Short Story - Draft

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Short Story - Draft

Transcript of Short Story - Draft

Outline: 120-180Given sentence: Begin withAs soon as he got out of the car, martin felt uneasy.Idioms


Noting down:As soon as he got out of the car, Martin felt uneasy. It was a dark-frozen night, and there were only three suspicious men in that narrow street. He thought about getting back in the car but finally he decided to go on. He walked nervously to the front door of a building. He noticed some blood stains on the sidewalk. Suddenly, he heard a high-pitched squeal that came from the third floor of the opposite building. Immediately the three men started to run away terrified. He looked at them thoughtfully. He pushed the door and looked inside. There was a blue-eyed woman sitting at her desk. He got close to her and said: heres the money he took a check out of his pocket and placed it on her desk. He turned around and went back outside. The three men where around the car. He got in the car and drove away.

While walking Suddenly the three men started to laugh he stared at them thoughtfullyWhat happened to the car?Why was he there?

and waved the three men nervously HesitateLighting warming wi9th a newspaper on fireStanding in a corner

He had a strange feeling about the people around. It was a dark-frozen night

Ideas:As soon as he got out of the car, Martin felt uneasy.It was a dark night in the down town strange people dfg adfga afdgad dgsg dggg - 4 paragraphsSequence: WalkWaveAskStaredGet back in the car

Relevant vocabulary:Time (part of the day) Night

VerbsSteal - MutteredNodded

AdjectivesDescribing environment street people -


Content: answer the question?Decide:ClothesGame

Language (input)Congratulation opinion - suggestion

Organization: paragraphs linking words punctuation4 pargraphsGreetingsOpinionSuggestionSay good bye

Style (informal)Contractions Idioms3infpormal expressionsPhrasal verbsSimple connectors!Short sentences

Editing SpellingGrammarPunctuation