widening is carried out in order to create the turn lane.

Supplementary length: length along which to keep the turn lane.

Widening mode: the drawing of a roadway widening can be linear or parabolic.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option the tool will draw the polyline calculated according to the settings and will ask you to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: if the answer is No the tool will annul the drawing and go back to the previous window so that it is possible to modify the parameters.

Press OK to confirm the insertion of the curve.

Alignment offset

By this command, the user can rapidly create polylines parallel to the current alignment. It is possible to specify both the methods by which you can obtain the horizontal offset (planimetric) and the methods by which to obtain the vertical offset; besides, the tool allows to perform the offset on only a part of the start alignment. To carry out a vertical offset, the tool uses as reference elevations those provided by the grade lines and by the vertical curves present in the profile or those defined by a tridimensional

alignment polyline.

The command can be activated through one of the methods below:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Alignment offset

Command line: OFFSETA

The following question appears:

Create Polyline/Alignment/<P>: P

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The following dialog box appears:

In the dialog box you can first choose the code to be assigned to the polyline to be created.

All the options through which it is possible to obtain the offset are divided into three different tabs:

Horizontal offset Reference for offset distance : It is possible to choose the axis or the alignment polyline as a reference on which to apply the offset distance:

Current axis: the offset distance is applied on current axis.

Alignment polyline: the offset distance is applied starting from an alignment polyline; the current axis defines the offset direction while the polyline defines the point from which to apply the offset distance keeping the direction set by the axis. The offset obtained in this way is different from the offset calculated from the polyline.

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It is possible to set the maximum distance inside which you can find the intersection between the line perpendicular to the axis and the polyline. Finally, you can specify the Horizontal

straight feed step that allows to create offset points located each one at a fixed distance in horizontal straights.

Offset type: this option allows to choose the type of Horizontal offset to be used:

Constant: through this option you can keep the same offset distance for the segment on which the offset is performed; indicate the distance in Constant offset edit box:

Buttons on the right of the edit box allow to decide whether the offset must be performed on the left or on the right of the axis.

Linear:through this option you can obtain a linear variation of the offset distance by

specifying the start and the end offset; indicate the offset at the beginning and at the end of the segment by using Start offset and End offset edit boxes:

Buttons on the right of the edit box allow to decide whether the offset must be performed on the left or on the right of the axis.

Axis: the offset distance is calculated by the tool according to the distance of each point from another reference axis. In this way, it is necessary to obtain a polyline that lies, in a planimetric point of view, on a reference axis but depends from the current axis in an

altimetric point of view; this polyline can be used effectively in the longitudinal profile, through the projection of alignment polylines, in order to know the vertical alignment of a

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flanked-axis. According to the flanked-axis vertical alignment you can set the new axis grade lines and vertical curves.

This elaboration can be performed in three ways:

Direct projection: a polyline is generated on the secondary axis with elevations depending completely on the elevations and the transversal slopes of the main axis.

To use this mode it is sufficient to set in Subproject check list the axis to use as reference for distance calculation.

Projection with one polyline: a polyline is generated on the secondary axis, with elevations calculated according to elevations and slopes of main axis, as long as it

meets a planimetry polyline; on the contrary, from this point on, the secondary axis transversal slopes will be considered.

To use this mode it is necessary to set in Subproject check box the axis on which the projection is made, activate the option Change slope - First polyline and set the code of of the planimetry polyline determining the boundary between the application of main axis slopes and secondary axis slopes.

Projection with two polylines: three projections are performed,: the first by

considering the elevations and the slopes of the main axis on the first planimetry polyline; the second projection is carried out between the first and the second

planimetry polyline, with a slope set by the user, the third projection is performed between the second planimetry polyline and the secondary axis; in this case, secondary axis slopes are considered. This command is the solution to problems concerning the design of ramps in the cuspid area.

To use this mode it is necessary to set in Subproject check box the axis on which the projection is made, activate the options Change slope - First polyline,Change slope

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- Second polyline and set the code of the two planimetry polylines determining the boundary between the application of main axis slopes and secondary axis slopes.

In Subproject edit box specify the axis to be used as a reference for the calculation of the

distance; in Maximum search distance edit box it is possible to specify the maximum distance value to which refer for the creation of the polyline. In this way, if the distance

between the current axis and the reference axis is higher than the value set, the polyline is interrupted. Finally, you can specify the Horizontal straight feed step that allows to create offset points located each one at a fixed distance in horizontal straights.

Vertical offset

Use elevation: if you activate this option you can obtain tridimensional alignment polylines; infact,

the polyline vertex elevation can be calculated by using, as start elevation, the elevation obtained from the grade lines and vertical curves present in the longitudinal profile or by using tridimensional alignment polyline elevations.

Reference for elevations: it is possible to decide whether the reference elevations must be taken from the current axis grade lines and vertical curves or from an alignment polyline:

Current axis project elevations: reference elevations are obtained from the current axis grade lines and vertical curves.

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Planimetry polyline: reference elevations are obtained from a tridimensional alignment polyline. With this option it is possible to calculate, for instace, a tridimensional polyline by using, instead of the axis, another alignement polyline as altimetric reference; the following drawing represents this situation from the section point of view:

Offset type: after you have activated the previous option, you can decide how to calculate the polyline vertex elevations.

Use calculated superelevation: with this option, you can use the superelevations calculated with the command Calculation of superelevations and widenings. Then, the transversal slope to be used is calculated point by point and is applied to the offset distance,

having the reference elevation, chosen in the previous step, as start elevation. With this option it is then possible to obtain, for example, the 3D polylines of the road edges shape.

Constant transversal slope: this option is similar to the previous one but for the fact that it applies a constant slope on the whole segment where the offset is performed. Indicate the slope value in Transversal slope dialog box:

The two buttons on the right allow to choose whether the slope must be negative or positive.

Constant vertical offset: with this option you have to apply a difference of elevation to the

reference elevation. For example, if you want to obtain a 3D polyline whose elevations must be two meters lower than the reference elevations, then it is sufficient to set value 2 in Vertical offset edit box:

The two buttons on the right allow to choose whether the difference of elevation must be negative or positive.

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Start and End

It is possible to carry out the offset on the whole axis or on part of it. The tool offers the following options:

Start and End station: with this option it is necessary to specify the Start and End station so defining the part where the offset has to be performed. Indicate the two stations inside the edit boxes.

Start and End section: with this option it is necessary to specify the Start and End section so defining the part where the offset has to be performed. By using the buttons on the right

of the edit boxes it is possible to choose the sections in the list.

Start and End element: the tool asks to indicate graphically the first and the last element so defining the part where the offset has to be performed. In order to perfom the offset on a single element select it both times.

Select start element:

Indicate the element from where the offset has to start.

Select end element: Indicate the element where the offset has to end.

Cursor position: the tool asks to indicate graphically the two points defining the part where the offset has to be performed. For each point it is necessary to indicate a segment crossing the axis.

First point of segment:

Indicate the first of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and defines the start point of the offset.

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Second point of segment: Indicate the second of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and defines the start point of the offset.

First point of segment: Indicate the first of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and

defines the end point of the offset.

Second point of segment: Indicate the second of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and defines the end point of the offset.

Press OK to execute the command.

Offset from another polyline

This command allows to create a new polyline which is the offset of the polyline taken as reference. The offset can be either horizontal or vertical according to different ways. The command can be activated by one of the methods listed below:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Polyline offset

Command line: OFFSETP

The following dialog box appears :

In the dialog box you can first choose the code to be assigned to the polyline to be created.

All the options through which it is possible to obtain the offset are divided into two different tabs:

Horizontal offset Offset type: allows to choose the horizontal offset type to be used:

Constant: through this option you can keep the same offset distance for the segment on

which the offset is performed; indicate the distance in Constant offset edit box:

Buttons on the right of the edit box allow to decide whether the offset must be performed on

the left or on the right of the axis.

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Linear:through this option you can obtain a linear variation of the offset distance by specifying the start and the end offset; indicate the offset at the beginning and at the end of the segment by using Start offset and End offset edit boxes:

Buttons on the right of the edit box allow to decide whether the offset must be performed on the left or on the right of the reference polyline.

Vertical offset

Set elevation: with this option it is possible to use the vertex elevations of the reference polyline in order to obtain a tridimensional polyline.

Offset type: this option allows to decide how to calculate the polyline vertex elevations.

Constant transversal slope: this option allows to calculate the vertex elevations of the new polyline by applying a constant transversal slope to the offset distance. Indicate the value of the slope in Transversal slope edit box:

The two buttons on the right of the edit box allow to decide whether the slope must be negative or positive.

Constant vertical offset: with this option you will apply an elevation difference to the reference polyline vertexes. For example, if you want to obtain a 3D polyline whose elevations are 2 meters lower than those of the reference polyline, then it is sufficient to set

value 2 in Vertical offset edit box:

The two buttons on the right of the edit box allow to decide whether the elevation difference must be negative or positive.

Press OK button to go on with the command requests:

Select polyline to offset: Select the start polyline

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Create polyline from section flags

In the cross sections it is possible to insert a flag in order to identify particular points such as edge points

and ditch points, wall points, etc. Identifying such points in the cross sections is very important, so to obtain automatically:

the longitudinal profile derived from these points;

the planimetric line of the elements they represent.

It is therefore possible to obtain automatically a polyline representing, both in planimetric and longitudinal profile view, ditches, walls etc.

Warning. The command for generating the Planimetry of project allows to generate automatically from section flags also planimetry and profile polylines.

After inserting the flags in the section points it is possible to obtain automatically the alignment polyline

by activating the command in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > From flag of sections

Command line: PLANFLAG

The following dialog box appears:

The first data that the tool requires is the code of the polyline to be created. Select the code from the Polyline code list box. Polylines codes can be set in the Polyline codes table.

In this dialog box you have to set the flag number, to be searched in the cross sections, in Flag value to

be found edit box. It is then possible to decide whether to search the flag in the whole section or only on the left/right.

Pressing Process button, the tool will draw a new polyline representing the planimetric line of the points identified by the cross-section flags.

Filleting polylines

Fillet polylines procedure allows to fillet two polylines in a fast way. For example, this command can be used to obtain median strips. In fact, from the offset of the axis forming the crossing several fillet polylines are created allowing to obtain rapidly median strips or other elements.

The command is activated through one of the methods listed below:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Fillet polyline

Command line: FILLETP

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The following questions appear:

Select first polyline: Select second polyline: Radius:

A new polyline is created which includes the two starting polylines that, if necessary, can be erased.

Note. When you select the polylines, remember to indicate the point which is the nearest to the point where the fillet will be inserted.

Note. Not in all the cases the tool is able to calculate a fillet joining the two polylines.

Joining polylines

This command allows to create one polyline starting from a set of polylines which share the same ends.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Join polyline

Command line: JOINP

The following questions appear:

Select polyline: Select...

Select the first polyline and then the polylines to join.

Exctract planimetry polyline profile

By this command it is possible to extract a terrain and project profile from a planimetry polyline; project elevations are the elevations of polyline vertexes, while terrain elevations are automatically calculated

from the digital terrain model.

The command can be used in generating the terrain/project profiles corresponding to the areas in which to insert such elements as walls, shoulders etc; according to the planimetry polyline representing the road edge it is possible to generate the corresponding profile to be used to design the typical element.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Extract polyline profile

Command line: EDGEPROF

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Once the planimetry polyline from which to obtain the profile has been indicated, the following window will appear:

The procedure transforms the polyline into an axis that can be saved in a new subproject or in an existing subproject, as long as it is empty. Along the axis some sections are positioned, at a distance that can be set by the user.

The profile that will be generated will have as the sections project elevations the elevations interpolated from the polyline and as terrain elevations the result of the interpolation of the polyline on the reference terrain model.

Axis subproject: by this group of options it is possible to create the polyline profile on a new axis subproject or on an existing subproject, as long as it is empty.

Reference axis: represents the axis that will be used as reference in case the option On reference

axis is activated. By this option sections are inserted automatically and the reference distance considered

is the one calculated on the reference axis, not on the polyline.

Cross-section step: insertion distance between sections.

On reference axis: by activating this option the tool inserts the sections calculating the distance not on the polyline but on the reference axis set. In this way it is possible to obtain a profile where sections have a fixed step referred to the main axis. This possibility, along with the option that allows to obtain the profile dimensioning as to a reference axis, allows to generate longitudinal profiles of lateral elements (e.g. walls) with a dimensioning referred to the main axis.

Terrain model: subproject containing the digital terrain model from which to calculate the profile terrain elevations.

Terrain offset: this value represents an offset distance from polyline on which to calculate terrain elevations. In other words, terrain elevations can be calculated either on the polyline by setting 0 as

offset value, or by considering a supplementary distance from the current position of the polyline.

Open profile graphic window: by activating this option the tool, once calculation has been performed,

opens the graphic window of the profile calculated.

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Transform from polylines/lines/arcs

The software allows to transform directly lines, polylines and arcs into planimetry polylines; the

transformation is carried out more quickly and directly than by the same option available in the command Entity transformation.

The command transforms the selected elements into planimetry polylines with the required code and automatically links the elements showing extremities in common.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Axis

Menu Axis > Alingment polyline > Trasform from polylines/lines/arcs

Coomand line: TRANSFPOL

Or by Cross-section module:

Menu Sections > Cross Elements> Trasform from polylines/lines

Command line: TRANSFPOL

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select entities to transform . Select the lines, arcs and polylines to transform into planimetry polylines. Planimetry polyline code. Insert the code of the planimetry polyline to be created. Press ENTER, or the mouse right button, to display the list.

The entities selected will be transformed into planimetry polylines with the assigned code; the elements displaying codes in common are automatically merged to form a single polyline.

Cut Polylines

It is possible to define some planimetry polylines representing the sections cut lines. On inserting the typical sections and on generating the project planimetry the tool can consider the cut lines and at the same time cut the exceeding part. This function is very useful in designing interchanges ramps, since it

allows to define in the planimetry the cut line that determines the automatic elimination of overlapping areas between the main axis and the ramp.

The cross sections in the intersection area are recalculated by the command generating the project planimetry.

In order to activate the use of cut polylines it is necessary to gain access to the parametric design in one of the following ways:

Toolbar: Design

Menu Axis > Parametric design

Menu Sections > Parametric design

Menu Profile > Parametric design

Command line: DEFGEOMVAR

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Activate the page referred to General, on the right of the window a table dedicated to Polyline codes will appear:

indicate the code used for the cut polyline and use it by Apply button.

All the cut polylines must have the same code; a cut polyline can be used to cut sections belonging to other axes.


Staking commands allow to determine the position of topographic points according to alignment axis, altimetric design and transversal sections.

Different procedures offer solution to the different problems that may arise once the real building phase has started.

The object defined as topographic point has three characteristics that link it to an axis; these properties

are the following:

axis the point is referred to

station from reference axis

offset from reference axis

In this way it is possible to determine survey points not only through X,Y coordinates, but also by

indicating the station and the distance from a reference axis.

The procedures available are the following:

Extraction of coordinates: automatic procedure which, by different options, allows to extract a survey by using alignment axis, altimetric design and cross sections.

Inserting a topographic point by specifying its station and distance from a reference axis.

Calculating station and offset from axis for a group of points

Information from axis: by this command it is possible to indicate a point on the screen and find out the station and the offset from the reference axis; moreover, the tool returns the elevation of that point on one of the cross section elements. The point indicated can also be inserted as survey point.

Besides this:

Coordinate table reporting station and offset from axis:: the table of topographic points manages the properties that link the points to the axis.

Coordinates report with station and offset from axis : reports for each point the properties that

link it to the axis.

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Extraction of coordinates from sections

On the basis of the cross-sections created it is possible to obtain automatically the survey points

representing the project. The points obtained can be used to perform the alignment or to create the project mathematical model starting from the cross-sections.

Sections can be sections on axis (road) or topographic sections without axis.

Note. For Topko users, this command is available only on Topoko M Premium.

The command is activated through one of the following modes:

Menu Axis > Staking > Automatic

Command line: SEC2QPOINTS

The following window appears:

Destination subproject:First of all it is necessary to specify the subproject where survey points have to be created. Before perfoming this command, it is then necessary to dispose of a subproject that will contain the new module. See Subprojects management . By pressing on Browse button a dialog box will appear reporting the situation of the projects opened inside the program and, for each them, the subprojects forming the project. The user must then select the subproject that will contain the new survey points.

You can perform two types of elaboration:

Section element

Staking on axis

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Staking a section element By this elaboration, survey points are created according to a specific section element; for each point of the element, the distance from the axis will be calculated and, through it, its planimetric coordinates

(x,y), while the elevation is the y coordinate of the point in the section.

Section element: indicate the section element to stake out.

From section, To section: in Start and End page it is possible to set the first and the last section to use to generate a survey.

Staking on axis By this elaboration some points are created along the axis and perpendicular to it, according to the different options.

Staking page Stake step: stakes are created along the axis at a specified distance;

Points on element extremity: stakes are created on the tangent points of planimetric elements;

Points on cross-sections: stakes are created near the cross-sections;

Points on axis: according to the position along the axis, determined by the options described above, stakes are created exactly on axis.

Points to the left: according to the position along the axis, determined by the options described

above, stakes are created on the left of the axis; it is possible to specify the distance from the axis or a planimetry polyline where to insert them; it is necessary to set the code of the planimetry polyline along which to set the survey points.

Points to the right: according to the position along the axis, determined by the options described above, stakes are created on the right of the axis; it is possible to specify the distance from the

axis or a planimetry polyline where to insert them; it is necessary to set the code of the planimetry polyline along which to set the survey points.

Elevation page

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In this page it is possible to set the mode by which to determine the elevation of the points generated.

Calculate elevation: activate this option to calculate point elevation; it is possible to save the elevation calculated as the point main elevation (option Elevation) or as second elevation (option Second elevation).

Elevations can be calculated by using:

Grade lines and vertical curves

Section elements: in this case it is necessary to set the code of the section element to use.

Elevation to add to calculated elevation: value to add to the elevation calculated.

Start and End page

By Start and End page it is possible to set the segment on which to perform the staking: The options are:

Start and end station: the staking can be performed on the segment defined by the start and the

end station you specify. Indicate the two stations in the respective edit boxes.

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Start and end section: the staking can be performed on the segment defined by the start and end section you specify. Indicate in section edit boxes the two sections. Through the buttons on the right you can choose the sections on the list.

Start and end element: the tool asks to indicate graphically the first and the last element defining the segment where the staking has to be performed. In order to carry out the staking on a single element select it twice.

Select start element:

Indicate the element where the staking has to start from.

Select end element: Indicate the element where the staking has to end to.

Cursor position: The tool asks to indicate graphically the two points within which the staking has to be performed. For each point it is necessary to indicate one segment crossing the axis.

First point of segment: Indicate the first of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and defines the start point of the staking.

Second point of segment: Indicate the second of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and defines

the start point of the staking.

First point of segment:

Indicate the first of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and defines the end point of the staking.

Second point of segment: Indicate the second of the two points forming the segment that crosses the axis and defines

the end point of the staking.

Press OK button to start generating the survey.

Inserting a topographic point by specifying its station and offset from

a reference axis.

By this command it is possible to insert a topographic point by setting its station and distance from a reference axis.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Staking > Point by station and offset

Command line: AXIS2POINT

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The following dialog box will appear:

Reference axis: set the axis to use as reference for the insertion of survey points.

Calculate elevation: activate this option to allow the calculation of point elevation; it is possible to save the elevation calculated as the point main elevation (option Elevation) or as second elevation (option Second elevation).

Elevations can be determined by using:

Grade lines and vertical curves

Section element: in this case it is necessary to set the code of the section element to use.

Elevation to add to calculated elevation: value to add to the elevation calculated.

Press OK. On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Station: set the station at which to insert the point according to the reference axis.

Offset: set the distance at which to insert the point according to the reference axis.

Point name: the tool proposes the name of the point to create.

Point elevation: elevation calculated for the point to insert.

Now the point is inserted in the position derived by the station and the offset set; the tool continues the command by asking for a new station, etc. Press ESC to stop the command.

By opening coordinate table it will be possible to see the coordinates of the points inserted; in particular, by selecting Station /Offset page it will be possible to see the stations and the offset of the points from the reference axis.

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Calculating station and offset from axis for a group of points

By this command it is possible to calculate the station and the offset from athe reference axis of a group

of topographic points.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Staking > Station and offset by point

Command line: POINT2AXIS

The following dialog box will appear:

Reference axis: set the axis to use as reference for station and offset calculation.

Use the axis defined by point: if the point on which to perform the elaboration is "linked" to another

axis, by activating this option the tool will not calculate the station and the offset from the axis set on Reference axis, but it will continue to use the axis the point is linked to.

Maximum search distance: it is the maximum distance admitted between the point and the reference

axis so that the calculation is still possible. If a point is beyond this distance it will not be used by calculation procedure.

Calculate elevation: activate this option to calculate point elevation; it is possible to save the elevation calculated as the point main option (option Elevation) or as second elevation (option Second Elevation).

Elevations can be calculated by using:

Grade lines and vertical curves

Section element: in this case it is necessary to set the code of the section element to use.

Elevation to add to calculated elevation: value to add to the elevation calculated.

Press OK. On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select points: select all the points for which to calculate station and offset from reference axis.

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Opening coordinate table you can see the coordinates of the points inserted; in particular, selecting Station/Offset you can see the points stations and offset from the reference axis.

Information from axis

By this command you can indicate some points on screen and obtain the following information according to a reference axis:

Station of the point according to a reference axis

Distance of the point according to a reference axis

Name of the section that is nearest to the point

Point elevation from a transversal section element.

The command can be activated both from planimetry and from longitudinal profile graphic window in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Information from axis

Menu Profile > Information from axis

Command line: INQAXIS

The following dialog box will appear:

This window stays visible as long as you close it or you interrupt the command.

Reference axis: set the axis to use as reference for the insertion of survey points.

Section element: set the code of the section element to use. If no section element is used, the tool cannot calculate point elevation.

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Maximum distance: it is the maximum distance admitted between a point and the reference axis so that it is possible to perform the calculation. If a point is situated beyond this distance, it will not be used by calculation procedure.

Station: point station according to a reference axis.

Distance: point distance according to a reference axis.

Radius (horiz.): planimetric radius of axis element.

Project elevation: project elevation obtained from grade lines and vertical curves.

Longitudinal slope: longitudinal slope of vertical alignment

Radius (vert.).: radius of the corresponding vertical element

Section: name of the section that is nearest to the point

Elevation: Point elevation from a transversal section element.

On the command line the following prompt will appear:

Indicate the position of the point: specify a point inside the graphic window. In the previous dialog box the tool will display calculated data.

By pressing Create point button, the point indicated will be inserted in the table of coordinates.

Coordinate table with station and offset from axis

The table of topographic coordinates has been integrated with a new page, by which it is possible to display, for each survey point, the following data:

Station: point station according to reference axis:

Offset: distance of the point according to reference axis:

Axis: name of reference axis:

The table of coordinates can be opened in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Survey

Menu Survey > Survey data manager

Command line: TBSURV

Select Coordinates from the box on the left.

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A window resembling the following will appear:

It is possible to modify Stat. column and Offset column data.

The local menu of the coordinate table has been integrated with two new functions:

E,N >> Station,Offset: by this command it is possible to recalculate the progressive and the offset of the points selected according to a reference axis, by using the planimetric coordinates of the points. The prompts are exactly the same as those for the command Calculating station and offset from axis for a

group of points.

Station,Offset >> E,N: by this command it is possible to recalculate the E, N coordinates of the points selected according to a reference axis, by using stations and offset specified for those points. The prompts are exactly the same as those for the command Inserting a topographic point, station and offset from axis.

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Print coordinates reporting station and distance from axis

It is possible to obtain a detailed report, containing the whole information concerning the points stations

and distance from axis by the following commands:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

The following window will appear:

Choose survey as Report type; select the node Topographic coordinates and then the option Coordinates with station and offset; then, choose the kind of report to be obtained.

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Axis planimetry reports

It is possible to obtain the reports containing the information about the axis by the following commands: E' possibile:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

The following window will appear:

Choose Axis as Report type; select the node and then the option to be printed; then, choose the report type to be obtained.

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Profile ProSt profile module contains all the commands for the insertion, the management and the drawing of longitudinal profiles.

A terrain longitudinal profile can be extracted automatically by interpolating the road axis with the triangle mathematical model. The calculation of profiles regarding horizontal alignments can be performed by using sections or by using any intersection of the alignment with the mathematical model,

thus obtaining the alignment real profile.

Longitudinal profiles can be extracted also from cross sections; the progressive distance is extracted from the station of the section itself, while the elevation can be calculated by two means: the elevation of cross element on center line or a section point elevation is used, that possesses a particular attribute. It is therefore possible to obtain supplementary profiles representing, for example, bottoms of ditches, walls, etc.

The insertion of project grade lines is performed interactively, directly from the graphic CAD window.

Vertical curves are then inserted on grade lines through the definition of radii or tangents. From the grade lines and the curves set it is then possible to calculate the project elevation of the sections. Inside the profile it is possible to define up to 10 groups of grade lines and curves; for example, besides the grade lines defining the road project elevation, it is possible to insert grade lines defining excavation depths for hydraulic works.

With the policy check it is possible to verify the congruence of the project parameters of the vertical elements with the policy selected. The tool provides a detailed report verifying, for each element (grade

lines, vertical curves), the congruence of the parameters (slopes, minimum radii) with the current policy and suggests the minimum and maximum values to be adopted.

Besides the usual longitudinal profile (terrain and project), the tool allows the management of supplementary profiles used to report in the drawing other vertical lines, such as road edges, wall elevations, ditch bottom elevations, piezometric elevation, etc. In the profile drawing supplementary

profiles can then appear dimensioned in the same way as terrain and project profiles.

Besides supplementary profiles, it is possible to insert and calculate profile polylines. Also profile polylines can appear in the profile final drawing and then be dimensioned with the chosen mode. Profile polylines can be the result of different elaborations such as the intersection of the alignment with the mathematical model, or the projection of other axes or alignment polylines on the current profile.

There is a specific management for the planning of hydraulic profiles of acqueducts and sewer systems. For any section it is possible to set the sump pit entry and exit elevation as well as the pipeline diameter. The tool will draw automatically sump pits and pipelines.

The management of supplementary data has also been arranged so to allow to personalize the drawing dimensioning by integrating it with all those data which are not managed directly by the tool (street names, pipeline type, type of materials, nature of soil etc.).

Every part of a profile drawing can be personalized. Terrain and project profiles as well as supplementary

profiles can be quoted as stations, partials, elevations, differences in height, etc. The dimensioning can be automatically integrated with the drawing of elevation differences, hectometric, horizontal alignment, position of edges due to superelevations and widenings on curve. For grade lines a specific row has been

arranged while for vertical curves the insertion of a table has been arranged, that reports the project data. It is possible to choose the size of the profile rows and of the text and to put them both under and above the profile drawing. If supplementary data have been inserted, the profile drawing can be completed with these information. The profile drawing can be printed on sheets of any size; the tool can perform automatically optimizations and calculation of new datum level whenever the sheet height is not sufficient to contain the whole drawing.

Additional entities

ProSt Profile module introduces into the CAD some new entities :

Grade lines : segments representing the altimetric alignment of the road ; besides having two

vertexes they can also have two tangent points with other elements.

Vertical curves : circle arcs representing a fixed-radius vertical curve.

Profile sections : vertical segments representing the progressive position of the sections on the axis.

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Profile polylines : polylines from elaborations or inserted manually.

ProSt menus - Profile

Road design longitudinal profile personalized menu is :

Profile : it contains the menu items of the whole alignment altimetric management.

Besides, in File menu, the following items are added:

Project properties : it contains all parameters set for the project management. It is very important to know these parameters that can be modified by this menu item.

Plot preview : this item is active only for profile and sections module and allows to open a graphic

window containing the profile and sections drawing preview. From the new graphic window it is

then possible to go on as usual by plotting and creating DXF file.

ProSt toolbars

Road design adds the following toolbars.

Toolbar Design: contains some commands concerning project management.

Toolbar Profile : contiene alcuni dei comandi relativi alla gestione del profilo longitudinale.

Open profile from planimetry

By pressing the mouse right button on an axis element it is possible to open the graphic window of the corresponding profile. By this seemingly simple command it is possible to avoid some manual processes that required to set the axis as current axis and then to open the profile window.

To activate the command press the mouse right button near an axis element; from the local menu select the item Open profile. It will open the profile graphic window of the axis the element selected belongs


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Longitudinal profile properties

Many data and parameters concerning not the open project but the subproject that is active among the road axes subprojects, are grouped in this section. This means that inside any project there can be more road axes subprojects, each one with its own properties, apart from the others.

The management of profile properties is activated by Longitudinal profile module in the following ways:

Menu Profile > Longitudinal profile properties

Command line: DDPRPROP

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General tab

In this page it is possible to modify some parameters concerning the drawing of the profile:

Scale. Setting a scale for elevations and distances;

Profile type. Specifying if it is a road or a hydraulic profile;

Miscellaneous. Allows to set a reference elevation for the drawing of the profile and the initial progressive of the road alignment. Therefore, in order to calculate the planimetric position of a point, the

procedure subtracts this value to the progressive of the point so to obtain the progressive referred to the beginning of the alignment.

Grade lines and vertical curves: sets a group of grade lines and vertical curves currently active.

Reference axis: In generating the longitudinal profile final drawing it is possible to add some dimensioning referred to a different axis in the project. This option is particularly useful in case of parallel or pseudo-parallel alignments, since it makes possible to verify, at each station, the alignment elements contained in the secondary axis. Select from the list the axis whose horizontal alignment must be reported in the current profile drawing.

OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change.

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Policy tab

In this tab you can set the type of project you are carrying out: roadway, railway or generic; according to

the type of project, the tool suggests the type of policy that can be used. Finally, the tool suggests the

type of road or railway that it is possible to design with reference to the policy set.

All these settings determine project parameters that influence the calculation of superelevation and widening.

Type: it is possible to choose among three different possibilities:

o Generic: other kind of project: hydraulic, canalization, etc.

o Roadway: road design.

o Railway: railway design.

Policy. if in the above mentioned list you choose Roadway, the tool provides for a list of road policies to be used; if you choose Railway, the tool provides for a list of railway policies supported.

Road type. According to the type of policy, it is possible to choose the type of road or railway corresponding to the project.

Speed. According to the previous settings, the tool displays the values indicated by the policy as far as the minimum and maximum value. Some policies provide for a unique speed value called

Base speed.

Crossfall. According to the previous settings, the tool displays the values indicated by the policy as far as the minimum and the maximum crossfall.

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OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change.

Calculation tab

Roadway Policy If roadway policy has been set, Calculation page presents itself as follows:

In this tab you can modify the data of the policy set in General tab. The policy and the road type chosen will influence the calculation of superelevation and widening and policy check.

Speed. According to the policy set, values concerning minimum speed and maximum speed are set. Some policies provide for a unique speed value which is called: Base speed.

Number of lanes. Number of lanes present in the project of the road. This value is necessary for widening calculation.

Heavy traffic. Percentage of heavy vehicles.

Left and right Crossfall. Road platform slope on left and right roadway; it is a default value used in straightaways. If in Superelevation list box One-way value is set, the tool will ask a unique crossfall value that will be used in straightaways.

Minimum and maximum slope: values of minimum and maximum transversal slope to be cosidered.

Roadway half-width: width of roadway half.

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Roadside width: width of roadside.

Min. longitudinal slope: minimum value of longitudinal slope.

Widening. it is possible to choose among three different methods of application of widening :

Symmetric: the widening calculated is shared out between the internal and the external edge of

the curve;

Internal: the widening calculated is inserted in the internal edge of the curve only;

External: the widening calculated is inserted in the external edge of the curve only;

Superelevation: you can choose between two different methods of application of superelevation in straightaways:

Standard: along straightaways crossfall value results from the values already inserted in Left

crossfall and Right crossfall.

One-way: along straightaways a unique crossfall value is set in order obtain a straightaway with a rotation started as it was already in a curve. This option is used for access-roads in the planning of interchanges where the straight line of the access-road keeps the crossfall value of the main axis.

Ramp Typology By choosing Ramp in General page, calculation table will look like the following:

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By default One-way superelevation is set and the transversal slope is fixed and assumes the value declared in Crossfall.

Roundabout type By choosing Roundabout in General page, calculation table will look like the following:

By default One-way superelevation is set and the transversal slope is fixed and assumes the value declared in Crossfall. Widening calculation is annulled.

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Railway policy If railway policy has been set, Calculation page presents itself as follows:

In this page it is possible to modify the data proposed by the policy selected in Properties page.

Speed. Displays the values indicated by the policy selected as far as project speed.

Double track center space: distance between the two axes in case of double track planning.

Maximum superelevation: maximum value of superelevation in curve.

Widening: mode by which to distribute widening on curve; it is possible to choose among three different widening application modes:

Symmetric: the widening calculated is subdivided equally between the two rails;

Internal: the widening calculated is inserted only on the internal rail;

External: the widening calculated is inserted only on the external rail;

OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change.

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Dynamic design tab

By this page it is possible to set all the parameters regulating the dynamic design working mode.

In Terrain model group it is possible to select the reference survey subproject for calculating profile and terrain sections. Reference terrain must be set for each axis, so as to calculate correctly terrain profile, terrain sections and project section sideslopes. If, on carrying out the updating process, the tool finds out that the reference terrain has not been set the following message will be displayed:

By pressing Yes the tool will open the window of dynamic design to allow the selection of the reference survey subproject for terrain calculation.

In Generation from axis group it is possible to select and customize axis data as well as to activate

dynamic updating.

By Dynamic generation from axis option it is possible to update all the axis data each time the alignment and/or its elements are modified. If this option is active the tool automatically notices the changes, determines the data to be updated and carries out the updating.

Axis data table reports the data the tool can update automatically, subdivided according to the module

they belong to (planimetry, profile and sections).

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By Generate column check box it is possible to activate the automatic updating of the corresponding datum, while by pressing on Configure... it is possible to customize the updating parameters.

The axis data the tool updates automatically are the following:

Planimetry Automatic cross-sections: If this option is active the tool repositions automatically the sections situated along the axis and inserts the automatic sections according to the rules set. The tool repositions the sections automatically, according to their typology:

Cross-section by point: Sections by point are repositioned according to the reference

point indicated in the planimetry during the insertion or conversion phase. For example, if the point of reference of a section by point is surveyed point 101, the tool will always position it on the

projection of point 101 on axis.

Cross-sections by station: Cross sections by station are repositioned according to the

value of their station. For example, if the reference station of a cross section by station is 110, the tool will always position it on station 110.

Automatic cross-sections: If possible, automatic sections are repositioned according to

the rules defined; otherwise, they are deleted and inserted again.

Free cross-sections: Free cross sections are not repositioned.

By Configure… text it is possible to customize automatic section insertion parameters.

Superelevation and widenings: If this option is active the tool calculates superelevation and widening

following the reference policy and uses them for the axis.

Warning: In case customized superelevation and/or widening are used, it is necessary to deactivate this option. Otherwise, at the following axis updating the data inserted might be lost.

Typical sections: If this option is active, the tool updates the typical sections intervals defined for the axis, modifying the values of start and end stations, so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Geometric section properties: If this option is active, the tool updates the geometric features defined

for the axis, modifying the values of start and end stations, so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Road intersection: If this option is active, the tool updates the drawing of axis edges in the intersection areas and the references to the intersections in the profile.

Project planimetry: If this option is active the tool generates the project planimetry and/or the axis mathematical model. By Configure... text it is possible to customize the project planimetry generation parameters.

Longitudinal profile Terrain profile: If this option is active the tool calculates the terrain profile along the axis. By Configure... text it is possible to customize the terrain profile calculation parameters.

Grade line and vertical curves: If this option is active the tool updates the project longitudinal profile (grade lines and curves), in order to adapt it to the new alignment, while keeping constant grade line

slopes and curve radiuses. Moreover, if the grade lines are linked to the intersection references in the

profile, the tool repositions the grade lines so as to adapt them to the new reference position.

Additional profiles: If this option is active the tool updates the station vertexes of the supplementary profiles so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Profile polylines: If this option is active the tool updates the station vertexes of the profile polylines so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

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Profile supplementary data: If this option is active the tool updates the stations of supplementary data so as to adapt them to the new alignment.

Cross-sections Terrain sections: If this option is active the tool calculates the terrain of the sections situated along the axis. By Configure... text it is possible to customize terrain calculation parameters.

Design section: If this option is active the tool inserts project typical sections in axis sections according to the intervals set by parametric design. If the elements of the typical sections inserted automatically are modified manually inside a section window, the tool converts the section into a free section so as to avoid the loss of the changes made, since the elements inserted automatically can be deleted and

modified at any time by automatic insertion procedure. If elements are inserted manually in a section window, the tool converts the section into a section by point so as to keep unaltered the planimetric position of the section, and the elements inserted cannot be deleted or modified by automatic insertion


Areas and volumes: If this option is active the tool calculates the areas and the volumes of the sections along the axis.

Hydraulics tab

In this tab it is possible to modify some parameters concerning the drawing of hydraulic profiles.

Sump pit width. size in millimeters for the representation of the sump pits in the drawing;

Drain trunk line diameter. width of the pipeline in millimeters for the representation on the drawing. This request is useful in case the hydraulic profiles have short-diameter pipelines, whose representation

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on paper is made up of two coincident segments. By setting this value the pipeline are drawn with a fixed diameter and the diameter values set in the Hydraulic profile table are not used.

OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change.

Drawing filters tab

By this page you can check the visualization of all the entities of the active subproject: if the check box is active, then the corresponding entity will be visible, if not it will be invisible.

OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change.

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Titles tab

In order to set the description associated to the active subproject it is sufficient to insert it in the last two

rows of this tab. It is impossible to edit the first two rows, since they report the description associated to the project.

It is possible to import the titles from another axis subproject by the command Copy from subproject.

OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change.

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Profile codes

By the table of profile codes it is possible to set some parameters concerning the elements managed by the profile.

The table of profile codes is activated by one of the following modes:

Menu Profile > Profile codes

Command line: PROFCOD

The appearing dialog box is made up of four different tabs, one for each type of codes present in the profile.

This table lists all the groups of grade lines and vertical curves available. For each of them it is possible to

set a customized description.

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Profile Drawing tab

In the tab the entities are reported which are managed by the longitudinal profile module. Each one of them is marked by a code that is used in order to recall them during certain elaborations.

Description. It is possible to modify the description associated only to the supplementary profiles, those having 2LN, 3LN, 4LN and 5LN codes. The new description is automatically reported in the menus concerning the Supplementary profiles.

V.Seg. It is possible to set the drawing of the vertical segments of the elements considered.

Offset. Value to be added to the number of the section in order to obtain its name when this has not been inserted. To be used in case the profile starts from a section having a number above 1.

Supplementary data tab

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In this tab codes and their descriptions are reported which can be recalled in Supplementary data table and in Profile dimensioning tab.

Profile polylines tab

In this tab codes and their descriptions are reported of profile polylines that can be calculated from

different elaborations and can be recalled in Profile dimensioning.

By the command Update polylines it is possible to update automatically all profile polylines.

Terrain and project profile

The longitudinal profile can be managed by particular tables reporting the distance and the elevation of every station profiles as main data. Anyway, it is also possible to manage direclty from the graphic CAD the profile and the supplementary profiles. As usual, every modification made from graphic CAD will be

automatically made on the table and vice versa.

Insertion of terrain and project stations from graphic CAD

The insertion of a terrain and/or project station from the graphic CAD is performed as follows

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Terrain and Project > Insert terrain section

Menu Profile > Terrain and Project > Insert project section

Command line: PSEC

On the CAD command line the following questions appear:

Section insertion Terrain/Project/2nd profile/3rd profile/4th profile/5th profile/<T>: T Answer T to insert a terrain section and P for a project section.

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Enter section position: Indicate by the cursor the position of the section. Terrain elevation: Indicate terrain elevation. Project elevation: Indicate project elevation.

After inserting the first station, the tool resumes the command from the beginning, so that it is possible to continue the insertion. In order to interrupt the requests press ESC key, or ENTER key or the right

button of the mouse.

How to erase and modify profile stations from the graphic CAD

Modify If you want to modify distance and elevation of a station directly from the graphic CAD, you can use all the edit functions offered by the graphic CAD (move, copy, rotate, etc.).

A rapid means to modify distance and elevation of a station is to use Grips (see Grips). Each station has two grips: one near the reference elevation and the other near the station elevation. You have to use the first in case it is necessary to change the distance, the second when you have to change the elevation.

In case of terrain and project stations there are three grips: one near the reference elevation, one near the terrain elevation and the last near the project elevation.

Erase In order to erase one or more stations from the graphic CAD it is sufficient to use the erasing command used to erase any kind of entity.

Table of longitudinal profile

This table contains profile data of terrain and of project. There is a link between the content of this table and the cross sections: in fact, any profile station is a cross section. As far as topographic sections on a mathematical model, this table can be used only to insert the distances between the sections in order to calculate the volumes.

The table can be activated from all of the tool graphic modules: Planimetry, Profile and Sections.


Toolbar Design

Menu Axis > Longitudinal profile

Command line: TBPROFILE


Toolbar Design

Menu Profile > Logitudinal profile

Command line: TBPROFILE


Toolbar Design

Menu Sections > Logitudinal profile

Command line: TBPROFILE

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Below some functions are reported, of the table of longitudinal profile:

a. As many other tables contained in the software, also the table of longitudinal profile is made up of seven tables, arranged to manage different kinds of data. The different kinds of tables are activated by the selection of the different pages positioned at the bottom of the window. ;

b. Local menu which offers a set of utilities;

c. Every change made on the table data has an immediate consequence on the graphic CAD window and vice versa;

d. The table can stay open together with the CAD window, thus offering a double display of data, both from a graphic and from a table point of view.

Table of longitudinal profile (Standard)

The table needs the following data for each station:

Name. Name of the section; if the value is absent the section number is used.

Station. Progressive distance;

Part.Dst. Partial distance;

Terr.Elev. Terrain elevation;

Proj.Elev. Project elevation;

Description. Station-related description.

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Table of longitudinal profile, Planimetric position

The table needs the following data for each station :

Name. Name of the section; if the value is absent the section number is used;

Station. Progressive distance;

Part.Dst. Partial distance;

Type. If the option is selected, it means that the section is connected to the axis by the station;

E,N. Planimetric coordinates of the center point of sections;

Angle. Direction angle, that is the angle perpendicular to the horizontal alignment in that point ;

Lh Width, Rh Width. Width of the roadway on the left and on the right of the axis;

Text position. Indicate the text position on planimetry sections; Is possible to choose between:

Default. Assume la modalità specificata nei Dati generali

Station -< Axis>- Name

Name -< Axis>- Station

Description. Allow to insert a description.

Table of longitudinal profile, Superelevations and widenings

The table needs the following data for each station:

Name. Name of the section; if the value is absent the section number is used.

Station Progressive distance;

Part.Dst. Partial distance;

Proj.Elev. Project elevation;

Lh, Rh Widening Widening in meters to be applied to the cross section;

Lh, Rh Crossfall. Used in the typical section, indicates the value of the slope in the roadway on the left/right of the axis;

In case of railway type axis subproject the following columns are reported:

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Superelevation. Used in railway platforms, it indicates the height difference between internal rail and

external rail.

Table of longitudinal profile, Datum level - Axis

The table needs the following data for each station :

Name. Name of the section; if the value is absent the section number is used;

Station. Progressive distance;

Part.Dst. Partial distance;

Terr.Elev. Terrain elevation;

Proj.Elev. Project elevation;

Datum Level. Reference elevation for a single cross section; if the field is empty the elevation is calculated automatically;

Axis Pos. Abscissa representing the position of the axis inside the section;

Dimensioning style: dimensioning style to use to represent the section.

Draw on Profile. Allows to choose whether to display the profile dimensioning and which of its entities; the available options are the following:

None: no information concerning the profile section is reported in the drawing and in the profile dimensioning.

Line: only the vertical line is drawn, which indicates the presence of the profile section.

Text: the tool displays only the dimensioning texts referred to the profile section, without

vertical line.

Line and Text: both dimensioning texts and vertical line are drawn.


Table of longitudinal profile, Expropriation zone

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The table needs the following data for each station:

Name. Name of the section; if the value is absent the section number is used.

Station. Progressive distance;

Part.Dst. Partial distance;

Terr.Elev. Terrain elevation;

Proj.Elev. Project elevation;

Expr.A.LH/RH. Width of expropriation zoneS on the left and on the right of the axis;

Description. Station-related description.

Table of longitudinal profile, Hydraulics

The table needs the following data for each station:

Name. Name of the section; if the value is absent the section number is used.

Station. Progressive distance;

Part.Dst. Partial distance;

Terr.Elev. Terrain elevation;

In Elev. Entry elevation of the pipeline in the sump pit;

Out Elev. Exit elevation of the pipeline from the sump pit; if the value is omitted, this means that the exit elevation coincides with entry elevation;

Sump pit. Text for the identification of the kind of sump pit; if the text is absent, the sump pit is not drawn;

Diameter. Diameter of the pipeline in meters, between two consecutive stations;

Description. Station-related description.

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S.O.P. - Cut lines

The table needs the following data for each station :

Name. Name of the section; if the value is absent the section number is used;

Station. Progressive distance;

Part.Dst. Partial distance;

Terr. Elev. Terrain elevation;

Proj.Elev. Project elevation;

SOP Start, SOP End. Start and end elevation of the cross section zone to be calculated in case of elaboration by work progress. In order to activate the elaboration by S.O.P. see Cross section properties - S.O.P. tab. If the option Elaboration by S.O.P. has been activated in the window of Cross-sections

properties, the graphic window will report a horizontal line on the SOP elevations defined.

Left CutLine/Right CutLine: cut lines position (abscissa).

Altimetric elements

The altimetric design of a road is performed by inserting grade lines and vertical curves. From them the tool can extract automatically the stations project elevations.

It is possible to modify the altimetric design by moving with the cursor the alignment vertexes or

stretching the circular curves. In shifting the vertexes it is possible to set a free shifting, or a shifting along one of the two directions set by the gradients or move the vertex only in elevation or only in station. To design hydraulic profiles a working mode is available, which allows to insert the gradients with

difference in height.

You can insert and modify grade lines and vertical curves directly from the graphic window or from a specific window which allows to manage all data in an analytical way.

Insertion of grade lines

The insertion of a grade line can be carried out as follows:

1. Insertion by two points;

2. Insertion by specifying start point, slope and length;

3. Insertion by specifying end point, slope and length;

4. Creation of grade line through a point and tangent to previous/next curve;

5. Creation of fixed slope grade line, tangent to previous/next curve;

6. Creation of grade line tangent to two curves.

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During the insertion of the grade lines a vertical curve is automatically inserted, which has the minimum radius required by the policy.

Insertion by 2 points The insertion of grade lines by two points is carried out in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Grade line by 2 points

Command line > GRADELINE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Grade line by 2Points/Start point and slope/End point and slope/<2P>: 2P

From point: Indicate the first point of the first grade line

To point: Indicate the second point of the first grade line

To point: Indicate the second point of the second grade line.

To interrupt these questions press ESC button, or ENTER key, or the right button of the mouse.

Insertion by specifying start point, slope and length The insertion of a grade line by specifying start point and slope is carried out by one of the following ways:

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Grade line by start point and slope

Command line: GRADELINE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Grade line by 2Points/Start point and slope/End point and slope/<2P>: S

Answer S to indicate the start point and the slope, E to indicate the end point and the slope

From point: Indicate the first point of the first grade line

Slope: Indicate the slope of the first grade line

Distance: Indicate the distance of the first grade line. By shifting the cursor you can draw a grade

line with a set slope. It is then possible to indicate the length or click on the end point of the grade line.

Slope: Indicate the slope of the second grade line

To interrupt these questions press ESC button, or ENTER key, or the right button of the mouse.

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Insertion by specifying end point, slope and length The insertion of a grade line by specifying end point and slope is carried out through one of the following ways:

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Grade line by end point and slope

Command line: GRADELINE

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Grade line by 2Points/Start point and slope/End point and slope/<2P>: E

Answer S to indicate the start point and the slope, E to indicate the end point and the slope

From point: Indicate the end point of the first grade line

Slope: Indicate the slope of the first grade line

Distance: Indicate the distance of the first grade line. By shifting the cursor you can draw a grade

line with a set slope. It is then possible to indicate the ength or click on the end point of the grade


Slope: Indicate the slope of the second grade line.

To interrupt these questions press ESC button, or ENTER key, or the right button of the mouse.

Grade line by point and curve It is possible to build a grade line tangent to an existing curve and passing by one point.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Grade line by point and curve

Command line: GRADELINE

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Grade line by 2Points/Start point and slope/End point and slope/point and curve/curve

and slope/between two curves/<2P>: C Answer C

Select the curve: Select the previous or following curve, the grade line must be tangent to

Indicate point Indicate the grade line crossing point

Grade line by curve and slope It is possible to build a grade line tangent to an existing curve with fixed slope.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Grade line by curve and slope

Command line: GRADELINE

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On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Grade line by 2Points/Start point and slope/End point and slope/point and curve/curve

and slope/between two curves/<2P>: P Answer P

Select the curve: Select the previous or following curve, the grade line must be tangent to

Slope (h/b) Indicate the slope the grade line must have in the drawing

Distance Grade line length or final point.

Grade line by two curves It is possible to build a grade line tangent to two existing curves.


Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Grade line by two curves

Command line: GRADELINE

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Grade line by 2Points/Start point and slope/End point and slope/point and curve/curve and slope/between two curves/<2P>: 2C Answer 2C

Select first curve: Select the first of the two curves between which to build the curve

Select second curve: Select the second of the two curves between which to build the curve

Inserting vertical curves

Vertical curves can be inserted in different ways:

1. Radius

2. Tangent

3. Crossing point

4. Crossing point, radius and slope on point defined

5. Curve by 3 points

6. Curve by two points and with fixed radius

7. Curve by radius, tangency to an existing element and passing by one point.

8. Curve by fixed in/out slope, tangent to an existing element and passing by one point.

During the insertion of the project profile the tool proposes and displays the minimum values provided for by the policy as far as the radiuses of parabolic and horizontal curves.

Vertical curve by radius

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve > Radius

Command line: VCURVE

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On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select first element (grade line/vertical curve) : Indicate the first element (grade line or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Select second element (grade line/vertical curve) :Indicate the second element (grade line or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/<R>:: Indicate R to specify the radius.

Insert radius <0.000> : Indicate curve radius value

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Vertical curve by tangent

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve > Tangent

Command line: VCURVE

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select first element (grade line/vertical curve) : Indicate the first element (grade line or

vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Select second element (grade line/vertical curve) :Indicate the second element (grade line

or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/<R>: T Indicate T to specify the tangent

Insert curve tangent <0.000>: Indicate curve tangent value

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Vertical curve by crossing point

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve > Crossing point

Command line: VCURVE

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select first element (grade line/vertical curve) : Indicate the first element (grade line or

vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Select second element (grade line/vertical curve) :Indicate the second element (grade line

or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Insert by Radius/Tangent/Point/<R>: P Indicate P for crossing point

Enter the crossing point of the curve: Indicate crossing point

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

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Vertical curve, By point-radius-slope It is possible to build a vertical curve by specifying radius, crossing point and slope on crossing point.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve > By point-radius-slope

Command line: VCURVEFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Vertical curve defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and

Slope/Point-radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: P

Enter the crossing point of the curve: crossing point of the parabola to build

Free height to observe <0>:Free height to observe from the crossing point

Curve radius <1000>: Vertical curve radius

Slope (h/b) <0>: Slope of vertical curve on crossing point

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Vertical curve by 3 points It is possible to build a vertical curve by specifying 3 crossing points.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve by 3 points

Command line: VCURVEFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Vertical curve defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and

Slope/Point-radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: 3P

First point First crossing point for curve

Second point Second crossing point for curve

Third point Third crossing point for curve

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

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Vertical curve by 2 points It is possible to build a vertical curve by specifying 2 crossing points and radius.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve by 2 points

Command line: VCURVEFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Vertical curve defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and

Slope/Point-radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: 2P

Start point First crossing point for curve

End point Second crossing point for curve

Radius curve radius

Vertical curve Concave (sag) /conVex (cup)/<V> Choose whether the curve to be built must

be concave or convex

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Vertical curve By element-point-radius It is possible to build a vertical curve with fixed radius, passing by one point and tangent to an existing element.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve By element-point-radius

Command line: VCURVEFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Vertical curve defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and

Slope/Point-radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: R

Select element on which to connect the curve: Select the preceding or following element the

curve must be tangent to.

Curve radius: Curve radius

Crossing point of the curve: Crossing point of the curve

Free height to observe <0>: Free height to observe from the crossing point indicated

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

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Vertical curve by element-point-slope It is possible to build a vertical curve with fixed in/out slope, passing by one point and tangent to an

existing element.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical curve By element-point-slope

Command line: VCURVEFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Vertical curve defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and

Slope/Point-radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: D

ISelect element on which connect the curve Select the preceding or following element the

curve must be tangent to.

Slope (h/b) Curve start slope

Crossing point of the curve Crossing point of the curve

Free height to observe<0>: Free height to observe from the crossing point indicated

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Inserting vertical parabolas

Vertical parabolas can be inserted by:

1. Radius

2. Length

3. K

4. KV

5. Crossing point

6. Point-radius-slope

7. 3 points

8. 2 points

9. Element, point, radius

10. Element, point, slope

During the insertion of the project profile the tool proposes and displays the minimum values provided for by the policy as far as the radiuses of parabolic and horizontal curves.

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Parabola by radius

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > Radius

Command line: VAPARAB

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select first element (grade line/vertical curve) : Indicate the first element (grade line or

vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Select second element (grade line/vertical curve) :Indicate the second element (grade line

or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Insert by Radius/Length/K/KV/Point/<R>: : Indicate R to specify the radius.

Insert radius <0.000> : Indicate curve radius value

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Parabola by length

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > Length

Command line: VPARAB

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select first element (grade line/vertical curve) : Indicate the first element (grade line or

vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Select second element (grade line/vertical curve) :Indicate the second element (grade line

or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Insert by Radius/Length/K/KV/Point/<R> : L Indicate L to specify the length

Insert parabola length <0.000>: Indicate curve length value

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Parabola by K

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > K

Command line: VPARAB

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select first element (grade line/vertical curve) : Indicate the first element (grade line or

vertical curve) on which to build the curve

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Select second element (grade line/vertical curve) :Indicate the second element (grade line

or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Insert by Radius/Length/K/KV/Point/<R> : L Indicate L to specify the length

Insert K parameter of the parabola <0.000> : set K parameter (K parameter is the percentage

ratio between the curve length and the algebraic difference between the angles of the two tangents

( the bigger the value of K is, the flatter the curve)

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Parabola by crossing point

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > Crossing point

Command line: VPARAB

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select first element (grade line/vertical curve) : Indicate the first element (grade line or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Select second element (grade line/vertical curve) :Indicate the second element (grade line or vertical curve) on which to build the curve

Insert by Radius/Length/K/KV/Point/<R> : P Indicate P for crossing point

Enter the crossing point of the parabola: Indicate crossing point

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Parabola by point-radius-slope It is possible to build a curve by specifying radius, crossing point and slope on crossing point.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > By point-radius-slope

Command line: VPARABFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Parabola defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and Slope/Point-

radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: P

Enter the crossing point of the parabola: Crossing point of the parabola to build

Free height to observe <0>: Free height to observe from the crossing point indicated

Curve radius <1000>: Vertical curve radius

Slope (h/b) <0>: Slope of vertical curve on crossing point

Vertical curve Concave/conVex/<V>:

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

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Parabola by 3 points It is possible to build a vertical curve by three crossing points.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > By 3 points

Command line: VPARABFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Parabola defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and Slope/Point-

radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: 3P

Enter first point: First crossing point for the curve

Enter second point: Second crossing point for the curve

Enter third point: Third crossing point for the curve

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Parabola by 2 points It is possible to build a vertical curve by 2 crossing points and radius.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > By 2 points

Command line: VPARABFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Parabola defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and Slope/Point-

radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: 2P

Enter first point: First crossing point for the curve

Enter second point: Second crossing point for the curve

Radius Curve radius

Vertical curve Concave/conVex/<V> Choose whether the curve to create must be concave or


To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Parabola by elment-point-radius It is possible to build a vertical curve with fixed radius, passing by a point and tangent to an existing element.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > By elment-point-radius

Command line: VPARABFIXED

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On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Parabola defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and Slope/Point-

radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: R

Select element on which to connect the curve: Select the preceding or following element the curve

must be tangent to.

Curve radius: Curve radius

Crossing point of the curve: Crossing point of the curve

Free height to observe: Free height to observe from the crossing point indicated

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Parabola by element-point-slope It is possible to build a vertical curve with fixed slope, passing by one point and tangent to an existing element.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Vertical parabola > By element-point-slope

Command line: VPARABFIXED

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Vertical curve defined by 2Points/element-point and Radius/element-point and

Slope/Point-radius-slope/3Points/<2P>: D

Select element on which connect the curve Select the preceding or following element the curve

must be tangent to.

Slope (h/b) Curve start slope

Crossing point of the curve Crossing point of the curve

Free height to observe: Free height to observe from the crossing point indicated

To interrupt the prompts press ESC, ENTER, or the mouse right button.

Inserting grade lines with difference in height

The procedure for inserting grade lines with difference in height is exactly the same as that for inserting

grade lines without difference in height; the only difference is that, on inserting the grade line, it is possible to insert a difference in height, so the tool calculates the new position of the grade line.

Therefore, the command is available only if the command for inserting a grade line is active.

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric Elements > Difference in height

Command line: DIFFHEIGHT

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On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Difference in height: indicate the difference in height to apply to the start point of the grade line that is being inserted.

After this prompt, the tool continues the command of grade line insertion interrupted before.

Interactive modification of grade lines and vertical curves

By this work mode it is possible to modify grade lines and vertical curves by moving with the cursor the curve vertexes or by stretching the horizontal curves.

In moving the vertexes it is possible to set the following types of shifting:


along the direction set by the first or the second grade line.

keep a fixed elevation and change only the vertex station.

keep a fixed station and change only the vertex elevation.

A specific option allows to break the grade line into two parts so as to insert a new curve.

