Short Term2

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  • 7/27/2019 Short Term2


    The Lecture14

    Objective 4.3

    Discuss the effects of short-term

    and long-term exposure to violence.

  • 7/27/2019 Short Term2


    Bellwork QuestionDo you feel that music, television,

    movies, etc. can play a role in onesaggressiveness? Why or why not?

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    What are you being asked to do?

    Talk in general about the effects of exposure to


    Introduce the assumption that short term effects and

    long term effects exist within violence exposure

    Discuss both effects with the use of reference to

    relevant research.

    Provide critical analysis in your discussion to show

    an understanding of each effect by evaluating

    research, and providing explicit examples of each


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    Violence exposure

    While violence is not new to thehuman race, it is an increasingproblem in modern society. Withgreater access to firearms andexplosives, the scope and efficiency

    of violent behavior has had seriousconsequences.

    We need only look at the recentschool shootings and the escalatingrate of youth homicides among urban

    adolescents to appreciate the extentof this ominous trend.

    One can simply type in violence ontheir YouTube browser andimmediately become exposed to


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    Violence seems to be culturally in high

    demand as movies, video games, music

    videos, and even cartoons are becoming

    increasingly violent.

    This acceptable tolerance for violence seems

    to have its effects on our society The extent

    to which violent exposure effects our youth

    have been debated in psychology for over 50years dating back to Banduras research (this

    can be briefly mentioned in your introduction to

    show a general knowledge of the history of

    aggression research).

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    Banduras short term model

    Bandura as well as other social

    psychologists in the 1960s-1970s

    painted a vivid picture of temporary

    exposure to violence leading to

    temporary aggression.

    The research does suggest that the

    Aggressive model would have an effect

    on the childrenBut was it asi tuat ional change or adispos i t ional


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    Banduras short term model

    One can hypothesize that constant exposure to situational

    factors can lead to a change in dispositional factors (i.e.

    seeing someone for a long period of time can change the

    way you feelabout the person).

    Psychologists have argued this same theory with exposure

    to violenceIn this lecture, we will explore the effects of

    SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM exposure to violence.

    To limit the scope of the lecture, we will limit our lecture

    to the effects of short term and long term exposure to

    media violence.

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    Exposure to media violence

    While the causes of youth violence are multifactorialand

    include such variables as poverty, family

    psychopathology, child abuse, exposure to domestic

    and community violence, substance abuse and other

    psychiatric disorders, the research literature is quitecompelling that children's exposure to media violence

    plays an important role in the etiology of violent


    While it is difficult to determine which children who have

    experienced televised violence are at greatest risk, there

    appears to be a strong correlation between media violence

    and aggressive behavior with low resilience to violence


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    DQ #1

    What do we mean byresilienceto violence


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    Resilience in psychology refers to the idea of an

    individual's tendency to cope with exposure to

    negative situations.

    In this context, resiliency is the ability to resist

    aggressive behavior in spite of being exposed to

    violent media. Many chi ldren and at risk teen-

    agers do not have high resiliency thus are moreprone to the impact of violent media.

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    How does media violence result in

    aggressive behavior?

    Some researchers have

    suggested that very young

    children will imitateaggressive acts on TV in

    their play with peers.

    Before age 4, children are unable todistinguish between fact and fantasy (and

    have little resilience to violence exposure)

    and may view violence as an ordinary

    occurrence (as was the case with Banduras

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    Video on violent media and aggression

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    Research on short term exposure to


    After half a century of research, the empirical evidence

    regarding the negative effects of violent television, movies

    and video games is overwhelming.

    Research as consistently found that dispositional

    aggression, as well as self-reported, peer-reported and

    teacher-reported aggressive behavior correlates with

    exposure to violent television shows and videogames.

  • 7/27/2019 Short Term2


    Research on short term exposure to


    After half a century of research, the empirical evidence

    regarding the negative effects of violent television, movies

    and video games is overwhelming.

    Research as consistently found that dispositional

    aggression, as well as self-reported, peer-reported and

    teacher-reported aggressive behavior correlates with

    exposure to violent television shows and videogames.

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    This research (although in its infantile stage) suggests thatviolent media short term exposure can correlate to lower

    activity in the frontal cortex (which is responsible for our

    rational thought process). This would mean that you are

    possibly more likely to make a irrational decision while you

    are listening to or watching aggressive media. Moreresearch needs to be done in order to further support this


    This research also suggests that continued exposure toviolence can lead to extended inactivity in the frontal

    cortex. As we know from Genie, inactivity can lead to

    physical damage in this part of the brain. This would

    suggest a more permanent disposition for irrational

    thoughts and aggression.

