Shariah Program Curriculum: 6-Month Intensive - Learn Arabic · Mastering the Arabic language is...

3 Keepers of Classical Arabic Shariah Program C (647) 225-2546 P (905) 564-3508 F (905) 796-1607 E [email protected] A 6565 Spinnaker Cir, Mississauga, ON L5W 1R2 Shariah Program Curriculum: 6-Month Intensive “Seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim,” the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) affirmed. Like most Muslims, you have probably encountered this statement frequently--in khutbahs, lectures, books. e wisdom of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) becomes ever more apparent while false information proliferates and most Muslims remain ignorant of authentic Islamic literature and scholarship. So, where do we begin? How do we gain proficiency? If you have asked these questions before, then we at Shariah Program offer what you need: a time-honoured curriculum that is authentic, effective, and efficient. But best of all, everything you need to know is covered in a mere six (6) months. Our 6-Month Intensive is designed to empower you with fluency in the Arabic and Islamic sciences. Based largely on the Dars-i-Nizami tradition, which has been producing masters of the Arabic language for centuries, the program will give you a solid foundation in the language, such that upon completion, you will have access to classical Arabic literature and will be prepared to pursue higher studies with scholars or institutions of your choice. Mastering the Arabic language is the key to accessing the Islamic tradition. Until you have this key, you will not have even stepped foot in the fortress that is the Islamic tradition, let alone ascended its lofty heights or partaken in its bountiful treasures. Stage One: Fundamentals (1.5 Months) e objective of this stage is to enable you to read basic texts as soon as possible. In most programs, a student either focuses on conversation and vocabulary building, learning basic conversational skills but remaining illiterate; or on covering entire texts in grammar and morphology before even attempting to read, thus becoming inundated with theory and often quitting out of frustration. At Shariah Program, we strike a balance: grammatical preliminaries are covered efficiently to enable reading in the opening week of class. While you build confidence and increase vocabulary, you will gradually be exposed to new grammatical structures through Nadwi’s acclaimed Qasas al-Nabiyin (Stories of the Prophets). • Fundamentals of Arabic Syntax (Nahw) • Declension (I‘rab) • Declension & Indeclension (Mu‘rab & Mabni) • Methods of Reflection (‘Alamat al-I‘rab) • Twenty-two Positionings of the Noun (Ism) • Major Types of Phrases • Fundamentals of Arabic Morphology (Sarf ) • Derivation (Ishtiqaaq) • Basic Perfect Tense Verb (Madi) • Basic Imperfect Tense Verb (Mudari‘) • Imperative (Amr) • Verb Paradigms (Abwab) • Guided Reading (Qira’ah) • Qasas al-Nabiyin 1 & 2 • Composition (Insha’) • Exercises in Arabic Tutor 1 & 2 enhance vocabulary

Transcript of Shariah Program Curriculum: 6-Month Intensive - Learn Arabic · Mastering the Arabic language is...

Page 1: Shariah Program Curriculum: 6-Month Intensive - Learn Arabic · Mastering the Arabic language is the key to accessing the Islamic tradition. Until you have this key, you will not

Keepers of Class ica l ArabicShariahProgram

C (647) 225-2546 P (905) 564-3508 F (905) 796-1607E [email protected] 6565 Spinnaker Cir, Mississauga, ON L5W 1R2

Shariah Program Curriculum: 6-Month Intensive “Seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim,” the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) a�rmed. Like most Muslims, you have probably encountered this statement frequently--in khutbahs, lectures, books. �e wisdom of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) becomes ever more apparent while false information proliferates and most Muslims remain ignorant of authentic Islamic literature and scholarship. So, where do we begin? How do we gain pro�ciency? If you have asked these questions before, then we at Shariah Program o�er what you need: a time-honoured curriculum that is authentic, e�ective, and e�cient. But best of all, everything you need to know is covered in a mere six (6) months. Our 6-Month Intensive is designed to empower you with �uency in the Arabic and Islamic sciences. Based largely on the Dars-i-Nizami tradition, which has been producing masters of the Arabic language for centuries, the program will give you a solid foundation in the language, such that upon completion, you will have access to classical Arabic literature and will be prepared to pursue higher studies with scholars or institutions of your choice. Mastering the Arabic language is the key to accessing the Islamic tradition. Until you have this key, you will not have even stepped foot in the fortress that is the Islamic tradition, let alone ascended its lofty heights or partaken in its bountiful treasures. Stage One: Fundamentals (1.5 Months)�e objective of this stage is to enable you to read basic texts as soon as possible. In most programs, a student either focuses on conversation and vocabulary building, learning basic conversational skills but remaining illiterate; or on covering entire texts in grammar and morphology before even attempting to read, thus becoming inundated with theory and often quitting out of frustration. At Shariah Program, we strike a balance: grammatical preliminaries are covered e�ciently to enable reading in the opening week of class. While you build con�dence and increase vocabulary, you will gradually be exposed to new grammatical structures through Nadwi’s acclaimed Qasas al-Nabiyin (Stories of the Prophets). • Fundamentals of Arabic Syntax (Nahw) • Declension (I‘rab) • Declension & Indeclension (Mu‘rab & Mabni) • Methods of Reflection (‘Alamat al-I‘rab) • Twenty-two Positionings of the Noun (Ism) • Major Types of Phrases • Fundamentals of Arabic Morphology (Sarf ) • Derivation (Ishtiqaaq) • Basic Perfect Tense Verb (Madi) • Basic Imperfect Tense Verb (Mudari‘) • Imperative (Amr) • Verb Paradigms (Abwab) • Guided Reading (Qira’ah) • Qasas al-Nabiyin 1 & 2 • Composition (Insha’) • Exercises in Arabic Tutor 1 & 2 enhance vocabulary

