Shabbat Matters January 26 - Parshat Yitro

בס דJANUARY 26, 2019 JANUARY 26, 2019 JANUARY 26, 2019 JANUARY 26, 2019 - 20 SHEVAT 5779 20 SHEVAT 5779 20 SHEVAT 5779 20 SHEVAT 5779 PARSHAT YITRO PARSHAT YITRO PARSHAT YITRO PARSHAT YITRO Friday January 25 Friday January 25 Friday January 25 Friday January 25 4:58 pm Candle Lighting 5:05 pm Mincha Friday February 1 Friday February 1 Friday February 1 Friday February 1 5:07 pm Candle Lighting 5:15 pm Mincha Shabbat, January 26 Shabbat, January 26 Shabbat, January 26 Shabbat, January 26 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan 8:15 am Chumash-Rashi Shiur with Melech Halberstadt 9:00 am Shacharit: Sharp Sanctuary & Downstairs Minyan 10:00 am Youth Programs 10:00 am Teen Minyan 11:15 am Post-Mussaf Shiur: Sarah Cheses 12:00 pm YP & Young Families Lunch – by RSVP 4:45 pm Mincha 5:00 pm Bnei Akiva Snif 6:01 pm Shabbat Ends 6:45 pm Parent-Child Learning TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the sponsors: sponsors: sponsors: sponsors: CONGREGATIONAL CONGREGATIONAL CONGREGATIONAL CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH: KIDDUSH: KIDDUSH: KIDDUSH: Stephen & Carol Handelman in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Stephen’s father, Max Handelman z”l Shelley Zarnett-Klein & Bill Klein in honour of their son, Zachary reading the Torah on the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah Danny & Elaine Shiff and family in honour of Danny’s birthday DOWNSTAIRS MINYAN: DOWNSTAIRS MINYAN: DOWNSTAIRS MINYAN: DOWNSTAIRS MINYAN: Simha & Nelly Mendelsohn in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Nelly’s father, Moshe Jinich z”l HASHKAMA MINYAN: HASHKAMA MINYAN: HASHKAMA MINYAN: HASHKAMA MINYAN: David Freeman in honour and in appreciation of the Hashkama Minyan SEUDAH SHLISHIT: SEUDAH SHLISHIT: SEUDAH SHLISHIT: SEUDAH SHLISHIT: Raymond & Felicity Stone in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Felicity’s mother, Enid Dick z”l BREAKFAST: BREAKFAST: BREAKFAST: BREAKFAST: Sunday, Jan. 27 In commemoration of the Shloshim of Anshel Buxbaum z"l by his many friends Monday, Jan. 28, 1 st Minyan Robbie & Brian Schwartz in honour of the birth of their granddaughter Monday, Jan. 28, 2 nd Minyan Jeffrey & Shirley Stutz in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Shirley’s father, Philip Zucker z”l Mazal Tov to Zach & Leedan Mammon Zach & Leedan Mammon Zach & Leedan Mammon Zach & Leedan Mammon on the birth of a girl, Zoe Rebecca Zoe Rebecca Zoe Rebecca Zoe Rebecca. Proud grandparents are Michael & Ruthie Mammon and Randy & Esti Cohen. Thrilled great- grandparents are Shoshana Mammon, Joe & Rebecca Mammon, and Marvin & Frieda Cohen. Mazal Tov to Robbie & Brian Schwartz Robbie & Brian Schwartz Robbie & Brian Schwartz Robbie & Brian Schwartz and Ofra Svorai and Zev Nadel on the birth of a granddaughter, daughter of Maya & Moshe Schwartz. Excited sisters are Sari, Hadas and Noa. Mazal Tov to Atta & Henry Zieleniec Atta & Henry Zieleniec Atta & Henry Zieleniec Atta & Henry Zieleniec on the engagement of their granddaughter, Elisheva Rosenblum, daughter of Naomi & Zev Rosenblum, to Avi Krokotsky. MAZAL TOV AND OTHER MEMBERS MATTERS We are excited to welcome our friend, Sarah Cheses Sarah Cheses Sarah Cheses Sarah Cheses, Yoetzet Halachah with Canadian Yoatzot Initiative. Sarah will speak after Mussaf on the topic: “Rabbinic Tales of Love and Marriage: Marriage relationships in rabbinic writings that provide lessons for our relationships today.” PLEASE WELCOME Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Shemot, 18:1 - 20:23 Hertz P. 288 Stone P. 394 Haftorah: Haftorah: Haftorah: Haftorah: Yishaiah, 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6 Hertz P. 302 Stone P. 1154 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM UPCOMING PROGRAMS Monday, January 28, 7:30 pm - Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 with Rabbi Eli Cohen. At Shaarei Shomayim. Register at 416-789-0020 or [email protected]. Wednesday, February 13, 10-11:30 am - The Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale Mall The Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale Mall The Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale Mall The Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale Mall. All ages are welcome. To reserve your spot email Rabbi Shore at [email protected]. Tuesday, February 19, 12:00 pm - Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Shore Rabbi Shore Rabbi Shore Rabbi Shore, on the topic: “Does God Have A Sense Of Humor?” $10/ person. Register by calling Miriam at 416-789-3213 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS & YOUNG FAMILIES SHABBAT This Shabbat, Shaarei Shomayim Young Professionals Young Professionals Young Professionals Young Professionals and Young Families Young Families Young Families Young Families will come together for a Shabbat Lunch. They will honour Avital Strauchler Avital Strauchler Avital Strauchler Avital Strauchler for her leadership and involvement with our community, and will celebrate her 40 th birthday coming up in March. Adir & Dara Dishy Noam & Caroline Edell Zvi & Naomi Glustein Evan Goldenthal & Ilana Arje- Goldenthal Jonathan Grauman & Aviva Zielenec Seth & Daniella Greenspan Zvi Halpern-Shavim & Michelle Landy-Shavim Robert & Jessica Handelman Jonathan & Aimee Hass Baruch & Yael Jakubovic Jeremy & Jennie Kellerstein Ian Kessler & Davida Shiff Adir & Elianne Koschitzky Yedidia & Miriam Koschitzky Joseph & Sarah Koval Jordan & Sara Lass Gerald Lazar & Rachel Libman Eli Lechtman & Tamar Arje- Lechtman Michael & Yael Lipson David & Naomi Mansell Daniel & Rena Neufeld Jeremy & Hadassa Pertman Jacob & Debra Posluns Ira Povitz Hananel & Sherri Segal Rabbi Jesse & Lauren Shore Jeffery & Daniella Silver Jeremy & Talya Silver Akyva & Gila Spiegel Zev & Sophia Spiro Steven Strauss & Sarah Brown Jesse & Alexa Tepperman David Wagner & Sharona Elmaleh Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch: Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch: Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch: Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch: SHABBAT MATTERS

