sfkw4 - University of Hawaii · COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Makixe. Capital 200,000...

7i sfkw4 '$3 ij( ' l I ' M ' i I iff i - i; , 'r' ,' I m r . v. j i i ii i r ir; i ?i 3 r 3 if l r i i ;t i VOL. IV--N- O. 309. 5 ' I HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAYSEPTEMBER 3, 1885. PRICE 5 CENTS. adtierttsemettis txtistmints. iWwiisttneitts. IHB DAILY BANKING NOTICE. Benson, Smith & . Co., ;ftiiereial Advertiser m PUBLISHED Except Sundays. pirJJonii jjCBSCRIPTIOXS : jr,tf).. h1able Jntnriabh- - in Adtance Trlntins Office. A CWnwa fSafl Frsnc s rp rt. j Chinese printing establish. AKuctiveof much that la inter-PXSbi- e are not in use in ban S newr offices. The :aTof getting a Chinese newsimper X press aad printing is very pnm- - The editor takes American news- ies to friends, from whom he gets a f th matter he needs, and ffrttini it written in Chinese in a Sfwrites it upon paper chem-- S prepared Upon the bed of uh!rh s of the style Jurat out of use with the last century. !actil . the impression of tfcechara- c- aislefttbcri A large roller is inkca "taied fiver the stone auer n ua ueeu tSdwithawet sponge, and noth-Bnilnsb- ut to take the impression Js3A3 Fnnts three PaPers every tve Ei'A fiVe Fai er9 n e same lme eS3 iaEeii'amin Franklin had a record for. iilieseprintingotlcehas never been h l!jlitnin' j Hit lile 01 a v. uinese journausi ta a ir is free from care and rht, and allows all the work of the sllshaitnt to le done by the pressman. iCMnese tompi.-:tn- r Las not arrived. ?2 Chinese euitor, like the rest of his ctrymen, ii inrtirive. He does not de-b- J I npen bs brain fir olitorials, but xikteg tLeui fiom all the contempo wa Aicerkaa newspapers he can get. !kt is do humorous tu- - artmcnt in the iie Ciwspaper. The newspaper fsk'no exchanges scattered over the ii.wd in nearly all other things it from the American establishment. Tie editorial room is connected by a iiier with bunks on the loft above, netthe managing editor sleeps, and p book and a layout reside. wtpots, kettles, and dishes taking up bt&K mixh room as the press. Inone on Washington street a barber fcparuntu the same department with it itorkl room, and. in all cases, no action is shown to elevate the position "printer" above his surrounding! ttt editor finds that journalism does be gets a job washing dishes or noood, and he does not think he Xfccendwt far itl.a w. VllUlt - Among the Afghani. K'or. Xew Vnrlr 1 yM perhaps a dozen Afghan women. H tare no bonnets, but simply a long puj stuff. Look at them in the jway, and they are pretty. Their j;fceshave a Jewish cast, but they J- -t brunettes. Their gkin is an tmic; i!so! ,Md theY wear their hair U;lsoa3 to make them look IDuturally white, They walk' iJtfcW1, ia the management liteSce mUCh ,.,77 iiaiacross Detween a ?J;i versiau would be- - Athletic, i . re'' bearded, thfiv hftVA flnntlfnA 5Si5?foirehead3 slaved, and the t fi ' banging in curls that fall iar iSers in a fS! Their carnage tarTf Q Priae ana Ir0Xn i 4 JSic?.uutr t0 another you Hfi l r;te,ri An(i they are like cK!.V ?oth-- ? better ihanhe J 'ehird as I ever saw. 1 veTTi PtteJ. r'La,tr05etber - different from KV;?vla,r, tli' Tewrf-breaker- sj eml)er ofher own, Vi Vld0us at times- - and juen ll-- v 'Phased Budd-- 2 ttSult:? ten? tilio2Ier,.&aui,eccntly at the 1 act ,nf a8 s1103 la ben carH Some ladies IfclXW vter- - and children i?.t& e aDlmal that has 'SfU ';0. yards faster than 1 ?P her ears and j lcomltig In. hSS travel-staine- d 5 to nSg lhe .n of liouse .W3. hospitable ex- - hi, 10 the woman Jfc& "I'm just about t'&Xrl 1 H a bi'e to eat Pardon 'thtePaent dis- - ker wass taken ! aiUr7nrandortifica-- j ((pi22Jsjace ; :Iwai,-a- . Japanese-- ; C"tw &neat bold in Japan, ! o;!3 styia of ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL 1 0,000.000 UNLIMITED LIABILITY . Fire Insurance 01 all descriptions be effected at Moderate Rates 01 Preml tun, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN fe CO. 83-dfe- Managers for Haw. Islands XT 2T X Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New Zealand. CAPITAL. t 0,000,000 r-- :v. ITaviuy Ewtablislied an Agency at XX. Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. LotitteH promptly adjusted A payable. 82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN. A CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. a.x OFFICE, aO WALL STREET, NEW YORK Tbe above Company liavlnc: an Agency at Honolulu, for The Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept and write MAItllVE RISKS ON U&rchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current .Bates. 1 i ; I V . i WM. C. IRWIN & CO., 81-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands OH flOE OFFICE OF LONDON. , ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 1884 - - X318.599.316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. . ; ' . til. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized. :G,( W. Macfarlane & Co., lOtT Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. C O. BERGER, OENBAAL AGENCY NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets.... . $60,000,000 CITY OP LONDON FIRE INSURANCE . COMPANY, (Limited). Ctopiua:...,...:.:.......................... fio.ooo.ooo SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. FlBE AND JlABINE. Combined Capital .'. 20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets f 4,500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Makixe. Capital 200,000 MACNEALE A URBAN Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Bnrglar Proof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A Co. C. O. BERGEE, ' 100 mr2 HONOLULU, 11. I. Notice to tle; Public. VITT TAKK PLEA SURE "IN ANNOUNCING V to the public that, ln addition to our PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, we will open an - Xce Cream; IParlor, Which has been fitted to suit the requirements of our first-clas-s trade), on SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH. i Onr Creams wlU be of SUPERIOR QUALITY only, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply of wnlch we have secured from 'the Wood lawn Dairy. From samples furnished us. we are able to guarantee the best quality of Ice Crfeam. The following assortment of Ice Creams and Snerberts will be furnished on our opening day, SATUR- DAY, APRIL 25TH: ICE IDREAMsl-Vanllla- , Lemon,: Chocolate, Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace. SHERBERTS Orange, Strawberry. We are also prepared to furnish Ice Cream to parties, dinners, etc., and to customers at their homes. Oar Parlors will be onen every day and evening, except Sunday. Parties desiring Ice Cream on Sunday must give their orders for the same on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P.M. The Cream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sunday mornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours. Hoping to get a share of public patronage in this line of our business, and thanking the public for their liberal favors In the past, we remain respectfully, MELLER & HAXBE, S. LYOKP. X.. 3. LCYKY. LYONS & IiEVBY, .nctioneers AND- - General Commission Merchant$f Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. of Furniture. Stock, Ileal Estato Sales General Merchandise properly attended to Sole Asrents for: American & Earouean HercIianilsB. tf MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Adverting and Job. Printing at the Iacillc Commercial AitVettlaer Office will from' this date be prenented for pay. meut monthly. Uonolulu, March 2. 1885. M. PHILLIPS h Co., and Wholesale Dealers la Importers Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street. Honolulu, H. I. 13tf-w- tf I BUSINESS 1 COLLEGE, 24 PoMt Stvtt. (Send for Circular.) : The Full Business Course Includes Single and Double Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to all departments ot Duslness; Commercial Arithmetic: Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; Business Correspondence; Lectures os Law; Business Forms, and tbe Science of Accounts; Actual Busi- ness Practice tn V. hole&ale and Retail Merchan-disn- g, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail- roading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Bank ing; English Branches, Including Reading, Spell- ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan. guagts, conbistlng of practical Instruction la F-en- ch, German and Spanish. Special Branches are: OrnamenUl Penman- ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga- tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Han- d, Type-Wriiln- g, Telegraphy, etc. For full Information address, . P. DEALD A CO., 294-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Fulton Iron Works, HINCKLEY, SPIERS & ' HAYES, Of San Francisco. All kinds Of Machinery ac5 f o:Vr.i. wvaci'.! ICE AND REFRIGERATIN' MAC. Kill". CORLISS ENGINES, BABCO .1?. WILCOX BOILERS, DEANE Alt., VACUUM ANI STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN J1EATJEIW, ETC., ETC. n-l-f- c ! YOSEMITE ROLLER FLOUIC. The undersigned beg leave to announce that they are now manufacturing FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR, ' By the ENTIRE ROLLER PP.OCESS, and ars prepared to rill orders, guarantlng complete sat!-factio- n. Our flours have gained an enviable repu- tation on the Pacinc Coast, and among bakers and general consumers are more popular that any other. Address orders to SPLIVALO A FORMA N, No. 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal. 127 JylO 3mos A.. I. HALL & SOIST Commission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FBANCISCO, SYDNEY. ly Dunham, Carrigan & Co. IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS, San Francisco, Cel. 122-au26-- l7 Doming Palmer Milling Co., OF THE CAPITOL MILLS. PROPRIETORS 204 DavLs street, San Francisco. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Flour, Grains of all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Corn meal, Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal, Hominy, Etc., Etc. ly YOLO MILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Street, SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Ilulz Si Plajreraann, Proprietors. Dealers in all kinds of GltAIN and Manufacturers of MILL FEED, FAMILY t LOUIt. MJiAUJ UC ALL. KINDS, PEARL BARLEY, SPLIT PEAK, HOMINY, FARINA, ETC., ETC. Special at- tention Is called to our celebrated NORMAL NUTRIMENT for babies, nursing mothers and convalescents, highly recommended by leading physicians for its excellent nursing qualities; war- ranted to keep in any climate. Orders will be promptly tilled aud satisfaction guaranteed.; ' ly X7" ASK FOR Goodyear's Rubber Goods, RUBBER HOSE, PACKING CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Goodyear Rubber Co. R. H. PEASE, JR., S. M. RUNYON, f AOJCilTB. 126-nov2- C Kan Francisco. Chas. Oppenheimer & Go., Manufacturers, Importer and Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS AUD SHOES. Salesroom, 113 Battery Street. Factory. Corner Drtimm and Washington Streets. 120se22 SAN FRANCISCO. kijlhste & CO., Importers of HATS and CAPS. Nos. 28 and 28 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of Has, 12Xa22-f- l SAN FRANCISCO, BURGESS, 84 Kins Street, Honol ui n CARPENTER AND BUILDER. - All kinds of Jobbing attended to. EAOGAOE AND GEKBRAL EXPRESS. Draying and Steamer Freight carefully and promptly handled. Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade, Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best ln the market. 84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS. 89 nov28 H. HAOKFELD & CO., COMMISSION AGENTS. GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, U.I. F. BANKINft. W. MAKRTKKS. P OPri3KI.T ED. H0FFS0HLAE&ER & CO., A Commission Merchants. Importers Honolulu, U. I. lt-t- f m A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., and Wholesale aud Iletail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf CLAD8 srRECKKI.1 TM. O. IRWIN. WM. G. IB WIN & Co., FACTORS and CommLssion SUGAR Honolulu H. I. li-tfw- tf WENNEft & 00. 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. 1 Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate; Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing: lu all its branches. Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers. J. J. WILLIAMS ' Wo. 103 FORT STREET, Leading Pbotograplier of Honolulu. WORK FINISHED IN Water Colors, Crayon. India Inh, or Oil, t Photo. Colored, Ac. The only Complete Collection of Island Views Ferns, Shells,! Curiosities, &c. CHARGES MODERATE. 25tf ALVIN 11. BASEMAN, book: binder, Paper Ruler and Blank Booh - Manufacturer. 9& Bookbinding of aU descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Gazette Building, 27 tf MERCHANTTBEET. THE OLD CORNER. RESTAURANT, CORNER QUEEN AND THE streets, has been d. Every- thing neat and clean. The table always supplied with the best the market affords. Board per week $4 50, payable In advance. Single meals, 25 cents, l28-sep2- 6 HOP LEE, Proprietor. Metropolitan Market KING STKEITT,? G. J. WALLER, r fPROPRIKTOR. Choicest Meats from Finest Herd Families and shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE andat the Lowest Market Prices. AU meats delivered from this market are thor- oughly c billed Immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Pateat Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and TS GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-- K IDLED M1AT. - 143-Jyl5- -tf SALMON! SALMON! Ex. W H. DIMOND. A Fine Lot of Re Fish ; FOR , SALE BY! , Castle & Oocxke. 80-- tt M. S. Grinbaum &. Co., -- IMPORTERS OF- - Oeueral Merchandise and Commis sion merchants, Honolulu, II. I. No. 124 California street. San Francisco, Cal. 104-jyl-- 1y S. IP. Taylor cfc Co., Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors Pioneer and San Geronimo Paper Mills. STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 411 and 418 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal 10g JylO ly MACFARLANE & C0-- , 1IOI.ES ALE Ir.AI.FRS AND 4JKN- - eral Jobbers In WINES and LIQUORS. No. 13 Uaahumann Street, HONOLULU. 19-- tf "Cordon Rouge" extbadbv ha asm rim. Alio y p- - BP f- - a" rVj.. i.Pnn?A7int!in 8 G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Cor. Fort Ci Queon Sts., HONOLULU, H.! Sole Asrents for this Favorite Brand oS CHAMPAGNE. 65 tt A w BEAViQ--8:At0erJ- . NO. 7 FORT ST II EST. f Opposite Wilder A Co.'m " " 'OPKX POM 3 A. U. TILL 10 P. M FIUST-CLAS- S LOfCHES, COFFEK, : I TEi, SODA WATER, GISGEIi ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos " OF BEST BRANDS ; Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from ; the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety ; of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICIiBS. Lovers o BILLIARDS wiU find an Elegant SSHS & CO. BILLIARD IABLS on the Premises. The Pioprletor would be pleased to receive a call rom his Friends and the Public generally ; who may. desire a I.ITNCII. A SMOKE, OH A OAJIE OF ' BIIXIABD3. H. J. N0LTE. 29-- tf The undersigned have formed a co partnership under the firm name of Clatjs Spreckels & Co., for the purpose of carrying on a Bank of Savings and Deposits, and for trans acting a geueral Banking and Ex change business atT Honolulu, and such other place in the Hawaiian Kingdom as may be deemed advisable. Claus Spreckels. Wm. G. Irwin. Honolulu, April 15, 18S5. Referring to the above, we beg to inform the business public that our Bankingestablishment will be opened for the transaction of business on Monday, May the 4th, when we will be prepared to receive deposits in our Savings Bank. We will also be prepared to make oans, discount approved notes, and purchase exchange at best market rates. We will receive deposits on open account, make, collections and con duct a general Banking and Ex change business. Our arrangements have been com- pleted, so that we can draw exchange on the principal parts of the world. 77-- tf Claus Spreckels & Co. EUREKA ! We have received a consignment of the most Economical and Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and Butter producer in use. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nu trltlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 Ss. of this meal Is equal to 300 Ss. of oats, or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit. Aldo, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as J" ' Oijr usual supply of tbe best kinds of - llay,' Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc. LAINE fc CO. 13 tf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. Eouis. Mo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Booh. News, Flat and Eabel Papers, Binders' Boards, Twines, Etc. T7. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 205 EeidesdorfT Street.!1 Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. N. B. Special Attention eiveu to Earjce Contracts. 58 tffew G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., V Cor. Fort & Queen. Sts. HONOLULU, H. I. Sole Afirents for this Favorite Braud of CHAMPAGNE. 56tfAw- - TIIOtlAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, Jljjj No. 60 Nnnann Street, 1 Opposite Holilster A Co,.j - Ilonolnlu, IT. I. Par tic alar attention paid to repairing. 22 tf BRICKS ! BEICKS ! Ex. W. H. DIMOND. 39 OOO m norma Ham Bricks FOR SALE BY Castle & .Cooke. ' 7 - JOBBING AND RETAIL DEUGGISTS, PROPRIETORS OF THE Maile Coloocne, 113 AND TTs" FORT "STREET. ' 6S-m- ar 27 -- 6m Burr cfc Finck, I The Leading Fashionable Tailors OP SAN FBANCIKCO. No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palare Holtri. . ' Having already a large trade with Honoiuluj they respectfuUy solicit further Island patronage, and are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and tbe finest stock of latest goods constantly on band. 61 tfAw Pantheon Stables, Cor. Fort II Hotel Streets. LIVEKY, BOARDING, AND SALE STADLES. Carriages for hire at all hours of the dpy 01 night; also, conveyances of all kinds for parties going around the Island. Excellent Saddle Horse for Indies and Gentlemeu. Uaaranteed Gentle. Carriaare Nos. 2, 24, 46, 47, 4i 49,, SO, 01, 52 and 53. I Double and single teams always to be had on livery at the most reasonable rates. ' ' , ! .. - j "Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur- sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 pansengers, can always be secured by special arrangements. Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply- - Imr.tft.on' '- -. '. .- T TVit f.. wmm aM viuvi Tla" iVonsr Brancli JSatlilng1 lipase can always be secured for picnic or excursion parties by applying at the oStoe. . : j Corner Fort and IIotl Stretsi Telephone No. 34. , , . , y.-- ; JAS. DODD, Proprietor. 28tf . j " TELEPHONE 65 rpiu"TERBHIS f3 PLANING MILL. r 1 LZZ3 Alakea, near Queen Mt. LjZ3 C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. J Contracting & Building. tlOUXDIHGS AI1D FINISH ALWAYS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. 21-- tf WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, FISH MARKET. DEALER TN CHOICEST;; ! t Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended lOs il4vtK Stock, fursinbtxl. X6, .vessels at short riottc and ve$eM4lsof ;aU; itufla supplied to order. 102 tf CO If f Queen ft ainoitr7i Street, WHOLESALE A BUT AIL . f Dealers Li HAY AND OBAIN, Telephone No. 1T5. Goods delivered promptly. Island Orders Solicited. 911t T B. L, STANLEY. JOHN SPRUANCC Spruance, Stanley Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS, ' 410 Front WU, San Franeioeo. ' 57 tf Aw I 4vJM.Oat;lJK;&Col, STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. ' 1 I i ' i ' i 27 Merchant St, . Uonolnln. H.I. Lincoln Block, King street 141-tfdA- W

