sfcr '*v - NYS Historic...

p§C\ R^SIPM^^ ?^« ,-£ *.i.£- L il&^H: ; * * *v*s§£ ^lllfiliS ^sMCl*i sfcr '*v 'i^M!Ey^G^?r%?IHffj iSsl nephew cMnetfl he was e; acahtion>DditweyioeA»4 vrihe were «rf W g^pe^i jast as I <*»* iif h \i?ba^^^S(!mBi ! ifC''3B-"" # & ; * » $ IP*&L ^mm ^SBSSMSS^SS^VMS : - State Street, uJSw' .X"* tbe 6H-5 ^.-•fiwasssw *S i 3t;"3f; Teethexti^tedwith- j Oxide Gas. all; work war* t B»»ooe3lock, Maht Street jOJSce ovefc I^nnox ^awT;.,-.., ,.-• --. ::..--;•-. f *»d C^HJnsetorAt -law anii'Geherit Agent., Special-attention-green to :.-.-«&. deeds, mortgages, Ngbhtraets,. etc; S^8EM»*Rt805s%-4:-'---•--" •;.- j \ ' '; : - !•- ^aqaaefeRteanyfii Best Styles and atthe ^SRK y f c f c BaJtSHOLOSEW;^.!*;, SemeopathtcFhyaician.: Officeat «*6^J&_ 'Vioofflan, tfale*- doors NailonalBaiik^tate Street, £<)w- •--•'•-. > iflmc, ••;- S O * TKPSH- "".A-•••' ,**a Send: for pamphlet and col- **——its merits.-' : 'gWia^.lSaianiore^Mar, and r Ate*JMaiaeJp.lila,Pai-5r'iW;. iof an order made byItfeHoft. TBlt-'. . t&Hetmll .County Judge of EewteCbunty,-- > -mi^im*m^ma,nm.3iB^Beeherebygt*-:. 1**Mfr sfl the wadttqiB and persons having claims tfk'Mntilately doing businessfathe .J LowtiBe, I»wi* coflntB" ~U; Y* that mqintrad to present their claims, with • tter«(or.daly Tertaedto.the-miliscab-^ Vthei^anpotatedaisigweoftheBaidJosialt SywfcrttebetteStof us creditors, at his place rttwwMiirul lin ^laeat, Kov Si! bj 86 ^'est Waah- "IstweMfrthae^^-Syracuse;-Owmdjiga "'« JtXL oil ^"hetoretbe iOtta-'darofAu-. H».: J»*1iREB0A«2!I«BB,.iasSJgnee«; - n—»i T. Bwyac*, :MA»8HtT.T. M Kc<£K% i t e « f a wfetoefayWttouw*tothe pnjbilo t ^ W ^ p w o h » % * t t e factory ot Mr, Peltoe -7- •-" .^SB,; :: '."'. ."„:'"; :-' -•"-.: - ,-' \..^: : SfmotA ASD BRACKET S3t*iSO; eossTismiyoisrin'iifflBi ; ".-•:'•- DEstimate? made: and conf saeta taken for Butld- I n g a M FHrhishlrig, A£L ElKBg OF 0EH3ERA.I. JOB , -• WORE; D.CMB AT TKB SHOP. Our-worK guaranteed t6 he:as .' ' " ' ••• ." f " . Qood as tHe 36st and as Gbeap as 1 -. the Cheapest. . COSiOJt WORE SOLIClTEU. Tan BMT 8AIV» i a U w « 4 ? M for_Orita, GiiftblaSju »: tter, -^*«^.: aaft ivtl sea itively crares Pitoe; <w BO 'i*':-^«^toert-te; : g^R^iJi|fe; <>r money r e f u n ^ i Price aJ^litB JULY4, •S1J '•»'-: *B!ii .;-. A gcK>d rtame, like g<jod will r i» gain** % many sctjong an4 kwlby one. ;. v^V v 'i :i* every land nia elirne, the meritt of St. Jacobe Oil; as the twHy conqneror of -^%.to* belag»eknowledgecll)y jM press f*ftdWT^ M K CJI.UtLES i. VOUKLEU ( , ' «nB*lTmOBE,MB. Soldjyjilgialaen aftfl- Moore, lo^-Hle^ K..Y,' ' : '\- ^-i- -'.-. \/<y . :-'-J; .'..• r v * ' •»" j> -&% '•*•^. -*>;•' --- -,">...'-' ..^^^ the grand la* inscribed on every part of iireaSbn^- : . -'-/•;.:"- ••""•-'...-•;'•• v.-- : f A,TTlt. IPl^idTnns, """^Slji Crete, I'tlmionji ^ea^Ws retreat. iJ ' : »r*;=--*^^ ! " jwaden&fair, iteft Wmfor a feast; fgitthose bkildren therev '^(Bferwased. out, . domain. TThea Baby ^Mfliclc, ire g»*ei«jr 0«*torlai.. When »he TOW a ehUd, aho cjjedfer Gastpria, . Whonsho.bec»mo MUs, ah'o ehuyttoCastoria, Wt«n «Ueh»dChil4cett,^he.gaTethem 0aatori% I beast much pain ;'* ceased; be glaln. ^OOKBIKbERY. •".'.' ' :fe*o3Js, Magazines; Sewapapers,- Pamplilets or Music. We Ba,Ve:aljusinessii«aiJgetuentwitlithe \ / . ' j4keEsa v BpOBdBijnMas.T " IsiUtteo, sotbat-we are "able to:get all binding done Ina neat.and > . , , ' . . "-. "• - woisKX^tiaxfisaHKEfr,'. "-'- -.. At the Xowest JPrice?: Weiare also able tosell aE kjnds-of Blanks a t the Icfwest/wholesale'rates. ••'"-'••• -; -mTOH='A^qJHBK£ER..X,ovmlle v N. T. • H e -yvho is the.most slow in liiakiag a promise, is fho most faithful in the per- fornmnce.of it. ,,• •. TROTHS FOR THE SICK, f V IOB SitEj Theundersispied, executors- ot theestateof, the late KohertX. RobertSidffier.forsale afavm .of 300 'aores-Jn the to*n- ofHari»Sbhrg,and afarm of 200 aeresfeMarttnsburgv Sieifarln? -will he sold on. ieas6iiaole.term». JEnqnireof :-•:-'•-.• ' A;'IiCEMtK,eop(afflagen;, ,. •-• CSAHiaiS>IOiBi§OH;.-Harrisburg, S3tf'-. -, ' " " ; - .-, \ •••'•- Exechtorrs.-- «jmEJOBPElNTINe - - • - . :G0TO;aJHE TIMES OEHCK . Por those.dealMy 'ladies la delicate, IBilioua.. BM11«, . de- heiilth, -stho are-all. n -fl. ettpPffHtiB rhndown, shotflEbse lacEESiit-willieurt Sni*ntm.l3ix±Eit3; Syon. ««•>„•••«• t W "will be pai&E 33ift.GIantpyspep. toracasevheroscii- - |aajacnroa byRising eires BraxEna THU [SttLPuyit BEETBUS; not assist orCuro. It dever fails. " " Operalives-who ard gpsely^tonilnpa. In eicansotheyitiafcdl Itne.nmU anaTTorK- blood/When- you seel *ops;. CletkSi vho itsfaip.uritieft burst-! do-«>t procure Bnf- tog-throBEhtha BMnl Iffef:.cxeroiae.ana EnBimplesiBlofchcil allyhpars confined andgorea? Eely dnl la dQor8,-ghonld;n8e Sntigmm} :-X5j£am,9 ISUEPHua Brmais, and health, -trfllfolif AnyjoB *o StoTjriass^-Are you dlBturbedat night and. broKen of your rest by asickehild guffering and crying-roth pain of CnttihgTeeth? If s6 send at onoeand get abottle of nstrs.Wlrislow.'sSooth- ing &yrup" for ChUdren Teething. Its Yalue fe:in- eaienlaMe., It will xeliemiheToor little sufferer inimediately, JSepehdnpon:lt,motherB: there-is no niistakeaboutitatcure^ysehteryana-piarrhoja. regulates-the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind &ohe,softehsthe<}nms L ,redncesIhflainniatiQn,and' gives tone and-energy tothe whole system. "jlrs. Window'si Soothing Syrup" for ehildrenteething' Is pleasant to the taste and Is the presorlption of one OMhe oldest and best female physicians and ijursesia the Dhlted States, and is for gale by all druggists throughont the woridJJrlce twenty-five cents abotite.Besurer.anaaskf or l '3Irg.Wlhsi05?'s SoOthingSyrup^M and talce no other Hnd.. '40vl To-dajp demands our fairest youth. Notfdui^eayieHhis4s:the..sutn';.- ; '- Sot fourteen thoiBand;is-the"trut1i. AhrOMatt'he.^atomb wjiJlfail :..'; -! ; Tosatbhis'buhgeWbr %3aj,' : ^. Anc^:oft we he^r'the. bitter wail' " -' ofMM^&^^^ocius.'iii^rl;'-:.' '•- Whowi}lbW!Sb,'buf:TJie»nS;*i»ong r f ' •' . ,• '^breakthfsierientsawf ill spells,. 'WhowUla4se-to..ornsh.the>vrona And dilve'this njonster bao^io hell f l^t'saU^rlsevbiinJMei.njight... ... An'dsmite'hlm quipfeiy ; 4iSew© mat, ^us^strifejfQtGAdy own right, ; AuffsU^the:giant,hpNy-.tb-Klay : . - •"OUr 6«lis : ^ooaj n w:e thenwillJiuig, :"Tosjaythenipnst^deni^njBum." •-'-•'. "'dur : fi<tfisg6oi, our Giodls.Jiiiig;. . Sfbw hath his blessed kingdom eome."- .'• •''."•."'•-. " . W»."G-KO«IB,- I)iana.H 1 -'r.#nhe23 4 1886-. . >, - •*••*.«-• SDEEITOK BrrrEBsi Genena-.pebihty willcurelivcrCom- neeisagentle tonic, plainfc Bon'tbedii-L y?e SUEEBUB EiX; couragedjitwillcurel and you-wlB joxi. i — ^ " ' hot betroubh .- • . SUXJttiiUJt ^'rXTEfiSi ^tfthejnltheuta jriUhuadTouupafid oqwe,_'ysry, it; you mi3te;youiti»nsMa willaotiegretlt., pmiSf.^— Sulphur Bitters. ' Wheft Christ abides in a huroau heart. He is init as an. immortal liopei-^-PWs,- Ottlross. t^^g^;; <• ' Ourjpruig goods have begiMt toarrtte, and an examination 'will' colt- ^noi^yott that ft tethe. * -"Tteifc, Beet ':Seft«3ted lowent priced stoci: BpotSy Sfcoea and "•'•" " wet : l|B.t. Shady iirewim. ; m AT: liillsStGo. bt la Qui:st0w-is^diiniag^er vrith. all'tiieiatest. Styles artdMafees of^oo^'Q^.&Hld.teipubS^ propose, to "make-if "•":-' -fb&the:bttj^test;b^ev^ this ^pringj to •-:*.'. lilJk Wdheajt.: It ynfl lake buff ^;|e.W mpbjebtB.of your tihte' to-flrid-oiit.that a very MJ 3teeas:€r6q^'Si0^'^]^ets,^''::%'-- '; ; -v : .'.''•. ' jiSSJR : ''HASiteKO JBOOlij TO fiiTJOTE:>RieE£- BlJT IIA'PE AH nnitEiiSE STOOK OP3EBW etWDS, ANajGtr WUi Mm&XS :FESD trs AS-iOW..TE.KOT.I,OWER t THAN ANY OTHER XtaiKmT&WX. WE^«E.WEaB:ETaSEELGOOBS'A¥il) AEB QOETG TO: DO'ITtpWEBOS'T -«««KA-eKsiT.::: - '••--.•..•.:'-••:-'•.-'.-..."-..:' ,.•-•<- : trice, twenty-flre cents. ,Ullctam. -Instantly. STJLPH0B BHTEBS, Sold-by. ..-.•. - Morriapa &'Mbore < .I.OwJFille,. : K. Y. JEBAIi ESTATE, BteTrfeCSfCE A5TB GEisERAt '.;'•••••• -. BESJJaS&AG&seX. - DATJeHTERS, WIVES ASD-MOpOiESi ', SendforPamphletonEemale'Diseases: mailed free, securely sealed. Hi. 3. B. Marohist.trtloa, ' •*• -.' ' " '" l3yI In studying charaeter do bofe be blind to the shortcomings of a warm friend or the virtues of a bitter eaemy. ppsrrr^CTOE^El'ffiis. Dr.Marohisi's ItalianPiie.OintujentT-emphati- cally guaranteed to cure or inoneirref nnded—In ternal, External, Blind, Bleeding or Iftihlflg Piles. ; Price50o. a box. Kb; cUre.no.pay. For sale by aUBruggists, . '-•: 13yd •A good deed.is n:eyer lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendBbipj and he' who plants kindliness gathers love.' FOE SALE OR EXCHANGE. Insurance. I represent the following livst-olass • companies LIYERPOI 'L AND- LOUDON AND Ctf.OBE, ' - GESSlAmA, 1 I^ANCAsTtm®, . TNION AND CITIZENS, Q0EEN,. I3D?EKTAL, CONTINENTAL, ; - . • XONapNAN&iANt'ASKlEE, . ..-.., . \ ULEN'S FALLS, PHOENIX, LONBONASfitTRA'NCE, AND. TEA.VELBKS U-PE AJtt) ACCIDENT INStTEANCE O05FPANT. RAIT,HOAID TTOKETS Poidtoauypart«f the WeMern Country* STEAilSHlP TICKETS Sohlto and from Foreign. Countries as cheap as any other line. s. A. sEcflmr,Lowviiie, N. y.. OUlce in Jioumal-amlRepubliean .Block. A &trAEA3STEED-C6TJC(H.GtERE. . Br. Marohisi's. Italian Cough and Consumption; Batnt—guaranteed to eure or monejrrefuuded-*- Goughsj Colds, Hoarseness, Brbnchms, AsHjjma. Incipient. Offnsumptioh,Throat and %ixagttwaub- "~ " "'"' Fw-aajaby altifeug-- les. "Jjo'.soure.- ho pay. giHts. IMce SOtjeiua- j.'f liijr.njini •im- Whatif,'whitei:athere:»lbne, . A voice Phaye.npi.henrd.afox' years Should greet ine^iu the low sweet tone That^nc^wasjmusioto'niy ears; ' And I ahpil'ld'ists^b'frpjn memQry's sway, . .Andj tttrning.,findypugitting there • Uuohanged,..as .though 'twere yesterday Tour feetwenttri^pingdown the titaiv. Or if, uppitsbhie; sunjtaer day, 'Mid'Song.pjb&dsauihtrns of bees, : I sli'oal'd go.dovto thewbodiand way Tooutj)ldfey ; st beneath the: trees;' t . . Ai^sta.rtinJ'Mck:ingla4'surpkse,'. Ishould^behold-ybuWftitihgthere,' Thefll'd light shinmg'iayoilr-eyes— . Thesuhlighfetahgted ihyour : hair. . In vain r shall^not see Hie glow OiE witMSrbrowheye^or catch the smile OfjubyllpsibuVyetll'lcndw' . That'ybuare n.ear.niealBhe while. •fer I^iove|4;joh'ia4hatrange Of.sunny ypai^-thKtmjr5»por heart WouidbleediafresIiSndOount'itstrange .To.tbtalcQb^heldusfar^part, ' Aaad So, wheh.ey*nlng:shadbws : ereep .^'4j(!^i;<aH»*teyVey.thft"leav -Tbu^uohmyey^idsandi ! sleep, •- '.At^ateeping,dr^tott.bfheayeh and.thee, ' And whefi some .guhim'er; ^prh shall.break. That .ftuds mMhiBedby death'* cold dew, Touueei'but;ki»ito,ishall'wake,' : And Waking.;b« Jh'^eatiin with you. "'Sifeb^d^.'- Between graGe and law there is no ^Wri rel; they are made one ia Christ. So one flnds fault, with natural, law because i t i s arbitrary; why should they with, moral law?—Dr. Jbhtt qalL * ~~muM tOOBSBLPT - Don't pay large doctor's bills,. Thebest ( .medical book. published, one hundred: pages, elegant colored plates, will be seht ( you on receipt of three 2-cent stamps to pay the -postage/ Address A, P. Ordway & Co., 'Boston^ Mass. SwS KOOBE'S MBBM Planing Mill, t&srvrvm, LEWIS CO., N. Y. The subscribers w«ukl give notice to tho people of Lewis county, that they have all the appurten- ances and maeninery for the manufacture of SASH, ilutnau nature is evermore, au advocate for liberty; There is also ia buman : na-- tare, a resentment of injury a&d. iadigna- BLINDS, DOORS, P,EAOEETS, JloobD-J tion against wrong, a iWe of: tirutb,. arid a INGS. ETC., ETC. ... , _ veneration for Tartue:—John Adams. aa&s. "^^B0Bll|^'i^pbpt#lB3p|t V S W^A-h. :Mii^^^M^k^^^f]m : Arid eatt supply them with tuiylhins'ifliheir'line I op tei-nis to compete with any other shop^BlfiSJSHS ffittilders will flnil tho mouldings finished In the 'host'.rnanjier, and at Prices that will uiyjs Twsm snan Sa TO .00 I'En CENT. oyBS TIIOSE WORKEJ5 BY IIANT). SAWING, PLAKESG, u&tomsa, AucLany other Work in connection with the busi- •nesspei'foi'me.d to the most complete satisfaction. Onrshop is-supplied with the best class of jna- chhiory, and tiie most enntpeteut wortmen. :-Jra*aiW ASHE rtOW OFFBKB*4 AT B*DiC^JMt.SJ-5.L0W .praCE.S; DON'T Jft*BBSlBSbEB> ..;;"'. *JUg^T0TOB^IT*.ASBF^ •" ' £x^ 7: ^i i^ '•*•'•• Fa^iionafele All lilnds: of Panel and elapboavd Sawing, as i;L. well as-Circular and Sercil.lSawijig done on. short ' jnotiec. ' •-.-.-' 1 : - . : - ' '. S * , • Turned' and Elated Banisters and Newell Posts constantly em'hand, or.made to order. ?teSr:- : T'" '."'V.-iV T«rarest GKJgslSi %, Hi -JUpTOX •^-eaee'sfi^auteaaisi:-/''' 1 .- ttOH^AKB-OtfSW-OEljyOS IT, TCBN-ISO OF ALL KINDS EXECl'TErUK (JOOD-STYLES. p. •MOORE SONS. .--.^?^?-'^-:' ^S^i= *?raC«JOtBOWk»ASTEB&T0.BEA%'LiaeHT. .,...__ ..,_. , BBTC&MK AND BBfi OR ASK .CESEXWWKR MtJjaEROtfS epS'i'OMEBS ABOtiT DE lViCNs ifeSB&.': 3 fie a 1 a /iw trixUfifitrtv- dm/tat ths s (.-Vw-uk-l- Vultiiie Belt \vl.tlt :.}••' '.i-'i'TImiijes-' tut ttie-spcedr .,. 'rj-iiwurfHefU0't*Dtt>tUtV, : lp!» 'i"isoiCorfH!'iw o*'.»t riiseitsw;.' e«»'pl«t; retitottj- Y<mfai« v rt''«' 1 ' ;nse i-r It: i»» •Etewvlu fti'-j.> t tj£VitiUU.p w The rest .of Christ'is. aot that-of topor r i but.harmony;: it i^ not refusing the strug- S glej.-buteoaqueringia.it.; aotiestiugfrom.' duty, bbt.fiadijjg res j; j a duty i ^_J l . yf^ Robertsou. '-: A C A K D . ' To all who are sufPering fronythe errors and 'ih discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early d.e^ eay, loss of mahhoodj &e., Iwill send a reoi pe I that Will-cure you, FREE OF CHARfeE. T!ai- I "iBargato. eK? ,,iu i8Md : :|irs. PHkington, '''Guess PU have a Jobk at'em." '' Of all tbiags,iM?s; Pilkiagton was-least able tp'.resist a baVjjaib-' '\ ' The otd' , 'Pilkingt&a fann>b.6use at home was crammed fuliol "bargains" .possible and impossible. ' T h e ' -bureau-draweis ove'rflowe'd'with "bargaias" whiGhwereof no use to aayoaeYthe trunks were packed fulio'f'fbar'gaitis.'?" ; • .'_]'.'. Aad.herei 6a the crowded Curb J stoaes of Gf'ra'nd" Streetj the swibgiag pasteboard Wga'of "GreatBargains "Withia!" attract- jed;her attention, hurried'though, she-was i .with the manifold, errands which yet re- •smained incomplete*.' ' : .She had a.'lot of damaged table-linen .uuds? lieir arm;, and'some cheap bosiery ia fherfbi^,.aad a dozea towels with aiis- prin.sa-ijdrdej's in her' pocket, aad here great remedy was discovered by a missionary in j ^ h e vfiaSiOKOWding into t h e 'Grand;. Street South America. Send a self-addressedeavelope \-,^.,^,^„ blTae-spotted' pobgeq fleck,:- to the REV, York(Hty,[ JOSBPH T. lK3ti», Stution, D,. New. ! ' SSyi. A small cbildj-being askedbya Sunda.jf- school teacher ^'What did thelsraelitesdio after they bad crossed the Red Sea?" an- swered, "Idon't kadw, ma'am. I guess- they'drie'dthevrselves.". ' > ; SCOTT'S EAIUIiSIOl!r OF PURE ' COB LtVER. OIL WITH ; BXPOPIt0SPBlTES- As a Remedy forPiilmtlriarf Affee&ions and . ScrofulousiDhmses, •• • D;R. IRA M. LANG?