Shepherd's Voice

Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church and School Volume 38, Issue 1 January/February 2011 Ask the Pastor Your fondest memory and your greatest hope. Different is Good! Embracing our diversity. Our Worship Life Goals for 2011. Compassionate Care Ministries Some stats on our 2010 accomplishments. Building Projects Update on our current Projects. Bright Ideas? New ideas for 2011!



Transcript of Shepherd's Voice

Page 1: Shepherd's Voice

Shepherd’s Voice 1

Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran Church and School Volume 38, Issue 1 January/February 2011

Ask the Pastor

Your fondest memory and your greatest hope.

Different is Good!

Embracing our diversity.

Our Worship Life

Goals for 2011.


Care Ministries

Some stats on our 2010 accomplishments.

Building Projects

Update on our current Projects.

Bright Ideas?

New ideas for 2011!

Page 2: Shepherd's Voice

Shepherd’s Voice 2

Q: What is your fondest

Shepherd of the Lakes

memory of 2010?

A: 2010 brought many bless-

ings and memories—so many

that it is hard to pick just one.

Personally, I will never forget

the graciousness of the con-

gregation upon my acceptance

of the Sr. Pastor position. It

would’ve been easy for you to

treat the transition as if it

were just “old hat.” But you

made the event special!

Thank you!

Looking beyond myself, my

favorite memory of 2010 will

be the ever growing swell of

people at our Education Hour.

I know that I’ve sounded like a

broken record as I’ve encour-

aged (nagged) you to greater

participation in the study of the

Word. I rejoice that we’ve

changed the culture of our con-

gregation into a “two hour on

Sunday church.” This hasn’t

been done to add busyness to

your already hectic lives, but

rather to provide a reliable com-

pass as you navigate an ever-

changing (and difficult) world.

Q: What’s your greatest hope

for Shepherd of the Lakes in


A: There is much on our plate as

we enter a new year. This issue

of Shepherd’s Voice is dedicated

to talking about some of those

things. Some plans are internal

(maintenance projects, addition

of staff), while other goals will

force us to look beyond our walls

and into a community with grow-

ing needs.

If I had to sum up my greatest

hope for Shepherd of the Lakes

into just one though, it would be

for us to live each day together

with an eager eye on our future,

not our past. Shepherd of the

Lakes has a wonderful history.

God has been better to us than

we deserve! But like every

church that’s been around a

while we’ve also had some

bumps along the way. We’ve

traversed them together. The

time is now to understand that

our sins, our failures, our bro-

ken relationships, and our hurts

are in the rear view mirror.

The road in front of us is full of

twists and turns, to be sure, but

with Jesus at the wheel it holds

the promise of an amazing jour-

ney. Many newer members

have hopped on the bus, loving

where it is taking them and un-

burdened by where it’s been.

There are open seats remaining

for the members of the commu-

nity that are lost and need to be

picked up. That’s our next des-

tination. The future is exciting

and bright!

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Shepherd’s Voice 3

“Brothers and Sisters in Christ“Brothers and Sisters in Christ committed to transforming homes!”committed to transforming homes!”

At Shepherd of the Lakes we want to transform homes! This work will be done in three core



Christian Education

Compassionate Care

The rest of this issue of Shepherd’s Voice will do a little bit of looking back at how this was

done in 2010 and a whole lot of looking forward of how this will be done in 2011. How will

you be a part of our ministry? What are your dreams for the future of our church? Every one

of you is an important part of the body of Christ. You’re invited to be an integral part of our

work in Livingston County and the world. You’re the brothers and sisters that can transform


Shepherd of the Lakes is becoming relatively unique in modern American Christianity. For one, we’re a church that’s growing. That’s not common, sadly.

What makes us different is that, well, we’re different! We have a good mix of all ages (even the number of young adults in our pews exceeds the percentage of young adults in Livingston County). Some of our members are new Christians, while others have been going to a Lutheran Church for 80 years or more.