Transcript of sfkw4 - University of Hawaii · COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fire and Makixe. Capital 200,000...

7i sfkw4'$3 ij( ' l I ' M ' iI iff i

-i; , 'r' ,' I

m r . v. j i i ii i r ir; i ?i 3 r 3 if l r i i ;t i


309.5 ' I


adtierttsemettistxtistmints. iWwiisttneitts.IHB DAILY

BANKING NOTICE.Benson, Smith & . Co.,

;ftiiereial Advertiser


Except Sundays.pirJJonii


jr,tf)..h1able Jntnriabh- - in Adtance

Trlntins Office.A CWnwa

fSafl Frsnc s rp rt. j

Chinese printing establish.AKuctiveof much that la inter-PXSbi- e

are not in use in banS newr offices. The:aTof getting a Chinese newsimperX press aad printing is very pnm- -

The editor takes American news-ies to friends, from whom he gets a

f th matter he needs, andffrttini it written in Chinese in a

Sfwrites it upon paper chem-- S

prepared Upon the bed ofuh!rh s of the style

Jurat out of use with the last century.

!actil . the impression of tfcechara- c-

aislefttbcri A large roller is inkca"taied fiver the stone auer n ua ueeutSdwithawet sponge, and noth-Bnilnsb- ut

to take the impression

Js3A3 Fnnts three PaPers every tveEi'A fiVe Fai er9 n e same lme eS3iaEeii'amin Franklin had a record for.iilieseprintingotlcehas never been

h l!jlitnin'

j Hit lile 01 a v. uinese journausi ta air is free from care and

rht, and allows all the work of thesllshaitnt to le done by the pressman.iCMnese tompi.-:tn- r Las not arrived.?2 Chinese euitor, like the rest of hisctrymen, ii inrtirive. He does not de-b- J

I npen bs brain fir olitorials, butxikteg tLeui fiom all the contempowa Aicerkaa newspapers he can get.!kt is do humorous tu- - artmcnt in theiie Ciwspaper. The newspaperfsk'no exchanges scattered over theii.wd in nearly all other things it

from the American establishment.Tie editorial room is connected by aiiier with bunks on the loft above,netthe managing editor sleeps, and

p book and a layout reside.

wtpots, kettles, and dishes taking upbt&K mixh room as the press. Inone

on Washington street a barberfcparuntu the same department withit itorkl room, and. in all cases, noaction is shown to elevate the position

"printer" above his surrounding!ttt editor finds that journalism does

be gets a job washing dishes ornoood, and he does not think he

Xfccendwt far itl.aw. VllUlt- Among the Afghani.

K'or. Xew Vnrlr 1

yM perhaps a dozen Afghan women.H tare no bonnets, but simply a long

puj stuff. Look at them in thejway, and they are pretty. Theirj;fceshave a Jewish cast, but they

J- -t brunettes. Their gkin is an tmic;i!so! ,Md theY wear their hair

U;lsoa3 to make them lookIDuturally white, They walk'iJtfcW1, ia the managementliteSce mUCh

,.,77 iiaiacross Detween a?J;i versiau would be- - Athletic,i . re'' bearded, thfiv hftVA flnntlfnA5Si5?foirehead3 slaved, and thet fi ' banging in curls that falliar iSers in a

fS! Their carnagetarTf Q Priae ana Ir0Xn

i 4 JSic?.uutr t0 another you

Hfi lr;te,ri An(i they are like

cK!.V ?oth--? better ihanhe

J 'ehird as I ever saw.1 veTTi PtteJ.

r'La,tr05etber - different fromKV;?vla,r, tli' Tewrf-breaker- sj

eml)er ofher own,Vi Vld0us at times- - and

juen ll--v 'Phased Budd-- 2

ttSult:? ten?tilio2Ier,.&aui,eccntly at the

1 act ,nf a8 s1103 la bencarH Some ladies

IfclXW vter- - and childreni?.t& e aDlmal that has'SfU ';0. yards faster than

1 ?P her ears andj lcomltig In.

hSS travel-staine- d

5 to nSg lhe .n of liouse.W3. hospitable ex--

hi, 10 the womanJfc& "I'm just aboutt'&Xrl 1 H a bi'e to eat

Pardon 'thtePaent dis- -

ker wass taken! aiUr7nrandortifica-- j

((pi22Jsjace ;

:Iwai,-a- . Japanese-- ;

C"tw &neat bold in Japan,! o;!3 styia of



CAPITAL 1 0,000.000


Fire Insurance 01 all descriptionsbe effected at Moderate Rates 01 Preml

tun, by the undersigned.WM. G. IRWIN fe CO.

83-dfe- Managers for Haw. Islands


Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zealand.CAPITAL. t 0,000,000

r-- :v.

ITaviuy Ewtablislied an Agency atXX. Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.LotitteH promptly adjusted A payable.

82-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN. A CO.



Tbe above Company liavlnc:an Agency at Honolulu, for The Hawa-iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write

MAItllVE RISKSONU&rchandise, Freights. Treasure,

Commissions, and Hulls.At current .Bates. 1 i ; I V . i

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,81-dw- tf Managers for Hawaiian Islands



EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1884 - - X318.599.316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.. ; ' . til.The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

:G,( W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOtT Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Assets.... . $60,000,000


Ctopiua:...,...:.:.......................... fio.ooo.ooo


Combined Capital .'. 20,000,000


Assets f4,500,000


Fire and Makixe.

Capital 200,000


Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire andBnrglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A Co.

C. O. BERGEE,'100 mr2 HONOLULU, 11. I.

Notice to tle; Public.

VITT TAKK PLEA SURE "IN ANNOUNCINGV to the public that, ln addition to our

PASTRY AND CONFECTIONERY business, wewill open an -

Xce Cream; IParlor,Which has been fitted to suit the requirements

of our first-clas-s trade), on


Onr Creams wlU be of SUPERIOR QUALITYonly, being made of Genuine Cream, a supply ofwnlch we have secured from 'the Wood lawnDairy. From samples furnished us. we are ableto guarantee the best quality of Ice Crfeam. Thefollowing assortment of Ice Creams and Snerbertswill be furnished on our opening day, SATUR-DAY, APRIL 25TH:

ICE IDREAMsl-Vanllla- , Lemon,: Chocolate,

Coffee, Pine Apple, Strawberry, Coffee Glace.

SHERBERTS Orange, Strawberry.

We are also prepared to furnish Ice Cream toparties, dinners, etc., and to customers at theirhomes. Oar Parlors will be onen every day andevening, except Sunday. Parties desiring IceCream on Sunday must give their orders for thesame on Saturdays before 9 o'clock P.M. TheCream will be delivered before 10 A. M. Sundaymornings, packed so as to keep hard eight hours.

Hoping to get a share of public patronage inthis line of our business, and thanking the publicfor their liberal favors In the past, we remainrespectfully,



LYONS & IiEVBY,.nctioneers

AND- -

General Commission Merchant$f

Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu.

ofFurniture. Stock, Ileal EstatoSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to

Sole Asrents for:

American & Earouean HercIianilsB.tf


All accounts for Adverting and Job. Printingat the

Iacillc Commercial AitVettlaer

Office will from' this date be prenented for pay.meut monthly.

Uonolulu, March 2. 1885.

M. PHILLIPS h Co.,and Wholesale Dealers laImporters Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahumanu Street.Honolulu, H. I. 13tf-w- tf


24 PoMt Stvtt.

(Send for Circular.) :

The Full Business Course Includes Single andDouble Entry Book-keepin- g, as applied to alldepartments ot Duslness; Commercial Arithmetic:Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law; BusinessCorrespondence; Lectures os Law; BusinessForms, and tbe Science of Accounts; Actual Busi-ness Practice tn V. hole&ale and Retail Merchan-disn- g,

Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail-roading, Express Business. Brokerage, and Banking; English Branches, Including Reading, Spell-ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lan.guagts, conbistlng of practical Instruction laF-en- ch, German and Spanish.

Special Branches are: OrnamenUl Penman-ship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying, Short-Han- d,

Type-Wriiln- g, Telegraphy, etc.For full Information address,

. P. DEALD A CO.,294-d2- 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.

Fulton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, SPIERS &

' HAYES,Of San Francisco.



The undersigned beg leave to announce thatthey are now manufacturing

FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR, 'By the ENTIRE ROLLER PP.OCESS, and arsprepared to rill orders, guarantlng complete sat!-factio- n.

Our flours have gained an enviable repu-tation on the Pacinc Coast, and among bakers andgeneral consumers are more popular that anyother. Address orders to

SPLIVALO A FORMA N,No. 415 Battery street, San Francisco, Cal.

127 JylO 3mos


Commission Merchants,


Dunham, Carrigan & Co.


San Francisco, Cel.122-au26-- l7

Doming Palmer Milling Co.,

OF THE CAPITOL MILLS.PROPRIETORS204 DavLs street, San Francisco.Manufacturers of and Dealers in Flour, Grains ofall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Corn meal,Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat,Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc. ly

YOLO MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Street, SAN


Ilulz Si Plajreraann, Proprietors.Dealers in all kinds of GltAIN and Manufacturersof MILL FEED, FAMILY t LOUIt. MJiAUJ UCALL. KINDS, PEARL BARLEY, SPLIT PEAK,HOMINY, FARINA, ETC., ETC. Special at-tention Is called to our celebrated NORMALNUTRIMENT for babies, nursing mothers andconvalescents, highly recommended by leadingphysicians for its excellent nursing qualities; war-ranted to keep in any climate. Orders will bepromptly tilled aud satisfaction guaranteed.; 'ly


Goodyear's Rubber Goods,RUBBER HOSE,


Goodyear Rubber Co.R. H. PEASE, JR.,S. M. RUNYON, f AOJCilTB.

