Shifting in the Atmosphere



Wings of Business Magazine Dr Ron Kussmaul Mariette Kussmaul Kussmaul Ministries International Dr Keith Johnson Dr Bacer Baker

Transcript of Shifting in the Atmosphere

Page 1: Shifting in the Atmosphere


Page 2: Shifting in the Atmosphere



Shifting The Atmosphere


COVERShifting the Atmosphere







PAGE 8MARIETTE KUSSMAULArticle: It’s Shifting the Atmosphere

PAGE 11DR KEITH JOHNSONArticle: God’s DNA Spells -- L...E...A...D...E...R


Solutions for Everyday Living


Entrepreneurs Virtual University INTRODUCTION







Page 3: Shifting in the Atmosphere



Upcoming WOB Conferences

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USA:September 13, 2013 Trinity Church - Temple Texas Ps Ed Dowell - 254-778-8983

AFRICA:October 4-6, 2013 Randburgh Jodah Africa Ps Evans Phiri 076-643-2663

October 18-20, 2013 Life Christian Fellowship - Van Der Bly Park Ps Oliver Sakkie 016-931-1239

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Page 5: Shifting in the Atmosphere


In 8 Pillars of Money, you will find instructions for the Movement, Management, Misunderstanding, Momentum, Maximizing and Multiplication of money. You will discover that money used incorrectly can gain control over your life when debt becomes a master over your life. You will uncover the ancient proven wisdom that money is only a tool and wisely used gives you the mastery of money and the ability to bless the lives of many.

The anointing on the Word of God in this realm we call “business” needs urgent attention as the Body of Christ and the people of the world eagerly await the release of this “Ancient Proven Wisdom” God has given.

- Dr. Ron

If you’ve been living with money as your master for some time, you don’t get to where it is the slave and have mastery over it overnight. I wish there were a method or a scripture that I could give you, or that I could just lay hands on your wallet, but it doesn’t work that way. God does bring about supernatural debt cancellation, but just getting out from under a burden like that doesn’t answer the problem if you’re using money wrongly.

All you will end up doing in time is digging another hole, unless you change your thought patterns about money, unless you understand how to get the momentum of money behind you. -quote taken from 8 Pillars of Money

I ask you these three questions! Who is mastering your money and your wisdom?

How would you rate your money matters?

Do you understand the multiplication of money?


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Page 6: Shifting in the Atmosphere


There was a stage in my life in which I had no momentum whatsoever. In fact, we were a few more dollars in the hole at the end of each month. All I had left was my voice. Thankfully, they still haven’t found a way to charge you for speaking. They haven’t put a tax on it yet because they haven’t figured out how to do it.

It’s the application of your faith, not the faith, that makes a difference. Faith is wonderful, but it does nothing unless you apply it. So three times a day I walked around my house—before I went to work, when I got home from work and before I went to bed—and I would say, “Money is never a problem in this home. Money comes daily into this house.” I couldn’t wait until payday; I had to have it daily. I began to confess that.

Four-and-a-half months later I was out of debt. My monthly salary was almost tripled, and the pressure was off. Everything was paid for. All you had to do was just hold your arms out. There was so much momentum behind behind me I had to walk around with bricks in my pockets for the first two weeks just to keep my feet on the ground. It felt like a tremendous load coming off me. I would just float down to the gas station. The car started coughing and gagging the first time I filled it up—it was a totally new experience for it!

Once an object or a force is in motion it takes very little energy to keep it going. Once you start going down the drain financially, it’s easy to keep going. It takes hardly any energy to keep going backward financially once you get momentum. The same is true about going forward financially, once it starts to pile up behind you.

Poverty whispers, but money screams.


“The Millionaire Maker”

The Momentum

of Money

The word momentum means the quantity of motion in a moving body, or impetus, which is force in motion. Money is worthless unless it is in motion; it has to move.


Page 7: Shifting in the Atmosphere


And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full. So she went from him, and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured out. And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, “Bring me yet a vessel.” And he said unto her, “There is not a vessel more.” And the oil stayed. (2 Kings 4)

Her problem was she didn’t have enough capacity. Once she sent the boys for the vessels, once she shut the family in and she tipped what oil she had, the rest of it was automatic. It didn’t cost her anything.

The momentum kept coming out of there and kept coming out of there and kept coming out of there. She would have still been pouring oil tonight had they brought enough vessels. The problem with most of us is we don’t have enough capacity on the inside. This is where capacity is required, on the inside of us. The way it comes is by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and then it comes through vicious, violent, destructive action. You have to kill the old methods, and you have to institute new habits, because the old methods got you in bondage, and if you continue there it will be a lifetime of bondage. It takes a radical change to turn around and go the opposite direction when you have all this pressure upon you, but there are clear examples in the Word of God.