—a prominent phpr- icianiu Hew York, says:—»! am. greaitjr •pleased witb, your Emulsion. Have f btind it .yery serviceable ia jabove diseaseSjvatid' it is easily adniinistered ba aecormt; of'its palatableaess. " ' •'.. ;. '-2w4 . ' CONStraiPTION CURED. . - An old physician, re'tired-from pracficevhating had placed in his hands by an East India mission- aryflie formula of-a simple vegetable remedy for the^ speedy-aild permanent curs of Consumption'. Bwsaehjfcte, Catarrhj Asthma arid all throat and Long Affections, .also a positive andradieaieure for Neryous Debility and allNeirvous ComplaintSj afterliavineite'stea its wohderfuroUrative powers in thousandSHOf «ases, has feltlthis dntytomake , it known toMs suffering fellows. AeWated by this mottveahd*/iesire to Telievehrimansuffer- ing, I wUl send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, hrGeiaaan; French or EnglHh;wlth full directions for£i«parihg anduslng. Seat by mail by addressinir wiih stamp, naming'this pa> per,W. ANOVES,W9 JP».2*«!>e^/bci-, RbcnMter-,!?: T.- .'. ' '; ...' \8y,l eow-en. Not & day passes oyer the earth; but mea .-and womea of no. note-do greafc.'deeds, sp.eak great words and '.suffer noble sor- rows, Oftaes&obscureberoe^pliilosophefs and-martyrs,the greater part will never be knowii till that hourwhen many that wei'6 great ^hall be small, and the small great..—- :0hatlGS Eeadei ' ittoreiifitbuy ifircbie^i'fiJ?<.<j^&'eb-'Ge:nts I . ""It'll "i de .for - Sara' janetta to. 'wa'ar jaMuud'kwinecJc^fl.cool- evenia';" said 3BrsC Pilkiagtoa,'/**fe^4- eighteea: ceats js' rfislty.-yei-y cheftpior yedL^iiagee:'? ' Mrs, Pilkibgtba iiwd'ic* little brbwji roafied' farm iptise"' pa .tfee J[ousat6'riic. RiWr, and her: main.' 'mastd aip to' town had been to buy it H *stor.i '.earpet 1 *- f o r her best jroqm vPipor, and to e^eliange -m: old sewing-machinefbf something .of .a tUi^rer order;;'-.'.. •" '.] ••'•/'' •'•.• ' •'.',' ' ; ; Her'cQUsia, Sirs,-Bruce •'Babbitt,, swbp had- spent the' summer. mo»tbs at itbe -farrhjliadmade'the'iaostpossible trouble for theleast'possible _ pay/bad also en- gaged, to huatier vip'a. "help 11 -frdm the aearest iatelligeace office,' and Jtsure the same qn'haad -When,tb\e '^llve^foifs-teaiB^' left the Grand Central l)epot that after- .uoon.! ' " ' . ' " ' • ' And siire euough, when the 'lady '-ifawm the'eountryarriveaj 'red "and" paaSng, it fhe:d0ipo% witli disheveled bairjl.-<cBt boii- aer; auci shawb dragged all awry^niadeet to Vff* fverytluDg to Wm 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR . Is inseparably coaaeeted with Hood's Sarsaparilla, and is true of no other medi- cine. It is an uaaaswerable argument as to strength and economy, while thousaads testify to its superior blood-purifying and; strengthening qualities. A bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses and will last aax.oatb,wbile others will average' to last over a week. Hence, for economy, buy only Hood's. Sarsaparilla,.. New Proveudei for Boys. "iff: Dusenberry,-. ghat's a Gordon?" ' "I don't know,' my dear. There was a' British Geaeral by that narrie. Theiewas aaotber man ~way back ia history who spent bis time in tying Knots, or some^- thiag of thekiad, W;hy do yob ask?" '"'Sere's aa ad^grtisemeht .wMelr'says:' "Wanted,'aboy to'feedorl aGbrdon^"- . "Oh, tbat'k a pr|utin|f press, my ! 'love. '?• *:'Qraeious, tbat; brakes it a.U t i e w o r s e ! How's a boy golng.tbeat apribtiDg presai" r-'Plttfudelphia Gall,'"-'.-.«•.-•".' And she skurtied through the crowded car to fibd a seat -'• "; *• , It ivas the dusk of a chilly May even* ing when they reached Blackbird's Hoi-. low, aad aligiited ia'the: iaidst of dense pmes and sighiag tautaracks. '^ PUMngtba biib't remettlberea to coaie aad-meetus, Isbalt.bo; madl" stdd Mrs. PiMttgtoa,8tretchkgAet neck, for- ward the better to'suiv^y the glimmering curves: of tiie toad. "Aad Pilkington is always "forgetting,! My goodness, gracipiis mel wbafe'stbat!" Pbcebe 'stopped to recover Somethiag which she bad .inadr Vertebtly let fall, •'-."'' "My haudfcercbief, ma'aml" Mrs, Pilkingtob miide a grasp at it, "Your handkerchief!" ibe screamed; "Mine, you mean—minx! thief! good»for^ aothing!—my pongee riandkerpMef, Ibo* you ijave,stolea i%bt. out ttf,toj "bag!; •"Welltl-aeveir^ .'"v" ...r-4%^- ')-.' ''•' -jJKiejflw**: Phoebe vebeToe^tlji: ;P%«Bh^ bagsii to erj? iui: jnJbgiefl^ t«aS>r and •?&&& -'• meat, and 'fust tjveri up- Stove' .the farm:; W.agon.at...a,gaill6p r •'..-' .-'.'., "Hello, mother^'* said ,E!5ra'...Piikiag . tonfs cheerful. voice/' * l I'm afiaid I've kept you.waitingd. bit, * but.the liaehpin came out pf the wheel, a u d i had to. stop at Toivy DeapMtl's.ib get it iixed. Now, ths^!''. , , ,'."'. ' ' -,"'.. \ He drove] theiStput poay close to the failed . platlGi'fli which exteaded away fwmthes'tatioa. •. ' . Mrs.. Pitkington pushed Phoebe into the* backseat, a-Ucl followed her with lightf niag:b.aste, •'.'"'" . *'iTot that way1" she eried, grasping at. the-reins, as Ezra would, have headed for the higbroad. . "Drive'strajghi to'Squire PulteneyV. This, gars, a tMeff Pm going to fcaye bef arrested before she is a day 'older*" .. ' ...-.' ."-' -"Eht" said Ezra, staring from his mpther/<te.jPho3beaadtheaback agaia, - "She's etpte my spotted pongee hand- kerchief -T-my&:g,ndkercbief that I bought a bargaia on .Graftd Street this very mora- ingl' 1 shrieked Mrs. ^ilkuigtoa. "It'.s^it's tuy handkerchief,." faltered poor Pbcebe/ feeling as .if she" were in a terrible nightmare from wjifcb there was no awakening, .. f 4 A likely story!" clamored the enraged housewife, "I've" always beard of the wiles and tricks of these, ci^y ijainxes, but I never realized it.until now.. Drive-on, Ezra*-drive quick! She shall be lodged ia the county jjail: tbia very night!'.'.. "Am §ou sar.e you, ^snttt 1 n>istakep, l moefeerl" said kind Ezra, compassionating the look of pallid, misery in the young girl's faeci -" ^Mistaken, indeed;!" snuffed the old lady, "Drive on, I say! Doh't.lose any. mpsejime, or. Squire Puitehey wilt haye •gobe feme for the uight," She ibee-self took possession of the reins and s:he^p«ir.e"and chirruped to the horsV es. .-. -." '. ••-'•.., '-.'-'..-;'" - ''Bat, mofeqs---" pleaded Xfzrft£. . Ev^n as he apokg^swever. pggr Photbe. stojetiye 4eMt» ty ««S^ft, ;&*&;%ng'lkffle- self&omfhewagontoii^^btmdv. •".": ; ;• c< Stpp-^f or heayenJs; •• JS*^, "mother, gtopl" shouted jj?ra. . •-HJJjplji't yoii see .that hegdfess is cia.ug'ht;in - ( tb« .ftbeelsf The 1 little horse .stopped, ,He^ ; ^iLways stopped, on,genetar principles, Wbenev^r a suitable opportunity presented itself.and the very-slightest "'Wboa!" would invari- ably bring him to adeadstandstill.. t . Ezra sprang, from. the„ wagon to disen- tangle the helpless figure in the dust; and I'Irs, Pilkington scrambled- after Syith a vagueideatiiat:Pho3be mightyet.get up and try to Tua .away; . As she.|uniped.dowa. her satchel fell prone into the. road,;and hursfciag; open! the overstrained latch, disgorged its &mt tents on the dewy .grass of. the xoadade, first and foremost among which w^s-r-ia. •spotted.pongee handkercbiefi• ? ..•'.,. ' ''Good-Laud o'~ jloses!" pibusly iatet- jeeted-lfrs.:• Pilkiagtoa^ \ "if:.;thwe-ain't the dratted old pongee haadkecohief,artee al!l"- .'" ',,-"'.. ;":-:.'.•' •;;..: •- ' • And-she stated' ; helpl|ssly, first at its. pr|m and undisturbed Mds, and ttrenat Pbmbe's handketebief-^exactly the: same in <»1QT,.pattern and iabribv. - : ^'Sbe-am'* a thief,-arte?.alt!" said Mrs.. Pilklagtobj her whole nature, overflobded by'the .rising, tide of remorse.. "Poor child! and Pm afeard. she's hurt a-tryia' to run away from nothing at all." .Phcebe'g ankle was slightly sprained, that was kSy and by tMs -time she was jSble to. smile, and answer kindly Mrs. v^likJ-ngtpn's.numerous questions and can- dii?jes*ces. •'- -'• . . - : -. .. • 'lG$p. $ ride home? Oh, of. course I caa.'"„%ap^he, in reply to.Ezra's interro- gations, ..'^y^nkle is only the least bit lame.'-' " ' . . Old Farnier»Pik«9jJpn was. anxiously. .lookiagout.fpr/gie.nSj^?]}, .considerably later than he had expsgtedj the. Wagon aste drove up and Mrs. ,PJiking!$s. young girl stood, at the door with ft «&"& -• bearingttie.nanmof/'Mrs, Btuce Bat*>bi | iS w in her hand.."._'. "Is; it Mrs. Piliangton?": said she. . ""rpu.ain't'the.newseMaag-machine,.'bi^ yoilf' said Sirs*; PiUdngtoa,' rubbing her pose With a puzzled air."' "Nbr yet the eighteen, yards of caupet, from Stoaey- •bri.dgeand'B0unce , s?!^". .... "I am Pbmbe," said the ypung woman ^•Pboisbe,^^ at Mue dollars MI month,, if I am lueky-enoufifbtpsuifc you,ma'am?" .••' Shewasapreti^y, blue-eyed lass, with a fresh .compieapn,- and 'a'neat gown, of grean and white seei'-'suckei', and/sliewoi* a bonnet.oi her-'Own trimming:, with a., cluster; of butteis-ctips on. the sidei ' Mrs, \PHMagtpii looked dufeionsly at her, SWfcaipjeparedherielf'to expect a stoilt, redvhandba %udg§-.- - ' ' It did not'sedui possible that this deli-' cate Kttfe appfeblossom of a girl could be a servaat-of-.all-work f . ' But there, sure enough, were her cre- .dentialSj aad the.bell, even then, waV elaflging'f or the clpsiag of the gates^ "Come on!'' said Mrs. Pilkiagton^ and she rushed tbrobgb, dragging Plroabe after, her.. . "it's .stf-toge, though,, that the carpet: and the. ,sewing-,macbine ain't here." ..- .-.-•'.-" . -. '• 1)id you expeet: carpet and a' sewing- .machiudj mft'am?" i?htebe asked, respect- :fuUyv- •'. ._"'; ='-.'• ' ._ •'.-''.•-" .-"I bought'eia. and- paid for 'em,"'said Bfos. Pilkiagton,. "'impre.ssxvely r "and I .don'.t: : see why-they ^in'tbei-e," . 'Perhaps they will be sent by express?' Phoebe. ' ,"• '.•' ' - 1 declare to goodness; I never thought, pf tbttt!,". .said .Mrs. Pilkiogton^ .- ^And- ain't it q u e e r , " _sfti 1 d,..6 l ^e, -fj^*j. ia© and Phajbe, shojdd ibptb.hev:bought, (pongee handkerchiefsjjusfisajlk^.fta. <?raad iSti'eet?' If ever.tfee^Wias bwga5,as, { $ey.: f^si Half ayard %a*rs,.re > al t 01iiftagood's,' i wiih a hem—*"' ' -, .-- "MddlestiOks!" said, ©Jd Mr. Pilking- ton.. -."M there's anything I.hate, .it's b argaiasP* . • . -||.. Tittle Phmbe PrimroseJ^ayed;on,at the farnlj- She liked the ; d|isies and red clovei ', 1fc® sound of running bro.oks f the smell -of. ibe: .sows'"breath. And—'Ezra PilMn} ttott- liked herji^JTc??» JFmreti Smsa;- .*;•_•• - » . -1 i e JJiaa'S W a n t t b e JEaxth. "$ want 'fipwake .a.sfnare-Msiiiess propOr sition toiou^ 11 sMA fit'ranger tothe occu- pant of m Oi^ee ia' (Siiswold -street the other' day. ''fPU : beac>it sir," ''I'mheir to. at least $S0,(KO0,0fl0,.*Qa I sell-:" •"*» you one of the- Lawrence, Tbwaley ^laim, aiiM!" <: 'Iam.- '>fy family rung.back to the erAisaders. Ai S'• ym saying, being femporariiy hardl up, ^ B W d f e e - " "tfo use-no usel» * ,i PutPU take ten dollars for'my cbaaee," ^ *^fo' use,"sir! One of. the Eeirs who is g«>c[ forfcto.OOChuOOwas ia bjero.yesterday tmd'sold'meM^claimfor sev^n-dollars,'and l'aon|t care to invest any "further, . Bye; only i'Ot about twenty yeaas to live, and I -Oaft'l .'possibly speed tb-at '^S,000,u00. VOoofday,: sir. ,Yoa m%bt go" across to % 'tanor'' shop and My him, X-guess he'^ tb« oaly man in the sti-eet w h o hasn't- bought, one claims."—Detroit tfmJj'l-W,. •. of the Only a loving heart-lapreaectually pre- heat a loving gog-oeU^BI ^lay Trumbull STftOSa bBTKK THK WDIipT ESEHTr OP ME WOBKIjraMAlf OFAMEBteATO-DAt-^-iarj- 1TOHS OF DOLiAttS EXpftKBED EVERT YEAR BY. WAOS EAJESEftS FOR IHTOXt- . OANTS.. BSooKCYtf, JUnelS.-—Rev. DeWittTab mage preached' to:day in the. Brooklyn' Tabernacle .theSftl)! of his series of ser* mons oft "The Labor Questibn.^.' Sfegub« ject was "Strong Drjhk the "Worst Foe of Labor.". -Aflter- e x p i a i n i n g appropriste pa8sage^;pf ffenpfure Dr.Talmage. took his text from Haggai i,: 4i- <J He that earneth. wages earaetb wages to pat into a. bag. with hples.'' Dr. ^altiiftge said: In ,?et«^' un4% tb^ ; ieigri of Darius Hystaspes.the people did not prosper,TThey made money but did not keep it. They were like people who have a sack in Sdbich taej ^ut.W^^jfetVkiK«rfo^ iSSA the •f^t-pf^tfk Pt'eft|0. r ^fjn^^OTiaaome waymadeiDeapable of |io®nig^^TaluabieJir ^ta fa&t.^fctbe ebin. was|put la-o'ae; end of thessiek-'iticbopp'ed outbftheothets ' I t made no diflerenee bow ; . mrtch wage's they got, fof .they lost them. ' 'He that earn-. eth Wagesearneth, wages to pujiato a bag with boles,''' ' What has become of fheMliions and bil- lions, of dollars in. this country pant fo the wbfldng Glasses? Some of these iaoa- eyshavejpae for house rent Or the.pur- chase••.of;hamesieads, or wardrobes, br family expenses, .or the" necessities of life, -or to provide comforts &*bMags, .'What' has beeome of. .other billions? ,"W:as)tediia; fbolisli outlay, "Wasted'at tbe ganiing table. "Wasted in intoxieants. Put into a. bag with a hundred boles, Gather up the. money that ibe working classes have spent for rum during the last thirty years, hnd ;I will build for ; eyefy \ workingman a house, and lay out for Hra a garden, and elothe His sons jRbroadr clotb and his daughters in silks, "and stand at bis front door a prancing spaa of sorrels or bays, and secure him a policy of life insurance, sp that the pre'^nt home may be well maintained after he is dead* The most persistent, most overpowering enemy of the working classes is- intojdea- ting liquor. It is the anarchist of t h e centuries, aad has boycotted and is now boycotting the body and mind and soul of American labor. It'is to it- a wofse.foe' tban'jftenopoly and worse than associated, capital. It ..annually swindles industry out of a large ^erceatage of i t s earaings> jlt holds pp.t jts pasting ' solicitations 4o the mechanic .ojriOpei^v.e t>ii- his Way to •work, abd at tbe riffpn.. ipejl, and pri his way bom? &t. eyen-tidet.. orSaturday,when the. wages are. paid, It inatehes. a large par-t of. the rnbney that might come to the family aad ^aerifices it .amiing the saloon- keepers, .• "Within.eight,hundred yaj^S;of; Sajjd street,Methodist;' ehurehj Brboklyb, i t . h a s fifty-f our" .s'aibOnsi; a n d ; .is; plbtting .now ..for -aaotber^ S&bd.'Ste^sa^oons of this country side by sidej and'at isTcarei - M l y •estimated r .ii«5f S.i^aac-Ves.<fe : .ftaa 'stryj|':t|je' pmi ^^ ? .'.«^'^k€J ? p^^8»io.C: ; of 'tieA^ericabv^Moril; "};;• . ^--:-;.--'; : The tum business, w.pouring ilf vitriolic- ^nCdamnable liquids|bwu^ibe t&pafe of' hundreds ; of thousands oflJaborer%"and - while, the, .ordinaiy -strikes-^are .rurnous .both. to. employers .'aad employees, j .•pro- claim a' universal:, strike .against' strong- drinkj which if kept up Will be the 'relief of the wcrjing elasses and the salvatiou' of the nation, I wili.nindertake to say that there is not-a ibealtby -laborer in the' ; Waited States who,,^athia the next '.tea" years,, .-if he wilt Refuse ajl intoxicating beverage aad : be eay|ngj".may,aot bdeome' a .capitalist p,n a^small ?ca;le.; iSuneoi^a^y •ina-$.earspeads ;.|iljputf,0Op ;j .e|f forrunj, ; Of course .the'- working (Classes do ^ great .deal.of ithe. gxpeaditurei. .