Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a ... · Sheep deficient in vitamin E...

Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a feed rich in vitamin E This thesis is submitted to fulfill the requirements for a Master of Science (Animal Science) by way of Thesis & Coursework Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences The University of Western Australia July 2013 DORAID ESHO AMANOEL BSc (Animal Production) (UOD) Iraq BSc (Animal Science) (Hons) (UWA) Aust Supervisors: Dr Dean Thomas (CSIRO Livestock Industries) Dr Hayley Norman (CSIRO Livestock Industries) Associate Professor Dominique Blache (School of Animal Biology, UWA) Journal Formatting: Animal Behaviour

Transcript of Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a ... · Sheep deficient in vitamin E...

Page 1: Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a ... · Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a feed rich in vitamin E This thesis is submitted to fulfill

Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a feed rich

in vitamin E

This thesis is submitted to fulfill the requirements for a Master of Science

(Animal Science) by way of Thesis & Coursework

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

The University of Western Australia

July 2013


BSc (Animal Production) (UOD) Iraq

BSc (Animal Science) (Hons) (UWA) Aust


Dr Dean Thomas (CSIRO Livestock Industries)

Dr Hayley Norman (CSIRO Livestock Industries)

Associate Professor Dominique Blache (School of Animal Biology, UWA)

Journal Formatting: Animal Behaviour

Page 2: Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a ... · Sheep deficient in vitamin E preferentially select for a feed rich in vitamin E This thesis is submitted to fulfill



I certify that the substance of this thesis is original, has not already been submitted

for any degree and is not currently being submitted for any other degree or qualification

at any university or other institution. The experiment and the writing of the thesis were

designed and carried out by myself in consultation with my supervisors Dr Dean

Thomas, Dr Hayley Norman and Associate Professor Dominique Blache. I certify that

all the sources used have been duly acknowledged in this thesis.

Doraid Esho Amanoel

July 2013

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In Mediterranean environments, vitamin E deficiency is common in young weaner

sheep during summer and autumn due to shortages of green feed. Vitamin E deficiency

can cause diseases and death in severe cases. To rebalance vitamin E levels, it is

possible to offer food rich in vitamin E such as saltbush. However, it is not known if the

deficient animals will actively select the vitamin E rich food amongst other feed

sources. It was hypothesised that sheep experiencing a vitamin E deficiency would

voluntarily select more of vitamin E enriched feed compared with non-deficient sheep.

Fifty six Dohne-Merino ewe lambs aged eight months, with an average live body

weight of 37.5 kg, were selected. Two groups (n=28 per group) were constituted after a

depletion/enrichment phase (40 days), one group with high concentrations of vitamin E

(α-tocopherol) in the plasma and the other with low concentrations. In preparation for a

15 days preference testing phase, each group was randomly sub-divided into two sub-

groups (n=14 per sub-group). Animals in the four sub-groups were presented a choice

between pairs of vitamin E enriched and deficient feeds that were offered ad libitum.

Each feed type was flavoured with either strawberry or orange so that the animals were

able to learn to associate the vitamin E status of the feed with a particular flavour. The

experimental design was balanced so that two sub-groups (high and low plasma vitamin

E) were offered vitamin E enriched feed flavoured with strawberry and deficient feed

flavoured with orange and in the other two sub-groups the flavourings were reversed.

There was a significant three way interaction between the high and low vitamin E

treatment groups × vitamin E content and type of flavour in the feed × time (days)

suggesting that preference for vitamin E enriched feed with an orange flavour changed

with time differently to the strawberry flavoured vitamin E enriched feed. Sheep with a

vitamin E deficiency modified their relative intake and preferentially selected more of

the vitamin E rich feed compared to non-deficient sheep. Self-learning by the low

vitamin E group could explain that they overcame the aversive effect of the orange

flavour to consume more vitamin E to compensate for the deficiency. The results of this

study demonstrated that sheep deficient in vitamin E will voluntarily alter their

preference over time and select for vitamin E rich feed, presumably to remediate the


Key Words

Vitamin E deficiency, weaner sheep, preference, post-ingestive feedback, saltbush

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I am very appreciative of the support and contributions I have received from a

number of people and organisations that have enabled me to undertake this research.

From the outset, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisors Dr

Dean Thomas (CSIRO), Dr Hayley Norman (CSIRO) and Associate Professor

Dominique Blache (UWA) for their rigorous engagement with my work. They have

been a constant source of wisdom and guidance throughout the progress of this study.

Their constant words of encouragement, belief that this study was valuable and their

collective abilities to keep me on track, motivated me to see it through to the end. I

thank you for your knowledge, feedback and valuable advice. I am truly grateful to all

three of you.

I have relied on many people around me throughout this study. In particular, I have

had the pleasure and good fortune of benefitting from the assistance of Matt Wilmot

(CSIRO). The practical help with the animals, his generosity, good humour and

friendship throughout the experiment will always be treasured. Special thanks go to

Miranda Taafe (CSIRO), Nathan Phillips (CSIRO) and Andrew Toovey (CSIRO) for

their welcome assistance in the animal house. Also, I am grateful to Paul Young

(CSIRO) for conducting the laboratory analyses of the blood samples.

No scientific study can be fully realised without the knowledge, wisdom and

generosity of other great minds. I have been more than fortunate in having the help of

supportive scientists who contributed to my research. I am indebted to Associate

Professor John Milton (UWA) for his invaluable assistance. His expertise in ruminant

nutrition enabled me to have the dietary pellets manufactured to meet the specific

requirements of this study. In addition, I was able to draw on Dr Dean Revell’s

(CSIRO) vast research knowledge of animal nutrition and preferences and I extend my

appreciation to him for his insights, rigor and wise words.

I have been fortunate to have been supported in my studies by a number of

organisations. I wish to thank the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation (CSIRO) for the opportunity to undertake this study within the

organisation. In particular, I thank the staff from the CSIRO Livestock Industries

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Division located at the Centre for Environment and Life Sciences (CELS) in Floreat,

Perth, Western Australia for their continued help and support. Also, I warmly

acknowledge the staff members of the UWA School of Animal Biology who were

always there to assist me when I needed them. Finally, I thank my sponsors, AusAID,

for having made my study at UWA possible through the provision my Australia – Iraq

Agricultural scholarship (AIAS).

I also wish to acknowledge Harry Williams who supplied the sheep for this study

and staff from the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Malcolm

McGrath and Gerard Smith for their assistance and cordiality.

I am immensely thankful to Noel Chamberlain for his continued wise counsel,

support, guidance and friendship. His enthusiasm and attention to detail inspired me to

strive for excellence in my work.

Last, but not least, I want to thank my wonderful family. I started this journey four

and a half years ago with your love, hopes and dreams for my success. Although you

have been half a world away, you have always been there for me. To my mother Shirini,

father Esho and my lovely sisters Dalya, Dalal, Dana and Diana, I thank you for your

unwavering support and encouragement.

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DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. i

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... v

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... vii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. ix

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1

Hypothesis ........................................................................................................................... 2

Aims and Objectives ............................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ........................................................ 3

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3

Vitamin E and its Source in the Body.................................................................................. 3

The Role of Vitamin E in Animal Health, Meat Quality and Production ........................... 4

Vitamin E Requirements for Sheep ..................................................................................... 5

Vitamin E Deficiency and its Occurrence ........................................................................... 5

The Consequences of Vitamin E Deficiency ....................................................................... 6

The Effects of Vitamin E Deficiency on the Voluntary Food Intake in Ruminants ............. 7

Native Australian Perennial Shrubs as a Source of Vitamin E for Livestock .................... 8

Dietary Learning and Feedback Effects on Preference ...................................................... 9

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 12

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS .......................................................... 13

Animals .............................................................................................................................. 13

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Experimental Design ......................................................................................................... 13

Preparation of Experimental Feeds .................................................................................. 15

Preparation of Experimental Animals .............................................................................. 16

Conditioning the Animals to the Experimental Feeds....................................................... 17

Acclimatising the Animals to the Animal House ............................................................... 17

Vitamin E Depletion/Enrichment Phase ........................................................................... 17

Definition of Vitamin E Deficiency and the Diagnosis of Nutritional Myopathy ............. 18

Preference Testing Phase .................................................................................................. 19

Feed Intake and Preference Measurements ...................................................................... 19

Animal Measurements ....................................................................................................... 20

Statistical Analysis ............................................................................................................ 21

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS ................................................................................................ 22

Plasma Vitamin E (a-tocopherol) Level in the Experimental Animals ............................. 22

The Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on Feed Intake (as-fed basis) ................................... 23

The Relationship between Vitamin E Intake and Plasma Vitamin E Level....................... 26

The Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on Growth Rate......................................................... 26

The Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on the Feed Preference of Sheep .............................. 27

The Selection of Vitamin E Enriched Feed by Individual Animals ................................... 29

CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION ......................................................................................... 31

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 35

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 37

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These abbreviations were created specifically for this study.


