Shared Governance, Decision-Making, and …...Decision Making, and Responsibilities (Shared...

DRAFT Shared Governance & Committee Structure 051815 Page 1 of 22 Shared Governance, Decision-Making, and Committee Structure Section of the Decision-Making Guide Introduction This section of the Decision-Making Guide begins with a general description of the institution, describing the philosophy toward governance and decision-making and defining the roles and responsibilities of each constituent group, as defined by D1140 [NVC’s Board Policy on Board Policy on College Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities (Shared Governance)], Title 5, and state law (including Education Code and AB 1725). That section is followed by more detailed information about the role of faculty and the Academic Senate. As established by Education Code, faculty play a unique role in decision-making processes involving curriculum and academic standards. The so-called “10+1” responsibilities are derived from Education Code and conveyed through Title 5. The responsibilities assigned to faculty are discussed in detail, including information about the Academic Senate committees and the Senate’s participation in campus committees. The second part of this section describes the campus committee structure. Information about committee structure moves from the general to the specific, beginning with identification of different features of District and Academic Senate committees. Committees are placed along a continuum based on their defining characteristics – including type of committee, proportion of membership claimed by faculty/the Academic Senate, their areas of responsibility, and the process used to establish them. That general information about college committees is followed by detailed information about each District and Academic Senate Committee – including area of responsibility, regular activities (annual and other), accreditation standards associated with the area of responsibility, data to be reviewed annually to help inform discussion, and membership. Individual committees provided information to incorporate into this portion of the Decision-Making Guide in 2014-2015. Philosophy Shared governance at Napa Valley College is triangulated by three primary documents: D1140 (local Board policy), AB 1725 (state law), and Title 5 (state regulation), all of which position Napa Valley College to offer the best educational opportunities and services to its students and the community at large. Although primarily legal mandates, these documents value, above all, shared involvement in the decision-making process by all constituent groups (faculty, staff, administration, students, and the Board of Trustees). However, it is to be noted that the same level of involvement or responsibility is not required by all, nor does it imply total agreement on all decisions, as the final decision on all matters ultimately rests with the Board of Trustees (BOT). Even though the process may be time-consuming and seem to be less than efficient, shared governance ensures that each constituent group adds value to and is integral to the college climate and decision-making process. Successful decision-making also implies that all groups act in good faith, with integrity, and demonstrate a willingness to work toward the best possible solution, no matter what the particular circumstances at any given moment.

Transcript of Shared Governance, Decision-Making, and …...Decision Making, and Responsibilities (Shared...

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Shared Governance, Decision-Making, and Committee Structure Section of the Decision-Making Guide


This section of the Decision-Making Guide begins with a general description of the institution, describing

the philosophy toward governance and decision-making and defining the roles and responsibilities of

each constituent group, as defined by D1140 [NVC’s Board Policy on Board Policy on College

Governance, Decision Making, and Responsibilities (Shared Governance)], Title 5, and state law

(including Education Code and AB 1725). That section is followed by more detailed information about

the role of faculty and the Academic Senate. As established by Education Code, faculty play a unique

role in decision-making processes involving curriculum and academic standards. The so-called “10+1”

responsibilities are derived from Education Code and conveyed through Title 5. The responsibilities

assigned to faculty are discussed in detail, including information about the Academic Senate committees

and the Senate’s participation in campus committees.

The second part of this section describes the campus committee structure. Information about

committee structure moves from the general to the specific, beginning with identification of different

features of District and Academic Senate committees. Committees are placed along a continuum based

on their defining characteristics – including type of committee, proportion of membership claimed by

faculty/the Academic Senate, their areas of responsibility, and the process used to establish them. That

general information about college committees is followed by detailed information about each District

and Academic Senate Committee – including area of responsibility, regular activities (annual and other),

accreditation standards associated with the area of responsibility, data to be reviewed annually to help

inform discussion, and membership. Individual committees provided information to incorporate into

this portion of the Decision-Making Guide in 2014-2015.


Shared governance at Napa Valley College is triangulated by three primary documents: D1140 (local

Board policy), AB 1725 (state law), and Title 5 (state regulation), all of which position Napa Valley

College to offer the best educational opportunities and services to its students and the community at


Although primarily legal mandates, these documents value, above all, shared involvement in the

decision-making process by all constituent groups (faculty, staff, administration, students, and the Board

of Trustees). However, it is to be noted that the same level of involvement or responsibility is not

required by all, nor does it imply total agreement on all decisions, as the final decision on all matters

ultimately rests with the Board of Trustees (BOT). Even though the process may be time-consuming and

seem to be less than efficient, shared governance ensures that each constituent group adds value to and

is integral to the college climate and decision-making process. Successful decision-making also implies

that all groups act in good faith, with integrity, and demonstrate a willingness to work toward the best

possible solution, no matter what the particular circumstances at any given moment.

