Shad0wrun 5ed the Fat Man V1.xls

CHARACTERS NAME Faz Bo-dea PLAYERS NAME Oscar NOTES Priority System c d e B Pg65 ATTRIBUTES PERSONAL DATA Start 14 Agme Qual Qual Tot Max Is Ess L Curr ALIAS Fat boy Jink Tru BOD 4 0 1 5 9 Ess 6 0.00 2 Metatype Orc Age 20 AGI 1 1 1 3 6 Rig M 8 2d6 Sex M Hght 5'8" Wght 16 St 110Kg REA 1 1 1 3 7 Init B 8 2d6 Street Cred Notoriety STR 3 1 1 5 8 Rig C 8 4d6 Cold Public Awareness 0 Karma 0 WIL 1 4 5 6 Rig H 8 5d6 Hot Total Karma Misc LOG 1 3 4 5 Comp 7 INT 1 3 4 6 Judg 6 CONDITION MONITOR CHA 1 1 2 5 Mem 10 Physical Damage Stun Damage Lift 75 Ea 15 Test 10 Carr 50 Ea 10 10 -1 -1 14 Edge Mov Walk 3 Run 6 -2 -2 Edge Points OOOOOOOO Sprint +0.5m Per hit -3 -3 Th H Physical 7 Mental 7 Social 5 -4 -4 Priority a 36 5 Pg90 SKILLS SKILLS -5 -5 Skill Bns Skill Stat Tot Skill Bns Skill Stat Tot -6Cha has 8+ (Will / 2 roun Acting Athletics 0 +2 Def Electric Overflow 10.5 Con -1 -1 Gymnastics -1 -1 AGI -2 Cha has 8+ (Body / 2 round up) Performance -1 -1 Running -1 -1 AGI -2 QUALITIES p 77 Swimming -1 -1 AGI -2 QUALITIES Tarting Karm 25 End 55 Biotech Analytical mind +2LOG cut time 50% First Aid 2 2 Cl combat Veh Empathy +1 Hand & +1DP Pilot Medicine -1 -1 Blades -1 1 AGI 0 Hawk Eye +1 Perc Range bouns Clubs -1 -1 AGI -2 Trust Fund Commercial Cracking Unarmed -1 1 AGI 0 Cybercombat -1 -1 Allergy Mild Distracting Magic -2 Elec Warfare 4 4 Electronics 3 SINner National Hacking 0 REC 0 Computer 3 Adiposis Obbese Hard ware 3 Fire Arms Soft ware 3 Karma Usage Remaining Automatics 2 2 Long Arms 2 2 Influence Pistols 2 2 Etiquette 4 4 Leadership 1 1 Engineering 2 Negotiation 2 2 Elec Warfare Lv 2 Tech Grou 2 LOG 4 Tech Aero 2 LOG 4 Outdoors CONTACTS 12 Remaining Tech Water 2 LOG 4 Navagation Name ConnecLoyalty Favour Tech Walk 2 LOG 4 Survival AD Mike 3 3 Tracking Ch M Kate 2 4 Pilot Grou 4 REC 4 Coyot Sarah 2 3 Pilot Aero 4 REC 4 Stealth ID Karen 2 3 Pilot Water 4 REC 4 Disdguise -1 0 PB Margret 2 3 Pilot Walk -1 REC -1 Palming -1 -1 SD Joyce 2 3 0 Sneaking -1 -1 Recy Mark 1 3 Hvy Wpns -1 -1 -1 Throw Wpns -1 AGI -1 Locksmith -1 AGI 0 Armorer 2 1 LOG 3 -1 Demolition 2 -1 LOG 1 Perception 2 LOG 0 Chemistry 2 -1 LOG 1 Sight 1 3 Forgery 2 -1 LOG 1 Gunnery 2 AGI 2 10 14 22 36 5 23 33 IDS/LIFESTYLES/CASH 44 CASH PRIMARY LIFE STYLES Commercial 3000 Extra 3370 Credsticks Max Value Holding Cost M NUYENS 24270 Medium 5000 Extra 100 Faz 20000 7281 20 SINner Faz Bo-dea licenses PistolSMG Ass Sgun 800 Jink 100000 14562 10 FAKE SIN Jink R[4] 10000 PistolSMG Ass Sgun 3200 rubs 5000 2427 5 FAKE SIN Trubs R[1] 2500 NUYENS 24270 12