Animals with high concentrations of vitamin E in the plasma


Animals with low concentrations of vitamin E in the plasma


Vitamin E enriched feed flavoured with orange


Vitamin E deficient feed flavoured with orange


Vitamin E enriched feed flavoured with strawberry


Vitamin E deficient feed flavoured with strawberry

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Figure 1. Factors that can influence the selection and preference of diets by

animals (Arnold 1964).


Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of the experimental design indicating

the vitamin E depletion/enrichment and preference testing phases of

the experiment, phase duration and feed provided in each phase.


Figure 3. Mean values of vitamin E concentrations in the plasma (α-

tocopherol measured in mg/L) in the HIGHVE

(black columns) and


(grey columns) treatment groups (n = 28) before and after

the preference testing phase (mean ± SE). The asterisk (*) on the

columns indicates significant differences between the groups



Figure 4. Total daily feed intake (mean ± SE in kg/animal/day) presented as-

fed basis for the HIGHVE

(black column) and LOWVE


column) groups (n = 28) during the preference testing phase (15

days). Error bars are standard errors of the means.


Figure 5. Mean values of the daily feed intake (kg/animal) of the feed

combinations (enriched or deficient feeds) with either flavour

(strawberry or orange) by the sub-treatment groups (HIGHVE



). The asterisk (*) indicates significant differences between

the intake of the vitamin E enriched and deficient feed, with either

flavours, within each sub-group (P<0.001).


Figure 6. The preference index of the HIGHVE

(black columns) and LOWVE

(grey columns) sub-groups across the preference testing period (15

days; mean ± SE). Preference index highlights animal preference

toward the +VEOR

feed (A) and +VEST

feed (B). The index ranges

from 0-1 indicating the extent to which a particular feed is preferred

by animals. The asterisk (*) indicates significant differences

between HIGHVE


groups in their preference toward


and +VEST

feeds (P<0.05).


Figure 7. Daily frequency or proportion (%) of individual sheep in the


(black columns) and LOWVE

(grey columns) sub-groups

selecting for the vitamin E enriched orange flavoured feed (A) and

vitamin E enriched strawberry flavoured feed (B) with high

preference (PI >0.5).


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Table 1

A summary of the deficient and adequate ranges plus the critical

value of α-tocopherol, used as an indicator in sheep, to determine the

level of vitamin E in the plasma


Table 2

Daily feed intake (mean values measured in kg) of the four sub-

groups within each treatment group (HIGHVE


) during

the preference testing phase.


Table 3

Total vitamin E intake (mean in mg/kg with SE in brackets) of the

four sub-groups within each treatment group (HIGHVE



during the preference testing phase and plasma concentrations of

vitamin E (mg/L) before and after preference testing.


Table 4

Average growth rate measured in kg/animal/day of sheep in the



groups during the depletion/enrichment and

preference testing phases.


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In areas with Mediterranean type climates, during summer and autumn when green

vegetation rich in vitamin E is scarce, sheep become deficient in vitamin E (Gabbedy et

al. 1977; Masters & White 1996; Pearce et al. 2005; Steele et al. 1980; White et al.

1992). Vitamin E deficiency is a major problem for fast growing weaner sheep 6-12

months old (Steele et al. 1980), which have an increased demand of vitamin E

(Gabbedy et al. 1977). These young animals graze for up to six months on dry senesced

pastures, cereal grains and stubbles, that have low vitamin E content which results in

insufficient liver reserves (Kumagai & White 1995; Smith et al. 1994; White & Rewell

2007). Consequently, weaner sheep can develop nutritional myopathy, or White Muscle

Disease (WMD), which can cause damage to body organs (such as heart) and skeletal

muscles, and in severe cases, it can lead to animals’ death (Smith et al. 1994; White &

Rewell 2007).

About 58% of weaner sheep flocks are deficient in vitamin E in Western Australia

(White & Rewell 2007). Farmers, who have become more aware of the importance of

vitamin E for their livestock, have increased the use of synthetic sources of vitamin E to

overcome the problem. In 2003-04, for instance, more than one million sheep in

Western Australia (≈ 5%) were supplemented with this vitamin during summer and

autumn as a means to reduce the incidence of nutritional myopathy (Pearce et al. 2005;

White & Rewell 2007). However, administering ‘off the shelf’ products (vitamin E

drenches, injections and feed additives) increase production cost due to the added

expense of the products and labour (Pearce et al. 2005). Thus, there is a significant

opportunity to explore other novel, sustainable alternatives to improve vitamin E

nutrition and to minimise, or even eliminate, the use of synthetic vitamin E in the

livestock industry. One possible low-cost and sustainable alternative is the provision of

vitamin E in autumn and summer from green native perennial forages. For example, old

man saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) has the potential to reduce the incidence of vitamin

E deficiency in sheep because it contains high levels of vitamin E, up to 139 mg/kg DM

(Pearce et al. 2005), and it remains green throughout summer and autumn (Fancote et al.

2013; Pearce et al. 2010). However, saltbush can contain high levels of oxalates,

nitrates, sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), potassium (K), sulphur (S) which can have anti-

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nutritional properties that limit the voluntary food intake (VFI) and reduce preference

(Ben Salem et al. 2010; Norman et al. 2004). Nevertheless, if ruminants can learn to

prefer particular feeds because they raise fitness (Howery et al. 2010; Villalba et al.

2006b), they may also learn to overcome the aversive effects of the unfavourable

charecteristics of the feeds and consume more of it to remediate a vitamin E deficiency.

Ruminants learn to associate what they eat with the metabolic consequences of

eating it and they change food preference according to their experience and nutritional

status (Burritt & Provenza 1996). When ruminants experience deficiencies, they alter

their diet preference accordingly to include different and sometimes unusual feeds in

their diet such as soil, bones or manure to rectify imbalances and meet their specific

needs (Blair-West et al. 1992; Provenza 1995; Villalba et al. 2008). It is known that

ruminants exhibit preference, when offered choice, toward some essential nutrients such

as energy, protein and minerals (phosphorus, calcium and sodium) to remediate the

deficiencies (Bach et al. 2012; Villalba & Provenza 1997a; Villalba & Provenza 1997b;

Villalba et al. 2008). However, it is not known if sheep deficient in vitamin E will

modify their preference and increase the intake of a vitamin E enriched diet to remediate

the deficiency. Thus, the extent to which sheep experiencing a vitamin E deficiency will

alter their preference and preferentially select a vitamin E enriched feed is to be



Sheep experiencing a vitamin E deficiency would voluntarily select more of a

vitamin E enriched feed compared with non-deficient sheep.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this project was to investigate whether sheep deficient in vitamin E alter

their preference and voluntarily consume more of vitamin E rich feeds to alleviate the

deficiency. To test the hypothesis, a vitamin E deficiency was induced in a group of fast

growing weaner sheep. Preference for feeds enriched or deficient of vitamin E was

compared with another group not experiencing the deficiency.

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Vitamin E deficiency in livestock can cause health issues to emerge. If ruminants are

able to alter their food preference according to experience and the nutritional status of

the body (Burritt & Provenza 1996), they might preferentially utilise vitamin E rich

forages when experiencing a vitamin E deficiency. This literature review explains the

biological role of vitamin E in the body of a living organism summarises the vitamin E

dietary requirements for sheep and highlights the times when sheep are at greatest risk

of developing a vitamin E deficiency. The consequences of vitamin E deficiency in

sheep are highlighted and the effects of the deficiency on the voluntary food intake are

explained. Ruminants’ capability to possess nutritional wisdom toward particular

nutrients is explored and factors influencing the selection and preference of diets are

summarised. The possibility of the inclusion of native Australian perennial shrubs (such

as saltbush) as sources of dietary vitamin E in livestock farming systems is considered.

Vitamin E and its Sources in the Body

Vitamin E was first identified in the early twenties in studies related to reproduction

in rodents (Bramley et al. 2000). Vitamin E is naturally available in plant material in

eight different forms: α, β, γ, δ -tocopherol and α, β, γ, δ -tocotrienol (Bramley et al.

2000). Alpha-tocopherol is the most important form of vitamin E because it is

biologically considered as a tissue active form of vitamin E (Hidiroglou & Charmley

1990). Alpha-tocopherol represents about 90% of all tocopherols in animal tissue thus it

is often used as a reliable indicator for the determination of vitamin E levels in the body

(Wolf et al. 1998). Vitamin E is absorbed through the lymphatic pathway, transported

with chylomicrons (lipoprotein particles) and stored as α-tocopherol in the liver

(Bjorneboe et al. 1990), an organ that regulates the provision of vitamin E to other

tissues (Fry 1993). Adipose tissue is another storage site of vitamin E in the body (Puls

1994). In livestock, vitamin E is not stored in sizeable amounts thus they easily become

deficient if they are not supplemented adequately (Puls 1994). It is estimated that over

one million sheep across WA are supplemented with synthetic vitamin E each year

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during summer and autumn periods as a mean to reduce the incidence of nutritional

myopathy (Pearce et al. 2005).

Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that works in conjunction with Selenium (Se) to

maintain the health of animals (Freer & Dove 2002; Yang et al. 2002). Vitamin E and

Se are positively correlated and have the ability to offset the deficiencies of each other

(Combs & Scott 1977; Hatfield et al. 2000). Therefore, studies investigating the effect

of vitamin E on the performance of animals (for example health and production) must

maintain Se at adequate levels in order to investigate the effect of vitamin E more


The Role of Vitamin E in Animal Health, Meat Quality and Production

Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that is primarily involved in free radical

defence mechanisms and protects animal cells from oxidation damage (Huber 1988).

More specifically, vitamin E protects against peroxidative degradation of lipids in the

cell membrane (sourced from diets containing fat) and the consequent formation of free

radicals (Huber 1988). Free radicals are formed from normal metabolic processes in the

body when oxygen interacts with tissue molecules (Horton et al. 2005). Unlike the

normal paired electron structure of the oxygen atom, free radicals are oxygen atoms

with only a single electron (Chew 1996). The unpaired oxygen atom becomes unstable,

highly reactive and presents a strong oxidizing agent that can start a chain reaction with

other biomolecules (particularly proteins and lipids due to their strong oxidation ability)

which negatively affects their integrity and function (Chew 1996). If the oxygen free

radicals are not removed from the biological system by vitamin E, physiological

disorders can emerge (Chew 1996; Coehlo 1991).

In addition, vitamin E effectively interacts with the immune system and protects

against disease (Reffett et al. 1988), maximises immunocompetence through

maintaining the integrity of cells in the immune system (Coehlo 1991; Sheffy & Schultz

1979) and sustains humoral immunity (Reffett et al. 1988). It delays lipid and colour

oxidation of meat thus extending the shelf life of beef (Robbins et al. 2003; Stubbs et al.

2002) and lamb meat (Lauzurica et al. 2005; Pearce et al. 2005). Supplementing lambs

with vitamin E increases α-tocopherol concentrations in the muscles and improves the

moisture holding capacity of meat, reduces the production of off-flavours and odours,

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and lowers the formation of peroxides and aldehydes which can be toxic to humans

(Morrissey et al. 1994). Vitamin E supplementation also increases α-tocopherol levels in

the colostrum and milk of ewes, boosts the neonatal birth weight, maintains the level of

vitamin E in the new born (Capper et al. 2005) and reduces the lamb mortality rate (Kott

et al. 1983; Kott et al. 1998).

Vitamin E Requirements for Sheep

The minimal and optimal vitamin E requirements for sheep are yet to be determined

(Freer et al. 2007). The recommended level of vitamin E in the diet for sheep is 10 to 20

mg/kg DM diet (Agricultural Research Council 1980). The National Research Council

(1985) recommends a 15 mg/kg DM vitamin E concentration for lambs and up to a 20

mg/kg DM diet for heavier animals including pregnant and lactating ewes. All these

values are based on an assumption that Se intake is adequate (Freer et al. 2007). If, for

example, the dietary Se is low, the concentration of vitamin E in the diet needs to be

increased. However, this does not apply when the nutritional conditions are inadequate;

when animals are only maintaining or losing weight (Agricultural Research Council

1980). As indicated, vitamin E contributes to sustaining the immune system of the

animal and this is most likely achieved at dietary levels of vitamin E higher than that

required for growth and maintenance (Puls 1994). Vitamin E concentrations in a diet

that are 6 to 20 times greater than National Research Council recommendations would

boost the immune system in animals to become more responsive (Nockels 1986). It is

important to indicate that several factors such as type of breed, stocking rate, climatic

conditions, proportional dietary amount of vitamin E as opposed to Se and the

physiological state of animals (pregnant and lactating) have a major role in the

determination of vitamin E dietary requirements for ruminants (Freer et al. 2007).

Vitamin E Deficiency and its Occurrence

Vitamin E deficiency is defined as a nutritional condition that occurs because of the

lack of α-tocopherol supply from the body reserves (liver and adipose tissue) due to an

inadequate vitamin E supply in the diet. Plasma α-tocopherol is often used as an

indicator to determine vitamin E deficiency in animals (White & Rewell 2007). A

summary of the deficient and adequate ranges, as well as the critical value of α-

tocopherol in the plasma of sheep, are summarised in Table 1.

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Table 1

A summary of the deficient and adequate ranges plus the critical value of α-tocopherol, used as

an indicator in sheep, to determine the level of vitamin E in the plasma

Indicator Units Range Critical

value Reference

Deficient Adequate

Plasma α-

tocopherol mg/L ≤ 1.0

b,c 1.0 – 4.0

a 0. 7


a(White & Rewell 2007)

b(Smith et al. 1994)

c (Njeru et al. 1994)

Vitamin E deficiency generally occurs in young weaner sheep flocks. It was

estimated in 2007 that about 58% of weaner flocks were deficient in WA (White &

Rewell 2007). The occurrence of vitamin E deficiency is common in summer and

autumn when forage quality and quantity are at a minimum and less frequent during

winter and spring when fast-growing green pastures are generally available. The

concentrations of α-tocopherol in green pasture species during winter and spring range

from 50 to 200 mg/kg DM (Beeckman et al. 2010; Tramontano et al. 1993). In contrast,

in dry senesced pasture available during summer and autumn, vitamin E levels range

from 2 to 20 mg/kg DM (Tramontano et al. 1993) which potentially can result in a

vitamin E deficiency in livestock flocks (Hatfield et al. 2000; White & Rewell 2007).

Thus, herbivores grazing on spring pasture species tend to have higher vitamin E levels

in the body as opposed to those feeding on dry and stored feeds (Hatfield et al. 2000)

suggesting that supplementation of vitamin E during dry seasons is essential to maintain

health and productivity (Pearce et al. 2005).

The Consequences of Vitamin E Deficiency

Nutritional myopathy, also called nutritional muscular dystrophy or White Muscle

Disease (WMD), is one of the consequences of vitamin E deficiency in a combined

effect with Se deficiency (National Research Council 1985; White & Rewell 2007). The

cause of the disease is mainly due to a chronic imbalance between pro-oxidants

(polyunsaturated fatty acids; PUFAs) and antioxidants (vitamin E and Se) (Freer &

Dove 2002; Lykkesfeldt & Svendsen 2007). High uptakes of PUFAs with low

antioxidant concentrations in the body make an animal prone to a suppressed immune

response (Kelley & Bendich 1996) and tissue damage (Lykkesfeldt & Svendsen 2007),

leading to nutritional myopathy. It often occurs in vitamin E and Se deficient calves and

weaner sheep when they are turned out onto spring green pastures, where PUFAs are

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abundant (Combs & Scott 1977). In WA, about 6% of weaner sheep show severe

muscle damage (White & Rewell 2007) mainly during two distinct time periods in

which the death rate is at its maximum; the first during summer and autumn when

vitamin E deficiency is predominant and the second during winter due to the incidence

of Se deficiency (Gabbedy et al. 1977; Turner et al. 2002; White & Rewell 2007). The

myopathy primarily damages the skeletal muscles and the affected animals have stiff

movements, an arched back and may become recumbent (National Research Council

1985). Severe cases of WMD can lead to sudden death within 2 to 3 days of birth due to

heart and muscle failure (National Research Council 1985). If sheep are not adequately

supplemented with vitamin E and Se, WMD can significantly impact on the

productivity and profitability of livestock farming systems.

The Effects of Vitamin E Deficiency on the Voluntary Food Intake in Ruminants

The direct effects of vitamin E deficiency on the voluntary food intake (VFI) of

ruminants have not been fully investigated. One of the signs of vitamin E deficiency in

sheep is reduced growth rate (National Research Council 1985) but that is not directly

correlated to reduced food intake. Sheep experiencing WMD exhibit normal appetite

toward foods but their live body weight gain is reduced due to the consequences of the

disease (Andrews 1992; Suttle 1992). For instance, skeletal muscle damage might cause

sheep to be unable to stand for long periods to consume food sufficiently or are unable

to swallow foods properly because of the damage to tongue muscles (National Research

Council 1996). In contrast, in rodents and broiler chicks, there is a direct correlation

between food intake and vitamin E availability in the diet. For example, supplementing

vitamin E improves food intake and boosts nutrient utilisation by rats (Ainsah 1999) and

chickens (Nwaigwe et al. 2010). Broiler chicks fed diets deficient in vitamin E

decreased their body weight because vitamin E decreased their food intake (Swain et al.

2000). Nevertheless, it appears that there is no current research available that is directly

related to the practical importance of vitamin E on food intake in ruminants, therefore,

future investigation in this area is required.

