Sex-linked and Mitochondrial Inheritance (Learning ...

Sex-linked and Mitochondrial Inheritance (Learning Objectives) Explain how gender is determined in mammals. Define X- or Y-linked genes. How does the location of a gene on the X chromosome affect its gender-related transmission? Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of passing of an X- linked gene and the phenotype to girls or boys based on the genotypes of the parents. Explain the difference between sex-limited traits and sex-influenced traits. Explain X-inactivation and why it exists only in cells of females. Explain the functions of the Y chromosome gene and the pattern of inheritance of Y-linked traits. Explain the pattern of inheritance of genes present on the mitochondrial DNA.

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Sex-linked and Mitochondrial Inheritance (Learning Objectives)

• Explain how gender is determined in mammals. • Define X- or Y-linked genes. How does the location of a gene on the

X chromosome affect its gender-related transmission? • Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of passing of an X-

linked gene and the phenotype to girls or boys based on the genotypes of the parents.

• Explain the difference between sex-limited traits and sex-influenced traits.

• Explain X-inactivation and why it exists only in cells of females.• Explain the functions of the Y chromosome gene and the pattern of

inheritance of Y-linked traits.• Explain the pattern of inheritance of genes present on the

mitochondrial DNA.

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Gender• Maleness or femaleness is determined at


• Another level of sexual identity comes from the control that hormones exert on development

• Finally, both psychological and sociological components influence sexual feelings

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Figure 6.1Figure 6.1

During the fifth week of prenatal development, all embryos develop two sets of:- Unspecialized (indifferent)

gonads - Reproductive ducts:

Müllerian (female-specific) & Wolffian (male-specific)

An embryo develops as a male or female based on the absence or presence of the Y chromosome

- Specifically the SRY gene (sex-determining region of the Y chromosome)

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Sex determination in Mammals:the X-Y system

Karyotype designation: 46, XY (male)

46, XX (female) (homogametic)

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Males are heterogameticGerm cells in testes (XY) produce sperms with

X: 50% Y: 50%

Females are homogameticGerm cells in ovaries (XX) produce only

X eggs

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Figure 6.6

Sex Determination in Humans

Figure 6.6

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X and Y ChromosomesX chromosome

- Contains > 1,500 genes- Larger than the Y chromosome- Acts as a homolog to Y in males

Y chromosome- Contains 231 genes- Many repeated DNA segments

Figure 6.2

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Anatomy of the Y Chromosome

Figure 6.3

Pseudoautosomal regions (PAR1 and PAR2)- 5% of the chromosome- Contains genes shared with X chromosome

Male specific region (MSY) - 95% of the chromosome- Contains majority of genes including SRY and AZF (needed for sperm production)

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SRY Gene• Encodes a transcription factor protein• Controls the expression of other genes• Stimulates male development• Developing testes secrete anti-Mullerian

hormone and destroy female structures• Testosterone and dihydrotesterone (DHT)

hormones are secreted and stimulate male structures

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The inheritance of genes of X chromosome

• males have only a single X chromosome • almost all the genes on the X have no

counterpart on the Y• Genes are described as sex-linked or X-


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X-linked Traits

Possible genotypesX+X+ −Homozyogus wild-type femaleX+Xm −Heterozygous female carrierXmXm −Homozygous mutant female

X+Y − Hemizygous wild-type maleXmY− Hemizygous mutant male

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X-linked Recessive Traits

Examples:- Ichthyosis = Deficiency of an enzyme that removes cholesterol from skin

- Color-blindness = Inability to see red and green colors

- Hemophilia = Disorder of blood-clotting

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Figure 6.7Figure 6.7


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X-linked Dominant Traits

Congenital generalized hypertrichosis

Figure 6.10

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Sex-Limited TraitsTraits that affect a structure or function occurring

only in one sex

The gene may be autosomal or X-linked

Examples:- Beard growth- Milk production- Preeclampsia in pregnancy

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Sex-Influenced TraitsTraits in which the phenotype expressed by a

heterozygote is influenced by sexAllele is dominant in one sex but recessive in the

otherThe gene may be autosomal or X-linked

Example:- Pattern baldness in humans (autosomal)

- A heterozygous male is bald, but a heterozygous female is not

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X Inactivation

Females have two alleles for X chromosome genes but males have only one

In mammals, X inactivation balances this inequality and one X chromosome is randomly inactivated in each cell

The inactivated X chromosome is called a Barr body

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X Inactivation

X inactivation occurs early in prenatal development

It is an example of an epigenetic change

The XIST gene on the inactive X encodes an RNA that binds to and inactivates the X chromosome

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Figure 6.12Figure 6.11

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X InactivationA female that expresses the phenotype

corresponding to an X-linked gene is a manifesting heterozygote (calico cats)

Figure 6.12

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Y-linked genes

The Y chromosome in males has 231 gene genes whose protein products are involved in:

a. control of changing sex of the fetus from female to male

b. development of male testesc. male fertility

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Genomic Imprinting

The phenotype of an individual differs depending on the gene’s parental origin

Genes are imprinted by an epigenetic event: DNA methylation- Methyl (CH3) groups bind to DNA and suppress gene expression in a pattern determined by the individual’s sex

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Imprints are erased during meiosis- Then reinstituted according to the sex of the individual

Figure 6.13

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Mitochondrion• Organelle providing cellular energy

• Contains small circular DNA called mtDNA- 37 genes without noncoding sequences

• No crossing over and little DNA repair

• High exposure to free radicals

• Mutation rate is greater than nuclear DNA

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• A cell typically has thousands of mitochondria, and each has numerous copies of its “mini-chromosome”

Figure 5.8

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Mitochondrion• Mitochondrial genes are transmitted from

mother to all of her offspring

Figure 5.7

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Mitochondrial DisordersMitochondrial genes encode proteins that participate in

protein synthesis and energy production

Several diseases result from mutations in mtDNAaternallyinherited

Examples:- Mitochondrial myopathies – Weak and flaccid muscles- Leber optical atrophy – Impaired vision

Ooplasmic transfer technique can enable woman to avoid transmitting a mitochondrial disorder

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Figure 5.9

• The mtDNA genome sequence may not the same in all mitochondria

• The phenotype reflects the proportion of mitochondria bearing the mutation