Sexism - An Essay.

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  • 8/12/2019 Sexism - An Essay.


  • 8/12/2019 Sexism - An Essay.


    offense to sexist remarks unreasonably is just an example of how poorly the seriousness of the

    issue is understood in our media-centric society (Meltzer, 1989).

    The common misconception of females as inferior is, to some extent, accepted by the

    women of society. Women are led to believe that being objectified is not a bad thing. In fact,

    some believe that objectification is desirable. Women allow themselves to be viewed as objects

    and their sense of self-worth is damaged because of it. And if women are incapable of seeing

    themselves as worth respect, there is no reason for men to see them as such (Breines, 2012). We,

    as women, have become a barrier in our own quest for equality.

    I always saw the quest for equality as futile and a rather unreasonable thing for women to

    ask for. In my eyes, men and women couldnt possibly be equal. After all, a man can carry a 200

    pound box and I just dont have the physical strength for that. However, in the reaserch I

    performed because of this assignment it became apparent to me that women werent asking to be

    seen exactlythe same as men. They simply desired the same the level of respect, esteem, and

    opportunities that men have been receiving for thousands of years. Throughout my reading my

    perception of the feminists struggle was vastly altered. I had never been able to appreciate all

    that they were trying to accomplish for my own gender. I am now able to see that, though it is a

    difficult task, acquiring equality would be a wonderful thing and would actually strengthen the

    ever weakening ties between the genders.

  • 8/12/2019 Sexism - An Essay.
