SG14: Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial...

Document Number: P0230R0 Date: 2016-02-12 Authors: Michael Wong Project: Programming Language C++, SG14 Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial Trading/Banking Reply to: Michael Wong <[email protected]> SG14: Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial Trading/Banking Meeting Minutes 2015/10/14- 2015/02/10 Contents Minutes for 2015/10/14 SG14 Conference Call ............................................................................. 2 Minutes for 2015/11/11 SG14 Conference Call ............................................................................. 7 Minutes for 2015/12/09 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 10 Minutes for 2016/01/13 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 15 Minutes for 2016/01/20 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 24 Minutes for 2016/02/03 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 26 Minutes for 2016/02/10 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 35

Transcript of SG14: Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial...

Document Number: P0230R0 Date: 2016-02-12 Authors: Michael Wong Project: Programming Language C++, SG14 Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial Trading/Banking Reply to: Michael Wong <[email protected]>

SG14: Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial Trading/Banking Meeting Minutes 2015/10/14-2015/02/10

Contents Minutes for 2015/10/14 SG14 Conference Call ............................................................................. 2

Minutes for 2015/11/11 SG14 Conference Call ............................................................................. 7

Minutes for 2015/12/09 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 10

Minutes for 2016/01/13 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 15

Minutes for 2016/01/20 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 24

Minutes for 2016/02/03 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 26

Minutes for 2016/02/10 SG14 Conference Call ........................................................................... 35

Minutes for 2015/10/14 SG14 Conference Call Meeting minutes by Michael 1.1 Roll call of participants Guy Davidson, John McFarlane, Brett Serles, vishal oza, sunil sricastava, Brent Friendman, Michael B. McLaughlin, Niolas G, Sean M, Billy Baker, Michael Wong, Ville, 1.2 Adopt agenda Approve. 1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing previously approved minutes to Approve. 1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min) 1.4.1. All: Consider attending Kona Meeting in Oct 19-24, 2015.

1.4.2. All: consider attending SG14 meeting at GDC 2016, March 14-18 hosted by SONY 2. Main issues (50 min) 2.1 Review SG14 logistics, discuss CPPCON report, C++ Standard meetings , C++ Kona mailing deadline (Sept 25)

Please see the slides for the report here which was presented in the Friday session by Sean and Nicolas which also outlines the problem domain, our motivation as well as the status of the discussion.

The Birth of SG14

Please ask John Spicer for document number. And send John Spicer the actual document. [email protected]

2.2 Kona Papers and their presenters. We won't have time to discuss in detail, but we can go over major questions and seek opinions and feedbacks, logistics, and how to prepare the paper for the SG14 deadline.

We have 8 papers upstreamed from the meeting for Kona P0037R0 Fixed point real numbers John McFarlane LEWG SG14/SG6: Lawrence Crowl P0038R0 Flat Containers Sean Middleditch LEWG SG14: Patrice Roy P0039R0 Extending raw_storage_iterator Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0040R0 Extending memory management tools Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0041R0 Unstable remove algorithms Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0048R0 Games Dev/Low Latency/Financial Trading/Banking Meeting Minutes 2015/08/12-2015/09/23 Michael Wong SG14: none P0059R0 Add rings to the Standard Library Guy Davidson LEWG SG14: Michael

has an update D0059R1

P0130R0 Comparing virtual functions Scott Wardle, Roberto Parolin EWG SG14: Michael

motivation? goal to instruct instruction cache usage, vector of polymorphic objects such that you can call the same vfuncs over and over again branch predictor cannot help.

P0125R0 std::bitset inclusion test methods: Michael/Walter

2.3 Exception handling brainstorm

We had a major brain storm on why games programmers tends to turn off exception handling, and a brain storm session to see what kind of options and ideas to address their concerns.

We intend to bring to discussion in addition to Exception/RTTI costs, topics regarding the following, some of which crosses into other groups such as SG1 Concurrency, SG6 Numerics and SG7 Reflections.

Wwednesday evening session on SG14 Sean: 1. make noexcept the default but still allow exceptions to be enabled allows games an easy way to not mark up every single function every class its just a compiler optimization hoops to jump through 2. function decoration to assert non-throwing-ness unlike noexcept, but still allows exception to be passed but have no unwinding information exceptions are rare and will crash anyway 3. more in language alternative, mark a namespace or modules as noexcept, to get developers to keep exception off, and still allow to use STL, bringing more developers to Standard C++ Vishal: allow an opt in way of generating exception info only when needed Sean: still need compat with C and older C++ Vishal: do it on the linker stage or LTO , undefined behaviour delayed to link time compiler would have to generate multiple versions, longer compile time, and larger space

People are sending me snippets of their brainstorm. Please continue to post to this list. Thanks.

2.4 Other papers from the mailing of interest to SG14

There are a few papers in the current mailing that is of interest to SG14.

GPU Accelerator support P0069R0 A C++ Compiler for Heterogeneous Computing

We actually intend to study the design of C++AMP, OpenMP Accelerator/OpenACC, OpenCL, OpenGL and Vulcan, Diectx12 for a GPU accelerator design to support gamers. We plan to review this paper under a co-located SG14 session which can run with SG1, but we are interested in taking this work further. Michael Wong, rasha Allocators P0089R0 Quantifying Memory-Allocation Strategies Guy interested Get Andrey Coroutines and games a lot of compiler magic, can't predict very reasonably how it behaves due to multiple platforms support P0054R0 Coroutines: reports from the fields P0055R0 On Interactions Between Coroutines and Networking Library P0070R0 Coroutines: Return Before Await P0071R0 Coroutines: Keyword alternatives P0073R0 On unifying the coroutines and resumable functions proposals P0099R0 A low-level API for stackful context switching Intrusive containers


function multiversioning

low latency for financial/trading

matrix operations

SIMD vectors P0076R0 Vector and Wavefront Policies 2 competing problem space: 1. getting high performance SIMD: ISPC 2. standard communication between library with simple geometric types:


Numerics: P0106R0 C++ Binary Fixed-Point Arithmetic String: Sean 3. Any other business 4. Review

4.1 Review and approve resolutions and issues [e.g., changes to SG's working draft] 4.2 Review action items (5 min) 5. Closing process 5.1 Establish next agenda 5.2 Future meeting Next meeting: Kona Std meeting (no telecon) Next call : Nov 11 coroutines Nov 25: SIMD

• Aug 12: First call • Sept 9: Before CPPCon call, review whats been discussed on the reflector • Sept 11: SG14 CPPCon mailing deadline • Sept 23: SG14 F2F at CPPCon • Sept 25: C++ Kona meeting Mailing Deadline • Oct 14: SG14 monthly telecon • Nov 11: SG14 monthly telecon/Gor on coroutines