Transcript of Shabbat Matters January 26 - Parshat Yitro

Page 1: Shabbat Matters January 26 - Parshat Yitro



Friday January 25Friday January 25Friday January 25Friday January 25 4:58 pm Candle Lighting 5:05 pm Mincha Friday February 1Friday February 1Friday February 1Friday February 1 5:07 pm Candle Lighting 5:15 pm Mincha

Shabbat, January 26Shabbat, January 26Shabbat, January 26Shabbat, January 26 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan 8:15 am Chumash-Rashi Shiur with Melech Halberstadt 9:00 am Shacharit: Sharp Sanctuary & Downstairs Minyan 10:00 am Youth Programs

10:00 am Teen Minyan 11:15 am Post-Mussaf Shiur: Sarah Cheses 12:00 pm YP & Young Families Lunch – by RSVP 4:45 pm Mincha 5:00 pm Bnei Akiva Snif 6:01 pm Shabbat Ends 6:45 pm Parent-Child Learning

TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the TODAH RABAH to the sponsors:sponsors:sponsors:sponsors:


Stephen & Carol Handelman in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Stephen’s father, Max Handelman z”l

Shelley Zarnett-Klein & Bill Klein in honour of their son, Zachary reading the Torah on the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah

Danny & Elaine Shi/ and family in honour of Danny’s birthday


Simha & Nelly Mendelsohn in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Nelly’s father, Moshe Jinich z”l