Vertex shifting The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Edit vertex

Menu Profile > Vertical alignment edit > Edit vertex

Command line: EDITVERT

Note. It is possible to activate the command directly, by clicking on the vertex or on the curve to

modify; the element indicated will be selected and grips will appear on the main points of the element. Now it is sufficient to drag the grip on the vertex or the grip in the middle of the curve.

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate vertex to modify: click on one of the two grade lines that determine the vertex to move. Once the vertex has been indicated, it is possible to move the mouse and drag the vertex to the new position. Meanwhile, on the command line, the following prompt will appear:

Vertex position|Free/1st grade line direction/2nd grade line direction/fixed Elevation/fixed Station/Divide: to move the vertex keeping it along the direction set by the first or the second grade line choose option 1 or 2. To move the vertex keeping it on the previous elevation choose E; to divide grade line choose D; to move the vertex keeping it on the previous station choose S. To move the vertex freely choose F.

it is possible to choose these options also by using Edit vertex .toolbar buttons.

Click with the mouse left button on the new position the vertex will assume.

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Modifying curve radius The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Edit vertex

Menu Profile > Vertical alignment edit > Edit vertex

Command line: EDITVERT

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select vertex to change: click on the curve to modify. After selecting the curve it is possible to move the mouse and drag the curve to the position desired. at the same time, on the command line, the tool

displays the curve radius.

Click with the mouse left button on the new position the curve will pass through.

How to erase and modify altimetric elements

How to modify elements An advanced CAD, like the one offered by the tool, allows to modify all the altimetric elements.

Remember that it is up to the user to choose among the possible changes, since the changes made might determine incoherent situations from the normative point of view.

To modify profile elements activate the following command from Profile module:

Toolbar Objects

Menu Edit > Modify object

Command line: DDMODIFY

On CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Select objects: Enter the element to modify.

A window resembling the following will appear:

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In modifying the project profile the tool proposes and displays the minimum values provided for by the policy as far as the radiuses of parabolic and horizontal curves.

Note: if the value introduced is below the minimum value set, and therefore is not accepted by the

policy check, on the corresponding cell the symbol will appear, otherwise symbol will be displayed.

How to erase elements Of course, the elements inserted into an axis can be erased by using the command used to erase any kind of entity. Anyway, the elements must be erased according to a certain order, since the tool does not allow, for example, to erase a grade line if it is connected to a curve; it is therefore necessary to erase

first the curves, then the grade lines.

Menu Profile > Erase all > Grade lines and vertical curves

Command line: DELDATA

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Erase data Garde lines and vertical / Profile polylines / Cancel/<C> : G Choose G and press ENTER.

Table of grade lines and vertical curves

This special table allows to see from an analytical point of view all the elements forming the altimetric project of the road. The command can be activated through one of the following modes:

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Grade lines and vertical curves table

Command line: TBALTEL

The appearing dialog box is divided into three parts: the left part contains the list of the altimetric elements managed by the tool; the upper part on the right shows the elements already inserted and the part below lists the properties of the element selected in the upper part.

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List of the entities managed by the tool In the left part of the dialog box, there is a list of all the entities that can be used to perform altimetric design.

List of project elements In the upper part on the right all the elements forming the altimetric design are listed. Each line reports the type (grade line, vertical curve and vertical parabola) and the main properties of the element.

Elements properties In the lower part on the right all data are reported of the element selected in the previous table.

How to insert a new element In order to insert a new element, it is necessary to select, from the list on the left, the type of element to

be inserted and then, drag the element into the upper part on the right and drop it in an appropriate position. On the basis of the element selected, the tool checks whether the position chosen is compatible or not with the element; if not, the input process is interrupted. If the tool accepts the insert position a dialog box appears requiring all data needed to create the element.

How to modify an element To modify an element, it is sufficient to click twice on the element itself. The appearing dialog box allows to modify the main data of the element selected.

How to erase an element

In order to erase an element it is sufficient to select the element and then to press erase button .

By pressing Apply button all modifications are saved and the graphic window is automatically updated.

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Check on policy of altimetric elements

Through check on policy the tool verifies the congruence of the project parameters of altimetric elements

with the policy set. The tool provides a very detailed report in which it verifies the congruence of the parameters (slopes, minimum radii) of each element (grade lines, vertical curves) with the policy; in this report the minimum and maximum values to be applied are suggested.

It is possible to select the policy to adopt from Axis menu choosing Axis properties.

Menu Profile > Policy check

Command line: CHKPOLICY

A dialog box similar to the following appears:

Inside the dialog box you will see all the messages representing the result of the check carried out on the axis altimetric elements. The list starts showing some information messages and the calculation of the standard parameters used during the checks.

Going down on the dialog box, you can see the results of the verification performed on each element. The verifications performed on the different elements are the following:

Grade lines: maximum slopes;

Vertical curves: minimum radii;

All messages are displayed together with an icon that allows to understand immediately the type of message. The different types of messages displayed are the following:

Information: message informing about data calculated by the tool.

Speed used for the checking: indicates the project speed in mph set for that segment.

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Error: this message indicates that the project parameters of the element are not congruent

with the policy set.

OK: this message indicates that the project parameters of the element are congruent with the

policy set.

Pressing button Print it is possible to obtain the complete report of all messages present inside the dialog


Groups of grade lines and vertical curves

Ten groups have been created, which can contain, inside one profile, different vertical designs (grade lines and vertical curves). It is therefore possible to design, inside one profile, not only road elevations but also ditch elevations, wall elevations, network excavation elevations, etc. In interpolating the

elevations it is possible to set the group to use.

As in subprojects, there is an "active" group, which identifies the group where the work is being performed, that is the one where the new elements (grade lines and vertical curves) will be inserted. The grade lines and curves of a single group can be made visible/invisible simply by making the group visible/invisible.

Setting the active group

As in subprojects, also for groups of grade lines and vertical curves there is an "active" group, which

identifies the group where the work is being performed, that is the one where the new elements (grade lines and vertical curves) will be inserted.

The active group can be set in two ways:

From the window of Longitudinal profile properties

From Grade lines and vertical curves status bar

Setting the active group from Longitudinal profile properties The window of longitudinal profile properties can be activated as follows:

Menu Profile > Longitudinal profile properties

Command line: DDPRPROP

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The following dialog box will appear:

From Current grade lines and vert. curves group check list select the group of grade lines and

vertical curves to make active. Press OK to confirm the setting.

Setting the active group from grade lines and vertical curves status bar

The active group can be set also from the status bar at the bottom of profile graphic window. This status bar can be made visible / invisible in the following way:

Menu View > Grade lines/vertical curve status bar

Command line: SETPROFSB

If the status bar was not visible now it will be made visible; if it was visible now it will be removed from

the window.

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from the check list you find in the status bar select the group of grade lines and vertical curves to be made active.

Setting group visibility

As in subprojects, also in groups of grade lines and vertical curves it is possible to make visible/invisible the elements belonging to them.

The visibility of a group can be set in two ways:

a. From the window of Longitudinal profile properties

b. From Grade lines and vertical curves status bar

Setting group visibility from Longitudinal profile properties The window of profile properties can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Profile > Longitudinal profile properties

Command line: DDPRPROP

From the dialog box now appearing select Drawing filters tab.

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To make all the groups invisible it is sufficient to annul the option Grade lines and vertical curves. Besides, the list is reported, of the ten groups available and, for each of them, it is possible to set the state of visibility/invisibility.

Setting the visibility of a group from grade lines and vertical curves status


The active group can be set also from the status bar at the bottom of profile graphic window. This status bar can be made visible / invisible in the following way:

Menu View > Grade lines/vertical curves status bar

Command line: SETPROFSB

If the status bar was not visible now it will be made visible; if it was visible now it will be removed from the window.

Open the check list and click on the icon of the lamp to turn it on if it was off and vice-versa.

How to copy the elements from a group to the other

By this command it is possible to copy all the elements (grade lines and vertical curves) from a group to the other.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Profile > Altimetric elements > Copy grade lines and vertical curves

Command line:COPYGLVC

The following dialog box will appear:

Set the source group and the group that will contain the copied data. Press OK to start the copy.

Supplementary profiles

Supplementary profiles are lines of profile used to indicate for example ditch or wall profiles, the piezometric of hydraulic profiles or the profile of edges in the planning of a road.

Supplementary profiles can be inserted manually from the specific table or directly from the graphic CAD. Besides, there are some functions which allow to calculate or extract supplementary profiles from

sections, from mathematical model etc.

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Table of supplementary profiles

The profile supplementary profiles table is activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Profile > Supplementary profiles

Command line: TBSPROFILE

The following window appears:

For every profile section, it is possible to set name, progressive distance, partial distance, elevation and a description.

Insertion of supplementary profile sections from graphic CAD

The insertion of a supplementary profile section from graphic CAD is carried out through one of the

following methods:

Menu Profile > Supplementary profiles

Command line: PSEC

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Section insertion Terrain/Project/2nd profile/3rd profile/4th profile/5th profile/<T>:

Answer 2, 3, 4 or 5 to insert a supplementary profile section

Enter section position: indicate by the cursor the position of the section

Terrain elevation: indicate the section elevation

After having inserted the first supplementary profile section, the tool re-starts the operation in

order to give the possibility to continue the insertion. In order to stop the requests press ESC key,

or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

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How to erase and modify profile stations from the graphic CAD

Modify If you want to modify distance and elevation of a station directly from the graphic CAD, you can use all the edit functions offered by the graphic CAD (move, copy, rotate, etc.).

A rapid means to modify distance and elevation of a station is to use Grips (see Grips). Each station has two grips: one near the reference elevation and the other near the station elevation. You have to use the first in case it is necessary to change the distance, the second when you have to change the elevation.

In case of terrain and project stations there are three grips: one near the reference elevation, one near the terrain elevation and the last near the project elevation.

Erase In order to erase one or more stations from the graphic CAD it is sufficient to use the erasing command used to erase any kind of entity.

Profile polylines

Profile polylines are a special kind of polylines characterized by an univocal code assigned to them during the generation phase. Profile polylines can be created in different ways:

manual insertion

extraction of polylines from axis projection (X Module)

extraction of polylines from profiles

extracted from axis-model intersection

As for stations, polylines appear in the drawing dimensioning: it is sufficient to indicate the polyline code in the Profile dimensioning.

Manual insertion of profile polylines

Profile polylines can be inserted as normal polylines but with the difference that the tool requires to indicate the code associated to the polyline. The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Menu Profile > Profile polylines > Insert polyline

Command line: PRPLINE

The following question appears:

Polyline code: indicate the code to be assigned to the polyline; by pressing Enter the window displaying the availble codes will appear:

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From point:

Polyline, Arc, Close, Length, Undo, End point of line:

Change profile polyline code

By this command it is possible to change the code of one or more elements inside the profile.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Profile > Profile polyline > Change polyline code

Command line: CHGCODE

The tool performs the following request:

Select polyline whose code has to be changed: indicate polyline to be modified.

By the window reporting the list of profile polyline codes specify the new code the selected elements will have:

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Profile supplementary data

The management of supplementary data has also been arranged so to allow to personalize the drawing dimensioning by integrating it with all those data which are not managed directly by the tool (street

names, pipeline type, type of materials, nature of land etc.).

The table of profile drawing codes is activated through one of the modes below:

Menu Profile > Supplementary data

Command line: SUPPDATA

The following window will appear:

The dialog box is made up of two tables: the first manages the index of the different supplementary data, while the second manages, for every data of the first, stations and labels to be reported in the drawing dimensioning.

Code. Alphanumeric text allowing to associate the datum content to the profile dimensioning row. In

order to insert supplementary data in the profile dimensioning, it is necessary to indicate the code with

which it has been inserted.

Description. Description of the supplementary datum.

Station. Reference station for text positioning.

Description. Text to be reported inside rows.

Calculation of profile elevations

The tool can calculate profile elevations and extract profiles. Calculation of elevations means that for every profile station only the elevation is calculated, while the station is the same; for the calculation it is therefore necessary that profile stations are already present.

The extraction of profiles allows on the contrary to create new profiles according to different modes; in

case an extraction is performed both the station and the elevation are calculated.

By ProSt it is possible to obtain automatically what is called a real profile, that is to say the intersection between the axis and the terrain mathematical model. This profile represents the real development of the terrain along the alignment, and on sections it coincides with the traditional profile, while it can be

different elsewhere. The real profile makes it possible to check the correct location of stakes on all the main points of the alignment. If the real profile changes remarkably between a stake and the following one, then it is better to add new stakes in that area, to improve the quality of the final result, mostly as

far as the accuracy of volume calculation.

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Calculation of profile elevations

It is possible to calculate elevations not only of terrain and/or project profiles but also the elevations of

supplementary profiles.

Calculation procedure is activated through one of the following methods:

Menu Profile > Calculation of profile elevations

Command line: DTM2PRO

The following window appears:

Profile calculations of: Selecting the kind of profile to be calculated;

...From...: . Selecting the mode to be used for the calculation of elevations:

Triangles digital model: every station elevation is determined on the surface of a triangle

mathematical model.

DEM: every station elevation is determined by using data present inside DEM (Digital Elevation Model).

Cross-sections: this option is active only for the calculation of terrain and project elevation; every station elevation is obtained from the elevation on center line of the terrain or project line present in the cross sections.

Topographic points: every station elevation is obtained by verifying if the planimetric position of

every point coincides, within the tolerance set, with the survey point indicated; if the tool verifies that a profile station coincides with a survey point, it gives the station itself the point elevation;

Grade lines and vertical curves: the elevation is calculated by interpolating the stake station on

the grade lines and the curves in the group of grade lines and curves selected.

Profile polyline: the elevation is calculated by interpolating the station progressive on a profile polyline to be found in the work with the code indicated. See Profile polylines.

Select sections: indicate from which section to which section the calculation has to be performed; use

buttons on the right of the edit box to consult the list of sections.

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Elevation to add to calculated elevation: to the calculated elevation it is possible to add a value, positive or negative.

By pressing button Calculate the tool goes on with the calculation of elevations as set before. If the calculation has to be performed with the mathematical model or the survey points or with DEM, you will be asked to indicate the survey or the DEM from where data must be taken.

Extraction of profiles

It is possible to extract new profiles according to different options.

The procedure is activated by one of the following methods:

Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Extraction of profiles

Command line: PRO2PRO

Profile extraction from planimetry Select Planimetry tab:

Extract profile of: select the kind of profile to calculate among the active ones.

Note. Some options are active only when the option has been selected, that specifies the source the data will be calculated from.

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From mathematical model

The profile desired is obtained by the intersection between the axis and the data of the mathematical model. Then, it will be necessary to indicate the mathematical model to use to generate the profile. The profile generated in this way represents the real profile, since it reports all the intersections between the road axis and the mathematical model.

In case the profile is extracted from a triangle model, it is possible to obtain the profile on axis by setting value 0 in input field Distance from axis; on the contrary, by setting a different value it is possible to

obtain the profile at a certain distance from axis. If this distance is not constant, it is possible to create a planimetry polyline and have its terrain profile projected on reference axis; in this case it is necessary to set the option Planimetry polyline and the code of the polyline to be processed.

From survey polyline

The profile is obtained by the projection of a survey polyline on the reference axis. It is possible to specify the code of the survey polyline and the maximum width of the band within which to accept the projection; the polyline vertexes situated at a distance from reference axis exceeding band width will not be projected.

From planimetry polyline

The profile is obtained by the projection of a planimetry polyline on the reference axis. It is possible to specify the code of the planimetry polyline and the maximum width of the band within which to accept the projection; the polyline vertexes situated at a distance from reference axis exceeding band width will not be projected.

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From band

The profile desired is generated by using the survey points situated inside a certain band from the axis set. The width of the band is set by using Band width field.

The option Move points on axis allows to perform the shift of the planimetric position of topographic points on reference axis.

From differential leveling Profile elevations are determined by using data coming from differential leveling.

Profile extraction from profile Select Profile tab:

Extract profile of: select the kind of profile to calculate among the active ones

Note. Some options are active only when the option has been selected, that specifies the source the data will be calculated from.

Then, select on the right side of the window, the profile data to use to extract the new profile.

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Profile extraction from sections Select Sections tab:

Extract profile of: select the kind of profile to calculate among the active ones.

Note. Some options are active only when the option has been selected, that specifies the source the data will be calculated from.

Then, select on the right side of the window, the profile data to use to extract the new profile.

Cross sections: the profile is calculated taking the sections station and the elevation on axis of an

element found in the cross sections.

Section Flag: the profile is calculated taking the sections station and the elevation of a point found in the section with a flag value like the one indicated in input field. The point can be searched in the whole section or only in the part on the left or on the right of the axis. See Sections flag.

Warning. The command for generating the Planimetry of project allows to generate automatically from section flags also planimetry and profile polylines.

Elevation to add to elevation calculated: it is possible to add to the elevation calculated a delta, either positive or negative.

Pressing Calculate button the tool calculates the elevations according to the settings.

Calculation of real profile

Real profile is the actual development of terrain along the whole alignment; it coincides with the traditional profile on sections, while it can be different elsewhere. The real profile makes it possible to check the correct location of stakes on all the main points of the alignment. If the real profile changes remarkably between a stake and the following one, then it is better to add new stakes in that area, to improve the quality of the final result, mostly as far as the accuracy of volume calculation.

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Calculation of real profile Calculation command can be activated as follows:

Menu Profile > Profile extraction

Command line: PRO2PRO

Select Planimerty page:

In the group of checks on the left select the option Profile polyline and choose one of the profile polylines listed. The profile polylines available are managed in Profile codes window.

In the group of checks on the right select the kind of datum to use to calculate the real profile.

Press Calculate button to start calculating the profile polyline representing the real profile.

Real profile drawing As far as the generation of the profile final drawing, usually a drawing is required, representing the real profile but reporting the elevations only on section stakes.

In fact, the drawing of a terrain stake is formed by a vertical line, from reference elevation to terrain elevation, on stake station and by two lines linking the stake with the terrain elevations of the preceding and following stake. These two lines must not be displayed when the real profile too is available.

It is possible not to obtain the drawing of these two lines by modifying the settings of Profile codes.

The table of profile codes is activated in one of the following ways:

The table of profile codes is activated in one of the following ways:

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Menu Profile > Profile codes

Command line: PROFCOD

Select the page Profile drawing:

The first line represents terrain profile; in this line remove selection on column S.Seg (inclined segments). In this way, inclined segments, linking a terrain stake to the following one, will not be drawn.

On the contrary, V.Seg, vertical segments, will be drawn on terrain stake.

Break on project

The table for the break on project allows to inform the tool that for some segments, and for some

elaborations, the sections must not be considered. With regard to the current graphic window, the table is activated in one of the following ways :

Menu Profile > Terrain and Project > Break on project

Menu Sections > Volumes > Break on project

Command line: DDINTELAB

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In the first two columns of the table a segment is reported, that is made up of two consecutive sections,

while in the remaining three columns you have to indicate whether the elaboration must be performed or not:

Profile: the interruption, in this case, concerns the drawing of the longitudinal profile; in those parts of sections where the check box is not active, the longitudinal profile will not be drawn;

Volumes: the interruption, in this case, concerns the calculation of volumes; in those parts of sections where the check box is not active, the volumes will not be calculated;

To change the status it is sufficient to click on the icon and this will assume the opposite aspect. By using CTRL and SHIFT button, it is possible to select more lines, non adjacent and adjacent respectively. By clicking on an icon inside one of the lines selected, the status will be changed not only of the current line but also of all those selected.

Press Close button to close the window.

Information from axis

By this command you can indicate some points on screen and obtain the following information according to a reference axis:

Station of the point according to a reference axis

Distance of the point according to a reference axis

Name of the section that is nearest to the point

Point elevation from a transversal section element.

The command can be activated both from planimetry and from longitudinal profile graphic window in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Information from axis

Menu Profile > Information from axis

Command line: INQAXIS

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The following dialog box will appear:

This window stays visible as long as you close it or you interrupt the command.

Reference axis: set the axis to use as reference for the insertion of survey points.

Section element: set the code of the section element to use. If no section element is used, the tool cannot calculate point elevation.

Maximum distance: it is the maximum distance admitted between a point and the reference axis so that it is possible to perform the calculation. If a point is situated beyond this distance, it will not be used by calculation procedure.

Station: point station according to a reference axis.

Distance: point distance according to a reference axis.

Radius (horiz.): planimetric radius of axis element.

Project elevation: project elevation obtained from grade lines and vertical curves.

Longitudinal slope: longitudinal slope of vertical alignment

Radius (vert.).: radius of the corresponding vertical element

Section: name of the section that is nearest to the point

Elevation:Point elevation from a transversal section element.

On the command line the following prompt will appear:

Indicate the position of the point: specify a point inside the graphic window. In the previous dialog box the tool will display calculated data.

By pressing Create point button, the point indicated will be inserted in the table of coordinates.

Definition of profile dimensioning

This procedure allows to set the dimensioning content, the drawing sizes and other parameters that check the final result.

It is possible to create different dimensioning styles, each with different settings both as far as columns and other parameters such as sheet size, margins, etc.

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Menu Profile > Profile dimension

Command line : DIMENSIONING

The following window appears :

Managing dimensioning styles

The upper section of the window displays styles management, which reports the list of the different styles

available and allows their creation, deletion and change of name.

From the list it is possible to select the style desired, whose data and settings will be displayed in the rest of the window. Any change made on columns or on any other property is saved on the style active in that moment. There is, however, a default style, called Standard. On opening the window the tool will set, as current style, the style the window was closed with, which is the style the tool will use on generating the drawing of the current project final profile.

Duplicate button allows to perform a copy of the current style and to assign the copy a new name; the new style becomes the active style.

Delete button allows to delete the current style and all its settings. Standard style cannot be deleted.

Rename button allows to change the name of the current style. Standard style cannot be renamed.

To set the style the tool will have to use to generate the final drawing of the current axis profile it is

sufficient to select from the list the style desired and close the window pressing OK button.

To import dimensioning styles from a work to another it is necessary to use the command in File >

Import/Export > ProSt/Topko Win In and select the item Profile dimensioning.

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Dimensioning tab

The data required for each line of the table are the following:

Code: code of the element to be quoted in the dimensioning. This code must be one of the following codes:

TER Terrain line

PRO Project line

2LN 2 Supplementary profile

3LN 3 Supplementary profile

4LN 4 Supplementary profile

5LN 5 Supplementary profile

HDIFF the difference between terrain and project elevations is reported near the terrain sections.

DIAM The value of the pipeline diameter is reported between two sections.

SUMP The SUMP field text in the table of longitudinal profile (hydraulic mode) is reported.

HECTOM Hectometrics are reported. Hectometrics are indicated at the distance set in the

Hectometric item in the Layout page of the dialog box.

GRADELN The data concerning any grade lines are reported, in particular: length, elevation difference and slope. The three data are reported one below the other, so the row height must be

adequate. In this case the dimensioning is reported, concerning the current group of grade lines and curves. To dimension a different group of grade lines and curves, select the specific code proposed at the end of the list.

ALIGN the alignment is reported.

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ALIGN1R - reports the horizontal alignment where the representation of the curves considers 1/R ratio. In this way, a curve with a shorter radius is drawn at a bigger distance from central axis than a curve with a longer radius.

ALIGNREF - reports the horizontal alignment of another axis in the project. This option is very useful in case of parallel or pseudo-parallel alignments, since it allows to verify, at each station, the

alignment elements situated in the secondary axis. The reference axis, the horizontal alignment of which can be obtained in the dimensioning of the current profile drawing, can be set in the window of Profile properties.

ALIGN1RREF - reports the horizontal alignment, with curves represented by considering 1/R ratio, of another axis in the project. This option is very useful in case of parallel or pseudo-parallel alignments, since it allows to verify, at each station, the alignment elements situated in the secondary axis. The reference axis, the horizontal alignment of which can be obtained in the

dimensioning of the current profile drawing, can be set in the window of Profile properties.

ALIGNDEV the alignment deviation graphic is reported with deviation angles; it is used in hydraulic profiles in order to display the deviation among the various branches of the pipelines.

EDGES the position of the edges obtained from cross sections is reported.

WIDEN the widening in curve, obtained from cross sections, is reported.

SIGHT: In this column sight diagram is drawn in the direction followed by the road alignment.

INVSIGHT: In this column sight diagram is drawn in the direction opposite to the one followed by the road alignment.

SPEED: This column reports the speed diagram of the road alignment. If the height of the column is set on "0" the tool will adapt it automatically to the size of the sheet set.

SGHWIDLH: reports the left widening calculated by sight diagram.

SGHWIDRH: reports the right widening calculated by sight diagram.

Besides these standard codes, the list includes also the codes of the groups of grade lines and curves, the codes of supplementary data and the codes of the profile polylines inserted in Profile codes table. In order to obtain the report of additional data or the dimensioning of profile polylines select the respective code.

Type : Type of data to be displayed for the element with its code indicated. Possible types are:

Num. - Point number progressive number of the section point (printed near the section);

Elev.- Elevations elevation of the point (printed near the section);

Prog. - Progressive progressive distance (printed near the section);

Parz. - Partials partial distance (printed between two progressive points);

Slope - Slope slope of the profile segment (printed between two progressive points);

H.Dif. - Height difference difference in height of the profile segment (printed between two progressive points);

PrIn. - Slope Progressive progressive distance inclined (printed near the section);

PzIn. - Slope Partial partial distance inclined (printed between two progressive points);

El.Dif. - Elevation difference Indicates that the elevation difference between the element in Code column and the element in Code Aux. column will be calculated: by this means, it is possible to calculate the elevation difference between an element and another.

East - Point East Coordinate the East planimetric coordinate of the station is displayed.

North - Point North Coordinate the North planimetric coordinate of the station is displayed.

St.AR - Stations on reference axis. Stations referred to another axis. Therefore, station values are not referred to the axis corresponding to the profile but to another one, more or less parallel to the one considered, which is the real reference to the design. The reference axis to use to report the stations referred to it can be set in the window of Project properties.

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Pt.AR - Partial stations on reference axis. Partial distances referred to another axis. Partial distance values are not referred to the axis corresponding to the profile but to another one, more or less parallel to the one considered, which is the real reference to the design. The reference axis to use to report the partial stations referred to it can be set in the window of Project properties.

.... - Integrative Used to optimize the number of the dimensioning rows since you obtain the

representation of two or more lines in a single row. When a line of the table is followed by one or more integrative lines, the tool represents them by drawing a single row that contains the line data along with the data of the following integrative lines.

Title: Text reproduced in the dimensioning heading which describes the row;

U if it is active the dimensioning row is reported in the upper part of the drawing.

H Horizontal label.

S if it is active a complete segment in row is inserted.

C Centered label.

R if it is active, very close texts are not displayed:

Example R not active

Example R active

H.Row height of row in mm;

H.Char. height of characters in mm;

W.Char. width of characters in mm;

N.Dec. number of decimals to be displayed with the values;

Aux.Code Auxiliary code to be used in case you set the option El.Dif. in Type column.

Dimensioning colours A specific tab allows to set the colour of titles and dimensioning in the section dimensioning; in this way it is possible to manage different colours for the different rows of the dimensioning. The following window will appear:

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In this tab, for each dimensioning row it is possible to set the colour to use for the text title and for the texts reporting the dimensioning values.

Besides the colour standard list, also the options Default and From layer are available.

Default: a layer predefined by the system is used for the title or for the dimensioning. Predefined layers

are managed by the command available in Format > Entities layer menu.

By Layer: the colour used is the one assigned to the layer the element to dimension belongs to; for example, the dimensioning of TER element, which belongs to TERRAIN layer, will be drawn with the colour assigned to this layer.

To change the dimensioning rows display order use the and buttons situated below the table.

Layout tab

In this tab it is possible to set some sizes and parameters concerning the drawing of a profile.

Sheet data Allows to set the height of the sheet that will contain the profile. It is possible to set also right, left, upper and lower margins.

Datum level Round datum level the tool asks to specify the rounding value of the reference elevation in case this is calculated by the tool. If, for example, the reference elevation calculated is 143.372, it is possible to set the rounding at 0.5 to obtain 143.5 as reference elevation.

Recalculate the tool calculates again the reference elevation trying to center the drawing on the sheet.

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Drawing optimization if the sheet cannot contain the drawing of the whole profile, some new datum level are calculated.

Grid Profile drawing can be completed with a grid reporting station and elevation values.

X Axis grid: indicates whether a reference grid must be drawn on distance axis.

Step: distance between grid lines.

Y axis grid: indicates whether it is necessary to generate reference grid on elevations axis.

Step: height difference between grid lines.

Grid texts are displayed according to the style specified in Text styles page.


Squaring sheet It is possible to choose the kind of squaring to apply to the section by selecting the possible types in Squaring check box, or by clicking on the preview image.

Top distance indicates the distance between the upper edge of the profile drawing and the lower side of the squaring (or of the upper rows).

Bottom distance indicates the distance between the profile reference elevation and the lower side of its drawing.

Heading width sets the size of the dimensioning heading, the one containing the description of the rows.

Drawing edge not used.

Drawing title the tool asks you if you want to print the profile title on the upper left side.

Dimensioning tab

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In this table you find some settings concerning how to perform special dimensioning.

Hectometric Hectometric: distance at which to indicate the hectometric in the dimensioning.

Hectometric mode: it is possible to decide whether the tool must print the hectometric number (station/100) or the complete station.

Vertical curves table It is possible to choose the kind of dimensioning of profile vertical curves:

None: vertical curves are not dimensioned.

Curves and tangent points: in the upper part of the profile you find the tables reporting the

curve data; here, tangent point stations and elevations are reported as well.

Curves and grade lines: at the distance specified in Table distance input field, the table is

positioned with the curve data and the data of the two grade lines are printed:

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Maximum and minimum It is possible to decide whether to display relative max/min points.

Elevation difference: asks whether to report the elevation difference between terrain and project directly on profile drawing.

Drawing title: asks whether to report the title of the profile up on the left.

Cut/Fill tab

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Profile drawing can be completed by a color or hatches identifying cut and fill areas.

Cut / fill filling: activate this option to obtain the drawing of the profile with coloration or filling in cut and fill areas.

Terrain line: allows to decide whether the terrain line to consider must be the sections terrain elevations or a profile polyline.

Terrain sections: the terrain elevations of the sections determine the terrain line that will be used to generate a filling.

Profile polyline: a profile polyline, the code of which must be specified, is used as terrain line for generating the filling.

Project line: allows to decide whether the project line to consider must be the sections project elevations or the grade lines and curves defined.

Grade lines and curves: grade lines and curves determine the project line that will be used to generate the filling.

Project sections: the sections project elevations determine the project line that will be used to generate the filling.

Cut: settings for coloration and filling of cut area.

Layer: layer where to save the coloration or the hatches in cut area.

Solid color: cut area is defined by a solid color. The color used is the one defined by the layer.

Hatches: cut area is defined by a hatches model. Select button to select the hatches model

desired. In Scale factor check list, set the scale factor to use to apply the hatches. The color used will be the one defined by the layer.

Fill: settings for coloration and filling of fill area.

Layer: layer where to save the coloration or the hatches in fill area.

Solid color: fill area is defined by a solid color. The color used is the one defined by the layer.

Hatches: fill area is defined by a hatches model. Select button to select the hatches model

desired. In Scale factor check list, set the scale factor to use to apply the hatches. The color used

will be the one defined by the layer.

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Text tab

Personalizable texts

For each text reproduced on the left it is possible to set the real text to be printed. It is useful especially when it is necessary to comment the drawings using a foreign language.

Text size

It is possible to set the size (height, width) of the characters used in the different kinds of text used in the drawing.

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Fonts tab

Fonts. It is possible to select the fonts to be used in the profile dimensioning as regard to the elevation

texts, the headings, the tables and the titles.

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Printing longitudinal profile reports

It is possible to obtain reports containing the information concerning the profile by the following commands:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

The following window will appear:

Select Longitudinal profile node and then the option to print; then, choose the kind of report to obtain.

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Printing supplementary profile reports

It is possible to obtain the reports containing the information concerning the profile by the following commands:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

The following window will appear:

Select Supplementary profile node in the additional line and then the option to print; then, choose the kind of report to be obtained.

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Printing Grade lines and Vertical curves reports

By the following commands, it is possible to obtain reports containing the whole information concerning

the profile:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

The following window will appear:

Select Vertical alignment node in the additional line and then the option to print; then, choose the kind of report to be obtained.

To obtain reports only about Grade lines, or only about Vertical Parabolas or Curves, select the corresponding node: Vertical alignment – Grade lines or Vertical alignment – Parabolas or Vertical alignment – Curves.

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Cross-sections and volume calculations


The sections management includes not only the automatic extraction of sections from the mathematical model but also the possibility to complete the sections with the insertion of typical elements, working lines etc.

Each work starts with the definition of work parameters; first of all it is necessary to define the elements which will make up the sections: terrain, project, stripping, terrain recovery, etc. Then, some rules have to be defined for area and width calculation, units and other parameters used during the calculation. It is

possible to calculate both cut, fill, terrain recovery, etc. volumes and such surfaces as geotextile, seal coat, binder etc, both in projection and in length.

The program can extract automatically the transversal view of the section from triangle mathematical model, line mathematical model, contour lines and survey points.

Section elements can also be imported from DXF files.

As far as road or hydraulic sections, it is possible to choose from the library the typical section to use or define your own typical section; then you go on with the insertion of the typical section in the current section or automatically in a group of sections.

The tool also allows the calculation of areas for each section and to verify directly on screen the calculation performed; finally, by setting the distances between sections, you can obtain the calculation of volumes.

Sections can be plotted together with the dimensioning of their elements, personalizable by the user. Along with the drawing it is possible to print the reports concerning area and volume calculations.

Additional entities

Section module introduces just one new entity: the polyline representing the elements by which the sections will be built: terrain polyline, project polyline, stripping polyline, etc. Each polyline possesses a code that distinguishes it, allowing to perform the calculation of section areas properly.

Sections module Menus

Cross section personalized menus are :

Sections : including menu items to manage calculation of sections, elements editing, definition of dimensioning, calculation of areas, etc.

Section editing : including menu items for the insertion of new elements inside the cross sections.

Moreover, the following items are added in File menu:

Project properties : including the setting of all the parameters for the management of the project. It is very important to know these parameters that can be modified by this menu item.

Plot preview : this item is active only for profile and sections module and allows to open a graphic window containing the profile and sections drawing preview. From the new graphic window it is then possible to go on as usual by plotting and creating DXF file.

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ProSt Toolbars

Cross sections module adds the following toolbars.

Toolbar Design: contains some of the commands concerning the product management.

Cross-sections Toolbar: it includes some of the commands concerning the management of cross sections.

Section editing Toolbar : it includes some of the commands concerning the insertion of new elements

inside the cross sections.

For the users possessing the X module, the Road intersections toolbar will be displayed:

How to move quickly among sections

For certain works the number of cross sections can be very high. For this reason it is necessary to move rapidly from a section to another. In order to meet this need, a navigator has been created. It is situated in the lower part of the sections graphic window.

Navigator is made up of five buttons whose meaning is specified below :

Load first section

Load section preceding current section

Load section following current section

Load last section

Section currently displayed in the graphic window;

Search a section

Allows to update the current section without having to reactivate the dynamic design and the updating of the whole axis data. The command re-calculates the terrain line and inserts the typical

section only on the current section;

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Allows to open the typical sections window and position it on the current section; in this way, it becomes very easy to modify the object properties on a certain section.;

allows to navigate to the left correlated section;

allows to navigate to the right correlated section.

Cross-sections properties

Many data and parameters concerning not the open subproject but the active subproject are grouped in

this section. This means that inside any project there can be more subprojects, each one with its own general data, apart from the others (see Management of subprojects).

It is possible to gain access to the Cross-sections properties by the following modes:

Menu Sections > Cross-sections properties

Command line: DDSECPROP

The following window will appear:

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General tab

Terrain code Shows the code used for the terrain line in cross-sections. This is useful in performing

those elaborations where a terrain line is used (e.g. slope calculation), because the tool avoids making one more question. In Section codes table an element, used as terrain line, must be inserted with the same code inserted here.

Project code Shows the code used for the project line in cross-sections. The rules are the same as those

for Terrain code, so it is necessary to insert in Section codes table an element with the same code as the one inserted here.

X, Y scale Allows to set drawing scales for abscisses and ordinates. It is possible to use also SCALEDRAW command on graphic CAD window.

Decimals It is possible to choose the number of decimals with which to represent coordinates, widths, areas, surfaces and volumes.

Section view If the option Store section view is active the tool saves, for each section, the last view you used; by this means, when you go back on the section, the last view you used in that section will be


OK button confirms the changes made, while button Cancel exits the dialog box without making any change. By button

Apply it is possible to confirm the changes and see in the CAD window the result of these changes while keeping the dialog box active.

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Calculation tab

Automatic Allows to activate/deactivate automatic recalculation of sections when you go out of a section.

by Gauss method Applies Gauss method to determine the section areas. It is also possible to use a method that consists in breaking each area into triangles and trapezia.

Volume calculation with barycentre: Volume calculation on sections can be performed by considering

the position of the figure barycentre compared to the axis. In this way, quantities on curve are considered more precisely. After the setting, it is necessary to perform volume and area calculation. If volume calculation has been performed with barycentre, then the report will consider also the radius values of the curve passing by the figure barycentre and the corresponding multiplicative factor allowing the correction of the volume calculated.

Calculation of triangle widths For width calculation in case of figures with triangular extremes, the tool can calculate the total width, as well as the width on the median point of the triangular face and on the

inner extreme.

Areas to calculate Allows to decide whether to calculate the whole section or only its right/left side (as to the axis).

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S.O.P. tab

It is possible to carry out volume calculation even only on one part of the section; by this way, it is possible to obtain volumes up to a specified elevation or between two elevations. It is also possible to

specify two elements inside the sections to be used as a limit for the calculation: you can then calculate volumes up to a specified section element or between two section elements.

In this page it is possible to specify whether you want to carry out elaborations by State of Progress; in the affirmative case, it is possible to specify the name of the S.O.P. and the two elements to be used as limit in volume calculation.

The start element and the end element names must coincide to those of the elements present in Section codes, Lines tab table.

If inside the sections there are elements having the same code as the one set in the previous fields, areas calculation will include only the areas present between the two elements.

If the option Elaboration with S.O.P. has been activated and the options have some S.O.P. elevations, the graphic window will report a horizontal line at the different elevations.

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Drawing filters tab

By this page you can control not only the visualization of the dimensioning and of the cross elements that

make up the sections, but also the visualization of generic drawing elements.

Titles tab

In order to set a description associated to the active subproject it is sufficient to insert it in the last two rows of this page. The first two rows cannot be edited because they report the description associated to the project.

It is possible to import titles from a different axis subproject by the command Copy from subproject.

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Elaboration codes

The module for cross-section management allows the management of every kind of section: road, railway, hydraulic, etc. In order to make the tool as versatile as possible, the operator can define:

d. the elements that make up a section (terrain line, project line, stripping line, terrain recovery line, etc);

e. the quantities to be calculated (cut, fill, stripping, terrain recovery);

f. the calculation procedures of the preceding quantities, which can be computed both as areas (cut and fill) and as widths (Seal coat, geotextile, topsoil). This option is available only in tools

equipped with Accounting Sections module, by which it is possible to set one's own calculation

rules in order to determine any quantity from the cross-sections. If the tool is not equipped with Accounting Sections module, calculation rules are fixed and allow to count the following quantities: cut and fill, backfilling, gutters, ditches and walls, pavement, stripping.

g. hatches have to be automatically assigned to calculated areas: it is possible to fill automatically some of the calculated areas by using a hatch model so as to create a drawing understandable even to those who are not allowed to works.

The management of the elaboration codes is therefore subdivided into the following phases :

Definition of the codes of the elements to be inserted in the sections

Definition of areas to calculate in the sections

Definition of area calculation sequence in the sections (only in the configuration with Accounting sections


Setting area hatches (optional)

An example is set from which you can learn how to personalize section calculation.

Definition of the codes of the elements to be inserted in the sections

The definition of section codes is activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Section codes

Command line: ELABCOD

In the appearing dialog box select Lines page for the management of the elements to be inserted.

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This table allows to define the codes of the elements (lines) with which the sections will be built. By section elements we mean for example terrain line, project line, terrain recovery line, etc. It is not possible to insert in the sections lines that have not been inserted in this table before. This is therefore a very important table so that the sections work properly and it must absolutely be edited.

If the work has been created on the basis of a model file, you will find the table already set, even if modifiable.

The data required for each line are :

Code: It is a code or an abbreviation used during the phase of section input in order to identify the element to be inserted or modified (there must not be equal codes!). In the table it is necessary to input codes for terrain and project lines, as defined in Cross-sections properties.

Description: It is a text used to describe the kind of line. This description is reproduced in the reports of

the elements and in some tables for the selection of the elements to be elaborated. The text must

describe the element it represents and it must never be left empty.

V.Seg: It is an indication for the drawing of the sections dimensioning and is used to trace the vertical segments connecting the points of the elements as far as the reference elevation. There are three possibilities:

No. No segments traced.

Complete. A complete segment is traced, connecting the points of the element to the reference elevation. Partial. The complete segment is traced only for the first and the last point.

Pavement layers: the area belongs to the pavement layer.

Layer. It is possible to set a layer for any element; this solution allows therefore to manage the aspect

(colour and linetype) of the entities drawn.

Type. The value set in this column is used by the procedure for the guided creation of area calculation sequence. It is possible to select one of the following values:

None: the line has no particular meaning and will not be used for the guided creation of calculation sequence.

Cut: the line represents a cut element if compared to terrain line.

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Fill: the line represents a fill element if compared to the lowest cut line.

Pavement layers: the line belongs to the pavement layer.

Terrain: the line is the existing terrain line; only a line from the list can have this attribute.

Project: the line is the one representing the project for cut and fill calculation; only a line from the list can have this attribute.

Join: this option is used on inserting the typical sections in the cross sections. If the option is active, the segments with the same code and with the extremes in common will be joined to form lines.

KZREB: not used.

Planimetry of project tab By selecting Planimetry of project tab, in the lower part of the table, the following window appears:

In this table it is possible to specify, for each element, the different properties determining the way planimetry of project is generated and the tridimensional model of the road:

Plan: this property can assume the following values:

None: the element is not considered for the generation of the planimetry of project.

Top line: the element is considered for the generation of the planimetry of project, but the tool will use only the element segments which are not "covered" by any other segment; only the visible part of the element will be used. It is convenient to activate this property only in

case of elements at the top of the section and not for those which are under other elements.

Complete: the element is considered for the generation of the planimetry of project in a complete way, so any of its segments will be reported in the planimetry of project. It is convenient to activate this property only in case of elements to be exported integrally into

the planimetry of project, such as guard-rails, fences, etc.

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DTM break: this option must be activated for those elements along the outer part of which the terrain model must be broken. For example, in case of sections having the project line represented by the sideslope of the road and a line representing a ditch, it is necessary to select the project line code and the ditch line code; in this situation, the tool will use the ditch boundary as terrain model cut polyline and will delete automatically all triangles of the terrain inside the ditch; then the tool

will perform the same operation for the project boundary.

Slope hatches: activate this option if you want to display the slope hatches drawing of the corresponding element.

Hatch: in this column it is possible specify whether in project planimetry the element must be filled with a color or with a hatch choosen among those loaded in the project. See How to load hatch patterns.

Angle: start angle for hatch drawing.

Scale: scale factor to be applied to the hatch model.

Colour: colour by which to display the hatching or full colour to use. If Slope hatches option has been activated and the slope of the segment to represent is negative, then this colour is used; otherwise, the colour set in 2nd colour property will be used.

2nd colour: colour by which to display the hatching or full colour to use. If Slope hatches option has been activated and the slope of the segment to represent is positive, then this colour is used;

otherwise, the colour set in Colour property will be used.

Note. By setting two different colours in Colour and Colour 2 properties for the element that defines the slope in the cross sections it is possible to have a different coloration for cut sections and fill sections respectively.

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Definition of areas to calculate in the sections

The definition of section codes is activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Section codes

Command line: ELABCOD

In the dialog box now appearing, select Areas for the management of the areas to calculate.

If the work has been created on the basis of a model file, you will find the table already set, even if modifiable.

The table included in this page allows to define the codes of the quantities (areas) the tool has to extract

from the cross sections; the quantities to be calculated can be for example: cut and fill area, pavement area, subgrade area, etc. The quantity to be calculated can be an area or a width (the latter both in projection and in length). The tool will calculate only the quantities of the items defined in this table, which must therefore be compiled.

The data required for each line are:

Code It is a code or abbreviation used during the section calculation phase in order to identify the

features of the value calculated (area or width). There must not be double codes. In case the code is not identified, the description itself becomes the title for all the quantities defined in the following lines (as far as the next empty code). The title is reproduced both in the reports and in the summary tables of the

sections drawings.

Type indicates the kind of value to be calculated:

Area the area is calculated ; Plane width a width is calculated by summing the plane widths; by volume calculation a surface

will be obtained.

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Sloping width a width is calculated by summing up the sloping widths; by volume calculation a surface will be obtained.

Description It is a text used to describe the kind of area/width. This description is reproduced in the drawings, in the reports of the elements and in some tables for the selection of the calculated areas. The text must describe the quantity it represents and it must never be left empty.

Decimals Number of decimals to be used for quantities report.

Equalized code In case of equalized areas specify the code of second area with which the equalization is performed (for example Cut must be equalized to Fill and vice versa). The two areas of equalization must be of the same kind. In order to perform the cut and fill volume calculation by using equalized areas mode, it is necessary to assign to cut area the equalization code of the fill area, while the fill area requires the code of the cut area.

Accounting Represents the code of the item from price list that corresponds to the quantity calculated.

It can be left empty without influencing any elaboration. If available, it is reported in the drawings and used for exporting areas and volumes into the program for estimate and accounting Opera.

Visible By this option you can decide whether to reproduce, in section drawings and reports, the result of the area calculated :

No: no reference to the area inside the section drawing is displayed;

Totals: inside section drawing only the total of the area is displayed;

Formulas: in the section drawing only formulas are displayed; in order to display formulas, it is

necessary that a sufficient margin, in Definition of section dimensioning, had been set for them to be drawn.

Totals and formulas : in section drawing both totals and formulas are displayed ; in order to

display formulas, it is necessary that a sufficient margin, in Definition of section dimensioning, had been set for them to be drawn.

Average with empty: by activating this option, the corresponding volume will be obtained by an average between the areas of the two sections, even if one of the two sections has area 0; vice versa, by deactivating this option, if one of the two areas has value 0, also the volume will be 0.

Type. The value set in this column is used by the procedure for the guided creation of area calculation sequence. It is possible to select one of the following values:

None: the area has no particular meaning and will not be used for the guided creation of

calculation sequence.

Cut: the area must be considered as a cut area if compared with terrain line.

Fill: the area must be considered as a fill area if compared with the lowest cut line.

Pavement layers: the area belongs to the pavement layer.

To each area, it is possible to associate a hatch model or a solid color automatically so that inside the section drawing each area is different from the other.

Definition of area calculation sequence in the sections

Note. This section is active only in ProSt-Standard configuration. Calculation rules are fixed for ProSt-Basic and allow to calculate the following quantities: cut, fill and backfilling, gutter, ditch, pavement layer and wall, stripping line and land recovery excavation, wall excavation, wall cutting and


The definition of the section areas calculation sequence is activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Section codes

Command line: ELABCOD

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In the dialog box now appearing select the tab Calculation sequence for the management of the mode by which to calculate areas.

The base principle of the calculation of quantities follows the sequence of cut and fill operation so as they

are made. The calculation of quantities is performed by extracting from the section two elements at a time (inserted as lines) and by calculating the areas between the two lines; therefore, two quantities are obtained, one of cut, the other of fill.

For example, suppose you have a terrain line as begin code and a project line as work code. The tool calculates a cut area in those parts where the project is lower than the terrain and a fill area in those parts where the project is above the terrain line.

Every line in the table corresponds to an elaboration; for each line the following data are required:

Start code. Code of the element to be used as start line for the calculation of areas. You will have to apply to this line the line defined in the following field. If, no value is assigned the line resulting from the elaboration of the previous field will be considered as start line. The possible codes are listed in Lines tab.

Work code. Code of the element to be used as work line for the calculation of areas. This line is applied to the start line. The possible codes are listed in Lines tab.

Work type. In this field it is specified whether the operation performed on the start line is a cut or fill

operation. As a consequence, a new line is generated, and it is called resulting from the fusion between start line and work line. This line will be used in the next elaboration.

Down - Minimum profile the resulting line will be made up of the start line and of those segments of work line where elevations are lower than those of the start line. As a result, you obtain a line that represents the minimum profile of the two lines.

Up - Maximum profile

the resulting line will be made up of the start line and of those segments of work line where elevations are above those of the start line. As a result, you obtain a line that represents the maximum profile of the two lines.

Under. Request for a code defined in Areas tab (Areas to be calculated). To this code the cut area

obtained by calculation will be assigned.

Over. Request for a code defined in Areas tab (Areas to be calculated). To this code the fill area obtained

by calculation will be assigned.

Mem. Allows to memorize the result of the cut and fill operation so that it can be used in a following line both as start line and as work line. The result of the elaboration can be saved in one of the other elaboration lines or it can be saved with a number from 1 to 9; in this case, to retrieve the working in

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column Start code or Elaboration code it is necessary to repeat the number preceded by the character ":".

Draw. If in Mem column the result of the elaboration has been assigned to another elaboration line, this line might be inserted in the sections drawing and then be used, for example, for dimensioning. In this way the tool can generate lines which are not drawn but derive from area calculation.

Calculation of single elements The tool can calculate, for every single section, also areas (wall cutting, pavement layer, topsoil, etc.), lengths (non-woven fabric, compaction, etc.) and widths (wearing course, binder course, etc.). In order to calculate these elements you have to set as Start code the code of the line to be

elaborated. Nothing has to be specified concerning Work code and in the column Work type it is necessary to set one of the following values:

Area. the area will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Length. the length will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Length No V.Seg. the length will be calculated, with the exclusion of the vertical segments, of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Horiz.Length. the horizontal length will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in

Start code cell. Num.Vertexes. the number of vertexes will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Quantity. the number of lines will be calculated, whose code is specified in Start code cell.

In Under cell it is necessary to indicate the code of the area in which the calculation result is memorized. The possible codes are listed in Areas tab (Areas to be calculated).

Clicking on button Preview, it is possible to check directly the correctness of calculation sequence settings without having to close the tab and perform command Totals on screen.

Instead, Create button activates a guided procedure which collects information concerning the different lines to account and the relationships between them. By this procedure, completely guided and interactive, also the unexperienced user who is not keen on the method the tool uses to calculate volumes, can easily obtain the results desired.

Guided creation of calculation sequence

Note. This option is active only in ProSt-Standard configuration. Calculation rules are fixed for ProSt-Basic and allow to calculate the following quantities: cut, fill and backfilling, gutter, ditch,

pavement layer and wall, stripping line and land recovery excavation, wall excavation, wall cutting and trench.

The definition of the section areas calculation sequence is activated as follows:

The calculation sequence by which the tool can then calculate areas, surfaces and quantities can be prepared automatically by a new guided procedure collecting the information about the different lines to account and the relationship between them.

The procedure, completely guided and interactive, enables also the unexperienced user, who is not

familiar with the method the tool uses to calculate volumes, to obtain the desired result.

The procedure is based on the principle by which some lines stand for cut elements, some other lines stand for fill elements and others for the pavement layer. These lines can be associated to the corresponding areas, which, in most cases, have also the same code and are therefore cut areas, fill areas, and pavement areas.

The purpose of the procedure is to enable the user to define these couples of lines-areas in the exact sequence they are carried out with; according to the main sequence, cut elements must be performed

first, then the cut is gradually filled and finally comes the pavement layer.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Section codes

Command line: ELABCOD

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Before starting the guided procedure it is necessary to perform some settings in Lines and Areas pages.

For any line in the list and used in the cross sections it is necessary to specify the type. Type column allows to select one of the following values:

None: the area has no particular meaning and will not be used for the guided creation of

calculation sequence.

Cut: the area must be considered as a cut area if compared with terrain line.

Fill: the area must be considered as a fill area if compared with the lowest cut line.

Pavement layers: the area belongs to the pavement layer.

Terrain: the line is the existing terrain line; only a line from the list can have

this attribute.

Project: the line is the one representing the project for cut and fill calculation;

only a line from the list can have this attribute.

Type column can be found also in Areas page:

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The values considered are:

None:the area has no particular meaning and will not be used for the guided creation of calculation sequence.

Cut: the area must be considered as a cut area if compared with terrain line.

Fill: the area must be considered as a fill area if compared with the lowest cut line.

Pavement layer: the area belongs to the pavement layer.

The new files, created by the default model supplied along with the tool, offer some predefined values both for Lines and Areas.

The guided creation of calculation sequence can be activated from Calculation sequence page.

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Select button to start the procedure:

Lines list and Areas list check boxes include the list of all the lines defined as Cut lines and Project lines as well as the list of all the areas defined as Cut areas.

Line-area pairs must be inserted in the table below according to cut working sequence, starting from the

existing terrain, i.e. from top to bottom.

After choosing line-area pair from Line list and Areas list check boxes press Add button; the pair will

be inserted in the table. It is also possible to choose the line from the graphic window by button.

By Remove and Remove all buttons it is possible to delete the line-area pair currently selected in the table and to remove all the data contained in the table.

By Move up and Move down buttons it is possible to change the calculation sequence of line-area pairs

inside the table.

Press Next to continue the guided procedure.

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The second step allows to define the fill working from the last cut line specified in the previous step.

Line list and Areas list check boxes include the list of all the lines defined as Cut lines and Project lines, as well as the list of all the areas defined as Fill areas.

Line-area pairs must be inserted in the table below according to the fill order, starting from the bottom element specified in the previous step, i.e. from bottom to top.

After choosing line-area pair from Lines list and Areas list check boxes press Add button; the pair will

be inserted in the table. It is also possible to select the line from the graphic window by button.

Press Next to continue.

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The last passage allows to define the elements that make up the pavement layer.

Lines list and Areas list check boxes include the list of all the lines and areas defined as Pavement layers.

In inserting line-area pairs in the table it is possible to consider two directions, according to the position of the project line in the cross sections.

If the project line is at the bottom of the pavement, it is necessary to activate the option Pavement layers on up direction and specify lines-areas pairs from bottom to top.

If, on the contrary, the project line is situated on top of the pavement and coincides with the final road pavement, it is necessary to deactivate Pavement layers on up direction option and specify lines-areas pairs from top to bottom.

Press Create button to start the automatic generation of calculation sequence according to the settings defined.

If a calculation sequence already exists, the following message will appear:

To delete the previous sequence answer Yes.

The table of calculation sequence will be filled according to the settings defined in the guided procedure.

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An example of how to fill Elaboration codes tables

In order to learn how to use the tables, suppose you have to calculate some sections containing the

following elements:

terrain line

project line

pavement line

stripping line

terrain recovery line

backfilling of terrain recovery line

According to the price list, the following quantities will be calculated:

cut and fill area

pavement width (plane width)

stripping width

terrain recovery area

backfilling of terrain recovery area

The table of the elements to be inserted will be defined as follows:

The table of areas to calculate is defined as follows :

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You can see how cut and fill, terrain recovery and backfilling report Area as work type, while pavement and stripping report Plane width.

The table for area calculation sequence is the following:

Now we shall see the meaning of the table lines:

Line 1: TER terrain line is used as start line and PRO project line is used as work line; as work type you have to set Down - minimum profile. The tool intersecates the two lines (terrain and project) and from

this intersection it memorizes the minimum profile represented by the two lines; besides, the cut area, determined by the possible project line under the terrain, is memorized as under area with CUT code. Over area is not assigned.

Line 2: as start line is now used the line resulting from the calculation of line 1 (that is the minimum profile between the two lines); as work line the stripping line is used. Again, the tool takes into

consideration, for the following elaborations, the minimum profile between the two lines intersecated. The under area, determined by the intersection of the two lines, is memorized with STRIP code, and the area width is extracted from it. Over area is not assigned.

Line 3: as start line is used again the line resulting from the previous elaboration (terrain minus project excavation minus stripping excavation) while as work line the terrain recovery line is used. The work type is set again as Down - minimum profile. The under area calculated is computed as terrain recovery area TREC while over area is not assigned.

Now all the cut operations to be performed in the section are finished; fill operations have to start.

Line 4: the line that results from the elaboration of line 3, representing the bottom line of all excavations, is used as start line. As work line the backfilling of terrain recovery line BFILL is used. In this case the work type is set as Up - maximum profile, thus obtaining, from the intersection of the two lines, the line with the biggest profile. The over area calculated is assigned as backfilling of terrain recovery area (BFILL code), while under area is not assigned.

Line 5: as start line the line is used, that was elaborated on the preceding elaboration, that is the line of maximum profile between the excavation bottom line and the backfilling of terrain recovery line. As work line the project line PRO is considered, that was used on line 1 and is now recalled in order to calculate the fill area. As work type again the maximum profile has to be considered. The over area resulting from the intersection between the two lines is assigned to the fill area FILL, while under area is not assigned.

Line 6: this line is used only for the calculation of the pavement, which is situated above the project line. As start line is then assigned project PRO and as work line the pavement PAV. As work type the

Maximum profile is assigned, even if , being this the last line, this value is not important, since the

resulting line will not be used by any other elaboration. Under area is not assigned while over area is assigned to the pavement area PAV, from which the length will then be extracted.

Even if some work lines are not available, the tool performs area calculation in any case, ignoring the lines where they are recalled.

Filling areas calculation table is of the utmost importance, since it is in this table that you determine how areas must be calculated. After setting a calculation table, it is better to test the accuracy of the

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calculation, by carrying out the calculation of section areas (CALCULATE command) and to verify the calculated areas by Totals on screen command from Sections menu. It is not necessary to check all sections but only some of them in order to verify if data are set to produce the results needed.

Setting area hatches

The tool allows to fill each calculated area by using a hatching model among those suggested or by using a solid color.

The definition of area hatches is activated by the following menu:

Menu Sections > Section codes

Command line: ELABCOD

In the appearing dialog box, select the Areas tab and then, in the lower part of the table, select the item Area hatches.

Code. In the first column of the table the codes of the areas, set in Area tab, are recalled.

