Short Motivational And Inspirational Stories For Success

Short Motivational Stories To Beat The Blues and “Turn You On”, Positively! Presented by Richard Quek 1. The Secret Of Success There was once a boy who wanted to seek the secret of success. One day he approached a wise man living up in the mountain. When he found the wise man at the hut, he asked, “Wise man, can you tell me the secret to becoming successful in life?”

description Short Motivational Stories To Beat The Blues And Turn You On POSITIVELY. Feel Good everyday with these doses of short motivational and inspirational stories.

Transcript of Short Motivational And Inspirational Stories For Success

Page 1: Short Motivational And Inspirational Stories For Success

Short Motivational Stories To

Beat The Blues and “Turn You

On”, Positively! Presented by Richard Quek

1. The Secret Of Success

There was once a boy who wanted to seek the secret of success. One day he

approached a wise man living up in the mountain. When he found the wise man at the

hut, he asked, “Wise man, can you tell me the secret to becoming successful in life?”

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The wise man was silent for a while. After a moment of silence, the wise man led the

young lad to a nearby river. They kept walking into the river until the boy’s head was

fully submerged in the water. The boy struggled to keep his head above the water. To

his astonishment, the wise man did not help him. Instead, the wise man held the boy’s

head in the water.

After a few minutes the wise man pulled the boy out of the water and they proceeded to

walk back to the hut. At the hut the wise man asked the young boy what he desired

most when his head was submerged in water.

To this the young boy quickly responded, “Of course, I wanted to breathe, you old fool!”

To which the wise man replied, “Son, if you desire success as much as you wanted to

breathe, then you would have found the true secret of success.”

Success Principles

Success is a matter of choice. If we have enough strong reasons, there is nothing that

we cannot do. Once we have the reasons to do something, we will surely find the ways

to do it. A mere wish would not make things happen. It is a burning desire, turned into

an obsession that will generate the energy to bring you to achieve any goal that you

may desire.

2. How To Boil A Bullfrog?

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Years ago some scientists did a simple experiment on a bullfrog. They threw a bullfrog

into a container of boiling water, and the bullfrog instantly popped out of the boiling

water. Next they put the bullfrog into a container of cold water.

The bullfrog liked it and stayed in the container. The scientists then turned on the heat

at the bottom of the container. As the water got warmer, the bullfrog relaxed and took a

nap. The bullfrog was so comfortable that it stayed in the container and was “cooked”.

Success Principles

Most of us are in the “comfort zone”. We have a house to go home to, a nice bed to

sleep on, food in the fridge, a group of friends to mingle with, along with some basic

necessities of life. We have worked hard to get to where we are now. So why should we

change this?

The truth is most of us are like the bullfrog, because we feel warm and comfortable, we

refuse to get out of our comfort zone, and prefer to stay where we are. In life we are

either creating or disintegrating. There is no such thing as “staying where we are”,

because there is always movement. So if we are not moving ahead in life, we must by

nature, be moving in the opposite direction.

3. Who Pushed Me?

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There was a wealthy man who wanted to choose a husband for his only daughter. One

day he invited the eligible young men from the whole town. During the occasion, when

everyone was present he made an announcement, “Today, I am going to choose a

husband for my daughter.

Anyone who can swim across this pool can have my daughter’s hand in marriage and

inherit half of my wealth. The only challenge is that the pool is full of alligators.” With

that announcement everyone present was silent. Suddenly, there was a loud splash,

and in a matter of seconds a young man swam across the pool to the other side.

Everybody cheered at the heroic feat of the young man. The wealthy man walked

towards the young man and congratulated him. The young man said, “Sir, I am not

interested in marrying your daughter. What I want to know is the name of the person

who pushed me into the pool?”

Success Principles

There are various types of motivation, and the one that is related to the above story is

“fear” motivation. Sometimes, to bring out the best in us or in others, we have to use

fear motivation. We have potentials within us but we need to stir it up with motivation

and inspiration. However, fear motivation will only work in the short term, because

people will get accustomed to it in the long run.

4. The General And The Boy

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Once, there was a General who wanted to cross a river. He was unsure of the depth of

the river, and whether his horse could make it across the river. He looked around for

help and saw a little boy nearby. He asked the boy for advice.

The boy looked at the size of the General’s horse and paused for a moment. He then

confidently told the General that it is safe for the General and his horse to cross the

river. The General proceeded to cross the river on his horse. As he approached the

middle of the river, he suddenly realized that the river was, in fact, very deep, and he

almost drowned.

After he recovered from his shock he shouted at the boy and threatened to punish him.

The boy was stunned and innocently replied, “But General, I see my ducks crossing the

river everyday without any problem, and my ducks have shorter legs than your horse”.

Success Principles

If you need advice, get it from people who know what they are talking about. Napoleon

Hill says that, “opinion is the cheapest commodity on earth”. Make sure you review for

yourself the opinion of others before you act on them.

5. Breaking The Barrier

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This is the story of the four-minute mile. For thousand of years, people held the belief

that it was impossible for a human being to run the mile in less than four minutes.

In ancient Egypt it was said that they released lions to chase after slaves in order to

break the four-minute mile. These attempts too proved to be futile. The best time ever

recorded was 4:06, and there was no way the barrier would be broken. Scientists,

doctors and experts declared that there was no way, a man could run a mile under four


He went through a systematic training program and in 1954 he ran the mile in less than

four minutes. Thus the barrier was finally broken, and within one year later, 37 other

runners also broke it.

Success Principles

Roger Bannister, chose not to believe in others, but to believe in himself. He had to

change his own belief about the possibility of the four-minute mile. He got into shape

physically and mentally.

He actually visualized himself breaking the four-minute barrier, since no one had ever

done it before. The greatest aspect of his breakthrough was what it did for others. If

Roger Bannister can do it, so can we!

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