Shieldwolf: War is Coming€¦ · attrition and if this army holds on long enough, it willalways...

1 Shieldwolf: War is Coming By Shieldwolf Miniatures(TM) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Transcript of Shieldwolf: War is Coming€¦ · attrition and if this army holds on long enough, it willalways...

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War is


By Shieldwolf Miniatures(TM)


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Page 3: Shieldwolf: War is Coming€¦ · attrition and if this army holds on long enough, it willalways outlast the enemy and inevitably win. Their main disadvantage comes at the deployment


Contents: Introduction…………………………………………………………………………….4

The Armies……………………………………………………………………………..6

Assembling a Force…………………………………………………………………6

The battlefield………………………………………………………………………..9

The Game:

Overview of the game……………………………………………………………13

General Principles and Guidelines…………………………………………16




Special Rules & Characters……………………………..…………………….28

“The night before”……………………………………………………………….32

Types of Units……………………………………………………………………….33



- Magic Lores………………………………………………………………….44

Close Combat and Combat Resolution……………………….………….52

Additional Information: -Magic Banners………………..………….…..63 -Items for Characters………………………65

History of the Races: Orcs ………………………………………………………67

History of the Races: Krumvaal Northern Alliance ………………….82

Mercenary Races: Talliareum Ogres ……………………………………….97

History of the Races: Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans)…….…….101

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The World of Shieldwolf is a fantasy world, filled with magic and adventure in a brutal era where the strong prevail and the weak perish. This world is divided in 12 different Realms, each governed by a different race. These are known as the “Superior Races”. There are many smaller races, the so-called “Inferior Races” that have no strength to establish a dominion of their own, but are still powerful enough to rule certain parts. The Superior Races find that these unwanted smaller kindreds simply infest their lands, but for a variety of reasons have to tolerate their presence.

The 12 realms are in constant conflict with each other and have more than once battled their adversaries. Although some of these races grow stronger than others, none of them has the strength to completely annihilate his neighboring foe. The fear that other races will wage war against them should they believe them weakened and vulnerable dictates prudence and caution, thus maintaining an ever-lasting balance. But there will come a time that some Realms will be inevitably destroyed. You mortal, who are now reading these lines, know that for now twelve realms rule in Shieldwolf, twelve armies for you to choose from and guide to battle. Whether you will lead them to victory or their deaths depends on your strategic cunningness and abilities!

This book includes everything you need to know about the game. There are detailed rules of how you can create an army, deploy it on the battlefield, how to execute orders like shooting, attacking, moving and everything else so you’ll need to master them in order to field your army and be victorious in the battlefield. Although initially you may need to consult the book several times, after very few games you will need but an occasional look to resolve strange and unusual circumstances along with other clarifications you might not at the moment remember. This game was designed in order to coltivate interesting game play and competitive spirit, all under the ultimate goal of having fun.

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You will need:

-Dice. “War is coming” uses six-sided dice, although there are some exceptions (e.g. artillery dice). It is useful to have a fair number at hand since at occasions you’ll need to roll large numbers of dice, along with a few colored to distinguish special attacks made from Characters, Monsters etc.

-A tape measure or ruler. Distances are measured in inches, it is necessary to have a measuring tape to calculate distances for movement, range etc.

-Terrain. One of the most important factors that augment the tactical point of view the game features is the correct use of the advantages and disadvantages a battlefield offers. These can be houses, fences, hilltops, swamps etc…

-An army. Going to battle alone is brave but ill advised; better bring your army along!

-Templates of doom. These are ordinary templates of 3”, 5” and 7” in diameter, they are used to determine spells and artillery hits with area effects. Some of these are available on stores although they will also be produced and available from Shieldwolf Miniatures. You can also make these out of ordinary paper, but we suggest using a transparent material for ease of detecting what’s underneath it. The use of these templates will be explained further down.

-Movement trays. Although they are not necessary we propose the use of them to facilitate speed of game –and therefore more fun!

-Cards. There is a series of cards e.g. Ammunition type (see Shooting Section) etc, that are already published by Shieldwolf Miniatures or will later be made available for the game, but you can simply write them clearly on paper and use that instead.

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The Armies:

Long have the territories been divided and many are the stories to be told about how they shifted from one ruler to another in the past. The Krumvaal (Barbarians) maintain an undisputed rule over the icy north, the Daemons alone reside in the burned lands Northwest and the Araves are the sole masters in the sandy deserts of the arid Southeast.

These three Superior Races govern the largest territories in size. The greatest population and riches however lie in the centre of the Shieldwolf World mainland, where the Humans of the Kingdom of Talliareum have established their huge cities, neighboring with the Dwarfs of the Great Mountains and the Elves of the west. These three Realms have found themselves combining forces –but also fought against each other in more than one occasion- when destiny calls, especially when the greatest foe invades their neighboring Realms; that is none other than the hordes of the Undead who govern the Southwest and occasionally decide to rise, master their legions and march! South of the human Kingdom of Talliareum lies the Lands of the Orcs, where the greenskinned race usually keeps to its own. It does however wage huge battles with multiple enemies, especially when the Dracantropii rise from the Jungles in the far South and decide to reclaim the Lost Swamps, a territory long lost to the Orcs and very hard to recover. The contemporaneous claim on these lands by the Araves makes it even harder to snatch from the current rulers. But all this history -and more- will be explained, justified and even recorded by each race differently...

Assembling a Force:

In the world of Shieldwolf, you are given command of a force. You need to guide it and confront the enemies that challenge your rights. In order to do that, you will be asked to choose wisely which Superior Race best suits your abilities and expresses

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your character. You will be given gold in order to succeed in doing this. Each army you assemble requires coin, and you must choose wisely what you are going to recruit in your army in order to win. You are allowed 2.000 gold coins worth of army every time you must field a force in battle. The mightier the warriors you choose to command, the higher the cost and -inevitably- the lesser the numbers you will field in battle.

When your numbers are few, then you have composed what it’s called an “elite” army. These armies will have small numbers and the models will be tougher and resilient. They will also strike with force and might, but for every man you lose your forces must kill ten times as many! Elite forces allow certain advantages however, for they are easier to command and maneuver due to their small numbers. Their greatest advantage is the speed with which they manage to execute their orders and generals commanding this type of army must make good use of their superior discipline to swiftly capture key points and make sure to outmaneuver the enemy. “Elite” armies are all those who field up no more than 8 units in total (Characters don’t count)

When your numbers are medium sized, then it’s called a “fair” army. This army will not be as tough and strong as an Elite army, but it will be able to take losses and recover from them much faster. They usually have a great range of choices, which allows you to enlist and create very different armies from tactical points of view, according to the strategy that best fits the player. It is for this reason that this makes them the most common army choice in “War is coming”. “Fair” armies are all those who field between 9 and 12 units in total (Characters don’t count)

When your numbers are large, then it’s called a “horde” army. This is an army made of warriors that are neither particularly tough nor trained, but accumulate in their ranks huge numbers of troops. When it marches into battle it will usually concede great casualties, but the main advantage is just that; no matter how many casualties suffered, there will always be more troops to replace them. Theirs is a war of attrition and if this army holds on long enough, it will always outlast the enemy and inevitably win. Their main disadvantage comes at the deployment phase when they must scurry to field their army as fast as possible in order to use their vast numbers. “Horde” armies are all those who field more than 13 units in total (Characters don’t count)

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You can choose to bring hard hitting troops, war-machines, cavalry, monsters, great monsters, scouts, and a whole lot more. These cannot be left to chance but instead must be guided by either Heroes and/or Lords, one of which is the General –that would be you!

Your army is made of troops: You are allowed to enlist monsters and scouts, but you will never command an army if you don’t have the troops. Having at your disposal a couple of monsters does not make you an army. An army cannot have less than 50% in troops. This means you must spend at least 1,000 gold coins to enlist from all the troop choices you will be given.

You will need leaders: There are 2 categories of Characters, the Lords and the Heroes. Heroes and Lords do not stand aside when it comes to battle, for they are eager to prove their might. They can stand alone and face destiny by themselves (these Characters who stand alone are known as “loners”) or they may enter the army ranks to lead the regiment, but never does a single regiment hold more than one of each type for it would disrupt leadership. This means that only one Hero or one Lord is allowed to lead each regiment.

If another Character wants to join the same regiment, he/she simply will not be allowed, for every unit obeys only to a single Character. If you however insist in having him/her join the regiment, then he/she takes over and the other Character must leave the regiment and either joins another or becomes a loner. One of the Characters has to be the General.

Monsters, war-machines etc: These are additional assets you can field in battle, but they could never consist the bulk of your army, thus they may never exceed a 25% allowance of your total army. You may choose to field some, but you are not obligated to. Many great generals have won battles by sheer number of core troops at their command. A majestic sight to have a Great War Mammooth among your Northern Alliance army ranks, but a great number of Talliareum halberdiers or Araves spearmen can still bring it down.

Mercenary Troops: There is almost nothing coin can’t buy you in the Shieldwolf World, and some races are ever more willing to contribute to your cause –for a fair price naturally. These races must however always be kept under control, thus they may never exceed a 25% allowance of your total army. Like mentioned above, their recruitment is not necessary but allows flexibility in how you wish to play your army. Sometimes having hard hitting Ogre Mercenaries or swift striking bloodthirsty Goblins may prove a good and useful tool in the

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hands of a capable General. Please note there are some additional restrictions related to the natural hatred or grudge a certain race may hold to another. That for example, is one of the very few things not even coin can buy…

The choices are numerous when you create an army despite certain restrictions that allow equilibrium to the game, the important thing when choosing which units to enlist is to use their advantages wisely in battle and tactically avoid exposing their weaknesses. More on this when you study the Armies and their History, and find out what better fits YOU to lead in the battlefield.

The Battlefield: An experienced commander should be able to win battles regardless of the territory he is called to battle in. You will be asked to lead your forces in campaigns that make you enter foreign and hostile terrain, and sometimes you will have to meet or

chase your foes in faraway lands. In order to determine which territory you will be called to fight in, you will have to draw a “Battlefield card”.

There are 6 types of Battlefields:

• Desert Terrain • Jungle Terrain • Forest Terrain • Snowy Terrain • Hilltops Terrain • Valley Terrain

Each terrain offers different advantages and disadvantages. Some races have adapted to them, e.g. the Jungle Terrain penalizes cavalry troops but this does not apply to the Orcs and Humans who have long fought in various campaigns there, let alone the Dracantropii troops who have long learned how to tread on its soil. Jungle Terrain does penalize the Northern Alliance cavalry for example which almost never ventures in these moist lands. On the other hand, other examples are the Desert Terrain which is very penalizing to chariots since the sand makes their movement very difficult, the Snowy Terrain will make it very hard for heavily armored warriors to move on (and the only exception to that rule are the Barbarians whose Heavy Infantry for example ignores the penalty), Hilltops Terrain offer advantages to war-machines and ballistic units, where they are better deployed and defended against the enemy. The

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same war-machines and archers for example are going to suffer penalties in the Forest terrain however, where more agile troops are preferred. The least penalizing of all is the Valley, where open fields allow major maneuverability for all armies. It is also the terrain most people choose to play with when they initially commence playing “War is coming” being more friendly to beginners. It is also a factor that may be ignored if the two players don’t wish to have a possible handicap and both agree to this. We encourage for players to do so if they feel it may compromise the most important game factor of all; fun!

All terrains with more examples and specific rules will be explained further and noted next to each troop type in the supplement Shieldwolf Miniatures will provide in the future.

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The Territorial Factors:

These include all types of strong-points in a terrain that favors (or disfavors) your position. These are the following:

• House: This allows cover for troops that may enter it, finding shelter mainly from artillery but also foes that are handicapped in small spaces. For any models that have entered a house, it automatically provides -1 Training (Tr) to any enemy melee attacks plus +3 armor (Ar) from artillery attacks. (more on these below)

• Watchtower: This allows any artillery troops or magic casters to spot the enemy better and harm them easier. Any models that are atop a Watchtower gain +1 Training (Tr) & + 6” additional range. It also fully protects from non-flying beasts and great beasts, since it disallows the possibility of being attacked (e.g. a Northern Alliance Grand Yeti cannot attack the defenders positioned above).

• Hilltop: This allows any artillery troops, warmachines or magic casters to perform a better attack. +12” range for warmachines, +6” range for artillery troops and casters.

• River: The natural defense a river provides makes it impossible to pass for all types of Heavy Infantry and Cavalry units. Light Infantry troops may choose to cross however at their own risk. For every model that passes roll a die. For every “1” you roll, the model is drifted away from the currents and drowns (remove model, no saves of any type allowed). Monsters ignore the obstacle and pass without penalty.

• Swamp: These may not seem as dangerous as the rivers, but they slow down the advance of your army (unless the unit has the special “swamp-born” rule). Any models crossing a swamp receive a Movement penalty that halves their distance (i.e. they are unable to run). In addition to that, Cavalry Units risk injury that cripples the model. For any Cavalry model that crosses a swamp, roll a die. For every “1” you roll, the model gets removed (no saves of any type allowed).

• Fence/Stone Wall: It allows the models behind it to a better defense, thus grants a +1/+2 Armor (Ar) respectfully.

• Trees/Forest: It allows the models behind it to a better defense from artillery fire and Warmachines, thus granting any unit inside a +2/+1 Armor (Ar) respectfully.

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The Game: Shieldwolf: War is coming can be played in 2 ways:

• -The first type is called “Battle”: It has been created to be played by casual players and allows a 1vs1 on a table of specific dimensions. Players will draw a card to see which terrain has been selected as the battlefield. A variety of illustrated cards designed and published by Shieldwolf Miniatures is or will be made available for the game. The 2 players study the battlefield chosen within a reasonable amount of time (which can be either decided by them or is fixed in 2’ flat) and then field their armies accordingly. The deployment of each army is crucial and the players must take into account the advantages and disadvantages the terrain offers them (depending also on which army has been fielded by each player) and plan accordingly.

• -The second type is a “Campaign” for more hardcore players. It allows 2-6 players on a pre-designed map (A huge map for this along with some other accessories which will escort it will be published by Shieldwolf Miniatures), which allows people to complete the game after a couple of turns which will usually take some days. Players will have specific resources and control territories depending on the Race they choose (or draw) to play with. While the system of Battle will remain the same as for the first type, the systems of diplomacy and dominion will be introduced and make the game very interesting under a lot of aspects. At this point it is best we analyze the “Battle” and after having covered the basics of that we will later move on forward to the “Campaign” type of play.

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Overview of the Game

This section of the book contains the main characteristics that apply to almost all models of the game. It is a page you’ll might have to read a couple of times and will get you playing the game by knowing the

basics. After a few games you will have easily memorized these characteristics and will be more focused in evaluating the worth of the miniatures and composure of your army that best suits your gaming style and enjoying the game. The main idea is simple: 2 players each choose an army, lay out the terrain of the chosen battlefield, field their armies as quickly as possible and try to inflict as many casualties as possible to the opponent. The victor is the one who either destroys the entire enemy army or has a larger portion of his army still battle ready if the opponent yields; this can sometimes be easily identified when one of the two players is seen to have his once-glorious army in piled up corpses or scattered around the battlefield fleeing for their lives. Other times it is not so simple to determine the victor, so measuring key points or number of troops still alive is necessary to determine which side prevailed.

Models and Regiments

Characteristics of the models you can use in the battlefield and the formation of regiments. “Shieldwolf:War is Coming” uses seven (7) characteristics to define the value and abilities of each model. All characteristics are rated between 0 and 10. For no reason can that change.

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Movement (M): Indicates the number of inches a model can move during a normal phase of the game. For example, a light Barbarian Infantry model has a movement of 5, also indicated as (M5). An Orc Battle Wyvern however has a flying movement of 10 (M10) but when for some reason stays on the ground it only has a movement of 3 (M3). This is indicated with a slash, where the special valor comes always second (M3/10).

Training (Tr): This shows how skillful the model is in using it’s weapon(s). The ordinary training at the Shieldwolf world is three (3), the Talliareum Human swordsman is such an example (Tr3). A Talliareum General however would have had years of additional training and therefore has a training of 5 (Tr5).

Strength (S): This defines the might with which an attack is made. Again, the average model in this game has a valor of three (3); the Shieldmaiden Infantry model is such an example (S3). A mighty Mammooth from the same race however has a staggering strength of six (S6)!

Toughness (T): This shows how resilient a model is during combat. The average valor for this is usually three (3), but that is not valid for all the races, the Orcs and the Ogres for example have a natural tolerance to pain and thickened skin, which grants them a toughness four (T4).

Wounds (W): This represents the number of damage a model can sustain and remain in battle. The overall count for most models regardless of race is one (W1) but there are mighty beasts that have the ability to endure a lot, the fulminous Great Orc Warboar is one of these that has a number of wounds equal to three (W3).

Attacks (A): This indicates the number of attacks a model makes during combat. The number is directly influenced by the weaponry the model carries, for example a Goblin warrior with shield and spear only makes a single attack (A1), while without a shield and carrying a second hand weapon the same model makes two attacks (A2). Most models however have a single attack. For other types of attack there is a different number indicated next to it, for example an Ogre Firebreather has a single shot with his rifle each round but at close combat makes it in time to deal two attacks, therefore it would be indicated as (A2/1).

Leadership (Ld): Finally this shows the discipline each model has in the heat of battle, where danger faces it and how the model reacts to it. Models with low leadership values such as the Araves Slaves with a value of five (Ld5) will suffer when things heat up, while models that have seen their share of danger and death will stand firm and stubbornly carry out your orders; the Heavy Infantry of the same race (Araves) for example has instead a

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leadership value of eight (Ld8). The average leadership value a model brings is usually seven (Ld7).

There are some other characteristics as well that influence how good a model is. These are cost (C), armour (Ar) and magical defense (Md).

-The cost (C) of the model indicates how many gold coins it takes for you to recruit it, therefore a Northern Alliance General would have to pay 8 gold coins to recruit a Shieldmaiden Infantry model (C8) while a more costly model such as a Heavy Infantry Barbarian would instead cost 13 gold coins (C13).

