Shawshank Redemption a Social Pyschology Perspective Web viewThe research emphasis of the behavioral...

Running head: SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 1 Shawshank Redemption a Social Psychology Perspective Mary Howell Patten University Social Psychology PSY421 Dr. Abraham Ruelas May 14, 2016

Transcript of Shawshank Redemption a Social Pyschology Perspective Web viewThe research emphasis of the behavioral...

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Shawshank Redemption a Social Psychology Perspective

Mary Howell

Patten University

Social Psychology


Dr. Abraham Ruelas

May 14, 2016

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Shawshank Redemption a Social Psychology Perspective

For the final project in Social Psychology, I chose the movie the Shawshank Redemption

to explain the concepts and to apply social theories reviewed and learned throughout this class.

In 1947, Andy Dufresne, a banker in Maine, becomes wrongly accused and then

convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, a professional tennis instructor. Andy receives

two concurrent life sentences one for each victim. The prison called Shawshank is an institution

known for the fierce brutality and overall brutal treatment of convicts and is the prison Andy will

serve his sentence. The movie is about an innocent man's journey through incarceration to the

freeing of one's soul. The film depicts Andy's journey through 20 -years of incarceration where

rape, brutalization, adornment, victimization, reverence and elevation all transpire in a 20 -year

span. Andy’s perseverance and drive for freedom within his mind and soul, speaks directly to the

practice and application of social psychology and its theories.

In Shawshank, Andy encounters "the Sister's "who rape him, he makes a trusted friend

named Red and also earns the guards and the wardens trust.

The first three scene's chosen refer to Social Psychology and how Social Psychology

concepts apply to each scene as well as the realistic plausibility of the actual events and the

application of Social Psychology theory and practices. Social Psychology refers eloquently to the

movie the Shawshank Redemption as socialization, whether in a prison or outside of the walls of

a prison consists of the lifelong process of social interaction. The primary characters are serving

life sentences and this fact fits under the definition of socialization, as each person incarcerated

must adapt. Through the scenes below, I will show how individuals acquire a self-identity and

the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in a society within the social system of

a prison.

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Socialization is the process by which people learn the characteristics of their group.

Knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, norms, and actions are the essential link between the

individual and society. “Socialization is the process through which we become

human”(Stuart-Hamilton, 1999) and within Shawshank, one may become dehumanized

based on the social confines of an institution such as the Shawshank Prison. Like that of the

Stanford prison study, we can see the plausibility of life while in prison. The Stanford Prison

study tested the fundamental attribution error; "our tendency to attribute causes of behavior

to personal factors, underestimating the influence of situational conditions. (Annenberg

Learner, 2016)” In the movie, one can find the same behavior represented within the walls of


We will journey through the film exploring scene 1, prison life and Andy's

adjustment and disregard for life inside the prison, in scene one Andy is strolling through the

prison yard as if he walking through the park. He meets Red, the man in the prison who can

get anything for anyone. We will explore observational learning and apply social cognition

theories as it pertains to prison life. Additionally, through scenes two and three we will

explore the normalcy of the inmates as Red arranges for them to work detail on a roof and

Andy offers financial advice to a guard in exchange for cold beer for the men. Andy does not

drink a beer but enjoys the pleasure of feeling normal for just a moment. We will then

venture to the darker side of the prison and Andy's victimization through rape from a prison

group called the Sisters. We will begin to understand aggression and the Mere exposure

effect and how it pertains to Brooks the librarian and his suicide. We will witness Andy

learning how to become a crook by altering the financial books for the warden and how his

behavioral changes attribute to cognitive dissonance. We will witness Andy question and

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challenge the authority of the warden through Role strain. “Role strain is the discomfort one

feels in an obedience situation that causes a person to question the legitimacy of the

authority figure”(Borden & Horowitz, 2013, flash cards). Role strain is evident in scene four

when Andy conforms to preserve the library and his privileges.

First three Scenes: Evaluation –research and theory

Scene 1: Prison Life, Observational Learning, and Social Cognition

Prison life proves challenging for Andy, as many of the other prisoners think he is a snob.