Transcript of Shad0wrun 5ed the Fat Man V1.xls

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Priority System c d e B A


Start 14 Agme Qual Qual Tot Max Is Ess L Curr ALIAS Fat boy Jink Trubs

BOD 4 0 1 5 9 Ess 6 0.00 2 Metatype Orc Age 20

AGI 1 1 1 3 6 Rig M 8 2d6 Sex M Hght 5'8" Wght 16 St 110Kg

REA 1 1 1 3 7 Init B 8 2d6 Street Cred Notoriety

STR 3 1 1 5 8 Rig C 8 4d6 Cold Public Awareness 0 Karma 0

WIL 1 4 5 6 Rig H 8 5d6 Hot Total Karma Misc

LOG 1 3 4 5 Comp 7


CHA 1 1 2 5 Mem 10 Physical Damage Stun Damage

Lift 75 Ea 15 Test 10 Carr 50 Ea 10 10 -1 -1

14 Edge Mov Walk 3 Run 6 -2 -2

Edge Points OOOOOOOO Sprint +0.5m Per hit -3 -3

Th H Physical 7 Mental 7 Social 5 -4 -4

Priority a 36 5 Pg90 SKILLS SKILLS -5 -5

Skill Bns Skill Stat Tot Skill Bns Skill Stat Tot -6 Cha has 8+ (Will / 2 round up)

Acting Athletics 0 +2 Def Electric Overflow 10.5

Con -1 -1 Gymnastics -1 -1 AGI -2 Cha has 8+ (Body / 2 round up)

Performance -1 -1 Running -1 -1 AGI -2 QUALITIES p 77

Swimming -1 -1 AGI -2 QUALITIES Tarting Karma 25 End 55 COST

Biotech Analytical mind +2LOG cut time 50% -5

First Aid 2 2 Cl combat Veh Empathy +1 Hand & +1DP Pilot -7

Medicine -1 -1 Blades -1 1 AGI 0 Hawk Eye +1 Perc Range bouns -3

Clubs -1 -1 AGI -2 Trust Fund Commercial -5

Cracking Unarmed -1 1 AGI 0 -20

Cybercombat -1 -1 Allergy Mild Distracting Magic -2 10

Elec Warfare 4 4 Electronics 3 SINner National 5

Hacking 0 REC 0 Computer 3 Adiposis Obbese 10

Hard ware 3 25

Fire Arms Soft ware 3 Karma Usage Remaining 30

Automatics 2 2

Long Arms 2 2 Influence

Pistols 2 2 Etiquette 4 4

Leadership 1 1

Engineering 2 Negotiation 2 2 Elec Warfare Lv 2 6

Tech Grou 2 LOG 4 6

Tech Aero 2 LOG 4 Outdoors CONTACTS 12 Remaining 0

Tech Water 2 LOG 4 Navagation Name ConnecLoyalty Favour

Tech Walk 2 LOG 4 Survival AD Mike 3 3

Tracking Ch M Kate 2 4

Pilot Grou 4 REC 4 Coyot Sarah 2 3

Pilot Aero 4 REC 4 Stealth ID Karen 2 3

Pilot Water 4 REC 4 Disdguise -1 0 PB Margret 2 3

Pilot Walk -1 REC -1 Palming -1 -1 SD Joyce 2 3

0 Sneaking -1 -1 Recy Mark 1 3

Hvy Wpns -1 -1 -1

Throw Wpns -1 AGI -1 Locksmith -1 AGI 0

Armorer 2 1 LOG 3 -1

Demolition 2 -1 LOG 1 Perception 2 LOG 0

Chemistry 2 -1 LOG 1 Sight 1 3

Forgery 2 -1 LOG 1

Gunnery 2 AGI 2 10 14 22 36


PRIMARY LIFE STYLES Commercial 3000 Extra 3370 Credsticks Max Value Holding Cost Mly

NUYENS 24270 Medium 5000 Extra 100 Faz 20000 7281 20

SINner Faz Bo-dea licenses Pistol SMG Ass Sgun 800 Jink 100000 14562 100

FAKE SIN Jink R[4] 10000 Pistol SMG Ass Sgun 3200 rubs 5000 2427 5

FAKE SIN Trubs R[1] 2500

NUYENS 24270 125

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Starting Cash 450000 A 27970 B 397760 Remaining 24270


