Shalem Press Publications

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Transcript of Shalem Press Publications

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Shalem Press Publications


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Transforming the Intellectual Landscape of Israel

Shalem Press was established in 1995 in order to enrich Israel’s intellectual life by translating classic works of Western thought into Hebrew for the first time. In the years since, we have broadened our mission to include Hebrew translations of important contemporary works of political and social thought, and English-language publications in the fields of Jewish thought and the contribution of Jewish ideas to the Western intellectual heritage.

With the generous support of its friends, Shalem Press has lived up to its original promise. We have published 70 titles, sold more than 100,000 print copies, and reached tens of thousands of digital readers. In Israel, our books have become synonymous with quality, and our translations are commended by academic and general audiences alike for their superior literary and scholarly standards. Shalem Press books are included in the syllabi of a growing number of university courses—to date, they number in the thousands—and the ideas found in Shalem’s timeless classics continue to engage and inspire new generations of Israeli readers.

When Shalem College opens its doors, Shalem Press works will feature in its rigorous, text-based Core Curriculum and major tracks, enabling an unfiltered encounter between our students and the monumental ideas revealed by the intellectual giants of history. We are profoundly grateful to the Gilbert and Elisa Palter Family Endowment of Toronto for their Founding Leadership Gift for the Publication of Great Texts. Beyond making available to Shalem College students the works most vital to their studies, their magnanimous gift has been instrumental in beginning to transform the public discourse in the Jewish state.

The extraordinary success of Shalem Press has been made possible by the ongoing support of many other friends and patrons. We are grateful to the Cultural Office of the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Israel Culture Ministry’s Project for the Translation of Great Books, the Canadian Council for the Arts, the French Ministry of Culture, the Dutch Foundation for Literature, the Goethe Institute, the Mark Gerson Charitable Fund, the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Martin Gross, Michael and Polina Liberman, Rob Bildner, Marvin Israelow, Peter Joseph, and Samuel “Skip” E. Vichness.

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First Complete Translation into Hebrew!

ום י ד ו ד

מסכת טבע האדם

עורך מרק שטיינר תרגום יפתח בריל

“Nothing is more dangerous to reason than the flights of the imagination, and nothing has been the occasion of more mistakes among philosophers.”

A Treatise of Human NatureDavid Hume A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume, titan of the Age of Enlightenment, is the most comprehensive work on human nature ever written. Since its publication some three centuries ago, the book has become a cornerstone of philosophical thought in fields as diverse as epistemology, emotion, religion, and psychology. Hume’s ideas have lost none of their vitality, and remain as illuminating as they were in the eighteenth century. Shalem’s translation, the first complete Hebrew edition, brings to the Israeli public another foundational work of Anglo-Saxon thought.

Edited and with an introduction by Mark Steiner, Professor of Philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Leviathan—Classics in Philosophy


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“The publication of a complete Hebrew translation of Leviathan is undoubtedly a major event in the political discourse in Israel, a country where issues like the power of the state and the influence of religion on civil law touch upon its very essence. If it is our goal to make Israeli political discourse deeper—and richer—then Leviathan is the best stepping-stone.”

—Yiftach Ofek, Makor Rishon

LeviathanThomas HobbesWithout a doubt one of the most important and influential works of Western political thought. Its philosophical outlook is darkly pessimistic: The state of nature amounts to endless warfare, with man portrayed at his most irrational, violent, and despicable. The sole corrective is a form of government based on a social contract, where all individuals relinquish their rights to a single sovereign. Originally published in 1651, the ideas in this work remain fresh, relevant, and controversial to this day.

Edited and with an introduction by Menachem Lorberbaum, Chairman of the Department of Jewish Philosophy, Talmud and Kabbala at Tel Aviv University.

2009 | 632 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-36-5 | NIS 139 | $37.50

הובס מאס תו

עורך מנחם לורברבוים

תרגום אהרן אמיר


First Complete Translation into Hebrew!


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מבוא רות גביזון ואלן שפירא

עורכת יעל חזוני תרגום אהרן אמיר

, ן לטו המי דר אלכסני י ג׳ ן ו ג׳ ו ן סו י מד מס י י ג׳


“[The Federalist Papers] will merit the Notice of Posterity; because in it are candidly and ably discussed the principles of freedom and the topics of government, which will be always interesting to mankind so long as they shall be connected in Civil Society.”

—George Washington

The Federalist PapersAlexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay Together with the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, The Federalist Papers laid the foundation for the strongest and most durable democracy in history. Although written in haste at a time of crisis, these essays remain the primary source of American political thought and constitutional law, and may be the most important work of political theory ever written in the United States.

With an introduction by Ruth Gabison, Professor of Law at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Israel Prize winner.

2001 | 559 pages | paperback original | ISBN 965-7052-07-6 | NIS 99 | $26.99

First Complete Translation into Hebrew!


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“We must thank Shalem Press for its Hebrew translation of Machiavelli’s Discourses, one of the great books of the republican tradition… Machiavelli’s book is relevant to the Israeli condition not only because it provides an alternative to liberalism…—the model that currently dominates politics. This book is also a reminder that in the past, before this model became dominant, republicanism was an essential component of Israeli political life.”