I have personally purchased several houses for cash. The day I took that piece of paper and

wrote my situation down, wrote my bills down, wadded it up, prayed 1 Peter 5:7 and dropped it in the trash can, was more than thirty years ago. I wasn’t looking to buy a bunch of houses, I was just trying to make it through to the end of the month. I was trying to go put a full tank of gas in the car. I was trying to get out of debt. I wasn’t even looking at tripling my income, but that happened too. All I was trying to do was get some momentum, and all these years later, by staying with the same program—continuing to confess, using the power of delayed gratification—I’m paying for stuff cash now, because money keeps coming and I don’t spend all of it for interest at a very disproportionate rate.

If you’re waiting for a whole bunch of angels to come down here and rescue you, don’t hold your breath. Keep breathing, because it’s going to be a while, until you give God something to work with. Then, stand back: all heaven is about to break loose.

When you’re under pressure you can’t see how that can happen. The ticket is to do what the woman did: “Kids, go get some empty plates, buckets, bowls, whatever, get them here in the house quick. The creditors are coming. Do it quick. We’re not going to wait. Let’s start something today.”

If we can get the momentum working for us, carrying us forward, not only will it set us free from debt, it will keep us free from debt and it will cause us to make wise decisions in our life. Then we can leverage the finance we do have, not by creating bigger debt with it, but by lowering the cost of items that we need for our daily living.


-Dr. Ron Kussmaul

Article adapted from Dr Ron Kussmaul’s book 8 Pillars of Money

Page 8: Shifting in the Atmosphere


Chrysalis provides a safe, loving

Christian environment for women coming out of incarceration, addiction, and abuse. Our program gives women the tools to change their life-style and become contributing members of the community.


A Gift for others to Blossom DONATE HERE

Empowering Women Toward Positive Life Change.

I am always amazed at the support and

generosity of our community. It has been

almost 12 years since we opened the door of

Chrysalis to women with broken hearts and

devastated live. We started with a vision to

make a difference for women coming out of

incarceration and addiction-to help women

see in themselves the person God created

them to be.

As we fill our homes with women, most of

whom really have no hope that anything will

ever be any different, the common words I

hear them say are, “I need somewhere I can

heal from my past. I don’t know much

about God, but I do believe He brought me

here and I would like to learn more about

Him.” I am always thrilled to say in return,

“You have come to the right place!”

THANK YOU! You are appreciated and are

giving to the right place if you want a great

return on your investment. Womens’s lives

are being touched and changed.

With Joy, Marsha TennysonCEO/Director Chrysalis

Our hearts are that women recognize their full potential in accepting themselves rather than accepting that their past has any influence on their future. We fully support the structure and programs that have been made available to these ladies to fulfill their purpose and destiny. We financially support on a regular basis the Chrysalis program and ask that you would too. ~ Mariette

100% of ALL donations that come into K ussmaul Ministries Inter national designated for Chr ysalis go to the Chr ysalis.

Page 9: Shifting in the Atmosphere


The supernatural power of God changed the atmosphere for Moses. His power, released through Moses’ rod, parted the Red Sea. What a sight that must have been.

The shifting or moving of an atmosphere resulted in a historic event through a rod used by Moses. The atmosphere was moving, and it changed a devastating situation—the impossible to the possible. Signs and wonders were taking place right in front of the eyes of Moses and millions of Israelites. Please understand that these very signs and wonders can take place in our daily lives as we seek first the Kingdom of Heaven. We can expect the same marvelous miracles in today’s atmosphere—the Israelites walked through their miracle!

This very same rod carried the supernatural during the journey from Egypt to the land of milk and honey. God’s supernatural presence was carried by the rod, not Moses and his talents;

that is why he was punished, never to step on the soil of Judah, for striking the rock twice. He slipped into pride and became self absorbed as a leader. He positioned himself first and turned his back on God and his instructions. My personal revelation is that Moses lost focus as he did not quite understand the fullness of the wealth transfer—he saw it before but he did not have to manage it!

How is it possible that a man of such stature could lose his cool so quickly after all he had experienced—miracles, signs and wonders performed by the God who had supplied all their needs during the 40 years of his journey? Moses became overconfident with the belief that he was carrying the miracles in his hand and he struck the rock twice in anger, not once as instructed. God uses a person (Moses) a place (the Red Sea) to change the atmosphere (history) as He desires to release supernatural power in our lives.