-The armor (Ar) indicates the natural defense each model brings to battle. Northern Alliance example: The Heavy Barbarian Infantry features very heavy armor (Ar3), while the Shieldmaiden Infantry features chainmail armor (Ar2). Some models however can be upgraded if you choose to spend additional coins on them, e.g. if you wish to supply your Shieldmaiden models with shields, then the cost is +1, bringing it to (C9) which gives them +1 Armor for a total of three (Ar3). The Heavy Barbarian Infantry does not have that option, therefore the (Ar3) can no further be improved. Orcs example: The Mountain Orcs have no armor at all, therefore they

will always remain without any saves if they get hit and wounded successfully. Their Valley Orcs cousins however make good use of the knowledge they carry on blacksmithing and make sure to bring some armor with them. They automatically receive an Armor of two (Ar2). If they choose to add helmets they improve their armor by +1, for a maximum of three (Ar3), same as the Heavy Barbarian Infantry.

-Magical Defense (Md) is granted by

magic amulets or magic banners or even a magic aura a hero may grant the regiment he joins. This comes in addition to what armor the model may be wearing at the time. Examples of how these work will be provided further down, don’t worry about any of this for now, it’s only important you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the models.

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General Principles and Guidelines

A player must first familiarize himself with some basic principles, before entering special rules and the strategic complexity which exalt the interest and fun this game conceals!

Distance measurement:

In Shieldwolf:War is Coming all distances are measured in inches. In order to perform this with accuracy a measuring tape can -and should- be used at any time to make sure distances are correctly measured. This is allowed from both players, although in the spirit of the game it is highly suggested you take care your measurements are correct prior declaring them to your opponent. All these (distances) are always measured from the closest point of each base or terrain. Many times movement trays will be used to facilitate speed of game. We suggest measuring from the tip of the movement trays troops can be placed on, as long as these are no thicker than ¼ of an inch.


Rolling a D6: Means rolling a six-sided dice.

Almost all results are measured by rolling dice. These reveal e.g. how successful your swordsmen were at defending themselves against a Heavy Barbarian Infantry attack and how devastating an Orcish boar chariot charge was against a handful of Talliareum Ogre Firebreathers.

Rolling a D3: Means rolling a six-sided dice where rolling 1-2 equals 1, rolling a 3 or 4 equals 2 and rolling 5-6 equals 3. Rolling artillery: These refer to the four artillery dice we may have to use for the game. -The first is the “Destiny dice”; this is a D6 (we recommend using a regular D6 but with a different color to distinguish it from the rest, usually red) and it calculates the number of wounds inflicted by the War machine. -The second is the “Direction dice”; has 4 sides showing an arrow, the 5th side

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showing a misfire and a 6th side that has a “direct hit” sign. This is used to calculate precision of hit. -The third & fourth are the “Precision dice”; both are D6 (again, we use different color, typically blue) which refer to the distance the artillery shot may have missed.


At some occasions you will be allowed -or forced- to roll the dice again.

Combat resolution: The main concept when forces collide is to determine what the result of their clash was. This is defined in “Shieldwolf:War is coming” simply as Combat Resolution, also noted as (CR). There is a great number of factors that contribute and determine the Combat Resolution, for it is very important for the final outcome of a Battle. These are:

-A banner bearer: +1CR -An Army Banner Bearer: +2CR -A wound successfully inflicted: +1CR -A charge (frontal attack): +1CR

-A side attack: +2CR -A rear attack: +3 CR -Ranks: +1CR for each rank (up to four max)


In the following paragraphs we will explain how movement works. For all characters, monsters, great monsters etc, we will refer to them below as “units”. There are four types of movement:

• Walk! The units move at normal speed (according to its’ movement characteristic). This is counted in inches. You may choose to use a smaller movement (e.g. instead of moving a maximum of 3 inches a player is allowed to move 1 inch), but you can never exceed the movement characteristic of the selected unit/-s. No models can move through others even if friendly, as the latter ones prohibit this from happening.

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• Run! The units can augment the distance of their movement (up to double its’ movement characteristic). The faster a unit type is, the larger this movement becomes (e.g. cavalry troops).

• Charge! The units are allowed to charge any enemy that is within distance. A player counts the movement characteristic (e.g. 4 inches), rolls two D6’s and adds them up. If it is sufficient, the charge is successful and the units must engage.

Note that this is not allowed if o The distance is greater than what the unit could actually achieve (e.g.

if Movement is “3” and you add the maximum of the 2 dice which would be 6+6=12, then the foe must be at maximum 15”. If it stands any further than that, the ‘Charge!’ order cannot be given)

o the troops are already engaged or o must pass through terrain that disallows the attack.

Also note that when any Infantry regiment charges a disengaged Cavalry regiment or Character on horse, it automatically receives a -4" penalty. Infantry rarely charges cavalry, that’s no secret!

• Flee! This is divided in 2 different types of movement. It’s “Auto-flee” and “Forced-flee

”. The troops that are given the option to Flee! have not been forced and are thus still following orders as instructed and remain in discipline. If they are charged and not caught up with (should the attacker choose to pursue them), they will reform automatically at the end of their movement and facing any direction they want. Those instead who are caught up from the enemy, receive a penalty, and are forced to reassemble and face the enemy in the direction which they received the charge from. If two enemy units charged them, the player must face the larger unit. If both units are equal in size, the player must face the unit which declared the charge first.

When a unit has to move, the action is very simple. The player marks the center point of the model(s) he wishes to move and nominates direction. This will be carried out according to the Movement characteristic the model has. If

the player is charging, he has to roll the dice to determine the distance he’ll cover (unless his movement characteristic is sufficient to complete the charge by itself).

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In the example illustrated an attacking Shieldmaiden Unit has a Movement of five (M5) and rolls 4+4=8, for a total of 13”.

Below are some more examples displayed in how movement is carried from entire regiments to single models, even if these happen to be huge terrifying Wyverns! Please note that regardless of how many ranks a unit has or what the base size of the model is, there is always on point in the centre of it. Also, if a Character is inside a Unit it is always treated as if it would follow the pace of the slower of his companions, so the Character model will move at the Movement characteristic of the Unit and not follow its own. Finally, if a Character is atop a mount, it is only obvious it will use the Movement characteristic of the mount and not his own!

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(Shieldmaiden unit moving either forward or to the right) This is a very straight forward example of simple movement functions when moving forward. The same principle is valid when you wish to go left or right. You pinpoint the centre of the model(s), you measure the distance you wish (and are allowed obviously) to cover with said unit, and you move it towards that direction. When the procedure is completed the unit must be placed facing the direction of the movement executed. As long as a model has clear space in front of it, then it can move “point to point”. This means there must not be other models (friends nor foes), nor terrain that disallows movement. These rules are

valid for movement and a player has an entire 180 degree arc in order to execute his maneuvers. A player is not allowed to move his unit in order to attack however outside his 45 degree vision, which in this case is measured from the tip/edge of the unit instead of the centre. The graphic below explains it better

The Shieldmaiden Ice Warbear Cavalry pictured above can attack in multiple locations, as long as it’s within the 45 degree arc. Anything outside that (i.e. in the graphic it’s anything below the two red lines drawn) is out of the unit’s line of sight and cannot be attacked, regardless of how close it may stand!

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Let’s show an example of this. The Shieldmaiden Monstrous Cavalry wishes to attack an Orc Battle Wyvern.

The player has to measure from the edge/tip of his unit at a 45 degree angle if he can “see” it. In this case, even for just a tiny bit, it does!

Assuming the player has successfully rolled the dice to cover the needed distance, he moves his unit in that direction, again point-to-point (blue dots). When he makes contact, he wheels his unit in order to close the

gap and engage the enemy unit, in this case the Wyvern.

This way however -if you notice- the player will leave one of the 3 bears outside the battle! In order to fix that, the player makes one final adjusting move, sliding the unit in order to “maximize” contact. A player may not refuse to maximize, once a unit is engaged everyone fights, simple as that!

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In case of a failed charge, the unit must proceed in the direction it declared and cover a distance equal to their Movement (M) characteristic.

In the next pages there will be a clear example illustrated of how this is put to play. Executing careful maneuvers is a key to gaining advantage over the opponent and winning the game. A player must take notice of how quickly his unit(s) move in order to be able to support one another and not risk isolating them in a condemned manner. With time you will see how some models excel in harassing the enemy’s forces due to the fact their higher movement characteristics is put to good use, disturbing your adversaries’ plans and pinpointing enemy models while avoiding being attacked.

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Both players roll a D6. The player who rolls higher deploys first. If both players roll the same, roll again until someone rolls higher. We are going to call the player that deploys first “1st player” and his opponent “2nd player”.

Deployment area:

The 1st player must first deploy his scouting units -regardless of what his army consists of. If he doesn’t have any, then the advantage is given to the 2nd player, since scouts always move earlier and faster by nature. After which, players alternate turns fielding their units.

The battle takes place in a table of specific dimensions (official setting is a 4 by 6 foot table, unless otherwise agreed between the two players). Each player starts deploying in his “deployment zone”. This is 12” wide and the whole table long. The only exception is scouting units which are allowed to be deployed 18” from the end of the table instead of 12”.

If the 1st player has less scouting units than the 2nd player, then once he finishes deploying his scouting units he has to start by deploying the rest of his army. At this point the 2nd player is allowed to double the deployment of his scouts (meaning for every single deployment move the 1st player makes, the 2nd player is allowed to place two (2) scouting units instead of the initial one (1). Note that this is an exception allowed only to the scouting units and not the normal troops, since they are favored from the special rule “Hurry up!”. Therefore the double deployment stops when the scouting units have all been deployed, after which players alternate turns then to continue with the fielding of their armies).

Deploying turns:

The 1st player is allowed to field one unit of his choosing. Once it has been placed, it can no longer be moved for any reason, other than it being disallowed (e.g. if part of the tray carrying the unit is outside the table or on invalid ground like a house or a tower). After having declared his deployment move finished, it’s the other 2nd player’s turn. Each Monster, Great Monster, Character (loner), Regiment etc counts as one (1) deployment turn. The players alternate these turns until one of them finishes first. The first unit that enters the battlefield is always the General, as he is the one leading the army to battle. The General cannot be fielded with a scouting unit. If the General is positioned in a Regiment or rides a Monster, then the regiment or monster is placed with the General in the same turn. Also, War machines being less swift than normal troops get deployed always last.

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Swift Discipline:

An army that is smaller can be deployed much faster and execute orders better. Therefore, once a player has finished his deployment moves, he must await his opponents’ next deployment and is then is allowed to start playing under the “Kill them all!” sub-phase (see below). This brings realism to what a massive army would require in terms of time in order to deploy, conflictingly to a smaller and swifter force. It also speeds up the game, where you do not have to wait for your opponent to finish all of his deployment moves. The game is on!

“Kill them all!”:

This is the sub-phase that commences immediately after any of the players has finished completely the deployment of his entire army. The player waits for the opponent to deploy his next unit after which is allowed to issue two (2) orders. On the contrary the opponent is allowed to issue only one (1) and continues to bring in his army, one unit at a time as allowed. These Orders (also known as Actions) continue to be issued until the 2nd player also completes the deployment of his entire army. The only exception to this rule is that the 2nd player (the one who was slower in completing the deployment) is allowed to exchange the issuing of the order he is entitled to in favor of deploying instead an additional unit (i.e. deploy two units in that turn instead of one).

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Once the units have been deployed and the 1st player commences playing, there are a series of orders you can issue. These orders issued have value for one turn (see below):

- Move! This includes any of the movements explained previously. - Charge! What every general wants to shout! This is a command you can issue

when one of your units is close enough to an opponent’s models. It grants a bonus in CR if successful.

- Fire! This is a command when the unit has a shooting ability (e.g. the Ogre Firebreathers).

- Change ammo! This is an order given to warmachines (see Shooting & Special rules section).

- Trench! This is a command when a unit has the special ability where your unit stands still and makes a trench to defend itself from an incoming charge. See special rules.

- Cast! This is a command given when a model has the casting ability (e.g. a Mountain Orc Shaman). It is only allowed in the Casting phase.

- Sacrifice! This is a command given when a model has the sacrificing ability (e.g. Goblin Shaman, see Special Rules).

- Assemble! This is a command given to a fleeing unit. The Unit is not allowed to receive any additional commands before the next round is complete and discipline restored. Only exception to this is if the unit is charged.

- Torch it! This is a command given when a model has the “torch it” ability. See special rules.

- Lay traps! This is a command given when a model has the “lay traps” ability. See special rules.

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Turn Sequence One of the most interesting points in “Shieldwolf:War is Coming” is the velocity with which the game is played and the higher complexity this attributes to the gamers involved, providing fun and offering a unique experience. At no point does a player have to wait for his opponent to do a large number of actions that he has already completed/done faster. When the 1st player enters the battlefield with his first unit, the game becomes a non-stop alteration of tactical decisions; You have to finish your moves in order to scramble your forces to the battlefield and meet the enemy who is hastily doing the same, at some point the deployment has ended and once that happens you can commence attacking your opponent during the “Kill them all!” sub-phase, which means you can move, sacrifice, charge, trench, fire… everything and anything you have to do to bring your men safely back and paint your banners with glory! This is the sequence the game follows: -Deployment: deploy skirmish units (if you don’t have any, go to the next) deploy General (if not a loner deploy with unit in the same turn) deploy army deploy characters deploy warmachines (if you don’t have any, deployment ends after the characters have been placed)

-Issue the orders! You can chose to move, run, cast, fire, and trench… anything that will bring you victory. The way this works is by following this very simple restriction: -You are allowed to issue any 6 orders in total if you command an “elite” army,

any 7 orders in total if you command a “fair” army,

any 8 orders in total if you command a “horde” army, after which you resolve any melee fights. Having finished that, it is then the opponent’s turn.


If you choose not to issue these orders or if for any reason you cannot complete them (e.g. you cannot issue shooting orders due to all your war-machines reloading in that turn), then you must disregard and either change the orders or move on to any melee resolution. One must choose the orders issued wisely; If you command e.g. an “elite” army, whether you choose to order 6 different artillery units to create

Under no circumstance can the same unit receive more than 1 order per turn (e.g. a unit cannot be ordered to move/fire/cast etc twice in the same turn). The ONLY occasion in which the same unit may receive more than 1 order per turn (e.g. be ordered to fire and move in the same turn) is if it is a model carrying a howdah. The additional order is directed/intended for the crew.

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a firing barrage or 6 units all to move in order to close up at strength to your enemy, that’s up to you. Pick your moves carefully and pay attention to the sequence of the orders, for it may be decisive whether you choose to use your movement orders, shooting, magic, trenching etc first.

Phase 1 (when the deployment commences). Players follow the deployment sequence and place their army in the best possible manner they believe will favor them in order to meet -and crush!- the enemy in the battlefield.

Phase 2 (also known as “Kill them all!” phase, it is when the deployment has finished from one side but not the other): The fastest player is allowed to issue two commands at a time for every turn, while the opponent completes his deployment phase and who is allowed to replicate only one. This means for example that if your opponent still has one block of infantry and 2 warmachines outside the battlefield and left to deploy while you one the other hand have already finished, then this is a sequence that could happen (for instance). Player 1 deploys his last warmachine and has placed all his units on the table. Player 2 deploys one block of Infantry. Player 1 issues two orders; a warmachine to fire and a unit of archers to trench. Player 2 deploys his warmachine and could replicate with one order, but he chooses to exchange that for an additional deployment, thus bringing in his 2nd warmachine and fully completing his deployment. Player 1 now is allowed to issue 6/7/8 orders (depending on what army he commands) since deployment from all sides has finished. See Phase 3 below.

Phase 3 (when the deployment has finished for both sides): The 2nd player has just deployed the last of his units, thus all models have been deployed on the battlefield. The 1st player commences the game by following the line of orders he is allowed and makes in time to issue before turning the initiative to his opponent. Summarizing again quickly:

-Issue the number of orders your army is entitled to (never more than 1 order for the same unit) -(resolve any melee)

Once your orders have been issued and executed (badly or not), it’s the 2nd player’s turn –following the exact same number of orders/actions-, then yours, then his again… the battle has commenced and you are either scrambling to organize your units into the battlefield, raining arrows or frantically trenching to defend your warmachine’s crew from the incoming enemy cavalry!

After which player alter turns, always in that order.

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Special Characters & Rules

The section below refers to some special characters and rules of the game. These are the following:

-Army General: Each army may have multiple heroes and Lords in its ranks but may field only one superior commander, known as army general. His presence in the battlefield inspires the troops and boosts their morale. Lords and Heroes can act as Generals of your army. The General attributes his own unit a +1 to their Leadership value (or if he is a ‘loner’ to the closest single unit as long as it within 6”), while the death of the General causes general dismay and confusion thus bringing an immediate penalty of -2 to the Leadership of the whole army with immediate effect and for the next two turns (one for each player), after

which the army regroups and comes back to order.

Special Characters:

-Army Banner Bearer: An army can have several banners but only the largest (and most important) one is defined as the Army Banner. The bearer of such a banner has been given a great honor and is usually very willing to die

before letting it fall into enemy hands, thus inspiring all troops around. All units within 12” of the Army banner receive an additional +1 to their Leadership value if charged, and all units (again, within 12”) are allowed to re-reroll a failed leadership test. The

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death of the army banner bearer makes friendly troops lose sight of it and lowers their morale, suffering an immediate penalty -1 to the Leadership of the whole army which lasts for the rest of the game.

-Army Arch mage or sorcerer: The presence of a magic wielder in an army is not necessary, since the troops can defend themselves with magical items without requiring knowledge of sorcery. If mages, shamans or sorcerers are present in an army however, these too will have various levels of importance. The strongest among them is called the Army Arch Mage and if he/she joins a unit it automatically gains +1 to their Magic defense (1Md). That remains until the mage leaves the unit and/or dies. The bonus cannot be given to a secondary unit should the Character chooses to leave the one joined initially and immigrate to another, for the blessing/spell has been casted on the first and there is no time for another. No army can have more than one Arch Mage.

Special Rules:

-“Shieldwall”: All models with this special rule are (obviously) equipped with a shield. If they receive a charge they gain a +1 Ar to their defense statistic for the 1st round. Also, it may

be noted here that all models carrying a shield and receiving ranged attacks (such as arrows and bullets) automatically receive a +2 armor bonus to their statistic. The Shieldwall special rule is valid only for charges, not ranged attacks. E.g. a Shieldmaiden infantry model with a Chainmail and a shield has a total armor of three (Ar +3), if they receive a charge from Talliareum Ogre Warbull Cavalry, then for the first round the Shieldmaiden models due to their training with shields will have a total armor of four (Ar +4). In another example if the same models suffer a shooting attack from archers, they receive an additional +2 armor for a total of five (+5)!