When Andy arrives at Shawshank, he keeps to himself. Andy learns how the institution functions

by observational learning. He watched quietly to learn what one deemed acceptable and

unacceptable behavior and per the definition of observational learning imitated what he

observed. One can group observational learning with the social learning theory, in that the social

learning theory “stresses the role of observation and the imitation of behaviors observed in

others.”(Borden & Horowitz, 2013, p. 83) Andy strolled through the prison yard with careless

abandonment. The prisoners perceive this behavior as arrogant and pretentious. What other

inmates failed to realize was that Andy was merely conforming to prison life, through

observational learning. Andy asks Red to find him a rock hammer, an instrument he claims is

necessary for his hobby of rock collecting and sculpting. Though other prisoners consider Andy

"a really cold fish," Red sees something in Andy and likes him from the start. In social

psychology, one can define this as (Interpersonal Attraction) “quite simply, the study of how

people become attracted to each other and form emotional bonds.”(Stuart-Hamilton, 1999, p. 88)

Red believes Andy intends to use the hammer to engineer his future escape but when the tool

arrives, and then Red sees the tiny the hammer, and Reds thoughts of escape Andy's escape

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diminish. Social cognition and social perception are central to our interpretation of situations.

However, when one exposes his or herself to a particular situation, how we respond depends on

how we interpret that situation. Social cognition gives direction to our interpretation. The

decisions we make based on our perception and cognition will influence our response.

Scene: 2 the Roof and Rape: By standard Apathy, Functionalist Theory, Ethology,


Andy works in the prison laundry. He attracts attention from "the Sisters," a homosexual

group of convicts who sexually assault other prisoners. Andy is beaten and raped on a regular

basis. The guards do nothing to stop the abuses against Andy.

One can attribute the behavior of the guards to what is cited when this type of behavior

manifest, “as a prototypical example of bystander apathy – the failure to take action when

intervention is needed.”(Stuart-Hamilton, 1999, p. 99) The guards turn the other way and fail to

assist or stop the raping of Andy.

Red pulls some strings and gets Andy and a few of their mutual friends a break by taking

them all on a work detail tarring the roof of one of the prison's buildings. During the job, Andy

overhears Hadley complaining about having to pay taxes for an upcoming inheritance. Drawing

on his expertise as a banker, Andy lets Hadley know how he can shelter his money from the IRS,

turning it into a one-time gift for his wife. Andy states, he will assist in exchange for some cold

beers for his fellow inmates while on the tarring job. Though he at first threatens to throw Andy

off the roof, Hadley, the most brutal guard in the prison, agrees, providing the men with a cold

beer before they finish the job. Red remarks that Andy conjured up the privilege to build favor

with the correctional officers as much as with his fellow inmates, but Red also thinks Andy did it

only to "feel free." We can explore Red’s and Andy’s desire to be a functioning member of a

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society within the Functionalism theory. “Functionalism interprets each part of society in terms

of how it contributes to the stability of the whole society” (Crossman, 2016, para. 2) such as Red

and Andy’s role in the prison.

Within the functionalist theory- society is more than the sum of its parts; rather, each part

of society is functional for the stability of the whole. According to functionalism, an institution

only exists because it serves a vital role in the functioning of society. “If it no longer serves a

role, an institution will die away.”(Crossman, 2016, p. 3) When new needs evolve or emerge,

one can create new institutions for the new need. Andy and Red found their function, their niche,

even in the animal world, one needs a niche and wants to feel part of a group, and we are social

animals, regardless of where we live.

Andy once more encounters the Sisters and Boggs rapes and beats him. Andy remains in

the hospital infirmary for a month. Boggs, the leader of the Sisters, spends a week in solitary.

When Boggs comes out, he finds Hadley and his men waiting for him in his cell. They beat

Boggs and leave him paralyzed. When Andy gets out of the infirmary, he finds a bunch of rocks

and a poster of Rita Hayworth in his cell presents from Red and the friends he made. Andy’s

rape again, helps us understand the violent behavior by the application of Albert Bandera's

Aggressive Behavior theory; which explores the nuances of social influences and social

conditioning upon human behavior. Human beings are innately social animals, form social ties

that act as controls against the human animal’s equally innate impulse to act in a purely self-

interested, often violent way. The Sister’s are violent and seemingly display a concept based on

the ethological perspective, also referred to as Ethology, a theoretical perspective that views

behavior within the context of survival with the emphasis on the role of instincts and genetic

forces.”(Borden & Horowitz, 2013, p. 407)