Some of us appreciate the historic liturgy and traditional hymns. Others love to hear the Good News pre-sented in a more modern form.

Many (most) churches have become homogenous. Some

churches are being planted that way on purpose. Others have just become that way through time. The people are all alike—same ages, same interests, same backgrounds… That can cer-tainly make things easier. For instance, there isn’t any disagree-

ment about what kind of worship to have on a day like Christmas Eve or Thanksgiving in a place where the people all want the same thing.

But does that “sameness” make a church better? No necessarily!

At Shepherd of the Lakes there are times where our diversity is a challenge. Some of you are uncomfort-able carrying a dime of debt on our building. Others have grown up in a build now/pay later culture.

Some of you want a pastor whose best attribute is leadership. Others prefer a nurturer. Because we’re a large church with many programs that appeal to different groups of people we are a field that is ripe for conflict if financial stress should arise. How do we pick what gets supported? What gets cut? Tough is-sues indeed!

In 2011 embrace our diversity. It isn’t easy, but it’s good. Our vision is to be “Brothers and Sisters in Christ committed to transforming homes!” Just like any family is diverse, so is our church family. Young Christians, try not to see our older members as out of touch. See them as people that can teach you

something valuable because of their life and faith experiences. You more seasoned members, might God still be trying to teach you something through engaging yourself in the very hard lives of our youth? Yes! One of the most moving moments of 2010 was our school children singing with the adult choir at our Christmas Cantata. It was a glimpse of heaven the way different worlds collided in praise. Let’s embrace

that we can have such a gift in our congregation! Things may not always go the way we’d do it, but it is pleasing in the sight of God!

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Shepherd’s Voice 4

A Look at our Worship Life

One of the things that many

visitors share with us is that

they find our worship services to

be arranged well, stimulating,

and inspirational. One of the

distinctive elements of Shepherd

of the Lakes is that our worship

services really do mirror the

Scriptures by presenting in a

very clear way the truths about

our frail spiritual condition and

the Gospel. We don’t shy away

from words like “sin” for the

sake of political correctness.

But we aren’t simply legalistic in

our approach. Every week we

come into the presence of God

trusting that we need a Savior

and that we have a Savior.

Forgiveness is offered freely!

Thankfully, God’s gifts led us to

experience modest growth in

our average worship attendance

in 2010 over 2009 (which ex-

perienced an increase over

2008). This has happened dur-

ing the midst of a large

transition- a time when many

churches decline. Praise God!

A few goals for 2011 include

trying to incorporate children

and youth more frequently into

participation in worship, improv-

ing some of our technical equip-

ment in the Worship Center (a

gift of $3000 would help us

make some much needed

updates to dying computers

and old programs), and more

frequent use of appropriate

drama, video, and personal


Might you incorporate the

following goals:

1) Worship every week of the

year. Utilize our Monday

service if you’re out of town

on Sunday. Or go to church

wherever you may be.

2) Be an active listener. Talk

about the Scripture lessons

and the message on the car

ride home or over breakfast

or lunch.

3) Be on time. Come prepared

for the Lord to fill you with

His presence through His


4) Don’t pay attention to how

long the sermon is. Just

like watching grass grow

doesn’t make it happen any

faster…well, you get the


Save the Dates Here are some dates you may want to be mindful of as you plan vacations. These are great times to be with your church family

if at all possible!

Holy Week

April 21 - 24, 2011 Good Friday Cantata

April, 22, 2011

Labor of Love April 30, 2011

Jason Eaton Concert May 13, 2011

School Golf Outing

May 21, 2011

Men’s Retreat

June 10 - 12, 2011

VBS July 17 - 21, 2011

Picnic and Rally Day September 11, 2011

School Auction November 5, 2011

Christmas Cantata

December 10 & 11, 2011

The question is often asked, “Where

are the needs the greatest? How can

I help more?” by people who would

like to make an additional gift above

their regular giving in support of our

ministry needs that were not included

in the budget (or weren’t funded as

well as they need to be). If you have

been blessed in a way that allows you

to do this, please consider the

following priorities:

-New technology. Many of our staff

computers are quite old, as is the

equipment in our tech areas in the

Sanctuary and Genesis Hall.

