Short Storfdfy

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Transcript of Short Storfdfy

  • 8/13/2019 Short Storfdfy


    I promise this story to be short. I contains miraculous under goings, in fact even now I

    am unsure of the truth. I am a student studying in Tokoyo university. I am taking the

    english classes there. I am a full bred Japanese and I have always been drawn to the

    english language. I am not sure why. I am not sure what could be contained in such a

    different verse, a hidden verse which would trap me that way. The sounds maybe, I am

    unsure. It was my second year when the strange even occured. I didn't quite know why itdid. I am unsure the reasons, and the more I think about it, the more I become lost,

    caught in a spinning trap, an illususion which grows deeper blacker in my brain. In fact if

    I was to remember the events now, vividly I am sure my head would explode, thats no

    oke. I was about middle in my class, and since being at the !niversity for the first year

    my year had been quite uneventful. I had a small selection of friends, hand picked by

    me, and I chose to stay among them. I had yet to have an experience with a girl and I

    spent my time best avoiding. "y best friend #uka was constantly on at me, he would

    arrive flapping his hands violently, he spoke that way, prefering to sound out the words

    with eratic hand movements. I told me that by now I should have an idea of what I am

    looking for, yes I had girlfriends in the past, when I was at younger schools but they were

    never serious, they never materialised. I wondered sometimes why, why it was so easy

    for me to let go and for the girl to float away. I would normally see them later and they

    seemed no different, I felt that they should be crying or some sort of reaction maybe

    anger, but their demenour was passive. I felt that it was as though they never knew they

    were with me. I think I had that effect on girls, I was there and then gone, a voice in the

    wind. #uka has told me many a times it is not that I am unattrative, I am quite tall for my

    age, a little under six foot and I have a handsome face so I am told. In fact what I gather

    from #uka he is insanley ealous of my looks, and would do anything to get my face. I

    have tried to tell him that he is ridiculous and that he has loads of girls, in fact on the

    morning when this event occured he appeared with one. #he was short and brown

    haired and loud, even though #uka is loud the girl he always chooses is much louder. Infact she is a fog horn in a dress, as I walked into class the girl of the moment was

    shouting at #uka, I think telling him their afternoon plans. This always made me smile

    and I made sure I gave #uka a wide grin. $e frowned at me and gave me two fingers.

    %ur morning spat had begun. Today would probably have been normal I was expecting it

    to be. "y english lecturer "r &xola came in late, his hair falling all over the place and his

    many bags he carried, carrying out work for the up in coming semster. $e slumped in his

    chair and proceeded to fling armfuls of paper across his desk which stood at the front of

    the class. I settled down for what would be a boring lecture, one I had already studied for

    and had no intention of listening to. I always chose a back seat it allowed me to nod off

    in the class, and my sleep never to be interrupted by "r &xola watchful gae. #he

    appeared five minitues into the lesson.