-“Pike formation” (bonus): All models equipped with pikes, halberds or spears have a natural advantage when facing cavalry units. If any type of Cavalry Unit charges such a formation with a frontal attack, it automatically receives a “lethal point” penalty, meaning for each model making contact with the said formation, the attacker roles a dice for each of his models in contact. For every 1 or 2 rolled, a cavalry model is disallowed any attacks, it gets automatically pierced from the defender and falls dead on the ground (the model is removed). This is valid for all normal cavalry units. For Monstrous Cavalry (MC) this is valid only if the attacker rolls a 1, (it’s a critical hit and the model gets removed).

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-“Charge” and “Multiple charge” (bonus): When overwhelming forces from all sides rain upon a certain unit, balances change since the defender’s warriors immediately suffer some uncertainty. When a “charge” is declared and if successfully engages the enemy, for that round alone the attacker gains a +1 bonus in combat resolution (+1CR). On the “multiple charge” bonus the attacker gains +1 Combat Resolution per charge, even if these charges are made against a single unit. For both bonuses to apply however the attacker must possess at least one attacking unit that has the same amount of ranks of the defending unit. If that is not possible, the bonus does not apply and the players resolve as normal.

-“Trench”: This is a special rule which is encountered in almost all war-machine crews and units with some type of artillery weapons. Instead of shooting for one round/turn, the general can issue the order to “trench”, meaning the soldiers place pikes on the ground or even make a small stone wall if possible. This will allow them to defend themselves better vs an enemy attack, since the obstacle causes a -1 training (-1Tr) to the attacker. This defensive bonus is lost only if the unit moves. The defense however stays where it is and can be used by any unit, friend or foe.

-“Torch it!”: This is an order given to all war-machines and some artillery

and skirmish units. It is the ability with which they are allowed to set fire to certain terrain (house, wheat field etc) which causes damage or destroys completely any enemy trapped inside. When a unit executes the order from a distance >6”, it fires at the terrain at their Training skill, as if it was an enemy. If 50% or more hit the target, then it catches fire and automatically destroys the terrain for the rest of the game. On top of that, any model(s) trapped inside roll a die. All rolls of 1-2, remove model, no saves allowed. All rolls 3-4, models submit a single Str4 attack. Rolls 5-6 models make it out safe.

-“Change ammo!”: This is an order given to all war-machines and some artillery units. It is the time necessary to change the type of ammunition and re-load the cannons with cannon balls or nails, catapults with huge rocks, dead cows, burning oil-barrels and anything else that can be thrown against the enemy. An appropriate card is placed next to the warmachine (see Shooting section for additional details) without declaring however if the type of ammunition has changed or what the ammunition loaded actually is.

-“Quick reload”: Unlike Cannons and other war-machines that take a while to reload and can therefore fire only once every 2 rounds/turns, there are certain units that are very quick to fire. These are marked with the special rule “Quick reload” and although cause less damage than a huge

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trebuchet or fearful cannon, they are a reliable asset for multiple shots.

-“Thunderous charge” (bonus): When the momentum is

crucial and a unit manages to strike at full strength at a

weak point of an enemy army using a certain

advantage (weight, weapon type etc), it is given an additional bonus. Units with this rule receive D6 additional attacks plus +1CR (for that turn only).

-“Ethereal” (status): Some units cannot be harmed by physical means. These are called ethereal and their attacks “ethereal attacks” (against which only magic defense is valid as it negates all armor saves).

-“Swamp-born” (bonus): Some units have grown so accustomed to tracking and/or fighting in the swamps, so they do not suffer any penalties when interacting with swamp terrain.

-“Terror” (bonus): This is a special ability some units have by nature, when an enemy unit comes within 6” of it (or when it is being charged) it has to take a Leadership Test. If it fails, it flees.

-“Regenerating power” (bonus): Models with this ability at the end of

each round in which they have suffered wounds, roll a number of dice equal to the wounds suffered. For every roll of 3, 4, 5 & 6, a wound of the model is restored.

-“Fire-proof” (bonus): This is a special ability some units have by nature, where fire attacks do not affect them. Models with this rule do not suffer any type of fire attacks.

-“Poisonous Effect”: This is a special ability attributed to some units. Although it cannot kill an enemy by itself, models affected by it suffer a permanent -1 Tr for the entire game. If a unit has been struck by it, a minimum of 25% from the total number of miniatures must suffer from it in order to apply to the entire unit. If not, the unit disregards the penalty and plays as normal.

-“Lay traps”: This is a special ability that is usually encountered by skirmish units (but not only those). The player has the right to purchase some additional items for the units with this ability which the opponent will not know before falling into them. This happens when the player chooses to charge said units or cross the position where they where positioned (e.g. a house), at which point you have to reveal the traps and roll the respective dice. More on this for further details later on.

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“The night before”

You are the Commander; you have been given 2,000 gold coins to spend in recruiting your forces and have created an army. You are now called to lead this army into the battlefield. The night before the enemy is met in the battlefield you order your army to make camp and rest, knowing that the following morning you will meet your foes and need your warriors fresh.

Here comes a rule however that is very fast -in playtime terms- and realistic. It is only natural the enemy would try to damage your plans before you get to the battlefield. And so would you, if given the opportunity to handicap your adversary prior to the battle. Before doing anything else, you must play “the night before” rule. Each player draws a card. These cards have been or will be published by Shieldwolf Miniatures with very detailed illustrations and specific actions. Here are some examples of the cards that you’ll be called to draw from:

The saboteur team successfully manages to infiltrate the tent of your war-machine crew. The defender chooses any war-machine in his army; if he doesn’t have any then you ignore the card. Roll a D3. A roll of 1-2, you lose one crew member of the war-machine chosen, a roll 3-4 you lose two crew members, a roll 5-6 you lose 3 crew members. If there are no other crew members left for the war-machine, it must be abandoned in your campsite since there are no experienced men to handle it. See Penalty sections.

The saboteur team successfully manages to set a war-machine on fire. The defender chooses any war-machine in his army; if he doesn’t have any, ignore the card. Roll a D6. A roll of 1 means your men made it in time to put the fire out with no damage. A roll of 2-4 means it will not be able to fire the first turn due to minor repairs. A roll of 5-6 means it will not be able to fire for the first two turns due to major repairs needed.

The saboteur team successfully poisons the horses’ drinking water. The defender chooses any cavalry unit (NOT monstrous cavalry); if he doesn’t have any then you ignore the card. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1 you lose 1 cavalry model, on a roll of 2 you lose 2 cavalry models etc…

The saboteur team gets caught. It doesn’t make it in time to do anything.

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Additional rule for “the night has fallen”; You are allowed to pay additional coin (50 gold) in order to recruit a second saboteur unit, which will force the enemy to draw a second card. You cannot have more than two cards (meaning two saboteur units) total, a third would cause inevitably exposure. This additional saboteur unit once it has fulfilled its duty however will then scurry away and you cannot use them again. The 50 gold coins are subtracted from your 2,000 gold coin allowance, thus forcing you to field a 1,950 gold coin worth army. Note: If both players decide not to play this rule, it is discarded and the game commences as if both Saboteur Units simply failed.

Types of Units Before we set out to show a game played, there is one final thing to note. The types of units you are allowed to field in battle! These are divided in main categories, from which you are restricted by a certain allowance.

Lords&Heroes: Each army has a maximum of 25% allowance. Core: Each army has a minimum of 50% allowance. Special: Each army has a maximum of 25% allowance. Heavy (Beasts): Each army has a maximum of 25% allowance. Mercenaries: Each army has a maximum of 25% allowance.

These are specified below.

Lords&Heroes: Include all Characters. Core: Includes all Infantry, Monstrous Infantry, Cavalry.

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Special: Includes all warmachines and some specified units like skirmish units.

Heavy: Includes all rare and huge beasts.

Mercenaries: Refers to all mercenary armies (e.g. Talliareum Ogres, Goblins etc).

Characters: These are all the Lords and Heroes you may choose to recruit. A maximum allowance of 25% is allowed in each army. These fit on 20mm or 25mm square bases, except if the Characters are supplied with a mount in which case they therefore will use the mount’s base size instead.

Infantry: These are all the units on foot, regardless being elite warriors or expendable slaves. A minimum of 50% allowance is required to form your army. Base sizes are either 20mm or 25mm square.

Monstrous Infantry: These are all the large creatures that however do not qualify for beasts (heavy). Such examples are the Talliareum Ogres, fitting on 40mm square bases. These can count in your 50% troop allowance, as long as they are not mercenaries.

Cavalry: All types of cavalry that fit on 50mm x 25mm bases, regardless being skirmish or heavily armored. These can count in your 50% troop allowance.

Monstrous Cavalry: All types of cavalry that fit on 50mm x 50mm or 75mm x 50mm bases. A maximum allowance of 25% is allowed in each army.

Heavy (Beasts): All models that fit on 50mm x 50mm, 100mm x 50mm bases or larger. A maximum allowance of

25% is allowed in each army.

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Skirmish Units: All models with this rule, skirmish units can never be more than ten (10) models per unit since that would disable maneuverability.

Shooting There are two ways to support your army and weaken your

enemy before engaging into close combat; one is shooting and the other is magic. A player will figure out that although both shooting and magic alone

do not suffice for an army to be victorious in the battlefield, if used correctly can help weaken the enemy ranks or maybe even destroy some of the smaller units or models of the enemy and help bring final victory.

Shooting is an ability some units or models have, as they are ranged attacks that allow you to inflict casualties to the

enemy from a safe distance. Some are based on pure numbers (like a large unit of Talliareum Pistoliers),

others count on smaller but heavier fire (like the Talliareum Ogre Firebreathers) and others yet aim at hitting large targets (like the Araves Scorpionno).

Shooting is divided in different categories and different armies often have various degree of training (Tr) regarding shooting abilities, but the weaponry characteristics summarized –with no exceptions

- is described below:

Crossbows: Fire at Str3, range 24”, armor piercing -1. Bows: Fire at Str3, range 30”. Longbows: Fire at Str3, range 36”. Pistols/Guns: Fire at Str4, range 12”, armor piercing -1. Rifles: Fire at Str4, range 24”, armor piercing -2. Throwing axes/hatchets: Strike at Str4, range 12”. Cannons: (cannonball) Fire at Str8, range 48”, armor piercing -6. Cause 2+D3 wounds (grapeshot) Fire at Str5, range 18”, armor piercing -1. Ballistas: (single strike) Fire at Str6, range 36”, armor piercing -4. Cause 1+D3wounds (multiple strike) Fire 6 Attacks at Str4, range 30”, armor piercing -2. Catapults: (stones) Fire at Str3, large template 5”, range 48”. (rock) Fire at str6, small template 3”, range 48”. 1+D3 at centre. (poisoned cow) Fire at Str3, small template 3”, range 48”. (Poisonous Effect) (broken arrow heads) Fire at str2, very large template 7”, armor piercing -1, range 36”.

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A ranged unit is either a unit with ranged attack weaponry or a warmachine. Units with ranged attacks can fire again in the next round. While a unit of Shieldmaiden rangers can easily reload their crossbows in a few seconds, a warmachine crew for a goblin Catapult for example will require taking a lot longer than that before firing a second time. Therefore all Warmachines are required to re-load one round before firing again, for the obvious reasons stated above.

Note: A player must NOT declare that the unit is re-loading, as it is not an automated action the crew will carry on its own without being ordered to

do so. He is usually requested to place a marker however in order to make note of this and avoid confusion and wrong play.

Types of Ammunition: Crossbows will always shoot arrows and so will all pistols shoot bullets, but Catapults and Cannons have a special ability to load different types of ammunition. On top of that, the distance from the enemy does not allow the enemy player to see what the warmachine crew is loading. Every time a player has fired and has to reload, he chooses a card showing the ammunition (or notes it clearly on a piece of paper if such cards are not yet available from Shieldwolf Miniatures), places it next to the warmachine face-down and reveals it only when it is time to shoot. Note: If an enemy unit is closer than 10” to the Catapult, then they are able to identify the type of ammo used by the crew and the card flips (and remains open for the opponent to see) as long as the unit remains in said proximity. If the enemy unit distances itself more than 10”, then the card is flipped facedown again, but it cannot be changed for that round (ammo remains the same for this round).

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Some players will choose to heavily field a number of ranged units, others will choose not to field any at all! In the first case, if the enemy manages to engage these ranged units in close combat, the defender is usually going to suffer heavily. In the second case, not having any ranged attacks may allow your opponent to wear you down without much effort, even with skirmish units that will fearlessly come close to you and harass both your troops and movement.

When a player commences his turn, as we said above he is allowed to issue a total of five (5) actions/orders. When he chooses to “Fire!”, he must follow a sequence to do this as follows: -The player nominates which of his model(s)/unit executes the order -The player nominates which enemy target he is shooting at. A distance measurement determining the exact length separating the models is advised. Only in occasions where the distance is obvious this can be avoided but in the spirit of the game we advise you count and inform your opponent nonetheless.

Shooting Sequence: Distance type:

We all know it is easier to shoot at something close to you than something that is relatively far away. In the case of Warmachines if a target is too close however, that may not be so due to simple mechanical restrictions. Distances are divided in three categories: Short distance: Any distance 12” or lower. Medium distance: Any distance that’s over >12” till 24”. Long distance: Any distance over >24”. For hand ranged weapons (i.e. crossbows, rifles etc): The Short distance confers no penalties to the shooting unit. The Medium distance has a -1Tr penalty to the shooting unit. The Long distance has a -2Tr penalty

For Warmachines (i.e. cannons, ballistas etc): The Short distance

to the shooting unit.

disables the unit from shooting. No exceptions whatsoever. The Medium distance confers no penalties to the shooting unit. The Long distance has a -1Tr penalty to the shooting unit.

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How do Warmachines work?

Just before we go to the next chapter of this book, let’s take a moment to analyze how War Machines function in “War is Coming”. We have seen there are 3 main types that have the same rules regardless of which armies carry them. (These are noted below again:)


When firing a Cannon

the player must act in this sequence. -Declare that one of the actions(/orders) is firing his cannon (e.g. Talliareum Human Cannon) -Nominate the target it wants to strike at (e.g. Northern Alliance Great War Mammooth w/howdah)

-Measure the distance to allow the action (e.g. 32”, valid distance). -Determine any penalties (Long Distance, thus penalty -1 Tr. The human crew manning the Cannon has an initial training of 3, thus now strikes at Tr2.) -Roll 1 dice to strike; (e.g. Tr2 needs a roll of 5+. If the crew doesn’t make that roll, it misses and has to reload, ending this action. Let’s assume for the example’s sake it was a roll of “5”, thus striking a successful hit.) -The crew’s cannonball strikes at Str8, with armor piercing -6! The Great War Mammoth despite the impressive Toughness of 6, gets wounded according to the table (Strength vs Toughness) at a roll of 2+. If successful, the cannonball automatically inflicts 2 wounds (discarding the Armor save in this case) and the attacker rolls a D3 for any additional wounds. In this example the player rolls a “3”, so that’s 2 additional wounds for a total 2+2=4 wounds, leaving the Mammooth at only 2 Wounds left…


Target’s Distance in inches (horizontal line) vs Attacker’s Training (vertical line)

- - - - - - - - - - -

- 0” >6” >12” >18” >24” >30” >36” >42” >48” >56”

1 - - 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+

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2 - - 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+

3 - - 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+

4 - - 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+ 6+

5 - - 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 6+

6 - - 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 6+

7 - - 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 6+

8 - - 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 6+

9 - - 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 6+

10 - - 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+

- - - - - - - - - - -

Ballistas: When firing a Ballista the player must act in a similar sequence like the

Cannon, but has to also declare the type of shot he’s making. -Declare that one of the actions(/orders) is firing his Ballista (e.g. River Orc Ballista) -Nominate the target it wants to strike at (e.g. let’s take again the Northern Alliance Great War Mammooth w/howdah) -Measure the distance to allow the action (e.g. 32”, valid distance only for the single strike attempt). If the ballista was loaded with the ‘multiple strike’ ammunition it could not fire in this round at this target. -Determine any penalties (Long Distance, thus penalty -1 Tr. The Orcish crew manning the Ballista has an initial training of 3, thus now strikes at Tr2.) -Roll 1 dice to strike; if it could fire the 6-shot ‘multiple strike’ the player would still have rolled a single dice (e.g. in this case Tr2 needs a roll of 5+. If the crew doesn’t make that roll, it misses and has to reload) Again, for the examples sake, let’s pretend it rolled a successful “6”. -The crew’s great Spike strikes at Str6, with armor piercing -4! The Great War Mammoth has a Toughness of 6, gets wounded according to the table (Strength vs Toughness) at a roll of 4+ this time. If successful, the great Spike automatically inflicts 1 wound (again discarding the Armor save in this case due to the staggering -4 piercing ability) and the attacker rolls a D3 for any additional wounds. Let’s say he

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rolled a “5” to wound (succesful), and a further roll of “2”. This means it caused a total of 1+1=2 wounds, leaving the Mammooth with 4 more wounds.

Catapults: When firing a Catapult

the player again follows the sequence above: -Declare that one of the actions(/orders) is firing his Catapult (e.g. Goblin Catapult) -Nominate the target it wants to strike at (e.g. let’s take yet again the Northern Alliance Great War Mammooth w/howdah) -Measure the distance to allow the action (e.g. 32”, valid distance for all types of ammunition). The General (that would be you) had ordered in advance the blood crazy cunning goblin mercenaries to load the Catapult with great rock ammunition in order to deal with this huge beast before it wrecked havoc among their lines. -Determine any penalties (Long Distance, thus penalty -1 Tr. The goblin crew manning the Catapult has an initial training of 3, thus now strikes at Tr2.) In addition to this however, the crews manning Catapults must roll

the dice of destiny and the arrow shows the direction the rock will land. If the crew succeeds in their roll, they are allowed to “fix” the landing of the rock (or any type of ammunition for the Catapult that is) by the roll of D6 they made. This allows to move the template (small 3” in this case) towards any direction they wish for the D6 inches they rolled. -Having rolled (yet again for example’s sake) a successful “5”, the goblins strike the beast. The roll of the dice of destiny however is large nine (6+3=9)

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which carries the rock away by 9” to the direction of the arrow dice (shown here in red). Since the goblins were successful however, they are allowed to “fix” their error at the last moment of the rock leaving their warmachine, bringing it 5” back (equals to the dice they rolled for their Training test) As you can see now, the template may not be dead centre on the base of the beast,

but it still manages to strike successfully. The part under the template under the template has a roll of 1+D3 at Str6. For T6 of the Mammooth, this takes rolls of 4+. If the player rolls a 1,4,5, then this means that an additional 2 hits where successful, wounding the Mammoth for a total of 2+1=3 wounds. For every model under the template, there is an additional of a Str6 hit. The howdah brings atop 8 Shieldmaiden

warriors, thus by placing the template we would notice 3 models are below (not shown here). These Shieldmaidens

also get struck at Str6 vs T3, meaning three dice rolls that wound and kill at 2+ each…

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Shieldwolf reigns in a world of fantasy were magic is a fact and many those who practice it. Some spend many years perfectioning their knowledge and become powerful wizards, magicians, shamans, sorcerers, druids… they all master a lore like no other and although they have the ability to cast magic to heal, repair, strengthen etc their fellow kindred, they often use the devastating effects on the enemy. It is often wise to recruit these in your army, for they can turn the tide with either defensive or offensive spells.