126-nov2- C Kan Francisco.

Chas. Oppenheimer & Go.,Manufacturers, Importer and Wholesale

Dealers In

BOOTS AUD SHOES.Salesroom, 113 Battery Street. Factory. CornerDrtimm and Washington Streets.


kijlhste & CO.,Importers of

HATS and CAPS.Nos. 28 and 28 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of Has,

12Xa22-f- l SAN FRANCISCO,

BURGESS,84 Kins Street, Honol ui n


All kinds of Jobbing attended to.

EAOGAOE AND GEKBRAL EXPRESS.Draying and Steamer Freight carefully and

promptly handled.Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti Lemonade,

Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes. The best ln themarket.

84 KING STREET. - - - BURGESS.89 nov28



ED. H0FFS0HLAE&ER & CO.,A Commission Merchants.Importers Honolulu, U. I. lt-t- f m

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.,and Wholesale aud IletailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-- tf


WM. G. IBWIN & Co.,FACTORS and CommLssionSUGAR Honolulu H. I. li-tfw- tf

WENNEft & 00.92 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

1 Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate;Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY

A Specialty.

Repairing: lu all its branches.Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.


Leading Pbotograplier of Honolulu.


Water Colors, Crayon.India Inh, or Oil,

tPhoto. Colored, Ac.

The only Complete Collection ofIsland Views

Ferns, Shells,!Curiosities, &c.



book: binder,Paper Ruler and Blank Booh

- Manufacturer.

9& Bookbinding of aU descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Building,27 tf MERCHANTTBEET.


thing neat and clean. The table always suppliedwith the best the market affords. Board perweek $4 50, payable In advance. Single meals,25 cents, l28-sep2- 6 HOP LEE, Proprietor.

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meats from Finest Herd

Families and shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE andat the

Lowest Market Prices.

AU meats delivered from this market are thor-oughly c billed Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Pateat Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties,and TS GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-- K

IDLED M1AT. - 143-Jyl5- -tf


A Fine Lot of Re Fish



Castle & Oocxke.80-- tt

M. S. Grinbaum &. Co.,-- IMPORTERS OF--

Oeueral Merchandise and Commission merchants, Honolulu, II. I.

No. 124 California street. San Francisco, Cal.104-jyl-- 1y

S. IP. Taylor cfc Co.,Agents South Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors

Pioneer and San Geronimo Paper Mills.STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC.

Manufacturers and Dealers.411 and 418 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal

10g JylO ly



eral Jobbers In WINES and LIQUORS.

No. 13 Uaahumann Street,HONOLULU. 19-- tf

"Cordon Rouge"

extbadbvha asmrim. Alio

y p-- BP f-- a"rVj..

i.Pnn?A7int!in 8


Cor. Fort Ci Queon Sts.,HONOLULU, H.!

Sole Asrents for this Favorite Brand oS


BEAViQ--8:At0erJ- .


fOpposite Wilder A Co.'m

" " 'OPKX POM 3 A. U. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and Tobaccos"


Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

; the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety ;


SMOKERS' ARTICIiBS.Lovers o BILLIARDS wiU find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Pioprletor would be pleased to receive a call

rom his Friends and the Public generally ;

who may. desire aI.ITNCII. A SMOKE, OH A OAJIE OF


H. J. N0LTE.29-- tf

The undersigned have formed a copartnership under the firm name ofClatjs Spreckels & Co., for thepurpose of carrying on a Bank ofSavings and Deposits, and for transacting a geueral Banking and Exchange business atT Honolulu, andsuch other place in the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.

Claus Spreckels.Wm. G. Irwin.

Honolulu, April 15, 18S5.

Referring to the above, we beg toinform the business public that ourBankingestablishment will be openedfor the transaction of business onMonday, May the 4th, when we willbe prepared to receive deposits in ourSavings Bank.

We will also be prepared to makeoans, discount approved notes, andpurchase exchange at best marketrates.

We will receive deposits on openaccount, make, collections and conduct a general Banking and Exchange business.

Our arrangements have been com-pleted, so that we can draw exchangeon the principal parts of the world.77-- tf Claus Spreckels & Co.


We have received a consignment of the mostEconomical and Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.:

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer in use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of nutrltlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 Ss. of this meal Is equal to 300 Ss. of oats,or 318 lbs. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Aldo, our Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well asJ" ' Oijr usual supply of tbe best kinds of -

llay,' Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE fc CO.13 tf


St. Eouis. Mo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Booh. News,Flat and Eabel Papers,

Binders' Boards,Twines, Etc.


205 EeidesdorfT Street.!1Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

N. B. Special Attention eiveu toEarjce Contracts. 58 tffew


VCor. Fort & Queen. Sts.


Sole Afirents for this Favorite Braud of



Manufacturing Jeweler,Jljjj No. 60 Nnnann Street,

1 Opposite Holilster A Co,.j

- Ilonolnlu, IT. I.Par tic alar attention paid to repairing. 22 tf



39 OOO

mnorma Ham Bricks


Castle & .Cooke.'7 -



Maile Coloocne,113 AND TTs" FORT "STREET. '

6S-m- ar 27 --6m

Burr cfc Finck, I

The Leading Fashionable TailorsOP SAN FBANCIKCO.

No. 620 Market St., Opposite Palare Holtri.. '

Having already a large trade with Honoiuluj theyrespectfuUy solicit further Island patronage, andare prepared to complete orders at one day's no-tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and tbefinest stock of latest goods constantly on band.

61 tfAw

Pantheon Stables,Cor. Fort II Hotel Streets.


Carriages for hire at all hours of the dpy 01night; also, conveyances of all kinds for partiesgoing around the Island.

Excellent Saddle Horse for Indiesand Gentlemeu. Uaaranteed Gentle.

Carriaare Nos. 2, 24, 46, 47, 4i 49,,SO, 01, 52 and 53.I Double and single teams always to be had onlivery at the most reasonable rates. ' '


..- j"Large and small omnibus for picnics and excur-

sion parties, carrying from 10 to 40 pansengers, canalways be secured by special arrangements.

Omnibus time tables can be obtained oy apply- -

Imr.tft.on' '- -. '. .- T TVit f..wmm aM viuviTla" iVonsr Brancli JSatlilng1 lipase

can always be secured for picnic or excursionparties by applying at the oStoe. . : j

Corner Fort and IIotl StretsiTelephone No. 34. , , . , y.-- ;

JAS. DODD, Proprietor.28tf . j



LZZ3 Alakea, near Queen Mt. LjZ3

C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. J

Contracting & Building.tlOUXDIHGS AI1D FINISH


FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

21-- tf


No. 6 Queen Street,



Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Etc.

Family and Shipping Orders carefully attendedlOs il4vtK Stock, fursinbtxl. X6, .vessels at shortriottc and ve$eM4lsof ;aU; itufla supplied toorder. 102 tf


IffQueen ft ainoitr7i Street,



Dealers Li

HAY AND OBAIN,Telephone No. 1T5.

Goods delivered promptly.

Island Orders Solicited.



Spruance, Stanley Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine

WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS,' 410 Front WU, San Franeioeo. '

57 tf A w I


Hawaiian Gazette Block.' 1 I i ' i ' i

27 Merchant St, . Uonolnln. H.I.Lincoln Block, King street141-tfdA- W




The Michigan Portrait Co.,Producers of the-- Finest Grades of India Ink,Water Color, Crayon and-Past- el Portraits. Head-quarters at Klnsr Bros., Hotel street, HONOLULU.

129-sep- .


Cip-a-r and TobaccoEMPORIUM,

Camj bell's Block, Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I.ThiL Space is Reserved for


children. Of course, without such an en-

rollment, only a partial attendance can becounted on. In some school districts thereare probably scores of ckildren whose nameshave never been on a school record.

There is certainly an abuse andevasion of the law here which shouldbe remedied, assuming that the fact3are as presented in the foregoingextract. No child should be per-

mitted to grow up in absolute ignor-ance Iii this country; at the sametime there may be such a thing asover-doin- g "education," that is, in-

struction in schools. We attach agreat deal of importance to industrialtraining, and it is by no means a badfeature to find that Portuguese parentstrain their children to work. Thisaccustoms them to habits of industry,teaches- - them to respect authority,and in short prepares them for thebattle of life in which the majority ofthem must engage".

The great drawback with the Ha-

waiian natives is that they are seldomcapable of sustained labor, and thisarise.3 in great measure from the factthat their children are not taugltt towork. The case is different with thePortuguese, as-we- ll as with natives ofChina and Japan; but with regard tothe two Ia3t mentioned, there are sofew children In the country thatthe point is hardly worth mak-ing. In the case of the Portuguesetheir example may have a beneficialeffect; but at the same time measuresshould be taken to Compel sufficientattendance at schools without depriv-ing parents of all the help which thelabor of their children is calculated togive them in their support.

112 aug5-l- y

MOLi m i r

LiUt on his ail y crust liis tlcndcr head.Ilia body short, his loins luxuriant spn-u- j ;Afiwl. in IT) 11 ufdf. fciintu liiu brut, inNo fear alarms him, no vain shouts nioli.st;O'er his rinht shoulder, floating full and fair,Hweeps his thick mane and spreads its pomp nf j.air .

Swift works ids double spine, and tarth around'

I:..- - ... i: i : i . . . f . i . 4. .1 . ...iuny iu ms mm ui iiuKi mai wiais me K1 "'niu YiUOii

This well-know- n Trotting: Htallion is now utandinj; at tlie corner of PodcMm

Queen streets, and breeders, horsemen and stooU-owne- ra should take duiiu

opportunity to obtain ,hia blood, while they have the chance. Hewnotloot:

feeling aaearly as well as he ever dicl in his life, and moves a lively and hi e)e u'ul

and he is as vigorous .as a four-year-o- ld horse. j

It does not require a great horseman to discover Kieat points cf

VENTURE. The ordinary citizen, upon beholding him, will 1 improved iEB.J

with his grand make-up- , magnificent length, and elegant tinisli. If In- - Uni.ltlarJhorse that ever came to this coiintiy, he is irn h cm- - nf flu- - km ui'xt,former, he towers as far alov them all as he does above a Muling cull iiutiU, j

A great deal of importance has lately been attached to the valne uf iWntbeing- - kept for stock purposes, whether he is standuid or imt, ami the Priwliiii

Natioual Association of Trotting Horse Brccis in Ann-ri- d niiongly advkjp.to patronize stallions that are not standard bred, and he also advises tL(n to',not only standard bred, but if possihle one that is BUiuiaid by his own fir::which is a public record f 2:30, or better, and even more than thin Lj the fi!;;;of his get also. Now, if this rule was rigidly applied, it wonld exclude ill nihorses as Electioneer and the Hires of Maud S. and Jay Eye See, etc., for hile tip j

become' greatly renowned by the performances of tticir get, they never were tir

formers themselves. ,

Now, we will see, for curiosity, how near VENTURE comes to po.sinjj tie (

qualifications, namely : It reed ing, performances and performances of bin get. j

As to breeding, he is the peer of any horso on earth, and I don't tic jit tU f

Hermit, who is the most popular stallion in England, and whoae service ft

being the sire of threc Derby winners. jAs' to' his own' performances, he meets the requirement, having ipullknf--

2:274 2:30 being the standard of admission. I

His get are now just beginning to be appreciated in California, one e( r

(Vengeance) won "a good race quite lately in Sacramento, in Btraigbt beau, 8u

record of '2:31; and is said to be able to trot close to 2:20, whe n called upuii to fa.With these facts before us, VENTUIIE looms up as one of ibegrciWiM.'

only on this but in any other country, and the day is past when people ill w,

thing but the very best and while tho death of two such great horses w

Uazaar is greatly deplored by all true horsemen, still it is a great consolnion tu;

is so good a horse as VENTTRE to fill their place. JVENTURE is an aged horse, but he is one year younger tbw DicUU.t;-sol-

only last in Kentucky for $25,000, on the strength of his being UKEye See. His stud fee is $300. He is also ten years younger than Volunteer

Pacific Commercial Advertiser'




Per annum S 00

8tx months .. 00

Per month - 00c

5rNubieriitions Iayaile alnays in"Advance.

Communications from all parts of the Kingdomwill always be very acceptable.

Persons residing In any parj of the United statescan remit the amount of subscription due by Post

' Office money order.- Matter intent"?! for publication in the editorial

; columns shci.'.' ;.5..ai:rtv-it- j

Editor Pacific Uommkhcial apveetiser."Business communications and advertisements

should be addressed simpiyP. C. ADVEHTI8ER."

and not to individuals. ,

THEPacific Commercial Advertiser

Is now for sale daily at the Following Places :

J. M. OAT fe CO Merchant streetT. a. THRUM Merchant streetCRYSTAL. SODA WORKS '. Hotel streetN. F. BURGESS King streetWOLF fc EDWARI)S...Cor King and Xuuanu stsC. J. MCCARTHY ......Hotel street

Five Cents per Copy. tf

THURSDAY - - - September 3il.


The new regulations for Chineseimmigration, which have been" pub-lished in our "By Authority' column,merit commendation. They embodya policy to which both the countryand Government are committed. Itis accepted as a leading principle ofpublic policy that the immigration ofthe future shall be of a character thatwill build up the country by an in-crease of families. Heretofore Chi-nese immigration has not been of

. that character. It was composedalmost exclusively of adult malelaborers, who had no family ties

. binding them to this country, andwho contributed nothing towards itsdevelopment except their manuallabor.

