Shark report for james maslow

Customer: Michael Boglino Animal: Sharks Report by Felicia Ferentinos Shark Report A Shark is a carnivore which means it only eats meat. Some sharks, like great white, blue shark, Mako, tiger shark and hammerhead are very sleek predators. These predators eat fish, squid. The marine mammals that they hunt are sea lions, seals, and smaller whales. They even hunt other sharks as well. In murky water or near darkness, can locate prey, they hid in the sand to sneak up on their prey. Great white sharks were made to hunt seals. Sharks are very ancient animals. Seal Island is the perfect place for sharks to hunt food. Sharks have camouflage that helps them hide in the ocean so when their prey is in the water it can not see the shark. Sharks were here before the dinosaurs were. Their bodies and behavior changed over the years. Sharks have very chillingly efficient of finding food and consuming it. The great white shark is the largest meat-eating fish that is alive today. The shark does not use their teeth for chewing their prey. Instead sharks bite off the pieces of the fish and then the shark will swallow the chunks whole. Sharks live in all oceans in the world. They usually live in warmer waters. The great white shark lives in South Africa and anywhere else in the world. All over the world sharks had attack humans more than any other animal. Exactly the


This was a report that I wrote to my friend Michael and to James Maslow from Big time rush. This is also a give to all you shark lovers. By the way HAPPY SHARK WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

Transcript of Shark report for james maslow

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Customer: Michael Boglino Animal: SharksReport by Felicia Ferentinos

Shark ReportA Shark is a carnivore which means it only eats meat. Some sharks, like great white, blue shark, Mako, tiger shark and hammerhead are very sleek predators. These predators eat fish, squid. The marine mammals that they hunt are sea lions, seals, and smaller whales. They even hunt other sharks as well. In murky water or near darkness, can locate prey, they hid in the sand to sneak up on their prey. Great white sharks were made to hunt seals. Sharks are very ancient animals. Seal Island is the perfect place for sharks to hunt food. Sharks have camouflage that helps them hide in the ocean so when their prey is in the water it can not see the shark. Sharks were here before the dinosaurs were. Their bodies and behavior changed over the years. Sharks have very chillingly efficient of finding food and consuming it. The great white shark is the largest meat-eating fish that is alive today. The shark does not use their teeth for chewing their prey. Instead sharks bite off the pieces of the fish and then the shark will swallow the chunks whole. Sharks live in all oceans in the world. They usually live in warmer waters. The great white shark lives in South Africa and anywhere else in the world. All over the world sharks had attack humans more than any other animal. Exactly the great white and the tiger shark. The tiger shark had killed more people then the great white shark. The most dangerous is the great white shark. Has killed people more than any other shark. Sharks can hide in a remaining motionless that will not save a victim, when a shark turns it’s head to point a direction, then the shark can get a sound from 3,000 feet away. Their were sharks that was three times bigger than the great white shark. Some sharks can smell one part of blood in 100 million of parts that is in the water. If their sense does not help them. Then the sharks also have very lateral organs that running down the sides of their bodies. The range expands in the warm summer months. When waters are warm they go to far south in the southern coast of Australia or even far in the north in Canadian –U.S. A lot of Sharks can survive only in salt water. But there are a few species that can only exist in both salt and in fresh water. Sharks do not usually attack people often. Their about 25 species of sharks that

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are known to attack people. Sharks kill fewer than 100 people each year. The sharks that are most dangerous to people are the great white shark, tiger shark, bull shark, and the oceanic white tip shark. The shark that does the most human kills is the bull shark. The bull shark swims in shallow waters were people swim in. People swim with a very plentiful shark. The other sharks that had been known to attack people are the gray shark, blue shark, hammerhead shark, Mako shark, nurse shark, lemon shark, blacktip reef shark, wobble gongs, and tiger shark, spitting shark and the porbeagle shark. People believe sharks mistake people for something else. Especially people that are swimming on surf boards. For sharks favorite foods seals and sea lions. Some sharks live in rivers, and lakes. Some live near the surface, some live in deep oceans. Some live in the boom of the ocean floor. The bull shark is the most dangerous shark in the ocean. Sharks can smell blood and food from miles away. Sharks are like fish they grow big through out their lives. Even after reproducing. They continue to grow but in a slower pace. All different species of shark grows all at different rates. Female sharks are bigger then the males are. Male sharks have claspers. That is elongated pelvic in edges. The claspers are used for reproduction. Females have a cloaca that opens serving the digestive and reproductive functions. Scientists believe that male great white shark reaches a certain large size, and then it turns into a female. Some bottom-dwelling (benthic) sharks (like the zebra horn shark, the angel shark, and the wobble gong shark) are very slow swimming predators that can crush and eat shellfish crabs and clams. That lives at the bottom of the ocean. A lot of sharks give birth to life young. Some sharks release eggs that usually hatches later. There are about 368 species of shark. That divided by 30 families. The number of pups it really depends on the species. The Tiger shark has 80 pups, and the nurse shark has up to 20 and 30 at a time. Baby sharks that are called pups are born have full set of teeth and they take care of themselves. The littler size ranges are one or two pups for great white sharks. The whale shark and the blue shark have 100 pups as littler. Eggs of sharks usually have strings on them. Which are anchor to seaweed and coral this usually keeps them from floating away. The current sharks are completely independent when they are born. People had been killing sharks about a year for food, fertilizer and other products. But some species of shark are being threatened. Some sharks are not being threatened. It is smart to remember that people are more dangerous

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to sharks. Then sharks are to people. That is what I know about