—Menachem Mautner, Tel Aviv University

DiscoursesNiccolò MachiavelliDiscourses is Niccolò Machiavelli’s most ambitious work. In his daring style, Machiavelli treats the conditions for the birth and consolidation of states, the conditions that allow them to survive, the elements of power, and the desire for liberty. The book includes some of the most innovative ideas in the history of political thought, which have inspired thinkers and leaders for centuries.

Edited and with an introduction by Hillay Zmora, Professor of History at Ben Gurion University.

2010 | 418 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-75-4 | NIS 99 | $28.50

י ל ו או מקי ו ל קו י נ


עורך הלי זמורה

תרגום מרים שוסטרמן־פדובאנו

First Complete Translation into Hebrew!


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ShipwreckHans Blumenberg

People wish to live on terra firma yet employ the metaphor of a dangerous sea voyage as a key to their existential dilemmas. Blumenberg, one of Germany’s most prominent philosophers of the late twentieth century, traces the various turns taken by this metaphor in the writings of Western cultural luminaries.

2005 | 170 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-20-3 | NIS 66 | $17.99

Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEdmund Burke

A classic of political thought. Burke warns against the dangers of the French Revolution and radical thought in general, promoting instead the principles of conservatism.

2004 | 204 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-04-1 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Nomos and Narrative Robert Cover

Robert Cover’s greatly influential 1983 book undermines formalistic views of the nature of law and jurisprudence and their role in the liberal state. Cover draws his examples from rabbinic tradition and analyzes test cases from the annals of American law, arguing that the legal system combines two normative principles: on the one hand, a creative element, oriented to the future, the ideal; and on the other, an element seeking to maintain norms and regulate violence.

2012 | 154 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-84-6 | NIS 66 | $17.99

PatriarchiaRobert Filmer

Patriarchal authority is the natural, exclusive source of all political power—this notion serves as the basis of Filmer’s political theory, according to which absolute monarchy is the sole legitimate form of governance. Alongside their contribution to our understanding of the history of political thought, the “patriarchal” claims expose more than a few critical flaws in theories of natural rights and the social contract, many of which continue to affect liberalism today.

2009 | 162 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-67-9 | NIS 66 | $17.99


מבוא יורם ברונובסקי

תרגום אהרן אמיר

ברק ד אדמנ

מחשבות עלהמהפכה בצרפת

למר פי ברט ו ר


מבוא אופיר העברי

עורך יוני ויינריב־שריג תרגום אהרן אמיר

עורך יוסף א׳ דוד

תרגום אביעד שטיר

ר קאב ברט ו ר

נומוס ונראטיב

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Begriffsschrift (Concept Notation)Gottlob Frege

This seminal text of modern logic constitutes a bold attempt to overcome the fact that language mediates between thought and its expression. Frege developed a formalized language of logic to free thought from the constraints of the word.

2004 | 204 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-13-0 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Capitalism and FreedomMilton Friedman

Friedman explains the significance of competitive capitalism, both as a means of attaining economic liberty and as a necessary precondition for political liberty. The book discusses the principles of liberal society, applying them to urgent problems of our time, such as monetary policy, discrimination, education, division of income, welfare, and poverty.

2002 | 212 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-09-2 | NIS 88 | $23.99

The Road to SerfdomFriedrich Hayek

A comprehensive critique of systems of government that promote centralized political and economic power, perceived as fertile ground for the growth of totalitarian regimes in the twentieth century. The Road to Serfdom is enjoying immense popularity today in the wake of the recent world financial crisis.

1998 | 224 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-02-5 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Philosophy of Right Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Philosophy of Right paved the way for a new understanding of the modern state, parting with philosophies of the social contract like those of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. A seminal work in numerous fields, it also offers a scathing and important critique of Kant’s moral philosophy and is widely recognized as formative in the development of major ideological currents in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, whether revolutionary, liberal, or nationalist.

2011 | 391 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-78-5 | NIS 99 | $28.50

ל הג ך י דר י פר להלם י ו ג ר או י ג

עורך פיני איפרגן תרגום גדי גולדברג

פילוסופיהשל המשפט

ק י האי ך י דר י פר

הדרך לשעבוד

עורך אופיר העברי

תרגום אהרן אמיר

דמן י פר ן לטו מי

קפיטליזם וחירות

הקדמה דוד לב־הרי עורכת אוולינה גרץ

תרגום מזל כהן


פרגה ב ו טל ו ג

כתב מושגים

עורך ומתרגם גלעד ברעלי

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Eclipse of ReasonMax Horkheimer

The Western cultural tradition has always regarded reason as the quality that raises man to a level of existence superior to that of animals. Max Horkheimer describes a historical process whereby the concept of reason has atrophied to no more than a tool for adapting means to given ends, without the authority to judge the value of the ends themselves. Reason thereby becomes a mere means, serving a purpose set by external forces.