The evils of such an immigiationwere recognized on all sides, and itscontinuance has become impossible ifa progressive community is to be es-

tablished on these Islands. Thepresent Administration put manyobstacles in the way of Chinese imm-

igration, but it was found that theChinese were systematically evadingthe restrictions placed upon their en-trance into this Kingdom, as theygenerally managed to introduce twomen for every one who took away

. a passport. The new regulationsrender a continuance of this abuseimpossible. Twenty-fiv- e Chineseimmigrants are still entitled to landfrom any one vessel, but Chineselaborers leaving for China will not begranted a certificate or passport, andtherefore cannot return exGept as in-

cluded in the twenty-fiv-e above men- -

- tioned. Chinamen engaged in busi-ness or any productive industry areto be permitted to return by provid-ing themselves with the requisitepapers here to prove their identity tothe Consul General at Hongkong.

Two things will probably happenin this connection. An attempt willbe made by every Chinaman who in-

tends visiting his native couutry toshow thathe is not a "laborer" withinthe meaning of the regulations. Thisattempt . failing, which it must inmany cases, the emigration of Chi-nese will be checked. The availablelabor in the country therefore will beconserved, to the manifest gain ofplanters, while other classes of labor"will have a guarantee that it will notbe swamped by swarms from China.The public will watch the workingof the new regulations with interest.Their vigorous enforcement shouldresult in lasting goodto the country.


There is a well-reasofn- ed article onthis subject in the lastissue of "TheFriend," in which the followingstatements are made:

Largs numbers of Portuguese boys undertwelve years of ag work regularly on theplantations. The teachers of our schoolshave the greatest difficulty in securing theattendance of Portuguese boys who are ableto carry a pail of water, or handle a lighthoe. In some cases large numbers of Por-tuguese boys are enrolled as being in attend-ance at certain schools when they are regu-larly at work on some neighboring planta-tion. It would be a revelation to the pub- -

' lie if reliable statistics could be publishedshowing the number of boys and girls un-

der fourteen who aro regularly employed in. the various industries cf Hawaii nei.

The law looking to the compulsory at-

tendance of all' children of a suitable schoolage would Beem to be --sufficient in securingits object. The fact that it is not is due toseveral' reasons. In the first place, the

. teacher in a given district has the greatestdifficulty in securing an accurate - enroll-ment of children of a school age in the dis-

trict. In many instances the enrollment is' only of such .as . have actually presented

themselves p. t the school-hous- e. If it were;wads obligatory on aU'employers of labor to

return eemi-annual- ly a list of all children?

of .their employees, under sixteen years ofge, a great step would be taken towards the

f,ccurat3 and complete enrollment of school


Fight of the Baiders at the Engine-lloua- s

Described by One of Crown'sPrisoners Why Crown

Was Not KlUed.

Capt. J. E. Daingerfield in The Century.During the dav and night I talked

much with John Crown, ana found himbrave as a man could be, and sensibleupon all subjects except slavery. . Uponthat subject he was a religious fanatic,and believed it was his duty to free theslaves, even if in doing so he lost his ownlife.

During a sharp fight one oZ Brownssons was killed. lie fell; then trying toraise himself, he said, "It Is all over withme, n and died instantly.

Brown did not leave his post at the port-hole, but when the firing ceased he walkedto his son's body, straightened cut hislimbs, took off his trappings, then, turn-ing to me, said: "This is thothird son I . have lost in thiscause. " Another son had been shot inthe morning, and was then dying, havingbeen brought in from the street ' WhileBrown was a murderer, yet I was con-strained to think that he was not avicious man, but was crazed upon thesubject of slavery. Often during theaffair in the engine-house- , when his menwould want to lire upon some one whomight be passing, Brown would stopthem, saying, "Don't shoot; that man isunarmed. " The firing was kept up byour men all day until late at night, andduring this time several of his men werekilled; but, as I said before, none of theprisoners were hurt, though in greatdanger.

During the day and night many proposi-tions pre and con were made, looking toBrown's surrender and the release of theprisoners, but without result.

When CoL Lee came with the govern-ment troops, at 1 o'clock at night, he atonce sent a flag of truce by his aide, .1. E.B. Stuart, to notify Brown of his arrival,and in the name of the United States todemand his surrender, advising him tothrow himself upon the clemency of thogovernment

Brown declined to accept CoL Lee'sterms, and determined to await the at-tack.

When Stuart was admitted and a lightbrought he exclaimed: "Why, aren't youold Ossawatomie Brown, of Kansas, whomI once had there as my prisoner?" " Yes, "was the answer, " but you did not keepme. " This was the first Intimation wehad as to Brown's true name. He hadbeen engaged in the Kansas border war,and had come from there to Harper'sFerry. When Col. Lee advised Brownto trust to the clemency of the govern-ment, he responded that he knew whatthat meant a rope for his men and him-selfadding, "I prefer to die just here, n

Stuart told him he would return atearly morning for his final reply, and lefthim. When he had gone, Brown at onceproceeded to barricade the doors, win-dows, etc. , endeavoring to make the placeas strong as possible.

During all this time no one of Brown'smen showed the slightest fear, but calmlyawaited the attack, selecting the best situ-ations to fire from upon the attackingparty, and arranging their guns and pis-tols so that a fresh one could he taken upas soon as one was cuscnargea. inuringthe night 1 had a long talk with Brown,and told him that he and his men werecommitting treason against the state andthe United States. Two of his men. hearing the conversation, said to their leader"Are we ccmmittinsr treason against ourcountrv Yv beinc here?" Brown answered, "Certainly. " Both said, "If thatis so we don't want to fight any more. Wethought we came to liberate the slaves,and did not know that was committingtreason.

Both of these men were killed in theattack on the engine-hous- e when Brownwas taken.

When Lieut. Stuart came in the morn- -

. insr for the final reply to the demand tosurrender I sot up and went to Brown'sside to hear liis answer.

Stuart asked, "Are you ready to sur-render and trust to the nercy of thegovernment?"

Brown answered promptly. "No! Iprefer to die hera "

His manner did not betray the leastfear. Stuart stepped aside and made thesignal for the attack, which was instantlybegun with sledge-hammer- s to break downthe door.

Finding it would not yield, the soldiersseized a long ladder for a battering-ram- ,

and .commenced beating the door withthat, the party within tiring incessantly.I had assisted in the barricading, fixingthe fastenings, so that I could removethem upon the first eifort to get in. ButI was not at the door when the batterimbegan, and could not get to the fasteninguntil the ladder was used. I then quicklyremoved the lastenings, and after two orthree strokes of the ladder the enginerolled partially back, making a smailaperture through which Lieut. Green, ofthe marines, forced himself, jumped ontop of the engine, and stood a second inthe midst of a shower of balls looking forJohn Brown. When he saw Brown hesprang about twelve feet at him, and gavean underthrust of his sword, striking himabout midway of the " body and raisinghim completely irom the ground.

Brown fell forward with his head be-tween his knees, and Green struck himseveral times upon the head, and, as Ithen supposed, split his skull at everystroke.

I was not two feet from Brown at thattime. Of course, I got out of the build-ing as soon as possible, and did not knowtill some time later that Brown was notkilled. It seems that in making thethrust Green's sword struck Brown js beltand did not penetrate the body. Thesword was bent double. The reason thatBrown w&3 not killed when struck on thehead was that Green was holding hissword in the middle, striking with thehilt and making only scalp wounds.

When Governor Wise came and was ng

Brown; 1 heard the questions andanswers, and no lawyer could have usedmore careful reserve, while at the sametime he showed no disrespect ' GovernorWise was astonished at the answers he recei ved from Brown.

A ter some controversy between thoUnited States and the state of Virgin aas to which had jurisdiction over the pri-i-oner- s,

Brown was carried to Charlestonjail, and after a fair trial was hanged.

Of course I was a witness at the trial,and must say that I have never seen anyman display more courage and fortiti.de...than John Brown showed under thetring circumstances in which he was plac I

I cou'd not go to see him hanged, lie I nmade me a prisoner, hut had spared ..

life and that of other gentlemen inpower; and when his sons were s!.down beside him almost any other u.similarly situated would at least haveacted life for life.

- What is that gray, molten stuff youhave in your kettle there over the blazemy good man?" ' '

"That? Oh. that's vaccine virus it'sUsed, to kppn thft rhMAra flF ci.V accine to keep the cholera off! Whoever heard of such a thing? And are you

the maojhat does the vaccinating? n44 Yes, sir.""Are you a surgeon?""No, I'm alufeber, and a good one,too. sir, if I do say it myself. n

CENTRAL HAS BEEN OPENED FOR.THE accommodation of. the lovers of thechoicer article of the weed.' I intend to keep atthe Central a fine variety of Cigars and Tobacco,and have made special arrangements with im-

porters from abroad. Trusting a liberal share ofpatronage, I remain, respectfully,

Hi tf J. E. WISEMAN.


J ises situated at Kalihi, adjoining Mrs. Beck-ley'- s.

The house is 18x21, with every accommo-dation. There is about four acres of land fencedin with stone wall. Terms very easy. Apply toDeputy Marshal Dayton, at the Police Station,from whom all particulars can be obtained.


Yosemite Skating Rink.

Will be opcMi ever- - afternoon and evening asfollows:MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and

SATURDAY,To the public in general.



For ladies and their escorts.

Bv request of the ladies and gentlemen whototi-- part iu the last Masquerade at YosemiteSkating Rink, preparations are being made tohave another, September 25th, when we will havetheCraud May Pole Dance also. 142 tf

X,. M. TOUSSAINT,Wishes to announce to the TRAVELING

PUBLIC that he will open on

Saturday, June 6, 1885,

An Elegant Sample Parlor at HI LO, where every-

thing in the line of


None but the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars kept.

Also, ALES, BEERS, and all kinds of FANCYDRINKS served in best style.

144 dif&w


Carpenter, No. 31 Alakea Si,

Will attend and contract for all kinds of work inhis line. . .

REMOVING, RAISING or REPAIRING oldor new buildings.

Work to be paid for when complete.Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay.Charges as low as the lowest in the town.

Post Office box. 135. 2!) --sept 70

Notice to Graziers.

XT-- " ANTED FROM 2,500 to 3,000 HEAD OPt store cattle, from 3 to 5 years of age, in lots

of not less thuii 2k lu-ad- , delivered at HonohuliRanch, Ewa, Oai.u. ( 'oiniiiniucatioiis as to pricesto b sen I to C ECI L B ROWS ,

411-S1- 5 Merchant street, Honolulu.



Lowest Market Eates,A Lirge S.'ock of the Most Favorite

Brands of





TIIISTJLE WHISHT,(inf ases and casks,)

l'ELLISSOX S RR4NIY,iT'tnd 10 yars old,)


Budweiser Lager Beer,For which we are the Sole Agents hi the Hawaiian Islands, are particularly recommended.

Town and Country Orders FilledPromptly, and Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Free tli c& Peacock.2:1 Nuuann street, Honolulu, H. 1.

Telephone No. 46. P. O. Box 3C2.110Ja24.dS6

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


1 Hawaiian Gazette Bloclc.

37 Merchant St., Honolulu. II.I.

Julien), whose fee is $500, All things taken into consideration, I caunot r jTURE is not as desirable a horse to breed from as. any of them, or wiij 'u

Absolutely Pure.This powder never varies. A marvel of purity.

efmT,nh rind whr.l.-sniiione- cs. More economical" -

a. V 1,1 v

thanthe ordinary hinds, and cannot os-- ipetition with the multitude of lowest, shortweight, alum or 1 0 iosphate ivAvler .;. ?;N"FCm- - ltOYAU liAIUiiv rownaa 11H A"-5-

K. Y.9 V tf .


September, P, 1885.


FRYER'SGreat Equescurriculum,


His Majesty the King.The proceeds to be devoted to the completion of

the KAUMAKAPILI CHUKCJI, so favored bythe Kins. His Majesty, who has postponed hi.svisit to the other Islands, will doubtless add lusterto the occasion by hi.s presence. Kverythisf willbe done to make the eveut ENJOYA11I.K.

Do not fail ONE and ALL. to help swell ourwell meant, if humble, contribution to a causeso worthy your efforts.

Admission, adult3 r,o centsChildren. : .....5.) centsReserved seats, extra ,.;...C3 cents

Tickets for sale at J. E. Wiseman's.


Benefit Tendered to tho



Friday Evening, Sept. 4,Under the patronage and in the presence of TheirMajesties the King and Queen, and Their Ko3'alHighnesses Princess Liliuokalani and PrincessLlkelike.

PRICKS OF ADMISSION-Dre- ss Circle. SI 25Other Parts of the House, fl; Children under 12years, 50 cents. 14tse4


A Dividend of One Dollar per share will be paidto the Stockholders of the Pata Plantation on September 1, 1835, at the ollice of Messrs. Castle &Cooke, Honolulu. .

U0se'2 E. M. WALSH, Treasurer.

NOTICE.rpHE UNDERSIGNED, .HAVING THISJ day bought out the business of the CaliforniaProduce and - Provision Company, at 73 Hotelstreet, (rives notice that all liabilities of said lirni areassumed by him, and all bills due to said Cali-fornia Produce and Provision Company will bepayable to him. , HENRY DAVIS.

Monday, August 21 1885. 4t


HO.VOtl'UJ, II. I., August --7, ISM. I

The estate of the late EDWARD L. HARVEY,being in the hands of the United States Consulfor settlement, all persons having claims againstthe said estate are notified to present them, prop-erly verified, at the Consulate within thirty daysafter this date.

J. H. PUTNAM, Consul-Gener- a.


Begs to inform h s friends and the public erenerally that he has moved from the corner of Kingand Ala?a streets to the more central location ofFort street, just below Merchant, where he willopen on MONDAY,. August

":'.lst, with an entire'new siock oi .

dents Clothing, Furnishing Goods,: Hats, Trunks, Valises, Etc., i:ic,

Novelties In Ladies' Hats, RiiKchings, Laces, Em-broideries, Etc.