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The context for shared governance described above draws heavily from the Participating Effectively in

District and College Governance (The Law, Regulations and Guidelines) presentation that was conducted

jointly by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and the Community College League of

California in December 2014 at NVC. NVC’s approach to shared governance and decision-making

reflects the principles described above. As conveyed in D1140 (Board Policy on College Governance,

Decision Making, and Responsibilities (Shared Governance)),

Shared governance is a commitment to an open process, which allows and encourages

participation of all constituent groups in accordance with need, function, and the law. The

process offers anyone affected by a decision the opportunity to comment on that decision.

Shared governance is a commitment to open communication and collaboration in a spirit of

trust. Everyone works to achieve what is best for the entire college and its future, making

student the primary focus (D1140, V).

Responsibilities of Constituent Groups

The table below identifies the responsibilities of five defined groups within the campus community: the

Board of Trustees, administration, the Academic Senate, staff, and students. The responsibilities of each

group, as described in local Board Policy (D1140), Education Code, Title 5, and AB 1725 are listed, with

citations noted in the final column.

Participants Responsibilities Citation(s)

Board of Trustees Establishes policy for Napa Valley Community College District

Delegates daily operational decision making to the NVC President and the 3 Vice Presidents

Consults collegially with the Academic Senate when adopting policies and procedures on academic and professional matters

D1140: 1.A & 1.B Ed Code 70902, 72400, & 87002 Title 5: 53200-53204 AB 1725

Administration Carries out policies established by the Board of Trustees

Direct and manage the daily operations of the district as delegated by the BOT; such as, o Determine the organizational structure of

the college; o Direct the work of employees; o Determine the times and hours of

operation; o Determine the kinds and levels of services

provided and the means and methods of providing them;

D1140: 1.A & 4, 5.C

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o Determine staffing patterns and numbers and kinds of personnel needed

o Maintain efficiency o Build, move, or modify facilities o Establish budget procedures and determine

budgetary allocations o Determine methods of raising revenue o Contract out work o Take action on any matter in the event of

an emergency o Hire, classify, assign, evaluate, promote,

terminate, and discipline employees o Consult collegially with appropriate

constituent groups, as per regulations pertaining to shared governance

Academic Senate Has primary responsibility for “academic and professional matters” (commonly known as “10 + 1.”):

1. Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines

2. Degree and certificate requirements 3. Grading policies 4. Educational program development 5. Standards or policies regarding student

preparation and success 6. District and college governance structures,

as related to faculty roles 7. Faculty roles and involvement in

accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports

8. Policies for faculty professional development activities

9. Processes for program review 10. Processes for institutional planning and

budget development, and 11. Other academic and professional matters as

mutually agreed upon between the governing board and the academic senate

D1140: Section 1.B

Title 5: Section


Staff (Classified & Administrative/ Confidential)

Have the opportunity to participate in the formulation and development of those college policies and procedures that, in consultation with staff, have a significant effect on staff

D1140: 1.D

Title 5: Section


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Students Have the opportunity to participate in the formulation & development of college policies and procedures that have or will have a significant effect on students, such as: o Grading policies o Code of student conduct o Academic disciplinary policies o Curriculum development o Courses or programs which should be

initiated or discontinued o Process for institutional planning and

budget development o Standards and policies regarding student

preparation and success o Student services and planning and

development o Student fees within the authority of the

district to adopt o Other policies and procedures that have or

will have a significant effect on students; plus consideration in the hiring and evaluation of faulty, administration and staff

D1140: 1.C

Title 5: Section

51023.7(b) & (c)

Unique Role of Faculty/Academic Senate in Decision-Making

While each constituent group has its own responsibilities and expertise, it is the right of the Academic Senate to assume primary responsibility for curriculum and academic standards in its recommendations to the BOT. The primary function of the NVC Academic Senate is to make recommendations to and agreements with the governing board of the district with respect to academic and professional matters. These unique responsibilities are commonly referred to as 10 + 1. This means that the BOT via its

designee will rely primarily upon the advice and judgment of the Academic Senate in such matters, or it

will reach mutual agreement with representatives of the Academic Senate.

Note that only in exceptional circumstances and for compelling reasons will the recommendations of the

Academic Senate not be accepted in academic and professional matters. If not accepted, the reasons

for denial must be communicated in writing. Moreover, if mutual agreement is not achieved, existing

policy remains in effect unless there is exposure to legal liability or substantial financial hardship.

Finally, even if there is no financial hardship or legal exposure involved, the BOT may still act without

mutual agreement, but only after a good faith effort has not succeeded and only for compelling legal,

fiscal, or organizational reasons (Title 5:53200 (d)(1) & (d)(2)).

