Shepherdstown Register (Shepherdstown, Va. [W. Va.]). 1866-09 … · l'Hii KEG1STti ll. TERMS TER...

l'Hii KEG 1ST ti ll. TERMS TER YEAR . $2,50 IN ADVANCE. S\\epher Astern tv , W est \ a : BITORP/AY SEP. 22, I86C. Lecture. The Creole Spaniard of Beaufcrt, S. C, who has recently travelled through ihe eeceded States, will give a true history of the condition of the "Freedmen and poor whitea of the Southern States, in regard to Business, Progress, and Kducation, and the effect of the Freedmen's Bureau." He was educated at Salamango College in Spain. Can read and write six different languages. At the close of the lecture he will translate twenty languages into the English tongue, and will also sing Span¬ ish, French, Portugees.and Hindoo songs, and will give a true statement an to "whether the Freedmen and poor whites of the South are qualified to exercise . the Elective Franchise, and whether the se¬ ceded States are prepared for re-admis- .ton into the Union. He was also a con¬ script under Gen. Beauregard, at the bat¬ tle of Bull Run ; under Gen. Pemberton, at Fredericksburg and Vickaburg ; was captured by General Grant at Vicksburg. The Lecture will take place on Thursday evening, in the Colored Church, Shep- herdstown, September ihe 20th, 1 8Gt>. lor the benefit of the African Church. Admittance 25 ce nts, children 15 cents. l>oors open at 7 o'cluck, Lecture at 8 o'clock. $Jr»Judging from appearances, this "Cre¬ ole Spaniard" is about "three-thirds" ne¬ gro, and had for a companion a man with vhKeskin, about 5 feet 8 inches high, fitoutly built, wore 6hort dark Burnside Vhiskers and moustache. This gentle- >oan, so-called, acting c.s business agent »nd bill poster lor the distinguished Lec¬ turer, ordered at tliis office one hundred l»«i Is* the shove, and failing to raise t *: e fut.ds required, consequently failed to f>nl then. The "Creole" pitched his 1»»nl brneath the hospitable sl.ade of *. Brother Bowman's roof, while his col disdaining the humble hospi'ili- 1 ?s of his colored friends in whom lie" i 'fessed to feel such a warm interest, ] u tip at the Western Hotel, and alier . tying there from Tuesday until Thurs- d iy morning, receiving such treatment as' it given to gentlemen, under the impres- fion that he was one, he left very ab¬ ruptly, forgetting to pay his bill, con- ? quently the Lecture did'nt come off. The above is given as a warning to the J'.iblie generally, in order that they may I ot be imposed upon by the aforesaid parties, who profess to enlighten the peo- j>le of West Virginia in regard to the ben- «A>*ial effects of the ..Freedmen's Bureau" in the seceded States. They have en¬ lightened the people of Shepherdstown us to their rascality beyond a doubt. Tlie Sabbath School of the M. E. Church, Kev. J. M. Green, of this place, lield a Pic Mic on Saturday last, at the Big Spring, near this town. The young- eurs enjoyed themselves very much, and everything passed off in a happy manner. The "S'.ars and Snipes" were carried consptcuousl) in the procession. P. H. Strode; D. S. Rentch, and ttaker & Hill are now receiving their Fall and W inter supplies ot Goods. See advertisements. The match game of Base Ball, at Charlestown, Tuesday last, between the Club of thai town and the Frederick cuy Club, resulltd in a tie. A Buquet was presented to the Frederick Club, in be- i a 1 ( of a young latiy of Charlestown, by W'm. H. Travers, Esq., in a neat speech, and elegantly responded to by Mr. rS el eon, President o( »he visiting Club. Removed . The body of Cel. P. F. l'i'Jutrll, llih Mississippi Infantry, was removed by his brother, assisted b\ Mr, John 11. Schoppeit, lTndertakir, Irom ibe Old Episcopal grave yard, in this place, on Thursday last. Col. Lid- dell was killed at the battle of Sharps* burg, 17th September, 1862. The Commissioners of the Antie- tam National Cemetery at Sharpsburg, Md., met at Barnum's Hotel in Baltimore, on Tuesday, for the pnrpose of adopting a plan for laying out the grounds, imme¬ diately after which the removal of the re¬ mains of the dead will commence. All the dead scattered over Washington coun¬ ty will be removed to the Cemetery. | We were shown a few days ago two eggs, laid by a hen belonging to Mr. George Fayman of this place, one of which measured 6j inches in circumfer¬ ence, and 9 inches long. All eggs laid by this hen are of the same size and of an extremely rough shell. They are all ..good eggs.'* This region was visited on Thurs- dp> night by . severe rain storm. We charge $5 lor announcing can- diUa e? fur office, to be paid in advance. The Potomac Mills. We understand thai a number of our enterprising capitalists have associated themselves together for the purpose of forming a company and purchasing the Potomac Mills property, near Shepherds- town, Va. These Mills were celebrated before the war, but have stood idle ever since the outbreak of hostilities. The new Company, alter making all necessary repairs and improvements, intend to en-, gage largely in. the manufacture of flour, lime, and cement, the material for the lat- *er aiiirle being regarded as the finest in the United Slates. We are pleased to hear of the practical development of the1 resources of our surrounding country, j and chronicle with pleasure the spirit ol our citizens in engaging in such enter* pri«es. . ffa^/iinglon Star. The foregoing paragraph, from a late Washington paper, refers to an enter-' prise which will unquestionably be of immense advantage to the interests of our( community. Having been aware for some months past, that a gentleman of this place has been quietly but energeti¬ cally at work perfecting a plan for the perminent improvement of the magnificent water power at the Potomac Mills in this vicinity, we are very happy to have it in our power to coiroburate the above state¬ ment of his success in securing the co¬ operation of a number of enterprising' capitalists, who aie not only public spir¬ ited men of means, but also for the most part, of practical experience in various de¬ partments of operative industry, and who are determined to develop the capabilities of the property to the utmost extent of its capacity. ^ hast week, pome ten or twelve of the s'ock-holders paid a brief t u-mess visit to uur town, and amongst ( hern we were pleaded to e<ethe present efficient and ( popular head of ihe Patent Office Depart- ] ment, the Hon. Titos. (J. Theaker, who ' cordially concurred in the unanimoiifly expressed opinion of the rctt oi il.e pirt) \ that few, if any, Ipp altiies in t' e country. ( offer more attractive and subMantial in- i lucements than ours, for the establish- men l Jitd ni<iiiii<rnani.c ol ui»iiulac;oii»> ' upon an extensive scale. And as we un- ' lerstand it is the intention of the compa¬ ny to st 11 or iedse mill Mies, with ample water privileges, on lavorable terms, to jther associaiions £ho will undertake to improve them by ihe erection of Facto- lies, &c., we trust that a new era of it.