Nov 25: SG14 special telecon/Pablo and Xinmin on SIMD

• Dec 9: SG14 monthly telecon/ Andrey on Allocators

Minutes for 2015/11/11 SG14 Conference Call Meeting minutes by Michael 1.1 Roll call of participants

Please add your name here Michael Wong 1.2 Adopt agenda Yes 1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing previously approved minutes to

Yes 1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min) 1.4.1. All: Consider attending SG14 F2F meeting hosted by SONY at GDC 2016 Tentative: Tuesday March 15 and/or Wednesday March 16!topic/sg14/Euo2So0kYew 1.4.2. All: Consider attending Jacksonville Fl, C++ Std meeting Feb 29-Mar 5. 2. Main issues (50 min) 2.1 Review SG14 logistics, for upcoming telecons and meetings: 5 min New papers for the next C++ Standard meeting in Jacksonville should be named PxxxxRyy advancing the revision to the next number. We use DxxxxRyy only for papers that we plan to discuss in a special SG14 meeting, which will be changed to a P paper when published officially for WG21 Meeting mailings. WG21 Meeting Mailings deadlines are: Feb 12 for the pre-meeting mailing Current logistics is to focus on revised papers of the papers we presented in Kona for the Jacksonville meeting, reserving any new papers for the SG14 GDC meeting. Of course, new papers can still be accepted for Jacksonville if someone is heavily motivated to work on it in the short time frame we have (which is only about 3-4 telecon calls).

the papers presented at GDC will be presented in June at the Oolu Finland meeting in June. We are still waiting on SONY to confirm details of the SG14 GDC meeting. No update yet.

2.2. Coroutine and Games (Gor): 30 min Gor presented with notes he emailed just before the call. Thank you Gor. Questions and issues? 2.2 Review proposals results from Kona: 15 min!topic/sg14/-Dw-jYbhlAc We won't have time to discuss in detail, but we can go over major questions and seek opinions and feedbacks P0037R0 Fixed point real numbers John McFarlane LEWG SG14/SG6: Lawrence Crowl John has an implementation and this helps. Lawrence will try to work on one for Jacksonville so that a meaningful comparison can be made, otherwise John's approach would be favored.

P0038R0 Flat Containers Sean Middleditch LEWG SG14: Patrice Roy Proceeding well with some edits. Please prepare an updated paper. P0039R0 Extending raw_storage_iterator Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0040R0 Extending memory management tools Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0041R0 Unstable remove algorithms Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0059R0 Add rings to the Standard Library Guy Davidson LEWG SG14: Michael Arthur O'Dwyer is interested in a merging of his proposal and this one. Please work with him. P0130R0 Comparing virtual functions Scott Wardle, Roberto Parolin EWG SG14: Michael P0125R0 std::bitset inclusion test methods: Michael/Walter 2.3 Ongoing topics placeholder (which we won't likely get to but will schedule) Exceptions/RTTI SIMD vector and Matrixes Allocators GPU/Accelerator design Given the GPU presentation in Kona from AMD's HCC, I would like to add this now to the schedule for discussion. Array View and Bounds checking

3. Any other business 4. Review

4.1 Review and approve resolutions and issues [e.g., changes to SG's working draft] 4.2 Review action items (5 min) 5. Closing process 5.1 Establish next agenda 5.2 Future meeting Next call : Dec 9 (I decided to not hold extra meetings in Nov as many people are busy with delivery) Nov 11: coroutines and games Dec 9: review committee decisions Jan 13: more paper discussions, review SIMD? Feb 10: prep for Jacksonville WG21 meeting Feb 12: pre-meeting mailing deadline Feb 29-March 5: Jacksonville, Fl; WG21 meeting March 4: Pre-GDC SG14 mailing deadline Mar 15/16: GDC SG14 meeting

Minutes for 2015/12/09 SG14 Conference Call

Minutes by Michael Wong Michael Wong, Guy Davidson, Sean Middleditch, Hartmut Kaiser, brent Styles, Scott wardle, Jared Hoberrock, Mike Garland, Al Grant, Billy Baker, Rosha O, Nicolas G, Matt, John mcgluaghin, 1.2 Adopt agenda Yes 1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing previously approved minutes to yes 1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min) 1.4.1. All: Consider attending SG14 F2F meeting hosted by SONY at GDC 2016 Tentative: Tuesday March 15 and/or Wednesday March 16!topic/sg14/Euo2So0kYew 1.4.2. All: Consider attending Jacksonville Fl, C++ Std meeting Feb 29-Mar 5. 2. Main issues (50 min) 2.1 Review SG14 logistics, for upcoming telecons and meetings: 5 min To make C++17, proposals must be approved in the next 2 meetings. 2.2. Accelerator design using Nvidia's Agency (Jared Hoberrock) : 40 min Jared and Mike G presenting sldies Slide 2: bulk_invoke Bulk synchronous parallelism: just fork join, valient 1990 paper std::invoke like par invocations are not in order with each other, in parallel, 2nd arg is just parallel agent a handle to an execution agent

take self parameter and ask it for its index, use to identify and do arithmetic after we call bulk invoke it is a synchronous call, n is the number of agent inside par slide 3: still experimental at this stage manipulating execution agents abstract mapping to underlying platforms, whether threads, GPUs, simd units, no guar of performance; agency does not prevent programmer write low level architecture specific code I usually write to prevent pathological cases slide 6: structured execution matches C++ Std work placement: where execution happens slide 7 Vision for parallelism borrowed executor idea from standardization ex agents are basic units of work futures for dependencies slide 8: .then, when any, when_all, tools concurrency executors: tools for low level work creation agency is a bridge high level algorithms with low level work creation of executors slide 9: bulk_invoke sync with caller (caller must wait until all ex agents finish) sometimes want async bulk_async: a massive form of std::async today, you need to nest a for loop inside a call to std::aysnc or call std::aysnc inside each array element inefficient to create a new thread for each array element, this is better this returns a future, so dont have to wait for the saxpy to finish slide 11: further generalize bulk_async to bulk_then can line up a continuation and allow it to execute in bulk this saxy is not allowed to exec until the future is satisfied Hartmut Q? just a guar that the code in the lambda can run concurrently; currently only used for fork-join parallelism only allowed to run concurrently with itself now it means the lambda can run concurrently with any other code in addition to itself A: par is saying in slide 9/10/11 is that when u create this group of agents, they run with no order with any agent in the group arbitrary exec in any order in any thread, but parallelism TS is only for fork-join Hartmut: now bulk_async returns a future, it implcitly allows the lambda execution with any other code HPX has solved issue: Mike G: this entails a semantic change from parallelism TS: around any call in the TS,

