Shell Yes! Deep insde the GNOME 3 Shell design

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Transcript of Shell Yes! Deep insde the GNOME 3 Shell design

  • 1. Shell Yes! Deep inside the GNOME 3 Shell design William Jon McCann

2. FOUNDATIONS 3. GNOME 4. Free Software 5. Third Wave of Revolution 6. If it is reason which makes man,it is feeling which guides him. Rousseau (not the one with the rifle) 7. Feeling Reason Sense Form Natural Artificial Actuality Necessity Action Reflection Life Shape 8. Feeling Play Reason Sense Form Natural smaller Artificial Actuality lighter Necessity Action Reflection Life Shape Living Shape 9. Feeling Play Reason Sense Form Natural smaller Artificial Actuality lighter Necessity Action Reflection Life Shape Living Shape Beauty = 10. Lofty serenity and freedom of the spirit, combined with strength and vigor, is the mood in which a genuine work of art should leave us. Friedrich Schiller 11. It's an ability to select among the unlimited possibilities and return considerable richness to the world. Charles Eames 12. It is through Beauty that we arrive at Freedom. Friedrich Schiller 13. APPLICATIONS 14. Everyone deserves beauty and freedom 15. Render to your contemporaries what they need, not what they praise. Friedrich Schiller 16. [Art] can be to Man what love is to the hero... she can educate him to be a hero.She can summon him to action and furnish him with strength for all that he ought to be. Friedrich Schiller 17. False Dilemmas Novice Expert Simplicity Complexity Solitary Social Information Interruption Focused Aware Flowing Bumping 18. What is GNOME? 19. Our aim is to build a beautiful operating system that will improve the world. 20. An operating system is:

  • A well formed and recognizable user experience

21. A common application developer experience 22. An application ecosystem and marketplace 23. GNOME OS 24. 3.0 Core UX 3.4 App Developer UX 3.8 App ecosystem 4.0 GNOME OS GNOME 25. GNOME 3.0 26. 27. The question is not can we, but will we? 28. Shell YES!