Shopping Can Kill

SHOPPING CAN KILL By Saidatul Noorasyikin bt. Rosmainoor | PID 14150
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boycott israeli goods

Transcript of Shopping Can Kill


SHOPPING CAN KILLBy Saidatul Noorasyikin bt. Rosmainoor | PID 14150SHOPPING CAN KILLBy Saidatul Noorasyikin bt. Rosmainoor | PID 14150


WHY SHOULD WE BOYCOTT?It is our Muslim duties to help our brothers and sisters in Palestine who are going through hard times standing up against the attack of the Jews and protecting the Al-Aqsa in the name of Allah the Almighty.Boycotting is the smallest form of jihad one could offer in effort to fulfil our Muslim duties.Boycotting Israeli product and its allies is a form of effort for us as the end users to choose products that will drive us towards ending the Jewish occupation and inhuman acts upon Palestinians.This effort should be considered as a step to protest against the Jews peacefully.It is also a form of threats to the Jewish terrorists at an international level, just like what the world have done towards the apartheid regime of South Africa successfully before this.

WHO SHOULD BOYCOTT?All Muslims; it is out duty as a Muslim to stand up against any form of attacks toward our religion and belief.Everyone who wants to perform jihad in the name of Allah but doesnt have the strength or the chance to pick up a gun to fight against the Jewish terrorists like our superheroes, the Al Qassams.All human being; you dont need to be a Muslim, you just need to be human to empathise with what the Palestinians are going through.

HOW DOES BOYCOTT WORKS?A stable & growing economy is important for every country to claim power in the world.Boycott against Israeli products, will affect the economy of their nation.These companies that their products we are boycotting are contributing either directly or indirectly towards the financial status of Israel. And of course this is whats funding THE Israeli militaryAs the economy and financial status of Israel decrease, the military power of the nation will also be affected as they have to cut back on their losses.It is a long term campaign and the after effects might not be seen overnight, but that is why we should continue our effort endlessly by keeping on boycotting Israeli products.By boycotting Israeli products, we open our demand to other brands to broaden their market and we especially welcome Muslim brands as alternatives.

HOW DOES BOYCOTT WORKS?An example of successful boycott is against the worlds number one fizzy drinks brand, Coca Cola.Coca Cola have been dominating the market of cola drinks in the Middle East for so many years.But they have been facing 60% of decrease in their sales due to the boycott campaign.This opens a chance for alternative companies to broaden their market.As a result, Zamzam Cola, a Muslim brand from Iran managed to increase their sales in the Middle Eastern region. Zamzam Cola managed to sell 4 million cans in the first week the boycott started.

WHAT SHOULD WE BOYCOTT?There are four main contributors to the Israeli apartheid.NESTLENestl is the worlds largest food company, it owns 53.8% share of leading Israeli food manufacturer Osem, an investment worth over $850 million.In 1998, Mr. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe on behalf of Nestle, received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

WHAT SHOULD WE BOYCOTT?COCA COLAEvery year Coca Cola bankrolls the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce Awards which honors companies that have contributed most to the Israeli economy. In 2009 a Coca-Cola sponsored award went to Israels Lobby AIPAC for its lobbying of the Senate to reject of the UN call for "immediate ceasefire" and endorse the continuation of the Israel military assault on Gaza.In 2008 Coca-Cola tasked the Israeli venture capital Challenge Fund to locate suitable investments in Israel with a promise of "a blank cheque . This agreement is exceptional in the Israeli venture capital industry.

WHAT SHOULD WE BOYCOTT?MC DONALDSMcDonalds Corporation is a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund and Jewish Federation. McDonalds supports the Jewish United Fund by running a partnership scheme whereby they will match any donation an employee make to the Jewish United Fund with its own equal size donation.McDonalds discriminates against its Arab workers, in 2004 it sacked an Arab worker in Israel because she was caught speaking arabic to another Arab employee. Arabic, along with Hebrew, is the official language of Israel spoken by 20% of the population.

WHAT SHOULD WE BOYCOTT?LOREALAmerican Jewish Congress has expressed "keen satisfaction that L'Oreal has become a warm friend of Israel"L'Oreal has established Israel as its commercial center in the Middle East and has increased investment and manufacturing activities ranging from a new production line established in Migdal Haemek, to joint research and development projects with Israeli affiliates, as well as education and public service campaigns.In 1998 Mr. Pascal Castres St Martin of L' Oreal, received the Jubilee Award by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This is the highest tribute ever awarded by the "State of Israel" in recognition of those individuals and organizations, that through their investments and trade relationships, have done the most to strengthen the Israeli economy.