SidNews 7 | Michaelmas 2010


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SidNews 7 | Michaelmas 2010

Transcript of SidNews 7 | Michaelmas 2010

Page 1: SidNews 7 | Michaelmas 2010

SIDNEWS Letter from the editor(s)

And so we arrive, dear readers, at our last ever edition of SidNews. It’s been a roller-coaster ride over the past year, full of ups and downs, loop the loops, ins and outs (Er… —Ed.) y’know the rest. Before we face the final curtain, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who’s made our editorship possible/bearable. Micky Alexander, for being such a good SidNews-editor-role model, Ben Phelps, for writing us articles and sportingly being the butt of so many jokes, Cheng Xie for his internetastic skills, Every-one who made it into Siditious (especially the ones with funny names), each other, our muses, our pet goldfish for all their sup-port, etc etc… Enjoy the issue and best of luck to our successors as they nobly fill our shoes. Goodbyee!

Power to the People The Student occupation of Senate House is still under-way as we crawl towards the end of term. Over 200 protestors have occupied the building for six days now, as the univer-sity still refuses to grant free, non-privatised, equal-access, fair education for all. Protes-tors seemed upbeat yester-day, however, as one of their demands (that Caius stu-dents, whose library is ac-cessed through Senate House, still be allowed to study) has already been met(!). In a leaked email, Sid-ney’s very own token Marxist, Chris Page (Jr) said ’We need to unite now to prevent future generations from losing out on the same quality of education we have all enjoyed.’ Criticism of the protest still abounds, however, with some saying that sitting in a warm and cosy room with a sleeping bag and listening to performances by various stu-dent bands for six days does-n’t quite constitute enjoying quality edu-cation. Sid-News, how-ever, re-mains on neutral ground.

In other news, the results of the SSCSU elections are now in. Liam ‘a man, not a gate’ Agate was elected new Presi-dent with James Rickenbach resolving to continue his noble work as JCR Treasurer. Ru-mours are already circulating as to Rickenbach’s trustwor-thiness with money, however, as he swings into the role of Bar Finance Manager as well. Could this seemingly true and friendly face in fact be little more than a thinly-disguised veil for the money laundering/swindling/ expenses scandal going on behind the scenes of SSCSU? SidNews leaves it up to you. Further scandal arose because only one person ran for the position of Ents rep. Traditionally a role filled by eager, party-going freshers, the team is left bereft as Ellen Brookes now begins the work of a usually three-strong team. What’s wrong with you freshers? SidNews calls for more Ents reps, party-going and news for Siditious! (But we’re sure Ellen will do a great job—Ed.). And how could we for-get the new SidNews editors, Harry Michell, Danny McEvoy & Jack Snoddy? We hope they’re eager to fill our shoes and continue the noble work that we’ve begun.

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Siditious Fancy stealing a man who sews suits for a living? ‘K. Let’s ask Harry’s son… KaTinker, KaTailor, KaSoldier, KaSailor? Some Nat-skey sure wants to K(r)iss one of them. Watt(‘)s that?! Be(tha)n.

Special report from spe-

cial correspondent in the

field, Mr Roger ‘I

Varsity’ Clarke:

*Let it snow, let it snow, let them go!*

For about 50 Sidney students,

the end of term cannot come

quickly enough. Val Thorens

beckons, and with it the

promise of the skiing, party-

ing and abusive oxbridge ri-

valry that characterises the

*Varsity Trip*. SidNews’

special correspondent in the

Alps reports that frozen wa-

ter clings to every visible

slope. Whilst snowflakes have

caused disruption to many

flights meant to be making

their way to Europe, a fleet

of coaches stands ready to

whisk Sidneyites across the

channel. As these lucky stu-

dents count down the hours to

Friday evening, those not

lucky enough to be heading

off can at least look forward

to a lovely Christmas, which

won't be tainted by the pres-

ence of a broken leg incurred

by a risky off-piste adven-


Sidney RAG Don’t forget to pick up your naked calendars today (Friday). 5-5.30 pm in the TV room. Remember, it’s not pervy if it’s for charity...