Shift Happens. The World is changing We are competing in a global society The way we are learning is...

Shift Happens

Transcript of Shift Happens. The World is changing We are competing in a global society The way we are learning is...

Shift Happens

• The World is changing

• We are competing in a global society

• The way we are learning is changing

• What Universities and Employers are looking for is changing

Are you Prepared?



……… and more!


• 45-50% of students go onto Higher Education

• At present there are 37,000 degrees to choose from, (offered in one of the 370 Universities in this country).

• Last year - almost 700,000 applications to UCAS for places in Higher Education.

• 100,000 did not get offered a place (100,000 withdrew)

• 500,000 went to University in 2014

60% of jobs require applicants to have a degree

Only 1 in every 235 students ended up in a job that linked directly to the degree they studied.

70% of Graduate jobs don’t specify a specific degree

2012: There were 130 applicants for each graduate job advertised 2013: There were 90 applicants for each graduate job advertised The average starting salary for graduates is £33 000 A graduate will earn on average £180,000 more in their

life time than a non graduate.

COMPETITIVE COURSEStypical requirements

• Exceptional GCSE profile- several A*+A grades (all exam results MUST be declared on the UCAS form)

• Entrance Tests

• Academic rigour – evidence of time management skills handling a heavy volume of work

• Strong personal statement- extra curricular activities -> rounded personality

DESIRABLE EXTRAS• WORK EXPERIENCE – for some courses this is

ESSENTIAL e.g. Teaching, Medicine, Vet Science, Dentistry, Nursing

• Attainment of awards e.g. Duke of Edinburgh

‘The Challenge’• Voluntary work / CAS

• EMPLOYABILITY skills gained in P/T + holiday jobs- you should not underestimate these

Chief Executives in organisations were asked which were the three most important factors they considered when

recruiting graduates?

• University attended 10%

• Degree result 32%

• Relevant work experience/Industrial placement 56%

• Positive attitude and employability skills 86%


Employability (v academic rigour)

‘A set of attributes, skills and knowledge that all labour market participants should possess to ensure they have the capability of being effective in the workplace to the benefit of themselves, their employer and the wider economy’

UUK/CBI ‘Future Fit’

What are employers looking for?

Board Executives list the skills opposite as what they are looking for when recruiting new staff


Employers expect the following as a ‘given’…..

• Communication and literacy

• Numeracy and IT

• Initiative

• Teamwork and interpersonal

• Commitment

• Intelligence

• Time management

What makes you stand out from the crowd

• Persuasion and negotiation• Cultural awareness• Commercial awareness• Languages• Critical thinking / TOK• Leadership• Self-awareness• Enterprise• Independent learner• Initiative• and…..Work experience

Changing Face of Education• Maths and English – GCSE< C have to continue• A levels-modular > linear (100% exam)• All A Levels to include assessed Maths• Core Maths introduced• Only 43% of university applicants have A Levels• 31% of university applicants have B Tec’s• Some universities now insist on languages• On line learning• Study Abroad -750 courses taught in English in



Choose your courses carefully

Don’t delay thinking about what you are going to do in the future

Seek support

Learn how to manage your time, finances and learning

Gain work experience and/or volunteering

Engage in extra-curricular activities

Build your self confidence and self awareness

Learn how to market yourself

Network, network, network

Ask for and welcome feedback

……. Have fun!

The key to unlocking potential-

Taking Personal responsibilityGo for it!




What do you intend to do this summer? 10 – 12 Week holiday

Future?You are competing in a global society !

Prepare !!


UCAS Higher Education Evening

Thursday 23rd April

Sixth form

7.00pm (need to book places)