IT’S SHIFTING THE ATMOSPHERE:! ! ! ! Mariette Kussmaul


There is a Kingdom shift changing the atmosphere—it is the Kingdom of God!Many kingdoms have come and gone, but the Kingdom of God is infinite, eternal, and nothing and no one can change that. This is a biblical principle directly from Heaven.

Page 10: Shifting in the Atmosphere


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Selling book go online or contact our

office. 1-800-439-5075

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an introduction to Mariette’s book


Unwrap the Genius in You


He did it for the Israelites by transferring the majority of the wealth from the Kingdom of Pharaoh to the Kingdom of Moses for God’s Kingdom purposes.

In their daily journey God supplied all their needs. Even with all the murmuring, he supernaturally provided. The Israelites had no option but to receive. The atmosphere was changed by God, and they could not stop that supply. This was God’s purpose throughout the journey of the Israelites to the Promised Land.

The same supernatural shift in the atmosphere will take place when we seek first the Kingdom. The flow will become unstoppable as we display His Glory to the world. We cannot walk in these last days in our own strength—opportunities, wisdom, transfers, healing, salvation, repentance and signs and wonders will become visible before our very eyes as supernatural power takes control. The atmosphere changes when the supernatural is being released to break chains, bondage and past hurts.

Changing and shifting happens in almost everything in earth and Heaven. From kingdom to kingdom, from government to government, from people to people, from salvation to eternity, from wealth to health. When, where and however it happens, it creates change in the natural or the supernatural.

I can clearly remember an instant in my life when I felt a supernatural change take place—I felt the shift of light. I’m certain many reading this have had the same experience. I was 12 years old when it happened, and I will never forget it. That shift attracted the power of transfer, protection and a vision that has driven me ever since that day. The presence of God was transferred into my heart. My atmosphere was changed as I received Jesus in my heart to lead and guide me into all He had for me. I’ve never been without even in tough times.


Whenever the atmosphere changes, transfer of some kind takes place for good or for evil—the choice is in our hearts and minds.

Page 11: Shifting in the Atmosphere


The words I heard that evening were, “You will be in a ministry furthering my works.” And that is where I am right now: teaching Kingdom principles to empower others into their destiny!

Moses understood “laws and rulership” as he was exposed to them in the house of Pharaoh, and as we read in the Book of Exodus, he implemented rules during the journey to the Promised Land. The Ten Commandments was his manual for hundreds of years. However, from a financial aspect we do not see much happening with the precious metals, gold, silver or even the acacia wood that was given to Moses—that is until the golden calf was moulded by the Israelites, while Moses was on Mount Sinai. What a waste to build a calf out of gold and precious stones when wandering around in a wilderness?

Moses became a very wealthy man and a leader despite all his shortcomings and false beliefs. He advanced in victory, one step at a time, as he was trained, on the job, to allocate his wealth and lead his people. How absolutely amazing is this—he had his own personal coach from heaven. We have that same privilege in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who will never forsake us. His Grace is our strength as we rest, stay active in doing, at the foot of his throne.

What happened as a result of that atmosphere change; Wealth was transferred. Leadership skills were taught. A nation and culture was saved. The church was birthed. Supernatural signs, wonders and miracles were provided from Heaven. A world was changed for generations to come.

Answer and ponder this question and see where the Holy Spirit leads you.

Q:Have you recognized a shift in the atmosphere of change in your life? If so, why?



Page 12: Shifting in the Atmosphere


God’s DNA Spells -- L-E-A-D-E-R

The Bible is the original book on leadership. The author, God, is the first leader we meet in the Bible (Genesis 1:1). What was He doing in the beginning? What all leaders do—creating. The first revelation God gave of Himself is that of Creator. Why? The first revelation He wants you to get is that of a creator not a victim—you were created to be creative.

The Bible gives you pictures of what a leader looks, talks and acts like. In the Bible are stories about Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, David, Deborah, Nehemiah, Joseph, Esther, Ruth, Jesus and the disciples, Paul and others in leadership. As you read the Bible, you can easily build a library of LQ (Leadership Quotient) pictures in your mind.

Leadership Quotient Definition:Leadership Quotient (LQ) is a composite measure of a person’s leadership skills and positively influences people to join that person in achieving desired outcomes that benefit others.

As you study these LQ pictures, you will soon discover another image beginning to take shape. You will recognize this picture is you.