Every time a player chooses to cast a spell, then this is an order issued to one of his magic casters and is equal to a turn of play. The magic wielder has to roll dice to see if he has accumulated enough mana at the moment to cast the spell successfully. The defending player can let the spell casted pass and suffer the sequences, or can use a turn of his own to defend himself. Every model with the casting ability needs at least one round to collect back enough mana (pool of energy) in order to cast a spell again.

Casting spells: The magic caster has a number of dice equal to his energy

level, known as pool of mana. There are 3 levels of magicians and each one of them is familiar with a single lore of magic (see below). Level 1 (or Lvl-1): An apprentice or naturally gifted but untrained. Starts with one (1) dice. He only knows how to cast the first two spells from the lore he chooses. Level 2 (or Lvl-2): Commonly referred to as a sorcerer (although that can also be a necromancer, warlock, druid, shaman, wizard, witch, seer etc, depending on the army that fields the model). It refers to one who has practiced a few years and/or has cultivated his naturally gifted abilities. Starts with three (3) dice from the pool. He only knows how to cast the first four spells from the lore he chooses. Level 3 (or Lvl-3): A master. The most powerful level a magic caster can reach, not only these individuals have long used, practiced and perfectioned their abilities, many have reached a level where they start creating spells of their own. Almost all of them have been in battlefields and experienced true danger, while some may have not but have instead ventured in cold and dark dungeons or lost caverns in deadly places only to fight off the guardians and retrieve ancient artifacts of sublime power. Each model starts with five (5) dice each game. The master knows all spells from the lore attributed to him.

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In order to replenish the energy that is drained away from them every time they use their abilities to cast a spell –either defensive or offensive-, they must rest so they may retrieve their strength. No model can cast twice in the same round nor can it cast the same spell in two (2) consecutive rounds. It is also important to note that the greater the energy spent for a cast, the longer it takes to retrieve the power back. For every round a model rests, it retrieves only one (1) dice back! Therefore e.g. if a master has rolled 5 dice and chooses to roll 3 of them in order to cast a spell, then the next round it is forced to rest; afterwards if the same model wants to cast another spell, it does not have 5 dice but carries instead only 4. (For practical reasons we suggest placing the respective number of colored dice next to each magic caster.)

Casting spells:

Before casting a spell, the players must determine how much energy can be summoned for the spells to take effect. -The attacking player (meaning the player whose model is attempting to cast the spell) rolls two dice. This is known as the Mana pool and the attacker receives a number of dice equal to the larger of the 2D6 rolled. He then distributes the dice to the

model which will cast the spell and adds the number of dice it carries with it (e.g. an apprentice carries one extra dice so that would be +1 dice in this casting phase). If the model gains any additional magic due to the supporting unit it stands in (magic banners, see below), then it adds that number of dice also. It has to nominate a target and wait for the opponent to react.


-If the player does not wish to use all the dice from his model (e.g. an Orc Shaman carries 3 dice but the player may choose to use only 2 for the casting attempt), he is not obliged to as long as he uses at least 1 die from the model’s naturally attributed mana pool (and not from the dice he rolled).

-If the player chooses not to roll all the dice, these are not carried on the next round but they instead disperse into nothing.

-If a player has no magic casters or Pillars of the Protector left in his army, he will not be entitled to any dispelling attempts as there is simply nothing in his possession to allow him that!

-The defending player gets a number of dice equal to the lowest D6 roll of the attacker’s 2D6 rolled. It then adds the number of dice provided by his own model’s dice (which he then

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discards and awaits regenerating them back), and/or the Pillars of the Protector (see below). If the attacking player has nominated a unit where there is a magician of his own, the defending player may choose to subtract dice from him in order to defend the unit. If the unit has any additional magic (magic banners, see below), then it must add that number of dice as well.

Pillars of the Protector: An army can choose not to include any models with a casting ability. However it is unwise to venture into battle without being able to counter magic, so ancient pillars are carried and placed on the battlefield in order to protect the army. These are known as Pillars of the Protector, cost 25 gold each and for every single pillar the defending player receives always +1 dice for any dispelling attempt a player needs. Note that these need no rest to recover their energy since they summon it from the earth below where energy is infinite. These however donate energy to contribute to a defending ability, thus a player cannot use these dice in order to cast offensive spells or to enhance/buff his units.

Magic Banners: An army may choose to venture into battle by raising banners known for their magical abilities. These come at a cost naturally, but may be worth it if used wisely. A magic banner may

attribute magical power (in form of additional dice) to a player but only for the Unit or model that carries it.

Remains in Play (RiP):

Some spells remain in play till the opponent dissolves them. To dispel a RiP spell a defender must on his casting phase roll a 8+ from the dice available

Magic Lores:

There are eight lores of magic in the Shieldwolf World. These are:

• Arcane Magic (Lore of Arcanum):

• Death Magic (Lore of Mortis):

• Frost Magic (Lore of Ice):

• Fire Magic (Lore of Infernii):

• Delusional Magic (Lore of Delirium):

• Earth Magic (Lore of Terra):

• Life Magic (Lore of Vitae):

• Light Magic (Lore of Lucea):

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Each and every one of these has very precise powers used in the field of battle to establish your superiority when facing ill thinking foes.

Arcane Magic (Lore of Arcanum): This lore is the most ancient of all, the first magic ever witnessed. It hides horrible power, and although devastating it is hard to master. Many have been consumed by it, lost souls without hope of ever returning. It includes the following spells: ===Ancient Arrow: Casts at 5+. An ancient arrow is created out of thin air and leaves the caster’s hands to form a deadly missile. Has a range of 18” and causes D6-1 Str6 hits. ===Cloud of Arcanum: Casts at 6+. A

huge cloud is formed to evolve the caster and offer him an additional +1 Magic defense. This can be enhanced for the Great Cloud of Arcanum and is casted at 13+. This gives +1 Magic defense to the whole unit the Arcane Sorcerer is in. The effect of the spell is Remains in Play and cannot accumulate more than one. ===Arcane Weight: Casts at 9+. Range 18”. The unit targeted feels like their weaponry is heavier than before. This gives a penalty to their abilities to wield it thus -1 Tr. The spell is worn off on the next round. ===Soldiers of Arcanum: Casts at 13+. Range 18”. The unit targeted is engulfed in mystical auras that make them face their worst nightmares. In their confusion they strike 2D6 at their base attack their own troops! The spell gets dissolved after the next round. It can be enhanced at a range of 24” with a roll of 15+. ===Arcane Rust: Casts at 18+. Range 24”. The unit targeted suffers the turning of their weaponry into rust. This affects the damage the unit manages to inflict, thus the penalty is -1 Str. This is a Remains in Play spell until the defender manages to undo the magic. It can be augmented at a 24” range at a roll of 20+. ===Arcane Rusticum Ultimatum: Casts at 22+. Range 24”. The unit suffers the same penalty as the Arcane Rust spell but the entire armor gets rusty and inefficient, thus penalizing further the models targeted by an additional -1 Armor and -1 Movement. If the unit does not have armor, the

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spell has no additional effect other than the penalty from the Arcane Rust (-1 Str). These effects too are Remains in Play until dispersed by the defender.

Death Magic (Lore of Mortis): ===Kiss of Death: Casts at 5+. A greenish arrow is created out of thin air and leaves the caster’s hands to form a deadly missile. Has a range of 24” and causes D6 Str2 hits. No armor saves allowed. ===Venumous Cloud: Casts at 7+. A sickening light green cloud engulfs the Sorcerer and the unit he is in by making the air heavy to breathe for all foes attacking in Close Combat. This gives -1 Training. The effect of the spell is Remains in Play and it can be further enhanced at a roll of 14+ by making the air close to the caster even more thickening, protecting again the unit from all foes in Close Combat by -1 Training to their foes, but in addition makes that -2 Training to those attacking the Sorcerer. ===Grasp of the Dead: Casts at 7+. The necromancer may choose to call upon the dead that lie below. Skeleton hands surface to attack a model nominated by the Sorcerer, causing D6 Str5 attacks. This spell has a 24” range. If the Necromancer chooses to enhance the spell, then the entire enemy unit gets attacked by 3D6 Str4 attacks. If at least one model is removed as a result of this spell, the unit suffers a -1 Leadership for the

remaining of the game. This has no accumulative effect. The enhanced spell is casted at 15+. ===Doom and Despair: Casts at 9+ and has a 24” range. The unit chosen by the caster suffers a moment of agony. In its despair to escape it, a D6 number of models strike D6 number of attacks each at Str3 to their own unit. If the caster chooses to unleash all of his power, then the distance remains 24” but needs a roll of 17+ to be successfully casted. In this case the targeted unit suffers greatly and 2D6 number of models attack at their Strength their unit. ===Shout of the Graves: Casts at 12+ and has a range of 30”. Choose a single enemy model (if the model is in a Unit, the caster rolls the dice and if the casted value is 12+ (and the spell casted isn’t dispelled), then the caster must roll an additional D6. The spell can be successful only at a roll of 6, otherwise the Graves know not whom to choose and target any infantry model from the ranks behind). The model suffers 2D6 Str5 attacks, with a bonus against Magical defense of -1. ===Call of the Dead: Casts at 16+ and has a range of 24”. Choose any unit. Undead rise from below, tangling and attacking the unit. Roll 4D6 Str3 dice to make the unit suffer your wrath. The spell can be enhanced by 5D6 Str3 dice at an augmented range of 30” at a roll of 20+. ===Scream of the Dead: Casts at 22+ and has a range of 24”. All enemy models in the radius of the Necromancer receive a single Str5

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attack from the Necra Aura summoned which engulfs everyone. All enemies are caught by surprise and suffer a -1 Toughness during the attack. The effects get dispelled afterwards.

Frost Magic (Lore of Ice): ===Arrow of Ice: Casts at 5+. A cloud of frost in the shape of an arrow is created out of thin air and leaves the caster’s hands to form a deadly missile. The spell is targeted at the unit the Sorcerer has nominated before attempting to cast it successfully, has a range of 24” and causes D6 Str5 hits, with a minus one (-1) armor penalty. ===Shield of Ice: Casts at 8+. Icicles pop out to form a trench at the selected unit, giving them a -1 Tr penalty if charged. This is a Remains in Play spell. ===Ice Cage: Casts at 10+. Range 24”. Huge icicles pop out of the ground and the unit targeted remains trapped for the two of the defender’s turns. If the defender chooses to ignore the icicles that pin him to that point and decide to move away (even by very little), the models targeted are going to suffer 4D6 Str3 hits, with a -1 Armor penalty. The spell can be augmented at a cast value of 16+ to reach a range of 48”. ===Rain of Hail: Casts at 11+. Range 24”. Hail starts raining down the chosen target. Choose the 3” template and place it over a model of your choosing. All models below suffer a Str4 hit. The spell can be augmented

at a 36” range and a casting value of 17+, if successful place the 5” template instead and deal the same Str4 hit for every model below or even partially touched. ===Pit of snow: Casts at 12+. Range 18”. A pit of snow appears out of nowhere and makes the model targeted fall inside. At a roll of 6 the model chokes and is removed, no saves of any kind allowed. If the model is inside a unit, then the Sorcerer after having successfully casted the spell must also roll an additional dice, he’ll be successful at a roll of 5+. ===Frost Nova: Casts at 13+. A huge blast of cold strikes all the enemy units in a 24” radius. This reduces their movement by half for the following turn. In addition to that the closest unit/model to the sorcerer suffers a D6 Str3 number of hits. ===Ice Armor: Casts at 16+. Range 24”. It creates an additional layer on the armor for the unit selected offering +1 Toughness and +1 Armor for the next round. ===Freezing Hell: Casts at 19+. Range 24”. All enemy units in the radius of the 24” casted suffer a -1 Training for the following round due to the slower movement the bitter cold makes them suffer. ===Avalanche of the Gods: Casts at 24+. Out of nowhere an avalanche of snow appears and engulfs every model unlucky to be there. Any enemy model on top or in contact with a hill suffers a single (1) Str4 attack with no armor saves allowed.

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Fire Magic (Lore of Infernii): ===Fire bolt: Casts at 5+. A reddish cloud in the shape of an arrow is created out of thin air and leaves the caster’s hands to form a deadly missile. Has a range of 36” and causes D6 Str4 hits. ===Fire line: Casts at 7+. A line of fire springs from the earth and strikes any unit unlucky to be underneath it. Draw a direct line from the caster to any direction you wish, 24” long. Any models (both friend and foe) touched suffer a Str4 attack with a -1 armor save and -1 Md save modifier. ===Fire Rain: Casts at 9+. A rain of fire falls upon the targeted unit or model. Place the small 3” template above the model you choose. Any models beneath the template receive a Str4 attack. If a large model (e.g Troll or Mammooth) has been targeted, then multiply the number of attacks by two (2). The spell has a range of 36” and can be enhanced to the Great Fire Rain, where the large 5” template is used instead at a roll of 13+. ===Burning Legnum: Casts at 11+. Target a forest or bush terrain. They burn in a fulminating fast manner, spreading death to those unfortunate to be trapped inside. Any models inside or in contact with a forest or bush terrain suffer a Str4 attack each, with a -1 Md penalty. The terrain is after that removed since it is now nothing more than ashes. Range 48”. ===Burning Legion: Casts at 13+. Target an enemy unit. For every 4

models it consists of, a Fire Djinn appears to strike three(3) Str4 attacks. Note that the Djinns are ethereal and their attacks have a -1 penalty to the normal Armor Save. Range is 36”. ===Infernum Machinarea: Casts at 15+, unlimited range. All enemy Warmachines are targeted and catch fire for which the defender has to roll 1D6 (for each of them separately). At a roll of 1-2 the Warmachine loses 1 crew member in the attempt to put out the fire, at a roll of 3-4 the Warmachine loses 2 crew members, at a roll of 5 the warmachine suffers severe damages and needs 2 rounds to be repaired, while at a roll of 6 the whole crew dies and the warmachine gets removed. If the crew consists only from 2 models, then a roll of 1-3 remove 1 model, a roll of 4-5 severe damages and 2 rounds of repairs and at a roll of 6 the warmachine and crew get removed. ===Gates of Infernii.

Casts at 20+. Range 24”. Choose an enemy unit. Gates of the Infernii open in front of them and fire engulfs them all. Roll a D6 for each model. At a roll of 1-2 the model gets removed, at a roll of 3 the model loses 1 wound, at a roll of 4-6 the models escape unharmed. The gates close and vanish just as fast as they appeared as soon as the last model takes the test.

Delusional Magic (Lore of Delirium): ===Missile of Noone : Casts at 5+. A missile is created out of thin air and

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leaves the caster’s hands aimed at a nominated target. Has a range of 18” and causes StrX hits to the model struck. ALL models in contact base attack the target at their base Strength. The spell gets dispersed afterwards, only to make the unit realize what they have done! ===Fighting Shadows: Casts at 6+. Shadows take form and attack the front rank of an enemy unit the caster nominates. Each model receives an attack at their own strength (Characters do not suffer this spell). Range 48”. ===Invisible Arrows: Casts at 7+. Any enemy unit targeted by this spell is made to believe arrows are about to rain upon them. They stop whatever they are doing and try to cover themselves to the best of their abilities. The unit suffers a “hold!” and is not allowed to make any movements in the next round. Range is 24” but can be augmented at 36” at a roll of 9+. ===Obstaculum Noertis: Casts at 10+. The caster chooses an enemy unit and creates an invisible non-existent obstacle in front of them. The spell is remains in play and the unit is not allowed to move forward unless the spell is dissolved. If they get charged, then the illusion disappears but the unit gets caught off guard and suffers a -1 Training penalty. ===Fieris Fuocus: Casts at 14+. The caster chooses an enemy building. If there are enemy troops inside they think the building is on fire and scramble to get out, also suffering a

D6 Str3 hits. If an enemy unit is not inside it cannot enter the building since they believe it is burning. ===Augmenterus Nemicus:

Casts at 17+. Range is 24”. The caster chooses a friendly unit. Any enemy suffering an attack from the said unit sees double the numbers it truly consists of, suffering double the attacks it would normally suffer. The friendly unit that is under this spell also inflicts a -1 Ld penalty to the unit attacking it due to the augmented numbers they believe they are called to face. The spell can be augmented at 20+ and the same range for it to Remain in Play.

Earth Magic (Lore of Terra): ===Stone Arrow: Casts at 6+. A brownish cloud in the shape of an arrow is created out of thin air and leaves the caster’s hands to form a deadly rocky mnissile. Has a range of 14” and causes D6 Str6 hits. ===Strangling Roots: Casts at 8+. The caster picks a forest where any enemy models within it suffer a Str3 attack each. Range is 48” and Remains in Play, regardless after that which models enter this terrain (friends or foes). ===Rockul fistum: Casts at 9+. The caster makes a Stone Golum emerge from the ground of a targeted enemy unit, inflicting 1+D6 Str5 attacks. The range is 24” but can be enhanced at 36” with a roll of 14+, by making 2 Golums appear, thus inflicting 2+2D6 Str5 attacks. ===Wind of Revenge. Casts at 12+, at

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48” range. Wild fierce winds strike the enemy unit. Pick 3 enemy units. Roll a D3. At 1-2, the 1st unit gets affected, at 3-4 two units get affected and at 5-6 all three enemy units get affected. Their movement is halved for the next round, while all units with a Shooting ability get a -1 training penalty, except from Archer units that instead suffer a -2 Tr. ===Terremotis: Casts at 14+, at 24” range. An earthquake shakes the ground below the targeted enemy troops. The targeted enemy troops on the table suffer a -1Tr for that round. It can be further augmented at 17+, at 36” range. All enemy and friendly troops within radius suffer -1Tr. Enemy artillery suffer for the next round a -2Tr instead. ===Terra Arrabbiatum: Cast at 18+, range 24”. The earth shakes violently and stone spikes spring from the ground impaling anyone underneath. A single model is targeted and receives a 1+D6 Str7 hits. ===Storm of Stones:

Cast at 22+, range 24”. The sky rains huge stones against all enemy units within reach. Every model receives a Str3 hit, with a -1 Ar penalty. This spell can be augmented at a roll of 25+, range 36”.