- Ju*'ry has been inaugurated in our midst which will soon make this the most pros¬ perous as it ceriainly is, the fairest and 1 must fertile poitiou of the far famed "Val-i1 ley of the iShetiandoali." Base Call. The Virginia Club vs. The PoIuuimc. A match game ol Uase Boll was played ( between the Virginia Club of Martinsburg , jnd the Potomac Club ol Shepherdstow n, on the grounds of the fi rmer Club, dt M«rtins>burg, on fcatuiuay lasi, '1 he at- tendance of spectators was large, inclu¬ ding many Indies. The following is the 8 co i e of the game, by w hich it will be seen that the ' Virginia" came oil victo¬ rious. The Virginia h^s been in exis¬ tence several months, if not under that name, at least the same material under the names of "Eagle" and .. Berkeley now ..Virginia," whereas the Potomac had not been organized two weeks y*t al 'he lime of the game, which may be of- I e re tl as a palliation of the difference in scores. THE SCORE. Virginia. O. K. /'utomac. 0. R. Kiddle. P 1 16 Brown. P 2 7 Sn)tier . C 3 14 Beltzh'er. C 7 3 Ljth 5 11 Stubbs. 55 S 2 5 Butler . 1 B 4 13 Yoiitz . 1 B 4 5 Wild. 2B 4 13 Burke. 2 2 3 5 Chambers 3 13 Miller . 3 B 3 5 Mulouy 1 16 Tra)nei-L F 1 9 Piizer 3 12 Rights'e-C F 3 til Miller . II F 3 13 liriiiiiig-K F 2 6 Total 27 121 27 51 Umpire. I j. A. Luce of the Virginia C lub. Scorers . M. B. Kugcra ol \ irgima, and Jer. Shi filer ol Potomac. liou.e Runs were made b y Messrs. Brown, Righlstirie, Kiddle, Malont ai.d Wild. Time of Game . Four hours. The game being finished, the crowd of spectators immedia'ely dispersed, while the "Potomac" as guesls of the "Virgin- ia," sojourned for an hour, at the United' States Hotel, where a good and solid sup¬ per had been prepared lor the occasion, of winch all paitook heartily « after the violent exercises of the afternon. A few congratulations, ail "old time" promenade, and the presence of the "Po¬ tomac" was requested at a Minstrel Con* cert, the proceeds of which are to be de« voted to a good cause. Listening intent¬ ly to the "sober songs" and "banjo so- los" a thought of home, caused another move, when alter a lew hasty farewells, »he old coach was onre more packed, and a start made. With a little vent to our pent up voices and many a jolt on the way, old Shepherdstown was once more hailed with joy but as the still, wee hours of the night were fast approaching . a quiet entrance was made, a last good night exchanged, and a quick step beat toward a welcome couch, when t.rmina- IwlAjmp. SUPERVISOR'S COURT. Shephlrdstown, West Va., ) September 17, 1866. 3 BoarJ of Supervisors e » at 10 o'clock. The following members pieaent, James Logie, Piesident; Supervisors Butler, McCurdy, Foasett and Johnson. The appointment of John D. Staley to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John Spangler, of Shepherd Town¬ ship, was presented, and on motion of President l.ogie he same was confirmed, and Mr. Sialey was sworn in a9 member of the Board Ordered, that three thousand dollar? be appropriated to the purpose of building county jail. Ordered, that the clerk write 1o John L. Wilson, master of road of the Btlio. and Ohio Railroad, and notify him to have the crossings within this county on said road repaired. Ordered, that orders be given for the following bill** : Thos. Hopkins $6,50; Martin Yontz 3.00; C. Johnson 129.00; A. J. Waldeck 3,50; W. R. Turner 19,- 00; Thos. Hopkins 6 50; A. J. Walddck 7,75; John Crider 4,50; G. Mr Bee 31.-1 68; G. W. Spoils 3.5g; J. B. Clipp 8,00. | Ordered, that Thomas H. Willis and Warner A. Thompson be appointed Di¬ rectors for the rouniy in the Cross Roads and Summit Point Turnpike company. ! On motion, the repoit of Thomas Ruth- erforJ, county director and superintend- j ant of the Charlestown and Herryville; Turnpike be received and placed on file. Ordered, the following pi-rsoi.s br granted licence : Joseph Myers to s< 11 spirituous liquors at Mverstown; James McGraw to sell spirituous liquors at Har¬ per's Ferry; G. W. Spoils to sell ale, na¬ tive wine and beer at Charlestown. Ordered, from the evidence adduced to' he Board that the pedler license assessed igainsi Fred. D. Rohrer, is believed 10 ia*e been illegally assessed and collected ! . nd the application has been mnde he requited time (one year) 11 is heri l.y )rdered bv the Board Uiat the amount coi ertfd, $l5,6;i, be refunded 10 said Roll¬ er. Ordered, that R . P. Chew, James Ro- >er, H. F. Schuiz, II. Rod* rick, C. L. {oderick and Jerre Harris be summoned 0 -4j pe»r before this Board at 11s nexij neeting, on the 3td Monday ol October. Ordered, that A. Miller be paid $19,921 > Hit mum nnt ol his account up to Julie Jlrl, lblil. Ordered, that the bill of Joseph Starry, in ? »n n 1 i n g to $ 1 38.4 1 for keeping 0 uri iou>e andjiil in Charlestown, from June,' 1861, in Feb'v, 1862, be rejected; the Hoard are ol ihp opinion that they have io authority to pay an\ claim* made al- er June, 18(51. From the abot e dieis- on of the Board, Mr. Siarry lo<»k an ap¬ ical to the Ciienit ('our'. On the application ol Joseph Starry to . pen and eslallish a road, it is ordtred, hat Daniel Coalman, John Seldon, liar iey On, Dani> I H«-flebo wrr, Geo. Re-- ler and 'Thomas K. Woodward, or any I ree of them, being first sworn, view a oule for the said road, which is Irom! aid Joseph Starry's farm to the maim oad leading 10 t;.e court houje of this! ounty, and repoit to this Board. Ordered, that Jacob Rinehart ^e paid ml of the levy ol 1866, for the budding I of a culvert over run at iienj. Hoffman'* mill. William Kui-h, Sheriff. I)r. For amount of County Levy and Capitation 'l ax lor the year 1 865, ' $10,215.57 For am't of County Levy ou Licences, 216.78 $10,432,25 In Account with Jefferson County, Cr By arn't of Treas'r rec'pt No. 131.603. 87 By .. 2,- 611.87 By .. .. .. .. 3,-1 ,61 1,71 By 44 .. .. .. 4, . 24 1 ,80 by .. .. .. .. 5, ^ 598 37 By 11 .. .. .. 6, .576 65 By .. .. .. .. 7, . 848.30 By .. .. .. .. 8, - 738,25 By .. «. .. .. 9, 210,00 By M .. .. ..10, 441.50 By .. .. .. ..11, 29.50 By .. .. .. ..12, . 182,72 By .. .. .. "13, . 15.23 I;y .. .. .. . . 