The Academic Senate shall also make recommendations to the administration and governing board on matters pertaining to the conduct and welfare of the college. Major Senate functions

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include helping ensure quality instruction and student services and enhancing the professional status of and collegiality among faculty. The Academic Senate provides for democratic discussion and decision-making. It encourages the exchange of ideas to the end that all Senate members participate in forming college policies for ensuring quality instruction and student services and enhancing the professional status of and collegiality among faculty. It supports cooperation among all constituencies of the campus community in order to promote the general welfare of Napa Valley College and its students (Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws, Article II).

The Napa Valley College Academic Senate is the exclusive representative of faculty for

academic and professional matters as defined in the Educational Code 70901 and 70902 and in

Title 5 (Napa Valley College Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws, Article II; BP D1140, 1B;

AB 1725). This is distinct from the Napa Valley College Faculty Association (NVCFA/CTA/NEA),

which is the collective bargaining unit dealing with compensation and contractual matters as

related to working conditions as defined by law (D1140, Section III).

Academic Senate Committees or those District Committees

which have Faculty Membership

In line with the “10 + 1” responsibilities for faculty, what follows describes those areas of

faculty committee structure that are unique to faculty responsibilities and those that overlap

and may be synonymous with other college committees.

Faculty participate in the following types of committees:

Academic Senate Standing Committees (only faculty members):

o Executive committee

Nominations & Elections Subcommittee (convened prior to elections.)

o Faculty Standards & Practices Committee

o Professional Development Committee (PDC)

o Faculty Coach Committee

o Social Committee

(Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws, Article IV, Section 1)

Academic Senate Standing Committees (includes representatives from outside the


o Academic Standards & Practices Committee

o Curriculum Committee

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o Student Standards & Practices Committee

Student Conduct and Complain/Grievance Subcommittee

o Scholarship Committee

o Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee

o Basic Skills Initiative Committee

(Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws, Article IV, Section 1)

Shared Governance Standing Committees: (those established by mutual agreement of

the NVC Academic Senate and the NVC Board of Trustees and are joint committees of

the Senate and the BOT)

o Planning

o Budget

(Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2)

District Standing Committees: (those established by the NVC Community College

District, which holds the authority for those committees. The Academic Senate will

choose whether to participate on such committees)

o Enrollment Management Committee

o Facilities Committee

o NVC Foundation Representatives Committee

o Staff Development Committee

o Inclusivity Committee

o District Instructional Technology Committee

o Other committees, task forces, or councils as established by the NVC Community

College District

(Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3; D1140 Section VI, 2b)

Mutual Agreement Committee: Means by which the district and the Academic Senate

reach mutual agreement on shared governance relating to the Academic Senate’s

primary role in academic and professional matters (“10+1”). The committee meets

regularly and consists of the college President, the Vice-President of Instruction, the

Academic Senate President, and one of the Academic Senate Vice-Presidents. (D1140:

Section 5, A)

Council of Presidents: Means by which consultation as per shared governance is

achieved through the various campus constituent groups. Membership: College

President, Academic Senate President, President of Classified Professionals, President of

Administrative Senate, and President of ASNVC. (D1140 Section 5, C)

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District Committees

District Standing Committees: (those established by the NVC Community College

District, which holds the authority for those committees. Cross referenced with those

committees listed under faculty committees):

o Enrollment Management Committee

o Facilities Committee

o NVC Foundation Representatives Committee

o Staff Development Committee

o Inclusivity Committee

o District Instructional Technology Committee

o Other committees, task forces, or councils as established by the NVC Community

College District

(Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3; BP D1140 Section VI, 2b)

Other District Committees (Non-Standing)

o Ad Hoc Committees: Those committees established by the college president, the

Academic Senate, or the Council of Presidents for no more than one year to

address specific issues of importance to the college as a whole.

o Task Forces: Any ad hoc committee created by the BOT, the college president, or

the Academic Senate to address specific issues.

o Contractual Study Committees: Related to collective bargaining process. Meets

as needed.

(D1140: VI, 2b)

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Campus Committee Structure

The table below identifies seven types of campus committees based on information conveyed

in D1140 and the Academic Senate Constitution/Bylaws. The initial classification is based on

the following general descriptions for each committee or group:

o Academic Senate: two types of committees are identified, based on membership; o District: two types of committees are identified, based on membership, as well as

source, method of establishment, and area of responsibility (related to 10+1); o Council; o Ad Hoc; and o Task Force.

The following features of committees are then used to classify each committee in the table:

o type of committee; o proportion of membership claimed by Academic Senate/faculty; o source document establishing the committee; o body establishing the committee; o area of responsibility (relationship to 10+1); and o duration of the committee (standing or temporary).

The final row of the table identifies the committees described by different combinations of the

features listed above.

The information summarized in the table is then presented graphically, with committees

displayed along a continuum defined by the features listed above.

