Shine College and University Guide

College l University Guide getting the most out of your experience


An essential read for anyone with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus planning to or already attending college or university.

Transcript of Shine College and University Guide

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College l University Guide

getting the most out of your experience

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Think RAG

Think Shine!

RAG stands for Raise And Give, most universities and colleges are involved in fundraising in this way. The events offer the opportunity to raise money, have fun, and do something for the good of others whilst at university.

Registered charity no. 249338

To find out more information, and to gain fundraising support for your RAG events, contact Hannah on:T. 01733 421351E. [email protected]

Shine - We offer lifelong support to everyone affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus.

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Things to consider

Commuting to university

Health and well-being

Staying at university

Getting involved


Useful links and advice








Registered charity no. 249338

My university experienceAfter being at Nottingham Trent University for only one term I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience so far. The campus is completely accessible and wheelchair friendly, with it being pretty much flat, along with lifts and ramps at all buildings on site. The staff are extremely helpful ensuring that all needs are met for all disabled students, and also have regular contact and meetings to make sure everything is going fine. There are many opportunities for social activities such as the student bar known as ‘The point’ and many societies and sporting clubs. In particular for me I regularly attend the social Badminton and No Strings Badminton sessions where I have met and befriended many people. I feel that my confidence has grown and I can definitely say that being at University has been a really positive step that I have taken.

Owen Kilburn

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Going to university - things to consider

Going onto higher education is a great opportunity to have and can provide a great foundation for your life ahead.

Not only will you gain academic skills, but you will also gain valuable life experience and with the right support around you, it can be a once in a lifetime experience.

In order to get the most out of your university life, there’ll be a number of factors to consider. The University you’re attending, and course you’re intending to study are of course high on the list. However, travel, accommodation, accessibility, and your social life as a student, also need some thought.

It may seem like a daunting prospect, but, with the right planning and communication, you really can have the time of your life!

Location and accessibility

Choosing a university isn’t just about the courses offered or the social activities and networking opportunities available. There’s the major consideration of accessibility – both on and off site.

At the university itself you would expect to find reasonable facilities and adjustments to be made to cater for the less able. However, off site there are likely to be more issues for residents or for students that have to travel into university.

How far are halls of residence from the campus and library facilities? Is there suitable parking at your residence or on site, and is there a suitable alternative to enable to you to get around?

You may find some cities are harder than others for parking, or that the campus is on a somewhat hilly terrain – which can be both tiring and troublesome, particularly in adverse weather conditions.

But that shouldn’t deter you from going to university, or going for your first choice. However, it’s most definitely something to think about, after all, you’ll generally be spending at least 3 years of your life using the facilities on a regular basis.

When visiting the campuses beforehand, it may be worth checking out the location of lecture theatres, refectories,

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student union shops, local supermarkets, and not forgetting the all-important Student’s Union. Remember, you’re there to have fun too!

Course subject, content, and your timetable

Picking a course may seem fairly obvious, although sometimes the course content isn’t always as exciting or interesting as you might have expected. Also the practicality of the course may not be as straight-forward for you as it would be for other students. This doesn’t mean to say the course is totally unsuitable or inaccessible – merely that some forward-planning and possible tweaking, after discussions with course tutors and programme administrators, may be required.

Distance from family and friends

For some of you, moving away from family is a great opportunity to spread your wings and settle into some much needed independence. The liberating feeling of being out in the big wide world can give you a massive boost in confidence.

However, there may be occasions where you need assistance or some support from your family

and close friends, so think carefully about how you’ll cope without them being local to you. Living on the south coast but heading to northern England, or even Scotland, may seem appealing when things are going well, but consider how you’ll cope when things get stressful or difficult. Once again, it shouldn’t be a deterrent to you going to the university of your choice, but it’s important to make the right choice, particularly if you’re planning to live away from home.

Distance from hospital/surgery (for regular appointments)

Although you may be fairly settled with your health and ticking along quite nicely, there are bound to be occasional hospital visits and it’s necessary to think ahead and work out how best to attend them, or advise your hospital of your timetable and when you are likely to return home between semesters and during holiday periods.

If appointments are made at the right time of day and during suitable times of the year then there should be little or no disruption to your uni life. It’s inevitable that, when you have appointments at regular intervals, you will miss the occasional day at uni.

