Sickness Absence Ill Health and Sick Notes

Sickness, Absence and Ill Health Sickness Absence Ill Health and Fit Notes The Safety Business Ltd 020 7637 5047

Transcript of Sickness Absence Ill Health and Sick Notes

Page 1: Sickness Absence Ill Health and Sick Notes

Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Sickness Absence Ill Health and

Fit Notes

The Safety Business Ltd 020 7637 5047

Page 2: Sickness Absence Ill Health and Sick Notes

Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Managing attendance / sickness absence a challenge for employers

Research suggests work is good for

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Research suggests work is good for person’s physical and mental well being

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health


Employee Employer

Job Loss Un necessary Recruitment Expense

Risk of Isolation Un necessary Training Expense

Loss of Confidence Increased SSP

Mental Health Issues (e.g. Stress, Depression) Loss of Productivity

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Mental Health Issues (e.g. Stress, Depression) Loss of Productivity

De – Skilling Loss of Skilled Workforce

Social Exclusion Less Competitive

Financial Loss Financial Loss

Boredom Stress

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Sick Notes

2008 Dame Black Report ‘Working for a

Healthier Tomorrow’ presented

Report urged radical reform

Identified key recommendations - fit note

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Identified key recommendations - fit note to replace sick note

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Main Changes

Removal of fit note option

G.P Telephone consultations acceptable

Reduction in statement timescale to 3 months within first 6 months of illness

Fit for work statements no longer required

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Fit for work statements no longer required

Med 3 / 5 Forms combined

New option – GP to advise if employee fit for work with some support

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

More space for G.P to provide info on how employee conditions affect what they do

Tick boxes to suggest common ways to return to work

Phased return

Main Changes

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Phased return

Altered hours

Amended duties

Workplace adaptations

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health


Employees can still use Statement as evidence why unable to work to claim benefits and sick pay

Statement still not required until after 7th calendar day of sickness

Info on form employee advice - not binding on employer

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Info on form employee advice - not binding on employer

Requirements for SSP remain the same

Obligations under DDA remain the same

GP may still advise employees they are not fit for work

Statement can only be completed by a doctor

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Date patient assessed � Face to face� Over the phone� Consideration of a written report from another doctor or medical practitioner

The condition or conditions that

affect the patients fitness for work.

Accurate as possible unless providing a

precise diagnosis would be harmful to patients wellbeing or

compromise the patients position

with their employer This box is ticked if the assessment of the patient is that the patient is that they have had a health condition that prevents or prevented them from working for a stated period of time

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These 4 boxes identify common

approaches to aid a return to work.

One or more can be ticked and other

approaches can be suggested in the

Box ticked if the assessment is that the patients condition does not necessarily stop them from returning to work but they may not be able to carry out all their usual activities or could benefit from amended work hours

Must be completed if suggested in the

comments box if ‘may be fit for work’


Must be completed if ‘may be fit for work’ box ticked. Key info for employer and patient when considering if and how return to work can be facilitated. If work itself a contributory factor to illness it may include a recommendation for an occupational health assessment to be considered

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This box is used to This box is used to specify how long the advice is for from the date of assessment. During first 6 months of sickness this can be up to a maximum of 3 months. After the first 6 months of incapacity a Statement can be issued for any clinically appropriate period up to an ‘indefinite period’

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These boxes indicate the period the advice covers when the G.P needs to state a specific start / end date on the statement. The G.P will need to use this section when:

• The Statement covers a period based on a previous assessment for which no assessment for which no Statement has been issued or

• The Statement is for less than 14 days and the G.P does not need to see the patient again or

• If the GP believes it will be helpful to state a specific date for the patient to return to work as a motivating factor in their recovery

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The G.P states here if they need to asses the

patients fitness for work patients fitness for work again at the end of the

Statement period. If they request to see the patient

again and in the subsequent consultation

the patient feels they are able to return to work without any functional

limitations, the G.P does not need to issue a new

Statement to the patient

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Employer – Employee Contact

Maintain appropriate level of contact

Avoid pressurising an employee

Discussion held and maintained re: pay, benefits, health insurance, early ill-health retirement, return to

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health insurance, early ill-health retirement, return to work timescales, possible termination of employment

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Return to Work

Effectively Managed

Return to work interview

Reasonable Temporary / permanent adjustments

Terms and conditions may need to be revised

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Terms and conditions may need to be revised

Relevant risk assessments revised

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Risk Assessment Review

To be revised and safe systems agreed prior to return to work after pregnancy


– Nature of job, way job organised and managed, impact of the work environment and culture on the employee

– Employee’s physical, psychological and social well-being

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– Employee’s physical, psychological and social well-being and how that affects their ability to do their job

– The resources, training and workplace adjustments that can be provided

– Level of risk acceptable / too great

Note: It may not be possible to return to work if safety systems compromised even if employee wishes to return

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Return to Work Interview

Carried out with




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Occupational Health

The Safety Business Ltd


Other External Specialists

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Employee Responsibility

Responsible under HASWA for own safety

Should make clear if don’t feel are capable to carry out a particular task

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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Preparation Prior to Interview

Sickness Absence Policy

Employee JD

Return to Work Guides and Form

Sickness Record

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Sickness Record

Relevant Risk Assessments

Relevant Letters (G.P etc)


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Sickness, Absence and Ill Health

Return to Work

Yes - Agree

Return to work date

Workplace adjustments

Monitoring arrangements

Review date

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Review date

Refer to HR if not returning to full duties with agreed timeframe


Use Statement as if G.P advises ‘not fit for work’

Agree next review or return to work date

Contact HR re payment