Shot type -kill bill

Possible Shot Image Shot Type Meaning Conveyed Close up This allows her emotions to be shown and expressed closely, this allow the audience a glimpse of understand the purpose of the film as a whole. Zoom The ‘zoom’ disables the static element of the scene, it introduces the fact that she is in a moving car and also shows gradual appearance and clearance of her features and expressions .

Transcript of Shot type -kill bill

Page 1: Shot type -kill bill

Possible Shot Image

Shot Type Meaning Conveyed

Close up This allows her emotions to be shown and expressed closely, this allow the audience a glimpse of understand the purpose of the film as a whole.

Zoom The ‘zoom’ disables the static element of the scene, it introduces the fact that she is in a moving car and also shows gradual appearance and clearance of her features and expressions .

Jumpcut to black screen

By Jump cutting into a black screen adds a sense of mystery, excitement, denial of not knowing the truth with a hint of adrenaline which sets the scene for the rest of the film.