you can inject other calls, this world has agents in the loop to run along with other things; this relaxes it but does not change semantics of par slide 12: Jared: why bother with exec agents? now allow us to encode ordering semantics of lambda and get niceties like overloading can compose agent local storage; stash states instead of TLS type system allows us to specialize Q ?: pipeline parallelism allowed? any interagent communication? Yes in a few slides slide 13:define sequential agent category: seq, par? index: multi dimension group_size: shape slide 14: parallel agent slide 15: clusters, nodes, sockets, cores, lanes hierarchy emerge naturally so our code is structured to match that hierarchy expose that hierarchy to match mapping to hardware slide 16: so this by nesting par(2, seq(2)) results in the indices which become tuples from 0.,0 to 1,1 slide 17: nested policy to create a nested hierarchy for matrix transpose slide 18: how agency exposes concurrency concurrent_agent adds wait function (barrier) slide 19: now can optimize matrix transpose common to use onchip memory to acclerate program added new argument share(tile) instructs bulk_invoke to create a opy of arg per group of agent take the input and copy into this shared tile buffer, wait for the copy to complete with the barrrier fn, then do the transpose, and then copy it back out to the scratch pad .wait synchronizes slide 20: reduction reduce done in a recursive way traverse hierarchy of machine with nested execution slide 21: when writing this reduction, can ignore the number of core, simd width, only think about hierarchical information slide 22: executors is lowest level api for agency, like allocators for exec agent agency model for locality: when u tell it to create some work, know how to allocate memory, where to exec a customization point, bulk_invoke manipulates them for users slide 23: first exposes exec category; advertize its semantics just exec a fn in a for loop slide 24: place work on an executor: cpu_executor

bulk_invoke with .on will send it to cpu executor compose work placement with algorithm Slide 25: for gpus has a CUDA lambda now we can send it to gpu_executor or multigpu executor slide 26: can get fancy nest exec in one in the other and create a hierarchy on the fly flattened takes a nested executor and reindex to be flat exec_array: multiple GPU and make an array of them; without making individual calls to each gpu slide 27: take all this compose to make a parallel executor nesting can cause the ... to insert a for loop a simple flat executor whose agents exec in parallel side 28: more ideas vectorize customization point to introduce new platforms slide 29: summary control structures create lots of parallelism on mass exec policies parameterize the control structures exe agents: param lambdas exe: doles out work; interact underlying platform Q: to use agency to paralleize work, pop command from the queue to go towards gpu or cpu A: dont think so; that queue of work can be stashed inside an executor, gpu executor that submits item to the queue, a user defined queue can compose with agency by writing a special kind of executor and mix it in Q: I am thinking a task queue to a cloud based system or gpu and cpu abstracting the actual work item so it can be put in the actual device Q: memory model is a major issue for sharedness or discrete A: agency can have a preferred allocator Q: how to split code between gpu and cpu A: a compiler that takes a function that can generate code that can go to cpu or gpu thread decision can be made at compiler time or link time discussion Q: allocator with interkernel communication like nvidia kepler, also AMD GPUs FIFO pipes in opencl/fpga A: 2 ways that 2 kernels can communicate:1. one consume the result of another using continuation, 2. if 2 kernels exec concurrently, then they communicate memory Thank you to Jared and Michael !

- show quoted text - Dec 9: review Nvidia's Agency with Jared Hoberrock

Jan 20: more paper discussions, review HCC Feb 10: prep for Jacksonville WG21 meeting Feb 12: pre-meeting mailing deadline Feb 29-March 5: Jacksonville, Fl; WG21 meeting March 4: Pre-GDC SG14 mailing deadline Mar 15/16: GDC SG14 meeting

Minutes for 2016/01/13 SG14 Conference Call Minutes by Michael Wong 1.1 Roll call of participants about 21-22 people; some of them are:

Michael Wong, Pablo Halpern, Jen Maurer, Brett Searle, Sean Middleditch, Jared Hoberock, Al Grant, Robert Geva, Harmut Kaiser, Ben Sander, JF Bastien and Hans, Michael Garland, Brett feidman,Sunil from Sony, Scott Wardle, Paul Mckenny, Olivier Giroux 1.2 Adopt agenda

Add item for JF's overview 1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing previously approved minutes to

Approved. 1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min) 1.4.1. All: Consider attending SG14 F2F meeting hosted by SONY at GDC 2016 Tentative: Tuesday March 15 and/or Wednesday March 16!topic/sg14/Euo2So0kYew 1.4.2. All: Consider attending Jacksonville Fl, C++ Std meeting Feb 29-Mar 5. 2. Main issues (125 min)

2.1 Review SG14/SG1 logistics, for upcoming telecons and meetings: 5 min JF. Bastien gave an overview on current status of user-aided vector programming: This is a snapshot for today for compilers, internal of compilers are quite ugly want implementation and standardize practiced Will send out paper in the next few days.

2.2. Intel Vector SIMD proposal : Pablo Halpern 90 min. Suggest we also include discussion on Implicit vs Explicit Wavefront issues Slides sent before meeting. Thank you Pablo.

Pablo Presenting This is the high level proposal, a seperate proposal on type acquire mutex in multiple lanes, can get race condition so synchronization is limited Slide 4: current TS missing VEC 5: missing indexed based loop, can generate it but that obfuscates the code, and opaque to the compiler as well as close as possible to something that looks like a control construct 6. in the if statement, it prematurely returns from lambda, this is like a continue, skips the rest of this iteration, and go on to the next iteration; body of the loop is the continuation 7. now add induction vars; vars that move in sync with the main vars jv (arg to lambda starts out with 0 or j) advanced by 2 , iteration are happening in parallel, so could have reused jv again, this is the linear induction at the end, the for loop writes back to the induction Robert G: can also have geometric induction using x*=4; proposal only have linear ones for built in ones 8: reductions are critical too, want the sum is closely related and same as sum outside the loop but inside the loop is a partial sum, some value which is not useful yet, but you keep adding to it with local prtial sums; min and max possible 9.can have user defined reduction types, using classes/types and starting value for the initializer; the identity ; requires associativity, but not communitivity not commutative will maintain order and can do string and list must have associativity, but may or many not need commutative 10: moving on to the bigger picture on the execution policies unseq is a single threaded version of par vec its mathematically parallel; no interdependency between the iterations at all it differs from parallel in that it has restrictions from different iterations of the loops as long as there is no mutex or atomics, then unseq can be more efficient then par, especially in small loops can avoid some kinds of races, the most interesting is VEC, vector execution policy gets you classic vector loop execution applies only to for loop and for loop strided ordering between different iterations of the same loop if it is a sort, you don't know the order of callback function, so can't take advantage of any vector ordering having some kind of meaning on dependency is silly for each i the logical one

