Shoden - Jaena · PDF fileenergy through the subtle body systems (see chakra chart). When the...

Shoden First Degree Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Rev. Jaena Moynihan Reiki Master-Teacher

Transcript of Shoden - Jaena · PDF fileenergy through the subtle body systems (see chakra chart). When the...

Page 1: Shoden - Jaena · PDF fileenergy through the subtle body systems (see chakra chart). When the Reiki energy is drawn in, it floods the physical and subtle body-systems ... Reiki. Shoden

ShodenFirst DegreeUsui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

Rev. Jaena MoynihanReiki Master-Teacher

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................................................................................................Part I: Intro to Energy Healing! 3

....................................................................................................................What Is Reiki?! 4

.............................................................................................................Reiki Attunements! 5

...............................................................................................................How Reiki Works! 5

................................................................................................................How Reiki Flows! 7

.........................................................................................Where does Reiki come from?! 8

.............................................................................Centering, Grounding, and Cleansing! 8

............................................................................................................................Chakras! 12

..................................................................................................Part II: The History of Reiki! 14

................................................................................................................The Reiki Story! 15

......................................................................................................................Reiki Today! 19

...........................................................................................................The Reiki Alliance! 19

............................................................A Detailed Timeline of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki! 20

.........................................................................................................Part III: Practicing Reiki! 34

........................................................................................................The Reiki Principles! 35

...................................................................................................The Practitioner’s Role! 36

................................................................................................Giving a Reiki Treatment! 36

..............................................................................................................Aura Treatments! 38

.............................................................................................................Treating Animals! 39

..................................................................................................................Reiki Degrees ! 40

........................................................................................................Recommended Reading! 42

...........................................................................................................................About Jaena! 43

.....................................................................................................Chakra Reference Chart 1! 44

.....................................................................................................Chakra Reference Chart 2! 45

..................................................................................................Reiki Hand Positions Chart! 46

©Jaena Moynihan Int’l, LLC 2004-2013

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Part I: Intro to Energy Healing

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What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a healing technique that employs the conscious direction of

energy to promote relaxation and restore physical, mental, emotional,

and spiritual well-being. The term ‘reiki’ is a Japanese word meaning

“universal (rei) life-force energy (ki aka ‘chi’)”. It is based on the idea that

everything in existence, living and non-living, is comprised of this universal

energy and is thereby interconnected. It is believed that when we are

depleted of life-force energy, our bodies are more susceptible to dis-ease

and disharmony, which leads to physical and emotional stress;

environment, viral/bacterial/fungal pathogens, negative thoughts,

chemical imbalances, and absence of spiritual connection are common

examples of factors leading to discordant states of being. Reiki seeks to

correct such imbalance by re-aligning the body, mind, and spirit to its

natural state of perfect health (homeostasis).

The practice of Reiki attempts to tap into universal life-force energy

at its Source and draw it down to be channeled by a Reiki practitioner

during a Reiki treatment. The practitioner directs the energy into the client

through the laying on of hands in various positions on or over the clients’

body. The effect is subtle and often experienced as a feeling of being

relaxed, warm, calm, and peaceful.

A Reiki practitioner is someone who has been keyed into the system

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of Reiki healing through taking classes and receiving a series of

“attunements” from a Reiki Master/Teacher.

Reiki Attunements

The process of attunement opens the crown, heart, palm, and sole

chakras (energy centers) to create a link between the Reiki Master,

student, and Reiki Source. Once the link is established, the Reiki energy is

anchored and sealed into the body and aura of the student. The opened

chakras are activated to work as conduits of Reiki energy. Once the

energy is sealed, it can never leave; the student will conduct Reiki energy

for the rest of their life (and beyond) whether they are consciously aware

of the process or not. Reiki cannot be “lost” through inactivity or lack of


How Reiki Works

Essentially, Reiki amplifies the inherent self-healing ability present in

all living things in order to expedite the return to homeostasis (balance).

Living cells are constantly moving and rubbing together to create friction,

which generates heat that pushes energy quickly through the body; this

cellular friction catalyzes and assists normal bodily function and flow of

energy through the subtle body systems (see chakra chart). When the

Reiki energy is drawn in, it floods the physical and subtle body-systems

with energy that causes increased cellular, molecular, and vibrational

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friction. This friction builds upon itself to the point of forcing out any

misaligned or blocked energy, leaving pure, undiluted Source-level

energy in its place. Typically, this is accomplished over time through a

series of Reiki treatments. Non-living or inanimate objects can also be

treated with Reiki in order to attune their energetic structures to Source-

level energy.

Energy (Reiki)

Subatomic Particles





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How Reiki Flows

Reiki enters the body through the crown chakra and moves down

along the spine to the base (root) chakra. It is “bounced” back up from

the root chakra and moves into the heart chakra where it is then filtered

through the arms and legs into the palm and sole chakras for distribution.

The palm chakras in the hands conduct the energy outside the

practitioners’ body and aura when giving treatments to others and

recycle the energy back for self-treatments. The sole chakras in the feet

distribute Reiki to the Earth in order to complete the cycle of giving and

receiving as well as honoring the planet that sustains us all.

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Where does Reiki come from?