-Parking Lot Fund.

-Student Grant Fund.

-Labor of Love.

-Emergency Maintenance Fund

If you’d like to learn more about how

your resources can be a blessing,

please be in touch with Pastor Milatz

or Ken Brown.

Page 5: Shepherd's Voice

Shepherd’s Voice 5

A Look at our Christian Education Ministries

Shepherd of the Lakes is a place that is growing in its understanding and love of the Bible! 100 people

signed up to “Walk through the Bible” in 2011. Many, many more have committed to life in a small

group, our Education Hour, and personal reading. It’s exciting! And it’s necessary!

One thing is certain for the future of any church: We are living during changing and confusing times for

Christians in America. The Christian Church in America is not united. Political agendas will influence

churches more and more. Families are busier than ever. Most church goers have an elementary under-

standing, at best, of the Scriptures. Christian Education is crucial if we are going to remain faithful and

outreach focused!

The most difficult, and yet probably the most important, aspect to our Christian Education efforts is our

day school. There are many challenges in this kind of ministry. But it’s worth it! The School Leadership

Team is figuring out how to expand to 8th grade—something that needs to be done if we want the ele-

mentary school to be viable. A part-time recruitment director has been hired as of December 2010. It

has become apparent that you can’t just wait for students to come to you. You need to go and find

them! The future Associate Pastor will have very significant responsibilities in our school and with our

school families. This is our biggest and most effective outreach! He will work alongside a new adminis-

trator who will handle the day to day needs of the school.

Our children and youth ministry are experiencing steady growth. At some point soon we will have to ad-

dress the need for someone to oversee the coordination of events for our youth. Plans for additional

space for our youth are being made (see article on construction projects). The way we do confirmation

continues to become more ingrained in our congregation. This is a positive sign. Children and youth are

being invited to participate alongside adults in a number of events. A goal for 2011 is to provide a few

large seminars on issues that parents must address with their children (money management, use of

technology, health and sexuality).

The small group ministry has experienced some growth over the last year or two. It can be credited with

being a great source of fellowship and support, in addition to the Christian Education aspect. The Board

of Spiritual Care will spend time in 2011 figuring out how to most effectively recruit new people into

small groups. While our existing groups can often function without much care, a goal for the future

probably includes a part-time position of Small Group Coordinator so that we can better assimilate new

and disconnected members into groups.

Our Men’s Ministry continues to center around the Band of Brothers. They have a true mission spirit and

welcoming attitude. Our Women’s Ministry is an example of something affected by changing times. As

more women have gone back to work to support the family it is more difficult for them to be as involved

as they used to be in church activities. We will want to at least ask the question in 2011, “How can we

change to better meet the unique needs of the women in the congregation?”

Page 6: Shepherd's Voice

Shepherd’s Voice 6

One of the challenges of our Compassionate Care ministries

is that they can be easily out of sight and out of mind. If

you’re not directly involved it’s hard to know if anything is

happening. Here are a few facts:

-1055 people were served through our Personal Needs Pantry

in 2010.

-4 Stephen Ministry Leaders and 10 Stephen Ministers were

trained. 14 people are currently receiving weekly care. 4

new Stephen Ministers and 1 new Leader have

begun training so that the ministry can expand.

-40 projects were completed in our Urgent Home Repair

Ministry in 2010. This is in addition to the many

projects completed on our annual Labor of Love Project Day.

We did some other things in 2010 as well. More than 30,000

meals were packaged at our Kids against Hunger event.