A decided bargain in Table Linens and Napkins.1G YARDS CALICO FOR $1.


THE"SHAMROCK" Irish Tnble Uneiis

Unsurpassed for Quality, Darability andBeauty o( Designs.

One Hundred Years' Reputation.MEDALS Belfast, 1844, 1870; London, 1S5I, lSt;o

and (Gold) 1870; Paris (Gold;, 18C7; Dublin, 1S6.5,1872; Philadelphia, 1876.Also, Huckaback and Fancy Towels, Glass and

Tea Cloths, Etc. .......Made of the BEST IRISH and Courtrai Flax;

spun, woven and bleached in Ireland. Patternsare designed by IRISH ARTISTS, who .have formany years excelled those of any other country.


The Irish Linen Agency.404-t- f W. C. SPROULL, Manager.



Proprietors.The above Restaurant having recently changed

hands, it will be carried on in future in a mannerto defy competition. Bill pf fare best in the eitv,and prices most reasonable. FRESH FISHEVERY DAY. rinr f'hif r'nnlf work-or- in tliosame capicity for Hart Bros, during a period ofia - jejrM,.givniqr eaare sacsiaeiion 10 n is em-

ployers and through them to the public. Wehave therefore everv fcdnfidenre that a fair shareof patronage will be accorded tons. In order tomeet the requirements of these hard times, weoffer 21 meal?tickets for ?4 50, order what youDlease. Board in tho Private Tlinino- Ttnnm aaper agreement; all according to the requirements

GEO. CAVENAGH, Manager.T S! rix-i- J on1 A (tm. t i rrx nroifaco f t

promptly served with their order. "No linserlne '

worthy of the patronage of the public. Below I will give bis pedigree, oi

a comparison with that of anv other horse in the country :

VENTURE, chestnut horse. 10 hands, foaled in 18GI; ireJ tytt-ia-

American Boy, ha by Sea Gull, he hy imp. Expedition.1st dam, Miss Mostyn, by American Boy, Jr.

. 2d dam, by Kenner's Gray Medoe.3d dam, imp. Lady Moxt.vn, by Tentn iis.

. ; . ' 4th .dam. Invalid, by Whisker." ' " 5th dam, Heh n, by' llambletoiiian.i . , &tb dam,-usan- . hy Overton.

7j, ditin, Diowsv, hy Drone.

Colonial, newspapers are com-

plaining of dull time?, but their ownappearance does not bear out thecomplaint. For example, the Syd-ney. "Morning Herald," of July 25th,was a paper of twenty-fou- r pages,twenty-on- e by sixteen inches each, ofwhich sixteen pages consisted of liveadvertisements. The net profits ofthis paper are said to average $150,000a year. The proprietors of the Syd-ney "Evening News" and "Townand Country Journal" are said to de-

rive about the same revenue fromthose newspapers. They are sam-ples of leading Australian newspa-pers. The Sydney "Morning Her-ald" of the date mentioned contained,.besides its local, intercolonial, andgeneral news from all points, lettersfrom regular and special correspond-ents at Rome, at the French head-quarters in Tonquiu and in Mexico.Mr. Sala had also a four-colum- n let-

ter descriptive of George street, Syd-ney, which should please New SouthWelshmen. It is bright, and whatis of greater merit still, does not ex-

aggerate in the least. Mr. Sala doesnot like the Sunday closing law inforce in Sydney.

The attempt to establish tea grow-ing as an industry at Fiji has appa-rently been successful. The Fiji"Times" states that the tea industryis thriving, and that after supplyinglocal requirements, it is intended toexport to New Zealand. This factshould encourage similar enterpriseon these Islands. The sugar interestsof the Fiji group are greatly depressed,owing to the late reductions in price,and one large firm is said to have sus-

tained great losses. There are sugarplanters, therefore, who are verymuch worse off than those of our ownislands.

Prodnce ami Merchandise Movementin August. .

The following are the receipts of domes-tic produce at Honolulu during the monthof August : Sugar, - bags, 05,580; rice,bags, 5,588 ; paddy, bags, 5,714 ; molasses,barrels,'-7- ; coffee, bags, 53; awa, bags,390; pia, bags, 40; potatoes, bags, 140;wool, bales, 190 ; goat skins, 1,020;horsey, 37 ; cattle, 170; sheep, 771

hides, 704.Tho following is .a summary of . the ex-por- ti

for' the month : Sugar, 7,278,015pounds; rice, 000,500 pounds; hides,1508 packages ; goat skins, 2,712; sheep:skins, 000; molasses, 5,900 gallons; betelleaves, 18 boxes. Total value of domesticproduce. $409,199 80. Value of foreigngoods taken away by vessels, $848 50

The following: vessels sailed from thisport during September:, let, Oceanicsteamship Alameda for San Francisco;5th, bark Amy Turner for Hongkong,bark Forto for Royal lloads, in ballast,and bark Forest Queen for San FranCisco; 8th, Pacific Mail steamship Australia for Auckland and Sydney; 10th,bark J. B. Leeds for Port Townsend, inballast ; 11th, brig Consuelo and Germansteamer Raiatea for San Francisco ; 12th,

! barkentine Eureka for San Francisco;15th, Oceanic steamship Mariposa forSan Francisco; 22d, barkentine W II.Dimond for San Francisco.

Lyons & Levey's regular cash sale willbe held this morning at the salesroom, at 10


o'clock.The accounts of J. M. Monsarrat and A,

Ahung, assignees in the bankrupt estate ofGee Sung Wai Co., have been examined andapproved, and they discharged. Mr. Jus-tice Treston ordered them to pay a first andfinal dividend of 34.01,per cent.

In the Supreme Court yesterday, beforeMr. Justice Preston, in the bankruptcy ofGoo Hoy, North Kohala, Hawaii, claimswere proved to the amount of $1,003 52.The Hon. W. C. Parke has received a ma-

jority of votes for assignee.The annual meeting of the Directors of

the Mutual Telephone Company should havebeen held yesterday morning, but was post-poned on account of there not being aquorum present. However, a few of theDirectors got together and talked mattersover. During the past quarter the receipts,after paying expenses, were over $800. It isprobable that some of the 1,800 shares re-maining unsold will be sold to pay off thecompany's outstanding debt,

'8th dam, by Old England.9th dam, by fulle-i-i Arabian. j

''" 10(h elam, Miss Cade, bv'Cade.lllh dam, Miss Makeless, by son of Gre bound.12th dam, by Partner. 1

13th dam, Miss Does, dam by WoodeecK. 1

14th dam, by Crofts Bay Barb. i-

. r 15th dad, Dosdeinonas, dam by Makth-.'s- . (

ICth dam, by Brimmer. j

17th dam, by Dickey Pierson. I

18th dam, Burton Barb. Mare. j

: fXif". For . any additional par ticiilars, terms, etc., apply to

, C. B. MILES, Pre

Memicaiiy Pure aivibek wflr-w-- .i

Don't "be a ClamCO

03Te'3 fr l:ln 7 . i.1na ntt l)0C" i t

iliui. ix; sausuiu Willi JilKriCii. in eii-ii'- i J . TiU'a

have used them for years. Wake up LMand see what are the latest and best ,n


"Vc know that von have heen iisinsr rav f,,r ;


cleansing purposes manufactured from t;0:1P j? jpi and diseased fats, that give all kinds of

fun 'iho skinYou did not know that these disease were tw


3g impure soap being used in washing your c u

gS know you did - not. You thought that your r?t

q of order, and you .have been trying to rid 3 ou j.8 its impurities bv taking all kinds of medicm j

3 same time the system lias been absorbing P ; Jo your clothes being washed with impure Fajf --

3 che& ITKe "Amber," Washing and Cleansing P ifltir;

g cally Pure, andtit i? tho oni.v chemically pnttg.GO market. It is manufactured from a recip ,

3-- the highest medical authorities as a Pure I ,


Chemically Pure-AM- BER SOAPL-C-


Hoiiol"!'1'11' ;

MACFAKLAflEa w.148

Try the new deal, 133

? V i'

i I? ' I



How t tie Birthday of the Heir Appar-ent was Celebrated. A Fine Assortment


AI1KIVALS.Wednesday, September 2d.

Stmr James M.akee, Weir, from Ilanalel andKapaa, via NVaialua and AVaianae

Schr Vaiehu,from Koolau8chr Wailele, from Kahuluifck-h- r Kulamanu, from Hamakuafcchr Mile Morris, from Ewa

EIART17R11S.Wedxesdat, September 26th.

Stmr Waimanalo, for WaimanaloAm bktne Discovery, Meyers, for San Fran-

cisco, at 12 noonSchr Leahi, for HanaletSchr Manuokawai, for KoolauSchr Mile Morris, for Ewa

.... office Xotlce.

HOLLISTEE & CO.JIave been appointed ngrents fur tbe Hawaiian Islands for








riAVTsnT, of ChineseKixo--


The anniversary of the birth of HerRoyal Highness Princess Liliuokalaniwas kept in a very pleasant manneryesterday. During the day Her RoyalHighness, who is held in thehighest esteem by both native andforeigner, ' was called upon at herresidence, Waikiki, by numerous friends,who offered their congratulations. TheGovernment and engine house flags wereflying, and a salute of nineteen gunswas fired from tire shore battery at noon.Her Royal Highness gave a p.irty atthat hour to those who accompanied heron the late excursion to Nihoa, or BirdIsland. It was a most enjoyable affair.During an interval His Excellency J. M.Kapena, Minister of Finance, steppedforward and after congratulating HerRoyal Highness, asked her to accept ahumble offering from her own peoplewho accompanied her on the Nihoa trip,concluding by saying that they would

Japanese Goods


Messrs. Win. G. Irwin & Co's


On Fqrt Street,

uponrthe authority conferred

Cab- -f His Majesty in

of', Ud 0Q I3lh

VesnelH Leaving Tlaitt Day.Stmr Likelike, Liorenzen, for a trial trip to Ka-

huluiSchr Waiehu, for Kauai

FORLIUX VE.HSKKS l PORT.Am brgtne Claus Spreckels, E P Drew, from

San FranciscoAm bktne Ella, "E M Howe, from San FranciscoIlawn bark Thomas H Foster, V V Kugg,

from Port Townsend, W TAm bk Fresco, Capt S E Lewis, from Newcastle,


th e

Austin Dobson in Harper's.O royal Rose ! the Roman dress'dHis feast with thee; thy petals press'd

Augustan brows; thin odor tine,Mix'dwith the three-timca-minfjl- ed wine,Lent the long Thracian draught its zast.

"What marvel, then, if host an guest,By LoVe, by Song, by Thee cat ess'd.

Half trembled on the half divineO royal Rose!

And yet and yet I love thee bestIn our old gardens of the West,- Whether about my thatch thou twine,

Or Her's, that brown-eye- d maid of mine,Who lulls thee on her lawny breast

O royal Ro?e!

Getting Rid or Tiresome Callers.Cincinnati Enquirer.

"Speaking of social features, " said asociety swell, "a Newport girl lias in-vented something quite unique. Herhome adjoins that . of- - another youngwoman, and only a wall separates the twoparlors. I was calling there the otherevening, and she proceeded to show mehow it worked. Going to the' cornerwhere the coal vase stood she took up thepoker, and in an accidental sort of wayrapped on the wall. In a minute a pianoin the room beyond rolled out 'Home,Sweet Home,' in most significant tones,and she then explained that it was herway of getting rid of tiresome callers.Just after the piano stopped we startedout to make a call, and the young ladystepped across the yard and called to heraccomplice that it was all right I wasstanding at the gate watching the ma-neuvers, arid the next thing I saw was theaccomplice's head poked out the window,and in a deep, sepulchral whisper sheinquired: 'Did it send him? Did it sendhim?' Then I laughed a great big 12x14laugh of the horse kind, and the way thataccomplice jerked in her head and slammedthe window shut was enough to dis-locate her cervical vertebrae and jar thepaper off the walls of her palatial resi'dence. "

Ibvn.ake and proclaimof'.alatioM for the admission

!iu-- centering this Kingdo 74-apll- S6 Fort Street.Uunann Street.vessel coming from

date uothisFro:n... ....Pd to land more than

in ON AND AFTER. ,rv Will L'e

ftc.bilies, passengers at any port

unless tle passengers in"The requirements for a Brandy likely to be of any medical use are all present in that supplied by

Messrs. J. E. 1'ellison fc Co. Vide Public Health.

- Uneolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy.Bttled at Cosnac. for Medicinal and Domestic Uses, as Analyzed.

We call the atteution of all readers to the following extract froju the Analysts' Reports andOpinions of the Press:

"Laboratory, Greshnm House, 24 llolborn Viaduct, London, E. C."This brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amount of

tannin, derived from storing In oak casks, which in.intrts to line old brandy one of its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous cases where pureFrench brandy is the most useful of all medicines.