-Careful sta'tis- •ties^bbw.dQiat tihe^wagejeaBning,-classes of XH^jeat Britaia'iexpeadia K'quors £460,1000^ #fl& or iS50.0^00,;G.OO"..a y e a r , 'Sit down an<t. calculate, . oh, workingiriaii.!.. bow mwek-you haveexpeaded,:ia.these direc- tibas. .Addit aM-upi ; Aiidsup•wbaty0ul•.' neighbors have expended, aad-rea&e that instead of answering the beefc of. ptbei- people ^?ou might have been your own eapitabst. " '• When you deplete a-workiagmatl's phy- sical energy you deplete' bis capital. The Stimulated workman gives but before the unstimulated. Worknuvn. •My father said: "I became "a feinper- ane'e man in-early life because I noticed in the harvest field thaty tbougb .1 Was physically weakei - than other workmen, I. could hold out' longer than they. They took.sftraula-nts-,,I.took none." '.; ' ; . A brickm.aker-ia Ebgland gives his exr perience in .regard to this matter among men in bis employ, He says after''inves- tigation: ' "The b'.eei-drinker who'made the fewest bricks, made 659 r 06b;. the ab-- Staiaer who made the fewest bribbs, ?46,-. 000. The difference in behalf of the ab- stainer ov^r. the mduiger,. §7,000." : ' There pamea very: exbausfiag'. time in .^the Britisih parliament. T h e session. Was .nroJga.ged until nearly all the members ..got i s^„ / (jr worn out. Out of G§3 mera- b^.pnW.ts^'w^nt ibrough, liadaniaged; ;tb,g.y were;teefcoJp$ej;s. r . ,en..an .^imy ,go§? ^put to the "battle. .the^aldiet wbb.has wa^er^'..coffee in his eaateen marches easier and fights better than the soldier who, has .whisky ja. 'jhjs eanteen. Rum help_s arntm to fight when' he has only one contestant and. tbatatiie street corner. But when" he goes forth to 'maintain some great battle for God' and his eountrji he wants no rum "about' him, '.• . ... '' .•..'".' , - When the. Russians go t'c>..war'a oor-poral' .passes -along- the line' and'• smells' the", breath of .every soldier. ,- If thev$ he in bis breath.a-,taint ,6f intoxicating liquor the man is sent back. to the bai'vacks,' Why? He cannot" endure fatigue, When they ftre preparing for a regatta or for a. ball club or for- an. athletic wrestling.. they ab- stain. Our working people will be wiser after awhile, and the money they fling away on'hurfcfijl indtilgences they will put iato.eGroperatiyo associatioas and so be- come capitalists.. It the WorMngman.put down his wages and the.n take -his expens- es and spread :tbem but so they will iust. equal, he.is*not wise,. ".I know-working- men who are i n a pelf eet ftdget until they Ota, it is a thif once, VnA •ri- . *«,3iB^a and b«Bh|«i the young man" took extra "evening enfo ployment—aMiost exhausted with 1<he day's work, yettpokevening:empipyment» It almost extanguished. his eyesight. Why did he add evening employment tothe day: employment:? To get money. Why did he want to get money? To lay up something for a rainy day, "Sfb. Tojget his life insured so thatin ease Of his death his wife "would not be a beggatt HO. ' ••-..' J',:' .'-:.:--;•- He put the extra evening work to the: day work that he might get |150toget his wife asealskin coat, "'Tliesister of the bride heard of this achieveaient, and Waf - not to be eclipsed, She was very poor,: and she sat up Working nearly all the nights for a great while imtilSbfi; bought a seal-skin coat. I have not he$rd of the result on that street. The street yrm full; of those who are on small incomes, but" T' suppose the* contagion spread, and th^fc everybody had. a Beal8"fcan coat, a n d % f t * : the people came out and cried, practkallf^ not literally.;. "Thouglh # i r Keavens Srfl we must bave a sealskin coat.".. : " . . .; • ••" It-was but west andft.minister of .the,: "Gospel.told m & , in IoWaj. thatb^";church, and the "neighborhbod hMybOenimppveJr-. •ished bythefaet"thafethey-had putaiorlc gages m their farina m^o^efctosen^ their' families to" thePbjladeljhia Centennial; It-was'not 'respeetable.not' to gb-tp the: Oeateaaiak" 'Between?such;6i^;a^d^arL- perisin^ere is ."a ; v%iy T short' -.step, •'the: vast majority'-.of '• ehlldrea. ihyour: afrns-; •houses are there .because^^ their parents-:^fe, .drunken', of. laiy,- bf recklessly -inlprpvi*'; •&eiit»-'"'"•. --'" -•'-; '':'-•-.,;-'.'."-;:. : V. -- i '?'*'*-; ' Thavenb sympathy for ^skin-flint isafr Ingj but I plead for fihristian prudence.,; You-' say it" is un^ossibIetiibW i to lay ".up anything for arajay day; I know it,, but we are "nt the daybreak of iaSoaal" pros^ perity, Sbme'people thihk-fit Isiieanto turn thegasiowwheh theyg^'o^bf the paflor.' They feel embaiSassedif the door bell rings before they have' ;&e hallriglit- ed. They apolbgi'ze fef the|jla&m.ba!if y on surprise them, at" the table, WeHiit is mean if it is Only t o rflig bpaJBi^fly hoard.. Bat'if it'Tjetoeducato^yo^^hil^' dren, if it be to" give ^i"OTe-:help:.tb' : .your- Mfe when- she does riot feel .strong^ if-it betbkeepyour funeral day; from, being hofjible beyond; all endurance becatise if is'tobe'the dlsruptiott-andannmilatioh.of the dpmesiac circie-^if it befof thit, then- it is'magnifieent.'•'•' -' .?•' , .'"'""-'•.•; There- arethose who are. kept in.ppyep: ty, beeatiSB "of; their .'oWn ;faultw.^"Thfiy rbight hate been well flff, ;bht -they smok^ -ed br chewed Tip; their earnings, 'or- -they;; livedbeyoad their means,-Wbile.Othersoii the same'wages abit'-Oh'thb 'sabie feftlafies; sye'at oa to- cpnrpetenicsyi •. I k n o w :.a -.-than. Who was ail the-time; complaMihgof- .ife] -poverty anddefying.''Qvrt,a^amstric^mto,i: •while'; he himself -keeps- twb dbg* 1 '^S; chewfl-anCsmok'^ahd^^^ with whiskyandibTOr, « ^iikiaaMeawbier;!,..,., 15rT! said-ip^Dayidjpoppecfteldi; : : 'fCopgerfieMil .^^0^, iiy 3bo^,i:bBb;pbMmJ:. 'fa&^:'tvm^f&!&•;*•***^* b ' n g s a n d a i x ^ n e e exrjensNBi;; proessi'*."W•;"';•• ';•. -^>.-.-'"V-y.-:"V-"^"' ; -;•".•'i•••', •Buf,.oVwbr^ your-mornihgidram^and-yduf boOfcdr^in, :and'ypur.eyeningto^ thing, ybb nave-^yer.: to cuTsions; an^ypuensur^^^i^fefyburi ;self' and .your- cr4&ren'forever;:Ii.bysqme; .generous, flatvof. the capitalists. -of' i|S couatry,: pr by a. newlaw-of •.the.gpvern--: iment.of'tbepnited-StateSj-SS per. cent qf- d0-per cent of 100; per .cent were-, adde'dytp; flbe wages;" of the - wofkhig classes; -.of America, it-:would.be. ao : advantage;;to b-uadreds ..of- -thousands,pf-thorft' ;-unIess (they/ stopped-'-strOng:: drink.' Aye, until they buit tl^t : :evil-"nabit.tbe inpre mobeyf • itbe aiore ium r ;. the rapre.wages,-the : impre,' •holes'.ia.the'-bagv-' ." -•''''. -•••.•.j,- ; 'V-.'; ;• My .plea this mpraing is- to thpsewprk-^ ing people wjip are. ia ;a diseiptesbip to-' thefehislvy'battle, thebefer.'mug;and'the' wine-|.ask» A'R4'3th l at;I say/to. the;m witl -not be aipaeiappBopiciale to'-.the working-', ,classes'#i.aji ip iheb,u#iess ClasseSj^nd the Hteiuiry.ielass'e^ ;and' •theprofessipnaT vclasses, and. allolasses, abd.-'notWith', the people of one age more than of. aTLages, Take.bae goodsqiisBielbpk^ thefsifflering- i nowf there no but not buried. I •»;» am an apparittOtt of am* wii«f;0f taj'.Je^.teMti^ % . on the wireaand btoodl not able to get ont, Igoonandwythit'tteiJ stolfers from ^ loai ql- The older; meninthe < member that some JW8H| ; went toou^ t l u » c o i t i ^ i thepeople by hi« showed the human stomach. '.dl4|baiM^:iiiSri|.-|^ tarion (tiitiimtt 4&*k j w e a t i n g etOEB«i ' flat could i ,fpSS^, were m <m*^m:'-mg. his creeping 15mb»! - ^ j t - ' by; hi* midnight pULowl -ibis s p n l l V-:f«tirof. the rack, - ^ ,W»$e mquisition, taHc citbe funeral pyreit^k of thfrcrusbing juggernaut---be feel* &NW allatonce.v; : , "•-'.".-'' ' ''::'[-.•'f-V'"'- Have you ever been in the ward of the hospitai^he«;^e*c mMxi^ee are ^fii^ the stench of their wounds driniq(Mj^ their attendants, their vpiceai-\jmetSM^ : - through the nightf The keeper comes t^ iand'i'sayli^t^ii^'vttoWi be stitt! r!l|% m a k i n g a U ; ^ 4 b ) t t : Only" "for-•*'; moment, W-|%; j»oU'jt!t,V-St»: keeperiM.<0oiiti$ie$ -beg&t again^ fNM^- >^ive nie rbml. Help!^ $»ke <^S^ oft me! Take:j%moffmel dh,.ObdFStoJ they giu^ekgaft^t^&eyii*ej^ani: they piuck but Jii^i*r^ hajr^yhandful*,jmd bite (J^DT nails into the quick, and they gtoan, and ask fliS keeperito k^l tiie^;. ^SWbaattB* Smbthef; mel Strangle njef >3Bape ^B devils off me!" Oh, it is jib famey akeb^h) Thatthing is going ba now all u^ «»4 'aown^hela-n^/attdl"^ this is:.gping'*o befflie: «ea&:^r^%B*f* yb^-^ldie, I.te^ ™g;. •" X./iV-:- : /;.'.." :•'-. .'•=:•'•••.•":-.--:" •'-"•'-' ;.: Again, the inebriate suffera through the lo^ofhiahbm«f. Ido^otbarehowinaA he loves his wife and children;: sion fof strong ilrink'ias mastered % will do the most outrageous t h h ^ p^Cfi jhe^ could^^not get drink in any« he would sell Lis J ageV How many homes haw 1 Jiiplb; that.Way; no one bi*;; 6h ? ia^ierei amMforthkt life *m -^m m <®sm & , & barefoote^ rtncoeabea, wafli'ob.e*^. p«tc& of &ek£Mledt and. on.eVe^"*jiB|d ^A'|countonam;es,who w»uM talw beel^ * t^.ihurph^tbrdiy ie6iiit-'m--^&^^Lit^^ l ynii nrr, but frtr fTif fift ITiiif iuiii dwhVijC.^1 ed their parents and - drove them:iHto;^ej;: ; :& ^rav.e.:;'\©i bini, ^Qxpa "ifte t&; .0o^'4^k^: despbiler of homes, thbu Tecruitiiig offieer of the;jj^r"r'hitetftee*--.•;•"'[;: ::.":V'.':*-.; r \;}\ ; But ray subject takes a deeper toftejwiii thatis; that %%s uafbrtunate ,b| *aiftW IJ; speak suffers from the loss of tiie «oiL?*e Bible intimates that hi the future if we arebafprglven here,our b«4 p»srf«M and appetites, Unrestrained, willgomlaae wiffi us and make bar^rinent there, jfe?. that,. I suppose, when an inebriate wakes ap,in;tbelast wofld^e Will feel an i&i~ riite' tb^t.cla^ringC.bn hbn. tfow down is the wbEld^lthougit he may have been : very popr,*bef could beg orbe eould steal fiye cents ip-^ei "thaj,. Which woold slake ibisithitsf forklittle wMlej but wetHBi- ^"where-is.-theruin '.ia eoihe.feotnt Dives eoulihotgetbn'sidisp.otwater. .*.. . Pibm wliat chaUce of fife will tile hot af the: i^ytim* ^n^.4ri*:hasv>a-1^^;^ dfuri^^^Jb&drjw^l M tbralfed, and renumber, /that "toward that goal multStudes.!ai».^nhiiigi .-.- T h e disciple^ai:-aleohbiism'-suffefs"" .the; loss of ids self-respect. .Jastissooc as-a ! ': ; man.. walcesup. apd- finds:that; be is the .eapMve- of -stoBg-.dfiak," he^ -ieelfe flemeafo ed t .. I do-aot-care .how.ii'oekless he, acts.. He may say: '"I -don't-m'^'V-So/does;; get rid of their last dbltor.- .- ' •• •_: ' . The foilowmg'cireUmstaace came under, our-observation.' .A young man;worlied hard' to earn bis six or seven hundsctf dol- lars- yearly.- Marriage, day -cambi -The bride had inherited five hundred: dollars from'Ahev.grand&[thei , s She.JiKbt' e^ery dollar ofi t on the Wedding 3ress,- They then had two rooms in a tbirdstpry. Then care. He caaaot look &: poor-mania the- eye unless it .-i"s with positive- resolution...' .Three^fourths-of .:his : aature .is.-destroyed^ - his self-respect is gone^ hesays.things'he'. would not otherwise, say:;'- hq- ;doej -things; hc.woul4 not pthervyise.do,- -Whehaman is nine-tenths'gone with.«trbng dfink," the first;thing he wants to^,do-is to persuade • you that he. can stop 'any.rimehe Wahtsjto; He eaa.uot, The PhHisfings -have bound. him hand andu-footj : ^nd .shorn,his; looks, and'put but his eyes, ap.d are making him- .grind, ia the.'milfcof-the great ho;rfoB '^;Ste ; . cannb.tstopi I will prove-Jt, ; ,"'.'," ; . He knows, that : his, Gpurse : is bringing; ruin .upoa-hims^lf... -;jEEe- Ipveshimseif^- •"if - he^couldstophe- would.;. He knows his. course is bringing-ruin. to. his family,. . H e loves them, He would stop. - if he epbld. He. -eann'ofr, ; 'Perhaps he /cpuld" three monthsor.a ye.ar.agp-T^npt-n6w,, ; Jtotask !bim. to stop pa a.rnonthi.- 'He.-cannpt-,. be k-nows he cannot, so he'does hot -'tfy; -"I. had a fiiend-wipfor .f^teen.years was go- ing down ;abder this eml habit.:. 'jfeliad iaa^e means.;- BEehadijiven thousaiidS-Of dollai's. to Bible sobieties.and: reformatory institu(iQn.& : of all sorts,"..' Hb was very ge^ .nia},' very generous, -and.very lo'vable,^ and •whenever be -talked .abput this' evil habit, he would,say:. r 2 can. stop any.tinieV*' But he kept, going os, going down, down, down. -His.familyWpuldsay.: "I; Wish you would stop." * ^Why^'* he wbhid. reply^ "I can stop at any time, if. I-Waht to.". After s whilejie- -had flelMbm tre- mens; he had it twice; aad yet,,aftei'that, hesaidr .i'-Jcould stop'trtaliy.^meif't wanted to.": : -He 'ig;.dead.;.iiow:» : "Whait" killed Mm? -Rural- rum p ;Abd'yet'ampng, his- last ;4it'|f f >J 1| 3es was:: •••?£. can- stop"a$: any ttmev'?.- Hedid'aptsfOp-itbecabsehe''- could not stop ifc' ."OhVlhere is. a"3Snn%-$n.-. iuebxia-!apa-'b'eybnd.Wbich>if:a;.maa^ Gann.pt-stop'!" ".] '."'-- '.-:>' : '"' '•.. ":r-< . One pfthesie said- ; ip a.Christian man-: '."Sit, :if-I were told tbat %. coutdtft get i drink until to-morrow "night ubless-* I-Baa;. all my Bng&is cut t>ft'J"would say;. ''Bring, the hatchet and cut thenp btt ^-npWi'^ : .t; IffObnelto.bfew; ife ,-Jfb one to mix i t N o enetb^bril. ; .''ji^.«»ne:to'|ihA-!iit;-.'Ji^*' lipns biworidathBhfor the 4iwjjj* <i|b^ theyoungniea just BOW slung on the s»*s dusted floor of tbe .restaurant, Mfllirais of wbrhHsiiibw- fot the rind thrown b«t-fn&9k : the;'puftebrbowi.:»/:'jajpiearthly bsaqnet. "Divesrer-iedjbf.wafc^T;-.'. 5fhe inebriatecsies fpfrum.•,--• fih^.tlhedeefieTl^^'ng, mafe; .p.erating v evefh^gn^hfrai;joi^t^druokerd 'ia; : ;helll;' ^Wkfc if.*-_"fjdefld:«»8ie'»|>-|0. search Jofsome^fernai work in '*' gyog^ shbp'aud yshouict go ba^rtnkUig; otf Sfet., wmg jbltbnedfop; of that fot which ihe -inebjaite." in th6,ibst worldlongs, whsi ek- 'dtemeatwouMifc-nteka':'^ ;.-.'-;».;. ; ;Put that pbedtpp : ^Bbii off .wing o"b,the fljp;.of fte sttoyed;mebJB§tejlet the liquor: -just JobaU i%:iet'-^; : 4>$|k%|^ if ^it^bniyhave. ^ftibs^sejc^iil' d r i a k f l e t - t h a ^ d r o p 3 u s t # i ^ # B ^ J « * ; - : ebriafeittthe-lost Wbrlfl, andl«fc*«wiSt.-"; spring^tphbifeetAndcry: ^^IS^iiJplfei- aha!; 'Th&t ; is; rimFyfcntL $mim^0^^>. bpfeeechoes of. t h e flejiined* **CB«»-flto joint! 5 ';. j&i; thfe:futufe; world J 4o;;. n o t . 'be^-i lieve : that it will be:' the absence tot God? that ^ i ' ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ k ; 6 ^ ' ' M n m . - t do not beHeye thatat: will be the absence oflight. -1 : donotbelieve &u^Ji w i l l fijir the': absenco of'tolto^;'-"i-ii^ilr''it''.«Sif befheabsehbe: ot'.- ruin." Ob,-; : *^WBjp^ia^ : upon the Wine : : wb$ri:."it is red, whea "|t it movetihiteejj ; aright ib. the cup,. it#'._tii[ the- hist ll^ bite^;likejl{"*B^%"..|j^t it stinge% likeab, adder.? ; .: "..;\"' : ':'--• v-;S-'- y .It-is. ibbut ©meutbai; We bave anottlec - wemants prbsade like; ; that : wbjc^;ip»fe|ft; thfbngh=;#Mo Jen .-of ;twelve yeaiss aggi' Wiffe p ^ y e r apo*,*bb]g ;-ii». wbsaejL.weal into thevgrocefies]" and whpte nftifijwr- faobds,townaand:cities w^wcleem»4 % then? Christian: heroics.' Thirty '^tpatn cteared oufethfl rnjat baffic,. froin aviUagc t* ^oMwiabitatots:; M : M;-^9^{mri cbargedbf the Holy -0i^ix^m«mi^ : :, : ; a:-tow^bf»^hou^^;'*^^;.ce«i^^ womenv revived; .to:'^ive' "^ttf^^frj^ peace untiithiBcrn^ewM.^i^^'fi^;: -^ttispi^: could-3b six imon^^^riJBi:-' threq-fburthfof^tihegrog-shops of 'i^v- 1 ':'':*-"": ''•~:'-'X- '' : -'i2-;---^ : -'^-'Z If theteb>.ffireij|gi^fl:?lw|^. in tbvs city w h o i ^ B p J ^ l c O r i i ^ V f ^ ^ ^ ' i ^ «3| # :«§ ^j- ' .;-"-'*'' --:-„'' -.J''" .-XT'- '- *"- &* \ \^j*ji~£.M.\ mwmm^m