Hatch. For each area it is possible to set the hatch model chosen among those loaded in the file. See How to load hatch model.

Angle. It is possible to associate a start angle to the the drawing of the hatch.

Scale. It is possible to assign a scale coefficient to the drawing of the hatch.

Layer. It is possible to assign a layer on which the area hatch will be drawn. The hatch will be of the

color defined by the layer.

Management of cross-sections

Insertion of cross-sections

Cross sections can be inserted through different ways according to the kind of work to be performed. In fact, it is possible to insert topographic sections on a mathematical model, or sections on a road axis, or

finally you may want to draw sections by inserting manually all the elements including also the terrain

line, which is then not calculated by the tool.

The tool manages sections which are considered profile stations, so every time you insert a section it means that you insert a profile station.

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Cross-sections in planimetry

After the road axis is set, you can continue the planning phase by positioning the cross sections on the

alignment. Therefore the stations are set, where the sections are situated and it is then possible to calculate terrain longitudinal profile and terrain cross sections.

The sections can be inserted as follows:

Automatic mode: inserts the sections in the alignment main points (extremes of horizontal straights, tangent points, etc.) and allows to insert sections at a specified interval.

Manual mode: allows to insert manually the sections into the alignment.

Table: from the profile table it is possible to add / modify the station of the sections inserted in the


All these methods allow to insert some stations along the axis.

According to the positions chosen in Axis properties by menu item Labels position section the graphic order of the text indicating station and section number can vary as illustrated in the following examples:

Modify sections from planimetry graphic window Sections on axis have now been provided with grips allowing to modify them quickly and easily:

The first image shows the grips of an automatic section, while the second shows the grips of a section by Point, by Station or Free. The external, arrow-shaped grips allow to stretch the section drawing, while

the two internal grips allow to rotate it; the central grip allows to move the section along the axis.

To have the grips displayed it is sufficient to select the sections.

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Terrain and project profile

The longitudinal profile can be managed by particular tables reporting the distance and the elevation of

every station profiles as main data. Anyway, it is also possible to manage direclty from the graphic CAD the profile and the supplementary profiles. As usual, every modification made from graphic CAD will be automatically made on the table and vice versa.

Dynamic sections

By the management of dynamic sections it is possible to open a window which displays dynamically the longitudinal length of sections in the following situations:



modify by grips

modify by Move and Rotate commands (only for topographic sections)

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar View

Menu View > Dynaminc Profiles/Cross-Sections

Command line: DYNPROFXSEC

The following window will appear:

The upper side of the window reports a toolbar, allowing to set calculation mode and display of the dynamic section.

The first 6 buttons allow to choose the data source to use to calculate the section:

Section is calculated by using line mathematical model (break lines / constraints)

Section is calculated by using triangle mathematical model

Section is calculated by using contour lines

Section is calculated by using survey points

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Section is calculated by using the survey points situated within a certain band.

Section is calculated by using DEM.

The following check list reports the survey subprojects available. It is possible to calculate the section by using more models at the same time.; it is sufficient to activate calculation on model by turning on the corresponding light.

By button it is possible to set some window properties:

Also in this window it is possible to choose the data source to use; it is also possible to specify some parameters such as the tolerance between section vertex and point or the width of the survey band

within which to consider the points to use to extract the section.

For road sections it is possible to set the width of the terrain band to survey on the right and on the left of the axis.

Finally, it is possible to set the ratio between the display scale of elevations and distances.

Dynamic section window will display the section transversal length, on executing the following commands:

Insertion: on inserting a topographic section or section on axis, the section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

Selection: by selecting a section from the graphic window, the section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

Modify by grips: by selecting a section and stretching its grips, the section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

Modify by Move and Rotate: by using Move and Rotate command on a topographic section, the

section transversal length will appear in the window of dynamic sections.

Calculation of section elevations

The calculation of section elevations is carried out by using the mathematical model as source from which

to extract all data needed. Before carrying out the calculation it is however better to make sure that in the Section codes - Lines tab table there is at least one element.

The extraction of the transversal view of cross sections can be performed by using triangle mathematical model, line mathematical model, contour lines or survey points. Combinations among the different types of data are also admitted.

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The calculation phase begins in Sections module by giving DTM2SEC command or by selecting Calculation of section elevations from Sections menu.

Menu Sections > Calculation of section elevations

Command line: DTM2SEC

Sections to be calculated In this part it is possible to decide on which sections the calculation has to be performed; it is possible to calculate All the sections, only the Current one (displayed by the CAD window) or choose the Group of sections to be calculated.

Band to be calculated For road sections, i.e. sections inserted along a horizontal alignment, it is possible to set the amount of terrain to be calculated on the left and on the right of the axis.

Calculation from From Origin check list select the mode to use to extract the sections:

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Digital model

Data used are those present inside the survey digital model:

Triangle digital model: the extraction is performed by intersection between the triangles and the vertical plane determined by the section. From the intersection you obtain the polylines that

form the transversal view of the section;

Break lines: the extraction is performed by the intersection between the break lines and the vertical plane determined by the section. From the intersection you obtain the polylines that form

the transversal view of the section;

Contour lines: the extraction is performed by the intersection between the contour lines and the vertical plane, determined by the section. From the intersection you obtain the polylines that form the transversal view of the section;

DEM The extraction is performed by using data present inside DEM (Digital Elevation Model).

Survey points

The extraction is performed by using directly survey points, without having to build a mathematical model; this is useful especially when the section points are surveyed on site. For each point of the polyline, representing the section planimetrically, the tool verifies whether it coincides, inside the

Tolerance set, with a survey point. If so, that point is used to build the cross section.

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The option Extract description by points reports, in section drawing, the descriptions of the points used to generate the cross section; the description text is reported vertically near the point.

The option Extract symbol by points code allows to report, in the section drawing, a symbol near the points used to generate the section. The symbol to report is linked to the point survey code. Codes button allows to set the following relations:

For each survey code it is possible to set a symbol/block to use to represent the point in the sections. It is necessary to set also the size to assign to the symbol/block.

Survey band

In this case a band is set, both in front and behind the section, inside which it is possible to search for

the survey points; the band width is set in Band width input field. If a point is found inside the band the tool considers the projection of the point on the section and from the projection it calculates the point distance on the section. This kind of extraction is particularly useful in survey by road sections and canal or, in general, in case a group of points are surveyed transversally to the axis; since points are almost never aligned, to perform the calculation it is possible to set a band in order to consider them as they were aligned

Select the option Survey points to use all the points of survey subproject, and select Survey polyline to

generate the section only from survey polyline vertexes.

In case sections are generated from survey points it is possible to use supplementary options:

By the option Move points on cross-section line it is possible to move automatically topographic points from their original planimetric position to the projection on the section planimetric line.

The option Extract description by points reports, in the section drawing, the descriptions of the points used to generate the cross section; the description text is reported vertically near the point.

The option Extract symbol by points code allows to report, in the section drawing, a symbol near the points used to generate the section. The symbol to report is linked to the point survey code. Codes button allows to set the following relations:

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For each survey code it is possible to set a symbol/block to use to represent the point in the sections. It is necessary to set also the size to assign to the symbol/block.

Terrain profile For each section a horizontal line is created. It has an extension on the left which depends on the value set in the Band to be calculated on the left field and an extension on the right that depends on the value set in the Band to be calculated on the right field. The elevation of the line will be extracted

from the terrain elevation set for section calculation. This option is useful when you have no other survey points except for the point on alignment or on hydraulic project and the terrain around the sections is supposed to be on the same elevation of the axis.

Project planimetry In calculating the cross sections the tool can use the project planimetry of the axes contained in the

project. This new mode of section extraction allows for example to obtain sections in which the cross sections of all the axes intersected by the section itself are represented; take for example complex projects with different road axes, tunnels, gutters, railways, etc. In such cases it is possible to create

general sections cutting the whole project and then test on them the relationship, for example in terms of distance, between the axes.

Calculation options Delete previous data: if this option is active the tool will replace the existing data with the new ones


Projection on line connecting first and last point of section polyline: With this option active you can decide whether the distance, to be assigned to calculated points, must be the real distance or the distance of the point projection on the line connecting the first and the last point of the section.

Display intersection with other cross-section: when this option is active the tool verifies, for each section, whether it intersects other project sections; in case an intersection is found, in the section drawing a vertical text is reported on the intersection. The text reports the name of the section with

which an intersection has been found.

Press Next button to go to the second part of the calculation. The elaboration can be performed in two methods:

Single: a section line is calculated from a single digital model or from a single DEM (the option Calculation from DEM must be active);

Multiple: section lines are calculated from different digital models or from different DEM (the

option Calculation from DEM must be active)

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Single elaboration

The single elaboration mode is activated by selecting the option Single in the upper part of the window; select the section element to be extracted from the calculation and the subproject to be used as base of data. Press Calculate button to start the calculation.

Element to calculate: indicate the only section element to be created to represent the transversal development of section.

Elements by planimetry layers: In calculating the cross sections from digital triangle model, the tool can verify the layer the triangles belong to and then create distinct elements. If the triangles of the mathematical model have been assigned to different layers because they represent, for example, materials strata etc, the tool can consider this difference and create section elements separated from

each other, as if the triangles belonged to distinct models. By activating this option the tool will not

calculate a specific and single section element, but more section elements according to the layer the triangles belong to. The tool analyses the layer of the triangle processed and verifies whether a section element code exists, which has been assigned to the same layer; if the correspondence is found, a section element will be created with that code, otherwise a new section code will be created.

Start digital model: select the subproject to be used as database.

If the sections are calculated from the project planimetry, the window does not display the whole list of

survey subprojects but the list of the axis subprojects to analyse in the calculation:

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Press Calculate button to start calculation.

Multiple elaboration

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On the left side of the section the tool reports the section elements that can be used, while on the right side the tool reports all the projects currently opened; for each project, the tool reports all subproject, or DEM, that can be used. Select the section element to calculate and the corresponding subproject to be used as a base of data; then select Add: the elaboration is reported in the lower part of the window.

Perform the same sequence of operations to extract the other section elements.

If the option Elements by planimetry layers is activated, it will be possible only to add the subprojects to process, and it is not possible to associate them a section element, because the element will be obtained according to the layer the triangles belong to.

Pressing button Calculate all elaborations reported in the list are carried out at the same time.

This mode is particularly useful when it is necessary to extract cross sections from different mathematical models: existing terrain, project, first state of progress, etc.

Once the elaboration is finished the lines calculated will appear in the CAD window.

Note. Each time this command is performed, a section element is calculated; with the same data, if this command is performed more than once you can obtain several section elements overlapped that may bring to a volume calculation result higher that the real one. When you have to perform a calculation that will replace the previous one, be sure that the option Delete previous data is active.

Copy of sections

If you have to copy some, or all, the elements of a section on a group of other sections, it is possible to use this function activable by the following modes:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Copy Sections

Command line: COPYSEC

The following dialog box appears:

Source section Number of the section containing the data to be copied; pressing on the button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the

table line or press OK button.

Destination sections Interval representing the group of sections where the elements have to be copied. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the

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button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

Reset destination section if the box is active, all the elements in the sections will be erased, before copying the new elements.

Pressing OK a second dialog box will appear, including all the elements that can be input in the section.

It is necessary to select the elements to copy from the source section to destination sections.

Pressing OK you start copying the elements.

Cancel sections

In order to erase the whole content of a section or of a group of sections it is possible to use this function, activable by RESETSEC command, or select Reset sections item from Sections menu.

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Reset sections

Command line: RESETSEC

The following dialog box appears:

In this box it is necessary to indicate the group of sections to be canceled. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button at a side you get into a

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window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.


Management of section elements

The user can completely modify sections by modifying present lines, adding new ones, erasing present lines. These operations can be done through one of the following modes:

Management of section elements from graphic CAD

Management of section elements from table

In order to operate in a correct way the following requirements are needed:

sections must be inserted in the mathematical model or, in general, must be present as

longitudinal profile stations;

In Section codes dialog box data must be inserted; the codes of the elements to be inserted must

be certainly present;

Section elements can be obtained also from the transformation of drawing polylines and vice versa; for example it is possible to import sections from DXF files and so transform the drawing polylines into section elements without having to insert them again. See Transformation of drawing entities.

Insertion of a terrain line It is possible to add a polyline representing the terrain inside the section by the following modes:

Toolbar Sections

Menu Sections > Cross elements > Terrain

Command line: SECPLINE

The following questions appear :

Element type Terrain/Project/Other/<T>:T

Polyline code: TER

From point :

End point :

The request for a Pline code can be answered by the code assigned to the terrain in the table of Section codes-Lines tab . The same code must have been set in Section properties. After inserting the code, you go on indicating the points that make up the terrain polyline.

Insertion of a generic line It is possible to add a polyline representing a line like terrain recovery, handwork, etc. inside the section, by one of the following commands:

Toolbar Sections

Menu Sections > Cross elements > Other

Command line: SECPLINE

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The following questions appear :

Element type Terrain/Project/Other/<T>: O

X-section element code (Enter to get the list): Enter the code, otherwise, by pressing Enter a window with the list of the codes will be displayed:

From point :

End point :

The request for a Pline code can be answered by the code of the element to be inserted; this code must have been set in the table of Section codes-Lines tab , otherwise the tool will not allow you to insert the

element. After inserting the code, you can indicate the points that make up the polyline required.

Insertion of topographic point by cross-sections

The tool allows to create a topographic point by indicating its position in the cross sections graphic window; the abscissa indicated in the Cartesian system of the sections allows to determine the point planimetric position, while the Y coordinate stands for the actual elevation.

If the automatic staking is not sufficient to generate the points required, by the manual mode it is possible to stake out any position by indicating it in the sections window.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Insert topographic point

Command line: XSECINSPOINT

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Point. Indicate the position of the point in the graphic window of sections;

Point name. Set a name to the topographic point that will be created in the planimetry graphic window.

Change element code With this command it is possible to change the code of one or more elements inside the cross-section.

The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Menu Sections > Cross Elements > Change element code

Command line: SZCHCODE

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The following questions appear:

Select the element whose code has to be changed: inside the graphic window select the elements whose code you want to change. Enter new code: Enter the new code the elements selected must have, by the window reporting the list of codes.

Transform from polylines/lines/arcs

The tool allows to transform lines, polylines and arcs into planimetry polylines; the transformation is performed more quickly and directly than by the same option available in Entity transformation

command. The command transforms the elements selected into planimetry polylines with the required code and automatically merges the elements having extremities in common.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Axis

Menu Axis > Alingment polyline > Trasform from polylines/lines/arcs

Coomand line: TRANSFPOL

Or, from Sections module:

Menu Sections > Cross Elements > Trasform from polylines/lines/arcs

Coomand line: TRANSFPOL

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select entities to trasform. Select lines, arcs and polylines to transform into planimetry polylines.

Planimety polyline code. Insert the code of the planimetry polyline to be created. Press ENTER or the mouse right button to display the list.

The entities selected will be transformed into planimetry polylines with the assigned code; the elements

with vertexes in common will be automatically merged to form a single polyline.

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Delete and modify transversal elements

How to erase a polyline In order to erase the polyline of a section element directly on the graphic CAD box, it is sufficient to use the erase command used to erase any kind of entity.

How to modify a polyline In order to modify a polyline, directly on the graphic CAD box, you can use, of an element, all the edit functions offered by the CAD.

How to import cross sections from DWG/DXF files The procedure of importation of DWG/DXF files in cross-sections is the same performed in the planimetry graphic window but with a little difference. This difference consists in importing DWG/DXF files containing sections directly on the sections themselves; in this way it is possible to avoid having to perform manually section by section the import command. Then, the purpose is to dispose of a method that allows to carry out the importation of DWG/DXF files in groups, each one to be imported in a specific section already set. It is then necessary that sections, where DWG/DXF files will be imported, have already been created.

Then, it is necessary to create a DWG/DXF file for each section; to make the tool understand which section each DWG/DXF file refers to, it is necessary to follow the rules listed below:

1. the name of all DWG/DXF files begins with the same prefix. (for example: Test).

2. together with the prefix there must be a numeric value corresponding to the number of the section the DWG/DXF file refers to; (Example: Test5.DXF refers to section n.5)

To activate the command follow one of these modes:

Menu File > Import/Export > DXF IN

Command line: DXFIN

The tool asks to indicate the folder where DWG/DXF files to be imported are saved and their common prefix. Finally, you are asked to indicate the group of sections where DWG/DXF files have to be imported:

Now, the tool will import in each section of the group the corresponding file DWG/DXF according to the

rule explained before.

For each polyline imported the tool verifies its layer; if the layer coincides with one of the layers assigned to one of the section elements then the tool transforms the drawing polyline into a section element having that layer. If the polylines are located in different layers it is however possible to go on with the transformation through Entities transformation command.

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The import command together with the export command allows, for example, to export sections on another CAD, modify them and then import them again inside the tool. See How to export cross-sections on DXF files

How to export cross sections to DWG/DXF files Cross-sections can be exported on DWG/DXF files by the following two methods:

1. First carry out the sections plot preview and then perform the command to export DXF file of the sheet or sheets obtained.

2. Perfom directly the command to export DWG/DXF file from one of the graphic windows containing one section.

In the last case, for each section a DWG/DXF file is created and besides, through this method, sections are exported in real coodinates and are not scaled on sheet as happens with the first method.

Sections in real coordinates inside another CAD represent a great advantage; in fact, it is possible to work on them without having to make particular calculations to adapt commands to the scale and moreover it is not necessary to re-scale them

To activate the command follow one of these modes:

Menu File > Import/Export > DXF OUT

Command line: DXFOUT

The tool asks to indicate the folder where to save the DWG/DXF file and the name to assign. Pressing

button Options it is possible to check some parameters that regulate the creation of the DWG/DXF file.

See How to export to DWG/DXF file.

After having indicated the name of the DWG/DXF file to create the tool asks to indicate the group of sections to be exported:

It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button on the right you get into a window thast lists all the sections available. To select one section it is

sufficient to click twice on the table row or press OK button.

As the tool must create one DXF file for each section, it will use the name of the file set as prefix and the number of the section as suffix; so, for example, if you want to create a DXF file with the name Test, the tool will create as many DXF files as the sections to be exported are; so each file will be assigned with

the name of Test1, Test2, ... , Test10, etc.

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Management of section elements from table

The command provides for the management of section elements also from table

Toolbar Cross-sections

Menu Sections > Elements and cross-section data

Command line: TBELEM

The following table will appear, where it is possible to manage (modify, insert, delete) the cross element lines.

In the upper part there are some important data concerning the section:

Section. Name of the section or progressive number.

Station. Progressive distance of the section from the beginning of the axis.

Terrain elevation. Terrain elevation on axis.

Project elevation. Project elevation on axis.

Note. Description associated to the section.

Datum level. Reference elevation used in section drawing.

By using "navigator" buttons you can shift from one section to another without having to close the table, change section and open the table again. Through Details button it is possible to show the lower part of the window containing the tables with the data of the elements.

In the table on the left you can find the codes of all the elements included in the section; elements with + symbol at a side are those containing points. By clicking on + symbol all the elements present in the

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section having that code are displayed; clicking on one of them the coordinates and the features of the single points are displayed on the table on the right. In this table the type of the element is also reported: Line or Area.

Note. The coordinates of the points are referred to a local reference system, limited to the same section having 0 on the road axis, negative abscisses on the left and positive on the right; elevations have the

same reference as profile elevations.

Insertion of an element In order to insert a new element it is necessary to select the correspondent code and then select the New text that appears connected with the code. Now, go in the table on the right and insert the coordinates.

How to erase an element In order to erase an element, first it is necessary to erase its coordinates: select, then, the element and

go in the table on the right; select all the rows and then press rows erase button . When there are no

more elements inside an element, then the element can be erased.

The changes made inside the table are immediately visible in the graphic CAD window.

Automatic editing of elements

In order to modify the section elements quickly, a set of functions have been arranged. These functions can work on a specified group of sections at the same time, so reducing working times.

Automatic editing - Move elements Allows to move one or more elements inside each section.

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Move elements

Command line: MOVEEL

The following window appears:

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It is necessary to indicate the group of sections where the shift has to be performed. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

In the end, it is necessary to set the shift the elements must undergo both in a horizontal and in a

vertical sense. Pressing OK the tool asks you to indicate, among the available ones, the elements that have to be shifted.

Erase elements By Erase elements command it is possible to delete, inside each section, one or more elements. The

procedure is activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Erase all > Erase elements

Command line: ERASEEL

A window appears, where it is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the

group. Pressing on the button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

Pressing OK the tool asks you to indicate, among the available ones, the elements that have to be deleted.

Automatic editing - Rename elements Rename elements command allows to rename (change the code of) an element inside each section.

The procedure is activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Rename elements

Command line: RENAMEEL

The following window appears:

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It is necessary to indicate the group of sections where the code of the element has to be changed. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

It is then necessary to indicate the code of the element to be renamed and the new code the element

must assume. Possible codes are those of the table of Section codes-Lines tab. They can be selected directly in the window combo boxes.

It is also possible to choose the type of the element to be renamed. By this way, you can transform the type of the element from Line to Area.

Pressing OK the tool renames the element in the sections indicated.

Note. If you want to rename more elements the procedure has to be repeated for each element.

Automatic editing - Copy elements This function allows to copy inside each section an element already included in it. In other words, it combines the operations performed by Move elements and Rename elements functions.

The procedure is activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Copy elements

Command line: COPYEL

The following window appears:

It is necessary to indicate the group of sections where the copy of the element has to be performed. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

It is then necessary to indicate the code of the element to be copied and the new code the element must assume. Possible codes are those of the table of Section codes-Lines tab. They can be selected directly in the window check lists.

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It is then necessary to set the shift the element must undergo both in a horizontal and in a vertical sense.

Pressing OK the tool copies the chosen element renaming it with a new code and shifting it according to given values.

Note. If you want to copy more elements the procedure has to be repeated for each element.

Trim elements This command allows to remove automatically all those element vertexes whose distance, both on the right and on the left side, from the main axis is higher than the one set. You can use this command when, for example, you have to calculate a section line from the mathematical model by setting a survey

band higher than needed and you need to keep a lower one.

The procedure is activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Trim elements

Command line: SZTRIM

The following window appears

It is necessary to indicate the group of sections where the trim has to be performed. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button on the right you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to double-click on the table row or press OK.

Now, you can select the element where the trim has to be performed and finally it is possible to set the data to perform the operation:

Trim distance on left: if this option is active, all vertexes on the left of the axis, whose distance is higher than the value set in Distance edit box, will be erased; at the trim limit point one vertex is created whose abscissa is the trim distance and whose ordinate is the result obtained from the interpolation of the previous vertexes.

Trim distance on right: if this option is active, all vertexes on the right of the axis, whose distance is higher than the value set in Distance edit box, will be erased; at the trim limit point one vertex is

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created whose abscissa is the trim distance and whose ordinate is the result obtained from the interpolation of the previous vertexes.

Press OK to perform the operation.

Automatic editing - Rounding coordinates Utility rounding the coordinates of the element points. This rounding will be the one set in Sections properties

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Rounding coordinates

Command line: ROUNDEL

It is necessary to indicate the group of sections where the rounding of the element has to be performed. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

Updating element properties according to code By this command it is possible to update the colour, the layer, the line type etc of a transversal element with new settings assigned to the element code.

You can use this command whenever you have complete sections and you intervene on the table of section codes to change, for example, the layer assigned to an element. Since the elements already in

the table do not assume this new setting, it is necessary to update them and this is what this command performs.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections: Automatic editing > Update elements properties

Command line: UPDATEEL

The following dialog box will appear:

Indicate the group of sections where the elements updating must be performed. It is necessary to

indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on button you enter a

check list of the sections available. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

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Joining adjacent elements By this command the adjacent elements of sections are joined together if they have the same code. In fact, it may happen you have elements with the same code, separated but with a point in common; in

these cases it can be useful to join the two elements and have a single, complete element.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Join elements

Command line: JOINEL

The following dialog box will appear:

Indicate the group of sections where the elements must be joined. It is necessary to indicate the number

of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on button you enter a check list of the

sections available. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table line or press OK button.

The following window is then displayed, where to select the elements to join:

Select the elements and press OK.

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Invert elements With this command it is possible to perform an invertion of a group of sections with regard to the vertical axis; the result of this operation is the same obtained by using the command MIRROR which has the

section axis as reference line.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Invert elements

Command line: SZFLIPH

In the appearing dialog box, it is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the

group. Pressing the button on the right side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a

section it is sufficient to double-click on the table row or press OK.

Automatic editing - Shift zero on section axis The tool allows to manage the position of road axis also on a point different from zero. It might be

necessary to move all the section so to make the zero abscissa of the section coincide with the position of the road axis. Practically, the tool performs a translation, of all the abscissas of the elements inserted, equal to the abscissa of the road axis. If, for example, in a section the axis has a -3meters abscissa, then the abscissas of all the elements will undergo a -3 meters translation.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Shift zero on section axis

Command line: SHIFTEL

It is necessary to indicate the group of sections where the shift of abscissas has to be performed. It is necessary to indicate the number of the first and the last section of the group. Pressing on the button at a side you get into a window that lists all the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to click twice on the table row or press OK button.

Reduce number of vertexes By this command it is possible to reduce the number of vertexes present inside section elements by erasing all those vertexes too close and aligned between themselves. You can use this command in case, for example, the section is calculated through the mathematical model so determining an elevated

number of intersections with the sides of the triangles; using this command the number of vertexes, each

of them corresponding to one intersection, can be reduced.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Automatic editing > Riduzione numero vertici

Command line : RIDVERTEX

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The following dialog box appears:

The window asks to indicate the sections in which the reduction has to be performed. The possible

options are the following:

All. Applies the change to all the sections of the active axis subproject ;

Current section [1]. Applies the change only to the section displayed in the graphic window;

Group of sections. Allows to modify the sections belonging to a defined group by indicating the number of the first and last section of the group. By pressing on the lateral button a window is accessed, for the consultation and selection of the sections. To select a section it is sufficient to

click twice on the table row or press OK button. It is therefore possible to identify the element on which to perform a reduction in the number of vertexes by choosing the code from a pull down menu. Otherwise, by a multiple selection, the tool can open a window in which the codes can be selected from a list:

Then, it is possible to select the mode by which the tool carries out the reduction:

Vertex minimum distance: by activating this mode and specifying in Distance field the minimum distance to observe for vertexes, all the vertexes whose distance from the previous vertex is below the fixed distance will be deleted.

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Vertex minimum alignment: by activating this option and specifying in Alignment field the minimum offset to observe, all the vertexes which, compared with the alignment formed by the previous vertex and the following vertex, determine an offset below the fixed one.

Press OK to execute the command.

Cross sections reports

Is possible to obtain reports that containts informations about cross-sections throw commands:

Menu File > Print

Command line: Print

The following window will appear:

Select the node Cross-section elements, or, Cross-section elements - Distance,elevation,

segment slope and then the option to print; finally, choose the kind of report to be obtained.

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Typical sections

The typical sections builder allows to build your own typical sections by simply assembling different typologies of parametric objects; a parametric object is an object which changes its shape and working mode depending on the parameters set by the user. Any object inserted therefore possesses some properties which can be modified interactively and the result of the modification can be immediately seen on screen, thanks to the presence of a graphic cad . The parameters of the objects can have different values, according to the situations in which they are inserted; it is possible to set different values for cut

and fill situations. When an object is inserted, it can be linked to other objects or to a planimetry and/or profile polyline; in this way it is possible to design the position of certain objects (walls, ditches, etc) directly in the planimetry and/or profile graphic window and enable the typical section to follow such information.

The software is supplied with a complete library of objects which can be used in the typical sections; the

objects are defined with a wide range of variables, allowing the user to customize the object. It is however possible to design one's own typical elements directly on the graphic CAD, save them, modify

them by typical object builder and use them in the sections.

This module also allows to verify in a precise and dynamic way the typical section along any of the project axes, both during the building phase and once it has been inserted in the parametric design; moreover, also section data, values by station and planimetry and/or profile polyline data are displayed dynamically.

Here are some of the features of the typical section manager:

Visual building of the typical section.

Wide library of parametric base objects; the object parameters can be different for cut/fill situations and for right/left zone.

Base objects can be linked to each other by connection points.

Insertion and reference points can have a fixed position, be linked to other objects or be linked to a planimetry and/or profile polyline.

Dynamic, precise and real simulation of the typical section on any of the project axes.

The typical sections used in a project are automatically included in the project file. In this way, the project can be completed by any user on any computer, without having to copy the files of the typical section libraries.

Work environment

The typical section window reports in its upper part two toolbars, one with the commands for the

management of typical section and graphic window, the other with the commands for the management of display and modification modes. The rest of the window is subdivided into four main parts:

1. Objects manager: it is on the left side of the window and reports the list of all the typical section objects along with their properties and the commands for their management.

2. Objects library : it is situated on the lright side of the window and reports the list of the objects which can be inserted in the typical section, subdivided according to typology (roadways, layers, gutters, ditches, walls, generic objects) .

3. Graphic window: it is situated in the middle of the window and reports the preview of the typical section.

4. Information: it is situated at the bottom of the window and reports the information concerning the simulation of the typical section when “Typical section builder” is active , and

section data, values by station, planimetry and/or profile polylines at a certain axis station

when “Subproject simulation” is active.

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Toolbar The window of the typical section builder hasreports in its upper part two toolbars, one with the

commands for the management of typical section and graphic window, the other with the commands for the management of display and modification modes.

Bar for the management of typical section and graphic window The first toolbar reports on the left the commands for the management of a typical section (new, open, save, etc.), on the right the commands for the management of the graphic window (zoom, display

settings etc.)

The commands for the management of a typical section are the following:

New: Allows to create a new typical section or a new compound object.

Open: This Button display a menu from which is possible to open the typical sections, the typical section catalogs and the typical objects.

Open...: Allow to open an object or an existing typical section.

The file can be selected from a folder, from a catalog or from internal files of the current project.

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If pressed the following window will be displayed:

By Find in selection box it is possible to choose where to load typical section file or object from; the

tool provides for the following options:

Folder: allows to load a file contained in any computer/network folder. By choosing this option, it is possible to set, in the next field, the folder containing the file to open.

Typical section library: allows to load a file contained in a typical objects library. If you choose this option, the tool proposes the list of the libraries available and, according to the library selected, displays the typical sections it contains.

Objects library: allows to load a file contained in a typical objects library. If you choose this

option, the tool proposes the list of the libraries available and, according to the library selected, displays the typical objects it contains.

Typical section of the project: Allows to load a typical section file contained in the current project. If you choose this option, the tool proposes the list of the current project axis subprojects and, according to the subproject selected, displays the typical sections included in the subproject.

Objects of the project: allows to load a typical object file available in the current project. If you choose this option, the tool proposes the list of the objects included in the current project. On the

right of the window it is possible to display the preview of the typical section or of the typical object selected and its description.

Typical section library;: allows to open the dialog box for the management of typical section libraries. From this window it is possible to create typical section libraries and insert in them the typical sections.

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New library: Allows to create a new empty library.

Delete library: Allows to delete the current library.

Add file to library: Allows to insert a file in the current library.

Remove file from library: Allows to delete the file selected from the current library.

Library properties: allows to modify the name of the current library.

Save: this key displays a menu from which it is possible to save the

changes made to the current typical section and include the file in a typical section library.

Save: Saves the changes made on the current typical section. If the typical section is made up of a set of objects that form a single object, such as a roadway and its layers, in saving it, the software asks whether it must be saved as compound object, so as to insert it in an object library,

or as a typical section.

Save as: Saves the changes made to the current typical section on a file with a different name. When the typical section is included in the project, by this operation it is possible to export the internal file into any folder.

Save in a library: allows to save the object in a library. If the object is a typical section, the software will propose the list of all the typical section libraries available; otherwise, the tool will

propose the list of the object libraries available.

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Undo Cancels the change made.

Redo: Restores the change made.

Properties: opens the window of typical section properties, where it is possible to assign the file a

title, an extended description and a password to block its modification.

Update typical section objects properties: allows to verify the properties of all the objects that

make up a typical section and update those which have been modified, added or deleted.

Regen drawing: Allows to regenerate the section drawing and update axis data (project elevations, superelevation, widening, planimetry/profile polylines, etc.) when “ Subproject simulation” mode is active.

The commands for the management of the graphic window are the following:

Zoom in: Allows to increase the graphic window magnification factor.

Zoom out: Allows to decrease the graphic window magnification factor .

Zoom window: allows to zoom on a rectangular area of the graphic window.

Zoom all: allows to display all the typical section objects in the graphic window.

Distance: allows to measure the distance between two points in the graphic window.

Settings: this key displays a menu by which it is possible to

define the graphic window display settings.

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Section for project planimetry: displays only the objects used for the generation of the project planimetry, according to the settings defined in the section codes. If this option is active, displaying the typical section is faster, since some typical section objects are not drawn. This option is active when “Subproject simulation” mode has been activated.

Non-active option:

Active option:

Section Header: Displays axis name and section data (name, station, project elevation) on the upper left corner of the graphic window.

This option is active when “Subproject simulation” has been activated.

Cut/Fill check points: displays by marks the position of the points the tool uses for cut/fill check in the typical section. This option is active when “Typical section builder” is active.

Objects linked to cCut/Fill check points: Displays for each cut/fill check point the list of the

objects that use it for the check. This option is active when “Typical section builder” mode is active.

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Planimetry polyline: Displays by graphic references the position of planimetry polylines in the section. Polylines are represented by vertical hatches, reporting code and distance from axis in their upper and lower side; for 3D polylines also a mark on their elevation is displayed. By

submenu options, it is also possible to display the references of all the polylines or just of the ones used by the typical section and display (or not) the elevation mark.

This option is active only in “Subproject simulation” mode.

Profile polyline: Displays by graphic references the position of profile polylines in the section. Polylines are represented by horizontal hatches, reporting code and elevation by their sides. By submenu options, it is possible to display the references of all the polylines or just of the ones

used by the typical section. This option is active only in “Subproject simulation” mode.

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Copy the current terrain on...: Allows to save the terrain currently visible in the graphic window (subproject simulation mode) in one of the four customized terrains, so as to use them in typical section builder to simulate a more realistic terrain during the insertion of such particular elements as benching, stripping lines, terrain recovery, etc. this option is active in “Subproject simulation” mode.

Help on line: this key displays a menu by which it is possible to enter the help on line and the

information concerning the version of the typical section builder.

Bar for the management of typical section display and modication The second toolbar reports the commands for the management of typical section display and modification.

TheToolbar, in “Typical section builder” mode reports the following commands:

Change mode: By this key it is possible to pass quickly from “Typical section

builder” mode to “Subproject simulation” mode of the last axis subproject simulated.

Display: “Cut/Fill”: allows to display at the same time the section in cut and in fill, so as to simplify the check of the elements having different features in the two situations. According to the modification mode

set the active situation is displayed with coloured objects, while the non active one is displayed in grey; if

both cut and fill modifications are active, the fill situation is coloured.

Modify "Cut/Fill": if active, the changes made on the object properties are applied both to the cut and fill situations. If the visualisation “r; Cut/Fill” is active, the object is selected in both situations.

Modify "Cut": If active, the changes made to the object properties are applied only to the cut situation. If the visualisation “r; Cut/Fill” is active, the object is selected only in cut situation.

Modify "Fill": If active, the changes made to the object properties are applied only to the fill situation.

If the visualisation “r; Cut/Fill” is active, the object is selected only in fill situation.

The toolbar in "Subproject simulation” reports the following commands:

Change mode: This button allows to pass quickly from “Subproject simulation” mode to “Typical section builder” mode.

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Modify"Current section": If this button is active, the changes made on the project properties are applied only to the axis and to the current station and do not modify the typical section predefined values (the ones set by “Typical section builder” mode). In this way, it is possible to

modify the typical section only for some segments of the axis, without having to create each time different typical sections.

Objects manager In the management of objects it is possible to display and modify the properties of the objects inserted in

the typical section. By button it is possible to block or hide automatically the management of objects so as to reduce or widen the graphic window.

Object properties Each object contains a series of particular points and properties which determine its aspect and the way it works:

Insert point: it is the point in which the object is inserted in the typical section; the coordinates

of this point can also be obtained from a connection point released from another object contained in the typical section, from a planimetry or profile polyline, otherwise they can be fixed.

X Coordinate:

Value: It is the real value, or the value related to the axis position, the X coordinate must


Variable: The X coordinate value is obtained from a connection point released from another object contained in the typical section.

Planimetry polyline: the X coordinate value is obtained from a 3D planimetry polyline, with a specified code, on the cross section.

Y Coordinate:

Value: It is the real value, or the value related to the project elevation, the Y coordinate

must assume.

Variable: The Y coordinate value is obtained from a connection point released from another object contained in the typical section.

Planimetry polyline: the Y coordinate value is obtained from a 3D planimetry polyline, with a specified code, on the cross section.

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Profile polyline: the Y coordinate value is obtained from a profile polyline, with specified code, on the cross section.

X and Y coordinates can also assume different values; for example, X value can be obtained from a variable, while Y value can be a fixed value in absolute coordinates.

3. Reference point: reference points are points used to modify the aspect of an object and allow to link an object to another. For example, if we link the endpoint of a layer with the endpoint of a roadway, when superelevation and widening are applied to the roadway, also the layer will be rotated and widened. Moreover, reference points can be linked also to planimetry and profile polylines, in the same way as the insertion points.

X Coordinate:

None: X coordinate will assume the value predefined by the object.

Value: It is the real value, or the value related to the axis position, the X coordinate must assume.

Variable: The X coordinate value is obtained from a connection point released from another object contained in the typical section.

Planimetry polyline: the X coordinate value is obtained from a planimetry polyline, with a

specified code, on the cross section.

Y Coordinate:

None: Y coordinate will assume the value predefined by the object

Value: It is the real value, or the value related to the project elevation, the Y coordinate must assume.

Variable: The Y coordinate value is obtained from a connection point released from another

object contained in the typical section.

Planimetry polyline: the Y coordinate value is obtained from a planimetry polyline, with a specified code, on the cross section.

Profile polyline: the Y coordinate value is obtained from a profile polyline, with specified code, on the cross section.

As happens with insertion points, the X and Y coordinates of reference points can also assume

different values.

Connection points: Connection points are points used to link different objects contained in the typical section. Each object releases one or more connection points which can be used as

insertion points or as reference points by the objects inserted afterwards in the typical section.

Properties: object properties used to customize the shape and the way the object works, so as to differentiate it in the different situations in can be inserted in (left, right, cut and fill) or in the different typical sections.

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Drawing properties: Drawing properties are used to indicate which lines of the object must be drawn. This can be useful, for example, to compose the different layers of a roadway, because it

allows to merge different layers avoiding the overlapping of lines.

Groups: groups are used to merge more objects so that they can work as a single object. For

example, if we insert a layer in the group of layers belonging to “roadway” object and then we move the roadway, also the layer will be moved; so, if we delete the roadway, also the layer will be deleted. Any object can have a series of fixed groups, which therefore cannot be created, changed or deleted. Each group can contain only a certain typology of objects, for example, “roadway layers” will contain only layer-type objects.

Properties tab In the table of object properties it is possible to display and modify the object properties and points of reference, and every property is located on different levels, so as to simplify its search and use. Any object has a base level, coloured in dark grey, in which its name is displayed, and eight sub-levels,

coloured in light blue, to divide the different typologies of properties. The sub-levels are the following:

Reference points: This level contains the object insertion point and all its reference points.

Properties: This level contains all the object properties.

Draw: This level contains all the object drawing properties.

Groups: For all the possible object groups some levels are inserted, in which the group different

names are displayed.

The table of object properties is subdivided into two columns:

Name: this column displays the names of the objects, of reference points, properties and groups.

As far as insertion point and reference points a button is displayed, which allows to set the coordinates of the point by selecting it from the graphic window.

In "Subproject simulation” mode, on the left of the property name, button is displayed, which allows to open a window in which it is possible to open the property value by station or by section.

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By button it is possible to activate or deactivate the dynamic updating of the typical section

when moving inside the table or modying the values. By button it is possible to import the values by station of the property of another object, axis data (superelevation, widening, terrain/project elevations, etc.) and planimetry/profile polyline data.

If a property has some values defined by station, icon will be displayed in name column, and if

it is linked to a planimetry and profile polyline, icon will be displayed.

Moreover, if the property has different values between cut and fill, an asterisk (*) is inserted at the beginning of the property name.

From this window it is also possible to modify the object name by clicking on the name of the object selected.

2. Value: In this column it is possible to visualise and modify property values. In the case of the object base level, dark grey, three more buttons are active. They are the following:

Link properties : Opens the window for linking object properties.

Drawing direction : Modifies the direction the object is drawn with, that is if it is drawn rightward or leftward.

Replace file : Allows to replace the object file with another file,

keeping property values in common.

Object management toolbar This toolbar contains the commands for the display and modification of the objects inserted in the typical section. The commands are used to define the objects display mode in the table of properties, copy and

delete objects and insert such particular references as edge flags and cut/fill check points.

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Display all objects: Allows to display, in the table, the properties of all the objects inserted in the typical section..

Display selected object: Allows to display, in the table, only the properties of the object selected.

It is possible to select an object both from table, by selecting the object name or one of its properties, and from graphic window, positioning on the object and pressing the mouse left button.

Parent object: allows to activate the visualization of the object properties, containing, in one of the groups, the object selected..

Properties: opens the window for the modification of the properties of the object selected.

Copy: Allows to copy an object in two different ways, which are the following:

c. Copy object: Creates a copy of the object selected.

d. Copy object and connect properties: Creates a copy of the object selected and performs automatically the link between the properties of the source object and those of the copied one. When two objects have linked properties, the modification of the source object property values

causes the automatic modification of the values of the properties in common, i.e. of the properties which have the same name, of the duplicated object.

Connect object properties: Opens the window for linking the properties of the object selected.

Delete object: Deletes the object selected.

Sort object: allows to recalculate the drawing order of the object selected, so as to use correctly the

points of reference and the extension limits.

Object information: allows to activate a description of the object selected, reporting some details concerning properties and points of reference.

Cut/Fill check point: This button displays a menu from which it is possible to set or annul the

cut/fill check point on left and on right. By defining a cut/fill check point, all the objects, on the left and on the right, will use the point indicated to verify whether they are in a cut or in a fill situation. Normally, for all the objects it is possible to check whether they are in cut or in fill on the insertion point. However, for certain objects, such as ditches, the insertion point coincides exactly with the terrain, so another point is necessary to make the test. By defining a cut/fill check point it is possible to move the check for example to the sideslope top or to the roadway edge.

Cut/Fill check point on left: allows to define which point the objects on the left of the section must use to determine whether they are in a cut or in a fill situation.

Cnacel Cut/Fill check point on left: allows to annul the cut/fill check point of all the objects on the left of the section.

Cut/Fill check point on right: allows to define which point the objects on the right of the section must use to determine whether they are in a cut or in a fill situation.

Cancel Cut/Fill check point on right: allows to annul the cut/fill check point of all the objects on

the right of the section.

Set edge flag: allows to associate an edge flag to the connection point of a typical section object. Edge flags are numeric marks from 1 to 99 which can be associated to object line vertexes and are used to extrapolate the vertex indicated in the planimetry and in the profile.

Property tab local menu If you press the mouse right button in the table of object properties, a local menu will be displayed, reporting some Toolbar commands and two supplementary functions which are the following:

Reset reference point: allows to reset the X and Y coordinates of the reference point selected, restoring the object predefined values. This function can be convenient when a mistake has been made in assigning a reference point, or when it is necessary to unlink an already assigned

reference point.

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Modify object: opens the object selected in “Typical object builder”. The function is active only for the objects created by “Typical object builder” module.

Objects library The objects that can be inserted in a typical section are subdivided into libraries that can be personalised. Besides, the files contained in a library undergo a further subdivision, according to their typology (roadways, layers, gutters, ditches, walls and generic objects).

By button it is possible to block or hide automatically the objects library so as to reduce or widen the graphic window.

it is possible to create customized libraries, insert new files in the libraries, delete the fields contained in the libraries, display the files preview or their description and insert them in the typical section.

In the upper side of the object library manager a pull down menu is available, allowing to pass quickly from a library to the other.

In the middle there is a table displaying the different library files, subdivided according to their typology. To pass from one type to the other it is possible to use a pull down menu or the icons situated at the bottom of the table.

The table left column displays the object title, while the one on the right displays the file name. At the bottom of the window it is possible to display the object preview or its description.

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Object library toolbar In this menu all the functions are contained, for the management of libraries.

New library: creates a new empty library

Delete library: Deletes the current library.

Add file to library: inserts a file in the current library.

Delete file from library: deletes the file selected from the current library.

Insert: Allows to insert in the typical section the file selected from the current library.

Library properties: modifies the name of the current library.

Preview: displays the preview of the file selected..

Description: displays the description of the file selected..

Use of objects library All the operations are reported below, for creation, use and modification of object libraries.

Creating a new library

1. From object library page press the button New library.

2. The following dialog box will appear:

3. Insert Library name text field the name of the library to be created..

4. Press OK button to confirm or Cancel to cancel the operation.

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Deleting a library

1. From object library page press the button Delete library

2. The library will be deleted.

Inserting a file in a library

1. From object library page press the button Add file to library.

2. The following dialog box will appear, for the selection of the files to be included:

3. Select the files to be included. It is possible to select also more files at the same time.

4. Press OK button to include the files selected.

Deleting a file in a library 1. Select from library files table the file to be cancelled.

2. Press button Delete file from library to delete the file selected.

Graphic window In the central section of the module for defining typical sections there is the graphic window that has to visualize graphically the typical section.

Moreover, directly in the graphic window it is possible to select, modify and move the objects available in

the typical section and insert new ones.

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On the right side there are the classical commands for graphic management which allow to activate selection mode, to perform dynamic pan, zoom all, zoom window, zoom in, zoom out, to to measure the

distance between two points.

The graphic window allows to use the functions of IntelliMouse, a two-button mouse with a small wheel in the middle. By rotating the wheel it is possible to zoom on the drawing and keeping it pressed it is possible to perform a dynamic pan.

The lower status bar displays the cursor coordinates while moving inside the graphic window. .

By Settings menu it is possible to customize the display of the graphic window.

In the graphic window, for the object selected, the following items are displayed:

Insertion point, by a white square.

Reference points, by yellow squares.

First connection point, by a white circle.

Besides, during the insertion of an object, by white circles are displayed all the connection points that can be used by the object that is being inserted.

Information The bottom of the window reports the whole information concerning the typical section simulation when “Typical section builder” is active , and section data, values by station, planimetry and/or profile polylines at a certain axis station when “Subproject simulation” is active.

The information can either be hidden or made visible by pressing button on the right of the page, and from the subproject pull down menu it is possible to pass from “Typical section builder” to

“Subproject simulation” and vice versa. In “Subproject simulation” a scroll bar is active, allowing to change the station or the section currently visible in the graphic window. By the options “Station” and “Sections”, reported above the scroll bar, it is possible to choose the scroll mode along the axis; the text

field on the right of the bar allows to set manually the value of the station or the number of the section to be displayed. The scroll can be performed either by bar and by the direction arrows positioned past the text field.

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In “Typical section builder” mode the information page will look like this:

From the table of section data it is possible to customize project elevation, terrain slope, and choose the

customized terrain to use in building the tyical section.

In "Subproject simulation" the information page looks like the following:

In this mode three pages are available; the first reports the section data, the second reports the values

by station and the last reports planimetry and profile polyline data.

“Section” page reports on the left the section data (station, terrain elevation, project elevation, elevation difference, coordinate E, coordinate N and angle) , on the left superelevation and widening (included the sight ones) referred to the current station/section.

“Values by station” reports the values by station defined for the axis selected with its values at the current station/section. The values by station used by the typical sections defined for the axis are

highlighted by icon and if the value by station is used by the current section, icon is used, which, if pressed, selects the object and opens the table for the modification of the values by station.

By pressing the mouse right button on the table of the values by station a local menu will appear with the following commands:

Display value by station: Selects the object corresponding to the value by station selected and opens the table for the modification of values.

Delete value by station: Deletes the value by station seleted.

Link value by station: allows to link the value by station selected to a property of the current typical section. This command is visible only when the value by station is used by none of the axis typical sections and the option “Modify single section” is active.

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“Planimetry and profile polyline” page reports the planimetry and profile polylines which can be used by

the typical sections of the axis selected, the used ones are marked by the icon .

The polylines are subdivided into two groups, one for the planimetry ones and the other for the profile ones; for planimetry polylines, the code is reported, as well as description, distance from axis and

elevation both on left and on right, while for profile polylines the code is reported, and also the description and the elevation.

Main operation

Creating a new typical section It is possible to create a new typical section by starting from an empty section and adding the objects

considered necessary.

The module can be activated by one of the following methods:

Menu Sections> Typical sections > Typical section builder

Command line: DEFSZTYPE

From File menu select the item New .

Inserting objects in the typical section Typical sections are made up of a set of objects all joined together. There are different methods to insert an object inside the typical section, they are the following:

1. Insertion in the graphic CAD.

2. Insertion in the table of object properties.

3. Insertion from the library.

Insertion in the graphic cad 1. Select the object to be inserted in the table of library files.

2. Keeping the mouse left button pressed, drag the selected line towards the graphic cad. When the operation starts in the graphic cad will appear, by white circles, the connection points the object can be hooked to. To select the connection point desired drag the mouse cursor over one of the marked ones (In the graphic CAD a white square will be displayed, indicating the selected one). If there are more connection points placed one over the other, a pop up menu will be visualised, with the names of the different connection points, where it will be possible to select the one desired.

3. Select the connection point desired and drop the mouse left button

4. The object property window will appear:

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In this window it is possible to customize some parameters for object visualisation. It is therefore possible to modify some specific data of the object, like for example:

Name: In Name text box it is possible to write the name of the object to be visualised in the table of object properties.

File: In File text box, the name of the file generating the object will be visualised.

Group: Group field allows to select from the list the group where to insert the object. If an

object is linked to another containing a group for objects of the same kind as those we are inserting, in Group field, the name of this will be proposed automatically.

Drawing direction: Used to indicate the direction according to which the object drawing is performed.

It is also possible to customize the parameters of the insertion point. By the button Select insertion point it is possible to reselect the object insertion point, while by Details button it is

possible to display and modify all the parameters of the insertion point.

The lists of the fields X Coordinate and Y Coordinate are used to select the kind of X and Y coordinates of the point, that is to find out whether they are derived from a variable, from a polyline or they are fixed values. The fields below, which vary according to the value of the coordinate field, can indicate: name of connection point, polyline code, kind of fixed value (in

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absolute coordinates or referred to the position of the axis and to the project elevation) and value itself.

5. Press OK to insert the object in the position required or press Cancel button to stop the insertion.

Insertion in the table of object properties 1. Select the line of the object to be inserted into the table of library files.

2. Keeping the mouse left button pressed, drag the line selected towards the table of object properties of the typical section.

3. 3. Drop the mouse left button. If in the table of object properties the line of a group is selected and the kind of object we are inserting is compatible with the ones of the group itself, in the

window of object properties in Group field the group selected will be proposed.

4. The window of object properties will appear, where it will be possible to personalise the parameters as for the insertion in the graphic cad.

5. Press OK button to insert the object in the position desired or press Cancel to stop the insertion.

Insertion from library

Select from the table of library files the line of the object to be inserted.

Press button to insert the object.

The window of object properties will appear, where it will be possible to personalise the parameters as for the insertion into the graphic cad.

Press OK button to insert the object into the position desired or press Cancel button to stop the


Object selection There are two methods for the selection of objects:

1. From graphic cad: To select an object from the graphic cad it is necessary to position the cursor on the object selected and, when the hand cursor appears, press the mouse left button. If there are more objects placed one over the other, a pop up menu will be visualised with the list of the objects available; from the list it will be possible to select the one desired.

2. From the table of object properties: To select an object from the table of object properties it is sufficient to select the name of the object or one of its properties.

Modifying object properties Once the object has been inserted into the typical section, in the table of object properties all its properties are displayed. To modify an object property it is necessary to:

Select the object.

Position on the line of the property to be modified.

Change the value into the one desired in Value column.

Modifying objects drawing direction Every object is drawn in the typical section with a certain direction, which normally starts from the axis

and goes outwards. However, there can be objects that must be drawn in the opposite direction, like

internal roadsides.

So, there are two methods to change an object drawing direction:

1. From the table of object properties.

2. From the window of object properties.

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Modifying drawing direction from the table of object properties 1. Select the object.

2. In the column Value of the line where the name of the object is visualised (dark grey) press

button to choose the direction desired.

Modifying drawing direction from the window of object properties

Select the object and, from the table of object properties, select the line where the name of the

object is visualised (dark grey).

From Objects menu select the item Property.

The window of object properties will appear, where in Drawing direction field it will be possible

to select the direction desired.

Press OK to make the changes

Using object reference points To create dependence and correlation among the different objects available in the typical section, some reference points are used. These points are used to modify the aspect or the characteristics of an object according to the shape or the position of a connection point of another object.

There are two methods for setting reference points:

Set from graphic cad.

Set from table of object properties

Set from graphic cad 1. Select the object.

2. Click, by the mouse left button, on the graphic cad, inside the yellow square indicating the

reference point to be moved or press , button in the table of object properties, next to the

name of the reference point to be modified. Once it has been pressed, the graphic cad will activate the selection mode and will display all the connection points, indicated by white circles,

where it will be possible to hook the reference point up. If there are more reference points placed one over the other, a pop up menu will be visualised where it will be possible to select the reference point desired.

3. Select by the mouse the connection point to hook up to - the tool will display a hatched line linking the reference point selected and the connection point we are choosing - and press the mouse left button to confirm the selection or press the right button to cancel the operation.

Set from table of object properties

Select the object.

Select the line of the reference point to be modified in the table of object properties.

Expand the properties of the reference point by pressing icon "+" on the left of the name. Select the kind of X and Y coordinates of the reference point, then assign the values desired according

to the kind selected.

Moving objects It is possible to move the objects that are in the typical section by simply changing the values associated to their insertion points.

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There are three methods for changing insertion point:

1. Change from graphic cad.

2. Change from the table of object properties.

Change from graphic cad

Select the object to be moved.

Click by the mouse left button, in the graphic cad, inside the white square indicating the insertion

point to be moved or press , button in the table of object properties, next to the name of the

insertion point to be modified. Once it has been pressed, the graphic cad will activate the selection mode and will display all the connection points, indicated by white circles, where it will

be possible to hook up the insertion point. If there are also some reference points placed one over the other, a pop up menu will be visualised where it will be possible to select the insertion point normally called "INSERT".

Select by the mouse the connection point to hook up to - the tool will display a hatched line

linking the insertion point selected and the connection point we are choosing - and press the mouse left button to confirm the selection or press the right button to cancel the operation. If other objects are hooked up to the same connection point it will be possible to choose whether to move them after the one we are moving (the objects will be moved to the first connection point of the object we are moving) or not.

Change from the table of object property 1. Select the object to be moved.

2. Select the line of the insertion point to be modified in the table of object properties.

3. Expand the properties of the insertion point by pressing icon "+" on the left of the name. Select the kind of X and Y coordinates of the insertion point, then assign the values desired according to the kind selected.

Linking object properties Any object that is inserted in the typical section is a new and independent object, so it can be useful to connect the property values so that by modifying an object all the objects linked to it will be modified automatically. For example, in a typical section there is normally a right roadway and a left roadway. If

we link the properties of the left roadway with those of the right roadway, it will be sufficient to modify the width of the last one that the modification will be applied also to the left one.

Any object will link only the properties having the same name as those of the object to link to; besides, any object can have its properties linked to more different objects at the same time.

Once an object has been linked to another object, the icon will be displayed on the left of the object name, and on each property an icon will be displayed, which will be used to confirm the link to the other object.

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Linking object properties

Select the object and select, from table of object properties, the line where the name of the

object (dark grey) is displayed.

Press button in value column of the table of object properties or select the item Link object

properties from Objects menu

The following dialog box will appear:

4. Select the objects to link the properties to or press None button to remove the selection from all the objects of the list.

5. Press OK button to confirm the changes or the button Cancel to cancel them.

Replacing objects If you want to change an object already inserted in the typical section, instead of deleting it, replacing it and setting again its property values, it is possible to substitute it with another one of the same kind.

This will allow to keep insertion point, reference points and the values of the properties in common with the new object; the properties are kept, that have the same name.

There are two replacement methods:

1. Replacement from table of object properties.

2. Replacement from window of object properties.

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Replacement from object property table

1. Select the object and select, in the table of object properties, the line where the name of the

object is displayed (dark grey).

2. Press button in value column of the table of object properties

3. The following dialog box for file selection will appear:

4. Select the new object file and press OK button to confirm.

Replacement from the window of object properties b. Select the object and select, from object property table, the line where the object name (dark

grey) is displayed.

c. From Objects menu select the item Properties.

d. The window of object properties will appear:

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4. From this window in File field press button.

5. The following window will appear for file selection:

6. Select the new object file and press OK to confirm.

7. From the window of object properties press OK to confirm.

Copy objects There are two methods for duplicating the objects contained in the typical section.

1. Copy object: creates a copy of the object selected.

2. Copy object and connect properties: creates a copy of the object selected and performs automatically the connection between the properties of the original object and the copy. When two objects have their properties linked, the modification of the properties of the original object involves the automatic modification of the values of the properties in common, those having the

same name as the object duplicated.

Copy object 1. Select the object to be copied and select, from the table of object properties, the line where the

name of the object is visualised (dark grey).

2. From Objects menu select the item Copy and the sub menu Copy object.

3. The window of object properties will appear:

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4. In the window set the name of the new object, the drawing direction and, using the button Select insertion point, select its insertion point.

Copy object and connect properties

Select the object to be duplicated and select, from the table of object properties, the line where

the object name is displayed (dark grey).

From Objects menu select the item Copy and the sub menu Copy object and connect


Follow the instructions as for object duplication. Moreover, performing this kind of duplication, the object duplicated and all the objects contained in its groups will have their properties linked automatically with the original one.

Note: The duplication is performed automatically for the objects contained in the groups of the object that is duplicated, keeping their respective connections unchanged.

Deleting objects To delete the objects that are contained in the typical section it is necessary:

1. To select the object to be deleted and, from the table of object properties, select the line where

the object name is displayed (dark grey).