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Have all medical aids available

If you’re staying at a university that is a fair distance from your home, make sure that you have all supplies and medical aids that you’d normally rely on at home, and keep aside anything you may require in an emergency if

Staying at university

you have run out.

It may be that your supplies run out due to a problem with the order or adverse weather conditions, ensuring you have extra in case of those scenarios will mean you’re not left stressing over what to do.

Should you register with a local GP?

If you’re staying away from home, it might be worth registering with a local GP and finding out what your local hospital facilities are like in case you require assistance


l University owned? l Privately rented? l Parking space?

l Suitable facilities?

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or medical attention. It’s also a bit more convenient to pop into a local surgery than head back home for a quick check up.

Parking permits (residential and on campus)

Using your blue badge should be fine in most instances, however in areas where parking can be a problem such as a university, it may be necessary to apply for a resident’s permit or an on-site parking permit (or both in some areas).

You’ll normally find a “grace” period at the start of the term where you may be able to park without a permit, however the chances are tickets, stickers or even clamps in extreme cases, may be placed on your car if you don’t have one.

Try to find out beforehand what parking facilities there are and make the necessary parking arrangements. You really don’t want the stress of getting parked and worrying about a ticket or a clamp in your first week of term!

Access to lecture theatres/laboratories

Whether you’re able to stay in Halls of Residence, or if you travel to the campus on a regular basis, double check what the

access is like to your lecture theatres or laboratories. It’s not very likely that your lecture room isn’t accessible, but there may be alternative ways to get to the room, which may take longer and not be as direct as other routes.

Allow a little extra time to get there just in case it delays you arriving for your lecture on time. No doubt that once you’ve established a routine, and worked out the time it takes, you’ll be grabbing those extra few minutes in bed, safe in the knowledge you can arrive bang on time with seconds to spare!

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Distance: How far is the campus from home? Is it practical to commute daily?

If you’re not planning to reside at the university itself, then commuting from home or in a student house means travelling to the campus on a regular basis.

Traffic can be a nightmare even at off peak times, so take a look at the journey into the campus, either under your own steam or public transport. What can sometimes seem like a short journey, or a quiet route into uni, can change at various times of

the day, and not necessarily just during rush hour.

Have a think about what would be an acceptable journey time, especially after a late night working on an assignment or even a heavy night on the tiles!

If you’re not driving but still plan to commute regularly check to see whether there are good public transport links from your home/halls of residence to the campus. Depending on your location, the frequency of buses or trains can have an impact on the length of your day onsite at the campus.

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On occasions where you only need to be onsite for a couple of hours, it might well be frustrating if public transport is infrequent, which means spending the whole day at university unnecessarily.

Lecture timetabling can be crucial to planning your day. It will affect how your day is structured and also what you need to bring with you to the campus as sometimes lectures can be long or one after another without a break.

This can leave you little or no time to stop for lunch or have a lengthy break, so bringing some sustenance might be necessary.

Getting from one side of the campus to the other side may take a fair bit of time so trying to make sure that your timetable is practical. If it isn’t feasible, speak to your course tutor and make them aware that there may be delays in arriving on time.


Some courses will have modules that include taking part in a work placement scheme. This will involve taking time out during term-time to gain practical experience in a real-life working environment.

This is something that you will

need to consider when choosing your course as some subjects involve more time out on a work placement than others.

The university and its Student Support Services will be able to assist you in not only the right course choices, but also in identifying the working environment that will be best equipped to help you gain valuable experience should you go out on placement.

Also bear in mind that there are sandwich courses that will include a placement year. This may be advantageous in getting valuable work experience before graduating in your final year, but remember that this will add on an additional year to your period of study.

It really is important to consider what course you wish to take as this, in most cases, will lead onto your chosen career path. However, what may seem like a dream job or career may not be easily achievable, regardless of successfully graduating with good grades at university. Don’t let that stop you trying to achieve your goals, but it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on future prospects.

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Getting involved

University life isn’t just about studying hard and preparing for a better career, it’s also about having fun and developing as a person. Generally, what you put in is what you get out. There are fantastic opportunities to get out there and meet new friends, learn about different cultures and countries, try new activities, as well as learn a lot about yourself.

You’ll be surprised what you are able to do when put in different, or slightly more demanding, situations than you’re used to.

As you’d expect, pubbing & clubbing is pretty high up on the agenda for most students, and it’s a great way to enjoy socialising with housemates, classmates, and other students (from your own or other universities).