Transcript of sfcr '*v - NYS Historic...

Page 1: sfcr '*v - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1886-07-01/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · p§C\ R^SIPM^^ ?^« ,-£ *.i.£-L il&^H: ;•**• *v*s§£ ^lllfiliS ^sMCl*i


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acahtion>DditweyioeA»4 vrihe were «rf W g^pe^i

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h \ i ? b a ^ ^ ^ S ( ! m B i ! i f C ' ' 3 B - " "

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State Street, uJSw' .X"*

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* S

i 3t;"3f; Teethexti^tedwith-j Oxide Gas. all; work war*

t B»»ooe3lock, Maht Street •

jOJSce ovefc I^nnox ^ a w T ; . , - . . , ,.-• - - . ::..--;•-.

f *»d C^HJnsetorAt - law anii'Geherit Agent., Special-attention-green to

:.-.-«&. deeds, mortgages, Ngbhtraets,. etc;

S^8EM»*Rt805s%-4:-'---•--" • ; . - j \ ' ';:-!•- a q a a e f e R t e a n y f i i Best Styles and a t t h e

^ S R K y f c f c BaJtSHOLOSEW;^.!*;,

SemeopathtcFhyaician.: Officeat «*6^J&_ 'Vioofflan, tfale*- doors NailonalBaiik^tate Street, £<)w-

• - - • ' • - . > i f l m c , •

••;- S O * TKPSH- "".A-•••'


Send: for pamphlet and col-**——its merits.-' :

'gWia^.lSaianiore^Mar, and r Ate*JMaiaeJp.lila,Pai-5r'iW;.

iof a n order made byItfeHoft. TBlt-'. . t&Hetmll .County Judge of EewteCbunty,--> -mi^im*m^ma,nm.3iB^Beeherebygt*-:. 1**Mfr sfl the wadttqiB and persons having claims

tfk'Mntilately doing business fa the .J LowtiBe, I»wi* coflntB" ~U; Y* that mqintrad to present their claims, with

• tter«(or.daly Tertaedto.the-miliscab-^ Vthei^anpotatedaisigweoftheBaidJosialt SywfcrttebetteStof u s creditors, at his place rttwwMiirul lin laeat, Kov Si! bj 86 'est Waah-"Is tweMfr thae^^-Syracuse ; -Owmdj iga

"'« J tXL oil ^"hetore tbe iOtta-'darofAu-. H».: J»*1iREB0A«2!I«BB,.iasSJgnee«;

- n—»i T. Bwyac*, :MA»8H tT.T. M Kc<£K%

i t e « f a wfetoe fay Wttouw* to the pnjbilo t ^ W ^ p w o h » % * t t e factory ot Mr, Peltoe

-7- •-" . ^ S B , ; :: '."'. ."„:'"; :-' -•"-.: - ,-' \..^: :


eossTismiyoisrin'iifflBi; ".-•:'•-

DEstimate? made: and conf saeta taken for Butld-IngaM FHrhishlrig,

A£L E l K B g O F 0EH3ERA.I. J O B


Our-worK gua ran t eed t 6 he :as .' ' " ' ••• ." f " .