1 4, 125.40 By .. .. .. .'IS, 26,00 By " '. .. *'16, 454,40 By .. .. ?. .17, 198,86 Arn't of deductions on assessm'l by the Board 1 33,65 Amt' of delinquent <fc erroneous assessments allowed by the Board 1,024,27 Ain't allowed by Board for col¬ lecting the County Levy for 1865, 500,00 Ain't of Sheriffs salary, 200,00 $10,432.35 The road case between A. Showman and John Wysong, was taken up and fiom the evidence adduced to the Board, the following order was made : Ordered, by the Board of Supervisors, that Jacob Ktneharl be appointed a commissioner to proceed at once to lay off and settle ti.e location of the road between the farms of Adam Snowman and Jolm Wysong, and the said commissioner shall locate the road a* follows : John Wysong shall fur¬ nish 15 feel ol the road running south of his farm between his land and Adam Showman's land; and Adam Showman shall furnish 15 feet of the road running north of his lands. Except however that that part of the road fronting John Wy. song's hou>e y«ml, which shall be n««l more than 20 leet wide; Wysong furnish¬ es whatever land that he own in the pres¬ ent road, in front of his house yard, and the hou»e yard of John VV'ysong shall not be interfered with and A. Showman and John Wysong shall move their fences in accordance with this ordet, cod the me as- uremenl made by said commissioner. and if either John Wysong or A. Showman shall refuse to move their fences as re¬ quired for road purposes then Geo. Show the surveyor of said r>ad, shall proceed to move anv fence that may interfere with the working ol or the free passage over said toad. Ordered, that I. T. Chapline be paid $295,40 the amount paid for jurors Fees, Malting, Chairs. &c., for court house. Ordered, that J. W. Greenwood he paid $1,186.41 the amount of Assessors I ers f»>r 1860. On dioiion. Board adjourned. JAMES LOG IE, President. H. C. Entler, Clerk. Ncojs 3tcmG. Rumor says that Gen. Tom Thumb w ill soon have another Thumb on his hands. United States District Attorney Chani£ ler, of Virginia, is said to be ab"Ut to make arrangements loi the trial of Jefler son Davis. The municipal election at Alton, HI., last week, resuited in the success ol the entire conservative ticket. The New York Herald has gone over, boots and breeches, to the Radicals. The military at New Orleans havp pun¬ ished severely the negro soldier* who joined in the riot in that city on Wednes¬ day last. Four ol them were hung up by their thumbs. Some unknown scoundrel, masked, at¬ tempted to commit an outrage on a most respectable young lady near Elk Run Church, in Rockingham county, on Mon¬ day morning of last week. The young latly in question is about 16 or 17 years of *ge, and U2s on her way to the Post Office. The New V or k II raid blandly ark now ledges ' that it "earnestly advocated the President's policy," but "after the verdict of the jury" . i. e. the Mams e- lection . a parked jury . "the argument is at an end" . with the Herald. Robert Kurtz, of Winchester, lias a wooden canteen u^rd bv his grandfather' in the Revolution «<f 76. lie b longed j to the celebrated " 1 hitch Mess," of Gen.) Morgan's command which matched ft oin j the Valley to Quebec, through a wilder¬ ness of five hundred miles. Mrs. Ernest, of Sidney, near Rich¬ mond, and ihree of her sons, died of chol¬ era, on Satuiday last. W hen Secretary Seward arrived at llarnsburjj, with the Presidential h»ur, on Friday night last, he had every symptou, nf cholera, and remained in the or *11 night. He Ins since been taken to Wash¬ ington, where he still lies >ery ill. Major Joseph Stephens, sixlv-one yearn of age, thirty six inches high, and weighing forty five pounds, died ol ap¬ oplexy, at man Miasoun, recently. Wheat is so scarce in the L\nchburg market tl at the mills are doing absolutely nothing. The total receipts since the opening of the season are estimated not to exceed three thousand bu^tel*. The old bel I of William and Mary Col¬ lege, which, rang nui us peals long ante¬ rior lo the first American revolution, has been seni id Norlolk, to be lorwarded to New Y or k for recaaling. Impeachment of hie President. . A Ik'Mon correspondent of the Stilionul Intelligencer writes : "I have learned htre that Mr. Hi uuvell, who is good au¬ thority on th id point, has given assurance that articles of impeachment will be offer¬ ed and carried by the Huuse at Ihe nexi session." The Norfolk Virginian says "it is nol to be denied that the Asiatic Cholera, as an epidemic, has appealed in the su¬ burbs of Norfolk." A wriler in the Lexington Gazette me ntions a phenomenon which was ob-| served in Rockbridge county, on the 1 . I instant, lie states thai during a slight rain a strange noise was heard in the tirmanent, resembling the rumbling ot machinery, which passed over the earth Irom youth to North, anu produced a great commotion in the thin clouds along its track. A young German named Demuth,biew his brains out, in St. Louis, last week, to get rid of a persistent headache. Kadical 'reatment thai. The SisterhooJ of St. Mary, the Vir¬ gin, is the name of a new religious order( recently founded in New \ ork. I. ii to the Episcopal Church what the Siateis of Charity is to the Catholic Church. General Magruder writes from Mexico: that tie does not intend to return to tbe United Slates until the results of the Northern elections are known. Judge Hiesiand, of New Oileans, thus addressed the Kauicals at a Geary an<4 ne¬ gro suffrage meeting in Philadelphia last week : The question of universal suf¬ frage will have to be discussed and finally adopted ; and 1 advise you in the coming contest rot only to prepare )our b.dlwts, but bullets, for the sionn which is briw- ing. Another case of fatal child-flogging, if possible more revolting in shocking de¬ tails than ihe rerent Lindsley ciiilu-mur- der in Medina, N. Y., orrurred at 8ar- nia, Canada, on Wednesday last, the vic¬ tim, in this instance, b'ing a little girl five years of age, named Kaie fcib'ev. the il¬ legitimate daughter of Schuyler Sibley, and s Miss Kate Davis, and the alleged provocation leading to the act being the j refusal of tbe child to say its prayers. ittarriagts. ~ . On Tuesday morning 1 a> f , in the E. M. Church, UnionviJIe, bv Rev. E. L. Kreglo, Mr. Francis A. Simpson to Miss Mary F. Maddux , ail ol this coun- ly. On Thursday. Sept. 13th, 1866, at the residence of John A. Morris, E?q .West¬ chester county, N. Y.t by Rev. B. M. Palmer, I). L).. Mr. Thns. L. Carter, formerly of Charlestown, lo Mies Anna Iltnnen Jennings , of New Orleans. Dcatljs. At St. Louis, Mo., of ch"Iera, on the G t h ol Septen brr, 1866, in the 50th year of his age, Joseph A. Brua , son of John and Harriet Brua, long citizens of liar- per's Ferry, Va. Near Hagerstown, Md., on Friday of last week, Mr. James //*. Kozwell , r merly of this county, aged about 50 years, At Mount Ida, near Alexandria, Va., on Sunday morning last, September 16, 1866. at the residence of fitr son in-law, Mr. F. (». Lloyd, Mrs Ann Hammond , of cancer, widow of the late Dr. Thomas Hammond, of this town, aged 71 years. Her remains were brought to thi* place on Tuesday afternoon last, and in¬ terred in tfie family burial ground amidst many sorrowing relative* and fritnda. £l)c illarkcts. Shepherdstown Market, Corrcchd. witkly by D. S. Rtntch. FLOUK, - - $12,00 a 13.00 W H BAT, (Ked) - £2 JO a 2,50 CO UN, - - 70 a 75 OATS, - - 37 a 40 WOOL, . . 