Share magazine - Autumn/Winter 2015/16

ISSUE 3 2015 People in Mission 2015 PHOTO GALLERY Inside: Special Section


News and features from the Church Mission Society's work in Latin America.

Transcript of Share magazine - Autumn/Winter 2015/16

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Missin Paraguay_page 16-group


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People in Mission 2015 PHOTO GALLERY

Inside: Special Section

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In the last edition of Share I wrote about the content of Bishop Colin Bazley’s sermon at our Adelante conference in May. This time I must share some reflections about Katie England, who died on 8 September, and who was also very much present at our May conference, though not in good health.

Spiritually, Katie was a giant and possibly the most influential person in the recent history of SAMS and CMS. When I asked at Katie’s funeral how many people present had prayed with her and been prayed for by her, I estimated about 250 hands went up from a congregation of just over 300.

Katie’s heart and life were in Chile where she spent 21 years; when forced home by illness she continued to work for SAMS as North of Thames area secretary, personnel secretary and assistant general secretary. Her personal assistant, Margaret Wooding-Jones, said in her tribute that Katie’s whole

ministry was soaked in prayer; everything was brought to Jesus to whom she was attached as a branch to the vine (John 15:1-11). This attachment abided in good times and bad. Katie knew loss, suffering and pain, but she also knew fun and the deep joy of the Lord.

I don’t think in this case it was wrong for me to say in my sermon that I wanted to put the fun back into funeral. The fun came from dwelling in Jesus. I think we all felt that she was a clear channel of God’s love and joy to others. In John 15 Jesus talks of bearing much fruit and we saw a small part of that fruit in the people who attended the funeral. Many thousands more were also the fruit of her amazing ministry. Katie showed us in practical, everyday ways the fruit of the Spirit because she was deeply filled with the Holy Spirit and shared him with others. In

this way Katie glorified the father (John 15:8) and we give glory to the father for her.

So thank you, Lord, for a woman whom you used, who dwelt with you, who bore fruit, who

glorified the father, who remained in your love and showed us your love and who radiated your joy.

I want to be like that.


SHARE is produced by the Church Mission Society, Watlington Road, Oxford OX4 6BZ. Tel: 01865 787400. Registered Charity Number 1131655. If you have any questions regarding the content, please call us or email:[email protected] Cover photo: Children watching television in the Chaco.

Bishop Henry Scriven mission director for Latin America

A clear channel

”I think we all felt that she was a clear channel of God’s love and joy to others.”

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I really appreciate being part of the CMS mission community and visiting so many wonderful people in mission. Along with conversations, prayer and worship, conferences and committee meetings there are the varied mealtimes. Eating together, whether in humble or grand surroundings, is where our often reticent humanity reveals itself. Friendships are forged around meal spaces. I am learning to value these times even more.

Of course, the mission question is whom will we sit with?

Choosing with whom we eat is one of the most important decisions we make. It has evangelistic, ecclesiological (church) and eschatological (future) implications – spot the alliterated sermon.

One theologian commented that Jesus was killed for the way he ate. Jesus was labelled a friend of sinners and tax-collectors, because he ate with them as well as with the “respectable”. The only one it seems Jesus refused to dine with was the devil, who offered him the bread of temptation in the desert. Jesus was both host and guest, giving and receiving hospitality. Zacchaeus, Mary and Martha discovered the good news at such meal times – they can be life-changing.

Secondly, it also shows how the Church is meant to behave – sharing resources, looking out for each other, being included in God’s community. My wife Helen is currently encouraging people in our local church to “go dine together”, creating imaginative and often simple places for people to eat with those we do not know so well. People do not so much need a friendly church as friends – who invite each other into their lives.

Eating together points, thirdly, to the future as one day God will commence the great marriage feast of the Lamb, that great fiesta when heaven and earth is renewed and we are gathered fully and finally at his

table. If this is God’s intended future should we not be anticipating it now?

Eating together and sharing stories in mission played a central role at our Adelante conference earlier this year, with everyone uniting around tables for mealtimes. We have an

incredible international family and what better way to express it than to eat and drink together.

It seems meals and mission go together. Jesus left us a meal to participate in and a meal to look forward to.

Who will we sit with?

By Paul Thaxter Director of International Mission

Meals and mission: dining together without “reservations”

”Jesus was both host and guest, giving and receiving hospitality.”