You begin to see yourself, not as what you have been in your past, but the possibilities of what you are going to become in your future. This mental photograph should become your desired outcome. Your enemies will try to paint a picture in your mind of what you are at your worst. The picture you develop of yourself is crucial to determining your level of impact, influence and income.

LQ Solution: It is not who you think you are that holds you back—it is who you think you are not that holds you back.

In 1988, I had personally coached and consulted hundreds of senior pastors. When I start talking to them about increasing their LQ, I heard this over and over again: “I’m not a leader. I am just a pastor.” With one pastor of a thousand people, I spent an entire day helping him see he was a great leader. Once this inner leader was awakened to this fact, his confidence increased and his ministry exploded.

Over the next two years, his ministry totally changed. He went from pastoring one church to starting and pastoring over 23 different successful churches.

DR KEITHAmerica’s #1 Confidence Coach

How important is it to you that you become everything God has called you to be?


Page 13: Shifting in the Atmosphere


Another pastor never saw himself as a leader. When I first met him, I thought he probably led a church of several thousand people. His GQ was high (the ability to dress well) like a successful leader on the outside. However, his LQ was in the drain. He actually only had ten people in his church and had a one-man painting business. Now that he has been awakened to his leadership quotient, his church has grown tremendously and his one-man-show painting business now has five crews painting in several countries.

One brilliant, young black man from the inner-city of Chicago I have worked with over the years never saw himself as a leader of any kind. Yet, he has a very strategic and analytical mind. As a government employee, he knew the solutions to the problems his bosses were facing, but in meetings, he always kept his mouth shut for fear of being criticized. Once I helped him awaken his inner leader, he started to share his views and totally blew his superiors away. He was quickly promoted and eventually became part of history as he was elected to work on the transition team for President Obama.

Here is what I know I have in common with you: deep down inside, you really want to make a difference! You know that you have way more potential inside of you than you are manifesting at this very moment. You want to know that your life counts. That is why you have continued to read this article. Right!

After I speak at events, I usually go to my product table to meet and greet people. Many people thank me for inspiring them.

Then I look the person right in the eyes and say,

“Now go do something big and beautiful for God!” As I gaze into their eyes, I can tell that saying those words for some people is like pouring gasoline onto an already burning fire. However, many others graciously bow their heads and sheepishly walk away.

One of the most paralyzing belief systems underachievers have is believing, “My life will not make a difference.” This is the belief system of a professional victim and a person stuck in learned hopelessness. If you have believed the lie that you are too “small” to make a difference, then you have never been in a room with a small mosquito! Like Mahatma Gandhi said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

Winston Churchill said, “The price of greatness is responsibility.” Leaders take responsibility for their outcomes in life. Fear is rooted in the belief that you have no option or choice. Being a victim is a belief that others choose for your, this allows you the opportunity to blame others or events in your past.

How important is it to you that you become everything God has called you to be?

As we discuss the awesome task of tapping our true and full potential, it is essential that we come to appreciate how important each one of us is and how special we are to God. Myles Munroe said, “If you were aware of how much power and worth you have, the first thing that would be affected is your attitude toward yourself.”

Dr. Keith JohnsonAmerica’s #1 Confidence Coach.

Discover the reality of your real potential for greatness◦ Experience growth on a personal, professional and spiritual level◦ Develop your “stop doing list” to increase your productivity◦ Build a road map to achieve your dreams◦ Advance your personal and professional life◦ Skyrocket your income


This article as adapted from Dr Keith Johnson’s Book: The LQ Solution.

Visit Dr. Keith Johnson’s website

Page 14: Shifting in the Atmosphere


Greetings and welcome to your journey to destiny. Before we begin, allow me to introduce myself. Although I am best known as Dr. Baker, I am Bacer J. Baker, Ph.D.   My degrees are in psychology, I am an author, therapist, life solutions coach, pastor, mother, grandmother real estate broker and investor. Over the past 35 to 40 years or so, through my skills as a therapist in my counseling practice and pastorate I have helped countless others to live productive God-led lives. I know that I have been called to this generation (people who are breathing) to help them navigate themselves out of ugly situations with the solutions I have acquired over a life of study and living.

I have had many disappointments, losses and tragic things happen in my life. Some things I caused, some things were caused by the circumstances I put myself in, and some things just came through nasty people. As we continue on this journey, I will use some of the tools that were helpful for me and my clients to help you to overcome, not just survive. This will free you to recognize your opportunities and to choose wisely what path you will take. You’re coming out of survivor mode! You’re going to start really live life!