David Freeman in honour and in appreciation of the Hashkama Minyan


Raymond & Felicity Stone in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Felicity’s mother, Enid Dick z”l


Sunday, Jan. 27

In commemoration of the Shloshim of Anshel Buxbaumz"l

by his many friends

Monday, Jan. 28, 1st Minyan

Robbie & Brian Schwartz in honour of the birth of their granddaughter

Monday, Jan. 28, 2nd Minyan

Je/rey & Shirley Stutz in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Shirley’s father, Philip Zuckerz”l

• Mazal Tov to Zach & Leedan Mammon Zach & Leedan Mammon Zach & Leedan Mammon Zach & Leedan Mammon on the birth of a girl, Zoe RebeccaZoe RebeccaZoe RebeccaZoe Rebecca. Proud grandparents are Michael & Ruthie Mammon and Randy & Esti Cohen. Thrilled great-grandparents are Shoshana Mammon, Joe & Rebecca Mammon, and Marvin & Frieda Cohen.

• Mazal Tov to Robbie & Brian Schwartz Robbie & Brian Schwartz Robbie & Brian Schwartz Robbie & Brian Schwartz and Ofra Svorai and Zev Nadel on the birth of a granddaughter, daughter of Maya & Moshe Schwartz. Excited sisters are Sari, Hadas and Noa.

• Mazal Tov to Atta & Henry Zieleniec Atta & Henry Zieleniec Atta & Henry Zieleniec Atta & Henry Zieleniec on the engagement of their granddaughter, Elisheva Rosenblum, daughter of Naomi & Zev Rosenblum, to Avi Krokotsky.


We are excited to welcome our friend, Sarah ChesesSarah ChesesSarah ChesesSarah Cheses, Yoetzet Halachah with Canadian Yoatzot Initiative. Sarah will speak after Mussaf on the topic: “Rabbinic Tales of Love and Marriage: Marriage relationships in rabbinic writings that provide lessons for our relationships today.”


Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Torah Reading: Shemot, 18:1 - 20:23 Hertz P. 288 Stone P. 394 Haftorah: Haftorah: Haftorah: Haftorah: Yishaiah, 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6 Hertz P. 302 Stone P. 1154

SHAAREI SHOMAYIM UPCOMING PROGRAMS • Monday, January 28, 7:30 pm - Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2Judaism & Christianity at the Cross Roads: Part 2 with Rabbi Eli Cohen. At Shaarei

Shomayim. Register at 416-789-0020 or [email protected]. • Wednesday, February 13, 10-11:30 am - The Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale MallThe Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale MallThe Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale MallThe Walkie Talkies Return @ Yorkdale Mall. All ages are welcome. To reserve your

spot email Rabbi Shore at [email protected]. • Tuesday, February 19, 12:00 pm - Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn Lunch & Learn with Rabbi ShoreRabbi ShoreRabbi ShoreRabbi Shore, on the topic: “Does God Have A Sense Of Humor?” $10/

person. Register by calling Miriam at 416-789-3213

YOUNG PROFESSIONALS & YOUNG FAMILIES SHABBAT This Shabbat, Shaarei Shomayim Young ProfessionalsYoung ProfessionalsYoung ProfessionalsYoung Professionals and Young FamiliesYoung FamiliesYoung FamiliesYoung Families will come together for a Shabbat Lunch. They will honour Avital Strauchler Avital Strauchler Avital Strauchler Avital Strauchler for her leadership and involvement with our community, and will celebrate her 40th birthday coming up in March.

Adir & Dara Dishy Noam & Caroline Edell Zvi & Naomi Glustein Evan Goldenthal & Ilana Arje- Goldenthal Jonathan Grauman & Aviva Zielenec Seth & Daniella Greenspan Zvi Halpern-Shavim & Michelle Landy-Shavim Robert & Jessica Handelman Jonathan & Aimee Hass Baruch & Yael Jakubovic

Jeremy & Jennie Kellerstein Ian Kessler & Davida ShiH Adir & Elianne Koschitzky Yedidia & Miriam Koschitzky Joseph & Sarah Koval Jordan & Sara Lass Gerald Lazar & Rachel Libman Eli Lechtman & Tamar Arje- Lechtman Michael & Yael Lipson David & Naomi Mansell Daniel & Rena Neufeld Jeremy & Hadassa Pertman