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How does ethological theory relate to the human animal? “First, humans display

territorial behavior just as animals do. Konrad Lorenz, the first ethologist of the century, believed

that aggression had little to do with murderous intent and a lot to do with territory” (Borden &

Horowitz, 2013, p. 407). Several factors influenced the rape of Andy, apathy presented by the

guard’s disregard, ethology as the inmates attacking Andy claim him as their own, as no one else

protected Andy nor defended him, so the Sister's assume the behavior is acceptable and


Scene 3: Library and Suicide: Mere Exposure Affect, Cognitive Dissonance,

Warden Norton hears about how Andy helped Hadley and uses a surprise cell inspection

to size Andy up. The warden meets with Andy and sends him to work with aging inmate Brooks

Hatlen in the prison library, where he sets up a make-shift desk to provide services to other

guards (and the warden himself) with income tax returns and other financial advice. Andy sees

an opportunity; even guards from other prisons seek Andy's financial advice. Andy prepares

Norton's tax returns for years to come. Andy came to prison as an innocent man; it was here in

Shawshank that he learned to become a criminal. Cognitive Dissonance refers to a situation

involving conflicting attitudes beliefs or behaviors. “Festinger's (1957) cognitive dissonance

theory suggests that we have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and beliefs in harmony and

avoid disharmony (or dissonance)(McLeod, 2014, para. 2).”

To avoid parole Brooks, the old librarian, threatens to kill another prisoner, Heywood.

Andy talks Brooks down, and the parole board grants Brook's freedom. He goes to a halfway

house but finds it impossible to adjust to life outside the prison. Brooks commits suicide. When

his friends suggest that he was crazy for doing so, Red tells them that Brooks had apparently

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become "institutionalized," mainly conditioned to be a prisoner for the rest of his life and unable

to adapt to the outside world.

The consequence of Brooks release, suicide, one can attribute to the fact he served fifty

years in prison. However, Brooks became accustomed to Shawshank. The Mere Exposure Affect

states that, individual's exposure to stimulus that repeats can stimulate one to like something they

do not like. The Mere Affect also applies to an individual in prison, as conditioning through

repeated exposure can influence one to stay with what they know, then something different and

unknown. Such was the case for Brooks; he enjoyed the exposure to his everyday life in prison,

he had purpose and a routine. Outside the prison, he did not have the social acceptance he had

within the walls of Shawshank.

Scenes 4-6 –Inaccuracies atypical evaluation:

Scene 4: Tommy and Warden Norton, False Consensus, Impression formation, Role


In 1965, a young prisoner named Tommy comes to Shawshank. Andy suggests that

Tommy takes up another line of work besides theft. The suggestion gets to Tommy, and he

works on earning his high school equivalency diploma. Though Tommy is an excellent student,

he is still frustrated when he takes the exam itself, crumpling it up and tossing it away. Andy

corrects the test; Tommy earned his high school diploma. One day Red tells Tommy about

Andy's case. Tommy is taken back at hearing Andy's story and tells Andy and Red that he had a

cellmate in another prison who boasted about killing a man who was a pro tennis player at the

country club he worked at, along with his lover. With the new information, Andy, meets with the

warden, expecting North to help him get another trial with Tommy as a witness. The reaction

from Norton is completely contrary to what Andy expected. Andy demonstrates a false

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consensus. Andy expected the warden to feel as he felt about his freedom. One can define false

consensus as, "the tendency to believe that our own feelings and behavior are shared by everyone

else.”(Borden & Horowitz, 2013, p. 74) When Andy says emphatically that he would never

reveal the money laundering schemes he set up for Norton. The Warden becomes furious and

orders him to solitary for a month. The warden later meets with Tommy alone and asks him if he

will testify on Andy's behalf. Tommy enthusiastically agrees, and the warden has him killed by