When the committees are presented along a continuum, four general groupings emerge:

o Academic Senate Committees: standing committees established by the Academic

Senate, with at least 50% of membership claimed by faculty/Academic Senate, with

responsibilities identified in 10+1;

o District Committees Established through Mutual Agreement: standing committees

established through Mutual Agreement between the Board of Trustees and the

Academic Senate, with 50% of membership assigned to faculty/Academic Senate, with

some responsibilities identified in 10+1;

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o District Standing Committees: established per District discretion, typically with less than

50% of membership claimed by faculty/Academic Senate, with responsibilities outside

of 10+1; and

o District Temporary Committees: established by a defined group or identified

individuals, typically with less than 50% of membership claimed by faculty/Academic

Senate, with responsibilities outside of 10+1, established for a limited period and

assigned to a specific task/issue.

These four types of committees are delineated with bold dashed lines along the continuum of

Committees presented below.

Additional notes about table summarizing Features of Campus Committees:

As indicated above, all Academic Senate committees are assigned to areas defined by 10+1.

However, there are two exceptions to this classification: the Scholarship Committee and the

Social Committee. These two committees are denoted with brackets around them in the final

row of the table.

To implement the planning- and budget-related components of 10+1, NVC adopted a model of

high-level faculty involvement. As a result, some features of the Planning and Budget

Committees distinguish them from other District committees. For example, both committees

have a balance of faculty and non-faculty membership, and both were established through

Mutual Agreement between the Board of Trustees and the Academic Senate. In addition, they

are the only two non-Academic Senate committees that have some responsibilities associated

with 10+1. NVC’s Planning and Budget Committees have faculty co-chairs that work with

administrators in the area to coordinate the work of the committee.

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Features of Campus Committees

General Description of Committee/ Group

Academic Senate (Faculty Only)

Academic Senate (Faculty Plus Other Representatives)

District District Council Ad Hoc Task Force

General Type Academic Senate Academic Senate District District District District District

Faculty Membership

100% > 50% 50% (< 50%) (< 50%) (< 50%) (< 50%)

Source Document

Academic Senate Constitution

Academic Senate Constitution

D 1150 -- --

Established by Academic Senate Academic Senate Academic Senate and

Board (through Mutual


District District President, Academic Senate,

Council of Presidents

Board, President, Academic


Area 10+1 10+1 Some 10+1 (Esp. 9 & 10)

Other (Not 10+1)

Other (Not 10+1)

Other (Not 10+1)

Other (Not 10+1)

Duration Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Temporary (Up to One



Examples o Executive o Faculty

Standards & Practices

o Professional Development

o Faculty Coach o [Social]

o Academic Standards & Practices

o Curriculum o Student Standards &

Practices (including Student Conduct, Complaint/ Grievance)

o Learning Outcomes Assessment

o Basic Skills Initiative o [Scholarship]

o Budget o Planning

o District Instructional Technology

o Enrollment Management

o Facilities o Inclusivity o NVC Foundation

Representatives o Staff Development o Student Success &


o Council of Presidents

o Area Councils

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Continuum of Committees

100% > 50% 50% (< 50%)

o Executive o Faculty

Standards & Practices

o Professional Development

o Faculty Coach o [Social]

o Academic Standards & Practices

o Curriculum o Student Standards &

Practices (including Student Conduct, Complaint/ Grievance)

o Learning Outcomes Assessment

o Basic Skills Initiative o [Scholarship]

o Budget o Planning

o District Instructional Technology

o Enrollment Management

o Facilities o Inclusivity o NVC Foundation

Representatives o Staff Development o Student Success &


o Council of Presidents

o Area Councils

(Ad Hoc) (Task Force)

Academic Senate District


Senate &

Board via



Per District Discretion




Council of






10 + 1 Area

Academic Senate via Constitution

Not 10 + 1 Area

Standing Temporary

Some 10 + 1

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Campus Committees: Detailed Information NOTE: The information in this section will need to be reviewed and edited for consistency so that the table summarizes information

from the source documents; also Accreditation Standards and data should be identified for all/most committees Committee Governance

Type Responsibilities

(Source Document) Regular Activities (Annual & Other)

Data & Accreditation Standards


Academic Standards and

Practice Committee

Academic Senate


(Source Document: Academic Senate Constitution &

Bylaws, January 2015 p. 13-14)

The Academic Standards & Practices Committee shall:

1. Review and make recommendations on policies and procedures for student admission to Napa Valley College and to specific programs and courses—including placement and proficiency testing and prerequisite policy.

2. Review and make recommendations on policies and procedures involving the scholastic assessments or measurements of student progress—including grades and changes of grades; grade point requirements; credit by examination; academic probation and suspension; academic honors and honors programs; academic renewal; withdrawal from courses, programs, and the college.

3. In concert with the District Instructional Technology Committee review and make recommendations regarding policies concerning the acquisition, maintenance, and coordination of instructional resources—including library books, media materials and equipment, and computer hardware and software used in instruction.