Jacob & Debra Posluns Ira Povitz Hananel & Sherri Segal Rabbi Jesse & Lauren Shore JeHery & Daniella Silver Jeremy & Talya Silver Akyva & Gila Spiegel Zev & Sophia Spiro Steven Strauss & Sarah Brown Jesse & Alexa Tepperman David Wagner & Sharona Elmaleh

Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch:Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch:Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch:Thank you to the sponsors of the Young Professionals and Young Families Lunch:


Page 2: Shabbat Matters January 26 - Parshat Yitro


According to Hans Urs von Balthasar, a prominent Catholic theologian, the concept of the clergy first emerged from our parsha. "Clericalism is something invented by the laity: even at the outset, at Sinai, the people takes up a position at a distance. The true history of the covenant will be the history of individuals, of representatives.... To stand fast is too great an exertion for them: they withdraw and send a representative to the front of their ranks (The Glory of the Lord VI 158)." Moshe was necessary because the Israelites are, as it were, not good enough to commune directly with God.

Maybe there is an alternative answer. According to the Ramban, commenting on the same phrase Balthasar refers to in our parsha (Shemot 20:15), Israel stood "at a distance” from Har Sinai because they were frightened by the natural forces prior to Hashem's revelation - the clouds, the lightening and the thunder. They were not, however, incapable of receiving the intensity of Hashem's revelation itself. Everyone present at Sinai had heard the voice of Hashem directly. Israel was not overwhelmed by Hashem's revelation.

The Ramban's reading is more charitable on Israel than Balthasar's reading. So then, if Moshe is not a mighty cleric who mediates between Hashem and us mere mortals, why did we ask him to do just that in the very next verse? It would seem that Father Balthasar's understanding is aOrmed over Rabbi Moses' reading, and by our very own admission!

The Ramban understands that Israel was caught up, distracted by all of the fanfare surrounding Mattan Torah. We were preoccupied with formality. We felt afraid and unqualified. This is why we wanted Moshe to serve as a mediator. Moshe had to remind us that the impressive lightshow, the bells and whistles, are only of peripheral importance. It was the actual revelation, the direct and unmitigated connection with Hashem, that was crucial.

Spiritual raptures may be heralded by much pomp and circumstance, which can also be intimidating. Consider, for example, what a child or a stranger's reaction might be to the ceremonies surrounding kriyat haTorah on Shabbat. Another example might be the association between the solemn strictures of Yom Kippur and a feeling of awe and reverence before Hashem. While heightened spiritual experiences, and their accompanying formalities, are valuable, the true majesty of Torah is that it primarily concerns itself with the mundane experiences of everyday life.

Contrary to Balthasar's emphasis on a spirituality of elite individualism, the Ramban emphasizes the importance of a collective, communal spiritual enterprise. Habitual Torah study, comprised of a community that learns and teaches together, is one of the most powerful ways of encountering Hashem. As Rabbi Aaron Lichtenstein zt''l writes in "The Nature and Value of Torah Study": "The encounter with God as commander lies at the heart of Jewish existence; to the extent that it is realized through talmud Torah, as developed through the oral tradition, is a prime vehicle for this encounter."

Are we willing to experience revelation on that, more modest, more constant and consistent plane of existence? Insofar as we are willing, we imbue the mundane aspects of our lives with a collective and shared spiritual majesty. We can perpetuate the Sinai experience by translating it into the everyday, slow and steady process of learning and teaching Torah. It all began when we were standing together at Sinai. To continue that legacy, let us do so together.