2009 | 176 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-58-7 | NIS 66 | $17.99

The Abolition of ManC.S. Lewis

In this indictment of trends in modern thought, the well-known fantasy author exposes their devastating implications for cultural resilience and for the moral vision of future generations. The book presents a penetrating analysis of the dangers inherent in patronizing, sterile rationalism, sweeping moral skepticism, and the aspirations of science to conquer nature—and, consequently, humanity itself.

2005 | 112 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-19-X | NIS 52 | $14.00

The PrinceNiccollò Machiavelli

A new, annotated translation of the masterpiece of Western political philosophy, including an introduction and bibliography. Drawing upon his penetrating insights into the depths of the human psyche, Machiavelli counsels the Prince on how to better rule his subjects. The Prince marked a new era in Western culture in attitudes pertaining to ethics and politics, good and evil, and power and justice.

2003 | 214 pages | paperback original with Dvir Press | ISBN 965-517-096-9 NIS 66 | $17.99

After VirtueAlasdair MacIntyre

MacIntyre claims that moral philosophy and actions in the modern era suffer from severe disorder, rooted inter alia in the liberal individualism of the Enlightenment. As a result, modern moral discourse and actions are hollow; although this discourse is present in form, its content has been lost. MacIntyre proposes renewing traditional moral discourse based on Aristotelian virtue ethics, and developing it into a new moral language adapted to modernity.

2004 | 204 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-46-4 | NIS 88 | $23.99

ר י טאי נ מקי ר י י אלסד

מֵעֵבֶר למידה הטובה

מבוא אייל חוברס

תרגום יונתן לוי

איס ו ל ק״ס

ביטול האדם

הקדמה אסף שגיב

מתרגם להד לזר

מר י רקהי הו מקס

מבוא צבי רוזן

תרגום אביעד שטיר

ליקוי מאורותהתבונה


Page 10: Shalem Press Publications

ל מי ארט ו סטי ן ו ג‘

על החירות

הקדמה ירון אזרחי

עורך ברק בן–נתן תרגום אהרן אמיר

On LibertyJohn Stewart Mill

On Liberty, considered to be Mill’s most important work, is a seminal text of political liberalism. Mill claimed that democratic society, being hostile to anyone who deviates from its norms, endangers the individual’s liberty no less than political tyranny. The era of majority rule yielded new dangers threatening to oppress the individual’s uniqueness, with severe indirect repercussions for human development.

2006 | 164 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-43-3 | NIS 66 | $17.99

The Children of Light and the Children of DarknessReinhold Niebuhr

An original defense of liberal democracy, written with outstanding sophistication and clarity, and with an awareness of its weaknesses and illusions, by one of the most important American Christian intellectuals of the twentieth century.

2004 | 216 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-24-6 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Rationalism in Politics and Other EssaysMichael Oakeshott

Rationalism in Politics is a stunning mosaic of essays on a variety of topics, including politics and poetry, Hobbesian philosophy, the nature of science, and the writing of history. Oakeshott argues that the rationalist trend in politics ignores the rich diversity of human experience, and that disregarding the wealth of traditional knowledge that has accumulated over generations will eventually destroy the institutions that hold society together.

2011| 400 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-65-5 | NIS 99 | $24.99

Common SenseThomas Paine

Common Sense is a tour de force in the genre of political manifestos. The tract denounces aristocratic institutions, calling upon the American colonies to sever their ties with the oppressive British crown and establish independent republican rule. Paine bases many of his arguments for choosing liberty on biblical interpretation.

2007 | 118 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-49-5 | NIS 66 | $17.99

עורך אייל נווה

תרגום אהרן אמיר

ר ו יב נ ד ל הו נ י י ר

בני האורובני החושך

קשוט או קל י מי

עורך אפרים פודוקסיק

תרגום ערן שועלי


ן י י פ מס תו

שכל ישר

מבוא דוד ריצ׳י תרגום ליה נירגד


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The Open Society and Its EnemiesKarl Popper

Karl Popper, one of the most prominent philosophers of the twentieth century, develops his democratic theory of the open society, exposing in this meticulous critique the roots of modern totalitarianism in the philosophies of Plato, Hegel, and Marx.

2003 | 846 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-10-6 | NIS 136 | $37.99

The Poverty of HistoricismKarl Popper

The twentieth century was an arena of bloody conflicts, reflecting powerful ideological clashes that still reverberate today. In this book, Karl Popper takes on the battle for the very soul of Western civilization, launching a concerted, uncompromising attack against a single idea—historicism, or the notion that certain “laws” or “trends” underlie history.

2009 | 159 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-80-8 | NIS 66 | $17.99

Natural Right and HistoryLeo Strauss

Leo Strauss, one of the most provocative political thinkers of the twentieth century, proposes a return to questions that have been neglected since Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau: Do human beings have natural rights? Are there unchanging criteria of the right and the just? Strauss seeks to reinstate political philosophy as a superior discipline among the humanities, in the hope of overcoming the moral and political crisis of modern liberalism.

2005 | 200 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-32-7 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Democracy in AmericaAlexis de Tocqueville

Immediately recognized as seminal text, Democracy in America has come to be regarded as a classic of democratic theory in particular and the study of modern society in general. This account, based on the young Tocqueville’s extensive travels in the United States, analyzes the American case as a model for the formation of a modern democratic society, perceiving it as the begining of a completely new era in culture, politics, and social order.

