Shortcut to SKIN LESIONS2.Ppt

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  • 8/8/2019 Shortcut to SKIN LESIONS2.Ppt


  • 8/8/2019 Shortcut to SKIN LESIONS2.Ppt


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    MaculeMacule- small flat lesion

    with altered color(0.5 cm)

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    PapulePapule- elevated, well-

    circumscribedlesion (0.5 cm)

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    N oduleN odule

    - mass located indermis or SQ fat

    - May be solid or soft

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    T umorT umor

    - Large nodule

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    V esicleV esicle

    - Blister withtransparent fluid

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    - Large V esicle

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    PRIMARY LESIO N SPRIMARY LESIO N SCircumscribed, flat,non-palpable

    Palpable elevatedsolid masses

    Circumscribed superficialelevations formed by freefluid in a cavity w/in skinlayers

    1. m acule- up to 1cm

    1. papule - up to 0.5cm

    1. vesicle - up to 0.5cm, filled w/ serous

    fluid2. patch- larger than1 cm

    2. plaque -flat,elevated surfacelarger than 0.5cm

    2. bullae- >0.5cm

    3. nodule - largerthan 0.5cm,

    3. pustule - filled w/pus

    4. tu m or - largenodule

    5. wheal - irregular

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    - A small, thin plateof horny epithelium

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    A well-circumscribedelevated lesion filled

    with pus

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    CrustCrustExudative mass

    consisting of blood,scale and pus fromskin erosions orrupturedvesicles/pustules

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    U lcerU lcer

    Erosion of dermis and cutis with clearly

    defined edges

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    ScarScarFormation of new

    connective tissueafter damage toepidermis and cutisleaving apermanent changein skin

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    Surface marks often linear secondary

    to scratching

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    Linear skin crackwith inflamationand pain

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    W artW art

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    1. S cales ( squa m ae) are shedding, deadepidermal cells that maybe either dry or greasy

    eg. Dandruff and psoriasis

    2 . C rusts - variously colored masses of skinexudates

    eg. Impetigo and infected dermatitis

    3 . Ex coriations - abrasions of the skin, they areusually superficial and traumatic

    eg. Scratched insect bites and scabies

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    4 . F issures - linear breaks in the skin that aresharply defined and have abrupt walls

    eg. Congenital syphilis and athletes foot5 . U lcers - irregularly sized and shaped evcavations

    in the skin that extend into the dermis orcorium

    eg. V aricose ulcers of the leg and cutaneoustuberculosis

    6 . S cars - formation of connective tissue that replacethe normal tissue lost through injury or

    disease7 . K eloids - hypertrophic scars8 . L ichenification - diffuse thickening and scaling

    with a resulting increase in skinlines and markings

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    Atopic DermatitisAtopic Dermatitis

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    Atopic DermatitisAtopic Dermatitis Acute : Erythe m atous papules, vesicles, plaques, e x coriations,

    crusting, scalingChroni c: Erythe m atous to hyperpig m ented lichenified

    papules/ plaquesAreas of Predilection :I nfancy : Face and scalp, e x tensors, trunk Childhood : F le x orsD x :M AJOR CR IT ER I A :

    1. T ypical m orphology and distribution2 . Pruritus3 . Personal or fa m ily h x of atopy : chronic or chronically

    relapsing h x

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    MIN OR CR IT ER I A :1. X erosis2 . Periauricular fissures3 . I chthyosis4 . H yperlinear pal m s5 . K eratosis pilaris6 . I g E reactivity7 . H and/foot der m atitis8 . C heilitis9 . S calp der m atitis10. S usceptibility to cutaneous infections11. Perifollicular accentuation

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    1. Proper bathing techniques2 . L iberal use of e m olients- petrolatu m is the best3 . Avoidance of irritants4 . M edications : T opical/ syste m ic steroids; sedating anti

    hista m ines; antibiotics; topical anti- pruritics

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    S cabiesS cabiesT rans m ission : fro m hu m ansM orphology : Erythe m atous papules, vesicles, plaques + /-

    e x coriations, crusting linear burrows, nodulesAreas of Predilection : Older children : I nterdigital webs,

    a x illae, fle x ures of ar m s/ wrists, beltline, genitalia, buttocks

    I nfants and younger children : Above + pal m s, soles, head, face, trunk

    Assocd Features : intense pruritus; si m ilar eruptions in other fa m ily m e m bers

    D x : De m onstrate scabies m ite, ova or feces using m ineral oil prep

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    MAN AGEMENTMAN AGEMENT -- Proper useProper use of Topical of Topical ScabicidesScabicides

    1. Apply to whole body, fro m neck down proble m areas, u m bilicus, underneath the fingernails

    2 . I f scalp and face involved, apply but be wary of the eyes and m outh

    3 . All household contacts should be treated within sa m e 2 4 -4 8 hr period

    4 . After the prescribed contact ti m e elapses, m ake sure the scabicide is washed off thoroughly with soap and water .

    Ex a m ples :

    1. Per m ethrin 5% crea m2 . 1 % Lindane lotion3 . 5- 10 % precipitated sulfur in petrolatu m ( sulder m )

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    Seborrheic DermatitisSeborrheic Dermatitis

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    Seborrheic DermatitisSeborrheic Dermatitis

    M orphology : T hin, dry whitish scales or sharply definedraised or oval patches covered by thick, yellowish browngreasy crusts +/- underlying erythema

    Areas of Predilection : scalp, central face, ears, flexures,

    umbilicus, trunk, diaper area

    Associated Features : pruritus if (+) usually mild

    M anage m ent :1.Mineral oil2. Keratolytics: 1-2% salicylic acid in petrolatum3. Anti- sebborrheic shampoos4. Low potency topical steroids5. Antifungals

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    I m petigoI m petigo

    M orphology : erythematous macules- thin roofed vesicles orbullae surrounded by halo of erythema honey coloredcrusts

    Areas : face, trunk, extremitiesE tiology : S. aureus, GABHS

    Assocd Features : fever, regional adenopathy, mild pruritus,may occur on intact or previously injured skin

    M anage m ent :

    1. Antibiotics: T opical: mupirocin, fucidin2. Systemic: PC N , cloxa, cefalexin, erythromycin,

    clindamycin3. W arm compresses: 400 ml + tsp salt

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    Erythema T oxicumErythema T oxicum- MC rash in infants- w/in 1-2 days after birth- Blotchy erythematous plaquew/ central vesico-pustules seen

    on trunk and face-resolve in 5 daysPathology :

    - peripheral blood eosinophiliaT x :

    - N o need

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    Acne N eonatorumAcne N eonatorumPathogenesis :

    -seen in 50% of N B w/in 1 st mo.of life

    -inc. of circulating androgens w/cis transient

    CP :

    -comedopapules seen on face,trunk and even in groin

    Pathology :

    -pilosebaceous canal is filled w/keratin & sebaceous glandsare hypertrophied

    T x : -drying, keratolytic lotions

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    Acne V ulgarisAcne V ulgarisAcne is the result of obstruction

    of sebaceous follicles, locatedprimarily in the face andtrunk, by excessive amountsof sebum and desquamated

    epithelial cells. T he residentanaerobic organism,Propionibacterium acnes ,proliferates and produceschemotactic and inflammatorymediators that lead to


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