Qood as tHe 36st and a s Gbeap as1

-. the Cheapest. . COSiOJt WORE SOLIClTEU.

T a n B M T 8 A I V » i a U w « 4 ? M for_Orita,


» :

tter, -^*«^.: aaft ivtl s ea itively crares Pitoe; <w B O ' i * ' : - ^«^ toe r t - t e ; : g^R^i J i | f e ; <>r money r e f u n ^ i Pr ice a J ^ l i t B


' • » ' - : *B ! i i

.;-. A gcK>d rtame, l ike g<jod wil l r i» ga in** % many sctjong a n 4 k w l b y one. ;. v^V v ' i

: i * every land n i a elirne, t h e meri t t of St . Jacobe Oil; as t he twHy conqneror of - ^ % . t o * belag»eknowledgecl l )y jM press

f* f tdWT^ M K CJI.UtLES i . VOUKLEU (, '«nB*lTmOBE,MB.

Soldjyjilgialaen aftfl- Moore, lo^-Hle^ K..Y,'

' : ' \ - ^ - i - -' .-. \/<y • . :-'-J; . ' . . • r • v * ' •»"j>-&% ' • * • ^ . - * > ; • ' --- - , " > . . . ' - '

. . ^ ^ ^

t he grand l a * inscribed on every pa r t of

iireaSbn^-:. -'-/•;.:"- ••""•-'...-•;'•• v.--:


IPl^idTnns, """^Slji Crete,

I'tlmionji • ^ e a ^ W s retreat.


jwaden&fair, iteft Wmfor a feast; fgitthose bkildren therev


out, . domain.

TThea Baby Mfliclc, ire g»*ei«jr 0«*torlai.. When »he TOW a ehUd, aho cj jedfer Gastpria, .

Whonsho.bec»mo MUs, ah'o ehuyttoCastoria,

W t « n «Ueh»dChil4cett ,^he.gaTethem 0aatori%

I beast

much pain ;'* ceased;

be glaln.

^OOKBIKbERY. • " . ' . ' ' :fe*o3Js, Magazines; Sewapapers,- Pamplilets or

Music. We Ba,Ve:aljusinessii«aiJgetuentwitlithe \ / . ' j4keEsavBpOBdBijnMas.T " IsiUtteo, sotbat-we are "able to:get all binding done Ina neat.and > . , , ' . . "-. "• - woisKX^tiaxfisaHKEfr,'. " - ' - -.. At the Xowest JPrice?: Weiare also able tosell aE kjnds-of Blanks a t the Icfwest/wholesale'rates. ••'"-'••• -; -mTOH='A^qJHBK£ER..X,ovmllev N. T. •

H e -yvho i s the.most slow in l i iakiag a promise, is fho most faithful in t h e per-fornmnce.of i t . , , • • .


V IOB S i t E j

Theundersispied, executors- ot theestateof, the late KohertX. RobertSidffier.forsale afavm .of 300

'aores-Jn the to*n- ofHari»Sbhrg,and afarm of 200 aeres fe Marttnsburgv Sieif arln? -will he sold on. ieas6iiaole.term». JEnqnireof

:-•:-'•-.• ' A;'IiCEMtK,eop(afflagen;, • ,. •-• CSAHiaiS>IOiBi§OH;.-Harrisburg,

• S3tf'-. -, ' " " ; - .-, \ •••'•- Exechtorrs.--« j m E J O B P E l N T I N e - - •


Por those.dealMy ' l ad i e s la delicate, IBilioua.. BM11«, . de- heiilth, -stho are-all. n-fl. ettpPffHtiB rhndown, shotflEbse

lacEESiit-willieurt Sni*ntm.l3ix±Eit3; Syon.

««•>„• • •«• t W "will be pai&E 33ift.GIantpyspep. toracasevheroscii--

|aajacnroa by Rising eires BraxEna THU [SttLPuyit BEETBUS; not assist orCuro. It

dever fails. " " Operalives-who ard

gpsely^tonilnpa. In eicansotheyitiafcdl Itne.nmU anaTTorK- blood/When- you seel *ops ; . CletkSi vho itsfaip.uritieft burst-! do-«>t procure Bnf- tog-throBEhtha BMnl Iffef:.cxeroiae.ana EnBimplesiBlofchcil a l lyhpars confined andgorea? Eely dn l la dQor8,-ghonld;n8e Sntigmm} :-X5j£am,9 ISUEPHua Brmais, and health, -trfllfolif

AnyjoB *o StoTjriass^-Are you dlBturbedat night and. broKen of your rest by asickehild guffering and crying-roth pain of CnttihgTeeth? If s6 send at onoeand get abottle of nstrs.Wlrislow.'sSooth-ing &yrup" for ChUdren Teething. Its Yalue fe:in-eaienlaMe., It will xeliemiheToor little sufferer inimediately, JSepehdnpon:lt,motherB: there-is no niistakeaboutitatcure^ysehteryana-piarrhoja. regulates-the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind &ohe,softehsthe<}nmsL,redncesIhflainniatiQn,and' gives tone and-energy tothe whole system. "jlrs. Window'si Soothing Syrup" for ehildrenteething' Is pleasant to the taste and Is the presorlption of one OMhe oldest and best female physicians and ijursesia the Dhlted States, and is for gale by all druggists throughont the woridJJrlce twenty-five cents abotite.Besurer.anaaskf or l'3Irg.Wlhsi05?'s SoOthingSyrup^M and talce no other Hnd.. '40vl

To-dajp demands our fairest youth. Notfdui^eayieHhis4s:the..sutn';.-; ' -

Sot fourteen thoiBand;is-the"trut1i.

AhrOMatt'he.^atomb wjiJlfail :..'; -! ; Tosatbhis'buhgeWbr %3aj, ' : ^. • Anc :oft we he^r'the. bitter wail' • " -'

ofMM^&^^^ocius.'iii rl;'-:.' '•-Whowi}lbW!Sb,'buf:TJie»nS;*i»ongr

f' •' . ,• '^breakthfsierientsawf ill spells,. 'WhowUla4se-to..ornsh.the>vrona

And dilve'this njonster bao^io hell f

l^t'saU^rlsevbiinJMei.njight... . . . An'dsmite'hlm quipfeiy;4iSew© mat,

^u s^s t r i f e j fQ tGAdy own right, ;

AuffsU^the:giant,hpNy-.tb-Klay:. -•"OUr 6«lis :^ooajn w:e thenwillJiuig,

:"Tosjaythenipnst^deni^njBum." • •-'-•'. "'dur:fi<tfisg6oi, our Giodls.Jiiiig;. • . Sfbw hath his blessed kingdom eome."-

.'• • ' ' . " • . " ' • - . " . W » . " G - K O « I B , -• I)iana.H1-'r.#nhe2341886-. .

>, - •*••*.«-• SDEEITOK BrrrEBsi Genena-.pebihty willcurelivcrCom-

neeisagentle tonic, plainfc Bon'tbedii-L y?e SUEEBUB EiX; couragedjitwillcurel

and you-wlB joxi. i — " ' hot betroubh

.- • . SUXJttiiUJt ^'rXTEfiSi ^ t f the jn l theu ta jriUhuadTouupafid

oqwe,_'ysry, i t ; you mi3te;youiti»nsMa willaotiegretlt., pmiSf.^—

Sulphur Bitters.

' Wheft Christ abides in a huroau hear t . H e is i n i t as an. immortal liopei-^-PWs,-Ottlross.


<•' Our jpruig goods have begiMt toarr t te , and an examination 'will' colt-^noi^yott that ft tethe. * -"Tteifc, Beet ':Seft«3ted

lowent priced stoci: BpotSy Sfcoea and

" • ' • " " wet

:l|B.t. Shady iirewim.;

m AT:

liillsStGo. b t l a Qui:st0w-is^diiniag^er vrith. a l l ' t i i e i a t e s t . Styles artdMafees

o f ^ o o ^ ' Q ^ . & H l d . t e i p u b S ^ propose, to "make-if "•":-'' - fb&the :b t t j ^ t es t ;b^ev^ th i s ^pr ingj to

• - : * . ' .

• l i l Jk Wdheajt.: It ynfl l a k e buff ^;|e.W mpbjebtB.of your tihte' to-flrid-oiit.that a very


3teeas:€r6q^'Si0^'^]^ets,^''::%'-- '; ;-v : .'.''•.


-«««KA-eKsiT.::: - '••--.•..•.:'-••:-'•.-'.-..."-..:' ,.•-•<-

: trice, twenty-flre cents. ,Ullctam. -Instantly.

STJLPH0B B H T E B S , Sold-by. ..-.•. • - • • Morriapa &'Mbore<.I.OwJFille,.:K. Y.

JEBAIi ESTATE, BteTrfeCSfCE A5TB GEisERAt '.;'•••••• - . BESJJaS&AG&seX.

- DATJeHTERS, WIVES ASD-MOpOiESi ', SendforPamphletonEemale'Diseases: mailed

free, securely sealed. Hi. 3. B. Marohist.trtloa, ' •*• -.' ' " '" l 3 y I

In studying charaeter do bofe be bl ind to t he shortcomings of a warm friend or the virtues of a b i t t e r eaemy.

• ppsrrr^CTOE^El'ffiis. Dr.Marohisi's ItalianPiie.OintujentT-emphati-

cally guaranteed to cure or inoneirref nnded—In ternal, External, Blind, Bleeding or Iftihlflg Piles.

; Price50o. a box. Kb; cUre.no.pay. For sale by aUBruggists, . '-•: 13yd

•A good deed.is n:eyer los t ; h e w h o sows courtesy reaps friendBbipj and he' w h o plants kindliness gathers love . '



I represent the following livst-olass • companies




- . • X O N a p N A N & i A N t ' A S K l E E , . . . - . . , . \ ULEN'S FALLS, PHOENIX,




Poidtoauypart«f the WeMern Country*


Sohlto and from Foreign. Countries as cheap as any other line.

• s. A. sEcflmr,Lowviiie, N. y.. OUlce in Jioumal-amlRepubliean .Block.

A &trAEA3STEED-C6TJC(H.GtERE. . Br. Marohisi's. Italian Cough and Consumption;

Batnt—guaranteed to eure or monejrrefuuded-*-Goughsj Colds, Hoarseness, Brbnchms, AsHjjma. Incipient. Offnsumptioh,Throat and %ixagttwaub-"~ " "'"' Fw-aajaby altifeug--les. "Jjo'.soure.- ho pay.

giHts. IMce SOtjeiua-j . ' f l i i j r . n j i n i


Whatif,'whitei:athere:»lbne, . A voice Phaye.npi.henrd.afox' years

Should greet ine^iu the low sweet tone That^nc^wasjmusioto'niy ears; '

And I ahpil'ld'ists^b'f rpjn memQry's sway, . .Andj tttrning., find ypugitting there • Uuohanged,..as .though 'twere yesterday

Tour feetwenttri^pingdown the titaiv. Or if, uppitsbhie; sunjtaer day,

'Mid'Song.pjb&dsauihtrns of bees, :

I sli'oal'd go.dovto thewbodiand way Tooutj)ldfey;st beneath the: trees;' t .

. Ai^sta.rtinJ'Mck:ingla4'surpkse,'. Ishould^behold-ybuWftitihgthere,' •

Thefll'd light shinmg'iayoilr-eyes— . Thesuhlighfetahgted ihyour:hair. .

In vain r shall^not see Hie glow OiE witMSrbrowheye^or catch the smile

OfjubyllpsibuVyetll'lcndw' . That'ybuare n.ear.niealBhe while.

•fer I^iove|4;joh'ia4hatrange Of.sunny ypai^-thKtmjr5»por heart

WouidbleediafresIiSndOount'itstrange • .To.tbtalcQb^heldusfar^part, ' Aaad So, wheh.ey*nlng:shadbws:ereep

.^'4j(!^i;<aH»*teyVey.thft"leav -Tbu^uohmyey^idsandi !sleep, • •-

'.At^ateeping,dr^tott.bfheayeh and.thee, ' And whefi some .guhim'er; p rh shall.break.

That .ftuds mMhiBedby death'* cold dew, Touueei'but;ki»ito,ishall 'wake, ' :

And Waking.;b« Jh'^eatiin with you.

"'Sifeb^d^.'-Between graGe and law there is no ^ W r i

re l ; they are made one i a Christ . S o one flnds fault, w i t h natural, l aw because i t i s arbi trary; why should they with, mora l law?—Dr. Jbhtt q a l L *

~~muM t O O B S B L P T

- Don ' t pay large doctor 's bills,. T h e b e s t ( .medical book. published, one hundred: pages, elegant colored plates, will be seht ( you on receipt of three 2-cent s tamps to pay the -postage/ Address A, P . Ordway & Co., 'Boston^ Mass. SwS

K O O B E ' S

MBBM P l a n i n g Mill, •

t&srvrvm, L E W I S CO., N . Y. •

The subscribers w«ukl give notice to tho people of Lewis county, that they have all the appurten­ances and maeninery for the manufacture of


i lu tnau nature i s evermore, au advocate for l iber ty ; • There is also i a b u m a n : na--tare, a resentment of injury a&d. iadigna-

BLINDS, DOORS, P ,EAOEETS, JloobD-J tion against wrong, a iWe of: tirutb,. arid a INGS. ETC. , ETC. ... , _ veneration for Tartue:—John Adams.

aa&s. "^^B0Bll|^'i^pbpt#lB3p|tVS



Arid eatt supply them with tuiylhins'ifliheir'line I op tei-nis to compete with any other shop BlfiSJSHS

ffittilders will flnil tho mouldings finished In the 'host'.rnanjier, and at Prices that will

uiyjs Twsm snan Sa TO .00 I'En CENT. oyBS TIIOSE WORKEJ5 BY IIANT).


AucLany other Work in connection with the busi-•nesspei'foi'me.d to the most complete satisfaction.

Onrshop is-supplied with the best class of jna-chhiory, and tiie most enntpeteut wortmen.

: - J r a * a i W ASHE rtOW OFFBKB*4 AT B*DiC^JMt.SJ-5.L0W .praCE.S; DON'T Jft*BBSlBSbEB> . . ; ; " ' . * J U g ^ T 0 T O B ^ I T * . A S B F ^ •" '

£x^7:^i i^ '•*•'••


All lilnds: of Panel and elapboavd Sawing, as i;L. well as-Circular and Sercil.lSawijig done on. short

' jnotiec. ' • - . - . - '

1 : - • • • . : - ' • '. S *

, • Turned' and Elated Banisters and Newell Posts constantly em'hand, or.made to order.