2008 | 907 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-41-9 | NIS 139 | $37.99

פר פו ל קר

עורך יוסף אגסי הקדמה יובל שטייניץ

תרגום אהרן אמיר

החברה הפתוחה ואויביה

פר פו ל קר

דלות ההיסטוריציזם

מבוא זאב לוי

עורך ברק בן־נתן תרגום פנינה זייץ

עורך אהוד לוז

תרגום דוד זינגר

הזכות הטבעיתוההיסטוריה

או שטראוס י ל ל י ו קו דה־טו ס אלקסי

הדמוקרטיה באמריקה

מבוא אופיר העברי תרגום אהרן אמיר


Page 12: Shalem Press Publications

New ScienceGiambatista Vico

A foundational text of modern humanities and social sciences. Vico assumed that human beings are capable of truly knowing only what they themselves have created. Consequently, he challenged the logical and methodological validity of the natural sciences, setting up in opposition to them a New Science of man, society, and history. Vico’s work profoundly influenced such major thinkers and writers as James Joyce, Isaiah Berlin, Karl Marx, Goethe, and others.

2005 | 618 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-21-1 | NIS 140 | $37.99

Apology, Symposium, EconomicusXenophon

A translation from the Greek of three Socratic dialogues by Xenophon of Athens, military commander and philosopher. For readers familiar with Socrates from his portrayal in the writings of Plato, Xenophon’s dialogues illuminate the thought of Socrates in an unexpected way.

2002 | 200 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-11-4 | NIS 88 | $23.99

המדע החדשו ק י ו סטה ג׳מבטי

עורך יוסף מאלי

תרגום אריאל רטהאוז

דיאלוגים סוקרטייםן ו פ ו כסנ

עורך ומתרגם גבריאל דנציג


Page 13: Shalem Press Publications

Best Seller!

“Huntington’s impressive knowledge of cultural and political phenomena in countries and continents that are distant from the United States both geographically and culturally is matched by his ability to weave this information into a coherent and convincing explanatory paradigm. David Ben-Nahum’s crisp translation and Dan Margalit’s introduction help the reader delve effortlessly into the text and enjoy it thoroughly.”

—Efraim Halevy, former director of the Mossad and head of Israel’s National Security Council, Ha’aretz

The Clash of CivilizationsSamuel HuntingtonThe Clash of Civilizations offers a penetrating and farsighted analysis of the global political arena in the post-Cold War era. In this sharp and detailed book, Huntington explains how nations and ideologies have given way to what he calls “civilizations” as the locomotives of world politics, and how this development will affect humanity in the future.

2003 | 530 pages | paperback original | ISBN 965-7052-23-8 | NIS 99 | $26.99

סמואל הנטינגטון


דן מרגלית הקדמה

דוד בן־נחום תרגום

Democratic Thought


Page 14: Shalem Press Publications

Best Seller!

“This is a brave book by a brave man—an eloquent plea for moral clarity, and a fine example of it.”

—Bernard Lewis, Princeton University

The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and TerrorNatan Sharansky with Ron DermerSharansky decries the moral confusion plaguing the citizens of the democratic nations, and argues that the key to resolving the conflicts in the Middle East is the democratization of all countries involved. By exposing the fault lines of the “societies of fear,” the author explains why democracy is not beyond the reach of any nation, why it is vital to our security, and what we should do to encourage its spread around the world.

2005 | 254 pages | paperback original | ISBN 965-7052-26-2 | NIS 88 | $23.99


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“Kissinger’s absorbing book tackles head-on some of the toughest questions of our time.... Its pages sparkle with insight.”

—Simon Schama, The New Yorker

“The most important work on diplomacy for thirty years.”

—Walter Laqueur

DiplomacyHenry KissingerKissinger, one of the most influential statesmen of the twentieth century and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, reveals the secrets of the diplomacy cloaking global power struggles. This masterwork serves as a classic text for diplomatic studies around the world. It is a breathtaking account of how the art of diplomacy has shaped our world.

2007 | 941 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-33-4 | NIS 149 | $40.50

מבוא שלמה אבינרי

הנרי קיסינג׳ר


Best Seller!


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Best Seller!

Power and the Idealists: The Passion of Joshka Fischer and Its AftermathPaul Berman

During a 1970s street protest, Joshka Fischer was photographed beating a cop to the ground; during the 1990s, as German foreign minister, he supported Clinton in a NATO-led military intervention in the Balkans. Paul Berman, “one of America’s best exponents of recent intellectual history” (The Economist), masterfully traces the intellectual and moral evolution of the impassioned generation of 1968.

2008 | 254 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-51-8 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Against DeconstructionJohn Ellis

A direct, well-aimed attack on deconstructionism, which, according to the author, endangers free, productive discussion of literature.

2004 | 204 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-28-9 | NIS 88 | $23.99

In the Name of the OtherAlain Finkielkraut

A polished, incisive essay on the new anti-Semitism in Europe’s “enlightened camp,” by one of France’s outstanding intellectuals.