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Native Australian Perennial Shrubs as a Source of Vitamin E for Livestock

Native Australian shrubs, such as old man saltbush (Atriplex nummularia), are used

to feed ruminants in a range of Mediterranean environments (Ben Salem et al. 2010).

These shrubs are tolerant to drought and salinity, perform well in various types of

nutrient poor soils and provide green biomass that is readily eaten by ruminants during

the summer and autumn feed gap (Masters et al. 2007; Norman et al. 2010a). Saltbush,

for example, has low organic matter digestibility (48-63% Organic Matter Digestibility,

OMD), moderate to high crude protein content (10-25% edible dry matter, EDM) and

up to 30% ash, predominately sodium (Na), potassium (K) and chloride (Cl) (Masters et

al. 2009; Masters et al. 2005; Norman et al. 2010a). More importantly, it has elevated

levels of antioxidant vitamin E (139 mg/kg EDM in old man saltbush) which has been

identified to have a beneficial role in enhancing animal health and improving meat

quality (Fancote et al. 2013; Pearce et al. 2005). Nevertheless, there are variations in the

nutritive value in saltbush, and possibly other forage shrubs, due to environmental

factors such as soil fertility and water content (Atiq-ur-Rehman et al. 1999; Masters et

al. 2009).

In addition to the nutritive value, Atriplex species (such as old man saltbush) contain

an array of compounds that have anti-nutritional effects such as oxalates and nitrates

(Masters et al. 2001; Norman et al. 2004). Elevated levels of salt (NaCl; 220 g/kg DM)

and sulphur (S; 4.6 g/kg Dry Matter; DM) in the leaves can limit VFI and create

aversions toward the plant (Ben Salem et al. 2010; Norman et al. 2004). If salty diets

were to be offered with other low salt alternatives such as a grass or legume understory

and fresh water ad libitum, the intake of both high and low salt diets would be

dependent on the quality (OMD) of the understory (Norman et al. 2010b). For instance,

the intake of saltbush by sheep increases from about 13% DM during spring to

approximately 54% DM during autumn due to a decline in the quality of the understory

from about 68% OMD in spring to 45% OMD in autumn (Norman et al. 2010b). Thus,

if saltbush is grazed concurrently with other plant material (dry stubble) during summer

and autumn periods, then there are potential opportunities for grazing systems to

become more sustainable, diverse and profitable (Monjardino et al. 2010). One of these

opportunities can be increased uptake of less preferred perennial forage shrubs

(saltbush) by vitamin E deficient animals to remediate the deficiency during the summer

and autumn feed gap.

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Dietary Learning and Feedback Effects on Preference

Sheep consume a wide array of plant species and possess, to some extent, a

nutritional wisdom based on their experience and nutritional status (Burritt & Provenza

1996; Provenza 1995). This enables them to select for foods that are nutritionally

beneficial (Naim et al. 1991; Swithers & Davidson 2008), contain certain types of

substances (medications) to ameliorate malaises (Phy & Provenza 1998; Villalba et al.

2006b) and avoid others that are nutritionally deficient or contain elevated amount of

toxins and plant secondary compounds that are harmful (Provenza 1995; Provenza

1996; Provenza et al. 1990; Villalba & Provenza 1997b). Sheep do not instinctively

detect the needed nutrients or medicines available in the feed stuff through sensory

means (taste, smell, touch and sight) but they learn about their feeds across time using

post-ingestive feedbacks (Provenza & Balph 1990; Provenza & Villalba 2006). Sheep

attain information about their feed using the characteristics of the feed, such as flavours,

as cues to make associations with the post-ingestive feedbacks; positive or negative

gastrointestinal feedback stimulated in the body (Favreau et al. 2010b; Provenza 1995;

Provenza 1996). It is important to note that food preference is a complex design that is

influenced by a multitude of factors such as the physiological state, nutritional status

and experience of animals, as well as the chemical characteristics of feed (Fig.

1)(Arnold 1964).

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Motor outflow

Reflexes of attention, approach, examination and consumption or rejection

Sense of sight, smell, touch and taste


Plant species present and their chemical and physical characteristics

and relative availability.

Modified by


Soil type, soil fertility and Plant community,

rainfall, soil moisture

Modified by


Topography (i.e. slope, aspect and site of plant)

Distance plant is from water

Distance plant is from tracks or shade

Modified by


Animal species

Animal individuality

Physiological condition (food demand)

Grazing behaviour

Social behaviour

Modified by



Figure 1. Factors that can influence the selection and preference of diets by animals (Arnold


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Studies have established that sheep develop preferences toward nutritious feeds

(crude protein, sodium Na, Phosphorus P, and energy) that meet their nutritional status

for the achievement of homeostasis (Bach et al. 2012; Villalba & Provenza 1997a;

Villalba & Provenza 1997b). For example, lambs provided deficient diets in crude

protein adjusted for the deficiency when an appropriate level of protein in an alternative

diet was offered (Bach et al. 2012). Sheep deficient in Na preferentially increased the

intake of water containing Na compared to normal water to compensate for the

deficiency (Beilharz et al. 1962; Denton & Sabine 1963). Similarly, sheep deficient in

Na had higher intake of plant species containing high levels of Na in preference to other

plants with low Na levels (Arnold 1964). Additionally, sheep deficient in P

preferentially increased the intake of subclover containing high levels of P compared to

low levels of P, suggesting that the selection for subclover containing high P

concentrations was beneficial for sheep to compensate for P degraded during the dry

season (Ozanne et al. 1976; Ozanne & Howes 1971; Villalba et al. 2006a). Lambs

consumed more flavoured (onion or oregano) straw in preference to unflavoured straw

when low doses of starch or propionate were infused into their rumen, after the

flavoured straw was consumed (Villalba & Provenza 1997a; Villalba & Provenza

1997b), indicating that sheep attributed the availability of energy to the flavour (via

positive post-ingestive feedback) and developed a preference towards that flavour.

In addition to the feeds that are nutritious, sheep voluntarily ingest low and

moderate quality shrubs for the content of some compounds (medicines) to self-

medicate against metabolic disorders such as acidosis (Phy & Provenza 1998),

gastrointestinal parasites (Lisonbee et al. 2009; Osoro et al. 2007; Villalba et al. 2010)

and metabolic disorders caused by excess amounts of secondary compounds such as

tannins and oxalates (Villalba et al. 2006b). Lambs were able to overcome the

consequences of acidosis by preferentially consuming water containing a sodium

bicarbonate compound (alkaline) while other lambs with no signs of acidosis consumed

plain water (Provenza et al. 1994), suggesting that the need to rectify acidosis

stimulated the lambs to consume the alkaline water.

Further, ruminants develop aversions toward some forages due to elevated levels of

plant toxins and other undesirable compounds existent in the plants (Provenza et al.

1994). Ruminants exhibit a variety of strategies to avoid the toxic effects of some

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plants. Initially, they tend to sample small amounts of various plant species to buffer

any potential toxic effect (Voth 2010), then, based on the post-ingestive feedback, they

determine whether to increase or decrease the intake of these feeds (Provenza 1995).

Lambs experiencing negative post-ingestive feedback, stimulated by a toxin dose after

ingesting a rice diet flavoured with cinnamon, generated a similar aversion toward a

wheat diet mixed with cinnamon, suggesting that lambs were able to relate the

consequence to the flavour and formulated an aversion to any diet offered with the same

flavour (Launchbaugh & Provenza 1993). It can be concluded that the intensity of the

aversive post-ingestive signals, positive or negative, triggered from the gut and

translated in the brain (central nervous system) determine the extent to which foods are

preferred or avoided.


This review highlighted the biological importance of the antioxidant vitamin E and the

consequences associated with vitamin E deficiency in sheep, particularly in the autumn

and summer feed-gap when green pastures are lacking. The mechanisms at work in diet

selection and preference were examined. It was established that ruminants associate

between the sensory characteristics of the feed and post-ingestive feedback to sense the

consequences of food ingestion and alter feed selection and preference based on their

experience and the nutritional status of the body. However, as it is not known whether

sheep experiencing vitamin E deficiency alter their preference and select for a vitamin E

rich feed to remediate the deficiency, it was decided that this would be the ultimate

object of this research. If the proposed concept is proven to be right, then this will

provide worthwhile evidence for further investigation to see if vitamin E deficiency

would drive sheep to change feed preference and use perennial forage shrubs as sources

of vitamin E.

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This study was conducted at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation (CSIRO) - Centre for Environment and Life Sciences (CELS) in Floreat,

Western Australia. The experimental protocol was approved as conforming to the

Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes,

and the welfare of the animals was closely monitored by the CSIRO Animal, Food and

Health Sciences, Floreat Animal Ethics Committee (AEC approval number: 1203).