Life Magic (Lore of Vitae): ===Breath of life: Casts at 6+, range 24”. The caster chooses a Character and grants him an additional +1 Md for the next round. The spell can be augmented to 36” at a roll of 9+.

===Refreshening gust: Casts at 8+, range 24”. The caster chooses a Character and grants him an additional +1Movement and +1Md for the next round. The spell can be augmented at 12+, where it doubles the Movement and grants +2Md for the next round. ===Antidotus Murgas: Casts at 10+, range 36”. The caster chooses a friendly unit that has been hit by poisonous effect and dissolves it. Can be augmented at 12+ for a range of 48”. ===Kiss of life: Casts at 11+, range 36”. The caster chooses a friendly unit and if cast successfully grants it a +1Md and +1Ar for the next round. A Character inside the unit receives a +2 Ar on top of the +1Md. ===Immacolate Soul: Casts at 13+, range 24”. The caster chooses a friendly model and if cast successfully grants him the right to invert the saves of any enemy model attacking him. ===Spakling Heart: Casts at 16+, range 36”. The caster chooses a friendly unit and if cast successfully grants them a re-roll of all their saves if ever attacked. The spell dissolves

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after the unit has rolled at least once (a save roll).

Light Magic (Lore of Lucea): ===Lighting Gaze: Casts at 5+. A yellowish cloud is created out of thin air and leaves the caster’s hands to form a deadly missile. Has a range of 24” and causes 2D6 Str2 hits. ===Blindonium Sun: Casts at 7+. Range 24”. Caster nominates an enemy unit with ranged attack weaponry. A sudden blinding light appears in front of it, unabling the enemy from seeing clearly.All (ranged) attacks suffer a -1Tr penalty for this round. Cast can be augmented to -2Tr penalty at a roll of 14+. ===Verbotinus speed: Casts at 8+. Range 30”. Caster nominates an enemy unit. If casted successfully the unit in the next round has its movement characteristic halved (e.g. if M5, then it becomes M3). Cast can be augmented to Remains in Play at a cast of 15+. ===Aeolus Feet: Casts at 10+. Range 24”. The caster picks a friendly unit. If successful, the movement characteristic of said unit doubles. The spell Remains in Play until it is dispersed or till the unit dies or flees. ===Amaurotic Superbus: Casts at 12+, range 24”. Darkness befalls as the light vanishes, disallowing clear vision. Pick an enemy unit, it suffers a -1Tr penalty for the next round. The spell can be augmented at 18+, making all enemy units within radius suffer -1Tr for the next round.

===Thunderius Touch: Casts at 14+, range 24”. The caster picks a friendly unit. If successful it triples the movement for the next round. It can be augmented at 20+, where the caster picks 3 friendly units, and if successful all of them double their movement in the next round. ===Energy blindess

: Casts at 20+, range 48”. If cast successfully unables all enemy units within range to fire. The spell remains in play until dissolved at a roll of 8+.

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Close Combat

You can outmaneuver your opponent as much as you like, you can outshoot him, you can outrun him, but at some point the inevitable will happen; the enemy is going to reach you and close combat is going to occur. Here’s where true spirit and valor is going to come into place, guided with your strategic genius.

When it comes to close combat, you have to think that you have to take the initiative and engage the enemy first. The game pushes towards a more aggressive behavior, rather than a sit-and-wait which would make it more dull. Taking the initiative is something that has risk but rewards the player choosing to take the fight to the enemy. Each time a unit declares and succeeds in charging an enemy unit, it always strikes first. The defender can replicate but only after submitting the initial attacks from the attacker. When units are involved, only the first two ranks engage in battle. The defender has to remove all casualties from the first rank having submitted the attack. The models removed from the first rank do not get a chance to attack back. If casualties are so numerous that the models from the first row are all eliminated, then the player is forced to remove models from the 2nd row too. The defending player however substitutes all losses from the 2nd rank by stepping up his warriors from behind and filling the ranks, so under no circumstance does the defending player lose the attacks he is entitled to from the 2nd rank (except naturally if there are not enough models in the 3rd rank etc in order to substitute the losses).

Below is an example of how Close Combat works.

In the graphic shown here there is a unit of Valley Orcs that is ordered to charge a unit of Shieldmaidens. The distance is 8”. The Orcs have a movement of 4”, therefore they need to roll 2D6 and cover the 4” distance. Let’s say they roll 5+1=6. That means

they have a total of Movement 4” + 6” =10 that is more than sufficient to cover the 8” that separates them from the Northern Alliance enemy unit. Once engaged, they are the first to strike. The front rank counts 6 models and only the first two ranks are allowed to attack, therefore the Orc player is going to have

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Graphic I

Graphic II

6+6=12 models with which to attack the Shieldmaidens. The female warriors have a 5-wide rank spread, therefore they get to attack with 5 + 5 = 10 models. Once the Orcs have dealt their attacks, the Shieldmaidens roll for their saves, then the maidens attack back and Orcs will have to roll their saves back given that both models have armor and are entitled to saves (if a model does not have any type of save rolls, you

disregard and directly remove all models/casualties).

Graphic III

Let’s see how this would work and how some special rules like the “Shieldwall” featured from the Shieldmaidens comes into play here. The Orc player has the following stats for his Valley Orc Infantry (Tr4, Str4, T4, Arm +2) while the Shieldmaiden Infantry has (Tr4,Str3, T3, Arm +3). The Orc player must face enemy Tr4 vs his own Tr4, which means he succeeds his attacks on all rolls 4,5,6 while rolls of 1,2,3 are misses. (see graphics IV and V below)

In the example described the Orcs roll 12 attacks of which only 6 are successful. The attacks that have hit the targets successfully however may not be sufficient to cause any wounds to the models inflicted. At this point we must see at what strength (Str) these attacks take place and how

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resilient (T) the target receiving the hits is. Here the brutal Orcs strike at a Str4, whereas the Shieldmaidens have a Toughness of 3, so according to the table below all hits 3,4,5 and 6 are sufficient to inflict a wound at the Shieldmaiden models. Given that these models carry a single wound each, a successful hit that translates into an unsaved wound will be enough to remove the model.

In the example described, the Orc player rerolls the 6 dice which had successfully marked a “hit”, to see how many strike a wound. The dice show the Orcs struck 5 successful wounds.

TO HIT TABLE (Graphic IV) Target’s Training (horizontal line) vs Attacker’s Training (vertical line)

If the models had no saves available, the defending player would have to subtract 5 Shieldmaiden models. However Shieldmaidens carry chainmail armor that allows them a +2

armor save which is ulteriorly augmented by +1 from the shields they carry, therefore they have a total of +3 armor save.

The special rule for the “Shieldwall” allows Shieldmaidens when charged to have an ulterior +1 armor save, for a total of +4! This is valid for the first round only, after which the Shieldwall breaks. The augmented strength with which the Orcs attack makes it easier to wound the maiden models but armor can still save them and suffer

only a -1 Ar penalty (due to being struck at Str4, check the table below)

TO WOUND TABLE (Graphic V) Target’s Toughness (horizontal line) vs Attacker’s Strength (vertical line)

- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 2 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 3 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 4 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 5 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 6 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 7 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 8 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 9 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 10 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 3 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 4 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 5 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 6 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 7 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+

8 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 9 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 10 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 4+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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The Krumvaal Northern Alliance (Shieldmaiden) player in this case will have to defend himself with 5 dice (equals the models inflicted a successful wound), by rolling 4,5,6. All rolls of 1,2 and 3 are fails and cause a casualty (the player has to remove a model for each wound suffered).

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So, in the example shown, only 2 Shieldmaiden models perish. This leaves 8 models in the 2 first ranks. Having defended themselves, the Shieldmaidens replicate the attacks back. 10 models having a single attack each, they have the same training (Tr) level as the Orcs, so they too strike successfully with rolls of 4,5 and 6. In the example below they roll the 10 dice allowed and have 6 attacks pass. Unlike the female models however, the larger Orcs have a toughness level of four (T4), meaning their Str3 makes it harder for the Shieldmaidens to strike the Orcs hard enough to cause a wound and bring the greenskinned warriors down. According to the graphic, only rolls of 5 and 6 are going to be enough to wound them. With the 6 dice in this example, only 2 rolls are successful. Here comes the Orc’s player to roll his armor saves. The Valley Orcs Infantry has a heavy armor of +2, (if they had chosen to pay for the additional helmets that would have been a +3), thus they save at all rolls of 5 and 6. The Orc player fails both armor saves and has to remove 2 models.

But… who won? Here comes a term players will have to get accustomed to quite often. We call it Combat Resolution (CR), and it stands for exactly what it says, i.e. the result of a close combat phase. The Orcs charged (+1CR), they have a banner in their unit (+1 CR), they have 3 ranks (+3 CR), they inflicted 2 casualties (+2CR) for a total of CR=+7. The Shieldmaidens also have a banner in their unit (+1 CR), they have 4 ranks (+4CR) and also inflicted 2 casualties (+2CR) for a total of CR=+7. Thus the CR is a draw and both units at a standstill where they will continue the fight on the next round.

This time it’s the Krumvaal Northern Alliance player to coordinate the battle. He is found at a clear disadvantage since the “Shieldwall” is valid only for the 1st round of combat and will now not count. However the unit managed to hold its ground and reinforcements will be necessary if the barbaric faction is to fend off the Orcs. A hard hitting unit of Ice Warbear Cavalry is

far away but the player declares a charge all the same. The Bears have a movement of 6”, but have to cover a total distance of 14”, thus they need a roll of 8 with two dice (2D6). The charge fails as they roll a 5 and a 1, so they only move 5” towards the intended target. The Shieldmaiden player manages to direct a charge from a second unit of Shieldmaidens

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to their rescue, in the hopes of defeating the enemy. These have to cover a distance of 13”, and with their movement of 5” they will need a roll of 8 with 2D6. The player rolls 6 and 3, thus managing to cover the distance and engage the Orcs from the left flank. The first unit to strike is the newly arrived Shieldmaiden Unit. They too have a 5wide rank, thus 10 models are going to attack. The same statistics are valid as before, so we have attacks with Tr4 vs Tr4 of the Orcs and Str3 vs T4 of the greenskinned adversaries. The new unit strikes at 4+ (thus all rolls of 4, 5 and 6) and wounds at rolls of 5+ (thus rolls of 5 and 6). They only manage to strike 2 models, and the Orc player manages to save 1 of his models due to the armor save they carry. Now the Orcs strike back simultaneously with the 1st engaged Shieldmaiden unit. If the casualties inflicted from the 2nd Shieldmaiden unit had removed enough models, then the Orc player might have lost rolls of each own. Thankfully the Orcs have enough models in their unit to replicate the attacks. The Orcs hit at 4+ and wound at 3+, while they save at 5+. The Shieldmaidens hit at 4+ and wound at 5+, while they both save at 3+. The first unit has lost the “Shieldwall” special rule as it is valid for the first round of combat only, while the 2nd unit that charged the Orcs can’t make use of it as it is in vigor when the Shieldmaiden unit gets charged and thus defending, not when

charging. The Orcs roll their attacks. The player has to declare prior to his rolls which of his own models are going to attack which enemy models. The 6 models on the left replicate against the reinforcements while the other 8 attack the front. The Shieldmaidens will later have to attack back, once resolved the saves of eventual successful hits from the Orcs. The Orc player rolls 3 successful hits on the flank and 4 successful hits in the front, out of which 2 wound successfully on the flank and all 4 strike successfully on the front. The Shieldmaidens roll to save at 4+ (their Armor save 3+ becomes 4+ due to Str4 vs T3, please look at the table). The flank rolls 1,6 and the front rolls 2,2,5,6. Thus 1 model gets removed from the flank and 2 more models are lost from the front. The remaining Shieldmaidens strike all 8 out of 10 remaining attacks, from which 5 are again successful. They roll to see if they managed to wound the thick skinned Orcs, only to roll a 1,3,3,5,6 inflicting 2 wounds. The Orcs save at 5 and 6, rolling 2D6 for a 2 and 4, losing both models. Let’s see how the Combat Resolution (CR) works here: The Shieldmaiden unit from the flank managed to flank charge (+2CR), has a banner (+1CR), inflicted 1 casualty (+1CR), while it counts 2 ranks (+2CR). The Shieldmaiden unit from the front has a banner (+1CR), inflicted 2 casualties (+2CR), while it still counts 3

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ranks (+3CR). This brings a total for the Northern Alliance player of CR=12. The Orc player has a banner in the unit (+1CR), still holds 3 ranks (+3CR) while it managed to inflict 3 casualties (+3CR), for a total of CR=7. According to the main rules valid for all armies, if a unit holds at least 3 full ranks, it maintains discipline and keeps on fighting, (that is valid as long as they keep their sense together). In order to check that, they have to roll a discipline check (also referred to as leadership check or test). The Valley Orc Infantry being long hardened in battle has a leadership value of eight (Ld8). The Orc player rolls 2 dice, in this case a 2 and a 5. As long as he rolled 8 or lower, his unit stays. And so they do, in order to fight in the next round…

Round 3 of this example . The Orcs failed to break the 1st Shieldmaiden unit but have managed to hold their ground when enemy reinforcements arrived! Now they are calling for help and trying to fend off the female warriors that have encircled them. Unfortunately there are only 2 available units nearby. The unit of Great Wolves cannot reach them since there is an obstacle in between them that disallows the movement. The Orcish player sees his unit left alone and outnumbered and in fear of not holding his ground. For this reason he decides to reinforce the unit engaged in battle and chooses to direct a unit

of Mountain Orcs in their aid. The Mountain Orcs have a movement of 5 (M5) but the distance is 15” and seems too great to cover. The player decides to risk it and rolls 2D6 needing a 10. He rolls a 4 and 6, barely making it! The Mountain Orcs come charging down the flank of the 1st Shieldmaiden unit.

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The Mountain Orcs in this case will be the first to attack, then the 2nd Shieldmaiden unit will replicate, after which the Valley Orcs and 1st Shieldmaiden unit will strike simultaneously. All 5 models from the Mountain Orcs are in contact, thus the player has 5x2=10 attacks from the front rank, then an additional 5 attacks from the second rank for a total of 10+5=15 attacks! The statistics of the Mountain Orcs are (Tr3, Str5, T4). Against the Shieldmaidens Tr4 they will strike at 4+, and their Str5 vs T3 from the Shieldmaidens means they hit successfully at any rolls of 2+ (failing only at 1’s). They roll their 15 attacks, passing 10 of them.

The Orcish player will roll again to see which hits caused enough damage to wound the Shieldmaiden models. All hits strike a wound successfully failing only 1. The Shieldmaidens roll their saves at 3+, managing to salvage 5 out of 9 wounds. The Mountain Orcs inflict a total of 4 wounds. The

Shieldmaidens strike back killing only 1 Mountain Orc (no saves allowed). The CR for the Mountain Orcs is 4 casualties (+4CR), flank charge (+2CR), banner (+1CR) and 3 ranks (+3CR), for a total of CR=10. The CR for the 2nd Unit of the Shieldmaidens is 1 casualty (+1CR), banner (+1CR) and 3 ranks (+3CR), for a total of CR=5. The CR for the Valley Orcs is 1 casualty (+1CR), banner (+1CR) and 3 ranks (+3CR), for a total of CR=5.

The CR for the 1st Unit of the Shieldmaidens is 1 casualty (+1CR), banner (+1CR) and 3 ranks (+3CR), for a total of CR=5. The CR of the battle is Orcs=10+5=15 Shieldmaidens= 5+5=10.

When something like this happens, it must be considered that all defeated units involved in the same battle have to roll their Ld tests. In this case the Shieldmaidens lose by 5, deducting

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that from their discipline statistic they have to roll (8 minus 5 equals 3) with 2D6 a roll of 3 or lower. The steadfast rule however is still valid for the 2nd Unit of Shieldmaidens, therefore they stand at a roll of 8. The 1st Shieldmaiden unit that has suffered great casualties and is now exposed, has lost the steadfast rule.


The Shieldmaiden player rolls 2D6 for a total of 4+3=7, the unit loses the CR and has to flee. The other unit rolls a 1+4=5 and stays in place. The winning army can redirect itself. The Valley Orc Infantry automatically turns to face the 2nd Shieldmaiden unit while the Mountain Orcs choose to pursue the fleeing unit. The Shieldmaidens roll 2 D6, for a total of 4+4= 8. The Mountain Orcs roll the

same 5+3=8. This brings us to an additional roll that is immediately carried out (before the round ends), where according to the rules, all pursuing models inflict autohits on a fleeing unit, which has no saves allowed. This means that the remaining 20 Mountain Orcs strike 2x20=40 hits, wounding at 2+. They make short work of the fleeing maidens and are left facing the same direction. They will be allowed to reform at the next round.

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Lessons from this example:

In the gaming example described above, there was a turn of events that tilted in favor of both sides. Initially the Valley Orcs charged and should have taken the momentum to defeat the 1st Shieldmaiden Unit. Thanks to the “Shieldwall” special rule, the maidens however survived.

Following this outcome, the Krumvaal Northern Alliance correctly chooses to flank charge the Orcs, since the Shieldmaidens left on their own would probably break against the stronger Valley Orc Infantry if left unaided. The Shieldmaidens are unfortunate with making arriving all possible units since the Icebear cavalry failed the charge, but they win the battle nonetheless; to their misfortune the Valley Orcs pass their Discipline check and stand their ground. In a desperate attempt to bring in reinforcements, the Mountain Orcs pull off a long distanced charge, tilting the scale in favor of the greenskinned army. This Infantry excels at close combat and manages to make short work of the Shieldmaidens. The result for the Shieldmaidens is to inevitably break and flee…

- Multiple units supporting each other allow you to face off stronger enemies. Try to coordinate them!