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OFF TO A RUNNING START IN BRAZILNew CMS mission partners Jimmy and Katia Rocks are getting a clearer idea of what God wants them to pioneer in Florianopolis, Brazil. Everything is pointing them to church planting in an area called Ingleses, which is some 20 miles from the city centre of Florianopolis and “feels like a separate town,” according to Jimmy.

Jimmy explains: “Ingleses’s population comprises people from other cities and states in Brazil. In the summer it attracts a lot of tourists from Brazil, Argentina and further afield. This brings some of the problems here to the surface, namely prostitution. There’s a real need for Christians to be visible here, being a light in the darkness.”

He continues: “There’s sometimes a tendency for churches to flee the world and remain within their own subculture with little engagement in transforming the communities they are part of. We dream of starting a church that will impact those outside, demonstrating that Jesus is alive and changing lives and being part of inspiring other Christians to do the same.”

The couple have also made some good links with different churches and ministries and are interested in playing a part in serving the wider church in the area. “We will be involved in training some groups in evangelism in the power of the Spirit and

taking them out to places where people gather to offer prayer there.”

In their first three months in Brazil, Jimmy has had the opportunity to pray for people – even in the gym. He overheard a woman complaining to her personal trainer about how her ankle had not healed since it was first injured.

He takes up the story: “She told me that she could no longer run as she is always in pain afterwards. She allowed me to pray with her there and then and said that she felt an energy in her leg as I prayed. I told her it was the Holy Spirit healing her and encouraged her to test it.”

The lady told Jimmy she would let him know the outcome. A few days later she went for an eight kilometre run to test it and felt no pain during or after. She posted on her Instagram page about how a random person came up to her in the gym and offered to pray for her and how she’s been pain free ever since.

Please pray for Jimmy and Katia and their two children Joanna and Davi as they settle into Ingleses and use their gifts to extend God’s kingdom.

You can keep up to date with the Rocks’ news on Facebook:

FlorianopolisThe Rocks family

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Ed and Marie Brice church leadership (mission partners)

Andrew and Maria Leake creation care (mission partners)

Cristina Vargas healthcare support (Latin partner)

Bishop Greg and Sylvia Venables (mission associates)

David and Shelley Stokes training leaders

(mission partners)

Rev Mario and Paula Ágreda church leadership (Latin partners)

Charles Barr Johnston discipleship (mission associate)

Michael and Silvia Browne Bible translation (mission associates)

Catherine Le Tissier and Bishop Nick Drayson training leaders (mission partners)

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Rev Dr Hugo and Techi Vergara church leadership (Latin partners)

Franklin Cuenca church leadership (Latin partner)

Walter Toro church leadership (Latin partner)

Rachel Burton drug rehabilitation (short-termer)

Lee Norfolk youth at risk (short-termer)

Chris and Helena Wallis theological training (mission associates)





















Alex and Jane Cacouris church leadership, (short-termer)

Danielle and Josias de Souza youth and church work

(mission associates) David Greenwood church

leadership (mission associate)Faith Gordon church and

social work (mission partner)

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Siméa Meldrum church leadership (Latin partner)

Becky Reid girls at risk (short-termer)

Jimmy and Katia Rocks evangelism and church planting (mission partners)

Andy and Rose Roberts girls at risk (mission partners)

Jess and Mark Simpson church leadership (mission partners)

Rev Marcus and Tamara Throup theological education, (mission partners)

Ali Young youth work (mission associate)

Federico and Rosa Bascuñan church

leadership (Latin partners)

Di and Tomio Tamaki church work (mission associate)

Alexandre Teixeira church leadership

(Latin partner)

Alf and Hilary Cooper church leadership (mission partners)

Daniel and Ellelein Kirk church leadership

(mission partners)

Bishop Abelino and Paty Apeleo church leadership (Latin partners) Argentina










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Christopher and Michelle Hays theological education (mission associates)

Janet Mena outreach (mission associate)

Joel and Lily Millanguir church leadership (Latin partner)

Jill Ball community development (mission associate)

Sharon Wilcox empowering disabled people (mission partner)

Mark and Rosalie Balfour (mission

partners in training)









































Chris and Alison Hawksbee community agriculture (mission associates)

Beryl Baker healthcare (mission associate)

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Victor Gonzalez church leadership (Latin partner)

Denise McKenzie teacher (short termer)

Nicky and Ronald Irene church leadership (Latin partners)

Pat Blanchard pastoral oversight (mission partner)