Fifty six Dohne Merino ewe lambs (a dual purpose Merino resultant from a cross

between Peppin style Merino ewes and German Mutton Merino sires) aged eight

months, with an average live body weight of 37.5 kg were selected from a flock on a

commercial farm located near Pingelly, Western Australia. The lambs were selected

based on body weight, condition score and visual health status. The lambs were de-

stressed and acclimatised to the presence of humans and handling in a small yard

adjacent to the animal house so that the lambs became calmer, less reactive to human

activity and easier to handle throughout the study. The lambs had ad libitum access to

water and they were exercised on a weekly basis by allowing them to walk freely in a

large yard.

Experimental Design

The 56 ewe lambs were stratified according to the following parameters: plasma

vitamin E level (α-tocopherol concentration in the plasma), live body weight, condition

score, and genetics (animals were either second or third cross) to ensure there were no

differences in the mean of the indicated parameters. After stratification, the animals

were randomly allocated to individual pens in the animal house. All animals underwent

a vitamin E depletion/enrichment phase for 40 days to form two treatment groups: low


) and high (HIGHVE

) concentrations of vitamin E in the plasma (n=28

animals/treatment group; Fig. 2). Following the depletion/enrichment phase, animals in



groups underwent a preference testing phase for 15 days in

which each group was randomly sub-divided into two sub-groups (n=14 animals/ sub-

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group; Fig. 2). The four sub-groups were offered a choice between vitamin E enriched

and deficient feeds ad libitum, each feed type flavoured with either strawberry or

orange, depending on the sub-group. One of the HIGHVE

sub-groups received a feed

combination of vitamin E enriched orange flavoured feed (+VEOR

) and vitamin E deficient

strawberry flavoured feed (-VEST

). The other HIGHVE

sub-group received vitamin E

enriched strawberry flavoured feed (+VEST

) and vitamin E deficient orange flavoured feed


) (Fig. 2). The same procedure for the feed offerings and flavouring regime was

used for the LOWVE

sub-groups. Swapping the two flavours between sub-groups

determined whether feed preference was due to the vitamin E content of the feed or the


Figure 2: Diagrammatic representation of the experimental design indicating the vitamin E

depletion/enrichment and preference testing phases of the experiment, phase duration and feed

provided in each phase.

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Preparation of Experimental Feeds

The type of feed used in this study was based on commercially available pellets

composed of wheat, lupins and straw (70% dry matter digestibility, 16% crude protein

and 12.1% metabolisable energy). The pellets were specifically formulated for young

lambs to allow them to grow at a rate of about 200 g/day when offered 1.1

kg/animal/day (as-fed basis). These pellets were specially manufactured without the

addition of vitamin E so the pellets only contained the natural source of the vitamin (α-

tocopherol), which was equivalent to 6.9 mg/kg fresh matter (FM). Half of the

manufactured pellets were used as a ‘vitamin E deficient feed’ with no added vitamin E,

whereas the remaining half was sprayed with a synthetic type of vitamin E

(Nanodispersed Natural-Source Vitamin E by Kentucky Equine Research, Victoria,

Australia) to form a ‘vitamin E enriched feed’.

Liquid vitamin E was sprayed on the pellets while being rotated in a cement mixer.

The concentrated solution of the vitamin (250 IU d-α-tocopherol per 1 ml of the

vitamin, which is equivalent to 168 mg/ml) was diluted (1 part to 34 parts of tap water)

and the resultant solution applied using a manual trigger sprayer at a rate of 75 mg of

vitamin E per kg FM of feed. The pellets were examined to check that the liquid vitamin

was distributed evenly and the structure of the pellets was not affected (no visual and

textural changes). The adherence of the vitamin E on the internal surface of the mixer

was taken into account by an initial light application of the solution to the surface.

The vitamin E enriched and deficient feeds were alternately mixed with two

commercially available flavours: strawberry and orange. The flavours were synthetic

water soluble human food-flavouring agents (Queen Fine Foods Pty, Ltd., Queensland,

Australia). The flavours were used as ‘dietary cues’ to allow the sheep to differentiate

between the vitamin E enriched and deficient feeds and to associate the flavour in the

feed with post-ingestive feedbacks (positive feedback associated with a recovery from

vitamin E deficiency and negative feedback due to the aggravation of the deficiency).

The two flavours were diluted in tap water (1 part flavour to 1 part tap water) and

applied to the pellets at a 1% rate (Early & Provenza 1998) using a manual trigger

sprayer in two cement mixers (one cement mixer per flavour) to avoid cross

contamination between the two flavours. After flavouring the pellets, humans were able

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to identify the orange and strawberry treatments by their smell. The addition of the

flavours did not affect the nutritional value of the pellets.

Preparation of Experimental Animals

Prior to transferring the animals to CSIRO, health records and vaccinations

administered to the animals on the farm were checked and a follow-up health

assessment was conducted to ensure that the selected animals were suitable for this

study. Health records indicated that the lambs were previously vaccinated

with Websters Low Volume 3 in 1 Vaccine with Selenium and Vitamin B12 (Virbac

Animal Health Pty, Ltd., New South Wales, Australia) for the prevention of cheesy

gland caused by Corynbacterium pseudotuberculosis, pulpy kidney (enterotoxaemia)

caused by Clostridium perfringens type D, tetanus caused by Clostridium tetani,

selenium responsive conditions, white muscle disease, vitamin B12 deficiency and

unthriftiness. Additionally, the lambs had been given Cydectin Weanerguard SE B12 6

in 1 Vaccine and Wormer (Virbac Animal Health Pty, Ltd., NSW, Australia) for the

prevention of five clostridial diseases, cheesy gland, internal parasites, nasal bot, itch

mite, and for the supplementation of vitamin B12 and selenium. The animals were shorn

on the farm two weeks prior to transportation to CSIRO Floreat.

Upon arrival at the CSIRO animal house facility, and prior to entering the animal

house, all lambs were held outside for 14 days in a small yard adjacent to the animal

house for the final on-site health check and quarantine purposes. The lambs were

weighed and their feet inspected and clipped as required. The lambs were also examined

for scabby mouth disease, checked for external parasites, vaccinated against lice and

blowfly strike using Vanquish Long Wool Spray (Alpha-cypermethrin 50 g/L, Coopers

Animal Health - A division of Schering Plough Pty Ltd, NSW Australia) and

supplemented with 200 mg of vitamin B1 (Thiamine hydrochloride 125 mg/mL, Nature

Vet Pty Limited, NSW Australia) subcutaneously.

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Conditioning the Animals to the Experimental Feeds

All animals were initially offered a familiar feed comprised of oaten hay (1

kg/animal/day) whole lupins (250 g/animal/day) and Siromin (ad libitum), a complete

mineral supplement developed by CSIRO for sheep fed on dry herbage (White et al.

1992), outside in a small yard adjacent to the animal house. Then, the familiar feed was

gradually replaced by the vitamin E deficient feed to allow the microbial populations in

the rumen to adjust and adapt to the new feed and to ensure the lambs were given

adequate time for a vitamin E deficiency to occur. Over five consecutive days, 20% of

the vitamin E deficient feed was added daily to the familiar feed, with a concomitant

reduction of the familiar feed, until the familiar feed was fully replaced by the deficient


Acclimatising the Animals to the Animal House

The lambs were acclimatised to the animal house over three consecutive days. On

the first day, the sheep were fed the vitamin E deficient feed in the morning (at 0900

hours) outside the animal house in the adjacent yard and moved into the animal house in

the afternoon (at 1200 hours). At this stage, the sheep were restricted to walking

through the aisles (three aisles) for one hour but they were not allowed to walk into the

pens to ensure that the animals were not stressed due to separation or the novelty of the

new environment. On Day two, the sheep were fed outside in the morning (at 0900

hours) and moved into the animal house in the afternoon (at 1200 hours) and kept in

individual pens for an hour, then released back into the yard. On the third day, the sheep

were permanently moved into the animal house in the morning (at 0900 hours), housed

in individual pens and offered the vitamin E deficient feed in individual feeding bins

attached to the pens.

Vitamin E Depletion/Enrichment Phase

The vitamin E depletion/enrichment phase was conducted for 40 consecutive days in

which the animals in the LOWVE


groups were offered 1.1 kg/animal/day of

the vitamin E enriched or deficient feeds, depending on the treatment group, as one bout

in the morning (at 0900 hours; Fig. 2). In the last week of the depletion/enrichment

phase, the same quantity (1.1 kg/animal/day) of either feeds (vitamin E enriched or

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deficient feeds) was offered simultaneously in the morning (at 0900 hours) in two

separate buckets attached to each other (each bucket containing 550 g) with random

left-right positions to familiarise the animals with the ‘two buckets’ presentation

procedure conducted in the preference testing phase. The depletion and enrichment

phase elapsed when two distinct vitamin E concentrations in the plasma were formed in




Definition of Vitamin E Deficiency and the Diagnosis of Nutritional Myopathy

In the current study, vitamin E deficiency was defined as any plasma α-tocopherol

reading between 0.5 - 0.7 mg/L, as discussed by White and Rewell (2007). The

sufficient level of vitamin E in the plasma was defined as plasma α-tocopherol that is ≥

2 mg/L. The animals that exhibited plasma concentrations of vitamin E below the

critical level (below 0.5 mg/L) during the depletion/enrichment phase were immediately

drenched with 4 ml of vitamin E (Nanodispersed Natural-Source Vitamin E by

Kentucky Equine Research, Victoria, Australia) to ensure that the vitamin E level

remained within the defined deficiency range and safeguard the welfare of the animals

against the emergence of the subclinical nutritional myopathy.