2. From Objects menu select the item Delete object.

Setting edge flags It is possible to assign an edge flag to any connection point contained in the typical section. To assign edge flags it is necessary to:

1. In objects tab, press Set edge flag. The graphic cad will activate the selection mode and will display all the connection points by white circles.

2. Indicate in the text box on the right of Set edge flag button, the number of flags to be used (flag 0 cancels the flag value assigned to a connection point).

3. Indicate the connection point to assign the flag to.

4. Press the mouse right button in the graphic cad or Set ege flag to stop the operation.

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Set Cut/Fill check points In the typical section it is possible to select, on the left and on the right, the check point for the objects

cut/fill check. To set cut/fill check point it is necessary to:

1. In objects page select Cut/Fill ceheck point on left or Cut/Fill ceheck point on right. The graphic cad will activate the selection mode and display the connection points by white circles.

2. Indicate the connection point to assign the cut/fill check to.

The tool will automatically link to the check point indicated all the objects on the left or on the right, and

will display the mark.

Cancel Cut/Fill check point It is possible to delete, on the left and on the right, the check point used for the objects cut/fill check. To cancel cut/fill check points it is necessary to:

1. Select Cancel Cut/Fill check point on left or Cancel Cut/Fill check point on right in

objects page. The tool will automatically delete the check points on the left and on the right.

Saving a typical section

To save the changes made it is possible to use Save command or Save with name command. The

typical sections saved by "Typical sections builder”module will generate binary files with TNB extension. It is possible to integrate to these files some supplementary information, such as a title, an extended description, and also a password for modification.

To set these supplementary information it is necessary to:

From File menu select Document properties item.

The following dialog box will appear:

Set the title of the typical section in Title text box, and the description in Description text box. If you want to protect the file that is being modified, it is possible to insert the password in

Password text box. When a password is set, during the file opening phase, a dialog box will be visualised, where you will be asked to insert it and, if the password inserted is not correct, the file will be opened only in reading mode.

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Press OK button to confirm the data or Cancel button to stop the operation.

Note: If the typical section is made up of a set of objects that make up a single one, like, for example a roadway with its layers, during the saving phase the tool asks you if you want it to be saved as a composed object, so that it can be inserted in a library.

Basic objects - Road cross-sections


Object name Roadway.

Object description Inserts the upper line of the roadway. The roadway can be

subject both to superelevation and to widening

Type Roadway.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the

object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is

below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) ROADWAY_EXTREME Indicates the roadway extreme.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

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Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Roadway line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the roadway line with.

Note: if in the group there are some layers the roadway upper line is not drawn

Superelevation mode Indicates the mode to obtain superelevation value with. The

possible methods are the following:

Fixed: The superelevation value to apply to

the roadway is a fixed value and it is obtained from Superelevation property.

From policy: The superelevation value to apply to the roadway is obtained from the superelevation values set in the section where it is inserted.

Superelevation Indicates the superelevation value to apply to the roadway

when the Superelevation mode is set as


Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevation on the left and vice versa.

Widening mode Indicates how to obtain the widening value to apply to the roadway. The possible methods are the following:

Fixed: The widening value to apply to the

roadway is a fixed value and it is obtained from Widening property.

From policy: The widening value to apply to the roadway is obtained from the widening values set in the section where it is inserted.

Widening Indicates the widening value to apply to the roadway in case Widening mode is set as Fixed.

Roadway width (m) Indicates the width of the roadway if the reference point ROADWAY_EXTREME is not set.


Roadway layers In this group it is possible to insert the layers (layer type objects)situated under the roadway, to make them work with

it as a single object.

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Note: if in the group there are some layers the roadway upper line is not drawn.

Auxiliary lane In this group it is possible to insert the auxiliary lane (roadway type objects)situated under the roadway, to make them work with it as a single object.

Roadside In this group it is possible to insert the roadside (roadside type object), connected to the roadway to make them work as

a single object.

Object tab: Auxiliary lane


Object name Auxiliary lane.

Object description Inserts the upper line of the auxiliary lane. The auxiliary lane

can be subject both to superelevation and to widening and it can assume a maximum value of superelevation.

Type Roadway.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) ROADWAY_EXTREME Indicates the extreme of the auxiliary lane.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

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Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Roadway line code

Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the line of the auxiliary lane with.

Note: if in the group there are some layers the upper line of the roadway lane is not drawn.

Superelevation Indicates the mode to obtain superelevation value with. The

possible methods are the following:

Fixed: The superelevation value to apply to the auxiliary lane is a fixed value and

it is obtained from Superelevation property.

From policy: The superelevation value to apply to

the auxiliary lane is obtained from the superelevation values set in the section where it is inserted.

Superelevation Indicates the superelevation value to apply to the auxiliary lane when the Superelevation mode is set as Fixed.

Maximum superelevation Indicates the maximum value, both positive and negative, the superelevation applied to the auxiliary lane can reach.

Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevation

on the left and vice versa.

Widening mode Indicates how to obtain the widening value to apply to the auxiliary lane. The possible methods are the following:

Fixed: The widening value to apply to the auxiliary lane is a fixed value and it is obtained from Widening property.

From policy: The widening value to apply to the auxiliary lane is obtained from the widening values set in the section where it is inserted.

Widening Indicates the widening value to apply to the auxiliary lane if Widening mode is set as Fixed.

Roadway width (m) Indicates the width of the auxiliary lane if the reference point ROADWAY_EXTREME is not set.

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Roadway layers

In this group it is possible to insert the layers (layer type objects)situated under the auxiliary lane, to make them work with it as a single object.

Note: if in the group there are some layers the upper line of the auxiliary lane is not drawn.

Object tab: Internal unpaved roadside


Object name Internal unpaved roadside.

Object description Inserts the upper line of the internal unpaved roadside. The

internal unpaved roadside is not subject to superelevation and widening but it can have a fixed slope with different modes.

Type Roadside.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. the predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) ROADWAY_EXTREME Indicates the roadside internal extreme.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

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Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Roadside line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the roadside line with.

Slope mode Indicates the kind of slope to apply to the roadside. The possible types are the following:

Relative: The superelevation calculated is added to the roadside slope set.

Fixed: The roadside slope is the one set.

Minimum: The roadside keeps a minimum slope that is equal to the one set. The roadway upper transversal slopes keep the minimum slope set, while the roadway lower transversal slopes use the roadway slope.

Roadside slope (v/h) Indicates the roadside transversal slope.

Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one

where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevations on the left and vice versa.

Roadside width (m) Indicates the width of the roadside if the reference point ROADWAY_EXTREME is not set.

Roadside rounded Indicates whether to generate a rounding in the final part of the roadside, so as to fillet it to the sideslope.

Rounding tangent (m) Indicates the tangent the roadside rounding must have.

Sideslope slope Indicates the slope of the sideslope it has to fillet to.

Object tab: Internal paved roadside


Object name Internal paved roadside.

Object description Inserts the upper line of the internal paved roadside. The internal paved roadside can be subject to superelevation but not to widening.

Type Roadside.

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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. the predefined point is the

object insertion point.

(2) ROADWAY_EXTREME Indicates the roadside internal extreme.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Roadside line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the roadside line with.

Note: if in the group there are some layers the roadside

upper line is not drawn.

Superelevation mode Indicates the mode to obtain superelevation value with. The

possible methods are the following:

Fixed: The superelevation value to apply to the roadside is a fixed value and it is

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obtained from Superelevation property.

From policy: The superelevation value to apply to the roadside is obtained from the superelevation values set in the section where it is inserted.

Superelevation Indicates the superelevation value to apply to the roadside

when the Superelevation mode is set as Fixed.

Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevation

on the left and vice versa.

Roadside width (m) Indicates the width of the roadside if the reference point ROADWAY_EXTREME is not set.


Roadside layers In this group it is possible to insert the layers (layer type objects)situated under the roadside, to make them work with it as a single object.

Note: if in the group there are some layers the roadside upper line is not drawn.

Object tab: External unpaved roadside


Object name External unpaved roadside.

Object description Inserts the upper line of the external unpaved roadside. The

external unpaved roadside is not subject to superelevation and widening, but it can have a fixed slope with different modes.

Type Roadside.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. the predefined point is the

object insertion point.

(2) ROADWAY_EXTREME Indicates the roadside external extreme.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are

the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Roadside line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the roadside line with.

Slope mode Indicates the kind of slope to apply to the roadside. The possible types are the following:

Relative: The superelevation calculated is added to the roadside slope set.

Fixed: The roadside slope is the one set.

Minimum: The roadside keeps a minimum slope

that is equal to the one set. The

roadway upper transversal slopes keep the minimum slope set, while the roadway lower transversal slopes use the roadway slope.

Roadside slope (v/h) Indicates the roadside transversal slope.

Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevations

on the left and vice versa.

Roadside width (m) Indicates the width of the roadside if the reference point ROADWAY_EXTREME is not set.

Roadside rounded Indicates whether to generate a rounding in the final part of the roadside, so as to fillet it to the sideslope.

Rounding tangent (m) Indicates the tangent the roadside rounding must have.

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Sideslope slope Indicates the slope of the sideslope it has to fillet to.

Object tab: External paved roadside


Object name External paved roadside.

Object description Inserts the upper line of the external paved roadside. The external paved roadside can be subject to superelevation but

not to widening.

Type Roadside.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. the predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) ROADWAY_EXTREME Indicates the roadside external extreme.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

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Roadside line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the roadside line with.

Note: if in the group there are some layers the roadside upper line is not drawn.

Superelevation mode Indicates the mode to obtain superelevation value with. The possible methods are the following:

Fixed: The superelevation value to apply to the roadside is a fixed value and it is obtained from Superelevation


From policy: The superelevation value to apply to the roadside is obtained from the

superelevation values set in the section where it is inserted.

Superelevation Indicates the superelevation value to apply to the roadside when the Superelevation mode is set as Fixed.

Invert superelevation

Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevations

on the left and vice versa.

Roadside width (m) Indicates the width of the roadside if the reference point



Roadside layers In this group it is possible to insert the layers (layer type objects)situated under the roadside, to make them work with it as a single object. Note: if in the group there are some layers the roadside

upper line is not drawn.

Object tab: Median


Object name Median.

Object description Inserts the upper line of the median. The median can be used to design separate roadway typical


Type Roadside.

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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) ROADSIDE_EXTREME_SX Indicates the left extreme of the median.

(2) ROADSIDE_EXTREME_DX Indicates the right extreme of the median.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are

the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Roadside line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the roadside line with.

Centered Indicates whether to keep centered, as to the insertion point, the vertex connecting the two sides of the roadside. If the property is active, the object will adapt one of the two slopes

of the median, so as to respect the constraint set, otherwise, the roadside vertex will be moved rightward or leftward, so as to respect the slopes set.

Roadside rounded Indicates whether to generate a rounding of the vertex connecting the two sides of the roadside.

Rounding tangent Indicates the tangent the roadside rounding must have.

Left slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the median left side

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Right slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the median right side

Left width (m) Indicates the width of the left side of the median, if the reference point ROADSIDE_EXTREME_LF is not set.

Right width (m)

Indicates the width of the right side of the median, if the reference point ROADSIDE_EXTREME_RH is not set.


Roadside line Indicates whether to draw the roadside upper line.


Roadside layers In this group it is possible to insert the layers (layer type objects)situated under the roadside, to make them work with it as a single object..

Object tab: Sidewalk


Object name Sidewalk.

Object description Inserts the upper line of sidewalk line.It is possible to set the sidewalk a fixed transversal slope and it has a group for the insertion of layers.

Type Roadside.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) SIDEWALK_EXTREME Indicates the sidewalk external extreme.

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Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Sidewalk line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the sidewalk line with.

Note: if in the group there are some layers the sidewalk upper line is not drawn.

Sidewalk slope (v/h) Indicates the sidewalk transversal slope.

Sidewalk width (m) Indicates sidewalk width if SIDEWALK_EXTREME reference point is not set.


Sidewalk layers In this group it is possible to insert the layers (layer type objects)situated under the sidewalk, to make them work with it as a single object. Note: if in the group there are some layers the upper line of the sidewalk is not drawn.

Layer with vertical side


Object name Layer with vertical side.

Object description Inserts a layer with vertical external side.

Type Layer.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Indicates the layer external extreme.


Indicates the point the course must extend to. To use when the course must be extended to another point. The segment between reference point 2 and 3 can be drawn or not.

(4) COURSE_HEIGHT Indicates course height. To use instead of Layer Thickness



Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are

the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer line with. The segments that make up the layer line start from the layer lower internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer lower external extreme (2), proceeding clockwise

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Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project line with. The segments that make up the project line start from the layer upper internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer upper external extreme (2), proceeding anticlockwise.

Layer width (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_EXTREME reference point is not set.

Layer thickness (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_HEIGHT reference point is not set. If the thickness is negative, the layer is drawn upwards.

Layer extension (m) Indicates the width to add to the layer width if COURSE_EXTEND reference point is not set.


1st Layer line 2nd Layer line 3rd layer line

4th layer line

Indicate what layer lines must be drawn. The layer line drawing scheme is the following:

1st project line 2nd project line 3rd project line 4th project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project line drawing scheme is the following:

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Layer with sloped side


Object name Layer with sloped side.

Object description Inserts a layer with external sloped side.

Type Layer.



(0) Object insertion point.


Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) COURSE_EXTREME Indicates the layer external extreme.

(3) COURSE_EXTEND Indicates the point the course must extend to. To use when

the course must be extended to another point. The segment between reference point 2 and 3 can be drawn or not.

(4) COURSE_HEIGHT Indicates course height. To use instead of Layer Thickness property.

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Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer

line with. The segments that make up the layer line start from the layer lower internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer lower external extreme (2), proceeding clockwise

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project line with. The segments that make up the project line start from the layer upper internal extreme (1) and finish at the

layer upper external extreme (2), proceeding anticlockwise.

Layer width (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_EXTREME reference point is not set.

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Layer thickness (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_HEIGHT reference point is not set. If the thickness is negative, the layer is drawn upwards.

Layer extension (m) Indicates the width to add to the layer width if COURSE_EXTEND reference point is not set.

Layer slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the layer sloped external side.


1st Layer line 2nd Layer line 3rd layer line 4th layer line

Indicate what layer lines must be drawn. The layer line drawing scheme is the following:

1st project line 2nd project line 3rd project line 4th project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project line drawing scheme is the following:

Layer with sloped base


Object name Layer with sloped base.

Object description Inserts a layer with sloped external side and sloped base.

Type Layer.

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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) COURSE_EXTREME Indicates the layer external extreme.

(3) COURSE_EXTEND Indicates the point the course must extend to. To use when the course must be extended to another point. The segment between reference point 2 and 3 can be drawn or not.

(4) COURSE_HEIGHT Indicates course height. To use instead of Layer Thickness property.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are

the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point

used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer line with. The segments that make up the layer line start from the layer lower internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer lower external extreme (2), proceeding clockwise.

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Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project line with. The segments that make up the project line start from the layer upper internal extreme (1) and finish at the

layer upper external extreme (2), proceeding anticlockwise.

Layer width (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_EXTREME reference point is not set.

Layer thickness (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_HEIGHT reference point

is not set. If the thickness is negative, the layer is drawn upwards.

Layer extension (m) Indicates the width to add to the layer width if COURSE_EXTEND reference point is not set.

Layer slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the layer sloped external side.

Layer base slope (v/h) Indicates the minimum slope of the layer base. The layer base always keeps a minimum slope equal to the one set. For the roadway higher transversal slopes, keep the minimum slope,while for the roadway lower transversal slopes, keep the roadway slope.

Base slope from superelevation Indicates whether the layer base slope must be obtained from

the superelevations set in the section where it is inserted. If the property is active, the value of Layer base slope property will be ignored.

Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one

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where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevations on the left and vice versa..


1st Layer line 2nd Layer line 3rd layer line 4th layer line

Indicate what layer lines must be drawn. The layer line drawing scheme is the following:

1st project line 2nd project line

3rd project line 4th project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project line drawing scheme is the following:

Layer with offset from sideslope


Object name Layer with offset from sideslope

Object description Inserts a layer with external sloped side and sloped base. Besides, it is possible to set a distance to keep from a

connected sideslope on COURSE_EXTEND reference point. This can be useful with fixed thickness topsoil sideslopes.

Type Layer


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the

object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) COURSE_EXTREME Indicates the layer external extreme.


Indicates the point the course must extend to. To use when

the course must be extended to another point. The segment between reference point 2 and 3 can be drawn or not. This point must coincide with the start point of the sideslope to calculate the offset from.


Indicates the height of the layer. To use instead of Layer thickness property.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer line with. The segments that make up the layer line start from

the layer lower internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer

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lower external extreme (2), proceeding clockwise.

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project line with. The segments that make up the project line start

from the layer upper internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer upper external extreme (2), proceeding anticlockwise

Layer width (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_EXTREME reference point is not set.

Layer thickness(m)

Indicates the thickness of the layer if COURSE_HEIGHT reference point has not been set. If the thickness is negative the layer is drawn upwards.

Layer extension (m) Indicates the width to add to the layer width if COURSE_EXTEND reference point has not been set.

Layer slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the layer external sloped side.

Layer base slope (v/h)

Indicates the minimum slope of the layer base. The layer base always keeps a minimum slope equal to the one set. For the roadway higher transversal slopes, keep the minimum slope,while for the roadway lower transversal slopes, keep the

roadway slope.

Base slope from superelevation Indicates whether the slope of the layer base must be obtained from the superelevations set in the section where it is inserted. If the property is active, the value of Layer base slope (v/h) property will be ignored.

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Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevations on the left and vice versa.

Slope sideslope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the sideslope to calculate the offset from.

Offset from sideslope (m) Indicates the distance to keep from the sideslope.

Invert sideslope direction If active, it calculates the offset as if the sideslope were inverted, that is as if the sideslope extended in the direction opposite to the terrain.


1st Layer line 2nd Layer line 3rd layer line 4th layer line

Indicate what layer lines must be drawn. The layer line drawing scheme is the following:

1st project line

2nd project line 3rd project line 4th project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project line

drawing scheme is the following:

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Sub-base layer


Object name Sub-base layer.

Object description Inserts a layer with its bottom not parallel to the upper layer,

but subdivided into two segments with different slopes. Normally used for sub-base layer. This layer displays a bottom subdivided into two parts as to a point called point E. With reference to this point, the bottom displays a slope towards the inside of the layer and one towards the outside of the layer. The two slopes are always negative, from point E they go down inward and outward, and

their value is influenced by the slope of the upper layer; however, their value is always equal or below the minimum

set in Minimum base slope property. The position of point E changes according to the slope of the upper layer and it moves between COURSE_START_VAR and COURSE_END_VAR reference points, so as to optimize the amount of material used to build the layer.

Point E identifies the point with the minimum layer thickness and this value can be set by Minimum thickness property

Type Layer



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the

object insertion point

(2) COURSE_EXTREME Indicates the layer external extreme.

(3) COURSE_START_VAR Indicates the start point of the transition of layer base top. This point must always be an internal point if compared to the layer insertion point. For example, if a layer is inserted on the

right of the section and its drawing direction is to the right, it

is necessary to indicate a point on the left of its insertion point.

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Example of connection of the right layer of a right roadway in a road with separate roadways. (The rotation point is on the white square indicating the layer insertion point).

(4) COURSE_END_VAR Indicates the end point of the transition of layer base top. This

point must always be an external point if compared to the layer insertion point. For example, if a layer is inserted on the right of the section and its drawing direction is to the left, it is necessary to indicate a point on the left of its insertion point.

Example of connection of the left layer of a right roadway in a

road with separate roadways. (The rotation point is on the white square indicating the layer insertion point).

(5) COURSE_EXTREME2 Indicates the extreme of the second roadway, opposite the one where the layer is inserted, which represents the road in

case of a one-bed road. This point allows to calculate correctly the layer minimum thickness.

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Example of connection of the right layer of a right roadway in a one-bed road. (The rotation point is on the white square indicating the layer insertion point). In this case COURSE_EXTREME2 (5) reference point too must be connected on the extreme of the other roadway.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer

line with. The segments that make up the layer line start from the layer lower internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer lower external extreme (2), proceeding clockwise.

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Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project line with. The segments that make up the project line start from the layer upper internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer upper external extreme (2), proceeding anticlockwise

Layer width (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_EXTREME reference point is not set.

Layer side slope (h/b) Indicates the slope of the layer external sloped side.

Layer minimum thickness (m) Indicates the minimum thickness the layer granted at the layer bottom.

Layer base minimum slope (h/b) Indicates the minimum slope granted at the layer bottom.


1st Layer line 2nd Layer line 3rd layer line 4th layer line

Indicate what layer lines must be drawn. The layer line drawing scheme is the following:

1st project line 2nd project line

3rd project line 4th project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project line drawing scheme is the following:

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Top soil cut layer


Object name Top soil cut layer.

Object description Inserts the stripping line automatically, between two

connection points following (or not) the terrain.

Type Layer.



(0) Object insertion point.



Indicate the points used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether at least one of these two points is below or above the terrain line.

The predefined point is defined by the project elevation and

the axis position. This object uses two points to manage the situations where the section is cut into hillside

(3) COURSE_EXTREME Indicates the layer external extreme.

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Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer

line with. The segments that make up the layer line start from the layer upper internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer upper external extreme (2), proceeding anticlockwise

Terrain line code Indicates the code of the polyline indicating the terrain.

Offset from terrain Indicates whether to perform the offset of the line representing the terrain.

Layer width (m) Indicates the layer width if COURSE_EXTREME reference point is not set.

Layer thickness (m) Indicates layer thickness.

Layer extended to object


Object name Layer extended to object.

Object description Inserts a layer with the vertical side that can be adapted to another element inserted in the typical section. It can be used, for example, with layers to adapt to a sideslope

benching or to be interrupted on an object in particular.

Type Layer.

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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the

object insertion point.

(2) COURSE_EXTREME Indicates the layer external extreme.

(3) COURSE_HEIGHT Indicates the height of the layer. To use instead of Layer thickness property.

(4) OBJECT_REFERENCE This reference point must always be connected to a connction point released by the object it must extend to.This reference point must always be set, since it is used to determine the correct drawing order.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer line with. The segments that make up the layer line start from

the layer lower internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer

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lower external extreme (2), proceeding clockwise.

Project line code

Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project line with. The segments that make up the project line start

from the layer upper internal extreme (1) and finish at the layer upper external extreme (2), proceeding anticlockwise

Limit-line code Indicates the code of the line the layer must extend to.

Layer thickness (m) Indicates the thickness of the layer if COURSE_HEIGHT reference point has not been set.

Layer base slope (v/h) Indicates the minimum slope of the layer base. The layer base always keeps a minimum slope equal to the one set. For the roadway higher transversal slopes, keep the minimum slope,while for the roadway lower transversal slopes, keep the roadway slope.

Base slope from superelevation Indicates whether the slope of the layer base must be obtained from the superelevations set in the section where it is inserted. If the property is active, the value of Layer base slope (v/h) property will be ignored.

Invert superelevation Indicates, in case the superelevation is obtained from the policy, to use the superelevation of the side opposite the one

where the layer has been inserted. For example, if the layer

has been inserted on the right, it will use the superelevations on the left and vice versa.

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1st Layer line 2nd Layer line 3rd layer line 4th layer line

Indicate what layer lines must be drawn. The layer line drawing scheme is the following:

The third line of the layer indicates the set of segments of the external vertical side of the layer except for the last.

The fourth line of the layer indicates the last segment of the layer external vertical side.

1st project line 2nd project line

3rd project line 4th project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project line drawing scheme is the following:

Gutters Object tab: Gutter


Object name Gutter.

Object description Inserts a french gutter.

Type Gutter.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) GUTTER_BASE_INT Indicates the internal point of the gutter base. This point can

be used to adapt the gutter base to another object.

(2) GUTTER_BASE_EXT Indicates the external point of the gutter base. This point can be used to adapt the gutter base to another object.

(3) GUTTER_BASE_CURB Indicates the point on the gutter base near the end of the sloped segment on roadside. This point can be used to adapt the gutter base to another object.

(4) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is

below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Gutter line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the gutter

line with.

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project

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line with.

Gutter base Indicates gutter base types; the possible cases are the following:

Horizontal: Indicates to draw the base as a horizontal line.

Sloped: Indicates to draw the base following the sloped segment on roadside.

Gutter base thickness (m) Indicates the width of the gutter base.

Gutter width on roadside (m) Indicates the width of the sloped segment on roadside.

Roadside bottom width (m) Indicates the width of the roadside bottom.

Gutter width on sideslope (m) Indicates the gutter width on sideslope.

Curb width (m) Indicates the curb width.

Gutter height on roadside (m) Indicates the height of the sloped segment on roadside.

Gutter height on sideslope (m) Indicates the height of the sloped segment on sideslope.

Object tab: Gutter by width


Object name Gutter by width.

Object description Inserts a gutter where it is possible to set the widths and the heights of the sloped sides.

Type Gutter.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) GUTTER_DEPTH Indicates the point on axis of the gutter base. The point can be used to calculate the elevation of the gutter bottom from a

profile or planimetry polyline. Besides, it can be used if the alignment of the gutter axis is known.

(2) GUTTER_BASE_INT Indicates the internal point of the gutter base. This point can be used to adapt the gutter base to another object.

(3) GUTTER_BASE_EXT Indicates the external point of the gutter base. This point can

be used to adapt the gutter base to another object.

(4) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the

object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Gutter line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the gutter line with.

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project line with.

Gutter rounded Indicates whether to round the gutter internal base.

Base rounded Indicates whether to round the gutter external base

Gutter base Indicates gutter base type; the possible cases are the following:

Horizontal: Indicates that the sloped segments of the gutter external side are

vertical, so the gutter external base is as wide as the top.

Sloped: Indicates that the sloped segments

of the gutter external side follow, according to the thickness set in Gutter border thickness property,

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the internal sloped segments, so the base width will depend on the values of the thickness set..

Gutter base thickness (m) Indicates the thickness of the gutter base.

Gutter border thickness (m) Indicates the thickness of the gutter borders.

Gutter width on roadside (m) Indicates the width of the gutter internal side (the one on the roadside).

Gutter width on sideslope (m) Indicates the width of the gutter external side (the one on the sideslope)

Gutter bottom width (m) Indicates the gutter bottom width

Gutter height on roadside (m) Indicates the height of the gutter on the internal side the one on the roadside), if the Y coordinate of GUTTER_DEPTH reference point has not been set

Gutter height on sideslope (m) Indicates the height of the gutter on the external side the one on the sideslope), if the Y coordinate of GUTTER_DEPTH reference point has not been set.


Start line Indicates whether to draw the horizontal segment between

the insertion point and the beginning of the internal sloped

segment on the gutter roadside.

End line Indicates whether to draw the horizontal segment between the end point of the gutter sloped internal segment on the sideslope, and the gutter main connection point.

Object tab: Gutter by slope


Object name Gutter by slope.

Object description Inserts a gutter where it is possible to set the slopes and the

heights of the sloped sides.

Type Gutter.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) GUTTER_DEPTH Indicates the point on axis of the gutter base. The point can

be used to calculate the elevation of the gutter bottom from a profile or planimetry polyline. Besides, it can be used if the alignment of the gutter axis is known.

(2) GUTTER_BASE_INT Indicates the internal point of the gutter base. This point can be used to adapt the gutter base to another object.

(3) GUTTER_BASE_EXT Indicates the external point of the gutter base. This point can be used to adapt the gutter base to another object.

(4) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the

object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Gutter line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the gutter line with.

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the gutter line with.

Gutter rounded Indicates whether to round the gutter internal base.

Base rounded Indicates whether to round the gutter external base.

Gutter base Indicates gutter base type; the possible cases are the following:

Horizontal: Indicates that the sloped segments of the gutter external side are vertical, so the gutter external base is as wide as the top.

Sloped: Indicates that the sloped segments

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of the gutter external side follow, according to the thickness set in Gutter border thickness property, the internal sloped segments, so the base width will depend on the values

of the thickness set.

Gutter base thickness (m) Indicates the gutter base thickness.

Gutter border thickness (m) Indicates the gutter border thickness.

Gutter slope on roadside (h/b) Indicates the slope of the gutter internal side (the one on the roadside).

Gutter slope on sideslope(h/b) Indicates the slope of the gutter external sideslope (the one on the roadside).

Gutter bottom width (m) Indicates the width of the gutter bottom internal side.

Gutter height on roadside (m)

Indicates the height of the gutter on the internal side the one on the roadside), if the Y coordinate of GUTTER_DEPTH reference point has not been set.

Gutter height on sideslope (m) Indicates the height of the gutter on the external side the one on the sideslope), if the Y coordinate of GUTTER_DEPTH

reference point has not been set.


Start line Indicates whether to draw the horizontal segment between the insertion point and the beginning of the internal sloped segment on the gutter roadside.

End line Indicates whether to draw the horizontal segment between the end point of the gutter sloped internal segment on the

sideslope, and the gutter main connection point.

Ditches Object tab: Ditch by width


Object name Ditch by width.

Object description Inserts a ditch where it is possible to set top width and bottom width.

Type Ditch.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the

object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) DITCH_START Indicates the start point of the ditch internal sideslope. The point can be used when the alignment of the ditch internal

edge is known.


Indicates the point on axis of the ditch base. The point can be

used to calculate the elevation of the gutter bottom from a profile or planimetry polyline. Besides, it can be used if the alignment of the ditch axis is known.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHECKFILL property has not been set, the point used to

verify the condition is the insertion point.

Ditch line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the ditch

line with.

Connect start to terrain Indicates whether to connect the ditch internal edge to terrain.

Extend end to terrain Indicates whether to extend the ditch external sideslope to


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Round bottom ditch Indicates whether to round the ditch bottom.

Distance from sideslope (m) Indicates the width of the line that links the ditch insertion point with the ditch internal edge, if the X coordinate of DITCH_START reference point is not set.

Ditch depth (m) Indicates the ditch depth if the Y coordinate of DITCH_DEPTH reference point is not set.

Ditch top width (m) Indicates the ditch top width.

Ditch bottom width (m) Indicates the width of the ditch bottom.


Horizontal segment from sideslope Indicates whether to draw the horizontal segment between the insertion point and the ditch internal edge.

Object tab: Ditch by slopes


Object name Ditch by slopes.

Object description Inserts a ditch where it is possible to set the slope of the sides

Type Ditch.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the

object insertion point.

(2) DITCH_START Indicates the start point of the ditch internal sideslope. The point can be used when the alignment of the ditch internal edge is known.

(3) DITCH_DEPTH Indicates the point on axis of the ditch base. The point can be used to calculate the elevation of the gutter bottom from a

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profile or planimetry polyline. Besides, it can be used if the alignment of the ditch axis is known.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHECKFILL property has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Ditch line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the ditch line with.

Connect start to terrain Indicates whether to connect the ditch internal edge to terrain.

Extend end to terrain Indicates whether to extend the ditch external sideslope to terrain.

Round bottom ditch Indicates whether to round the ditch bottom.

Distance from sideslope (m) Indicates the width of the line that links the ditch insertion point with the ditch internal edge, if the X coordinate of DITCH_START reference point is not set.

Ditch depth (m) Indicates the ditch depth if the Y coordinate of DITCH_DEPTH reference point is not set.

Ditch internal slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the ditch internal sideslope.

Ditch external slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the ditch external sideslope.

Ditch bottom width (m) Indicates ditch bottom width.


Horizontal segment from sideslope Indicates whether to draw the horizontal segment between

the insertion point and the ditch internal edge.

Walls Object tab: Counterscarp wall A


Object name Counterscarp wall A.

Object description Inserts a counterscarp wall. The wall includes the insertion of a line for the wall excavation and a line for the trench line excavation.

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Type Wall.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) WALL_HEIGHT Indicates wall height. If the point is set, the value of Wall height property is ignored.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion


Project line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw project line with.

Wall line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the wall line with.

Wall excavation line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the wall excavation line with.

Trench line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the trench line with.

Wall height (m) Indicates wall height if WALL_HEIGHT reference point is not set.

Gutter height (m) Indicates the height the gutter connected to the wall must have so as to position the wall internal scarp in the correct


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Top wall offset (m) Indicates the difference between the wall top and the wall main connection point (where the next object will be connected).

Slope new sideslope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the new sideslope in case the wall is inserted directly inside the section.

Excavation slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of excavation sideslope.

Object tab: Retaining wall A


Object name Retaining wall A.

Object description Inserts a retaining wall. The wall is extended automatically to the terrain and includes the insertion of a trench line excavation.

Type Wall.



(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Project line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw project line with.

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Wall line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the wall line with.

Trench line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the wall excavation line with.

Wall depth (m) Indicates the depth the wall must have from terrain line.

Top wall offset (m) Indicates the difference between the wall top and the wall

insertion point.

Object tab: Toe wall A


Object name Toe wall A

Object description Inserts a toe wall. The wall is extended automatically to the terrain and includes the insertion of a trench line excavation.

Type Wall.



(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Project line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw project line with.

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Wall line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the wall line with.

Trench line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the wall excavation line with.

Wall depth (m) Indicates the depth the wall must have from terrain line.

Objects Object tab: Curb


Object name Curb.

Object description Inserts a curb.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Curb line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the curb line with.

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project

line with.

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Curb type Indicates curb type; the possible cases are the following:

Internal: The curb is drawn to be inserted as

internal curb..

External: The curb is drawn to be inserted as external curb..

Curb width (m) Indicates curb width.

Curb height (m) Indicates the height of the curb from the insertion point.

Curb depth (m) Indicates the depth of the curb from the insertion point.

Slope side width (m) Indicates the width of the curb sloped side.

Slope side height (m) Indicates the height of the curb sloped side.


1° Project line

2° Project line

3°Project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project line

drawing scheme is the following:


Sidewalk In this group it is possible to insert the sidewalk (roadside

type object) connected to the curb,so that it works with it as a single object.

Object tab: Guard-Rail DOBJECT DATA

Object name Guard-Rail.

Object description Inserts Guard-Rail.

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Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion


Guard-Rail line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the guard-rail line with.

Double guard-Rail Indicates to insert the guard-rail on both sides.

Object tab:New-Jersey


Object name New-Jersey.

Object description Inserts a New-Jersey.

Type Object.


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(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

New-Jersey line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw New Jersey line with.

Base width (m) Indicates New Jersey base width.

Center width (m) Indicates the width in the middle of the New Jersey.

Head width (m) Indicates the width of the New Jersey heads.

Base height (m) Indicates the height of the New Jersey bases

Center height (m) Indicates the height in the middle of the New Jersey.

New-Jersey height (m) Indicates New Jersey total height.

Object tab: Band between two lines


Object Name Band between two lines

Object description Inserts a reference line for the insertion in the typical section of such elements as stripping line, terrain recovery, benching, etc. This line can be interrupted in the crossing point between project line cut and fill, as happens in sections cut into

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hillside. Besides, it is possible to decide whether to use cut area or fill area.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) EXTREME Indicates the extreme of the reference line. The reference line is normally connected to the lower edges of typical section.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

Project line code Indicates the code of the project polyline to calculate cut and fill area from.

Terrain line code Indicates the code of the terrain polyline to use as reference for calculating cut and fill areas.

Application zone Indicates the area where the reference line for section editing must be drawn; the possible cases are the following:

Full: The line is drawn from the insertion point to EXTREME reference point, apart from the area where the

project line is situated.

Fill: The line is drawn in the area where the project line is in fill.

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Cut: The line is drawn in the area where the project line is in cut.

Object tab: Fence


Object name Fence.

Object description Inserts a fence.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) WALL_HEIGHT Indicates the height of the wall at the network bottom. If the point is set the value of Wall height property is ignored.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion


Fence line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw fence line with.

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Wall line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw wall line with.

Fence height (m) Indicates fence height.

Fence arrow height (m) Indicates the height of the fence arrow.

Fence width (m) Indicates the width of the fence.

Wall height (m) Indicates the height of the wall at the bottom of the fence, if WALL_HEIGHT reference point is not set.

Wall width (m) Indicates the width of the wall at the bottom of the fence.

Wall depth (m) Indicates the depth of the wall at the bottom of the fence.

Wall base height (m) Indicates the height of the base of the wall at the bottom of

the fence.

Base internal width (m) Indicates the width of the internal scarp of the base of the wall at the bottom of the fence.

Base external width (m) Indicates the width of the external scarp of the base of the wall at the bottom of the fence.

Object tab: Automatic sideslope


Object name Automatic sideslope.

Object description Inserts a sideslope line as far as the terrain or as far as another section line.

Type Object



(0) Object insertion point.


Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion



Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are

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the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Sideslope line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw sideslope line with.

Limit-line code Indicates the line code the sideslope must extend to.

Sideslope slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of sideslope line.

Round off: Indicates the kind of rounding to apply to the final segment of the sideslope; the possible cases are the following:

None: No rounding is set.

German policy: Sets a rounding according to the

German policy.

Tangent: Sets a rounding according to the tangent set.

Rounding tangent (m) Indicates the value of the rounding tangent set on the sideslope final segment.

Object tab: Fixed sideslope


Object name Fixed sideslope.

Object description Inserts a fixed width sideslope line.

Type Object.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) SLOPE_EXTREME Indicates the sideslope extreme.

(2) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the

object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion


Sideslope line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw sideslope line with.

Sideslope slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of sideslope line.

Sideslope offset Indicates the shift to X of the slope from the insertion point if SLOPE_EXTREME reference point has not been set.

Invert sideslope direction If active, it draws the sideslope as if it extended in the direction opposite to the terrain.

Object tab: Fixed sideslope with berms


Object name Fixed sideslope with berms.

Object description Inserts a fixed-width berm sideslope line.

Type Object


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) SLOPE_EXTREME Indicates the sideslope final extreme.

(2) SLOPE_REFERENCE Indicates the sideslope start point, from which a fixed thickness must be kept, equal to the distance between the insertion point of the fixed sideslope with berms and the beginning of the reference sideslope. This reference point is useful in case of sideslopes with berms

having top soil; in fact, the SLOPE_REFERENCE reference

point of the sideslope with a lower elevation (the project one) will be connected to the start point of the top soil sideslope situated at a higher elevation.

(3) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion


Sideslope line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw sideslope line with.

Sideslope slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of sideslope line.

Sideslope offset Indicates the total width of the sideslope, from the insertion

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point if SLOPE_EXTREME reference point has not been set.

Invert sideslope direction If active, it draws the sideslope as if it extended in the direction opposite to the terrain.

Stop on reference sideslope Indicates whether to stop the sideslope according to its SLOPE_EXTREME reference point or according to the reference sideslope indicated by SLOPE_REFERENCE reference point.

Maximum number of berms Indicates the maximum number of berms the sideslope must have.

Berm width (m) Indicates the berm width.

Berm height (m) Indicates berm height.

Berm slope (v/h) Indicates the berm slope.

Berm sideslope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the sideslope between berms.

Object tab: Automatic sideslope with berms


Object name Automatic sideslope with berms.

Object description Inserts a sideslope line with berms as far as the terrain or as

far as another section line.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) SLOPE_REFERENCE Indicates the sideslope start point, from which a fixed thickness must be kept, equal to the distance between the insertion point of the automatic sideslope with berms and the

beginning of the reference sideslope.

This reference point is useful in case of sideslopes with berms having top soil; in fact, the SLOPE_REFERENCE reference point of the sideslope with a lower elevation (the project one) will be connected to the start point of the top soil sideslope situated at a higher elevation.

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(2) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are

the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Sideslope line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw sideslope line with.

Limit-line code Indicates the line code the sideslope must extend to.

Sideslope slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of sideslope line.

Maximum number of berms Indicates the maximum number of berms the sideslope must have.

Berm width (m) Indicates the berm width.

Berm height (m) Indicates the berm height.

Berm slope (v/h) Indicates the berm slope.

Berm sideslope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the sideslope between berms.

Last berm minimum height (m) Indicates the minimum height the sideslope last berm must have.

Round off Indicates the kind of rounding to apply to the final segment of

the sideslope; the possible cases are the following:

None: No rounding is set.

German policy: Sets a rounding according to the German policy.

Tangent: Sets a rounding according to the tangent set.

Rounding tangent Indicates the value of the rounding tangent set on the sideslope final segment.

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Object tab: Sideslope - 3 slopes


Object name Sideslope - 3 slopes.

Object description Inserts a sideslope line where it is possible to set three

different kinds of slope according to three different height intervals. Intervals are calculated from terrain line upwards, in case of a sideslope in fill, and from terrain line downwards in case of a sideslope in cut, towards the sideslope insertion point. Once the intervals set are finished, the sideslope is filleted to the insertion point with a slope that is equal to the one set in Sideslope slope property.

Type Object



(0) Object insertion point.


Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Sideslope line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw sideslope line with.

Sideslope slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the first part of the sideslope line.

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1st segment height (m) Indicates the height of the sideslope variable segment, the nearest to the insertion point (the farthest from the terrain).

1st segment slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the sideslope variable segment, the nearest to the insertion point (the farthest from the terrain)

2nd segment height (m) Indicates the height of the intermediate variable segment of

the sideslope.

2nd segment slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the intermediate variable segment of the sideslope.

3rd segment height (m) Indicates the height of the last variable segment of the sideslope, (the nearest to the terrain).

3rd segment slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the last variable segment of the

sideslope, (the nearest to the terrain).

Object tab: Single separator


Object name Single separator.

Object description Inserts a code line by setting the offsets from its insertion point. It can be used as connection or separation line between objects.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) SPACE_EXTREME1 Indicates the separator extreme.

(2) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is

below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

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Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Separator line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw separator line with.

Connect to terrain Indicates whether to set as Y the terrain elevation corresponding to X point abscissa.

Offset X (m) Indicates the shift to X from the insertion point if reference point SPACE_EXTREME1 has not been set.

Offset Y (m) Indicates the shift to Y from the insertion point if reference point SPACE_EXTREME1 has not been set.


Separator line Indicates whether to draw the separator line or not.

Object tab: Double separator


Object name Double separator.

Object description Inserts a code line made up of two segments generated, as offsets, on the right and on the left, from its insertion point (the insertion point is in the middle of the two lines). It can be

used as central separator for typical sections with separate roadways.

Type Object.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) SPACE_EXTREME1 Indicates the separator right extreme.

(2) SPACE_EXTREME2 Indicates the separator left extreme.

(2) CHKFILL Indicates the point used by the tool to verify whether the object is in cut or in fill; the tool then verifies whether it is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Separator line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw separator line with.

Right Offset X (m) Indicates the shift to X, from the insertion point, of the segment on the right if SPACE_EXTREME1 reference point has

not been set.

Left Offset X (m) Indicates the shift to X, from the insertion point, of the segment on the left if SPACE_EXTREME2 reference point has not been set.

Right Offset Y (m) Indicates the shift to Y, from the insertion point, of the

segment on the right if SPACE_EXTREME1 reference point has not been set.

Left Offset Y (m) Indicates the shift to Y, from the insertion point, of the segment on the left if SPACE_EXTREME2 reference point has not been set.


Separator line Indicates whether to draw separator line.

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Object tab: Simple text


Object name Simple text.

Object description Inserts a text into the typical section.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Insertion X Offset (m) Indicates the shift to X of the text from the insertion point.

Insertion Y Offset (m) Indicates the shift to Y of the text from the insertion point.

Text style Indicates the text style to use to display the text.

Text alignment Indicates the text alignment from the insertion point. The

possible cases are the following:

Left: The text is inserted on the left of the insertion point.

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Center: The text is inserted in the middle of the insertion point.

Right: The text is inserted on the right of the insertion point.

Size Indicates whether the text size must be real or scaled; the possible cases are the following:

Real (m): The value set in Text height property indicates the text size expressed in meters.

Text (mm): The value set in Text height

property indicates the text size expressed in millimeters on paper.

Text height Indicates the size the text must assume; the value set can take on different meanings according to the value set in Size property.

Text angle (c) Indicates the angle to display the text with.

Text Indicates the text to display.

Object tab: Variable text


Object name Variable text.

Object description Inserts a text inside the typical section. The text displayed can be a fixed text or it can be obtained according to different methods, from a reference point.

Type Object.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) TEXT_EXTREME Indicates the point from which to obtain the information to display.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Center insertion point Indicates whether to center the text insertion point between the insertion point and TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

Insertion X offset (m) Indicates the shift to X of the text from the insertion point.

Insertion Y Offset (m) Indicates the shift to Y of the text from the insertion point.

Text Style Indicates the text style to use to display the text.

Text alignment Indicates the text alignment from the insertion point. The possible cases are the following:

Left: The text is inserted on the left of the insertion point.

Center: The text is inserted in the middle of the insertion point.

Right: The text is inserted on the right of the insertion point.

Size Indicates whether the text size must be real or scaled; the possible cases are the following:

Real (m): The value set in Text height

property indicates the text size

expressed in meters.

Text (mm): The value set in Text height property indicates the text size

expressed in millimeters on paper.

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Text height Indicates the size the text must assume; the value set can take on different meanings according to the value set in Size


Text angle (c) Indicates the angle to display the text with.

Angle from reference point The text angle is calculated according to TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

Display Indicates the kind of information to display; the possible cases are the following:

Text: Displays the text set in Text property.

X Coordinate: Displays the X coordinate of TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

Y Coordinate: Displays the Y coordinate of TEXT_EXTREME reference point

Distance: Displays the distance between the insertion point and TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

X Distance: Displays the distance in X between

the insertion point and TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

Y Distance: Displays the distance in Y between the insertion point and TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

Slope: Displays the slope between the insertion point and TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

Percentual slope: Displays the percentual slope

between the insertion point and TEXT_EXTREME reference point.

Decimals Indicates the number of decimals for the visualization of the

numeric values calculated.

Prefix Indicates a possible prefix to display.

Suffix Indicates a possible suffix to display.

Text Indicates the text to display.

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Basic objects - Hydraulic cross-sections

Object tab: Pipe OBJECT DATA

Object name Pipe.

Object description Inserts a circular or rectangular pipe.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates the situation where to insert the object. the possible

cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Top pipe line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the top pipe line with.

Bottom pipe line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the bottom pipe line with.

Elevation position Indicates the position of the pipe insertion point, the possible cases are the following:

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Axis pipe: The pipe insertion point is on axis and in the middle of the pipe.

Top pipe: The pipe insertion point is on axis and on top of the pipe.

Laying pipe: The pipe insertion point is on axis and at the bottom of the pipe.

Pipe section Indicates the pipe section typology, the possible cases are the following:

Circular: Indicates that the pipe will be drawn

with a circular section.

Rectangular: Indicates that the pipe will be drawn with a rectangular section.

Pipe Height/Diameter (m) Indicates the pipe height in case the pipe is drawn with a rectangular section or the pipe diameter in case it is drawn with a circular section.

Pipe width (m) Indicates the pipe width in case the pipe is drawn with a rectangular section.

Object tab: Embankment layer OBJECT DATA

Object name Embankment layer.

Object description Inserts a layer defining an embankment area in a technologic

network excavation.

Type Layer.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point the tool uses to verify whether the object is in fill or in cut; the tool then verifies whether this point is below or above the terrain line. The predefined point is the

object insertion point.

(2) COURSE_EXTREME Indicates the layer external extreme.

(3) COURSE_BASE_SX Indicates the point the vertical sloped segment of the left layer must extend to. It can be used to link the final embankment layer with the laying layer.

(4) COURSE_BASE_DX Indicates the point the vertical sloped segment of the right

layer must extend to. It can be used to link the final embankment layer with the laying layer.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object. The possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in


Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

If CHECKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the layer line with.

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the project

line with.

Layer base Indicates whether the layer base must be parallel to the top excavation or horizontal. The possible cases are the following:

Horizontal: Indicates that the layer base must be horizontal.

Sloped: Indicates that the layer base must be parallel to its top.

Excavation left slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the excavation left sideslope.

Excavation right slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the excavation right sideslope.

Layer width (m) Indicates the width of the layer if COURSE_EXTREME

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reference point is not set.

Layer thickness (m) Indicates the layer thickness, if the thickness is positive the layer goes down, if it is negative it goes up.


Layer line Indicates whether to draw the layer line or not.

1st project line 2nd project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project lines drawing scheme is the following:

Object tab: Laying layer


Object name Laying layer.

Object description Inserts laying layer of technologic network excavations. The laying layer defines the excavation line and the first backfilling line that will cover the pipe. The following backfilling layers must be inserted using this object as the base object.

Type Layer.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) EXCAVATION_HEIGHT Indicates the point the excavation must reach. If this point is not specified, the excavation extends as far as the terrain line.

(2) EXCAVATION_EXTREME1 Indicates the object the excavation left sideslope must extend to in case the property Top excavation is set on Extension. This point must be set to grant a correct drawing order.

(3) EXCAVATION_EXTREME2 Indicates the object the excavation right sideslope must extend to in case the property Top excavation is set on Extension. This point must be set to grant a correct drawing



Insert Indicates where to insert the object. The possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Layer line code

Project line code Indicates the code of the section polyline with which to draw the project line.

Limit-line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to which to extend excavation sideslopes in case the property Top excavation is

set on Extension.

Elevation position Indicates the position of laying layer insertion point; the

possible cases are the following:



The laying layer insertion point is on

axis and at the bottom of the excavation.

Pipe axis: The laying layer insertion point is on axis and in the middle of the pipe.

Top pipe: The laying layer insertion point is on

axis and on top of the pipe.

Laying pipe: The laying layer insertion point is on axis and at the bottom of the pipe.

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Top excavation Indicates the typology of the excavation top; the possible cases are the following:

Fixed: Indicates that the excavation top is a line with a certain slope.

Extension: Indicates that the excavation top depends on the extension of the sideslope lines to the section polyline with the code defined in Limit-line

code property.

Top slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of excavation top in case Top excavation property is set on Fixed.

Excavation left slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of excavation left sideslope.

Excavation right slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of excavation right sideslope.

Layer slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of excavation laying layer top line.

Layer base width (m) Indicates layer base width.

Pipe cover (m) Indicates pipe cover thickness.

Pipe Height/Diameter (m) Indicates the height or the diameter of the pipe inserted in the

laying layer.

Pipe laying bed (m) Indicates laying pipe thickness.


Layer line Indicates whether to draw layer line or not.

1st project line

2nd project line

3rd project line

Indicate what project lines must be drawn. The project lines

drawing scheme is the following:

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Excavation layers In this group the layers (layer-type objects) can be inserted, which are situated on top of the excavation.

Pipes In this group the pipes (object-type objects) can be inserted, which are part of the excavation.

Basic objects - Railway cross-sections

Object tab: Railway platform position OBJECT DATA

Object name Railway platform position.

Object description It is used to calculate the points on which to insert sub-grade elements. This object identifies the base of the railway platform, the ballast is positioned on this object. The vertex of this object can have a fixed position or move according to the track slope. It can be used both for one-track and for double-track platforms.

Type Object.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHK_MIN1 (2) CHK_MIN2 (3) CHK_MIN3 (4) CHK_MIN4

Indicate the points used to calculate the minimum thickness to keep under the rail. The points must be connected to the connection points on the base of the sleeper on the rails. Points 1 and 3 are for the points on the left of the object axis, while points 2 and 4 are for the points on the right of the

object axis. In case of one-track platforms it is sufficient to connect points 1 and 2, while for two tracks platforms also points 3 and 4 must be connected.

Example of connection for one-track platform:

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Example of connection for double track platform:


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Centered Indicates whether to keep the base vertex centered as to the object insertion point.

Right slope (v/h) Indicates the slope the right side must have.

Left slope (v/h) Indicates the slope the left side must have.

Minimum thickness (m) Indicates the minimum thickness to be granted as to the reference points. CHK_MIN1, CHK_MIN2, CHK_MIN3 and CHK_MIN4.

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Object tab: Concrete sleeper OBJECT DATA

Object name Concrete sleeper .

Object description Inserts a concrete sleeper to put under track rails.

Type Roadway.



(1) RAILWAY_WIDTH Indicates the track width. The sleeper must be connected to the connection points under the track rails, so the sleeper insertion point will be connected to one of the two points of the track, while RAILWAY_WIDTH reference point will be connected to the other point of the track. The connection will

be like the one of the image below:


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

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Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Sleeper line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the sleeper line with.

Ballast line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the ballast

line with.

Object tab: Track with vignola rail OBJECT DATA

Object name Track with Vignola rail.

Object description Inserts a track with Vignola rail where it is possible to select the type of rail to use.

Type Roadway.



(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object, the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

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Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Rail line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the rail line with.

Widening mode Indicates the track rails widening mode; the possible cases are the following:

Symmetric: The widening is applied

symmetrically to both the rails.

External rail: The widening is applied only to the external rail.



The widening is applied only to the internal rail.

Rail type Indicates the kind of rail to use.

Rail slope (v/h) Indicates the slope the track rails must have.

Sole plate type Indicates the sole plate type; the possible cases are the following:

Constant thickness:

The sole plate keeps a constant thickness, so both the top and the bottom of the sole plate will follow the rail rotation.

Variable thickness:

The sole plate keeps the bottom horizontal, so only the top of the sole plate will follow the rail rotation.

Sole plate thickness (m) Indicates the thickness of the track rails sole plate.

Gauge track reference Indicates the references for calculating the gauge track.

Rail internal side: The gauge track is calculated from the internal side of the rail.

Center of rail: The gauge track is calculated from

the center of the rail.

Rail external side: The gauge track is calculated from

the external side of the rail.

Gauge track (m) Indicates the distance between the track rails according to the

references set in Gauge track reference property.

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Sleeper track In this group it is possible to insert the sleeper to set to the track (roadway type objects), so as to make it work with it like a single object.

Object tab: External ballast OBJECT DATA

Object name External ballast.

Object description Inserts the ballast line, to connect to the sleeper line extremes, for the connection with the underlying layers, hooked to the object Railway platform position. The

external ballast is subject to superelevation.

Type Layer.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) WIDTH_REFERENCE Indicates the point to calculate the length of the ballast

horizontal segment from. If it is not set, the insertion point will be considered.

(2) BALLAST_EXTREME Indicates the limit the ballast can extend to. It can be useful when the ballast must interrupt, for example on the cable trough. This reference point must always be set, since it is

used to determine the drawing order, so as to perform correctly the extension of the ballast sideslope.

Example of external ballast connection:

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Insert Indicates where to insert the object. The possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Ballast line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the ballast line with.

Limit-line code Indicates the code of the section polyline the ballast must extend to.

Ballast width (m) Indicates the width of the ballast horizontal segment, calculated from WIDTH_REFERENCE reference point if

assigned, or from the insertion point.

Sideslope slope (v/h) Indicates the slope of the ballast sideslope.

Object tab: Internal ballast OBJECT DATA

Object name Internal ballast.

Object description Inserts the ballast line for the connection between sleeper tracks for sections with two or more tracks. The internal ballast is subject to superelevation.

Type Layer.


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(0) Object insertion point.

(1) BALLAST_EXTREME1 Indicates the extreme of the sleeper on the left of the internal


(2) BALLAST_EXTREME2 Indicates the extreme of the sleeper on the right of the internal ballast.

(3) WIDTH_REFERENCE1 Indicates the point to calculate the length of the ballast

horizontal left segment from. If it is not set, the left extreme will be considered.

(4) WIDTH_REFERENCE2 Indicates the point to calculate the length of the ballast

horizontal right segment from. If it is not set, the left extreme will be considered.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object. The possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Ballast line code Indicates the section polyline code to draw the ballast line with.

Centered Indicates whether to extend the upper line of the two horizontal segments towards the center indicated by the insertion point or keep the lengths set.

Example of internal ballast connection with centred option not active:

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Example of internal ballast connection with centred option active:

Ballast upper length (m) Indicates the width to keep for the upper ballast horizontal segment.

Ballast lower length (m)

Indicates the width to keep for the lower ballast horizontal


Object tab: Railway car OBJECT DATA

Object name Railway car.

Object description Inserts a railway car. The railway car can be subject to superelevation, but it must be connected to the track, using a

point on axis dropped from the track on which it has to be inserted.

Type Object.


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(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Railcar line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the railcar line with.

Object tab: Catenary mast OBJECT DATA

Object name Catenary mast.

Object description Inserts a catenary mast.

Type Object.

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(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Catenary mast line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw the catenary mast line with.

Object tab: Cable trough OBJECT DATA

Object name Cable trough.

Object description Inserts a cable trough.

Type Object.

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(0) Object insertion point.


Insert Indicates where to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

The point used to verify the condition is the insertion point.

Cable trough line code Indicates the code of the section polyline to draw cable trough line with.

Insertion point Indicates the position of the cable trough insertion point. The

possible cases are the following:

Top internal: The upper internal corner of the cable trough is considered as the

insertion point.

Top external: The upper external corner of the

cable trough is considered as the

insertion point.

Bottom internal: The bottom internal corner of the cable trough is considered as the

insertion point.

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Bottom external: The bottom external corner of the cable trough is considered as the insertion point.

Object tab: Fixed width benching OBJECT DATA

Object name Fixed width benching.

Object description Inserts a fixed width benching relative to the terrain model, inside a determined band and according to a minimum terrain slope.

Type Layers.



(0) Object insertion point.

(1) CHKFILL Indicates the point the software uses to check whether the object is in a cut or in a fill situation; the tool then checks whether the point is positioned above or below the terrain

line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

(2) BENCH_EXTREME Indicates the extreme of the benching.


Insert Indicates the situation in which to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and

in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

None: Does not insert the object.

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If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used to check the condition is the insertion point.

Benching line code Indicates the code of the section polyline by which to draw the benching line.

Terrain line code Indicates the code of the reference terrain polyline on which to create the benching.

Band width (m) Indicates the width of the band inside which to perform the benching if reference point BENCH_EXTREME is not set.

Terrain minimum slope (d°) Indicates the minimum slope the terrain must have to allow its benching.

Terrain Offset (m) Indicates the orthogonal distance between the bench and the


Bench final thickness (m) Indicates the thickness of the bench at the bottom of the sideslope.

Bench width (m) Indicates the width of the bench.

Height of berm bench (m) Indicates the bench minimum height; if the height calculated is below the minimum, the object will automatically adjust the bench width.

Object page: Roadway central divider


Object name Roadway lane divider.

Object description Inserts a roadway divider where to link the roadways in case

of roads with independent roadways. The characteristic of this road divider is that it is possible to use the internal sight widening calculated.

Type Roadway.



(0) Object insertion point.