Juan Carlos and Penny Marcés church leadership and education

(mission associates)

Bishop Peter and Sally Bartlett church leadership (mission partners)

Tim Curtis Bible translation (mission partner)











Alejandro Mesco church leadership

(mission associate)

Anna Sims creative arts (mission partner) Paul and Sarah Tester

youth work (mission partners)

Rev Julio and Rev Norma Montoya community and church development

(mission associate) Anderson Sanchez church leadership (Latin partner)

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United Kingdom













Jessica Coello church leadership (Latin partner)

Mat and Eluned Phipps church leadership and reconciliation

(mission partners)

Felipe and Sarah Yanez community outreach (mission partners)

Tim and Miranda (mission partners)

[Not Pictured]

[Not Pictured]

Pancha and Terry Barratt theological education (mission associate)

Stuart Broughton discipleship (mission associate)

Gonzalo Soria church work (Latin partner)

Hannah Williams (short termer)

Chris and Veronica (mission partners)

Noel Diaz church leadership (Latin partner)

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From Chile to England to Mozambique and beyond

Eight years ago Araceli was training for ministry and taking an intensive discipleship and counselling course with YWAM, while Jahnn was finalising his degree in industrial and civil engineering. At that time we were not even friends, but we both dreamed of studying the Bible together with our future partners.

A year later both of us were asked to run the youth ministry at La Trinidad Anglican church (led by Jahnn’s parents Alf and Hilary Cooper) in Santiago, Chile. This is how we became best friends and realised that we shared the same great dream.

Three years later, in 2010, we got married and decided to continue serving in the church until God called us to our future ministry. So we were at La Trinidad, involved in worship, teaching, discipling, mission, counselling and evangelistic outreach. We continued to pray and wait for our time to set off on the adventure of studying God’s word in greater depth.

Jahnn was also at work translating

Christian books from English to Spanish, and being tremendously inspired by authors such as Martyn Lloyd Jones, Jonathan Edwards and Bishop Ryle among others.

In 2013 we set off for All Nations Christian College in the United Kingdom. In spite of the fact that we knew this was a great place to prepare for mission, we didn’t understand why God had directed us to All Nations, but when we got there we began to understand. The college is full of God’s grace, with Presbyterian, Anglican, Pentecostal and Baptist tutors, all with a passion for taking his love and grace to all nations. We have come to know marvellous people in mission from every continent. One of them came from the recent conflicts in South Sudan, witnessing how God is sovereign even in the most difficult situations. Others we met have been facing probably one of the

Jahnn (playing guitar) and friends

in Mozambique

By Araceli and Jahnn Cooper, son and daughter-in-law of mission partners Alf and Hilary Cooper (Chile)

Araceli (centre) and the three musketeers

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most challenging spiritual mission fields: post-modern Europe. We so enjoyed digging deeper into the depths of God’s word at All Nations.

As a couple we dream of setting up orphanages and helping abandoned children develop their lives as sons and daughters of God. We want to be part of God’s great commission for salvation and to see the impact of the gospel in families, in education, in sport and in art. We are passionate about “the hope of glory, Christ in us” reaching out to every segment of society, restoring lives and building his kingdom on earth. We know that what is impossible for us is possible for him.

Each year we have seen God’s faithfulness in amazing ways in the midst of different challenges, and we know that he will always be faithful. We have seen his powerful hand in each part of our lives – how he walks with us and goes before us.

After All Nations we did not know exactly what our future held, except that our next step was Mozambique. So this summer we

went there for six weeks and had the chance to put mission into practice with the Iris ministry, working with poor and marginalised communities in Pemba. We believe Iris is anointed and an integral ministry.

We worked with children, especially those who have been abandoned. During the trip

we got to know Jesus more and had the chance to share and proclaim his love with those who do not know him – to be light in the midst of darkness.

Probably one of the highlights in Pemba was doing children’s services in

the rubbish dumps — singing, playing games, having fun, sharing a gospel message and some food for almost 100 kids.

Right now we are seeking God fervently for guidance for the next step in ten months, while we are finishing our BA in All Nations Christian College, and very excited about what is to come. We ask for your prayers.

”Each year we have seen God’s faithfulness in amazing ways in the midst of different challenges, and we know that he will always be faithful.”

This article was translated from Spanish by Mary Rollin

Araceli and Jahnn Cooper

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Q: What is your mission work?