2004 | 36 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-18-1 | NIS 34 | $9.50

The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion and NationalismAdrian Hastings

The Construction of Nationhood challenges the modernist claim that nationality originated in the modern era. Contrary to prevailing opinion, Hastings maintains that the seeds of nationhood appeared in the Middle Ages, with the Bible playing a crucial role in the consolidation of national awareness.

2008 | 325 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-50-1 | NIS 88 | $23.99

בנייתן של אומותהתנ״ך והיווצרות מדינות הלאום

אדריאן הייסטינגס

תרגום דן דאור מבוא ועריכה אסף מלאך


Page 17: Shalem Press Publications

Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic ThinkersRobert Heilbroner

Along with a masterful depiction of the lives of the great economic thinkers, Robert Heilbroner also presents a brilliant analysis of their ideas, a blend that brings abstract principles to life.

2011 | 384 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-82-2 | NIS 99 | $26.99

CrisisHenry Kissinger

A gripping account of the Yom Kippur War and the American withdrawal from Vietnam, presented in the form of the original phone conversations between the statesmen behind the events.

2004 | 492 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-25-4 | NIS 99 | $26.99

Reflections of a NeoconservativeIrving Kristol

Irving Kristol, sometimes referred to as the “godfather of neoconservatism,” presents basic tenets of one of the most influential ideological streams on the American scene in recent decades.

2004 | 366 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-12-2 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Disobedience and DemocracyMartin Luther King et al.

A thought-provoking collection of essays on civil disobedience, including classic works by the most influential minds to address the subject and by prominent Israeli scholars Shlomo Avineri, Elyakim Haetzni, Haim Cohen, and others.

1998 | 252 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-05-1 | NIS 88 | $23.99


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The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates LanguageSteven Pinker

In this new classic, the world’s expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: Language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution.

2011 | 496 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-69-3 | NIS 119 | $32.50

The Crisis Caravan: What’s Wrong with Humanitarian Aid?Linda Polman

The Crisis Caravan sheds light on the multi-million-dollar humanitarian relief network, sharply criticizing it for ignoring potentially disastrous outcomes of its work in war-torn countries. Exposing unbearable moral dilemmas as well as incredible absurdities and horrors, Polman asks whether action is indeed always preferable to doing nothing.

2012 | 258 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-47-1 | NIS 88 | $23.99

Defending IdentityNatan Sharansky with Shira Wolosky Weiss

Natan Sharansky attacks the widespread belief that identity and freedom are mutually exclusive and argues that strong identities will strengthen Western countries and their commitment to a democratic way of life. Not all value systems are of equal value, Sharansky reminds us, and democracy and liberty are worth fighting for—and even dying for—if necessary.

2011 | 236 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-83-9 | NIS 88 | $25.50

Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the EconomyThomas Sowell

A lucid explanation of the basics of modern economics, without graphs, formulas, or professional jargon, by one of the leading economists in the United States. Basic Economics enables laymen to understand the workings of the market, and provides the reader with the tools for assessing the economic policy of his country’s leaders from an informed perspective.

2006 | 558 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-39-6 | NIS 99 | $26.99

נתן שרנסקי עם שירה וויס־וולסקי

בזכות הזהותתפקידה החיוני בהגנה על הדמוקרטיה

יסודות הכלכלה

ל א ו ס ס מ ו ת

מדריך לאזרח

יצחק טישלר ם: א: עומר מואב תרגו מבו

תעשיית החמלה מאחורי הקלעים

של הסיוע ההומניטרי

האינסטינקט הלשונילינדה פולמןכיצד המוח יוצר שפה

סטיבן פינקר


Page 19: Shalem Press Publications

מיכאל וולצר


מבוא ותרגום אריאל שריד

מבוא אלחנן יקירה

איב שארל זרקא

קרל שמיטפרט נאצי

בהגותו של

תרגום פנינה זייץ מבוא אליעזר מלכיאל

צ׳רלס טיילור

מועקת המודרניות

A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political StrugglesThomas Sowell

“Visions” are the primary, pre-rational views shared by those who side together in various arguments in society; they are the true source of ideological difference among adversaries. An understanding of the conflict of these visions sheds new light on contemporary political issues and can facilitate a breakthrough in deadlocked political debates.

2001 | 278 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-08-4 | NIS 88 | $23.99

The Malaise of ModernityCharles Taylor

The frenetic tumult of modern popular culture, with its crass displays of materialism and selfish ambition, conceals the moral ideal at its core: authenticity. In The Malaise of Modernity, Charles Taylor argues that although the modern social situation does not measure up to the standard set by the ideal, it behooves us to reconstruct the ideal and examine it with the respect it deserves.

2011 | 176 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-73-0 | NIS 66 | $18.99

Nation and UniverseMichael Walzer

Given that there is no single way of implementing universal values, Walzer, one of the greatest political thinkers of our time, recommends continuous dialogue whereby these values are adapted to concrete community life and applied in an actual moral-political act. This new path recognizes the legitimacy of maintaining cultural identity as well as the struggle for national independence, but safeguards itself against the pitfall of moral relativism.