4. In matters of common interest, such as matriculation and retention, coordinate activities and concerns with the Student Standards & Practices Committee.

5. Serve as a resource group to the Matriculation Steering Committee.

6. Monitor and recommend policies and procedures on student retention.

7. Develop, evaluate, and recommend standards, guidelines, and policies for transfer core general

Annual: Meet on a monthly basis as per responsibilities outlined in AS Bylaws. Develop policies and standards that focus on student scholastic success and instructional resources Make recommendations to Academic Senate regarding policies and standards pertaining to student scholastic success and the necessary instructional resources to achieve it. Also members of this committee participate on subcommittees as they relate to student success and policy regarding student success. (Members have participated in subcommittees for Matriculation and SSSP.)

Reviews policies and standards received from:

Office of Instruction,

Admissions and Records,

and other areas that focus on student scholastic success and instructional resources, such as student support services.

Policies adopted by the Academic Senate delineating Purpose of GE, outcomes, and descriptions.

The committee will consist of four to five Academic Senate members, including at least one counselor, and one librarian. Non-Senate members are the Vice President of Instruction, one classified representative, and one student appointed by the Associated Student Body. Currently this committee has four members (all faculty). A student has been designated to participate in our committee but does not attend the meetings. Non-Senate members include: the VP of Instruction, 1 classified representative and 1 student

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education, for certificates, and for the associate (AA and AS) degrees. Work to coordinate recommendations and their implementation with the Curriculum Committee.

8. In coordination with the Curriculum Committee, monitor and recommend policies and procedures on student honors courses/programs.

9. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate on program review policies, procedures, and outcomes—especially if significant changes are anticipated.

10. Monitor, research, evaluate, and make recommendations on long-range plans and priorities in the areas of curriculum and program development.

appointed by ASNVC. Members currently serve for a total of 3 years on this committee.

Basic Skills






Provide institution direction to integrate validated effective practices for underprepared students to succeed at college level learning

Develop and assess a yearly basic skills plan reflecting the state’s Basic Skills Initiative

(Source Document: Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws, January 2015 p. 16)

**The Basic Skills Committee shall: 1. Review all policies and procedures for the Basic Skills

Initiative 2. Review validated information on effective practices in

providing instruction and support services to underprepared students

3. Recommend basic skills activities 4. Provide institutional guidance in implementation of

effective practices 5. Develop the yearly basic skills plan 6. Create and implement assessment of basic skills

activities 7. Provide budget direction 8. Submit mid-year and yearly Basic Skills Initiative Budget 9. Provide feedback to the Academic Senate and campus

on basic skills progress


Assess basic skills activities as determined in annual basic skills plan

Develop and submit annual basic skills plan


Oversee and provide funding for math redesign model

Oversee activities of and provide funding for student success center implementation

Provide funding for certified training for tutors

Provide funding for staff to participate in professional development activities as related to BSI effective practices

Accreditation Standard: Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Support Services

A. Instructional Programs 4. If the institution offers pre-collegiate level curriculum, it distinguishes that curriculum from college level curriculum and directly supports students in learning the knowledge and skills necessary to advance to and succeed in college level curriculum.

The committee shall consist of the following Academic Senate representatives: a Faculty Co-Chair, who shall be the Basic Skills Coordinator; and four to five additional faculty including one from English, Math, ESL, and Counseling. Non-Senate committee members shall include one to three individuals from the following: VP of Instruction, Dean of Learning Resources, and Dean of Career Technical Education, one of whom will serve as Co-Chair.

Budget Committee

Shared Governance Committee

Source Document: (BP D1140 NVC Planning & Budget Process, p. 5 & the Academic Senate Handbook, 2013-2014, p. 25.) Annual Planning and Budget Process Flow Chart. (Approved by Planning Committee March 1, 2013).

Annual: o Review the Budget

Development o Review the Budget Guidelines

Data Reviewed Annually: o Financial resources are

sufficient to support and sustain student learning

Co-Chairs: Faculty Co-Chair Academic Senate

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o The Budget Committee shall oversee, monitor, and

make recommendations relative to the NVC budget. o Have recommending authority on budget matters to

the college president; final recommending authority to the Board of Trustees rests with the president; final approval rests with the Board of Trustees.

o Focus on the institutional budget, not on specific unit budget line items.

o Develop and recommend Preliminary, Tentative, and Final budgets consistent with annual institutional goals and objectives, strategic plans, program review, and the Planning and Budget Philosophy.

o Recommend to the college president allocations of resources consistent with the vision, mission, and strategic institutional plans.

o Review institutional and area budgets for consistency with the Planning and Budget Philosophy.

o Establish with the Planning Committee annual timelines

o Verify/confirm committee membership

o Review Prior year Expenditure Summary

Fall: o Review the “tentative draft” of

the budget o Host Budget Forum o Approve Final Adopted Budget o Co-Chair(s) present “Final

Adopted Budget” to the Academic Senate

o Co-Chair(s) present Final Adopted Budget Packet to the Board of Trustees.