Robert: transform is another logical one

Par_vec is the most restrictive on programmer, avoid races and synchronization

(Hans: does not prohibit synchronization inside functions, same for unseq and vec side;

If you are spinning on same lock, you are ok

If different lanes each acquire different mutexes, you are ok

Par_vec implementation will treat as sequential code if it sees synchronization

Now you may need to specify which library functions is allowed,

AI: will add action item for future SG1 on above)

Par side allows to synchronization, but cannot make any assumption on order of evaluation or how many threads

Unseq-vec side allows assumption on order of evaluation on iterations, but not allowed to make synchronizations between iterations

11.unseq works with anything

Vec supports different architecture

12. Long machines have a pipeline and arith unit that gets reused, at the same time as maincode moves onto next instructions

Before finished a(0), can start on a(10, and when A(0) is finished, it moves onto B(0) on long pipeline vector machines

Some of the length can be arbitrary

Modern uses wide registers that hold more then one val at a time, and they can do multiple step at once in predecided chunks

Can get 2x more floats and doubles in these registers

Difference between this and the vector data proposal, loops hide this and treats each partial register as a separate lane

If a(0), a(2) grabs the same mutex at once, likely deadlock, hence avoid synchronization is important1

13. can do software pipelining

Can begin issuing b(0) until a(0) is done; can begin issuing a(2) while a(0) is starting

Can handle a again because instruction is freed up

Can before the next iteration before end of current iteration

14.what is in common, and what we can capitalize


Which is a sequence of instructions and guarantees

A somewhat predictable wavefront, no earlier application can fall behind a later application

You enabled forward dependencies for vectorizable code, and auto-vectorizable code

P0076r0 rules is complex, and being simplified

15. upper left to lower right

B(0) and a(10 can be simultaneous

Such that there is a wavefront that propagates through the instructions

16. similarly

May or may not be be instruction ordering

But still a wavefront that can propagate

Slanted because there is still an implicit order for some arhcitectures

Are writes to memory going to be ordered? Not clear? AVX and SSE do write in order, so always get the last write

If they A(0) and a(1) writes to the same memory location, then a(1) wins because of the alsnt

17. software pipelining also has this slanted wavefront

Moving from corner to corner

Al Grant asked:

? Is it expected there will be one with ordering and one without?

Unseq is without

And vec has ordering

?within vec mode?

Yes SG1 needs to decide on this

If loading from unrelated thread?

No that will be undefined and is a race

Even an atomic load?an atomic racing with it

2 different lanes reading from the same location

Sequencing across thread, leave as unspecified

Bottom case, no way to get reasonable results

Has w before r dependency, so wavefront propagation is not good enough, so must be done sequentially

19. can turn off vectorization for regions of loop

No concurrency no vectorization at all

A way to do compress, cannot do it concurrently without a race

The entire vec_off construct is treated executing left to right

20. a policy that derives from vector execution policy, that compiler can understand

Can pass to for loop

One way to add tuning parameters

Some can standardize: safelength (This is actually a semantic constraint)

Mechanism is standardized, the specific tuning parameters is portable

21. future has the histogram pattern of incrementing value inside an array with race

Or compress expand pattern, cant just index off control variables

22. because we don’t really know how to specify it for others, but may be in time

23. summary

Main controversial points:

1. Whether wavefront should be implicit or explicit

Slide 18: whether the relation between the first and second line should be implicit

Whether v[i] when written when v[i-1] has been seen

Do we need some annotation to ensure that

Offline discussions in Silicon Valley, is that in history this stuff works without annotation, compiler can figure them out

1. So implicit Wavefronts; explicit in that you have created vec policy

2. Order of writes: similar to histogram problem, slide 21, if instead of ++, it is = some expression

And if b[i] is not unique, should it be defined behavior such that latest in sequential ordereing should win; seem to be a corner case, Intel:last one wins; nvidia checked and say their hardware does not do that

Olivier: discussion off email list mostly talked about implicit vs explicit; there was wording for an explicit version, have an idea how to specify it, in the end; decided that continue forward implicit wavefront

Explicit wavefront wording opens door for another method, but hasn’t been done yet

ON the racy store issue , still checking with nvidia hardware

Want us to put out spec that fits in well with Parallelism TS and Torvalds forward progress and apparent scalar thread of control and scalar lock of C++, also library functions restrictions

Brent: games care about data alignment; vector data type proposal probably has it

Anyway to deal with that issue separately

Clark’s paper? Ability to specify that the data is aligned in a type is already in C++11

Can you do that with arbitrary pointer

Can create a local or static duration object of any alignment you want, but not heap allocated data

P0035r0 is Clark/Pablo paper that address that

No way to standardize a way to specify vector alignment, you just have to know

Robert: how to allocate memory such that its aligned?

It’s the allocating the memory that is specified

Don’t know a way to say to compiler that this is already aligned, should say that as well

Robert: also laying a classes as a formal structure of arrays vs array of structures

Also requires some communicating of the alignment stuff

SIMD uses SOA: can gain more performance

Sean M: How much template logic goes into these libraries; what kind of impact on compiler time

Pablo: will try to answer

To get vectorization, can not just do it with compiler independent code, needs pragma or instrinsics to identify the code

That can be done at a high level.

Compiler can recognize the for loop, as a vector loop, and do vector inside

Or use OpenMP pragmas and have template magic to translate them

Ok should not be any slower

Sean: not convinced; no pressure on compiler vendors will have no compile time effect

JF: clang wants to fix both compile and execution time aspects

Robert: modern compiler on OpenMP side, and the more they challenge the compiler to do more; from code generation persective, we are proposing template; 2.2 Review proposals results from Kona: 20 min!topic/sg14/-Dw-jYbhlAc We won't have time to discuss in detail, but we can go over major questions and seek opinions and feedbacks P0037R0 Fixed point real numbers John McFarlane LEWG SG14/SG6: Lawrence

Crowl P0038R0getting benchmark work initial draft to add container

Flat Containers Sean Middleditch LEWG SG14: Patrice Roy

P0039R0 Extending raw_storage_iterator Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker dropped P0040R0 Extending memory management tools Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker updated; most interested in; going to LWG P0041R0 Unstable remove algorithms Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker rejected due to lack of motivation rewritten with better motivation P0059R0 Add rings to the Standard Library Guy Davidson LEWG SG14: Michael P0130R0

Scott Wardle: can go to game dev; finish first paper on virtual function comparisons