2009 | 96 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-72-3 | NIS 66 | $17.99

A Nazi Detail in the Thought of Carl SchmittYves Charles Zarka

Although Carl Schmitt’s Nazism is no secret, most writers and intellectuals downplay its importance. Zarka claims that Schmitt’s anti-Semitism should not be discounted as cynical opportunism or merely an unpleasant aspect of his personality; rather, it was a fundamental element of his juristic and political theory which played a decisive part in the process leading to the Final Solution.

2009 | 109 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-63-1 | NIS 52 | $14.00


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“Of all the questions of life, the two most penetrating are: ‘Who am I? Who are we?’ Rabbi Sacks answers beautifully. On matters of faith he is one of my favorite writers.”

—Michael Novak, American Enterprise Institute

Radical Then, Radical Now: The Legacy of the World’s Oldest ReligionJonathan SacksAccording to Sacks, chief rabbi of England, Judaism is an essentially radical religion: The Jews, lacking material power, made an eternal covenant with the Eternal. In this act, the Jews changed their very peoplehood into a protest against tyranny based on hatred and brute force, and forged their national identity out of a shared vision of liberty, justice, and human rights. Radical Then, Radical Now is a powerful reminder of the dreams we inherited and the ensuing commitment toward humanity.

2007 | 221 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-30-3 | NIS 88 | $23.99

רדיקלית אז, רדיקלית עכשיו

יונתן זקס

אחרית דברמיכה גודמן

מורשת הדת העתיקה בעולם

69 ש״ח דאנאקוד 496-1038




ת לי






"בספר רדיקלית אז, רדיקלית עכשיו יונתן זקס מחבר את תובנות הדת לעולם המודרני ומספר מחדש את סיפור האמונה בצורה מרתקת, ומגיע בכך להישג נדיר בטיבו".

—טוני בלייר, ראש ממשלת בריטניה

"שתי השאלות הנוקבות ביותר של החיים הן: 'מי אני? מי אנחנו?' בספר זה הרב זקס נותן עליהן תשובה יפה. בענייני אמונה, יונתן זקס הוא אחד הסופרים החביבים עליי".

AEI ,פרופ' מייקל נובאק—

"הספר רדיקלית אז, רדיקלית עכשיו טוב לאין ערוך מכל הספרים האחרים העורכים לקורא היכרות עם היהדות. הרב זקס לוקח אותנו למסע תרבותי ודתי מופלא... קנו את הספר והעניקו אותו כשי —

אך קודם לכן, הקפידו לקרוא אותו מתחילתו עד סופו".—הרב נורמן לאם, נשיא 'ישיבה יוניברסיטי'

מיהו יהודי? לפי הרב יונתן זקס האדם השייך לקולקטיב היהודי הוא שותף פעיל בתנועת מחאה

עתיקה אשר אחראית לרבים מהישגיה של האנושות, ומשימתו של קולקטיב זה טרם הגיעה לסיומה.

הרב סר יונתן זקס )נולד ב–1948( מכהן כרבה הראשי של בריטניה מאז שנת 1991. הוא הוסמך לרבנות מטעם Jews’ College וישיבת עץ חיים, למד פילוסופיה בקיימברידג' ובאוקספורד, והיה

פרופסור אורח לפילוסופיה בכמה וכמה אוניברסיטאות. הרב זקס כתב ספרים רבים במגוון נושאים,

ועיצב בהם חזון של תקווה לסובלנות ולשלום בעולם מוכה שברים.

ד״ר מיכה גודמן מלמד מחשבת ישראל באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים ומכהן כראש מדרשת עין פרת.

Modern Jewish Thought


Page 21: Shalem Press Publications

The Eliezer Berkovits’ Library

Essential Essays on JudaismEliezer Berkovits

A collection of select essays on ethics, theology, halacha, Zionism, and the Holocaust by one of the most original Jewish thinkers of the past generation.

2004 | 380 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-14-9 | NIS 99 | $26.99

Faith after the HolocaustEliezer Berkovits

The Holocaust poses an unimaginable difficulty for belief in a benevolent God. Berkovits proposes a way of maintaining hope and faith despite God’s silence.

2006 | 190 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-16-5 | NIS 66 | $17.99

God, Man and HistoryEliezer Berkovits

Berkovits examines the underpinnings of Judaism, constructing a coherent, comprehensive view that stretches from theology to law to the meaning of Jewish nationhood.

2009 | 177 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-52-5 | NIS 66 | $17.99

With God in HellEliezer Berkovits

Berkovits recounts amazing stories of spiritual courage and analyzes Jewish belief in light of the horrific Holocaust experience. In his opinion, only this approach enables one to feel the power of faith and understand the historical destiny of the Jewish people.

2006 | 186 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-17-3 | NIS 66 | $17.99


אלוהים, אדם והיסטוריהאליעזר ברקוביץ

ר נ ל ק ם ח נ מ • ה מ ד ק ה

Page 22: Shalem Press Publications

“Michael Oren has written what is surely the definitive history of the Six-Day War. Of course he has examined easily accessible archives but he has also penetrated the files and memories of those who normally impede research in order to make getting at the truth extremely difficult. His narrative is precise but written with great literary flair. The Six-Day War is an oft-told tale, but in no one else’s study is there more understanding or more surprise.”