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    Further research on short term and long

    term exposure to violence

    The most vivid picture of short term

    exposure to violence and its effects

    are highlighted in W. James

    Potters 2002 book entitled 11

    myths of Media Violence in which

    he outlined effects of Short Term

    and Long Term exposure to media


    Listen to his interview in this


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    Research on short term and long term

    exposure to violence

    One of the most intriguing myths in

    Dr. Potters book is that Media

    Violence does not affect violent


    He attempts to disprove this

    assumption through a meta-analysis

    of numerous cross-cultural studies

    that suggest the large effect of shortterm and long term exposure.

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    Short term exposure to violence

    In his book, The 11 Myths of Media, Potter shares whathe believes to be the several short term effects and longterm effects of media:

    Imitation and Copying Behavior: Children and

    adults mimic and incorporate a behavior they haveseen a character in media perform.

    Triggering Novel Behavior: Media that stimulates aperson to act in a manner that is not copied from a

    specific media portrayal the have seen. The viewer uses the stimulation they feel by

    watching the negative media to act aggressivelyina novel way to fit the situation at hand.

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    DQ #2Can you think of any real

    world examples where you

    felt aggressiveor angryafter watching a movie?

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    Short term exposure to violence

    Fight or Flight: Exposure to violent media can

    temporarily arouse one physiologically whereby a

    persons heart rate and blood pressure increase.

    The same physical changes that occur in a persons body

    during a real life threat are the same ones that occurwhen there are watching violent or fearful images.

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    Short term exposure to violence

    Scholars have conducted hundreds of studies concerning

    the impact of media violence on childrens aggressive

    behavior. Although there is no evidence supporting the

    idea that media violence increases violent crime, short

    term exposure to violent media appears to have both short-

    and long-term effects on childrens aggressive behavior.

    For example:In one study investigating the short-term

    effects of media violence, elementary school children

    exposed to one episodeof Mighty Morphin Power

    Rangers demonstrated significantly more (seven times)

    intentional acts of aggression, such as hitting, kicking,

    and shovingthan did a group that did not watch the

    program (Wilson, 1998).

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    Short term exposure to violence

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    Long term exposure to violence

    Generalizing to Novel Behaviors: Media can influence

    behaviorsnot just specific actions, but a general, long

    term manner. Viewers can generalize a particular behavior

    to a broader class of behaviors.

    Physiological Habituation: This is the building up orincreasing of physiological tolerance over the long

    term. With repeated fight-flight responses, the human

    body gradually builds up a resistance to the exposure to

    media images. This can lead to insensitivity to violent


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    Long term exposure to violence

    Narcotizing: Habitual viewing of violent media over time

    can increase ones need for violent media. Viewers can

    become addicted and crave that strong arousal jag

    they get from violent exposures. Violence acts as a drug

    in the sense that people become more dependent over


  • 7/27/2019 Short Term2


    Long term exposure to violence

    Learning Social Norms: When viewers are repeatedly

    exposed to violence in media, a person overestimates the

    extent to which certain behaviors are socially acceptable.

    Sheer repetition of violent portrayals is enough to lead

    people to generalize that violence is typical way of dealingwith problems in society.

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    Long term exposure to violence

    A longitudinal study examining the long-term effects of

    exposure to violence found that heavy exposure totelevision violence predicted increased physical

    aggression in adulthood, even after researchers controlled

    for the childs initial level of aggressiveness, the childs IQ, the

    parents education, the parents TV habits, the parentsaggression, and the socioeconomic status of the family.

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    Long term exposure to violence

    Similarly, childrens exposure to television violence may also

    impact their moral development.

    In one survey study, Wilson (1999) found that children aged

    six to twelve, who were heavy viewers of fantasy violence

    programs such as Power Rangers, were more likely than

    children who seldom watched such programming to judge

    hypothetical examples of aggression as morally correct if

    these examples were for reasons of protection.

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    DQ #3What problems arise with

    becoming desensitizedto


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    According to Potter:

    The implications of desensitization are important as it is

    possible that reduced inhibitions toward violence might result

    in increased aggressive which can have a number of negativeconsequences for both the individual and the society.

    Furthermore, the findings suggest that desensitization might

    also result in decreased likelihood of being concerned for

    the victims of violence, and therefore in decreasedlikelihood of helping a victim of violence.

    In other words, we are inclined to be bystanders by

    being consistently exposed to violence.

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    The results are consistent with the theory that short-termeffects are mostly due to the priming of existing well-

    encoded scripts, schemas, or beliefs, which adults

    have had more time to encode.

    In contrast, long-term effects involve the learning

    (encoding) of scripts, schemas, or beliefs.

    Whereas short term exposure primes what is already

    there, long term creates what will be primed later.

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    Critical thinking discussion ideas

    Could there beindividual differences in the effect of shortterm exposure?

    Is it possible to truly measure short term exposure

    empirically without taking into account previousexperiences?

    Can gender play a role in short/long term exposure

    effects? Why would males be more susceptibleto violent

    behavior (consider genetic predispositions).

    Can culture play a role in resilience to violence exposure?


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    The End