The energy itself comes from Source (God, Primal Energy, Universe,

Spirit, etc.). Source-level energy is pure creative energy; it is the original,

primordial energy that breathed matter and form into existence. The

system of Reiki that most western-Reiki teachings are based on is Usui Shiki

Ryoho (Usui System of Natural Healing) and was originally conceived by

Mikao Usui. It is believed that Reiki stems from an ancient Tibetan healing

technique known as “The Medicine Buddha”. There has been much

debate regarding Reiki’s true origins; teachers and students of Reiki have

argued for decades over the purity of their “Reiki lineage” attempting to

discredit others while glorifying themselves. “Reiki” is merely one way of

understanding, harnessing, and utilizing Source-level energy to promote

holistic well-being. Source-level energy is not limited to the Reiki system;

where and how it is learned is irrelevant when working with the energy for

healing and self-actualizing purposes.

Centering, Grounding, and Cleansing

The importance of being a clear channel for Reiki energy cannot

be stressed enough. It’s essential that before and after any Reiki session,

you feel centered, grounded, and clear of any negative energy. The

techniques for getting centered, grounded, and cleansed are simple but


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Meditation is a key component and there are many ways to

meditate; the simplest is breath work. Take several deep breaths and

focus all of your attention exclusively on the sensation of breath moving in

and out of your body. Be aware of how the breath moves in your body

including the rise and fall of your chest and abdomen. Allow this focus on

the breath to tune you in to a hyper-awareness of each of your five

senses. Take notice of all you see, hear, taste, feel, and smell in the present

moment; the present moment is the doorway to a meditative state.


An excellent centering technique is one called “Breath of Fire”; it’s

a well-known breathing exercise often used in Kundalini Yoga. Close your

eyes and bring your attention to your abdominal region (solar plexus

chakra). Begin rapidly pumping your abdomen while forcing short, shallow

bursts of air in and out through your nose. The idea is to pant like a dog

but only through your nose and as quickly as possible. Maintain this

intensive breathing for 1-3 minutes. Finish with a long, deep inhale when

you’ve exhausted your ability to pump the air with your abdomen. You

may feel a little dizzy or light-headed immediately afterwards; this is

normal. Your body will quickly normalize and you should be left feeling

highly alert and aware, especially of the centermost area of your body.

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After you’ve finished the centering exercise, a brief chakra

visualization can be beneficial for helping you ground. Refer to the

included chakra charts to understand the colors and placements of the

chakras. Take a deep breath and imagine there is a beam of warm,

golden light pouring down from the heavens into the top of your head.

See and feel the light spreading down your body like honey, passing

through your chakras, and eventually coming out the soles of your feet

and moving into the earth. Next, imagine the earth sending a cool, pink

light back up through your chakras, out the top of your head, and up into

the heavens. Sit with this vision and sensation until you see it clearly and

feel connected to heaven, earth, and your body.


One of the best ways to cleanse and clear your energy is through

the process of “smudging”. Smudging is a Native American practice that

involves the burning of herbs, usually sage, cedar, and sweetgrass. The

herbs are lit and the smoke is wafted around the body. The effect is

purifying to the aura and forces out any energies that are discordant or

negative while drawing in positive, beneficial energy. Smudging clears the

space your working in, allowing your energy to flow uninhibited.

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Reiki Master Lorel Stevens contributes her thoughts about the importance

of sage burning and the process of grounding:

The Importance of Sage Burning

The process of burning sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of

clearing a person, a group or a space. This tradition has been used in

many cultures and religions since recorded history. In addition to its use for

clearing and purifying one’s space, sage is also used to heal, increase

wisdom, clarity and spiritual awareness. By coupling sage burning with

positive intention one can find that negative thought and heavy energy

quickly dissipate, the energy of the person or space becomes more

settled, peaceful and clear.

The Process of Grounding

Being ‘grounded’ means simply reconnecting and harmonizing our

physical body to the solid earth energy below us. It can be likened to

sending big tree roots from our feet or Root Chakra down deep in to the

soil of the earth through both intention and visualization. At times of stress,

high emotion, energetic turmoil or when in a large group of people or

hectic area, we can feel ‘spacey’, find it difficult to think straight, feel

disconnected from our body or spiritually disconnected. By taking a

moment to slow down, breathe and get grounded and rooted back into

the solid earth energy again we will find that we feel more stable, think

more clearly and have a better sense of self without the distraction of

absorbing the energy and emotion of what is occurring around us.

©Jaena Moynihan Int’l, LLC 2004-2013

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‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”. Your chakras are

wheels of light that spin and vibrate at different frequencies of color and

regulate the flow of energy throughout your body. Just as bodily organs

such as the heart and liver govern physical functions, so do the chakras

maintain energetic function. When the chakras are balanced and

aligned, the flow of energy within the physical body can move

unimpeded thus increasing vitality and stamina. If the chakras become

blocked or stagnant, energy can’t properly flow through your body and

the effects of imbalance will be felt on physical as well as mental and

emotional levels. Meditation upon the chakras and their colors is the best

way to balance and align these energies; doing so will improve your

overall state of well-being. Take time to breathe and visualize Reiki energy

flowing into your head, moving through your body and chakra systems,

and pouring out into the earth; this will quickly help balance your chakras.

The following is an explanation of each of the seven main chakras;

additional chakra reference charts have also been included at the end of

the manual for further study.

©Jaena Moynihan Int’l, LLC 2004-2013

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Part II: The History of Reiki

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The Reiki Story

The Reiki story begins in the mid-1800’s with a man

named Mikao Usui. It’s taught that he was a Christian

minister, scholar, and teacher in Japan. While teaching

his students about the healing miracles or Christ, his

students confronted him with the question of how

Christ accomplished his faith-healings. Intrigued, and

lacking answers from his piers, Usui embarked on a 10-year international

journey to discover the natural healing methods of Christ.