—Martin Peretz, The New Republic

Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East (Special Edition)Michael OrenMichael Oren, Israeli ambassador to the U.S., draws upon thousands of classified and rare documents, including sources in Russian and Arabic, and on exclusive personal interviews to reconstruct the regional and international events in the Middle East that ultimately sparked the war.

2007 | 539 pages | paperback original | with Dvir | ISBN 965-517-276-7 | NIS 89 | $24.00


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Where Art Thou?Dror Bondi

The philosophy of Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the most prominent Jewish thinkers of the past generation, is presented here via an examination of his approach to the question besetting so many in our time: Can the Jewish tradition be translated into modern language and life?

2008 | 389 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-59-4 | NIS 88 | $23.99

New Essays on ZionismDavid Hazony, Yoram Hazony, Michael Oren, eds.

A collection of essays addressing fundamental issues underlying the agenda of the Jewish state in the twenty-first century. Among the authors are key figures in Israeli public life, such as Ruth Gavison, Amnon Rubinstein, and Natan Sharansky.

2006 | 378 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-27-0 | NIS 99 | $26.99

The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading GenesisLeon R. Kass

Israelis who are far removed from religious reading yet seek inspiration, those no longer content with mythical biblical romanticism in the old Zionist style, intellectuals steeped in Western rational thought yet dissatisfied with the scholarly approach to the Bible—all will find this book a relevant repository of knowledge of human nature, along with social insights and timely political opinions.

2010 | 752 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-70-9 | NIS 119 | $32.50

The Secret of the SabbathJoseph Isaac Lifshitz

The subjugation of nature to human control breeds an egotism that blocks man’s encounter with God and with the other. However, the Torah does not forbid the exercise of man’s creative potential—for its total denial would be tantamount to eradicating his soul—but it does restrict his creativity. A Jew exerts his creative powers for six days, then turns back to himself on the seventh. This tempo of creativity and suspension leads to a meaningful relationship with God.

2010 | 208 pages | paperback original |ISBN 978-965-7052-81-5 | NIS 72 | $19.50

ליאון קאס

ראשית חכמהקריאה בספר בראשית

מבוא עידו חברוני

רזא דשבתץ י ש פ י ל   ק ח צ י   ף ס ו י


Page 24: Shalem Press Publications

The City of David Excavations 2005 Eilat Mazar

This report summarizes the finds unearthed at the site, tentatively identified with the palace of King David, and draws preliminary conclusions about their impact on our understanding of the history of Jerusalem.

2007 | 80 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-9029-92-1 | NIS 85 | $23.00

The Return to Jerusalem: The Jewish Resettlement of the Land of Israel, 1800–1860Arie Morgenstern

The reawakening of messianic belief in the early nineteenth century led to the establishment of European Jewish organizations supporting the Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, and to the creation of a Jewish majority in Jerusalem, as early as 1860. A fascinating account of a religious, ideological movement that changed the history of Jerusalem.

2007 | 625 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-40-2 | NIS 99 | $26.99

Freud’s Moses: Judaism Terminable and InterminableYosef Hayim Yerushalmi

Yerushalmi analyzes Freud’s motives for publishing his Moses and Monotheism—his only work devoted explicitly to a Jewish theme—just when the Nazi shadow began to darken European skies. Freud’s book is presented as a psychoanalytic history of the Jews, Judaism, and the Jewish psyche—Freud’s efforts to discover what makes the Jews what they are.

2006 | 221 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-22-X | NIS 88 | $23.99


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“The Hebraic polis is the counterpole of the Greek polis.”

Philosophy of the Law: The Political in the TorahShmuel TriganoPhilosophy of the Law articulates the political theory of the Hebrew Bible through a philosophical inquiry into the text. It claims that far from advocating a theocracy, in which all power rests in the hands of the divine, biblical politics is based on human freedom. The covenant in the Bible may not be a “social contract,” Trigano argues, but the politics to which it leads can illuminate our thinking on the social contract model that dominates the modern understanding of politics.

2011 | 564 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-71-6 | NIS 99 | $25.99

S h m u e l T r i g a n o

PhilosoPhy of the law The Political in the Torah

with a foreword by David Novak

Books in English


Page 26: Shalem Press Publications

“…neither Solon nor Lycurgus nor Charondas nor Plato, nor any of the others who taught their peoples law and custom, had any knowledge of the Hebrew republic; this despite the fact that it was not only the oldest but the most distinguished of them all.”

The Hebrew RepublicCarlo SigonioCarlo Sigonio’s The Hebrew Republic was one of the first works dedicated to the religious and political institutions of the ancient Hebrew state, and it was the first book to frame this kind of research under the Latin title Respublica Hebraeorum. Soon after its original publication in Bologna in 1582, The Hebrew Republic was suppressed by the Church because of its strenuous anti-monarchism, and it reappeared in Italy only in 1734. In the rest of Europe, however, it enjoyed great popularity and profoundly influenced such thinkers as Grotius, Althusius, and Bodin. The first complete modern translation from Latin.