Comparing virtual functions Scott Wardle, Roberto Parolin EWG SG14: Michael

P0125R0 std::bitset inclusion test methods: Michael/Walter 2.3 Ongoing topics placeholder (which we won't likely get to but will schedule) Exceptions/RTTI SIMD vector and Matrixes Allocators GPU/Accelerator design Array View and Bounds checking 3. Any other business 4. Review 4.1 Review and approve resolutions and issues [e.g., changes to SG's working draft] 4.2 Review action items (5 min) 5. Closing process 5.1 Establish next agenda AMD's Heterogeneous Compute Compiler +HSA research into latency effect for discrete and integrated GPU

5.2 Future meeting Next call : Jan 20: 2 hours

Dec 9: Nvidia's Agency With Jared and Mike Garland - DONE Jan 13: 1st vector/SIMD call - 2 hours: Archie/Pablo- DONE Jan 20: AMD's HCC compiler with Ben Sander & HSA research Jan 27: 2nd vector/SIMD call- 2 hours:Matthias proposal? Other proposal? Feb 3: LSU's HPX runtime with Hartmut Kaiser Feb 10: possibly 3rd vector/simd call: Other proposal? Feb 17: Khronos' OpenCL C++ SYCL with Andrew Richards

Minutes for 2016/01/20 SG14 Conference Call Minutes by Michael - hide quoted text - 2.3 HSA's research: 45 minutes 2.4 Review proposals results from Kona: 20 min!topic/sg14/-Dw-jYbhlAc We won't have time to discuss in detail, but we can go over major questions and seek opinions and feedbacks P0037R0 Fixed point real numbers John McFarlane LEWG SG14/SG6: Lawrence Crowl P0038R0 Flat Containers Sean Middleditch LEWG SG14: Patrice Roy P0039R0 Extending raw_storage_iterator Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0040R0 Extending memory management tools Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0041R0 Unstable remove algorithms Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0059R0 Add rings to the Standard Library Guy Davidson LEWG SG14: Michael P0130R0 Comparing virtual functions Scott Wardle, Roberto Parolin EWG SG14: Michael P0125R0 std::bitset inclusion test methods: Michael/Walter 2.3 Ongoing topics placeholder (which we won't likely get to but will schedule) Exceptions/RTTI SIMD vector and Matrixes Allocators GPU/Accelerator design Array View and Bounds checking 3. Any other business 4. Review 4.1 Review and approve resolutions and issues [e.g., changes to SG's working draft]

4.2 Review action items (5 min) 5. Closing process 5.1 Establish next agenda 2nd vector/SIMD 5.2 Future meeting Next call : Jan 27

Dec 9: Nvidia's Agency With Jared and Mike Garland - DONE Jan 13: 1st vector/SIMD call - 2 hours: Pablo - Done Jan 20: AMD's HCC compiler with Ben Sander - 2 hours Jan 27: 2nd vector/SIMD call- 2 hours:Matthias proposal? Other proposal? Feb 3: LSU's HPX runtime with Hartmut Kaiser Feb 10: possibly 3rd vector/simd call: Other proposal? Feb 17: Khronos's OpenCL SYCL with Andrew Richards

Minutes for 2016/02/03 SG14 Conference Call Minutes by Michael 1.1 Roll call of participants Brett Searles, Arch Robison, Lee Howles, Jarred Hoberock, Andrew Richard, Michael Garland, Michael Wong, Matt Newport, Scott Wardell, Hartmut Kaiser, Al Grant, Ben Sandres, Tony Tye, Maria , John McFarlane 1.2 Adopt agenda

Switch order. 1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing previously approved minutes to

Yes 1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min) 1.4.1. All: Consider attending SG14 F2F meeting hosted by SONY at GDC 2016 Tentative: Tuesday March 15 and/or Wednesday March 16!topic/sg14/Euo2So0kYew 1.4.2. All: Consider attending Jacksonville Fl, C++ Std meeting Feb 29-Mar 5. 2. Main issues (125 min) 2.1 Review SG14/SG1 logistics, for upcoming telecons and meetings: 5 min SG14 meeting moved to San Mateo. Time of Wednesday is not idea.

2.2. LSU's HPX : 45 minutes 2. general purpose runtime system works on single node, but all is for distributed clusters as well in HPC, but also in cloud HPX create a light weight user threading system, like TBB, PPL

dont want to specifically know what data is where load balancing comes in as an issue use 128 bit virtual address called AGAS can move things from A to B without updating al references to that object overhead to create thread is 800ns an active messaging system explicit support accelerators 3. can outperform MPI and OpenMP no strings attached licensing 4. took all C++11/14 and more and ported to HPX why reimplement? so everything works distributed as well also full parallelism and concurrency TS 6.need integration of all these proposals in current state some commonality, but somethings are missing need parallel ranges vectorization add distributed and high performance computing goal: make parallelism and concurrency features independent of external solutions including MPI, OpenMP 7. 4 things to reason about 1. thread safety limitations, this can run concurrently or that can ru nsequentially 2. what goes first: sequence; needs a result to go ahead 3. where to run, affinity, 4. addtional parameters like grain size, short items, then dont schedule a thread, select algos (kind of sort) 8. + 9. Conceptified is required 10. existing exec policies extends beyond just parallel algos 11. need to run algos asynchronously with task excecution policies par(task), seq(task) advantage with parallel algo is mitigate the join or the reduce, join has implciit barrier turn it into async algo, can do other things, can mitigate the effect HPC aims to threads of runtime in the hundreds of microseconds, plenty of other work to be performed while join is happening 12. executors N4466 use exec agents to perform the work limits to paralle algo, but wnat to use it in broader context how do you run work, where, what sequence 13. bulk async, single async, through executor traits, easy to implement, uniform to execute them async version returns a future we should reuse this in C++, 14 executor has fire and forget semantics and timed executor trait, at a time or duration

15.have NUMA awareness executors 16. added executor parameter, how many iterations in each run OpenMP static dynamic, guided, use parameter_traits 17. has to expose one function called get_chunk_size how many processing units we have and divide by the number of iterations 18. use par.on for executor context and extend with par.with for param can sequentially compose them to rebind both 19. will combine hundreds for each spawn thread underneath with chunk size, this is sufficient to make openMP parallel for loop unneeded in C++ 21. future object allows to synchronize with anothe rthread amd also data dependency explicit enable autoparallelization at runtime without user make execution graph explicit will always be generaated by compiler for you 22. addes sequential composition .then one future comes back from async and whenever f1 is ready, then lambda is invoked, f1 is passed through to lambda, f.get will give 123 f.get will not suspend; lambda is invoked after future is ready on millions of threads, dont want large number to be suspended stack has stack space associated and will eat virtual address space composition is very important, better then calling get, then calling the function 23. parallel composition in concurrency ts 24. hpx did this with dataflow can extract value from the future only after you know future is ready dataflow guaranetees only after future is ready this changes the whole game 25. also added optional first arg, so can pass executor to these functions, where to invoke and how to invoke can mix single futures and vector of futures and when_some, wait_any, wait_all, wait_some 27. seqential algo adds policy as first arg 28. shows rebind exeuctor of par.on() or par.with() to control how many iterations per thread 29. how useful async algos are list of elements in a mail client, marked up that you wnat to move to a folder use a partitioning 31. gather can take multiple Iter, marked, and make pair 1st with inverted predicate 2nd with straight perdicate give insertion range 32. gather_async takes same set of arguments returns a future to a pair of iteratos invoke stable_partition with task exec policy, gives future back, f1 (returns immediately), f2(scheduled afterwards) and both can run in parallel using dataflow unwrap allows passing future along without blocking, helps get rid of future