Spring: o Review December 31 Quarterly

Financials o Develop and Adopt Budget

Assumptions and three-year ProForma.

o Approve Budget Assumptions at Board of Trustees Meeting.

o Budget Center Manager Orientation for Budget and Unit Plan Development.

o PEP Planning Forum. o Completed Budget and Unit

Plan Development forms sent to the President and/or Vice Presidents.

o President and Vice Presidents share plans to complete priority list to area councils.

o Review March 31 Quarterly Financials.

o Cabinet finalizes budget request priority list.

o President and Vice presidents send budget worksheets/recommendations to the Business & Finance office for compilation.

o Joint Planning & Budget Committee Meeting to review

programs and services. o Financial resources are

sufficient to support and improve institutional effectiveness.

Accreditation Standard: o Standard III D. Financial


Vice President, Administrative Services Academic Senate Members: 6 Academic Senate Representatives Faculty Co-Chair, Academic Senate Non-Senate Members: District Co-Chair Vice President of Instruction Vice President of Student Services Director of Facilities Classified Representative Administrative Representative Appointed ASB Student.

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priority list from Cabinet for each area.

o Review Tentative Budget draft and adopt recommendation.

o Public forum on the Tentative Budget and approve to forward to President.

Other: o Review that the budget

supports the mission of the college.

o Conduct regular evaluation of the budgeting process

Curriculum Committee

Academic Senate


(Source Document: Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws, January 2015 p. 14) The Curriculum Committee shall evaluate and make recommendations on matters related to the credit and non-credit curriculum. Course and program additions, deletions, or significant changes or program requirements or in course outlines must be acted upon by this committee. Exists for the purpose of advising recommending to the Superintendent/President and Board of Trustees on recommendations pertaining to the programs and courses offered by the college. The Committee shall be comprised of representatives of faculty, administration, and students. (Board Policy 7820) ((Source Document: Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws, January 2015 p. 14) The Curriculum Committee shall: 1. Develop written procedures for new course and program

submission and approval. The Senate is to approve processes and procedures.

2. Act as a resource to the Academic Standards & Practices Committee on issues relating to curriculum, such as changes in graduation or general education requirements.

3. Review and make recommendations on proposed new courses and new programs and on course and program revisions. Recommend additions, deletions, and/or changes in course outlines for new and established courses.

4. Classify courses into appropriate disciplines and indicate which are transferable. The committee will determine if

Annual Develop written procedures for new course and program submission and approval. Senate is to approve processes and procedures. Review and make recommendations on proposed new courses and new programs and on course and program revision. Recommend additions, deletions, and/or changes in course outlines for new and established courses. This includes ensuring appropriate course numbering, format, units, catalog description, assignments, course objectives, and course content. Classify courses into appropriate disciplines and division, and indicate which are transferable. The committee will determine if a course is classified as General Education and into which category it should be placed. Review and make recommendations on courses proposed for inactive status. Make recommendations concerning course and program changes directly to the Board of Trustees.

Accreditation Standard IIA The committee will consist of the following Academic Senate members: the Faculty Chair, Division Chairs, Articulation Officer (if faculty), and one faculty from each of the nine instructional areas: Arts and Humanities, Career Technical/Business, Counseling, Health Occupations, Language and Developmental Studies, Librarians, Physical Education/Athletics, Science Math and Engineering, Social Sciences Non-Senate members of the committee are:

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a course is classified as General Education and into which category it should be placed.

5. Review and make recommendations on proposed course deletions and inactive status.

6. Make recommendations concerning course and program changes to the Academic Senate and to the NVC Board of Trustees for approval. Minutes and agendas of all meetings shall be sent to the Academic Senate President and to the Academic Standards & Practices Committee Chair, and shall be posted on the Senate bulletin board.

(Curriculum Comm Hbook) Other Act as resource to AS&P committee on issue relating to curriculum, such as changes in graduation or general education requirements. (Curriculum Comm Hbook)

the Vice President of Instruction (Administrative Chair), the Division Deans, Dean of Upper Valley Campus, the Credit Schedule Developer (Classified representative), and one student representative appointed by the Associated Student Body. The committee should also identify chair-in training. If the chair-in training is recruited from outside the committee than the faculty member would sit on the committee for up to one year. The Curriculum Committee will have a Faculty Chair and an Administrative Chair. The Faculty Chair shall be elected by the Academic Senate members of the committee. The faculty chair will receive secretarial support from the

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Office of Instruction. (Bylaws rev012715 p.14)






Source Document: President’s Cabinet approved as District Committee April 2009

The Emergency Response Committee (ERC) is responsible for developing and integrating appropriate emergency response plans and procedures

Ensuring compliance with relevant State and Federal law

Developing and implementing appropriate emergency training.