-Try using any special abilities from each unit. The Shieldmaidens usually manage to hold their ground but they usually excel only at the first round of Combat. The Mountain Orcs usually manage to be destructive at close combat, as long as they arrive in sufficient enough numbers.

-You must avoid engaging units you will have a hard time defeating. Some units are meant to inflict minor damage and divert, others are meant to hold their ground and others yet are best at dealing damage.

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Additional Information for the game:

Command Groups:

Command Groups are added to certain units at a

cost. These all include a Leader, a Banner Bearer and a Musician. Leader: +1 Attack for the model Banner Bearer: +1 CR for the unit Musician: Allows to pass through friendly units as long as the models that stand in front is no larger than the 25% of unit passing through (e.g. if a unit of four Mercenary Talliareum Ogres wants to attack/move forward to their left and a friendly unit of halberdiers stands in their way, as long as no more than 4 halberdiers are touched, the Ogres pass right through the friendly ranks thanks to the musician.)

Magic Banners: There is the ability to bring and field magic banners that

offer protection or might to the unit holding it. Never can two banners be in the same unit however, as this interferes with the powers they grant. This is also valid for the Army Banner Bearer; if you choose to have him join a unit, the unit in question must never hold a magic banner.

Magic banners you may bring to battle (max 1 from each type): (Cost:25 gold coins each)

Banner of Rust: Causes -1Movement to the unit holding it and -1Tr to the enemy that comes into close contact. Banner of Thunder: Causes 2D6 Str2 attacks to any unit that comes into close contact. Roll at the beginning of each melee/combat turn. Banner of the Burning Phoenix: Brings flaming attacks to the unit holding it, nullifying any regeneration enemy bonus. Banner of Rot: Causes Poisonous effect if the unit holding the banner inflicts at least 25% casualties to an enemy unit. Banner of Faith: Grants +1 Leadership (+1Ld) to the unit carrying it.

Banner of Execution: Enemy models killed by the unit holding this banner may

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not resurrect. Banner of Flaming Rain: Grants +2 Md to the unit holding it from Frost Magic.

Banner of thousand shields: Grants +2 Md from artillery attacks.

Banner of Life: Grants +2 Md from Death Magic.

Banner of the Spider Curse: Entangles any flying creature attacking the unit with -2Tr penalty for the opponent. Banner of Speed: Cancels the bonus of any enemy charging the unit (both strike simultaneously) Banner of Might: Allows +1Ar when charging to the unit holding the banner.

Banner of Mercy: Allows +1Md to the unit holding the banner. Army Magic banners you may bring to battle: (Cost:50 gold coins each)

Banner of Annihilation: Grants +1 Str to every model in the first rank of the unit.

Banner of Slaughter: Causes 3D6 Str3 attacks to any enemy model(s) that comes into contact with the unit. Roll at the beginning of each melee/combat turn. Banner of Vengeance: Grants an additional Attack (+1A) to every model in the unit. Banner of Death: Grants re-rolls of every failed to wound dice to the whole unit.

Banner of The Beasts: Grants D6 Str6 Attacks against any Beast in combat with the unit. Banner of The Protectors: Grants re-rolls for every failed armor save.

Banner of The Spider Queen: Entangles any flying creature attacking the unit with -2Tr penalty for the opponent. On top of that the flying creature may not disengage from Combat unless the enemy unit is destroyed or flees. Banner of Earth: Grants +4Md against Earth Magic.

Banner of Aquatica: Grants +4Md against Fire Magic.

Banner of Daemon King: Grants +2 Armor against the Kingdom of Hell.

Banner of Mirrors: At a roll of 4+, allows in each combat phase the illusion that the unit strikes harder (penalty -2Tr to enemy unit in combat). Banner of Goblin Peak:

Grants an artillery unit an additional +1 Armor piercing

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Items for Characters


Characters are allowed to supply themselves with additional items not available to the common people, many of which they found on the corpses of great enemies they put down or in dark dungeons they dared to explore.

Lords are allowed 75 gold coins and Heroes 50 gold coins)

Dagger of the Zombie Warrior: +1Attack to bearer (10 gold) Crown of the Undead King: +1Ld to bearer (25 gold) Shield of the Orc Warlord: +2 Armor to bearer (30 gold) Gauntlets of the Elven Realm: +1 Armor to bearer (10 gold) Venom of the Spider Queen: Immune to Poisonous effect (5 gold) Grand Yeti bone sword: +1 Str to bearer, causes D3 wounds (30 gold) Amulet of Life: Re-rolls all failed armor saves (30 gold)

Dracantropii Burned-Jungle Bracelet: +1Md to bearer (15 gold)

Undead Cursed sword: Negates enemy Md saves in close combat (25 gold) Ring of Strength: +1 Str to bearer (15 gold) Ring of Fire: Allows flaming attacks (5 gold) Ring of Ice: Allows frost attacks (5 gold) Dragon leather Boots: Doubles the Movement when on foot (10 gold) Shield of Stone: Shield that grants +1Armor & +3Md against Earth Magic (30 gold)

Ogre Great Hammer: 1- handed weapon, grants +2 Str (30 gold)

Barbarian Warlord King Sword: 2-handed weapon, grants +3 Str (40 gold)

Elven Queen Bow: Grants 6 attacks every round if Character is placed in an artillery unit at Tr4, Str3, range 36”. (15 gold) Dwarf smoke bomb: Grants -1Tr melee attacks against bearer (25 gold).

Daemon King Bracelet: Immune to magical attacks (40 gold) Shieldmaiden Relic: Grants +2Ar against Shieldmaiden attacks. (10 gold)

Troll Club: 2-handed weapon, grants +2 Str, causes D3 wounds (45 gold)

Goblin Chieftain knives: D6 attacks Str 3 to all models in contact, roll at the start of each round of melee/combat (20 gold coins) Belt of the Deceiver: Grants +1 Armor & +2Md against Death Deceivers (15 gold)

Gloves of the Dungeon Master: Grants +1 Tr (20 gold)

Sorcerer’s knife of Doom: Grants +3 Attacks against Sorcerers (15 gold)

Lost Soultanos Sword: Grants D6 wounds against multi-wound enemies (50

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gold) Daemonic King Cleaver: Grants +2 Str, D6 wounds against multi-wound enemies (75 gold) Dracantropii Temple amulet: Inverts enemy Characters attributes when in close combat. (50 gold) Ogre Master-Butcher trophy: Grants +2Md (40 gold)

Lay Traps Some units (mostly skirmish) are allowed to supply themselves with additional items not seen by the charging enemy and revealed only if the unit or its location has been intruded. Each skirmish unit is allowed access to only one (1) type of trap. Nets: Unseen by flying creatures that attack the skirmish unit, causes -1Tr to enemy. Effect ends only after the unit flees or gets destroyed. (Cost: 10 gold) Bear Traps: Affects charging enemy cavalry, if charged the enemy rolls a dice for every model charging. At every roll of 5&6, enemy cavalry gets severely crippled and removed, no armor saves allowed. (Cost: 25 gold). Spiked holes: Affects all enemies that attack the skirmish unit except flyers, as long as the skirmishers do not move from their initial position. Causes a direct Str3 hit affecting up to 3 ranks of the enemy unit. (Cost: 20 gold). Smoke traps: When charged, the skirmishers throw smoke bombs at the attackers charging them. This causes -1Tr to enemy for the first round of combat only. (Cost: 20 gold)

Bridge bomb:

Allows a skirmish unit in proximity 6” of a bridge to lay a bomb. When a player decides to give the order, his skirmishers roll a D6. Any roll of 2+ is successful and the bridge collapses with anything that stands on it. At a roll of “1” the detonation fails. Any models crossing or in contact with the bridge at the time of detonation receive a Str5 hit (no Arm saves allowed). (Cost: 15 gold)

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Unit Filler Support:

Unit Filler Support: There are a number of units that carry with them all types of accessories to help them during the battle. These units cannot be fielded I the last rank and if hit are automatically removed. Support Yak: Available to Shieldmaidens & Light Barbarian Infantry. 50mm base. Allows throwing spears for the first 2 ranks only. Additional cost +25gold. Support Boar: Available to Mountain Orcs & Valley Orc Infantry. 50mm base. Allows throwing axes for the first 2 ranks only. Additional cost +25 gold. Support Bull: Available for Ogre Mercenary Troopers. 80x40mm base. Allows the unit to abandon it, before disengaging into a combat phase. Bull goes wild and attacks/pursues the closest enemy (same stats as Warbull, see page 99). If that enemy dies, the Bull goes into a wild run and attacks anything (friend and foes) closer to it.This happens at the start of any/every round. Additional cost +50 gold. Support Mule: Available to Town militia. Allows the quick arm with hay forks. This gives the unit the “Pike formation” bonus (see page 29) if attacked by an enemy cavalry unit. Additional cost +25gold coins.

So, brave warrior… now that you have in your hand all you require to play “War is Coming”, it is important that you choose a fitting -to your needs and ambition- army to lead! Maybe you will enjoy fielding brutal northern barbaric tribes from the North, or charging thousands of bloodthirsty tough greenskinned Orcs. Or perhaps you’ll enjoy the discipline of a Human Talliareum Kingdom army. Let’s dive into the history of these races to see what they are made of and suits your needs best.

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Introduction: History of the Orcs..........68


The drums of War......69

Mountain Orcs: Battle of Strillium and Oostragoth Valleys

Valley Orcs: Treason paid with blood

River Orcs: Booch-Kru Swamp City

Forest Orcs: War with the Elves (WiP)

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Battles of Strillium and Oostragoth Valleys

The Mountain Orcs like to think of themselves as the toughest warriors among all Orcs. Like all Greenskins, they keep a very weary eye on their Lands and anything that dares enter them. Everytime the drums of War sound, they are most likely to take the center of the united Orc army (they don't ask, they just take it!). After a lot of battles, they soon realised that they had been taking too many casualties and their numbers had been thinnning. Unlike the Valley Orcs, they had no armor nor shields and consisted an easy target for all enemy missile Units. Them taking the center didn't help much either, since most of the heat was on them. The River Orcs' faction was very good at providing support units and so were the Forest Orcs who had adopted the bow and arrow. The weapons of cowards...

The last battle they had been in was against the Kingdom of Talliareum. They were unwilling to go fight but the other factions had already gathered and so, they picked up their weapons and followed. They had met the Humans in the Valley of Strillium, being deep into enemy territory. The two armies clashed with heavy casualties for both sides. They were so heavy in fact, that neither of them could take advantage. The Orcs had lost so many thousands of their warriors, that continuing waging war in enemy territory would be futile. The Humans on the other hand had stopped the green wave that had penetrated their Kingdom, but were left too weak to push them back. And so the Orcs returned back to where they came from.

What remained of the Battle of Strillium Valley however was the massacre the Mountain Orcs had sustained. The Humans knew they were the fiercest among their enemies, and had recruited more than 200 Siberias Lion chariots to counter them. Their impact on the Mountain Orc Infantry was devastating. They were taken down eventually but the damage they had caused was simply too great to ignore. And so they did not. When the Mountain Orcs returned back home, they put themselves in building chariots themselves. They mastered both War-Boars and Great Wolves and tried them out. Some of them died, since the first chariots would either break and or had the captured animals fatally wound them. The Mountain Orcs do not loose courage that easy however. One of their heroes had his chariot destroyed since it lost one of its wheels due to poor enginnering and was wounded in the crash. A lot of their kin came to help him out while his fellow Orc mounting the Chariot wanted to abandon the efforts."Why bother with these?! Give me a bone-club and that's all I'll need to cut the Humans down!" The Orc hero said nothing, got up and grabbed the two Great Wolves from the wooden pile of junk (which used to be a chariot) by

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their necks. He bashed the animal skulls together with force and left them dead on the ground. Having everyones' attention, he then turned to his companion. "You dare speak like that because you weren't in the front of our battleline. But I was! And I saw my brethren die because of these contraptions, cut to pieces like sheep! We'll make some more. And if we fail, we'll make even more. And if we fail again, then it won't be Wolves I'll be killing!" he barked back.

And so the Orcs kept on trying, and eventually all this effort paid back with the same coin, at the great Battle of Oostragoth Valley.

Early that morning the 2 armies would assemble at the Plains of Ostragorth. The first to arrive was the Human army. Time had once again come to face their hatred enemies. Their people had long clashed their powers and the time of peace was over. War had come to get rid of the menace once and for all. General Andrew of Leopiin had long been gathering an army and was now marching fearlessly into the Lands of the Orcs. They thought that the Kingdom of Talliareum had come!

The drums had been beating long and hard; the humans could hear them for days and from many miles away but without actually seeing the enemy. The Heavy Infantry had been ordered by their Captains to stand fast and hold the centre of their battle-line. The humans from the Kingdom of Talliareum obeyed the orders and stood their ground awaiting for the charge, although they had wished for the halberdiers to hold their centre. The Human General placed the halberdiers at their sides and reserved his cavalry on the flanks. He expected the mind-less, war-lusting green-skinned warriors to appear from the top of the hill and charge straight into his elites. His archers stayed at the back and all was set for what would be a great victory. The human scouts had reported the gathering of a massive army from all 4 Orc factions. The General was however only interested in picking the place to fight. The open valley was great. He could see everything in front of him and guide his troops accordingly. Whatever came over that hill would meet nothing less but death and suffering. Yes, he was ready for this.

Suddenly the earth started to tremble. Over the hill-top a rumbling wooden wave with tusks and teeth showed up, followed by an army of blood-thirsty green-skinned warriors. The ground underneath them shook and so did the hearts and legs of the army deployed against them. They had never seen before chariots from the Orcs.

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Crudely made but chariots none the less, wild beasts pulled them with vigor, hundreds of them! This was something the humans had never expected. Maybe the Orcs weren't so mind-less after all. The archers fired at them but with little effect. At the hopes that their line would hold, the 2-handed swordsmen grasped tighter the leather grips of their swords and embraced for the thunderous impact. A useless effort. Almost no one survived it...

By the time the first wave had finished, and before any of the humans could re-deploy or counter attack, then came along the second wave, that of the Orc Infantry. Mountain Orcs Infantry took the centre and began doing what they did best. With their elites gone and suffering the momentum of the Orcs, the Human army broke, throwing away their weapons and running away frantically in despair and all directions, prey to anyone who caught up with them. The human general was among the first to run away leaving his lieutenants trying to catch up with him. The time for Human dominion was far away. This was the time of the Orcs...

Valley Orcs

When the Shamans ordered the Orcs to divide into factions, the Valley Orcs were the only ones who didn't move out. They call their lands "the Valley", since it's all flat grassy land. They saw their towns shrink however and their numbers thinned a lot with the moving of all the other Orcs in the mountains to the north, to the forests on the west, and swamps and rivers to the south. In the past, hundreds of thousands of Orcs were in the Valley and no-one would ever think of invading them. This however had changed. The Valley Orcs sensed a danger like never before. Stuck to the old ways, they were in need of a King. Abugroth the Terrible easily took the crown, and soon showed he was the best choice they could have ever made. The Valley Orcs like all greenskins respect strength and power, and this was the strongest King they had ever seen. Abugroth the Terrible had been to many wars. He had survived in the humid jungles of the Dracantropii, he had waged siege to Human cities and had even been in the Lands of the Dead fighting off Skeletons and Death Deceivers by the hundreds, a place where few enter to later tell stories about. His most legendary deeds were against the Elves however, where he took 600 men and charged straight into their lands on War-Boars. Such was his swift stride, the Orcs are sure they still

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remember the chaos he left behind. He only stopped his slaughter after only a handful of warriors had remained to fight along his side, but his invasion elevated him even more in the eyes of his brethren.

He was now King, a crown on his head he had longed for long. During his campaigns, he had seen long-forgotten castles in the lands of the Dead. He had witnessed defenses and battle settlements from the Humans and visited enormous Temple-cities deep in the jungles. For the good of his people he ordered them to abandon many smaller towns and torch villages. Those who didn't obey were put down. He then ordered them to build huge stone walls around the huge newly-formed Cities. Palisades where put all over, trenches dug and gigantic towers all over. Chains hanging all over, broken useless wooden barrels stacked together and any other obstacle they could think of.

Although bloodthirsty and quick-tempered, the King was also wise. He knew the Orcs in the Valley weren't so strong as they used to be. He had to make sure his people would again become strong and numerous, and thus opted for peace. It was a time of great benefit, the Valley evolved in a great and prosperous place for the Orcs, with numerous Strongholds built all-over. The Orcs usually looted weaponry from enemy factions or races, and didn't put much thinking into smithing their own. For the first time in their long history, they where inspired by Aburgoth the Terrible to improve their armor and weaponry. Better shields were crafted and the looted chainmail was studied and forged. At times the King himself would take a handful of warriors on his beloved War-Boars and head over to the Kingdom of Talliareum to pillage the villages. But what made this Orc different, was that instead of killing everyone in his path, he kidnapped Humans of certain crafts, like blacksmiths and architects. He enslaved them and had them work for him. This was very strange behavior for the Orcs and they initially thought the King was going mad. Aburgoth wasn't called The Terrible for no reason however and obviously no-one dared challenge him. After some time however, they started appreciating what they were learning. Their weaponry became better and their towers didn't risk crumbling any longer when a fierce storm hit their settlements.

With time, the Valley Orcs developed such an arsenal that no other Orc faction could match. Heavy armored warriors who would create an impenetratable thick shieldwall and when close enough would engage the enemy to deliver them death.

This was first tested when the Drums of War where first heard. The King gathered his army hastily and went to aid the River Orcs faction. Their brethren stayed in their City and left them alone to fence off (the over-confident till that point) Dracantropii. They were highly outnumbered and not prepared for this, but due to their armor

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they kept them at bay. When the Forest Orcs arrived, they gained momentum and fought them off. They had also engaged the Heavy Dracantropii Infantry by the time the Mountain Orcs showed up. Truth be told, their half-naked brothers had become much stronger than them and more lethal once engaged in battle. On the other hand however the Valley Orcs had extremely few casualties. If they had their heavy warboar cavalry with them (which they didn't make in time to assemble and bring to battle) they too would have killed more. The Valley Orcs returned home with elevated spirit, the Orc factions were united and they were the most durable among them.