It goes without saying that a little too much can be tiring – as well as giving you a bit of a hangover! Be sensible and drink responsibly, after all, you really wouldn’t want to be caught out and find embarrassing photo’s of yourself plastered all over Facebook!

There are plenty of clubs and societies to experience, and it’s a great opportunity for trying out

new activities, meeting friends and, depending on the club or society, getting some exercise too.

You’re likely to meet fellow students from all walks of life and you’ll probably find that you make some great friends, contacts for the future, and you may even find your perfect partner during your time at university.

Remember it takes time to know people properly and, in the early stages at least, be careful of what information you’re sharing. In the main, everyone will be in the same boat as you, but just exercise some caution before revealing anything that you feel is private or a sensitive matter.

Shopping – groceries, stationary, socialising, study books

Love it or hate it, shopping is part of life in general, let alone when you’re a student! Some of you out there will regard it as retail therapy, others will loathe the thought of heading out into a crowded shopping area and begrudge going at all.

Luckily, with the wonders of technology, the stress and

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inconvenience of going out shopping can be eased with a couple of clicks of your mouse button.

Online shopping can allow you to get the groceries or books that you need as and when it suits you, and can at times offer the cheapest deals too. Delivery straight to your door means you can concentrate on the more important things that uni has to offer.

Despite saying that, it’s worth getting out and keeping yourself active. It will allow you to get a breath of fresh air, especially if you’re cooped up in Halls or lecture theatres all day.

If dealing with a crowded supermarket doesn’t appeal to you, and you’re a bit of a night owl, it might be worth considering some late night shopping trips. Not only will this eliminate the chance of being hit with a trolley, you can make a fun trip of it with flatmates, shopping at your own convenience. Shopping late also means there’s the possibility of having plenty of reduced items to choose from – ideal for stretching that student budget that little bit further!

Take a look at some of our recipes and tips on eating well.

And don’t worry, it’s not all about salads and baked beans.

Student’s Union

Now this is probably somewhere you’ll be slightly more interested in attending!

Every university will have a Student’s Union and this can be the hub of your social life whilst working hard to get a degree.

The SU will normally have shops, bars, and offices to cater for various student requirements. If you need to grab those necessities without leaving the site, the SU shop will have some of the essentials to get you by, and the bar will undoubtedly serve enough alcohol to satisfy your supply needs!

However, the Student’s Union can also serve a number of purposes for assisting with queries about uni life, and will offer support and advice as and when required. The various representatives are there to support you and help you get the most out of life as a student. So don’t be afraid to seek support and assistance from them as and when you need it.

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Maintaining good health and well being

Keeping active is something that can easily be overlooked during uni life, particularly during periods where workload is heavy and deadlines have to be met. However, trying to keep time aside for even light exercise is just as important.

It can be quite draining mentally if you’re sat at your desk or studying hard at the learning resources centre for hours on end, so try and take some time out by keeping active. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be pumping iron at the gym or whizzing around doing laps of the campus, (although that would certainly put you in contention with taking part in the Marathon!). Just aim for some form of exercise that’s comfortable and gets your circulation going after long

periods of sitting in the same position will be of some help.

Gentle stretches or going for a wander around the campus or shops can all help your mind, body and soul! If you’re feeling more energetic, then one of the many clubs and societies you can join within the students union, can get you both active as well as help to increase your social circle. You may even bump into people who are friends of friends, or even students on the same course as you, but you have never actually spoken to.

All in all, making some time for an activity or light exercise will help you feel more energised and alert. The benefits will not only get your mind focused on a dissertation, but you’ll feel ready to start throwing some shapes on the SU Bar dancefloor making

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even the biggest party animals look on with envy!

Eating healthily

University isn’t just about Pot Noodles and baked beans, and it may seem like they’re the only option to survive on with little money. Budgeting for food might limit your choice somewhat;

however, food doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless, and with some careful choices, can be tasty and healthy.

Here are some handy ideas and recipes that you can try out or even make with flatmates or friends (an even better way to spread out the cost of making a meal!)


Butternut Macaroni Cheese


l 1 large butternut squash, peeled and cut int 2.5cm/1in chunks

l 2 tsp. olive oil

l 300g macaroni

l 50g butter

l 50g plain flour

l 1 tsp. English mustard powder

l 500ml milk

l 200g extra-mature cheddar or vegetarian alternative, grated

l 50g Parmesan or vegetarian alternative, grated

1. Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Toss the squash with the olive oil and some seasoning, and roast on a baking sheet for 15-20 mins until tender. Meanwhile, cook the macaroni following pack instructions, then drain.