After the crying (make it short) you will do what I love to do which is laugh…a lot. In fact, people refer to me as “The Laughing Doctor.” I know that through these articles you will smile, laugh, and cry, but in the end, if you use the tools you will end up having a very joyful, fun and fruitful life.

I want to talk about God’s will for your life – what it is and what it looks like.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 KJV

Can you imagine a life where you are healthy, wealthy and wise? (Answer this question.) Well, that’s what God designed for you. But how do you get that? Let’s go on a Journey to explore this lifestyle. First you must have a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-10). He is the One who made it simple and possible for us to have this prosperous lifestyle.  He did this when He repossessed everything that this evil, fallen angel called Satan stole by trickery from Adam, the original man in the Garden of Eden. Through Jesus’ obedience in following the plan of God He made the way for you and I to have it all, and we get it without any sorrow. 

This is about how you and I can live without being tricked anymore to make the wrong choices. In my book Smile Laugh and be Happy you will discover that it is not God’s will for you to be sad and miserable. You will discover that enjoying the good life everyday is our choice. It is a choice that we can make at any time and join in on the true fun of living life abundantly. The word abundantly is mentioned over 33 times in the Bible, but in John 10:10 it is said that Christ wants you to have this life in great abundance. Jesus is the One that said, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.Who is the thief? It is Satan, that same fallen angel that Adam encountered in the Garden of Eden.

Dr. Bacer J. BakerSolutions for Everyday Living

God wants you to live a life where you are blessed and blessing others. He wants you to be healthy, wealthy and to use His Wisdom to be made wise.


Page 15: Shifting in the Atmosphere


Let’s start with health. To be healthy, just like in all the other areas of your life, y-o-u must choose not to have these gifts stolen from you by wrong choices. To live a life of Spiritual, Mental and Physical health it is necessary for all three areas to thrive so that you are not imbalanced, walking around with holes in you.  Spiritual health begins with a born again decision to allow Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. 

These two bits of information are important because you are now instantly qualified for the life of health, wealth and wisdom from God Himself.  You don’t have to wait one second to have everything He promised. I do not mean that it will all instantly appear (manifest) at that moment, but it is all yours. The greatest part of your journey is preparing to possess God’s promises to do what you were destined to do from birth.Now you can become a change agent. You are now qualified to change other people’s lives to show them how they can start to live the REAL good life; the God kind of life. The Bible is THE book that will lead and guide you into all the truth of this journey. It does that through you being filled with Holy Spirit who is the Person of God Himself. Some of you may say I know all this stuff.   But do you really?What about  living healthy in the three areas of your life?  Are you happy?  Are you experiencing joy?  If you are not where you want to be, come on and take this journey with me. If you are where you want to be take these tools and help some else, for as my Rabbi says, “it is all about meeting the needs and wants of others and you will become healthy financially, emotionally and spiritual because it all starts in the spirit.”

We find out in the Bible that ALL of the promises of God are “Yes” and go for it- in Him.  What does that mean?  It means that all of the promises that God made are for you and there are a lot of them.  We could not use up all of the promises if we were in this earth millions of years.  He says you are surrounded with His Favor and Grace (Psalm 5:11-12, 1Peter 4:10).  That means God's Favor and Grace that we did not earn, will always be available for us and is always working for us.

The word grace, which is favor is mentioned over 191 times in this Bible. This must mean that God wants us to know that it is for us.

I like this dictionary definition of  grace found in Webster’s 1828 edition. It says appropriately, the free unmerited love and favor of God, the spring and source of all the benefits men receive from Him. Look at what is said about grace and the favor of God in the King James version of Romans 11:6: “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.”  Yahoo!!!!!  God did it all for us, now in our journey I will work with you to truly believe and act like it.  

Think, I mean really think about what I have said and we’ll do some further exploring next time. 

Meanwhile, why don’t you look at the opposing principles of doing it yourself or trusting God to do things in and through you.  Which one allows the Grace of God to work on your behalf? I’ll give you a hint: God wants us to invite Him into everything we do. If you do this you will experience every part of your life soaring. You will influence your family and those within your sphere, then like you, they will be blessed, empowered to prosper in everything with no cracks.