This lifestyle is a storefront, not a proper residence to Point Cost: * 2

live in. The lifestyle includes a location where the character Type: Asset Car (Body 5 or greater)

can manufacture, fence, or repair goods. The location Monthly Nuyen Cost: * 100

associated with this lifestyle includes permits to Minimum Lifestyle: * Medium

sell specific legal items. Because it’s a business that can A garage is a large covered area with enough space

make money, the monthly cost can vary. When renting to park and maintain a single vehicle. With the purchase

an establishment, the character should make a Charisma of a Shop (p. 443, SR5) related to the vehicle, 1 box of

+ Etiquette (Corporate) [Social] test at the start of each damage to the vehicle can be repaired per week without

month. Each net hit reduces the monthly cost by 1,000 additional financial cost, as the cost is absorbed by the

for that month, representing the savvy business sense lifestyle. Purchasing a Facility increases the repair rate to

the character has while running the establishment. 2 boxes of damage. Use the Build and Repair rules for

• Comforts & Necessities: 3[4] 4 800 quicker repairs (p.145, SR5, and p. 143, Run & Gun). This

• Security: 3[7] 6 2400 asset can be purchased more than once so that multiple

• Neighborhood: 4[6] 4 vehicles can be serviced at the same time. The points

• Points: 4 3200 cost, monthly nuyen cost, and minimum lifestyle depend

• Cost: 8,000 ¥ a month Trust fund -5000 Pay 500 on the nature of the vehicle, as listed in the table.


Point Cost: 1 Point Cost: 1

Type: Asset Type: Asset

Monthly Nuyen Cost: 50¥ Monthly Nuyen Cost: 20¥

Minimum Lifestyle: Middle Minimum Lifestyle: Squatter

Nobody “downloads” or “records” their favorite song This is a simple empty, two-meter-by-two-meter space

or movie any more. It’s all based on subscriptions and that has been built out of the view of passers by. It provides

purchases within the Matrix and stored virtually on a grid. concealability (–4 dice pool penalty for Perception Tests

Commlinks and home entertainment systems connect to notice a person in the room from the outside) and full

you wirelessly to everything from photos you’ve taken to cover. A barricaded alley or abandoned cars are examples

corporate-sponsored lines of entertainment that you can things that could serve as a private room for people who

watch whenever you want. Without a grid subscription, do not live in an actual building. For people in a building,

you might as well have a throwback commlink with an this is simply a room cleverly placed to be difficult to see.

antique external storage device, as the public grid only

has trid shows from like two seasons ago.


MEDIUM If anyone attempts a burglary at the character’s

See category description on p. 373, SR5. domicile while the character is away

• Comforts & Necessities: 3[4] roll a dice pool of (Security level x 2)

• Security: 3[4] against the Sneaking + Agility of the burglars.

• Neighborhood: 4[5] Neighborhood

• Points: 4 4 B 1D6 x 5 minutes This is where the middle class

• Cost: 5,000 ¥ a month lives, along with the commercial places

they use and the occasional light industrial facility.


Point Cost: * 3 C 1D6 x 10 minutes

Type: Asset 2 The district has seen bet paint job to bring it up to snuff.

Monthly Nuyen Cost: * Car (Body 5 or greater) use more than just a

Minimum Lifestyle: * 100 You can find low-rent residences,

Car (Body 5 Medium storage facilities, small bodegas, and other similar

sites in these zones.

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Metatype: Human Age: Middle-aged Metatype: Human Age: Middle-aged

Sex: Male Type: Swag Sex: Female Type: Shadow Service

Preferred Payment Method: Barter (hobby/vice items) Preferred Payment Method: Barter (easy to sell)

Hobbies/Vice: Weapons (military) Hobbies/Vice: Nothing of Interest

Personal Life: Divorced Personal Life: Single

B A R S W L I C Ess Edg B A R S W L I C Ess Edg

3 3 5 3 4 3 3 4 6 2 8 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 6 1

Condition Monitor 10/10 Condition Monitor 10/10

Limits Physical 5, Mental 5, Social 5 Limits Physical 8, Mental 5, Social 5

Skills Armorer 4, Computers 3, Etiquette 4 (Corporate Initiative 10 + 1D6

+2), Firearms 4, Gunnery 3, Instruction 2, Skills Intimidation 3, Longarms 3 (Long-Range Shots