His journey led him to Tibet where he asked the monks about

spiritual healing techniques. The monks had knowledge of such

techniques but said that their methods had been lost long ago. Usui

eventually ended up back in Japan at a Zen Buddhist monastery where

he discovered texts and scrolls in Sanskrit describing the formula for

healing; he had at last found an answer but could find no information on

how to activate the energy. He conveyed his discoveries to the Buddhist

monks and was told to go to the top of Mt. Koriyama to meditate and fast

for 21 days.

Usui climbed to the top of the mountain and gathered a pile of 21

pebbles; at the end of each day he cast a pebble off the mountain. After

casting off the last pebble on the last day, he saw a projectile of Light

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coming towards him from the sky. After some hesitation, he decided to be

still and allow the light to impact him. Upon impact with his third eye

chakra, he saw symbols being repeatedly drawn in the sky and a voice

commanding him to “remember”. He came out of his trance and headed

down the mountain and experienced the first four Reiki miracles:

1. He tripped and injured himself. He immediately cupped his

hands and placed them over his injury; energy came through his

hands and he was healed completely, allowing him to continue

moving down the mountain.

2. He reached a pilgrims house at the bottom of the mountain and

ordered a full Japanese breakfast. He ate the entire breakfast

without any digestive issues (after 21 days of fasting).

3. He placed his hands on the face of the woman who served him

and healed her abscessed tooth.

4. He returned to the monastery and healed a monk of arthritic


Usui aptly named his technique ‘Reiki’ and created the 5 Reiki Principles.

He left the monastery to administer treatments in various places across

Japan. He performed many healings in the beggar’s quarters of Kyoto

asking only that the recipients begin a life of honest work once they were

healed. Many chose not to change their lifestyle and Usui became

discouraged, deciding to leave the slums and travel the countryside as a

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healing pilgrim. During his travels, Mikao Usui met Chujiro Hayashi, who

became the second Grandmaster of Reiki.

Chujiro HayashiChujiro Hayashi was a retired Naval officer. He received

his Reiki teachings from Dr. Usui around 1925 at

approximately age 47. After Usui died, Hayashi took

over instructing students in return for assisting with

healing treatments. He eventually opened a clinic in

Tokyo to heal the sick as well as teach Reiki to a chosen

few. He began keeping detailed records and organized the basics of the

Reiki system (the Reiki Principles, symbols, and attunements) into the

foundation of what it is today. He trained 16-18 Reiki Masters in his lifetime.

Hawayo TakataHawayo Takata was born December 24, 1900 on the

island of Kauai, Hawaii. She developed nervous

conditions after the death of her husband in 1930 and

was diagnosed with severe gallstones, appendicitis,

and a tumor. She was told she would need surgery. In

1935 Takata went to her parents home in Kyoto to

deliver the news of her sisters recent passing and stopped in Alaska on her

way back to check in to the Maeda Medical Hospital for surgery. On the

day of her surgery, while on the operating table being prepped, she

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heard a voice tell her “the operation is not necessary” and to “get up!”

She asked the doctor about surgical alternatives and was eventually

guided to Hayashi’s clinic in Japan.

She went back to Japan and was completely healed at Hayashi’s

clinic within 4 months. After persuading Hayashi in 1936 to give her Reiki

training (he originally wanted the system to remain in Japan and out of

the West), Takata came back with Hayashi to Hawaii in 1938 where they

toured and lectured about Reiki. Hayashi announced that Takata was to

be his successor and become the third Grandmaster of Reiki. He did so on

the condition that she would come back to Japan when he summoned

her and he insisted that she charge money for Reiki training.

In 1941 she had a dream about Hayashi and knew that she was

being called back to Japan. When she arrived, Hayashi and the other

original Reiki Masters trained by him were gathered together. He informed

Takata that a war was coming and that he had been called back into

service. Rather than become an agent of harm to others, and because of

his commitment to healing, he opted to commit suicide using psychic

means to stop his heart. Takata came back to Hawaii and trained 22 Reiki

Masters before her death in 1980.

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Reiki TodayAfter Mrs. Takata’s death, her granddaughter, Phyllis

Lei Furumoto, was named her successor and the

next Grandmaster of Reiki. Furumoto helped form

the International Reiki Alliance and many branches

of Reiki have since been created. Furumoto remains

the current Grandmaster of Reiki. She has issued

statements declaring no one form of Reiki is greater than another and

that masters trained by non-Alliance members are equal in their ability to

treat others and pass attunements.

The Reiki Alliance The Reiki Alliance is an international community of Reiki Masters

practicing and teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho.  They consider themselves to be

the stewards of Usui Shiki Ryoho by maintaining the time-honored form

passed through the direct spiritual lineage of Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi,

Hawayo Takata, and Phyllis Lei Furumoto. In 1982 masters initiated by both

Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Furumoto were invited to Hawaii for a meeting.

The group who came to Hawaii acknowledged Phyllis Lei Furumoto as

Hawayo Takata's successor.  They decided to meet again in 1983 in British

Columbia.  During this meeting, The Reiki Alliance was founded to honor

the system taught by Hawayo Takata with continued stewardship of this

practice. The Reiki Alliance charges $10,000 to train a Reiki Master.  

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A Detailed Timeline of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki

Aug 15, 1865 Mikao Usui born in the village of Taniai, Gifu Prefecture, Japan.

