sialge and its agribusiness aspects



silage and and scope in india and benefits of silage

Transcript of sialge and its agribusiness aspects

  • 1. MAIZE(Zea mays) sub sps mays L. known in some English-speaking countries as corn(meaninggrain), is a large grain plant domesticated by indigenouspeoples in Mesoamerica in prehistoric times. The leafy stalk produces ears which contain the grain, whichare seeds called kernels. Though technically a grain, maize kernels are used in cookingas a starch.

2. Genetics Many forms of maize are used for food, sometimes classified as varioussubspecies related to the amount of starch each has: Flour corn Zea mays var. amylacea Popcorn Zea mays var. everta Dent corn Zea mays var. indentata Flint corn Zea mays var. indurata Sweet corn Zea mays var. saccharata and Zea mays var. rugosa Waxy corn Zea mays var. ceratina Amylomaize Zea mays Pod corn Zea mays var. tunicata Larraaga ex A. St. Hil. Striped maize Zea mays var. japonica 3. (Source: Government of Andhra Pradesh)Total Area and Production of maize / corn in AndhraPradesh: YearArea in hectares Production in tonnes 2006-2007 7,25,881 24,61,994 2007-2008 7,85,768 41,35,576 2008-2009 8,51,960 41,51,802 2009-2010 7,82,632 27,61,198 2010-2011 7,43,446 39,53,015 4. Productivity of maize / corn per hectare in Andhra Pradesh: In 2006-2007 total area under maize in Andhra Pradesh was around7, 25,881 ha and production was 24, 61,994 tonnes with aproductivity of 3391 kg/ha. In 2007-2008 total area under maize in Andhra Pradesh was around7, 85,768 ha and production was 41, 35,576 tonnes with aproductivity of 5263 kg/ha. In 2008-2009 total area under maize in Andhra Pradesh was around8, 51,960 ha and production was 41, 51,802 tonnes with aproductivity of 4873 kg/ha. In 2009-2010 total area under maize in Andhra Pradesh was around7, 82,632ha and production was 27, 61,198 tonnes with aproductivity of 3528 kg/ha In 2010-2011 total area under maize in Andhra Pradesh was around7, 43,446 ha and production was 39, 53,015 tonnes with aproductivity of 5317 kg/ha. 5. District wise maize / corn production in AndhraPradesh in 2010-11:Sl NoDistrict Area inProduction ProductivityHactares (tonnes )(kg/ha)1Ranga reddy29,001 62,225 2145 kg/ha2Vishaka pattanam 6,77018,535 2737 kg/ha3Nalagonda1,8605,1782783 kg/ha4Mahabubnagar 88,261 2,84,842 3227 kg/ha5Medak1,00,132 3,54,247 3537 kg/ha6Warangal 66,939 2,60,841 3896 kg/ha7Adilabad 20,363 79,837 3920 kg/ha8Karim nagar91,157 4,35,860 4781 kg/ha9Nizamabad77,256 3,69,393 4781 kg/ha10 Anantpur 15,476 94,480 6104 kg/ha 6. District wise maize / corn productionin Andhra Pradesh in 2010-11:11Khammam 35,057 2,16,1376165 kg/ha12Kurnool 20,139 1,29,1066410 kg/ha13Chittoor1,5099,883 6549 kg/ha14Srikakulam7,38950,0406772 kg/ha15West Godavari 44,682 3,07,6566885 kg/ha16East Godavari 7,93256,1037072 kg/ha17Y.S.R Kadapa1,41311,1807912 kg/ha18Krishna 19,218 1,54,1088018 kg/ha`19 Prakasam8,99474,5998294 kg/ha20S.P.S Nellore 5604,780 8535 kg/ha21Guntur80,352 9,05,17911265 kg/haTotal Andhra7,43,446 39,53,015 5317 kg/haPradesh 7. Areas where maize is majorly grownin Andhra Pradesh: Medak, Karimnagar, Mahabubnagar, Guntur,Warangal, Nizamabad and West Godavari districtscontribute major percentage of the total maizeproduction in Andhra Pradesh state. These districtsform the maize belt of Andhra Pradesh state. 8. Challenges in milk production :a): lack of good quality animal feed.b) Lack of animal health facilities.c) High production costs.d) Lack of cold chain facilities and logistics. 9. Fodder maize Among the cultivated non-legume fodder as well as grain crops, maize is the most importantcrop which can be grown round the year under irrigated conditions. Maize is a quick-growingand high yielding crop in habitat with no hazard of prussic acid poisoning and is considered asa valuable fodder crop. India possess enormous livestock of 416 million heads and with such a huge population oflivestock, the country should have been over flowing with milk. Instead, we are sufferingfrom perpetual shortage of milk, meat and wool. The reason for low production of livestockproduct is the shortage of fodder. The estimated requirement being 822 million tonnes asagainst the availability of 478 million tonnes. The tremendous livestock population, the huge gap between the supply and demand for alltypes of animal food, the pre-occupation of a high percentage of land for food, the pre-occupation of a high percentage of land for food, fibre and cash crops leaving only about 4per cent of the total cultivated area for fodder production, the highly deteriorated conditionsof the natural grasslands due to overgrasing and faulty management for ages and general lackof interest on forage and fodder crops from farmers arising out of necessity for human foodall constituted a formidable and challenging situation. The need to workout the possibility ofimproving the fodder situation from a deficit to that of a required status and of improving thenutritional value is therefore an urgent need of the hour. 10. Fodder maize contd t may not be possible to increase the area under fodder crop because of ever increasingpressure on arable land from grain and commercial crops. So, the only alternative to meet thefodder requirement is to increase the yield of fodder per unit area per unit time. This can beachieved by intercropping of high yielding varieties and hybrids of cereal fodders as well asgrain with legumes. 