Negotiation 5, Perception 4 +2), Perception 5, Survival 2, Tracking 4

Knowledge Skills Chemistry 4, Firearms 4, Mercenary Groups 4 Knowledge Skills Botany 3 (Edible Wild Plants +2), Border Security

Description What are you looking for? Better recoil? Armor 5, Geology 3 (Terrain +2), Language (whatever is

piercing? Range? How about a chainsaw spoken across any nearby border) 4

accessory or a pearl handle with a clamshell Description Every nation hires officers to keep the riffraff

holster? The Arms Dealer offers a variety of from other countries from commingling with their

firearms, from the hold-out pistol to assault own riffraff. A Border Patrol Agent has access to

cannon along with a rainbow of ammo flavors. scanned SINs and checks on their authenticity.

The Arms Dealer does business with a number They are also physically on duty watching the

of organizations. Instead of selling to the borders. Border Patrol Agents can do this by

highest bidder, he makes sure there’s plenty horse, car, boat, or with drones watching the

to go around. Pricing depends on how much skies above. Besides the intel on who’s who

he likes you and what permits you already moving in or out of a nation, he could also do the

have. As a favor, he might let you borrow or character a favor by helping him cross the very

purchase one of the bigger toys. border he’s supposed to be guarding.


Metatype: Human Age: Middle-aged Metatype: Elf Age: Middle-aged

Sex: Female Type: Shadow Service Sex: Female Type: Shadow Service

Preferred Payment Method: Barter (easy items to sell) Preferred Payment Method: Cash (credstick)

Hobbies/Vice: Nothing of Interest Hobbies/Vice: Nothing of Interest

Personal Life: Widowed Personal Life: Family

B A R S W L I C Ess Edg B A R S W L I C Ess Edg

3 3 5 3 4 3 3 4 6 1 3 4 3 3 4 5 6 4 6 1

Condition Monitor 10/10 Condition Monitor 10/10

Limits Physical 5, Mental 5, Social 6 Limits Physical 4, Mental 7, Social 6

Initiative 8 + 1D6 Initiative 9 + 1D6

Skills Athletics skill group 2, Computers 2, Con Skills Artisan 4 (Writing +2), Con 3, Electronics skill

3, Etiquette 3 (Street +2), Impersonation 3, group 4, Electronic Warfare 5, Etiquette 3

Leadership 2, Negotiation 4, Pistols 4 (Media +2), Hacking 5, Negotiation 4

Knowledge Skills (City) Knowledge 5, Magical Threats 3, Security Knowledge Skills Grids 5, Matrix Security 4, Organized Crime 5,

Systems 4 SIN Databases 4, Software 4

Description For every security border, there’s someone who Description The ID Manufacturer works behind the scenes

knows how to bypass it. For a hefty fee, she using agents to gather and create data trails as

brings individuals or groups through tunnels, she codes new SINs for clients. With plenty of

under fences, and/or by bribed guards from demand for people wanting to be able to have

one nation to the next. For a favor, she might their existence acknowledged so they can

direct them to someone to get them the proper buy those corporate-advertised toys and get

paperwork (fake SIN/permits) to be able to work out of the barrens, she can pick and choose

and live in the new place. her clientele. If you have her as a contact, you

were one of the fortunate that she will work for.

Besides Fake SINs and licenses, she knows

how to get real licenses, and since behind every

SIN there’s an artist, she can probably tell you

the general seller of a specific SIN

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Metatype: Troll Metatype: Human

Sex: Male Sex: Female

Age: Middle-aged Age: Old

Type: Swag Type: Swag

Preferred Payment Method: Barter (easy items to sell) Preferred Payment Method: Barter (easy items to sell)

Hobbies/Vice: Bad Habit (dream chip) Hobbies/Vice: Social Habit (alcohol)