Hadley. When the warden visits Andy in solitary, he tells him that Tommy is dead, as he tried to

escape. Andy tells Norton that the financial schemes will stop. The warden states then he will

destroy the library and burn all its materials. The warden gives Andy another month in solitary. I

found the above scene to be atypical concerning the application of an actual social psychology

theory. One could apply impression formation, in this instance Andy would already know how

innately evil the warden is, impression formation is almost instinctive. For Andy to state he

would no longer submit to the warden’s schemes is unrealistic concerning the social

circumstances surrounding him. For example, Impression formation primes us by culture to form

impressions of people, Western culture places emphasis on, “what’s inside the person. “We also

may be programmed biologically to form impressions of those who might help or hurt us. It is

conceivable that early humans, who were better at making accurate inferences about others, had

superior survival chances and those abilities are part of our genetic heritage.” (Borden &

Horowitz, 2013, p. 75)" Andy was painfully aware of the wardens exhibited behavior and as

such would not mention anything about the illegal dealings or what Tommy overheard. The

warden acted honestly but was merely acting, his behavior stated otherwise. Andy's behavior did

not reflect what he already knew about the warden. He had years to decipher the wardens

behavior; he did not have to form his judgment automatically he had time to process his

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judgment. In my opinion, role strain would satisfy social theory, as the discomfort sustained by

Andy, and the fact he acquiesces with obedience would cause Andy to question the legitimate

authority of Norton, the warden.

Scene 5: The Box, and the Rope, Reciprocity, Altruism, aggression:

One day in the yard Andy talks to Red, about how although he did not kill his wife, his

personality drove her away, which led to her infidelity and death. Andy states if he becomes free

or escapes, he would to go to Zihuatanejo, a beach town in Mexico. He also tells Red about a

large oak tree at the end of a wall made of stone; he tells Red that, when freed from Shawshank

prison he should look for that field, and that oak tree. There, under a large black volcanic rock,

Andy buried a box that he wants Red to have.

Later that day Andy asks Red for a length of rope, leading Red and his friends to believe

Andy will commit suicide. At the end of the day, Norton asks Andy to shine his shoes for him

and put his suit in for dry-cleaning before retiring for the night. The atypical response for the

above scene lacks empathy on Red’s part and Andy’s fellow cellmates. Andy tells Red he will

leave a gift for him, was Red lack of response due to the reciprocity effect? Did Red not want to

owe anything to Andy? If their perception of Andy’s behavior concluded he would commit

suicide with the rope, why did none of his fellow inmates try to stop him or speak with him? The

conclusion I found in the argument of altruism. Psychologists argue that true altruism is not

achievable, as the “principle of natural selection favors selfish behavior. Those animals that take

care of themselves and do not expend energy on helping others are more likely to survive and

reproduce their genes. The basic measure of biological fitness is the relative number of an

individual’s offspring that survive and reproduce (Borden & Horowitz, 2013, p. 455).”

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The following morning, Andy is missing. At the same time, Norton becomes alarmed

when he finds Andy's shoes in his shoebox instead of his own. He rushes to Andy's cell and

demands an explanation. Becoming angry and hostile, Norton starts throwing Andy's sculpted

rocks around the cell. When he throws one at Andy's poster of Raquel Welch, formerly Rita

Hayworth- the rock punches through the poster into the wall. Norton tears the poster away from

the wall and finds a tunnel. The warden is stunned that the obedient Andy was not in his cell.

The warden’s perception of Andy’s obedience was not reality based; Andy obeyed because the

warden conditioned him, through punishment to do so, solitary confinement. The warden’s social

perception did not take into consideration the "individual differences" in Lewin’s model, social

behavior, and the social setting. Andy changed his behavior because a person of authority

commanded him to do so. Andy's compliance was conformity; he fit in until the behavior no

longer suited him. One can argue, self-regulation, "ones attempt to match our behavior or self-

guides to the expectation of others, which is by social psychology standard a critical control

mechanism (Crossman, 2016, para. 3).”