(3) CHKFILL Indicates the point the software uses to check whether the object is in a cut or in a fill situation; the tool then checks whether the point is positioned above or below the terrain line. The predefined point is the object insertion point.

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(1) SPACE_EXTREME1 Indicates the roadway divider right endpoint.

(2) SPACE_EXTREME2 Indicates the roadway divider left endpoint.


Insert ndicates the situation in which to insert the object; the possible cases are the following:

Cut-Fill: Inserts the object both in cut and

in fill.

Cut: Inserts the object only in cut.

Fill: Inserts the object only in fill.

None: Does not insert the object.

If CHKFILL reference point has not been set, the point used

to check the condition is the insertion point.

Separator line code Indicates the section polyline code by which to draw the separator line.

Sight widening If active, the object uses the internal sight widening calculated, applying on the right the left internal widening, and on the left the right internal widening; in this way, when

sight widening is applied to the internal shoulder, the size of the central traffic divider is kept constant.

Right width (m) Indicates the right width of the separator if SPACE_EXTREME1 reference point has not been set.

Right widening (m) Indicates the widening value to be applied to the right of the


Left width (m) Indicates the left width of the separator if SPACE_EXTREME2 reference point has not been set.

Left widening (m) Indicates the widening value to be applied to the left of the separator.


Separator line Indicates whether the separator line has to be drawn.

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Inserting Typical sections and Typical elements

Typical sections and Typical elements

Sections can be completed automatically by inserting typical sections and typical elements. The tool is equipped with a wide library of typical sections and elements ready to use in projects. You can create

your own typical sections and typical elements.

The typical sections used in a model are automatically included in the project file itself. In this way, the project can be completed by any user on any computer without having to copy manually typical section library files.

Inserting a typical section in the current section

By this command it is possible to insert a typical section in the current section.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Typical sections > Insert typical sections

Command line: ROADWAY

The following dialog box will appear:

The typical section to use can be defined in two ways:

From geometric section properties: by this mode it is possible to set the typical section to use in Axis variables window. It is possible to use the axis variable Name of typical section and define the typical section to use in the different segments that make up the alignment; working is this way can be very useful, especially when the typical section changes along the alignment. See

Parametric design.

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From file: this is the classic mode by which to choose the typical section to use in the section. Press Browse button to choose the typical section to insert. A window like the following will appear:

Find in check box allows to specify how to choose the typical section to insert:

Typical sections library: the typical section is contained in a library. A check list will display a list of all the libraries of typical sections available; according to the library selected, all the

typical sections contained in it will be listed.

Folder: in this case it is necessary to set the folder where the typical sections are saved. The tool will list all the typical sections contained in the folder selected.

The right side of the window reports the preview and the description of the typical section selected.

Select the typical section to insert and press OK.

Activate the option Current section to perform the insertion only in the current section; activate the option Group of sections to perform the direct insertion in a group of sections.

The parameters of the typical section drawing can be differentiated according to different situations:

cut/fill, right/left of the typical section. The buttons on top of the window set the situation desired:

Cut/Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used both

in cut and in fill situations.

Cut: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in cut


Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in fill


Left/Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used

both on the right and on the left side of the section.

Left: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the left side of the section.

Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the right side of the section.

Press OK to confirm the changes and start inserting the typical section.

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Inserting a typical section in a group of sections

By this command it is possible to insert a typical section in a group of sections.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Typical sections > Insert typical sections

Command line: ROADWAY

The following dialog box will appear:

The typical section to use can be defined in two ways:

From geometric section properties: by this mode it is possible to set the typical section to use

in Axis variables window. It is possible to use the axis variable Name of typical section and define the typical section to use in the different segments that make up the alignment; working is this way can be very useful, especially when the typical section changes along the alignment. See Parametric design.

From file: this is the classic mode by which to choose the typical section to use in the section. Press Browse button to choose the typical section to insert. A window like the following will appear:

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Find in check box allows to specify how to choose the typical section to insert:

Typical sections library: the typical section is contained in a library. A check list will display a list of all the libraries of typical sections available; according to the library selected, all the typical sections contained in it will be listed.

Folder: in this case it is necessary to set the folder where the typical sections are saved. The

tool will list all the typical sections contained in the folder selected.

The right side of the window reports the preview and the description of the typical section selected.

Select the typical section to insert and press OK.

Activate the option Current section to perform the insertion only in the current section; activate the option Group of sections to perform the direct insertion in a group of sections: in this case, select the

first and the last section of the group using buttons or writing the number of the section in input


As happens with the insertion of the typical section in the current section, also in this case it is possible to

set the parameters of the typical section parameters: click on button. A window like the following

will appear:

The parameters of the typical section drawing can be differentiated according to different situations: cut/fill, right/left of the typical section. The buttons on top of the window set the situation desired:

Cut/Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used both

in cut and in fill situations.

Cut: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in cut


Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in fill


Left/Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used

both on the right and on the left side of the section.

Left: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the left side of the section.

Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the right side of the section.

As you can see, it is possible to set the typical section parameters by two buttons, one for the first

section and one for the last. This has been conceived to let the user set different parameters for the first and for the last section, leaving to the tool the task of interpolating the values for intermediate sections.

Example: suppose you have to insert a typical section on a group of sections and you know that the road widens progressively from 3.5 meters to 4.5 meters; it is sufficient to set a 3.5 width for the first section and a 4.5 width for the last section and activate the option Interpolate properties. The tool will insert a 3.5 wide typical section for the first section and interpolate the width of the following sections as far as the last section with a 4.5 width.

Activating the option Interpolate properties allows to interpolate linearly the properties of the typical section, from the first to the last section of the group.

In case of insertion on a group of sections it is possible to choose between two different modes:

Automatic: typical sections are inserted automatically on the group of sections specified.

Step by step: the parameters for a possible modification are displayed every time a typical section is inserted. This mode is very useful when the data to specify are different in any section; in fact, it is a great time-saving device, avoiding operations that would need a long time to be performed by hand.

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Typical sections supplied with the tool

The tool is equipped with a set of typical sections built according to the parameters given by the different

road policies supported. The typical sections are subdivided into libraries; a library is available, for any policy supported. Inside the library of every policy there are the typical sections in conformity with that policy. Moreover, a library is available, of standard typical sections such as hydraulic and leveling typical sections.

When you want to select a typical section, a window resembling the following will appear:

In Find in check list, select the option Typical sections library. In this way all the typical sections

libraries available will be displayed. Select the library desired; according to the library selected all the typical sections contained in it will be listed.

If the typical sections supplied with the tool do not meet completely your needs, you can build your own typical section. See Typical sections builder.

Typical sections library Object type Object name Description

Typical section Leveling Simple typical section with sloped base.

Technologic network excavation Excavation with pipeline and excavation backfilling.

Hydraulic typical section Excavation with vertical or inclined sides.

Hydraulic typ.sec. with pre-


Excavation with pre-excavation and vertical or inclined


Typical section in tunnel Typical section with tunnel.

Typical section in viaduct Typical section in fill with viaduct.

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Railway typical sections library Object type Object name Description

Typical section Double track - normal Normal railway typical sections with double track.

Double track - reduced Reduced railway typical sections with double track.

Single track - normal Normal railway typical sections with single track.

Single track - reduced Reduced railway typical sections with single track.

Inserting typical objects in the current section

By this command it is possible to insert a type object in the current section.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Typical elements


The following dialog box will appear:

In Typical file text box indicate the name of the file containing the definition of the type object to use. Press Browse button to select the typical element to load:

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Find in check box allows to specify how to choose the typical section to insert:

Type objects library: the type object is contained in a library. A check list will display a list of all the libraries of type objects available; according to the library selected, all the type objects contained in it will be listed.

Folder: in this case it is necessary to set the folder where the type objects are saved. The

tool will list all the type objects contained in the folder selected.

The right side of the window reports the preview and the description of the type object selected.

Select the type object to insert and press OK.

Activate the option Current section to perform the insertion only in the current section; activate the option Group of sections to perform the direct insertion in a group of sections:

Pressing OK a further dialog box will appear, to set the parameters of the typical element selected:

The object drawing parameters can be differentiated according to different situations: cut/fill, right/left of the section. The buttons on top of the window set the situation desired:

Cut/Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used both

in cut and in fill situations.

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Cut: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in cut


Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in fill


Left/Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used

both on the right and on the left side of the section.

Left: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the left side of the section.

Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the right side of the section.

Press OK to confirm the changes and start inserting the typical element.

Note. In case a wall is inserted, the tool first inserts the wall, then it prompts you for indicating the sideslope the wall must replace; in this way the sideslope is cut and the line passes through the back of the wall inserted.

Inserting type objects on a group of sections

By this command it is possible to insert a type object, saved in a Tango file, into a group of sections.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Typical elements


The following dialog box will appear:

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In Typical file text box indicate the name of the file containing the definition of the type object to use. Press Browse button to select the typical element to load:

Find in check box allows to specify how to choose the typical section to insert:

Type objects library: the type object is contained in a library. A check list will display a list of all the libraries of type objects available; according to the library selected, all the type

objects contained in it will be listed.

Folder: in this case it is necessary to set the folder where the type objects are saved. The tool will list all the type objects contained in the folder selected.

The right side of the window reports the preview and the description of the type object selected.

Select the type object to insert and press OK.

Activate the option Current section to perform the insertion only in the current section; activate the

option Group of sections to perform the direct insertion in a group of sections:

Pressing OK a further dialog box will appear, to set the parameters of the typical element selected:

The typical element drawing parameters can be differentiated according to different situations: cut/fill, right/left of the section. The buttons on top of the window set the situation desired:

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Cut/Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used both

in cut and in fill situations.

Cut: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in cut


Fill: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only in fill


Left/Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used

both on the right and on the left side of the section.

Left: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the left side of the section.

Right: when this button is active the changes performed on the table parameters are used only on

the right side of the section.

As you can see, it is possible to set the parameters of the typical element by two buttons, one for

the first section and one for the last. This has been conceived to let the user set different parameters for the first and for the last section, leaving to the tool the task of interpolating the values for intermediate sections.

Example: suppose you have to insert a gutter on a group of sections and you know that it widens

progressively from 0.5 meters to 0.8 meters; it is sufficient to set a 0.5 width for the first section and a 0.8 width for the last section and activate the option Interpolate properties. The tool will insert a 0.5 wide gutter for the first section and interpolate the width of the following sections as far as the last section with a 0.8 width.

Activating the option Interpolate properties allows to interpolate linearly the properties of the typical element, from the first to the last section of the group.

In case of insertion on a group of sections it is possible to choose between two different modes:

Automatic: typical elements are inserted automatically on the group of sections specified.

Step by step: the parameters for a possible modification are displayed every time a typical section is inserted. This mode is very useful when the data to specify are different in any section; in fact, it is a great time-saving device, avoiding operations that would need a long time to be performed by hand.

Note. In case a wall is inserted, the tool first inserts the wall, then it prompts you for indicating the sideslope the wall must replace; in this way the sideslope is cut and the line passes through the back of the wall inserted.

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Typical elements supplied with the tool

The tool is equipped with a wide library of typical elements that can be used both to build typical sections

and to perform the direct insertion in cross sections.

When you want to select a typical element, a window like the following will appear:

In Find in check box, select the option Objects library. In this way all the object libraries available are displayed. Select the library desired; according to the list selected, all the type objects contained in it will

be listed.

The objects contained in the list are subdivided into the different tables of the window, according to their kind.

The tool is equipped with the following libraries of objects:

SierraSoft Roadway Library

SierraSoft Hydraulic Library

SierraSoft extended library

The objects contained in the different libraries are the following:

SierraSoft roadway library Object type Object name Description

Roadway Median Roadside to use in the middle of the typical section

with two separate roadways.

External unpaved roadside Unpaved roadside out of the roadway..

External paved roadside Paved roadside out of the roadway.

Internal unpaved roadside Unpaved roadside inside the roadway.

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Internal paved roadside Paved roadside inside the roadway.

Roadway Main roadway.

Auxiliary lane roadway Auxiliary lane roadway.

Sidewalk No-layer sidewalk.

Layers Layer with sloped base Layer with sloped base.

Layer with sloped side Layer with external side sloped

Layer with vertical side Layer with external vertical side.

Top soil cut layer Layer to use for top soil cut.

Sub-base layer Sub-base layer.

Layer extended to object Layer that extends to an object.

Layer with offset from sideslope

Layer to keep a fixed distance between sideslope and


Gutter Gutter Simple gutter.

Gutter by width Gutter defined by width.

Gutter by slope Gutter defined by slopes.

Ditch Ditch by width Ditch defined by width.

Ditch by slopes Ditch defined by slopes .

Walls Counterscarp wall A Counterscarp wall.

Retaining wall A Retaining wall.

Toe wall A Toe wall.

Objects Curb Curb.

Guard-Rail Guard-Rail.

New-Jersey New-Jersey.

Band between two lines Object to use for positioning special elements

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(stripping lines, terrain recovery, benching).

Fence Fence.

Automatic sideslope with berms Sideslope with berms extending automatically.

Fixed sideslope with berms Sideslope with fixed-size berms.

Sideslope - 3 slopes Sideslope with different slopes.

Automatic sideslope Sideslope extending automatically.

Fixed sideslope Fixed-size sideslope.

Double separator Double separator.

Single separator Single separator.

Simple text Simple text.

Variable text Text with variable content.

SierraSoft extended library Object type Object name Description

Roadway Roadway with roadside Roadway with layers and roadside.

Roadway with pavement layer Simple roadway with pavement layer.

Roadway with sloped layers Complete roadway with sloped layers.

Roadway with vertical layers Complete roadway with vertical layers..

Gutters Gutter Gutter.

Underground channel 1 Underground channel.

Underground channel 2 Underground channel.

Walls Wall - Counterscarp Counterscarp wall.

Toe wall Toe wall.

Objects Guard-rail Guard-Rail.

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SierraSoft hydraulic library Object Type Object Name Description

Layers Laying layer Laying layer.

Embankment layer Embankment layer

Objects Pipe Pipe

SierraSoft Railway library (for Y module users only) Object type Nome object name Description

External ballast

External ballast

Internal ballast

Internal ballast

Truck with vignola rail

Truck with Vignola rail

Cable trough

Cable trough

Catenary mast

Catenary mast

Railway platform position

Railway platform position

Concrete sleeper

Concrete sleeper

Railway car

Railway car

SierraSoft Railway extended library (for Y module users only) Object type Nome object name Description

Sleeper track

Sleeper track

If the type objects supplied with the tool do not meet completely your needs, you can build your own

type object. See Typical objects builder.

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Creation of a non parametric object

The tool can build fixed objects completely customized by the user, which can be inserted in the typical

section. It is possible to upload an AutoCAD drawing and save it as typical object, or to draw the object by the program cad and save it in a library which can be accessed in building the typical section.

Construction of a section element

Object definition throw section element construction From Cross-Section module execute the command for insertion of transversal elements throw one of the following methods:

Menu Sections > Cross elements > Other

Command line: SECPLINE

The tool perform the following requests:

X-section element code (ENTER to get the list). Assign a code to the polyline who represents the object;

From point. Select the first object point;

End point. Select the following vertex that compound the object;

Defining an object from graphic entity, imported from DWG/DXF file or contained in

the current cross section From Section module, position in any cross section. Import the cad object by using the following


Menu File > Import/Export > DWG DXF in

Command line: DWGIN

Enter the path where the object has been saved and press OK to start the importation. Otherwise, use

dynamic import procedure by the following commands:

Menu Tools > Connection to AutoCad > Import from AutoCad

Command line: ACADIN

Note. The object must be made up of polylines

The object can be already in the current cross section, as graphic entity created by using the tool cad


Convert the polylines that make up the object into section elements by using the following command:

Menu Sections > Cross-elements > Trasform from polylines/lines

Command line: TRANSFPOL

Select entity to trasform. Indicate the polylines to be transformed.

Section element code. Choose a code to assign to the polylines that make up the object.

Press ENTER to start the transformation.

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Save, using one of the following commands, a section element contained into the current cross-section:

Menu Sections > Typical elements > Save typical elements

Command line: STYPE

The tool displays the following prompts:

Select element. Select the elements that make up the object;

Select insertion point. Indicate the vertex of the object which will become the insertion point when it will be used in a typical section.

The following window will appear:

Customize object data, set name and description; if necessary, enter a password the software will ask before using the object in a typical section.

Press OK to confirm the settings. The following typical object window will appear:

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From typical objects window it is possible to manage the object properties and define connection points. It is important to introduce connection points, since they are necessary to create vertexes by which to link other typical section objects.

Create connection point

1. From Property menu, select the item Add and then Connection point.

2. The connection point will be displayed in the table of object properties in the group of Connection points.

Set connection point to a vertex

It is possible to set a connection point to any vertex of an object polyline. To set a connection point to a vertex it is necessary to:

o Position on the row of the connection point to be set.

o Press button, next to the name of the connection point or press the mouse left button. Drag the line towards the graphic window. Selection mode will then be activated.

o Indicate the vertex to associate the connection point to (the vertex selected will be highlighted by a yellow square). In case of more overlapping vertexes, a list will be displayed, from which it will be possible to choose the desired one.

o Press the left button or release it to set the connection point.

Delete connection points

To delete a connection point it is necessary to:

1. Position on the row of the connection point to be deleted.

2. From Properties menu, select the item Delete

Then, save the object in a library by the following command:

Menu File > Save in a library

In this way, in building the typical section, by browsing the library in which it has been inserted, the new customized object will be available.

Section editings

Insertion of working lines on cross sections

In order to make easier, and faster, the insertion of complicated or heavy working lines, some specific

commands have been arranged for the insertion of such elements as stripping, terrain recovery excavation, bench etc. Through the definition of specific work parameters, and after indicating the points on which the element has to be applied, the tool inserts automatically the line required.

Automatic offset

This command performs automatically the offset of an element, taking, as ends of the offset, the intersection between that element and another element. This command is useful with stripping-line elements, when it is necessary to remove a terrain layer under the embankment; in this case the tool can

perform an offset of the terrain line, limited by the two sideslope bottoms of the embankment.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Offset automatic

Command line: AUTOELOFFSET

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The following dialog box will appear:

All: Inserts the layer on all sections.

Current section: Inserts the layer only on the section currently displayed in the graphic window.

Group of section: Inserts the layer on the group of sections specified.

From section: indicate the first section of the group of sections to apply the command to. Press

button to open a check list of the sections available. To select a section it is sufficient to click

twice on the table line or press OK button.

To section: indicate the last section of the group of sections to apply the command to. Press

button to open a check list of the sections available. To select a section it is sufficient to click

twice on the table line or press OK button.

Terrain code: indicate the name of the element to use as reference to perform the offset.

Project code: indicate the name of the element to use to determine the area where to perform the offset. The tool will calculate the ends of the element and perform the terrain offset only inside the area delimited by project line.

Element code: name of the element to create.

Excavation thickness: thickness of the offset to apply to terrain line.

Supplementary width on left: the area where the offset is calculated can be extended at a certain amount on the left.

Supplementary width on right: the area where the offset is calculated can be extended at a certain amount on the right.

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Terrain offset: when this option is active, it performs an offset from the terrain line.

Horizontal excavation: with this option the tool will consider the terrain elevation on axis and it will apply the excavation thickness; on this new elevation a horizontal line will be drawn.

Fill sections: activate this option to perform the command on fill sections.

Cut sections:activate this option to perform the command on cut sections.

Press OK to apply the command on the group of sections indicated.

Offset: fixed-thickness element

By insertion of an offset we mean the semi-automatic construction of a line that can be used in order to

calculate such element as stripping area, wearing course, binder course, etc.

It is possible to build this line automatically, on a group of sections, or manually, section by section.

Inserting automatically fixed-thickness elements The tool performs automatically the offset of an element, taking, as ends of the offset, the intersection between that element and another element. This command is useful with stripping-line elements, when

it is necessary to remove a terrain layer under the embankment; in this case the tool can perform an offset of the terrain line, limited by the two sideslope bottoms of the embankment.

Inserting manually fixed-thickness elements The tool asks you to insert a set of points, usually belonging to a line that has already been inserted, and a thickness. So a new line is inserted with a fixed offset (thickness) from the points defined. The offset

can be vertical (applied only to the elevations), or inclined (orthogonal to the segments).

Offset embankment with slopes at the ends This command inserts a fixed-thickness fill line, whose segments at its ends are sloping.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Manual offset > Offset embankment with slopes at the ends

Command line: ELOFFSET

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Offset Cut/Fill/<C>: F Segments at extremity Vertical/Slope/peRpendicular/<V>: S

Thickness: Indicate the thickness of the working line. Thickness Vertical/Sloping/<V>: Indicate whether the thickness must be calculated vertically or perpendicularly to the points indicated.

Segment slope at left extremity <1>: Segment slope at right extremity <1>:

Indicate the segment sloping at the two ends of the line

Distance not to be used on the left <0>: Distance not to be used on the right <0>: Indicate the distance, if there is one, where the line has to start and finish (with reference to the first and the last point indicated).

Code of the element to be inserted : Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes

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Point selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>: Indicate the point selection mode; by automatic mode, it is possible to select the reference element from which the operation is carried out and the two extremes of the working line. By manual mode it is necessary to select all the points on which the operation has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process: Indicate the element to be used as a reference for the operation Select first point: Indicate the working line start point (the tool will use the abscissa) Select the last point: Indicate the working line end point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point:

By using the mouse, indicate the points of the existing line on which the command has to be applied. Select next point: Select next point:

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the line inserted will appear.

Offset embankment with perpendicular line This command inserts a fixed-thickness fill line, whose segments at its ends are perpendicular.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Manual offset > Offset embankment with perpendicular line

Command line: ELOFFSET

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Offset Cut/Fill/<C>: F Segments at extremities Vertical/Slope/peRpendicular/<V>: R

Thickness: Indicate the thickness of working line. Thickness Vertical/Sloping/<V>: Indicate whether the thickness must be calculated vertically or perpendicularly to the points indicated. Code of the element to be inserted:

Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes. Point selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>:

Indicate the point selection mode; by automatic mode, it is possible to select the reference element from which the operation is carried out and the two extremes of the working line. By manual mode it is necessary to select all the points on which the operation has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process: Indicate the element to be used as a reference for the operation

Select first point: Indicate the working line start point (the tool will use the abscissa) Select the last point: Indicate the working line end point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point:

By using the mouse, indicate the points of the existing line on which the command has to be applied. Select next point: Select next point:

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

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Once all the points have been indicated the line inserted will appear.

Offset embankment This command inserts a fixed-thickness fill line, whose segments at its ends are vertical.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Manual offset > Offset embankment

Command line: ELOFFSET

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Offset Cut/Fill/<C>: F

Segments at extremity Vertical/Slope/peRpendicular/<V>: V

Thickness: Indicate the thickness of the working line. Thickness Vertical/Sloping/<V>: Indicate whether the thickness must be calculated vertically or perpendicularly to the points indicated.

Code of the element to be inserted: Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes.

Point selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>:

Indicate the point selection mode; by automatic mode, it is possible to select the reference element

from which the operation is carried out and the two extremes of the working line. By manual mode it is necessary to select all the points on which the operation has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process: Indicate the element to be used as a reference for the operation

Select first point: Indicate the working line start point (the tool will use the abscissa) Select the last point: Indicate the working line end point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point: By using the mouse, indicate the points of the existing line on which the command has to be applied.

Select next point: Select next point:

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the line inserted will appear.

Offset excavation with slopes at the ends This command inserts a fixed-thickness cut line, whose segments at its ends are sloping.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Manual offset Offset excavation

with slopes at the ends

Command line: ELOFFSET

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On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Offset Cut/Fill/<C>: C Segments at extremities Vertical/Slope/peRpendicular/<V>: S

Thickness: Indicate the thickness of operation. Thickness Vertical/Sloping/<V>:

Indicate whether the thickness must be calculated vertically or perpendicularly to the points indicated.

Segment slope at left extremity <1>: Segment slope at right extremity <1>: Indicate the segment sloping at the two ends of the line.

Distance not to be used on the left <0>: Distance not to be used on the right <0>:

Indicate the distance, if there is one, where the working line has to start and finish with reference to the first and the last point indicated.

Code of the element to be inserted : Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes.

Point selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>: Indicate the point selection mode; by automatic mode, it is possible to select the reference element

from which the operation is carried out and the two extremes of the working line. By manual mode it is necessary to select all the points on which the operation has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process: Indicate the element to be used as a reference for the operation Select first point:

Indicate the working line start point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Select the last point: Indicate the working line end point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point: By using the mouse, indicate the points of the existing line on which the command has to be

applied. Select next point: Select next point:

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the line inserted will appear.

Offset excavation with perpendicular line This command inserts a fixed-thickness cut line, whose segments at its ends are perpendicular.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Offset excavation with perpendicular line

Command line: ELOFFSET

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Offset Cut/Fill/<C>: C Segments at extremities Vertical/Slope/peRpendicular/<V>: R

Thickness: Indicate the thickness of working line. Thickness Vertical/Sloping/<V>: Indicate whether the thickness must be calculated vertically or perpendicularly to the points indicated.

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Code of the element to be inserted : Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes.

Point selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>: Indicate the point selection mode; by automatic mode, it is possible to select the reference element from which the operation is carried out and the two extremes of the working line. By manual mode

it is necessary to select all the points on which the operation has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process: Indicate the element to be used as a reference for the operation Select first point: Indicate the working line start point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Select the last point: Indicate the working line end point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point: By using the mouse, indicate the points of the existing line on which the command has to be applied.

Select next point: Select next point:

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the line inserted will appear.

Offset excavation This command inserts a fixed-thickness cut line, whose segments at its ends are vertical.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Offset excavation

Command line: ELOFFSET

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Offset Cut/Fill/<C>: C Segments at extremities Vertical/Slope/peRpendicular/<V>: V

Thickness: Indicate the thickness of the working line

Thickness Vertical/Sloping/<V>: Indicate whether the thickness must be calculated vertically or perpendicularly to the points


Code of the element to be inserted: Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes

SPoint selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>: Indicate the point selection mode; by automatic mode, it is possible to select the reference element from which the operation is carried out and the two extremes of the working line. By manual mode it is necessary to select all the points on which the operation has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process: Indicate the element to be used as a reference for the operation Select first point:

Indicate the working line start point (the tool will use the abscissa) Select the last point:

Indicate the working line end point (the tool will use the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point: By using the mouse, indicate the points of the existing line on which the command has to be

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applied. Select next point: Select next point:

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the line inserted will appear.

Terrain recovery

This command can be used to insert such line as terrain recovery. It is possible to use both an automatic and a manual version of the command.

Automatic mode In the automatic mode the tool asks you to indicate the minimum width of the horizontal planes (in order to let the excavator work) and the minimum/maximum depth the line must respect with reference to the points indicated. Sometimes the maximum height is not respected because of the minimum width set.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Terrain recovery > Automatic

Command line: TERRECOVERY

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Terrain recovery Automatic/Manual/<A>: A

Code of the element to be inserted: Indicate the code of the working to be inserted. See Section codes.

Offset of benching from selected points:

Distance of the benches with reference to the points indicated.

Bench minimum width:

Minimum width of the benches to be inserted

Minimum elevation difference:

Maximum elevation difference:

Minimum and maximum elevation difference of the benches to be inserted.

Point selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>:

Indicate the selection mode of point selection; by automantic mode it is possible to select the reference element, from which the operation has to be performed, and the two extremes of the working. By manual mode, it is necessary to indicate all points on which the working has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process:

Indicate the element to use as a reference for the operation.

Select first point:

Indicate the working start point (the tool uses the abscissa)

Select the last point:

Indicate the working end point (the tool uses the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point:

Indicate by the mouse the points of the existing line on which the working has to be applied.

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up to the point (only position on X axis):

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the working inserted will appear.

Manual mode In the manual mode it is necessary to indicate to the tool where the benches have to be created. The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Terrain recovery > Manual

Command line: TERRECOVERY

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Terrain recovery Automatic/Manual/<A>: M

Code of the element to be inserted:

Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes

Offset of benching from selected points:

Distance of the benches with reference to the points indicated.

Select first point:

Indicate by the mouse the points of the existing line on which the working has to be applied

up to the point (only position on X axis):

Indicate by the mouse the position reached by the bench.

Reference elevation for excavation (only position on Y axis):

Indicate the reference point from whose elevation the excavation thickness will be subtracted.

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the working inserted will appear.


This command can be used for the insertion of benching on a set of points displayed on screen.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Benching

Command line: BENCHING

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Code of the element to be inserted: Indicate the code of the line to be inserted. See Section codes.

Bench width: Width of benches to be created

Offset of benching from selected points: Distance of the benches with reference to the points indicated.

Point selection mode Automatic/Manual/<A>: Indicate the mode you want to use for the selection of points; by automatic mode it is possible to

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select the element of reference from where the operation and the two extremes of the working have to be performed. By manual mode it is necessary to indicate all the points on which the working has to be performed.

Automatic mode Select the element to process : Indicate the element to be used as a reference for the operation. Select first point: Indicate the point from where the working line has to start (the tool uses the abscissa) Indicate the last point: Indicate the point where the working line ends (the tool uses the abscissa)

Manual mode Select first point: Indicate by the mouse the points of the existing line on which the working has to be applied.

Select next point:

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.

Once all the points have been indicated the working line inserted will appear.


This command allows to insert some bench (horizontal segments) on sideslopes. The tool requires the width of the horizontal segment and the height of the bench.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Berm

Command line: BERM

On CAD command line the following questions appear:

Height of berm bench:

Height of the berm benches to be created.

Width of berm bench:

Width of the berm bench to be created.

Select segment where to perform command:

Indicate by the mouse the sideslope on which to build the berm

Stratiform excavation

It is used to insert some digging lines on a cross element in cut mode. These digging lines allow first area and then volume calculation in order to associate, for example, cut quantities to different prices according to the depth of the excavation.

The tool asks you to indicate a line on which to carry out the excavation, a reference point from which to begin the excavation and the depth of the excavation from the reference point.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Stratiform excavation

Command line: EXCAVATION

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On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Indicate start element for excavation: Indicate a cut element on which to apply the excavation Indicate reference point from which to give excavation depth: Indicate a reference point from where the excavation quantity will be subtracted.

Excavation depth from reference point: Indicate the excavation depth from the reference point Code of the element to be inserted: Indicate the code of the line to be inserted.

Insertion of sideslopes

This command inserts sideslopes automatically, starting from an end of the polyline specified. In order to

have the sideslope drawn it is sufficient to indicate the slope and the intersection line (where the sideslope has to stop).

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Sideslope

Command line: SLOPE

On the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Select sideslope intersection element:

Indicate the element where the sideslope has to stop. Left sideslope <0.6667>: Indicate the slope of the sideslope if it has to be inserted on the left of the axis. Right sideslope <0.6667>:

Indicate the slope of the sideslope if it has to be inserted on the right of the axis. Indicate sideslope start point: Indicate the point from where the sideslope has to start.

In order to stop the requests press ESC key, or ENTER or the right button of the mouse.


Insertion of edge flag

By inserting a edge flag you just assign to a point belonging to a cross element, usually an extremity, a particular attribute that will be used when the tool has to extract a profile on the basis of the elevation of such particular points as ditch bottom points, head wall points, etc.

If, for example, you want to obtain in the longitudinal profile a Supplementary profile indicating the bottom elevation of the ditch, it is necessary to assign, for each section, a flag to the bottom ditch point. By Profile extraction it is then possible to obtain automatically the profile of the ditch.

A point having a edge flag is easy to distinguish because a little flag, containing the numeric value assigned to that point, is drawn near it. To remove the flag it is sufficient to activate that command giving 0 as numeric value.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Flag Edge

Command line: FLAGPNT

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On the CAD command line the following questions appear:

Set flag Sideslope/Edge/<S>: E Give a numeric value to section point Automatic/Manual/<A>: There are two insertion modes: a manual one, where you indicate by the mouse the point which has to be assigned the flag, and automatic, which allows the direct assignment to a group of

sections, according to the position of the point.

Manual insertion Select point to which a value is given: Indicate by the mouse the point which the edge flag has to be assigned to.

Value to set 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: Indicate the numeric value to be assigned.

Automatic insertion In case of automatic insertion the following window will appear:

Through this window it is possible to choose the group of sections on which to insert the flag. You then have to decide on what element to insert the flag, specify the numeric value to be assigned

and the position of the point to which the flag has to be assigned.

Insertion of sideslope flag

By inserting a sideslope flag you just assign to a point belonging to a cross element, usually an

extremity, a particular attribute that will be used when the tool has to insert a sideslope automatically.

For example, the tool uses this flag also to generate a Planimetry of project. In order to recognize the road edges, the tool searches the points with this flag.

The points which have a sideslope flag are easy to find because near the point a little asterisk is drawn. To remove the flag it is sufficient to activate the same command.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

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Toolbar Section editing

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Flag Sideslope

Command line: FLAGPNT

On the CAD command line the following questions appear:

Set flag Sideslope/Edge/<S>:S Give a numeric value to section point Automatic/Manual/<A>:

There are two insertion modes: a manual one, where you indicate by the mouse the point which has to be assigned the sideslope flag, and automatic, which allows the direct assignment to a group of sections, according to the position of the point.

Manual insertion Select point to which a value is given: Indicate by the mouse the point which the sideslope flag has to be assigned to.

Automatic insertion In case of automatic insertion the following window will appear:

Through this window it is possible to choose the group of sections on which to insert the flag. You then have to decide on what element to insert the flag and specify the position of the point to

which the flag has to be assigned. If, for example, as a code you choose the project line and as a point you select Most rightward, then , for each section, the tool will examine the project line and will give the sideslope flag to the point on the extreme right side.

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Center line position

It allows to place the section center line in a position different from 0 abscisse.

The command is activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Modify current section > Center line position

Command line: SETAXIS

On the CAD command line the following questions appear:

Axis position Cursor/Manual/<C>: By positioning the cursor you indicate by the mouse the position of the axis, while by manual

positioning you insert the new abscissa in the axis. Move zero on section axis Yes/No/<Y>: By answering Yes the tool translates the points so that the new 0 is the new position of the axis.

S.O.P. position

By this command, you can specify the State of Progress start and final elevations. If in Cross-sections properties the option Elaboration with S.O.P. is active, two horizontal lines will be drawn on the two

elevations given. The tool will then calculate only the areas between the two elevations.

The command can be activated in one of the following modes:

Menu Sections > Volumes > S.O.P. position

Command line: SETSAL

On CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Set S.O.P. position Cursor/Manual/<C>: By cursor the tool asks you to indicate the S.O.P. elevation by the mouse, while by manual mode the tool asks you to insert the two S.O.P. elevations.

Setting by cursor Enter start elevation of S.O.P.: Indicate by the mouse the start elevation of the S.O.P. Enter final elevation of S.O.P.:

Indicate by the mouse the final elevation of the S.O.P.

Manual setting Start elevation of S.O.P.: Indicate the start elevation of the S.O.P. Final elevation of S.O.P.:

Indicate the final elevation of the S.O.P.

S.O.P. elevations can also be defined manually, for each section, by S.O.P. page of the Table of longitudinal profile.

Calculation of elementary areas

The tool allows to calculate areas and widths included in the sections according to rules defined in the Calculation sequence table. The tool allows to calculate the areas of the current station and to display directly the values calculated both from a graphic and from a numeric point of view.

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Calculation of elementary areas on the current section

In order to perform the calculation of elementary areas on the current section you can operate in one of

the following ways:

Toolbar Cross-sections

Menu Sections > Calculation of section area

Command line: CALCULATE

Visualization of volume calculation results on section

It is possible to visualize directly on the graphic CAD the data calculated concerning the elementary areas

and the widths. If, in the section, something has been modified, we suggest you to perfom the recalculation of the elementary areas before executing this command.

The command is activated by selecting the item Totals on screen from Sections menu, or give TOTALS command.

Toolbar Cross-sections

Menu Sections > Totals on screen

Command line: TOTALS

On the CAD command line, the data calculated for each element present in the section will appear. In the

CAD window, the areas calculated are also highlighted so as to show to the user the result of the operation.

Calculated areas can be exported directly into Opera, the tool for work accounting, by using Genius system, which allows the dynamic transfer of data between the two programs.

Display calculation results on section

It is possible to display directly in the graphic CAD the data calculated as far as elementary areas and widths. If any changes have been made in the section, it is recommendable to perform a recalculation of the areas before executing this command.

The command is executed by selecting the item Totals on screen from Sections menu, or by TOTALS


Toolbar Sections

Menu Sections > Totals on screen

Command line: TOTALS

The command line will display the data calculated for each element contained in the section. The areas calculated are also highlighted in the CAD window, so as to show the user how they have been obtained.


Volume calculation by sections

Volume calculation is carried out by two methods: by average end area method and by equalized area method. On the basis of the data derived from the calculation of the elementary areas of the sections, it is possible to extract, for each area, the elementary figures (triangles and trapezia) that constitute it and are indispensable to carry out the calculation. The partial distances between the sections are obtained by

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the Table of longitudinal profile. Besides volumes, the procedure can return the values of the surfaces calculated both in projection and length. It is also possible to exclude from the calculation segments representing typical elements (ex. bridges, tunnels, etc.)

Volume and area calculation on sections can be performed by considering the position of the figure barycentre compared with the axis. In this way, quantities on curve are considered with more precision.

Before performing the calculation it is better to make sure that the data which are indispensable for the elaboration have been inserted properly. Many mistakes can be made. For example, it is possible you do not insert the stations of the sections, of course obtaining as a result volumes and sections equal to zero.

Remember that volume calculation is performed on the basis of the data derived from the management of the cross sections. So, before performing the calculation, make sure the tables of Section codes have been compiled.

Calculation requirements can be summed up as follows:

check of the stations of the sections in the table of the longitudinal profile

indication of the segments of project to be excluded from the calculation

Now, it is possible to perform the calculation: How to perform volume calculation. From the window of volume calculation management it is possible not only to perform calculation, but also to display and obtain calculation results.

From volume and area calculation, the tool can generate Bruckner diagram, which allows to study how cut and fill volumes alternate along a road. Bruckner Diagram .

The volumes calculated can be exported directly to accountancy tool Opera by using Genius system, which allows the dynamic transfer of data between the two tools.

How to perform volume calculation

Once all the parameters for volume calculation have been defined it is possible to start the calculation. The elaboration can be activated from Sections menu, by the item Volume/area calculations or by giving VOLCALC command.

Menu Sections > Volumes > Volume/area calculations

Command line: VOLCALC

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The following window appears containing:

If volume calculation has already been performed and it is necessary only to consult totals or generate

reports, pass directly to Results page.

Calculation page reports the list of the axis subprojects on which elaboration can be performed. Select the item in Process column, to assign the subproject corresponding to the list of subprojects to process. Volume calculation can be performed on a part of the alignment delimited by two sections; the tool proposes in From section and To section columns, the first and the last section of each axis; to perform calculation on a part of the axis indicate the sections delimiting the area to calculate.

To select all the axes use Select all button; vice versa, to annul the selection on all the axes use Clear all button; Break on project button allows to open Break on volume calculation dialog box from which it is possible to choose in what segments not to perform the calculation of volumes and areas.

The lower part of the window reports a list of the areas and the surfaces on which calculation can be

performed; such areas have been inserted in the table Section codes, Areas to calculate.

For any single item it is possible to specify whether it must be calculated or not; to select all the items

press Select all button; vice versa, to annul selection on all the items use Clear all button.

To start calculation press Calculate button.

At the end of the process Results page will be displayed.

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The table reports, for each subproject, the list of calculated areas and quantity. Cancel button allows to delete the items selected from the list.

To print areas and volumes select the items to be printed and press Print button.

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The following window will appear:

From the window select the kind of report, area or volume and then choose the mode by which to obtain

the report: on printer, on screen, on PDF file, etc.

It is possible to obtain a report of the volumes calculated, including several axis subprojects by setting in the window All as Axis subproject, specifying the codes to be calculated and the axes to be considered.

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To activate the printing of the General Volumes operate as follows:

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Chose the node General volumes and select the type of print to obtain.

Break on project

The table for the break on project allows to inform the tool that for some segments, and for some elaborations, the sections must not be considered. With regard to the current graphic window, the table is activated in one of the following ways :

Menu Profile > Terrain and Project > Break on project

Menu Sections > Volumes > Break on project

Command line: DDINTELAB

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The following table will appear:

In the first two columns of the table a segment is reported, that is made up of two consecutive sections, while in the remaining three columns you have to indicate whether the elaboration must be performed or not:

Planimetry: the interruption, in this case, concerns the construction of the project planimetry; in those

parts of sections where the check box is not active, the project planimetry will not be drawn;

Profile: the interruption, in this case, concerns the drawing of the longitudinal profile; in those parts of sections where the check box is not active, the longitudinal profile will not be drawn;

Volumes: the interruption, in this case, concerns the calculation of volumes; in those parts of sections where the check box is not active, the volumes will not be calculated;

To change the status it is sufficient to click on the icon and this will assume the opposite aspect. By using CTRL and SHIFT button, it is possible to select more lines, non adjacent and adjacent respectively. By

clicking on an icon inside one of the lines selected, the status will be changed not only of the current line

but also of all those selected.

Press Close button to close the window.

Definition of section dimensioning

This procedure allows to set the dimensioning content, the drawing sizes and other parameters that check the final result.

It is possible to create different dimensioning styles, each with different settings, both as far as columns and other parameters such as sheet size, margins, etc.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Dimension...

Command line: DIMENSIONING

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The following dialog box appears:

Management of dimensioning styles

The upper section of the window displays styles management, which reports the list of the different styles available and allows their creation, deletion and change of name.

From the list it is possible to select the style desired, whose data and settings will be displayed in the rest

of the window. Any change made on columns or on any other property is saved on the style active in that moment. There is, however, a default style, called Standard. On opening the window the tool will set, as current style, the style the window was closed with, which is the style the tool will use to represent

current axis sections.

Duplicate button allows to perform a copy of the current style and to assign the copy a new name; the new style becomes the active style.

Delete button allows to delete the current style and all its settings. Standard style cannot be deleted.

Moreover it is not possible to delete the styles which are used by some sections.

Rename button allows to change the name of the current style. Standard style cannot be renamed.

To set the default style the tool will have to use to generate the final drawing of the current axis profile it is sufficient to select from the list the style desired and close the window pressing OK button.

To import dimensioning styles from a work to another it is necessary to use the command in File > Import/Export > ProSt/Topko Win In and select the item Section dimensioning.

Setting style on single sections

The style set in Drawing dimensioning window identifies the style all the current subproject sections will be represented with. It is however possible to assign, for every single section, a specific style.

This setting is performed from the window reporting the data of all the sections: name, station, terrain

elevation, project elevation, etc. The table can be opened as follows:

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Toolbar Axis

Menu Axis > Longitudinal Profile

Command line: TBPROFILE


Toolbar Profile

Menu Profile > Longitudinal Profile

Command line: TBPROFILE


Toolbar Sections

Menu Sections > Longitudinal Profile

Command line: TBPROFILE

In the window now appearing select Datum Lev./Axis:

By Dimension style column it is possible to set, for each section, the style to use. It is possible to choose between the style named Default and then among all the styles defined, included Standard style.

The style named Default is the style chosen, in Profile dimension, as the style to use for sections.

Therefore, if a section uses Default style, it uses the style defined in profile dimension window; otherwise, it can use a style among the others available.

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Definition of section dimensioning - Dimensioning tab

The window is made up of two pages: Dimensioning data, in which it is possible to set the information concerning the data to be displayed in the dimensioning, and Dimensioning colors, in which to choose the dimensioning graphic settings.

Dimensioning data The data required for each line of the table are the following:

Use: By this option it is possible to activate and deactivate the display of every single dimensioning in the sections; to hide a dimensioning it is not necessary to delete the row in the table, it is ufficient to

deactivate it.

Code: code of the element to be quoted in the dimensioning. This code must be one of the codes set in the table of Section codes - Lines tab.

Type. Type of data to be displayed for the element with its code indicated. Possible types are:

Num. - Point number progressive number of the point (printed near the point);

Elev. - Elevation elevation of the point (printed near the point);

Prog. - Progressive progressive distance (printed near the point);

Parz. - Partial partial distance (printed between two progressive points);

Slope - Slope slope of the section segment (printed between two progressive points);

H.Dif. - Height difference difference in height of the section segment (printed between two progressive points);

PrIn. - Slope Progressive progressive distance inclined (printed near the point);

PzIn. - Slope Partial partial distance inclined (printed between two progressive points);

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AreaY - Elementary area elevations elevations of points belonging to areas which have this code

DeltY - Elementary area difference difference of elevation between points belonging to areas which have that code;

AreaX - Elementary area distance progressive distances of points belonging to areas which have

that code;

DeltX - Elementary area partials partial distances between points belonging to areas which have that code;

NArea - Elementary area number progressive number of elementary area;

Sup.E - Area higher elevation elevation of higher points belonging to areas which have that code;

Inf.E - Area lower elevation elevation of lower points belonging to areas which have that code;

East - Point East Coordinate East planimetric coordinate of section point;

North - Point North Coordinate North planimetric coordinate of section point;

Name - Point name name of survey point, only if the section is a topographic section and linked to survey points;

-Ar- - Integrative area completes the line data by interpolating the elevations near the beginning and the end of the lementary areas.

..... - Integrative Used to optimize the number of the dimensioning rows since you obtain the representation of two or more lines in a single row. When a line of the table is followed by one or more integrative lines, the tool represents them by drawing a single row that contains the line data along with the data of the following integrative lines.

Title Text reproduced in the dimensioning heading which describes the row.

U Not available.

H Horizontal label.

S Complete segment in row.

C Centered label.

R If active, very close labels are not displayed:

Example: R not active

Example: R active

H.Row height of row in mm.

H.Char. height of characters in mm.

W.Char. width of characters in mm.

N.Dec. number of decimals to display the values with.

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How to calculate the difference of elevation between terrain and project It is possible to create a dimensioning row where to display the difference of elevation between the

terrain line and the project line. It is sufficient to personalize the dimensioning as follows:

Code: set referent element code;

Type: choose the option El.Dif;

Aux. Code: set the code of the section element with which to calculate the difference.

Dimensioning colors A specific page allows to set the colour of titles and dimensioning in the sections dimensioning; in this way, it is possible to manage different colours for the different dimensioning rows. The following window

will appear:

In this table, for each dimensioning row, it is possible to set the colour to be used for the title text and for the texts reporting the dimensioning values.

Besides the standard list of colours, also the options Default and By layer are available.

Default: the layer predefined by the software is used for the title or for the dimensioning. Predefined layers are managed by the command available in menu Format > Layer entities.

By Layer: the colour is used, which has been assigned to the layer the element to dimension belongs to; for example, the dimensioning of TER element, which belongs to TERRAIN layer, will be drawn by the colour assigned to it.

To change the dimensioning row display order use and buttons under the table.

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Definition of section dimensioning - Layout tab

In this tab it is possible to set some sizes and parameters concerning the section drawing.

Sheet (single section) Allows to set the width and the height of the sheet that will contain every single section. It is possible to set also right, left, upper and lower margins.

Formula grid On the left side of the drawing, it allows to set the space reserved to the report of area formulas; besides, it is possible to choose the type of formula to print. The definition of the areas to print is performed in the Section codes window.

Grid The sections drawing can be completed by a grid reporting the values of the distance from the axis and the elevation.

X Axis grid: indicates whether you want to generate the reference grid on the distance axis.

Step: distance between grid lines.

Y Axis grid: indicates whether you want to generate the reference grid on the elevation axis.

Step: distance between grid lines.

Grid texts are displayed according to the style specified in Text styles tab.

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Aspect Squaring sheet. It is possible to choose the kind of squaring to apply to the section by selecting the possible types in Squaring sheet box. It is possible to perform the choice also by clicking on the image


Heading width. Sets the size of the dimensioning heading, the one containing the description of the row.

Display subproject name on the axis: If this option is active the section drawing reports the name of the corresponding axis. Such option is particularly useful in case we use correlated sections which determine, in displaying a section, the drawing of the lateral axes sections.

Multiple sections dimensioning. Activates the dimensions in the dimensioning also of multiple

sections; otherwise only the dimensioning of the main section will be kept.

Drawing title. It is possible to decide whether (and where in the sheet) to print the section title.

Round Datum Level m. The tool asks to specify the rounding value of the reference elevation in case this is calculated by the tool. If, for example, the reference elevation calculated is 143.372, it is possible to set the rounding at 0.5 to obtain 143.5 as reference elevation.

Definition of section dimensioning - Text tab

Personalizable texts For every text reproduced on the left it is possible to set the real text to be printed. It is useful especially

when it is necessary to comment the drawings using a foreign language.

Characters size It is possible to set the size (height, width) of the characters used in the different kinds of texts used in

the drawing.

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Definition of section dimensioning - Text style tab

Fonts. It is possible to specify the fonts to be used in the dimensioning of the sections as to the elevation texts, the headings, the tables and the titles. See Loading fonts.

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ProSt - Standard

ProSt - Standard: Road, railway, hydraulic design

By ProSt Standard it is possible to design roads, hydraulic works and any other linear work; the project includes the geometry annotation performed according to topographic surveys or existing maps, the management of terrain and project longitudinal profiles and the length of cross sections with volume calculation. The design can be performed with policy check and includes sight check. “Dynamic design” provides for the updating of all the elements and project data following any kind of modification.

Calculation of volumes and accounting sections

The possible typologies of section management and accounting are so different k that very rarely a software can automatically adapt to them. ProSt Standard is the most advanced and complete solution available in the market today, since it has no limits in the accounting of sections of every kind and size,

thanks to the variety of the customization opportunities it offers. ProSt Standard allows the definition, completely free and manageable by the user, of the list of workings contained in the section ( terrain, project, stripping line, terrain recovery, wall, etc.), of the list of quantities required by the accounting (cut, fill, topsoil, etc.) of the measure unity (width, area, volume, etc.) and of the list of the calculation tips by which the user informs the software about how to use the workings to obtain the quantities to account.

Once the rules have been defined, ProSt carries out the elaborations set, calculating areas, surfaces, volumes, lengths, quantities, allowing to decide the paging up of the single sections, dimensioning, tables, automatic hatches, to achieve reports of volume calculation and paging up of complete sheets.

The data inserted, the calculation procedures used and the results obtained are reported in detail, both in

the sections drawing and in the printouts. Volume calculation is performed both by average end area method and by equalized area method, with the opportunity to consider the position of the areas barycentre as to the axis, thus improving calculation precision in the curves. The tool offers the

opportunity to exclude the segments on which the calculation is not to be carried out, for example those containing artworks.

It is possible to carry out volume and area calculation also by steps (as far as the elevation of the first S.O.P. or between two S.O.P. ). Thanks to Genius technology, volume calculation results can be automatically transfered to Opera, the software for work accounting. Besides the restitution of the quantities calculated, for each axis it is also possible to obtain a summary with the final sums, considering all the axes involved in the project.

Bruckner diagram

From volume calculation ProSt can produce Bruckner diagram, or mass diagram, as far as cut and fill volumes. Bruckner diagram is completely customizable and can be either printed or inserted in a drawing


Sight diagram

ProSt Standard includes sight check and the generation of the corresponding diagram; sight diagram is a

graphic which reports on X axis the stations and on Y axis the stopping distance calculated according to the speeds taken from the corresponding speed diagram. This diagram then reports the sight distances verified; in this way, the areas where the stopping distance exceeds the sight distance, i.e. areas where sight is not granted, can be easily detected. The test can be performed by setting all the variables to be considered. For example, it is possible to set, in the same diagram, the stopping distances for different maximum speeds (to verify whether speed limit should be reduced in some segments) or the sight

distance for different lanes (internal lane, external lane).

For each sight distance to calculate many other parameters can be set, such as the height and the distance of the point of view, obstacle height and distance, colour, linetype, etc.

ProSt Standard not only generates the diagram but can determine automatically the widening in curve that can grant the sight; such widening can be set directly on typical section shoulders so as to create automatically a project satisfying sight requirements.

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The sight distance, and the widening that can grant it, is calculated by using a 3D model of the road. That 3D model is generated automatically according to alignment, vertical design (optional) as well as according to the typical section geometry and size.

It is in fact possible to create a simplified typical section and specify such parameters as lane width, height and size of the obstacles(guard rails, new-jersey, walls, etc.) according to the alignment station.

Generating a 3D model of the road is the only way to make sure that, for the sight test, all project parameters have been considered simultaneously.

Determining sight distance can either be limited to the alignment or include also altimetric elements; if an only-planimetric test is performed, the model will be generated on a completely horizontal plane, while, if a plano-altimetric test is performed, the model elevations consider the altimetric design as well.

The final diagram can be customized with all kinds of dimensioning and can be printed directly on plotter/printer or exported in DXF/DWG format.

Sight Diagram

Introducing sight diagram

According to the M.D. of 5th November 2001, for a project to be approved, it is necessary to grant the “complete accomplishment” of the rules it indicates: should this not happen, and should the project propose solutions contrasting the directions provided for by the law, it becomes necessary to consult the

Council of Public Works or Regional Superintendency, depending on the kind of road being designed, once the safety analyses required have been carried out.

This obviously means that respecting the Decree represents a must in the design process. One of the most critical tests is the one concerning sight distance, in which the free sights required to grant safety have to be compared to the ones actually available in the road alignment.

Therefore, studying sight, along with other geometric parameters, is a fundamental step in defining a project, while its conclusions, reported in a specific table, become an indispensable element in the course

a project must follow to obtain the Agency approval.

Testing the sight distance in designing new infrastructures or in renewing the old ones, can be a very useful tool for testing the safety of existing infrastructures, since it allows to determine the parts of the road alignment in which the reduction of the sight distance can cause a great number of accidents.

Sight is a very complex problem, involving different project variables: the existing territorial limits impose choices which, although respecting the minimum parameters imposed by the law, according to

dynamic dimensioning parameters ( minimum horizontal radius), do not necessarily grant the sight in curve, which is influenced also by the size and geometry of the cross section as well as by the presence of obstacles (barriers, walls, tunnel piers, etc.)

Therefore, it is not necessarily true that an alignment complying with the dynamic geometric parameters

required by the policy automatically grants the sight distance; on the contrary, to pass this test, it is necessary to carry out further and more detailed analyses, taking into account more variables.

ProSt-Standard is the solution for the sight check and the generation of the corresponding diagram; sight diagram is a graphic which reports on X axis the stations and on Y axis the stopping distance calculated according to the speeds taken from the corresponding speed diagram. This diagram then reports the sight distances verified; in this way, the areas where the stopping distance exceeds the sight distance, i.e. areas where sight is not granted, can be easily detected.

ProSt - Standard not only generates the diagram but can also automatically determine the widening in

curve necessary to grant the sight; such widening can be applied directly to the typical section shoulders, allowing to produce automatically a project which respects the sight required.

The check can be performed setting all the variables one wants to consider. For example, it is possible to produce, in the same diagram, stopping distances for different maximum speeds (so as to verify whether in some segments it is better to reduce speed limit) or the sight distance for the different lanes (internal lane, external lane). For each sight distance to be calculated it is possible to set many other parameters,

such as height and distance of point of view, height and distance of the obstacle, colour, line types, etc.

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The calculation of the sight distance and of the widening necessary to grant it is performed by using a 3D model of the road which is generated automatically, according to the horizontal alignment, the vertical alignment (optional), as well as according to the typical section geometry and size. It is in fact possible to create a simplified typical section and specify such parameters as roadway width, obstacle height and size (guard rails, new jersey, walls, etc.) according to the alignment station.

Generating a 3D model of the road is the only way to make sure that all project parameters for sight check are considered at the same time. Determining sight distance can be limited to the mere horizontal alignment, or extended to the vertical alignment as well; if a only-horizontal check is performed, the model will be generated on a completely horizontal plan, while if a plano-altimetric check is performed, the model elevations will take into account the vertical design too.

The final diagram is completely customizable with all kinds of dimensioning and it can be printed on plotter/printer or exported in DXF/DWG format.

Work environment

The module for sight diagram generation can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Checks and diagrams > Sight diagram

Command line: VISGRAPH

Once the module has been activated, the following window will be displayed:

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The window for diagram calculation is subdivided into two parts; on the left side two pages are available, Diagram and Model, reporting the data to be used for calculation, while on the right side two other pages are available, Sight diagram and Sight diagram data, reporting and displaying calculated data.

In Diagram page a table is available, reporting distances, comparisons and widening to

calculate, and displays in the lower side the number of triangles of the model used used for calculation.

In Model page it is possible to generate or select the model to use for calculation.

Sight diagram page displays the diagram of sight distances calculated and some supplementary calculations, with the opportunity to select the alignment direction and to perform a print preview.

In Sight diagram data the data calculated are reported in table form:

On the left top of the window it is then possible to select the axis subproject where to perform sight distance checks.

Add sight distance

To add a sight distance it is necessary to press button of Diagram page on the left side of the

window, and then select the item Sight distance. The following dialog box will then be displayed:

In this window it is possible to define the parameters and the features of the sight distance to insert in the diagram.

In Description field a description can be inserted of the sight distance to be displayed both in the

diagram line table, on the left side of the window, and in the diagram column keys in the print preview.

In Property page the properties are set, for generation and display of the sight distance.

In Line group it is possible to insert:

Feed step: Indicates the step according to which to perform the calculation of the sight distance

along the road alignment. The value set influences both diagram accuracy and calculation time. If

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we set a low value as feed step, for example 5-10 meters, the diagram will be very accurate but, on the other hand, with a very long road alignment, 10-20 km, calculation time will be very long. So, in order to avoid long calculation time, it is necessary to choose a feed step according to the length of the segment to verify as well as according to the accuracy to be obtained. The values normally assigned to this parameter vary from 10 to 50 m.

Line Color: indicates the color with which to display the reference line in the diagram.

In Search group it is possible to set some parameters to optimize sight distance calculation:

Search minimum distance: Indicates the distance from which to start verifying the sight

distance compared to the current search position determined by the feed step. This parameter, therefore, indicates the minimum distance an obstacle is expected to be found at. This parameter mainly influences the diagram accuracy, since the higher its value is, the more

probable the possibility will be to exclude possible obstacles. The value is normally equal to the

feed step.

Search maximum distance: Indicates the distance from which to start verifying the sight distance compared to the current search position determined by the feed step. This parameter, therefore, indicates the maximum distance an obstacle is expected to be found at. This

parameter mainly influences diagram calculation speed and normally it is better to set it on a value slightly higher than the maximum reference distance to verify. For example, if we want to verify the stopping distance of a road alignment it is better first to calculate this reference distance and then use a value slightly higher than the value calculated as Maximum search distance of sight distances.