Personal Life: None of Your Damn Business! Personal Life: In a relationship

B A R S W L I C Ess Edg B A R S W L I C Ess Edg

7 4 3 7 4 3 4 2 6 1 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 6 2

Condition Monitor 10/10 Condition Monitor 10/10

Limits Physical 8, Mental 5, Social 5 Limits Physical 4, Mental 5, Social 6

Initiative 7 + 1D6 Initiative 7 + 1D6

Skills Clubs 3, Etiquette 2 (Street +2), First Aid 3, Skills Computers 2, Etiquette 2 (Street +2), Longarms

Perception 3, Survival 2 3, Negotiation 5, Perception 5

Knowledge Skills Biotechnology 4, BTLs 3, Chemistry 4, Twentieth Knowledge Skills Item Appraisal 3, Street Rumors 2, Tech Trends 2

Century Technology 3 Description Part of the neighborhood’s eyes and ears, the

Description The current trend of what to do with trash is to Pawn Broker sees people come in and out, hears

bury it to make it go away. But like information their stories of hardship, and knows a few of their

on the Matrix, it doesn’t always stay buried. routines. While she’s good at buying and selling

A Recicladore lives and works from trash goods, she also has knowledge of her customers’

dumps, making a living recycling and using habits or changes in routine. And sometimes she

what’s been buried for generations. Need a has some wiz, if used, gear.

DVD player? Readers Digest in paper form? Similar Contacts Antique Dealer

How about a twentieth-century car engine? A

Recicladore collects many low-tech items or STREET DOC Joyce

raw materials. Communities of recicladores Metatype: Human

trade recyclables for foodstuffs and medicine, Sex: Female

and this Recicladore is no exception. Standard Age: Old

currency can be used to buy his stuff, but it’s Type: Shadow Service

not preferred as most communities are barter Preferred Payment Method: Barter (items needed for

societies. Recicladores have the advantage of the profession)

knowing just where a body—dead or alive— Hobbies/Vice: Family Obligations (kids)

can be stashed and never found. Personal Life: Family

B A R S W L I C Ess Edg

3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 6 2

Condition Monitor 10/10

Limits Physical 4, Mental 5, Social 6

Initiative 6 + 1D6

Skills Chemistry 4, Computers 4, Con 2,

Cybertechnology 3, First Aid 4, Influence skill

group 4, Medicine 6, Pistols 4

Knowledge Skills BTLs 3, Drugs 4, Medical Centers 4, Street

Rumors 3

Description (p. 392, SR5)

Street docs operate out of local clinics and body-mod

shops, and they don’t ask a lot of questions. They have

comparatively reasonable rates. They might not have

an actual medical degree. Street docs are, often as not,

med-school dropouts, nurses, or former combat medics.

Beggars can’t be choosers in the shadows, though, and if

you’re bleeding profusely and legitimate medical care is

out of the question, your choice is pretty clear.

Not only will they put you back together, but many

street docs will also rebuild you. Many of them have cyberware

installation as one of their income streams. It’s

often used ware, salvaged from runners who didn’t make

it, but it’s usually a pretty good deal in terms of price.

Keep your street doc happy. He’ll cut you a better

deal, you’ll get treated better, and he’ll be a lot less likely

to kill you on the table and sell your parts to organleggers

and other shadowrunners.

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Total 9100 ARMOURArmour Bns Rating Tot Notes Cost

Wild Hunt Urba 1 12 13 3000Wild Hunt Temp 1 12 13 3000Wild Hunt Blac 1 12 13 3000

CORE COMBAT INFO Cost 109300 Melm +2 to armour 100Range Weapon Acc Dmg AP Mods RC Ammo Count Legal Cost Defence

Ares Crusader II 5(7) 7P SA/BF -2 40c 9R 830 +2 Def EclecticIngram Smart X SMG 4[6] 8P ~ BF/FA 30c 6R 800 VEHICLE 96000

FN HAR Ass Rifle 5[6] 10P -2 All 2 30c 8R 1500 Make Hdle Spd Accel Bod Armor CostRemington 990 4 11P ~ SA ~ 8c 6R 950 Harley-D Scorpion 4/3 4 2 8 9

Pilot 1 Sens 2 Seat 1 ###

Ammo/Bangs Dmg AP Legal Cilps Count Cost E Cost Make Hdle Spd Accel Bod Armor CostReg Ammo MP 2R 2 8 20 160 Ford Americar 4/3 3 2 11 6Reg Ammo SMG 2R 2 6 20 120 Pilot 1 Sens 2 Seat 4 ###Reg Ammo AR 2R 2 6 20 120