Page 2: Shariah Program Curriculum: 6-Month Intensive - Learn Arabic · Mastering the Arabic language is the key to accessing the Islamic tradition. Until you have this key, you will not

Keepers of Class ica l ArabicShariahProgram

C (647) 225-2546 P (905) 564-3508 F (905) 796-1607E [email protected] 6565 Spinnaker Cir, Mississauga, ON L5W 1R2

Stage Two: Essentials (2.5 Months)In this stage, you will attain a thorough understanding of all concepts necessary to read classical Arabic texts with minimal error. We continue our unique approach to teaching morphology, combining theory with verb-table drills and word-analysis, until the essentials become second-nature to you. Moreover, you will read Hidayat al-Nahw, a classical text encompassing the essentials of syntax, from cover to cover. Rather than losing valuable time learning rare rules and exceptions, you will focus on mastering the most pertinent concepts of morphology and syntax, accounting for the vast majority of what you will encounter when reading Arabic texts. Additionally, readings from Abu Ghuddah’s Min Adab al-Islam and al-Rasul al-Mu‘allim will reinforce grammatical theory, augment your vocabulary, and grant you facility in reading unvowelled Arabic script.

In studying Arabic, your primary goal should be understanding the Holy Qur’an, which our classes in tafsir (exegesis) will facilitate. Informed by the contributions of such luminaries as �anwi, Alusi, and ibn ‘Ashur, our tafsir classes are designed to help you appreciate the unparalleled literary and thematic eloquence of Divine Speech. As you navigate through the Qur’an, pertinent concepts of balaghah (rhetoric) will gradually be introduced.

• Essential Morphology (Sarf ) • Advanced Paradigms (Mithal, Ajwaf, Naqis, La�f, etc.) • Essential Syntax (Nahw) • Hidayat al-Nahw • Literature (Adab) • al-Rasul al-Mu‘allim • Min Adab al-Islam • Qasas al-Nabiyin 3 & 4 • Understanding Qur’anic Language • Tafsir of Two Large Surahs • Introduction to Rhetoric (Balaghah) • Composition (Insha’) • Excercises in Arabic Tutor 3 & 4

Stage �ree: Mastery (2 Months)In the �nal stage of the 6-Month Intensive, you will consolidate all you will have learned previously and progress to study more advanced concepts in the language and other Islamic sciences, such as advanced syntax, rhetoric, and logic. �is �nal section will pave the way for you to pursue future higher-level studies. We cover the �rst volume of Sharh ibn ‘Aqil, a commentary on ibn Malik’s famous thousand-line didactic poem summarizing Arabic grammar. Typically, this work is the final Arabic grammar text studied in the Arab world, and it exposes students to nuances, divergent opinions, and some of the more obscure rules in grammar. Furthermore, students study a significant portion of al-Taftazani’s Mukhtasar al-Ma‘ani, an advanced text in rhetoric. �e work is known not only for its exhaustive treatment of the subject but also for its di�cult, challenging passages, giving students the dual bene�t of studying rhetoric and learning how to decipher challenging texts. Both texts draw heavily from classical poetry for examples, giving students exposure to the height of Arabic literature. We also expose students to the writings of some of the greatest Arab literary masters and thinkers of the last century, notably al-Manfaluti’s al-Fadilah and al-‘Abarat.

Page 3: Shariah Program Curriculum: 6-Month Intensive - Learn Arabic · Mastering the Arabic language is the key to accessing the Islamic tradition. Until you have this key, you will not

Keepers of Class ica l ArabicShariahProgram

C (647) 225-2546 P (905) 564-3508 F (905) 796-1607E [email protected] 6565 Spinnaker Cir, Mississauga, ON L5W 1R2

Finally, mantiq (classical logic) is essential for a student of sacred knowledge, not only to understand the terminologies of the books of usul al-�qh (legal hermeneutics) and kalam (theology), but more importantly, to learn to reason correctly and construct a proper argument. Our classes are largely based on al-Qistas al-Mustaqim and Mi‘yar al-‘Ilm, both by al-Ghazali, one of the most celebrated thinkers and authorities in the Islamic tradition. • Advanced Grammar (Nahw) • Sharh ibn ‘Aqil • Advanced Rhetoric (Balaghah) • Mukhtasar al-Ma‘ani • Advanced Literature (Adab) • al-‘Abarat • al-Fadilah • Classical Logic (Mantiq) • al-Qistas al-Mustaqim • Mi‘yar al-‘Ilm