Scene 6 Freedom and Vindication: Role Theory

That same morning, Andy walks into the Maine National Bank in Portland, where he had

put Warden Norton's money. Using his assumed identity as Randall Stephens, and with all the

necessary documentation, he walks out with a cashier's check. Before he leaves, he asks them to

drop a package in the mail. He continues his visitations to nearly a dozen other local banks,

ending up with some $370,000. The package contains Warden Norton's account books, which

the letter carrier delivers to the newspaper. The police arrests Hadley for murder; Red states he

"cried like a little girl." Warden Norton finally opens his safe, which he had not touched since

Andy escaped, and instead of his books, he finds the Bible he had given Andy. Norton walks

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back to his desk as the police pound on his door, takes his gun out and commits suicide. Shortly

after, Red receives a postcard from Fort Hancock, Texas, with nothing written on it. Red takes it

as a sign that Andy made it into Mexico to freedom. At Red's next parole hearing in 1967, he

talked to the parole board about how "rehabilitated" was a made-up word, and how he regretted

his actions of the past. The parole board sets Red free. Red follows Andy's instructions,

hitchhiking to Buxton and arriving at the wall made of stone Andy described. Red violates parole

and leaves the halfway house. He takes a bus to Fort Hancock, where he crosses into Mexico.

The two friends embrace on the beach of Zihuatanejo.

Concerning social psychology and its theories, the ending of the Shawshank Redemption seemed

improbable. The roles the two men portrayed in the prison, referring to Red and Andy do not

follow the norm. “The role theory is a perspective of social psychology that considers most of

everyday activity to be the acting out of socially defined categories.”(Social Norms Theory,

2016, para. 3)” Each social role is a set of rights, duties, expectations, norms and behaviors that a

person has to face and fulfill. One can base his or her observation that people behave in a

predictable manner and that an individual's behavior is context specific, based on social position

and other factors. In referring to the prison, neither man follows the norm as defined by social

psychology and its theories. The escape is plausible in that Andy had 20 years to plan his exit

from Shawshank; one can also attribute his tenacity to that of one sense of self.

Situational Influence, Evaluation, and Research:

As I stated in each of the above scenes, the plausibility and initial research of both theory

and concept as well as the observation of social psychology one can ascertain through the

evidence presented the application of social psychology theory to the Shawshank Redemption.

One can visualize how real world situational phenomenon applies to social psychology. In scene

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one, observational learning and social cognition accurately reflect the situational responses as

well as the attributed behavior of each character.

The theories most reflective are that of Social cognition and social perception each is

central to our interpretation of situations and situational behavior. However, when one exposes

themselves to a particular situation, how we respond depends on how we interpret that situation.

Social cognition gives direction to our interpretation. The decisions we make based on our

perception and cognition will influence our response. One case study used for the observation of

prison behavior is that of the Stanford Prison experiment. In my opinion, we see a realistic view

of prison through the author of the Shawshank Redemption, not necessarily Dr. Zimbardo’s

experiment. The psychologist Dr. Zimbardo tells the guards how to act towards the prisoners, the

behavior manifested is artificial, and Zimbardo induces the behavior by suggestion. The one

factor in the Stanford experiment that coincides with a feature in the film is that of Professor

Zimbardo’s “by standard apathy”, in reading the manuscripts from the Stanford experiment

Zimbardo ignores the escalating aggression of the guards to the pretend prisoners. We see

evidence of bystander apathy by Zimbardo when he refuses to stop the experiment when

negative behaviors manifest themselves through abuse toward the pretend prisoners. In the

Stanford Prison experiment, Zimbardo states the following, "We cannot physically abuse or

torture them,"We can create boredom. We can create a sense of frustration. We can

create fear in them, to some degree. We can create a notion of the arbitrariness that governs

their lives, which are totally controlled by us, by the system, by you, me,” (Zimbardo, 2016, p. 1)

Within the movie of the Shawshank Redemption, social psychology manifests itself

through the lives we see portrayed on screen. We can relate to the emotions and see ourselves

reacting with empathy for the innocent and with apathy for the aggressive. “According to Baston

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and Colleagues hypothesis paths to helping, the empathy-altruism hypothesis suggests that

helping is related to feelings of empathy aroused by the suffering of another (lower path). The

personal distress hypothesis proposes that helping occurs to reduce one's negative feelings

generated by seeing another person in need of help.”(Borden & Horowitz, 2013, p. 453) Why

then did Professor Zimbardo not help the students abused by the guards? If we compare the

scene in the movie against bystander apathy one could conclude the Zimbardo was behaving

apathetically, one could find the guard in the movie-demonstrated apathy as it relates to a real

world experience, that of the Stanford Prison experiment. Further research revealed that the

affects of “empathy-punishment explanation predict that when there is a strong justification for

not helping, the amount of empathy aroused won’t matter.” (Borden & Horowitz, 2013, p. 453)

The empathy-altruism hypothesis predicts that empathic motivation matters most when the

justification for not helping and empathy are high. One can also attribute this behavior to egoism.