Reg Ammo SG 2R 2 2 20 40 Make Hdle Spd Accel Bod Armor CostAPDS Ammo MP -4 12F 1 4 80 480 Rover Model 2072 5/5 4 2 15 12APDS Ammo SMG -4 12F 1 3 80 360 Pilot 2 Sens 4 Seat 6 ###APDS Ammo AR -4 12F 1 3 80 360

APDS Ammo SG -4 12F 1 1 80 120

Shock Ammo MP -2S[e] -5 6R 1 4 20 320

Shock Ammo SMG -2S[e] -5 6R 1 3 120 240

Shock Ammo AR -2S[e] -5 6R 1 3 120 240

Shock Ammo SG -2S[e] -5 6R 1 1 120 80

Flare Ammo MP -2/+2 +2/-3 6R 1 1 20 20

Flare Ammo AR -2/+2 +2/-3 6R 1 1 20 20

Tracer Ammo MP -2 -2 8R 1 1 120 120

Tracer Ammo AG -2 -2 8R 1 1 120 120

GEAR P416GEAR Qty Rate Aval Cost

Jammer 4 12F 800Bug Scanner 6 5 600

Melee Weapon Acc Rea Dmg AP Mod Foci Cost Speed loader x 2 ~ 50Combat Knife 5 0 St +2 -3 300 Concealable holsters Ares Ares 150Hand to Hand St+1 Spare clip x 8 40

Stealth rope 3 x 100m 255 255Catalyst Stick 120micro wire 100m roll and gloves 50

Rigging kit Equip Rating No Pross FW Cost Med kit Rating 4 1000Proteus Poseidon RCC 5 15 5 6 68000 Climbing Gear 200Transys Avalon ComL 6 ~ ~ Paid Gas Mask 200

Light stick x 2 25Drones Hanle Spd Accel Bod Armor Pilot Sens Seat Micro Flare Laun 175

Micro Flares x 2 50MCT Fly-Spy [A] 4 3 3 1 0 3 3 2000 Survival kit 200MCT Fly-Spy [B] 4 3 3 1 0 3 3 2000 Glue Solvent 90

MCT Roto-Drone [C] 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 5000 glue sprayer 150MCT Roto-Drone [D] 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 5000 Lock pick set 250

C-D Dalmatian [E] 5 5 3 5 5 3 3 10000 Plast cuffs x10 50C-D Dalmatian [M] 5 5 3 5 5 3 3 10000 Tool Kit 500

Comm link 6 Transys Avalon 5000Augmentation Cost 0 Ess lose 3.96

Augment Base Rating BR Notes [A] To Cost Ess### 9955Control rig 97000 2 2 Rig system +2 Y Pilot 116400 1.4 KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Pts 16 Used 8Wired Reflex 39000 1 2 +1 R / Die +1d6 REA 46800 1.4 Skill RTG Type Skill RTG Type

Bone Lace 800 1 0.5 +1 Body CC +1 BOD 960 0.4 English N N Local Gangs 1Muscle Tonn 32000 1 0.2 Agi +1 AGI 38400 0.16 MilitaryMuscle Augm 31000 1 0.2 Str +1 STR 37200 0.16

Orthoskin 12000 1 0.25 Armour +1 Arm 14400 0.2 Military 2 Police Pro 1Insulation 8000 2 0.1 +2 Die vs Elect BOD 9600 0.08 Smuggling Routes 2 Black-market 2Adapsin 30000 1 0.2 10% ruduction Ess 36000 0.16

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183360 4 4

PANs and WANsIf you want extra protection for some of your devices,you can slave them to your commlink or deck. Yourcommlink (or deck) can handle up to (Device Rating x3) slaved devices, becoming the master device in thatparticular relationship. The group consisting of yourslaved devices plus your master commlink or deck iscalled a personal area network, or PAN.

Run faste Pg 119



The character is clinically obese due to metabolic or

genetic dysfunction and possesses more than thirty

percent body fat. Because of his massive weight and

abdominal girth, he is cumbersome and slow to react.