Treason paid with blood

During his reign Abugroth the Terrible had constructed defenses throughout The Valley, accumulated resources and inspired his people. He had committed a fatal error however, by believing how grateful his people would be of all this. Prosperity is a gift that often comes with ingratitude and arrogance. It creates the illusion that all this was granted and would have inevitable come. Talk spread across The Valley of an upcoming new King. It was Grutogorr, an Orc merchant who had become very rich and powerful through the years and had gradually collected a mercenary army of Orcs and Krumvaal (Barbarians). Initially this was justified to protect the merchant and his family, but it had taken such proportions that it could no longer be ignored. Abugroth the Terrible ordered him to disperse the army and sent him back something as a sign of respect and faith to his crown. What the Orc King received instead was the emissary’s' head in a basket.

He ordered his two sons to assemble an army and intended to drown the rebellion in blood. Grutogorr money however proceeded him and gold coins had been spread all over the lands to ensure him favor. Orcs had been paid long before to poison the minds of the people and promote him as a savior. Now, the time had come to openly challenge the King. To Abugroth the Terribles' (unpleasant) surprise, his army was only a quarter of the size of the rebellion. Sensing defeat, the Orc King withdrew back to the Capital and ordered his followers to stay inside. He then rode away, far to the East. All this was very discouraging to the people loyal to the crown.

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In the meanwhile, the mercenary army arrived out of the city’s' gates ad set siege to the Capital. The Orcs inside were safe behind their great stone walls they had build in the past and easily repelled the attacks. The merchant Grutogorr however had ordered warmachines to be constructed and was paying very generous amounts for the head of the King and his family. All was for the worse and it seemed that the defenses wouldn't last long. The machines had been constructed and started raining huge stones on the defenses. Then, out of nowhere appeared the King. A majestic sight indeed, riding a Wyvern he had captured in the East, a mighty beast that rules the skies of the South and obeys only whoever is strong enough to tame him. That was something they had not seen for may many years, since almost all who went close to the Wyverns were never seen before.

The Orc King held a huge bloody axe on his left hand and a leather sack on his left. He flew fearlessly right in the center of the enemy’s' camp, right in front of the Merchants' tent. The two rivals stared at each other, and the Wyvern's presence discouraged anyone coming any closer. The Orc King emptied the leathers' sack content on the ground, and the heads of the merchants' family rolled over. Abugroth the Terrible had come to collect the last head missing from his collection...

River Orcs

The 3rd faction of the Orcs is the River Orcs, also known as Swamp Orcs. After the last civil war, these Orcs took to the East. They had a very hard time to adapt but obeyed the Gods and fought on. The eastern borders have a mix of river and swamps, where there are many dangers hidden. Different to the Valley Orcs who had homes to sleep in and food to eat, these Orcs carried but few supplies with them. They tried to set camps but they had a difficult time to find adequate land for that. They also had to fight off skirmish battles with native Dracantropii people who didn't like them taking over the Swamps. Many Orcs died of illness, not being able to cope with the new conditions. Great unrest spread through the greenskin horde as they had no-one to guide them. Thousands of mouths to feed and fighting between them was a sight too often repeating itself. They finally dispersed in 2 different groups. The first group remained in the Swamps and for that were also called Swamp Orcs. They found a central location where the land was elevated and huge trees with thick trunks were rooted. They constructed wooden houses on these trees to protect

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themselves from the various strange beasts that lurked in the swamps. With time, they build bridges connecting the trees, and spread the colony even further, creating small islands of inhabitants. As for who would rule them, they chose a different path from their brethren. The Mountain Orcs had chosen the strongest heroes among their ranks to lead them. The Valley Orcs followed the bloodline of the King. The River Orcs instead had the Great Council made of the Shamans. This council decided what to do and issued orders for the common good.

The Great Shaman Council foresaw the need to make defenses. To the South they were facing the Dracantropii Kingdoms, with whom they often crossed paths (and swords). To the East they occasionally faced the Araves, who luckily for them however usually were neutral and/or avoided crossing the lands of the greenskins, preferring northern roads. They created a series of traps around the City with sharp palisades, they released intoxicating fumes into small areas under their control. They also released a green fog which caused hallucinations covering vast areas of swamp territory. In the future they'd also accumulate experience from the Dracantropii and use thousands of poisonous arrows dispersed in various locations they knew only too well to stay away from.

After many years, other swamp settlements were created but the first was the greatest ever made. Thousands of Swamp Orcs still reside there and there are very few and specific ways to enter the City, all of which remain guarded at all times.

The second group of Orcs finally reached the Great Rivers and build cities next to the shore. These cities do not have the prestige nor complexity of those in The Valley, but they too are with defenses. The greatest defense of all, is the natural protection the water offers. In the meanwhile the River Orcs met the Araves and for a time good relationship was built between the two races. They benefited from their technology and prospered. This proved decisive on how they would evolve. The River Orcs could not field strong warriors like the Mountain Orcs nor well armored like their Valley brethren. Also, no mounts could be used in these moisty lands and the great beasts known as Brutgoths didn't roam these parts, nor other vicious beasts to tame and use in battle. The Great Shaman Council knew that their defenses wouldn't last a strong invasion, so they placed their effort and resources in constructions that would help them. After many years of research and accidents, the River Orcs have mastered great part of warmachine engineering. This would later prove its' worth in the Battle of Booch-Kru Swamp City.

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Booch-Kru Swamp City

The second largest city for the River Orcs was the Booch-Kru Swamp City, a little southeast to the Capital. It was a fine morning with the Orcs waking up to do their work. Out of nowhere, hundreds of Araves Slaves, with one arm tied up and another wielding a sword stormed their settlements. Many got killed or wounded from the traps that laid around their City, but many made it in time to reach them. Some Orcs died in their beds but most got up and repelled the assault. Once the numbers of the Araves Slaves started to thin however, then came up the Araves Light Infantry that was much harder to fight off. The Orcs being larger by nature would have succeeded but their numbers were smaller and they had no time to organize themselves. Flying carpets circled and flew around them, picking them out and killing them easily. Anyone no armed with a bow was prey to their likings. The greenskinned warriors inevitably run away, in fear.

Those who escaped this uncalled for attack, fall back to the Swamp Capital. The Great Council gathered quickly and sent spies to find out what had happened, only to be informed that the Soultanos Razib'al'hamal had ordered the attack and wanted to clear the swamps and rivers from the Orcs, which he believed a menace and to gain control on the trade routes of the Great Rivers.

This could not go unpunished. The Great Council gave order for all the warmachines to come out and set off to Booch-Kru City. They arrived the day after, and didn't think twice about it. They set up their warmachines, most of which required a simple 2-man crew and stormed the City. Once again the Araves Slaves threw themselves against the Orcs, those refusing to fight or retreating being butchered by their masters. Behind them followed the Light Infantry and in the back with the Soultanos remained their elites, the Araves Heavy Infantry. In support, the Soultanos ordered his flying carpets to follow. The River Orcs retreated as they had been ordered to.

Once they had pulled them far enough, they unveiled their warmachines. Ballistas throwing multiple arrows pierced the Flying Carpets and their riders. Mortars with balls releasing intoxicating fumes flew all over the Araves lines and caused panic. Rainaxers threw multiple small hatchets at the enemy, decimating many. It was a massacre. The few Araves that managed to survive the bombardment were slain as soon as they reached the enemy line. This all left the Araves retreating with the Soultanos himself ordering the retreat, but most of the army left behind was composed of the Heavy Araves Infantry. It had been relatively easy when they were marching in the beginning of the invasion, but that was no more. Their heavy armor made it difficult to run in the swamps and easy prey to those who caught up with

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them. The Soultanos, seeing that the retreat was futile, tried to stop and organize a line of defense. He had barely issued the first of his orders when a gigantic greenskin jumped on him and threw him face down in the swamp. The Orcs had already caught up with them. Leaving their lord with the Orcs' hands holding his head underwater, they run away in terror. This was the first war ever between the River Orcs and the Araves. Although this attack had no sequel, it did make both races more weary of each other. They are considered neutral and may even proceed in trade at times. But for the Orcs, this was an incentive to augment their warmachine research, and till present day no other faction has such lethal engineering knowledge like the River Orcs.

Mountain Orc Hero Valley Orc Hero

Valley Orc Warlord

Mountain Orc Shaman

Valley Orc Shaman

River Orc Chieftain

Movement (M) 5

4 4 5 4 5 Training (Tr) 5 4 5 4 3 4 Strength (Str) 6 5 5 5 4 6 Toughness (T) 5 4 5 4 4 5 Wounds (W) 3 2 3 2 2 3 Attacks (A) 4 3 4 3 2 3 Leadership (Ld) 9 8 10 9 8 9 Cost (C) 80 90 130 70 60 110 Armor (Ar) - +2 +3 - - +1 Magical Defense (Md) +1 - +1 +2 +1 +1

Board of Characteristics Orcs O-1.a

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Mountain Orc Infantry

Valley Orc Infantry

Boar Chariot

Wolf Chariot Battle Wyvern

Battle Wyvern w/rider

Movement (M) 5

4 7 8 3/10 3/10 Training (Tr) 3 4 4 4 4 5 Strength (Str) 5 4 5/5 4/5 5 5/5 Toughness (T) 4 4 5 4 5 4 Wounds (W) 1 1 3 3 5 5 Attacks (A) 2 1 2+4 2+4 5 5+3 Leadership (Ld) 8 9 8 7 8 9 Cost (C) 8 9 60 50 175 250 Armor (Ar) - +2 +1 +2 +3 +3 Magical Defense (Md) - - - - - +1

Board of Characteristics Orcs O-1.b

Additional rules:

• Valley Orc Characters may purchase shield for +1Ar at +10 gold coins • All Orc Shamans are Lvl-1. They can become Lvl-2 at +15 gold coins/per

model and/or can become Lvl-3 at +40 gold coins/per model (i.e. Mountain Orc Shaman Lvl-3 would cost 110 gold coins).

• Mountain Orc Heroes can either purchase a 2-handed weapon giving them +1Str or a 2nd-hand weapon for +2 Attacks (both options at +15gold coins/per model)

• Mountain Orc Infantry may exchange their bone-swords for bone halberds, losing 1 Attack and gaining +1 Str. This choice is made before seeing the opponents models and does not change for the entire game.

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Great Wolves Rainaxers Brutgoth Brutgoth w/howdah

War Boars War Boar Riders

Movement (M) 6

5 5 5 7 6 Training (Tr) 3 4 4 4 4 4/4 Strength (Str) 4 4 6 6/4 5 5/3 Toughness (T) 4 4 6 6 5 5 Wounds (W) 1 1 6 6 3 3 Attacks (A) 2 1/2 6 6+4 3 3+1 Leadership (Ld) 6 8 7 8 7 8 Cost (C) 7 9 230 300 45 55 Armor (Ar) +1 - +3 +4 +1 +2 Magical Defense (Md) - +1 - - - -

Board of Characteristics Orcs O-1.c

Additional rules:

• Great wolves & Rainaxers are also skirmish units. • Great wolves can be supplied with better armor +1Ar for +3 gold coins/per

model • Rainaxers have throwing axes (range of 12”) • Rainaxers have “Lay traps!” special rule for +1 gold coins/model • Brutgoth howdah crew may be supplied with 1. Throwing stones (range 12”, A5, Tr3, Str3) at +20 gold 2. Throwing torches (“Torch it” special rule, range 6”) at +20 gold 3. Throwing axes (range 6”, A5, Tr3, Str4) at +20 gold

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Valley Orc Catapult (5 crew)

River Orc Ballista (3 crew)

River Orc Infantry

River Orc Temple Guard

Tempestarra Tempestarra w/rider

Movement (M) -

- 5 4 5 5

Training (Tr) 3 3 3 4 4 4/5 Strength (Str) 4 4 4 5 5 5/5 Toughness (T) 4 4 4 4 5 5 Wounds (W) 1 1 1 1 5 5 Attacks (A) 2 1 2 1 5 5+2 Leadership (Ld) 8 8 7 9 7 8 Cost (C) 120 90 8 13 155 205 Armor (Ar) - +1 - +2 +1 +2 Magical Defense (Md) - +1 +1 +2 - -

Board of Characteristics Orcs O-1.d

Additional rules:

• Mountain Orc, Valley Orc and River Orc Infantry may carry magic banners • Valley Orc Infantry may purchase helmets for +1 Ar at +1 gold coin/model • Valley Orc Infantry may trade their 2nd hand weapons for 2-handed weapons

which grant +1 Str per model at +1gold coin/model • Boar & Wolf Chariots have Thunderous Charge bonus • Boar & Wolf Chariots may carry a 3rd Orc at +8 gold coins each • Battle Wyvern may be supplied with amulet +1 Md for +25 gold coins • Battle Wyvern causes “Terror” to all units except Great Monsters.

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Krumvaal Northern Alliance

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Eventually the Barbarians charged the Shieldmaiden army, being certain of a swift victory. Their greatest Warlord named Buiragas was leading them, and although cautious was also very eager to see this end. The Shieldmaidens kept back and in their rear there was a vast forest area in which they would have probably retreated when the battle was over. But to their surprise, out of the forest and once the signal was given, huge great war Mammooths with dozens of Shieldmaidens riding atop howdahs came storming out to take the centre of the Shieldmaiden army. The timing was perfect.

The Shieldmaidens countercharged the Barbarians and fought valiantly against the Barbarian horde. The men were -surprisingly- matched very fairly with the rage-smoking maidens, but their Heavy Infantry was left to counter the huge beasts. They couldn’t. The casualties were great and although some of these beasts were brought down, the rest made short work of the bulk of their army. As night started falling and darkness came, the battle ended without victors.

The Barbarian Warlords –the ones that survived- fell back to their camp, while the Shieldmaidens assembled to discuss their battle plans. But there would be none. The Queen had slain almost a hundred men by herself but a spear had gravely injured her. Their casualties were great and they no longer had the numbers needed to cleanse the Northern Alliance Territory and claim as their own.

Triamira sent their enemies a message; that they were to be left alone or they would return and kill them all. She thought that would bring peace to her people. She couldn’t be more wrong…


Buiragas called for supplies to be gathered and immediately marched north after them. The threat was a sign of weakness, anyone strong enough to kill them would do so instead of making empty threats. A couple of his men were worried about the huge beasts the Shieldmaidens were riding, so Buiragas quickly stabbed them and by pointing his soaked in blood knife warned the rest to worry about him more than the beasts.

The 2 armies met again at the Red Crystal Peak, a frozen valley surrounded by very thick forests and mountains, one of which had a peak whose surface bathed in red sunlight throughout the year. This was going to be remembered as the great battle of red crystal peak. The Barbarians had caught up with them and the Shieldmaidens had no choice but to turn around and face them. The Shieldmaiden Queen Triamira flew between the 2 armies with her 2-headed Dragon to meet Buiragas who remained on foot. He fearlessly came close to her in order to talk, although his intention was to slaughter them regardless of what she had to say.

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He never got a chance to hear her however, since out of the sky Battle Wyverns came storming and blazing everything in fire. The forests burned and the battlefield became a surrealistic arena of fire, with tenths of thousands of Mountain Orcs storming them from all directions. Triamira flew to counter the attack but she was surrounded by 3 Wyverns and her mount inevitably came crushing down, fatally wounded. The female Dragon had served her for years, and now was torn apart by these beasts, bathed in her own blood in a n effort to both survive and protect her mistress. Out of her ripped stomach, the Queen saw the eggs, just like the ones in the dream described by the Druid. Suffering from the previous injury from the spear against the Barbarians and having been badly wounded by the Wyverns claws, Triamira tried to gather her strength, stand up and assemble her army. She had hardly managed to stand on her feet and the last thing she saw was the bone-blade of a Mountain Orc dropping violently upon her head.

Buiragas on the other hand found himself surrounded by the greenskins. He kept killing one after another but these were among the toughest warriors he had ever faced, and although butchering a good number of them he too inevitably had the same fate as the Shieldmaiden Queen.

The Barbarians and Shieldmaidens were left leaderless. They inevitably found themselves fighting back-to-back and fending off the Mountain Orcs. Theirs was a battle of survival and had the Orcs not found out of the slaughter that had taken place in the 3 Frozen Rivers, this would have never taken place. Sensing an opportunity, the Mountain Orc tribes united and chased them both like wolves chase a wounded buck. But this buck had antlers and had seen battle before, making it a harder prey.


Truth be told, had the Mountain Orcs waited to pick the 2 armies separately it would probably had ended in a different way. The Battle of Red Crystal Peak signaled the unconventional treaty between the Barbarians and the Shieldmaidens. In the face of the common enemy the 2 united, forging this into the Northern Alliance. Barbarians will tell tales in their taverns of how they allowed these “Shieldmaidens” to live on their own, and if needed be called upon to face a common foe or raid the neighboring Humans. The Shieldmaidens will instead describe to the their daughters near the fireplace at night of how valiantly they had proved their worth under the rule of Triamira and gained the respect and their independence from the Barbarians.