Apr 25, 1867Tokyo opened for foreign trade

1867With the assistance of a gun-carrying Samurai named Ryoma Sakamoto, the feudal government system was toppled and the Tokugawa Shogunate gave up power.

1868 Beginning of Meiji period (see: MEIJI, USUI & SHUGENDO )

1869 Emperor relocated Japan's Capital from Kyoto to Edo, renamed Tokyo ("Eastern Capital")

1869 Mikao Usui believed by some to have been sent to a Tendai Monastery School

Feb 3, 1870Proclamation of the Great Doctrine which restored Shinto - also known as: Kami no Michi ('the Way of the Kami') as the guiding principle of the nation. Every Japanese citizen required to register at the Shrine of the local Kami of his residence - i.e. the local Shinto Temple (not at Buddhist Temples, as is mistakenly stated by several Reiki researchers)

Jun 27, 1871The Yen became the new form of currency in Japan.

1871 Samurai class banned from carrying swords.

Apr 1872An Imperial Edict gives state permission for Buddhist monks to eat meat, grow their hair, marry and have children, take on a family name, and to refrain from wearing robes except when performing services.

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1873 Centuries-old ban on Christianity lifted, and compulsory registration at local Shinto shrines was terminated after vigorous criticism from many.

Apr 11, 1873Toshihiro Eguchi (student of Mikao Usui) born in Kumamoto

1877 Last Revolt by the Samurai class is quelled

1877/78It is said by some that at the age of 12 Usui-Sensei began martial arts training - studying either 'Yagyu Ryu' or 'Yagyu Shinkage Ryu' - martial arts incorporating Ken-Jutsu (swordsmanship) and Ju-jutsu (unarmed combat). He would go on to gain his Menkyo Kaiden (teachers/full licence) in his 20's.Sept 15, 1880Chujiro Hayashi born in Tokyo

1882 The central Bank of Japan was established.

Dec.14, 1883 The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, born

Apr 4, 1884Isoroku Yamamoto was born. As a Japanese Naval Commander, he would go on to mastermind the attack on Pearl Harbour.

Feb 9, 1885 The first Japanese arrived in Hawaii.

1887Chujiro Hayashi's wife, Chie born

1888-92 It had been claimed by some that during this period (- apparently as a result of a Cholera-induced, profound near-death experience in which he is said to have received visions of Mahavairochana

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Buddha) Usui-Sensei converted from Tendai to the other Major Branch of Japanese Mikkyo (Esoteric) Buddhism - the Shingon school [ - however, the source of this information has recently been exposed as having fabricated a considerable amount of supposed 'original' Reiki information and documents.]

Jul 23, 1894Korean Imperial Palace in Seoul taken over by Japanese troops.

1894/5 Sino-Japanese War

Apr 23, 1895 Russia, France, and Germany forced Japan to return the Liaodong peninsula to China.

1899 Japanese Government passed a statute discriminating against the northern Ainu people.

Dec 24, 1900Hawayo Kawamuru (later: Takata) born in Hanamaulu, Kauai, Hawaii.

Apr 29, 1901Hirohito, future Emperor of Japan, born.

Mar 1902Japan formed an alliance with England.

Dec1902Chujiro Hayashi graduated at the Japanese Naval Academy

1904Tenko Nishida founded the Spiritual Community known as Ittôen

1904/5Russo-Japanese War

1906Kimiko Koyama born. We are told that from 1975 to1999, Kimiko Koyama was the 6th President of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai , the first woman to hold the position

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1907Mikao Usui married Sadako Suzuki

Feb 24, 1908Japan officially agreed to restrict immigration to the U.S.

1908 Morihei Ueshiba, in his 20's, received his Menkyo Kaiden (full license) in Gotoha Yagyu Shingan Ryu.- a martial arts style in the Yagyu Shinkage Ryu lineage

1908Usui-Sensei's son, Fuji (1908-1946) born

Feb 1909The Omoto Kyo spiritual group published the first issue of their magazine entitled: Chokurei-gun ("Direct-Spirit Army" or "Spirit direct [from Kami/God] Army")

Mar 1910Having practiced Zen disciplines for many years, Shoseki Kaneko experienced a 'minor enlightenment' and as a result began to manifest healing abilities.

1910 Japan officially annexed Korea.

1911Seitosha - first Japanese feminist group founded in this year

1912Death of the Meiji Emperor. Prince Yoshihito became the Taisho Emperor

1913Usui-Sensei's daughter, Toshiko, born

Aug 23, 1914Japan joined the Allied side in World War I, declaring war on Germany

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1914 Possible date when Usui-Sensei received the Reiki ability. This is apparently the date given in 2 different Japanese books on Reiki and according to Dave King of Usui-Do, is the date cited by Tatsumi-san [said to have been one of Hayashi-Sensei's students]

Jan 1915 Japan took over economic control of China

1915 A Tendai Buddhist nun referred to as: 'Suzuki San', so it is claimed, becomes one of Usui Sensei's student, remaining with him until 1920

Mar 1915A book entitled Kenzen no Genri (Health Principles), written by a Dr. Bizan (or Miyama?) Suzuki, includes the admonition:"Just for today, do not anger (others), do not fear, work hard, be honest, and be kind to others."This is almost certainly the direct source of Usui Sensei's Five Reiki Principles.[There may have been an earlier edition of this book published in Dec.1914]

1915 Tamai Tempaku, a practitioner of the ancient art of Ampuku (abdominal massage) and student of Chinese acupoint therapy, published the first book describing his newly developed therapeutic modality, which he named 'Shiatsu'.In the volume entitled: Shiatsu Ryoho (“Finger Pressure Method of Healing”) Tamai described the treatment of pathological conditions identified by modern Western medicine using his Shiatsu Ryoho which integrated traditional therapies, spiritual wisdom, and western models of anatomy and physiology.