In addition to monitoring the vitamin E concentration in the plasma, evidence of

sub-clinical nutritional myopathy was monitored using commercial kits (Roche

Diagnostics, F Hoffman-La Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland) at the Department of

Agriculture and Food Western Australia for the diagnosis of creatine kinase (CK) and

alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes. The two tests have a sensitivity of 98% for

the diagnosis of subclinical nutritional myopathy as described by Fry et al. (1994). The

reference ranges for CK, that indicates the severity of muscle damage, was defined as

follows: CK value between 400 and 1200 U/L indicates mild muscle damage and >1200

U/L indicates severe muscle damage. For ALT, values between 30 and 80 U/L indicates

mild muscle damage and >80 U/L indicates severe muscle damage (Fry et al. 1994).

Throughout the study, the ALT and CK analysis revealed no evidence of sub-clinical

nutritional myopathy in the experimental sheep.

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Preference Testing Phase

In the context of this study, the term ‘preference’ implies a behavioural

characteristic of an animal by which it voluntarily and preferentially selects one feed

over another. Thus, when offered a choice of feeds, one feed is indicated as ‘preferred’

if the animal more often selects it rather than the other feed on offer.

The preference testing phase was conducted for 15 successive days during which all

animals in the four sub-groups were offered 2 kg/animal/day (our established at ad

libitum rate) of either vitamin E enriched or deficient feed (flavoured with strawberry or

orange) in the morning (0900 hours). The feeds were offered simultaneously in two

separate buckets of identical size (25 cm diameter) and colour. The buckets were placed in

the feeding bins and supported from the base to prevent spillage of feeds caused by the

animals. The buckets were allocated and labelled according to the feed type and flavour for

the duration of the experiment to avoid any possible cross contamination of vitamin E or

flavour. The relative position of the flavoured feeds for each animal was alternated from

left to right daily to account for any positional effect. Every morning (0900 hours)

throughout the preference testing phase, the refusals of the vitamin E enriched and

deficient feeds of the previous day were weighed.

Feed Intake and Preference Measurements

Feed intake (as-fed basis) was quantified and relative preference for the vitamin E

enriched feed when fed in combination with the vitamin E deficient feed was calculated

using the following Preference Index (PI) equation. The calculation, as described by

(Bell 1959) is commonly used for determining relative preference (Colebrook et al.

1990; Dunlop 1986; Kenney & Black 1984):

In order to manage the occasions where the intake of one or both feeds were equal to

zero, a small constant amount of 5 g of either feed was added to the numerator and

denominator of the PI equation. The value 5 g was chosen to be less than the smallest

feed intake unit measured throughout the experiment (11 g). Thus, the equation used to

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calculate PI in this study is:

The index has a scale from 0 to 1 indicating relative preference between vitamin E

enriched and deficient feeds. An equal preference corresponds to a PI value of 0.5

whereas PI values below 0.5 correspond to low preference and values higher than 0.5

indicate high preference.

Animal Measurements

Live body weight and condition scores were measured weekly in the morning (0800

hours) prior to feeding. Condition was scored on a scale of 1-5 according to the methods

described by Suiter (1994) and the procedure was conducted by the same trained person

to avoid any possible sources of variation. Throughout the depletion/enrichment and

preference testing phases blood samples were taken periodically (10 day intervals) by

means of direct jugular venipuncture from all animals before feeding at 0800 hours to

monitor the vitamin E level in the plasma. A volume of 10 ml of blood was collected

from the jugular vein using a 10 ml syringe and injected into Lithium heparinised tubes,

placed immediately into an ice bath and protected from the light because vitamin E is

light and temperature sensitive. Plasma was separated by centrifugation at 3000 rpm for

twenty minutes and stored at -20 °C until analysed. The plasma samples were analysed

for the measurement of α-tocopherol using a high-performance liquid chromatography

with a fluorometric detection technique at the CSIRO, CELS laboratory according to the

method described by McMurray & Blanchflower (1979). The intra-assay and inter-

assay coefficient of variation were equal to 1% and 2%, respectively.

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Statistical Analysis

All statistical analyses were conducted using the Genstat statistical package with a

significance level of 95% (Genstat 2012). A Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) with mixed models was fitted using a Residual Maximum Likelihood

(REML) method. The analysis determined the effect of vitamin E deficiency status



groups), feed combination (vitamin E deficient and enriched),

flavours (strawberry and orange), and the interaction effects on animal diet selection

and preference (expressed as feed intake and preference index) across the preference

testing period (15 days).

A preliminary repeated measures ANOVA model with mixed models REML was

fitted for the 15 days of the preference testing phase. In this model, high and low plasma

vitamin E treatment groups, vitamin E enriched and deficient feeds (each flavoured with

either strawberry or orange flavours) were used as fixed factors, and individual animals

(n=56) and time (n=15 days) were used as random factors. A time effect with variance

was detected, thus, a second model (repeated measures ANOVA with mixed models

REML) was fitted.

In the second model, the period of the preference testing (15 days) was divided into

two time periods: the training period (the first nine days) and the post training period

(the last six days) in order to determine in which period the treatment (high/low vitamin

E level) had an effect on animal diet selection and preference. The HIGHVE


groups, feed combination (vitamin E enriched and deficient feeds each with either

flavour), training and post training periods were used as fixed factors, with individual

animals and the total time period (15 days) used as random factors. Examination of the

distribution of the residual values was conducted for both models using repeated

measures ANOVA (mixed models REML) and the results indicated that the

assumptions concerning homogeneity of variance and normality of data were adequately


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Plasma Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) Level in the Experimental Animals

After the depletion/enrichment phase, prior to the commencement of the preference

testing, the average plasma concentrations of vitamin E differed between the HIGHVE

(1.92 ± 0.16 mg/L) and LOWVE

(0.60 ± 0.04 mg/L) groups (P <0.001; Fig. 3 A). The

concentrations of vitamin E in the plasma of the two groups become statistically similar

(1.98 ± 0.14 for HIGHVE

vs. 1.69 ± 0.11 for LOWVE

) at the end of the preference testing

phase (P=0.122, Fig 3 B).

Figure 3. Mean values of vitamin E concentrations in the plasma (α-tocopherol measured in

mg/L) in the HIGHVE

(black columns) and LOWVE

(grey columns) treatment groups (n = 28)

before and after the preference testing phase (mean ± SE). The asterisk (*) on the columns

indicates significant differences between the groups (P<0.001).

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The Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on Feed Intake (as-fed basis)

Total feed intake per day (mean ± SE kg/animal/day), averaged across the entire

preference testing period (15 days), did not differ between the HIGHVE


groups (0.92 ± 0.03 vs. 0.93 ± 0.03; P=0.962; Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Total daily feed intake (mean ± SE in kg/animal/day) presented as-fed basis for the


(black column) and LOWVE

(grey column) groups (n = 28) during the preference

testing phase (15 days). Error bars are standard errors of the means.

On average, animals in both the LOWVE


groups preferred strawberry

flavoured feed as evidenced by greater intake of strawberry pellets over orange

flavoured pellets (P<0.001; Table 2).

Table 2

Daily feed intake (mean values measured in kg) of the four sub-groups within each treatment

group (HIGHVE


) during the preference testing phase.

Vitamin E


in the plasma

Feed intake (kg/animal/day) of the sub- groups

S.E.D P value






0.531 a 0.658

b 1.199

c 1.298

c 0.053 P<0.001


0.737 a 0.751

a 1.051

b 1.181

c 0.053 P<0.001

Different letters within rows indicate significant difference between means (P<0.001).

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However, when the time of the preference testing phase (15 days) was taken into

account, there was a three-way interaction (P<0.001) between the treatment groups



) × feed combination (vitamin E + flavour content) × days. The

feed intake of vitamin E enriched and deficient feeds (flavoured with either orange or

strawberry) differed between the HIGHVE


sub-groups over time (Fig. 5).


sub-group offered a choice between the -VEST

feed and +VEOR

feed had a

higher intake of the -VEST

feed than for the +VEOR

feed during the first nine days

(P<0.001; Fig. 5 A). Then, their intake of the +VEOR

feed was higher from Day 10 to 12

followed by a reduction from Day 13 onwards. By contrast, the HIGHVE


offered the same feeds maintained higher intakes for -VEST

compared with +VEOR


across the 15 days of the preference testing phase (P<0.001; Fig. 5 B).