Kitty Genovese incident also called the Genovese effect; researchers reviewed the murder of this

woman because thirty-eight neighbors of Kitty Genovese were aware of the murder that was

taking place during that time and yet all of them chose to do nothing in the rescue of the

assaulted girl. Two social psychologists started asking questions why the witnesses demonstrated

a lack of reaction towards the victim's need for help. One of the classic experiments in social

psychology is the one conducted by John Darley and Bibb Latané in 1964. They concluded the

following reasons to explain the bystander apathy effect. First is diffusion of responsibility. The

diffusion of responsibility occurs when other people think that another person will intervene and

as a result, they feel less responsible. The second explanation is pluralistic ignorance. Meaning

they thought their maybe someone, else more qualified to help especially in a group (Kitty

Genovese Incident, 2012, expression 7).

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To further substantiate each scene the research cases presented reflect the position of the

Behaviorist. The research emphasis of the behavioral approach is on the environment and how

one acquires abnormal behavior through classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social

learning. Each theory applies to a prison environment and the reality of a social system that

functions changes and evolves within an institution. The behaviorist believes, “that our actions

are determined largely by the experiences we have in life, rather than by underlying pathology of

unconscious forces (McLeod, 2014, para. 3).” Andy stated in the movie, "he had to come to

Shawshank Prisons to learn how to be a criminal," he was an honest man, but learned, while in

prison (his environment for 20 years), how to be a dishonest person.

Research shows that Albert Bandura's cornerstone experiment, where children imitated

the aggressive behavior toward a Bobo doll that an experimenter displayed to the children, much

like the suggestion of Professor Zimbardo to the guards. “While it is debatable whether

aggression can be learned through social learning (Gauntlett, 1995), or whether violence in

media leads to higher rates of aggression there is evidence that suggests that repeated exposure to

violence may desensitize individuals to later violence. (Crossman, 2016, p. 2)” Per Bandura’s

research one can conclude that life in prison may change a person's natural self and not

necessarily for the better.

Research indicates there are factors that affect the human race. Although we stand upright, we

find ourselves affected by known and unknown factors that influence our behavior and attitude.

“Topics examined in social psychology include the self-concept, social cognition, attribution

theory, social influence, group processes, prejudice and discrimination, interpersonal processes,

aggression, attitudes and stereotypes (Borden & Horowitz, 2013, p. 34)." About the above

scenes, one -six, it is imperative that we as a society we familiarize ourselves with the concepts

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and theories of social psychology in the hope of improving those imprisoned, physically and


Looking at the Stanford prison experiment, we observe one additional theory, the Social

Judgment Theory. In the Stanford Prison Experiment, Professor Zimbardo's graduate student

(and future wife) Christina Maslash confronted him and said that by taking on the role of prison

superintendent, he had become indifferent to the suffering of his participants. He then realized

that she was right and announced that he would end the experiment the next day.  Persuasion is

the application of rational and emotional arguments to convince others to change their attitudes

or behavior, Social judgment theory, an attitude theory suggesting that the degree with an issue

determines of personal involvement how a target of persuasion will judge an attempt as

persuasion. It was Christina Maslash persuasive argument stating his involvement did not

prevent him from being responsible for the participants involved.

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Annenberg Learner. (2016). The Power of the Situation [Video file]. Retrieved from Web. 15 May 2016

Borden, K. S., & Horowitz, I. A. (2013). Social Psychology. Mahwah, US; Psychology Press.

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Crossman, A. (2016). Understanding Functional Theory. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. (2014). Cognitive Dissonance. Retrieved from Web. 15 May 2016

Role Theory. (2016). In Wikipedia. Retrieved May 17, 2016, from

Stuart-Hamilton, I. (1999). Key Ideas in Psychology. [ProQuest ebray]. Retrieved from London,

GB: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1999. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 15 May 2016

Zimbardo, P. [Stanford Prison Experiment]. (2016). The Stanford Prison Experiment [Video

file]. Retrieved from Web. 18 May 2016

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Patten University Resources Web. 18 May 2016