shooting script documentary

SHOOTING SCRIPT + STRUCTURE FOR DOCUMENTARY 1. Intro: Longshot of Arivian Joseph starting to tattoo Cheyenne with no voice over bringing in the title of the documentary ‘Tats & Mods’ 2. Bring in statistics of tattoos and how they are on the rise 3. Voiceover with traditional tattoo pic and text “Tattoos today are not what they were before – dating back to the 2 nd millennium BC they were used for cultural and tribal reasons where it could be used to mask the face of hunters during prey” 4. Bring in archive footage of traditional tattooing and facial tribal tattoos – voicover: “originally bamboo sticks were used to penetrate the skin allowing the ink to settle into the dermis” 5. Black screen – However todays tattoos have significantly changed – bring in teenager getting inked 6. Voice over – “used for medical reasons and expression” with medical checkered man in background 7. Fade in raw footage of arvian joseph and Cheyenne - voiceover “we met up with an experienced tattoo artist to further explore tattoos today – we asked her about employment and how this effects the tattoo industry” 8. Bring in interview with Arvian joseph


shooting script documentary

Transcript of shooting script documentary

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1. Intro: Longshot of Arivian Joseph starting to tattoo Cheyenne with no voice over bringing in the title of the documentary ‘Tats & Mods’

2. Bring in statistics of tattoos and how they are on the rise

3. Voiceover with traditional tattoo pic and text “Tattoos today are not what they were before – dating back to the 2nd millennium BC they were used for cultural and tribal reasons where it could be used to mask the face of hunters during prey”

4. Bring in archive footage of traditional tattooing and facial tribal tattoos – voicover: “originally bamboo sticks were used to penetrate the skin allowing the ink to settle into the dermis”

5. Black screen – However todays tattoos have significantly changed – bring in teenager getting inked

6. Voice over – “used for medical reasons and expression” with medical checkered man in background

7. Fade in raw footage of arvian joseph and Cheyenne - voiceover “we met up with an experienced tattoo artist to further explore tattoos today – we asked her about employment and how this effects the tattoo industry”

8. Bring in interview with Arvian joseph

9. Bring in subject of un-employment from IB Times news archive footage

10. Then cut straight to IFC news which talks explicitly about tattoos and unemployment archive footage

11. Voice over the report’s graph – “As many statistics suggest tattoos increase unemployability – we ask her why teenagers today are so passionate to get them”

12. Cut back at arvian joseph talking about American rap culture – then bring in archive footage of wiz khalifa getting tattooed and rapping with her being the voice over

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13. Raw footage of Cheyenne getting inked with voice over introducing next subject of students tattoos – “taking on insight from experienced tattoo artists we decided to explore students motivations for getting tattoos”

14. Fade in raw footage interview rosie talking about her tattoos

15. Cut to raw footage interview Courtney talking about tattoos

16. Cut to raw footage interview V Boo Pham talking about tattoos

17. Cut to raw footage interview Nana opinion on not liking tattoos

18. Cut to Mark Put blogger about hating tattoos

19. Black screen voice over “self expression seems to be popular amongst student responses – we wanted to actually take a look at their tattoos”

20. Cut to V boo pham on amount of piercings and tattoos with fade in video of their modifications

21. Cut to Rosie on amount of piercings and tattoos with fade in video of their modifications

22. Cut to Luke on amount of piercings and tattoos with fade in video of their modifications

23. Cut to Sagar on amount of piercings and tattoos with fade in video of their modifications – introduce subject of its effect on employers

24. Black screen voiceover – “despite the justification for tattoos heres what employers think of them”

25. Cut to Barney Taylor wal mart employer on tattoos

26. Mute barney – bring in voice over – “employers like barney wouldn’t hire those with visible tattoos – as stereotypically you will be seen as a bad influence by society ending up on chat shows like Jeremy kyle”

27. Cut to Jeremy kyle and face tattoos

28. Cute to Rick genest archive footage with voice over “although many have negative perspectives on them – today getting covered in them may land you a high paying job

29. Cut to Rick genest interview archive footage

30. Cut to Rick genest make up commercial footage with reduced sound of backing track music allowing the voice over “he has modeled for various make up products – and has starred in mainstream music videos from

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well known artists such as lady gaga” at this point cut to archive footage of him and lady gaga

31. Cut back to make up commercial then minimize voice for voice over “ Put yourself into the shoes of an employer – if you hired rick with a job would you let him keep his body art on display?”

32. Cut to Rick talking – voice over – “judgement and discrimination are still within society today – isit fair that these people are at an employment disadvantage?”

33. Cut to Ella and Courtney on subject of tattoos and employment

34. Cut to IWANA nursing student from Vault interview on subject of tattoos and employment

35. Cut to V Boo Pham on subject of tattoos and employment

36. Cut back to IWANA nursing student on subject of tattoos and employment

37. Cut to archive footage of tattooing informing about tattoo removal– voice over – “ the demand for tattoo removal is soaring as ¾ of people later regret getting them done – now hundreds visit laser clinics each month despite of the high cost and discomfort”

38. Cut to Nicole Saporani talking about tattoo removal

39. Cut to Marisa Kakousla talking about discrimination and employment introducing civil rights act

40. Cut to scrolling still image of the civil rights act with voice over – “the civil rights act of 1964 in America protects employees and job applicants – it states that the employer cant make hiring decisions based on discriminating factos on the way you are as a person – specifically including your race, colour, religion , sex and nationality

41. Cut to scrolling still image of the equality act 2010 with voice over “the equality act of 2010 in united kingdom also promotes equality with employment and are especially against direct and indirect discrimination against certain characteristics of certain employers

42. Then back to intro footage of Cheyenne about to get inked with blur effect and visible text saying ‘whats your opinion’ with voice over“so isit right to discriminate against someone who has tattoos or body modifications?”

43. Cut to credits – end of documentary when music fades out.