async algo which returns an implicit async execution graph, which is built out of futures, a future represents a data dependency writing straight code, but does not execute immediately dataflow is awakward? 33. but with await and resumable functions will now makes this semantically equivalent to 32, but simpler improves system utilization massively code is not impeded by the join, as long as I have other work to do 34. have task block proposal shows canonical fork join traversing a tree key function is define_task_block invokes a lambda, can run additional tasks all these tasks will be synchronized before define_task_block returns so essentially a fork join block C++ way 36. adds 2 optional things exec policy to make aysnc add args to enable fine grain control of executors 37 shows these additions 38. future plans GPU distributed data structure partition vector and each partition vector can be on different nodes, gpus and enable working on it with parallel algo work has to follow data 39. 90% taken from existing added 5% missing functionality to enable more things avoid coming up 100 ways to do paralellism a single versatile way for all different ways uniform versatile generic OpenMP difficult to use in generic way. 2.3 Khronos SYCL (tentative depending if he has time) : 45 minutes

Andrew Chair of SYCL group focused on HW level, especially graphics, and the new Vulkan, SYCL is part of that slide 3: how does SYCL compares to other models what are the key decisions also an overview OpenCL 1.2 feature set 4: modern C++ separate s the what from the how what do users want to do details of SYCL: needs to enable users to do this, expose the performance capability of OpenCL devices 5: enable a C++ ecosystem for OpenCL, enables other STDs to work and C++ Lib to work with SYCL must run on wide range of GPU devices/but OpenCL can run on CPU and GPU, FPGA, DSP

can build C++ template libraries royal-free open Std Michael: what would be the intellectual burden (IP) if we adapt any part of this for C++ may need to independently work it out any vendor can implement SYCL expose capability of HW 6: many ways to map C++ to parallel processors follow established approaches enabler for other to build C++ parallel STL on top SYCL make sure all of the OpenCL HW capability are supported in SYCL added no more then needed so as not to burden 8: SPIR is intermediate binary format allows to put other languages on top of OpenCL SYCL has a C++ Compiler that outputs SPIR and a runtime for OpenCL the same C++ template library on top of SYCL, could also be compile for CPU, Custom Processor, 9:align with C++ Std; future proof for future OpenCL device capabilities other then a few little things, did not add any language extensions to C++; no restrict; no cv qualified for classes means all your code can compile for host provide full OPenCL feature set in C++, any thing you can do with OpenCL can now be done through C++ Hartmut: does model of SYCL assume the device is connected to the host, is it in the same node? Not an assumption, not a requirement of SPEC; in HPC context it is assumed it is single node; one company can offload code to another node in another network Hartmut: HPX can access arbitrary devices in a cluster; HPC context is really aimed at single node multi node programming would be as a C++ library 10: looked at other language styles and where SYCL fits in an embedded DSL: problem with compile-time compilation approach, hard to expresss control flow, mapped calls that adds to expression calls, hard with expressibility, as you would have to add your own types can get a library with this approach and can compile /port to SYCL another approach is C++ Kernel language: host and kernel separate source very explicit what is running where independent host and device compilers can generate code at runtime very popular in graphics hard to move code around, and define where the interface is third is single source easy to compose things can have offline compilation, can type check can conflict between host and device compiler, can have any device in OpenCL that is just plugged in, SYCL has Shared source as a solution 11: directive-based OpenMP/OpenACC is popular in HPC, can incrementally parallelize serial code hard to template things

code is out of order debug is weird 2 is thread parallelism in C++11 thread does not map well to highly parallel architecture like GPU 3 is explicit parallelism composable, requires user to know the parallelism 12 if its CPU, HSA, cache coherent single-address space; can pass pointers around, low latency bandwidth limited; costs power SYCL needs wider range of devices 2 is non-coherent single address space can still have pointers to access data, may need to pass ownership to device race free software needs at least this level to control ownership 3 is multi-address space pointers may have different address space wide device support just install a driver 13. 14. need all the optimization options how data is moved around, how they are accessed must handle parallelism of openCL ND ranges (1,2,3 dimensional ranges, broken up into work groups, workgroup into work items, ... multi-device from multi-vendor enable OpenCL C code to work with SYCL 15. to access data, must encapsulate data in a buffer created 4 float 1D buffers construct the buffers from the arrays synthesize buffers from arrays create a queue, critical for OpenCL, runtime will queue and find the device, fallback to cpu if none submit work to the queue using lambda which is passed handler, will call command group handler lambda is called immediately but only enqueue work but kernel will run within the queue Michael: is the lambda called by? by the host called by submitting side of the queue, a parallel for that will be executed on the device may enqueue work to move data to the device have separated access from storage of data a buffer cannot be accessed directly (no operators) create accessors 3 read 1 write for lifetime of accessors, it will manage define the lifetime

a few optional things like constant memory parallel for is executed on device with range end of sumit scope will submit all this in atomic form the next end scope will wait for all operations to complete using RAII 16. access within that is to build up task graph work out dataflow and dependency Tony: destructor of the get access guarantees Happens before that will get everything back up to a point, if do it on the host then yes it will instantly wait and release on destruction if inside a queue submit, then it would not do it immediately, then it will go into task block, will not block on construction of accessor on a task block, just enqueue handler from concurrency group in C++ Lee: SYCL is not compiled so host compiler can see all dependencies so all dependencies are done at runtime, so why we need to use scope handler has a temp var that gives a lifetime handler is a node in the task graph Maria: all these submits ... can follow dependencies without state, all is explciit, need a read or write all these submits are one kind of transactions 17. accesses with different pointer sizes like FPGA accesses allow you to asynchronously move data around and different memory systems define how you can use pointers accessors can be raw pointers 18. hierarchy of parallelism limit on how many work items in a work group, size of work groups, data a work group can store, how many separate items of work allow people to program this hierarchy in a C++ way 19. single threaded buffer and queue submit can have a parallel_for_workgroup, workgroup scope only execute once per workgroup ||_for_workitem, only 1 workitem in a workgroup is run easy to have parallel_for in parallel_for easy to have parallel reduce and pass in actual reduction functions Michael: is reduction associative or commutative assume people will write their own parallel reduce, operator may need to be commutative or associative 20. can also be shared source wants to support lots of devices with different compilers, diff options, diff algo for diff devices shared source means pass it through multiple compilers device compiler extracts kernel from same file allows FE to optimize for specific devices; give better performance and portability 21. header file can include predfined compiled device file