30 a 35 BUT i EK, - - 20 a 25 E(1 GS, - - 15 a 15 BA < ON, - - 20 a 25 LA HI), - - . 20 a 25 POTATOES, - . 100 a 100 LUMBER, - - 3.00 a 4,(.o SlllMiLES, - - 12,00 a 1 5 00 in i t 1 31 o k i: m a kk n r. FLOUK. . We revise our quotations as lol'ow* : Howard -trr t h-u^tr ami « u Extra at 10 '^5 a * 10 50. \VHE\T. . Included in the sales w*re 1100 bushels white at 2 80 a £2 88 ; 1400 bushs prime red at $2 b5. COHN. . The market w ** quirt, wi'h s .. 1 < s c»l 2 0 0 0 bust els v\lme at 'JO a 92 cts, ami 200 bushs ytdlow repuritd 6old a t 88 cents. OAT»S'. . 5000 bushel" rrceived, wi.'h *ales of 1200 bushe> at 4 1 els, aud 000 Uu, at 40 a 47 cen's. IsEW GOODS ! DS. KEN TON wot Id renpec tfully in- ' . form hi? ru-tomers ihat he has re¬ ceived his FALL SUPPLY of (iOOI)S, and would invite all in want of (J nods to!1 call and examine his stock and puces. Sept. 22, 1866. tf « STATE AND COUNTY I Taxes I \ /HUE Books of the Assessor havp hren A placed in the hands of the Sheriff. The Taxes uiv now «!ue and if »e prompt payment of litem is expected and wnl le required. WILLIAM RUSH, Sheriff. Scpien.ber 22, 18G6. 3i N E W G O 0 D S AGAINST THE v o a_i b , Wholesale and Retail, Cheap for Cash or Coun'ry Produce ! Dry Goods, * Notion*, Fancy Goods, (iroceries, Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps, Q'jfens- Ware, Wood Ware, Willow Were, Carpels and Oil Cloth, Hard Ware. Be sure you are High t then go Ahead, But Don'i Forget to Stop at I he Cheap Cash Store to get Bargains. At BAKER & H ILL'S. September 22, IhGfi. tf Great Attraction ' siiEpniiinisTowA', THE COUNTY-SEAT CF JEFFERSON, WEST VJRG1JY1A. Xew Fall and Winter GOODS at Reduced Prices i'or Cash ! 'THE undersigned has now in slo'e a I Large Stock of WINTER GOODS, that has been purchased since the decline uhirh will be sold at reduced prices for CASH. Persons in want of Goods are invited to call and examine Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhe.-e. D. S. RENTCH. Sept. 22, 1866. _ «% it I Announcements. Elcctiuii (Al/i Thursday) October 25./^ FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Mti. '/A ITLK. Will (>l ease a 11 ii< unct HENUY UElim , Esq., a»a didate tor ill" ntli e of PROSECU I'lN ATTORN EY, lur the County of Jeff.-; eon to he voteJ lor at the ensuing fjtCi jtion. Mi. Berry is a gentleman ot iegal expression, afl' ble and obliging iq all, a man of strict integrity, and one Mt, is 100 gent-rally known lo need anv if I commendation from his friend*, and their name is legion. MANY VOTERS. Snpiemher 22. I860. tg FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, LP. W . HA EC II will be supported . a? an Independent Union caiu;ija!< lor ihe oflice ol I'KOSECU I 1 N A 7 TOHNEY, for the County of Jefferson, at the ensuing election, by Sept 15 MANY VOTERS. Frte Press«end Spirit copy. FO R P ROS EC UT! N t; A TTO R S E Y . * '1' the solicitation of man) friend*, 1 Ziehen by announce mvsetl as a candi- Male lor the oflice ol PROSECUTING A I I Oiv.N E\ , l jr tins C juiuy , jt d e , ensuirg election. J( H N OTOWn.L Harper's I\rry% Sept, 1 j, iblitj. ie FOR LEGISLATURE, ft V. \ AN I IS will be supported an Iudependent Union candidate lor ihe LEGISLATURE* »» <he enscing election, by MAN\ \OIERS. Sept 15 FOR LEGISLATURE. DR. J.i.VjEft i.OUlE will be support, ed as an Independent Union candidate lor the EEC1SEA I URE, si the ensuinj election, hy MAi\\ YOl ERS. Sept 15 lo Free Press <fc S| irit copy. FOR SHERIFF. OSEPH .W El.Sh Ai\s «ill he 9Up- j'or ieil lor ihe S 1 1 ERl l* I* A L I \ at \h® nnuiiig election, bv MANY VOTERS. J /Mil E above is done with my consent, I and il elected I pledge myself to dis¬ charge the duties faiihklly and wilhuut lear, lavor or affection. JOSEPH WELSIIANS. September 15, te FOR ASSESSOR. 4 T li e *oiiciuiioii ol aoiue o I m\ friend* il 1 oiler invcell as a Candidate (or the oflice of ASSESSOR lor the County of Jeff-rson. I 11 OS. V\ . UREEN. Sept. 15, 16CG. te A C A R I). Fo the Cilizeii.s t,f Ji llrrson Counly : 1M I E undersigned bcihu a candidate lor the Couuiy R< corderthip, and being informed by several It ienda that a report lias gained prevalence lo the effect, ihat, il eh i ll d lo tne olio e he will deputize uher parties lo peif. r*n the services, bejM eavc lo inlorm .ill w luun be tusy not st e n person, that ihe report is totally un- .Minded and. il elected, he will give ihe office In- personal ami undivided attention, <iimI endeavnr to dttnharge the duties fan* iy and impartial!) to ail classes without the a»J of a deputy. S. V. I*. STKIDKR. $eptembf r 8, lS6t>. 7 w BUTCHER JAG ! rpHR undersigned takes tins method nf 1 (he citizen* of Sh« | rd*- tiiwn thai he has commenced the Hutch- rrtng Huainesa in this place, and will have lor Hale at his stall, in the Market !Jou»e, one*ery V\ tuin« s«Ja\ and S»turdav morn¬ ing, from thm dale, j rune Heef, Veal ai d Mu ton. and srn soon an the weaihtr « dl permit, will have m addition to the m»«»ve Sau-age and Pudding . so come on epi¬ cures. Hoping hy unci a tier, lion to bus¬ iness, impartiality to All and asking but the lowest possible prue, to merit and re- reive a 1 «rge *h r<r of the public patron* age. All lie a*ks ;* to give him » r dl. Pfj* I'erms positively cash The |mi>J ic '. humble fervent. Jacob win tkrmoykk. Shepherdntow n, Sept. 22. IHOG 3t ,1 PPLE 1 ' j r f r & for ^ 9 hy XA Aug IS Kd ward Shnfer. f A LT, C heese, Sugar, Coffee, MoUs- £) se-, Svrup, <fcc., !or"*le v*ry low at spjtt 2<i I > //. Slroile'*. J f,AR(*F and ***11 selected st- rk < f ji Shots, Half, Aic , at very I"*1 fi^ur-s at P. //. Strode t. LPACCAS. Mountains, Poplin*. I'al- Ji icoes, in t.ict, a general assortment of t.adtes fJreis Goods at p. //. Strode*. ' A Ft' LI. assortmeni of ('loth*, C»w- Xa niers. Vraungr. ii4ndkerchiefr,(il Hosiery. ic., dir., H. Strode*. M AS 1 ILK and lancy S^aps, Spices, Ks- 4J*enc«*, <fcc., very low at sept 22 II. Strode' s. PULL Slock of Groceries now in store L and for jale by L). S. Htntch. JAVA Coffee for sale by sep i 22 D. S. Rtnlch; PUREOidei Vinegar for sale by sept 22 /). S Hentch. E VV Style of Hals for sale by sept 22 D. S. Rentch, IT700L WANTED. . I will pay the if highest market price for wool, eith¬ er in rash or trade, if delivered to me ai my Store io Sbepherdstown. .epi 22 P. H. Strodt.