1917Gichin Funakoshi first introduced the Okinawan Martial art of te (or naha-te) to the Japanese mainland. The art is better known today as Karate

1917Hawayo Kawamuru and Saichi Takata married

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1918 Chujiro Hayashi appointed Director of Ominato Port Defense Station, at the foot of Mt Osore, Northern Japan.

1918 Japan's first Parliamentary Cabinet formed.

1918/19 Usui-Sensei said to have begun 3 year training in Zen.

1919 Morihei Tanaka published: "Taireido: A new revelation showing the true system of life" It had been suggested that Usui-sensei may have been student of Tanaka's, or at least have been influenced by his teachings.The term: Taireido has been translated as 'The Great Spirit-Way'

1919 A therapist named Mataji Kawakami (?) published a book entitled: Reiki Ryoho To Sono Koka (Reiki Ryoho & Its Effects)This book was not about 'Usui Reiki Ryoho'.It seems that the term Reiki Ryoho (indicating 'Spiritual Healing') was used by several therapists, before Usui-Sensei, to describe their practices.

1920 According to Dave King, a woman now referred to as Mariko-Obaasan (- a Tendai Buddhist Nun) and her friend apparently met Usui-Sensei on Mt. Hiei (Headquarters of the Tendai sect). It is claimed that she spent almost every day from then on working with him, up to the time of his death [Note: Obaasan means grandmother and is simply a term of respect, not part of a name]

1920 Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi (founder of Jikiden Reiki) born

1920/21Toshihiro Eguchi, a friend of Usui-Sensei spent several months working and studying with Usui-Sensei1921 Usui-Sensei believed to have begun working as secretary to Goto Shinpei, head of the Department of Health and Welfare, who had

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from 1898 to 1906 been head of the civil administration of Taiwan, and would later (1922) become the Mayor of Tokyo.

April 1921Usui Sensei believed to have incorporated the gokai (the 'five principles' or 'precepts') into his teachings.

Nov 25, 1921 Hirohito became Regent of Japan.

March 1922 Possible date when Usui-Sensei received the Reiki ability.Kurama Yama (MT Kurama), about a 30-minute train ride from the old capital of Kyoto, is said to be the mountain in where Mikao Usui carried out his 21-day meditation, and on the 21st day experienced the phenomenon that is Reiki. [However, others have previously suggested that it was in fact Koya Yama (MT Koya) and not Kurama Yama which was the place.] Whatever the case, prior to this date, Usui-Sensei is said to have been practicing and teaching his own personal system of self -development involving [so it is claimed] teachings which, while Buddhist in origin, are said to have included some 'Shinto energy practices'. [However, research in progress (2006) would seem to indicate that Usui-sensei's system may actually have been strongly influenced by the philosophy of the Omoto Kyo spiritual group] Apparently he did not really have a name for the system -though it is referred to by some as: 'Usui Do' - 'Usui Way'

April 1922 Usui-Sensei opened his first training centre (some call it a "clinic") in Harajuku, Aoyama, Tokyo. His 'motto' for the training centre was:"Unity of self through harmony and balance". It is also claimed by some that Usui-Sensei founded Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Usui Reiki Healing Method Learning Society) at this time, though others maintain that the Gakkai was actually founded by a number of his senior students sometime after Usui-Sensei's death.

1922 Usui-Sensei supposed to have used the Reiju empowerment method for the first time in Harajuku, Tokyo.

Nov 17th, 1922Albert Einstein and his second wife, Elsa arrived in Japan. Staying in the country till 22nd December, he visited several Imperial

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Universities, lecturing on the theory of relativity. [While on route to Japan Einstein learned that he had been awarded the Nobel Physics Prize]

1923Usui-Sensei said to have introduced a grading system used by Jigoro Kano (creator of Judo). Thus the levels in the original Usui-Do system became: Rokyu, Gokyu, Yankyu, Sankyu, Nikkyu (CKR symbol taught at this level), Ikkyu (SHK symbol ), Shodan (HSZSN symbol), Nidan (DKM symbol), Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Rokudan, Shichidan (/Nanadan). This format was in use up until late 1925

1923Toshihiro Eguchi returned to the training centre to practice his own te-no-hira (palm healing) system which apparently incorporated elements of Usui-sensei's teachings. Eguchi's system had religious overtones and included a form of blessing ceremony that Eguchi had learned from his friend Tenko Nishida - founder of the Ittoen Community. Usui-Sensei, it seems, was somewhat uncomfortable with Eguchi's approach but eventually permitted Eguchi to teach at the centre on a twice-weekly basis. He was allowed to perform the blessing ceremony, but apparently not allowed to chant a prayer element known as the Komyo Kigan.

1923 Torii gate at entrance to Amataka shrine in Taniai village erected by Usui-Sensei and his family.

1923 Over 106,000 people reported missing or killed, 500,000 injured and 694,000 houses were destroyed, in an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale - the epicenter was about 50 miles from Tokyo. Usui-Sensei apparently became quite famous as a result of helping many of the survivors, and his success and reputation with Reiki is said to have spread all over Japan.Feb 1924 Usui-Sensei moved his Centre to larger premises in Nakano, outside of Tokyo.