The other HIGHVE


sub-groups offered the +VEST

and -VEOR


combination (Fig. 5 C and D) consumed more of the +VEST

compared to the -VEOR


across the whole preference testing period, except on Day 3, when the LOWVE


group had a higher intake of the -VEOR

feed as opposed to the +VEST

(P<0.001; Fig. 5

C). Feed intake of the +VEST

feed by the LOWVE

sub-group stabilised from Day 8

onwards (Fig. 5 C).

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Figure 5. Mean values of the daily feed intake (kg/animal) of the feed combinations (enriched

or deficient feeds) with either flavour (strawberry or orange) by the sub-treatment groups



). The asterisk (*) indicates significant differences between the intake of

the vitamin E enriched and deficient feed, with either flavours, within each sub-group


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The Relationship between Vitamin E Intake and Plasma Vitamin E Level

During preference testing, vitamin E intake (mean ± SE mg α-tocopherol/kg FM) of


sub-group from the +VEST

feed was greater than the amount of the vitamin

E ingested by the same sub-group from the +VEOR

(1328 vs. 844 mg/kg; P<0.001;

Table 3). By the end of the preference testing phase, the difference in vitamin E plasma

concentrations between the HIGHVE


groups was eliminated (P=0.122). The

vitamin E intake from the diet and plasma concentrations of vitamin E were positively

correlated in the LOWVE

group (y = 0.234 + 0.0013x, R² = 0.63, P<0.001).

Table 3

Total vitamin E intake (mean in mg/kg with SE in brackets) of the four sub-groups within each

treatment group (HIGHVE


) during the preference testing phase and plasma

concentrations of vitamin E (mg/L) before and after preference testing.





Total vitamin

E intake


Vitamin E

concentration in

the plasma before

preference testing

phase (mg/L)

Vitamin E

concentration in the

plasma after

preference testing

phase (mg/L)










0.62 a


1.35 a

(0.12) 0.73





0.58 a


2.04 b

(0.12) 1.46






1.78 b


1.57 a

(0.19) -0.21





2.06 b


2.38 b

(0.16) 0.32

Different letters within columns indicate significant difference between means (P<0.001)

The Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on Growth Rate

On average, the growth rate (kg/animal/day) of animals in the HIGHVE and LOW


groups did not differ during the depletion/enrichment phase (P=0.859) and preference

testing phase (P=0.598; Table 4).

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Table 4

Average growth rate measured in kg/animal/day of sheep in the HIGHVE



during the depletion/enrichment and preference testing phases.

Phase Growth rate (kg/animal/day)

S.E.D P value HIGH



Depletion/enrichment phase 0.108 0.107 0.009 P=0.859

Preference testing phase 0.205 0.214 0.017 P=0.598

The Effect of Vitamin E Deficiency on the Feed Preference of Sheep

Throughout the 15 days of preference testing, preference for the strawberry

flavoured feed was greater than the orange flavoured feed in the HIGHVE


groups (P<0.001; Fig. 6). However, when the time of the preference testing phase was

included as a factor in the analysis, there was a significant three-way interaction effect

(P=0.002) between the treatment groups, feed combination (vitamin E in the feed +

flavours), and time (days).

Feed preferences of the HIGHVE and LOW

VE groups also differed between the first

nine days and the last six days of the preference testing phase (P=0.001). The HIGHVE


sub-groups offered the combination of +VEOR

and -VEST

feeds had similar

low preferences (P=0.241) toward the +VEOR

feed during the first nine days of

preference testing (Fig. 6 A). However, during the last six days of the preference testing

period, the LOWVE

sub-group exhibited higher preferences toward the +VEOR

feed as

opposed to the other corresponding HIGHVE

sub-group offered the same feed

combination (P=0.008; Fig. 6 A). By contrast, the HIGHVE



offered +VEST

and -VEOR

feeds had a higher preference pattern toward the +VEST


across all 15 days of the preference testing phase (P > 0.05; Fig. 6 B). However, the


sub-group tended to have a more consistent and higher preference toward


from Day 8 onwards (Fig. 6 B).

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Figure 6. The preference index of the HIGHVE

(black columns) and LOWVE

(grey columns)

sub-groups across the preference testing period (15 days; mean ± SE). Preference index

highlights animal preference toward the +VEOR

feed (A) and +VEST

feed (B). The index ranges

from 0-1 indicating the extent to which a particular feed is preferred by animals. The asterisk (*)

indicates significant differences between HIGHVE


groups in their preference toward


and +VEST

feeds (P<0.05).

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The Selection of Vitamin E Enriched Feed by Individual Animals

Across the 15 days of the preference testing period, individual variability existed

between animals in both the HIGHVE


groups in their tendency to exhibit

higher preference (preference index > 0.5) for the +VEOR

and +VEST

feeds (Fig. 7).

During the first nine days of the preference testing phase, on average, 15% of animals in


sub-group exhibited a higher preference for the +VEOR

feed, which

increased to 80% in the last six days of testing (Fig. 7 A). By contrast, in the HIGHVE

sub-group receiving the same feed combination and flavouring pattern, the proportion

of the animals showing high preferences for +VEOR

was 29% in the first nine days as

opposed to 27% in the last six days of the preference testing phase (Fig. 7 A).

In the LOWVE

sub-group, offered the +VEST

feed, the average proportion of the

animals selecting for the +VEST

feed with higher preference was 67% during the first

nine days of preference testing which increased to 93% in the last six days of testing

(Fig. 7 B). In the corresponding HIGHVE

sub-group offered the same feed combination

and flavouring pattern, 84% of the animals selected for the +VEST

feed in the first nine

days and this increased to 88% in the last six days of preference testing (Fig. 7 B).

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Figure 7. Daily frequency or proportion (%) of individual sheep in the HIGH

VE (black columns)


(grey columns) sub-groups selecting for the vitamin E enriched orange flavoured

feed (A) and vitamin E enriched strawberry flavoured feed (B) with high preference (PI >0.5).

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The hypothesis that sheep experiencing a vitamin E deficiency would voluntarily

select more of a vitamin E enriched feed compared with non-deficient sheep was

supported. The results of this study showed that all sheep in the LOWVE


groups preferred the vitamin E enriched feed when it was flavoured with strawberry, but

only the LOWVE

group preferred the vitamin E enriched feed when flavoured with

orange. This is the first demonstration of the ability of sheep, experiencing a vitamin E

deficiency, to voluntarily alter their preference and select for vitamin E rich feed,

presumably to remediate the deficiency. It is evident that the deficient animals were able

to associate the flavours of food, using sensory means, with the positive post-ingestive

feedback stimulated from the deficiency-alleviating effects of the vitamin, which

encouraged them to further consume the vitamin E enriched feed. As a response to the

vitamin E intake, the LOWVE

group remediated the deficiency evidenced by the

increased α-tocopherol concentrations in the plasma reaching adequate concentrations

(> 1 mg/L) (Njeru et al. 1994; Smith et al. 1994) by the end of preference testing.

Several experiments indicated that sheep associated the pre-ingestive sensory

characteristics of food with the post-ingestive consequences (positive or negative

feedbacks) occurring at the gut level (du Toit et al. 1991; Villalba & Provenza 1997b)

and on that basis the animals adjusted their feed choices accordingly (Forbes &

Provenza 2000; Provenza 1995). However, the finding of this study suggests that post-

ingestive feedback can occur, not only at the gut level, but also at the tissue level, which

can influence the feeding behaviour of animals. It also suggests that the post-ingestive

feedback mechanisms arising due to a vitamin E deficiency are sensitive to the deficits

of the vitamin and operate even before animals show clinical signs of the deficiency or

reduce their feed intake.

The review of the literature did not find any other published studies where ruminants

or monogastrics have selected vitamin E rich diets as a response to their low vitamin E

status. However, findings of the current study are consistent with other studies where

animals have changed preference and selected for other nutrients that were limited in

their diets. For example, lambs provided deficient diets in crude protein adjusted for the

deficiency when an appropriate level of protein in an alternative diet was offered (Bach

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et al. 2012). Lambs preferred to consume more of straw flavoured with either onion or

oregano in preference to unflavoured straw when low doses of starch or propionate were

infused into their rumen, after the flavoured straw was consumed (Villalba & Provenza

1997a; Villalba & Provenza 1997b). Also, sheep experiencing mineral deficiencies,

such as P and Ca, were able to identify the diets containing the needed mineral, using

sensory cues (flavours), associated the flavour of the required mineral with the recovery

from a deficit of that mineral and exhibited a strong preference toward the feed

supplying the mineral (Villalba et al. 2008; Villalba et al. 2006a). Similarly, sheep

deficient in Na had higher intake of plant species containing high levels of Na in

preference to other plants deficient in Na (Arnold 1964). In other circumstances, sheep

voluntarily ingested soil, bones, urine and manure and this has been linked to the

deficits of P and Ca (Blair-West et al. 1992; Villalba et al. 2008).