accessors is task graph, implemented as opencl memory objects, can be pointers host can have different view then device and can see constants differently parallel for device compiler extracts content of that parallel for, no eh, no rtti, all functions inside must also conform the lambda has no name; on host cannot access the compiled kernel with the host code; which kernel SYCL requires a templated name for lambda Michael: what data can you capture OpenCL 1.2 requires pass by value, no ref, classes must be standard layout data is captured on host by handler and read on the device by body of lambda, same code being compiled, if data captured on host then it (host runtime) will be passed as an argument if an accessor, then go through OpenCL access system Shared from slide 12 is not used 23. can write parallel embedded DSL, a key benefit of SYCL working with tensorflow 24. 2.0 has shared virtual memory so can share pointers 1.2 SPIR is optional. 2.0 SPIR-v is required enable separate source for kernel and host General discussions reducing latency embeded , HPC, consumer devices marry embrace latency hide latency avoid starvation, contention points do useful networking in the background increase 90% expose parallelism support memory Hierarchy, affinity, reduce contention can we do this with futures? move enabled futures, or handles physical location of data matters when is data allocated in a future?

data enters future by applications continuation function allocates the data return with unique ptr or move semantics, or put it in global namespace and use references and do synchronization yourself SYCL preallocate on host, but dynamically allocated on device can we return a future parameterized by the set of accesses with the set of handle in prior future future should not block diamond flowcontrol, requires await stuff basically what SYCL does, dont have access to the data until you get it back from the buffers, all asynchronous await does not suspend or block

- show quoted text - - show quoted text - Next call : Feb 10

Dec 9: Nvidia's Agency With Jared and Mike Garland - DONE Jan 13: 1st vector/SIMD call - 2 hours: Pablo - Done Jan 20: AMD's HCC compiler with Ben Sander - 2 hours Jan 27: 2nd vector/SIMD call- 2 hours:Matthias proposal? Other proposal? Cancelled Feb 3: LSU's HPX runtime with Hartmut Kaiser/Andrew Richards - 2 hours Feb 10: 3rd vector/simd call: Matthias Kretz/Joel Falcou, Mathias Gunard Feb 12: C++ Std meeting mailing deadline (no call) Feb 17: Uniform install/Packaging proposal

Minutes for 2016/02/10 SG14 Conference Call Minutes by Michael 1.1 Roll call of participants Michael Wong, Xinmin Tian, Mattias Kretz, Billy Baker, Marco Poco, Visal, Arch Robison, Robert Geva, Ewo from Codeplay, Detlef Vollman, Mattias Gaunard, Michael Garland, JF Bastiien, Hans Boehm, Al Grant, Jens Maurer, Lees Howe Facebook, Jared

1.2 Adopt agenda

Yes 1.3 Approve minutes from previous meeting, and approve publishing previously approved minutes to 1.4 Review action items from previous meeting (5 min) 1.4.1. All: Consider attending SG14 F2F meeting hosted by ... at GDC 2016 Tentative: Monday March 14 or Wednesday March 16 finalized to be March 14, Feb 29 mailing deadline sg14 cppcon 2016 is Sept 21!topic/sg14/9CcqpRTe-yw Possible plan and venue changes. 1.4.2. All: Consider attending Jacksonville Fl, C++ Std meeting Feb 29-Mar 5. 2. Main issues (125 min)

2.1 Review SG14/SG1 logistics, for upcoming telecons and meetings: 5 min 2.0.1. Meta discussion dont make decisions at these calls but expose issues

We are reversing order of presentation as it makes more sense 2.2. Matthias Gunard vector Proposal: 45 minutes P203r0 comments on Kretz's paper based on boost simd agree on most details concern how it may impact implementation in Vc depends on target architecture, may not be able to do portable code want some ability to get vectors of arbitrary size extend on Vc to do that a number of operations which are not provided for simplicity 3 operators missing are shuffle to reorder elements inside vector provide the index of the element want to reorder sensitive to size and need to know in advance; could use metafunction another is things that manipulate vector of different types, want to convert float to int and same number integers finally architecture with different sizes of simd registers x86 avz 128 and 256, need way to convert between the 2 arm also has that; not all operations are available in both types full multiply and add is an example how much freedom will be in size of vectors simd vector of 2 floats, can I do it as vector of 4 floats syntax Vc requires expression template, explore extending language instead e.g. condition operator needs this translates to inline if extends ternary operator to overload it Kretz: do not use expression template in Vc, conditional can be done with out it want different syntax anyway, SG1 has a different syntax, will need to go through different syntax. SG1 has not tied proposals to language changes not entirely sure it can be done without expression templates, take offline, should be doable argument made that u can write code that is agnotic of the size bit idealistic number of application where you need a fixed sized Kretz agree

just don't agree how we want to have the low level types JF: what is meant by portability can you expand I mean source portability others mean pre-compiled code, not quite binary compatibility please clarify in the paper that it is source what is shuffle issue? are u working with chandler Kretz: want to keep it out unless we have a good solution in Lenexa, with deadline approaching fast, will not have solution good chance to have Mattias Guanard take the lead there if he has a solution still an open issue need fixed size simd vector with shuffle unwritten simd code which uses ??? no question we need shuffle question how to shift something and add shuffle later, or now sure no issue with it later on does not change binary compatibility main question is how to add it indpependently slides: x is by reference, what if I modified it is written back to container, this is what lambda does for each element it is read and write want to hide away loads and stores does this interface require to read memory? no OK Gunard: Want to do aliasing? Kretz:Not very good idea. use the non-const subscript to do aliasing Good for an Sg1 discussion it is important and can be done efficiently in all compilers Gunard: is everything set on the ABI requirements? not happy with it problematic target of x86 with avx vector on 512 and 256 differences different TUs will have different types simd vector type call from different translation unit, will need native vector width; prefer to see default if not specified is the largest vector width will get abi if with different compiler flag JF: can be shipped without that support if default not changed later on Pablo: this is QOI? right cant change the default from one C++ to another default is dependent on implementation, then QOI cannot change the default people often use simd as extensions will link code built for different targets C++ may need to support this Pablo: if width of simd type is encoded in the type not for derived type