Jun 26, 1924Crown Prince Hirohito married the daughter of Prince Kuniyoshi Kuni, Nagako

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1924US passed an Immigration Act banning Japanese from immigrating to the US

1925Taisho Government passed the Chian Iji Ho (Peace Preservation Law / Public Security Act). Primarily intended to stem the spread of Socialist thought, the Chian Iji Ho was also implemented to control the growth and activities of religious and spiritual groups considered to be promoting 'dangerous thoughts' - i.e. ideas in any way conflicting with, or critical of, the official views and doctrines of the State.

Mar 1925Males over the age of 25 were given the vote

May 1925A further group of Tendai nuns are said to have arrived at the Usui Sensei's Training Centre (staying until the November of that year).

May 1925Chujiro Hayashi arrived at the training centre

June 1925Chujiro Hayashi received Sandan level training from Usui-Sensei

Nov 1925

18 junior Naval Officers and the Rear Admirals: Juusaburo Gyuda (also known as Ushida) and Kanichi Taketomi (-these latter two are believed to have been the actual founders of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai -) apparently joined Usui Sensei's classes. It is claimed by some that at this point there was a sudden shift in the nature and structure of the training given at the centre, and as a result of the Rear Admirals' influence, a system of 'biofield therapeutics' - with a focus on treating others - began to emerge alongside Usui-DoThis system, apparently based in part around Eguchi's hand healing concepts - and utilizing several Ki-development techniques from Eguchi's book - was being referred to as: 'Usui Reiki Ryoho' by the Naval Officers. It has been suggested that it was also during this time that Hayashi-Sensei [perhaps under orders from the Admirals] compiled his 'healing guide' - as a basic text for this newly evolving

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therapeutic modality. We are led to believe that a new grading system came into use around this time - grades above Nidan were dropped - and four new levels introduced, called: Shoden (first grade), Chuuden (middle grade), Okuden (inner grade) and Kaiden (grade of explanation)It is also possible that it may have been under the influence of the Naval Officers that the Gyosei (: poems penned by the Meiji Emperor) began to be used at the start of the meetings


Kaiji Tomita learned Reiki around this period, and later taught Reiki in the 4-level format introduced by the Naval Officers. Apparently, his classes for the first three levels: Shoden, Chuuden and Okuden, each involved a 10-hour period of training over 5 days, and Kaiden involved 15 days training (presumably 30 hours).

Jan 1926It seems the grading levels were apparently changed once more to: Shoden (which now included Chuuden, and had four sub-levels), Okudenzenki (previously: Okuden), Okudenkouki and Shinpiden (the latter two covering what had formerly been taught as Kaiden), with the Shinpiden level having almost the same content as the Sandan level in the grading system originally used by Usui-Sensei. It is said that while Gyuda and Taketomi achieved the Shinpiden level of proficiency, Hayashi-Sensei had continued his training in keeping with the earlier grading system, in time achieving the level of Shichidan. Apparently, the only other person to reach this level was Toshihiro Eguchi and it is said that both Eguchi and Hayashi-Sensei continued teaching the original Usui-Do system along with their own healing systems for several years after Usui-Sensei's death.

Mar 9 1926Usui-Sensei travelled to Fukuyama town to meet with his creditors, and died there as a result of a stroke (he had apparently had several previous ones) 1926It is claimed that Mariko-Obaasan and her friend remained at the training centre for some months after Usui-Sensei's death, then left.Apparently, while they were still there, some of Usui-Sensei's remains were placed in a private shrine along with a large portrait

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photograph of him and the original copy of the 5 Precepts that had hung in the training centre.

1926 A few months after Usui-Sensei's death, Hayashi-Sensei (with the co-operation and assistance of Ushida and Taketomi) is believed to have moved Usui-Sensei's training centre to Shina-no-Machi (in Tokyo's Shinjuku-ku district) .It was to Hayashi-sensei's clinic in Shina no Machi that Hawayo Takata would later come seeking treatment...

Dec 25, 1926Hirohito became the Emperor Showa. However, he would not be formally enthroned for almost another two years

1926/27According to some, Rear Admiral Juusaburo Gyuda and other students formed the "Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai" (Usui Reiki Healing Method Learning Society[Association]), posthumously honoring Usui-Sensei by naming him as the first 'president' of the society.

Feb 1927Usui-Sensei's students said to have erected the memorial stone which amongst other things, mentions Mount Kurama as the site of Usui-Sensei's receipt of the Reiki phenomenon. The stone stands beside the Usui family tomb in the graveyard at the Saihoji temple, Tokyo.

March 1927A marker-stone was erected atop the family tomb by Fuji Usui. The tomb would later also become the resting place for Usui-sensei's wife, Sadako, and both their children).

1927A woman named Chio Uno (1898-1996) scandalized Japanese society by cutting her hair short!

1928 Wasaburo Sugano (Uncle of Mrs Chiyoko Yamaguchi) learned Reiki from Hayashi Sensei

Mar 4, 1928Article about Reiki by Shou Matsui (a student of Chujiro Hayashi )

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appears in a Japanese magazine: 'The Sunday Mainichi'

1928 Toshihiro Eguchi established his own school: Eguchi Te-no-hira Ryoji Kenkyukai (Palm Treatment Research Association)

1928A book entitled "The Essentials of Seiki Self-Healing", by Jozo Ishii was published by the Seiki Ryoho Institute. The term: Seiki translates as 'Vital Life-Force'

1929Eguchi began teaching his healing system to members of Tenko Nishida's Ittoen Community

1930Hayashi-Sensei had begun to restructure his own system, referred to as: Hayashi Reiki Ryoho Kenkyukai - something which would in time evolve into the therapeutic modality learned by Takata-Sensei between 1935 and 1938, and later presented by her as 'Usui Shiki Ryoho'.

