Short Response 1

Tyler Frosch CMST 3041 10/11/15 Nicholas Lincoln started his video off his video by getting out of the shower and getting ready for a party. It then shows him brushing his teeth and taking a sip of alcohol as he walks out of the door to his home. In the next scene, the song “Worth It” by Fifth Harmony starts to play as Nicholas eats food and begins to drink. He seems to be enjoying himself by drinking, socializing, and playing drinking games with his friends. After this, Nick looks pretty drunk and begins to show the effects of alcohol. He takes a sip of his drink out of a red solo cup and spills it all over himself. He then goes on to drunkenly dance by himself and seemingly have a great time doing it. Once the dancing ends, he takes one sip on his drink. This sip was the one that pushed him over the edge, forcing him to put his head in the toilet and proceed to puke his guts up. After relieving himself, we see Nick sitting on the sofa the morning after the party saying that he is never drinking again. Soon after this, we see Nick get a text message about a friend having a party on that



Transcript of Short Response 1

Page 1: Short Response 1

Tyler Frosch

CMST 3041


Nicholas Lincoln started his video off his video by getting out of the shower and getting

ready for a party. It then shows him brushing his teeth and taking a sip of alcohol as he walks out

of the door to his home. In the next scene, the song “Worth It” by Fifth Harmony starts to play as

Nicholas eats food and begins to drink. He seems to be enjoying himself by drinking, socializing,

and playing drinking games with his friends. After this, Nick looks pretty drunk and begins to

show the effects of alcohol. He takes a sip of his drink out of a red solo cup and spills it all over

himself. He then goes on to drunkenly dance by himself and seemingly have a great time doing

it. Once the dancing ends, he takes one sip on his drink. This sip was the one that pushed him

over the edge, forcing him to put his head in the toilet and proceed to puke his guts up. After

relieving himself, we see Nick sitting on the sofa the morning after the party saying that he is

never drinking again. Soon after this, we see Nick get a text message about a friend having a

party on that Friday. We then see Nick leaving a note on a bottle of alcohol reminding him to

purchase more for the party. The final scene shows Nick getting ready to take a shower and go to

the party, most likely repeating the events of the last party.

Many college students around the world partake in parties that put them in several

different settings. Nick’s video can be examined as addressing both ritual and social roles.

Before going to parties, all college students have a ritual of taking a shower, getting ready, and

getting any alcohol that you would want to drink at the party. Nick’s first few scenes show just

that. He showers, gets dressed, gets his alcohol, and heads to the party. The ending scene proves

the point of it being ritualistic because it shows him getting into the shower for another party just

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like the previous one. College parties can have many different settings. They can be extremely

energetic and sort of crazy, they can be just hanging out with some close friends and having a

good time, or they can be a combination of the two of them by going to a bar with a few friends

and just hanging out. Nick’s video seems to show a combo. The setting is him at a friend’s house

having a medium energy type of party. The author does a good job of showing what a college

party could be like and what happens if you drink too much. He highlights the repercussions of

drinking too much by showing himself throwing up in a toilet and being visibly hung over the

next morning. He also does a good job showing that college students will constantly say they are

never drinking again, only to drink just as much the next week. I think the author tried to show

the ritual that people go through to go to a party. He did a good job because the very first frame

and the very last frame are both the same way someone is getting ready.

I think the author did a great job portraying something that many college students are

very familiar with. Before parties, everyone has a certain ritual that they do to get ready and to

get prepared. In this case, the author had a routine of showering, getting dressed, brushing his

teeth, and heading to the party. This is a very familiar sequence because it is almost exactly what

I do in that situation. The author also did a great job showing the person at the party

progressively getting more and more drunk and ending with him throwing up. Even though

nobody wants to admit it, I’m sure many of us have been in that exact same situation where he

had one drink too many and ended up getting sick. He also did a great job showing the effects of

partying the next morning, showing him say he is never drinking again then cutting to a scene of

him showering for another party. This is a very common occurrence among college students. The

author seemed to accurately portray the events leading up to a party, and the effects of that party.

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All in all, Nick preformed the ritual of getting ready for a party and showed the type of

setting that you would expect to see at a party. He was also able to show what would happen

from someone drinking too much alcohol by showing himself throwing up in a toilet. One of the

major scenes was at the end, where he said he was never drinking again. Soon after this, it cuts to

him taking a shower and preparing to go to another party. In doing this, he was able to relate to

many college students who experience this very thing all the time.