Wasn’t it something to seek kids and adults working to-

gether? Additionally, I’m always touched by how our church

rally’s around families who lose loved ones. Funeral meals

are a wonderful way of meeting the needs of hurting families.

In 2011 we’ll continue our Labor of Love Ministry,

Personal Needs Pantry, and Stephen Ministry. A new goal is

to also have a quarterly event that can incorporate a larger

group of people, including children, in sharing Christ’s love

with the community.

The needs in the community are increasing. Some thought is

being given to how we can increase our help. Take a look at

the article about an idea for funding Compassionate Care

ministries in a much bigger and sustainable way.

There are many concrete goals for us as a congregation in 2011. Before any plan becomes set in stone it starts out as a dream. Here is a big one—what do you

think? One of our three core areas of ministry is Compassionate Care. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. Wouldn’t it be something if no person’s

immediate needs in our community couldn’t be met through our work together? Of course, the needs are many. Even with in-creased giving from every member we would be hard pressed to meet them all.

What if we could create a ministry that by its self would fund more ministries? That possibility may exist with a re-sale shop, similar to what you may think of in a Salvation Army store.

Right now it’s just an idea, but in early 2011 some exploratory work is going to be done on if the possibility exists to open a store of affordable clothing and other merchandise through donations from our community. All

“profits” could be re-allocated to care ministries such as Labor of Love. This model has been tried out in a few places with great success. Yes, yes, there is certainly a whole lot of,

“What about…?” involved with such an idea. But as a concept, what are your thoughts? If you’d like to share be in touch with Suzanne Biddix at

[email protected].

It Just Makes “Cents!”

Every pastor knows it but has to deal with it. The majority of church members are sensitive of talk about money.

But let’s face it: It’s a fact of life, even in churches. There are heat bills and snow removal bills to pay, among many other things. More importantly, Jesus has tons to say about how our relationship with him is related to our relationship with money. While we may not have a lot to give, it is good that we place our full trust in God!

Here is a very practical way for many of you to grow into more faithful financial stewardship practices in 2011. It will also more effectively support the work that we do together as the people of Shepherd of the Lakes. No matter what your level of giving, give for an average of all 52 weeks of the year. Don’t give more than you’ve decided to

give, just give regularly! If you think you’re able to give $50 a week, give it every week, not just when you attend worship services. If you’re on vacation, consider mailing your offering in to the church. Or just give $100 the next time you’re in worship. It seems simple, but most people don’t do it. Giving like this will help you to see a clearer connection of how you can support our ministry—and it is OUR minis-try! You’re not paying for a service when you give your offerings, but supporting God’s work through Shepherd of

the Lakes. This work goes on whether you’re in town or not. If everyone gave like this we would be able to more effectively honor our commitments, expand our work, and touch more lives with the Gospel. It just makes sense (or cents) for all of us!

Page 7: Shepherd's Voice

Shepherd’s Voice 7

God-willing we will welcome a new Associate Pastor to Shepherd of the Lakes during

2011. Our congregation has accomplished many wonderful things during the last

few years as we’ve experienced some significant transition. As we come out of this

season of stabilization we are planning for a new season of growth. One pastor was

sufficient for us for a time, but it is not a permanent solution.

A Call Committee will begin meeting in early to mid-January. While they may con-

sider any candidate for the position they will be strongly encouraged to look at new

graduates from one of our seminaries. Shepherd of the Lakes would be an excellent

church for an energetic new pastor eager to grow and apply all that he’s learned

during his pastoral formation. Another advantage is that we could have this pastor

on board by early summer, as Seminary students are placed into their first congregation (in other words,

they don’t have the option of declining the Call that we issue). We’ll see where the Lord leads, but it

seems like this could be a nice wide door that is open to us.

While the new pastor’s job description is still a work in progress you can expect them to work heavily in

any area that educates a child or youth, including an emphasis in our school ministry.