1930Hawayo Takata's husband, Saichi, died.

1930Toshihiro Eguchi published: Te-no-hira Ryoji Nyumon (An Introduction to Healing with the Palms)

1931Hayashi-Sensei left the Gakkai. By this time he apparently stopped teaching the original Usui-Do system, although he had conferred Shichidan status on Tatsumi and at least 11 other students. Eguchi had also left the Gakkai by this time (some suggest he had joined the Gakkai for a year out of respect to Usui, but left because he was unhappy with the ultra-nationalistic attitudes of the Naval Officers), however he continued to teach Usui-Do alongside his own system - one of his Shichidan level students being Yuji Onuki.

1933/4Kaiji Tomita, who, after Usui-Sensei's death, went on to establish the 'Tomita Teate Ryohokai' (Tomita Hand-Healing Centre), wrote a

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book entitled: Reiki To Jinjutsu - Tomita Ryu Teate Ryoho (Reiki & Humanitarian Work - Tomita Ryu Hand Healing.

1935Chiyoko Yamaguchi's elder sister Katsue studied Reiki in Daishoji in the North of Japan

1935Usui-Sensei's daughter, Toshiko, died

1935Hawayo Takata travelled to Yamaguchi City, Japan to inform her parents of the death of one of her sisters, and also brought her late husband's ashes to be interred in Kyoto. After receiving Reiki treatment for several health conditions, Hawayo Takata was accepted into a one-year internship at Hayashi-Sensei's clinic. Some months later, Hawayo Takata moved into the Hayashi's home - essentially as an uchideshi - a live-in student who receives special training.

1936 On completion of internship, Hawayo Takata initiated into second degree

1936 It is suggested by some that Hawayo Takata and Hayashi-Sensei's wife: Chie, both received the master level initiation some time late in the year.

Oct 1936 Takata-Sensei returned to Hawaii.

1937 Hayashi-Sensei, accompanied by his daughter, travelled to Hawaii, and they embarked on a lecture tour to promote the art of Reiki Healing.

Feb 21, 1938 Takata-Sensei certified by Chujiro Hayashi as: "a practitioner and Master of Dr. Usui's Reiki system of healing"

1938Chiyoko Yamaguchi began studying Reiki in Daishoji in the North of

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Jan 1 1940Hawayo Takata had a nocturnal vision of Hayashi-Sensei. Fearing something was wrong, she wrote to her daughter who was living with the Hayashis while attending school in Tokyo. Although her daughter replied that all seemed well, Takata remained disturbed by the vision for some time, eventually deciding to set sail for Japan in late March

April 12, 1940Takata arrived at Yokahama and made her way to Tokyo. On her arrival, Hayashi-Sensei instructed her to go to Kyoto and study Hydrotherapy.

May 9, 1940Hayashi -Sensei wired Takata to come immediately to his summer Villa in Atami, near Mt. Fuji.

May 10, 1940 Cognizant of the likely entry of Japan into what we now designate W.W.II, and of the moral and ethical conflict between resuming military duty and his Reiki values, Hayashi Sensei - in the presence of Takata Sensei and his other students - committed seppuku (suicide). It is said that Hayashi-Sensei was cremated and his ashes interred at a Temple in Tokyo.

1940 Prior to committing suicide, Hayashi-Sensei apparently bequeathed his Tokyo home (and his Clinic) to Takata-Sensei, leaving the Atami villa to his wife. It was his wish, it seems, that Takata -Sensei continue his work. However, she decided to return to Hawaii - allowing Chie Hayashi to continue to live in the Tokyo house. Chie, it seems, also took over the running of the Hayashi Reiki Ryoho Kenkyukai clinic.Partly, one assumes, as a result of Japan's entry into the war, Takata-Sensei is said to have lost contact with both the Hayashi Reiki Ryoho Kenkyukai itself and with other Japanese Reiki practitioners. It would apparently be more than 40 years before contact with Japanese Reiki practitioners would be re-established...[However, in one of her recorded talks, Takata Sensei states that fourteen years after Hayashi Sensei's death, she made a return visit to Japan and met with his wife Chie, handing back ownership of the Tokyo property to her]

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Part III: Practicing Reiki

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The Reiki Principles

Just for today, I will not be angry.

Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

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The Practitioner’s Role

Reiki works through the intention of the practitioner but is also

independent of direction; because Reiki comes from Source (God,

Universe, Spirit, etc.), it has an intelligence of its own and requires only an

instrument to work through. The practitioner understands they are acting

solely as a channel for the energy and assisting with creating a space for

healing to occur; it is the energy itself rather than the channel that heals.

Keeping personal agendas and ego out of the Reiki treatment is vital.

Intent and Intuition are the most important aspects of giving a Reiki

treatment; the intent should always be for healing and your intuition

should always be followed during a session.