Sunday, January 27 21 Shevat

8:30 am 5:05 pm

7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

Monday, January 28 22 Shevat

6:55 / 7:45 am 5:05 pm

6:10 am 9:30 am

Tuesday, January 29 23 Shevat

7:00 / 7:45 am 5:05 pm

Wednesday, January 30 24 Shevat

7:00 / 7:45 am 5:05 pm

6:15 am

Thursday, January 31 25 Shevat

6:55 / 7:45 am 5:05 pm

Shacharit Mincha

6:10 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Friday, February 1 26 Shevat

7:00 / 7:45 am 5:07 pm 5:15 pm

Shacharit Candle Lighting Mincha

6:15 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

6:15 am 9:30 am 1:30 pm

Shacharit Mincha

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore

Shacharit Mincha

Shacharit Mincha

Shacharit Mincha

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler Nevi’im Acharonim Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler

Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler The Birth of Moral Selfhood Shiur with Dr. Zolty Yeshayah Shiur with Rabbi Torczyner

MATTERS Youth ProgramsYouth ProgramsYouth ProgramsYouth Programs

11110000::::00000000 aaaammmm ttttoooo 11112222::::00000000 ppppmmmm

Stay and PlayStay and PlayStay and PlayStay and Play (Ages 0 - 3)

Room 101

Shaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar ChadashShaar Chadash (Ages 2 - 5) Room 102

Shaar YafoShaar YafoShaar YafoShaar Yafo (Grade 1 - 2)

Room 103

Shaar AryehShaar AryehShaar AryehShaar Aryeh (Grade 3 - 5)

Room 105

Kriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat ShemaKriyat Shema should be recited after 6:06 pm this week. should be recited after 6:06 pm this week. should be recited after 6:06 pm this week. should be recited after 6:06 pm this week.

PARSHA MATTERS - by Rabbi Jesse Shore

Please note that Parshat Hashavua Parshat Hashavua Parshat Hashavua Parshat Hashavua Shiur Shiur Shiur Shiur with Rabbi Diamond Rabbi Diamond Rabbi Diamond Rabbi Diamond will not take place next Tuesday, January 29.

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The centre mechitzacentre mechitzacentre mechitzacentre mechitza will be used on the following Shabbatot: February 9, March 16 and March 23.

Page 4: Shabbat Matters January 26 - Parshat Yitro

We would like to acknowledge your milestones! Please let us know when there is a birth, Bar/Bat mitzvah, graduation, engagement, aufruf, wedding, significant birthday/anniversary, community recognition, illness, bereavement, or unveiling. Call or email Miriam in the shul oOce at 416-789-3213 or [email protected] or donate online at

Rabbi Chaim Strauchler Avital Strauchler, Rebbetzin Rabbi Jesse Shore, Assistant Rabbi Randall Craig, President Nicole Toledano, Executive Director 470 Glencairn Avenue | Toronto, ON M5N 1V8 | Tel 416-789-3213 | Fax 416-789-1728



Shabbat, January 26 20 Shevat

Sydney Burman, father of Estelle Levy Selma DutnoH-Wetstein, sister of Cynthia Greenberg

Rose Reiss, mother of Irving Reiss Brenda Silverstein, wife of Saul Silverstein

Sunday, January 27 21 Shevat

Morris Bader, brother of Ethel Lamster Al G. Brown, father of David Brown and Golda Brown Morton Budd, father of Lowell Budd

Enid Dick, mother of Stanley Dick and Felicity Stone Joe Feldman, father of Etta Sugarman Lillian Woodrow, mother of Irwin Woodrow

Monday, January 28 22 Shevat

Sarah Green, mother of Bernard Green Alice Koralek, sister of Elfrieda Vale

Philip Zucker, Shaarei Shomayim Shammas and Baal Koreh

Tuesday, January 29 23 Shevat

Solly Burde, father of Avis Osher Ron Charnaw, husband of Betty Charnaw and father of Adam Charnaw

Freda Ellenzweig, mother of Lonni Zeifman Kay Fromowitz, mother of Michael Fromowitz Nathan (Nat) Train, father of Rena Levy

Wednesday, January 30 24 Shevat

Josef Jablonski, father of Katy Korman Jonathan Henry Shidlowsky, father of Miriam Phillips

Thursday, January 31 25 Shevat

Allen Freedland, son of Evelyn Freedland Max Handelman, father of Stephen Handelman David Herman, father of Allan Herman Moshe Jinich, father of Nelly Mendelsohn

Clara Reitman, mother of Agi Mandel and Susan Michaels Gary Weingert, father of Margaret Harlang