The regulation of protein, energy, P and Ca appears to be exercised at the level of

the digestive system in which by-products of microbial fermentation, such as volatile

fatty acids, interact to cause satiety and affect food preference and selection (Bennink et

al. 1978; Farningham et al. 1993). Thus, satiety seems to be influenced by the post-

ingestive feedbacks triggered from the chemo-, osmo, and mechano- receptors in the gut

and signalled to the central nervous system (Anil et al. 1993; Denton et al. 1996;

Mbanya et al. 1993). However, the physiological and/or molecular mechanisms

underlying the regulation of vitamin E intake in living organisms are not clearly defined

in the literature and it is not known how animals deficient in vitamin E physiologically

detect the deficiency and select for the feed containing vitamin E.

The rate of learning seemed to be influenced by the flavour of the feed. The LOWVE

group in this study took nine days to exhibit preferences for the vitamin E enriched feed

paired with the flavour they originally disliked (orange). This was evidenced by the

higher preferences (Preference Index >0.5) and greater proportion (80%) of individuals

preferring the +VEOR

feed during the last six days as opposed to the first nine days of

preference testing. However, when the vitamin E enriched feed was flavoured with

strawberry, which they initially liked, the learning took 8 days to establish a strong and

consistent preference that continued to Day 15 of preference testing. These results

support the notion that ruminants do not instinctively detect the needed nutrients (or

medicines) available in the feeds but they take time to learn about their feeds by

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associating the sensory properties of feeds with post-ingestive feedbacks (Provenza &

Balph 1990; Provenza & Villalba 2006). The association, by animals, of post-ingestive

effects with food flavours has been identified as a means through which herbivores

learn about the consequences of feeds (Duncan & Young 2002). Learning about the

feeds on offer is an important tool herbivores use to modify foraging behaviour (either

to prefer or to avoid feeds) in order to cope and adapt quickly to the changing internal

and external environments for the achievement of nutritional homeostasis (Howery et al.

2010; Villalba et al. 2006b).

It has been experimentally established that foraging behaviour is formed by two

learning mechanisms: self-learning from experience and trial and error by relying on

post-ingestive feedbacks and learning from peers or from the mother (Provenza & Balph

1990; Provenza & Cincotta 1993). In this study, where sheep were confined in

individual pens and social interactions between animals were restricted, the sheep had to

learn about their feeds by themselves and this may have delayed their learning process.

Additionally, recent research has demonstrated that the learning process about diets is

delayed when experimental procedures become complex (Duncan & Young 2002) by

offering several feeds simultaneously (Duncan et al. 2007) and by increasing the

number of consequences associated with the ingestion of feeds (Ginane et al. 2005). In

this study, where sheep were not familiarised with the flavours prior to preference

testing, the food offering procedure of the two flavoured feeds and the two associated

post-ingestive consequences (positive feedback due to vitamin E intake vs. negative

feedback because of the aggravation of the deficiency) was perceived as complex

(Duncan & Young 2002; Favreau et al. 2010a), evidenced by the reduced self-learning

efficiency in the LOWVE

group during the first nine days of the preference testing

phase. The complexity of the feeding procedure in this study and the novelty of flavours

to the sheep might have potentially contributed to the delayed association of the

flavours with the post-ingestive signals. It is also possible that the delay in the

stimulation of post-ingestive feedbacks after the ingestion of vitamin E might have been

associated with the delay in responses of the receptors to vitamin E located at the tissue

level. However, the responsible receptors and the mechanisms related to how these

receptors operate as a response to vitamin E intake are yet to be determined.

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Throughout the preference testing phase, a strong flavour effect was observed. It

was apparent that sheep in HIGHVE


groups preferred strawberry flavour as

opposed to the orange flavour, explained by high feed intakes of feeds flavoured with

strawberry as opposed to those flavoured with orange. Higher intakes of strawberry

flavoured feeds could have been due to the sweet taste of the flavour which might have

stimulated feed intake (Burritt et al. 2005; McMeniman et al. 2006) compared to the

orange citric flavour that had a strong associated flavour that potentially depressed

intake, presumably due to low palatability (Bampidis & Robinson 2006). Nevertheless,

our results demonstrated that, from Day 10 onwards, the LOWVE

group was able to

overcome the aversive effect of orange flavour to compensate for vitamin E deficiency

evidenced by higher preferences for the +VEOR

feed as opposed to the -VEST


The ability of the vitamin E deficient sheep in our study to consume feeds paired

with a less preferred flavour is consistent with a number of studies where ruminants

preferred to consume less preferred feeds or substances (only when a positive post-

ingestive feedback was associated with the consumption of these feeds or substances) to

rectify illnesses or internal burdens and increase fitness (Janzen 1978; Lisonbee et al.

2009; Phy & Provenza 1998; Provenza et al. 2000; Villalba & Provenza 2001; Villalba

et al. 2010). For example, sheep experiencing acidosis, caused by the consumption of a

grain based diet, preferentially selected sodium bicarbonate solutions, a substance

normally not consumed by sheep under favourable conditions, to attenuate the acidosis

effects (Phy & Provenza 1998). Similarly, sheep increased the intake of polyethylene

glycol, a non-preferred substance by sheep that binds with tannins, to remediate the

illness caused by tannins (Provenza et al. 2000; Villalba & Provenza 2001).

Furthermore, lambs experiencing a malaise caused by gastrointestinal parasites were

able to ‘feel’ the presence of the internal parasites (or associated the symptoms), modify

their feed choices and selected for feeds containing tannins (anti-nutritional compounds

in plants that are normally avoided by ruminants) to attenuate the malaise (Lisonbee et

al. 2009; Villalba et al. 2010).

As the sheep in this study were able to overcome the aversive effect of the orange

flavour to select for the vitamin E nutrient available in the feed, it is highly likely that

sheep (and possibly other ruminant species) will even overcome the unusual (and

potentially off-putting) plant characteristics in perennial forages to actively select the

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vitamin E rich dietary source. The inclusion of these less preferred perennial forage

shrubs in farm systems can provide a valuable source of the naturally occurring vitamin.

This gives farmers a practical strategy to tackle vitamin E deficiency and reduce the

incidence of nutritional myopathy, particularly during summer and autumn when the

risks of both are high (Fancote et al. 2013). Ultimately, the diversity of the feed supply

base for livestock through the inclusion of preferred perennial forage shrubs will

improve and the productivity of marginal lands will increase bringing environmental

benefits. These benefits include a reduction of dryland salinity, a decrease in soil

erosion and the provision of shade and shelter to livestock which will potentially boost

livestock production within the context of clean, green, and ethical approaches.


It is believed that this experiment provides the first demonstration of the ability of

sheep experiencing a vitamin E deficiency to identify a benefit from consuming vitamin

E enriched feed and exhibit a preference towards that feed. The sensory cues (flavours)

used in the experimental feed facilitated the association processes of the sheep between

a particular flavour (orange or strawberry) used in the vitamin E enriched feed and the

post-ingestive signals. It was evident that the positive post-ingestive feedback, due to

the relief effect from the vitamin deficiency, was stimulated at the tissue level after the

ingestion of the vitamin E enriched feed which expedited the strong preference shown

towards the enriched feed with the associated flavour. The rate of learning seemed to be

influenced by the flavour available in the feeds. The LOWVE

group offered the +VEST

feed tended to learn faster than the other LOWVE

group offered +VEOR

feed. After nine

days of experience and self-learning, the LOWVE

group was able to overcome the

aversive effect of the orange flavour used in the vitamin E enriched feed and actively

selected, with higher preference, for the vitamin E enriched orange flavoured feed.

The findings of this study have the potential to provide low-cost management

opportunities for the livestock industry in areas with Mediterranean climates where the

incidence of vitamin E deficiency and the associated nutritional myopathy are prevalent

due to a lack of green pastures during dry seasons. It is anticipated that these findings

will provide science based evidence for livestock producers that, if their livestock

become nutritionally deficient in vitamin E, the animals will actively increase the

utilisation of forage shrubs that are rich in vitamin E even though these forage shrubs

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are often less preferred by the animals under more favourable conditions. Our results

suggest it is likely that sheep (and possibly other ruminant species) will, to some extent,

overcome unusual (and potentially off-putting) plant characteristics within forage

shrubs to actively select the vitamin E rich dietary source if the animals are given

sufficient time to learn about their feeds. The inclusion of perennial forage shrubs will

help to rectify seasonal vitamin E deficiencies in livestock and possibly replace the

application of synthetic supplements that are currently widely adopted by farmers. It

will also give livestock producers the confidence that the expense of planting native

forage shrubs, such as saltbush, may be mitigated by sheep supplementing themselves

with vitamin E at critical times during the year.

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