By the option Add speed diagram vertexes it is possible to integrate the check points determined by

the feed step with the speed diagram points, thus performing some sight checks on sight diagram

vertexes stations.

In Control points page the parameters are set, which are necessary to determine the position of the driver and of the obstacle to use for sight distance calculation.

In the group Start point the parameters are set, to determine the position of the driver's eye.

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Offset from axis: indicates the distance of the driver's eye from the road axis; according to the current policy, it must be set in the middle of the lane occupied. The arrows indicate the offset

direction, so:

o Offset to the right of the line of march.

o Offset to the left of the line of march.

Height from road level: indicates the elevation of the driver's eye from the roadway; according to the current policy, it must be set at a height of 1,1 m.

In the group Start point the parameters are set, to determine the position of the obstacle:

Offset from axis: indicates the distance of the obstacle from the road axis; according to the current policy, it must be set in the middle of the lane occupied by the driver in case of stopping

distance, in the opposite one in case of passing sight distance and in the adjacent one for change

lane sight distance. The arrows indicate the offset direction, so:

o Offset to the right of the line of march.

o Offset to the left of the line of march.

Height from road level: indicates the height of the obstacle from the road axis; according to

the current policy, it must be set at a height of m. 0.1 for stopping distance, and m. 1.1 for passing sight distance.

The tool calculates automatically also the widening to be set to the shoulder in order to grant a sufficient

sight distance; for this reason, in the group Excluded area for widening calculation an area must be set, where sight distance reductions are due only to the vertical alignment and therefore cannot be solved by a widening of the shoulder. Normally, this interval starts from the axis and ends at the

beginning of the shoulder. For example, in case of a hump on horizontal straight, sight distance is reduced but it cannot be modified by changing the shoulder width, but only by modifying the hump vertical curve.

In the group Excluded area for widening calculation are then set:

Start offset from axis: indicates the distance from the road axis where the exclusion of

widening calculation starts.

End offset from axis: indicates the distance from the road axis where the exclusion of widening calculation starts.

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In Start and End page the interval is set, within which to perform sight distance calculation.

The intervals for sight distance calculation can then be:

Full axis: calculation is performed on the whole road axis.

Start and end station: calculation is performed within the interval set by start and end station.

Start and end section: calculation is performed within the interval set by start and end section.

Press OK to confirm and Cancel to stop it.

Delete sight distance In order to delete a sight distance it is necessary to:

1. Select the name of the sight distance to be deleted in the diagram lines table on the left side of the window.

2. Press button; a window will be displayed to confirm the deletion of the sight distance selected.

3. Press Ok to delete the sight distance or No to annul the deletion.

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Add reference distance

In order to add a reference distance, press button in Diagram page on the left side of the window, then select the item Reference distance; the following dialog box will then be displayed:

In this window it is possible to define parameters and features of the reference distance to insert in the diagram.

In Type field it is necessary to indicate the kind of reference distance to calculate:

Stopping sight distance

Change lane sight distance

Overtaking sight distance

In Description field it is possible to insert a description of the reference distance to display both in the diagram line table, on the left side of the window, and in the diagram column keys in the print preview.

In Property page the properties are set, for generation and display of the reference distance.

In Description field a description can be inserted, of the reference distance to display both in the diagram line table, on the left side of the window, and in the diagram column keys in the print preview.

In Property page the general parameters are set, for display and generation of reference distance.

In Line group it is possible to insert:

Feed step: Indicates the step according to which to perform the calculation of the reference distance along the road alignment. The value set influences both diagram accuracy and

calculation time. If we set a low value as feed step, for example 5-10 meters, the diagram will be very accurate but, on the other hand, with a very long road alignment, 10-20 km, calculation time will be very long. So, in order to avoid long calculation time, it is necessary to choose a feed

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step according to the length of the segment to verify as well as according to the accuracy to be obtained. The values normally assigned to this parameter vary from 10 to 50 m.

Speed limit: The speed used to calculate reference distance is the one obtained from speed

diagram. However, by filling this field it is possible to set a speed limit, below project speed limit, so as to reduce reference distance granting in this way the sight necessary.

Line Color: indicates the color with which to display the reference line in the diagram.

The option Use axis vertical alignment allows to perform the calculation of the reference distance both considering and ignoring the longitudinal slope of the road alignment.

The option Add speed diagram vertexes allows to integrate the calculation points determined by the feed step with the speed diagram points, thus performing the calculation of the reference distance on speed diagram vertexes stations.

In Start and End page the interval is set, within which reference distance is calculated.

The intervals for reference distance calculation are then:

Full axis: calculation is performed on the whole road alignment axis.

Start and end station: calculation is performed within the interval set by the start and end station.

Start and end section: calculation is performed within the interval set by the start and end


Press OK to confirm or Cancel to stop it.

Modify reference distance In order to modify the parameters and the properties of a reference distance it is necessary to:

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Select the name of the reference distance to be modified, in the diagram lines table on the left

side of the window and press button, or click twice on the name. The window reporting the

parameters of the reference distance will then be displayed.

Modify the parameters desired.

Press OK to confirm the changes or Cancel to annul them.

In case of modifications concerning sight distance calculation, such as step or start and end interval, a message will be displayed to resume sight diagram calculation.

Delete reference distance In order to delete a reference distance it is necessary to:

1. Select the name of the reference distance to be deleted in the diagram lines table on the left side of the window.

2. Press button; a window will be displayed to confirm the deletion of the reference

distance selected.

3. Press Ok to delete the reference distance or No to annul the deletion.

Add Comparisons In order to perform a correct evaluation of a road alignment sight, the tool allows to generate automatically the comparison between a free sight line and a reference distance, in order to determine the segments where sight is not guaranteed. It is then possible to compare free sight distance with stopping distance, overtaking distance and change lane distance, in order to determine in what areas they are not guaranteed.

To add a comparison it is necessary to press button of Diagram page on the left side of the

window, and then select the item Comparison. The following dialog box will then be displayed:

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In this window it is possible to define the parameters and the features of the comparison to calculate.

In Description field a description can be inserted of the comparison to be displayed both in the diagram line table, on the left side of the window, and in the comparison rows in the print preview.

In Distances to compare group it is possible to insert:

Sight distance: Indicates what sight distance to use to generate the comparison.

Reference distance: Indicates the reference distance to perform the comparison with.

The option Display widening in sight table allows to display, in the table reporting diagram data, the widening values to apply to the internal and external roadside so as to guarantee the reference distance.

In Colors upper area group it is possible to set the colors to use (in comparisons, diagram and tables) to display the areas where sight distance exceeds reference distance. (GOOD)

The parameters that can be set are the following:

Comparisons diagram: Indicates the colour with which to represent the upper area in

comparisons diagram.

Sight diagram and table: Indicates the colour with which to represent the upper area in sight

diagram and in the table of diagram data.

Colors sight diagram upper area: indicates whether to perform the filling, with full color, of the upper area in the sight diagram, using the color set in Sight diagram and table field.

In Colors lower area group it is possible to set the colors to use (in comparisons, diagram and tables) to display the areas where sight distance is less than reference distance. (NOT GOOD)

The parameters that can be set are the following:

Comparison diagram: Indicates the colour with which to represent the lower area in

comparisons diagram.

Sight diagram and table: Indicates the colour with which to represent the lower area in sight diagram and in the table of diagram data.

Colors sight diagram upper area: indicates whether to perform the filling, with full color, of the lower area in the sight diagram, using the color set in Sight diagram and table field.

Press OK to confirm or Cancel to stop it.

Delete comparisons In order to delete a comparison it is necessary to:

2) Select the name of the comparison to be deleted in the diagram lines table on the left side of the window.

3) Press button; a window will be displayed to confirm the deletion of the comparison selected.

4) Press Ok to delete the comparison or No to annul the deletion.

Roadway model

In order to obtain a higher precision in creating the sight diagram of a road model, sight distance check is performed on a triangle mathematical model. This can be either an existing model (survey of an existing road, model obtained from a planimetry of project, etc.) or generated automatically from typical sections.

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Create model from typical sections The model to use to create a sight diagram can be generated automatically from typical sections, making it unnecessary to insert the sections along the axis, calculate them and generate a planimetry of project.

This allows to verify sight distances by starting simply from the road axis, and gives the opportunity to perform some checks before the project is finished.

Moreover, it is possible to generate the model taking into account or ignoring the road axis vertical alignment, so as to verify both the horizontal and vertical sight or only the horizontal one.

Besides, for a correct generation of slopes and other elements of the typical section, it is possible to decide whether to use an existing terrain model, simulate one, or not use a terrain at all.

Set geometric properties In order to generate the alignment model to verify it is possible to use the information concerning the

variables defined in the section properties. By these variables it is possible to set beforehand, on a specific table, the typical sections to use and the values of some of their properties (roadway width, roadside width, sideslope slope, etc.) according to the station.

To display the window of geometric properties it is necessary to:

Press the button of Model page on the left of the window.

Select the item Geometric section properties... . The window of geometric section properties

will be displayed.

Set the variables and values desired.

Close the window.

Set codes The typical section used to generate a road mathematical model could be made up of different section lines, of which only a part are of some interest for sight check: In order to indicate what lines to use to create the model it is necessary to:

1. Press button of Model page on the left of the window:

2. Select the item Section elaboration codes... . The window of section elaboration codes will be displayed.

3. Set the values desired.

Note: Table fields are the same as those defined for planimetry of project

4. Close the window.

Create a model After setting the section geometric properties and the codes of the lines to be used it is possible to pass

to the creation of the road mathematical model. To create the model from typical sections it is necessary to:

Select the option Create model from typical sections of Model page on the left of the window.

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The parameters that can be set are the following:

Define typical file from geometric section properties: Indicates that the name of the file of the typical section to use to generate the model is obtained from the variables of section geometric properties.

Select typical file: Indicates the name of the typical section file to use to generate a model.

Use simplified typical sections: For sight distance calculation and check it is sufficient to use simpler sections than those normally inserted in typical sections for area and volume calculation. For this reason, it is possible to define inside the same typical section a "normal" section, containing all the objects and

calculation lines, and a "simplified" one, containing only some objects, less detailed, in order to obtain only the pavement. Therefore, by using simplified sections it is possible to generate a model constituted only by the objects causing sight reduction, avoiding in this way the generation of very complex models which would slow down calculation and might cause mistakes. So, activating this option the simplified versions of the sections will be used to create the road model.

Terrain elevations: by this option it is possible to define whether the creation of the road model must

take into account the presence of a terrain or ignore it. The different options for the calculation of terrain elevations are the following:

None: the model is generated ignoring the presence of a terrain, therefore such objects as sideslopes will not be generated.

Cross sections: the model is generated by simulating the terrain as a horizontal line situated at

the terrain elevation defined in the sections.

Terrain model: the model is generated by using as terrain model an existing model.

Band to be calculated: Indicates the width of the terrain band in case it is used to create the model.

Terrain model: Indicates the subproject where the triangles of the terrain to be used to create the model are available.

Note: Terrain calculation from model is performed only on triangle models.

Step model construction: Indicates the step according to which to insert the typical section for the

creation of a triangle model. The tool, moreover, inserts automatically some typical sections on specific points of the alignment (curve start and end, superelevation variation intervals, etc) and on the points where sections typology changes.

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Use axis vertical alignment: Indicates whether to use or not the vertical alignment of the axis defined by the grade lines and vertical curves in the profile.

Use superelevation and widening: Indicates whether to apply to the typical sections, in generating the road mathematical model, the superelevations and widening defined in Superelevation and widening window.

Press button of Model page on the left of the window to start generation procedure. The triangles generated by creating the model from the typical sections are saved with diagram data; it is possible to display the number of triangles generated at the bottom of Diagram page on the left side of the window.

Export a model into a subproject In order to display the road mathematical model, generated by creating the model from typical sections, it is necessary to copy triangle models inside a survey subproject, and then:

1. Press button of Model page on the left side of the window. A window for destination subproject selection will be displayed.

2. Select destination subproject and press Select button to confirm the selection or Cancel to stop it. This will delete all the triangles in destination subproject. The following window will then appear:

3. Press Ok to stop copying the triangles of the model generated or No to annul the operation.

Use existing model If sight diagram calculation must be performed on a surveyed model or on a model generated by planimetry of project it is necessary to perform the following steps:

1. Select the option Use existing model of Model page on the left side of the window.

2. Select from the list of models the survey subproject containing the triangles on which to perform

sight distance check.

Sight diagram calculation

Once the sight distances and the reference distances to calculate have been inserted and the model on which to perform the calculation has been selected, it is possible to pass to the sight diagram generation.

To generate the sight diagram, the model selected must contain some triangles; it is possible to verify this just by checking the number of triangles reported at the bottom of the Diagram page, on the left side of the window.

If some data are displayed, as in the image on the left, the diagram cannot be calculated, while if they are displayed as in the image on the right calculation can be performed.

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To start calculation, press of Diagram page on the left of the window.

Once calculation has been performed, on the right side of the window the sight diagram will be displayed, with sight distances and reference distances inserted.

Calculation results

Once the calculation of the diagram on the right side of the window has been performed, Sight diagram page will display the lines calculated.

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Table of sight diagram lines

Sight distances, reference distances, comparisons and widening are inserted in the table of diagram lines in Diagram page. these four kinds of lines and calculations are then subdivided into the following four groups:

1. Sight distances: This group lists the sight distances calculated or to be calculated.

2. Reference distance: This group lists the reference distances calculated or to be calculated.

3. Comparisons:This group lists the comparisons between the sight distances and the reference distances.

4. Widening: This group displays the widening to apply to edges so as to grant proper sight.

In the first column of the table the descriptions are displayed, of diagram lines and comparisons. These descriptions are the ones set on inserting the line or the comparison and can be modified by following the instructions reported in the section concerning Sight distances, reference distances and comparisons.

The columns marked by the letters D and T are active only for sight distances, reference distances and

comparisons, and they indicate:

D: Indicates whether to display or not sight distances and reference distances in the comparison diagram.

T: Indicates whether to display or not the values of sight distances reference distances and

comparisons in the table reporting the data calculated.

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The last column on the right displays the colours the different lines in the sight diagram and the different comparisons in the comparison diagram are represented with. Line colour corresponds to the one set on inserting the line and can be modified by following the instructions reported in the section concerning Sight distances, reference distances and comparisons.

The colours of the comparisons displayed are normally those displayed for comparison diagram, except

for the case of fill areas activated for sight diagram, which change using the colours set for sight diagram; these colours too can be modified by following the instructions reported in the section concerning Sight distances, reference distances and comparisons.

Display order In the groups it is possible to define the display order of the lines and of the comparisons belonging to

the group itself. The first element of the group will be the first to be displayed. To define display order it is necessary to:

Select from the table the row of the line or of the comparison to modify.

Press button to move it forward or button to move it backward. Moreover, it is possible

to change display order also by dragging the name of the line and of the comparison, keeping the mouse left button pressed, in the position where it has to be displayed.

Sight diagram Sight diagram window properties Sight diagram reports on X axis the alignment station and on Y axis the distances calculated.

If we move onto it with the cursor, a dark grey vertical line will be displayed, indicating the cursor current station, while the window right bottom will display complete information about its position. (Diagram name, Station and Value)

If we position the cursor on the vertex of one of the diagram lines, all the information concerning that vertex will be displayed automatically.

To perform zooms on diagram it is necessary to:

Press the mouse left button on the diagram. The point indicated will be the upper left vertex of

the zoom window.

Move the cursor, keeping the mouse left button pressed, so as to draw zoom window shifting

from top to bottom and from the left to the right. A grey rectangle will be displayed dynamically, to indicate the zoom window.

Release mouse button.

In order to display the whole diagram (zoom all):

1. Press the mouse left button on the diagram. The point indicated will be the lower right vertex of the zoom window.

2. Move the cursor, keeping the mouse left button pressed, so as to draw zoom window shifting

from bottom to top and from the right to the left. A grey rectangle will be displayed to indicate the zoom window.

3. Release mouse button.

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To move the diagram it is necessary to:

1. Press the mouse right button on the diagram.

2. Move the diagram shifting mouse cursor by keeping its right button pressed.

Sight diagram direction Sight diagram is calculated automatically, both in the alignment direction and in the opposite one; in order to select the direction to display it is necessary to press the label desired, in the lower part of the window.

In the upper part of the diagram an arrow is displayed, indicating the direction selected; moreover, in the text field next to the arrow, it is possible to insert a text identifying that direction, such as "Route

direction Bologna". The text inserted for the direction will be displayed also in the plot preview.

Supplementary graphics and diagrams In the sight diagram it is possible to display, in the lower part of the diagram, both the horizontal and the

vertical alignment of a road, so as to compare the sight calculated with planimetry and profile elements.

In order to activate the display of the horizontal alignment press button in the upper part of Sight diagram page.

In order to activate the display of the vertical alignment press button in the upper part of

Sight diagram page.

Besides, it is possible to display two supplementary diagrams, which are the following:

Sight diagram by pressing button.

Comparison diagram, allowing to highlight the areas where sight is not checked, by

pressing button.

Sight diagram data In Sight diagram data page it is possible to display, in a table, the values calculated for the different distances, sight distance and reference distance, the differences calculated by the respective comparisons and the widening, internal and external, to be applied to the roadsides.

Each row corresponds to a station, on which a check has been performed, while the columns indicate the different types of distances. The values written in black indicate the values calculated, while those written in grey are the values the tool has calculated by interpolation according to the station.

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In the table of diagram data it is possible to highlight, in comparison columns, with different colours, the

areas where the sight is inferior to the reference one.

In order to activate or deactivate the coloration of the comparisons press button of the toolbar displayed above data table.

If the stopping distance test is not passed for altimetric reasons, symbol will appear in Altimetric

sight column.

Calculated widening According to the comparisons, the tool calculates automatically the widening to apply to the shoulders, so as to grant the sight distance necessary to have the reference distance considered in the comparison

respected. The tool calculates, for each line of march, an internal widening, to apply, if necessary, to the median, and an external one, to apply to the external unpaved roadside. In order to calculate the widening more precisely, in sight distance properties it is necessary to set accurately an exclusion

interval, which is due to the road vertical alignment. The widening calculated can be displayed directly in the diagram table and imported into the widening tables so as to be used by the typical sections.

Import widening After performing diagram calculation, for each comparison the widening calculated is displayed. In order to perform the import of the widening into the widening tables it is necessary to:

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1. Select the roadway to which to assign the widening from diagram line table in Diagram page.

2. Press button of the toolbar situated above widening table. The following window will be displayed:

By this window it is possible to set some parameters to perform the importation of the widening calculated by comparison.

The field Import mode indicates how a widening must be imported into a table. The possible methods are the following:

1. Delete previous values: importation replaces previous values, so the values of the existing widening are deleted and the new ones are inserted.

2. Complete and replace previous values: The values imported complete the table values and replace the ones with the same station.

3. Complete and add previous values: The values imported complete the table values

and are added to the ones with the same station.

The field Import widening from indicates what comparison to use to import the widening. The field Rounding value indicates what value the widening imported must be rounded at.

3. Indicate the setting desired and press OK to confirm the import or Cancel to stop it.

Save widening By importation, a widening is only loaded into a widening table but it cannot be used by internal or external paved roadsides in the typical sections. In order to use a widening in a typical section it is

necessary to save it by pressing button of the toolbar situated above widening table.

Once saved, a widening can be used by the following objects available in "SierraSoft Roadway


External unpaved roadside

External paved roadside

Internal unpaved roadside

Internal paved roadside

In order to activate the use of widening due to sight, it is necessary to set the value "From sight diagram"as "Widening mode"property.

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Reports and final drawings After performing sight diagram calculation it is possible to define a dimensioning with different columns, concerning the lines calculated, and generate a drawing preview of the diagram, which can be printed directly or exported into DWG or DXF format.

Defining diagram dimensioning As with sections and profile, it is possible to set dimensioning content, drawing size, and other parameters controlling the final result of sight diagram report.

In order to activate the window for dimensioning setting, press button, on the toolbar above the

diagram and select the item Sight diagram annotations...

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The following window will be displayed:

The parameters that can be set are the same as those defined for the profile, with the addition of some

special columns, specific for sight diagram. The supplementary codes specific for sight diagram are the following:

SIGHT: In this column the sight diagram is drawn in the direction of the road alignment. If the column height is set on "0", the tool will automatically adapt it to the sizes of the sheet set.

INVSIGHT:In this column the sight diagram is drawn opposite to the direction of the road alignment. If the column height is set on "0", the tool will automatically adapt it to the sizes of the sheet set.

SPEED: The road alignment speed diagram is drawn in this column. If the column height is set on "0", the tool will automatically adapt it to the sizes of the sheet set.

SGHWIDLH: reports the widening on the left calculated by sight diagram.

SGHWIDRH: reports the widening on the right calculated by sight diagram.

Moreover, some specific columns for sight distance, reference distance and comparisons can be inserted as well.

Dimensionig color

By this page it is possible to set the colour of titles and dimensions in the sight diagram dimensioning; in this way, it is possible to manage different colours for each dimensioning row.

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In this table, for each dimensioning row, it is possible to set the colour to use for the title text and for the texts reporting the dimensioning values. Besides the standard list of colours, default option is also

available, which uses the layer predefined by the system for title or dimensioning. Predefined layers are managed by the command available in menuFormat > Layer entities.

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Plot preview

After setting the diagram dimensioning it is possible to perform a plot preview by pressing button

on the toolbar above the diagram and selecting the item Preview... The following window will be displayed:

The parameters that can be set are the same as those defined for the profile. Pressing OK button the diagram preview will be displayed and it will be possible to print it or export it

into DWG or DXF file.

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Volume calculation

Definition of area calculation sequence in the sections

Note. This section is active only in ProSt-Standard configuration. In ProSt-Basic calculation rules are fixed and allow to account the following quantities: cut, fill, gutter, ditch, pavement layer and wall,

stripping and terrain recovery excavations, wall excavation, wall subbase and trench.

The definition of area and section calculation sequence is activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Section codes

Command line: ELABCOD

In the appearing dialog box select Calculation sequence page for the management of the sequence to use to calculate the areas.

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The base principle of the calculation of quantities follows the sequence of cut and fill operation so as they are made. The calculation of quantities is performed by extracting from the section two elements at a time (inserted as lines) and by calculating the areas between the two lines; therefore, two quantities are obtained, one of cut, the other of fill.

For example, suppose you have a terrain line as begin code and a project line as work code. The tool calculates a cut area in those parts where the project is lower than the terrain and a fill area in those

parts where the project is above the terrain line.

Every line in the table corresponds to an elaboration; for each line the following data are required:

Start code. Code of the element to be used as start line for the calculation of areas. You will have to apply to this line the line defined in the following field. If, no value is assigned the line resulting from the elaboration of the previous field will be considered as start line. The possible codes are listed in Lines tab.

Work code. Code of the element to be used as work line for the calculation of areas. This line is applied to the start line. The possible codes are listed in Lines tab.

Work type. In this field it is specified whether the operation performed on the start line is a cut or fill operation. As a consequence, a new line is generated, and it is called resulting from the fusion between start line and work line. This line will be used in the next elaboration.

Down - Minimum profile the resulting line will be made up of the start line and of those segments of work line where elevations are lower than those of the start line. As a result, you obtain a line that represents the

minimum profile of the two lines.

Up - Maximum profile the resulting line will be made up of the start line and of those segments of work line where elevations are above those of the start line. As a result, you obtain a line that represents the maximum profile of the two lines.

Under. Request for a code defined in Areas tab (Areas to be calculated). To this code the cut area obtained by calculation will be assigned.

Over. Request for a code defined in Areas tab (Areas to be calculated). To this code the fill area obtained by calculation will be assigned.

Mem. Allows to memorize the result of the cut and fill operation so that it can be used in a following line both as start line and as work line. The result of the elaboration can be saved in one of the other elaboration lines or it can be saved with a number from 1 to 9; in this case, to retrieve the working in column Start code or Elaboration code it is necessary to repeat the number preceded by the character ":".

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Draw. If in Mem column the result of the elaboration has been assigned to another elaboration line, this line might be inserted in the sections drawing and then be used, for example, for dimensioning. In this way the tool can generate lines which are not drawn but derive from area calculation.

Calculation of single elements The tool can calculate, for every single section, also areas (wall cutting, pavement layer, topsoil, etc.), lengths (non-woven fabric, compaction, etc.) and widths (wearing course, binder course, etc.). In order to calculate these elements you have to set as Start code the code of the line to be

elaborated. Nothing has to be specified concerning Work code and in the column Work type it is necessary to set one of the following values:

Area. the area will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Length. the length will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Length No V.Seg. the length will be calculated, with the exclusion of the vertical segments,

of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Horiz.Length. the horizontal length will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in

Start code cell. Num.Vertexes. the number of vertexes will be calculated, of the line whose code is specified in Start code cell. Quantity. the number of lines will be calculated, whose code is specified in Start code cell.

In Under cell it is necessary to indicate the code of the area in which the calculation result is memorized. The possible codes are listed in Areas tab (Areas to be calculated).

Clicking on button Preview, it is possible to check directly the correctness of calculation sequence settings without having to close the tab and perform command Totals on screen.

Instead, Create button activates a guided procedure which collects information concerning the different

lines to account and the relationships between them. By this procedure, completely guided and interactive, also the unexperienced user who is not keen on the method the tool uses to calculate volumes, can easily obtain the results desired.

An example of how to fill Elaboration codes tables

In order to learn how to use the tables, suppose you have to calculate some sections containing the following elements:

terrain line

project line

pavement line

stripping line

terrain recovery line

backfilling of terrain recovery line

According to the price list, the following quantities will be calculated:

cut and fill area

pavement width (plane width)

stripping width

terrain recovery area

backfilling of terrain recovery area

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The table of the elements to be inserted will be defined as follows:

The table of areas to calculate is defined as follows :

You can see how cut and fill, terrain recovery and backfilling report Area as work type, while pavement and stripping report Plane width.

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The table for area calculation sequence is the following:

Line 1: TER terrain line is used as start line and PRO project line is used as work line; as work type you

have to set Down - minimum profile. The tool intersecates the two lines (terrain and project) and from this intersection it memorizes the minimum profile represented by the two lines; besides, the cut area, determined by the possible project line under the terrain, is memorized as under area with CUT code. Over area is not assigned.

Line 2: as start line is now used the line resulting from the calculation of line 1 (that is the minimum profile between the two lines); as work line the stripping line is used. Again, the tool takes into

consideration, for the following elaborations, the minimum profile between the two lines intersecated. The

under area, determined by the intersection of the two lines, is memorized with STRIP code, and the area width is extracted from it. Over area is not assigned.

Line 3: as start line is used again the line resulting from the previous elaboration (terrain minus project excavation minus stripping excavation) while as work line the terrain recovery line is used. The work type is set again as Down - minimum profile. The under area calculated is computed as terrain recovery area TREC while over area is not assigned.

Now all the cut operations to be performed in the section are finished; fill operations have to start.

Line 4: the line that results from the elaboration of line 3, representing the bottom line of all excavations, is used as start line. As work line the backfilling of terrain recovery line BFILL is used. In this case the work type is set as Up - maximum profile, thus obtaining, from the intersection of the two lines, the line with the biggest profile. The over area calculated is assigned as backfilling of terrain recovery area (BFILL code), while under area is not assigned.

Line 5: as start line the line is used, that was elaborated on the preceding elaboration, that is the line of

maximum profile between the excavation bottom line and the backfilling of terrain recovery line. As work line the project line PRO is considered, that was used on line 1 and is now recalled in order to calculate the fill area. As work type again the maximum profile has to be considered. The over area resulting from the intersection between the two lines is assigned to the fill area FILL, while under area is not assigned.

Line 6: this line is used only for the calculation of the pavement, which is situated above the project line. As start line is then assigned project PRO and as work line the pavement PAV. As work type the Maximum profile is assigned, even if , being this the last line, this value is not important, since the

resulting line will not be used by any other elaboration. Under area is not assigned while over area is assigned to the pavement area PAV, from which the length will then be extracted.

Even if some work lines are not available, the tool performs area calculation in any case, ignoring the lines where they are recalled.

Filling areas calculation table is of the utmost importance, since it is in this table that you determine how areas must be calculated. After setting a calculation table, it is better to test the accuracy of the

calculation, by carrying out the calculation of section areas (CALCULATE command) and to verify the calculated areas by Totals on screen command from Sections menu. It is not necessary to check all sections but only some of them in order to verify if data are set to produce the results needed.

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Guided creation of calculation sequence

Note. This section is active only in ProSt-Standard configuration. In ProSt-Basic calculation rules

are fixed and allow to account the following quantities: cut, fill, gutter, ditch, pavement layer and wall, stripping and terrain recovery excavations, wall excavation, wall subbase and trench.

The calculation sequence by which the tool can then calculate areas, surfaces and quantities can be prepared automatically by a new guided procedure collecting the information about the different lines to account and the relationship between them.

The procedure, completely guided and interactive, enables also the unexperienced user, who is not

familiar with the method the tool uses to calculate volumes, to obtain the desired result.

The procedure is based on the principle by which some lines stand for cut elements, some other lines stand for fill elements and others for the pavement layer. These lines can be associated to the corresponding areas, which, in most cases, have also the same code and are therefore cut areas, fill

areas, and pavement areas.

The purpose of the procedure is to enable the user to define these couples of lines-areas in the exact sequence they are carried out with; according to the main sequence, cut elements must be performed

first, then the cut is gradually filled and finally comes the pavement layer.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Sections > Section code

Command line: ELABCOD

Before starting the guided procedure it is necessary to perform some settings in Lines and Areas pages.

For any line in the list and used in the cross sections it is necessary to specify the type. Type column allows to select one of the following values:

None: the area has no particular meaning and will not be used for the guided creation of calculation sequence.

Cut: the area must be considered as a cut area if compared with terrain line.

Fill: the area must be considered as a fill area if compared with the lowest cut line.

Pavement layers: the area belongs to the pavement layer.

Terrain: the line is the existing terrain line; only a line from the list can have

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this attribute.

Project: the line is the one representing the project for cut and fill calculation;

only a line from the list can have this attribute.

Type column can be found also in Areas page:

The values considered are:

None:the area has no particular meaning and will not be used for the guided creation of calculation sequence.

Cut: the area must be considered as a cut area if compared with terrain line.

Fill: the area must be considered as a fill area if compared with the lowest cut line.

Pavement layer: the area belongs to the pavement layer.

The new files, created by the default model supplied along with the tool, offer some predefined values

both for Lines and Areas.

The guided creation of calculation sequence can be activated from Calculation sequence page.

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Select button to start the procedure:

The first step consists in defining the cut elements in comparison with the terrain line.

Lines list and Areas list check boxes include the list of all the lines defined as Cut lines and Project

lines as well as the list of all the areas defined as Cut areas.

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Line-area pairs must be inserted in the table below according to cut working sequence, starting from the existing terrain, i.e. from top to bottom.

After choosing line-area pair from Line list and Areas list check boxes press Add button; the pair will

be inserted in the table. It is also possible to choose the line from the graphic window by button.

By Remove and Remove all buttons it is possible to delete the line-area pair currently selected in the table and to remove all the data contained in the table.

By Move up and Move down buttons it is possible to change the calculation sequence of line-area pairs inside the table.

Press Next to continue the guided procedure.

The second step allows to define the fill working from the last cut line specified in the previous step.

Line list and Areas list check boxes include the list of all the lines defined as Cut lines and Project lines, as well as the list of all the areas defined as Fill areas.

Line-area pairs must be inserted in the table below according to the fill order, starting from the bottom element specified in the previous step, i.e. from bottom to top.

After choosing line-area pair from Lines list and Areas list check boxes press Add button; the pair will

be inserted in the table. It is also possible to select the line from the graphic window by button.

Press Next to continue.

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The last passage allows to define the elements that make up the pavement layer.

Lines list and Areas list check boxes include the list of all the lines and areas defined as Pavement layers.

In inserting line-area pairs in the table it is possible to consider two directions, according to the position of the project line in the cross sections.

If the project line is at the bottom of the pavement, it is necessary to activate the option Pavement

layers on up direction and specify lines-areas pairs from bottom to top.

If, on the contrary, the project line is situated on top of the pavement and coincides with the final road pavement, it is necessary to deactivate Pavement layers on up direction option and specify lines-areas pairs from top to bottom.

Press Create button to start the automatic generation of calculation sequence according to the settings defined.

If a calculation sequence already exists, the following message will appear:

To delete the previous sequence answer Yes.

The table of calculation sequence will be filled according to the settings defined in the guided procedure.

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Bruckner diagram

Bruckner diagram, or mass diagram, is very important for the development of a road design, because it

clearly shows how cut and fill volumes alternate along a road, so that it is easier to locate building yards and to decide how to perform the leveling compensation, which consists in carrying terrain from cut areas to fill areas.

Mass diagram reports on X axis the alignment stations and on Y axis the sum of the terrain volumes from the origin to the section considered.

In Bruckner diagram it is also possible to specify the maximum distance of earthwork by operating machine from a cut area to an adjacent fill area. The tool will then display the diagram areas in which this

operation can be carried out and return the volume to move.

The command can be activated by one of the following methods:

Menu Sections > Volumes > Bruckner diagram

Command line: BRUCKNER

The following dialog box will appear:

Cut area code: code of cut area.

Fill area code: code of fill area.

Diagram: in this group it is possible to choose the color to represent cut segments and fill segments with. The option Fill areas allows to display / hide the colour backfilling under the curve of volumes. The

backfilling assumes the same colour as the line and then it changes according to the kind of volume .

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In the group of options Movement distance it is possible to specify the maximum movement distance available. By activating the option Display, the tool identifies in the diagram the areas where such distance can be applied. All the areas of passage between bigger cut volume to bigger fill volume and vice versa are analyzed; these areas are limited according to the maximum movement distance defined, thus obtaining a start and end station and a volume of material to move.

By activating the option Labels, the diagram will report, for any area identified, the area start and end station and volume.

In the lower side of the window, by selecting Movement distance, it is possible to have access to the numeric data of the different areas.

Zoom on diagram display To perform zooms on the diagram it is sufficient to click on the upper left corner and, keeping the mouse

left button pressed, drop it on the lower right corner of the area to zoom on.

To restore the full display of the diagram click on any point and, keeping the mouse left button pressed, move slightly to the left and then drop the mouse button.

By selecting Data a table will appear, showing the cut and fill volumes calculated between sections.

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How to set data for generating Bruckner diagram plot preview The diagram drawing can be paged up in a sheet, so that it is possible to print it, or export it into DWG or DXF files. By Dimensioning button it is possible to set different parameters, checking the generation of

the final drawing; the following window will appear:

Dimensioning tab The window contains two pages, one for data and the other for dimensioning colours.

Dimensioning data

The data needed for each line of the table are the following:

Code: code of the element to dimension in the dimensioning. This code must be one of the following codes:

VOLUME - volume calculated

HECTOM hectometric distances are reported. Hectometrics are indicated at the distance set in the Layout tab of the window, Hectometrics item.

ALIGN - the alignment is reported.

Type: type of datum to display for the element with the code indicated. The possible types are the following:

Num. - Point number progressive number of section point (printed on section);

Elevations - Volume (printed on section);

Stat. - Stations Progressive (printed on section);

Part. - Partials partial distance (printed between two stations);

H.Dif - Height difference height difference of profile segment (printed between two stations);

Title: Text reported in the dimensioning that describes the row;

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U: if active, the dimensioning row is reported on the upper part of the drawing.

H: if active the text is horizontal

T: if active a complete segment is inserted in the row

C: if active the text is centered

R if active, very close labels are not displayed:

Example R not active

Example R active

Row H.: row height in mm.;

Char.H.: characters height in mm.;

Char.W: width of characters in mm.;

Dec.N: number of decimals to display figures with.

Colori cartiglio

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Layout tab Sheet data: sets the height of the sheet that will contain the diagram drawing. It is possible to set also right, left, upper, lower margins.


Sheet squaring: it is possible to choose the kind of squaring to apply to the section, choosing among the types available in the check list. It is possible to make the choice also by clicking on the preview image.

Dim.Top distance: indicates the distance between the upper margin of the profile drawing and the lower side of the squaring or of the upper rows.

Bottom distance mm: indicates the distance between the profile reference elevation and the

lower side of profile drawing.

Heading width mm.: size of dimensioning heading, the one containing the descriptions of the rows.

Print title: asks whether to print profile title up on the left.


X Axis grid: indicates whether you want to generate reference grid on distance axis.

Step: distance between grid lines.

Y Axis grid:indicates whether you want to generate reference grid on volume axis.

Step: height difference between grid lines.

Dimensioning tab Hectometrics: distance at which to indicate the hectometrics in the dimensioning.

Hectometric mode:

Hectometric number: reports hectometric number (station/100).

Station: reports the station.

Drawing title: asks whether to report profile title up on the left.

Text tab Personalizable texts: for any text reported on the left it is possible to set the text to print. This is very useful especially in case of drawings to be presented in foreign languages.

Text size: it is possible to set the size (height, width) of the characters used in the different kinds of texts found in the drawing.

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Text styles tab

It is possible to specify the text styles to use in dimensioning the diagram as far as dimensioning texts, headings, tables and titles.

Bruckner diagram plot preview The generation of a Bruckner diagram plot preview is activated from Preview button.

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Longitudinal profile tab

From section: specify the first section to draw (1 to maximum number of sections available). Once the number has been inserted in the field on the right, the section name will appear. It is possible to be

helped in the selection by clicking on button, which allows to choose the section from the complete


To section: specify the last section to draw (from start station to maximum number of sections available). Once the number has been inserted in the field on the right, the section name will appear. It is

possible to be helped in the selection by clicking on button, which allows to choose the section from

the complete list.

Recalculate datum level: if the option is active, the tool tries to draw the diagram in the middle of the sheet, recalculating in this way the datum level.

Profile optimization: if the option is active the tool calculates the differences in height, so that the diagram can be drawn also in a sheet that is too short to contain it completely.

Sheet height mm.: it is possible to set the height of the drawing sheet.

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Plot device tab

From Name check list select the print peripheral on which the drawing must be printed. The tool reports all the printers currently configured inside the operative system. By Properties button it is possible to pass to another dialog box allowing to modify the parameters of the printer selected.

Any object created is given a CAD color. This color can be linked to the layer or to the object. During a

report, it is possible to use object colors to specify a different report color and to set widths or lineweights. See Pen configuration.

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Layout tab

In Layout tab it is possible to set different parameters setting the sheet size and orientation, the area of the drawing to report and its position in the drawing.

Paper size: Select from Name check list the sheet where the drawing will be performed. All the sheets supported by the printer selected will be displayed. If the data for performing a plot preview are being

set, it is possible to activate the option Fit papers to drawing extension. By this option it is not necessary to select a sheet for the drawing, since the tool calculates automatically the size of the sheet that will contain the drawing; in this way, in the plot preview the whole drawing will be displayed in a single sheet. It may be useful to use this option when the whole scale drawing has to be exported to

DWG / DXF files.

Orientation: it is possible to set the orientation of the sheet where the drawing is performed.

Plot scale: It is possible to specify the scale of the distances to use to obtain the final drawing.

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Sheet squaring tab

In this tab it is possible to choose the kind of sheet squaring to use to generate the final drawing. From the check list it is possible to choose a simple sheet squaring model, consisting in a simple square; besides, all the Sheet squaring type enclosed drawings are listed here. see Enclosed drawings.

Pressing OK the generation of the plot preview is activated; the tool will open a new graphic window in

which a sheet is displayed and, inside it, the drawing. At the bottom of the preview window a "Navigator" will appear, letting you know how many sheets have been generated and displaying them one by one:

Since the plot preview is a normal graphic window, in it all the graphic CAD drawing and modification

commands are active. So, it is possible to make any kind of change on the drawing and perform importations and exportations of DWG / DXF files.

From the preview graphic window it is possible to pass to the plotting or generate a drawing sheet. See

Print from plot preview and Generation of a drawing sheet from a drawing preview.

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ProSt - Premium ProSt Premium extends ProSt Standard with a set of tools to solve easily and precisely all the problems concerning the planning of road intersections, from a simple At-Grade intersection to very complex interchanges, rotary intersections, etc. ProSt Premium includes specific functions for the survey and design of tunnels as well as a set of commands for the calculation of the repavement elevations of existing roads.

Road Intersections

ProSt Premium includes a sophisticated system for the management of intersections which, thanks to a new methodology, allows a more complete and precise management of every kind of intersections, from

roundabouts to crossroads and interchanges.

Planning these situations with the classical methods (offered by most of the programs for road design) demands a long time and a lot of resources, while the final result is not always precise.The commands introduced by ProSt Premium allow a real and considerable reduction of the time you need to develop complex projects and let the technician take up the planning with the certainty of a quick and precise final outcome.

To turn the work of days into the work of hours or even of minutes is possible today thanks to ProSt

Premium. Such innovative concepts, as multiple sections and the projection of alignment polylines on the profile, allow to carry out the project having constantly the graphic information concerning the other axes that make up the road intersection. ProSt Premium not only simplifies the study and the planning, but offers interactive and functional tools for a fast and precise accounting of sections presenting intersections, avoiding in this way the double or triple computing of volumes in adjoining sections.

Planning at grade intersections

The design of at-grade intersections for crossroads and roundabouts is performed by using typical intersection schemes for the drawing of edges and islands or by using existing polylines, which is particularly useful when it is necessary, for different reasons, not to have tangent points between the roundabout edges and the edges of intersection axes.

In the longitudinal profile of the different axes that make up the intersection some references are automatically positioned, concerning the stations and the intersection elevation of interfering axes;

project grade lines can then be linked to them.

The sections found in the intersection area are automatically broken and made perpendicular to the two external edges; in this way, the sections will be displayed at best and also volume calculation will be precise.

The whole intersection will develop in 3D (it is not a simple 2D drawing) with the generation of the final

model and with the minimum number of axes: in fact, it is not necessary to create specific axes for in/out lanes.

Road intersections builder for road intersections

ProSt Premium offers a work environment in which it is possible to define standard intersection types

complete with edge curves, widening, islands; such typical intersections can be saved and used in different projects; in this way, it is not necessary to draw each time the elements that make up the intersection, since it is sufficient to select the typical intersection desired and this will be inserted in the current project. Even a such a complex intersection as a roundabout can be easily defined and saved as a typical intersection.

Interchanges, in/out lanes and lane division

For the design of interchanges, and, in general, for the design of in/out lanes, two specific intersection typologies are available: in/out lane and lane division, which allow, by setting a few parameters, to develop completely and in 3D the whole intersection; in fact, the software can insert linked sections in

the secondary axis and display in the profile the project elevations to be used to keep aligned in elevation the sections of the two interfering axes. Moreover, the tool calculates the best section cut line, allowing the generation of an absolutely precise and complete 3D model.

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Multiple sections

Multiple sections allow to display, for each section, the corresponding right and left sections of other axes but also of the same axis (useful in case of hairpins, the design of downhill sections incercepts that of the uphill ones). Displaying multiple sections allows to set a relationship between sections belonging to different axes both for study and check purposes, and to generate compound drawings of specific parts of the alignment.

Check policy concerning intersections

Policy checks have been introduced both for at-grade intersections ( simple intersections and roundabouts) and for in/out lanes of interchanges.

For every at-grade intersections sight triangles are generated; for roundabouts deflection angles are verified to check the trajectory deviation while crossing the intersection. For in/out lanes

the different segments which make them up are studied and tested: acceleration/deceleration lane length, maneuvering lane length, inflow lane length and curve stretch.

Projection of axes on profile

Projecting polylines or axes on the longitudinal profile allows to obtain a polyline by projecting, on the profile itself, another axis or a polyline of planimetry. In this way it is possible to visualise on the profile the altimetric proceeding of other axes or of the edges of other axes, so as to set correctly the altimetric planning of the current axis.

Profile from polyline

ProSt Premium includes a command allowing to extract a terrain and project profile from a planimetry polyline; project elevations are those of the polyline vertexes, while terrain elevations are automatically calculated by the digital model. This command is particularly useful in generating profiles that correspond to areas in which to insert such works as walls, shoulders, etc; in fact, according to the polyline which represents the road edge, it is possible to generate the corresponding profile, to be used in the design.

Creating parametric object types

In order to extend object type libraries with its own objects, ProSt includes a specific environment where it is possible to create or turn fixed type objects into parametric objects, that is objects which can change

their shape and size according to some defined parameters. In this environment it is possible to draw, or

transform from an existing drawing, one’s own object type and create properties linked to different segments of the object; for example for a wall it is possible to create a property called “Wall base” and link it to the segment representing the base of the typical element. Assigning a value to “Wall base” parameter, the segment will automatically assume the corresponding length.

Moreover, thanks to the programming environment it is also possible to define, for example, the proportion between wall base width and wall height.

The entity can be saved and become a library object to be used either in the typical sections or directly inside the sections.

Renew – Repavement

In road design it is often necessary not only to widen but to repavement or modify existing roads. As far

as the cover of the existing pavement, normally a minimum layer (overlay) of new material must be kept and this is precisely what ProSt Renew commands deal with. ProSt Renew commands can set a relationship between the project horizontal alignment, the edges of the existing horizontal alignment and the survey model of the current situation; from the analysis of such data, a profile polyline is calculated, which will represent the ideal project elevation to keep the minimum layer required. The issue may seem a trivial one, but it is not so if we consider that modifying a horizontal alignment can change the position

of the project axis compared to the existing one and, therefore, the determination of the project

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elevation must take into account the existing terrain , of the new axis position as well as of the transversal slopes.


The presence of tunnels, both in the topographic survey and in road design, is in some way a specific situation which cannot be dealt with and managed by traditional modes. From the topographic survey of existing tunnels (with points situated both in the upper and in the lower side) it is possible to obtain the tunnel 3D model and cross sections.

A specific dimensioning type is also available, which identifies the thickness differences between the

existing shape (terrain) and the project templates.

Introducing intersection manager

About intersections

Managing intersections allows to solve quickly and under every aspect (planimetry, profile and sections) every kind of intersection. The management does non provide for the horizontal design of the axes involved, which must already be present in the project; by the parameters defined for each intersection,

the tool arranges some information, graphic and not, which is then used by the different procedures for section calculation and generation of project planimetry. In particular, dynamic design can manage, for each intersection, the data defined in the intersections and regenerate edge polylines; here starts the application of typical sections on the axes and the building of the project planimetry as well as of the final project model.

The method consists in defining in the planimetry the axes that make up the intersections, define the

altimetry of the main axes, define the typical sections to be used and assign the different typologies of typical sections to the intersections found, so as to obtain automatically the drawing of edges and canalization islands.

For at-grade intersections and roundabout intersections it is possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection. From such information it is possible to obtain the planimetry of project and the project final model.

By Parametric design it is possible to manage all the phases of the intersections design.

Intersection types

The types of intersection managed by the tool are the following:

AT-grade intersection By linear AT-grade intersection we mean all those intersections which are

performed between two axes, when neither of them is a roundabout, with an angle of incidence between 40° and 160°. For angles of incidence below 40° or over 160° it might be necessary to manage the intersection as a lane entry/exit.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection.

Roundabout intersection: it is the intersection between axes that meet in a roundabout.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection.

Lane entry/exit: it is when a secondary axis converges or streams out (parallel or not) of a main axis. To be used, for example, in interchanges for lane entry /exit.

Lane division: it is when an axis ends and continues on two separate axes.

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Intersections (ProSt - Premium)

Intersections page allows to manage every kind of intersection in a project: AT-grade intersections, Roundabout intersections, lane entry/exit and lanes division.The window allows the insertion and

management of intersections, the modification of parameters and policy check.

The window is subdivided into three main blocks:

Intersections list: the left side reports all the intersection nodes inserted. The intersections can be arranged in groups according to the area on which they operate.

Properties, Verify and Settings: on the central block are displayed all the parameters regulating

calculation, drawing and the way the intersection node selected works. Check page reports the values calculated by the policy and the comparison with the project values.

Typical intersections: on the right side it is possible to define, only for AT-grade intersections (linear or on roundabout), the possible typical intersection to be used to build edge polylines.

General information about intersections

Managing the intersections allows to solve in 3D and from every point of view (planimetry, profile and sections) every kind of intersection. The management does not provide for the horizontal design of the axes involved, which must be already present in the project; by the parameters defined for each intersection the tool supplies some information, graphic and of other kind, which is then used by the different procedures of section calculation and generation of project planimetry.

In particular, dynamic design can manage, for each intersection, the data defined in the intersections and regenerate edge polylines; the application of typical sections on axes starts here, as well as the construction of the project planimetry and of the final project model.

Intersection types

The types of intersection managed by the tool are the following:

AT-grade intersection By linear AT-grade intersection we mean all those intersections which are performed between two axes, when none of the two is a roundabout, with an angle of incidence between 40° and 160°. For angles of incidence below 40° or over 160° it might be necessary to manage the intersection as a lane entry/exit.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to

solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection.

Roundabout intersection: it is the intersection between axes that meet in a roundabout.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection.

Lane entry/exit: it is when a secondary axis converges or streams out (parallel or not) of a main axis.

To be used, for example, in interchanges for lane entry /exit.

Add intersection: the command allows to define a new intersection in the project. The new intersection can create a new group of intersections or be included in an existing group.

Delete Intersection: the command allows to delete a group of intersections.

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Add secondary axis: the command allows to add a new axis to a group of existing intersections. It is better to use this command only to add a new intersection axis to the intersection group of a roundabout.

Remove secondary axis: the command removes an intersection node from a group of


Note: Removing the intersection axis does not remove the axis but only the information concerning the axis inside the intersection (typical intersection, automatic drawing of edges, etc.)

Rebuild intersection: the command activates the intersection rebuild procedure; the operations performed depend on the kind of intersection.

AT- grade intersection (linear or on roundabout) with defined typical intersection:

The typical intersection scheme is inserted in the intersection area between the two axes.

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

AT- grade intersection (linear or on roundabout) without defined typical intersection:

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the

intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the

station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

Lane entry/exit

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the leader along which

the elevations are projected from the main axis to the secondary axis.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the curve filleting the shoulders of the two axes.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the cut line along

which to cut the cross sections of the two axes; the cut is necessary to delete the overlapping areas. The cut is limited to the external part of the axes sections, where they overlap.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile the profile polyline is calculated, which represents the

projection of the main axis elevations; the polyline will be used to calculate the project elevations which will assure the continuity of the road surface.

The polyline is completed with a grade line segment, whose slope is that of the last polyline segment calculated; the grade line represents the start element of the design concerning the remaining part of the lane entry/exit.

Lane division

The intersection Lane division is formed by three axes: the main axis which ends and subdivides into two new axes called Reference axis and Intersection axis.

In the longitudinal profile of the reference axis a reference is inserted, reporting the final elevation of the main axis; moreover, a grade line segment is inserted, representing the

continuation of the longitudinal slope in the final segment of the main axis. In this way, it is possible to complete the design of the reference axis preserving the continuity with the main axis.

In the longitudinal profile of the secondary axis a reference is inserted, reporting the station and the start elevation of the reference axis. Moreover, another reference is inserted, reporting the station and the elevation of the reference axis on the point where the division of the two axes shoulders occurs.

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In the longitudinal profile of the secondary axis a profile polyline is calculated, representing the projection of the reference axis elevations; the polyline will be used to calculate the project elevations which will assure the continuity of the road surface.

The polyline is completed with a grade line segment, whose slope is that of the last polyline segment calculated; the grade line represents the start element of the design concerning the remaining part of the

lane entry/exit.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the leader along which the elevations are projected from the main axis to the secondary axis.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the curve filleting the

shoulders of the two axes.

In the planimetry the polyline is calculated and inserted, which represents the cut line along

which to cut the cross sections of the two axes; the cut is necessary to delete the overlapping

areas. The cut is limited to the external part of the axes sections, where they overlap.

Regeneration command can refer to an entire group of intersections or to a single intersection; to regenerate a group press the button after selecting in the table the row referred to the group heading; vice versa, to regenerate a single intersection, press the button after selecting the intersection desired.

Update intersection: The command performs a check on data and on the settings defined for the

intersection; the check has the purpose of verifying that, according to the data set, all the conditions are

respected for a correct management of the intersection. If the check gives a positive result, symbol

will appear near the intersection; otherwise, symbol will appear.

Move intersection: the two buttons allow to modify the intersections display order in the table.

Zoom to intersection: pressing the button will activate the automatic zoom in the planimetry

graphic window in the intersection area currently selected.

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Managing linear AT-grade intersections

By linear AT-grade intersection we mean all those intersections which are performed between two axes,

when none of the two is a roundabout, with an angle of incidence between 40° and 160°. For angles of incidence below 40° or over 160° it might be necessary to manage the intersection as a lane entry/exit.

The drawing of intersection edges can be obtained by inserting a typical intersection; it is also possible to solve the intersection by using edge polylines that can be inserted and defined even if they do not come from a typical intersection.

To manage this kind of intersections, the two axes must intersect; before inserting the intersection it is better to define the main axis altimetric design.

Press button to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

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Intersection type: as intersection type specify AT-grade intersection.

Main axis: choose from the list the axis representing the main axis between the two that form the intersection.

Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new


Description: group description.

Press Next.

The tool checks all the intersections between the main axes elements and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes intersecting the main axis.

Choose from the list the axis intersecting the main axis and press Add.

The new intersection will be added to the list of the intersections available.

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Property tab

Property page lists some parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

Intersection: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

AT-grade intersection: name of the two axe that define the intersection.

Area excluded from the intersection "secondary exis name"

Distance before intersection point: it is the distance separating the intersection point between the two axes and the point in which the secondary axis intersects the main axis edge; this value can be

calculated by the tool by pressing button, which is displayed near the cell. This value is necessary so that the correction of the transversal slopes does not involve the main axis but only the secondary axis; the main axis will keep its own transversal slopes, while the secondary axis slopes will be modified to manage the transition.

Distance after intersection point: to be used only in case of X intersections; it is the distance separating the intersection point between the two axes and the point in which the secondary axis intersects the main axis edge; in X intersections, the secondary axis meets both edges of the main axis;

it is therefore necessary to specify both areas, before the intersection and after the intersection; this

value can be calculated by the tool by pressing value, which is displayed on the cell.

Intersection zone "secondary axis name"

Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the

length of the intersection on the secondary axis; by deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the secondary axis.

Distance before intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the secondary axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the intersection

can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along

the secondary axis, after the intersection point. The point determining the end of the intersection can be

indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Intersection zone "main axis name"

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Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the length of the intersection on the main axis; by deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the main axis.

Distance before intersection point:it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the main axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the intersection can

be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the main axis, after the intersection point. The point determining the end of the intersection can be

indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.


By Verify page it is possible to gain access to the policy checks available for AT-grade intersections.

For the AT-grade intersection it is possible to calculate the sight triangle according to the policy for intersections (D.M. 19/04/2006).

Manoeuvre of: choose whether the triangle must be calculated for a Stop or a Give Way manoeuvre.

Sight triangle: activate the item to calculate and display the sight triangle; the triangle will be displayed only if the Intersection policy check filter is visible.

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By Settings page it is possible to check some intersection parameters:

Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to vary the transversal slope on secondary axis, so as to fillet it with the main axis transversal slope.

Insertion of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of the edge polylines defined in the

typical intersection associated.

Insertion of references in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the

intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

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In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge.

Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the intersection main points; the main points are:

start and end of intersection area on main axis

start and end of intersection area on secondary axis

in the main axis, on the secondary axis intersection point.

Recalculate cross-section on intersection area: by this option it is possible to activate, in the intersection areas, an automatic modification of cross sections which makes them perpendicular to the

right and left edge. Therefore, in the intersection area the section is no longer represented as perpendicular to the axis , but broken into a right and a left side: the right side will be perpendicular to the intersection right edge and the left side will be perpendicular to the left edge. Also the transversal length of the sections reflects this situation and will be calculated as perpendicular not to the axis but to

the edges. The following image shows how the cross sections are displayed on the intersection.

Volume calculation itself has been adapted to the new shape of the cross sections and an adjustment factor has been introduced to obtain a very precise calculation of the intersection zone areas and

volumes. Volume calculation report displays the adjustment factor used in determining the totals.

The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

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Typical intersection manager

To solve the intersection, some planimetry polylines are necessary. They stand for the edges shape in the

intersection zone; planimetry polylines can be obtained by associating a typical intersection.

To associate a typical intersection to the current intersection press button; choose the typical intersection file to associate to the intersection. The typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file. In this way the project can be completed by any user in any computer, without having to copy manually the files from typical intersection libraries.

To modify a typical intersection assigned to an intersection press button; in this way, you gain

access to the system by which to build and modify typical intersections. To remove the association with a

typical intersection press button.

Since the typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file, a command

is available, which allows to extract a typical intersection so that it can be used in another project: for

such needs press button, which will activate a dialog box allowing to choose the name of the file to

be assigned to the intersection, as well as the saving folder.

When it is impossible to use a typical intersection it is possible to solve the intersection by defining the polylines which determine the edges shape in the intersection zone; the polylines must be planimetry polylines whose codes are among the ones provided by the tool for the left and right edges. By settings page of parametric design it is possible to manage the name which must be attributed to the polylines

representing the two edges of the intersections.

Since edge polylines can belong to either axes, it is necessary to verify whether the option Share polylines with other axes is active for both axes, otherwise the tool could be unable to find the polylines necessary to the solution of the intersection. The option Share polylines with other axes is managed as Axis properties filter.

Generate intersection

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following operations:

the typical intersection scheme is inserted in the intersection zone between the two axes (if a

typical intersection has been associated);

The main axis longitudinal profile displays the reference reporting the station where the

intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge.

Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

The references calculated by the tool, and inserted in the secondary axis profile, allow to link ite project profile to the main axis elevations. The constraint can be carried out by building some grade lines as follows:

In the main axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where the

intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the main axis and with the main axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

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The first grade line ends on the elevation referred to the main axis edge, while the second grade line links to the elevation on axis. The grade lines built in this way create a constraint, between the secondary axis and the main axis, which is maintained also when the main axis elevations change.

Edge polylines, either inserted by typical intersection or not, must then be linked to the typical section right and left roadway.