11. Varities in fodder maize Composite/hybrids: African TallGanga 5. High yielding varieties from PHI(Dupont):I. 31Y45,II.P3580 12. What is Silage? Fodder is packed in airtight condition topreserve its nutritional value, improve itsquality and taste and to make it easilydigestible This is called silage or pickle of thefodder. 13. Corn silage is popular forage for Ruminant animals. It is foramed when farmer takes the corn and stock andferments it as a high moisture feed. Corn silage is high energy and digestability. Corn silage is easily adopted to mechanization from the standcrop to time of feeding. 14. Principle: In this process, green fodder isfermented through special bacteriawhich can survive without oxygen The resulting fodder is renderedtasty and easily digestible for animals 15. Mechanism/Process: The preparation of good quality silage depends on1-Timely harvesting of fodder,2-Quantity of air in it at the time of packing3-Preservation method In this process useful bacteria converts soluble starches into lactic acid It decreases its acidic quality (pH) to 3.0-4.0, which stops the growth of harmful germs Makes the fodder safe for animal consumption If moisture content is high in fodder, wheat straw or crushed cobs of maize can be added for silage making 16. Steps for Silage Making : Selection of fodder Check moisture Harvesting Chopping Pressing Storage 17. Selection of fodder: Silage can be made from all winter and summerfodders But usually maize, oats, sorghum etc. are consideredbest for silage making 18. ContNormally fodder with Broad leaves Thick stems Leguminous fodder has less carbohydrates andprotein content, they are usually mixed with nonleguminous fodder (like maize and sorghum) to makethe best and nutritious silage 19. Harvesting & Check moisture: It is important to determine the right time forharvesting fodder to get the best nutritionalvalue from silage The time to harvest can be determined from thefollowing indications:1. When the plant is fully mature2. Half of the grain in maize is milky3. The fruitful fodder has 50% flowers4. Moisture content is 65-70 % 20. Chopping of fodder:CHOPPED FODDER 21. Pressing of chopped fodder: 22. Harvester and Baler Machine 23. Storage: 24. Advantages: A cheap substitute for fodder at the time offodder shortage Silage makes the fodder more digestible Land is available for the next crop without delay,because all of the fodder is harvested and storedat once Animals get nutritious feed the whole year Expenditure on labour force is decreasedconsiderably 25. Properly made silage has several advantages over Hay:Advantages : Lower probability of weather-related damage or delays during harvest. Lower field, harvest, and storage losses. Greater flexibility and fit for many livestock feeding programmes. 26. Uses/Applications: The animals like eating silage, but the buffalo may behesitant in the beginning. In this case, feed it with green fodder or concentratemixed in the silage, so that it develops a taste for thesilage. Then increase its quantity gradually. Give 15 to 20 kilogram silage along with concentratesdaily to the lactating animals. Be careful when removing silage from the bunker.Cover it with polythene so that mud or moisture doesnot spoil the silage. 27. Cont 28. Feed Additives: Their main functions are to either increasenutritional value of silage or improvefermentation so that storage losses arereduced. Silage additives include feedstuffs, urea,ammonia, inoculants and acids. 29. Types Of Silage Additives: NON-PROTEIN NITROGEN (NPN). Urea andanhydrous ammonia can be added to silagesto increase their crude protein (CP) content FEEDSTUFFS. Feeds such as corn, small grains,and molasses can be added to forage MINERALS. Minerals such as calcium,phosphorous, sulfur and magnesium havebeen added to forage 30. Cont ACIDS. Acids are added to forages at ensilingto cause an immediate drop in pH MICROBIAL INOCULANTS. Inoculants areadded to forage to increase the number ofdesirable bacteria present at the time ofensiling. 31. Remember:1. No additive can replace good silage makingtechniques, but may improve fermentation andnutritional value of some silages. The response isusually not large 32. What Makes a Good Corn Silage Hybrid? 33. Good Corn Silage? Big Ear? Tall? Less than perfect stalk integrity? 34. Good Corn Silage Big Ear: 40-50% of yield, energy content Tall: 1 ton per foot (w/o ear) Less than perfect stalk integrity Low lignin= lower NDF More digestible= more milk