We are totally forgiven for all of our sins and mistakes, but we will only be able to take full advantage of this place of safety from the satanic mental attacks that affect how we think when we allow the Grace and the plans of God to be revealed to us for our lives. Now this is not just a dream it is real freedom and fun. It causes you to Smile a lot, Laugh more and Be totally Happy!  These are solutions for living your everyday life with Joy from God.Until next time, Dr. Bacer J. Baker



Visit Dr. Bakers website

Page 16: Shifting in the Atmosphere



It is with great anticipation Mariette and I announce our soon coming Online Entrepreneurs Virtual University, grounded upon solid business principles from our many years of experience in various countries of the world. The times we are living in require Bible-based growth and development of entrepreneurial skills and leadership abilities to excel, create and dominate in the coming marketplaces of the future.

The entrepreneur is an individual who organises and manages any enterprise, especially a business—usually with considerable initiative and some calculated risk.

Enterprise built by wise planning becomes strong through common sense and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts and trends in the global marketplace.

The principles written about in Proverbs 24:3-4 have built and managed many successful businesses across the centuries.

1. Built by wise planning.2. Made strong by common sense.3. Profits by keeping up with the facts and trends.

We will be drawing from our many years of study and teachings in books we have written on financial issues and life itself—The 8 Pillars of Money and our recently released book, Entrepreneurship...Unwrap the Genius in You, as well as Mariette’s book, Leadership Is Your Wealth Transfer.

These are some of the accredited courses you can expect and register for: The Movement of Money Multiplication of Money A Master Called Money Work in your Genius Discover the Planner in you

Wisdom in Finances Branding Is the Name Leadership LQ The Power of Dominion Excellence Is the Master’s Way

We believe in and are well-practiced in the skills of debt reduction and debt destruction and elimination. It is time to be the head and not the tail, above the struggles of life and not beneath the heaviness of debt.Implementing Kingdom principles is scriptural and highly rewarding—empowering each other empowers the Kingdom of God.Our expected launch date is early 2014. Watch our website for more details to come.

--Dr’s Ron and Mariette Kussmaul

Coming Soon

Page 17: Shifting in the Atmosphere



I value your words from God as I have learnt from all those marvelous WINGS OF BUSINESS MEETINGS some years ago and even today. THIS IS YOUR CALLING! I came to hear you at Northcliff church, and felt a check in my spirit that the power and Holy Spirit anointing that I had experienced in those powerful meetings with you. This is what my spirit jumps at and it is SO POWERFUL AND SO ANOINTED. I can  feel it is THE LORD OF HOSTS.Thank you, Dr. Ron. Kind regards, LYNN F

My husband and I bought your teachings on living debt-free in 2009. We have applied them diligently, and since June this year we have been debt free. Thank you so much for teaching on !nancial maers. We pray for you both and thank God for your ministry. May God continue to bless you with His favour and anointing.

God bless,Roger and Meryl D

We want to hear from you! Send in your testimony to [email protected]

Dear Mr Kussmaul,All glory to God! I would like to honor you as a part of my success. I was nowhere with an idea a few years back. I got hold of a cassette you recorded. On it was a prayer that you prayed for your business. I sat with my recorder and wrote it out with pen and pencil pausing after every sentence. Thank you for providing me with a tool to start somewhere when I had no idea what to pray or how to pray.  We are four staff members managing a

company that is incredibly successful, and I often take time out and pray your prayer out to them. The amazing thing is that I don’t have to evangelize them. They just learn by watching how I do this with the Father. I honor you, sir, and thank you. You have played a great role in my business, and you don’t even know it. I hope that you will continue your great work and know that we appreciate you.

Warm Regards Shantelle B. 

Page 18: Shifting in the Atmosphere










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Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderful by keeping abreast of the facts.

In the business of life one finds many blessings and many pitfalls, with its seventy- to eighty-plus years of sailing on life’s seas. We are travelling a stormy sea at the present time, and the winds of change and challenge are gusting, driving the waves upon the shores of our lives. I have great news for each of you.

Page 19: Shifting in the Atmosphere




Jesus Christ is the Captain at the helm of your personal ship on the sea of life. If we stand fast and confidently trust and rely upon him, He is very well acquainted with the storms of life and is the only one who has stilled a storm. During the journey through the storms of life we must keep our eyes upon our navigational chart, which is the unfailing Word of God, the Bible as it never fails.

Our Captain Jesus gave us the great navigator, the Holy Spirit, to guide us into all the truth.

Mariette and I pray for you and your families as we cross this sea we call life together. We pray blessing upon each of you and the multifaceted divine favour of God upon your lives and businesses.

We ask that you prayerfully consider how you can partner with us as we push forward with what God has called us to.

Dr’s Ron & Mariette

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.

Page 20: Shifting in the Atmosphere



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Sarah A. Lindstrom


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