The tool can solve tridimensionally the intersection according to the information it has received;

Dynamic design is the best tool to use to regenerate the project of the two axes and

display the final result.

Manage AT-grade intersections on roundabout

It is the intersection between axes that meet in a roundabout

In order to manage this kind of intersection it is necessary to define an axis subproject for the roundabout, where the intersecting axes must end/start. Before inserting the intersection points it is

better to set the roundabout altimetric design.

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Press button to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

Intersection type: as intersection type specify Roundabout intersection.

Roundabout axis: choose from the list the axis representing the roundabout

Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new group.

Description: group description.

Press Next.

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The tool checks all the intersections between the roundabout axis and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes which might define an intersection with the rondabout axis.

Select the axes for which to create an intersection with the roundabout and press Add.

As many intersections as the axes selected will be inserted.


For any intersection inserted Property page lists some parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

Roundabout: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

Roundabout intersection: name of the axis intersecting the roundabout and name of roundabout axis.

Entry lane width: width of roundabout entry lane; such value is necessary to calculate sight triangle, deflection angle and trajectory.

Exit lane width: width of roundabout exit lane; such value is necessary to calculate sight triangle, deflection angle and trajectory

Area excluded from intersection "secondary axis name"

Distance before intersection point: not used.

Intersection zone "secondary axis name"

Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the

length of the intersection on the secondary axis; by deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the secondary axis.

Distance before intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along

the secondary axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the intersection

can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: to be used only with X intersections; it is the distance within which

the intersection takes place, along the secondary axis, after the intersection point. The point determining

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the end of the intersection can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Intersection zone "roundabout axis name"

Automatic calculation: by this option the tool can calculate automatically the area necessary to the

length of the intersection on the roundabout; by deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the values that define the intersection intervention limits as far as the roundabout axis.

Distance before intersection point:it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along the roundabout axis, before the intersection point. The point determining the beginning of the

intersection can be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Distance after intersection point: it is the distance within which the intersection takes place, along

the roundabout axis, after the intersection point. The point determining the end of the intersection can

be indicated on screen by using button, which appears near the cell; the tool will then calculate the distance between the point indicated and the intersection point.

Verify tab

The Verify tab allows to set the policyes for the roundabout.

By intersection on roundabout it is possible to calculate sight triangle, deflection angles and trajectories, according to the policy for intersections (D.M. 19/04/2006).

Deflection angle: the tool calculates the deflection angle between the axis getting into the roundabout

and its opposite. Symbol indicates that the value is consistent with the policy set; symbol indicates a condition which cannot be verified or an angle which is out of policy.

Deflection trajectory: activate the item to calculate and display deflection trajectory; the trajectory is displayed only if Intersection policy check is visible.

Sight triangle: activate the item to calculate and display sight triangle; the triangle is displayed only if Intersection policy check is visible

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Settings tab

By Settings page it is possible to check some intersection parameters:

Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to vary the transversal slope on secondary axis, so as to fillet it with the roundabout axis transversal slope.

Insertion of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of the edge polylines defined in the typical intersection associated.

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Insertion of references in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

In the roundabout axis longitudinal profile the reference is displayed, reporting the station where

the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the station and to the elevation of the intersection with the roundabout axis and with the roundabout

axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the intersection main points; the main points are:

start and end of intersection area on roundabout axis

start and end of intersection area on secondary axis

in the roundabout axis, on the secondary axis intersection point.

Recalculate cross-section on intersection area: by this option it is possible to activate, in the intersection areas, an automatic modification of cross sections which makes them perpendicular to the right and left edge. Therefore, in the intersection area the section is no longer represented as perpendicular to the axis , but broken into a right and a left side: the right side will be perpendicular to the intersection right edge and the left side will be perpendicular to the left edge. Also the transversal

length of the sections reflects this situation and will be calculated as perpendicular not to the axis but to the edges. The following image shows how the cross sections are displayed on the intersection.

Volume calculation itself has been adapted to the new shape of the cross sections and an adjustment factor has been introduced to obtain a very precise calculation of the intersection zone areas and volumes. Volume calculation report displays the adjustment factor used in determining the totals.

The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

Typical intersection manager

To solve the intersection, some planimetry polylines are necessary. They stand for the edges shape

in the intersection zone; planimetry polylines can be obtained by associating a typical intersection.

To associate a typical intersection to the current intersection press button; choose the typical intersection file to associate to the intersection. The typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file. In this way the project can be completed by any user in any computer, without having to copy manually the files from typical intersection libraries.

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To modify a typical intersection assigned to an intersection press button; in this way, you gain access to the system by which to build and modify typical intersections. To remove the association with a

typical intersection press button.

Since the typical intersections used in a project are automatically included in the project file, a command is available, which allows to extract a typical intersection so that it can be used in another project: for

such needs press button, which will activate a dialog box allowing to choose the name of the file to be assigned to the intersection, as well as the saving folder.

When it is impossible to use a typical intersection it is possible to solve the intersection by defining the

polylines which determine the edges shape in the intersection zone; the polylines must be planimetry polylines whose codes are among the ones provided by the tool for the left and right edges. By settings page of parametric design it is possible to manage the name which must be attributed to the polylines representing the two edges of the intersections.

Since edge polylines can belong to either axes, it is necessary to verify whether the option Share polylines with other axes is active for both axes, otherwise the tool could be unable to find the

polylines necessary to the solution of the intersection. The option Share polylines with other axes is managed as Axis properties filter.

Generate intersection

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following operations:

the typical intersection scheme is inserted in the intersection zone between the two axes (if a

typical intersection has been associated);

The roundabout axis longitudinal profile displays the reference reporting the station where the intersection with the secondary axis is situated and its elevation on axis if available.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile two references are displayed, which are referred to the

station and to the elevation of the intersection with the roundabout axis and with the roundabout axis edge. Such references are necessary to allow a correct vertical design of the secondary axis.

The references calculated by the tool, and inserted in the secondary axis profile, allow to link ite

project profile to the roundabout axis elevations. The constraint can be carried out by building some grade lines as follows:

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The first grade line ends on the elevation referred to the roundabout axis edge, while the second grade line links to the elevation on axis. The grade lines built in this way create a constraint, between the secondary axis and the main axis, which is maintained also when the roundabout axis elevations change.

Edge polylines, either inserted by typical intersection or not, must then be linked to the typical section right and left roadway.

The tool can solve the intersection tridimensionally; Dynamic design is the best tool to use

to regenerate the project of the two axes and display the final result;

Management of entry/exit lanes

It is when a secondary axis converges in or streams out of the main axis (parallel or not). To use, for

example, in interchanges for entry/exit lanes.

To manage this kind of intersection, it is necessary to work with a main axis and a lateral axis, representing the entry/exit lane. The lane project direction must follow the traffic direction: if it is an exit lane, the axis start must be positioned next to the main axis, while if it is an entry lane, the end of the

axis must be next to the main axis. Before inserting the intersection points, it is better to set the main

axis vertical design.

Press to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

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Intersection type: as intersection type specify Roundabout intersection.

Roundabout axis: choose from the list the axis representing the roundabout

Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new group.

Description: group description.

Press Next.

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The tool checks all the intersections between the main axis and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes which start or finish next to the main axis.

Select the axis with which to create an intersection and press Add.

A new intersection will be inserted in the list on the left.

Property page lists a series of parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

Interchange: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

Entry/exit lane: name of secondary axis and main axis.

Intersection position: identifies the position, on secondary axis, where the intersection with the main

axis takes place. Such position can be modified, for example after an axis inversion.

Shoulder fillet radius: value of the radius used to build the curve that fillets the shoulders of the two


Subproject <main axis name>

Rotation point distance : distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is

obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings)

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

Subproject <secondary axis name>

Rotation point distance: distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is

necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).

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External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).


By Verify page it is possible to gain access to the policy checks available for lanes.

The check reports different data for entry and exit lanes respectively; a lane becomes an exit one when the correspondence with the main axis starts, while it is an entry lane if it ends on the main axis.

In case of exit lanes Verify page reports the following data:

Automatic calculation of speed: by activating this option the tool calculates the project speeds along the main axis, on the intersection and along the first circular curve in the secondary axis. By deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the single speeds. Speeds are used to calculate manoeuvre

zone and deceleration zone lengths.

Design speed in curve (Vr): project speed determined on the first circular curve in the secondary axis. Speed determined according to the curve radius.

Design speed in main axis : project speed along main axis, determined by speed diagram on the intersection.

Main axis design speed percentage(%Vp): it is possible to modify in % the project speed to be used for checks.

Maneuver zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the manoeuvre zone required by policy.

Deceleration zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the deceleration zone required by policy.

Calculated total lenght: the tool calculates the total length, from the beginning of the axis to the first

curve (clothoid or circular curve) and compared with the length calculated according to the policy.

Symbol indicates that the value is above the minimum set by the policy, while symbol indicates that the project value is insufficient.

In case of entry lanes, Verify page reports the following data:

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Automatic calculation of speed: by activating this option the tool calculates the project speeds along

the main axis, on the intersection and along the first circular curve in the secondary axis. By deactivating the option it is possible to define manually the single speeds. Speeds are used to calculate acceleration, entry and manoeuvre zone lengths.

Design speed in curve (Vr): project speed determined on the last circular curve in the secondary axis. Speed determined according to the curve radius.

Design speed in main axis: project speed along main axis, deduced by speed diagram on the


Main axis design speed percentage (%Vp): it is possible to modify in % the project speed to be used for checks.

Acceleration zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the acceleration zone length required by policy

Entry zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the entry zone length required by


Manoeuvre zone lenght: according to the speeds the tool calculates the manoeuvre zone length required by policy.

Entry zone calculated lenght: the tool calculates the length of the entry zone, from the roadways junction point to the end of the secondary axis, and compares it with the value calculated according to

the policy set. symbol indicates that the value is above the minimum set by the policy, while symbol indicates that the project value is insufficient.

Calculated total lenght: the tool calculates the total length, from the end of the circular curve to the

beginning of the entry section, and compares it with the length calculated according to the policy set.

symbol indicates that the value is above the minimum set by the policy, while symbol indicates that the project value is insufficient.

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By Settings page it is possible to check some parameters of the intersection:

Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to assign the secondary axis the same transversal slope as that of the main axis, with the purpose of keeping a single slope in the

segment in which the two axes are not completely independent.

Lanes size from planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the use of eges polylines for the calculation of roadway size in the intersection area. To be used in particular situations, such as variations in the roadway width.

Insertion of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of a circular curve between two shoulders.

Insertion of projection polylines in planimetry: the tool draws the planimetry polyline along which

the main axis elevations are projected towards the secondary axis.

Insertion of projection polylines in profile: a polyline reporting the main axis projected elevations is calculated and inserted in the secondary axis profile; the polyline represents the project profile to follow in order to maintain a surface continuity with the main axis. The polyline is completed with a grade line whose slope is equal to the final slope of the last polyline segment; in this way it is possible to complete the altimetric design of the remaining part of the alignment.

Insertion of cut polyline: in the planimetry a polyline is calculated and drawn, which corresponds to the position along which the cross sections of the two axes are cut. The overlapping between the sections of the two axes, both of part of the pavement and, mostly, of the shoulders and the external slopes, is automatically removed along the cut polyline calculated by the tool. By deactivating this option it is possible to draw a cut polyline and assign it a code chosen among the parametric design settings.

Insertion of reference in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection

references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in

the profiles of the two axes:

in the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, which reports the station and the elevation of the intersection main point on the main axis.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the

elevation of the point where the division between the two axes shoulders takes place.

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Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the intersection main points; the main points are:

start of exit lane or end of entry lane

point where the division of the two axes roadway takes place

point where the division of the two axes shoulder takes place

end of exit lane or start of entry lane

The sections are inserted in both axes and are already correlated to each other.

start and end of intersection area on secondary axis

in the main axis, on the secondary axis intersection point.

Insertion of correlated (multiple) x-section: this option allows the automatic insertion of correlated

sections on the secondary axis, according to the sections located on the main axis; for all the main axis sections, located in the intersection zone, the corresponding sections are inserted in the secondary axis and a link is created, which enables each section to see the corresponding lateral section.

The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

Generate intersection

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following operations:

The projection polyline is calculated, on which the main axis elevations will be projected towards

the secondary axis.

The secondary axis profile polyline is calculated, which represents the projection of the main axis elevations. Besides, a grade line segment is inserted, representing the slope to be used after the point in which the two axes become independent.

On the secondary axis profile the two references referred to the main axis are displayed: at the

beginning of the axis and on the shoulders division point.

A planimetry polyline is drawn, which allows the link between the two shoulders in the division zone.

The cut polyline will be calculated, along which the cut of the two axes sections will be performed.

The edge polylines representing the shoulder must then be linked to the shoulders extremities in the typical section.

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The tool can solve tridimensionally the intersection according to the information it has received;

Dynamic design is the best tool to use to regenerate the project of the two axes and

display the final result.

Lane division management

It is the case in which an axis ends and continues on two distinct axes.

To manage this kind of intersection it is necessary to have three


4. the main axis, which ends and from which the other two axes start. The situation could also be the opposite: the main axis starts where the other two axes finish.

5. The reference axis, which is the first to be designed after the main axis. The project direction must follow the traffic direction.

6. The secondary, or intersection, axis, which is the last to be projected, since its elevations depend on the reference axis. The project direction must follow the traffic direction.

The design sequence on which the system is based is the following:

planimetric definition of the three axes

vertical design of the main axis

insertion of the Lane division intersection and generation of the intersection; the generation adds

some information in the reference axis profile, which are necessary for the vertical design.

According to the generation, the reference axis will have all the information necessary to complete the vertical design.

Regeneration of the intersection to add some information to the secondary axis profile, which is

necessary to carry out the vertical design.

Also the secondary axis now has all the information necessary to complete the vertical design.

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Press button to create the intersection; the following window will appear:

Intersection type: as intersection type specify Lane division.

Main axis: choose from the list the axis representing the main axis.

Reference axis: choose from the list the axis representing the reference axis; the second axis that will be designed.

Intersection group: choose the group the new intersection will belong to; choose None to create a new group.

Description: group description.

Press Next

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The tool checks all the intersections between the reference axis and the other axes. The table reports a list of all the axes that start or finish near the reference axis within the distance defined by roadway

width or shoulders width.

Choose from the list the axis with which to create an intersection and press Add.

A new intersection will be inserted in the list on the left.


Property page lists a series of parameters defining the intersection working mode and drawing.

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Interchange: name of the group the intersection belongs to.

Entry/exit lane: name of reference axis and secondary axis.

Intersection position: identifies the position, on secondary axis, where the intersection with the main

axis takes place. Such position can be modified, for example after an axis inversion.

Shoulder fillet radius: value of the radius used to build the curve that fillets the shoulders of the two axes.

Subproject <reference axis name>

Rotation point distance : distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is

obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings)

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

Subproject <secondary axis name>

Rotation point distance: distance from horizontal axis of the roadway rotation point; such value is

necessary to calculate correctly the projections of the elevations on the secondary axis. This value is obtained from the axis properties concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

Roadway width: width of main axis roadway. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design Settings).

External shoulder width: width of the main axis external shoulder. Such value can be defined in Axis properties or in the axis settings concerning the typical section (see parametric design settings).

For this kind of intersection no check is available.


By Settings page it is possible to check some parameters of the intersection:

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Slope optimization: by activating this option the tool will be able to assign the secondary axis the same transversal slope as that of the reference axis, with the purpose of keeping a single slope in the segment in which the two axes are not completely independent.

Lane size from planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the use of edge polylines to calculate the roadway size in the intersection area. To be used in particular situations, such as variations in roadway


Lane size of planimetry (edge) polylines: activates the insertion of a circular curve between two shoulders.

Insertion of projection polyline in planimetry: the tool draws the planimetry polyline along which the projection is performed, of the reference axis elevations towards the secondary axis.

Insertion of projection polyline in profile: some polylines are inserted both in the reference axis profile and in the secondary axis profile.

A grade line segment is inserted in the reference axis profile, which has the same vertical slope as the one found at the end of the main axis; in this way it is possible to continue the vertical design on the reference axis, maintaining the same elevation and the same slope with which the main axis has been interrupted.

A polyline is calculated and inserted in the secondary axis profile, which reports the reference axis projected elevations, when available; the polyline represents the project profile to follow to maintain a surface continuity with the reference axis road. The polyline is completed by a grade line segment with a slope that is equal to the final slope of the last polyline segment; in this way

it is possible to complete the altimetric design of the remaining part of the alignment.

Insertion of cut polyline: in the planimetry a polyline is calculated and drawn, which corresponds to the position along which the cross sections of the two axes are cut. The overlapping between the sections of the two axes, both of part of the pavement and, mostly, of the shoulders and the external slopes, is automatically removed along the cut polyline calculated by the tool. By deactivating this option it is

possible to draw a cut polyline and assign it a code chosen among the parametric design settings.

Insertion of reference in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection

references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

in the reference axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, which reports the station and the elevation of the point where the main axis ends.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the elevation of the start point of the intersection on the reference axis.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the

elevation of the point in which the division of the two axes shoulders takes place.

Insertion of reference in profile: activates the calculation and the drawing of the intersection

references on the longitudinal profile; for this kind of intersection the following references are added in the profiles of the two axes:

in the reference axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, which reports the station and

the elevation of the point where the main axis ends.

In the secondary axis longitudinal profile a reference is displayed, reporting the station and the

elevation of the start point of the intersection on the reference axis.

Insertion of x-section in intersection main points: activates the automatic insertion of sections in the intersection main points; the main points are:

start of intersection on both axes

point where the division of the two axes roadway takes place

point where the division of the two axes shoulder takes place

The sections are inserted in both axes and are already correlated to each other.

Insertion of correlated (multiple) x-section: this option allows the automatic insertion of correlated sections on the secondary axis, according to the sections located on the main axis; for all the main axis sections, located in the intersection zone, the corresponding sections are inserted in the secondary axis and a link is created, which enables each section to see the corresponding lateral section.

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The single setting, or all the settings, can be applied at the same time to a group of axes. Use the Apply item that appears on the cell of the single setting or on the heading grouping all the settings. A window will appear, allowing to select the axes to apply the setting/s to.

Intersection management

It is possible to generate the intersection defined by button, which will perform the following


in the reference axis profile the grade line segment is inserted, which allows to continue the altimetric design with the correct elevation and slope.

The tool calculates the projection polyline on which the reference axis elevations will be projected

towards the secondary axis.

The secondary axis profile polyline is calculated, which represents the projection of the reference

axis elevations, if available. Moreover, a grade line segment is inserted, representing the slope to be used after the point in which the two axes become independent.

On the secondary axis profile the two references referred to the main axis are displayed: at the

beginning of the axis and on the shoulders division point.

A planimetry polyline is drawn, which allows the link between the two shoulders in the division


The cut polyline will be calculated, along which the cut of the two axes sections will be performed.

The edge polylines representing the shoulder must then be linked to the shoulders extremities in the typical section.

The tool can solve tridimensionally the intersection according to the information it has received;

Dynamic design is the best tool to use to regenerate the project of the two axes and

display the final result.

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Road intersections builder

Introducing at grade intersection design

The new method for at grade intersection design allows to define intersections inside the project, so as to obtain the automatic design of edges and canalization islands.

This information, together with the generation of the planimetry of project from typical section, allow to

obtain automatically the planimetry of project and the 3D model of three-leg intersections, four-leg intersections and roundabouts.

The new method consists in defining in the planimetry the axes that form the intersections, their vertical alignment, the typical sections to use (by using Parametric design), setting the different kinds of typical intersections to the intersections and from this information obtain the planimetry of project and the final model of the project.

Typical intersection builder

By typical intersection builder module it is possible to build a road intersection model by putting together different objects (horizontal curves, three-center curves, triangle traffic islands,teardrop islands, etc.)

The model built can be inserted directly into ProSt horizontal alignment by intersections (definable in

Road intersection template management module), so as to simplify and speed up the drawing of edges and of all the objects involved in road intersections.

The objects inserted are parametric, that is to say, characterised by specific properties, and can be modified interactively. The result is immediately visible on display, thanks to a graphic CAD. The modules built by typical intersection builder module can then be used in different intersections, so it is possible to build a library of typical intersections to use in the different project situations.

The module can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Road intersections > Road intersections builder

Parametric design: Typical intersection builder

Command line: TYPINT

The following dialog box will appear:

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Typical intersections window The window is subdivided into three main parts: on the left there is the management of horizontal profile and objects, which reports data concerning horizontal profile and all the objects found in the intersection,

in the middle there is a graphic window displaying the intersection preview and on the right there is a list of the objects that can be inserted in the typical intersection.

Horizontal profile and objects management

Axes page In this page it is possible to set the parameters of the axes that intervene in the intersection. By Intersection preview group it is possible to set the parameters for simulating the axes in the graphic window of typical intersection builder. The field Intersection type indicates the type of

intersection to be defined: Three-leg intersection, Four-leg intersection or Roundabout leg. In case of roundabout legs it is possible to define the roundabout radius in Roundabout radius. By Intersection angle field it is possible to simulate the angle of the intersection between the two axes, so as to set correctly the horizontal curve radiuses of the intersection edges; moreover, the scroll bar

allows to simulate its value dynamically.

In Main axis group it is possible to define the area of the intersection on the main axis by defining with the fields Before intersection point and After intersection point respectively the point where the intersection starts (by setting its distance before intersection point) and the point where the intersection finishes (by setting its distance after intersection point).

In Intersection axis group it is possible to define the area of the intersection on the intersection axis by

defining with the fields Before intersection point and After intersection point respectively the point where the intersection starts (by setting its distance before intersection point) and the point where the intersection finishes (by setting its distance after intersection point). In case of three-leg intersections and of roundabout legs it is possible to define only the distance before intersection point.

Objects page In this page it is possible to display and modify the parameters of the objects that constitute the typical intersection. Any object is made of a set of particular points and properties that determine its drawing.

Position: This property indicates the position of the object related the main axis and/or the

secondary axis, or the position along the reference axis related to the intersection point.

Reference points: There are objects that can depend from other objects in the intersection. In order to perform these references the objects must have at least a point of reference enabling

them to link to other objects in the section.

Property: Object properties, necessary to customize the form according to the kind of

intersection in which they are inserted.

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Objects tab Object properties tab subdivide position, reference points and properties on different levels, so as to simplify display, search and use.

Objects have a base level, coloured in dark grey, where their name is displayed, and a set of sublevels, coloured in yellow, to separate the different types of property.

The possible sublevels are the following:

Position: This level displays the data for object positioning.

Reference points: This level displays the object reference points.

Properties: This level displays the object properties.

Moreover, the table is subdivided into three main columns:

Name: this column displays the names of the objects, of the reference points and of the

properties. In case of reference points a button is displayed as well, allowing to select

graphically the reference point desired.

V: This column indicates whether the properties can be modified directly from intersection management window.

Value: In this column it is possible to display and modify the values of object properties. In case of

data for position a or button is displayed, allowing to change its value quickly.

In the table it is possible to display all the objects contained in the typical intersection, by button, or

only the ones selected, by button.

Modify objects name To modify the name of the objects in the typical intersection it is necessary to:

1. Position on the table row where the object name is displayed (Coloured in dark grey).

2. Press Property button in the toolbar above the table. Property dialog box will appear:

3. Modify the name of the object in Name field and then press OK button to confirm or Cancel to stop the operation.

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Set reference points In order to set a reference point it is necessary to:

Position on the table row where the name of the reference point is displayed.

Press button to activate selection mode. The graphic cad will display all the connection points,

indicated by white circles, where it will be possible to hook the reference point. If different reference points are placed one upon another, a pop-up menu will be displayed, where it will be possible to select the one desired.

Select by mouse the connection point to hook. The tool will display a white square around the

connection point that is being selected.

Press the mouse left button to confirm the selection or press the right button to cancel the operation.

Delete objects In order to delete an object from the typical intersection it is necessary to:

1. Position on the table row where the name of the object is displayed (Coloured in dark grey).

2. Press the button Delete in the toolbar above the table. A window will appear to confirm the

deletion of the object.

Press OK to confirm the operation and No to annul it.

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Graphic window

In the central part of typical intersection module there is the graphic window managing the graphic

display of the typical intersection. Moreover, in the graphic window, it is possible to select, modify and move the objects found in the typical intersection and insert new ones.

The right side of the module displays the classical commands of graphic management allowing to activate selection mode, perform dynamic pan, zoom all, zoom window, zoom in and out, to measure the distance between two points. The lower left side of the graphic cad displays the cursor coordinates, while in the

lower right side there are two buttons to activate respectively snap and grid.

In the graphic window the points of reference of the objects selected will be displayed by yellow squares.

Moreover, on setting reference points, all the links the axis or the object that is being modified or inserted might use are displayed with white circles.

The axes that constitute the intersection report two labels identifying them (Main axis and intersection axis) and an arrow indicating the direction.

Objects library

The objects that can be inserted in a typical intersection are contained in a library. In the upper section of object library management a pull-down menu is available, which allows to select quickly the object library

to use.

In the middle there is a table displaying the different files contained in the library. The column on the left of the table displays the object title, while the one on the right displays the file name.

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Insert objects From the library it is possible to insert the objects directly into the typical intersection. In order to insert an object it is necessary to:

Position on the table line of the library object to be inserted.

Drag the mouse towards the graphic window keeping its left button pressed. The graphic CAD will activate selection mode and will highlight by yellow lines the reference axes for the object that is

being inserted; moreover, it will use the cursor position to determine the position (left or right) of the object according to the axis.

Release mouse left button to stop the insertion.

Main elaborations

The module for building typical intersections allows to assemble and modify also very complex typical intersections. To perform complex intersections it is necessary to subdivide their composition into different phases; below a list is reported, of the phases and the elaborations normally involved in this


1. Create of a new typical intersection

2. Open an existing typical section

3. Define axes parameters

4. Insert objects in a typical intersection

5. Select objects

6. Use reference points

7. Delete objects

8. Save typical intersection

Create a new typical intersection It is possible to create a new typical intersection by defining first reference axes properties, so as to set the exact position they must have according to the intersection to be obtained (crossroads, three-leg intersection, roundabout leg, etc.), and then adding the objects considered necessary.

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Activate "road intersections template" The template can be activated in one of the following ways:


Menu Axis > Road intersections > Road intersections builder

Parametric design: Typical intersection builder

Command line: TYPINT

Create a new blank typical intersection

1. From File menu select the item New .

2. Insert intersection axes.

3. Insert intersection objects.

Open an existing typical section To open an existing typical section it is necessary to:

1. Select the item Open from File menu.

2. Indicate the folder and the name of the file to be opened, then press Open from the opening

dialog box.

Defining axes parameters Activate Axis page and, by Intersection preview group set the parameters for simulating the axes in road intersections template window.

By Intersection type field indicate the type of intersection that is being defined: Three-leg intersection, Four-leg intersection or Roundabout leg and, in case of a roundabout leg define roundabout radius in Roundabout radius field. If the intersection requires a particular angle, define it by Intersection angle field.

Insert objects in the typical intersection From the library it is possible to insert the objects directly into a typical intersection. To insert an object it

is necessary to:

1. Position on the row of the library table belonging to the object to be inserted.

2. Keeping the mouse left button pressed, drag it towards the graphic window. The graphic cad will activate automatically selection mode and will highlight by yellow lines the reference axes for the object that is being inserted; moreover, it will use the cursor position to determine the position

(right or left) of the object compared with the axis.

3. Release the mouse left button to stop the insertion.

Select objects There are two ways to select an object:

1. From graphic cad: To select an object from the graphic cad it is necessary to position the

cursor on the object selected and, when the hand-shaped cursor appears, press the mouse left button. If more objects are placed one over another, a pop-up menu will be displayed, with the list of the objects available; from the list it will be possible to select the one desired.

2. From the table of object properties: To select an object from the table of object properties just select the name of the object or any of its properties.

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Use reference points To create dependence and correlation between the different objects in the typical intersection it is necessary to set some reference points:

To set a reference point it is necessary to:

1. Position on the row of the table where the name of the reference point is displayed.

2. Press button to activate selection mode.

In case of reference points the graphic cad will display all the connection points, indicated by white circles, where to hook the reference point.

If more reference points are placed one over another, a pop-up menu will be displayed, where it will be possible to select the one desired.

3. Select by the mouse the connection point to hook to:

The tool will display a white square around the connection point that is being chosen.

Press the mouse left button to confirm the selection or press the right button to annul the elaboration.

Delete objects To delete the objects contained in the typical intersection it is necessary to:

Select the object to be deleted and, from the table of object properties, select the row where the object name is selected (coloured in dark grey).

Press Delete button in the toolbar above objects table.

Save typical intersection

To save the changes made it is possible to use Save or Save as command. The typical intersections saved by Road intersections template will generate TNB extension files.

To save a typical intersection it is necessary to:

Select the item Save or Save as from File menu.

If you choose Save as indicate the folder and the name of the file to be saved and then press

Save from backup window.

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Correlated insertion of sections

The correlated insertion allows to insert sections on an axis determining their position according to the position of other sections on other axes. This command has to be used whenever you have an intersection of different axes, such as ramps, crossroads, etc. In fact, after positioning, by the ordinary methods, the sections on the principal axis it is possible to position the sections on the secondary axis, so that their position can be correlated to the sections of the principal axis. Correlated means that, in order to calculate the position of the new section, the tool will calculate the intersection point between the two

sections and will make the ratio between the two distances, D1 and D2, of the intersection point between two axes, have the value desired.

Inserting the sections in a correlated mode is a very good help to the correct development of road intersection planning; in fact, having correlated sections it is possible to obtain exact multiple sections

and also the calculation of project planimetry and of volumes will be precise, being performed on the intersection points themselves. By inserting correlated sections it is also possible to obtain automatically

an alignment polyline to be used as cut line.

The command is activated in one of the following modes:

Toolbar: Road intersections

Menu: Axis > Cross-Sections > Correlated insertion

Command line: SSEC

In the CAD command line the following questions will appear:

Ratio between section distances <1>: Indicate the ratio between the distances of the two sections from their intersection point; with values different from 1 the intersection point must be brought nearer to one of the two axes.

Insert alignment polylines on intersections Yes/No/<N>: If you answer Yes the tool will create an alignment polyline having as vertexes the intersection

points of the correlated sections.

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Code of polyline to create: Name of the alignment polyline to be created. Assign one of the codes for alignment polylines; see Definition of codes for alignment polylines.

Select the axis where to insert sections: Indicate a planimetric element belonging to the axis where to perform the correlated insertion of

the sections.

From Section: First section of the group of sections to project.

To section: Last section of the group of sections to project.

Select origin section: Indicate the section that represents a reference for the creation of the correlated section. The section can be found on a different axis but also on the same axis (in case of hairpins).

Select origin section:

To stop the questions, press ESC button, or ENTER, or the mouse right button.

It could happen that the tool is unable to determine the position of the correlated section; in this case you will be asked to indicate the approximate position of the correlated section;

Enter the approximate position of the section.

Segment first point:

Segment second point:

Draw a segment that crosses the axis where to insert the section in the approximate position where the section should be inserted.

Multiple sections

One of the most important functions introduced by X module is undoubtedly the management of multiple sections. By the word multiple section we mean the possibility to visualize, for each section, a section on its right and one on its left. The side-sections can belong both to other axes but also to the same axis; just think how useful this function can be in the design of hairpins, when, in planning the downhill section, you have to know how the sideslopes of the uphill sections are.

It is possible to specify the side-sections by filling the columns of a table or use a semiautomatic mode that gives the graphic selection of the sections that are situated on the right or on the left.

To obtain the correct visualization of the side-sections the tool uses two distinct modes:

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Rotation: the intersection point is calculated, between the two sections and it is used as rotation point of the lateral section along the line defined by the main section; by this method the real dimensions of the lateral section are maintained.

Projection: the lateral section is projected on the line defined by the main section; in this way, the exact dimensions of the lateral section are not maintained.

The side-sections that are visualized have the only purpose of being a reference for the main section so as to study the possible cutting of the elements; in fact, seeing the shape and the position of the lateral section, it is possible to determine the position of the cut line, beside which to delete the elements that overlap the other section. The sections cutting is a fundamental phase in the development of complex projects because it allows to calculate exactly the project areas and volumes avoiding overlapping zones

where they would be computed twice.

Being references, the elements of the side-sections are not dimensioned in the drawing dimensioning and they are not considered for calculating the areas of the sections. However, it is also possible to choose to import the elements of the side-sections into the main section; after the import, the new elements are actually elements of the section and as such they are dimensioned in the dimensioning and considered in the calculation of the areas.

The command starting the dialog box of the multiple sections can be activated both by planimetry graphic

module and by the sections graphic module; the praxis in general is similar, but there are some functions that are active according to the module where the command is performed.

There is a specific filter for visualizing multiple sections. By activating or de-activating this filter, multiple sections are made visible or invisible. The filter can be activated from Cross-sections properties - Drawing filters tab

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Navigation among multiple sections (correlated) From the sections graphic window it is possible to pass to the display of the left and the right correlated

section. In cutting and verifying the correlated sections it is always necessary to display the correlated left and right section; by pressing a single button now it is possible to display the section required.

: displays in the graphic window the current section left correlated section.

: displays in the graphic window the current section right correlated section.

Multiple sections from Planimetry

The management of multiple sections can be started from planimetry graphic module in one of the following modes:

Road intersections Toolbar

Menu Axis > Cross-Sections > Multiple sections

Command line: SZMULTI

The following dialog box will appear:

In Subproject check list it is possible to specify the subproject for which you want to define multiple or lateral sections.

The table in the window is divided into three parts:

Left sections: on this side the sections are specified, which are on the left of the main sections; for each main section it is possible to specify the section that is visualized on the left. To identify the section to be visualized it is possible to choose a belonging axis and then the section number.

Current axis: the central column defines the main sections of the axis now selected in Subproject selection list.

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Right sections: on this side the sections are specified, which are on the right of the main sections; for each main section it is possible to specify the section that is visualized on the right. To identify the section to be visualized it is possible to choose a belonging axis and then the section number.

Therefore, compiling the table fields, it is possible to define manually the lateral sections to be visualized. It is also possible, however, to compile the same fields in a semiautomatic mode, using Select buttons.

There are two Select buttons, one on the left sections, the other on the right sections, according to the button activated you will compile either the fields concerning the right sections or the fields concerning the left sections.

Activating Select button the dialog box is closed and you pass on to the graphic visualization, where the following questions are asked:

Select the section of the current axis: select the section of the current axis with which you want to associate a side-section.

Select section on the left / right of current axis: select the corresponding section that must be visualized on the left/right.

The above questions are repeated, allowing to specify for different sections the corresponding side-sections. To interrupt the questions press ESC button or the mouse right button.

Once the sections selection is finished, the dialog box shown before, where the table fields concerning the left or the right side are compiled, is visualized again.

By Close button the command execution comes to an end.

Multiple sections from Cross-sections

The management of multiple sections can be started from section graphic module in one of the following


Road intersections Toolbar

Menu Sections > Multiple sections

Command line: SZMULTI

The following dialog box will appear:

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The table in the window is divided into three parts:

Left sections: on this side the sections are specified, which are on the left of the main sections; for each main section it is possible to specify the section that is visualized on the left. To identify the section to be visualized it is possible to choose a belonging axis and then the section number.

Current axis: the central column defines the main sections of the axis now selected in Subproject check


Right sections: on this side the sections are specified, which are on the right of the main sections; for each main section it is possible to specify the section that is visualized on the right. To identify the section to be visualized it is possible to choose a belonging axis and then the section number.

Compiling the table fields it is therefore possible to define manually the lateral sections to be visualized. It is also possible, however, to compile, from Planimetry graphic module, the same fields in a semiautomatic mode, using Select buttons.

Settings By Settings button it is possible to set some parameters concerning the visualization of multiple sections; the following dialog box will appear:

In Line codes to import check list, it is possible to specify what elements of the lateral sections must be visualized; in this way it is possible to avoid drawing elements that are not important for the design.

Keep original layers: activating this option the elements of the lateral sections are visualized with their original colors and linetypes.

Select layer: activating this option it is possible to select a layer where the elements of the lateral

sections will be saved. The elements will be visualized with the layer colors and linetypes. In this way it will be easier to distinguish the elements of the lateral sections from the elements of the main sections.

Type of projection: there are two modes according to which the visualization of the lateral sections is calculated:

View rotation: the intersection point between the two sections is calculated and then used as rotation point of the lateral section along the line defined by the main section; in this way the real dimensions of the lateral section are maintained.

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View projection: the lateral section is projected along the line defined by the main section; in this way the real dimensions of the lateral section are not maintained.

Press OK button to confirm the setting of data and Cancel to stop the modifications.

Importation The elements of the lateral sections have the purpose of being a reference for the project of the main

section and as such they are not dimensioned in the drawing dimensioning and they are not considered for calculating the areas of the sections. However, it is also possible to choose to import the elements of the lateral sections into the main section; after the import, the new elements are actually elements of the section and as such they are dimensioned in the dimensioning and considered in the calculation of the areas. To start the import procedure press Import button.

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The tool asks to indicate the group of main sections where to perform the importation:

After defining the group of sections press OK button to start the importation. At the end of the operation it is possible to see how the elements of the lateral sections are now elements of the main section, dimensioned and calculated as such.

Note. Be careful not to perform the import operation more than once, since the following importation does not eliminate the effects of the first one, and so you might have a lot of overlapped elements, and there might be, as a consequence, wrong results as far as the calculation of areas and volumes.

Calculation of axes intersection on profile

The calculation of axes intersection on profile allows to obtain a reference on the drawing of the longitudinal profile; the reference is calculated according to the intersection between the axis the profile is referred to and another axis or between this axis and an alignment polyline.

It can be useful, in general, whenever you need to obtain the intersection between the axis and a planimetric element; in case of underpasses or overpasses, for example, it is very important to know the altimetric elevation in the intersection point of the two axes, so as to choose the project elevation of the underpass or of the overpass. Another example can be that of the pipeline crossing the axis designed; in

the altimetric planning, it can be useful to know the exact position where the crossing takes place, so as to consider it properly.

The command is activated by one of the following modes:

Menu Profile > References by intersections

Command line: AINTERSECT

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The following dialog box will appear:

In the group of options Intersection it is possible to specify the elements the current axis must be intersected with.

Axis to intersect: select the axis the intersection must be performed with; select this option even if you want to intersect the current axis with an alignment polyline. In fact, alignment polylines belong to the axis subproject, not to the whole project.

Intersect with an axis polyline: activate this option if you want to perform the intersection of the current axis not with another axis (previous option) but with an alignment polyline.

Polyline to intersect: select the code of the alignment polyline to be intersected with the current axis.

Arc-Chord distance: this value is used in horizontal curves to set the degree of precision by which to calculate the intersection point. It represents the maximum distance allowed between the segment approximating the curve (chord) and the curve itself. The smaller the value, the more precise will be the references calculated.

In the group of options called Symbol, it is instead possible to specify the characteristics of the reference to be calculated:

Symbol to use as reference: by Browse button choose the symbol by which to represent the intersection calculated. See Selection of symbols/blocks.

Layer: name of the layer where to save the symbol.

Press OK to start calculation.

There is a special filter for the visualization of references. By activating or deactivating this filter the

references are made visible or invisible. The filter can be activated from the dialog box called Longitudinal profile parameters in Drawing filters tab.

Projection of polylines or axes on the profile

The projection of polylines or axes on the longitudinal profile allows to obtain a profile polyline by projecting, on the profile itself, another axis or an alignment polyline. In this way it is possible to visualize on the profile the altimetric progress of other axes or of the edges of other axes, to be able to set correctly the altimetric planning of the current axis.

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Let's take, for instance, the classical exit ramp; after planning the main axis by the traditional methods, it is necessary to calculate an alignment polyline, as alignment offset, using the option Axis. In this way you will obtain an alignment polyline overlapping the ramp axis; the polyline elevations, however, depend

on the main axis. As far as the altimetric design of the ramp, it is possible to calculate the projection of the alignment polyline on the profile itself, obtaining in this way an profile polyline that indicates the

exact elevations the ramp altimetry must start with.

The command is activated in one of the following modes:

Menu Profile > Profile polylines > Polyline by axis projection

Command line: APROJECTION

The following dialog box will appear:

The following parameters can be set:

Polyline to create: name of the profile polyline to be calculated.

Axis to project: name of the axis subproject to be projected on the profile of the current axis; select

this option even if you want to project on the current axis an alignment polyline. In fact, alignment polylines belong to the axis subproject, not to the whole project.

Polyline to project: name of the alignment polyline to be projected on the profile of the current axis.

Maximum search distance: maximum value of distance between the current axis and the axis to be projected or the polyline to be projected. When the distance of the axis to be projected or the polyline to be projected exceeds the value set, the tool interrupts the profile polyline that has been calculated, taking it up again, in case, in a different point of the axis.

Search area: by this option it is possible to set the area where to perform the projection:

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Right and left: the elements (polylines, axes) are projected both if they are on the right and if they are on the left of the current axis.

Right: the elements (polylines, axes) are projected only if they are on the right of the current axis.

Left: the elements (polylines, axes) are projected only if they are on the left of the current axis.

Horizontal straight feed step: feed step to be used along the horizontal straights to set the points

where to perform the projection.

Arc-Chord distance: this value is used in horizontal curves to calculate the feed step on the curve itself; in other words, to see at what intervals to calculate the projection. The tool calculates the step so that the arc-chord distance is below or equal to the value set; so, the feed step is directly proportional to the arc-chord distance. To have very precise polylines it is therefore necessary to use a small value of arc-chord distance.

Press OK to start the command.

Extract planimetry polyline profile

By this command it is possible to extract a terrain and project profile from a planimetry polyline; project elevations are the elevations of polyline vertexes, while terrain elevations are automatically calculated from the digital terrain model.

The command can be used in generating the terrain/project profiles corresponding to the areas in which to insert such elements as walls, shoulders etc; according to the planimetry polyline representing the road edge it is possible to generate the corresponding profile to be used to design the typical element.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Alignment polyline > Extract polyline profile

Command line: EDGEPROF

Once the planimetry polyline from which to obtain the profile has been indicated, the following window will appear:

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The procedure transforms the polyline into an axis that can be saved in a new subproject or in an existing subproject, as long as it is empty. Along the axis some sections are positioned, at a distance that can be set by the user.

The profile that will be generated will have as the sections project elevations the elevations interpolated from the polyline and as terrain elevations the result of the interpolation of the polyline on the reference

terrain model.

Axis subproject: by this group of options it is possible to create the polyline profile on a new axis subproject or on an existing subproject, as long as it is empty.

Reference axis: represents the axis that will be used as reference in case the option On reference axis is activated. By this option sections are inserted automatically and the reference distance considered is the one calculated on the reference axis, not on the polyline.

Cross-section step: insertion distance between sections.

On reference axis: by activating this option the tool inserts the sections calculating the distance not on the polyline but on the reference axis set. In this way it is possible to obtain a profile where sections have a fixed step referred to the main axis. This possibility, along with the option that allows to obtain the profile dimensioning as to a reference axis, allows to generate longitudinal profiles of lateral elements (e.g. walls) with a dimensioning referred to the main axis.

Terrain model: subproject containing the digital terrain model from which to calculate the profile terrain


Terrain offset: this value represents an offset distance from polyline on which to calculate terrain elevations. In other words, terrain elevations can be calculated either on the polyline by setting 0 as offset value, or by considering a supplementary distance from the current position of the polyline.

Open profile graphic window: by activating this option the tool, once calculation has been performed, opens the graphic window of the profile calculated.

Cut lines

The cross sections cut lines are vertical lines, one on the left, one on the right of the axis, which allow to

perform the automatic or manual cut of cross sections. The sections cutting operation performs a breaking off of the section elements along the cut line, eliminating, as a consequence, all the elements that are on the left or on the right of it.

Why is it necessary to perform a cutting on the sections? In case of road intersection planning, when some axes gradually move away from other axes, so much that they become independent, there are sections that have some surfaces in common. If the situation is not modified, this will lead to an overestimation of the volumes calculated. By the management of multiple sections it is possible to see

the sections that have surfaces in common and by the cutting it is possible to stop the development of the sections on the side developed by other sections.

Cut lines can be:

inserted manually: using, for example, the visualization of multiple sections it is possible to set the cutting position and carry out the manual cut.

calculated as alignment polylines: cut lines can be calculated automatically, by defining in the planimetry, as alignment polyline, the position of the sections cut line. See also Correlated insertion of

sections. From the calculation of the cut lines it is also possible to perform the automatic cut of sections.

Cut lines are memorized as information concerning the section so that, if the typical section must be inserted again, it is not necessary to recalculate the cut lines, since it is sufficient to perform the automatic cut of sections. The position of the cut lines can be inserted also in the table of longitudinal profile (S.O.P. tab / Cut lines).

It is also possible to remove the cut lines which are no longer necessary.

Manual insertion of cut lines

This command allows to position the cut lines on the sections and, at the same time, to carry out the cutting on the elements. The section line inserted is kept memorized in the section, so that it can be used subsequently, for the automatic cut of sections.

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The automatic cut of sections is usually performed along with the visualization of the multiple sections, which allow to choose the right point where to carry out the cutting.

The command is activated in one of the following modes:

Toolbar: Road intersections

Menu Sections > Cut lines > Manual cut

Command line: SZINSCUTLINE

The following questions will be asked:

Enter position of cut line: Indicate a point where the abscissa is set as position of the cut line.

Select cut side: Indicate the side, according to the point indicated before, to be eliminated.

The section is cut along the position indicated and the section memorizes the new position of the cut line.

The position of the cut lines can be inserted also in the table of longitudinal profile (S.O.P. tab / Cut lines).

Calculation of cut lines

The position of cut lines can be obtained automatically, according to the position of an alignment polyline

as to the sections axis. The tool must then verify whether the section intersects the alignment polyline and calculate the distance between the intersection point and the section axis; the distance stands for the abscissa of the cut line.

An alignment polyline can have been drawn manually, obtained as offset or obtained automatically by the correlated insertion of cross sections. In general, it is therefore possible to obtain cut lines from a planimetric information.

From the automatic calculation of the position of cut lines it is also possible to pass on to the automatic cut of the sections along the cut lines.

The command can be activated by one of the following modes:

Menu Sections > Cut lines > Calculate

Command line: SZCUTLINE

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The following dialog box will appear:

Select sections: it is possible to specify the group of sections where to calculate the position of cut lines. Using the buttons on the right of the input fields it is possible to pass on to the selection of the

sections from the list.

Polyline: in this group of options it is possible to set the parameters defining the alignment polyline to

be used for calculating the position of the cut lines.

Reference alignment: name of the axis subproject the alignment polyline belongs to.

Polyline to find: name of the alignment polyline to be used.

Search area: allows to limit the zone where to look for the intersection between the section and the polyline only to the left or the right side of the axis.

Maximum search distance: allows to avoid the use of intersections too distant as to the section


Layer: layer to draw cut lines with.

Press OK to start elaboration.

Automatic cut of sections

The command called Automatic cut of sections allows to cut automatically the sections using cut lines inserted or calculated before. Each section memorises the position of the cut lines, so it is possible to carry out this command automatically, without having always to specify the cutting position; so, even if there are different insertions of a typical section in the sections, the cutting is automatic in any case, since it is based on a predefined cutting position.

The command is activated in one of the following modes:

Menu Sections > Cut lines > Automatic cut

Command line: SZCUT

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The following dialog box will appear:

Select sections: it is possible to specify the group of sections where to perform the automatic cut. Using the buttons on the right of the input fields you can pass on to the selection of the sections from the list.

Cut direction: it is possible to perform the sections cutting according to two modes:

Cut elements inward: the sections are cut on the cut lines and the zone between the two lines is

deleted; if the cut line is just one (right or left), then the zone that extends from the cut line to the

section axis will be deleted.

Cut elements outward: the sections are cut on the cut lines and the zone outside the two lines is deleted; if the cut line is just one (right or left), then the zone that extends from the cut line to the outside of the section will be deleted.

Start elaboration using OK button.

Removing cut lines

According to the mode the elaboration on a section is performed with, it can be necessary to delete both cut lines or just one of them.

The command is activated in one of the following modes:

Menu Sections > Cut lines > Remove

Command line: SZDELCUTLINE

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The following dialog box will appear:

Select sections: it is possible to specify the group of sections where to remove cut lines. Using the buttons on the right of the input fields it is possible to pass on to the selection of the sections from the list.

Remove left cut line: activating this option, on the group of sections specified, the cut line on the left is removed.

Remove right cut line: activating this option, on the group of sections specified, the cut line on the

right is removed.

Press OK to start elaboration.

Cut lines can also be removed from the table of longitudinal profile (SOP tab / Cut lines)

Cut Polylines

It is possible to define some planimetry polylines representing the sections cut lines. On inserting the typical sections and on generating the project planimetry the tool can consider the cut lines and at the same time cut the exceeding part. This function is very useful in designing interchanges ramps, since it allows to define in the planimetry the cut line that determines the automatic elimination of overlapping

areas between the main axis and the ramp.

The cross sections in the intersection area are recalculated by the command generating the project planimetry.

To activate the use of cut polylines it is necessary to enter the parametric design in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Design

Menu Axis > Parametric design

Menu Sections > Parametric design

Menu Profile > Parametric design

Command line: DEFGEOMVAR

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Activate Settings page; on the right of the window, the table of Polyline codes will appear:

Indicate the code used for the cut polyline and use it by Apply button.

All the cut polylines must have the same code; a cut polyline can be used to cut sections that belong to different axes.

References from alignment polylines

The calculation of the references from alignment polylines allows to obtain a reference (symbol) inside

the cross sections; the reference is calculated according to the intersection of the section with an axis or with an alignment polyline.

It can be useful, in general, whenever it is necessary to obtain the intersection between the section and a planimetric element; take for example a pipeline crossing the axis sections; in this case it is extremely

important to know the elevation of the intersection point between the section and the polyline, so as to verify the elevations of the excavation.

The command is activated in one of the following modes:

Menu Sections > References by planimetry polylines

Command line: SZREF

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The following dialog box will appear:

Select sections: it is possible to specify the group of sections where to calculate the intersection with the alignment polyline. Using the buttons on the right of the input fields it is possible to pass on to the selection of the sections from the list.

Polyline: in this group of options it is possible to set the parameters defining the alignment polyline to be used for calculating the intersections.

Reference alignment: name of the axis subproject the alignment polyline belongs to.

Intersect an axis polyline. By activating this option the tool will search for the intersections

between the sections and the planimetry polyline specified and belonging to the reference axis specified; otherwise the tool will search for the intersection between the sections and the reference axis.

Polyline to find: name of the polyline of planimetry to be used.

Search area: allows to limit the zone where to look for the intersection between the section and the polyline only to the left or the right side of the axis.

Maximum search distance: allows to avoid the use of intersections too distant from the section axis.

In the group of options called Symbol it is instead possible to specify the characteristics of the reference to be calculated:

Symbol to use as reference: By Browse button, choose the symbol by which the intersection calculated must be represented. See Selection of symbols/blocks.

Layer: name of the layer where to save the symbol.

Press OK to start elaboration.

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Drawing curves between axes edges

By these commands, available to X module (Road intersections) users, it is possible to build planimetry polylines, such as curves between the edges of two axes. The tool allows to insert two types of curves:

Simple curves: single curve that fillets the two axes.

Three-center curves: curves made up by three curves tangent to each other.

The tool allows the insertion of edge curves complete with inlet lane.

Insertion of simple curves

The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Planimetry polylines

Menu Axis > Alignment polylines > Insert curve

Command line: PLCURVE

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select main axis or main polyline: select the axis or the reference polyline where to build edge curve.

Select secondary axis: select the second axis or the second polyline to use to build the curve.

The following dialog box will appear:

Main axis: name of the main axis selected.

Secondary axis: name of the secondary axis selected.

Code of polyline to create: name of the planimetry polyline to create.

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Radius: radius of the curve to insert.

Offset from main axis: distance of the curve from main axis.

Offset from secondary axis: distance of the curve from the secondary axis.

Insert turn lane: specify if you want to insert also the turn lane from the secondary axis to the main axis.

Widening: width of turn lane.

Widening length: length of the segment where the axis widening is carried out in order to create the turn lane.

Supplementary length: length along which to keep the turn lane.

Widening mode: the drawing of a roadway widening can be linear or parabolic.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option the tool will draw the polyline calculated according to the settings and will ask you to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: if the answer is No the tool will annul the drawing and go back to the previous window so that it is possible to modify the parameters.

Press OK to confirm the insertion of the curve.

Insertion of three center curves

The command can be activated through one of the following methods:

Toolbar Planimetry Polylines

Menu Axis > Alignment polylines > Insert three-center curve

Command line: PL3CENTER

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select main axis or main polyline: select the axis or the reference polyline where to build edge curve.

Select secondary axis: select the second axis or the second polyline to use to build the curve.

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The following dialog box will appear:

Main axis: name of the main axis selected.

Secondary axis: name of the secondary axis selected.

Vertex angle: vertex angle between the two axes

Code of polyline to create: name of the planimetry polyline to create.

Radius 1-2-3: radiuses of the three curves that make up the three center curve.

Angles 1-2-3: angles of the three curves that make up the three center curve.

Offset from main axis: distance of the curve from main axis.

Offset from secondary axis: distance of the curve from the secondary axis.

Insert turn lane: specify if you want to insert also the turn lane from the secondary axis to the

main axis.

Widening: width of turn lane.

Widening length: length of the segment where the axis widening is carried out in order to create the turn lane.

Supplementary length: length along which to keep the turn lane.

Widening mode: the drawing of a roadway widening can be linear or parabolic.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option the tool will draw the polyline calculated according to the settings and will ask you to confirm the insertion:

Confirm insertion Yes/No <Y>: if the answer is No the tool will annul the drawing and go back to the previous window so that it is possible to modify the parameters.

Press OK to confirm the insertion of the curve.

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Setting elevation to edge polylines

After drawing all the planimetry polylines that define the road intersection from a planimetric point of view, it is necessary to assign elevations to polyline vertexes. In this way, the drawing of the intersection

becomes a 3D drawing.

Elevations can be assigned in three ways:

By setting start and end elevation

By using a reference axis and its transversal slopes calculated

Using an axis or a 3D reference polyline and setting manually the transversal slopes.

Calculating the elevation of edge polylines by setting start and end


Start and end elevations of polyline vertexes are set by this command; the elevation of intermediate vertexes will be interpolated. The command can be performed on all the polyline vertexes or only on a segment of it.

The command can be activated as follows:

Toolbar Dimensioning

Menu Axis > Alignment polylines > Set elevation to polyline

Command line: PLSETELEV

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select polyline to dimension: select the polyline to set elevations to.

The following dialog box will appear:

Full elaboration: the elevation is calculated for every polyline vertex.

Partial elaboration: the elevation is calculated only for the vertexes in the segment indicated. To

indicate the segment where to perform the calculation press button.

Indicate first vertex: indicate the polyline vertex defining the beginning of the segment to be calculated.

Indicate second vertex: indicate the polyline vertex defining the end of the segment to be calculated.

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Once the vertexes have been indicated, the tool will display the window again and report the numbers of the vertexes that define the beginning and the end of the segment to be calculated.

Start elevation: elevation to set to the first vertex defining the polyline segment to be calculated.

End elevation: elevation to set to the last vertex defining the polyline segment to be calculated. The elevation of the intermediate vertexes will be interpolated between start and end elevation.

Press OK to start calculating the elevations.

Calculating edge polyline elevations by using a reference axis

By this command, the elevations of planimetry polyline vertexes are calculated by using a reference axis

and its transversal slopes; the tool will calculate, for any vertex of the polyline, the distance from the reference axis and, using the transversal slope calculated in that point, it will determine the elevation of

the vertex. The command can be performed on all polyline vertexes or only on a segment of it.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Dimensioning

Menu Axis > Alignment polylines > Set elevation to polyline by slopes


On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select polyline to dimension: select the polyline to set elevations to.

The following dialog box will appear:

Axis: select the axis to use as reference for calculating polyline elevations. The axis can be selected from

the list or indicated on screen, by using button.

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Select reference axis: select the axis to use as reference for calculating polyline elevations.

Full elaboration: the elevation is calculated for every polyline vertex.

Partial elaboration: the elevation is calculated only for the vertexes in the segment indicated. To

indicate the segment where to perform the calculation press button.

Indicate first vertex: indicate the polyline vertex defining the beginning of the segment to be calculated.

Indicate second vertex: indicate the polyline vertex defining the end of the segment to be calculated.

Once the vertexes have been indicated, the tool will display the window again and report the numbers of the vertexes that define the beginning and the end of the segment to be calculated.

Press OK to start calculating the elevations.

Calculating edge polyline elevations by using a reference axis or 3D polyline

By this command, the elevations of planimetry polyline vertexes are calculated by using a reference axis or polyline; the tool will calculate, for any vertex of the polyline, the distance from the reference axis and, using the transversal slope interpolated according to the values inserted, it will determine the elevation of the vertex. The command can be performed on all polyline vertexes or only on a segment of it.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Dimensioning

Menu Axis > Alignment polylines > Set elevation to polyline by slopes


On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Select polyline to dimension: select the polyline to set elevations to.

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The following dialog box will appear:

Axis: select the axis to use as reference for calculating polyline elevations. The axis can be selected

from the list or indicated on screen, by using button.

Select reference axis: select the axis to use as reference for calculating polyline elevations.

Slopes from axis: by this command you can choose whether the tool must use the transversal slopes calculated for the reference axis or set manually the transversal slopes needed for calculating the elevation of polyline vertexes.

Polyline: to use as a reference a 3D polyline, use button to select the reference polyline.

Indicate reference polyline: select the polyline to use as reference for calculating polyline elevations.

Full elaboration: the elevation is calculated for every polyline vertex.

Partial elaboration: the elevation is calculated only for the vertexes in the segment indicated. To

indicate the segment where to perform the calculation press button.

Indicate first vertex: indicate the polyline vertex defining the beginning of the segment to be calculated.

Indicate second vertex: indicate the polyline vertex defining the end of the segment to be calculated.

Once the vertexes have been indicated, the tool will display the window again and report the

numbers of the vertexes that define the beginning and the end of the segment to be calculated.

Start slope: slope to apply to calculate the elevations of the first vertex that defines the polyline segment to be calculated.

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End slope: slope to apply to calculate the elevations of the last vertex that defines the polyline segment to be calculated. The elevation of the intermediate vertexes will be calculated by interpolating start and end slope.