Friday, February 1 26 Shevat

Heshel Zelazny, father of Haya Goldberg

REFUAH SHLEIMAHz Pinchas Tzvi ben Basya, Yita Hentcha bat Shoshana, Rachmiel ben Dvorah (Randall Craig), Geula Liba Yehudit bat Gittel Tzipra, Leah bat Sarah, Hesha Channah bat Bayla, Michael Mordechai Avraham ben Hinda Rifka, Yishai ben Tzipora, Sura Blima bat Sheindel, Eliyahu ben Ryejah, Yakov Israel ben Carmella, Miriam bat Chaya, Yitzchak ben Chaya Raizel, Eliyahu Yom Tov ben Leah, Leah bat Masha, Oved ben Regina, Ophira bat Raanana, Shlomo Shraga ben Esther, Zvi ben Golda, Yehuda Yosef ben Miriam Yocheved, Elyakim ben Meril, Yosef ben Esther, Rachel bat Leah, Yekutiel ben Sara, Sara bat Yocheved, Golda bat Sarah, Menachem Mendel ben Devorah.

COMMUNITY MATTERS • Saturday, January 26, 8:00 pm - Wine & Cheeses with Sarah ChesesWine & Cheeses with Sarah ChesesWine & Cheeses with Sarah ChesesWine & Cheeses with Sarah Cheses, on the topic: “Happy Together: A Jewish Approach to

Intimacy.” A Canadian Yoatzot Initiative & Ulpanat Orot Alumni Association program. At the home of Erin Silverman, 10 Kimbergarte Way, Thornhill.

• Sunday, January 27, 10:15 am - CoHee & Conversation with Sarah ChesesCoHee & Conversation with Sarah ChesesCoHee & Conversation with Sarah ChesesCoHee & Conversation with Sarah Cheses, on the topic: “Where do Babies Come From? Talking to our Children about Sexuality and Intimacy.” A Canadian Yoatzot Initiative program. At the home of Naomi Lidsky, 132 Almore Avenue.

• Sundays, January 27-February 17, 10:30 am - FRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: WomenFRUMBA: Women’’’’s Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitnesss Cardio Dance Fitness. No previous experience needed, all ages of women welcome. At Shaarei Shomayim. To register email Bette at [email protected].

• Thursday, January 31, 7:30 pm - Antisemitism: Here and Now Antisemitism: Here and Now Antisemitism: Here and Now Antisemitism: Here and Now –––– International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion with International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion with International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion with International Holocaust Remembrance Day Discussion with Prof. Deborah LipstadtProf. Deborah LipstadtProf. Deborah LipstadtProf. Deborah Lipstadt. A Sarah & Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre program. At the Bram & Bluma Appel Salon, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge St. 2nd Floor. To register go to

• Friday, Feb. 1 - Home Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young ProfessionalsHome Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young ProfessionalsHome Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young ProfessionalsHome Cooked Shabbat Dinner for Young Professionals. Ages 25-45. For information email [email protected]. • Sunday, February 10, 3:00 pm - Skiing at Moonstone for Young ProfessionalsSkiing at Moonstone for Young ProfessionalsSkiing at Moonstone for Young ProfessionalsSkiing at Moonstone for Young Professionals. For information email [email protected].

HOSTS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDHOSTS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDHOSTS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDHOSTS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED • YachadYachadYachadYachad will be having a Shabbaton at Shaarei Shomayim on February 15-16. They are looking for 25 homes that can sleep

from 2-4 people (each Yachad member has an advisor with them at all times). If you are able to host please contact Sarah Cole at [email protected].

• Beit Halochem Canada Beit Halochem Canada Beit Halochem Canada Beit Halochem Canada brings every year a group of 10 Israeli wounded veterans to Toronto as part of their ongoing rehabilitation. This year’s visit will take place May 19-June 2. They seek families to host these heroes and provide a home, some meals, support, and friendship. Call 905-695-0611 or email [email protected].

• Circle of Care Circle of Care Circle of Care Circle of Care is seeking volunteers to assist in the delivery of Kosher Meals on Wheels, and to visit clients with a life-limiting illness. Call 416-635-2900 x284 or email [email protected].