2. Melt the butter in a pan and stir in the flour and mustard powder to make a paste. Gradually whisk in the milk and simmer to thicken to a smooth sauce, stirring constantly.

3. Take the sauce off the heat and mash in a third of the squash with the cheddar and half the Parmesan. Season, then stir in the drained macaroni with the remaining squash. Tip into an ovenproof dish, scatter with the remaining Parmesan and bake for 15 mins until golden and bubbling. Serves 4

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This doesn’t mean that you have to stick to these foods all the time and there will no doubt be times where fast food will be consumed, particularly if a long day of lectures or a hangover from hell has left you in a zombie like state. It’s just healthier and cheaper to try and eat well without the pounds leaving your

pocket, not to mention ending up on the scales too!

Having a varied and healthy diet will help to keep you on top form in lectures and still provides a bit of allowance for a cheeky late night pizza or kebab after a night out!

Make sure you don’t over indulge


l approx. 900g/2lb cold cooked rice (about 400g/14oz uncooked rice)

l 400.0g tuna in spring water

l 200.0g frozen petits pois, defrosted under the hot tap

l 2 red peppers, peeled with a potato peeler, deseeded and diced

l 3 tomatoes, chopped into small chunks

l 5 spring onions, finely sliced

l bunch flat-leaf parsley, chopped

l large handful stoned green olives, roughly chopped (optional)

l 4 tbsp. mayonnaise

l juice 1 lemon

l 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

1. The cooked rice will have probably clumped together, so break it up in a large mixing bowl. Flake in the tuna, then mix in the peas, peppers, tomatoes, spring onions, parsley and olives, if you’re using them.

2. Stir through the mayonnaise, lemon juice and olive oil and season to taste. Cover the bowl with cling film or place in a large plastic container and let your household serve themselves whenever they are hungry.

Serves 8

Help Yourself Tuna-Rice

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too much though or you might experience some unwanted side effects to your digestive system! This won’t help when you’re trying to submit your assignment on time, so think carefully about what you’re consuming and when.

As mentioned previously, you can make that budget stretch even further by scanning the reduced items section in supermarkets! It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but there are definitely bargains to be had if you time it right.

Taking medication regularly

It’s likely some of you will be taking regular medication. It’s quite easy to overlook when packing up your stuff to take to uni, so try and remember to keep all medication in a place you’ll remember to take them.

As well as actually bringing them with you, making sure you consume the necessary doses is just as important. There’s no point in bringing any medication along and then not actually taking it!

During uni life, it can be easy to forget to take medication and, sometimes, it might not feel like it’s a very cool thing to do, but

it really is important to maintain good health by regulating it with any necessary medication.

Your friends will understand that tablets and such like may be necessary so it’s not going to be an issue and, if anything, they might well help remind you to take them. So don’t put off taking your medication as it could be critical to your wellbeing and you certainly don’t want that sort of thing spoiling your fun.

Don’t forget to check if there are any side effects to the medication that may affect your academic and social life at the university.

Balanced lifestyle

Overall, you’ll get the most out of your university life by working hard, playing hard, and resting well! All three are key factors to experiencing the best higher education has to offer, but only if balanced correctly.

Get that balance right, and you’ll have the time of your life, educating yourself, not just through the course of your choice, but developing valuable life skills that you’ll take with you long after you’ve gained your degree.

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Plan Routes and know where accessible toilets are!

As with most occasions, it may be an idea to have a quick look at routes to places you’ll be frequenting regularly during your attendance at university. Places like the library, various lecture theatres, and the Student’s Union may have different levels of access to those that others may use. A slight detour might be required to get you into the building, particularly for buildings in older parts of towns or cities.

Furthermore, not everywhere will have obvious or practical toilet facilities so it’s a good idea to find out which ones are suitable for you to use, and which may not pass the test for suitability.

One handy tip is to purchase a RADAR Key (if you don’t already have one), as this will let you into public toilets that have the RADAR Key lock on the door. Not only will it allow you to access a suitable toilet, without the need to find someone with a key, but also the facilities should be kept relatively clean and tidy compared to some public toilets.

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Budgeting for your week can be pretty tricky at the best of times, but being a student can be very challenging so unless you have pots of money to throw around, it’s likely that you’ll be on a very strict budget.