EDMUND 11. SOUTH11Y, M. R. C. S., F. C. S."The only two qualities shipped "Seven and Ten Years Old" can be had in one-doz- en caaes.

provided with passportser ar- -

'"..n to enter the Kingdom.

the holders to return.ru entitling

5wi " nu.It the Forelgn

"fl'u:u:u.toaliP ,sof Chinese nation- -

hereafter becomei.ent or ho may

,.,,,,m. who may desire to visit

.... always that suchruiiiiu.'. i FEEETH fc l.COOK,r.- -ed in trade or have con- -

Vessels Expected Troiu Foreign l'urls.Haw brig Hazard, Goodman, from San Fran-

cisco, due at Hilo, August 2S-- 30

Brit bark Jupiter, from Liverpool, due July 30JJrit bark Lizzie IreOale, from Glasgow, due

October 30Am bark Martha Davis, F B Benson, from New

York via Boston, due October 25 30P M S S Zealandia (Brit), Webber, from San

Francisco, en route for the Colonies, due Sept 5Am bk Hope, D B P Pen hallow, from Port

Townsend, W T, due Sept 5-- 10

Am bktne Klikitat, H D Cutler, from Port Town-sen- d,

W T, due Aug 2t-:- :i

Am schr Courtney Ford, Watson, from PortTownsend, V T, due Aug 30th

Am schrKosario, Swift, from San Francfsco, forKahului, Maui, iflie Aug 30th

Norwegian bark Lovespring, Thompson, fromNew York, due Nov 20-- 25

Brit bk Chilena, Daviea, from Liverpool, dueJan 1-- 10

OSS Mariposa (Am), Hay ward, from SanFrancisco, due Sept 8

Am bk Alden Bessie, from Portland, Oregon,en route to Hongkong, due Nov l-- o

Brit S S Mount .Lebanon, Maxwell, from Hong-kong, en route to Mexico, due Aug 27-- 30

H. B. M. ship Constance, Doughty, from Esqul-maul- t,

due now.Hawaiian brig Alice Rowe.JB Ho'.land, from

Hongkong, due October 25 30.Hawaiian steamer Planter, J Cameron, from

San Francisco, due October 1--

Am bktne Mary Wicklemati, Backus, from SanFrancisco "

ole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.during at leasttlme InJustrW enterprise lll-j- a 2i-dv-

uere. -oltbelr residence

leaving the

LEWIS & CO.,"Wholesale and .Retail Grocers,

G7 and G9 Hotel street. P. O. Box 297. Old and New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. California Fruits. Tresh California Fish,and a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge.


Wednesday, August 12th,


Japanese Curios,

Silks, .




Ladies' Dressing Gowns,

Ladies' Shawls,


Porcelains, .

Bric-a-Bra- c,

Elegant Tea Sets,ETC., ETC., ETC.,

THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.EXPORTS.For San Francisco, per bktne Discovery, Sep-

tember 2d H Hackfeld fc Co, 5,9i7 bags sugarand 56 pes canvas; C Afong & Co, 1,59 bags sugar;E Hoffschlaegcr fc Co, 258 bags sugar; J 11 Brims,Sr, 200 bbls molasses; C W King, 16 pkgs effects.Domestic value, f 47,175.

Ifave ?oiniIetel and ofFor for sale llio following Roller, vis:Gallawav Boiler. 19ft.Cln.x6ftTubular Boiler, 15ft. 6!n.x6 ft.IMPAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS

Concerning: Swearing.Chicago Tribune.

A western preacher once comparedswearing to driving spikes into polishedrosewood, and Mr. lieecher is creditedwith the assertion that there are timeswhen a man must either swear or burst,and that at such times he prefers theformer. Why humau nature should finda better vent for pent;up- - indignation inprofanity than in the explosive utterancesof such a trisyllablu as Timbuctoo is noteasily seen, but the fact is leyond contra-diction.

According to The London Telegrapheven animals are sensitive to the stimulus,of a round and well-mouthe- d oath. OnStewart's marches the camels made aboutthree miles an hour, while on Graham'stheir pace seldom exceeded one mile. Themystery was explained when it was discovered that Stewart's men swore at theburden-bearers- , while Graham's men usedonly the persuasives which are quiet anddecorous. The chaplain preached againstswearing, but .here was no gainsaying thestern fact that If a camel was to travelthree miles an hour somebody must swearat him. When Mr. Gladstone is tryinghis best to get out of 'Egypt, perhaps evena limited amount of this vicious indulgencemay be endured.

A theory new and novel is that the vastdepression of the ocean beds are to be ac-counted for by supposing that the moonbroke away from the earU more than50,000,000 years ago. The basins are thescars then made.

1 Combination Boiler,. 12 ft. x 5 ft. CJin.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also

1 Seeond-IIan- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.io5-je27-- Apply to The Honolulu Iron "WorliG Co.


From Hamakua, per schr Kulamanu, Septem-ber 2d Chas 11 White.

From Hanalei and Waianae, per stmr JamesMakee, September 2d Eldress Phoebe. SisterBeatrice, Sister Albertina, Hon n A Widemann,MIhs Stella Keomailaui, Miss Edith A Auld, MissMaude A Auld, Miss Emma Hatfield, Miss FannieMalulanl, L Kahlbauoi, Miss L Hatfield, Miss EPunibee, A Smith and about HO deck passengers.

DEPARTURE?.For San Francisco, per bktne Discovery, Sep-

tember 2d C W King and wife, II Batch and J BStow.

to i,fil be

"TTprtswUl .e granted at the Foreign

hy His Majesty's ConsulHoooiuiu;

,t Hongkong, His Majesty's Consul at"

auJ His Majesty's Consul General atwomen desiring toChinesefBBcteo,U any

the iJHi.ds. and to Chinese childrenresiding in the Kingdom, or

palmareMynotbe of more than ten years of age.

entitling the holder to enter4 pavporte

KxgtouailUlso be granted at the Foreign

of Chinese nationality as16 sh Persons

jjtoter of Frek Affairs may claim it

r.H.lu.il to the Kingdom.

U 5. The W fi.r any pas-po- rt issued undrgulat""' hali be two dollars

t. The holders of passports issued under

resalaiiuiiH must have the same indorsed

.fcthrviMoi the Consular Tt preseiitative of this

journal ' P"'t at which he may embark on

feurn journey, and also at any port at which

than twenty-fou- r hours duringit my stay mure

tti return jiuruey.

So.7. T 'ee for the Consul's visa of each

pa-po- shall he one dollar.

(. s. All ordt rs and instructions regulating

StacoiEiflg of Chinese into this Kingdom here-

of? made and pr,.l.iii;ied are hereby rescinded,

ku nothing heiviii contained shall affect thenUiiyolinypav-poi- K-u- ed at Hongkong before

Atptoikiuaiiun uVri- - of these Regulations.

WAI.TKR M. GIBSON.Minister of Frrigii Affairs.

Tftiu OthVe, Honolulu, Sept. 1 1SS3.

Tender WHiiteri.W1 tenders will he received at the Interior

CfctriU 12 o'clock noon on Friday, the fourth dayrfiptemJber, l5, for furnishing the Oahu JailboxE Yar, beginning Monday, September 7,ttsi, with the following supplies, at such timesni ill such nuan tities as may be required. AllriciH stall be of the best quality.'Tlx Marshal, or such officer as he may desig-tw.wl- ll

make the requisitions, and all supplies

pray to the Almighty that she might seemany more such occasions. His Excel-lency then uncovered an elegant andcostly China dinner set. Her RoyalHighness, who was somewhat surprised,replied in a very graceful manner. Manyother beautiful presents were received.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon a grandluau was given in honor of the occasionby Companies A and C of the Princes'Own. The Armory presented a verytasteful appearance, being decorated allround and in the center with flags andevergreens. Two tables, one runningthe length of the -- hall, the other at thehead, were loaded down with goodthings. His Majesty the King, attendedby Col. Purvis, Vice Chamberlain, wasreceived at the Armory by CaptainKaaha of Company A and Captain Boydof Company C, and saluted by the twocompanies. The following invited guestswere present His Excellency GovernorJ. O. Dominis, Captain Aldrich, andLieutenants McLeod and Hebbard of theHonolulu Rifles ; Adjutant J. T. Baker,Captain Kahalewai and LieutenantsParker and Solomon, Household Guards ;

Major J. D. Holt, of the Governor's Staff;Captain Kahio and Lieutenants of Lelei-ohok- u

Guards ; Captain S. Nowlein andLieutenant C. H. Clark, King's Own;Captain and Lieutenants of MamalahoaGuards and Queen's Own, Mr. Fred. II.Hayselden and a representative of the P.C. Advertiser.

Mr. A. P. Kalaukoa, an ex-memb- er ofthe Legislature, and one of the editorsof the "Kukoa," said grace, after whichall took their seats. The first toast wasthe health of His Majesty the King, pro-

posed by Captain Kaaha. It was drunkwith three cheers.

His Majesty replied to the toast as fol-

lows: Officers and members of Com-

panies A and C, Princes'- - Own I thankyou very much for the manner in whichyou have drunk my health. I feel proudon this occasion to say to you thatwhat I 'now see before me is thestrongest evidence of your love forme and Her Royal Highness the heirpresumptive. Our fete day is the 12thof February, but you have by youractions shown that it does not requireany enthusiastic feelings for Aliis to haveyou, as Hawaiians, show proper respectfor your King, your Allis and your coun-

try. Her Royal Highness the heir pre-- ,sumptive feels a lively interest in thiscorps and sends aloha nui to you all.Again I thank you for the bounteousspread you have had prepared to enthusi-astically commemorate your patron.

The healths of Her Royal HighnessPrincess Liliuokalani and His Excellency

All of which articles will be sold at reasonableprices. TERMS CASH. UGaulMm


Griocei?ies9 Provisions and. FeedEAST CORNER FORT J AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Jresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postofflce Box No. 145Telephone No. 82. 7Gap21-8Cin- s

A Irwin & Co.Wm3Vducrti!Scments.




S1I111IX XOTES.The schooner Mile Morris brought 450 bags salt

from Ewa, Oahu, September 2d.

The steamship James Makee arrived September2d with 2,096 bags paddy, and after landing herpassengers here, immediately proceeded to Koo-lau to discharge the paddy there to be ground.

The barken tine Ella is being repainted at Brew'er's wharf. She i3 waiting for sugar.

The barkeuiine Mary Winkleman was shiftedfrom Brewer's wharf to near the Oceanic Com-

pany's dock to discharge her cargo.

The schooner Kulamanu brought 2,200 bagssugar from Kukaiau, Hamakua, Hawaii, September 2d.

The schooner Waiehu brought 260 bags rice and310 bags paddy from Kauai, September 2d.

The tugs Eieu and Pele had their flags flyingSeptember 2d in honor of the birthday of H. R. H.Princess Liliuokalani.

The schooner Waiehu was hove down at the oldCustom House wharf, September 2d, to be cleaned.

Messrs. S. O. Wilder '& Co.'s shipping depart-ment at their office Is being refitted.

The bark Fresno sails lu ballast, forPort Townsend, W. T., to load lumber for Sydney.

The barkentine Discovery, Captain H. Meyers,sailed at noon, September 2d, for San Francisco,with 7,834 bags sugar, 5,600 gallons molasses,valued at f 17,765.

Drawings, Estimates, Surveys of Boilers, Engines and Machinery made out,New and Second-han- d Machinery of every description bought and, sold. Planter and others

having such to dispose of, or requiring the same, would do well to communicate.The following Second-han- d Machinery, in good order, FOR K LE:

ial AdvertiserGommercOne 4ft x 12ft Multitublar Boiler, one fiin x 8in Portable Engine, one Hiii x SOin Slide Valve Engine,

one 6ft Vacuum Pan, with Engine and Pump complete; three SOU Galls. Clariflers, two Weaton Cen- - itrifugals, one Mill 2t in. by 51 in., one Mill 20 in. by .VI In. 109i t2 be subject to his approval.




In Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.

CUBEIn Half Barrels

And Boxes.


GOLDEN C (COFFEE;In Half Barrels

And nd Boxes.

tm amounts set opposite certain items in inefcTwwiLg iLst are the approximate requirementsfftttouth; the remaining items must be furnishedeimrtd by the Marshal.lis cwiiraeiOT w ill be required to file in the lu--

Office a hoivl with approved surety In thea d Two Thousand Dollars --',000)for the faith-performan- ce


J O II JN NOT T ,Is prepared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal WorkFuod.

toffcl, f iio.Xo.!, V


f t,


f!(,KilF:orf.Y AXD WITH PrSPATCH.W rZ ' Till.. 8 ' ' 1Teas. II'. I 1

Per Month.13,000 ftS

TtK) B.9

6,:i00 lbs6 bbls

30 B,

.700 lbsCO qt-- s

m f '


Wednesday, September 2il.Fretl. Shaw, lly. Brown and Kauhane

were orderetl to pay $10 each for drunk-ennen- s

in a .saloon.L. J. Ixtt was charged with assault




and battery on L. IIeShane and II. !

..4 doz Soap.Lewis. He was remanded until the 3d.

William Moore pleaded guilty to driv-ing an express without a license, and wasfined $5 and $3 costs.

Chow Yun was remanded to the 4th

rn5rtK w..rtea

ik"fj iir...?yurj


? . .1.1!..".!!

tioa.. .".!!!

rb!iL ...!!!!!


Irou Buckets, --




for larceny of thirty fowls, value $20, theproperty of Wo Lou Kee. Mr. W. Seaappeared for the defendant. Salmon.

Kanakaole was charged with escaping

At the Old Stand, No. 8 Kaahumanu Honolulu,


Stoves amcl Ranges,from an officer while under arrest onr uoz...

warrant for deserting contract sen-ice-. AWin" --j .


CASES 2-- fl TINS,



native officer stated he went to defend-

ant's house, and after he had read theTi(JJ:- 'I'r duts not hind himself to accept the

CHAS. T. GUL1CK,Ut. Minister of Interior.

August 31, 1885. a31-- 5t

Rubber Hose ;

Galvanized Iron and Lead PipeSheet Lead and Copper ;Jron-Ston- e Drain Pipe.

Granite Iron Ware, Plain and Nickel-Plate- d ;

Tin Ware, of all kinds;Chandeliers ;

Lamps and LanternsPumps ;

the Governor were next given.His Excellency said he felt proud to be

able to meet the members of CompaniesA and C, of the Princes' Own, becausethey were celebrating the birthday of

Her Royal Highness the heir presump-tive, lie thanked them all for thehonor, and before sittting down proposedthe health of His Majesty's Ministers.

This toast was received with the mostenthusiastic applause. Three rousingcheers were given.

His Majesty proposed the health of

"Our wives and sweethearts," othertoasts and songs following. The wholeaffair was excellently managed and veryenjoyable.