The ERC is specifically responsible for; o Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) o Crisis Response Plan (CRP) o Emergency Response Procedures (ERP)

Other emergency or hazard response plans or procedures as assigned.

The ERC is not responsible for workplace safety issues which are addressed by the District Safety Committee. Sep 2014 the ERC was assigned the responsibility for overseeing the Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE) Taskforce, which is responsible for ensuring compliance with Federal and State laws regarding sexual violence.

Annual: o Establish annual emergency

planning priorities and activities o Review annual progress on EOP,

CRP, ERP o Ensure publication of SRTK

report Other: o Coordinate disaster drill

activities o Develop and revise institutional

emergency plans o Evaluate activities; publications;

and program for compliance with SaVE requirements

Data Reviewed Annually: - Emergency Plan - Emergency Process Accreditation Standards: Standard IIIB1

Admin Reps - 6 - College

Police - Facilities - Office of

Instruction - Office of

Institutional Advancement

- Student Health Services

- Information Technology

Constituent Reps - 3 - Faculty

Senate - Classified

Senate - Admin

Senate SaVE Taskforce Admin Reps - 7 - College

Police - Financial

Aid - Athletics - Counseling - Student

Health Services




District Review and update Facilities master Plans Sustainability plan

Make recommendations to Director of Facilities and President

Review Scheduled maintenance repair list Review space inventory

Review Schedule F from district unit plans

Make facilities related recommendations

Review appropriate accreditation standards

Standard III B 1 Student 2 faculty 2 admin

2 classified Director of Facilities

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Review 5 year Capital Outlay plan Review safety committee information and safety credit allocations

Faculty Coach Committee

Academic Senate


(Source Document: Academic Senate Bylaws January 2015, p. 15) The Faculty Coach Committee shall be concerned with the Contract Faculty Evaluation Process. Members are expected to train on the components of the evaluation and support each other through the process as they work with the contract review team and individual evaluatees to identify and address specific goals following the areas of professional responsibility developed by the Napa Valley College faculty as a whole. The Faculty Coach Committee shall: 1. Inform the Professional Development Committee of

training needs. 2. Discuss methods for evaluating faculty and processing

information 3. Work with the TLC Director to ensure appropriate

professional development activities are available 4. Consult collegially when concerns arise in an evaluation

process for a faculty member.

Members are expected to train on the components of the evaluation and support each other through the process as they work with the contract review team and individual evaluatees to identify and address specific goals following the areas of professional responsibility developed by the Napa Valley College faculty as a whole. 1. Inform the Professional Development Committee of training needs. 2. Discuss methods for evaluating faculty and processing information 3. Work with the TLC Director to ensure appropriate professional development activities are available 4. Consult collegially when concerns arise in an evaluation process for a faculty member

Ed code and evaluation guidelines The committee will be chaired by the 2nd Vice President of the Academic Senate. The Committee will consist of Academic Senate members currently serving as head coaches for the contract faculty evaluation process.

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Committee


Academic Senate


(Source Document: Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws, January 2015) The Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee shall provide direction and oversight for Learning Outcomes Assessment at Napa Valley College. Direct and manage yearly assessment cycle. Create and implement Assessment policies and practices college-wide. Develop educational and training activities on learning assessment and utilizing assessment data for program improvement.

Establish annual goals Review institution-wide data on outcomes assessment status Communicate status of outcomes assessment to campus community

Comprehensive reports on outcomes assessment TracDat Reports (assessments completed, results, action plans) I.B.1, 2, 5, 6 I.C.1, 4 II.A.1, 3 II.C.2

Academic Senate representatives: o Learning

Outcomes Coordinator (faculty co-chair)

o 4-6 additional faculty, including 1 from Counseling

Non-Academic Senate members: o Director,

Institutional Research (administrative co-

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chair) o Dean of

Instruction o 1 ASB


o 1 Student Services representative

Planning Committee

Shared Governance Committee

Source Document: Board Policy D 1150 (replaced by BP 3250: Institutional Planning, approved by Board of Trustees, Spring 2014) o Review, revise, and recommend vision and mission

statements (final recommendation by President; final approval lies with the Board of Trustees)

o Develop and recommend strategic institutional plans and annual institutional goals and objectives (final recommendation by President; final approval lies with the Board of Trustees)

o Review college plans and the results of PEP o Endorse all college plans for consistency with Planning

and Budget Philosophy o Coordinate and integrate college plans designated by

the Planning Committee and establish priorities consistent with the college’s vision and mission statements