Transcript of Shepherdstown Register (Shepherdstown, Va. [W. Va.]). 1866-09 … · l'Hii KEG1STti ll. TERMS TER...

Page 1: Shepherdstown Register (Shepherdstown, Va. [W. Va.]). 1866-09 … · l'Hii KEG1STti ll. TERMS TER YEAR.$2,50 IN ADVANCE. S\\epherAsterntv, West \a: BITORP/AY SEP. 22, I86C. Lecture.


S\\epherAsterntv , W est \ a :


Lecture.The Creole Spaniard of Beaufcrt, S. C,

who has recently travelled through iheeeceded States, will give a true history ofthe condition of the "Freedmen and poorwhitea of the Southern States, in regardto Business, Progress, and Kducation,and the effect of the Freedmen's Bureau."He was educated at Salamango College inSpain. Can read and write six differentlanguages. At the close of the lecture hewill translate twenty languages into theEnglish tongue, and will also sing Span¬ish, French, Portugees.and Hindoo songs,and will give a true statement an to

"whether the Freedmen and poor whitesof the South are qualified to exercise . theElective Franchise, and whether the se¬

ceded States are prepared for re-admis-.ton into the Union. He was also a con¬

script under Gen. Beauregard, at the bat¬tle of Bull Run ; under Gen. Pemberton,at Fredericksburg and Vickaburg ; was

captured by General Grant at Vicksburg.The Lecture will take place on Thursdayevening, in the Colored Church, Shep-herdstown, September ihe 20th, 1 8Gt>.lor the benefit of the African Church.Admittance 25 ce nts, children 15 cents.

l>oors open at 7 o'cluck, Lecture at 8o'clock.$Jr»Judging from appearances, this "Cre¬

ole Spaniard" is about "three-thirds" ne¬

gro, and had for a companion a man withvhKeskin, about 5 feet 8 inches high,fitoutly built, wore 6hort dark BurnsideVhiskers and moustache. This gentle->oan, so-called, acting c.s business agent»nd bill poster lor the distinguished Lec¬turer, ordered at tliis office one hundredl»«i Is* the shove, and failing to raiset *: e fut.ds required, consequently failed to

f>nl then. The "Creole" pitched his1»»nl brneath the hospitable sl.ade of*. Brother Bowman's roof, while his col

disdaining the humble hospi'ili-1 ?s of his colored friends in whom lie"i 'fessed to feel such a warm interest,] u tip at the Western Hotel, and alier

. tying there from Tuesday until Thurs-d iy morning, receiving such treatment as'

it given to gentlemen, under the impres-fion that he was one, he left very ab¬

ruptly, forgetting to pay his bill, con-

? quently the Lecture did'nt come off.The above is given as a warning to theJ'.iblie generally, in order that they mayI ot be imposed upon by the aforesaidparties, who profess to enlighten the peo-j>le of West Virginia in regard to the ben-«A>*ial effects of the ..Freedmen's Bureau"in the seceded States. They have en¬

lightened the people of Shepherdstownus to their rascality beyond a doubt.

Tlie Sabbath School of the M. E.Church, Kev. J. M. Green, of this place,lield a Pic Mic on Saturday last, at the

Big Spring, near this town. The young-eurs enjoyed themselves very much, and

everything passed off in a happy manner.

The "S'.ars and Snipes" were carried

consptcuousl) in the procession.P. H. Strode; D. S. Rentch, and

ttaker & Hill are now receiving their

Fall and W inter supplies ot Goods. Seeadvertisements.

The match game of Base Ball, at

Charlestown, Tuesday last, between theClub of thai town and the Frederick cuyClub, resulltd in a tie. A Buquet was

presented to the Frederick Club, in be-i a 1 ( of a young latiy of Charlestown, byW'm. H. Travers, Esq., in a neat speech,and elegantly responded to by Mr. rS eleon, President o( »he visiting Club.

Removed . The body of Cel. P.F. l'i'Jutrll, llih Mississippi Infantry,was removed by his brother, assisted b\Mr, John 11. Schoppeit, lTndertakir,Irom ibe Old Episcopal grave yard, in

this place, on Thursday last. Col. Lid-dell was killed at the battle of Sharps*burg, 17th September, 1862.

The Commissioners of the Antie-tam National Cemetery at Sharpsburg,Md., met at Barnum's Hotel in Baltimore,on Tuesday, for the pnrpose of adoptinga plan for laying out the grounds, imme¬

diately after which the removal of the re¬

mains of the dead will commence. All

the dead scattered over Washington coun¬

ty will be removed to the Cemetery.

| We were shown a few days ago

two eggs, laid by a hen belonging to Mr.

George Fayman of this place, one ofwhich measured 6j inches in circumfer¬ence, and 9 inches long. All eggs laid

by this hen are of the same size and of an

extremely rough shell. They are all

..good eggs.'*This region was visited on Thurs-

dp> night by . severe rain storm.

We charge $5 lor announcing can-

diUa e? fur office, to be paid in advance.

The Potomac Mills.

We understand thai a number of our

enterprising capitalists have associatedthemselves together for the purpose offorming a company and purchasing thePotomac Mills property, near Shepherds-town, Va. These Mills were celebratedbefore the war, but have stood idle ever

since the outbreak of hostilities. Thenew Company, alter making all necessaryrepairs and improvements, intend to en-,

gage largely in. the manufacture of flour,lime, and cement, the material for the lat-*er aiiirle being regarded as the finest inthe United Slates. We are pleased to

hear of the practical development of the1resources of our surrounding country, jand chronicle with pleasure the spirit olour citizens in engaging in such enter*

pri«es.. ffa^/iinglon Star.The foregoing paragraph, from a

late Washington paper, refers to an enter-'

prise which will unquestionably be ofimmense advantage to the interests of our(community. Having been aware forsome months past, that a gentleman ofthis place has been quietly but energeti¬cally at work perfecting a plan for the

perminent improvement of the magnificentwater power at the Potomac Mills in this

vicinity, we are very happy to have it inour power to coiroburate the above state¬

ment of his success in securing the co¬

operation of a number of enterprising'capitalists, who aie not only public spir¬ited men of means, but also for the most

part, of practical experience in various de¬

partments of operative industry, and who

are determined to develop the capabilitiesof the property to the utmost extent of its


hast week, pome ten or twelve of thes'ock-holders paid a brief t u-mess visitto uur town, and amongst ( hern we were

pleaded to e<ethe present efficient and (

popular head of ihe Patent Office Depart- ]ment, the Hon. Titos. (J. Theaker, who '

cordially concurred in the unanimoiiflyexpressed opinion of the rctt oi il.e pirt) \that few, if any, Ipp altiies in t' e country. (

offer more attractive and subMantial in- i

lucements than ours, for the establish-men l Jitd ni<iiiii<rnani.c ol ui»iiulac;oii»> '

upon an extensive scale. And as we un-'

lerstand it is the intention of the compa¬ny to st 11 or iedse mill Mies, with amplewater privileges, on lavorable terms, to

jther associaiions £ho will undertake to

improve them by ihe erection of Facto-lies, &c., we trust that a new era of it.-

Ju*'ry has been inaugurated in our midstwhich will soon make this the most pros¬perous as it ceriainly is, the fairest and 1

must fertile poitiou of the far famed "Val-i1ley of the iShetiandoali."

Base Call.The Virginia Club vs. ThePoIuuimc.