No matter how one looks at it, fact remains the 2 factions assist each other in times of need, and it is a sight often seen in a Northern Alliance army to see an entire flank composed of Shieldmaidens, having channeled thousands of warriors and plenty of beasts to make sure they do their part and prove themselves in the name of the Northern Alliance, where true beasts roam…

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Shieldmaiden Infantry

Warmaiden Infantry

Great War Mammooth

Great War Mammoth w/howdah

Ice Warbear Riders

Yeti Riders

Movement (M) 5

5 5 4 5 6 Training (Tr) 4 4 3 3/3 4/4 3/4 Strength (Str) 3 3 6 6/3 5/3 5+3 Toughness (T) 3 3 6 6 5 4 Wounds (W) 1 1 6 6 3 3 Attacks (A) 1 2 6 6+8 2+2 4+2 Leadership (Ld) 8 7 8 9 9 8 Cost (C) 9 9 225 350 65 50 Armor (Ar) +2 - +1 +2 +2 +1 Magical Defense (Md) - +1 - - - -

Board of Characteristics Northern Alliance NA-1.a

Additional rules:

• Shieldmaiden Infantry may carry magic banner • Shieldmaiden Infantry have “Shieldwall” bonus • Warmaiden Infantry may carry magic banner • Warmaiden Infantry may purchase throwing axes (one use only, +A1,Str3,Tr4

at +1 gold coin/model, max 10 models) • Great War Mammoth howdah crew has throwing spears (range 12”, A8, Str3,

Tr4). • Great War Mammoth may be supplied with additional head armor providing

+1 Ar for +25 gold coins

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Grand Yeti Grand Yeti w/howdah

Light Barbarian Infantry

Heavy Barbarian Infantry

Trolls Ice Wolves

Movement (M) 5

5 5 4 4 6 Training (Tr) 4 4/3 3 5 3 3 Strength (Str) 5 5/4 4 5 5 4 Toughness (T) 5 5 4 4 4 4 Wounds (W) 5 5 1 1 3 1 Attacks (A) 8 8+4 1 2 3 2 Leadership (Ld) 7 8 7 9 7 7 Cost (C) 200 265 9 13 35 6 Armor (Ar) - +1 +1 +2 - - Magical Defense (Md) - +1 - - +1 -

Board of Characteristics Northern Alliance NA-1.b

Additional rules:

• Ice Warbear riders and Yeti riders have “Thunderous Charge” bonus. • Yeti riders cause “Terror” to all horse cavalry units. • Grand Yeti ignores all terrain penalties except for towers. • Grand Yeti causes “Terror” to all infantry troops. • Grand Yeti howdah crew has throwing spears (range 12”, A4, Str3, Tr4). • Trolls have “regenerating power”. • Ice Wolves are immune to Frost Magic. In addition they can take +1Md for

+3gold coins/per model. • Barbarian Heavy Infantry can buy helmets for +1 Ar at +2gold coins/per


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Twin-headed Dragon

Twin-headed Dragon

w/rider (f/m)

Shieldmaiden Rangers

Barbarian Trackers

“Thing of the caves


“Thing of the caves Y”

Movement (M) 3/10

3/10 5 5 6 6 Training (Tr) 4 4/5 4 3 4 4 Strength (Str) 5 5/5 3 4 4/3 4/4 Toughness (T) 5 5/5(m)-

4(f) 3 4 4 4

Wounds (W) 5 5 1 1 3 3 Attacks (A) 6 6+3 2/1 1 2+1 2+2 Leadership (Ld) 9 10 8 9 9 8 Cost (C) 250 300 11 10 25 27 Armor (Ar) +3 +3(m)

+4(f) - +1 +2 +1

Magical Defense (Md) - - +1 - - -

Board of Characteristics Northern Alliance NA-1.c

Additional rules:

• Twin-headed Dragon has “Thunderous Charge” bonus. • Twin-headed Dragon causes “Terror” to all horse cavalry and Infantry units. • Shieldmaiden Rangers, Barbarian Trackers and Ice Wolves have skirmish

special rule. • Shieldmaiden Rangers have crossbows and along with Barbarian Trackers

may have “Lay traps!” special rule for +1 gold coins/model • Trolls have “regenerating power”. • Ice Wolves are immune to Frost Magic. In addition they can take +1Md for

+2gold coins/per model.

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Barbarian Chieftain

Barbarian Slave master

Shieldmaiden Lord

Shieldmaiden Hero

Warmaiden (Trophee hunter)

Troll Leader

Movement (M) 5

5 5 5 6 4 Training (Tr) 5 5 5 5 5 4 Strength (Str) 5 5 4 4 4 5 Toughness (T) 5 4 4 4 4 4 Wounds (W) 3 2 3 2 2 3 Attacks (A) 4 3 4 2 3 4 Leadership (Ld) 10 9 10 9 9 8 Cost (C) 80 75 80 65 70 60 Armor (Ar) +3 +1 +2 +2 +1 - Magical Defense (Md) - - +2 - +2 +2

Board of Characteristics Northern Alliance NA-1.d

Additional rules:

• All of those included in the Boards of Characteristics Northern Alliance NA-1.d and NA-1.e are Characters.

• Anyone of these can hold the Army Banner. • Female Characters in Board NA-1.d are already supplied with a shield. All

other models can purchase a shield for +10 gold coins and lose an attack in its place.

• All Characters above are immune to “Terror”.

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Icemaiden Druid Necromancer Maiden

Barbarian Shaman

Barbarian Sorcerer

“Thing of the Caves X-1”

“Thing of the Caves Y-1”

Movement (M) 5

5 5 5 6 6 Training (Tr) 3 4 3 4 5 4 Strength (Str) 3 3 3 4 4/3 4/4 Toughness (T) 3 3 4 4 4 4 Wounds (W) 2 2 2 3 3 3 Attacks (A) 3 2 3 2 1+1 2+1 Leadership (Ld) 8 9 8 10 9 8 Cost (C) 45 40 50 60 60 65 Armor (Ar) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 Magical Defense (Md) +1 +2 +1 +2 +2 +2

Board of Characteristics Northern Alliance NA-1.e

Additional rules:

• The Icemaiden Druid is allowed access only to Lore of Ice and Arcanum. • The Necromancer Maiden is allowed access only to Lores of Delirium and

Mortis. • Barbarian Characters and “Thing of the Caves” in Board NA-1.e are allowed

access only to Lores of Terra, Ice, Arcanum and Vitae. • All Characters above can re-roll failed “Terror” Ld tests. • All Characters above are Lvl-1. They can become Lvl-2 at +15 gold coins/per

model and/or can become Lvl-3 at +40 gold coins/per model (i.e. Icemaiden Lvl-3 would cost 100 gold coins).

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Talliareum Ogres

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“…No one remembers how long ago these huge brutes decided to live among the Humans in the Kingdom of Talliareum. The Ogres do not go unnoticed, standing more than 8 feet tall and weighing some 400 pounds each! It comes as no surprise that they took advantage in the past of their natural strength and physical structure to beat people up, steal, abuse; there was a time they practically did as they pleased. But as the Kingdom of Talliareum slowly formed, the Ogres soon found out they couldn’t deal with the better organized Humans. Highly outnumbered, they consistently got arrested, beaten, imprisoned and even executed. Some Ogres left for far away lands, but many stayed, choosing to obey the Law. Well, in a certain sense at least…”

Ogre Troopers Ogre Firebreather


Ogre Anvilsmashers

Ogre Butcher Ogre Mansion overlord

Ogre Blacksmith

Movement (M) 5

5 5 5 5 5 Training (Tr) 3 3 3 4 4 4 Strength (Str) 5 5 6 5 5/4 6 Toughness (T) 4 4 4 5 5 5 Wounds (W) 3 3 3 3 3 3 Attacks (A) 3 2/1 2 5 3+2 4 Leadership (Ld) 7 7 8 8 9 8 Cost (C) 35 35 45 65 65 70 Armor (Ar) +1 +1 - - - +1 Magical Defense (Md) - - +1 +1 - -

Board of Characteristics Talliareum Ogres TO-1.a

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Ogre Warbulls Ogre Warbull riders

Ogre Great Cannon (crew


Ogre Halfbreed Champion

Ogre Shaman

Ogre Dungeon Keeper

Movement (M) 8

7 3 5 5 4 Training (Tr) 3 3/4 3 3 4 4 Strength (Str) 6 6/5 5 6 4 6 Toughness (T) 5 5 4 4 4 5 Wounds (W) 3 3 6 3 3 3 Attacks (A) 2 2+3 4 4 3 4 Leadership (Ld) 7 8 8 10 9 9 Cost (C) 65 90 150 60 60 65 Armor (Ar) +2 +3 +1 +2 - +1 Magical Defense (Md) - - - - +2 +1

Board of Characteristics Talliareum Ogres TO-1.b

The Talliareum Ogres are a Mercenary army and a player may choose may to hire models from this faction for up to 500 gold coins worth (25% of his total army allowance); armies that may not hire Talliareum Ogres are Elves and Dracantropii.

Additional rules:

• Ogre Butcher, Mansion Overlord, Blacksmith, Halfbreed, Shaman and Dungeon Keeper are all Characters. An army may take up to three (3).

• Ogre Warbulls are Monstrous Cavalry and have skirmish rule. (NOT the riders)

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• Ogre Great Cannon can be supplied optionally at 60 gold coins with Guardian Bull: Same statistics as the Ogre Warbulls but without armor. If the crew lets the bull free, it moves at 2D6 rolling the artillery dice to point direction every round; it attacks randomly anything it lands into. If it exits the table or lands into a structure (terrain= house, river etc) it kills itself and eliminated.

• Ogre Warbulls cause Terror to all types of light Infantry. • Ogre Shaman is a Lvl-2 and may choose between Lores of Arcanum, Infernii

and Terra. He can be upgraded to Lvl-3 at +30 gold coins. • Ogre Troopers can acquire +1 Armor at +10 gold coins/per model. • Ogre Firebreathers can upgrade a model in their ranks as “Sharpshooter

Ogre” for +10 gold coins. This model has +1 Tr. • Ogre Troopers, Firebreathers and Anvilsmashers can be given a Command

group (includes Leader +1Attack, Banner Bearer and Musician) for +20 gold coins.

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Kingdom of Talliareum(Humans)

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Halberdiers Town Militia Archers Warrior Monks

2-handed Swordsmen

Heavy Cavarly

Movement (M) 4

5 5 4 4 8 Training (Tr) 3 3 3 3 4 4 Strength (Str) 4 3 3 3 5 4 Toughness (T) 3 3 3 3 3 4 Wounds (W) 1 1 1 1 1 2 Attacks (A) 1 1 1 2 1 2 Leadership (Ld) 7 6 7 8 9 8 Cost (C) 7 5 6 9 11 18 Armor (Ar) +1 - - - +3 +2 Magical Defense (Md) - - - +1 - -

Board of Characteristics Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans) KoT-1.a

Additional rules:

• All of the units on Board KoT-1.a can be given a Command group (includes Leader +1Attack, Banner Bearer and Musician) for +20 gold coins.

• Archers can have padded leather Armor for +1 gold coin/per model. • Warrior Monks can exchange 1 Attack for 2-handed weapons which grant

them +1 Strength. • When a Warrior Priest is General of the army, all Warrior Monk units become

immune to Terror. • Siberias Lion Riders are Monstrous Cavalry. • Hunters, Bombardiers and Ghost Warriors have skirmish rule. • Hunters have “Lay traps” special rule.

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Talliareum Bombardiers

Slberias Lion riders

Hunters Crossbowmen

Talliareum Guard of Pramendes

Ghost Warriors

Movement (M) 4

7 5 5 4 4 Training (Tr) 3 3/4 4 3 4 5 Strength (Str) 3/6 6/4 3 4 6 4 Toughness (T) 5 5 3 3 3 3 Wounds (W) 3 3 1 1 1 2 Attacks (A) 2 2+1 1 1 1 2 Leadership (Ld) 7 9 8 8 10 8 Cost (C) 10 65 8 9 13 14 Armor (Ar) +1 +3 - +2 +2 +1 Magical Defense (Md) - - - - - +2

Board of Characteristics Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans) KoT-1.b

Additional rules:

• Grenadiers, Siberias Lion Riders, Crossbowmen and Guard of Pramendes can be given a Command group (includes Leader +1Attack, Banner Bearer and Musician) for +20 gold coins.

• Bombardiers throw bombs at 6” at Str6. • Grenadier Leader if killed can make explode a small gunpowder barrel (place

3” small template on top of the model) at a roll of 6, causing Str8 D6 wounds to everything underneath.

• Ghost Warriors have attacks against Ethereal. • Talliareum Guard of Pramendes has 2-handed weapons and may not carry

Shields. They can however upgrade to +1 Armor by using mithril chainmail instead of steel at an additional cost of +2gold coins/per model.

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Arcane Sorcerer Sorceress of the Circle

Talliareum Captain

Talliareum General

Warrior Priest

Monk Master

Movement (M) 5

5 5 5 5 4 Training (Tr) 3 3 4 5 5 4 Strength (Str) 3 2 4 5 5 4 Toughness (T) 3 3 3 4 4 4 Wounds (W) 2 2 2 3 3 3 Attacks (A) 2 2 3 4 4 3 Leadership (Ld) 8 8 9 10 9 9 Cost (C) 60 55 70 80 70 65 Armor (Ar) - - +1 +2 - +1 Magical Defense (Md) +1 +1 - - +2 +2

Board of Characteristics Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans) KoT-1.c

Additional rules:

• All included in Board KoT-1.c are Characters. As in all armies from the Supreme Races, there are no limits to how many you may field.

• Arcane Sorcerer may choose only Lore of Arcanum. • Sorceress of the Circle has access to Lores of Infernii, Lucea and Vitae.

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Cannon (x3 crew) Trebuchet (x4 crew)

Longbows General on horse

Warrior Priest (on horse)

Ghost Hunter

Movement (M) 3

- 5 8 8 5 Training (Tr) 3 3 3 5 5 5 Strength (Str) 3 3 5 5 5 4 Toughness (T) 3 3 4 4 4 3 Wounds (W) 3 4 6 3 3 2 Attacks (A) 3 4 4 4 4 3 Leadership (Ld) 7 8 8 10 9 9 Cost (C) 95 100 8 100 90 80 Armor (Ar) +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 +1 Magical Defense (Md) - - - - +2 +1

Board of Characteristics Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans) KoT-1.d

Additional rules:

• Longbows can set arrows aflame (flaming attacks) negating any enemy regeneration bonus.

• Ghost Hunter has special ability against ethereal. Any successful hits at a roll of 6 negate any enemy Md saves.

• Cannon crew can be equipped with pistols at a cost of 5 gold coins/per model (total 15 gold coins).

• Trebuchet crew can be equipped with throwing hatchets (12” range) at 5 gold coins/per model (total 20 gold coins).

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Base Sizes & Weaponry:


Orc Characters: 25mm square base. Mountain Orc Infantry: 25mm square bases. (halberds or 2nd-hand weapons) Valley Orc Infantry: 25mm square bases. (2nd-hand or 2-handed weapons) Rainaxers: 25mm square bases. (single or 2nd-hand weapons) River Orc Infantry: 25mm square bases. (1 hand single weapon) River Orc Temple Guard: 25mm square bases. (2-handed weapons) Wolf Chariot: 100mmx50mm bases. (crew has 1 halberd and 1 single weapon attacks, additional 3rd crew member carries halberd) Boar Chariot: 100mmx50mm bases. (same as above) Great Wolves: 50mmx25mm square bases. War Boars: 50mm square bases. War Boars with riders: 75mmx50mm bases. (2nd-hand weapon) Battle Wyvern: 100mmx50mm base. Battle Wyvern w/rider: 100mmx50mm base. Brutgoth: 150mmx100mm base. Brutgoth w/howdah: 150mmx100mm base. (crew:1 hand single weapon) Valley Orc Catapult: 100mmx100mm base. (crew: 1 hand single weapon) River Orc Ballista: 100mmx100mm base. (1 hand single weapon) Tempestarra: 100mmx50mm base. Tempestarra w/rider: 100mx50mm base.

Krumvaal Northern Alliance: Krumvaal Northern Alliance Characters: 25mm square base. Troll Leader: 40mm square base. Shieldmaiden Infantry: 25mm square base. (1-hand single weapon+shield) Warmaiden Infantry: 25mm square base. (1-hand or 2nd hand weapon) Great War Mammooth: 150mmx100mm base. Great War Mammooth w/howdah: 150mmx100mm base. (1-hand weapon) Ice Warbear Riders: 75mmx50mm bases. (2nd hand weapons or 1-hand weapon+shield) Yeti Riders: 50mm square bases. (2nd hand weapons) Grand Yeti: 150mmx100mm base. Grand Yeti w/howdah: 150mmx100mm base. (1-hand weapons) Light Krumvaal Infantry: 25mm square bases. (1 hand+shield or 2-handed weapons) Heavy Krumvaal Infantry: 25mm square bases. (2nd hand weapons or 2-handed

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weapons) Trolls: 40mm square bases. (single weapon or 2nd hand weapons) Ice Wolves: 50mmx25mm bases. Twin-headed Dragon: 100mmx50mm base. Twin-headed Dragon w/rider: 100mmx50mm base. Shieldmaiden Rangers: 25mm square bases. (crossbows+single weapon+shield) Barbarian Trackers: 25mm square bases. (throwing axes+ single weapon) “Thing of the caves X”: 50mm square bases. (spears or 2nd hand weapons) “Thing of the Caves Y”: 50mm square bases. (glaves or 2nd hand weapons) Talliareum Ogres:

Talliareum Ogre Characters: 40mm square base. Ogre Mansion Overlord: 80x40mm base. Ogre Troopers: 40mm square bases. (2nd hand weapons) Ogre Firebreathers: 40mm square bases. (single weapon +blunderbusses) Ogre Anvilsmashers: 40mm square bases. (2-handed weapons) Ogre Warbulls: 75mmx50mm bases. Ogre Warbull riders: 75mmx50mm bases. (2nd hand or 2-handed weapons) Ogre Great Cannon: 100mmx100mm base. (single hand weapons)

Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans): Talliareum Human Characters: 20mm square base. Talliareum Human Characters on horse: 50mmx25mm base. Halberdiers: 20mm square bases. (halberds) Town Militia: 20mm square bases. (shield+sword) Archers: 20mm square bases. (bows) Warrior Monks: 20mm square bases. (2nd hand weapons) 2-handed Swordsmen: 20mm square bases. (2-handed weapon) Heavy Cavalry: 50mmx25mm bases. (sword+shield) Talliareum Bombardiers: 20mm square bases. (single hand weapon + bombs) Siberias Lion riders: 75mmx50mm bases. (1-handed swords) Hunters: 20mm square bases. (single weapon axe) Crossbowmen: 20mm square bases. (crossbows + short swords) Talliareum Guard of Pramendes: 25 mm square bases. (2-handed hammers) Ghost Warriors: 20mm square bases. (2nd hand weapons) Cannon: 100mmx50mm base. (single weapon) Trebuchet: 100mmx100mm base. (single weapon) Longbows: 20mm square bases. (longbows and short swords.

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Ranks. What is the minimum number of models needed to consist a rank?

That depends on the types of bases: -for 20mm square bases 5 models form a rank. -for 25mm square bases 5 models form a rank. -for 25mmx50mm (cavalry) bases 5 models form a rank. -for 40mm square bases 3 models form a rank. -for 75mmx50mm bases 3 models form a rank. -for 100mmx50mm bases 2 models form a rank. -for anything larger, there are no ranks. Shooting. How many models get to shoot?

In all cases the first 3 ranks are allowed to shoot. Every other model besides that gets halved, meaning if there are 4 ranks of 8 models, the first 3 ranks (24 models) get to shoot and from the fourth rank only 4 models are allowed to attack.

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(End of Draft 1.B1)

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