Some people ask, “Can we afford this?” The answer is yes. But perhaps the better answer is, “We may

not be able to afford not to.” So let’s plan to succeed. If for some reason our giving levels decline,

which is something we’re prepared for but do not expect, we’ll adjust in other areas. One thing is cer-

tain: Even in what are often called, “Difficult times,” there are more than enough resources for Shepherd

of the Lakes to do the work that God sets before us.

You’ll be informed regularly throughout the process. At some point you’ll have the opportunity to cast a

vote. I encourage you in the meantime to pray for the man the Lord has already selected and the work

that he’ll do among us.

In June of 2010 we approved three construction projects: 1) Completion of Rm. 200, 2) Re-construction of parking lots, and

3) Addition of space for our youth ministry. 2011 will bring some noticeable movement on these endeavors. Rm. 200 construction will have begun by the time you read this article.

The best feature of the room will be a new ceiling that will significantly decrease the amount of noise generated by our heating and cooling units. Sub-contractors will work with skilled SOTL volunteers to get the work done in as timely a fashion as possible. This project is completely funded through your giving! Our income exceeded expenses in the

2009-2010 fiscal year budget. Some of that surplus was directed toward this project. The parking lot project received unanimous approval at a December 2010 meeting of the Brighton Town-ship Planning Commission. A site plan can be viewed in our Commons area outside the worship center.

Additional spaces will be added to both the Hacker and Hyne Rd. lots, as well as some new spaces nearer to the main entrance of the church. We are now in the bid seeking process. By late winter you will hear information about how the project will be funded, including an opportunity to make a special gift for this large, necessary, and expensive work.

The discussions related to the addition of youth space are far more complex. Real space needs exist now. But it’s also true that there are many building needs on the horizon. Our youth building committee has widely tried to take a short and long-term view of this reality. In the short term we will be exploring the

conversion of existing space in the 100 Wing that will create extra room for our growing youth ministry. In the long-term we will be presenting a project that will include approximately 5000 sq. feet of new base-ment space off of the 300 Wing for our youth work, as well as additional classrooms for our growing day school and Sunday school ministries. Early this year an architecture firm will provide drawings of what this

new space could look like. A great amount of planning and prayer will take place as we prepare to walk through the doors of opportunity that God opens to us.

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Shepherd’s Voice 8

FAQ’s Regarding a Call to an Associate Pastor

Q: What are we having a Voter’s Assembly for on January 30? A: We will be voting on whether or not to extend a Call to Concordia Seminary for a new gradu-ate to serve as the Associate Pastor for Shepherd of the Lakes.

Q: Will this be an intern?

A: This will not be an intern (referred to as Vicar in our church body). He will be a pastor. Q: What does it mean to extend a Call to Concordia Seminary?

A: The process is different than what Shepherd of the Lakes has gone through in the past. In-stead of issuing a Call directly to a pastor who is currently serving in another church, we are

asking the Seminary to place a spring 2011 graduate to serve here. Q: Does that mean we won’t have a say in who comes here?

A: Not at all. Upon approval of issuing the Call through the Seminary, the Call Committee will have the option of interviewing a number of candidates. They will make a recommendation to

the congregation of 1-4 candidates that they think would be a good fit for our ministry needs. After the congregation votes, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Seminary.

Q: What if we don’t find any candidates we like? A: The process would be re-evaluated. But that’s certainly not anticipated! There are many

candidates to choose from. All will have gone through eight years of post high-school educa-tion and rigorous training. We should expect that the Lord has in mind a highly qualified man

who will serve well at Shepherd of the Lakes. The Seminary does this every year. They are fa-miliar with congregations like ours and what kind of pastor would do well here. A mutually beneficial partnership like this is one of the real joys of being a part of our church body.

Q: Are we assured of getting a candidate?

A: There is no guarantee. However, if we provide the Seminary with 3 or 4 candidates that we think are suitable for possible placement it would be highly unlikely not to receive one of them. It should be noted that there are more graduates than congregations looking for pastors this

year. They need churches like us.