A match game ol Uase Boll was played (

between the Virginia Club of Martinsburg ,

jnd the Potomac Club ol Shepherdstow n,on the grounds of the fi rmer Club, dt

M«rtins>burg, on fcatuiuay lasi, '1 he at-

tendance of spectators was large, inclu¬

ding many Indies. The following is the8co i e of the game, by w hich it will beseen that the ' Virginia" came oil victo¬rious. The Virginia h^s been in exis¬tence several months, if not under that

name, at least the same material underthe names of "Eagle" and .. Berkeleynow ..Virginia," whereas the Potomachad not been organized two weeks y*t al

'he lime of the game, which may be of-I e re tl as a palliation of the difference inscores.

THE SCORE.Virginia. O. K. /'utomac. 0. R.Kiddle. P 1 16 Brown.P 2 7Sn)tier. C 3 14 Beltzh'er. C 7 3Ljth 5 11 Stubbs. 55 S 2 5Butler. 1 B 4 13 Yoiitz. 1 B 4 5Wild.2B 4 13 Burke.2 2 3 5Chambers 3 13 Miller.3 B 3 5Mulouy 1 16 Tra)nei-L F 1 9Piizer 3 12 Rights'e-C F 3 tilMiller. II F 3 13 liriiiiiig-K F 2 6

Total 27 121 27 51Umpire. I j. A. Luce of the Virginia C lub.Scorers. M. B. Kugcra ol \ irgima, and Jer.

Shi filer ol Potomac.liou.e Runs were made by Messrs. Brown,

Righlstirie, Kiddle, Malont ai.d Wild.Time of Game. Four hours.The game being finished, the crowd of

spectators immedia'ely dispersed, whilethe "Potomac" as guesls of the "Virgin-ia," sojourned for an hour, at the United'States Hotel, where a good and solid sup¬per had been prepared lor the occasion,of winch all paitook heartily « after theviolent exercises of the afternon.A few congratulations, ail "old time"

promenade, and the presence of the "Po¬tomac" was requested at a Minstrel Con*

cert, the proceeds of which are to be de«voted to a good cause. Listening intent¬

ly to the "sober songs" and "banjo so-

los" a thought of home, caused another

move, when alter a lew hasty farewells,»he old coach was onre more packed, anda start made. With a little vent to our

pent up voices and many a jolt on theway, old Shepherdstown was once more

hailed with joy but as the still, wee

hours of the night were fast approaching.a quiet entrance was made, a last goodnight exchanged, and a quick step beattoward a welcome couch, when t.rmina-


SUPERVISOR'S COURT.Shephlrdstown, West Va., )

September 17, 1866. 3BoarJ of Supervisors o« e » at 10 o'clock.

The following members pieaent, JamesLogie, Piesident; Supervisors Butler,McCurdy, Foasett and Johnson.The appointment of John D. Staley to

fill the vacancy caused by the resignationof John Spangler, of Shepherd Town¬

ship, was presented, and on motion ofPresident l.ogie he same was confirmed,and Mr. Sialey was sworn in a9 memberof the Board

Ordered, that three thousand dollar? be

appropriated to the purpose of buildingcounty jail.

Ordered, that the clerk write 1o JohnL. Wilson, master of road of the Btlio.and Ohio Railroad, and notify him to

have the crossings within this county on

said road repaired.Ordered, that orders be given for the

following bill** : Thos. Hopkins $6,50;Martin Yontz 3.00; C. Johnson 129.00;A. J. Waldeck 3,50; W. R. Turner 19,-00; Thos. Hopkins 6 50; A. J. Walddck7,75; John Crider 4,50; G. Mr Bee 31.-168; G. W. Spoils 3.5g; J. B. Clipp 8,00. |

Ordered, that Thomas H. Willis andWarner A. Thompson be appointed Di¬rectors for the rouniy in the Cross Roadsand Summit Point Turnpike company. !On motion, the repoit of Thomas Ruth-

erforJ, county director and superintend- jant of the Charlestown and Herryville;Turnpike be received and placed on file.Ordered, the following pi-rsoi.s br

granted licence : Joseph Myers to s< 11spirituous liquors at Mverstown; JamesMcGraw to sell spirituous liquors at Har¬per's Ferry; G. W. Spoils to sell ale, na¬

tive wine and beer at Charlestown.Ordered, from the evidence adduced to'

he Board that the pedler license assessedigainsi Fred. D. Rohrer, is believed 10

ia*e been illegally assessed and collected !. nd the application has been mnde

he requited time (one year) 11 is heri l.y)rdered bv the Board Uiat the amount coiertfd, $l5,6;i, be refunded 10 said Roll¬er.

Ordered, that R . P. Chew, James Ro->er, H. F. Schuiz, II. Rod* rick, C. L.{oderick and Jerre Harris be summoned0 -4j pe»r before this Board at 11s nexijneeting, on the 3td Monday ol October.Ordered, that A. Miller be paid $19,921

> Hit mum nnt ol his account up to JulieJlrl, lblil.Ordered, that the bill of Joseph Starry,

in ? »n n 1 i n g to $ 1 38.4 1 for keeping 0 uri

iou>e andjiil in Charlestown, from June,'1861, in Feb'v, 1862, be rejected; theHoard are ol ihp opinion that they haveio authority to pay an\ claim* made al-er June, 18(51. From the abot e dieis-on of the Board, Mr. Siarry lo<»k an ap¬ical to the Ciienit ('our'.On the application ol Joseph Starry to

.pen and eslallish a road, it is ordtred,hat Daniel Coalman, John Seldon, liariey On, Dani> I H«-flebo wrr, Geo. Re--ler and 'Thomas K. Woodward, or anyI ree of them, being first sworn, view a

oule for the said road, which is Irom!aid Joseph Starry's farm to the maimoad leading 10 t;.e court houje of this!ounty, and repoit to this Board.Ordered, that Jacob Rinehart ^e paid

ml of the levy ol 1866, for the budding Iof a culvert over run at iienj. Hoffman'*mill.

William Kui-h, Sheriff. I)r.For amount of County Levy

and Capitation 'l ax lor the year1 865,


$10,215.57For am't of County Levy ou

Licences, 216.78

$10,432,25In Account with Jefferson County, Cr

By arn't of Treas'r rec'pt No. 131.603. 87By .. 2,- 611.87By .. .. .. .. 3,-1 ,61 1,71By 44 .. .. .. 4, . 24 1 ,80by .. .. .. .. 5, ^ 598 37By 11 .. .. .. 6, .576 65By .. .. .. .. 7, . 848.30By .. .. .. .. 8, - 738,25By .. «. .. .. 9, 210,00By M .. .. ..10, 441.50By .. .. .. ..11, 29.50By .. .. .. ..12, . 182,72By .. .. .. "13, . 15.23I;y .. .. .. . . 1 4, 125.40By .. .. .. .'IS, 26,00By " '. .. *'16, 454,40

By .. .. ?. .17, 198,86Arn't of deductions on assessm'lby the Board 1 33,65Amt' of delinquent <fc erroneous

assessments allowed by theBoard 1,024,27Ain't allowed by Board for col¬lecting the County Levy for1865, 500,00Ain't of Sheriffs salary, 200,00

$10,432.35The road case between A. Showman

and John Wysong, was taken up andfiom the evidence adduced to the Board,the following order was made : Ordered,by the Board of Supervisors, that JacobKtneharl be appointed a commissioner to

proceed at once to lay off and settle ti.elocation of the road between the farms ofAdam Snowman and Jolm Wysong, andthe said commissioner shall locate theroad a* follows : John Wysong shall fur¬nish 15 feel ol the road running southof his farm between his land and AdamShowman's land; and Adam Showmanshall furnish 15 feet of the road runningnorth of his lands. Except however thatthat part of the road fronting John's hou>e y«ml, which shall be n««lmore than 20 leet wide; Wysong furnish¬es whatever land that he own in the pres¬ent road, in front of his house yard, andthe hou»e yard of John VV'ysong shall not

be interfered with and A. Showman andJohn Wysong shall move their fences inaccordance with this ordet, cod the me as-

uremenl made by said commissioner. andif either John Wysong or A. Showmanshall refuse to move their fences as re¬

quired for road purposes then Geo. Showthe surveyor of said r>ad, shall proceedto move anv fence that may interferewith the working ol or the free passageover said toad.

