SF Summit15 1B_Social_Recruiting_Unplugged_Boulais_5.8.15

Social Recrui,ng Unplugged Connec,ng, Cap,va,ng & Capturing Passive Candidates Andre J. Boulais Jobvite, Strategic Accounts DirectorEngage Tom Mack PG&E, Sourcing Supervisor

Transcript of SF Summit15 1B_Social_Recruiting_Unplugged_Boulais_5.8.15

Social  Recrui,ng  Unplugged  Connec,ng,  Cap,va,ng  &  Capturing  Passive  Candidates    Andre  J.  Boulais  Jobvite,  Strategic  Accounts  Director-­‐Engage    Tom  Mack  PG&E,  Sourcing  Supervisor  

Data  on  the  Talent  Pool    of  Social  Job  Seekers  

Session  Agenda  •  Recrui,ng  is  Marke,ng  – How  you  can  fully  u,lize  Jobvite  to  draw  in  passive  candidates  via  social  media  •  Publisher  •  Sending  Jobvites  •  LinkedIn  Amplifier  

•  360  Social:  Your  Hidden  Weapon  for  Talent    

Candidates  are  Always  Looking  

Recrui,ng  is  Marke,ng    

How  to  Draw  Passive  Candidates  with  Social  Media  

How  Do  You  AUract  Top  Talent?  What  We  Hope  For       Reality  For  Many  of  Us  


Jobvite  Publisher  

Why  Jobvite  Publisher?    •  Quickest  ROI  for  your  team  (and  employees)  •  Takes  90  seconds  to  set  up  •  Instant  results  via  top  social  media  channels  •  Only  recrui,ng  method  built  to  amplify  jobs  •  Ability  to  reach  global  audience  •  Runs  con,nuously  

Publisher  101  

 Publisher  Best  Prac,ces    

Content  is  key!  

 Publisher  Best  Prac,ces    

Share  mul,ple  categories  (not  just  your  business  unit)  

Adjust  your  roles  based  on  key  recrui,ng  ini,a,ves  (Sales  Hiring,  Internships  in  the  Summer)  

Make  Sure  Jobs  are  Shared  Where  the  Candidates  Are  

Have  Crea,ve  Content  •  Customize  your  messaging  around  events  and  trends  (remember,  you’re  trying  to  en,ce  them)  

•  Be  crea,ve  to  your  company  and  industry  


Thinking  Outside  of  the  Box    on  #boxingday  

22  new  followers…  

…in  less  than  24  hours  

Sign-­‐Up  for  Daily  Updates  on  Trends  hUp://hashtagify.me/popular  


Create  Lists  to  Share  Content    from  Leaders  

Monitor  and  retweet  fun  and  exci,ng  tweets    

Quan,fiable  Results  Ager    Increasing  Publisher  Usage  

Increased  Usage    

Jobvite  Publisher  Recap  •  Publish  at  least  5  jobs  a  day  •  Add  crea,ve  hashtags  for  TwiUer  •  Look  at  current  trends  and/or  sign  up  for  updates  •  Create  internal  and  external  lists  to  track  your  company’s  leaders  as  well  as  compe,tors  

•  Favorite  and  retweet  to  encourage  usage  

Crea,vity  =  Impressions  +  Followers  

Capture  the  Audience  and  the  Moment  with  Strategic  Jobvites  

Go  Into  Jobvite  and  Send  Jobvite  

Group  Mul,ple  Jobs  

Pick  Your  Moment  and  Share  

4.4  Million  Tweets  

Quick  LinkedIn  Amplifier    

Share  the  Job  

With  Groups  

Go  from  100’s  to  100’s  of  Thousands  

20,615  Members  

341,  974  Members  



360social  Download  in  Chrome    

Usable  on  over  200  social  media  outlets  

Grey  silhoueUe  will  appear  on  all  social  media  pages  linking  to  other    pages  

Serves  as  Cornerstone  for  Social  Recrui,ng    

Engage  Serves  as  the  go-­‐to  Social  Recrui,ng  CRM  

Today’s  Recap  

Don’t  Just  Make  Noise  

1pm to 4pm

1pm to 3pm

9am to 11am

7am to 9am 5pm to 6pm

2pm to 4pm 8pm to 1am

Share at the right times. Networks have different peak posting times.

Social  Media  is  a  2-­‐Way  Street    •  Social  Media  is  a  not  only  a  great  way  to  adver,se  your  

current  jobs  and  your  brand  but  it’s  also  impera,ve  to  LISTEN  •  Personalize  your  posts  using  Jobvite  Publisher  and  when  

sending  Jobvites  •  Remember  to  share  jobs  with  LinkedIn  Groups  to  maximize  

exposure  •  Pay  aUen,on  to  who’s  liking  your  LinkedIn  posts  or  favori,ng  

Tweets  •  U,lize  360Social  for  a  complete  view  of  your  candidate  

before  engaging  

More  candidates  are  drawn  to  a  company’s  culture  than  their  job  descrip,on.    Nearly  80%  of  Millennials  look  for  people  and  culture  fit  before  looking  at  career  poten,al.    

Contact Info: Name Here [email protected] @AndreJBoulais @TomMackPGE Email Here