?teSr:-:T'" '."'V.-iV T«rarest GKJgslSi

% , Hi -JUpTOX

•^-eaee'sfi auteaaisi:-/'''1.-






* ? r a C « J O t B O W k » A S T E B & T 0 . B E A % ' L i a e H T . . , . . . _ _ . . , _ . , BBTC&MK AND BBfi OR ASK .CESEXWWKR MtJjaEROtfS epS'i 'OMEBS ABOtiT

D E lViCNs


3 fie a 1 a / iw trixUfifitrtv- dm/tat ths s (.-Vw-uk-l- Vultiiie Belt \vl.tlt :.}••' '.i-'i'TImiijes-' tut t t ie-spcedr .,. 'rj-iiwurfHefU0't*Dtt>tUtV,:lp!»

'i"isoiCorfH!'iw o*'.»t riiseitsw;.' e«» 'p l« t ; retitottj-

Y<mfai«vrt''«'1 ' ;nse i-r It: i » » •Etewvlu fti'-j.> t

tj£VitiUU.p w

The rest .of Christ ' is . a o t tha t -of t opo r r i but.harmony;: i t i^ not refusing the s t r u g - S glej.-buteoaqueringia.it . ; a o t i e s t i u g f r o m . ' duty, bbt.fiadijjg r e s j ; j a duty i^_J l . yf^


'-: A C A K D . '

To all who are sufPering fronythe errors and 'ih discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early d.e^ eay, loss of mahhoodj &e., Iwill send a reoi pe I that Will-cure you, FREE OF CHARfeE. T!ai- I

" i B a r g a t o . eK?,,iui8Md::|irs. PHkington , ' ' 'Guess PU have a Jobk a t ' e m . " ' '

Of al l tbiags,iM?s; P i lk iag ton was-least

able tp'.resist a baVjjaib-' '\ ' The otd' , 'Pilkingt&a fann>b.6use a t h o m e

was crammed f u l i o l "barga ins" .possible and impossible. ' T h e ' -bureau-draweis ove'rflowe'd'with "barga ias" whiGhwereof no use t o aayoaeYthe t runks were packed fulio'f'fbar'gaitis.'?" ; • .'_]'.'.

Aad.herei 6a t h e crowded CurbJstoaes of Gf'ra'nd" Streetj t h e swibgiag pasteboard Wga'of "Grea tBarga ins "Withia!" attract-

j ed ;he r attention, hurr ied ' though, she-was i .with the manifold, errands which yet re-•smained incomplete*.' ' :

.She h a d a. ' lot of damaged table- l inen .uuds? lieir arm;, and 'some cheap bosiery i a fherfbi^, .aad a dozea towels w i t h a i i s -prin.sa-ijdrdej 's in her ' pocket , a a d here

great remedy was discovered by a missionary in j ^ h e vfiaSiOKOWding into t h e 'Grand;. Street South America. Send a self-addressedeavelope \-,^.,^,^„ „ blTae-spotted' pobgeq fleck,:-t o t h e REV, York(Hty,[

JOSBPH T. lK3ti», Stution, D,. New. ! ' SSyi.

A small cbildj-being a s k e d b y a Sunda.jf-school teacher ^ 'What d id thelsrael i tesdio after they b a d crossed the Red Sea?" a n ­swered, " I d o n ' t kadw, ma'am. I guess-they'drie'dthevrselves.". ' > ;



As a Remedy forPiilmtlriarf Affee&ions and . • ScrofulousiDhmses, • •• •

D;R. I R A M. LANG?—a prominent phpr-i c i a n i u Hew York, says:—»! am. greaitjr •pleased witb, your Emulsion. Have f btind it .yery serviceable ia jabove diseaseSjvatid' i t i s easily adniinistered b a aecormt; o f ' i t s palatableaess. " ' •'.. ;. '-2w4

. ' CONStraiPTION CURED. . -An old physician, re'tired-from pracficevhating

had placed in his hands by an East India mission-aryflie formula of-a simple vegetable remedy for the^ speedy-aild permanent curs of Consumption'. Bwsaehjfcte, Catarrhj Asthma arid all throat and Long Affections, .also a positive andradieaieure for Neryous Debility and allNeirvous ComplaintSj afterliavineite'stea its wohderfuroUrative powers in thousandSHOf «ases, has feltlthis dntytomake

, it known toMs suffering fellows. AeWated by this mottveahd*/iesire to Telievehrimansuffer-ing, I wUl send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, hrGeiaaan; French or EnglHh;wlth full directions f or£i«parihg anduslng. Seat by mail by addressinir wiih stamp, naming'this pa> per,W. ANOVES,W9 JP».2*«!>e /bci-, RbcnMter-,!?: T.-

• . ' . ' '; ...' \8y,l eow-en.

No t & day passes oyer the earth; bu t mea .-and womea of no. note-do greafc.'deeds, sp.eak great words a n d '.suffer noble sor­rows, Oftaes&obscureberoe^pliilosophefs and-martyrs,the greater par t wil l never be knowi i t i l l t h a t h o u r w h e n m a n y tha t wei'6 great ^hall be small, and the small great..—-:0hatlGS Eeadei '

ittoreiifitbuy ifircbie^i'fiJ?<.<j^&'eb-'Ge:nts I

. ""It 'll "i d e .for - Sara ' j a n e t t a to. ' w a ' a r j aMuud 'kwinecJc^ f l . coo l - evenia ' ;" said 3BrsC Pilkiagtoa,'/**fe^4- e ighteea: ceats j s ' rfislty.-yei-y cheftpior yedL^iiagee:'? • ' Mrs, P i lk ibg tba i i w d ' i c * l i t t le brbwji

roafied' farm ipt ise" ' p a .tfee J[ousat6'riic. RiWr, and her: main.' 'mas td aip to' town had been to buy it H*stor.i '.earpet1*- f o r her best jroqm vPipor, and t o e^eliange -m: old sewing-machinefbf someth ing .of .a tUi^rer order; ; ' - . ' . . •" '.] ••'•/'' •'•.• ' • ' . ' , ' ' ; ;

Her'cQUsia, S i rs , -Bruce •'Babbitt,, swbp had- spent t h e ' summer. mo»tbs a t itbe - far rh j l iadmade ' the ' iaos tposs ib le t rouble for t he l eas t ' poss ib l e _ p a y / b a d also en­gaged, to h u a t i e r vip'a. "help 1 1 -frdm t h e aearest iatel l igeace office,' and Jtsure the same qn 'haad -When,tb\e '^llve^foifs-teaiB^' left the Grand Central l ) epo t t h a t after-.uoon.! ' " ' . ' " ' • '

A n d siire euough, w h e n the ' lady '-ifawm the 'eount ryar r ivea j ' red "and" p a a S n g , it fhe:d0ipo% wit l i disheveled bairjl.-<cBt boii-aer; auci shawb d ragged all a w r y ^ n i a d e e t • t o Vff* fverytluDg t o Wm


Is inseparably coaaeeted wi th Hood's Sarsaparilla, and is true of no other medi­cine. I t is an uaaaswerable argument as to strength and economy, while thousaads testify to i ts superior blood-purifying and; s t rengthening qualities. A bot t le of Hood's Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses and will last aax.oatb,wbile others will average ' to last over a week. Hence, for economy, buy only Hood's. Sarsaparilla,..

New Proveudei for Boys.

"iff: Dusenberry,-. g h a t ' s a Gordon?" ' " I don ' t know,' my dear. There was a'

British Geaeral by tha t narrie. The iewas aaotber man ~way back i a history who spent bis t ime in ty ing Knots, or some^-t h i a g of t h e k i a d , • W;hy do yob ask?"

'"'Sere's a a ad^grtisemeht .wMelr'says:' " W a n t e d , ' a b o y to ' feedor l aGbrdon^"-. "Oh , tba t ' k a pr |u t in | f press, my !'love. '?•

*:'Qraeious, tbat ; brakes i t a.U t i e worse! How's a boy golng.tbeat apribtiDg presai" r-'Plttfudelphia Gall,'"-'.-.«•.-•".'

And she skurt ied th rough the crowded car to fibd a s e a t - '• "; *•

, I t ivas the dusk of a chilly May even* ing when they reached Blackbird 's Hoi-. low, a a d aligiited i a ' t h e : iaidst of dense pmes and s ighiag tautaracks.

' ^ PUMngtba b i i b ' t remettlberea to coaie aad-mee tus , I s b a l t . b o ; m a d l " stdd Mrs. P i M t t g t o a , 8 t r e t c h k g A e t neck, for­w a r d t h e bet ter to'suiv^y t h e g l immer ing curves: of tiie toad . " A a d Pi lk ington i s always "forgetting,! My goodness, gracipiis me l wbafe'stbat!" a» Pbcebe 'stopped t o recover Somethiag which she b a d . i n a d r Vertebtly l e t fall, • ' - . " ' '

"My haudfcercbief, m a ' a m l " Mrs, P i lk ingtob miide a grasp a t it, "Your handkerchief!" i b e screamed;

"Mine, you mean—minx! thief! good»for^ ao th ing!—my pongee riandkerpMef, Ibo* you i jave ,s to lea i%bt . o u t ttf,toj "bag!;

•"Welltl-aeveir^ . ' " v " ...r-4%^- ')-.' ''•' -jJKiejflw**: Phoebe vebeToe^tlji: ;P%«Bh^ bagsii t o erj? iui: jnJbgiefl^ t«aS>r and•?&&& -'• meat , and 'fust tjveri up- Stove' .the farm:; W.agon.at...a,gaill6pr •'..-' . - ' . ' . ,

"Hel lo , mother^'* sa id ,E!5ra'...Piikiag . tonfs cheerful . voice/' * l I 'm afiaid I 've kept you.wait ingd. bit, * b u t . t h e l iaehpin came out pf the wheel, a u d i had t o . s top a t Toivy DeapMtl's.ib ge t i t iixed. Now, t h s ^ ! ' ' . , , ,'."'. ' ' - , " ' . . \

He drove] theiStput poay close t o the failed . platlGi'fli wh ich exteaded away f w m t h e s ' t a t i o a . •. ' .

Mrs.. Pi tkington pushed Phoebe in to the* backsea t , a-Ucl followed her w i t h lightf niag:b.aste, • ' . ' " ' "

. *'iTot t h a t way 1" she eried, grasping at. the-reins, as Ezra would, have headed for the higbroad. . "Drive'strajghi t o 'Squ i re PulteneyV. This, gars, a tMeff P m go ing to fcaye bef arrested before she i s a day 'older*" .. ' . . . - . ' ."-'

-"Eht" said Ezra, staring from his mpther/<te.jPho3beaadtheaback agaia,

- "She 's etpte my spotted pongee hand­kerchief -T-my&:g,ndkercbief that I bought a bargaia on .Graftd Street th is very mora-ingl '1 shrieked Mrs. ^ i l k u i g t o a .

" I t ' . s^ i t ' s tuy handkerchief,." faltered poor Pbcebe/ feeling as .if she" were in a terrible nightmare from wjifcb there was no awakening, ..

f4A likely s tory!" clamored the enraged housewife, "I've" always beard of the wiles and t r icks of these, ci^y ijainxes, bu t I never realized i t .unt i l now.. Drive-on, Ezra*-dr ive qu ick! She shall b e lodged i a the county jjail: tbia very night! ' . ' . .

"Am §ou sar.e you, ^snttt 1n>istakep,l

moefeerl" said k ind Ezra, compassionating t he look of pallid, misery in t he young girl 's faeci -"

^Mistaken, indeed;!" snuffed t he o ld lady, "Dr ive on, I say! Doh' t . lose a n y . mpsej ime, or. Squire Puitehey wil t haye •gobe feme for t he u i g h t , " •

She ibee-self took possession of the reins and s:he^p«ir.e"and chirruped to t he horsV e s . . - . -." '. ••- ' • . . , '-.'-'..-;'" -

' 'Ba t , mofeqs---" pleaded Xfzrft£. . Ev^n as he apokg^swever . pggr Photbe.

stojetiye 4eMt» ty ««S^ft, ;&*&;%ng'lkffle-s e l f & o m f h e w a g o n t o i i ^ ^ b t m d v . •".": ;

;• c<Stpp-^f o r heayenJs; •• J S * ^ , "mother, g top l" shouted j j?ra . . •-HJJjplji't yoii see

. tha t hegdfess i s cia.ug'ht;in - ( tb« . f tbee ls f The1 l i t t le horse .stopped, ,He ;^iLways

stopped, on,genetar principles, Wbenev^r a suitable opportunity presented i tself .and the very-slightest " 'Wboa!" would invari­ably br ing h im to adeads tands t i l l . .

t . Ezra sprang, from. the„ wagon to disen­tangle the helpless figure i n t h e dust; and I'Irs, P i lk ington scrambled- after Syith a vagueideat i ia t :Pho3be m i g h t y e t . g e t u p and try to Tua .away;

. As s h e . | u n i p e d . d o w a . he r satchel fell prone into the. r o a d , ; a n d hursfciag; open! the overstrained latch, disgorged i t s &mt t en t s on t h e dewy .grass of. t he xoadade , first a n d foremost among w h i c h w^s-r-ia. •spotted.pongee handkercbiefi• ? . . • ' . , . '

' 'Good-Laud o'~ j loses !" pibusly i a te t -jeeted-lfrs.:• Pi lkiagtoa^ \ " i f : . ; thwe-ain ' t t h e drat ted old pongee haadkecohief,artee

a l ! l " - • . '" ',,-"'.. ; " : - : . ' . • ' • ; ; . . : •- ' •

And-she s ta ted ' ;helpl|ssly, first a t its. p r | m a n d undisturbed M d s , and t t r e n a t Pbmbe's handketebief-^exactly t he : same i n <»1QT,.pattern and iabribv. - : ^ 'Sbe-am'* a thief,-arte?.alt!" said Mrs.. Pi lk lagtobj her whole nature, overflobded b y ' t h e .rising, t ide of remorse. . " P o o r ch i ld ! and P m afeard. she's h u r t a-tryia' t o r u n away from nothing a t a l l . "

.Phcebe'g ank l e was s l ight ly sprained, tha t was kSy and by tMs -time she was

jSble to . smile, and answer kindly Mrs. v^likJ-ngtpn's.numerous questions and can-dii?jes*ces. •'- -'• . . - : -. .. •

• 'lG$p. $ ride home? Oh, of. course I caa. '"„%ap^he, i n reply to .Ezra 's interro­gations, . . ' ^ y ^ n k l e is only the least bit lame.'-' • " ' . .

Old Farn ier»Pik«9jJpn was. anxiously. . lookiagout . fpr /gie .nSj^?]} , .considerably later t h a n h e h a d expsgtedj the . Wagon

aste drove u p and Mrs. ,PJiking!$s.

young gir l stood, a t t h e door wi th ft «&"& -• bear ingt t ie .nanmof/ 'Mrs , Btuce Bat*>bi|iSw

in her hand.."._'. "Is ; i t Mrs. Pil iangton?": said she.

. ""rpu.ain't ' the.newseMaag-machine,. 'bi^ yoilf ' said Sirs*; PiUdngtoa, ' r ubb ing her pose With a puzzled air."' "Nbr yet the eighteen, ya rds of caupet, from Stoaey-•bri.dgeand'B0unce ,s?!^". ....