Ordered, that I. T. Chapline be paid$295,40 the amount paid for jurors Fees,Malting, Chairs. &c., for court house.

Ordered, that J. W. Greenwood he

paid $1,186.41 the amount of AssessorsI ers f»>r 1860.On dioiion. Board adjourned.

JAMES LOG IE, President.H. C. Entler, Clerk.

Ncojs 3tcmG.Rumor says that Gen. Tom Thumb

w ill soon have another Thumb on hishands.

United States District Attorney Chani£ler, of Virginia, is said to be ab"Ut to

make arrangements loi the trial of Jeflerson Davis.The municipal election at Alton, HI.,

last week, resuited in the success ol theentire conservative ticket.

The New York Herald has gone over,

boots and breeches, to the Radicals.

The military at New Orleans havp pun¬ished severely the negro soldier* who

joined in the riot in that city on Wednes¬day last. Four ol them were hung upby their thumbs.Some unknown scoundrel, masked, at¬

tempted to commit an outrage on a most

respectable young lady near Elk RunChurch, in Rockingham county, on Mon¬day morning of last week. The younglatly in question is about 16 or 17 yearsof *ge, and U2s on her way to the PostOffice.The New V or k II raid blandly ark

now ledges ' that it "earnestly advocatedthe President's policy," but "after theverdict of the jury". i. e. the Mams e-

lection. a parked jury."the argumentis at an end". with the Herald.

Robert Kurtz, of Winchester, lias a

wooden canteen u^rd bv his grandfather'in the Revolution «<f 76. lie b longed jto the celebrated " 1 hitch Mess," of Gen.)Morgan's command which matched ft oin jthe Valley to Quebec, through a wilder¬ness of five hundred miles.

Mrs. Ernest, of Sidney, near Rich¬mond, and ihree of her sons, died of chol¬era, on Satuiday last.W hen Secretary Seward arrived at

llarnsburjj, with the Presidential h»ur, on

Friday night last, he had every symptou,nf cholera, and remained in the or *11night. He Ins since been taken to Wash¬

ington, where he still lies >ery ill.

Major Joseph Stephens, sixlv-oneyearn of age, thirty six inches high, and

weighing forty five pounds, died ol ap¬oplexy, at man Miasoun, recently.

Wheat is so scarce in the L\nchburgmarket tl at the mills are doing absolutelynothing. The total receipts since the

opening of the season are estimated not to

exceed three thousand bu^tel*.

The old bel I of William and Mary Col¬lege, which, rang nui us peals long ante¬

rior lo the first American revolution, hasbeen seni id Norlolk, to be lorwarded to

New Y or k for recaaling.Impeachment of hie President.. A

Ik'Mon correspondent of the StilionulIntelligencer writes : "I have learnedhtre that Mr. Hi uuvell, who is good au¬

thority on th id point, has given assurance

that articles of impeachment will be offer¬ed and carried by the Huuse at Ihe nexi

session."The Norfolk Virginian says "it is

nol to be denied that the Asiatic Cholera,as an epidemic, has appealed in the su¬

burbs of Norfolk."A wriler in the Lexington Gazette

me ntions a phenomenon which was ob-|served in Rockbridge county, on the 1 . I

instant, lie states thai during a slightrain a strange noise was heard in thetirmanent, resembling the rumbling ot

machinery, which passed over the earthIrom youth to North, anu produced a

great commotion in the thin clouds alongits track.A young German named Demuth,biew

his brains out, in St. Louis, last week, to

get rid of a persistent headache. Kadical'reatment thai.

The SisterhooJ of St. Mary, the Vir¬gin, is the name of a new religious order(recently founded in New \ ork. I. ii to

the Episcopal Church what the Siateis of

Charity is to the Catholic Church.

General Magruder writes from Mexico:that tie does not intend to return to tbeUnited Slates until the results of theNorthern elections are known.

Judge Hiesiand, of New Oileans, thusaddressed the Kauicals at a Geary an<4 ne¬

gro suffrage meeting in Philadelphia lastweek : The question of universal suf¬

frage will have to be discussed and finallyadopted ; and 1 advise you in the comingcontest rot only to prepare )our b.dlwts,but bullets, for the sionn which is briw-ing.

Another case of fatal child-flogging, ifpossible more revolting in shocking de¬tails than ihe rerent Lindsley ciiilu-mur-der in Medina, N. Y., orrurred at 8ar-nia, Canada, on Wednesday last, the vic¬tim, in this instance, b'ing a little girl fiveyears of age, named Kaie fcib'ev. the il¬legitimate daughter of Schuyler Sibley,and s Miss Kate Davis, and the allegedprovocation leading to the act being the

j refusal of tbe child to say its prayers.



On Tuesday morning 1 a> f , in the E.M. Church, UnionviJIe, bv Rev. E. L.Kreglo, Mr. Francis A. Simpson to

Miss Mary F. Maddux , ail ol this coun-

ly.On Thursday. Sept. 13th, 1866, at the

residence of John A. Morris, E?q .West¬chester county, N. Y.t by Rev. B. M.Palmer, I). L).. Mr. Thns. L. Carter,formerly of Charlestown, lo Mies AnnaIltnnen Jennings , of New Orleans.

Dcatljs.At St. Louis, Mo., of ch"Iera, on the

G t h ol Septen brr, 1866, in the 50th yearof his age, Joseph A. Brua , son of Johnand Harriet Brua, long citizens of liar-per's Ferry, Va.

Near Hagerstown, Md., on Friday oflast week, Mr. James //*. Kozwell , f» r

merly of this county, aged about 50 years,At Mount Ida, near Alexandria, Va.,

on Sunday morning last, September 16,1866. at the residence of fitr son in-law,Mr. F. (». Lloyd, Mrs Ann Hammond ,

of cancer, widow of the late Dr. ThomasHammond, of this town, aged 71 years.

Her remains were brought to thi*

place on Tuesday afternoon last, and in¬terred in tfie family burial ground amidstmany sorrowing relative* and fritnda.

£l)c illarkcts.Shepherdstown Market,

Corrcchd. witkly by D. S. Rtntch.

FLOUK, - - $12,00 a 13.00W H BAT, (Ked) - £2JO a 2,50COUN, - - 70 a 75OATS, - - 37 a 40WOOL, . . 30 a 35BUT i EK, - - 20 a 25E(1 GS, - - 15 a 15BA < ON, - - 20 a 25LA HI), - - . 20 a 25POTATOES, - . 100 a 100LUMBER, - - 3.00 a 4,(.oSlllMiLES, - - 12,00 a 1 5 00

in i t 1 31 o k i: m a kk n r.