Giving a Reiki Treatment

There are a few basic guidelines that you should generally follow

when giving a Reiki treatment. It is important to reiterate that the best

thing to do when giving any Reiki treatment is to follow your intuition. If you

feel drawn to a specific area, you should go there, even if it is out of the

normal hand position sequence. Again, Reiki is intelligent; it doesn’t

require your direction rather a simple willingness to allow it work through

you. It is recommended that you focus only on giving self-treatments in

the first 21 days after Shoden training. Doing so will ensure that you are a

clearer conduit for the energy and will also help you become more

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familiar with the ‘feel’ of Reiki as it works through you. However, if you feel

drawn to use Reiki on another then it’s perfectly acceptable to follow

your intuitive guidance and give the treatment. When you accept the

Reiki attunements, you essentially sign a contract with the Universe to

become a healing instrument. Therefore, it’s crucial to always maintain a

sense of humility, integrity, and compassion in all of your work with Reiki.

The following are points to keep in mind as you begin your Reiki practice:

• Activate the Reiki energy by cupping your hands as though you

were holding water in them. Then, speak a “trigger phrase” in your

mind (i.e. “Reiki begin”, “Reiki on”, “Reiki start”).

• Do not administer Reiki to broken bones until they’ve been set.

Should an emergency situation arise, perform Reiki on other parts

of the body to help with shock and trauma if you aren’t trained in

medical response.

• Open wounds should be treated on the sides or above the injury

after medical first-aid has been applied.

• Give treatments gently, with little pressure; do not lean on your


• When changing hand positions, leave one hand on the body at all


• Always be aware of your clients personal space; let them know if

they are uncomfortable with any hand position, you can work 4-6

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inches above their body in the aura.

• It’s best not to cross your arms or legs when giving Reiki; this can

change the way the energy flows through you.

• Hold each hand position for 3-5 minutes.

• Make sure that you are always in a comfortable position during a

self-treatment or a treatment on another.

• It’s perfectly fine to watch TV, talk, read or be otherwise distracted

while giving a self-treatment. However, such distractions would

obviously be counter-intuitive if you are using your self-treatments

as part of a meditation practice.

Aura Treatments

You can give yourself and others complete Reiki treatments without

ever touching the body. Still using the same hand positions, you can treat

the aura, or energy field, around the body by holding your hands in

position 4-6 inches above the body. The aura is where dis-ease manifests

before it shows up physically. Aura treatments are a perfect compliment

to a preventative health care regimen.

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Treating Animals

Animals seem to thoroughly enjoy Reiki. They are highly energy-

sensitive beings and respond well to any form of energy healing. They can

be treated using a modified version of the standard hand positions;

however, it can be difficult to keep them still for 3-5 minutes per position.

Animals, being naturally more in-tune with the needs of their bodies, will

move themselves to get the energy where they need it the most. It’s best

to simply activate the flow of Reiki energy in your hands and gently lay

them on the animal, allowing the animal to move under your hands to

find their best way to receive the energy. Refer to the animal chakra chart

below for a basic idea of where to position your hands:

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Reiki Degrees

Should you elect to advance your Reiki training beyond the Shoden level,

there is much more to learn. Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki is divided into 4 levels of


Shoden (“First Teachings”)

The first-degree level covers a basic explanation of Reiki, it’s history, and

how to administer the energy for self-healing and working on others.

Typically, 1-4 attunements are passed and the student is also taught the

Reiki Principles or affirmations. Before taking the second degree, it is

recommended that the student perform consecutive self-treatments for

21-30 days.

Okuden (“Inner Teachings”)

During the second-degree level of training, 1-3 attunements are passed

and the student is taught the first 3 sacred Reiki symbols as well as their

uses. This level goes more in depth on the process of giving Reiki

treatments to others in-person and also details the process of giving Reiki

treatments at a distance. There is also discussion on the more

metaphysical aspects of Reiki, including Reiki spirit-guides, soul-level

healing, and using Reiki outside of healing sessions.

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Shinpiden (“Mystery Teachings”)

Third degree Reiki training confirms the students’ status as a Reiki Master.

One attunement is passed and the student is taught the last of the four

main healing symbols. More uses for Reiki are discussed, including how to

set up “Reiki Vortexes”, attuning objects to Reiki for use as healing tools,

and using Reiki to perform home, office, and land blessings.

Gokui Kaiden (“Highest Level”)

This level is where the student becomes the teacher. One final attunement

is passed and the student is taught the fifth Reiki symbol used primarily for

passing attunements onto others. Detailed instruction on how to pass the

attunements is offered as well as ideas for creating an instructional format

for teaching Reiki. Ongoing support beyond the class is offered as the

student develops their personal style of sharing Reiki.

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Recommended Reading“Essential Reiki” by Diane Stein

“Hands of Light” by Barbara Brennan

“Anatomy of the Spirit” by Carline Myss

“Wheels of Life” by Anodea Judith

“The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui” by Mikao Usui and Christine M. Grimm

“Heal Your Body A-Z” by Louise Hay

“Molecules of Emotion” by Candace Pert

“Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” by Karol Truman

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About Jaena

Jaena Moynihan is an Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Medium and

Reiki Master/Teacher. Since 2001, she has conducted intuitive

readings, mediumship sessions, and offered energy healing

professionally to an international clientele; she has been doing

so exclusively since 2004, which is also the year she received

her Reiki Master-level attunement. Jaena is also an ordained

minister and currently holds a bachelors degree in

Metaphysical Science; she is working towards a Ph.D. in

Transpersonal Counseling. Her life mission centers around

helping people make spiritual connections, increase their levels

of self-awareness and personal empowerment,  and advance

holistically by utilizing metaphysical teachings and practices.

You can learn more about Jaena by visiting her website

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Chakra Reference Chart 1

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Chakra Reference Chart 2

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Reiki Hand Positions Chart

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