Q: Why would we seek a pastor from the Seminary instead of looking at a current pastor? A: There are a few potential advantages: 1) We are virtually assured of receiving a pastor who

will begin their work at Shepherd of the Lakes this June or July. 2) The job description of the new pastor is a good fit for a younger pastor full of energy. 3) The current economy makes it

difficult for current pastors to move away from their houses (mortgages). 4) Shepherd of the Lakes has proven itself to be excellent with younger pastor’s families. 5) While this pastor will be inexperienced, he will not be unqualified. And we must also remember he is not being

Called as Sr. Pastor (most Sr. Pastors have things to learn until the day they die, too).

Q: When would he be placed? A: We need to let the Seminary know our intent by February 28. The candidate will be placed in mid-April. After finishing his classes he’ll graduate in May and move to the area.

Q: So what will this pastor do?

A: He will oversee the Christian Education Ministry to children and youth.

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Shepherd’s Voice 9

Q: What does that mean?

A: The pastor will work with staff and volunteers in our children, youth, and school ministries to build those programs up. He’ll work with parents. He’ll promote participation and growth.

He’ll lead the outreach. He’ll make sure the programs are linked with our core values and vi-sion as he guides them into the future. Simply put, we value teaching young people about Je-sus. He’s going to help us do that even better than we do now! He won’t do it alone. He’ll

work alongside existing staff, identify where new staff is needed, and utilize volunteers. A job description can be found at the Adult and Youth ministry booths in the Commons.

Q: Will he still preach and teach on Sundays? A: Yes.

Q: Will he be the school principal?

A: No. He will work alongside the principal to grow our school ministry and the important work it does to educate children.

Q: I thought we couldn’t afford two pastors? A: Actually, two pastors were a part of the budget approved at the June 2010 Voter’s Assem-

bly. It includes a Sr. Pastor and an Associate Pastor. Since Pastor Milatz has filled the Sr. Pas-tor vacancy we now have a vacancy in the Associate Pastor position. Our current giving sup-

ports these two positions without making any cuts of other vital staff members. Q: Don’t you know the economy is bad? What happens if offerings go down?

A: The Lord has provided well beyond what we deserve. We expect that to continue. We have managed our resources as a congregation well. We have an Executive Administrator, Ken

Brown, who protects the congregation. Should difficulties arise we will face them with prayer, due diligence, and unity.

Q: Why is this moving so quickly? A: It is quicker than the last pastor search we went through. That was unusually long! This

process does have some deadlines attached to it because of a combination of our by-laws and the needs of the Seminary. It is not so quick that we won’t have due diligence.

Q: What happens if we don’t approve the calling of a pastor through the Seminary? A: The Board of Directors and Sr. Pastor will re-evaluate the process. We are hopeful that

members understand both the blessing a new pastor will be, as well as the important work that needs to be done in our school, children, and youth ministries.

Q: Is Pastor Milatz on board with this? A: Yes. This will allow him to lead our whole ministry of “transforming homes,” including the

important work that needs to be done among our members without children and retirees. We have gone through our season of transition. Now is the season of growth and forward move-ment.

Q: Who is on the Call Committee?

A: It’s a great committee. The members are: Tex Bluhm, Ann Colley, Denny Weisend, Bob Cal-kins, Jim Cash, Lisa Johnson, Nancy Weaver, Roy Lange, and Lynn Henderson. Pastor Milatz will serve an advisory role. If you’d like to ask questions of the committee contact Bob Calkins

at [email protected].

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Shepherd’s Voice 10

2101 S. Hacker Road

Brighton, MI 48114-8764 Phone: 810-227-5099 Fax: 810-227-3566 Email: [email protected]



Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mondays at 6:45 p.m. Bible Study and Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.

Wee Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. for ages 3-6.

“Brothers and Sisters in Christ“Brothers and Sisters in Christ committed to transforming homes!”committed to transforming homes!”