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  • 8/14/2019 Shirnise & Xin Er


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  • 8/14/2019 Shirnise & Xin Er


    Geographv Alternative AssessmentQ1. [10m] -,^n-\c'"'"nr."'tr vo*A'',_-,/laQ)(Explaiilhe graph on the birth rate and death rate in 1990. [2m]\---lAns: There was high birth rate IMU and high death rate [Mll in State 3 reasons that may likely cause the birth rate in 1990 and explainthe reasons. [6m]Ans: In the yeff 1990, the 3 likely reasons that caused a high b)*{rate arethat people might have lack of knowledge of birth "oot g(1WU as theymight be ignorant of birth control methods because they are illiterate ornot well-info rmedr.r( information on birth control methods are not---readily availab/lMll Another reason is the preference for a male/pfrldtMU as some'families prefer boys to girls and in order to conceive a babyboy, they end up having more children. [Mll The last reason is havingearly marriages [M1] as women who marry agdyoung age aretikely to have more children than women whorfr*ry later. IMllqalU

    more&lb) Give an example of a country based on the population pyramid of year2020 and 2050. Give a reason for your answer. [2m]Ans: Singapore. [Ml,] In developed countries like Singapore, ffiffiy peopleare working hard to meet their high living expectations that has no timeLto have children or to get marry thus resulting in low birth rlln ID/.ZIand there are advanced medical science therefore resulty&fflow death

    1rate and aging population. [iUZ1\" fu*t\.l- wro T'"?k- \r'rtA ktt\Cour,^l TT ("f ^ta\o 11 1

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  • 8/14/2019 Shirnise & Xin Er


    Geographv Altelnative AssessmentQ2. [10m] - Settlements

    Aa(i) With reference form figure 2.1, nanre theAns: Figure 2.1 shows a rural settlement. [M

    2a(i1) Name 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of living in rural arsas. [4m]

    The disadvantages are that there igafflr accessibility that is inconvenientfor people to travel aroundzfffll there are no facilities like schools orclinics in that area thus resulting in illiteracsudfd poor medical

    Ans: The advanyW{of Hving in rural area are that there is less,traffic andpollution]M1fandthereisopeninteractionamonus6n"inginthesame community that allows families jo be cloself knit together. [Mll

    conditions. [Ml] 3E d' Coqr &2b(i) What are the characteristics of rural settlements? [3rn]Ans: Viltages are commonly found)dtral settlements. tMU They arefound outside cities and tawnsT{fuIll and are in the countryside thatconsist of simple houses that are spread over a wide area. tMll _/


  • 8/14/2019 Shirnise & Xin Er


    2b(iD List 2 activities that people living in rural would do. [2m]andfarming.[M1, $n ( [i..-t

    -End of Paper-

    ing [Mll

    Done by:Chan Xing Er (a)Shirnise Lee (20)

    2 HUMTLTTY (03 t 02t2010)tr5-I




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