generate multi version Geva; what do you mean no link error point_v and float_v will be independent but get undefined behavior if you call the code ABi is about performance, so u need understanding: a foot gun Geva: language is not specfying abi cross lane operations: extraction and insertion cross lane operations vectorABI Michael: are we that far apart abi problem can make a pitch for solution for it should talk to Torvald to make abi stable Geva: have abi that call different translation unit when working on OpenMP simd 2.3 Matthias Kretz/Joel Falcou vector proposal: 45 minutes 2. not collaborated with Joel, he is working with Gunard on boost.smd 3. have packed registers in CPU 4. have natural size, how many value can fit into registers, and how many value can process in parallel if we build something with a data parallel storage xpress in alo 5. can be an arbitrary number of element in x, w is width of the vector multiply however many elements makes sense for the target system on the right auto vec is nice, but not good solution information gets lost, 2 other ways to express parallelism: control structures to execute in parallel other way is threads; its an abstraction for independent control flow; will need explicit synchronization hw level needs ?how is this different from valarray it is runtime sized so cannot optimize at compile time will have to copy data, access data on heap; compiler cannot optimize it to full extent cannot get to 400% that intrinsic could get float_v is statically sized, still need a loop slide not obvious that we have loop involved. 6. stored by compiler at compile time mask is also dependent on T type can compile to different system for portability 7. express data parallelism, not register specific even though came from motivation from what to abstract ugly intrinsic away not programming for specific HW anymore 8. do all this in parallel as much as HW allows 9. need to know how many u process; so how do you do your loop?

loads and stores are the main issue ? why does it need to be a compile time constant W(t) want compiler to opimize for target HW, compiler need to know if compiling for several width of vectors, compile multiple times for different arch 10. float_v will have multiple answers x>0.f will not return a boolean 11. do condition assignment instead of branching 12. can get vector type to get speed up on various problems 13.every op implies lock step each operation internally can run with any other model, most ops does not have inter lane depdenency chance for compiler to take it out 14. transformation to make it work on GPU with M Gunard 15. have memory access patterns, both AoS and SoA are bad choices access to x,y,z would fall apart in memory and not be very efficient Alternative is on slide 16 16. for array of vectorized structures compiler will transparently make this happen enable more performance portability 17. most of input output has to be scalar objects enables broadcast , load store, subscripting if u have to do this for every structure, very hard want it automatically write scalar structure, tell compiler to vectorize, and get new types, and get new functionalities works great with tuples to get reflection anything that works wit tuple can with this simdized structure 18. this shows how we do that do nearest neighbor search (4,5) works in parallel, then do reduction, what index value in the set parallelize nicely for calculation of distance square 19. scalar is an exhaustive search vectorized gives speedup auto vectorization has a lot of trouble to figure this out transformation cannot be done by compiler because data size is fixed to language 20. templated to type you are working with for float and float_v syntax for conditional assignment 21. use parallel algo from SG1 use a generic lambda so it can be scalar or vector type to get rid of loads and stores that you would have to do manually parallel loop needed at language level, will have parallel execution of different steps in the loop have issues with exception, i/o in lambda body, but no problem with simd in lambda body 22. loop vectorization need countable loop when 1 is found, wants to break out this is an uncountable loop

23. go over all the pixels in picture, determine if it is in the set or not take multiple pixels in x direction, and calculate in parallel inner loop that does the serious calculations, number of iteration is different for different pixels, capture it woth a mask before going to y loop some will drop out earlier will be full speedup of mandelbrot searching in multi dimentions with k-d tree want interface that is scalar, modified k-d tree on a single point whether to left or right type T is the point with z,y,z, internally will use that as the node from the outside not clear anything simd is going on once with reflection in C++, can be nicer and see through it 25: graph of kd performance 26. 6 dim 27. 9 dim more speedup 28. what we want to have in our vectors options to parallelize; decide for one of the region, that we want simd horizontal from benoit, author of eigen do I take the same data member from several objects? horizontal take data member in one object and process thoise similarly: vertical think of markets 29. distance square function, iterate over the complete container, and look for entry in container with distance square scalar is exhaustive search 30. where is parallelism show horizontal vs vertical 31. same function,par sq a-ref, do 3 of those in parallel and sum over result or we take multiple points and calculate whole thing in parallel 32 shows graphical representation for vector of 4 entries 3/4th of the vector in use. 33. create a point v, then store multiple distances sets that are interleaved and look for nearest neighbor use remaining 4 or 8 and get the best one 34 no reduction in for loop only reduction in line 12 and 13 often smaller objects should do horizontal; if 16 entries does not make sense to just use 3 of those few but large objects linpack should use vertical vectorization 35. vertical less invasive to code can hide it in function horizontal depends on good data structure Michael: should submit paper as is can add new paper describing set up for solutions.

- hide quoted text - 2.4 Review proposals results from Kona: 20 min!topic/sg14/-Dw-jYbhlAc We won't have time to discuss in detail, but we can go over major questions and seek opinions and feedbacks P0037R0 Fixed point real numbers John McFarlane LEWG SG14/SG6: Lawrence Crowl P0038R0 Flat Containers Sean Middleditch LEWG SG14: Patrice Roy

P0039R0 Extending raw_storage_iterator Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0040R0 Extending memory management tools Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0041R0 Unstable remove algorithms Brent Friedman LEWG SG14: Billy Baker P0059R0 Add rings to the Standard Library Guy Davidson LEWG SG14: Michael P0130R0 Comparing virtual functions Scott Wardle, Roberto Parolin EWG SG14: Michael P0125R0

Dec 9: Nvidia's Agency With Jared and Mike Garland - DONE

std::bitset inclusion test methods: Michael/Walter 2.3 Ongoing topics placeholder (which we won't likely get to but will schedule) Exceptions/RTTI SIMD vector and Matrixes Allocators GPU/Accelerator design Array View and Bounds checking 3. Any other business 4. Review 4.1 Review and approve resolutions and issues [e.g., changes to SG's working draft] 4.2 Review action items (5 min) 5. Closing process 5.1 Establish next agenda C++ Install packaging proposal from Activision/Blizzard 5.2 Future meeting Next call : Feb 17

Jan 13: 1st vector/SIMD call - 2 hours: Pablo - Done Jan 20: AMD's HCC compiler with Ben Sander - 2 hours Jan 27: 2nd vector/SIMD call- 2 hours:Matthias proposal? Other proposal? Cancelled Feb 3: LSU's HPX runtime with Hartmut Kaiser/Andrew Richards - 2 hours- Done

Feb 10: possibly 3rd vector/simd call: Matthias Kretz/Joel Falcou, Matthias Gunard Feb 12: C++ Std meeting mailing deadline (no call) Feb 17: Uniform install/Packaging proposal Feb 24: low level bit manipulation proposal