If you’re a resident at the university’s Halls of Residence, or even in student accommodation near the campus, you’ll have costs for rent, food, and in most cases external accommodation. Plus there will be utility bills to pay, travel costs, and the all-important mobile phone to pay for.

And it doesn’t end there! Buying books and materials for

coursework, and other additional costs need to be accounted for too.

But don’t be discouraged, all students are in the same position and, with a bit of common sense and some good planning, you can stretch those pennies and really get the most out of your money.

Shopping in the cheapest places, and online, will help. Finding second hand items can be useful and a good way to pick up bargains too. For example, you may find students who are leaving or have left university selling their old course books for a fraction of the price of new


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If you’re commuting from home or from student accommodation off campus and you’re not within walking distance of the campus, you may well have to pay for buses, trains or fuel for your car.

You could try and share costs of travel and fuel with your flatmates by car sharing or getting friends to chip-in towards fuel costs when you’re driving everyone. Its not always a comfortable feeling to ask, but running a car can be costly, and it’s ultimately your pocket that will be hit when you’re giving lifts to everyone.

Additional income

If you feel you can fit it in, and that there’s no adverse effects or implications on any benefits/financial support you might be receiving, then taking on a part time job might be an option to bring in some extra money. Try to ensure that it’s not going to interfere with your studies, let’s not forget, you’re there first and foremost to get a degree!

One increasingly common way of raising funds is by selling items on auction websites. Selling unwanted items can be a convenient way of raising money

without the restrictions and effort of having a part-time job.

Grants and Awards

In order to make life easier at university, there are a number of areas where you can apply for funding that will allow students to get the help and support they need to ease the strain of working away from home and as well as making sure life on the campus is practical and acceptable to the individual.

Grants are available for different elements of your life so that your passage through your academic year at uni is as easy as possible.

Allowances for travelling

Some areas will provide Dial-a-ride services for disabled people, although you may have to be a resident of that town or county to qualify.

However, if you do qualify, this may be one way of getting assistance for getting to and from the campus and also prove to be somewhat cheaper and easier than other methods of transportation.

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Useful links for support and advice

Depending on what information you’re after, the following websites may be of use to you.

We at Shine can provide you with support in a number of different areas, however, more specialised and specific questions may be answered at the following websites. - Disability Rights UK - Higher education guide. - National Bureau for Students with Disabilities

Blue Badge Parking

At present there is no UK-wide guide for Blue Badge parking, however, the local authority of the university you’re heading to will have details of suitable parking available with the town. The university itself will also provide details of their own parking facilities and regulations and in some instances provide their own permits.

Each university will also have their own Student Support Department where you can get in touch and get assistance with the course and any equipment you need.

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ATCS Care Services 27 Wells Street, Scunthorpe, N E Lincs DN15 6HL. T: 01724 270083Sends best wishes to SHINE. Catering Equipment

E S Catering Equipment Unit 5 Fairlawn Enterprise Pk, Bonehurst Rd, Salfords, Surrey T: 01737 642100 Sends best wishes to SHINE.

Coach Hire

Millmans Coaches Dane Heath Business Park, Heathfield, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 6TL T: 01626 833038


A & N Coachworks 160 High Road, Byfleet, Surrey KT14 7RG T: 01932 350202 Premier Coachworks Hill Barton Business Park, Sidmouth Road, Exeter, Devon EX5 1DR T: 01395 233623

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Computer Bureau

Surrey Business Systems Suite 39, East Court, College Lane, E Grinstead, E Sussex RH19 3LS. T: 01342 303010Sends best wishes to SHINE. Computer Consultancy

Enchanted Systems Little Garth, Talland Hill, Polperro, Looe, Cornwall, PL13 2JL. T: 01503 272097 Sends best wishes to SHINE. Computer Software Develop-ment

G B Associates 11 The Byway, Middleton-on-Sea, W Sussex PO22 6DR. T: 01243 585615 Sends best wishes to SHINE. Computer Support

Total Computer Support Ltd Total House, Tanyard Lane, Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3RJ. T: 01903 816313 Sends best wishes to SHINE.