" I am Pbmbe ," said the ypung woman ^•Pboisbe,^^ a t Mue dollars MI month,, if I am lueky-enoufifbtpsuifc y o u , m a ' a m ? " .••'

Shewasapre t i^y , blue-eyed lass, wi th a fresh .compieapn,- a n d ' a ' nea t gown, of grean a n d white seei'-'suckei', and / s l i ewoi* a bonnet .oi her-'Own trimming:, w i t h a., cluster; of butteis-ctips on. the sidei • • '

Mrs, \PHMagtpii looked dufeionsly a t her, S W f c a i p j e p a r e d h e r i e l f ' t o expect a stoilt, redvhandba %udg§-.- - ' '

I t did not'sedui possible t h a t t h i s deli-' cate Kttf e appfeblossom of a g i r l could be a servaat-of-.all-work f • . '

But there, sure enough, were her cre-.dentialSj aad the .be l l , even then, waV elaflging'f or the clpsiag of the gates^

"Come on! ' ' said Mrs. Pi lkiagton^ a n d she rushed tbrobgb, dragging Plroabe after, her . . . " i t ' s .stf-toge, though,, t h a t the carpet: and the. ,sewing-,macbine a in ' t he re . " • ..- . - . - • ' . - " . -. '• 1 ) id you expeet: carpet and a ' sewing-.machiudj mft'am?" i?htebe asked, respect-:fuUyv- •'. ._"'; ='-.'• •'._ •'.-''.•-"

. -"I b o u g h t ' e i a . and- pa id for ' em , " ' s a id Bfos. Pilkiagton,. "'impre.ssxvelyr " a n d I .don'.t::see why-they ^ in ' tbei -e ," .

'Perhaps they wil l b e sent b y express?' Phoebe. ' ,"• '.•' ' -

1 declare t o goodness; I never thought, pf tbttt!,". .said .Mrs. Pilkiogton^ .-

^And- a in ' t i t queer ," _sfti1d,..6l e, - f j ^ * j . ia© and Phajbe , shojdd ibp tb .hev :bough t , (pongee handkerchiefsjjusfisajlk^.fta. <?raad iSti'eet?' If ever.tfee^Wias bwga5,as, {$ey.: f^si Half a y a r d %a*rs,.re>al t01iiftagood's,'

i wi ih a hem—*"' ' - , .-- "Mddlest iOks!" said, ©Jd Mr. Pi lking-ton. . -."M there's anything I . h a t e , .it's

b argaiasP* . • . - | | . . Ti t t le Phmbe Pr imroseJ^ayed;on,a t the

farnlj- She l iked t he ;d|isies and r ed clovei ' , 1fc® sound of running bro.oksf t h e smell -of. ibe: .sows'"breath. And—'Ezra PilMn} ttott- l i k e d herji^JTc??» JFmreti

S m s a ; - .*;•_•• - • » • .

• • -1 i e JJiaa'S W a n t t b e JEaxth.

" $ wan t 'fipwake .a.sfnare-Msiiiess propOr sition t o i o u ^ 1 1 sMA fit'ranger t o t h e occu­pan t of m Oi^ee i a ' (Siiswold -street the other' day. ''fPU :beac>it s i r ," ' ' I ' m h e i r to. a t least $S0,(KO0,0fl0,.*Qa I s e l l - : " • " * » you one o f the- Lawrence, Tbwaley ^ la im, aiiM!" < : ' Iam.- ' > fy family rung.back to t h e erAisaders. A i S ' • y m saying, being femporariiy hardl u p , ^ B W d f e e - " " t f o u s e - n o usel» * , i P u t P U take t en dollars fo r 'my cbaaee ," ^ *^ fo ' use,"sir! One of. the Eeirs who is g«>c[ for fcto.OOChuOO was i a bjero.yesterday tmd 'so ld 'meM^cla imfor sev^n-dollars , 'and l ' a o n | t care t o invest any "further, . Bye; only i'Ot about twen ty yeaas t o live, and I -Oaft'l .'possibly s p e e d tb-at ' ^S ,000 ,u00 . VOoofday,: sir. ,Yoa m % b t g o " across t o % 'tanor'' shop and My h i m , X-guess h e ' ^ tb« oaly m a n in the sti-eet w h o hasn't- bought, one cla ims."—Detroi t tfmJj'l-W,. •.

of the

Only a lov ing hear t - lapreaectual ly pre­h e a t a loving gog-oeU^BI ^ l a y Trumbull



BSooKCYtf, JUnelS.-—Rev. D e W i t t T a b mage preached' to:day i n the. Brooklyn' Tabernacle .theSftl)! of h i s series of ser* mons oft " T h e Labor Questibn.^.' Sfegub« j ec t was "S t rong Drjhk the "Worst Foe of Labor ." . -Aflter- expiaining appropriste pa8sage^;pf ffenpfure Dr .Ta lmage . took his t ex t from Haggai i,: 4i- <JHe tha t earneth. wages earae tb wages t o p a t in to a. bag. w i th hples. ' ' Dr . ^altiiftge sa id :

I n , ? e t « ^ ' u n 4 % t b ^ ; ieigri of Darius Hystaspes.the people d id not prosper,TThey made money bu t d id not k e e p i t . They were l ike people who have a sack in Sdbich t a e j ^ u t . W ^ ^ j f e t V k i K « r f o ^ iSSA the •f^t-pf^tfk Pt'eft|0.r ^ f j n ^ ^ O T i a a o m e waymadeiDeapable of |io®nig^^TaluabieJir ^ta fa&t.^fctbe ebin. was |put la-o'ae; end of thessiek-'iticbopp'ed o u t b f t h e o t h e t s ' I t made no diflerenee bow;. mrtch wage's they got, f of .they l o s t them. ' 'He tha t earn-. e th Wagesearneth, wages t o p u j i a t o a b a g wi th boles,''' '

W h a t has become of fheMliions a n d bil­lions, of dollars i n . th is country p a n t fo t he wbfldng Glasses? Some of these iaoa-e y s h a v e j p a e for house rent Or the .pur­chase••.of;hamesieads, or wardrobes, b r family expenses, .or the" necessities of life, -or t o provide comforts &*bMags , . 'What ' has beeome of. .other billions? ,"W:as)tediia; fbolisli outlay, "Wasted'at t be gani ing table. "Wasted in intoxieants. P u t into a. bag w i t h a hundred boles ,

Gather u p the. money t h a t i be work ing classes h a v e spent for r u m dur ing the last th i r ty years, hnd ; I wil l bui ld for ;eyefy \ workingman a house, and lay out for H r a a garden, and elothe His sons jRbroadr clotb and his daughters in silks, "and stand a t bis front door a prancing spaa of sorrels or bays, and secure h im a policy of life insurance, sp tha t the pre '^n t home may be well maintained after he is dead* The most persistent, most overpowering enemy of the working classes is- intojdea-t ing liquor. I t is the anarchist of t h e centuries, a a d has boycotted and is now boycotting the body and mind a n d soul of American labor. I t ' i s to it- a wofse.foe' tban'jftenopoly and worse than associated, capital. I t ..annually swindles industry out of a large ^ercea tage of i t s earaings> j l t holds pp.t j t s p a s t i n g ' solicitations 4o t h e mechanic .ojriOpei^v.e t>ii- h i s Way to

•work, a b d at t b e riffpn.. i pe j l , and pri h i s way b o m ? &t. eyen-tidet.. orSaturday,when t h e . wages a r e . paid, I t ina tehes . a large par-t of. the rnbney t h a t m i g h t come t o the family a a d ^aerifices i t .amiing the saloon­keepers, .• "Within.eight,hundred yaj^S;of; Sajjd street,Methodist; ' ehurehj Brboklyb, i t . has fifty-f our" .s'aibOnsi; and; .is; p lbt t ing .now ..for -aaotber^ S&bd.'Ste^sa^oons of th is country side b y sidej a n d ' a t isTcarei -M l y •estimatedr.ii«5f S.i^aac-Ves.<fe: . f taa

'stryj|':t|je' pmi ^ ^ ? . ' . « ^ ' ^ k € J ? p ^ ^ 8 » i o . C : ; of ' t i e A ^ e r i c a b v ^ M o r i l ; " } ; ; • . ^--:-;.--'; : The t u m business, w.pouring ilf vitriolic-^ n C d a m n a b l e l i q u i d s | b w u ^ i b e t&pafe of' hundreds ;of thousands oflJaborer%"and -while, the, .ordinaiy -strikes-^are .rurnous .both. to. employers . ' aad employees, j .•pro­c l a i m a ' universal:, s t r ike . aga ins t ' strong-drinkj which if k e p t u p Will be the 'relief of t h e w c r j i n g elasses and the salvatiou' of the nation, I wili.nindertake to say tha t t he re is not-a ibealtby -laborer in the';

Waited States who, ,^a th ia t h e next '.tea" years,, .-if h e wilt Refuse ajl intoxicating beverage aad : be eay|ngj".may,aot bdeome' a .capitalist p,n a^small ?ca;le.; iSuneoi^a^y • •ina-$.earspeads ;.|iljputf,0Op;j.e|f for runj , ; Of course .the'- working (Classes do ^ g rea t .deal.of ithe. gxpeaditurei. .-Careful sta'tis-•ties^bbw.dQiat tihe^wagejeaBning,-classes of XH jeat Bri ta ia ' iexpeadia K'quors £460,1000^ #fl& o r iS50.0^00,;G.OO"..a year, ' S i t down an<t. calculate, . oh, workingiriaii.!.. b o w mwek-you haveexpeaded, : ia . these direc-t ibas. . A d d i t aM-upi ; Aiidsup•wbaty0ul•.' neighbors have expended, a ad - r ea&e tha t instead of answering t he beefc of. ptbei-people ^?ou migh t have been your own eapitabst . " • • '•

When you deplete a-workiagmatl 's phy­sical energy you deplete' bis capital. The Stimulated workman gives but before t h e unstimulated. Worknuvn.

•My father said: "I became "a feinper-ane'e m a n in-early life because I noticed in the harvest field thaty t bougb .1 Was physically weakei - than other workmen, I . could hold out' longer t h a n they. They took.sftraula-nts-,,I.took none . " '.; ' ; .

A brickm.aker-ia Ebgland gives his exr perience i n . regard t o this mat te r among men in b i s employ, H e says after''inves­t igat ion: ' " T h e b'.eei-drinker w h o ' m a d e the fewest bricks, made 659r06b;. the ab--Staiaer who made t h e fewest bribbs, ?46,-. 000. T h e difference i n behalf of t h e a b ­stainer ov^r. the mduiger, . §7 ,000." : '

There pamea ve ry : exbausfiag'. t ime in .^the Britisih parl iament. T h e session. Was .nroJga.ged un t i l nearly all t h e members . .go t i s^„ / ( j r worn out. Out of G§3 mera-b ^ . p n W . t s ^ ' w ^ n t ibrough, l iadaniaged;

;tb,g.y were;teefcoJp$ej;s. r .

,en..an .^imy ,go§? ^put t o the "battle. . the^a ld ie t wbb.has wa^er^'..coffee in his eaateen marches easier a n d f ights better than the soldier who, has .whisky ja. 'jhjs eanteen. Rum help_s arntm t o fight when ' h e has only one contestant and. t b a t a t i i e street corner. But when" h e goes forth to 'maintain some great bat t le for God' and his eountrji h e wants no rum "about ' h i m , '.• • . ... ' ' . • . . ' " . '

, - W h e n the. Russians go t'c>..war'a oor-poral' .passes -along- the l ine ' and'• smel ls ' the", breath of .every soldier. ,- I f thev$ he in bis breath.a-,taint ,6f intoxicating liquor the man is sent back. to t he bai'vacks,' Why? He cannot" endure fatigue, W h e n they ftre preparing for a regatta or for a. bal l club or for- an. athletic wrestling.. they ab­stain. Our working people will be wiser after awhile, and the money they fling away on'hurfcfijl indtilgences they wi l l pu t iato.eGroperatiyo associatioas and so be­come capitalists. . I t the WorMngman.put down his wages and the.n t ake -his expens­es and spread :tbem but so they wi l l ius t . equal, he.is*not wise,. ".I know-working-men who are in a pelf ee t ftdget unt i l they

Ota, i t is a

thif once,


•ri- . *«,3iB^a

a n d b«Bh|«i

t h e young man" took e x t r a "evening enfo ployment—aMiost exhausted wi th 1<he day's work, yettpokevening:empipyment» I t almost extanguished. h is eyesight. W h y did he add evening employment t o t h e day: employment:? T o ge t money. W h y did he wan t t o ge t money? T o lay u p something for a rainy day, "Sfb. Tojget h is life insured so t h a t i n ease Of h i s death h i s wife "would no t b e a b e g g a t t HO. ' • • - . . ' J ' , : ' .'-:.:--;•-

He pu t the extra evening work to the : day work t h a t he migh t g e t | 1 5 0 to g e t his wife asealskin coat, "'Tliesister of t h e bride heard of this achieveaient, and Waf -not to be eclipsed, She was very poor,: and she sat up Working nearly a l l t h e nights for a great whi le imtilSbfi; bough t a seal-skin coat. I have no t he$rd o f the result on tha t street. The street yrm full; of those who are on small incomes, but" T' suppose the* contagion spread, a n d th^fc everybody had . a Beal8"fcan coat, and%ft*: the people came out and cried, practkallf^ not literally.;. "Thouglh # i r Keavens Srfl we must bave a sealskin coat ." . . : " . . .; • ••" I t-was but wes t and ft .minister of .the,: "Gospel.told m&, in IoWaj. t ha tb^" ; chu rch , and the "neighborhbod hMybOenimppveJr-.

•ished bythefaet"thafethey-had p u t a i o r l c gages m their farina m^o^efc tosen^ their ' families to" t h e P b j l a d e l j h i a Centennial; I t -was 'not 'respeetable.not' to g b - t p the: Oeateaaiak" 'Between?such;6i^;a^d^arL-p e r i s i n ^ e r e is ."a ;v%iyT short' -.step, •'the: vast majority'-.of '• ehl ldrea. i hyour : afrns-; •houses are there .because^^ their parents-:^fe, .drunken', of. laiy,- bf recklessly -inlprpvi*'; •&eiit»-'"'"•. --'" -•'-; '':'-•-.,;-'.'."-;:.:V. - - i ' ? ' * ' * - ; '

T h a v e n b sympathy for ^skin-flint isafr Ingj b u t I p lead for fihristian prudence.,; You-' say it" i s un^ossibIetiibW ito lay ".up anything for a r a j a y d a y ; I k n o w it,, b u t w e a re "nt t he daybreak of i a S o a a l " pros^ perity, Sbme'people thihk-fit I s i i e a n t o t u r n t h e g a s i o w w h e h t h e y g ^ ' o ^ b f the paflor.' They feel embaiSassedif t he door bell r ings before they have' ;&e ha l l r ig l i t -ed. They apolbgi'ze fef t h e | j l a & m . b a ! i f y on surprise them, at" t h e table, W e H i i t is mean if i t is Only t o rflig b p a J B i ^ f l y h o a r d . . Bat ' i f i t 'T je toeduca to^yo^^h i l^ ' dren, if i t be to" give ^i"OTe-:help:.tb':.your-M f e when- she does riot feel .strong^ i f - i t b e t b k e e p y o u r funeral day; from, being hofjible beyond; al l endurance becatise if i s ' t o b e ' t h e dlsruptiott-andannmilatioh.of t h e dpmesiac circie-^if i t be fof t h i t , then-i t is'magnifieent. '• '• ' -' .?•' , .'"'""-'•.•;

There- a re those w h o are. k e p t in .ppyep: ty , beeatiSB "of; the i r .'oWn ;faultw.^"Thfiy rb ight h a t e been we l l flff, ;bht -they smok^ -ed br chewed Tip; their earnings, 'or- -they;; l i v e d b e y o a d their means,-Wbile.Othersoii t he same'wages abit'-Oh'thb 'sabie feftlafies; sye'at oa to- cpnrpetenicsyi •. I k n o w :.a -.-than. Who was a i l the-t ime; complaMihgof- .ife] -poverty anddefying. ' 'Qvrt,a^amstric^mto,i: •while'; he himself -keeps- t w b dbg*1 ' ^S; chewfl-anCsmok' ahd ^ w i t h whiskyandibTOr, « ^ i ik iaaMeawbier ; ! , . . , . , 1 5 r T !