A: [Felipe] We collaborate with two food banks. The one in our town is called the Asociación Benéfica Cristiana (ABC) and Centro Luz is in Malaga. Many of the people who go to Centro Luz are refugees from Africa and the Ukraine. In recent months, the Ukraine-Russia conflict within Donestsk and Lugansk has brought more migrants to Spain, many of whom have left behind jobs, families and friends.

Where once those attending were mainly from the immigrant community, in the last two to three years we have seen more and more Spaniards using the food banks. There are lots of people who don’t have the financial means to get to the end of the month, so food banks are essential for them. Through the two food banks we help about 500 families a week – providing food, clothes (at the ABC), encouragement and spiritual support.

Q: How is there a need for food banks in a European holiday destination?

A: [Sarah] There has been a lot of unemployment in Spain since the economic crisis began in 2008. In previous years people moved to our town from Malaga for better housing – often relying on two incomes and cars and other things on credit. All it takes, though, is for one or both people to lose their job and then they cannot pay their mortgage.

[Felipe] Then people spiral into debt – and have to rely on families and charities to help them. On the surface everything might look okay but many people are in a lot of debt.There are some four million people unemployed in Spain and 34 per cent of the working population receives less than the minimum wage of 634 euros per month. There is a lot of hidden distress and it is only when you get involved in the nitty-gritty of people’s lives that you see the impact so strongly.

Felipe and Sarah are CMS mission partners in Spain. They work with refugees, migrants and Spaniards in both Malaga and Alhaurín de la Torre. Felipe is originally from Chile and Sarah is from England (although raised in Pakistan). The couple have two boys Sam (12) and Aaron (9).

Continued over page

Sarah Yanez collecting food from a local supermarket

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Q: Can you explain how you have been getting alongside people and supporting them?

A: [Sarah] I have always felt that the gospel is about relationships. Jesus has set the example: the way that he worked was through relationships with his disciples – meeting people’s needs, regardless of social status, background and income. This is what the Church is all about – the Church meets people where they are in life – and that is no different in Spain or in England.

[Felipe] We meet people who are newly poor and others who have been like that for a long time. Some feel shame for now needing the food banks. We try to build trust with people and, where possible, share Christ with them. Walking alongside people is so important because Jesus called us to do this.

Q: Tell us about the new Bible study at the ABC, one of the food bank charities?

A: [Felipe] The main focus has been on food and clothes, but we are also interested in adding a spiritual element in these charities, which are like small churches in terms of the numbers of Christians working in them. But there are a lot of unbelievers, too. The Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a simple tool designed to help make disciples. The initial objective (which may take weeks or months) is to find a “person of peace”. This is someone who is seeking truth and who is open to discovering more about God. This person can in turn be an open door into their own family

and local community. The study is then based on a series of questions that help people, either one-to-one or in a small group, discover together what the Bible says. Having shared about how the week has been (blessings and challenges), the passage is read and then recounted in each person’s own words. I have been helping run a small group at the ABC once a week, which has been a great encouragement for those that attend.

Q: What can we pray for?

• For God to show us clearly how we should develop the DBS.

• Pray for our two boys; this is Sam’s first year in high school.

• Pray for both charities we work with – for the ABC, for financial provision, our need for new premises and for more volunteers who are committed and trustworthy. The Centro Luz needs a larger van; pray also for fresh, creative ideas to help support those struggling with long-term unemployment.

We are family: Felipe and Sarah with Sam and AaronFelipe next to some clothing donations

Welcome supplies for the food bank

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Globe+crossersEd and Marie Brice are on UK leave until the end of November 2015 from Tartagal, Argentina.

Faith Gordon will be in the UK from Recife, Brazil during December 2015 and January 2016.

Daniel and Ellelein Kirk are back on UK leave from Valparaiso, Chile in November 2015 for five months.

Jess and Mark Simpson are in the UK until December 2015 from Magé, near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Short-termers: Becky Reid is serving with ReVive in Recife, Brazil for two years from September 2015. (see story left)

Denise Mckenzie is teaching at St Andrew’s School in Asunción, Paraguay from September 2015.

UK staff: Jo Anthony (regional personnel officer for South America) is on maternity leave from November 2015 until late summer 2016. Her role will be covered by Marie-Laure Verdier Shin.

You can find out more about where and when these Globe+crossers might be in your area on the CMS website. Go to and click on the world map and then on the map of Latin America, which will take you to the Latin America pages of the CMS website. The We’re Visiting section is down the right hand side of the page.