Press OK to start calculating the elevations.

Check distances

This command checks the distance between two axes, between an axis and a polyline or between two

polylines, along the whole axis or on a part of it. It is possible to set the value of minimum and/or maximum distance; in this way the tool automatically highlights the stations on which the limits set are exceeded.

It is possible to start the command in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Checks and diagrams > Check distances

Command line: CHKDIST

The following dialog box will appear, displaying its two pages, Settings and Start and End:

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In this page the main data are set for distance check.

Entity type to measure It is possible to check the distance between two axes, between an axis and a planimetry polyline or between two planimetry polylines; select the option desired.

Entity to measure According to the kind of entity to measure (axis-axis, axis-polyline, polyline-polyline) the tool allows to select the axis subprojects or the polylines on which to carry out the check. Axes can be selected from

the list or from the graphic window by using button; planimetry polylines can be selected only from

the graphic window again by button.

Feed step: feed step along the axis or the reference polyline to determine the frequency of the check.

Maximum search distance: maximum distance between the two elements compared, beyond which the distance must not be considered.

Calculate station on reference axis: by this option the station calculated is not the station along the

reference polyline but the station along the reference axis:

Reference axis: axis on which to calculate control station.

Check Check minimum distance: activate this option to make sure the distance between the entities

compared is not below a certain value.

Minimum distance: minimum distance to be checked between the two entities.

Check maximum distance: activate this option to make sure the distance between the entities compared is not above a certain value.

Maximum distance: maximum distance to be checked between the two entities.

List only condition overpassing: when this option is active the tool will display not all the stations on

which the measure is taken, but only the stations where the condition set is not respected.

Draw lines between measured entities: this option allows the automatic drawing of the lines between the two entities near the stations on which the check is carried out.

Layer: layer the drawing lines are assigned to.

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Start and end page

By this page it is possible to define the axis or polyline segment on which to carry out the distance check.

Complete: by this option the check is performed on the whole axis or reference polyline.

Partial: by this option the check will be performed only on a part of the axis or polyline. It is possible to

enter Start station and End station or use button to indicate a point on display, from which the

tool will extract the station on axis or polyline.

Press Calculate button to start calculation. During the calculation Results page will appear.

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The table reports the following information:

Station: station on reference polyline or on reference axis.

Measured distance: distance measured between the two entities.

Minimum distance: minimum distance set.

Maximum distance: maximum distance set.

Difference on Min.: difference between the value measured and the minimum set. If the difference is negative, and therefore the distance between the two entities is below the minimum, the cell reporting the value will be displayed with a red background, otherwise the background will be blue.

Difference on Max: difference between the value measured and the maximum set. If the difference is positive, and therefore the distance between the two entities is above the maximum, the cell reporting the value will be displayed with a red background, otherwise the background will be blue.

Creation of the intersection 3D model

After assigning elevations to the planimetry polylines that define the elements of the intersection (edges,

islands, etc) it is possible to build a 3D model of the intersection. The following commands, each one in its own way, allow to build 3D surfaces representing the different elements of the intersection.

Curb construction: builds 3D models of traffic divider islands.

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Interpolation of polylines: fillets project planimetries among the axes that determine the intersection.

Sideslope construction: builds sideslopes that reach terrain model starting from planimetry polylines.

4th part of cone construction: builds a 3D model of 4th part of cone.

Curb construction

By this command you can build a 3D model of traffic divider pavements of any shape any in any position; if the reference polyline is a closed polyline, it is also possible to build triangles to fill in the area inside

the curbs.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar: Planimetry polyline

Menu Axis > 3D model from polylines > Curb construction

Command line: PLADDCURB

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate reference polyline: select the planimetry polyline representing the perimeter of the island where to build the curbs.

The following dialog box will appear:

Curb: set sizes to build a 3D model of the curb.

Create triangles: builds triangles for model representation; otherwise, it calculates only planimetry polylines.

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Survey subproject: select the survey subproject where to save the triangles representing the curb.

Triangle layer: layer to which to assign the triangles representing the curb. Press Browse button to select the layer.

Create triangles on internal area: creates triangles to fill in the area inside curbs.

Internal triangles layer: layer to which to assign the triangles representing the internal area. Press

Browse button to select the layer.

Press OK to start the elaboration.

Interpolation of polylines

By this command it is possible to fillet project planimetries between the axes that determine the

intersection; by using a reference polyline the tool can build other polylines to fillet lateral elements (gutters, sidewalks, shoulders, etc.), situated in the two axes that make up the intersection.

The elements to fillet can have different shapes and sizes; for example, it may be necessary to fillet a sidewalk with different lengths in the two axes. Between the polylines interpolated it is possible to build the triangles automatically.

The interpolation of the polylines can be performed in two ways:

Single: a single polyline is interpolated, starting from a reference polyline.

Multiple: different polylines are interpolated, starting from a reference polyline.

Single interpolation of polylines The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Planimetry polylines

Menu Axis > Alignment polylines > Polyline interpolation > Single

Command line: PLOFFSET3D

On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Interpolate Single/Multiple polyline / <S>: M

Indicate reference polyline: indicate the polyline to use as reference.

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The following dialog box will appear:

Start offset: set the horizontal and vertical offset the polyline to generate must have from the reference

polyline, at the beginning of its length. Press button to indicate the point from which the tool will

determine the distance and the slope from a reference polyline.

Distance: horizontal distance, from the first point of the reference polyline, at which to generate

the new polyline.

Height difference: height difference, from the first point of the reference polyline, at which to generate the new polyline.

End offset: set the horizontal and vertical offset the polyline to generate must have from the reference

polyline, at the end of its length. Press button to indicate the point from which the tool will

determine the distance and the height difference from a reference polyline.

Distance: horizontal distance, from the last point of the reference polyline, at which to generate the new polyline.

Height difference: height difference, from the last point of the reference polyline, at which to generate the new polyline.

Create triangles: if this option is active, the tool will insert the triangles between the reference polyline and the new polyline generated.

Survey subproject: select the survey subproject where to save the triangles generated between the two polylines.

Triangles layer: layer where to put the triangles. Press Browse button to select the layer.

Press OK to start the elaboration.

Multiple interpolation of polylines The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Planimetry polylines

Menu Menu Axis > Alignment polylines > Polyline interpolation > Multiple

Command line: PLOFFSET3D M

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On the command line the following prompts will appear:

Interpolate Single/Multiple polyline / <S>: M

Indicate reference polyline: indicate the polyline to use as reference.

The following dialog box will appear:

Create triangles: if this option is active, the tool will insert the triangles between the reference polyline

and the new polyline generated.

Survey subproject: select the survey subproject where to save the triangles generated between the two polylines.

Triangles layer: layer where to put the triangles. Press Browse button to select the layer.

Press OK to start the process.

Indicate start point #1: indicate the first start point from which the tool will calculate the start offset,

both horizontal and vertical, for the first polyline to generate.

Indicate start point #2: indicate the second start point from which the tool will calculate the start offset, both horizontal and vertical, for the second polyline to generate.

Indicate start point #3: press ENTER or the mouse right button when all the start points for the polylines to generate have been indicated .

Indicate end point #1: indicate the first end point from which the tool will calculate the end offset,

both horizontal and vertical, for the first polyline to generate.

Indicate end point #2: indicate the second end point from which the tool will calculate the end offset, both horizontal and vertical, for the second polyline to generate.

Now the tool will generate the polylines and, if necessary, also triangles between the polylines.

Sideslope construction

By this command you can create sideslopes that reach the terrain model starting from the planimetry polylines. So, after having drawn the edge polylines, built the triangle model of the intersection and interpolated the polylines referred to lateral elements (gutters, sidewalks, shoulders, etc.) the last step is

to build the sideslopes from the last planimetry polyline calculated to the terrain model.

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The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Planimerty polyline

Menu Axis > 3D model from polyline > Sideslope construction

Command line: PLSLOPE

The following dialog box will appear:

In the dialog box it is necessary to specify the following data:

Origin subproject: indicate the subproject which represents the current situation; the one the sideslopes must reach.

Project subproject: indicate the subproject that will contain the triangles derived from the calculation of

the sideslopes at the origin subproject.

Cut slope \ Fill slope: it is possible to differentiate the slopes between cut segments and fill segments.

Curve step: if the start polyline contains some arcs, they are approximated by segments whose length derives from the value of this parameter.

Create triangles: if this option is active, besides sideslopes, also some triangles are created, so as to form the project model.

Reduce number triangles: when this option is active, the tool performs a further check during the triangle construction phase, reducing remarkably their number by putting together all the adjacent triangles with the same slope.

Layer: it is possible to specify the layer to assign to the triangles created.

Press Apply to continue the execution of the command

On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate polyline: indicate the planimetry polyline from which to generate sideslopes to terrain.

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Slope direction: Indicate the direction, from the polyline, towards which to calculate the slopes; it is sufficient to click on the area where the slopes must be generated.

Drawing the 4th part of cone

By this command it is possible to build the slopes situated along the axis at the beginning or at the end of such works as bridges and viaducts.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar: Planimetry polyline

Menu Axis > 3D model from polylines > 4th part of cone construction

Command line: PL4THCONE

The following dialog box will appear:

Origin subproject: indicate the subproject that represents the current situation; the one the slopes must reach.

Project subproject: indicate the subproject that will contain the triangles derived from sideslope calculation at origin subproject.

Sideslope external slope: sideslope slope towards the outside of the axis.

Sideslope internal slope: sideslope slope towards the inside of the axis.

Round corners: it is possible to create sideslopes with round corners; you can define the angle rounding step, which represents the length of approximation segments.

Create triangles: if this option is active, besides slopes, also some triangles are created, to form a project model.

Layer: it is possible to specify the layer to assign to the triangles created.

Press Apply to continue the execution of the command.

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On the CAD command line the following prompts will appear:

Indicate the first sideslope top point: indicate the first of the two points from which to generate the slopes that form the two 4th part of cones.

Indicate the second sideslope top point: indicate the second of the two points from which to generate the slopes that form the two 4th part of cones.

Slope direction: indicate the direction internal slopes must be built towards.

Parametric Typical objects

Creating parametric type objects

The module for defining type objects allows to create parametric objects to insert in typical sections. These objects can either be generated inside the module for defining type objects or drawn in the graphic

window of section module, using section elements with a code, and then be imported and modified.

In this module it is possible to generate different kinds of properties and connect them to the segments that make up the object. It is also possible to add some reference points and some connection points and assign them to any of the object vertexes.

For any object some interpolation tables can also be defined, to correlate the values of its properties.

It is also possible to write TANGO code to calculate the formulas and the expressions to be assigned to the values of some properties, or to make selections according to the values of some properties.

Note. Some functions contained in this module are available only to the users of ProSt Premium

Module for building parametric typical objects The module can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Typical elements > Typical objects builder

From module Typical sections builder

menu File > Typical objects builder

Command line: DEFOBJTYPE

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A window like the following will appear:

The window is subdivided into two main sections: on the left side there is the management of object properties, variables, interpolation tables, object polylines, while on the right side there is a graphic window displaying the object preview and a text editor for its TANGO code.

Creating, modifying, saving objects: commands for the general management of the object.

Management of object properties: in this tab it is possible to create, modify and delete object properties, reference points, connection points and object groups.

Management of object variables: in this tab it is possible to create, modify and delete object variables.

Management of interpolation tables: in this tab it is possible to display and modify the values of the interpolation tables of object properties.

Management of object polylines: in this tab it is possible to manage the drawing of the elements that make up the object.

Tango Code: it is possible to add the object a program code called Tango, so as to customize the value to link to the segments through formulas, selection of values and much more.

Drawing an object and inserting it in Typical objects builder module It is possible to draw an object in the sections graphic window and then insert it in typical objects manager module to make it parametric or to save it as a typical object.

The command can be activated through the following methods:

Menu Sections > Typical elements > Save typical element

Command line: STYPE

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On the command line the following prompt will appear:

Select elements: select the section elements that make up the object to save.

Select insertion point: indicate the object insertion point.

Note. To be saved as typical object, an object must be drawn not with generic drawing polylines but with section elements marked by a code.

Note. Walls are particular typical elements, since they cause the modification of the sideslope where they are inserted. Of course, the tool cannot know, for each kind of wall, how the sideslope is going to be modified. So, besides the wall line, it is necessary to draw also a line with $1 code; this line will represent the new shape of the sideslope, once the wall has been inserted. For example, in case of

retaining walls, the $1 code line must follow the wall back as far as it meets the existing ground. When

the elements to save are selected, it is necessary to select also the $1 code line. In the table of Section Codes no $1 code is available; it is necessary to insert it in the table before drawing the line.

A window resembling the following will then appear:

In this window it is possible to set the object typology, its name and a description linked to it.

Press OK to continue. Then, the window of Typical objects builder module will appear; inside it there are the elements that constitute the object.

Now it is necessary to select all the elements that make up the typical element to save.

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Creating, modifying, saving objects

Creating a new object The command can be activated from the window of type objects as follows:

Menu File > New

Opening an existing object The command can be activated from the window of type objects as follows:

Menu File > Open

The file can be selected from a folder or from a library. The following dialog box will appear:

Through Find in check box it is possible to choose whether to load an object, contained in a library

of typical sections, into a library of typical objects. If the object to load is found in no library, it is possible to choose Folder option and then set the folder containing the file with the definition of

the object.

If you choose to load an object from a library, the tool displays the list of the libraries available and, according to the library selected, it displays the objects contained in it.

On the right side of the window the object preview will appear and the description associated to it is reported as well.

Saving the modifications made on an object To save the changes made to the current object choose the following menu:

Menu File > Save

Saving the object in a library To save the object in a library select the following menu:

Menu File > Save in a library

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The following dialog box will appear:

To create a library use the functions described in Typical sections builder module.

Object properties For to modify the object properties select the following menu:

Menu File > Object properties

The following dialog box will appear:

In this window it is possible to give the file a title, a full description and a password to stop its modification.

Graphic window properties The command can be activated from the window of type objects as follows:

Menu File > Graphic window properties

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The following dialog box will appear, allowing to set snap and grid of the graphic window.

Managing object variables

In this tab it is possible to generate, modify and delete object variables. Variables are similar to properties but they are not displayed in the table of object properties, so they cannot be modified directly

from "Typical sections builder" module. The values of Real number type variables can be linked to a segment of the object, as with properties, and they can also be used to contain the results of some operations among the properties of the object itself. Variables, unlike properties, have only one value and therefore are not influenced by the position of the object insertion.

In the table of variables all the object variables and the system variables of the sections are displayed in two different groups:

Object variables: In this group all the object variables are displayed.

Section variables: In this group the section system variables are displayed and the values given

to these variables depend on the section where the object is inserted.

The table is also subdivided into two main columns:

1. Name: In this column the names of the variables are visualised.

2. Value: In this column it is possible to display and modify the start values of the variables.

Creating a new variable To add a new object variable enter the following menu:

Menu Variables > Add

select the kind of data of the variable, the following dialog box will appear:

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In the window set the variable name, the description that will be displayed in the table of object variables and the kind of data the variable value can assume.

Press OK button to confirm or Cancel to stop the operation.

Setting a variable to a segment It is possible to associate the value of a "Real number" type variable to any segment of the polylines that make up an object. In this way, whenever the property value changes, the segment associated to it

will modify its features as well. To assign a property to a segment it is necessary:

1. To position on the line of the variable to be set to the segment.

2. To drag the variable towards the graphic window keeping the mouse left button pressed and indicate the segment to assign the variable to. As soon as the dragging starts the module activates the selection mode and marks with a yellow line the segment selected.

3. Drop the mouse left button when the segment to set the variable to has been selected ( marked by a yellow line).

The following menu will appear:

The variable value can be set to one of the segment characteristics, which are:

a. X offset variable: The value of the variable is set to the X offset of the segment from the previous vertex.

b. Y offset variable: The value of the variable is set to the Y offset of the segment from the previous vertex.

c. Slope variable (Y Offset/Slope): The value of the variable is set to the slope and the value of the X offset is calculated according to slope and Y offset .

d. Slope variable (X Offset/Slope): The value of the variable is set to the slope and the value of the Y offset is calculated according to slope and X offset .

e. Radius variable: The property value is associated to the radius of the segment arc.

Note: If in the menu there are more segments placed one over the other, all the segments will be indicated, so as to select the one desired.

4. Select the feature desired or press out of the menu to stop the setting.

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Deleting a variable To delete the variable position on the row of the variable to be deleted and enter the following menu:

Menu Variables > Delete variable

Management of object properties

In this tab it is possible to create, modify and delete object properties, reference points,connection points and object groups.

The table of properties is very similar to the one you can find in typical section builder module and allows to display special points and properties on different levels so that they are easier to find and to use.

The object has a base level, coloured in dark grey, where its name and a set of sub-levels, coloured in

yellow to separate the different kinds of properties, are displayed. The sub-levels are the following:

11. Reference points: this level contains the object insertion point and all its reference points.

12. Property: this level contains all the object properties.

13. Draw: this level contains all the object drawing properties.

14. Connection points: this level contains all the object connection points.

15. Groups: for the object groups a set of levels are inserted, where the different names of the groups are displayed.

Objects tab is subdivided into three main columns:

Name: In this column the names of objects, reference points, properties and groups are

displayed. In case of insertion point, reference points and connection points, also a button is displayed, by which it is possible to set the point coordinates by selecting it from the graphic


V: This column is active only for properties and it indicates whether their value can be modified during the insertion phase.

Value: In this column it is possible to display and modify the predefined values of object


Creation of a new property To make an object a parametric one, it is necessary to create some properties to associate to the

different polyline segments that constitute it. To add a property enter the following menu.

Menu Properties > Add > Property

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The following dialog box will appear:

In this window it is possible to set all the property parameters. In Property data groups it is possible to insert:

Name: In this text field it is possible to set the property name.

Description: In this text field it is possible to set the description of the property that will

be displayed in Name of table properties column.

In Data type group it is possible to set the property possible values, which are the following:

True/False: Property values are true/false logic conditions.

Integer number: Property values are numbers without decimals.

Real number: Property values are numbers with decimals.

Text: Property values are texts. If 'text' has been selected as type of data and the name of the property starts with "CODE" text, in the table of properties the list of section line codes will be displayed, while, if the name of the property starts with "FONT" text, in the table of properties will be automatically displayed the list of text styles.

Options list: Property values are an element of the list. To add an element to the list

write its name in the text field, under the item Options list and press Add button. To rename an element of the list, select the element from the list, change its value in the text field under the item Options list and press Rename button. To delete an element from the list, select the element from the list and press Delete button. To sort an element of the list it is sufficient to drag the name of the element to the position desired. The property in Tango code will assume 0 value for the first element, 1 for the second and so on for the other

elements in the list.

In Modify group it is possible to set:

Modes: Every property has got four different values, one for each situation where the object can be inserted. The modes available are the following: CUT-LEFT, CUT-RIGHT, FILL-LEFT, FILL-right. Mode field indicates how these four values of the property can change. The possible modes are the following:

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1. All values equal: The values are always the same, no matter where the change occurs.

2. Equal values for cut/fill: The values are always the same for cut and fill but can change for left and right.

3. Equal values for left/right: The values are always the same for left and right but can change for cut and fill.

4. All values different: The values are all different.

Allow modification from typical section editor: by this item it is possible to display (or not) the property in the typical sections editor, allowing in this way its modification.

Set data desired.

Press OK button to confirm the operation or Cancel to stop it.

Modify properties The characteristics of object properties can be modified at any time.

To modify a property it is necessary to:

1. Position on the line of the property to modify.

2. From Property menu select the item Property…. The dialog box of property

characteristics will appear.

3. Modify the characteristics desired.

Note: If the property name is modified, it is necessary to modify the name, if used, also in Tango code, performed before the object drawing, to avoid errors in the compilation of the object.

Press OK button to confirm the operation or Cancel to stop it.

Sort properties Once the object properties have been inserted, it is possible to decide the order according to which they will be displayed in the table of object properties.

Properties can be sorted in two ways:

Sorting by drag & drop.

Sorting by using sort buttons.

Sorting by drag & drop 1. Position on the row of 'move' property.

2. Keeping the mouse left button pressed, drag the property to the position desired.

3. Release mouse left button.

Sorting by sort buttons

Position on the row of 'move' property.

Press button to move the property upwards or press button to move the

property downwards.

Setting a property to a segment Any segment of the polylines that make up an object can be associated the value of a "Real number" type of property. In this way, when the value of the property changes, also the segment associated to it will modify its characteristics. To assign a property to a segment it is necessary to:

1. Position on the row of the property to set to the segment.

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2. Keeping the mouse left button pressed, drag the property towards the graphic window and indicate the segment to set the property to. As soon as the dragging starts the module activates selection mode and displays by a yellow line the segment selected.

3. Release the mouse left button when the segment to which to set the property has been selected (marked by a yellow line). The following menu will appear:

The value of the property can be set to one of the segment features, which are the following:

X offset variable: The property value is set to the segment X offset from the previous vertex.

Y offset variable: The property value is set to the segment Y offset from the previous vertex.

Slope variable (Offset Y/Slope): The property value is assigned to the slope and the

value of X offset is calculated according to slope and Y offset.

Slope variable (Offset X/Slope): The property value is assigned to the slope and the value of Y offset is calculated according to slope and X offset.

Radius variable: the property value is associated to the radius of the segment arc.

Note: If there are different segments placed one over the other in the menu, all the segments wll be

indicated, so that it is possible to select the one desired.

4. Select the feature desired or press out of the menu to stop the assignation.

Deleting properties To delete the variable, position on the row of the property to be deleted and enter the following menu:

Menu Properties > Delete

Note: When a property is deleted, it is necessary to delete it, if used, also in the Tango code performed before the object drawing, to avoid errors in compiling the object

Creating, modifying and deleting drawing properties Drawing properties are used to display or hide a segment of a polyline that forms the object. To add a

drawing property, enter the following menu:

Menu Property > Add > Drawing property

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The following dialog box will appear:

Set property name, description to be displayed in object property table, and modification mode.

Press OK to confirm or Cancel to stop the operation.

Setting a drawing property to a segment Drawing properties can be associated to any of the polyline segments that form the object. To set a property to a segment it is necessary to:

1. Position on the line of the drawing property to be set to the segment.

2. Keeping the mouse left button pressed, drag the drawing property towards the graphic window and indicate the segment to assign the property to. Once the dragging has started, the module activates the selection mode and marks the segment selected by a yellow line.

3. Drop the mouse left button when the segment to assign the drawing property to has been selected. (Marked by a yellow line).

Note: If there are more segments placed one over the other, all the segments will be indicated in the menu, so as to select the one desired.

4. Select the item Drawing variable to perform the assignation or press out of the menu to stop it.

Deleting drawing properties To delete the a drawing property, position on the row of the drawing property to be deleted and enter the following menu:

Menu Property > Delete

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Creating a new reference point Reference points are points used to modify the look of an object and allow to connect an object to another. For add a reference point enter the following menu:

Menu Property > Add > Reference point

The reference point will be visualized in the table of object properties in Reference points group.

Setting reference points to vertexes It is possible to set a reference point to any vertex of an object polyline. To assign a reference point to a

vertex it is necessary to:

Position on the line of the reference point to be set.

Press button next to the name of the reference point or press the mouse left button and drag

the line towards the graphic window. In this way selection mode will be activated.

Indicate the vertex to associate the reference point to. (The vertex selected will be marked by a yellow square). If there are more vertexes placed one over the other, a list will be displayed, to

select the one desired from.

1. Press the left button or drop it to assign the reference point.

Note: In this way, insertion point too can be assigned.

Deleting reference points To delete the a reference point, position on the row of the reference point to be deleted and enter the

following menu:

Menu Property > Delete

Creating a new connection point Connection points are points used to connect to each other the objects found in the typical section. To add a connection point:

Menu Property > Add > Connection point

The connection point will be displayed in the table of object properties in Connection points group.

Setting a connection point to a vertex It is possible to assign a connection point to any vertex of an object polyline. To assign a connection point to a vertex it is necessary to:

1. Position on the row of the connection point to be set.

2. Press button next to the name of the connection point or press the mouse left button and

drag the line towards the graphic window. In this way selection mode will be activated.

3. Indicate the vertex to associate the connection point to. (The vertex selected will be marked by a yellow square). If there are more vertexes placed one over the other, a list will be displayed, to select the one desired from

4. Press the left button or drop it to assign the connection point

Deleting connection points To delete the a reference point, position on the row of the reference point to be deleted and enter the following menu:

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Menu Property > Delete

Creating a new group Groups are used to put together more objects so that they can act like one. To add a group enter the following menu:

Menu Property > Add > Group

The following dialog box will appear:

Set the name of the group, the description which will be visualized inside the table of object properties and the kind of objects that can be inserted in the group.

Press OK button to confirm or Cancel button to stop the operation.

Deleting groups To delete the a group, position on the row of the group to be deleted and enter the following menu:

Menu Property > Delete

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Managing object polylines

An object is made up of one or more section polylines with a code ( Section elements ). These polylines

can be inserted directly from this tab or be imported from ProSt by the item

Menu Sections > Typical elements > Save typical elements

Command line: STYPE

In this table all the polylines are reported, that constitute the element with their vertexes. Besides, it is also possible to set the values of the offsets to X and Y of any vertex compared to the previous one, the

variables associated to these offsets and the arc radiuses.

Any polyline has a base level, coloured in dark grey, where its description is displayed, and a set of sub-

elements that are its vertexes. For each vertex the name is indicated, in Name column, the value of the offset to X in the column X Offset, the value of the offset to Y in the column Y Offset and, in case of arcs, the radius in Radius column.

The cell where the value of offsets and radiuses is displayed is subdivided into two rows, the upper one is referred to the kind of value that appears in the lower row.

The different typologies for X and Y offsets are the following:

1. Offset: The value of the lower line is the real value to be applied to X or Y offsets.

2. Slope: The value of the lower line refers to a slope, so the offset is calculated according to the value set and according to the other offset. For example, if in Offset X column we set the value of X offset as slope type, this will be calculated according to the value of the offset to Y and to the

slope value set.

3. Var. Offset: The value of the lower line is the name of a variable or of a property of the object and to X or Y offset the value will be applied, assumed by that variable or property.

4. Slope var: The value of the lower line is the name of a variable or of a property of the object and to the slope for the calculation of X or Y offset the value will be applied, assumed by that variable or property.

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5. Coordinate: the value of X or Y coordinate is obtained by a connection point of the object.

6. Sum: The value of the X or Y offset will be calculated as the sum of the offsets of a set of consecutive segments of an object polyline.

Note: the polyline and the vertexes that contain the segments to sum must be drawn before the segment where the sum is used, that is they must be displayed in polylines table first.

The different typologies for radius are:

1) Value: The value of the lower line is the real value to be applied to the arc radius.

2) Variable: The value of the lower line is the name of a variable or of an object property, and to the arc radius will be applied the value assumed by that variable or property.

The first vertex of the polyline refers to the offset from the insertion point of the polyline itself.

Importing polylines from ProSt It is possible to draw a customized type object directly in ProSt graphic window of sections, using section polylines with a code, import it into the module Typical objects builder, make it parametric and then save it to use it in other sections and projects.

To import a polyline into the module it is necessary to:

1. Draw the object in the section graphic window, using section polylines with a code.

2. Enter the following menu:

Menu Sections > Typical elements > Save typical elements

Command line: STYPE

3. Select all the elements that make up the type object.

4. Indicate the object insertion point. The following dialog box will appear:

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3. Indicate the kind of object ( roadway, gutter, ditch, generic object, etc.), the object name and its description, which will be visualized in the table of object properties. It is also possible to insert the title of the object file and a description of it.

4. Press OK button. Typical objects builder module will be activated, with all the polylines of the typical element imported.

It is possible to add some polylines directly from Typical objects builder module in polyline table. To insert a new polyline it is necessary to:

Select the item Add element from Polylines menu. The dialog box of polyline properties will appear:

In this window all the properties of a section polyline can be set. Such properties are subdivided into three main groups, which are:

Element data: In this group it is possible to set the description of a polyline that is displayed in polyline table, the line code to be used to draw the polyline and point out if it is a

closed polyline or not. If relative coordinates are set, polyline vertexes will be subject to superelevation and widening.

Linked variables: In this group it is possible to indicate what text type property the code of the line to be used to draw the polyline is linked to.

First vertex references: In this group it is possible to indicate that the offset to X and Y of the first vertex is not referred to the object insertion point but to a reference point, of the object itself, assigned to the vertex of another object polyline. Of course, to use this option,

there must be more polylines constituting the object, and the polyline containing the reference point must be drawn before the polyline that uses that reference point.

Set data desired.

Press OK button to confirm and Cancel to stop the insertion.

Modifying polylines To modify a polyline property, position on the row of the polyline property to be modified.

Enter the following menu:

Menu Polylines > Properties

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The dialog box of polyline properties will appear.

Modify the data desired.

Press OK button to confirm the changes or Cancel to cancel them.

Sorting polylines It is possible to choose the order according to which the polylines constituting an object are generated, simply by changing their order in the polyline table. The polyline at the beginning of the table is generated first, then the others.

To change the order of a polyline it is necessary to:

Position on the line where the description of the polyline to be modified is displayed.

Press or button to move the polyline upward or downward, or press the mouse left

button on the polyline line and, keeping the button pressed, drag it to the position required.

Deleting polylines To delete the a polyline, position on the row describing the polyline to be deleted and enter the following menu:

Menu Polylines > Delete

Adding vertexes It is possible to insert vertexes inside the polylines constituting the object directly from Typical section builder module in polyline table. To add a vertex it is necessary to:

Position on the line where the vertex has to be inserted. If you position on the line where

the description of the polyline is displayed, the vertex will be inserted at the beginning of the polyline, if you position on the last vertex of the polyline, the vertex will be added after the others, if you position halfway, it will be inserted in the position indicated.

Enter the following menu:

Menu Polylines > Add vertex

Modifying vertexes To modify the data of a polyline vertex, position on the row of the vertex to be modified and enter the following menu:

Menu Polylines > Properties

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The dialog box of vertex properties will appear:

In this window it is possible to set all the properties of a polyline vertex. The different properties are subdivided into three tabs according to their typology; The three tabs are the following:

Segment data: In this page the properties are set, of the segment that is generated between the vertex we are modifying and the previous one. It is possible to set:

Segment type: Indicates whether the segment is a line or an arc.

Draw segment: Indicates whether the segment must be drawn. Besides, in Variable field, it is possible to set the name of the drawing property (true / false type) to be assigned to the segment.

Offset X value: It is used to set the typology of offset X and its value, the values are the same as those we found in polylines table.

Offset Y value: It is used to set the typology of offset Y and its value, the values are the same as

those we found in polylines table.

Radius value: Radius value: It is used to set the typology of arc radius and its value, the values are the same as those we found in polylines table.

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Vertex flag: In this page it is possible to set vertex flags.

Sideslope flags: Activating sideslope flag an automatic slope will be generated as far as the ground. It is possible to set the sideslope slope by compiling Slope value field, or indicate in Variable field, the variable to obtain the slope value from. This option can be useful for objects that must generate slopes

which extend as far as the ground, such as typical sections, walls, etc.

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Extension flag: Activating extension flag, the vertex segment will extended as far as a polyline with the code set in Extension limit field. It is possible to set, in Variable field, the variable to obtain limit code from.

Vertex references: In this page are set:

Element insertion vertex: Indicates whether the vertex will be used as object insertion point. Each polyline has an insertion vertex, if it is not specified, it is the first vertex of the polyline.

Rotation vertex: Indicates whether the vertex is a rotation point.

Reference point: Indicates the name of the reference point associated to the vertex.

Connection point: Indicates the name of the connection point associated to the vertex.

Press OK button to confirm the changes or Cancel to cancel them.

Vertex sorting In order to change the arrangement of vertexes it is necessary to:

4. Position on the line of the vertex to be modified.

5. Press or button to move the vertex upward or downward or press the mouse left

button on the vertex line and, keeping the button pressed, drag it to the position desired.

Deleting vertexes To delete a vertex, position on the row of the vertex to be deleted and enter the following menu

Menu Polylines > Delete

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Segments sum It is possible to assign to the offset to X or Y of a segment the sum of the offsets of a set of segments of the object itself. To assign a segment the sum it is necessary to:

Position on the line of the vertex to modify.

Select as Offset X or Offset Y type Sum value.

In Offset X or Offset Y value field press button.

Indicate the first segment of the sum.

Indicate the last segment of the sum.

Note. Sum segments must belong to the same polyline

Sideslope vertex It is possible to assign the sideslope flag to a vertex directly from the graphic window, so as to generate an automatic sideslope that arrives as far as the ground. To assign a sideslope flag it is necessary to:

3. Select the item Sideslope vertex from Polylines menu. Selection mode will then be


4. Indicate the vertex to assign sideslope flag to (the vertex selected will be marked by a yellow square). If more vertexes are placed one over another, a list will be visualised, to select the one desired from.

5. Press the mouse left button to confirm the operation or the right one to cancel it. The following dialog box will appear:

4. Set sideslope slope value or the property to obtain the value from.

5. Press OK button to confirm the operation or Cancel to cancel it.

Extension vertexes It is possible to assign the extension flag to a vertex directly from the graphic window. To assign an extension flag it is necessary to:

Select the item Extension vertex from Polylines menu. Selection mode will then be


Indicate the vertex to assign extension flag to (the vertex selected will be marked by a yellow

square). If more vertexes are placed one over another, a list will be visualised, to select the one desired from.

Press the mouse left button to confirm the operation or the right one to Cancel it. The following dialog box will appear:

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Set extension limit.

Press OK button to confirm the operation or Cancel to cancel it.

Rotation vertexes It is possible to assign the vertexes among which to perform superelevation and widening directly from the graphic window. To assign rotation points it is necessary to:

1. Select the item Rotation vertex from Polylines menu. Selection mode will then be


2. Indicate the first rotation vertex (the vertex selected will be marked by a yellow square). If more vertexes are placed one over another, a list will be visualized, to select the one desired from.

3. Indicate the second rotation vertex (the vertex selected will be marked by a yellow square). If more vertexes are placed one over another, a list will be visualized, to select the one desired


The polyline containing the two vertexes will automatically be converted into relative coordinates, so superelevation and widening will be applied to all the vertexes included in the interval between the two rotation points.

Cancel polyline/vertex properties In Polylines menu there is a set of commands allowing to cancel quickly vertex or polyline properties. They are the following:

Cancel relative coordinates: Cancels the option relative coordinates of the polyline selected.

Cancel insertion point: Sets the first vertex of the polyline as the polyline insertion point.

Cancel rotation / widening: Cancels all the rotation vertexes of the polyline selected.

Cancel variable: Cancels a variable associated to the vertex selected.

Cancel slope / extension: Cancels slope or extension flag of the vertex selected.

Managing interpolation tables

In this table it is possible to display and modify the values of interpolation tables concerning object properties. Interpolation tables are used to correlate linearly the values of object properties. Besides, it is possible to correlate the values also with such sections system variables as transversal slope, station, project elevation etc.

Creating an interpolation table Activate Tables page and enter the following menu:

Menu Tables > New table

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The window of table properties will appear:

In Table name text box insert the name of the table to create.

In Reference object list, select the name of the object to obtain the reference property from, or use section variables to perform the correlation according to a section system variable.

In Reference property list, select the name of the property or the section variable to use as a


In Variable object list, select the object containing the property to correlate.

In Variable property list, select the property to correlate.

Press OK to confirm or Annul to stop the operation.

Fill in table values in Table tab. The column on the left concerns reference properties, while the column on the right is referred to that variable.

Modifying the properties of interpolation tables Activate Tables page and enter the following menu:

Menu Tables > Table properties

The window of table properties will appear:

Make the changes desired.

Press OK to confirm the changes or Cancel to stop the operation.

Deleting interpolation tables Activate Tables page, select from the list of tables the ones to be deleted and enter the following menu:

Menu Tables > Delete table

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Tango code

It is possible to add some tango code to the object, so as to customize the values to associate to the

segments by formulas, selection of values and much more.

This tango code can be inserted in Tango code tab, on the right side of the module.

The code written in this section will be a part of the object code, it will be performed before the lines of the different objects are drawn and after all the properties, variables and reference points are initialised.

For all the properties and variables created, a set of local variables will be generated, to be used in this section and the name of these local variables will assume the name either of the property or of the variable defined, plus a prefix, according to the kind of variable data. The prefixes are the following:

b: for True / False type properties/variables

i: for Integer number type properties/variables

d: for Real number type properties/variables

s: for Text type properties/variables

For example, if we create a Real number type of property whose name is WALLHEIGHT, in tango code a local variable will be generated, whose name will be dwalhei, while, if we create a Text type variable whose name is WALLCODE, a local variable will be generated, whose name will be sWallcode.

To use a property / variable in this programming area it is possible to drag the property / variable line, keeping the mouse left button pressed; drop the mouse left button in the code area where the property / variable has to be inserted.

The correct name of the property / variable will be automatically inserted in the position indicated.

In case of reference points, a list will be displayed, with their own variables, where it will be possible to select the variable to be used.

Moreover, inside Tango code it is possible to define parts of the code to manage the variables modified on drawing the object, such as those associated to segments that must extend or those connected to reference points.

The different settings and checks performed on these variables must be enclosed by two instructions: {$BEGINBLOCK} and {$ENDBLOCK}.

For example, if a segment indicating a wall the variable dWallHeight has been associated and this wall extends as far as the ground, the value of dWallHeight variable will be recalculated automatically after

the extension.

If, for example, the foundation height is connected by a formula to the height of the wall itself, it is necessary to write this relation along with the previous instructions, so as to recalculate the foundation height correctly. The code lines will be for example:





A tunnel, both in a topographic survey and in road design, is a specific situation, which cannot be dealt with and managed by traditional modes. ProSt possesses some commands and options which can meet this kind of need .

Calculate model

The survey of tunnels produces points which are located on the whole model, so it is necessary to consider not only the points on the upper side but also those on the lower side. In this situation it is not possible to obtain, by standard mehods, the 3D model of the tunnel. A specific calculation mode allows to obtain the 3D model by considering the approximate (plano-altimetric) alignment of the tunnel.

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The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar DTM:

Menu D.T.M. > Triangulation > Automatic

Command line: MAKEDTM

The following dialog box appears :

In Triangulation type select the option Tunnel; indicate the axis subproject identifying, both as

horizontal and as vertical alignment, the tunnel axis.

Barycenter height input field allows to define a height which is summed to the project profile to obtain elevations referred to the center of the tunnel.

To grant the correct execution of the command, it is therefore necessary to have identified, even approximately, the axis tunnel, both from a planimetric point of view (as axis elements) and as project profile (grade lines and curves); project elevations can either identify the tunnel vertical axis, and in this case the barycenter height can be null, or other elevations.

Calculation of section elevations

Extracting the tunnel existing shape as cross section presents the same problems illustrated above; also in this case, by considering an approximate alignment, the software can return the complete cross


The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Calculation of section elevations

Command line: DTM2SEC

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In Origin selection list choose the item Survey band; then, set the width of the band to be considered as to the position of the section: all the topographic points which, compared to the position of the section in the planimetry, will be within the band, will be used to represent the transversal shape.

Then, select the option Survey points and then Tunnel. Press Next and complete the process.

To grant the correct execution of the command, it is therefore necessary to have identified, even approximately, the axis tunnel, both from a planimetric point of view (as axis elements) and as project profile (grade lines and curves).

Specific section dimensioning

In representing cross sections in tunnels it is often necessary to indicate the thickness (radial) differences between the existing model (terrain) and the project model; a specific section dimensioning allows to indicate the mode and the options by which to obtain this kind of dimensioning.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Sections > Dimensioning

Command line: DIMENSIONING

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To activate tunnel dimensioning choose the option Tunnel dimension.

Terrain line code: code of the section element representing the tunnel existing model.

Project line code: code of the section element representing the tunnel project model.

Dimension layer: layer to assign dimensioning labels to.

Text to display: it is possible to choose among different dimensioning options.

Point number: displays the survey point number.

Distance: displays the distance between project model and terrain model.

Number and distance: displays both number and distance.

Text size: size of dimension text.

Text to display frequency: the dimensioning can be inserted in every point of the terrain model or at intervals defined by this input field.

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Printing Tunnel – outline distance

A specific report displays the thickness (radial) differences between the existing model (terrain) and the project model.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu File > Print

Command line: PRINT

The following window will appear:

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In the dialog box select the node Tunnel – outline distance and choose the kind of printing to be created.

Repavement (Renew)

In road design it is often necessary not only to widen but to repavement or modify existing roads. In most cases, the problem is not only to apply a pavement layer above the existing one, but also to correct the vertical and horizontal alignment according to the policy regulations.

As far as the cover of the existing pavement, normally a minimum layer (overlay) of new material must be kept and this is precisely what ProSt Renew commands deal with. ProSt Renew commands can set a relationship between the project horizontal alignment, the edges of the existing horizontal alignment and the survey model of the current situation; from the analysis of such data, a profile polyline is calculated,

which will represent the ideal project elevation to keep the minimum layer required. The issue may seem a trivial one, but it is not so if we consider that modifying a horizontal alignment can change the position of the project axis compared to the existing one and, therefore, the determination of the project

elevation must take into account the shape of the existing terrain , of the new axis position as well as of the transversal slopes.

Data setting

A specific window allows to define the minimum overlay, also different according to the different points of the alignment, the edges of the existing pavement and the kind of project to use (simple, divided roadways).

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Renew

Menu Profile > Renew > Renew parameters

Command line: RENEWPAR

The following window will appear:

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Parameters tab

In Parameters set:

Terrain line: code of the section element representing the existing terrain.

Profile polyline: code of the profile polyline which will be calculated to represent the optimized elevation to keep the repavement minimum thickness required.

Existing pavement limits: the limits of the existing pavement can be fixed distances from project axis or they can be defined by planimetry polylines with a specific code.

Therefore, specify the fixed width for right and left side, or the code of the planimetry polyline representing the limit of the existing pavement on the left and on the right.

Thickness tab

In Thickness page it is possible to set the minimum thickness by which to calculate the optimized elevation; the thickness can be different for the different axis segments.

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Design template

In Design template page it is possible to specify the kind of typical section to use in calculation; the choice can be between Simple and Divided roadways.

Simple: it is the typical section in which the two roadways are not divided and rotate on the center point.

Divided roadways: it is the typical section with divided roadways, for which it is possible to specify the

length of the traffic divider and the position of the superelevation point.

Calculation of overlay polylines

It is the command which, by analysing the settings defined, can generate, in the longitudinal profile, a profile polyline representing the ideal elevations to grant the minimum thickness everywhere.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar: Renew

Menu Profile > Renew > Repavement elevation calculation

Command line: RENEWELEV

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Cross-Sections: specify the sections interval on which to perform the elaboration.

Terrain line: section element code representing the existing terrain.

Profile polyline: code of the profile polyline which will be calculated to represent the optimized elevation

to keep the repavement thickness required.

Drawing on cross-section: this option enables the insertion in the cross sections of the line

corresponding to the pavement upper part (top surface) and of the line corresponding to the repavement thickness set. In this way it is possible to test, section by section, the optimized elevation calculated by the tool relative to the existing terrain and to the transversal slopes.

Project line: code of the section element corresponding to the pavement lower part.

Pavement line: code of the section element corresponding to the pavement upper part (top surface).

Delete existing elements: before inserting new elements, already existing elements are deleted.

Repavement parameters button opens the dialog box with the main settings.

Press OK to start the elaboration: the elaboration is performed in the specified sections interval. Initial data are the following:

Horizontal alignment: the project horizontal alignment must be defined.

Cross Sections: the sections must be inserted along the alignment and terrain sections must have been calculated.

Superelevation and widening: the road type must have been set and superelevation and widening calculation must have been calculated.

Existing pavement limits: if the existing pavement does not have a constant width relative to the project horizontal axis, it is necessary to insert some planimetry polylines on the left and right edges. Polyline codes must be correctly set in the window of repavement procedure settings.

From the analysis of cross section terrain, within the area covered by the existing pavement, the elevation is calculated, which is necessary to grant the minimum thickness required; the optimized elevation is represented in the window of longitudinal profile, as profile polyline.

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Display critical zones

Profile polylines normally cannot be used as project elements but they are very useful to suggest the

ideal elevations of the project profile which will have to be corrected. The software can display the critical zones, those in which the project profile is below the overlay polyline.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Renew

Menu Profile > Renew > Display critical zones

Command line: RENEWBLWZONE

The option Display critical zones activates the drawing, at the bottom of the window of longitudinal profile, of reference marks in the zones where project grade line is below the profile polyline representing the ideal elevation.

Volume calculation

For the designer it is very important to be able to control cut volumes (scarification), fill volumes and overlay material. Such quantities can be obtained from the profile and then updated in real time after any modification of project profile.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Toolbar Renew

Menu Profile > Renew > Volume calculation

Command line: RENEWVOL

When the option Volume calculation is activated, in renew bar the values referred to three volumes calculated are calculated and displayed.

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Pavement (mc): volume referred to repavement overlay thickness.

Fill (mc): volume of filling material between existing pavement and repavement thickness.

Scarification (mc): Cut volume on the existing pavement, if project elevation is below the optimized elevation calculated.

Y module - Railway design and grinding Y module extends base module functions making it possible to carry out complete design, planimetry, profiles and sections, of single and double track railway lines. Some specific elaborations are also available, to allow check and grinding of existing railway lines according to survey.

The design of a railway axis is performed exactly in the same way as that of a road axis, so the commands used and the sequence of the steps to follow are more or less the same: there are, of course, some differences, so in railway design we do not speak about superelevation on curve in terms of slope,

but of superelevation of the external rail compared with the internal rail.

Some of the tool commands then change their function if the axis considered is a railway axis; an axis subproject becomes a railway axis subproject when in Planimetry properties a railway policy is set as the policy to be used.

The following commands present some differences if the axis subproject is a railway one:

Polycentric curves, consecutive curves in the same direction, with no intermediate horizontal straights, are numbered as if they were a single curve; therefore, if a polycentric curve starts for

example with curve number 5, the curves of the polycentric will be called 5/a, 5/b, 5/c,...; the following curve, after a horizontal straight, will be curve number 6. Such information will be

reported in axis elements reports, profile drawing, geometry annotation.

In Superelevation and widening window and in profile table the superelevation appears, not the transversal slope.

Geometry annotation produces a drawing in which the table reporting the curve data reports

also the superelevation and the data referred to the transition curves connecting the curve to the horizontal straights.

Profile drawing reports superelevation value.

It is possible to build and use typical sections for railway, equipped with rails, traverses, ballast, cable troughs, catenary masts and railway car. The section drawing appears complete with rail elevation.

As far as the check and grinding of existing railway lines, the following commands are available:

Generate track polylines: by this command it is possible to generate the planimetry polylines corresponding to the two rails of the track; the polylines generated can have also an elevation if a vertical design has been performed and superelevation and widening have been calculated. In case of a double track and a single project axis, the command can generate the four rails of the two tracks at the same time, no matter if the axis is situated either on one of the tracks or between the two tracks.

Check distances between rails: This command checks the distance between two rails along the whole axis or part of it. It is It is possible to set minimum and/or maximum speed; in this way the tool automatically highlights the stations where the limits set are not respected.

Curve staking: This elaboration returns for fixed points and intermediate points, at fixed step, the following information: station on axis, partial on axis and partial on chord between fixed points, distance and vertical distance from rails, vertical distance of fixed point from lower rail, camber,

superelevation, track gauge; moreover, it reports axis horizontal and vertical data as well as the speed on different stretches. The data calculated can be printed on a specific report.

Deviation survey-project: this elaboration returns the deviations of the new alignment from the survey data referred to the existing alignment; for each survey point the following information is reported: station on axis, planimetric position of survey point and of the corresponding point on project axis, height difference and distance of project compared with the existing situation. Calculated data can be printed on a specific report.

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Distance fixed points-rails: This elaboration returns, for each point of the survey subproject, the station on axis and the distance of the point compared with the two polylines that stand for the rails. It is normally used with the track fixed points, to obtain the station on axis and the distance from rails. Calculated data can be printed on a specific report.

Railway utility

Check distances between rails

This command checks the distance between two rails along the whole axis or part of it. It is It is possible to set minimum and/or maximum speed; in this way the tool automatically highlights the stations where the limits set are not respected.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Railway utility > Check distances between rails...

Command line: CHKSPCRAILS

The following dialog box will appear, which is made of two pages: Settings and Start and end.

Settings page In this page the main data are set for checking the distance between rails.

Entity to measure

Rail reference: select the planimetry polyline representing the reference rail by using button. The

reference rail is the one along which the fixed-step positioning is performed and where the station is calculated.

Rail to compare: select the planimetry polyline representing the rail on which the check is performed

using button.

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Feed step: feed step along reference rail to determine the frequency with which the check has to be performed.

Maximum search distance: maximum distance between the two polylines, beyond which the distance must not be considered.

Calculate station on reference axis: by this option the station calculated is not the station along

reference lane but the station along reference axis.

Reference axis: axis on which to calculate check station.

Check Check minimum distance: activate this option to make sure the distance between two rails is not

below a certain value.

Minimum distance: minimum distance between rails to be verified.

Check maximum distance: activate this option to make sure the distance between two rails is not above a certain value.

Maximum distance: maximum distance between rails to be verified.

List only condition overpassing: when this option is active, the tool will display not all the stations on which the measure is performed, but only the stations where the condition set is overpassed.

Draw lines between measured entities: this option allows to draw automatically the lines between two rails on the stations when the check is performed.

Layer: layer to which drawing lines are assigned.

Start and end page

This page allows to define the polyline segment on which to check the space between rails.

Complete: by this option the check is performed along the whole length of the reference rail.

Partial: by this option the check will be performed only on part of the polyline. It is possible to enter

Start station and End station or use button to indicate the point on the screen the tool will obtain

the station on polyline from.

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Press Calculate button to start calculation. During calculation Results page will appear.

The table will report the following information:

Station: station on reference polyline or on reference axis.

Measured distance: distance measured between the two rails.

Minimum distance: minimum distance set.

Maximum distance: maximum distance set.

Difference on minimum: difference between the value measured and the minimum set. If the difference is negative, and then the two rails are positioned at a distance below the minimum, the cell reporting the value is displayed with a red background, otherwise the background will be light blue.

Difference on maximum: difference between the value measured and the maximum set. If the

difference is positive, and then the two rails are positioned at a distance above the maximum, the cell

reporting the value is displayed with a red background, otherwise the background will be light blue.

Distance fixed point-rails

This elaboration returns, for each point of the survey subproject, the station on axis and the distance of

the point compared with the two polylines that stand for the rails. It is normally used with the track fixed points, to obtain the station on axis and the distance from rails. Calculated data can be printed on a specific report.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis > Railway utility > Distances fixed-point rail...

Command line: DSTPNTRAILS

The following dialog box will appear, which contains two pages: Settings and Start and end.

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Settings page In this page the main data are set for curve staking elaboration.

Track and rails Reference axis: axis on which to calculate stations.

Left rail: select the planimetry polyline representing the left rail of the reference axis using button.

Right rail: select the planimetry polyline representing the right rail of the reference axis using


Fixed points Survey subproject: select the survey subproject containing the fixed points to use to calculate


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Start and end page

This page allows to define the axis segment on which to perform distance calculation.

Complete: by this option calculation is performed along the whole axis.

Partial: by this option the check will be performed only on part of the axis. It is possible to enter Start

station and End station or use button to indicate the point on the screen the tool will obtain the

station on axis from.

Press Calculate button to start calculation. During calculation Results page will appear.

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The table reports the following data:

Point name: name of fixed point.

Station: station along reference axis.

Elevation: fixed point elevation.

Lh. Rail elevation: left rail elevation.

Lh. Rail Dist.: distance of left rail from fixed point.

Lh. Rail Diff.: Height difference between fixed point and left rail.

Rh. Rail elevation: right rail elevation.

Rh. Rail Dist.: distance of right rail from fixed point.

Rh. Rail Diff.: Height difference between fixed point and right rail.

Pressing Print button it is possible to obtain curve staking report in one of the following modes:

Report: print on paper.

Preview: print preview.

RTF: export in RTF format.

HTML: export in HTML format.

ASCII: export in ASCII format.

Track polylines calculation

This command allows to generate the planimetry polylines corresponding to the two rails of the track; the polylines generated can have also an elevation if a vertical design has been performed and superelevation and widening have been calculated. In case of a double track and a single project axis,

the command can generate the four rails of the two tracks at the same time, no matter if the axis is situated either on one of the tracks or between the two tracks.

The command can be activated as follows:

Menu Axis> Railway utility > Track polylines calculation

Command line: CALCRAILS

On command line the following query appears:

Select reference axis on which to execute the track calculation: indicate an axis element on which to perform track calculation.

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The following window will appear, which is subdivided into two pages, Settings and Start and end:

Settings page

It is possible to calculate the tracks both in a single track design and in a double track design.

Single track In this case the tool simply requires to indicate the codes to be assigned to planimetry polylines respectively for left rail and right rail.

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Double track

Axis position: the tool requires to indicate where project axis is situated compared with the two tracks. The axis can be in one of the following positions:

In the center between the two tracks

In the center of left track

In the center of right track

The tool will then prompt for the codes to assign to the four planimetry polylines which will be generated: the left and right rail of the left track and the left and right rail of the right track.

Double rail center space: the tool requires to indicate the value of the space between the two rails.

Use calculated widening: in both modes, single or double track, it is necessary to specify whether in

rail calculation it is necessary to take into account the widening calculated on curve.

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Start and end page

This page allows to define the axis segment on which to perform rail calculation.

Complete: by this option rails are generated along the whole axis.

Partial: by this option the rails are generated only on part of the axis. It is possible to enter Start

station and End station or use button to indicate the point on the screen the tool will obtain the

station on axis from.

Confirm before inserting: by activating this option the tool will draw the polyline calculated according to the settings given and will ask to confirm the insertion:

Do you confirm the insertion|Yes/No<Y>: by answering No the tool the tool will annul the drawing and will go back to the previous window to let the parameters be modified.

By pressing OK button the generation of the planimetry polylines representing the rails is activated.

Deviation survey-project

This elaboration returns the deviations of the new alignment from the survey data referred to the existing alignment; for each survey point the following information is reported: station on axis, planimetric

position of survey point and of the corresponding point on project axis, height difference and distance of project compared with the existing situation. Calculated data can be printed on a specific report.

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The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Railway utility > Deviation survey-project...

Command line: DIFFSURVPRJ

The following dialog box will appear, which is made of two pages: Settings and Start and end.

Settings page In this page the main data are set for deviation survey-project elaboration.

Reference axis: axis on which to perform elaboration.

Survey subproject: select the survey subproject containing the survey points of the existing axis.

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Start and End page

This page allows to define the axis segment on which to check deviation survey-project.

Complete: by this option calculation is performed along the whole axis.

Partial: by this option the check will be performed only on part of the axis. It is possible to enter Start

station and End station or use button to indicate the point on the screen the tool will obtain the

station on axis from.

Press Calculate button to start calculation. During calculation Results page will appear.

The table reports the following data:

Point name: name of survey point.

Station: station along project axis.

Survey E, N, Elevation: planimetric coordinates and elevation of survey point.

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Project E, N, Elevation: planimetric coordinates and elevation of the corresponding point on project axis.

Horiz. difference: distance between survey point and project point.

Elev. difference: height difference between survey point and project point.

Description: description of survey point.

Pressing Report button it is possible to obtain a report of the deviations survey-project in one of the following ways:

Print: print on paper.

Preview: print preview.

RTF: export in RTF format.

HTML: export in HTML format.

ASCII: export in ASCII format.

Curve staking

This elaboration returns for fixed points and intermediate points, at fixed step, the following information:

station on axis, partial on axis and partial on chord between fixed points, distance and vertical distance from rails, vertical distance of fixed point from lower rail, camber, superelevation, track gauge; moreover, it reports axis horizontal and vertical data as well as the speed on different stretches. The data calculated can be printed on a specific report.

The command can be activated in one of the following ways:

Menu Axis > Railway utility > Curve staking

Command line: CURVSTAKING

The following dialog box will appear, which contains two pages: Settings and Start and end.

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Settings page In this page the main data are set for curve staking elaboration.

Track and rails Reference axis: axis on which to perform curve staking.

Left rail: select the planimetry polyline representing the left rail of the reference axis using button.

Right rail: select the planimetry polyline representing the right rail of the reference axis using


Fixed points Survey subproject: select the survey subproject containing the fixed points between which to perform curve staking.

Use polyline between fixed points: by activating this option it is possible to choose a planimetry polyline to use as a reference between fixed points and on which to perform curve staking. If this option is not active the tool builds its own polyline joining together the fixed points once they have been ordered according to their station on reference axis.

Polyline between fixed points: select the polyline to use as reference between fixed points by

using button .

Settings Staking distance: Feed step along reference axis which determines the frequency measures are

performed with.

Maximum search distance: maximum distance between fixed points polyline and axis, beyond which possible values calculated are not to be considered.

Start and end page

This page allows to define the axis segment on which to perform curve staking calculation.

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Complete: by this option the check is performed along the whole length of the axis.

Partial: by this option the check will be performed only on part of the axis. It is possible to enter Start

station and End station or use button to indicate the point on the screen the tool will obtain the

station on axis from.

Press Calculate button to start calculation. During calculation Results page will appear.

The table reports the following data:

Point name: name of fixed point.

Station: station along reference axis.

Axis partial: partial along the axis starting from the last fixed point.

Chord partial: partial along the chord that is determined between two fixed points.

H.D.LhRail: distance between the chord and the left rail.

V.D.RhRail: height difference between the chord and the left rail.

H.D.LhRail: distance between the chord and the right rail.

D.V.Rot.Dx.:height difference between the chord and the right rail.

Diff.FP-Low rail: height difference between fixed point elevation and low rail elevation.

Camber: curve camber.

Superelevation: curve superelevation.

Track gauge: gauge between the two rails.

Horiz. alignment: scheme of horizontal alignment elements.

Vertical alignment: scheme vertical alignment elements. stretch speed. stretch speed for all ranks.

Pressing Report button it is possible to obtain a report of the curve staking in one of the following ways:

Print: print on paper.

Preview: print preview.

RTF: export in RTF format.

HTML: export in HTML format.

ASCII: export in ASCII format.