The Yoseraito Skating Rink will be openthis evening as usual.

Captain J. II. Brown is able to be outagain attending to his duties as Agent of theBoard of Health.

The steamer Likelika will leave on a trialtrip this afternoon to Kahului for the pur-

pose of testing her new boiler.The following hare been elected officers of

the Honomu Sugar Company for the ensuingyear: President, W. McCandless; Secretaryand Treasurer, P. C. Joues; Auditor, J. O.Carter: Directors, A. F. Cooke and G. J.Ross. ,

Major H. O. Dane, of the Redpath LectureBureau, Boston, who arrived by the Alarmeda, will deliver three lectures in Hono-

lulu, before departing, at the Y. M. C. A.

Hall. The first will be given sometimenext week.

A fine looking bay horse with saddle andbridle on was found on King street.Satuvday,near the Police Station. The horse has beensent to tbe pound,, while the saddle andbridle remain at the Station House awaitingan owner." This evening the benefit for the Kauma-kapi- li

Church will be given at Fryer'soircus. A large number of tickets have

Flour.1 fera of Inimi ration pro- -! rc8t0rnnl-- , x ti FAMILY (in quarter sacks),

BAITER'S EXTRA (in half sacks).

Ilavinxjnst Received a Complete and Newnt of .

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest Styles, from the most Cele-

brated Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experienced

and Tasty Workmen, we are

. prepared to turn out

Letter Heads.11111 Heads,

Circulars. iNote Heads.

Statements,Bills or Lading,

Contracts,. Mortgage Blanks,

leases.Shipping: Contracts,(In Hawaiian fe English;

Calendars.Blank Cnecks,

Bonds. '

Stuck certificates.Business Cards.

Uleal Cnecks,3111k Tickets,

Bank Checks,Orders.

ltecelpts,Marriage Certificates,


Blotting: Pads,Drngrgrlsts' Labels,


Snipping ltecelpts.Ball lrosrratnmes.

Theatre Prosrrammes,And in fact everything which a First- -

warrant the defendant ran away. Hewas remanded for judgment until the 3d.

James Williams and Oswald Scheelenwere each fined $o for drunkenness.

Hon Chung and Ah Chan were broughtup on a remand, charged with havingopium in possession. Station HouseKeeper Crabbe went to their premiseson Nuuanu street and captured somekukui nuts full of opium. The defend-

ants offered him $(J0 to let them go.They were found guilty and sentenced toimprisonment at hard labor for twentydays and fined $50.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,Cases Medium Bread.OF ALL KINDS, ATTENDE TO.

tt f f afraiigemeiiis iorkit importation of

lm1m',srants int0 tllistfftrt- - WUld re(lUest that

egeJ1 esirous of procuringtill f

V1Ce of SUCu contract laborrward their applications to

?41 ts of the Boardjjianese Immigration,ori Kquested that these appli-- U

C sent in without delayi5V ie Parties ordering

ttot ate as Possible whatfc. .irements will for tliA

Lime and Cement.71-O-A Variety of House Furnishing Goods, too various to mention.


Station House Keeper Crabbe visited a

house yesterday afternoon situated at Cape

Horn, and upon opening the door he was

nearly suffocated with the fames of opium.The occupants were a Chinaman and threenative women. The former made good hiaescape through a window. One woman,

who had been using the pipe, was arrestedand taken to the Station House along withthe paraphernalia. The other two women

had evidently been chewing awa root. Theman who made his escape is one that has

N!;:i?0nths so that the nec--!tt tCa.ngements can" be made

J Hk. lntro(lliction of these Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

. and Boiler Covering.i

t Vuterior and President m IIiordffi au of Emigration.

ice in., oi --iooc 50 KEGS BLACK BLASTING POWDER.

25 A" TEXTS, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.) If 3 t. m m ' JJ Ii

already bf-- e n sold, and a handsome sum is

sure to be realized. His Majesty the Kingis expected to be present.

The vFrtend" for September has been re-

ceived". It is an excellent number. It con.tains a contribution from Mr: Mer ton R.

Cotes, who recently visited these Islands,describing his impressions of Australia and

voianrl. We cannot sav that re en.

on Dnriiff septem Class , Office oan do. i saw mm

been long sought for by the police.

Sergeant B. F. Bishop has been appointedTreasurer of the Honolulu Rifles in place of

Mr. J. Simmoh3, who left by the Alamedafor the East. Two new members have justbeen added to the ranks of the company.

The regular meeting of the Trustees of theHonolulu Library and Reading Room Asso-

ciation will be held this evening at theLibrary Hall, at 7:30 o'clock.

D.. 1

H. M.6 43 p. m

! b. Also, a few Iron "Wheetoarrows, but

little used, will be sold low.113 aueS tf

SAN JOSE, Chi., U. S. A,Officetirely agree with him, but hia paper i good j p -Q


reading.'JSSIm0;? at 5:42 o'clock.o'clock








Anthony E. Anderson.The postman had just gone, and Miss

Edith stood under the hall chandelier, onehand pressed lightly against her soft,

. brown, Langtry bangs and the other hold-ing two letters. .

Uaeof the envelopes was large and yel-

low and the other smaller aqfi creamywhite.

The light from the chandelier wasrather dim, and she found it a difficultmatter to decipher the superscriptions.

ANDSteam Navigation Co RECEIVE- D-



Hay 8th. Per Mariposa, 1,754 Pack

May 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 PnrtrusagesTo Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packa



jerciitn received an invitation to visit anaunt in a small Vermont village, a fewweeks after Anna's arrival, and made herpreparations for departure at once. Annawas not needed, and would be more usefulat heme, and so she was left behind.

The present visit extended over twomonths, and as Edith entered her homeagain, she felt as if she had come into anatmosphere of brooding storm. Hermother met her at the door with an anx-ious face.

"Mamma, what Is the matter?" Edithasked In alarm. "Is any one ill or dead?"

"It is something almost worse, Edith,"said her mother, sadly. "Anna was mar-ried secretly to Hans Steen yesterday, justa week before he wa3 to have marriedJohanna Our poor Johanne is almostbroken-hearte- d to. think that her sister,Whom she loved so dearly, and her ownlover, could be so false to her. "

"It is shameful," cried Edith, indig-nantly. "My poor Johanne!"

"Anna does not seem to realize that shehas done anything out of the way; alwaysprotesting that she like3 him, and had aright to do as she pleased. She had notthe slightest idea of the meaning of duty,and I don't think she is at all capable ofunderstanding the wealth of love Johannehas lavished upon her; and Hans is agreat deal worsa I would discharge him,but I know he could not find anotherplace easily, and Johanne begs me not todo so. "

Johanne would not hear a word againstsister Anna or Hans.

u Dey lofes each odder, " she said, witha wistful expression in her gray eyes."Dat is deir reason. Lofe is everyt'ingan' all's fair in lofe, you know. "

Poor Johanne!

J. E. WISEMAN,noxoiriiTrj, h. i--

P. O. BOX 315. TELEPHONE 172.

(Established 1879.)

Will ran regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.


Aslifortl & Aslifortl, -


Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post-oO.c- e.

90-n- 20

BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W ANDCECIL fubllc, Campbell's .Block, 2erchantstreet. ' . I ' 20


AT LAW AND NOTARYATTORNEY with the Attorney General, Aliiolanl Hale, Honolulu, H. I. 67 mr26-l2-- U




Real Estate In any part of the JLlag'Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission

Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn.

No. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block. Honolulu. 16-- tf


IN FOWLER'S YARD, 61 AND 63 HOTELThe only one dollar house In Hono-

lulu. Rooms per night, 25 cents ; rooms perweek, . 89-n- l8

54 MERCHANT AND 77 QUEEN STREET.ENTRANCES. ELEGANTLYTWO rooms. Spacious grounds and line

location. Terms reasonable. - '!.MRS. DAVID OXLEY.


CAMERON .Commander

Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. m. for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Eleele and Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwili every Saturday at 4 p. m., aniving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.


"Will be Sold at tlie Lowest Market R

However, she soon discovered that thewhite one had "Miss Edith M. Ward"written on it in a bold, rather angularband.

She slipped it Into her pocket with asubdued, alert air of being watched, whichwas comical because it was so entirely un-necessary.

The letter was from Jack Field, andevery one in her "set" knew he was heilover. She had seen the postman comeup the step3, and had tlown to the doorlest anyone should forestall her.

, Edith found the writing on the otherenvelope harder to make out It was in acramrjed, queer hand, by no means legi-ble.

The foreign stamp in the corner aidedr her a little.

Evidently the sight of this letter pleasedEdith almost as much as the other haddone.

"Ah.it is from Norway!" she said tcherself. "I hope Sister Anna is confirmedat last, and is coming to America to makeJohanne happy. "

Johanne knudstatter was sitting inthe kitchen, paring apples and singing ina low key to herself.

The air was a Norse national hymn-ind- eed

you could never have caught Johanne trying to sing anything which wasnot Norwegian. Her love of country wasa sort of religion with her, and her lovefor her sister was very much like it,though far above it in degree. Every-thing connected with Norway was right,and Sister Anna, too, could do no wrong.

Johanne was not prettjr. Her thick,bare arms were rough and ungraceful, andher face was red from constant and close


Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kutui-hael- e,

Honokaa and Paauhan, Hawaii. M. W. VtcCh.esney & gQn

"42 ami it nn..97-my- 1y


Leaves every Saturday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and Ilanalei and Kllauea. Kauai, Return-n- g,

leaves Ilanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m andtouching at Waialna and Waianae Wednesdays,and arriving at Koaululu same day at 4 p. m.



The following various branches of business willenable the public on the Islands and from abroadto gain general information on all matters in thefollowing departments:

Real Estate DepartmentBuys and sells Real Estate in all parts of the

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

suburbs.Rents and leases Houses, Cottages, Rooms and

Lands.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, Records, Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of industry

connected wiih the Islands.

General 23nsiness MattersKeep Rooks and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroad fillyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will find this Department a special

benefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney and delivering thesame at a small commission.

Soliciting Aent for tke "MUTUAL LIFEINSUKANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"the largest, gsandest and soundest InsuranceCompany in the world.

AGENT for the"Great Burl iuv ton Kali way Route,In America. Travelers journeying by rail inAmerica will find this route the most comfortableand most delightful. The scenery is the grandestgoing East, and with the PULLMAN PALACESLEEPING CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason-able fare no route can excel this. MR. C. K.MILLER, my Chief Clerk, specially attends tothis Department, and for information, guidebooks,maps, etc., he will extend every courtesy.

AGENT for theHonolulu Uoyal Opera House.

. Managers ot first-cla- ss companies abroad willaddress me for terms, etc.


fee and Cakes, 10 Cents ; Meals, 25 Cents ; Board$4 50 per week. ' , !5-t- f


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. Ena, secretary. ly


Mrs. Robt. Love. . ; Fkki. Johnson.1

LOVE'SSteam JBakery,


ROASTED AND , GROUND.COFFEE Ship Bread executed at short notice.Old bread rebaked. Every description of plainand fancy bread and biscuits. Fresh Butter,Island orders promptly attended to.

COFFEE SALOON AND CHOP HOUSE Inconnection. Cool, airy rooni. Attentive waiters.Everything first-clas- s, at reasonable rates.



'MARIPOSA' & 'ALAMEDA.'Will leave Honolulu and San Francisco on the

FIRST and FIFTEENTH of each month.PIONEERSteam Candy Factory


Ex. " MENDOTA," and Other Late Arrival

From New York ami San Frain Isco, a Large ami Varit-i- l Assortment ot

Jferchandi.se, Suitable for

Plantations, Country Stores and Earn!


Where Karbers "Wax Fat.TIL S. Min'ster Harrison's Letter.

The barber trade is one of the mostimportant in Persia. The Koran makesit honorable for a man to wear a beard,but commands the shaving of the head.There are two great sects among thrsewho accept the Mahometan faith, theSLeas and the Sunnees. The latter areall Turks and they shave the. wholecrown, excepting a'tuft in the center bywhich the archangel may draw them outof the grava

But the Persians are Sheas, and theyshave the center of the head, from theforehead to the neck, leaving a long curlon each side. It is. curious to see evenlittle boys with their heads thuspolished. "The i ersians consider it a greatdisgrace to lose their side curls. As the'all wear turbans, or black, coDical capsof Astrakhan lambskin, no one wouldsuspect the head to be shaved until thecap is taken otT. Then, indeed J the ap-pearance of the head is exceedingly gro-tesqu- a

It is evident that the care of thehair is a very important question inPersia. But this is not all.

One rarely sees a gray beard or graylocks in Teheran. Even the most vener-able men have dark or red hair. The rea-son is because all, from the highest to thelowest, dye their hair. Even the tails andmanes of the horses are sometimes tingedwith henna. Those of the royal stablesare dyed a beautiful rose color. The useof red for curtains, awnings and umbrel-las is forbidden. It is a color reserved insuch cases for the palace and the kingalona

A Pack of Cards Well Earned.(New York Sun. .

"Why do you pick that up?" asked areporter of a man who had just stoopeddown and taken a fugitive nine of clubsout of the mud. lie was carefully clean-ing the card with his pocket-handkerchie- f.

" It's a habit I have contracted. " he said,laughing. "Long ago I noticed that aday rarely passed that I did not see aplaying-car- d lying in the street I won-dered if it were possible to make a whdlepack by picking up all I saw. I went towork to try it. At first it seemed easyenough, and I picked up plenty of cardsof different kinds, but as my collectiongrew larger the task became more diffi-cult, and I found cards of the same sortover and over again. It took me twelveyears to find the last four cards I wanted- -

the five of diamonds, the eight of dia-monds, the king of spades, and the fourof hearta Two of these years were spentin looking for the eight of diamonds,which was all I wanted to complete thispack. I found it three months ago in anash barrel on Eaxter street, and I havenow the entire pack. I was just elevenyears and two weeks collecting it, and Iwould not sell it for $1,000.