Annual: o Recommend annual planning

priorities o Establish annual planning

timelines (coordinate with timeline with Budget Committee/annual budget process)

o Review annual progress report on strategic plan

o Review results of PEP Other: o Coordinate review and revision

of vision and mission statements

o Develop and recommend strategic institutional plans

o Review college plans and endorse for consistency with Planning and Budget Philosophy

o Coordinate and integrate college plans (as developed)

Data Reviewed Annually: o Data aligned with mission o Core Indicators Report

Accreditation Standards: o Standard I.A: Mission o Standard I.B: Academic

Quality and Institutional Effectiveness

8 faculty & 8 non-faculty

Faculty: 7 faculty appointed by Academic Senate (including faculty co-chair) 1 SLO Assessment Coordinator (non-voting) Non-Faculty: 3 representatives appointed by Senates (Administrative, ASNVC, Classified) 4 administrators by virtue of their role: VPI, VPSS, Director of Facilities, Dean of RPIE (co-chair, non-voting) 1 Director of Institutional Research (current interpretation: representative from RPIE; non-voting)

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Professional Development


Academic Senate


(Source Document: Academic Senate Bylaws, January 2015, pp. 12-13) The Professional Development Committee shall be concerned with faculty development, including instructional excellence, sabbatical leaves, salary advancement projects, evaluation, and professional achievements and honors. The Professional Development Committee shall: 1. Review guidelines, policies, and procedures on sabbatical leaves. Establish criteria for sabbatical leaves and solicit, review, evaluate, and recommend sabbatical leave requests. Make recommendations to Administration in the event of questions concerning satisfactory completion of a sabbatical. 2. Recommend, monitor, and review policies and procedures for faculty salary advancement projects. Make recommendations to Administration in the event of questions concerning appropriateness or satisfactory completion of salary advancement projects. 3. Review guidelines, policies, and procedures concerning faculty evaluation. By request, provide guidance to the Academic Senate Second Vice President on matters concerning the process of evaluating Contract (tenure-track), Regular (tenured), Part-Time Hourly, and Full-Time Temporary faculty. In concert with the Faculty Association, mediate, to the extent allowed by law, in the event of any challenge to the process of whether printed procedures were correctly followed. 4. Recommend and review all policies and activities for faculty professional development and instructional excellence. Two members of the committee will serve on the District Staff Development Committee. 5. Establish guidelines and policies for faculty professional development and instructional excellence activities, and encourage participation in such activities. PAGE 13 OF 18 6. Recognize professional achievements and honors of faculty. 7. Receives reports from the Faculty Coach Committee.

Annual: Rank Sabbatical Applications (see Sabbatical Request Instructions & Application link on PDC webpage for details) Flex Day planning per # 4 and 5 on left (see Flex Day Planning Guide link on PDC webpage for details) As Needed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 from left

Four to five AS members including the 2nd VP and one non-voting member, the TLC director. (per AS bylaws Article V section 3)

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Public and

subject to the

Brown Act

Program Advisory Handbook Meet at least twice per year (ideally

once each semester) to advise the

program no student performance

standards, course and program

content, equipment needs, and

industry trends.



program faculty,






District Title 8 Injury and Illness Prevention Plan

Safety Plan updates Safety Training over site

Trend Analysis Implement safety plans

Review and update safety programs Review loss and injury trends Recommend corrective action

Review and recommend safety credit allocations

Develop and review safety inspection forms

Review SWACC inspections Review and discuss law and regulation

changes Ergo discussions

Assign safety training/ Safe Colleges

Standard III B.1 Dean HR Risk

Management staff

College Police PE/Athletics

Dean Loss Consultant from Keenan &


Social Committee

Academic Senate


(Source Document: Academic Senate Bylaws, January 2015 p. 13) The Social Committee shall help create a positive, warm, collegial environment among faculty and with the college community.

1. Plan a variety of faculty social functions to foster a spirit of academic community identity, camaraderie, and relaxation.

2. Represent the Senate in participating in planning campus-wide social events with Administration, Classified, and students.

3. Recognize special achievements with special events, including honoring retirees at the end of each school year.

4. Publicize and encourage participation in social functions.

5. Represent the Senate in sending congratulations and condolences when appropriate.

o The committee shall help create a positive, warm,

collegial environment among faculty and with the college community by planning/ organizing & promoting a variety of social functions designed to

Annual: o Plan and promote a social

activity at the end of every semester.

o Plan a social event on one of the flex days each academic year.

Other: o Meet for planning at least once

a month. o Meet as needed prior to a major

social event for further planning and organization.

None 4-5 Academic Senate faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate.

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foster a spirit of academic community, identity, camaraderie and relaxation.

o Represent the Senate in participating in planning campus-wide social events with Administration, Classified and students.

o Recognize special achievements with special events, including honoring retirees at the end of each school year.

o Publicize and encourage participation in social functions.

o Represent the Senate in sending congratulations and condolences when appropriate.