Reduce his Movement rates to: Walking (Agility x 1),

Running (Agility x 2), Sprinting (+0.5m/hit). Additionally,

the character receives a –1 dice pool modifier to

all physical activities, including combat. The character

also becomes out of breath much faster than a healthy

person. Double the DV for Fatigue Damage (p. 172,

SR5) from strenuous activities, and halve the duration

between Resistance Tests.

5% 10% 7% 25%10 0.5 1 0.75 2.520 1 2 1.5 530 1.5 3 2.25 7.540 2 4 3 1050 2.5 5 3.75 12.560 3 6 4.5 1570 3.5 7 5.25 17.580 4 8 6 2090 4.5 9 6.75 22.5

100 5 10 7.5 25

1000 50 100 75 2502000 100 200 150 5003000 150 300 225 7504000 200 400 300 10005000 250 500 375 12506000 300 600 450 15007000 350 700 525 17508000 400 800 600 20009000 450 900 675 2250

10000 500 1000 750 2500

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NOTESHelmet +2 — +100¥Helmet: Helmets come in a wide variety of shapesand sizes and protect your noggin from trauma. Helmetshave Capacity 6 for being tricked out with accessorieslike trode nets and vision enhancements.

Wild Hunt 12 10 12 3,000¥Rigging Pg 267RCC Remote control ConcelProteus Poseidon 5 12R 68,000¥ 5 6

Rigger interface: When added to a vehicle, this letsyou use a control rig to jump in and control it directlythrough immersive virtual reality. The standard riggerinterface allows the vehicle to be controlled with eithera direct fiber-optic cable or wireless link. See Being theMachine, p. 265.Weapon mounts: Vehicles may be equipped with a 1 0number of weapon mounts equal to their unaugmented 2 1Body ÷ 3 (round down). Standard weapon mounts may 3 1hold any assault rifle or smaller-sized weapon and 250 4 1rounds of ammo. Heavy weapon mounts count as two 5 2weapon mounts and can hold any weapon and up to 6 2500 rounds of belted ammo or up to Body rockets/missiles. 7 2All weapon mounts are operated remotely and can 8 3target a ninety-degree arc of fire (horizontal and vertical). 9 3Manual operation can be added, but only for vehicles, 10 3not drones, and at extra cost.

Academic LogicBiology, Medicine, Magic Theory, Politics, Philosophy, Literature, History, Music,Parabotany, ParazoologyInterests IntuitionCurrent Simsense movies, popular trideo shows, 20th Century trivia, Elven Wine,Urban Brawl, Combat Biking, Pop musicProfessional Logic Journalism, Business, Law, Military ServiceStreet Intuition Gang Identification, Criminal Organizations, Smuggling Routes, Fences

1 month 0.2 16 30,000¥

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AMMO DAMAGE MODIFIER AP MODIFIER AVAILABILITY COSTEX-Explosive Rounds +2 –1 14F 120¥Frangible –1 +4 2R 10¥Flare –2 / +2 +2 / –3 6R 20¥Tracker –2 –2 8R 150¥Capsule –4 +4 2 5¥ADDITIONAL RULESFrangible rounds face double the Armor against all Barriers.Flare rounds are intended to be shot into the air and act as a signal or location marker. They ignite upon firing and explode into ashower of burning sparks at 60 meters. Targets struck by a flare round may catch fire (see p. 171, SR5). The first numbers listed are fora round impacting at less than 60 meters. The second is for a round impacting between 60 and 62 meters. These rounds are ineffectivebeyond 62 meters no matter what weapon they are loaded into.Tracker rounds include an RFID tag inside the bullet. If the target is damaged by the hit, the tracker round remains within the bodyof the target until it is removed. If all damage is resisted, the round is imbedded in the target’s armor. On a Grazing Hit, roll the attackingcharacter’s Edge. A single hit means the tracker imbeds in the armor; no hits means the shooter will be tracking the movements of thenearby pavement.Tracker rounds contain either security or stealth tags (see p. 440, SR5).

Wild Hunt 12 10 12 3,000¥ pg63Features: Custom Protection (6), Holster, Gear AccessWireless Bonus (for all): +1 dice pool bonus to Survival Tests in Custom Protection terrain.GLOBETROTTER/WILD HUNTMarketed to outdoorsy types, the various incarnationsof this armor line come in a variety of camouflage patternsand environmentally adapted package suites. Fromthe heat of the Sahara to the frigid plains of Antarctica,this line provides protection from not only bullets andblades but also trials of temperature and humidity.