2010 | 480 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-48-8 | NIS 99 | $26.99

The hebrew republic

Carlo Sigonio

Introduction by Guido Bartolucci

Translated by Peter Wyetzner


Page 27: Shalem Press Publications

Political Hebraism at Shalem Press

The Law of Nature and of Nations: According to the Teachings of the HebrewsJohn Selden

John Selden, leading legal scholar and parliamentarian of seventeenth-century England, develops in this volume a comprehensive theory of natural law based on the Noahide principles of the Talmud.

The Hebrew RepublicPetrus Cunaeus

This monumental seventeenth-century study of religion and polity in ancient Israel presents the Hebrew state as a model for the Dutch republic and the alternative to the Greco-Roman models. The first complete translation from Latin.

2006 | 374 pages hardcover ISBN 965-7052-38-6 | NIS 180 | $48.99 paperback ISBN 965-7052-37-8 | NIS 85 | $22.99

Political Hebraism: Judaic Sources in Early Modern Political ThoughtGordon Schochet, Fania Oz- Salzberger, Meirav Jones, eds.

“This volume points in fertile new directions for scholarship and debate concerning modern conceptions of nationhood, law, and political legitimacy.” —Jonathan Jacobs, Colgate University

2008 | 306 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-45-7 | NIS 76 | $20.99


Political Hebraism


Gordon schochet • Fania oz-salzberger meirav Jones

Judaic Sources in Early Modern Political


The hebrew republic

Petrus Cunaeus

Introduction by Arthur Eyffinger

Translated by Peter Wyetzner

The Law of NaTure aNd of NaTioNs

John Selden


Page 28: Shalem Press Publications

“The Torah is eternal because it has a word, a teaching, for each generation. One can find the word that has been waiting for this hour to be revealed only if he faces the challenge of each new situation in the history of the generations of Israel and attempts to deal with it in intellectual and ethical honesty.”

Not in Heaven: The Nature and Function of Jewish LawEliezer BerkovitsEliezer Berkovits’ beloved classic on the principles and function of Jewish law is finally back in print. In language accessible to everyone, Not in Heaven discusses a wide range of contemporary issues, including the status of women, marriage, divorce, conversion, rabbinic authority, and the role of halacha in a Jewish state.

2010 | 216 pages | paperback original | ISBN 978-965-7052-55-6 | NIS 66 | $17.99

Not in Heaven

Eliezer Berkovits

Foreword by Joseph Isaac Lifshitz


Page 29: Shalem Press Publications

Essential Essays on JudaismEliezer Berkovits

A collection of select essays on ethics, theology, halacha, Zionism, and the Holocaust by one of the most original Jewish thinkers of the past generation.

2001 | 429 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-03-3 | NIS 78 | $21.99

God, Man and HistoryEliezer Berkovits

Berkovits examines the underpinnings of Judaism, constructing a coherent, comprehensive view that stretches from theology to law to the meaning of Jewish nationhood.

2004 | 215 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-15-7 | NIS 62 | $15.95

The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the PentateuchUmberto Cassuto

Cassuto critiques the documentary hypothesis, which posits that the text of the Pentateuch was edited together from independent source documents. The Documentary Hypothesis is a classic defense of the unity and integrity of the Hebrew Bible.

2005 | 172 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-35-8 | NIS 62 | $16.99

New Essays on ZionismDavid Hazony, Yoram Hazony, Michael B. Oren, eds.

The first volume of its kind, New Essays on Zionism presents the efforts of a new generation of Israeli thinkers to defend Zionism, philosophically and historically, against today’s deepening skepticism of the national state.

2006 | 448 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-44-0 | NIS 78 | $21.00

edited by

David Hazony, Yoram Hazony and Michael B. Oren

New essaYs ON ZiONisM

God, Man and HistoryEliezer Berkovits

Edited by David Hazony


Page 30: Shalem Press Publications

The Dawn: Political Teachings of the Book of EstherYoram Hazony

The Dawn removes the book of Esther from the realm of fairy tale, translating the biblical narrative’s political thought into teachings of the utmost relevance today.

2000 | 328 pages | hardcover ISBN 965-7052-06-8 | NIS 72 | $19.50

The City of David Excavations 2005Eilat Mazar

This report summarizes the finds unearthed at the site, tentatively identified with the palace of King David, and draws preliminary conclusions about their impact on our understanding of the history of Jerusalem.

2007 | 87 pages | paperback original ISBN 978-965-7052-74-7 | NIS 85 | $23.00

Moses as Political LeaderAaron Wildavsky

“Aaron Wildavsky, a giant of American political science, brings his profound understanding of human affairs to bear on the founding of the world’s most enduring political community, the nation of Israel. A marvelous book!”

—Leon R. Kass

2005 | 325 pages | paperback original ISBN 965-7052-31-9 | NIS 74 | $20

Moses as Political LeaderAaron Wildavsky

with a foreword by Yoram Hazony


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