Working with vulnerable at risk girls in Brazil was something that God placed on my heart when I was 13 years old and this time last year I had just arrived home from a life-changing experience as a volunteer at ReVive International in Olinda with mission partners Andy and Rose Roberts.

While trying to settle back into UK life, I felt God was calling me back to Brazil and I realised the six months that I spent with ReVive were God-given, allowing me to grow spiritually and to develop the skills that God has given me, learning Portuguese being one of them!

I have now returned to ReVive for two years with CMS. My responsibilities include co-ordinating Brazilian and foreign volunteers, maintaining the sponsorship programme, assisting with the daily running of the house and, of course, helping to look after the eight girls presently staying at ReVive.

I love spending time with the girls, doing various activities, devotionals, painting their nails or relaxing and listening to music. It’s about doing things that they enjoy. Sometimes it’s challenging, but time spent with them is a worthwhile investment and it’s surprising how curling someone’s hair for an hour can open up opportunities for conversation!

I trust that God will continue to equip me for the future. As I look to becoming a CMS mission partner in the long term, this is a crucial time of learning and relying on God daily for strength, nourishment and guidance.



RETURNING TO REVIVEBy Becky Reid in Brazil

Becky Reid

Jess and Mark Simpson

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Adelante 2015

Tim Curtis is so grateful for his brand new four wheel drive, a Toyota Hilux

SAVE THE DATE! Adelante day conference Our Latin America day conference, Adelante, will take place on Saturday 21 May 2016 at Christ Church, Selly Park, Birmingham. More details to follow. For more information, contact Mary Rollin: [email protected]

New mission partners, new country CMS has recently selected two new mission partner couples for work in Brazil (Andy and Kati Walsh) and in Guatemala, a new country for CMS work, (Mark and Rosalie Balfour). These couples will be profiled in future editions of Share, but meanwhile please pray for them and join CMS in thanking God for their willingness to serve. If you or someone you know would like to work in mission in South America, please contact [email protected]

Tamara’s help at ReVive house for girls For the past few months CMS mission partner Tamara Throup (who is married to Rev Marcus Throup, also a mission partner – both based in Recife, Brazil) has been helping at the ReVive safe house in nearby Olinda which is home to about ten girls who have been previously abused or exploited, and run by CMS mission partners Andy and Rose Roberts. Tamara says she is “getting closer to the girls and gaining their trust.” As well as listening to their stories and helping them work through difficult issues, she says she has been involved in visiting some of the girls’ families. Working with the girls is fulfilling – “especially when we see how they are loved by the ReVive staff and how they are getting a new chance in life.”

Tim’s new wheels CMS mission partner Tim Curtis leading the Énxet Bible translation in the Paraguayan Chaco is so grateful for his brand new four wheel drive, a Toyota Hilux, thanks to funds

generously provided by friends in his link churches in the UK. “The vehicle is a tremendous blessing - enabling me to get around the different parts of the Chaco served by the Anglican Church,” says Tim, who has already driven the new vehicle to Makxawaya, Espinillo and to El Estribo. Here he visited church members and gave updates on the typesetting of the Énxet Bible – which is now under way in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Welcoming new bishops Peru’s first ever national Anglican bishops - Alejandro Mesco, Juan Carlos Revilla and Jorge Luis Aguilar - were consecrated in July. Please pray for them as they settle into their new roles as suffragan bishops. Meanwhile in Northern Argentina three indigenous Amerindians will be consecrated in May/June 2016. Please pray for Urbano Duarte, Crisanto Rojas (both Wichí) and Mateo Alto (Toba) as they adapt to their new roles.

A tribute to Glyn Jones 1944-2015 By Bishop Patrick HarrisGlyn died suddenly on 9 October at Dubai airport on his arrival with his wife Jane to visit their son. Throughout his long ministry he was a remarkable missionary, who loved the Lord, loved the Gospel and loved people. After training at London College of Divinity he was a curate in Bradford, before going with SAMS to Northern Argentina where he spent seven years church planting in the toughest shanty towns in Salta. He was Bishop Henry’s immediate predecessor as a church planter in Salta. On returning to the UK, Glyn spent the next 30 years in the parishes of Bradford, Nottingham, Worksop and again Nottingham. Wherever he and Jane went, their impact was profound and lasting and the stories are legendary.