Biomonitor [1] pg87Concealed Holster [4]Fire Resistance [Rating] 2Insulation [Rating] 2Thermal Damping [Rating] 2Medkit [5]

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DronesDrones handl speed accel bod armor pilot sensor seats avail costShiawase Kanmushi 4 2 1 0 0 3 3 — 8 1,000¥S-B Microskimmer 3 3 1 0 0 3 3 — 6 1,000¥MCT Fly-Spy 4 3 2 1 0 3 3 — 8 2,000¥Horizon Flying Eye 4 3 2 1 0 3 3 — 8 2,000¥Aztechnology Crawler 4 3 1 3 3 4 3 — 4 4,000¥Lockheed Optic-X2 4 4 3 2 2 3 3 — 10 21,000¥Ares Duelist 3 3 1 4 4 3 3 — 5R 4,500¥GM-Nissan Doberman 5 3 1 4 4 3 3 — 4R 5,000¥MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone 4 4 2 4 4 3 3 — 6 5,000¥C-D Dalmatian 5 5 3 5 5 3 3 — 6R 10,000¥

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Flare rounds are intended to be shot into the air and act as a signal or location marker. They ignite upon firing and explode into ashower of burning sparks at 60 meters. Targets struck by a flare round may catch fire (see p. 171, SR5). The first numbers listed are fora round impacting at less than 60 meters. The second is for a round impacting between 60 and 62 meters. These rounds are ineffective

Tracker rounds include an RFID tag inside the bullet. If the target is damaged by the hit, the tracker round remains within the bodyof the target until it is removed. If all damage is resisted, the round is imbedded in the target’s armor. On a Grazing Hit, roll the attackingcharacter’s Edge. A single hit means the tracker imbeds in the armor; no hits means the shooter will be tracking the movements of the

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5% 10% 7% 25% PAINT GRENADE10 0.5 1 0.75 2.5 A low-tech way of defeating pesky invisibility spells,20 1 2 1.5 5 marking something in a hurry, or just slotting someone30 1.5 3 2.25 7.5 off. Available in a variety of colors, the paint grenade40 2 4 3 10 has the same blast radius as the standard high-explosive50 2.5 5 3.75 12.5 grenade but none of the nasty death-aftereffects.60 3 6 4.5 15 Subjects within the blast radius are covered with a70 3.5 7 5.25 17.5 splatter of paint. Radioactive tracking dye can also be80 4 8 6 20 added for an additional 50 nuyen.90 4.5 9 6.75 22.5 DAM AP BLAST AVAIL COST

100 5 10 7.5 25 — — –2/m 8R 100¥

1000 50 100 75 250 Hold-Fast was developed at MIT&T as an effort to2000 100 200 150 500 meet—and cash in on—Dunkelzhan’s call for a non-lethal3000 150 300 225 750 alternative to conventional firearms. Its intended4000 200 400 300 1000 purpose is to quickly immobilize subjects without5000 250 500 375 1250 harming them. Though initially rejected by the Draco6000 300 600 450 1500 Foundation for “not meeting the necessary criteria,”7000 350 700 525 1750 Hold-Fast was adopted by Lone Star after their own independent8000 400 800 600 2000 trials, conducted on the streets of several9000 450 900 675 2250 CAS cities, proved it to be effective in apprehension

10000 500 1000 750 2500 and crowd control. Hold-Fast is a liquid that is deliveredthrough a sprayer not unlike a fire extinguisher.Once exposed to oxygen, the liquid hardens to form aclear plastic-like shell in about thirty seconds. StandardHold-Fast become brittle after two hours, while thelong-lasting formula is stable until removed with a solvent.Use Taser ranges for Hold-Fast sprayer. Breakingfree of Hold-Fast requires a Strength (4) Test.ACC DAM AP AMMO AVAIL COST–2 Special — 10 12 50¥

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has the same blast radius as the standard high-explosive

meet—and cash in on—Dunkelzhan’s call for a non-lethal

Hold-Fast was adopted by Lone Star after their own independent

long-lasting formula is stable until removed with a solvent.

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