Shopping Cart Example (HTML + Javascript)

C:\Users\Tung.Ngo\Desktop\ShoppingCartExample.html 1 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>SHOPPING CART EXAMPLE</title> <meta charset='utf8'> <script src=""></ script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <script src=" bootstrap.min.js"></script> <style> body { margin: 20px; } .wrapper { width: 1140px; margin: 0 auto; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="wrapper"> <h1>SHOPPING CART EXAMPLE</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="colmd4"> <div class="imgthumbnail" style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 100%; height: 160px"></div> <div> iPhone 6 Plus </div> <div> Giá: 17.000.000đ </div> <button id="product1" dataname="iPhone 6 Plus" dataprice="17000000" class="addtocart btn btnprimary"> Add to cart</button> </div> <div class="colmd4"> <div class="imgthumbnail" style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 100%; height: 160px"></div> <div> Nokia Lumia 1520 </div> <div> Giá: 12.500.000đ </div> <button id="product2" dataname="Nokia Lumia 1520" data price="12500000" class="addtocart btn btndanger">Add to cart</ button> </div>

Transcript of Shopping Cart Example (HTML + Javascript)

Page 1: Shopping Cart Example (HTML + Javascript)

C:\Users\Tung.Ngo\Desktop\ShoppingCartExample.html 1<!DOCTYPE html><html>

<head>    <title>SHOPPING CART EXAMPLE</title>    <meta charset='utf­8'>    <script src="­2.1.3.js"></script>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

<script src=""></script>

    <style>        body {            margin: 20px;        }

        .wrapper {            width: 1140px;            margin: 0 auto;        }    </style></head>

<body>    <div class="wrapper">        <h1>SHOPPING CART EXAMPLE</h1>        <div class="row">            <div class="col­md­4">                <div class="img­thumbnail" style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 100%;

height: 160px"></div>                <div>                    iPhone 6 Plus                </div>                <div>

Giá: 17.000.000đ                </div>                <button id="product­1" data­name="iPhone 6 Plus" data­price="17000000"

class="add­to­cart btn btn­primary">Add to cart</button>            </div>            <div class="col­md­4">                <div class="img­thumbnail" style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 100%;

height: 160px"></div>                <div>                    Nokia Lumia 1520                </div>                <div>

Giá: 12.500.000đ                </div>

<button id="product­2" data­name="Nokia Lumia 1520" data­price="12500000" class="add­to­cart btn btn­danger">Add to cart</button>


Page 2: Shopping Cart Example (HTML + Javascript)

C:\Users\Tung.Ngo\Desktop\ShoppingCartExample.html 2            <div class="col­md­4">                <div class="img­thumbnail" style="border: 1px solid gray; width: 100%;

height: 160px"></div>                <div>                    Samsung Galaxy Note 4                </div>                <div>

Giá: 18.500.000đ                </div>

<button id="product­3" data­name="Samsung Galaxy Note 4" data­price="18500000" class="add­to­cart btn btn­info">Add to cart</button>

            </div>        </div>        <br />        <div class="row">            <table class="table table­bordered" id="table­products">                <thead>                    <tr>                        <th>Id</th>                        <th>Name</th>                        <th>Price</th>                        <th>Quantity</th>                        <th>Total</th>                    </tr>                </thead>                <tbody></tbody>            </table>        </div>        <div>            <button class="btn btn­lg btn­success" id="button­clear">Clear</button>        </div>    </div>    <div class="text­right">

        <hr />        <address>            Developed by Ngo Thanh Tung ­ Softech Aptech        </address>    </div></body>


<script>// Định nghĩa một mảng các phần tử sẽ bỏ vào giỏ hàng

    var shoppingCartItems = [];

    $(document).ready(function () {// Kiểm tra nếu đã có sessionStorage["shopping­cart­items"] hay chưa?

        if (sessionStorage["shopping­cart­items"] != null) {shoppingCartItems = JSON.parse(sessionStorage["shopping­cart­

Page 3: Shopping Cart Example (HTML + Javascript)

C:\Users\Tung.Ngo\Desktop\ShoppingCartExample.html 3items"].toString());


// Hiển thị thông tin từ giỏ hàng        displayShoppingCartItems();    });

// Sự kiện click các button có class=".add­to­cart"    $(".add­to­cart").click(function () {

var button = $(this); // Lấy đối tượng button mà người dùng click        var id = button.attr("id"); // id của sản phẩm là id của button

var name = button.attr("data­name"); // name của sản phẩm là thuộc tính data­name của button

var price = button.attr("data­price"); // price của sản phẩm là thuộc tính data­price của button

        var quantity = 1; // Số lượng

        var item = {            id: id,            name: name,            price: price,            quantity: quantity        };

        var exists = false;        if (shoppingCartItems.length > 0) {            $.each(shoppingCartItems, function (index, value) {

// Nếu mặt hàng đã tồn tại trong giỏ hàng thì chỉ cần tăng số lượng mặt hàng đó trong giỏ hàng.

                if ( == {                    value.quantity++;                    exists = true;                    return false;                }            });        }

// Nếu mặt hàng chưa tồn tại trong giỏ hàng thì bổ sung vào mảng        if (!exists) {            shoppingCartItems.push(item);        }

// Lưu thông tin vào sessionStoragesessionStorage["shopping­cart­items"] = JSON.stringify(shoppingCartItems); // Chuyển thông tin mảng shoppingCartItems sang JSON trước khi lưu vào sessionStorage

// Gọi hàm hiển thị giỏ hàng        displayShoppingCartItems();    });

Page 4: Shopping Cart Example (HTML + Javascript)

C:\Users\Tung.Ngo\Desktop\ShoppingCartExample.html 4// Xóa hết giỏ hàng shoppingCartItems

    $("#button­clear").click(function () {        shoppingCartItems = [];        sessionStorage["shopping­cart­items"] = JSON.stringify(shoppingCartItems);        $("#table­products > tbody").html("");    });

// Hiển thị giỏ hàng ra thẻ ul    function displayShoppingCartItems() {        if (sessionStorage["shopping­cart­items"] != null) {

shoppingCartItems = JSON.parse(sessionStorage["shopping­cart­items"].toString()); // Chuyển thông tin từ JSON trong sessionStorage sang mảng shoppingCartItems.

            $("#table­products > tbody").html("");// Duyệt qua mảng shoppingCartItems để append từng item dòng vào table

            $.each(shoppingCartItems, function (index, item) {                var htmlString = "";                htmlString += "<tr>";                htmlString += "<td>" + + "</td>";                htmlString += "<td>" + + "</td>";                htmlString += "<td style='text­align: right'>" + item.price + "</td>";

htmlString += "<td style='text­align: right'>" + item.quantity + "</td>";

htmlString += "<td style='text­align: right'>" + item.price * item.quantity + "</td>";

                htmlString += "</tr>";

                $("#table­products > tbody:last").append(htmlString);

            });        }    }</script>