said-ip^Dayidjpoppecfteldi; :: 'fCopgerfieMil .^^0^, iiy 3bo ,i:bBb;pbMmJ:. 'fa&^:'tvm^f&!&•;*•*** *

b ' n g s a n d a i x ^ n e e exrjensNBi;; proessi'*."W•;"';•• ';•. -^>.-.-'"V-y.-:"V-"^"';-;•".•'i•••',

• B u f , . o V w b r ^

your-mornihgidram^and-yduf boOfcdr^in, : a n d ' y p u r . e y e n i n g t o ^ thing, y b b nave-^yer.: to cuTsions; a n ^ y p u e n s u r ^ ^ ^ i ^ f e f y b u r i

;self' and .your- cr4&ren'forever;:Ii .bysqme; .generous, flatvof. t he capitalists. -of' i | S couatry,: pr b y a. n e w l a w - o f •.the.gpvern--: iment.of ' tbepnited-StateSj-SS per . cent qf-d0-per cent o f 100; per .cent were-, adde'dytp; flbe wages;" of the - wofkhig classes; -.of America, i t - : w o u l d . b e . ao : advantage;; to b-uadreds ..of- -thousands,pf-thorft' ;-unIess (they/ stopped-'-strOng:: dr ink. ' Aye, until they b u i t tl^t ::evil-"nabit.tbe inpre mobeyf • itbe aiore ium r ; . t h e rapre.wages,-the : impre,' •holes'.ia.the'-bagv-' ." - • ' ' ' ' . -•••.•.j,-;'V-.'; ;•

My .plea this mpraing is- t o thpsewprk-^ i n g people wjip are. i a ;a diseiptesbip to-' thefehislvy'battle, thebefer . 'mug;and ' the ' wine-|.ask» A'R4'3thlat;I say/to. the;m witl -not be aipaeiappBopiciale to'-.the working-', ,classes'#i.aji ip i h e b , u # i e s s ClasseSj^nd the Hteiuiry.ielass'e^ ;and' •theprofessipnaT vclasses, and. allolasses, abd.-'notWith', t h e people of one age more t h a n of. aTLages, Take.bae goodsqi isBielbpk^ thefsifflering- i

nowf there i» no b u t no t buried. I • » ; » am a n apparittOtt of a m * wii«f;0f taj'.Je^.teMti^

% . on the wi reaand btoodl not able t o ge t ont ,

I g o o n a n d w y t h i t ' t t e i J stolfers from ^ loai q l -T h e older; m e n i n t h e < member tha t some JW8H|;

went toou^ tlu» c o i t i ^ i thepeop le b y hi« showed the

human stomach. ' . d l 4 | b a i M ^ : i i i S r i | . - | ^ tarion (tiitiimtt 4&*k

jweat ing etOEB«i ' flat could


, fpSS^, were

m <m*^m:'-mg.

his creeping 15mb»! - ^ j t - ' b y ; h i * midnight pULowl

-ibis spn l l V-:f«tirof. t h e rack, - ^ , W » $ e mquisition, taHc c i t b e funeral p y r e i t ^ k of thfrcrusbing juggernaut---be feel* &NW a l l a t o n c e . v ; : , "•-'.".-'' ' ''::'[-.•'f-V'"'-

Have you ever been i n the ward of t he h o s p i t a i ^ h e « ; ^ e * c mMxi^ee are ^ f i i ^ the stench of the i r wounds d r i n i q ( M j ^ their attendants, the i r vpiceai-\jmetSM^:-through t h e nightf T h e keeper comes t ^ iand ' i ' say l i^ t^ i i^ 'v t toWi be s t i t t ! r ! l | % mak ing a U ; ^ 4 b ) t t

: Only" "for-•*'; moment, W- |%; j»oU'jt!t,V-St»: keeperiM.<0oiiti$ie$ -beg&t again^ fNM^-

>^ive nie rbml . Help!^ $ » k e < ^ S ^ o f t m e ! T a k e : j % m o f f m e l d h , . O b d F S t o J they giu^ekgaft^t^&eyii*ej^ani: t hey p iuck but Jii i*r h a j r ^ y h a n d f u l * , j m d b i te (J^DT nails i n to the quick, a n d they gtoan, a n d

a sk fliS k e e p e r i t o k ^ l t i ie^ ; . ^SWbaattB* Smbthef; m e l Strangle n j e f >3Bape ^ B devils off me!" Oh, i t is jib famey akeb^h) T h a t t h i n g i s going b a n o w a l l u ^ « » 4

' a o w n ^ h e l a - n ^ / a t t d l " ^ t h i s is:.gping'*o befflie: « e a & : ^ r ^ % B * f *

yb^-^ldie, I . te^ ™ g ; . •" X . / i V - : - : / ; . ' . . " :•'-. .'•=:•'•••.•":-.--:" •'-"•'-' ;.: Again, the inebriate suffera through t h e lo^ofh iahbm«f . I d o ^ o t b a r e h o w i n a A h e loves h i s wife a n d c h i l d r e n ; : sion f of s t rong i l r i n k ' i a s mastered % will do the most outrageous t h h ^ p ^ C f i jhe could^^not get d r i n k i n any« he would sell Lis J ageV How many homes h a w 1 Jiiplb; that.Way; no one b i * ; ; 6 h ? i a ^ i e r e i a m M f o r t h k t life




<®sm & , • &

barefoote^ rtncoeabea, w a f l i ' o b . e * ^ . p«tc& o f & e k £ M l e d t and. on.eVe^"*jiB|d ^A'|countonam;es,who w»uM talw b e e l ^ * t ^ . i h u r p h ^ t b r d i y ie6iiit-'m--^&^^Lit^^l

ynii nrr, but frtr fTif f i f t ITiiif iuiii d w h V i j C . ^ 1 ed their parents and - drove them:iHto;^ej ; : ; :& ^rav.e.:; ' \©i bini , ^Qxpa "ifte t&; .0o^'4^k^: despbiler of homes, thbu Tecruitiiig offieer of the;jj^r"r'hitetftee*--.•;•"'[;: ::.":V'.':*-.; r\;}\ ; B u t ray subject takes a deeper toftejwiii t ha t i s ; tha t %%s uafbrtunate , b | *aiftW I J ; speak suffers from the loss of tiie «o iL?*e Bible intimates t h a t h i the future

if we arebafprglven here,our b«4 p»srf«M and appetites, Unrestrained, w i l l g o m l a a e wiffi us a n d make b a r ^ r i n e n t there, jfe?. that, . I suppose, when an inebriate wakes ap , in ; tbe las t w o f l d ^ e Will feel an i&i~ riite' tb^t .c la^r ingC.bn hbn. t fow d o w n i s t h e wbEld^ l thoug i t h e may have been :

very popr,*bef could beg o r b e eould steal fiye cents ip-^ei "thaj,. Which woold s lake

ibisithitsf f o r k l i t t l e wMle j bu t w e t H B i -^"where-is.-theruin ' .iaeoihe.feotnt Dives e o u l i h o t g e t b n ' s i d i s p . o t w a t e r . .* . . . P i b m wliat chaUce of fife wil l tile ho t

a f the: i^ytim* ^ n ^ . 4 r i * : h a s v > a - 1 ^ ^ ; ^ d f u r i ^ ^ ^ J b & d r j w ^ l


tbralfed, a n d renumber, / t ha t "toward t h a t goal multStudes.!ai».^nhiiigi .-.- T h e disciple^ai:-aleohbiism'-suffefs"" . the; loss of ids self-respect. . J a s t i s s o o c as-a!':

;man.. wa lcesup . apd- finds:that; b e is t h e .eapMve- of -stoBg-.dfiak," he^ -ieelfe flemeafo ed t . . I do-aot-care .how.ii'oekless h e , acts.. H e may say: ' " I -don ' t -m '^ 'V-So/does ; ;

get rid of their last dbltor.- .- ' •• •_: ' . T h e foilowmg'cireUmstaace came under, our-observation.' .A young man;worlied hard' to earn b i s six or seven hundsctf dol­lars- yearly.- Marriage, day -cambi -The bride h a d inherited five hundred: dollars from'Ahev.grand&[thei,

s She.J iKbt ' e^ery dollar of i t o n t h e Wedding 3ress,- T h e y then h a d two rooms in a tbirdstpry. Then

care. H e c a a a o t l o o k &: p o o r - m a n i a the-eye unless i t .-i"s wi th positive- resolution...'

.Three^fourths-of .:his: aa ture .is.-destroyed^ -h is self-respect i s gone^ hesays . things 'he ' . w o u l d no t otherwise, say:;'- hq- ;doej -things; hc.woul4 not pthervyise.do,- - W h e h a m a n is nine-tenths 'gone with.«trbng df ink," t h e first;thing h e wants to^,do-is to persuade • you tha t he. can s top 'any.rimehe Wahtsjto; He eaa.uot, T h e PhHisfings -have bound. h i m h a n d andu-footj:^nd .shorn,his; looks, and 'pu t b u t his eyes, ap.d a re mak ing him-

.grind, i a the.'milfcof-the grea t ho;rfoB '^;Ste;. cannb.tstopi I wi l l p rove-J t , ; ,"'.'," ; .

He knows, t h a t : h is , Gpurse : i s b r ing ing ; ruin .upoa-hims^lf... -; jEEe- Ipveshimseif^- •"if -h e ^ c o u l d s t o p h e - would. ; . He knows his. course is bringing-ruin. to. h is family,. . H e loves them, • H e wou ld stop. - if h e epbld. He. -eann'ofr,; 'Pe rhaps h e /cpuld" three mon thso r . a ye.ar.agp-T^npt-n6w,,; J t o t a s k !bim. t o s top pa a.rnonthi.- 'He.-cannpt-,. b e k-nows h e cannot, so he'does ho t -'tfy; -"I. h a d a f i i end -wip fo r .f^teen.years w a s g o ­i n g d o w n ;abder th i s eml habit. : . ' j fe l iad iaa^e means.;- BEehadijiven thousaiidS-Of dollai's. t o Bible sobieties.and: reformatory institu(iQn.& :of al l sorts,"..' H b was very ge^ .nia},' very generous, -and.very lo'vable,^ a n d •whenever b e -talked .abput this ' evil habit , h e would,say:. r 2 can. s t op any.tinieV*'

B u t he kept , going os, going down, down, down. -His.familyWpuldsay.: " I ; Wish you would s top ." * Why^'* he wbhid . reply^ " I can stop a t any time, i f . I-Waht to." . After s whilej ie- -had flelMbm tre­mens; h e h a d it twice ; a a d yet,,aftei ' that, h e s a i d r .i'-Jcould s t o p ' t r t a l i y . ^ m e i f ' t wanted to . " : : -He 'ig;.dead.;.iiow:»: "Whait" kil led Mm? -Rural- rum p ;Abd'yet'ampng, his- last ;4it'|ff>J1|3es was:: •••?£. can- s top"a$: any ttmev'?.- Hedid 'aptsfOp-i tbecabsehe ' ' -could no t stop ifc' ."OhVlhere is. a"3Snn%-$n.-. iuebxia-!apa-'b'eybnd.Wbich>if:a;.maa^ Gann.pt-stop'!" ".] '."'-- • '.-:>':'"' '•.. ":r-< . One pfthesie said- ; ip a.Christian man-:

'."Sit, :if-I were told tbat %. coutdtft g e t i drink unt i l to-morrow "night ubless-* I-Baa;. all my Bng&is c u t t>ft'J"would say;. ' 'Bring, t he hatchet and cut t h e n p btt ^-npWi'^:.t;

IffObnelto.bfew; ife ,-Jfb one to m i x i t N o e n e t b ^ b r i l . ;.''ji^.«»ne:to'|ihA-!iit;-.'Ji^*' lipns b i w o r i d a t h B h f o r t h e 4iwjjj* < i | b ^ t h e y o u n g n i e a jus t BOW slung on t h e s » * s dusted floor of t be .restaurant, Mfllirais of wbrhHsiiibw- fo t the r ind t h r o w n b«t-fn&9k:

the;'puftebrbowi.:»/:'jajpiearthly bsaqnet . "Divesrer-iedjbf.wafc^T;-.'. 5fhe inebriatecsies fpfrum.•,--• fih^.tlhedeefieTl^^'ng, mafe; .p.eratingvevefh^gn^hfrai; joi^t^druokerd 'ia;:;helll;' Wkfc if.*-_"fjdefld:«»8ie'»|>-|0. search J o f s o m e ^ f e r n a i w o r k i n '*' gyog^ shbp 'aud yshouict g o b a ^ r t n k U i g ; otf Sfet., w m g j b l t b n e d f o p ; of that fo t which ihe -inebjaite." in th6,ibst wor ld longs , w h s i ek-'d temeatwouMifc-n teka ' : ' ^ ;.-.'-;».;. ;

;Pu t t h a t pbedtpp : ^Bbi i off .wing o"b,the fljp;.of fte sttoyed;mebJB§tejlet t he l iquor: -just JobaU i%: ie t ' -^ ; : 4>$ |k%|^ if it bniyhave. ^ftibs^sejc^iil' dr i ak f l e t - tha^drop 3 u s t # i ^ # B ^ J « * ; - : ebr ia fe i t t the- los t Wbrlfl, andl«fc*«wiSt.-"; sp r ing^ tphb i fee tAndcry : ^ ^ I S ^ i i J p l f e i -aha! ; 'Th&t;is; r imFyfcn tL $mim^0^^>. b p fee echoes of. t he flejiined* **CB«»-flto joint!5 ';. j&i; thfe:futufe; wor ld J 4o;;. n o t . 'be -i l ieve : tha t i t w i l l be:' t h e absence tot God? t h a t ^ i ' ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ k ; 6 ^ ' ' M n m . - t do n o t beHeye tha ta t : wi l l b e the absence o f l i g h t . - 1 : d o n o t b e l i e v e & u ^ J i wi l l fijir the': absenco o f ' t o l to^ ; ' - " i - i i ^ i l r ' ' i t ' ' . «S i f befheabsehbe:ot ' . - ruin." Ob,-;:*^WBjp^ia^:

upon t h e Wine :: wb$ri:."it is red, whea "|t i t movetihiteejj ;aright ib. t he cup , . it#'._tii[ the- hist ll^ b i t e ^ ; l i k e j l { " * B ^ % " . . | j ^ t i t s t inge% l ikeab , adder .? ; . : "..;\"': ':'--• v-;S-'-y .It-is. i bbu t ©meutbai; We bave anottlec

- wemants prbsade l ike; ; that :wbjc^;ip»fe|ft; thfbngh=;#Mo J e n .-of ;twelve yeaiss a g g i ' Wiffe p ^ y e r apo*,*bb]g ;-ii». wbsaejL.weal into thevgrocefies]" a n d whpte nftifijwr-faobds,townaand:cities w ^ w c l e e m » 4 % then? Christian: heroics.' T h i r t y ' ^ t p a t n cteared oufethfl rnjat baffic,. froin a v i U a g c

t* oMwiabitatots:;M :M;-^9^{mri cbargedbf the Holy-0i^ix^m«mi^ :

: ,:

;a:-tow^bf»^hou^^;'*^^;.ce«i^^ womenv revived; .to:'^ive' " ^ t t f ^ ^ f r j ^ peace u n t i i t h i B c r n ^ e w M . ^ i ^ ^ ' f i ^ ; :

- ^ t t i s p i ^ : could-3b s ix i m o n ^ ^ ^ r i J B i : - ' threq-fburthfof^tihegrog-shops of ' i^v- 1 ' : ' ' :*-"": ''•~:'-'X- '':-'i2-;---^:-'^-'Z

If t h e t e b > . f f i r e i j | g i ^ f l : ? l w | ^ . in tbvs ci ty w h o i ^ B p J ^ l

c O r i i ^ V f ^ ^ ^ ' i ^ «3 |


: « §

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\ \^j*ji~£.M.\ mwmm^m