Construction & Project Management

Ai Process Systems Ltd Lomeshaye Business Village, Nelson, Lancs BB9 7DR. T: 01282 611551 E: [email protected]

Crane Hire

C & H Crane Hire Trevilling Road, Wadebridge, Cornwall PL27 6DB. T: 01208 813487

Cutting Services & Supplies

Cutwels Ltd Central Offices, Dewsbury, W Yorks WF13 2LZ. T: 01924 869619 F: 01924 869610 Sends best wishes to SHINE. Day Care Nursery

Tots Village Nursery De Stafford School, Burntwood Lane, Caterham, Surrey GU3 5YX. T: 01883 340825 Design Consultants

Dalziel & Pow Design Consultants Ltd 5-8 Hardwick Street, London EC1R 4RG. T: 0207 837 7117Sends best wishes to SHINE. Domicilary Care

Live Life Care LtdAgos Acres, Greenbottom, Chacewater, Truro, Cornwall TR4 8GF. T: 01872 561761Sends best wishes to SHINE. Electrical Contractors

A A Jones Electric Ltd Unit H, Venture Business Park, Witty Street, Hull, E Yorks HU3 4TT. T: 01482 229880

Electronic Components

Carling Technologies Ltd Units 3-4 Exeter Airport Business Park, Fairoak Close, Clyst Honiton, Exeter, Devon T: 01392 364422

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Electronic Engineering

Logan Electronics Ltd The Old Charcoal Mill, Millyard, Ponsanooth, Truro, Cornwall TR3 7EF. T: 01872 865231 Boyer Bransden Electronics Ltd Frindsbury House, Cox Street, Detling, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3HE T: 01622 730939

Cambertronics Unit 15 Manfield Park Ind, Estate, Guildford Rd, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8PT. T: 01483 267619 E: [email protected] Engineering & Metal Products

Dymond Engineering & Metal Products Ltd Combrew Lane, Bickington, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 2ND. T: 01271 372662 Engineers

Quartis Ltd P O Box 138, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 9AF T: 01580 754747 Estate Agents

Elphick Estate Agents 71 The Street, Ashtead, Surrey KT21 1AA T: 01372 272321 J Cowlings (Bideford) Ltd 23 The Quay, Bideford, Devon EX39 2EZ. T: 01237 423100Sends best wishes to SHINE.


T K Fabrications 4-10 Cedar House, Down Hall Road, Matching Green, Essex CM17 0RA T: 01279 730093

Financial Advisors Anderson King Ltd The Old Sorting Office, The High Street, Hartney Whitney, Hants RG27 8NZ. T: 01252 844845

Rotherwood Insurance Consultants Impex House, Paper Mews, Dorking, Surrey. T: 01306 742747 Galibration Gas Cylinders

Spantech Products Ltd Spantech House, Lagham Road, Sth Godstone, Surrey RH9 8HB. T: 01342 893239 Garage Services

Babbacombe Garage 55 Babbacombe Road, Torquay, Devon TQ1 3SN. T: 01803 324445 Garage Services

Cranleigh Car Clinic Unit 18 Hewitts Industrial Estate, Elmbridge Rd, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8LW. T: 01483 276550

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Graphic & Exhibition Stand Contractors

ABC Graphics Ltd Unit 2-3 Mercy Terrace, Ladywell, London SE13 7UX. T: 0208 613 9233

Graphic Designers

J J C Designs Ltd 3 The Courtyard, 41a New North Road, Exeter, EX4 4EP. T: 01392 490655 Guttering

Gutterworks The Old Forge, 24a Horley Road, Earlswood, Surrey RH1 5AB. T: 01737 770970

Handmade Soft Furnishings

Top Quality FurnishingsFrensham Garden Centre, The Reeds Road, Frensham, Surrey GU10 3BP. T: 01252 795222


Hornigold Haulage Ltd Ditchford Mill, Ditchford Lane, Wellingborough Northants NN8 1RL. T: 01933 651651 Heating & Plumbing

A & S Worger 109 Weydon Hill Road, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8NZ. T: 01252 710912Sends best wishes to SHINE.

Heating & Ventilation Controls

S T Controls Services Ltd Unit 1, 67 Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, Surrey KT21 2DR. T: 01372 276687

Horticultural Nurseries

Chapel Cottage Plants Ltd Chapel Cottage, Hook Road, Wimblington, March, Cambs PE15 0QL. T: 01354 740938Sends best wishes to SHINE. I T Training

Stehle Consulting Ltd 180 Piccadilly, London W1J 9HFE: [email protected] T: 07768 872140 Sends best wishes to SHINE.