FLOUK.. We revise our quotationsas lol'ow* : Howard -trr t h-u^tr ami« u Extra at 10 '^5 a * 10 50.\VHE\T.. Included in the sales w*re

1100 bushels white at 2 80 a £2 88 ;1400 bushs prime red at $2 b5.COHN.. The market w ** quirt, wi'h

s .. 1 < s c»l 2 00 0 bust els v\lme at 'JO a 92cts, ami 200 bushs ytdlow repuritd 6olda t 88 cents.

OAT»S'.. 5000 bushel" rrceived, wi.'h*ales of 1200 bushe> at 4 1 els, aud 000 Uu,

at 40 a 47 cen's.

IsEW GOODS !DS. KEN TON wot Id renpec tfully in- '

. form hi? ru-tomers ihat he has re¬

ceived his FALL SUPPLY of (iOOI)S,and would invite all in want of (J nods to!1call and examine his stock and puces.

Sept. 22, 1866. tf «


Taxes I\/HUE Books of the Assessor havp hrenA placed in the hands of the Sheriff.The Taxes uiv now «!ue and if »e promptpayment of litem is expected and wnl le

required.WILLIAM RUSH, Sheriff.

Scpien.ber 22, 18G6. 3i


v o a_i b ,

Wholesale and Retail,Cheap for Cash


Coun'ry Produce !

Dry Goods, *

Notion*,Fancy Goods,

(iroceries,Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps,

Q'jfens- Ware,Wood Ware, Willow Were,

Carpels and Oil Cloth,Hard Ware.

Be sure you are High t then goAhead,

But Don'i Forget to Stop atI he Cheap Cash Store to get Bargains.


September 22, IhGfi. tf

Great Attraction '



Xew Fall and Winter GOODSat Reduced Prices i'or Cash !

'THE undersigned has now in slo'e a

I Large Stock of WINTER GOODS,that has been purchased since the declineuhirh will be sold at reduced prices forCASH. Persons in want of Goods are

invited to call and examine Goods andprices before purchasing elsewhe.-e.

D. S. RENTCH.Sept. 22, 1866. _ «% it

I Announcements.Elcctiuii (Al/i Thursday) October 25./^FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY

Mti. '/A ITLK. Will (>l ease a 11 ii< unctHENUY UElim , Esq., a»a

didate tor ill" ntli e of PROSECU I'lNATTORN EY, lur the County of Jeff.-;eon to he voteJ lor at the ensuing fjtCijtion. Mi. Berry is a gentleman ot

iegal expression, afl' ble and obliging iqall, a man of strict integrity, and one Mt,is 100 gent-rally known lo need anv if

I commendation from his friend*, and theirname is legion.

MANY VOTERS.Snpiemher 22. I860. tg


. a? an Independent Union caiu;ija!<lor ihe oflice ol I'KOSECU I 1 N (» A 7TOHNEY, for the County of Jefferson,at the ensuing election, by

Sept 15 MANY VOTERS.Frte Press«end Spirit copy.


* '1' the solicitation of man) friend*, 1Ziehen by announce mvsetl as a candi-Male lor the oflice ol PROSECUTINGA I I Oiv.N E\ , l jr tins C juiuy , jt d e

, ensuirg election.J( H N OTOWn.L

Harper's I\rry% Sept, 1 j, iblitj. ie

FOR LEGISLATURE,ft V. \ AN I IS will be supported <«

an Iudependent Union candidate lorihe LEGISLATURE* »» <he enscingelection, by MAN\ \OIERS.

Sept 15

FOR LEGISLATURE.DR. J.i.VjEft i.OUlE will be support,

ed as an Independent Union candidatelor the EEC1SEA I URE, si the ensuinjelection, hy MAi\\ YOl ERS.

Sept 15 lo

Free Press <fc S| irit copy.

FOR SHERIFF.OSEPH .W El.Sh Ai\s «ill he 9Up-j'or ieil lor ihe S 1 1 ERl l* I* A L I \ at \h®

nnuiiig election, bvMANY VOTERS.


/Mil E above is done with my consent,I and il elected I pledge myself to dis¬charge the duties faiihklly and wilhuutlear, lavor or affection.

JOSEPH WELSIIANS.September 15, te

FOR ASSESSOR.4 T li e *oiiciuiioii ol aoiue o I m\ friend*il 1 oiler invcell as a Candidate (or theoflice of ASSESSOR lor the County ofJeff-rson. I 11 OS. V\ . UREEN.

Sept. 15, 16CG. te

A C A R I).

Fo the Cilizeii.s t,f Ji llrrson Counly :

1M I E undersigned bcihu a candidate lor

the Couuiy R< corderthip, and beinginformed by several It ienda that a reportlias gained prevalence lo the effect, ihat,il eh i ll d lo tne olio e he will deputizeuher parties lo peif. r*n the services, bejMeavc lo inlorm .ill w luun be tusy not st e

n person, that ihe report is totally un-

.Minded and. il elected, he will give iheoffice In- personal ami undivided attention,<iimI endeavnr to dttnharge the duties fan*iy and impartial!) to ail classes withoutthe a»J of a deputy.

S. V. I*. STKIDKR.$eptembf r 8, lS6t>. 7 w

BUTCHERJAG !rpHR undersigned takes tins method nf1 (he citizen* of Sh« | h« rd*-tiiwn thai he has commenced the Hutch-rrtng Huainesa in this place,and will havelor Hale at his stall, in the Market !Jou»e,one*ery V\ tuin« s«Ja\ and S»turdav morn¬

ing, from thm dale, j rune Heef, Veal ai dMu ton. and srn soon an the weaihtr « dlpermit, will have m addition to the m»«»ve

Sau-age and Pudding . so come on epi¬cures. Hoping hy unci a tier, lion to bus¬iness, impartiality to All and asking butthe lowest possible prue, to merit and re-

reive a 1 «rge *h r<r of the public patron*age. All lie a*ks ;* to give him » r dl.Pfj* I'erms positively cash The |mi>J ic '.humble fervent.

Jacob wintkrmoykk.Shepherdntow n, Sept. 22. IHOG 3t

,1 PPLE 1 'j r f r & for ^ 9 hy

XA Aug IS Kdward Shnfer.f A LT, C heese, Sugar, Coffee, MoUs-£) se-, Svrup, <fcc., !or"*le v*ry low at

spjtt 2<i I > //. Slroile'*.

J f,AR(*F and ***11 selected st- rk < fji Shots, Half, Aic , at very I"*1 fi^ur-s

at P. //. Strode t.

LPACCAS. Mountains, Poplin*. I'al-Ji icoes, in t.ict, a general assortment oft.adtes fJreis Goods at p. //. Strode*. '

A Ft' LI. assortmeni of ('loth*, C»w-Xa niers. Vraungr. ii4ndkerchiefr,(ilHosiery. ic., dir., H. Strode*.

M AS 1 ILK and lancy S^aps, Spices, Ks-4J*enc«*, <fcc., very low at

sept 22 II. Strode' s.

PULL Slock of Groceries now in store

L and for jale by L). S. Htntch.

JAVA Coffee for sale bysep i 22 D. S. Rtnlch;

PUREOidei Vinegar for sale bysept 22 /). S Hentch.E VV Style of Hals for sale bysept 22 D. S. Rentch,

IT700L WANTED.. I will pay theif highest market price for wool, eith¬

er in rash or trade, if delivered to me ai

my Store io Sbepherdstown..epi 22 P. H. Strodt.