Talking-Sho- p at the Art Keception.Chicago Times.'

Some people never can leave the shopbehind, even at art receptions. A groupof four attended one of these swell eventslast week, and their comments were rathercharacteristic. . Did you ever see any

F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74

PASSENGERS - may have their names bookedin advance by applying at the office of the Agents.

PASSENGERS by this line are hereby notifiedthat they will be allowed 250 pounds of baggageFREE by the Overland Railway when travelingEast.

EXCURSION TICKETS for round trip, f 125.Good to return by any of the Company's steamerswithin ninety days.

MERCHANDISE intended for shipment by thisline will be received free of charge, in the Com-pany- 's

new warehouse, and receipts issued forsame. Insurance on merchandise in the ware-house 11 be at owners' risk.

MILLIAM O. IBWIN & CO.,". 24-- tf

DEPARTMENTS.Real Estate Broker.

Custom Hoose Broker.Money Broker.

Fire and Lire Insurance Agent.'Employment Aent,

Railroad Acent andCJeneral Business Agent


pQjjmporter and ManufacturerJOf all Descriptions of .. .: .



84-my6-- 86 HONOLULU, H. ICT Orders from the other Islands solicited.

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO' No. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.



acquaintance with kitchen tires. Hercheek-bone- s were high, and her coarse,scant locks were of a nondescript hue.But she had beautiful eyes, large andgray, and with dark, long lashes.

"Oh, Norgeermit Hjem!" (Oh, Nor-way is my home !) Johanne was singingwhen Edith stepped into the kitchen, theyellow envelope snugly stowed away inher pocket.

"I've got something for you, Johanne, "she said, her brown eyes shining withpleased anticipation. "Guess what it is. "

Johanne laid down her knife and apple,and assumed an exaggerated expression ofthoughtfulness. She pursed up hermouth, she closed her eyes for a moment,and even folded her hands.

"Is it a a kitten, Miss Edit?" sheasked with a puzzled air.

Edith laughed.No, you foolish Johanne, it isn't a

kitten! What should I be giving you akitten for? Here you'll never guess it;it's a letter from Norge. "

Johanne's eyes opened like a flash."A lettcrl Oh, gif 'im me, Miss Edit!"

v "With fingers that trembled she took asmall pair of scissors from her pocket andcut the end of the envelope. Her hands

.trembled even more when she read' theletter.

When she had finished she heaved adeerj sigh and her gray eyes were ilium -

"Oh, Miss Editl dis letter is from mypastor, an my Sister Anna was confirmert,and she stood high, an' she is on de wayhere! Oh, she will be here

"And she shall be my maid!" criedEdith, with sudden inspiration; she wasno less excited than Johanne. " You canhave her near you always then, Johanne. "

"Oh, Gudis goot Gud is goot! n thewarm teaTS coursing down her cheeks

I'm so glad I sent her the money, MissEdit, do de pastor he say she no can cometill she be confirmert Dat seem prettylong, Miss Edit, but now she will be here,an' I be very glad all day. She haf nofader nor moder, Miss Edit, only me, an'she mus' stay in de pastor's house till shebe big enough to come to me. She canspe'k some Engelsk, too; dey learns itdera n

Edith had heard the whole story oftenbefore, but she listened with the tears ofsympathy shining on her brown lashes.

" Oh, she is so ver' pretty, Miss Editmit hair yust like gold or do sunshine, an'cheeks like a rose, an' eyes oh, mutspretter dan de sky in de himmelL Ak . I

never see no prettier girls dan she, even inde richest house. "

Her love made Johanne eloquent Edithcould not help wondering if it was herlove that made sister Anna so beautiful,too.

"Hans vill be glad to hear de news, an'soon ve can git married, w'en we safe aleetle more money, an' Sister Anna canlif mi$ us. Ak, ve vill be so glad all detime!"

Hans Steen was the gardener, and Jo-hanne and he were engaged to be married.They had lived in the same parish, andhad known each other since childhood.

He was a stolid, slow man, with abroad, emotionless face, and small, blue,white-lashe- d eyes. Edith had often de-

clared her conviction that he was un-

worthy of Johanne.Mrs. Ward did not exactly approve the

plan of taking Anna Knudstatter as amaid, but was won over at last; andAnna's position was secure when she ar-rived.

Edith bed expected to see a pretty,rustic face, but was not prepared for thevision of loveliness that threw itself withthe impetuosity of childhood on Johanne'sneck.

. Anna was very plainly but neatly clad,but her garments were unnoticed. She hadone of the most exquisitely pure blonde

Fashionable Boot Maker,

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in the market. Vulcan and Electric h:i

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels and cases, Sperm and Cylinder Oil, Albany Compc;;

Plumbago, etc.. Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Nails, Galvanized C;

rugated Iron, Plain Iron and Basket Fence Wire, Plain and Perforated Sheet!:!

Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Euller Spri:,

Blake Pump Company Patent Rubber Valves and Springs, I. E. 1

inch to 2 inch, & and 4 ply. Steam Packing, round, sijaare an'f4

styles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Rams, Jack Screws, Paris Steel Breaking PlofK

boss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all sizes, Cultivators, r

Hoes, Gang Plows, Planters' Hoes, our own make, inch Goose Neck Uj

Planters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Forks, Scoops, Eush Scythes, Feed Cstic

Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mercers, Road fcenp--

Cart Axles, Fairbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, all sizes, Axes, Htt!

Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoes, Machine Bolts, all w

lengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardware f"J!-- ;j

Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., Planes of all fe--

Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Hammers, etc.. ?uti 4and Glass. I

White Lead and Zinc. Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil, Valentine's W j

Turpentine, Patent Dryers, a large variety of small paints in.....Oils, Chandelier

TI'- -

105 EAST 14TH ST., NEW YORK'No. 326 Bush St., San Francisco, Cal.

PaeWill fill orders in his line at the shortest possiblenotice. Planters will find it te their advantage tocall on MR. UTSCHIQ before going elsewhere.

2 tf&w r; IorA3r4t'ri,:iSL'l 111

For San Fran&iacAustraliaM.M.MM..'.....On or about September 27thGASOLINE !

For Auokland and Syuy :

Zealandla. On or about September 5thGASOLINE !23-tf-


Ex MENDOTA, for sale by

Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Inks, Tin and liowow

BLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.

FINE RED SALMON, in barrels.


CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrel.

The most artistic Upright Pianos ever produced,both for quality of tone and wonderful and elasticactions. The coming upright pianos of the world.Castle & Cooke. WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO, Send for illustrated catalogue, description andprices to

Limited).87-m- y 11-- tt


New Uoh1 Expected per Kteamshlp Alameda.



Pacific Coast Agents,

23 and 25 Fifth Street. SAN FRANCISCO.59 tf&w

thing more exquisite in the typographicalart?" said one, holding up the illustratedcatalogue. She was. the wife of the manwho got them. up. "We can do moreartistic framing than that in Chicago. "lie was a frame-maker- , of coursa "Lookat that palette of roses, isn't it a picture?"He was the tlorisl? that furnished it."Isn't that Strauss waltz too lovely foranything?" She was the trombone-player- s

sweetheart But they all enjoyed thereception except the frame-make- r.

The Typical American.W. L. Aid n in The Current.)

.In 500 years more we may develop atrue national character, we may have alanguage of our own, and we may forman American race as distinct from the; nglish or any European race, as theMalay is distinct from the Hindoo. Thenwe can find and describe the typicalAmerican without difficulty. Now thesearch for him is as fruitless as it wouldbe to search among the passengers in asircet car for the type of a race born andbred in street cars and nowhere elsa







STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanaer),

.Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Lahalna, Maalaea, Makena,

and Keauhou:Tuesday, June 23, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, June 30, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July .7, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 14, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, July 21, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, July 28, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August 4, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 11, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, August 18, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, August 25, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 1, Hilo and way ports.Tuesday, September 8, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 15, Hilo and way porta.Tuesday, September 22, Volcano and way ports.Tuesday, September 29, Hilo and way ports.PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the

KInau at Mahukons.The.Jvinau WIIX. TOUCH at Honokaia and

Paauhau on down trips from Hilo for Passengerstf a signal Is made from the shere.

Naecessors to Dlllinffhniii mn1 tUA Co.


Double Furrow


Light Steel Plows.





WARRANTEDThe Beat and most Durable Sail B-nc-k

IN THE WORLD.For Sale in Honolulu.

steamer; lehua.They are the BEST DOUBLE FURROW PLOWS we ever used. ,rafff ,

Kohala Plantation. ' - r'HAB'wi0:f (It is the BEST BREAKING TLOW 1 ever used." J. L.

iPlantation. oilier roon"'

The VERY BEST BREAKING PLOW I ever used In this or any t

HORNER, Lahaina, Maui. - J

(Davies, Commander)

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 4 p. m. torKaunakakl;Kahului, every week; Huelo, Hana

and Klpahulu. Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

9 For mails and passengers only.-- :o:

The undersigned are ntw prepared ta re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt

San Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-


Water:.'.'. .'. .' '.It I i . . . : J 1 8 Jiff per centOrganic Matter 29.18 "Silicious Matter 4.65Lime. 31.70 "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "Oxide of Iron 85Carbonic Acid 1.89 "Alkali Salts 52

: . ' . ..v. i .rrfvals: fTC'.. rhaW2jr'isew uooan received per Morning otar- - ana um ,hln(r oo'Ranges and Tinware; Refrigerators and Ice Chests ; House F"r"vvei rylo- - !

and Lanterns; Soap and Candles. Balance of consignment ol t

,OILI OIL ! OIL I OIL1 OIL! OIL 1 jfgtuiii(roiA nAnnnA AiKonv pviinriav t .nhr ifittn i?. 'Lard. Feftfl u a vetf I

A Street tn a Great City.iThe Current.

At edge of northern sidewalk a four-stor- y

row of beer-keg- s dripping into gut-ter; a banana wagon; a ditch six feetdtep; moat of ditch; iron pipes two feet

"in diameter; car-track- s; moat of scrapedsurface mud; brick pile; southern side-walk missing; new building erecting; ahundred thousand people passing. Thisis called " progress. "

A Good Word for Foe.A'sernon S. Sullivan.

Poe, profligate as he was charged withbeing, has no unchaste word .or thoughtin all his poems, or a single word thatcould be unchastely illustrated. That isa remarkable fact, isn't it? It has neve:been necessary to publish expurgatededitions of his poems.

Civilization or the Planet.Exchange.

M. De Lesseps, in his address upon be-

ing received into the French academy,observed that "a little imagination is agood lever for the heavy, weight of hu-man, affairs, " and M. Kenan, in his replywelcoming the distinguished engineer,said that "if astronomers had sufficientlypowerful instruments they might judgeof the civilization of the planets oy seeingwhether their isthmuses were cut or not

Xjondon Soot.London produces 50,000 tons of soot per

annum, which is worth $200,000, and isused for a fertilizer at a rate of ten hun-dredweight per acre. ;

STEAMER KILAUEA HOU,(Weisbarth, Commander),

Will leave 'regularly for Paauhau, Koholalele,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohlna, Laupaboehoe, Haka-la- u

and Onomca.Paint Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes. California Wind Mills, the w w .

Hardware and Agricultural Implements. Correspondence solicitwi. vv HoH0'''

laces Edith had ever seen.The small features were perfect in

shape; her eyes were like Johanne's, butthey had the advantage of a beautiful set-ting, and so appeared to be larger andlonger-lashe- d, and a deeper gray. In reality they were almost exactly the coun-terpart of Johanne'a

" I shall be afraid to ask her to dress myhair, " said Edith, looking at Anna withpleased wonder. " She is the most grace-ful creature I ever saw. Is she not perfectly lovely, mamma? "

The happiest woman in Boston for atleast a month was Johanne Knudstatter.She had a smile on her face from morningstill night, and she hummed "Norgeer mitHjem" with redoubled enthusiasm and patriotism.

Anna, too, seemed well pleased with hernew home in America. She spoke Englishalmost as well as Johanne before shecame and she improved rapidly.

the was a source of constant wonderand aesthetic delight to her young mistress for Edith was nominally her mis-tress, though the lines were not verytightly drawn.

Anna soon strutted about in some ofEdith's cast off gowns, and aped Edith'slittle airs to perfection. She was vanitypersonified, and had not been in the housea week before she had cut off her smoothbands of golden hair, in exact imitationof her mistress' "bangs. n

Edith began to feel a little uncomforta-ble. It was unpleasant, to say the least,to be copied in everything, imperfectionsand all and imperfections were followedthe most easily and assiduously.

Hans Steen was much pleased withJohanne's sister, and spoke enthusi-astically for him of the time when theywould be married, and Anna should livewith them.


steamer; mokolii,(100.00

Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.


Made from the Very Best

Hard IVoyc Cotton Duck.



DRIVING BELT,Neither Heat or Dampness aCeets


They do not Stretch.Stronger than Eeather,

Better than Rubber,VILI OUTLAST BOTH.

For Solo in Honolulu.2-- tf my

' (McGregor, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakal, Kamalo, Pukoo, Lahalna. Moanul,Halawa. Wailan. Peleknnn and Kalaupapa. Re

i ' - COii


turning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning-- WILDER ,


Orders Received' will have Promptm

and Careful Attention. nvrhftVlnmniinv rnffi nsit h rpsDonsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unlets plainly marked. Notresponsible for mone v or Jewelry unless placed In Lumber acharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.


of BOW!Pittsburg Qironfcie , Telegraph: After-noon journalism deals In what happens, Doors, Sash, and Blinds. All kindsW. G. Irwin & Co.,

Agents or tha Hawaiian Islands.Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement ; JSTEEL NAILS ma

8AM1. O. WILDER, President-S- .B. ROSE, Secretory.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.69-- Iy Mar 39 more, ;