Instrument Hire

Direct Instrument Hire 16 Swordfish Close, Swordfish Business Park, Burscough, Lancs L40 8JW T: 01704 896966

Interior Design

Sunshine Interiors Ltd 68 Old Fort Road, Shoreham-by-SeaW Sussex BN43 5HA T: 01273 461412


Dragon Machinery Ltd Dragon Works, New Inn, Pencader, Carmarthenshire SA39 9AY. T: 01559 384303

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Marine Insurance

Curtis Marine Insurance Pomphlett Quay, Billacombe Road, Plymouth, Devon PL9 7HP. Members Leisure Club

Spice (London South) 330 High Holborn, London WC1V 7QT T: 0203 004 8190 E: [email protected] Metal Polishers Almond & Mellor Services Hampden Mill, Grimshaw Street, Darwen Lancs BB3 2QJ. T: 01254 705498 Mfrs & Wholesale Fishing Tackle Gardner Tackle Ltd Unit 7, Quadrum Park, Old Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1LU. T: 01483 560048

Mfrs Specialised Fasteners Wulfrun Specialised Fasteners LtdColliery House, Colliery Road, Wolverhampton,W Midlands WV1 2RD. T: 01902 875966

Office Fitting & Refurbishment

Navarre Interiors Ltd2 Luke Street, London EC2A 4NTT: 0207 033 4810 Packaging

A B International Almac House, Church Lane, Bisley, Surrey GU24 9DR. T: 01483 488799

Plant & Commercial Services

Tullett Plant & Commercial Services LtdPond Lane, Durrington, Worthing, W Sussex BN13 2BH. T: 01903 209249

Plumbers Merchants

Headington Heating & Plumbing Supplies 57 Lime Walk, Headington, Oxford OX3 7AB T: 01865 750669E: [email protected] Property Developers

New Capital Properties Ltd 39a Church Street, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8DG. T: 01932 821616 Property Management

Torbay Property Management 35 Torwood Street, Torquay Street,Devon TQ1 1ED. T: 01803 295291 Reducing Risks in Business Human Reliability Associates Ltd1 School House, Higher Lane, Dalton, Lancs. WN8 7RP. T: 01257 463121

Road Haulage

C H Shear Windsmeet, Sticker, St Austell, Cornwall PL26 7JA. T: 01726 73508 Roofing Contractors

Greenough & Sons Roofing Contractors Ltd Rhianfa, Caergeiliog, Isle of Anglesey LL65 3YD. T: 01407

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N C Scaffolding Gleneagles Branders Park, Cresselly, Nr Kilgetty, Pembrokeshire SA68 0TT. T: 01646 651316 M: 07831 575 736


A S G Security H/O The White House, Callington Road, Saltash, Cornwall PL12 6LL T: 01752 848558

Soft Furnishings & Upholstery

Merrow Interiors 148 London Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1UF. T: 01483 506244Sends best wishes to SHINE. Steel Stockists & Fabricators

The Steel Shop Mews Yard, Thorpe Lea Road, Egham, Surrey TW20 8JL. T: 01784 471779 Sends best wishes to SHINE.

Structural Surveyors

Ram Services Ltd Holyoake Hse, 240-244 Lowerhouse, Burnley, Lancs BB12 6NG T: 01282 452211

Surf Wear

Natural Balance Surf Shop 15 Fore Street, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1AB T: 01736 793264

Surveyors & Valuers

Ashley Associates 12 Great Newport Street, London WC2H 7JD T: 0207 240 2210 E: [email protected]

John English Associates Ltd Wensley, 56 Woodhall Way, Beverley E Yorks HU17 7BJ. T: 01482 887474 Taxation Consultants

Alpenford Ltd Greenacres, Heath Lane, Tedburn St Mary, Exeter EX6 6AG. T: 01647 270044 Technology Componets

Syfer Technology Ltd Old Stoke Road, Arminghall, Norwich NR14 8SQ. T: 01603 629721[email protected] Supplying the world for the high -technology components.


A & A Precision Toolmakers Unit 2 Oakwood Close, Roundswell, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 3NJ. T: 01271 379323 Transport

T H Crawforth Transport Ltd 1 Market Hill, Hedon, Hull, E Yorks HU12 8JB T: 01482 896163 Ernest Thorpe Transport Ltd The Garage, Halifax Road, Thurgoland, Sheffield S Yorks, S35 7AJ. T: 01142 882152

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Page 36: Shine College and University Guide

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